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2 Table of Contents

Why MLOps Matters? (Foreword) 3

People of Machine Learning 5

How Is Machine Learning Different from Traditional Software? 8

The MLOps Workflow 10

What Is the Point of MLOps? 10
Risk in Machine Learning 11
Time to Market 15
The MLOps Workflow Enforces Best Practices 18

How to Quantify Success in an MLOps Project? 20

Speak the Same Language 22
Use Every Project as an Opportunity to Educate Your Organization
about Machine Learning 22
Define Clear Shared Objective and Metrics 22

Real-World Example - The Story of Two Companies 25

Company 1 25
Company 2 26
Learnings 26

The MLOps Toolchain 28

Model and Data Exploration 28
Metrics and Model Optimization 31
Productionalization - End-to-End Pipelines 35
Productionalization - Feature Stores 39
Testing 43
Deployment and Inference 46

Conclusion 50

About the Authors 52

Why MLOps Matters? 3

Why MLOps Matters? (Foreword)

Traditionally, machine learning has been approached from
a perspective of individual scientific experiments which are
predominantly carried out in isolation by data scientists. However,
as machine learning models become part of real-world solutions
and critical to business, we will have to shift our perspective, not
to depreciate scientific principles but to make them more easily
accessible, reproducible and collaborative.

In May 2020, we surveyed 330 data scientists, machine learning

engineers and managers in a broad range of companies to ask what
they were focused on for the next 3 months and what major obstacles
they were faced with. Although 20% of respondents said they are still
focusing more on the experimentation and learning phase, half of the
respondents said that they were focused on developing models for
production use and over 40% said they would be deploying models
for production.

Source: State of ML 2020, Valohai

330 respondents






Collect more Figure out how Make data more Learn machine Prove potential Develop models Deploy models Optimize Automate Monitor
data data can be accessible learning of machine for production to production models retraining model(s) in
used technologies learning use model(s) production
4 Why MLOps Matters?

Automating retraining of models and monitoring models in production

were still not relevant for most respondents which speaks to machine
learning in production being relatively nascent for most. However,
the steadily rising interest in MLOps based on search volume and
news articles speak to these aspects becoming more and more
relevant. Production models raise new challenges, not just for data
scientists but the extended team of engineers, product managers and
compliance officers, which will need to be solved collaboratively.

In most real-world applications, the underlying data changes

constantly and thus models need to be retrained or whole pipelines
even need to be rebuilt to tackle feature drift. Business and regulatory
requirements can also change rapidly requiring a more frequent
release cycle. This is where MLOps comes in to combine operational
know-how with machine learning and data science knowledge.

In machine learning, 2020 is the year of production models and we

predict that 2021 will be the year of MLOps. We hope that you enjoy
our eBook on MLOps and get new, fresh ideas for your use case.
People of Machine Learning 5

People of Machine Learning

The size and scope of real-world machine learning projects has surely
surprised most if not all of us. What seems like a straightforward task
of gathering some data, training a model and then using it for profit
ends up becoming a deep rabbit hole that spans from business and
operations to IT. A single project covers topics such as data storage,
data security and access control, resource management, high
availability, integrations to existing business applications, testing,
retraining and so much more. Many machine learning projects end up
being some of the biggest multidisciplinary and cross-organizational
development efforts that the companies have ever faced.

To understand the multidisciplinary nature of ML projects, we start

by looking at the roles involved in them. These roles come from
our unique collective vantage point of seeing around 500 different
organizations from startups to Fortune 500 over the last 4 years. While
the list of roles below is not entirely exhaustive, it gives an overview
of the people involved.

Remember that these roles are not necessarily one per person but
rather a single person can - and in smaller organizations often has to -
cover multiple roles. For example, many data scientists also handle ML
Engineering tasks, and sometimes DevOps and IT are synonymous.
The rule of thumb is the larger the organization, the more specialized
and siloed individuals are which requires all the more collaboration.

Data Scientist
Data scientists are tasked with finding data-driven solutions to
business problems. Data scientists tend to be highly educated with
a master’s degree or higher in mathematics and statistics, computer
science or engineering. Their strengths lie in data wrangling, statistical
analysis, data visualization and applying machine learning.

Generally, they are deployed first to analyze existing data and to find
6 People of Machine Learning

patterns that could be used to solve underlying business problems.

For example, they might be looking at user data to find meaningful
user segments and building models that can classify those users in
segments in order to differentiate the end-user experience and drive
more engagement. While the primary purpose of data science is to
explore data and build models, often a large portion of time is spent
manipulating data to suit the use case.

Data Engineer
Data engineers are responsible for the infrastructure that ensures
data is stored and available for data scientists. They build the systems
that ingest raw data from various sources and store it in a centralized
data lake. Data engineers often also build other data warehouses
that derive data from the data lake but transform it so that it is more
useful for the end-user; for example, image data might be resized and
reformatted so that data scientists can focus on data analysis rather
than data manipulation.

Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning engineer is a rather nascent role that is becoming
increasingly relevant as companies push to get real-world value
from machine learning. While data scientists explore and prove a
theoretical concept, ML engineers take those concepts and build them
into a production-scale system. As the title implies, ML engineers
understand the theoretical side of machine learning but are more
involved with paradigms found in engineering such as continuous
integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD). They tackle automating
and scaling model training, testing models before deployment and
deploying and monitoring models in production. Often they will
rewrite or restructure code written by data scientists; for example,
turning notebooks into scripts.

DevOps Engineer
DevOps engineers combine the domains of software engineering
and cloud infrastructure. In traditional software projects, DevOps
People of Machine Learning 7

handles automation around testing and releasing new code, and

often also manages testing and production environments. In machine
learning projects, DevOps can be the connection between the ML
model and the end-user application; for example, releasing a new
recommendation engine to a web application. Scalability, stability and
responsiveness of the end-user application are often at the forefront
of their mind and they’ll be involved in ensuring machine learning
models don’t degrade these elements.

IT operations can be found in most larger organizations. They are
generally tasked with resource management, access control and
information security. While often seen as red tape, IT operations and
the processes involved can help a project run more smoothly, whether
it’s through requesting that computing resources be provisioned or
ensuring that outside vendors are approved.

Business Owner
There isn’t a specific title for a business owner in a machine learning
environment but it’s a key role to ensure success. Business owners
have the deepest understanding of the end-user and use case, and
guide the team to producing ML systems that are not just accurate
and well-engineered but also valuable. They’ll help define what kind
of predictions are useful and help understanding of where risks lie
from an operational and regulatory perspective.

The management role in a team working with machine learning tends
to be a little unclear as these teams tend to be relatively new. The key
aspects to consider are that machine learning projects are deceptively
complex and multidisciplinary. All the required resources to execute
a project are often not in a single team and a manager must secure
these from different parts of the organization. Another difficult task
for a manager is to understand and communicate the ROI of the team’s
work as costs and benefits are likely not directly linked with the team.
8 How Is Machine Learning Different from Traditional Software?

How Is Machine Learning Different

from Traditional Software?
We already established that the cross-domain nature of ML causes
a new level of discipline in organizations but that’s only part of the
picture. There is an additional dimension that differentiates ML
and classical software — data. It might sound self explanatory and
simple but the addition of data, usually big data, brings entirely new
challenges to the development process.

While software can generally be developed locally with almost instant

feedback on how a code change affects the end-result; in machine
learning, to see the effects of a code change requires retraining
a model. When working with models that are trained with large
datasets, this poses huge infrastructure challenges as either you will
be waiting for a long, long time or will need to use remote computing.
Just imagine the difference between an application developer just
saving a code change and pressing refresh in their browser, and
a data scientist saving a similar code change and then spinning up
a cluster of GPUs, deploying code, transferring data and training a
model before seeing any results.

