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Book Keeping
Accounting –Introduction-Meaning and definition –
Types of Accounting-Accounting concepts and
conventions-Double Entry System -Accounting Rules
–Journal –Ledger –Subsidiary books- Trial balance-
Preparation of Profit and Loss A/C and Balance
Sheet-Advantages and disadvantages of Accounting –
Uses of Financial Statement – Accounting of Sole
Trading Concern and Non-trading concern.


1. What is accounting?
2. Define accounting.
3. What are the objectives of accounting?
4. What is book keeping?
5. Who are the different persons interested in
accounting information?
6. What are the limitations of accounting?
7. What is double entry system?
8. What do you understand by debit and credit?
9. Describe the three types of personal account.
10. State the rules for debiting and crediting.
11. What are real accounts? Give example.
12. What are nominal accounts? Give examples.
13. What is mercantile system of accounting?
14. Give a list of different accounting concepts and
15. Write short notes on (a) business entity concept
(b) convention of materiality
16. What is accounting equation?
17. What are the stages in the accounting cycle?
18. What is journal?
19. What is ledger?
20. What are the subsidiary books?
21. What is a three columnar cash book?
22. What is petty cash book?
23. What is a trial balance?
24. List out the functions of trial balance.
25. Write short notes on (a) schedule of debtors (b)
schedule of creditors
26. What do you understand by final accounts?
27. What is the purpose of preparation of financial
28. What is balance sheet?
29. What is gross profit?


1. Write short notes on (a) assets (b) liabilities (c)

2. Explain the meaning of (a) tangible assets (b)
intangible assets (c) fictitious assets
3. Explain the significance of ledger.
4. Write short notes on (a) revenue (b) expense
(c) losses
5. What is the difference between current
liability and long term liability?
6. What is accounting? What is the need for it?

7. Explain the steps in the process of accounting

in detail.
8. What is book keeping? Distinguish between
accounting and book keeping.
9. Describe the advantages and limitations of
10. Describe the internal and external users of
accounting information and their
11. Briefly describe various branches of
12. Explain the methods of accounting.
13. What is double entry system? What are its
14. Classify accounts and explain them in details.
15. What are the three kinds of accounts? What
are the rules governing debiting and crediting
of those accounts?
16. Explain the bases of accounting.
17. Distinguish between cash basis and accrual
basis of accounting.
18. Explain the importance of money
measurement concept.
19. Why is it important to assume that a business
firm is a going concern?
20. What are the characteristics of accounting
concepts and conventions?
21. Write short notes on (a) cost concept (b)
accounting period concept.
22. Explain briefly the conventions of consistency,
full disclosure and materiality.
23. Explain the difference between purchases
book and purchases account.
24. Differentiate between sales book and sales
25. What do you understand by the convention of
full disclosure? How is it important?
26. What is a trial balance? How is it prepared?
27. State the difference between trial balance and
balance sheet.
28. Explain the objective of preparing a trial

29. Journalise the following transactions.

a. Sold goods to seevan for cash 1000
b. Purchases a cycle for the personal
use of proprietor and paid by cheque
c. Paid wages 100.
d. Returned defective goods to Ram 50.
e. Received a cheque for 600 from

30. Prepare Trial balance of Mr.

Rs. Rs.
Purchases 600000 -
Reserve Fund 200000 -
Sales - 1000000
Purchases returns 10000 -
Sales returns - 20000
Opening stock 300000 -
Closing stock - 400000
Expenses - 200000
Outstanding expenses 20000 -
Bank balances 50000 -
Assets 500000 -
Debtors - 800000
Creditors - 300000
Capital 940000 -
Suspense A/c (Difference) 100000 -
2720000 2720000

31 Anand starts business with Rs.10,000 on

1.7.86. Of this, he pays Rs.9,000 into his
bank account. His cash transactions during
36. the first
week were; Prepare cash book for the period. R
July Purchased stationery, paid cash
1 Purchased goods for cash
Purchased office table and chair
2 Cash sales
Received from Gopal, as advance for a consignment of
3 goods
Paid Sethi & Co.
4 Paid for sign board
5 Cash sales
6 Purchased old typewriter


