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Summative Test in Practical Research 1

3rd Quarter, SY 2020-2021

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General Directions: This summative test is composed of 40 items multiple choice. Read carefully
each item and be religious upon answering the test. Shade the letter that corresponds to your
answer on a given answer sheet. God Bless!

1. Why is it important to have research in our daily life?

a. It develops an attitude to believe that everything is easily available
b. It empowers us with knowledge and efficient learning of new things.
c. It gives us a light to inquire about the wrong information.
d. It helps us in understanding various issues of life in a meager manner.

2. The following are elements in conducting a research, EXCEPT

a. Research readings such as literature and studies
b. Answer questions of the your research questionnaire
c. Craft questionnaire to be used for the gathering of data
d. Look for a field or specific area that you are interested about

3. Which of the following is a characteristics of good research ?

a. subjective b. surface interpreted c. analytical d. illogical

4. Which of the following is not an example of ethical consideration when conducting a

a. Objectivity and Integrity
b. Presentation of research findings
c. Acknowledging your co-researchers and those who assisted you.
d. Asking the respondent too personal questions that he/she founds uncomfortable with

5. What idea justifies that research is cyclical?

a. Research is based on direct experience.
b. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
c. Research design and procedures are replicated or repeated.
d. Research starts with a problem and ends with a problem.

6 . Based on what you know, how would you differentiate quantitative from qualitative research?
a. Quantitative: Broad based insights;
Qualitative: Population based understanding
b. Quantitative: Provides summary of the findings ;
Qualitative: Provides statement of the problem
c. Quantitative: Preference for precisely describing procedures;
Qualitative : Preference for narrative/literary descriptions of procedures.
d. Quantitative: based merely on Subjective ideas of the respondents;
Qualitative: based merely on objective ideas of the respondents

7. Which of the following is limitation of qualitative research ?

a. Issues cannot be examined in detail and in depth.
b. The volume of data makes analysis and interpretation time consuming.
c. The research framework and direction cannot be quickly revised as new information
d. Subtleties and complexities about the research subjects and/or topic are discovered
that are often missed by more positivistic inquiries.
8. The following are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT
a. Interviews are not restricted to specific questions
b. Gathering data are guided/redirected by the researcher in real time.
c. Data are collected from a few cases so findings can generalized to a larger population.
d. The research framework and direction can be quickly revised as new information

9. It is the most familiar and applicable type of qualitative research which refers to the
investigation of a culture through an in-depth study of the members of the cultural society.
a. Ethnography b. Grounded Theory c. Phenomenology d. Case Study

10. It is primarily used to generate theory through relevant information taken from very reliable
sources and its focus is theory development.
a. Ethnography b. Grounded Theory c. Phenomenology d. Case Study

11. Which of the following types of qualitative research is designed to focus on the commonality
of a “lived experience” with a particular group and its aim is to determine what an experience
means for the persons who have had the experience of living in a certain community which is
the subject of the research?
a. Ethnography b. Grounded Theory c. Phenomenology d. Case Study

12. Which of the following is a weakness of a qualitative research?

a. Data analysis involving numerical data is difficult.
b. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted.
c. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.
d. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

13. How important is a qualitative research across all fields?

a. It makes peoples’ lives simpler because it provides ways in dealing with our problems.
b. It is not capable to give rich information about the respondents, be it humans or
c. It delivers a detailed appreciation of the ways people come to understand and
achieve their daily life in particular situations.
d. It is essential to recognize that qualitative research is a method not generally used in
the social sciences searching social interactions, schemes and processes.

14. Which of the following is not a qualitative study ?

a. Need to Transcend‟: A Phenomenological Study on the Lived Experiences of Millennial
b. Educated Citizen: Cultural and Gender Capital in the Schooling of Aetas‟ Children in
the Municipality of Janiuay
c. Bridging the Gaps: Least learned competencies of KNHS Senior High School Students in
Practical research 1, SY 2018-2019
d. Local Studies Centers: Transforming History, Culture and Heritage in the Philippines

15. This refers to initial step on how the researcher will provide the readers with critical
background or contextual information that introduces the research topic.
a. Research problem b. Research justification
c. Research identification d. Critical analyzation

16. In stating the problem, one should

a. State only the general problem
b. State general problem then the specific problem
c. State only what are the specific problems
d. State the existing problems and its purpose
17. Which of the following should be avoided in the formulation of a research title?
a. subtitle b. key variables c. incomplete sentence d. abbreviation of terms