However, it’s not only how the introduction of data changes how code
works in the development process but also that data is another aspect
that can change. In classical software development, a version of the
code produces a version of the software, while in machine learning,
a version of the code and a version of the data together produce a
version of the ML model.
How Is Machine Learning Different from Traditional Software? 9

Data as a new variable in the development process increases

complexity drastically, as to reproduce results you need to be
able to reproduce the data that you used. While you might not be
producing every possible variant of the model, the components must
be versioned to ensure reproducibility. The matter of versioning both
data and code becomes increasingly complex when you start thinking
about whole machine learning systems which have steps for data
preparation, augmentation and generation.
10 The MLOps Workflow

The MLOps Workflow

What Is the Point of MLOps?
You might have downloaded this book because you intuitively know
that MLOps is essential. This intuition arguably comes from the
pursuit of doing things the right way and feeling the pain of constant
technical struggle in one’s daily work.

However, intuition alone can be hard to argue with when talking to

teammates looking for approval for an investment – of time or money.

This chapter solidifies the idea of MLOps to help understand why it is

worth focusing on and how to justify this. The chapter will also help
assess what areas to focus on, and the following chapters will dive
deeper into concrete ways to measure and show the ROI.

When we look at how the current literature describes a model

lifecycle, we often see a picture like this:

Design Operations

However, in reality, most organizations today still operate in a cycle

where hand-overs between model development and operations are –
simply put – messy and manual.

As fun as development in a vacuum is (we all have done it), the reality
is that only a model running in production can bring value. Models
have zero ROI until they can be used. Therefore, time to market should
be the number one metric to look at and optimize for any ML project.
The MLOps Workflow 11

Time to Market

10% Model
Design Operations
90% Glue

Complex &

The goal of MLOps is to reduce technical friction to get

the model from an idea into production in the shortest
possible time to market with as little risk as possible.

Let’s break down the statement. It contains two parts, reducing the
time to market and reducing the risk involved. These goals help data
scientists and business stakeholders to speak the same language and
frame MLOps as a business-driven necessity. Albeit MLOps will help
automate manual steps and improve the quality of code, but they are
not the underlying goals the whole organization will rally around.

Next, we will talk about risk and time to market. The area of risk
assessment is a more straightforward concept, so let’s start there.

Risk in Machine Learning

The goal of MLOps is to reduce technical friction to get the model
from an idea into production in the shortest possible time to market
with as little risk as possible.

We have identified three primary types of risks the MLOps workflow


1. Loss of knowledge
2. Failures in production
3. Regulatory and ethical
12 The MLOps Workflow

There is plenty of industry, implementation, and even company-

specific detail involved in each of these main topics. However, the
most significant risks that machine learning in production introduces
fall under one of these categories.

Keep in mind that we are skipping basic IT risk that is already well
documented and covered elsewhere but is not exclusive to machine
learning in production; for example, data security. It’s clear that no-
one should be able to steal data from your database, but that is true
for all databases – not just ones used for machine learning.

Loss of Knowledge

No! Only I know

how to train our

Bus factor

The bus factor is a common term in software engineering describing

the risk of a key contributor disappearing unexpectedly from a project
– because they get hit by a bus. While it is a well-documented problem
for classical software development, machine learning magnifies the
bus factor significantly.

In ML, in addition to code that is often somewhat self-documenting,

there is data. A single data set can contain vast amounts of hidden
information about how it’s been collected and then how features are
extracted. There may be many versions of notebooks or scripts that
produce a single data set.

Loss of knowledge can happen in many different ways. Most obviously

by a data scientist leaving the company, and most larger teams have
already faced this. But it can also occur without personnel changes.
When you work on multiple projects over a more extended period, you
The MLOps Workflow 13

tend to forget details about your own work too. It can be challenging
to return to a six-month-old project and retrain a model without
breaking things. Many readers may have existing models running that
they dread getting back to for fear of breaking something.

For traditional software development, reproducibility is mostly taken

care of by proven version control tools like Git. To achieve proper
version control and reproducibility for ML, you will need a bit more on
top of that.

Input Execution Output

Training code Used hardware Model

Parameters Environment Logs
Dataset Experiment cost Results

Version control for machine learning experiments

In ML, a model is a combination of code, data, parameters, and the

training environment. To pick up where someone else (or yourself six
months ago) left off with a model, you’ll need much more than just a
Git repository.

You need to know what data the code is using and how that data came
to be. There are often multiple scripts bringing together different
data sources and doing feature aggregation to build the dataset you
need. Putting together the puzzle of several scripts and data sources
someone else made leaving behind zero documentation can often be
more complicated than just starting from scratch.

To tackle this, we recommend a version control system that can track

your whole pipeline from raw data to the model, including your code,
environment, configurations, and parameters.

Failures in Production
The next category of risk is failures in production. Everyone who has
worked in software development knows that shipping broken code
14 The MLOps Workflow

to production is a prevalent failure point for systems. Teams spend

extensive amounts of time building CI/CD pipelines so that developers
can be confident that their latest update does not break anything in

The same thing applies to ML. From basic syntax errors to changes in
the data stream or unexpected model performance.

In a perfect world, not only does your MLOps tooling support various
methods of testing your code and data throughout the pipeline, but
you’ve also adopted a practice to start codifying these tests, starting
from the design phase of an ML project.

We will cover different parts of the ML workflow and related testing

in later chapters of the book, but here are some general pointers to
look out for.

1. Ensure that the data used to train a model looks like you expected
it to. There may be changes upstream, for example, how the data
is collected or stored.

2. Ensure that the model works not only in training but in a real-world
environment. Overfitting is a real risk that should be addressed by
your pipeline and process.

3. Ensure that the infrastructure works consistently. Your ML pipeline

should produce identical results if the inputs stay the same, and
you should always be able to roll back.

Regulatory and Ethical

Machine learning algorithms come under severe regulatory and
ethical scrutiny due to not being explicitly defined by a person.
When realized, consequences can be financial but maybe even more
prevalent is the loss of trust and reputation.

Therefore a data scientist might be looking at frequent governance

audits, making many people nervous. Enforcing MLOps best
The MLOps Workflow 15

practices makes reproducibility a priority, and introduces version

control for every component of a machine learning model. Think of
this as bookkeeping, and when books are in order, there is nothing to
worry about. Most importantly, if a prediction a production model has
served comes into question, it can always be traced back to how the
model was trained.

Most MLOps tooling will introduce version control to your workflow,

but that’s only half the battle in minimizing regulatory risk. The second
half is ensuring that production models are unbiased, and that is
generally much trickier as tooling can only provide a framework, but
subject matter expertise is required to enforce the right rules.

A prejudiced model likely won’t fail from a technical perspective,

but it might from a regulatory perspective. Therefore building on the
technical tests by including tests that combat bias and other ethical
concerns need to be considered in an ML pipeline These concerns
vary wildly depending on the application; for example, a healthcare
application will have very different ethical concerns to a financial

While MLOps can’t fix model biases, it comes with the notion that
these concerns should be addressed by codifying tests for them into
a machine learning pipeline. Checkpoints and safeguards for how the
data used for training should look and what the expected predictions
should be will make governance audits much less intimidating. All of
the production models will be produced in compliance with stable
and reliable rules.

