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Republic Act NO.


Juvenile Justice and

Welfare Act of
This Act shall beAND
known FOR OTHERJustice
as the "Juvenile PURPOSES
Welfare Act of 2006." It shall cover the different stages involving
children at risk and children in conflict with the law from
prevention to rehabilitation and reintegration.
• A person under 18 years of age;

• A minor 15 years and below has no criminal

responsibility at all; and

• Above 15 years but below 18 also has no criminal

responsibility unless they acted with
Who is a Child at
•At risk of becoming a Child in Conflict with the Law (CICL). CAR
refers to children who are vulnerable to and at risk of behaving in a
way that can harm themselves or others, or vulnerable and at risk
of being pushed and exploited to come into conflict with the law
because of personal, family and social circumstances.
• refers to a series of activities which are designed
to address issues that caused the child to commit
an offense.

A “Child in conflict with the law” or “CICL” refers to a child who is
alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having committed an offense
under Philippine laws
Minimum Age of
. of the offense shall be exempt from criminal liability. However, the child
A child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of the commission

shall be subjected to an intervention program pursuant to Section 20 of

this Act.

A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age shall
likewise be exempt from criminal liability and be subjected to an
intervention program, unless he/she has acted with discernment, in which
case, such child shall be subjected to the appropriate proceedings in
accordance with this Act.

The exemption from criminal liability herein established does not include
exemption from civil liability, which shall be enforced in accordance with
existing laws.
An alternative, child-appropriate process of
determining the responsibility and treatment of a child in
conflict with the law on the basis of his/her social, cultural,
economic, psychological or educational background
without resorting to formal court proceedings

- refers to the program that the CICL is required to

undergo after she/he is found responsible for an offense
without resorting to formal court proceedings.
• Right to be treated with humanity and respect;
• Right not to be subjected to torture, cruel or
inhuman treatment;
• Right to bail or recognizance
• Right to privacy;
• Right to probation, if qualified;
• Right to diversion, if qualified;
• Right to automatic suspension of sentence;
• Right not to be deprived arbitrarily of his liberty
or restricted more than as necessary;
• Right to be separated from adult offenders;
• Right to maintain contact with his family;
• Right not be imposed the death sentence;
• Right to be free from perjury concealment or
Refers to the apprehension or taking into
custody of a child in conflict with the law by law
enforcement or private citizens
Initial contact with the child refers to the apprehension or taking into
custody of a child in conflict with the law by police officers or private
citizens. It includes apprehension with or without a warrant. Police
officers shall take note that the physical custody of the child shall be
turned over to the appropriate persons or agencies as provided in
Section 5-4, within eight hours after initial contact.

The right to privacy of a child in conflict with the law shall be

respected at all stages of the proceedings. As such, all records and
proceedings involving children in conflict with the law, from initial
contact until the final disposition of the case, shall be considered
privileged and confidential
Who may Conduct
t responders, beat patrol officers, WCPD and
other responding police officers who shall have
initial contact with a CICL
Procedure for
Taking the Child
(a) Explain to the child in simple language and in a dialect that he/she can understand why he/she is

ybeing placed under custody and the offense that he/she allegedly committed;

(b) Inform the child of the reason for such custody and advise the child of his/her constitutional rights
in a language or dialect understood by him/her;

(e) Properly identify himself/herself as kuya or ate to the child and present proper identification to the

(d) Refrain from using vulgar or profane words and from sexually harassing or abusing, or making sexual
advances on the child in conflict with the law;

(e) Avoid displaying or using any firearm, weapon, handcuffs or other instruments of force or restraint,
unless absolutely necessary and only after all other methods of control have been exhausted and have

(f) Refrain from subjecting the child in conflict with the law to greater restraint than is necessary for
his/her apprehension;
Procedure for
Taking the
(g) Avoid violence or unnecessary force;

(h) Determine the age of the child pursuant to Section 7 of this Act;

(i) Immediately but not later than eight (8) hours after apprehension, turn over custody of the
child to the Social Welfare and Development Office or other accredited NGOs, and notify the
child's apprehension. The social welfare and development officer shall explain to the child and
the child's parents/guardians the consequences of the child's act with a view towards counseling
and rehabilitation, diversion from the criminal justice system, and reparation, if appropriate;

(j) Take the child immediately to the proper medical and health officer for a thorough physical
and mental examination. The examination results shall be kept confidential unless otherwise
ordered by the Family Court. Whenever the medical treatment is required, steps shall be
immediately undertaken to provide the same;

(k) Ensure that should detention of the child in conflict with the law be necessary, the child shall
be secured in quarters separate from that of the opposite sex and adult offenders;
Procedure for
Taking the
(l) Record the following in the initial investigation:
1. Whether handcuffs or other instruments of restraint were used, and if so, the reason for such;

2. That the parents or guardian of a child, the DSWD, and the PA0 have been informed of the
apprehension and the details thereof; and

3. The exhaustion of measures to determine the age of a child and the precise details of the
physical and medical examination or the failure to submit a child to such examination; and

(m) Ensure that all statements signed by the child during investigation shall be witnessed by the
child's parents or guardian, social worker, or legal counsel in attendance who shall affix his/her
signature to the said statement.

