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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

Savannah Agar 22 April 2021 A1 Elementary 60 minutes

Lesson Type:

Lesson Topic:

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Recognise and understand the vocabulary for 10 different jobs, as Used the vocabulary in short sentences, worked in pairs and
well as be able to use these words in a sentence. completed class activities and worksheets.

Target vocabulary:
actor, doctor, driver, teacher, musician, shop assistant, cleaner,
nurse, farmer, mechanic

Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:

1. Students may struggle telling the difference between a 1. Through images and a thorough explanation of the two
doctor and a nurse due to their jobs being very similar in jobs, I will help the students to be able to differentiate
that they deal with sick people. between the two job roles.
2. Students may struggle with the pronunciation of the word 2. I will particularly focus on the word driver and cleaner by
driver and cleaner because there is no such thing as a playing a chorusing activity until they have perfected the
consonant cluster in Chinese and the “r” and “l” sounds are pronunciation for these words which will take place during
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particularly challenging for them. “v” sounds are the presentation: Pronunciation phase.
particularly challenging too.
3. Students with more dominating personalities or who are 3. I will focus on asking questions to each student and
more confident in speaking English may overpower other encourage the weaker/less confident students to
students especially during the production stage which could participate and ask questions to help them get more
intimidate and throw weaker students off and may not involved in activities and conversations.
participate in class discussions.
4. There is a large age gap between some of the students and 4. I will focus on creating engaging and exciting content for the
their motivation for learning English will be different for class as well as focusing having lots of expression both in
each individual, therefore this may affect the effort they put facial and voice. I will ensure the class discussion is engaging
into the class. and relevant for each student.

Language analysis:

Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions

1. Actor A person who acts in a Flashcard with a picture of You see them on TV, in Common Noun /ˈæktə(r)/
movie, a play or TV an actor with the word movies and in plays?
show. ACTOR underneath. With Name your favourite actor.
a description on the back Hold the cleaner and actor
of the card. flashcard up and ask them
which is the actor.
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2. Doctor A person who is trained Flashcard with a picture of You visit him/her when you Common Noun /ˈdɒktə(r)/
to treat sick and injured a doctor with the word are sick?
people. DOCTOR underneath. What is the name of your
With a description on the family doctor?
back of the card.
3. Driver A person who drives a Flashcard with a picture of What is the person who Common Noun /ˈdraɪvə(r)/
car, truck or bus as his a driver with the word drives others around or
job. DRIVER underneath. With drives a truck called?
a description on the back
of the card.
4. Teacher A person who helps Flashcard with a picture of When you go to school you Common Noun /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/
others to learn. a teacher with the word have a person who teaches
TEACHER underneath. you. Who is this person?
With a description on the Who am I?
back of the card.
5. Musician A person who makes Flashcard with a picture of What is the name of the Common Noun /mjuˈzɪʃn/
music or plays an a musician with the word person who plays
instrument e.g. Guitar MUSICIAN underneath. instruments?
or Piano. With a description on the Who is a famous musician
back of the card. you like listening to?
6. Shop A person who helps Flashcard with a picture of When you go shopping, Common Noun /ˈʃɒp əsɪstənt/
Assistant and serves people in a a shop assistant with the what is the person who
shop. word SHOP ASSISTANT helps you called?
underneath. With a
description on the back of
the card.
7. Cleaner A person whose job is Flashcard with a picture of Who is the person who Common Noun /ˈkliːnə(r)/
to clean. a cleaner with the word helps keep your house tidy?
CLEANER underneath. Imitate someone sweeping
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With a description on the the floor and ask them
back of the card. which job I am acting out.
8. Nurse A person who looks Flashcard with a picture of When you go to the Common Noun /nɜːs/
after the sick in the a nurse with the word hospital who is the
hospital. NURSE underneath. With lady/man who gives you
a description on the back medicine every few hours?
of the card.
9. Farmer A person who grows Flashcard with a picture of Who is the person who Common Noun /ˈfɑːmə(r)/
vegetables or raises a farmer with the word grows the vegetables, fruits
animals. FARMER underneath. or eggs you eat?
With a description on the
back of the card.
10. Mechanic A person who fixes cars Flashcard with a picture of Who is the person who fixes Common Noun /məˈkænɪk/
and machines. a mechanic with the word your car when it is broken?
MECHANIC underneath.
With a description on the
back of the card.

Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…
Warmer To engage and gain 5 minutes T-S 1. Show pictures of the 10 different jobs Students will have a clear understanding
the focus of the we will be learning whilst saying the on what this lesson will be about.
learners so that they name of each job. They will have had the opportunity to get
can start thinking in 2. Asking each individual what job, they to know their classmates slightly better as
have (if they are working) if not, then
English. well as the exercise acting as an ice
what their dream job is. If they don’t
Also to introduce T-S breaker.
know the name of their job then the
students to the new student can use actions and imitations to This stage will allow students to feel more
topic (Jobs). explain their job. relaxed in their environment and interact

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3. The T will start by saying “My job is a with their teacher.
teacher” then the students must start
their sentence with “My job is ….”
Presentation: This will enable the 10 minutes T - S 1. The T will stand up in front of the class Students will read the target vocabulary,
Meaning students to learn and go through each flashcard and give a hear a definition of each and hear the
and gain a better definition. pronunciation of each word from the
understanding of the 2. Once this is done, each student will get a teacher which will give them a well-
turn to match a word to its definition on
new words. Students rounded understanding of each word and
the board.
can memorize the its meaning.
3. The group will be divided into 5 groups
words through the Ss - Ss of 3 and each person will choose a job Will be able to identify the target
visual without telling their partners and they vocabulary based off of visuals and
representation, must give their partners clues about descriptions.
listening to the their job (e.g. I work in a hospital. [Could It will force students to think hard in the
pronunciation and be either a nurse or doctor] they will L2 to determine the correct answers when
understanding the have to ask at least 3 questions in the L2 engaged in the activity in their groups.
meaning. before making their guess).
4. Once this activity is completed, the T will
ask how many students managed to
guess the right job as well as ask some
CCQ’s to make sure all the students
understand the new words and their
Presentation: To get the students 5 minutes S-S 1. The T will handout worksheets (Figure 1) Students will have to examine and shuffle
Form able to spell the that are based on the target vocabulary, the letters around to put them in the right
words correctly. the activity will consist of students place. This will help them to learn the
unscrambling each word. The target spelling of the target vocabulary words.
vocabulary will be written on the board
to assist students who don’t feel
Presentation: To get the students 5 minutes T-S 1. The T will write the target vocabulary The students will be able to identify the
Pronunciation pronunciation of the words on the board and chorus each syllables in each of the target vocabulary
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target vocabulary word one at a time. words. (This will also help with the words
correct. 2. Every target word is spelt out on the that the students particularly struggle
board in syllables, whilst chorusing each with).
word the T will point to the syllable e.g.
ac – tor. This will aid the students in
Gives the students the opportunity to
achieving the correct pronunciation.
copy the teacher and aim to pronounce
the words as correctly as they can.
Practice: To get the students 10 minutes S - S 1. Each student will be given a worksheet This activity will help the students to have
Controlled to recognise the (Figure 2) to complete on their own. better understanding of the target
Practice description of a job They may ask a friend for help if they vocabulary words in a sentence and show
and match it to the really are stuck. their understanding of the words.
2. Each sentence has a missing word,
correct target
students must match the sentence to
the target vocabulary they think it fits
3. Each sentence is labelled a) to j) and
there is a block missing next to the
target vocabulary for students to put the
letter. (Refer to figure 2).
Practice: To encourage the 20 minutes Ss - Ss 1. The T will divide the class into pairs This activity will give the students the
Freer Practice students to use the where they will discuss what jobs their confidence to utilize their newly learnt
target vocabulary friends and family have. vocabulary freely in a casual conversation.
words freely in 2. They will have 5 minutes to chat before
moving on to a different partner.
casual discussions It will also allow students to use
3. The T will give a conversation example:
among the class and vocabulary they have previously learn to
S1: My dad is a musician. What job
boost their structure a sentence.
does your dad do?
S2: My dad is a mechanic. What does
a musician do?
S1: A musician plays music. What
does a mechanic do?
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S2: A mechanic fixes broken cars.
4. Throughout this activity the T will have
to be a partner to some of the students
due to the odd number of students.
Cooler Wind down the class 5 minutes T-S 1. The T will provide the class with a This will give the students the realisation
and reflect on the simple, clear definition of a target of how far they have come in the lesson
new target vocabulary word without saying the and will end the lesson on a happy note,
vocabulary they word. The students must put their hand feeling motivated.
up if they know the word and guess the
have learnt and the
right job.
progress they have
2. Each student will be given a target
made throughout vocabulary word and must say a word
the lesson. that is associated with that job. (No
word can be repeated) e.g. Nurse –
Hospital / Mechanic – Cars.
Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):