1. What are the accounting concepts and

conventions? How are they evolved?
2. How do you classify accounting concepts?
3. Explain various accounting concepts briefly.
4. What are accounting conventions? Explain
5. The entity concept and money measurement
concept are the fundamental concepts.
6. Explain accounting equation with examples.
7. Briefly describe the four stages in the
accounting cycle.
8. What is journal? What is its importance?
9. What is ledger? How is it maintained? Explain
its significance.
10. Explain the meaning of (a) journalism (b)
posting (c) balancing (d) debiting (e) crediting
11. Distinguish between journal and ledger.
12. What are subsidiary books? Explain the
purpose of each one of them.
13. Briefly describe the purpose and method of
preparation of each subsidiary book.
14. Write short notes on (a) inward invoice (b)
outward invoice (c) debit note (d) credit note.
15. Explain the procedure for posting from
subsidiary books.
16. Explain different types of cash books and their
specific uses.
17. How do you prepare a three columnar cash
book? Explain its utility.
18. Explain the utility of a petty cash book under
imprest system with analytical columns..
19. How do you prepare schedule of debtors and
schedule of creditors? What is their purpose?.
20. Describe the procedure for preparation of the
final accounts of a sole trader, step by step.
21. Distinguish between trial balance and balance
22. What are the differences between trading
account and profit and loss accounts?

23. Prepare Final accounts for the year ended 31-

Purchases 124184 Capital 72000
Debtors 7770 Bad debts 574
Postage 546 Creditors 17440
Interest 2590 Machinery 20000
Insurance 834 Bank overdraft -----
Salaries 8000 Sales 156364
Buildings 47560 Bills payable 5054
wages 8600 Loan 24000
Stock(1/1/95) 19890 Stock(31/12/95) 28600
Discount (Dr.) 2000
Furniture 32310

24. Journalise the following

transactions and prepare, the
ledger Accounts: 1994
Jan.1 Mr. Kumar commenced business
with cash Rs.50,000, Building
Rs.1,00,000, Bank balance of
19. Purchased goods for cash Rs.7,000
20. Purchased goods for Rs. 7, 500 from
21. Sold Goods to swamy & Co.Rs.9,500
22. Sold Goods to Nithya & Co. Rs.6,500
23 Sold Goods Rs.2000
Obtained a loan from India bank Rs.20,000

25.. From the following Trial balance of Bharathi,

prepare trading and P&L a/c for the year ended
31.3.2000 and Balance sheet as on that date:
Debit Balance Rs Credit balances Rs

Returns 300 Capital 10,000

Drawings 700 Creditors 2,600
Land & Building 2,000 Sales 17,000
Plant & machinery 4,500 Returns 400
Debtors 4,050
Purchase 8,500
Rent 400
Advertising 1,000
Cash in hand 1,050
Stock (1.4.99) 2,300
Wages 1,300
Salary 1,510
Commission 660
Carriage in wards 630
Motor van 1,100
________ ______
30,000 30,000
_________ ______
i) Stock on 31.12.2000 Rs.7, 500
ii) Depreciate land &Buildings at 21/2 % and
plant & machinery @
iii) Write off Rs.50 as bad debt and create 5%
provision for bad & doubtful Debts.
iv) Salary outstanding Rs.140.
26.From the following transactions, prepare a Three
colum cash book:
Jan.1 Murthy started business 10,000
2 Opened current a/c with bank 9,000
6 Paid kannan by cheque (Discount 100) 4,000
10 Cash sales 4,000
11 Paid into bank 1,000
Manickan directly paid into our
15 account 1,000
Jan19 Purchased furniture by cheque 2,000
20 Received from N 500
Allowed Discount 50
22 Withdrawn from bank 200
25 Purchased goods and paid by cheque 800
31 Paid salary by cheque 1200
27..From the following Trial balance, prepare
Trading, profit & Loss a/c for the year ended
31.12.1981 and a Balance sheet as on that date:
Trial Balance