A child in conflict with the law shall only be searched by a law enforcement officer of the same
gender and shall not be locked up in a detention cell.
If the CICL
If the CICL resists apprehension, the apprehending
officer may use reasonable force to take the child
into custody. But if the best interest of the CICL
warrants it, the apprehending officer may call for
his unit’s assistance in apprehending the child. The
apprehending officer shall state clearly that a CICL
is involved.
Prohibited Acts during
t • Committing sexual advances on the child.
Police officers shall not sexually harass or abuse, or
make sexual advances on the CICL. Criminal and
administrative charges shall be filed against police
officers who perpetrate sexual offenses upon a CICL.
• Torture.
Police officers shall not use torture or inflict cruel
punishment and other forms of violence and abuse
on children.
Prohibited Acts during
t • If prohibited acts were committed. If the acts
mentioned above were committed during initial
contact, the police officer concerned shall exercise
authority to stop the one employing violence to the
child, place the child in a secure place away from the
abuser, and report the incident immediately to the
WCPD. The WCPD Officer shall record these facts in the
Pink Blotter or Mandatory Registry and shall conduct
an investigation regarding the matter and shall file the
appropriate administrative and criminal cases.
Conducting Initial Contact
in Educational
If the initial contact shall be conducted within the
premises of an educational institution, the
responding police officer shall always coordinate
with the head of the educational institution and
with its Child Protection Committee if existing,
before conducting the initial contact.
In addition, the following procedures shall be observed:
a. The responding police officer shall go directly to the
office of the head of the educational institution in
civilian clothes. b. No guns shall be brought inside the
premises of the educational institution. c. The
responding officer shall accomplish and sign all the
school documents required for the turnover of the child.
Upon completion of the required documents for the
turnover, the responding officer shall discreetly escort
the child with his/her parents or guardians out of the
school to go to the police station.
If the Child is a
If after effecting the initial contact, the responding officer
should realize that the child is not a CICL but a CAR, the
police officer shall immediately refer the child to the
LSWDO or the barangay as the case may be. The police
officer shall report the incident to the WCPD Officer, who
shall enter the incident in the Pink Blotter or in the
Mandatory Registry
If the Offense is

a. Give the child a friendly advice or “payo” or a

simple warning not to repeat the act/s she/he has
b. Call the unoffending parents or guardians for
their proper intervention in the treatment of the
c. Refer the child directly to the barangay of
residence and to the LSWDO for proper disposition
and intervention.
Where a Case is Filed Directly at the Station
If the victim or the complainant directly files a complaint
before the police station against a CICL, the following
procedures shall apply:

• The investigation of the crime committed shall be

conducted by the WCPD unless the case is cognizable
by the general investigation section
• If the case is not cognizable by the WCPD, the
investigator-on-case (IOC) shall notify the WCPD that a
complaint has been filed against a CICL. The WCPD
shall immediately assign the necessary codes
according to Section 8-2 in order to protect the
identity of the child. The IOC shall make an entry into
the police blotter using the assigned codes
• In case the IOC is not familiar with the processes of the
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act, he/she may refer the
victim or the complainant to the WCPD in order to
explain to the victim or complainant the processes
required by the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act.
Where a Child is Taken into Custody by
a Citizen or Police
• Where a CICL is apprehended by a private citizen or by
a law enforcement officer and is turned over to the
police station, the following procedures shall be
followed: a. The physical custody of the CICL shall be
received by the WCPD officer. If the WCPD officer is on
call, the responding officer shall immediately call for
the WCPD officer and ensure that the rules and
procedures in Section 4-5 and Section 4-6 are
Immediately bring the child to a medical professional
for physical examination.
Maintain a safe distance from the child and the medical
professional while the latter conducts the examination so as to
respect and promote the privacy of the child;
Interview the private citizen who apprehended the child and
assist him in filling out the Initial Contact Report Form
Assist the private citizen in drafting the affidavit of apprehension
and ask the private citizen to sign such affidavit
Take custody of the child
Proceed to Initial Investigation

All apprehensions involving CICL shall be referred to the WCPD.

The WCPD shall determine who shall investigate the case
Processing of the CICL

In all cases, the processing of the CICL shall be conducted by

the WCPD. The
processing of the child shall include the following procedures:
a. Notifying the parents/guardians of the CICL within eight
hours from initial contact;
b. Notifying the Local Social Welfare and Development
Office and the PAO within eight hours from initial contact;
c. Recording the personal circumstances of the child and
filling out the intake form in Annex C or D;
d. Determining the age of the child;
e. Gathering evidence if the child is dependent, abandoned,
neglected and/or abused; and
f. Taking the fingerprint and the photograph of the child.

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