I have chosen to structure my lesson using the PPP format due to it being a very structured and systematic method to introducing new work/information.
This method allows students to familiarize themselves with a certain topic of new language which will help to notice these themes in their real life. The way
that a PPP lesson is structured with giving students a free production stage allows them to gain a certain level of confidence and use this new vocabulary in
an environment within which they feel safe. Another reason for choosing the PPP method is because I feel it suits the language level of the class and wasn’t
too difficult for the students to take part in. The format ensured that it accommodated the age diversity in the group and was not too basic for them.

The warmer stage of a lesson allows the students to move from thinking in their first language to thinking in English without requiring too much pressure
mentally. It allows students to feel comfortable communicating in the L2 and help them regain their confidence. This stage is also for introducing the new
topic of jobs to the learners where they can familiarise themselves with the words before they learn the correct meaning as well as gain a better
understanding of the lesson ahead.

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Following on from this stage is the ‘Presentation: Meaning’ which introduces the students to the target vocabulary for the first time. This stage will give
students a chance to further develop their vocabulary and increase their knowledge by learning a new topic consisting of new words. The group work in this
stage gives the students an opportunity to create a relationship with their fellow classmates which will help with their comfortability in the classroom as well
as creating a fun, and positive environment which is optimal for learning.

Following on is the next part of the ‘Presentation: Meaning’ stage which will give the students a chance to understand the meaning of the target vocabulary
words through the use of pictures and the teacher explaining the definitions. This stage will allow the students to work in groups to further their
understanding of the words and force them to think about the new topic they have just learnt, it will also determine if the students understood the meaning
when I initially explained it. Another way that I will determine whether students understand the new vocabulary is through asking simple CCQ’s to check their
understanding. The use of simple CCQ’s is because the class is elementary level therefore their understanding may be very limited and they may only be
capable of stringing together simple phrases.

In the ‘Presentation: Form’ stage each student will receive a worksheet with 10 scrambled words, the task requires them to unscramble each word
individually. The purpose of this exercise is it allows students to familiarise themselves with the spelling of each of the words as well as give them the
satisfaction of achieving the correct spelling through their own determination and perseverance. By completing this exercise and getting the correct spelling
it will have a significant impact of the students ability to remember the spelling. This activity will show me those who do not get the correct spelling and allow
me to focus more intently on them when it comes to spelling activities in the future.

The final exercise within the presenting stage is pronunciation. Due to the students first language being Chinese, it is inevitable that pronunciation will be
very challenging especially due to the diverse alphabets. When teaching students the pronunciation I will chorus each of the words at a slow pace, sounding
it out. I will also write the words out on the board, breaking it up into syllables and pointing to each syllable as the word is chorused. By doing this it will help
the students with the clarity of their pronunciation and ensure correctness.

Once the presentation stage is completed, we move onto the practice stage where the students will receive another worksheet which they are required to
complete. This worksheet forms part of the ‘Controlled Practice’ and tests students on their ability to determine which of the target vocabulary words fit into
which sentence, it forces students to use these words in a structured sentence which will assist them with identifying these words in the real world. The
activity will also improve the students comprehension of the vocabulary targeted and shows the words in different contexts that they may encounter.