Purchases 11,870 Capital 8,000

Debtors 7,580 Bad debts recovered 250
Return inwards 450 Creditors 1,250
Bank Deposit 2,750 Return outwards 350
Rent 360 Bank overdraft 1,570
Salaries 850 Sales 14,690
expenses 300 Bills payable 1,350
Cash 210
Stock 2,450
Discount allowed 40
Drawings 600
______ _____
27,460 27,460

i) The closing stock on 31.12.81 was 4,200.
ii) Write off 80 as Bad debts and create a
reserve for Bad debts at 5% on sundry
(iii) Four months rent is outstanding.
Unit 11
Single Entry System
Meaning and definition-Preparation of Trading,
Profit and loss A/C and Statement of Affairs –
Networth method –Conversion method – Difference
between Single entry system and Double Entry
system- difference between Balance sheet and
Statement of Affairs.


1. What is single entry?

2. Define single entry.
3. What is net worth method?
4. How do you ascertain profit under net worth
method of single entry?
5. What is a statement of affairs? Why is it
6. What is conversion method in single entry?


1. What is single entry? What are its salient

2. Describe the limitations of single entry system.
3. Distinguish between single entry and double
entry systems.

4. Mohan, a retail merchant commenced

business with a capital of 12,000 on
1.1.94. Subsequently on 1.5.94 he invested
further capital of 5000. During the
year, he has withdrawn 2000 for his
personal use. On 31.12.94, his assets and
liabilities were as follows:

Cash at bank 3,000

Debtors 4,000
Stock 16,000
Furniture 2,000
Creditors 5,000
Calculate the profit (or) Loss made during the
year 1994.
5. From the following information ascertain
Opening stock on 1.1.1996
Purchases made during 1996 2,50,000
Sales made during 1996 3,25,000
Stock on 31.12.1996 60,000
Wages 3,000
Rate of gross profit on cost
6. The position of a businessman who keeps his
books on Single entry was as under on
31.12.90 and 31.12.91.
1990 1991
Rs. Rs.
Cash in hand 400 480
Cash at bank 6,000 2,500
Stock 6,500 5,000
Debtors 4,000 5,200
Furniture 300 350
Sundry 4,100 3,100
He withdraws Rs. 7,500 from business on
2.1.91 out of which he spent Rs. 5,200 for
purchase of a motor truck for the business.
(a) Depreciation on closing balance of
furniture and truck at 10%
(b) Write off Rs. 220 as bad debts
(c) 5% provision for bad and doubtful debts is
needed.Find out the profit or loss for the

7. Shantham commenced business on 1. January

1997 with a capital of Rs.15,000. On 1st July,
1997 he introduced a further capital of
Rs.8,000. During the year he withdrew Rs.500
P.M for domestic use. On 31st Dec.1997 his
assets and liabilities were:
Stock 21,000
Debtors 10,000
Furniture 3,500
Cash at bank 2,100
Cash in hand 1,400
Expenses unpaid 700
Sundry creditors 8,300
Ascertain Shantham’s profit for 1997.

8..Calculate profit made by Rafi during 1992

Capital as on 1.1.92 32000
Capital as on 1.1.93 36000
Drawings during the year 1992 10000
Capital introduced on August
1992 6000


1.What is net worth method? How do you ascertain

profit or loss under net worth method?

2 What are the points of distinction between a

statement of affairs and a balance sheet?
3 What is conversion method? How do you find
profit or loss under conversion method?
4 Describe the procedure to be adopted in the
conversion of books maintained by single
entry to double entry system.
5 Problems on net worth and conversion
Problem No.1 to 10. Page number. 13.51
Problem No.15 to 25. Page number. 13.58
Reference book. Financial Accounting by
T.S.Reddy And Dr.A. Murthy
Unit 111

Accounting for Non-Trading Concern.

Meaning and definition of Income, Expenditure,
General and Special funds – Preparation of Receipts
and payments A/C, Income and Expenditure A/C and
Balance Sheet.


1 What is non trading organization?

2 Give a list of non trading concerns which
generally non profits are seeking.
3 What is a receipt and payment account?
4 What is an income and expenditure account?
5 What is an entrance fees? How do you treat it
in the final accounts of a non trading concern?
6 What is the treatment of donation in the
accounts of a non profit organisation?
7 Write short notes on: (a) subscription (b) life
membership fees.


