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The Essential Curse of Strahd Companion

The Binding of Vampyr

Free Barovia once and for all in this module
guide for
Curse of Strahd

A module guide from Lunch Break Heroes

Lead Designer: Steve Miller Gold Tier, Cont’d
Writers: Holly Abair, Steve Miller, Sven Truckenbrodt • Josh Brodie • Perry Shelton
Special Thanks • Joshua Audlee • Pierre Charbonneau
• Joshua Stath • RealmSmith
The following community members have made sig- • Jul • Rick Sigler
nificant contributions to this guide, either directly or • Julian Gines • Ryan Katcha
indirectly. • Justin Bastian • Sean Brooks
• Attercops • Justin Scott • shawn kuester
• DragnaCarta • Kyle McGowan • Shen Zhao
• MandyMod • Lucas Hamrock • Spencer Bodine
• Palazard95 • Martin Vanek • Stephen Schuldt
• Ziopliukas • Matt Niiro • Talon ReQuo
• Matthew Engles • Tamir Kushilevitz
Patrons • MattLG Thatgamer- • Tom Anderson
This guide was made possible through the generous guy • Trenton Mynatt
support of the following patrons. • Me-lissa • Will Brensdal
• Meto741 • Xavier Madison
Gold Tier • Nyadnar#17 • Zlatan Pilipovic
• Aaron Dotson • Eric
• aDingoAteMyBaby • Erika Aragona Platinum Tier
• Alex Bishop • Garrett Eidson • Alex Rosalez • Justin Bassett-Green
• Alexander Ehrhardt • Genna Collins • Andy D'Amato • Kevin Brandon
• Alexander Reustle • GHSupermonkey • Brenton Snyder • Lars Millahn
• Andrew Baird • GolfLimaZulu • Charles • Monica Jones
• Brandon • Hilthalion • Cisquatch • morgana the witch
• Bushwood • Isabella Orozco • Corey McKinney • Nick olson
• Cameron Flower • J1 • Dash Panther • Skyout Dova Wan-
• Chantelle c • Jame • Edouard Jallad derer
• Chazzle • Jason Reese • Fantasy Games & • Steve Durr
• Chris Morgan • Jay Woods Comics • Tags
• David Afonso • Jeffrey Sheldon • Greg • Thomas Stanley
• Davis Herbig • Joe Ford • HanzelMan • Thomas van Iersel
• Debby • Jonathan Mercer • Haraka • Tyler
• Dylan • Joseph B Gilliam • Jay Leclerc • Warmaster James
• edward kalinowski • JOSEPH ROSS • John Nathon
• Emily Allen • Joseph Trueblood

Disclaimer: Lunch Break Heroes is not liable for any

loss of limbs, sanity, or soul that may arise as a result
of using this guide to traverse the lands of Barovia.
We are additionally indemnified against the effects
that any player might experience after eating at Mor-
gantha’s diner.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Curse of Strahd, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eber-
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Lunch Break Heroes and/or other authors.
The Binding of Vampyr Beginning the Ritual

