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[kuh n-vur-juh ns]

the degree or point at which
epigenetics, infections, toxins and
nutritional deficiencies, converge.

[muhl-tuh-fair-ee-uh s]
having many different parts,
elements, forms, etc.
numerous and varied;
greatly diverse or manifold
Those who do not think outside
the box are easily contained
~ Nicolas Manetta

I was a Graphic Designer in my previous life and am a very
visual person. I tend to learn better through audio-visual means
and would like to thank the many Doctors and researchers
who have posted educational videos on the Internet. Alot of
the information in this book was first presented by this diverse
group of professionals. Look them up on YouTube and listen to
what they have to say.
In no particular order; Dr. Alan MacDonald, Dr. Lonnie Herman,
Dr. Joe Espisito, Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Hal
Huggins, Mike Adams, Dr. Randall Tent, Dr. David Steenblock,
Dr. Peter Glidden, Dr. Rebecca Carly, Dr. Robert Rowan,
Dr. Robert Redfern, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Steve
Shackel, Dr. John Bergman, Tony Pantalleresco, Dr. Suzanne
Humphries, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Mary Tocco, Eric Edney,
Dr. Johan Bozwinkel, Dr. Duane Graveline, Gary Null, Dr. Boyd
Haley, Dr Blanche Grube, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Dr Thomas
Levy, Dr. Judy Mikovits and others too numerous to remember
and acknowledge here.
This document is not a scientific paper as I am not a Doctor or
Researcher. I have persued alot of information over the Internet
and have been able to stabilize my condition by taking the
steps necessary to give my body the opportunity to heal itself
by removing the barriers to health; the toxins, virus’s, parasites
and infections that brought me down to this terrible state of
disease. I have not included any scientific references, other
than the quote references I have used throughout the text. If
you are reading this document in PDF format, the PDF itself is
interactive. This means that when I quote an outside source,
you can click on the reference and the link will take you to the
original source on the Internet. For example, if you click on any
one of the names listed in the paragraph above, the link will
take you to the corresponding YouTube video/lecture. I have
endeavored to include as many links as possible but in some
cases they may no longer exist because of the fluid nature of
the Internet.

I have endeavored to highlight the most salient information that
I have discovered and to provide a summary of the things I have
learned. This is more of a layman’s down and dirty guide that
tries to speak in non-scientific terms to address a wide range of
topics that contribute to the autoimmune diseases with a focus
on ALS.
I wrote this document more as a diary of my experience which is
why it may seem a little disjointed. I would include the research
that I discovered as my clinical experience pointed me in many
different directions. The treatment and the discoveries made
by my Naturopathic Doctor would invariably lead to further
research and not the other way around. My doctor would rely
on what my body was telling him in order to determine the best
course of treatment and this would provide the incentive for
further research. This research and the writing of this document
have been vital for my positive mental attitude and has kept me
focused on finding a resolution to my physical decline. I have
always maintained the hope that I could eliminate the burdens
to my body and eventually allow it to heal itself.
I trust you will also find hope among these pages or at least the
inspiration to do your own research and seek alternative ways
to improve and stabilize your own condition.
Also, I would like to say a special thank you to my Naturopathic
miracle worker. Your dedication, expertise and compassion will
never be forgotten but it is your tenacity, resourcefulness and
commitment to helping me that has been truly outstanding. You
have become a great friend and I appreciate everything you
have done for me. Until you can expand your expertise beyond
your own limitations I will not mention you by name because
you are too busy as it is. The fact that you perform miracles
every day for the people that seek your help is a testament to
your brilliance.
Oh, and feel free to call me a heretic for daring to question
the 'conventional wisdom' (indoctrination). When I was told to
'question authority', I took it seriously.

Introduction 8

The Lost History of Medicine 16

Conspiracy Theories 26

Early Research: Mind over matter 38

Digging Deeper 46

Things to Eliminate 55

Diet 90

Infections 101

Diagnostic Homeopathy 120

Treatment Log 128

Summary 170

Appendix I - Clinical Summary 178

Appendix II - Research Additions 179
Appendix III - Factor Chart 185

When health is absent, wisdom
cannot reveal itself, art cannot
manifest, strength cannot fight,
wealth becomes useless, and
intelligence cannot be applied
~ Herophiluse

If you are reading this book you either have ALS or know
someone who has ALS but I would like to suggest that most of
what is discussed in the coming pages also applies to all 'auto-
immune' disease, including MS, Lupus, Chrohn’s disease,
Diabetes and the big C (Cancer). These 'diseases' are quite
similar and are the result of related epigenetic circumstances.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – also referred to as
motor neuron disease (MND) in most Commonwealth
countries, and as Lou Gehrig’s disease in the United States
– is a debilitating disease with varied etiology characterized
by rapidly progressive weakness, muscle atrophy and
fasciculations, muscle spasticity, difficulty speaking
(dysarthria), difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), and difficulty
breathing (dyspnea). ALS is the most common of the five
motor neuron diseases.
The disorder causes muscle weakness and atrophy
throughout the body due to the degeneration of the
upper and lower motor neurons. Unable to function, the
muscles weaken and exhibit atrophy. Individuals affected
by the disorder may ultimately lose the ability to initiate
and control all voluntary movement, although bladder and
bowel sphincters and the muscles responsible for eye
movement are usually, but not always, spared until the
terminal stages of the disease.

My Story
I was amazed, and dismayed, to discover how much my case
matched the symptoms and underlying pathology of ALS as
described in a wide range of publications and research. I will be
using my experience as it relates to the ALS research and by

way of example, I hope to provide you with insights into your
own experience as well as provide you with some basic tools to
wage war against this terrible disease.
And make no are at war and the fight will require
a great deal of sacrifice on your part.
I was diagnosed with ALS in April 2013 with rare 'respiratory
onset' where the intercostal muscles that support breathing are
affected first. I first noticed symptoms while on a trip to Cuba
in February of 2012 when I went scuba diving in the Bay of
Pigs. I had trouble breathing underwater because of the water
pressure against my chest and used alot of air on both my dives
and actually ran out just as I surfaced on my second dive. I am
normally a very calm diver and had never had any trouble like
this in the past. I did not think too much about it at the time but
it became obvious to me later that this was the first onset of
I am an avid hiker and at the time enjoyed walking, hiking on the
weekends and playing Basketball twice a week. By June I could
no longer get up and down the court without having difficulty
breathing...I just didn’t understand it. I did not think it could be
my fitness level so I mentioned my troubles to my family Doctor.
I continued walking 3-4 times a week but by Christmas I could
no longer breath well enough to walk to the corner. I was forced
to give up walking and by January I had begun to have trouble
sleeping. By this point my Doctor finally ordered a number of
tests including a stress test, blood tests and x-rays. When these
came back negative I was finally referred to a Respirologist. This
Doctor ordered more testing, including an MRI and Spirometry
test, which also found nothing significant. I was then referred to
a Neurologist.
Why a Neurologist? I asked and looked up my symptoms on the
Internet. I found a page on the website that matched
my symptoms exactly. When I finally met with the Neurologist
two weeks later, in April 2013, I already knew what she would
say and, of course, my darkest fears were confirmed.