The final stage of the PPP format is the production stage which is the lengthiest stage of the lesson and gives students the opportunity to use the new

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vocabulary as well as language they already know in an environment that resembles the real world. It gives the quieter students and opportunity to speak in
an environment they feel safe in. This stage of the lesson will allow me to observe the students on when and how they achieved the aims of the lesson which
is to be able to recognise, understand and use the target vocabulary in a conversation correctly about jobs including talking about their friends and families
jobs. By giving the students the freedom to produce this new language which will give them the confidence and right tools to use it in real life situations. I will
monitor this stage closely and identify any students who are more dominant and allocate them to a suitable alternate partner as well as help any students
who need assistance.

The cooler stage is the final stage of the lesson and it is a very important phase as it gives the students the opportunity to reflect on their improvements and
progress throughout the lesson. If the students only leave the class having learnt 1 or 2 of the 10 new target vocabulary words it is still an achievement and
one step closer to reaching their language learning goals. It is still seen as an improvement and can allow students to walk out of class on a happy positive

Potential Issues
A potential issue when utilizing the PPP method due to it giving students some freedom, is that it may make them anxious if they don’t know what to say,
how to pronounce a word or don’t really know what they’re doing in an activity. If this had to happen during the production stage for example, I would
engage in a model discussion with a stronger student. I would do this by randomly selecting a job title from the list of target vocabulary and engage in a
simple discussion with a student. An example of the conversation would be “Do you have any friends who are musicians?”, “Does a musician play an
instrument?”, from this I would then get the student to perform the same this with a different job title from the list of target vocabulary. To ensure dominant
students do not overpower the quieter students, I will ensure that I ask more directed questions to include all students and make sure the quieter students
are included so they can build their confidence.

Other considerations
I would have liked to have had more time during this lesson to focus more on discussions as I feel these may be more time consuming due to students being
of an elementary level with limited vocabulary, this can put unnecessary pressure on students trying to learn new vocabulary. I would have also included
more games but because the students are only at an elementary level it may make learning new vocabulary more challenging. As well as the fact that the
students are over the age of 18 therefore games might bore them as they may find them childish and their motivations for learning English will all be
different. If the lesson and the activities planned do not plan out the way I expected, I will make sure to be proactive and come up with alternate activities to
engage with the students. Once the lesson is completed, I will reflect on why I believe certain elements weren’t suitable and enhance it for future students.

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Bibliography (if needed):
All images taken from Google images.
All worksheets were designed by myself.
Stevens, J. L. (2017). The Top 6 English Pronunciation Errors Made by Native Chinese Speakers. [Online]. Available at:
6-english-pronunciation-errors-made-by-native-chinese-speakers/ (Accessed 25 April 2021).

Materials (include all physical copies of the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):

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A person who acts in a
movie, a play or TV
(Back of the Flashcard)

A person who is trained

to treat sick and injured
ACTOR people.
(Back of the Flashcard)


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A person who drives a

A person who makes
music or plays an
instrument e.g. Guitar
or Piano.
(Back of the Flashcard)

A person who helps and

serves people in a shop.
(Back of the Flashcard)



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A person whose job is

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Figure 1: Presentation: Form Worksheet

Unscramble the given words and write the correct spelling on the line provided:

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Figure 2: Practice: Controlled Practice

Actor a. The __________ was busy fixing the old man’s car because the engine broke.
Doctor b. The lady asked the __________ if the shirt also came in black.
Driver c. The child woke up with a sore throat and had to visit the __________.
Teacher d. The __________ had so many words to remember for his scene.
Musician e. The children all made such a mess in the kitchen, the __________ spent hours cleaning up.
Shop assistant f. The __________ had to go and collect the chickens’ eggs every day.
Cleaner g. The man was waiting for his __________ to take him to work.
Nurse h. The _________ plays the guitar very well.
Farmer i. The children were learning how to do maths, their _________ was very patient with them.
Mechanic j. The _________ gave her patients medicine every 2 hours.

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