Time to Market
It’s hard to beat an ad-hoc workflow on speed to market when first
developing a machine learning model. For many data scientists and
engineers, that is the reason they are hesitant to adopt rigor into their
process. However, machine learning in production is rarely about a
single version of a single model getting into production but rather a
long-term commitment to building machine learning capabilities that
16 The MLOps Workflow

are continuously evolving.

In most cases, you have a lot of dimensionality in model building.

First of all, models rarely work over long periods and tend to require
retraining somewhat regularly. Secondly, there are often several other
dimensions to think about. It is common for models to be, for instance,
retrained per customer based on their specific data or by geography,
etc. The same model architecture can be running in production as
multiple versions of multiple datasets are being re-trained periodically
over time. This quickly results in exponential retraining, and ad-hoc
workflows will quickly result in chaos, customer dissatisfaction, and
poor results. To get a truly scalable business model around ML usually
requires that you step back and think of your product in terms of the
pipeline instead of a single instance of a trained model. Here’s where
the most successful companies in ML are today.


Customer 1 Customer 2

Data Source 1 Data Source 3 Data Source 1 Data Source 3

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Data Source 2 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Data Source 2 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3

18 Trained Models
The MLOps Workflow 17

Broadly speaking, there are two ways that MLOps helps accelerate
the time to market of machine learning:

1. It creates a shared language among the extended team.

2. It automates manual tasks.

Shared Language
We have seen a drastic uptake in software development delivery speed
and rate over the years. Modern tooling and shared work methods
(CI/CD, version control, microservices) have enabled companies to
scale their throughput in software development exponentially.

A shared language enables new team members to hit the ground

running when you need to accelerate your development. There is very
little to suggest that the same requirements for exponential delivery
growth would not hold for machine learning too.

Secondly, as discussed earlier, MLOps revolves around turning the

process of creating a model into a machine learning pipeline. To
achieve this, teams have to codify and componentize their work.
While requiring extra effort compared to a single notebook and some
manual actions, splitting work into components allows work to scale in
a completely different way. This is very similar to what micro services
have accomplished in larger development projects.

A single data scientist doesn’t need to create the whole model, but
rather a team can work on separate pieces such as data preprocessing,
model training, and testing. As the complexity of model creation
increases, so do the benefits of working around a shared pipeline.

Also, a pipeline consisting of various code pieces is inherently self-

documenting – to some extent – and can be more easily handed to
the next person than manual actions.

DevOps has allowed software developers to move from a monthly
18 The MLOps Workflow

or quarterly release cycle to a daily or weekly cycle. Despite the

complexities we’ve explained above with machine learning containing
more variables than just code, we should still ensure optimal progress.

Building a CI/CD pipeline for machine learning is more challenging

than for traditional software, but the same benefits apply. Automation
of collecting data, training, and evaluating models allows the most
scarce resources, i.e. data scientists, to focus their efforts on further
development. These pipelines are also not throw-away as you can re-
use parts when developing a model for a different purpose.

Again the importance varies by application as the benefit of a quicker

release cycle is not the same across different use cases. However, in
the most extreme cases, your model needs to be updated all the time
to keep up with the pace at which the underlying data is changing.
This is one reason why some trailblazing companies such as Facebook
and Uber had built their own MLOps infrastructure before the term
was even coined.

Time to Market

Design Operations

Version Control

The MLOps Workflow Enforces Best Practices

MLOps ties model development and operations together into a
continuous loop through a set of best practices. These best practices
can be enforced in many ways, most frequently through a shared
platform. To quickly summarize, we identified four best practices that
will help you reduce technical friction to get the model from an idea
The MLOps Workflow 19

into production in the shortest possible time to market, with as little

risk as possible.

• Version control everything, including models, code, data,

parameters, and environment. Enable anyone to trace how a model
was produced.

• Componentize the steps of the model creation process and build

them into a pipeline. A single notebook is not a pipeline.

• Codify testing. With checkpoints and safeguards in place, there is

a standard that models have to adhere to.

• Automate work to increase how much time can be spent on future

20 How to Quantify Success in an MLOps Project?

How to Quantify Success in an

MLOps Project?
Quantifying success is not just about the success of the business
outcome. In this stage of MLOps maturity, it’s also about the success
of the process, including multi-disciplinary collaboration and
documentation of learning.

“Only a model that is running in production can bring


As we move from projects that experiment with machine learning

to projects that are aimed to bring real business value in production
systems, we grow the complexity of the project. With it, the
uncertainty of success increases. Here are three steps to get started:

1. Define your objective and clear, concrete, and measurable metrics

with all the relevant stakeholders

• Ensure everyone understands the “why” behind the project and

the expected benefits it will bring, and educate everyone on
the basics of how the ML project will be evaluated. Everyone
should know the basics of how a model’s accuracy can be
measured and what is over-/under-fitting.

• Document and share how the work is currently done and

benchmarked within the team and what it will take to replace
the current way of working.

• Uncover assumptions that different team members have

by hosting a session to discover pre-conceptions about the
problem and come up with possible solutions. Assumptions
could be related to, for example, what data sources should be
used, how the data should be processed, or how the model
should be published. Try to uncover these assumptions and
scope out small experiments to test the hypotheses out, before
taking them as facts.
How to Quantify Success in an MLOps Project? 21

2. Measure the success of different stages of the project - not just

the end outcome

• It will be hard to estimate the total time it will take to deliver

on your MLOps project as a whole, and often it’s hard to justify
the costs of a project that might take 6 or 12 months before we
can determine the success of it.

• Make sure you split your project into smaller pieces to validate
your assumptions, track your progress, and gather feedback.
The age-old “Push to ‘production’ often and iterate with
feedback” applies here as well. We’re not saying to skip long-
term engagement, but instead that you should show progress,
for example, every six weeks or so.

• As you go through different stages of the project, make sure

you reflect on your progress and whether you’re heading in
the right direction to solve the original issue. Don’t be afraid
to go back to defining the problem. Document the lessons
you’ve learned and place them in an internal Wiki for other
teams to learn from. These lessons might be about internal data
access policy, internal processes that you didn’t identify in the
beginning, or limitations of your infrastructure.

3. Have a multi-disciplinary team with clear roles and responsibilities

• As part of your success metrics, you should measure how well

your team is working together. Having a multi-disciplinary
virtual team for the MLOps project will allow you to effectively
tackle surprising blockers that will arise from different parts of
your organization.

• Make sure everyone understands each other’s roles and

responsibilities in this project. Having this clarity will help the
team collaborate and move forward - no one is the “red tape”
on purpose.

• Involve IT early on - they’ve been around for a while and have a

mature infrastructure that you can rely on.

• IT will want your model to be automated (e.g. automated

22 How to Quantify Success in an MLOps Project?

pre-processing, training, build, and deployment)

• IT is usually well versed around data compliance and access.

Speak the Same Language

A data scientist’s workflow might consist of pulling data from an
internal database, exploring with that data, developing a model, and
saving it to cloud storage from where others can leverage it. The
model’s success criteria might primarily consist of model evaluation
metrics (e.g., accuracy, precision, recall) based on the business
owner’s initial specification.

Taking this into production most likely won’t happen by copying the
model files over to the production server. In most organizations, the
path to production will be managed by the IT (or Ops) department,
which has been around for a while and has a mature infrastructure
with established practices. They will assume that you can automate
most (if not all) of your ML pipeline steps, from re-training the model
with new data, to comparing it to existing models, and publishing it to

Use Every Project as an Opportunity to Educate

Your Organization about Machine Learning
Whatever your preference is: company-wide meetings, town halls, or
lean coffees, make sure you share learning from your machine learning
projects across the organization. These can be either high-level
topics or nitty-gritty details on how your organization teams need to
collaborate to enable effective collaboration in MLOps projects.