1. Distinguish between receipts and payment

account and income and expenditure account.
2. What is income and expenditure account?
Explain the steps required in its preparation.
3. How do you prepare the balance sheet of a
non trading concern?
4 From the following details, ascertain the
amount of subscription to be credited to
income and expenditure a/c for the year
1999.Subscription received in 1999-Rs.48, 000
which includes Rs.4, 000 for 1998 and Rs.8,
000 for 2,000. Subscription due but not
received at the end of the year 1999 were 20,
000. Subscription received in 1998 in advance
for 1999 were Rs. 12, 000.
5 Problems on preparation of receipts and
payment account. and income and expenditure
account. Problem Number. 1 to 10 Page
no.27.64 to 27.69. Reference book. Financial
Accounting by T.S.Reddy And Dr.A. Murthy.


1 Distinguish between receipts and payment

account and income and expenditure account.
2 What is income and expenditure account?
Explain the steps required in its preparation
3 The following is the Receipts and Payments
Account of Kandan Recreation club for the year
ended 31.03.2002

Receipts Rs. Payments Rs

To Balance b/d 7,000 By salaries 28,000
To By general 6,000
Subscription expenses
2000 -2001 - By 4,000
,000 electricity
2001-2002 – By books 10,000
20,000 purchased
2002- 2003 - 29,000 By 8,000
4000 periodicals
--- purchased
To rent for use 14,000 By loan 20,000
of Conference repaid
To receipt from 28,000 By balance 4,000
entertainment c/d
To sale of old 2,000
80,000 80,000

Additional Data:
(1) The club has 50 members, each paying Rs.
500 PA as subscription.
(2) Subscription outstanding on 31-3-2002
(3) Salaries outstanding Rs. 2,000. Salaries paid
include Rs. 6,000 for 2000-01.
(4) On 1-4-2001, the clubs properties were:
Buildings Rs. 2, 00,000 Furniture and
Fittings Rs. 20,000 and Books Rs. 20,000.
(5) Provide 10% Depreciation on Buildings and
Prepare Income and Expenditure Account
for the ending 31-3-2002 and a Balance sheet
on that date.

4.Problems on preparation of income and

expenditure account.and Balance sheet. Problem
Number. 12 to 20 Page no.27.71to 27.77.
Reference book. Financial Accounting by
T.S.Reddy And Dr.A. Murthy.

Unit 1V

Consignment Account.
Meaning –Accounting for Consignment transaction –
Stock valuation –Preparation of Consignment A/C-
Normal lass and Abnormal loss calculations.


1 What is consignment?
2 What are the features of consignment
3 What do you understand by proforma- invoice?
4 What is an account sale?
5 What is Del credere commission? What is its
6 What do you understand by recurring expenses
and non recurring expenses?


1 Distinguish between normal loss and abnormal

loss an consignment.
2 Write short notes on (a) consignment stock
reserve (b) stock on consignment.
3 From the following details prepare the Account

Consignor Ajantha Cycle Ltd.,

Consignee Sri Ram Cycles, Chennai
Consignment 100 cycles @ Rs. 1,200
Sales 50 cycles @ Rs. 1,400
20 cycles @ Rs. 1,500
Consignee’s Expenses
Freight & Cartage Rs.5,000
Godown Rent Rs. 2,000
Other Expenses Rs.1,000
Consignee’s Commission 10%

4. Siva consigned 1,000 kg vegetables costing Rs.

4,500. Expenses incurred were Rs. 600. If the loss due
to natural deterioration in quality is of 10 kg and if
810 kg were sold, Calculate the cost of stock at the

5. Mr. Vijay of Chennai sent 200 bicycles which costs

Rs. 900 each to Kamal of Hyderabad on consignment
basis. Vijay paid freight of Rs. 2,400, cartage Rs. 600
and Insurance Rs. 800. In Hyderabad, Kamal has
spent Rs 200 as cartage, loading and unloading Rs.
100. The bicycles have been kept in a godown at a
monthly rent of Rs. 200 p.m. At the end of accounting
period 40 bicycles remained unsold. The selling price
of the bicycle is Rs. 1,000 at Hyderabad. What should
be the value of stock unsold?