My sleep patterns and breathing were so bad at this point that
the Neurologist thought I might have only three weeks to live
unless I was able to get the medical equipment, a BiPAP (Bi-
Level Positive Air Pressure) device that I needed to help me
sleep at night. Having this device would also help to restore
the poor oxygen levels in my blood. The Neurologist and
Respirologist were both under the mistaken impression that
the only way for me to get the device that I needed was to be
registered with the ALS clinic at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto
where only they had the authority to order me a BiPAP.
Wrong! My wife advocated for me and was able to secure a
BiPAP device within a week. It was clearly an emergency
situation and both Doctors, Respirologist and Neurologist
were amazed and encouraged by her success. I, of course, am
eternally grateful as having this device likely saved my life. It
was a miracle, and with better overall improvement with sleep I
felt much better during the day.
Lesson number one: You must advocate for your own health.
No one is going to do it for you. Our health care system is
overstressed and the Doctors and Nurses are so busy they do
not have the time to provide patients with the kind of attention
and care you may be expecting from Allopathic medicine.

Allopathic medicine is an expression commonly used

by homeopaths and proponents of other forms of
alternative medicine to refer to mainstream medical use of
pharmacologically active agents or physical interventions
to treat or suppress symptoms or pathophysiologic
processes of diseases or conditions. ~Wikipedia

In May, I was registered with the experts at Sunnybrook. I was

retested and my diagnosis was confirmed. They did some
blood tests in order to rule out any disorders that mimic ALS
but they were 99% sure that I did indeed have ALS.
My prognosis was not good. The loss of the ability to breath is
usually the last symptom before death and for me, it was the
first. I was told point blank, that there was nothing they could
do for me, except make me as comfortable as possible through
the process to my inevitable death. There is no treatment and
there is no cure. Just sit back and watch your body fall apart
while your mind remains focused and alert...sounded like hell
on earth to me.
First up was getting my affairs in order. I did my estate will
and a living will. Its not a pleasant thing to contemplate but
I recommend just getting it done as soon as possible. That
way you can put it behind you and move on to more important
things. You don’t want these arrangements to prey on your
mind for too long; I moved quickly to the bucket list.
I had planned an extensive trip to North America’s National
Parks for my retirement. I planned on driving the open road to
the sights I had dreamed of seeing for much of my life.
Lesson Number Two: Don’t wait if there are places you want
to see or countries you want to travel to. You never know what
life will bring and you may not be so physically capable when
you are older. Do it now! While you can. You will never regret it.
I spent two weeks in July traveling with my older brother
through western Canada and the North western United States.
It was the best experience I had had in years but by the time I
returned my breathing continued to deteriorate.
By August, I was panting while just sitting still, sleeping 11
hours every night and taking a nap in the afternoons. Things
were not looking good.
I returned to Sunnybrook. My family drove me to my
appointment and dropped me off at the door. I shuffled in, out
of breath and met with the Doctor. My blood tests were negative
for other conditions and my diagnosis, ALS, was reconfirmed.
The problem was, the MDs had little or nothing to offer me in
terms of a remedy, a cure or anything that help me to improve
my condition. They were simply available to assess the level of
my decline, offer minimal assistance and advise me to get my
affairs in order.

It pissed me off. I’d gotten through the depression, anger
and confusion. I went on a trip that was so good for my soul
that I decided then and there that I had too much to live for. I
wanted to continue to travel. I wanted to watch my children
grow up and graduate from University. I wanted to meet my
Grandchildren. Is that too much to ask? I just couldn’t accept
that there was nothing that I could do to stop this insidious
disease from taking my life.
So I began to push back. I went home and began to study and
what follows is the story of that journey.
Again, I am not a Doctor, Nurse or healthcare professional in
any shape or form. I am just a guy who learned some stuff. I
make no claims or promises but I know what worked for me
so all I can do is point you in the right direction. I implemented
these strategies that were of great benefit to me so I wrote this
book in order to share them with others.

ALS is an Autoimmune disease

Autoimmune diseases arise from an abnormal immune
response of the body against substances and tissues
normally present in the body (autoimmunity). This may be
restricted to certain organs or involve a particular tissue
in different places. The treatment of autoimmune diseases
is typically with immunosuppression—medication that
decreases the immune response.

Early on in my research I quickly discovered that I completely

disagreed with the above stated Wikipedia definition of
autoimmune disease. I tend to agree with the idea put forth
by former World Health Organization (WHO) Chairman, Dr. A.V.
Costantini who said:

The concept of 'Auto- Immune' Disease contains a fatal
flaw, because no successful species can develop a system
of defense which attacks itself. Measuring antibodies in
the blood stream which imply an autoimmune condition
are actually antibodies against ubiquitin, a substance that
is present in fungi.
~Dr. A.V. Constantini

I also disagree slightly with Dr. Costantini and would have

preferred the last sentence to read as follows:
Measuring antibodies in the blood stream which imply an
autoimmune condition are actually antibodies against a mold,
fungus, parasite, toxin or other foreign substance.
Dr. Costantini may be exactly right on his assertion, but in my
experience and based on another article that I will discuss later,
I feel that his assertion is too limited in its scope.
Your body has not turned against you. Your immune system
is confused and overwhelmed by multiple pathogens. It is
attacking a foreign agent that has the same DNA structures as
the cells in your body and is unable to differentiate between
the two.
If you do have ALS, you are in deep trouble and, like me, your
back is against the wall. Allopathic medicine had nothing to
offer me so I had no choice but to seek 'alternative' medicine
and ways of approaching my condition. It did not hurt me one
bit to keep an open mind about anything and everything I read,
saw and studied. I found so many avenues and possibilities for
healing that it became overwhelming; you can have information
overload and become unsure of what you should try or what
approach you should take. Some therapies may be helpful,
others may not. How can you be sure of which approach will be
effective for you?
For me, being a 'thrifty' (cheap) person by nature, I was not
interested in therapies that might cost thousands of dollars

and yield mediocre results. I was more interested in ways that
I could help myself; to use the resources already available to
me, like private insurance or insurance through the workplace
that would help pay for alternative therapies. Options like
Naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, other words,
anything outside the main stream of current medical insurance,
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).
As you may already be aware, there is a basic difference
between what we are offered through main stream medicine
and other, alternative ideas on health care. There is a raging
debate, coming mostly from the Allopathic camp, as they
tend to attack the natural approach to healthcare because it
threatens their profitability.