MLOps projects will continue to require contributions from a wider

variety of professionals in your organization. Don’t wait until the last
minute to educate your staff on the MLOps process.

Define Clear Shared Objective and Metrics

After you’ve uncovered assumptions, make sure you write down and
How to Quantify Success in an MLOps Project? 23

share the project’s objective and the individual metrics used to track
its success within the virtual team.


Why does this project exist?

What triggered this project to be started
as a machine learning project? What is the
expectation in business?

How is performance measured today?

What are we benchmarking against? Is
our goal to improve an existing process, or
augment or automate a manual process?

How will the deployed model be

Is the model going to be publicly accessible
as an HTTP endpoint? Or is access going to
be limited and the model consumed only by
internal services?

Who owns the data?

Where is the data stored, and how will it be
accessed? How often is the data updated?

Success criteria

Each organization and each When defining the metrics for your
project will have it’s own custom success criteria, think about:
• What is the key metric that will
You might focus on improving determine if the model can be taken
existing processes, or augmenting to production?
a manual process, or fully • How will the model be taken to
automating it. production?
• How often will the model need to
Whatever you’re doing, make sure be updated?
you’ve listed the outcomes (not • Model metrics (e.g. accuracy,
outputs) your virtual team should precision, recall)
track and what numbers should be • Cost to maintain and update the
reached. model (and pipeline)
• Ethical considerations
24 How to Quantify Success in an MLOps Project?

Success criteria

What’s the minimum viable • Model accuracy x to be able to test

product? in a sandboxed environment
Define the bare minimum that • Manually train, build and deploy
will be needed to test the model. the pipeline.
This will help you split the project
into smaller pieces and “get to a
number” faster.

MLOps metrics • Model update frequency met (and

Here you’ll find some additional able to identify stale models)
metrics you might want to consider • Time to re-train and deploy a new
for your MLOps project. model and push to production
• Performance of model endpoint for
online predictions (e.g. response
time in ms)
• # of calls / % of failed calls to the
model endpoint
• Collaboration between the multi-
disciplinary team (e.g. data
scientists, engineers, IT-Ops, legal,
• Attendance of key stakeholders
to regular project updates (for
example, every six weeks)
• Infrastructure scales to the machine
learning teams without manual
work from IT.
Real-World Example - The Story of Two Companies 25

Real-World Example - The Story of

Two Companies
The examples presented are fictional, but they illustrate patterns that
we’ve seen repeated over and over in the past five years.

Company 1

Collect data Train model Deploy model

Search for pre-

vious source Collect data Train model Deploy model

Figure out how

Search for pre- Figure out how
Try to train to deploy to a
vious source Collect data to train model Train model Deploy model
model scalable clus-
files on cloud GPU

Switch careers

Company 1 jumps right into the nitty-gritty and starts gathering and
analyzing data. Their lead data scientist develops a model in Jupyter
notebook on their laptop. The model is subsequently deployed to
production by a DevOps engineer from another team. From idea to
production, the delivery time is blazingly fast.

But trouble starts as time passes; user feedback shows that the
predictions the model produces are getting worse. Perhaps the
underlying data has changed, and the model needs to be retrained.
However, the first time around was poorly documented and done
mostly on a single computer. It’s hard to reproduce all the steps that it
took to train the model – but it gets done.
26 Real-World Example - The Story of Two Companies

The company runs through the same firefighting exercise multiple

times with different variations. The lead data scientist has left the
company, and much of the work on their computer was lost. The
model training became too slow to finish on a local machine, and
DevOps people had to jump in to solve how to train the model on
cloud GPU machines.

Finally, the company decides to put in place tooling to automate

retraining and deployment, and at this point, everything is rebuilt.

Company 2

Select tooling Build pipeline Collect data Train model Evaluate model Deploy model


Company 2 acknowledges that machine learning models will be core

assets going forward and decides to adopt ML focused tooling before
going past the first successful proof-of-concept. The team spends a
month upfront in selecting technologies, replacing manual steps (like
data collection) with scripts, and building an end-to-end pipeline.

While Company 2 is slower to initial delivery, the benefits start to

compound quickly. Everything is automatically reproducible, and
data scientists can concentrate on further development rather than

These two stories illustrate why we don’t recommend considering ML
workflow as an afterthought. It is a fallacy to think, “We just aren’t
there yet.” The right time to consider tooling and workflow is when
the first data scientist is hired, not when the first model goes to
production or the prediction serving breaks for the nth time.
Real-World Example - The Story of Two Companies 27

Building up an ML workflow does require a strategic commitment

and investment from the company. Still, we don’t think a management
team can afford not to support data scientists with forethought in the
current landscape. Machine learning expertise is in high demand and
comes with a hefty price tag, and it would be irresponsible to waste
any of it.
28 The MLOps Toolchain

The MLOps Toolchain

In this chapter, we’ll explore what we call the MLOps toolchain. The
purpose is to examine areas of MLOps you are likely to need tooling
for and how you should work with them. There are many ways to
create your own MLOps toolchain, whether you purchase a platform
that covers most, if not all, of your needs, use several more specialized
tools in combination, or build something custom using open-source

While this eBook doesn’t give direct recommendations for tools, we

try to help you to be more informed to make the right choices and,
more importantly, make the most of the tools you select.

Model and Data Exploration

Exploration is the first concrete, hands-on step of any machine learning
project. Thus, it is the most familiar step and one that dominates
education, competitions, and other hobby projects. For many data
scientists, the exploration step is analogous to a machine learning
project. This often leads to confusion when a project advances to
productization and deployment as they require different tools and

Data Exploration
Without data, there can be no model, so data exploration precedes
model exploration quite naturally.

The purpose of data exploration is to understand the data. Computers

naturally hold all data in a tabular format, which is not natural for us.
A raw table of two million rows is not the optimal interface for human
understanding. We are great at reading the world in terms of shapes,
dimensions, and colors instead. To understand the traits of a single
variable or its relationships to other variables, one needs to have tools
to analyze the data visually. Understanding the data also leads to
transforming and processing the data into higher-level features, which
The MLOps Toolchain - Model and Data Exploration 29

become valuable in the model exploration step.

Data exploration has the lowest requirements from a technical and

DevOps point of view. Fast iterations and visual feedback are the
critical components for the data exploration work. Notebooks are a
natural fit due to their ability to combine code, visualization, and fast
iteration cycles like no other tool out there. Many of the notebooks
for this step end up as disposable throwaways. The value is in the
insights and discoveries that they have provided, not preserving
the environment that produced them. Reproducibility, library
dependencies, and version control can bring some value but are often
not a hard requirement.

Model Exploration
Model exploration can overlap with the data exploration, but it can be
thought of as a separate step. During the model exploration step, the
data scientist explores the viability of different models like regression,
decision tree, or random forest to the problem at hand. Choosing the
model often requires the data scientist to try out and look for optimal
parameters (also known as hyperparameters) within the model.
Tools exist to find the optimal models and parameters automatically
(AutoML). Still, they tend not to work well for more complicated
projects and are often not viable at all for the deep learning cases.