18. What is not indicated from the given research title below?
“Maninindigan ako”: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Single Parents
a. setting b. method c. participant d. main variable

19. The following are examples of researchable questions EXCEPT.

a. Do all students have internet access at home?
b. How do senior high school students respond to online learning?
c. What are the common preparations done by senior high school students towards the
new normal type of schooling?
d. What are the underlying factors on the late submission rate of senior high school

20. The following are examples of non-researchable questions EXCEPT:

a. Should all students use social media platforms for learning purposes?
b. Is playing mobile games helping students to think critically?
c. Do all students have resources for online class?
d. What are the effects of playing mobile legends on the student‟s academic
performance and engagement in classes?

21. This refers to the details how in-depth your study is to explore the research question and the
parameters in which it will operate in relation to the population and timeframe.
a. Scope b. Delimitation c. Limitation d. Framework

22. These are the factors and variables not to be included in the investigation. In other words,
they are the boundaries the researcher sets in terms of study duration, population size and type
of participants, etc.
a. Scope b. Delimitation c. Limitation d. Framework

23. Which of the following is true about limitations and delimitations ?

a. Limitations are what the researcher cannot do and delimitations are what the
researcher will not do
b. Limitations are what the researcher can do and delimitations are what the researcher
cannot do
c. Delimitations are what the researcher cannot do and limitations are what the
researcher will not do
d. Delimitations are what the researcher can do and limitations are what the researcher
cannot do

24. The benefits and beneficiaries of your research will fall under what part of you research
paper ?
a. Introduction b. Statement of the problem
c. significance of the study d. conceptual and theoretical framework

25. Based on the title “Causes of Absenteeism among Grade 11 Students in Madrid National High
School” where would you possibly conduct the study?
a. Brgy. Linibunan, Madrid, Surigao del Sur
b. Madrid National High School, Brgy. Linibunan, Madrid, Surigao del Sur
c. Madrid, Surigao del Sur, Madrid National High School
d. Surigao del Sur – Madrid National High School

26. Who will be the participants of the study given with the title “Coping Mechanism of the SHS
Working Students of Barobo National High School”?
a. All Grade 11 working students b. All Grade 11 and 12 students
c. All Grade 11 and 12 working students d. All Grade 12 working students

27. Why is it that the Future Researchers is one of the beneficiaries of the study?
a. Because, it could be their basis when they do a study related to it.
b. Because, the research is solely intended for them
c. Because, they are part of the research
d. Because, they are the direct recipients of the study.

28. This part of your research talks about detailed knowledge and review of findings from existing
literature relevant to your topic
a. Introduction b. Statement of the problem
b. Scope and delimitation d. Review of related literature

29. This Refers to the act of stealing one’s intellectual property

a. Cheating b. Plagiarism c. Unethical copying d. Paraphrasing

30. Which of the following reading materials could serve as your reference for your Review of
Related Literature if your study is about “Physical Symptoms of AIDS”?
a. Almanacs, because it is an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical
information such as astronomical data and tide tables.
b. Encyclopedia, because it gives information on many subjects or on many aspects of
one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.
c. Essential Cell Biology Book, because it contains information about life.
d. Medical Journals, because it is a medium of open access publication of novel medical
research findings for the benefit of the entire scientific community.

31. What does APA stands for?

a. American Physiological Association
b. American Population Association
c. American Professional Association
d. American Psychological Association

32. What type of reading employs skimming strategy?

a. analytic reading b. systematic reading
c. elementary reading d. comparative reading

33. What coding strategy uses marks and symbols?

a. reading b. annotation c. highlighting d. synthesis matrix

34. What is the table that can be used to organize ideas from groups of reviewed literature?
a. reading b. annotation c. highlighting d. synthesis matrix

35. Ethics etymologically came from the Greek word ethos which means
a. Right action b. Right doing c. Right perception d. Right ideas

For items 36-40, shade the circle under A if the statement is true and D if the statement is false.

36. Observance of proper citation is writing everything that you see in others’ work.
37. Paraphrasing is only applicable to your original ideas.
38. Ethics in literature review is doing what you think is right.
39. Research review is always geared towards positivism.
40. Evidence is only a secondary factor in research that is why citation is just an additional

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