Drug companies are not here
to bring us health but to scam
us for vast amounts of money
by treating symptoms and not
addressing the cause
~ Sir William Osler, MD,
(1849 - 1919)

The Lost History of Medicine

Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they

know little to cure diseases of which they know less, in
human beings of whom they know nothing.
~Voltaire, 1692-1788

It is worth discussing an article that I found on the Internet called

the Lost History of Medicine courtesy of Minnesota Wellness
Publications, Inc. and found at The article
discusses germ theory as follows:

The germ theory of disease states that some diseases are

caused by microorganisms. These small organisms, too
small to see without magnification, invade humans, animals,
and other living hosts. Their growth and reproduction within
their hosts can cause a disease. 'Germ' may refer to a
virus, bacterium, protist, fungus, or prion. Microorganisms
that cause disease are called pathogens, and the diseases
they cause are called infectious diseases. Even when a
pathogen is the principal cause of a disease, environmental
and hereditary factors often influence the severity of the
disease, and whether a particular host individual becomes
infected when exposed to the pathogen. ~Wikipedia

Louis Pasteur is largely credited with postulating this theory of

disease (as well as inventing the process of pasteurization). His
experiments that 'proved' this theory have made him historically
significant in the history of Allopathic medicine.
It is said that on his death bed he recanted his belief in germ theory.
• 'Bernard is correct. The bacteria are nothing. The soil is
everything' or stated differently 'It’s the terrain, not the germ.'

There is alot of argument whether he actually said this. The two
camps are in opposition over this point but, for me, it doesn’t
matter. It simply illustrates the fundamental difference between
Allopathic and Naturopathic medicine.
Allopathic medicine only knows how to treat symptoms by
throwing expensive and destructive pharmaceuticals at the
problem. Think about it, if you happen to get cancer, all they
know how to do is poison you with chemicals (chemotherapy),
irradiate you, or cut into your body to remove the affected
area. We all know that these treatments not only affect the
bad cells but the good ones as well; leading to a weakened
immune system and a sick and tired patient. They never seem
to address what caused the cancer in the first place.

Cut, Poison, Burn

When it comes to something simple like the common cold, you

can never find something that will cure the cold, only remedies
that will mask the symptoms like a daytime Cold and Flu that
simply helps you get through your work day...the symptoms
return once the effects of the remedy have worn off.
Have a headache? Take an aspirin. Have high cholesterol? Take
a statin. Have high blood pressure? Take a anti-hypertensive.
The longer they can keep you on these medications to treat the
symptoms without curing the underlying cause of the symptoms
maximizes the profits of the pharmaceutical companies.
The curriculum at medical school is dictated by the
pharmaceutical industry and students spend very little time
studying nutrition. Overall, medical students receive 19.6
contact hours of nutrition instruction during their medical school
careers. That’s less than 20 hours in four years. Does what we
put in mouths have so little affect our overall health? That’s like
saying the sun has no affect on ‘Climate change’. It completely
discounts the old adage ‘you are what you eat’. Well, you ARE
what you eat, but more importantly you are what you absorb.

Sherri Tenpenny in an article titled ‘A Heretic’s View of Influenza’s
Role in Health and Disease’ says it best:

One of the chasms between conventional medical doctors

and those who embrace alternative practices is the view of
how the Germ Theory of Disease (credited to Louis Pasteur)
impacts health. Many assume a discussion about the
Germ Theory is a moot point. Questioning its validity elicits
divisiveness and hostility among medical practitioners and
laypersons alike. Why? Because challenging Pasteur’s
mechanistic idea of disease—finding the right cure (drug)
for each germ—was the seed of the pharmaceutical empire.
~ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

From the summary of the Lost History of Medicine:

Our medical and scientific communities have sold out to

the profiteers and have erased one huge chunk of science
(scientific fact) from our history. You stay sick; they stay rich.

That is why, when I went to the ALS clinic, they have nothing to
say to me, nothing to offer in terms of a cure. All they could offer
was assistance with medical equipment and emotional support
as my body wasted away until I could no longer physically take
one last breath.
Well, gee, thanks for nothing. Don’t get me wrong, these people
are all very kind, their hearts are in the right place. They want to
do the best they can in the face of a heartless disease but I just
found this approach as unacceptable. Looking at the forums
on it is apparent that alot of ALS patients felt the same
way I did. They are willing to do anything and try anything in an
attempt to save their own lives or, at the very least, extend what
little time they have left.
There is so much more Allopathic medicine can be doing
for their patients. There is a wide range of pathologies that
need to be explored and corrected in all ALS patients but the

establishment seem rendered immobile by the overwhelming
causes and combinations of pathologies found in ALS patients.

'It’s not really health care, it’s disease management. Health

insurance is not health insurance, it’s disease insurance. It
seems to pay for anything that gets rid of the symptoms
of the problem, whether it be a tumor mass or aching feet,
headache or heart disease - rather than helping the body
reverse that.'
~ Dr. Robert F. Barnes

Unfortunately much of the science associated with the pharma

cartel is largely based on lies, fraud and deception. The
efficacy of many drugs are overstated while the negative side
effects are minimalized. Medical error including unnecessary
surgery, preventable infections and adverse drug reactions is
now the 3rd leading cause of death in the U. S. behind cancer
and heart disease.