Model exploration has higher requirements from the technical and

DevOps point of view than data exploration. Single notebooks are still
often used, but the dependency with 3rd party libraries, experiment
reproducibility, scalable compute infrastructure, and version control
becomes much more valuable. Data exploration can usually be
done on a local laptop; the model exploration step has much higher
computational demands. Testing the viability of a model with a
single set of parameters can sometimes take hours, if not days. An
auto-scalable cloud environment soon becomes a hard requirement
for efficient work. Model exploration costs both time and money,
so version control and reproducibility are paramount for all the
30 The MLOps Toolchain - Model and Data Exploration

Exploration and MLOps

Considering exploration as a separate throwaway step and not a
part of the MLOps pipeline is dangerous. It creates a gap between
your data scientists and engineers. Data scientists will simply explore
and produce huge, messy proof-of-concept notebooks and expect
engineers to do the rest, basically reinventing the wheel. Having a
unified pipeline for data scientists and engineers to move from the
first experiment to the final productized model is essential. A unified
platform for all the project steps creates a common language and
understanding from start to finish.

Key Takeaways
1. Data exploration is a lightweight, offline task for understanding
data using visualization

2. Model exploration has higher requirements for computing power

and version control

3. Disconnecting exploration and MLOps is disconnecting data

scientists and engineers
The MLOps Toolchain - Metrics and Model Optimization 31

Metrics and Model Optimization

In the previous section, we discussed the ability to visualize and
explore data and associated models. Here, we consider how to value
different models and efficiently identify which models are the best
for production. In particular, how should the hyperparameters of the
model be chosen?

Metrics are the quantities which define the success or failure of

a model. How many fraudulent credit card transactions will be
identified before being approved? How many viewers will respond to
a given advertisement? How much will it cost to purchase steel in six

Defining metrics is only half the battle, though. Before putting a

model into production, the data scientist must find a model which
satisfies necessary performance expectations on the key metrics. A
model’s performance is strongly impacted by its hyperparameters
(also called free parameters) such as learning rate, nodes per layer, or
maximum number of estimators.

Optimization Vocabulary
In software engineering (algorithms), optimizing a function means
rewriting it to be faster or smaller, which is an entirely different thing
and sometimes causes confusion.

In data science (mathematical), optimizing a function means changing

the input to minimize (or maximize) the output. A loss function is
the formula for the model’s error, and when someone says they are
optimizing the loss function, they are actually minimizing the model’s

The act of optimizing the loss function is often called training. In

training, you repeatedly feed the model training data, adjusting it in
tiny steps, working toward smaller and smaller error. The error during
training is called training loss.
32 The MLOps Toolchain - Metrics and Model Optimization

Training/Validation/Test Datasets
In a production setting, it is common to divide all the available data
into three different datasets: training, validation and test datasets.


Training dataset Validation dataset Test dataset

60-95% 3-20% 2-20%

These datasets are usually sampled in some stratified sense, to

consistently represent the entire population.

• Training dataset - Between 60-95% of the available data. Used

to compute the training loss for a model – minimizing the training
loss finds the parameters of a model (e.g., random forest splits or
neural network weights).

• Validation dataset - Between 3-20% of the available data.

Used to define validation metrics for a model – optimizing the
validation metrics finds the hyperparameters of a model (e.g.
SGD momentum/dropout, RF minimum split fraction, SVM box

• Test dataset - Between 2-20% of the available data. Used to

compute the validation metrics on a separate dataset. After
model tuning, provides an unbiased estimate of how the validation
metrics will perform in production.

Validation metrics are the key tool in systematically identifying the

best hyperparameter choices. If hyperparameters are tuned by
minimizing the training loss, the model will likely be overfit to the
training data. Models will be better able to generalize to unseen data
when a separate validation set is used to choose the hyperparameters.
The MLOps Toolchain - Metrics and Model Optimization 33

Validation Metrics for Tuning and Production

Validation metrics are so-called because they help validate the
production performance of the model. These metrics should
represent the success of the model while it is being used. They can
mirror those found in an ML classroom, or they can be entirely unique
to a specific business case. Below, we give some examples.

Consider an image classification model for identifying vehicles as

either bicycles, cars, trucks or something else. A simple metric might
be the fraction of correct classifications (i.e. validation accuracy). If
this is meant to be used in a vehicle to guide the driver, an important
metric might be the fraction of misclassifications of bicycles (for rider
safety). If this model is deployed in an automated toll, maybe correct
classification of trucks would be much more important than other
vehicles. If the model is used for opening or closing a security gate,
maybe the inference time of the model would be very important.

Optimizing Metrics and Decision Making

Production ML pipelines require hyperparameter optimization,
sometimes called model tuning, to be conducted efficiently so that
models can be deployed in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, each
choice of hyperparameters requires a new model training, which can
make model tuning very costly. Furthermore, validation metrics almost
always lack gradient information, meaning that the standard tools
used for minimizing the training loss cannot be used for optimizing the
validation metrics.

Bayesian optimization is a popular tool for model tuning: it requires

no gradient information, can optimize noisy metrics and can work
with categorical parameters (such as choosing between Adam,
Adagrad and RMSProp). The core structure involves an iteration
where hyperparameters are suggested, validation metrics are
computed, those values are reported to the optimization loop, and
new hyperparameters are suggested based on these new results (to
continue the iteration).
34 The MLOps Toolchain - Metrics and Model Optimization

In most production settings, multiple metrics define success. In the

computer vision example earlier, the model may need to balance high
accuracy (a larger, more complicated model) with low inference time
(a smaller, simpler model). In financial trading situations, models
may need to balance high return against low risk and high liquidity
(however those may be defined). A fraud detection model may be
interested in maximizing sales (allow more transactions to proceed)
and minimizing loss (decline more transactions).

Multimetric optimization explores the tradeoff between competing

metrics. This allows modelers to understand the balance of the
key metrics and choose hyperparameters which meet their needs.
Additionally, metric thresholds, or metric constraints, can be applied
when certain metrics must meet minimum performance thresholds of
viability – maybe the vision model should maximize accuracy but only
for models with less than 100ms inference time.

After completing a model optimization with one or more metrics,

the test dataset should be used to reevaluate the metrics on any
hyperparameters being considered for production. This will confirm
the generalizability of the model before it is used in the real world.

Key Takeaways
1. Split available data into training, validation and test datasets.

2. Define and study metrics which represent success in production,

not just during training.

3. Identify the best hyperparameters for your metrics with as little

tuning cost as possible.

This chapter was authored by SigOpt. Organizations across a wide range of

industries trust SigOpt to solve their toughest optimization challenges.
The MLOps Toolchain - End-to-End Pipelines 35

Productionalization - End-to-End Pipelines

In a typical setting, the data scientist starts with a laptop, a static
dataset, and a problem to solve.

Is the client going to churn? Is there a nuclear missile silo

in the satellite photo? What word is going to be typed

To solve the problem, the data scientist takes a notebook, starts

to sanitize the dataset, transforms it into features, installs a dozen
libraries, writes code, deletes code, tries different models, changes
hyperparameters, drinks a lot of coffee, and finally comes up with a
giant notebook that finally solves the problem. On their laptop. Today.

Productionalization for ML is taking that problem-solving capability -

only existing in the data scientist’s laptop today - and refining it into an
accessible and scalable system. One that provides value at scale and
can be nurtured to keep updating and improving for years to come.

The Manual Cycle

In the manual workflow, where no real infrastructure exists, the data
scientist hands over the huge notebook to the ML engineer.