6. Problem No.1 to 07. Page number. 25.78 to25.80.

Reference book. Financial Accounting by T.S.Reddy
And Dr.A. Murthy.


1 What is consignment? What are its main

2 What are the differences between sale and
3 Explain the method of valuation of unsold stock
on consignment when goods are sent (a) at cost
price (b) at invoice price.
4 How do you value abnormal loss of goods on
5 Sekar of Salem sends goods amounting to Rs.
25,000 to Mathu of Madurai on consignment
basis. He pays Rs. 1,000 as forwarding expenses.
The goods are received by Mathu who spends
Rs. 500 for carriage. Mathu sells the goods for
Rs. 32,000 for which he incurs selling expenses
of Rs. 1,500. He is entitled to a commission of
10% on the gross sale proceeds. Mathu settles
the account by a bill. Prepare the account sales
6 Problem No.1 to 11. Page number. 25.78 to25.81.
Problem No.24 to 32. Page number. 25.86
to25.88. Reference book. Financial Accounting
by T.S.Reddy And Dr.A. Murthy.

Unit V

Joint Venture
Meaning and definition –Difference between
Partnership and joint venture –Journal entries for
Joint Venture -Transactions when separate books for
Joint Venture is maintained.(Recorded Joint Venture
Transactions in own book is excluded).


1 What is joint venture?

2 What is a joint bank account?
3 What is memorandum joint venture account?

1 How joint venture differs from partnership?

2 Write short note on (a) co-ventures (b) joint
venture with account (c) unsold stock at the end
of a joint venture.
3 A and B enter into a joint venture to take a
building contract for Rs 240000. They provide
the following information regarding the
expenditure incurred by them

materials 68000 50000
Cement 13000 17000
wages 27000
Architecture 10000
Licence fees 5000
Plant 20000
Plant was valued Rs 10000 at the end of the contact
and B agreed to take it at that value contact amount
of Rs 240000 was received by A. Show the Joint
venture account in the books of A.


1 What is joint venture? What are its main

2 Distinguish between joint venture and
3 What are the differences between joint venture
and consignment?
4 What is a joint bank account? How are entries
regarding cash transaction of a joint venture
recorded in such an account?
5 What is memorandum joint venture account?
Why is it prepared?
6 A and B were partners in a joint venture sharing
profits and losses in the ratio of 4:1 A supplied
goods to value of Rs 50000 and incurred expense
of Rs 5400 B supplied goods to the value of Rs
14000and his expenses amounted of Rs800 B
sold the goods on behalf of joint venture and
realised Rs 92000 B is eligible for a commission
of 5%on sales B settled the account by a bank
draft. Give the journal entries in the book of A
7 Peter and Jason agree to import Burmese
timber for joint venture business hence on May1
1965 they open a joint bank account for Rs24000
towards which peter contributes Rs 14000 and
Jason Rs10000 They divide profits and losses in
proportion to their contributions they send a
cheque to their agent in Burma for Rs23000 to
pay for timber purchased and to meet the
freight insurance and other charges amounting
to Rs 4000 on December 2 1965 the sales
amounted to Rs 24000 and on dec23 Peter took
over the unsold stocks of timber for Rs 3800
they then closed the joint venture after mutually
settling their balance Write all the ledger
accounts relating to above joint venture.
8 B V and s entered into a joint venture of a
contact Rs 100000is the contract price Rs 40000
Rs 20000 and Rs 20000 were invested by b v s
respectively and a joint bank account was
opened they purchased materials for Rs 60000
architect fees of Rs1000 was paid by b v paid for
sundry expenses Rs 2000 and s paid Rs 4000 for
cement.The contract was duly arrived out all the
transactions were done through joint bank
9 Problems from 1to 06, Page no.26.67to 26.69
Problems from 19to 25, Page no.26.75to 26.79.
Reference book. Financial Accounting by
T.S.Reddy And Dr.A. Murthy

Prepared by Dr.R.Krishnaveni.

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