The case against science is straightforward: much of

the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be
untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny
effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts
of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing
fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has
taken a turn towards darkness.
It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical
research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of
trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I
take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly
and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the
New England Journal of Medicine
~ Dr. Richard Horton, the editor-in-chief of the Lancet

There is one drug approved by the FDA (The Food and Drug
Administration but what I prefer to call The Fraud and Deception
Agency) for ALS patients called Rilutek (Riluzole). When I took
it for about a month, it cost $700 and I later found out that it
is pretty much useless. In doing research into this medication
I found another article on the website called ‘Life
Extension ALS’. Here is what it had to say about Rilutek:

Unfortunately Riluzole, although described in medical

journals as an effective treatment for ALS, provides almost
no benefit and is associated with significant side effects
in most patients. One journal noted, 'It is often said that
the benefits of riluzole are marginal but the side effects
are major. ' One writer commented, 'Clearly, Riluzole does
succeed at one important task. It allows treating physicians
to end the day assured that they did something for the
ALS patients they were treating since a prescription was
written--an obligation was thus fulfilled'
~ (Rowland 1996; Ludolph et al. 1999; Perlmutter 2000).

I had a discussion with my physician about it. Statistically

speaking, Rilutek was shown to be of some benefit to 70%
of patients. If your ALS progression is quick, it may provide
another two months of life but if your progression is slow it may
have a greater affect. We are all different which is why onset
of this disease can vary so widely in patient to patient. Rilutek
may work for you but I KNOW that it had no affect on I
decided not to take it.
ALS patients have an excess of glutamate, an excitotoxin, in
their system so Rilutek was developed in order to suppress
glutamate in the body.

Is the answer a drug to 'block glutamate'? That’s how

the drug and medical industry think. When you go to your
doctor does he tell you that a diet carefully excluding added
glutamates would help you? No, if aware of glutamate, he

would look in his PDR to see if there’s a drug to block
glutamates instead. In fact, the only drug approved by the
FDA for the treatment of ALS is Riluzole®. Riluzole® blunts
the effects of glutamate by decreasing glutamate release
and blocking the ability of glutamate to bind to its receptors,
which decrease the excitotoxicity that leads to cell death.
It has been shown to prolong survival times in ALS patients
by only two months. Some might say this is 'progress'. I
say that you cannot completely block anything in the body
and get away with it. What the body needs is balance –
~ Dr. David Steenblock

Microbiology vs Macrobiology
Allopathic medical research is focused on microbiological
systems. It examines the human body and its systems on a
cellular level, exploring the mechanisms of the DNA, RNA
and mitochondria but the human body is such a complex
machine, the deeper they investigate the more complicated it
becomes. The human body was created by nature, evolution,
God; however you choose to view it. The body does not make
mistakes and it has the power to control its microbiology to
repair and rejuvenate itself. It justs needs our help in avoiding
toxins that are detrimental to the proper functioning of the body.
Homeopathic medicine tends to look more at the environment
(the forces outside of the body) or the terrain. It focuses on
removing the environmental (toxic) effects on the body;
repairing the terrain by removing the environmental burdens to
the immune system. A lot of this can be achieved on your own
but you will need help from a Naturopathic professional.
Here is an analogy of the difference between Allopathic and
Naturopathic medicine;
A frog is born with a leg growing out of its forehead. The medical
community spends $20 million dollars on a study over 20 years

looking into the problem. The solution at the end of the day,
is a drug that will reduce the size of the leg, which, of course
leads to all the legs to be shorter so the frog can no longer get
around and dies from lack of food. Since this didn’t work, they
then turn to an elaborate surgery to remove the leg. They take
x-rays, an MRI, flood the body with chemicals and in the end,
after removing the leg, it regrows again after a few months in
exactly the same spot. Start the whole process all over again
and if we lose a few frogs along the way, no big deal.
A Naturopath would begin by looking at the environment, the
water, the air, the food for clues as to why the leg grew in the first
place. This is considered a holistic approach; focusing on the
‘whole person’ and their environment, not just the malady itself.
I have had a few experiences with medical doctors that have
lead me to the opinion that most, not all, are both brainwashed
and rendered ignorant by their education and experience.
Brainwashing is achieved by controlling what the mind is taught
while ignorance is a lack of knowledge and the belief that there
is nothing more to learn.
Ultimately not having the wisdom to recognize that you are
ignorant as a result of your brainwashing is the height of
ignorance if not arrogance; an arrogance that seems to be
indoctrinated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
MDs seem unconcerned about the causes or alternative views
of disease and simply fall into line with the pharmaceutical
approach and administer drugs to control symptoms.
Specialization makes the condition worse wherein their narrow
view of a disease renders them blind to alternative information,
treatments or successes outside of their training. There is never
enough time to discuss or explore new ideas or research and I
have often been shuffled through the system to make way for
the lineup of patients behind me.
There has been a great deal of discussion, among patients
and allopathic doctors, about stem cell research and therapy.
There is hope that this one treatment, injecting fresh stem cells
into the spinal cord, can stimulate new neuronal growth and
thereby repair the damage to the affected areas in ALS patients.
The procedure certainly has potential but will ultimately fail if it
is pursued in isolation. For me, this is like putting a good apple
into a rotten barrel of apples; the fresh apple will eventually rot
itself because of the environment that surrounds it. Putting fresh
stem cells into an unhealthy body is an expensive and pointless
exercise. The potential for risk is very high and the benefits are
slim to none as long as the environment is still contaminated with
the toxicants that damaged the nervous system in the first place.
Doctors attempt to do what little they can for their patients but
they are told that there is no hope with this disease and in my
opinion, they don’t even try. Their own literature recognizes a
wide variety of symptoms, causes, similarities in ALS patients
but patients, it seems, are a lost cause. The only thing we
are good for is to be consumers of useless and dangerous
medications to increase the bottom line. The other thing that
we are offered is support groups and to deal
with our feelings and how to get our affairs in order. This not
what I was looking for. I wanted solutions and I wanted them
immediately. ALS patients do not have the luxury of time.
My experience with my Naturopath, on the other hand, has
been outstanding. We discuss many possibilities at length and
I am free to openly discuss all related research and information
related to the pathology of my disease. My concerns are taken
seriously, the research I send to him is reviewed and discussed
and I know that my ND is actively trying to help me out of my
predicament. I am given the ability to participate in my health
care and contribute information that could ultimately lead to the
reversal of my condition.
In summary, with ALS or any auto-immune disease for that matter,
it is not the disease that is attacking you or convincing your
own body to turn against itself. Your body is in a weakened or
compromised state and has been overburdened by environmental
factors that must be addressed. The Problem is NOT the germ...
it’s you, your body, your terrain. You must repair it.

A healthy terrain is achieved by addressing several factors,
which we will discuss later in greater detail; alkalinity, nutrition,
toxins, deficiencies, as well as molds, fungus and parasites.