Adapted from Google’s article, MLOps: Continuous delivery and automation pipelines in
machine learning

Offline data
ML Ops

Manual experiment steps

Data extraction and Model evaluation Trained

Data preparation Model training Model serving
analysis and validation model Model registery
36 The MLOps Toolchain - End-to-End Pipelines

The engineer manually cleans up the code, and refactors it for

performance and integration with the production environment. The
engineer then figures out the required libraries and environment and
where and how to get the live data, sets up the deployment endpoint,
and finally pushes the model. In this workflow, the model is the

Time goes by, and somebody alerts the team that the model might
be misbehaving. The original problem-solving capability seems to be
declining based on a gut feeling. Nobody knows for sure. The data
scientist manually grabs a new batch of offline data, starts the coffee
machine, and the entire manual cycle is ready to start all over again.

Characteristics of a manual ML pipeline:

• The model is the product
• Manual or script-driven process
• A disconnect between the data scientist and the engineer
• Slow iteration cycle
• No automated testing or performance monitoring
• No version control

The Automated Pipeline

In the automated pipeline workflow, you don’t build and maintain a
model. You build and maintain a pipeline. The pipeline is the product.

An automated pipeline consists of components and a blueprint

for how those are coupled to produce and update the most crucial
component – the model.

In the automated workflow, the data scientist doesn’t aim for a gigantic
notebook on her laptop with offline data. While she may initially start
with a single notebook, she will eventually split the problem-solving
into more manageable components.
The MLOps Toolchain - End-to-End Pipelines 37

Adapted from Google’s article, MLOps: Continuous delivery and automation pipelines in
machine learning

Data analysis Experimentation New code

Code repository

New code updates how

the pipeline works and
triggers it automatically
Feature store Model registery

Automated pipeline

Data extraction Data validation Data preparation Model training Model evaluation Model validation

Model serving
Metadata store

Monitoring can have thresholds

that trigger the training pipeline Model monitoring

Examples of different components:

• Data validation
• Data cleanup
• Training
• Model evaluation
• Model validation
• Re-training trigger

In addition, the pipeline also has static components like:

• Feature store
• Deployment endpoint
• Metadata store
• Source code version control

The system offers the ability to execute, iterate, and monitor a single
component in the context of the entire pipeline with the same ease
and rapid iteration as running a local notebook cell on a laptop. It also
lets you define the required inputs and outputs, library dependencies,
and monitored metrics.

This ability to split the problem solving into reproducible, predefined

and executable components forces the team to adhere to a joined
38 The MLOps Toolchain - End-to-End Pipelines

process. A joined process, in turn, creates a well-defined language

between the data scientists and the engineers and also eventually
leads to an automated setup that is the ML equivalent of continuous
integration (CI) – a product capable of auto-updating itself.

Characteristics of an automated ML pipeline:

• The pipeline is the product
• Fully automated process
• Co-operation between the data scientist and the engineer
• Fast iteration cycle
• Automated testing and performance monitoring
• Version-controlled

Key Takeaways
1. The pipeline is the product, not the model. Do not deploy the
model; deploy the pipeline.

2. To build a pipeline, split the system down into small well-defined


3. Model accuracy will eventually degrade as the world changes.

Prepare for it.
The MLOps Toolchain - Feature Stores 39

Productionalization - Feature Stores

In the previous section, we talked about machine learning pipelines
with a focus on the model. Features are, however, another critical
piece for ML in production and are similarly complex to manage as

When building traditional applications, developers really only need

to get code to production. And we have mature DevOps tooling and
processes to do that quickly and efficiently. Developers can now push
code out to production multiple times a day.

But when it comes to building ML-powered applications, we now

also have to get models and features to production. And that creates
additional headaches. Data scientists are not software engineers.
They build models and features in their individual notebooks. How do
these models and features then make it to production?

For models, there are tools for building machine learning pipelines and
managing the model lifecycle. MLOps platforms allow data scientists
to train models, run experiments, validate models, and finally deploy
them to production.

For features, the tool offering has been much less mature. Getting
features to production is particularly hard because we need to get
feature transformations (or pipelines) to production, and curate
the feature values to serve consistent data for training and online
inference. Data scientists typically pass their feature transformations
to data engineers to re-implement the feature pipelines with
production-hardened code. That’s a complicated process that
typically introduces weeks or months of lead time.
40 The MLOps Toolchain - Feature Stores

Build Run


DevOps Pipeline
Development Production

Train Evaluate Deploy

MLOps Pipeline
Model Training Model Serving

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature Engineering Feature Serving

Tooling for managing features is almost non-existent

The Feature Store

This is where feature stores come in. Feature stores are central hubs
for features. They transform raw data into feature values, store the
values, and serve them for model training and online predictions. By
automating these steps, feature stores allow data scientists to build
and deploy features within hours instead of months. They enable
data scientists to fully control their features from development to
production, bringing DevOps-like tooling to the feature engineering

Feature stores allow data scientists to:

• Build a library of great features collaboratively. Instead of managing

feature transformations in a local notebook, data scientists create
standard feature definitions that are managed in a Git-backed
repository. These feature definitions are then applied to the feature
The MLOps Toolchain - Feature Stores 41

store. This brings consistency to feature definitions, and the ability

to collaborate on new features.

• Deploy features to production instantly. Once feature definitions

are applied to the feature store, it automates the feature
transformations and curates the feature values. Those values can
be used to create training datasets or can be served online for
real-time inference.

• Share, discover, and re-use features. Features and their metadata,

transformation logic, and values, are all managed in a central
feature registry and are searchable. Data scientists can easily
discover existing features and re-use them across models.

Feature Store

Streaming Data Model Training


Batch Data Model Serving

Build Deploy Share

Data Scientists

Feature Store: Interface Between Models and Data

Feature stores were first introduced by the Uber Michelangelo team.

Since then, many companies like Airbnb and Netflix have built their
own internal feature stores to solve this problem. But feature stores
are also complicated to build, and have to a large extent remained
inaccessible to less advanced organizations.

In the past year, however, we’ve seen the introduction of several open
source and commercial feature stores. They integrate with existing
data lakes, data warehouses, event streaming platforms, processing
42 The MLOps Toolchain - Feature Stores

engines, pipeline orchestrators, and ML platforms to augment the

infrastructure with feature management capabilities.

Key takeaways
1. Building features and getting them to production is one of the
hardest parts of productionizing ML.

2. Feature stores allow data scientists to build, deploy, and share

features quickly and easily.

3. Feature stores complement existing ML infrastructure to bring

DevOps-like capabilities to the feature lifecycle.

This chapter was authored by Tecton. They provide an enterprise-ready feature

store to make world-class machine learning accessible to every company.
The MLOps Toolchain - Testing 43

Traditional software is built by writing fixed rules against well-
defined static assumptions of the surrounding world. It is relatively
straightforward to test every single rule (unit test) or group (integration
tests) when everything is defined in advance.

Machine Learning, by definition, is about dynamically finding the

rules, based on constantly changing data, which makes testing much
more difficult. Testing in ML is like trying to hit a moving target. The
system’s behavior depends on the data’s dynamic qualities and the
various model configuration choices.

Testing is tightly linked with exploration as it should inform you what

the criteria are; for example, in regards to statistical distributions.

Data Testing
For an ML project, data is as (if not more) important than the code. Like
the unit tests for your code define and test your assumptions about
the inputs, your data validation tests should do the same for training
and inference input data. You should test for null values, abnormal
statistical distributions within a feature, and the relationships between

For example, if your input is expected to be random English, one way

to test it is to calculate that ‘the’ is the most commonly occurring
word, as that is a known assumption. If some other word appears
more often than ‘the’, it probably means that your data has some
unexpected bias, or perhaps some of it is accidentally in Spanish.
Another example of validating your assumptions could be that you
make sure your input data has an even split between male and female
data if that is a valid assumption for your case.

