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5 Section 1 : Wine and the Consumer


1 The Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine 1

2 Wine with Food 11

3 Storage and Service of Wine 15

8 Section 2 : Factors Affecting the Style, Quality and

Hour Price of Wine

4 The Vine 19

5 The Growing Environment 24

6 Vineyard Management 33

7 Common Elements in Winemaking and Maturation 43

8 White and Sweet Wine Making 55

9 Red and Rosé Wine Making 63

10 Factors that Affect the Price of the Wine 71

11 Wine and the Law 74

28 Section 3 : Still Wines of the World


Introduction to France 77

12 Bordeaux 78

13 The Dordogne and South West France 83

14 Burgundy 85

15 Beaujolais 90
16 Alsace 92

17 The Loire Valley 95

18 The Northern Rhone 99

19 The Southern Rhone 102

20 Southern France 105

21 Germany 108

22 Austria 113

23 Tokaj 116

24 Greece 118

Introduction to Italy 120

25 Northern Italy 121

26 Central Italy 126

27 Southern Italy 129

28 Spain 131

29 Portugal 139

Introduction to the USA 142

30 California 143

31 Oregon, Washington and New York 148

32 Canada 150

33 Chile 152

34 Argentina 156

35 South Africa 160

36 Australia 164
37 New Zealand 170

5 Section 4 : Sparkling Wines of the World


38 Sparkling Wine Production 173

39 Sparkling Wines of the World 179

5 Section 5 : Fortified Wines of the World


40 Sherry 184

41 Port 190

42 Fortified Muscats 195

How to Study for WSET Level 3 – Overall Timings

Overall, we feel it is worth spending your 51.5 hours in learning time roughly as
• 1.5 Hours Unit 2 – Learning the aspects to comment on during the tasting
• 8 Hours Unit 1, Learning outcome 1 – Natural and human factors in the
• 28 Hours Unit 1, Learning outcome 2 – Principal still wines of the world
• 5 Hours Unit 1, Learning outcome 3 – Principal sparkling wines of the world
• 5 Hours Unit 1, Learning outcome 4 – Principal fortified wines of the world
• 4 Hours Unit 1, Learning outcome 5 – Providing information and advice on
Bear in mind that if you are particularly strong or weak in one area you may wish
to adjust these timings. For example, candidates with service experience may wish
to spend less time on learning outcome 5 and instead focus on the other five areas.

1. For each chapter, be able to use all the BOLD words

 Making a list of them with their definitions

2. After each chapter, make Quiz and Questions:

- Open questions
- Define a BOLD word
- Find the word with a given definition

3. Study Tips
- Drawing the maps + writing key facts
- Wrote down each variety profile flash card
- Appellation classifications flash card
- Country/Region & characteristics flash card

4. How to remember TIPS

- Imagery in specific location
- Explain the concept to someone else
- Zeigarnik effect - small chunks
 occurs when an activity that has been interrupted may be more
readily recalled. It postulates that people remember unfinished or
interrupted tasks better than completed tasks
- Cornell note taking

? How long are the study sessions and how are they divide?
? We should have read the chapter before coming to study session –

15’: Q? about the previous chapter

30’: Study the chapter
15’: Write Q? about the chapter studied

Youtube support :

1. Wine With Jimmy

2. Napa Valley Wine Academy
3. Wine and spirit Education trust
4. The grape explorer
5. Wine folly YouTube
6. LCBO YouTube

Lesson 1 : Tuesday 23.02

Before that – read it and takes notes + questions
The systematic Approach of Wine 1-10
Wine tasting - I bring a bottle

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