"As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you

are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe
old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition,
herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine unless
you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician
available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only
to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone.”
- Dr. Alan Greenberg, MD

Disease will control
the scourge of humanity
~ Eric R. Pianka,
Professor of Biology at the
University of Texas at Austin

Conspiracy Theories
This chapter does not talk directly to healing, but more about
the reasons that more and more of us are getting sick with
these strange auto-immune disorders.
Cancer rates, for example, are at epidemic proportions; at
the turn of the century Cancer affected only one person in a
thousand. The chances that you will develop Cancer in your
lifetime is now one in two for men and one in 3 for women.
The same can be said for the autoimmune diseases. Many of
these conditions were unheard of prior to the 20th century.
Why is that? What has changed?
We live in an increasingly toxic, chemically based world.
According to Monsanto, they consider this better living through
chemistry. The soil, our food, our water, the air have all become
increasingly laden with chemicals, preservatives and toxins all in
pursuit of the almighty dollar with very little consideration of the
long-term effects these substances may have on human health.

The World According to Monsanto

Modern healthcare is no different than any other corporate

entity. It is not about healing the body but is more concerned
with profitability. The entire industry seems to be designed to
prolong an individual patient’s suffering in order to maximize
profit. I have also come to believe that it is also designed not to
save lives but, in the end, reduce the world’s population.
People consider me a conspiracy theorist because I am under
the impression that people, who have similar goals tend to
get together to discuss their mutual interests and therefore
plan, sometimes behind closed doors, various ways to further
their agenda for their own personal benefit. What? That never

happens? Conspiracies DO exist and they are widespread, you
just have to know where to look and have the courage to face
the truth.

an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan
formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
2. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil
purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the
3. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime,
fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about
a given result.
~ Wikipedia

Why is conspiracy considered a bad word in today’s media?

Probably because the media is busy covering for the
conspiracies of Government and the Corporations that sponsor
the programming on the news networks.
Democracy can be considered a conspiracy. Democracy is 51%
of the people deciding what is good for everyone. The opinions
of the other 49% don’t matter because we have a majority of
consensus. It is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have
for dinner and its not going to end well for the sheep.
I have made a study of conspiracies long before I became a
victim of ALS and it is a massive subject and too far-reaching
for this book. It is like a massive puzzle that you must review
and assemble in order to see the big picture but I am just going
to discuss 2 pieces of that puzzle; planned obsolescence and
eugenics as they pertain to ALS.
If you wish to explore this subject further conspiracy is a great Internet resource.


D O C U M E N T A R Y : Pyramids of Waste:
The Lightbulb Conspiracy

Planned Obsolescence
I would recommend a documentary that you can find the
Internet called 'Pyramids of Waste: aka The Lightbulb
conspiracy'. The 'Lightbulb Conspiracy' clearly shows how
member companies in the lightbulb industry conspired together
to limit the lifetime of lightbulbs so that consumers would be
forced to continue purchasing lightbulbs. These Corporations
conspired to manufacture light bulbs that would not last more
than 1000 hours. This is called planned obsolescence.
Let’s face it, how many DVD players have you purchased over
the years? They are not built to last. Nothing, it seems, is built to
last. Cars are always in need of repair, always need to be filled
up with gas. Any rumors of alternative, clean energy solutions
seems to disappear like the wind. Corporations conspire to
eliminate competition and in order to maintain profitability.

Competition is a sin.
~ John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil Magnate

Corporations don’t like competition. It cuts into their profits.

Look at the documentary 'Who killed the electric car'. It
shows how the oil industry actively conspired to eliminate the
possibility of the electric car. An efficient and powerful electric
is a real threat to the profits of the oil industry. Corporations
don’t like to build things that last for the same reason.

Who Killed the Electric Car?

The continued profitability of the manufacturer depends on
dominating the industry or by having you continually returning
to replace the existing unit that has failed. It certainly makes no
sense anymore to repair the unit. That would cost far more than
just throwing out the old one and buying a new one.
And that is one of the basic problems with our society; profit to the
point of recklessness. Its reckless to waste valuable resources
with planned obsolescence. Our Governments complain that
we, as individuals, must reduce our waste, must recycle for
the good of the planet. Why not start with the corporations?
Why not manufacture items that last. Why do we need all the
packaging? Styrofoam, cardboard, plastic in multiple layers that
wrap practically all our consumables. Why do we have to keep
buying the same things over and over again?
When you apply the concept of planned obsolescence to
modern medicine, it makes no sense for the pharmaceutical
industry to cure disease. They would lose a profit center.
Why cure individuals of disease when they can just treat the
symptoms and continually reap the profit off of our collective
suffering. A healthy person is not a consumer of their products.
But this leads to the darker side of the equation; the creation of
consumers for their products.

Eugenics or 'population control'

Throughout my years of study, I have come to understand
that there are very wealthy people who control much of the
resources of the planet. While almost half the world — over
3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day, 85 of the
wealthiest people own 46% of the world’s wealth. They are the
'elite' or the 'one percent'. They control the money supply, the
largest and dominant corporations, Governments, the media
and natural resources and as a result have a great deal of
influence over our everyday lives.


Eugenics (from Greek eu, meaning 'good/well', and -genés,

meaning 'born') is the belief and practice of improving
the genetic quality of the human population. It is a social
philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic
traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of
people with desired traits (positive eugenics), and reduced
reproduction of people with less-desired or undesired traits
(negative eugenics).

Eugenics stems from the theory of evolution put forth by

Charles Darwin and include the concepts of Evolution and
Natural selection.

Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of

biological populations over successive generations.
Natural selection is the gradual process by which
biological traits become either more or less common in
a population as a function of the effect of inherited traits
on the differential reproductive success of organisms
interacting with their environment. It is a key mechanism
of evolution. The term 'natural selection' was popularized
by Charles Darwin who intended it to be compared with
artificial selection, which is now called selective breeding.

Let me introduce you to Margaret Sanger, the Mother of the

Eugenics movement

Margaret Higgins Sanger (Sept. 14, 1879 – Sept. 6, 1966)
was an American birth control activist, sex educator, and
nurse. Sanger popularized the term birth control, opened
the first birth control clinic in the United States, and
established organizations that evolved into the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America. Sanger’s efforts
contributed to several judicial cases that helped legalize
contraception in the U. S. Sanger is a frequent target of
criticism by opponents of birth control and has also been
criticized for supporting eugenics, but remains an iconic
figure in the American reproductive rights movement.