You also need to test for relationships between features. If two or

more features are highly correlated, it can have a degrading effect
on the model’s performance and accuracy. For example, if your data
44 The MLOps Toolchain - Testing

is about products and has two similar columns for the price: taxes
included, and taxes excluded, it should trigger an alarm.

Model Testing
Once the assumptions about data are tested, we can move on to
test the models and their training. You shouldn’t just blindly deploy a
model that shows promising accuracy for your offline data and hope
for the best.
In the training phase, you can test the impact of each hyperparameter.
Running a grid-search or more advanced search strategy can uncover
reliability issues and also improve predictive performance. Using an
additional test set, disjoined from training and validation sets should
also be used whenever possible.

When deploying the model, test the relationship between your

offline metrics and the actual impact of the model in the real world.
Correlation between your offline accuracy and the real click-through
rate on your website can be measured in a small scale A/B experiment.

Another viable smoke test can be testing your new shiny model against
a simple baseline model. Trickle small amounts of live production data
to be handled by your new model as a canary test before you fully

Infrastructure Testing
Your ML pipeline should be as reproducible as possible from one day
to the next. Perfect determinism is hard, but you should work towards

Test the reproducibility of your training pipeline by training two

or more models side-by-side with the same data and measure any
discrepancies between metrics. Also, test things like the ability to
continue training predictably from a mid-crash checkpoint. Don’t
forget to create integration smoke tests for your entire pipeline, all
the way from first data validation down to model deployment. These
sorts of tests should run continuously and during the deployment of a
The MLOps Toolchain - Testing 45

new model version.

Rolling back to a stable model can also be vital in unexpected

circumstances or when human error occurs. You should continuously
test your rollback infrastructure, as it is your last line of defense when
all other tests have failed you.

Key Takeaways
1. Due to the dynamic nature of ML, testing is even more critical.

2. Testing code is good; testing data is paramount.

3. Reproducibility of the pipeline is the key to safe deployment.

46 The MLOps Toolchain - Deployment and Inference

Deployment and Inference

Deployment is the act of serving an ML model to the rest of the world
via API, application, or otherwise. Inference is what the model does,
once it is deployed. Whether it is making predictions, classifying
input, or clustering data, it is always referred to as inference.

The question one should always ask first is whether you aim for batch
inference or online inference; followed by whether to do classic
centralized cloud inference or distribute the compute requirements to
your customer’s hardware (edge inference).

Batch Inference


Name Location Date Score Name Location Date Score

Prediction pipeline


Trained 95
model 87



Minutes to hours

The batch inference is the process of making inference for a batch

of requests. Instead of providing value instantly in real-time for each
request, batch inference provides answers to a set of questions later.
The batch is often processed after a fixed interval, for example, once a
day. Batch inference, at its core, is close to a classic caching strategy
in software development.

Batch inference suits any scenario where latency is not an issue.

For example, if your model needs to score all the new leads to the
sales team, it probably doesn’t matter if there is a 24-hour latency in
The MLOps Toolchain - Deployment and Inference 47

In the MLOps context, the value of inference in fixed intervals allows

engineers to parallelize more efficiently and use a considerable
amount of computing power more predictably. The infrastructure
exposed to the outside world is much simpler to maintain and monitor,
as there is no need to connect your complex model directly into a
live online API with unpredictable traffic patterns. You also get some
time to act on the problems and fix them before any are shown to the

Online Inference

Prediction service

API call API response


The online inference is the process of making inference in real-time.

Every request is handled by the model right away.

Online inference suits any situation where the value provided by the
model is needed right away. For example, if the model is supposed to
predict the best route for an ambulance to take or the stock market’s
volatility for the next ten minutes, every second counts. The prediction
has no value if it’s late.

In the MLOps context, online inference is much more demanding.

As the requests are handled right away, and the model is directly
connected to live and unpredictable online traffic, things can go
wrong, and they can go wrong fast. Any error or bias in the prediction
48 The MLOps Toolchain - Deployment and Inference

leaks back to the customer right away. The system also needs to be
automatically scalable to accommodate the peaks in traffic. Typically,
scaling is handled by using an auto-scalable cluster like Kubernetes.
Requirements for monitoring are much higher, and reaction time for
any intervention needs to be close to zero.

Edge Inference

On-device prediction

Trained Hello


The classic option for deployment and inference is to use a

centralized system. Typically, you configure a Kubernetes cluster on
one of the cloud providers to handle your model’s requests. Another
modern option is to harness the computing power of your customer’s
hardware. This is called the edge inference.

Instead of having an app consume a central cloud API, you deploy

the model as part of your application directly in the user’s device or
browser. A good example would be the speech-to-text model running
on a mobile phone. Audio isn’t sent back to a server (high bandwidth
and latency requirements), but rather, the model on the phone can
transform the audio as text right away. The transcribed text can be
used for a more straightforward text request (low bandwidth and
latency) back to a server, where another model is explicitly trained to
make sense of the transcribed text input.
The MLOps Toolchain - Deployment and Inference 49

Edge inference has an obvious upside: Perfect scaling comes for

free as the more requests you get, the more edge devices you have
at your disposal. Often, the cloud service doesn’t even need to know
that inference has happened as the model on the edge device can be
fully autonomous in this sense. The downside is that it might become
harder to maintain all the different versions out there. Depending on
your update mechanism, you might need to prepare for a wide variety
of versions of your model running in production simultaneously.

You also need to face the problem of different devices and

environments. A thousand mobile phones equal a thousand slightly
different environments. Depending on how well you encapsulate your
edge inference from the surrounding environment, you might need
to invest in a complex testing infrastructure when dealing with edge

Another potential downside is security. While you are not sending all
your data to external devices, you are sending a model that is trained
with that data. While it is usually very hard to exploit, it is still a
security concern to consider.

Key Takeaways
1. Use batch inference where possible. Online inference should be a
last resort.

2. Use edge inference where possible as it means perfect scaling for


3. Complex setups need robust monitoring.

50 Conclusion

Investing in machine learning will enable you to solve business cases
that were previously impossible to solve, for example, automatically
categorizing images by their contents. Contrary to ML, MLOps doesn’t
come with a promise to solve any business problems directly. Instead,
it comes with the promise to accelerate how your investments in ML
return value.

To make an analogy to a more traditional industry: machine learning

is shipping goods while MLOps is containerization. And much
like containerization of global shipping, MLOps is process and
infrastructure in equal parts. MLOps won’t yield immediate results,
and it’ll likely require commitment from a broad range of stakeholders.
Still, the process will deliver increasing benefits with the scale of your
machine learning efforts.

For some, the MLOps practice is nothing new, especially for data
scientists with a strong software engineering background. In
collaborative efforts, however, it’s often essential to emphasize that
we work by best practices.

The four critical best practices we suggest you adopt are:

• Versioning to ensure reproducibility of models

• Pipelines to build better systems collaboratively
• Testing to set standards for your production models
• Automation to save time and build towards self-healing systems

There are many different choices for MLOps tooling out on the
market and many different strategies to setting up your whole MLOps
toolchain, from building your own to buying a managed end-to-end
platform. In this eBook, we’ve tried to highlight the areas you should
consider and give some key takeaways when deciding what you need.
Conclusion 51

Ultimately, the goal of MLOps is to reduce technical friction to get

the model from an idea into production in the shortest possible time,
and then to market with as little risk as possible, and you should judge
tooling decisions against that goal.
52 About the Authors

About the Authors

Train, Evaluate, Deploy, Repeat. Valohai is the only MLOps platform

that automates everything from data extraction to model deployment.
Valohai is used by everyone from startups to enterprises, including
PARC, LEGO Group, Twitter and JFrog.