trahd von Zarovich is a powerful immortal After Strahd has been defeated, allow the party time
being, but he would be no more than a mortal to gather all of the components necessary for the bind-
man without the help of the dark god Vampyr, ing ritual. These may be found all throughout Barovia,
Lord of Blood. It was his bargain with Vampyr, either through the characters' own ingenuity, or by
deep within the Amber Temple, that granted Strahd drawing on the good will of the people. Acquiring cer-
the eternal youth—and blood lust—of the undying tain components may even require their own quests.
vampire. At the ritual site, characters may prepare the site
In exchange for Vampyr’s blessing, Strahd released as outlined in the ritual text. Once those preparations
the dark god from its prison. Now, as Vampyr’s cham- are complete, and the players are ready to begin,
pion, the soul of every person Strahd kills is con- have them choose one character to begin reading the
demned to the vampire god. Psalms of Terror aloud.
Vampyr will not willingly let go of such a bountiful
source of souls. Should Strahd be felled in combat, Running the Ritual
Vampyr will resurrect the vampire lord in a matter of
In order to imprison Vampyr, the characters must read
days or weeks. Barovia will only be truly free of dark-
through all stanzas of the Psalms of Terror, and defeat
ness when the dark god has been bound inside of an
the Aspect of Vampyr (see Appendix D) that is sum-
amber sarcophagus once again.
moned at the end.
Note that this is an optional encounter. Should you
Give a copy of the Psalms of Terror to each one of
wish to offer them the opportunity, characters may
your players. For the purpose of the ritual, assume
freely leave Barovia after they defeat Strahd.
that all characters have either memorized or copied
down the text of the ritual. Reading a stanza from the
Video Companion ritual takes a bonus action, and may be done by any
Watch the companion video for this chapter on YouTube. character. Only one stanza may be read per round.
To begin the ritual, have one character read the
"Character Read Aloud" entry of the Psalm of Bone.
The Binding Ritual Then you, the Dungeon Master, read aloud your text
for that psalm and resolve the mechanical effects
After defeating Strahd, the party learns that it is only a associated with it. When finished, move on to the next
temporary victory. They can learn this from their own psalm and repeat this process.
investigations of the Amber Temple, or be informed of At the end of the Psalm of Darkness, roll initiative
this by someone like Rudolph van Richten, Exethanter, and implement Vampyr's Essence (see Appendix
or the Abbot. D), a complex trap. The active elements of this trap
To prevent Strahd’s resurrection, they must defeat will trigger on the defined initiative counts, and the
his patron, Vampyr. Killing the dark god is a feat dynamic elements of the trap will trigger in response
beyond the capabilities of the characters—putting to character actions. The goal of Vampyr's Essence
Vampyr back into its amber prison is the best they can is to stop the ritual, either by snuffing out the ritual
do. To accomplish this, they need to summon and bind lanterns, or by preventing the characters from reciting
the dark god, much as the Amber Enclave did two the ritual's text. Barring that, its summoned minions
thousand years ago. will attempt to kill the characters by any means possi-
The ritual to imprison Vampyr can be found in the ble.
Amber Temple, and can be performed at any one of If a full round passes without the proper psalm or
the megalith sites throughout Barovia. The full details stanza being recited, the ritual fails.
of the ritual may be found in Appendix D. After the final stanza of the Psalm of Amber is read,
The characters have time to make any preparations Vampyr engages in one last-ditch effort to remain free.
they wish to make, and you should encourage them to It summons the Aspect of Vampyr in an attempt to
do so. Do not give them any information on the abili- kill the characters. Should the characters defeat the
ties of Vampyr beyond what is contained in the ritual aspect, the ritual is complete and Vampyr is locked
text. They should expect to be confronted with terror, away once more!
darkness and blood, but they should go in without any
knowledge of the minutia. This ritual has not been
attempted for generations, so there is no one yet living
with any knowledge of the ritual's details.

Binding of Vampyr | 3
Ritual Lanterns If any of the following events occur during the ritual,
the ritual fails and Vampyr is let loose.
Light is the bane of a dark god such as Vampyr. As
part of the ritual, blessed lanterns are placed around • A full round passes without any character recit-
the summoning circle. During the ritual, Vampyr's ing the appropriate psalm of the ritual.
Essence will attempt to snuff out the light of these • All ritual lanterns have been extinguished.
lanterns. If all of them go out, the ritual fails! • All party members have been reduced to zero hit
Relighting one of the ritual lanterns requires a bo- points.
nus action and a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Survival),
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Intelligence (Religion) Should the ritual fail, read the following boxed text:
check, as the mists will attempt to smother any flame
about to be lit and dampen the spirits or drag at the
fingers of those who are attempting the task. As the last of you succumbs to the darkness, a shad-
ow is drawn across your bodies and souls. The last thing
Victory and Failure Conditions you see before the mists claim you is a face, laughing in
the darkness, its snicker mounting to a bellow that rings
Successfully completing the ritual will bind Vampyr in your ears like a bell of doom—and the darkness that
into a block of amber. At that point, Barovia is freed of claims you is no relief at all.
the dark god's influence and Strahd will never trouble
the land again.
The ritual to bind Vampyr is successful if all of the Relics of Barovia
following conditions are met: Two magical relics that have already aided the char-
acters in defeating Strahd might save their lives once
• All stanzas of the Psalms of Terror have been more.
• At least one ritual lantern remains lit at all times. Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
• The Aspect of Vampyr is defeated.
The Sunlight property of this relic can be used to
In the event that Vampyr is successfully bound in am- break through Vampyr’s mist in the ritual site, though
ber, read the following boxed text: it sheds only dim light in a 30 foot radius. Everyone
within the light shed by the holy symbol has advantage
on saving throws against Vampyr's abilities.
As the Aspect of Vampyr is slain, reality itself seems to
tremble for an infinite moment. Vampyr emits a shriek
of rage and despair that goes through your bones. The
mists around you seem to be drawn together, coalescing Within Vampyr's mist, the Sunsword's light spreads
on the block of amber at the center of the ritual until the to a 15 foot radius. Everyone within the light shed by
shriek suddenly cuts off. The chaotic scene of the ritual
the sunsword has advantage on saving throws against
lies before you, the block of amber turned pitch black.
Vampyr's abilities.
Despite the scene about you, a new light seems to shine
over Barovia as if a veil has been finally lifted.