She sounds wonderful doesn’t she?. What Wikipedia fails to

mention is that the 'organizations that evolved into Planned
Parenthood' was the Eugenics Society and this is what Margaret
Sanger has to say on the subject;

'The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of

its infant members is to kill it.' -- Margaret Sanger, Women
and the New Race (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)
On blacks, immigrants and indigents: '...human weeds,’
‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning... human beings who never
should have been born.' Margaret Sanger, Pivot of
Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification: Sanger believed
that, for the purpose of racial 'purification,' couples should
be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in
America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David
Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.
On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have
a child, she wrote in her 'Plan for Peace.' Birth Control
Review, April 1932

On the purpose of birth control: The purpose in promoting
birth control was 'to create a race of thoroughbreds,' she
wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)
'More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is
the chief aim of birth control.' Birth Control Review, May
1919, p. 12

Eugenics became a popular concept among the 'Elite' of the

time and continues today. They believe that by virtue of the fact
that they have acquired more wealth than the rest of us, they
represent the best and the brightest of the human race. They
should have the right to reproduce while the riffraff should not.
A perfect example would be the one child policy in China. This
is a model for the future and the rest of the world.
This belief in Eugenics and Social Darwinism has resulted in
some of the greatest atrocities of the 20th century. The Russian
Revolution and Communism were largely based on Darwinism
and resulted in the deaths of 62 million people. The Chinese
Communist Revolution resulted in deaths of 35 millions people.
Remember the idea of a master race in Germany? This resulted
in the deaths of 20 million people
There are many more examples of this but, in the end,
implementing negative eugenics through war is inefficient and
messy. Besides, perfectly good real estate can get ruined along
the way.
There is a concept called soft kill or slow kill. A way of
murdering vast populations without resorting to the machines
and destructiveness of war. This is done by poisoning the
water, the air and the food that we eat and by exposing us to
environmental toxins.
Mercury, fluoride, MSG, Aspartame are just of few of these
toxins that I will discuss in coming chapters. Ask yourself, are
we really this stupid as a species to allow all these environmental
poisons in our food, water and air? The basis for any successful
species is to know what will cause harm to itself. If you eat
a poisonous mushroom and you die from it those around you
learn NOT to eat that mushroom.
I don’t think we are that stupid so there must be some other
agenda at work. The fundamental arguments behind Eugenics
suggests that these environmental poisons are being introduced
on purpose in order to reduce the world’s population. The 'elite'
believe there is an overpopulation problem and we have all
been taught this in school.
I don’t believe it. What we have is a problem with the equitable
distribution of resources. Population studies also suggest that
improvements in the standard of living and better education
leads to a more natural reduction of the population. Japan
is an example of a highly educated society that has negative
population growth. So why the disparity in wealth?
The 'Elite' are sociopaths. They seek to dominate others and 'win'
at all costs and are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse.
The 'Elite' are money junkies; even when they have more than
they could ever possibly spend in one lifetime their desires turn
to dominating others. They want more for themselves and less
for everyone else and are willing to conspire against the rest of
humanity so they can have the planet just to themselves.
Here are some interesting quotes:


commissioned Georgia Guidestones
'The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many,
doing too well economically and burning too much oil.'
~ Sir James Lovelock, BBC Interview
'A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the
population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of
people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the
symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will
demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.’’
~ Prof Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb

'The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.' ~ Club of
Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
'A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95%
decline from present levels, would be ideal.' ~ Ted Turner,
founder of CNN and major UN donor
'If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to
earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.'
~ Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World
Wildlife Fund

By their own words, these people are committed to an agenda

of population reduction. The 'Elite' are working to reduce the
world’s population, including you and your loved ones and they
are doing it by shortening and ending your life. And heck, while
they’re at it, why not make a buck or two.
The Allopathic medical system is a corporate money-making
machine. It’s methods are designed to cause harm not provide
cures. When it comes to physical trauma, there is no one better
equipped to fix a broken limb or suture a deep wound but when
it comes to chronic disease they are sorely lacking.

A definitive review of medical peer-review journals, and

government health statistics shows that American medicine
frequently causes more harm than good. The number of
people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to
prescribed medicine is 2.2 million. Dr. Richard Besser, of the
CDC, in 1995, said the number of unnecessary antibiotics
prescribed annually for viral infections was 20 million.
The number of unnecessary medical and surgical
procedures performed annually is 7.5 million. The number
of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually
is 8.9 million. It is evident that the American medical system
is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.
~ Death by Medicine by Gary Null, PhD

In a 2003 interview with PBS’ Bill Moyers, Bill Gates
admitted that his father used to be the head of Planned
Parenthood (formerly the Eugenics Society), which was
founded on the concept that most human beings are just
'reckless breeders' and 'human weeds' in need of culling
Gates also admitted during the interview that his family’s
involvement in reproductive issues throughout the years
has been extensive, referencing his own prior adherence
to the beliefs of eugenicist Thomas Robert Malthus, who
believed that populations of the world need to be controlled
through reproductive restrictions. Though Gates claims
he now holds a different view, it appears as though his
foundation’s initiatives are just a modified Malthusian
approach that much more discreetly reduces populations
through vaccines and GMOs.

In an infamous TED talk Bill Gates stated:

The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up

to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new
vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we
could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!' (About 1
Billion People!) ~Bill Gates

What exactly did he mean by this statement?

I believe that if you have an auto-immune disease you are the
victim of negative eugenics; a victim of the soft kill method of
population reduction by toxic health care along with chemically
altered food, water and air.
Population reduction programs seem to be working despite
current population levels. Its only a matter of time because we,
as a species, are slowly losing our ability to reproduce. I point to
an article called 'Scientists warn of sperm count crisis' that

shows that sperm counts have been dropping precipitously
over that last two decades. The article claims that the cause is
unknown, but we all know what it is.
In 2001 scientists at the Epicyte bio-lab in San Diego created
the ultimate GM crop - ‘contraceptive corn’ - after researchers
discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.
Anyone who consumed this corn, male and female, would be
rendered permanently sterile. Who on earth would create such
a monstrosity and to what end?
Genetic modification is the most dangerous and reckless
technology because, according to chaos theory, nature will not
be contained. What happens if the epicyte gene gets out into
the wild? They are messing with technology that could prove to
be disastrous to the survival of the human race.
If you are interested in learning more about the history of
Eugenics I would suggest a movie called 'Endgame' by Alex
Jones. Another documentary I would also recommend is called
'Thrive'. This documentary summarizes the topics discussed in
this chapter and also introduces you to other topics of interest.