For more, visit

SigOpt offers the most complete MLOps platform for experiment

management and model optimization to scale the AI model
development process.

For more, visit

Built by the creators of Uber Michelangelo, Tecton provides the first

enterprise-ready feature store that manages the complete lifecycle of
features — from engineering new features to serving them online for
real-time predictions.

For more, visit

in the

Foreword Table of Contents

The MLOps scene is seeing tremendous growth from Automating custom model training
2 TBD 12
for document processing
all sides. Data scientists and machine learning
engineers are looking for better ways to work. Looking
at Google search volume for MLOps shows a growth Scoring backend for the NeurIPS
3 TBD 13
black-box optimization competition
trend that really kicked off in late 2019 and continues
to accelerate. In November 2020, we released an
Democratizing resources within a
eBook on MLOps and so far we’ve had over 2300 4 TBD 14
large data science team
individuals download it. This enthusiasm exceeded our
expectations and highlights for us the demand for
TBD 5 TBD 15
machine learning operations.

This demand is met, and probably at this point, TBD 6 TBD 16

exceeded by supply for different MLOps solutions. A
community-led effort to collect all the different tools
in the space produced a list of over 330 different TBD 7 TBD 17

MLOps tools. Although these tools address different

problems and use cases, the list is simply staggering.
TBD 8 TBD 18

This brings us to this eBook: MLOps in the Wild. Many

of the data science teams we speak to know they have TBD 9 TBD 19
a need for tooling but pinpointing what they need
exactly is more difficult. The MLOps space is still in its
infancy and how solutions are applied varies case by TBD 10 TBD 20

case. We felt that we could help by providing exam-

ples of how companies are working with tooling to
TBD 11 TBD 21
propel their machine learning capabilities.

We wanted to keep these case studies short, skimma-

This is a preview edition of the MLOps in the Wild and only contains the three first case studies.
ble and inspirational. Think of this as a lookbook for
machine learning systems. You might find something
that clicks and opens up exciting new avenues to
organize your work – or even build entirely new types As a reader of this edition, we would love to hear your feedback:
of products. - What kind of cases would you like to see?
- Do you have a case you would like to contribute? Email us at [email protected]
User connects data
source for training data.
Automating custom Automated
pipeline trains
model training for a classifier
with the data.
document processing

Levity enables companies to

automate workflows specific
to their business, from recog-
nizing objects in microscopic
images to automatically User connects the classifier to
an input and output in the UI.
categorizing incoming docu-
ments for different internal
User Story Challenge Solution

Team Size 3 people In Levity, users are using a series of pre-built The central challenge Levity faced was how to Part of the solution was designing the Levity

Time Spent 4 months integrations to connect their labeled data, train a build a system that delivers an excellent user product to require user input in the right places
new classifier to automate their manual PDF, experience that requires no knowledge of and in the right way. The user can adjust the
Models Trained 1,000
image, or text classification workflows. machine learning or associated terminology. The accepted error rate to clarify that there may be
Predictions Made 1,000,000
data upload needed to be dead simple so the outliers that are not represented in the training
Technologies Python After the user connects the training data, they user could populate a training data set for the data.
specify how they want to receive the output of custom classifier.
their custom classifier, for example directly into a The on-demand model training is at the core of
Google Sheet. The other part of an excellent UX was that the the product, and therefore the MLOps platform
trained, custom model would need to be usable needed to be deeply integrated. The Valohai API
The workflow is then connected to an input for quickly. The whole pipeline from data processing enabled just that allowing Levity to train and
Contact Person
new, unclassified data. From setup to usage, to training and deployment needed to happen deploy models via an API call and even rollback
Levity can train and deploy a custom classifier within a few minutes or less. And of course, this previous versions of the model if needed as all
Thilo Huellmann
within minutes for real world use. has to work consistently for every user. the artifacts produced are stored and versioned.
CTO & Co-Founder
at Levity
Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box

User submits new Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box
optimizer code on
the site. Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box

Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box
Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box
Scoring backend for the
NeurIPS black-box opti-
mization competition

Scoring black-box optimizers

using ML models in real-time
with auto-scaling to handle User receives real-time intermediate
scores during the run and a final score
the peak traffic and huge once completed.
computing requirements of a
popular NeurIPS competition.

User Story Challenge Solution

Team Size 4 people In the NeurIPS 2020 black-box optimization The challenge for the backend was simply the Valohai provided a robust backend where

Time Spent 3.5 months competition, the participants submit an massive amount of computing resources resources could automatically scale alongside
optimizer that needed to be scored immediately. required to score an optimizer. For optimal user the master scoring queue load. More than 300
Models Trained 277,000,000
To accurately score a black-box optimizer, the experience, the scoring needed to happen fast worker machines were crunching the numbers
Technologies Python
backend uses the optimizer to train several ML enough and with real-time intermediate scores. during peak hours – and at quieter moments, not
models for thousands of iterations. a single one.
The resources were absolutely required to be
The participants get intermediate scores while on-demand. The scoring queue load was As a bonus, the Valohai platform provided
the optimizer is being scored to improve the unpredictable, and static idle worker machines intuitive access to inspect the scoring tasks. This
stickiness of the competition. Waiting for a score would have been way too costly. helped a lot in a competition where the partici-
for too long would encourage participants to pants were not allowed to see the errors.
Contact Person
leave the competition prematurely. Organizers could still easily comment on
problems through manual channels as they had
Ryan Turner
access to full history.
Senior Research
Scientist at Twitter
Preligens can utilize
cloud and on-premise
Democratizing resources machines flexibly
depending on which is
within a large data the most economical.

science team 30 data

This can be done
without any extra
DevOps because the
Preligens develops AI platform automatically
handles the machine
solutions to analyze geospa- orchestration.

tial data, such as recognizing

and tracking objects from
satellite imagery. They have
one of the largest R&D teams
in this field in Europe.

User Story Challenge Solution

Team Size 30 people Preligens has a large, growing data science team Preligens needed a flexible infrastructure layer to Preligens adopted Valohai to bring together the

Daily Experiments >10 experiments that works on various models embedded in their facilitate a large team doing daily deep learning whole team under a single tool. Three main
geospatial intelligence product. experiments involving satellite imagery. These features helped solve the team’s challenges.
Avg. Experiment 2 weeks
Runtime experiments may take days to complete, and
When a new data scientist starts at Preligens, therefore data scientists have to use remote Shared experiment tracking allowed data
Technologies Valohai
they want to be effective as soon as possible. hardware, i.e. cloud or on-premise machines scientists to collaborate. Each experiment is
The data scientist is onboarded to the shared with GPUs suited for the job. For this reason, automatically stored and reproducible by
MLOps platform on day 1 to ensure that s(he) has Preligens needed a multi-cloud approach. anyone.
access to past experiments.
Preligens wanted to integrate the MLOps With the platform handling the infrastructure
The newly onboarded data scientist usually platform with their proprietary framework, layer, data scientists could easily access remote
Contact Person
starts with running their first experiment in a which is used to facilitate work and centralize resources without DevOps knowledge.
sandbox project on the platform. The simple data, parameters, and other resources. For this
Renaud Allioux
example teaches how to utilize cloud machines reason, the infrastructure layer needed to be And finally, organization management allowed
Co-Founder & CTO
at Preligens without any help from IT or DevOps. fully controllable through an API. leadership to measure and manage costs.

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