4 | Binding of Vampyr
Appendix C: Monsters
Shadow Nature. The shadow can occupy another crea-
Dread Shadow ture’s space and vice versa. In addition, if air can pass
Medium undead, neutral evil through a space, the aspect can pass through it without
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 30 (4d8+12) Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The shadow takes 10 radiant
Speed 0 ft, fly 30 ft (hover) damage whenever it starts its turn in sunlight. While in
sunlight, the shadow has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.
5 (-2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 9 (+0) Actions
Choking Shadow. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Saving Throws Wisdom +2, Charisma +1
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) necrotic damage. The
Damage Resistances acid, cold, lightning, necrotic,
target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-
become grappled by the shadow. While grappled in this
magical attacks
way, the target immediately begins to suffocate as the
Damage Immunities poison
shadow chokes it. The shadow cannot attack while it is
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
grappling another creature.
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 Mounting Despair. The shadow targets one creature that
Languages — it shares a space with. The target must succeed on a DC
Challenge 3 (700 XP) 13 Dexterity saving throw or the shadow mounts it and
perches on its shoulders. While the target is mounted by
Shadow Senses. The shadow can see through any kind the shadow, it is paralyzed. It can repeat the saving throw
of darkness, natural or magical, completely unhindered. at the end of each of its turns.
Likewise, its gaze penetrates mists, dust, and similar
phenomena that would normally reduce vision, natural
or magical, completely uninhibited. While in dim light
or darkness, the shadow has advantage on all Wisdom
(Perception) checks.

Appendix C, Monsters | 5
Appendix D: Vampyr, Lord of Blood
Aspect of Vampyr Actions
Large undead, neutral evil Multiattack. The aspect attacks twice with its Shadow
Hand. If Blood Vapor is available, it replaces one Shadow
Armor Class 16 Hand attack.
Hit Points 230 (20d10 + 120)
Speed 30 ft Shadow Hand. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (5d8 + 6) necrotic damage. The
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) be pulled by the shadow hand by up to 10 feet towards
the aspect.
Saving Throws Charisma +9
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; Blood Vapor (Recharge 5-6). The aspect targets a crea-
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical ture it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must suc-
attacks ceed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be drained
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison of blood through its eyes and nostrils. On a failed save,
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grap- the target takes 33 (6d10) necrotic damage and has its
pled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, Constitution score reduced by 2 (1d4). On a successful
stunned, unconscious save, the target takes only half as much damage and does
Senses darkvision 240 ft., passive Perception 10 not have its Constitution score reduced. The aspect heals
Languages all for the amount of damage taken by the target. If a tar-
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) get’s Constitution score falls to 0, it dies. A target regains
2 (1d4) of its lost Constitution at the end of a long rest
Shadow Senses. The aspect can see through any kind until it reaches its original Constitution score.
of darkness, natural or magical, completely unhindered.
Likewise, its gaze penetrates mists, dust, and similar Legendary Actions
phenomena that would normally reduce vision, natural
or magical, completely uninhibited. While in dim light The aspect can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
or darkness, the aspect has advantage on all Wisdom the options below. Only one legendary action option can
(Perception) checks. be used at a time and only at the end of another crea-
ture’s turn. The aspect regains spent legendary actions at
Shadow Nature. The aspect can occupy another crea- the start of its turn.
ture’s space and vice versa. In addition, if air can pass
through a space, the aspect can pass through it without Move. The aspect can move up to its movement speed
squeezing. without provoking opportunity attacks.