What are they Thinking by Michael Rivero



The truth is not for all men,
but only for those who seek it
~ Ayn Rand

Early Research: Mind over matter

One of the first books I encountered in my research is called 'The

Healing Codes' by Dr. Alex Loyd, PhD, ND with Ben Johnson,
MD, DO, NMD. What made this book of great interest to me was
the fact that Dr. Ben Johnson was himself an ALS patient who
was able to make himself well by using the healing codes.

From the Healing Codes website:

The Healing Codes, are a simple and powerful self-

healing system and a form of energy medicine. They were
discovered in 2001 by Alex Loyd, PhD, ND. Every time you
use a Healing Code, it activates a physical function built
into the body that consistently and predictably removes the
#1 cause of illness and disease from the body . . . Stress
Dr. Johnson was diagnosed by two other medical doctors
(he himself is a doctor with three medical degrees) in 2004.
When he was diagnosed, he knew the odds. He heard
about Dr. Alex Loyd and The Healing Codes and lost no
time contacting Dr. Loyd.
Dr. Ben worked with Alex Loyd not on the ALS symptoms
(there is no Healing Code for ALS or any other disease), but
on the specific 'heart issues' in his life.
Within 3-4 months of using The Healing Codes, Dr. Ben’s
symptoms disappeared and have never come back.

We all have stress in our lives and stress must be dealt with as a
priority. The proper frame of mind is important in moving forward
and actively fighting an ALS diagnosis. Coming to terms with an

ALS diagnosis can take several months and depends on the
individual. The Healing Codes represents an opportunity to face
your current fears as well as past emotional baggage that may
have contributed to your condition.
Lou Gehrig himself was a determined individual who strove
never to let down his fans or his teammates. Gehrig played a
remarkable 2,130 consecutive games and is said to have broken
every finger on both hands, while also suffering countless other
debilitating injuries. His toughness and dedication quickly
earned him the nickname 'The Iron Horse'.
Personally, I can identify with Lou Gehrig. This kind of driven
personality can be very stressful as it is difficult to maintain being
a 'people pleaser'. Striving for perfection, constantly doing your
best can put alot of pressure on your mind and body. I had
a similar determination in my work; always on time and never
missing a deadline no matter how unrealistic the expectations.
I was drawn to large, seemingly insurmountable projects where
I could prove my worth. Household projects, for example, were
never left unfinished and were done in record time. Do you have
a similar personality?
I enjoyed the Healing Codes because it is largely based on
scientific principles. They are not unlike the work of Bruce
Lipton and a book of his titled ‘The Biology of Belief’. It shows
that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead
DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including
the energetic messages emanating from our own thoughts.
The science behind the power of our mind. It also speaks
of Epigenetics which is the science of how genes change
depending on their environment.
A negative environment (negative thoughts) can influence your
genetics and behaviour on a cellular level and can lead to 'dis-
ease'. How you perceive a situation, regardless of what that
situation may consist of or which area of life it is, has a direct
impact on the future results that you will inevitably experience
as a result of that perception.

All diseases are nothing but drug-induced, progressive
toxemia (or poison), either endogenous (internally
generated) or exogenous (externally generated)… We are
used to thinking that disease is always a result of being
attacked by something outside our bodies. Now we know
our thinking habits can be equally responsible for the
creation of illness.
~ Dr. Roy Walford

Whatever your stress, The Healing Codes can help you to

privately work through your own issues, clear your negative
thoughts and put you in the proper frame of mind for your fight
against ALS.

One of the first people that you will encounter on your quest
for curing your ALS is a woman by the name of Cathy Jordon.
She has survived 25 years with ALS and has outlived several of
her Neurologists. She enjoys smoking Cannabis several times
a day. Research has shown that THC, the active ingredient
in cannabis delays disease progression by seven days and
extends survival by six days in mice. This corresponds to three
years in human terms.
So, while cannabis does not seem to be a cure, there is evidence
that it will slow the progression of the disease. Inflammation
in the brain and spinal chord has been implicated as a critical
mechanism that is responsible for the progressive nature of
neurodegeneration and is a common denominator among the
diverse list of neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS.
The active ingredients in marijuana, cannabinoids, appear to
enhance the endocannabinoid and endovanilloid signaling
system of the brain and help to reduce this inflammation. A
particular cannabinoid, called cannabidiol (CBD), has been
well documented to possess effective antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. Cannabis
has long been proposed as a muscle relaxant drug, with the
first report of chronic motor handicaps remarkably improved
following marijuana smoking described almost 30 years ago.
There are two strains of the cannabis plant; Indica and Sativa.
Indica strains of the marijuana plant are typically bred for greater
concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that produce
the psychotropic effects associated with recreational use. The
Sativa strains are typically utilized for their medicinal properties
which have low THC but can produce greater concentrations of
cannabidiol (CBD). While smoking cannabis may be effective
way to self medicate, it can also be concentrated to a greater
degree into an oil, often called hemp oil. In Canada, this oil is
often referred to in conjunction with a medicinal oil activist by
the name of Rick Simpson (
Rick Simpson discovered that hemp oil helped him with a
cancer that he developed as a result of working with asbestos.
Rick Simpson Oil has since helped to cure thousands of people
with cancer.

Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) experience

symptom relief after smoking cannabis, according to a
study published in the March/April issue of the American
Journal of Palliative Care.
According to the study’s findings, based on an anonymous
survey of ALS patients conducted by the MDA/ALS
Center at the University of Washington, respondents
found marijuana to be 'moderately effective at reducing
symptoms of appetite loss, depression, pain, spasticity,
and drooling.' Cannabis’ depression-relieving effects
lasted two to three hours, patients reported.
Respondents said that cannabis was ineffective in
reducing difficulties with speech and swallowing, and
sexual dysfunction.
Cannabis Relieves Lou Gehrig's Symptoms - New

D O C U M E N T A R Y : Run from the
Cure: The Rick Simpson Story

While I did indeed explore the possibility of symptom relief using

the Rick Simpson Oil, I found that, in the end, this treatment just
wasn’t for me. I include it this information for you so that you
have the opportunity to explore the protocol for yourself.

