ازوسبيرلم وقرنابيط 2020

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Article  in  Plant Archives · January 2020


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Hussein Salim
Ministry of Agriculture- Iraq


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Plant Archives Volume 20 No. 1, 2020 pp. 782-786 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210



Hussein Ali Salim1*, Abbas Fadhil Ali2, Majida Hadi Mahdi Alsaady3, Uday Nayef Saleh1,
Nassif Hameed Jassim1, Ali Rahim Hamad1, Jamal Abdulrahman Attia1, Jamal Jumaa Darwish1
and Abdulhafid Falih Hassan1
Directorate of Diyala Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq.
College of Agriculture, University of Diyala, Iraq.
College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq.

A field experiment was carried out at the Directorate of Diyala agriculture, Baqubah nursery, Iraq during August, 2018 to
January, 2019 to assess the response of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis cv. rock) to bio fertilizer containing
(Bacillus megaterium, Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens) as commercial formulation and different
levels of nitrogen and phosphorus viz. 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block
Design consisting of 6 treatments with three replicates for each treatment. Application of nitrogen and phosphorus along
with the bio fertilizer led to a significant increase in morphological traits and yield as compared to application of nitrogen and
phosphorus without bio fertilizer. The maximum leaf length, leaf width, stem height, plant weight and yield ton/hectare were
recorded in 75 and 100% of chemical fertilizers along with bio fertilizer, which reached (62.4, 64.3 cm), (30.9, 32.6 cm), (22, 21.9
cm), (1.394, 1.375 kg) and (59.758, 58.925 tons/hectare) respectively. The early days of cauliflower maturity were recorded at
levels 50,75 and 100% of nitrogen and phosphorus with bio fertilizer, which reached 111, 111 and 111 days respectively as
compared with using of chemical fertilizer alone 139 days.
Key words: cauliflower, Bacillus megaterium, Azospirillum brasilense Pseudomonas fluorescens, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Introduction chemical fertilizers. Plant Growth Promoting

Cauliflower Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L. is Rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a very significant source for
environment friendly farming, which used as bio fertilizer,
one of the most important winter vegetable among the
PGPR can play important role in plant growth either
crops belonging to the family Brassicaceae, where it’s
directly by facilitating the uptake of nutrients from the
floral parts are used for culinary purposes (Sable et al.,
environment or indirectly by reducing phytopathogens,
2016). The main goal for getting of high yield requires
also by enzymatic lowering of plant ethylene levels and
extensive use of chemical fertilizers, so farmers are by influencing the phytohormones production such as
repeatedly using chemical fertilizers, but it’s costly and auxin, cytokinin and giberallin (Ibiene et al., 2012;
create environmental problems such as problem of soil Cakmakci et al., 2006; Bashan and Bashan, 2005; Lucy
deterioration. Also excess use of chemical fertilizers et al., 2004). Secretion of phytohormones from Bacteria
causes environmental pollution besides affecting the can excess in production of root hairs and lateral roots,
quality of fruit (Salim et al., 2016). Therefore, there has then increase water and nutrient uptake, subsequently
recently been increased interest in practices of sustainable, Improving of growth (Persello Cartieaux et al., 2003).
organic and environment friendly agriculture in the world Bacillus megaterium is widespread in soil (Ali et al.,
(Esitken et al., 2005, 2006), thus the current trend is using 2009), it was industrially used for over 50 years due to it
bio fertilizers of microbial origin with limited use of possesses a high capacity for the production of
*Author for correspondence : E-mail: [email protected] exoenzymes besides it has some very useful enzymes
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Growth of Cauliflower 783

