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Management Information System Case Studies

Case 1: MIS for a Pharmaceutical Company

A software company was entering a new area of MIS. This company had a good
reputation in the software areas. The company won a contract for MIS for a
pharmaceutical company. The project was scheduled for completion in one
year. But after 8 months a large part of the project was incomplete. Not
completing the project on schedule will bring loss of face and litigation for the


What should the company do to finish the MIS project in time?

Management Information System Case Studies

Case 2: Amazon- MIS

The payment gateway of Amazon takes in the account the debit card or credit
card information of the end user who would place an order for a product.
Netscape Secure Commerce Server is a vibrant tool that is used by Amazon
with the help of the secure socket layer in order to store the banking
information. These data are not made accessible over internet thus paving way
for high confidentiality and protection of customer data. The company also
provides customer an option of making a part amount of the payment online
and rest through the telecommunications post order. Legal as well as privacy
policies are being communicated to the users at this stage thus ensuring that
the trust component of customers is being increased.

Yet another important part of Amazon CRM is the integration of logistics

systems with that of the customer contact information. Customers could track
the progress of the shipping through logging in to the Amazon website and
entering a unique identity order number; this enhances the confidence
amongst the customers by offering tangibility in the services. At any point of
time the customers could be able to know the status of the product.

Customers value the importance offered by Amazon towards them as the

company has ensured to take all the opportunities to understand the changing
preferences and expectations. Employees of Amazon are satisfied with the work
as the ERP packages offers what is being expected from each one of the end
users working in for marketing, sales and administration of the business
process. The role of automated warehouses is appreciable as the user interface
through which the employees interact with the customers is commendable in
the case of Amazon. Amidst interactions with the customers Amazon uses the
cloud computing.


1. Summarize how amazon provides superior services to the customers.

2. What are the security controls provides by amazon?
Management Information System Case Studies

Case 3: Ethics in Information Technology

New computer technologies for gathering, storing, manipulating, and

communicating data are revolutionizing the use and spread of information.
Along the way, they are also creating ethical dilemmas. The speed and
efficiency of electronic information systems, which include local and global
networks, databases, and programs for processing information, force people to
confront entirely new rights and responsibilities in their use of information and
to reconsider standards of conduct shaped before the advent of computers.
Information is a source of power and, increasingly, the key to prosperity among
those with access to it. Consequently, developments in information systems
also involve social and political relationships, and so make ethical
considerations in how information is used all the more important. Electronic
systems now reach into all levels of government, into the workplace, and into
private lives to such an extent that even people without access to these
systems are affected in significant ways by them. New ethical and legal
decisions are necessary to balance the needs and rights of everyone.

As in other new technological arenas, legal decisions lag behind technical

developments. Ethics fill the gap as people negotiate how use of electronic
information should proceed. The following notes define the broad ethical issues
now being negotiated. Since laws deciding some aspects of these issues have
been made, these notes should be read in conjunction with Legal Issues in
Electronic Information Systems. Ethics include moral choices made by
individuals in relation to the rest of the community, standards of acceptable
behavior, and rules governing members of a profession. The broad issues
relating to electronic information systems include control of and access to
information, privacy and misuse of data, and international considerations. All
of these extend to electronic networks, electronic databases, and, more
specifically, to geographic information systems. Specific problems within each
of the three areas, however, require slightly different kinds of ethical decisions.
Networks, electronic information systems in general, and geographic
information systems in particular are discussed separately below.


1. What are various ethical dilemmas created due to new technology?

2. State the reasons of why ethics are important

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