Drenched in Despair. Any creature that starts its turn in Deathly Stare. The aspect turns its burning gaze onto a
the same space as the aspect must succeed on a DC 19 target it can see. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom
Wisdom saving throw or become stunned until the start saving throw or be frightened until the end of its next
of its next turn. If a creature stunned in this way starts turn.
its turn in the same space, it takes 14 (4d6) necrotic
damage and the aspect regains the same amount of hit Misty Movement (2 actions). The aspect can teleport
points. anywhere in the mists that it can see.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the aspect fails a sav-

ing throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

6 | Appendix D: Vampyr, Lord of Blood

Vampyr’s Binding Ritual
Casting Time: 5 minutes
Range: 50 feet
V: The stanzas associated with the ritual
M: Enough salt to create the circle, six blessed lanterns, blood of an evil man who still lives, at least one cubic
foot of amber.

Vampyr, Lord of Blood, may be drawn out of the void and imprisoned in a solid block of amber on the material
plane. Doing so is no small feat, and is extremely dangerous to mind, body, and soul.
Using salt, mark out a 50 foot wide circle. Place the lanterns at equal distances around the circle, and place
the block of amber its center. Pour the blood over the amber. When you are ready to summon the lord of blood,
move outside of the circle and begin reading the Psalms of Terror. Progress all the way through and do not stop,
lest you forfeit your soul.
If properly laid, the salt will confine Vampyr to the immediate area. You are not safe from harm, however.
Vampyr will use every bit of his influence on the world to stop your actions and kill you. Be on your guard, and
stay in the light.
At the end of the ritual, Vampyr's essence will be locked away in the amber block, which may be stored safely

Appendix D: Vampyr, Lord of Blood | 7

Psalms of Terror
Psalm : Stanza Character Read Aloud Dungeon Master Read Aloud Mechanical Effect
You must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
You feel a ponderous weight press
The great evil, for its bread, saving throw or suffer one level of exhaus-
Bone upon you, as if the world itself were
mills our bones. tion and have your speed reduced by 5
crushing you into dust.
feet until the end of the ritual.
You must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma
Against your will, tears pour from
Lo, the blood of the martyrs saving throw or lose 1 hit point at the end
Blood your eyes. Wiping them away, you
runs in hot rivers. of each of your turns until the ritual is
find your hand covered in blood.
The mists of Barovia press upon
The mists become Vampyr's Essence and
you, filling the ritual site and ob-
Shrouded, a sanguine evil lies heavily obscure the entire ritual area.
Darkness scuring your vision. They carry with
in wait. Light sources can provide dim light within
them a malevolence that you have
the mists. Roll initiative.
never felt before.
You must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom
Misty shapes swirl within the sum-
saving throw or become frightened of
moning circle; echoes of horrors
the mists until the ritual is completed.
Our endings are nigh, and fear that existed before there was lan-
Fear You must use your action and movement
covers all. guage to name them. Shadows of
to get to the light of a ritual lantern. You
your nightmares manifest, and your
can repeat this saving throw at the end of
soul is filled with an animal's terror.
each of your turns.
Whenever a character reads a stanza or
casts a spell with a vocal component, the
The very air itself rumbles with the
bloody mist attempts to choke them. They
Hear our blooded words and fury of a god, and the gray mists be-
Amber : 1 must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving
heed our call. come crimson. The air thickens with
throw or they fail to read the stanza or
the life blood of the damned.
cast the spell, and are silenced until the
start of their next turn.
Like jagged fingers, the mists co- The ritual lights are encased in a 10 ft.
Let our fear be a guiding light alesce and creep around each ritual radius orb of thick mist. Creatures may
Amber : 2 to protect us from your dark- lantern, blocking their light from pass the orb freely, but light cannot. This
ness. view and plunging the ritual site prevents characters from seeing which
into darkness. lanterns are lit, and which are snuffed out.
The mists swirl to and fro before Whenever a character moves, they must
We shall follow our path,
your eyes in disorienting patterns. succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw
Amber : 3 narrow and true, through the
They seem to invade your mind, or move half their movement speed in a
valley of your malevolence!
and attempt to pull you off course. random direction as determined by a d8.
Neither darkness, nor blood, The mists thicken and swirl faster
The entire ritual area becomes difficult
Amber : 4 nor blight of death shall hold on the ground. Tendrils flare wildly
us in our stead. as if grasping at your legs and feet.
The world shudders, and you feel
a thousand needles pierce your
skin. Rivulets of your blood float
through the air from your wounds Every living creature in the ritual area
and through the air. They coalesce takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage as their
Lord of Blood, we bind thee.
and begins to take shape. Vampyr blood is forcibly drained through their
Amber : 5 Thus may your name be forgot-
engages in its final, last ditch effort skin. No saving throw is made. Their blood
ten forevermore!
to remain free, as its aspect takes coalesces together with the mists, and the
shape. Two glowing red eyes flare in Aspect of Vampyr materializes.
the darkness before you, and a set
of razor claws unfurl. The Aspect of
Vampyr is manifest!