(Adriana, Ş.I., 2011). Azospirillum sp improve the root 60 cm and between plants were 70 cm which arranged
system, through production of phytohormones, more in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with
tolerance against drought and salinity stresses and three replicates of each treatment where each replicate
allowing absorption of more water and nutrients (Bashan contain 6 plants, the land was prepared for cultivation by
et al., 2004). Pseudomonas strains are capable to control plowing, disking and ridging, then taking soil samples
of soil pathogens, thus it enhances the plant growth and representing the depth of plowing (0 - 0.15 m) in order to
yield increased (Elekhtyar, 2015). The present record the physical and chemical properties of the soil,
investigation was undertaken to explore the effect of as set out in (Table 1). The bio fertilizer was added to
Bacillus megaterium, Azospirillum brasilense and each plant by drill the soil close the plant by deep 5 cm at
Pseudomonas fluorescens with reduced levels of 30/9/2018, also the chemical Fertilizer DAP was added
nitrogen and phosphor on growth of cauliflower. at same method at 2/10/2018, the water was pumped
through the drip irrigation system and adding phosphorus
Materials and Methods and NPK fertilizers at a rate of 80 and 40 kg / ha by this
Collection of cauliflower seedlings and PGPR bacteria system after 30 days of planting. The details of the
Cauliflower seedlings that belong to local variety treatments employed are as under:
(Rock) were collected from Baqubah nursery, whereas 1. Bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer 25 %
PGPR bacteria as commercial formulation that included 2. Bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer 50 %
(B. megaterium, A. brasilense and P. fluorescens) was
obtained from a ministry of science and technology. 3. Bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer 75 %
Field experiment 4. Bio fertilizer + chemical fertilizer 100 %
This study was conducted at the Directorate of Diyala 5. Only Bio fertilizer
agriculture, Baqubah nursery, Iraq during August, 2018 6. Only chemical fertilizer 100 %
to January, 2019 to study the effect of PGPR bacteria as Growth parameters
bio fertilizer beside the different levels of chemical
The following measurements were recorded such
fertilizer on the growth of cauliflower.
as number of leaves, plant diameter, plant length, leaf
The chemical Fertilizer DAP (Di ammonium length, leaf width, stem length, plant weight / kg, yield
phosphate) that contain N=18 and P=46 was added at ton/hectare, Maturity/days.
the rate 300 kg/hectare with 4 doses included 25, 50, 75
Statistical analysis
and 100%. Seedlings of cauliflower were sown directly
in field on 29/8/2018 in rows with distances between them The data was analyzed by one way Analysis of
Table 1: The physical and chemical properties of the soil Variance (ANOVA) (Fisher and Yates, 1968).
before planting.
Results and Discussion
Measurements Value Unit of measurement
The effects of Bio and chemical fertilizers applications
Clay 328.1 g / kg soil
on leaves number and plant diameter of cauliflower were
Silt 280.1 g / kg soil
not significant (Fig. 1, 2). The effect of treatments 4 and
Sand 391.8 g / kg soil
3 was highly significant in increasing of cauliflower plant
Texture of soil Mixed clay -
length, which reached 77.7 and 75.9 cm respectively from
CaCO3 276.13 g / kg soil
other treatments (Fig. 3). The effect of treatments 3, 4
Organic matter 1.4 %
N 34.89 mg / kg soil
P 8.13 mg / kg soil
K 347.30 mg / kg soil
Ca 17.45 mill mole / liter
Mg 16.05 mill mole / liter
Na 2.36 mill mole / liter
HCO3 7.9 mill mole / liter
Cl 14.5 mill mole / liter
So4 20.85 mill mole / liter
Co3 0.0 mill mole / liter
Ec 5.93 ds Siemens \ m
pH 7.82 - Fig. 1: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on number of leaves.
784 Hussein Ali Salim et al.

followed by 5 was significant in increasing leaf length the data in fig. 6 indicate that the treatments 3, 4, 5 showed
and leaf width of cauliflower, which reached 62.4, 64.3, the maximum rate of stem length, which reached (22,
59.2 cm and 30.9, 32.6, 30.3 cm respectively (Fig. 4,5), 21.9, 20.6 cm) respectively as compared with treatment
6 (15.2 cm), there was a significant effect of different
treatments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on plant weight and yield ton/
hectare after the cauliflower harvest, which reached
(1.167, 1.139, 1.394, 1.375, 1.311 kg) and (50.044, 48.807,
59.758, 58.925, 56.188 ton) as compared with treatment
6 (0.766 kg and 32.854 ton) respectively (Fig. 7,8), also
the treatments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 has led to reducing in rate of
maturity days, which reached (132, 111, 111, 111, 117 days)
respectively as compared with treatment 6 (139 day) (Fig.
9). From the above investigation, it is concluded that all
growth traits of cauliflower were increased by application
Fig. 2: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on plant diameter. of bio fertilizer (B. megaterium, A. brasilense and P.

Fig. 3: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on plant length. Fig. 6: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on stem length.

Fig. 4: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on leaf length. Fig. 7: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on plant weight.

Fig. 5: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on leaf width. Fig. 8: Effect of bio and chemical fertilizers on yield ton/hectare.
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Growth of Cauliflower 785

Azotobacter chroococcum) which played an important

role in enhancing of plant nutrient status and increasing
the growth of cabbage plant (Salim et al., 2018b).
From the above investigation, it is concluded that the
efficiency of bio-fertilizers (B. megaterium, A. brasilense
and P. fluorescens) increased with the increase in the
dose of chemical fertilizers, which included nitrogen and
phosphorus from 25 to 100% through improvement of
the growth characteristics of cauliflower.
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