8 | Appendix D: Vampyr, Lord of Blood

Vampyr’s Essence Constant Elements
Complex trap (level 11-17, deadly threat) The very presence of Vampyr is draining and cor-
rupting to living flesh. Those who are exposed to its
Vampyr will do anything in its power to avoid being essence are subject to the following effects.
imprisoned once again. To that end, the very essence
of Vampyr pervades the ritual area, turning the mists Bastion of Evil. Every round, on initiative count 20,
of Barovia into an extension of the dark god. Vampyr Vampyr summons 1d4-1 vampire spawn to attack the
can sense any creature within the mists that has a characters. This effect lasts until the final Psalm of
physical form, regardless of whether they are invisible Amber. The vampire spawn act on their own initiative,
or not. losing all ties.

Trigger. This eldritch terror is summoned forth when Vampyr Hungers. Any creature that enters the sum-
the ritual reaches the end of the Psalm of Darkness. moning circle suffers Vampyr’s hunger. The creature
must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw
Initiative. Vampyr’s Essence acts on initiative counts or take 14 (4d6) necrotic damage when it first enters
20 and 10 (winning all initiative ties). the summoning circle on its turn or starts its turn
there. It takes half as much damage if it succeeds on
Active Elements the saving throw.
Vampyr’s essence can strike terror into the hearts of Countermeasures
those who dared summon it or call forth abominations
to hunt them down. Vampyr’s essence cannot be directly attacked or
stopped from acting, but its actions can be countered.
Dread Hand. The mists coalesce and grasp at a crea-
ture, attempting to pull it away from light or allies. The Relics of Barovia. The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and
target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving The Sunsword can also aid them against Vampyr. See
throw or become stunned until the end of its next the box Relics of Barovia for more information.
turn. It also takes 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, or half as
much on a successful save. If it fails the saving throw, Ritual Lights. Reigniting the light sources on the
it is also knocked prone and dragged up to 30 feet in ritual’s 50-foot perimeter that Vampyr puts out is the
any direction across the ground. primary countermeasure to keep the ritual going.

Smothering Darkness. All sources of light, save for Dispersing the Mists. The mists can be dispersed by
the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and the Sunsword, are strong winds as produced by magic, such as the gust
extinguished by in a 10-foot radius around a point of of wind spell. This momentarily removes all effects
Vampyr’s choosing within the mists. Any creature that associated with the mists from the area in which the
was in light, but is no longer because of this ability, mists have been removed, such as dimming lights,
must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or obscured sight, the darkness descending from stanza
become mute and frightened until the end of its next 5:3 onward, and the difficult terrain from stanza 5:5
turn. The creature must use its movement and action onward. However, the mists reclaim any cleared area,
to approach a source of light. a total of 12 5-foot squares at the end of each round.

Dread Lord. A dread shadow (see Appendix C)

manifests anywhere within the mists and attacks the
characters. It acts on the same initiative count it was
created. It is immune to abilities that turn undead,
save for those from the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind.

Dynamic Elements
With each stanza of the Amber Psalm that is read,
Vampyr’s fury grows. It retaliates with a fresh manifes-
tation of its vile essence. The descriptions and me-
chanical effects are detailed in the Psalms of Terror
table, found in Appendix D.

Appendix D: Vampyr, Lord of Blood | 9

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