Eric Edney was first diagnosed with ALS in 1993 after having
symptoms since 1990. He has written two books called 'Eric
is Winning' and 'Surviving without your MD' and lived for
over 20 years with the disease. He passed away in January of
2015 at 85 years old and died from complications associated
with heart disease and not because of his ALS. He remains
an inspiration considering the prognosis for ALS patients is
typically 2-5 years.
One key line from his website reads 'Eric was not only able
to stop all progress of ALS, but he has enjoyed a great deal
of improvement.' This proved to be very inspirational for me
and spurred me to read not only his information but to pursue
research on my own.
There are many ways to approach dealing with ALS and Eric
offers some sage advice:

Eliminate Sources of Toxins -- There are three MAJOR

sources of toxins in your body that must be treated:
1. Amalgam dental fillings containing mercury.
2. Accumulated toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and other

3. Pathogens in your colon and/or bloodstream such as
Mycoplasmas, fungi, and even the toxin causing Lyme
disease. A tick bite is usually the cause of Lyme disease,
but it’s only another source of toxin.

These three points really opened my eyes and led me to pursue

each point as part of my research.
I agree with his approach and more details can be found on his
website or by reading his books. The protocols Eric describes
were effective in helping Eric and many others but are not targeted
in their approach. They are too generalized and may not work
for every patient. If it is unclear EXACTLY what you are fighting
you cannot be sure to what degree you are being effective. His
approach does not discuss to any great extent the importance of
diet in helping to repair the immune system.
Implementing Eric’s suggestions is a very good start but a change
in diet, a change in lifestyle, is also required. There are quite a few
protocols and diets you may encounter on the Internet, including
the Deanna Protocol, the Budwig Diet, the Keytonic Diet, the
Doug Coil, various cleanses (liver, colon, lemonade), antibiotics,
sodium bicarbonate, iodine, ozonated water, octocosonol,
Vitamin C...really the list is endless. I have read quite a few
including those listed above and there is one thing I have learned
is that some of these protocols work for some people and not
for others. On the ALS forums you will find those that extol the
virtues of a particular protocol while others consider it useless.
Every individual is different and they are all guessing at what
works. The bottom line is you have to try and figure out what
works for you. I will tell you what worked for me but they are
indeed a few basics that will work for everyone and should be
implemented as soon as possible.
Eric will be featured in an upcoming documentary along with
other long term survivors of ALS.


Eric Robert Edney

August 9, 1929 –January 3, 2015. Eric Robert Edney
peacefully passed away at home on January 3rd, 2015.
Eric was 85 years old. Eric was born in Hollywood, CA and
lived in the state his entire life. After a tour in the Army in
his twenties, Eric started a long and successful career with
Farmers Insurance, where he was an agent for over 40
years. Eric was an avid outdoorsman and spent much of his
free time with his family and friends hunting, fishing, boating
and motorcycle riding.
In the early 90’s, Eric was diagnosed with Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) which is also known as Lou Gehrig’s
disease. He made it his life’s work to not only fight and
beat this disease, but to educate others on changing their
lifestyles to do the same. After more than 20 years, it was
complications from a heart attack and stroke that took him,
not ALS.

Another great resource on the Internet is Steve Shackel’s website,, the world’s first website dedicated to ALS. I did not
discover Steve’s website until later in my research but when I did
I was amazed how much his information coincided with what I
have discovered about the subject. His website is an excellent
resource and will support the information presented here.

The more you research,
the crazier you sound to
ignorant people
~ Don Freeman

Digging Deeper
ALS - The Mercury Connection by Bernie Windham(Ed.) is
one of the most comprehensive articles I ever read; 11 pages
of summary followed by 20 pages of references. The references
were of peer-reviewed and published medical studies into
the causes of ALS. Here is a quick summary list of possible
contributing pathology of ALS. Special attention should be
placed on this list because, as I discovered, almost ALL of
these items factored into my own pathology:
Toxins: Deficiencies:
mercury calcium
lead magnesium
arsenic zinc
nickel copper
aluminum lithium
monosodium glutamate Infections:
aspartame echo-7 enterovirus
failed root canal teeth post-poliomyelitis
smoking candida albicans
agricultural chemicals mycoplasma
pesticides/formaldehyde lyme disease
Since mercury factors so heavily in a wide range of bodily
functions described in-depth in this article, I will briefly address
it here;
Mercury in any form is poisonous, with mercury toxicity most
commonly affecting the neurologic, gastrointestinal (GI) and
renal organ systems. Poisoning can result from mercury vapor
inhalation (from amalgam dental fillings), mercury ingestion,
mercury injection (as an adjuvant in vaccines), and absorption
of mercury through the skin.
Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin and, at certain levels, can cause
neurological issues, autoimmune disease, chronic illnesses and
mental disorders. Why on earth would we ever use this material
as silver fillings in our teeth? Every time you chew you release
mercury vapour that is then inhaled or ingested into your body.
The cumulative effects can be disastrous. Mercury causes your
cell membranes to become leaky and inhibits key enzymes your
body needs for energy production and toxin removal. Mercury
doesn’t kill you quickly like cyanide… it kills you slowly and
insidiously. Mercury can be linked to a wide range of diseases
including Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and ALS.
Another problem with mercury is that once a mercury molecule
gets into the mitochondria it cannot be must wait
for that cell to die before the mercury can be removed.

Every time you chew, mercury vapor is released and

quickly finds its way into your bloodstream, where it causes
oxidative processes in your tissues.
Oxidation is one of the main reasons you develop disease, as
well as the primary reason you age. Oxidation in your body
leads to inflammation, including inflammation of the lining
of your blood vessels. When this occurs, your LDL levels
increase as your body attempts to 'patch' those damaged
vessel walls with cholesterol. LDL is a carrier of cholesterol.
This is why people with mercury toxicity have damaged blood
vessels, and elevated cholesterol and LDL levels.
However, oxidation and toxicity can lead to much more
than just elevated lipid levels. Mercury in your body can
result in a variety of serious neurological, immunological,
and endocrinological problems. Mercury not only fuels the
flames of inflammation, it also hampers your body’s ability
to detoxify itself, which makes you even sicker. Alzheimer’s
disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological
diseases have been linked to mercury exposure. Research
shows that traces of mercury can cause the type of nerve
damage you usually see in Alzheimer’s disease.
~ Dr. Mercola, Mercury: The Hidden Trigger to
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

One dentist who has been successful in treating MS patients is
Dr. Hal Huggins from Colorado (
Dr. Huggins cured himself of MS after having his amalgam fillings
removed. He has since treated thousands of MS patients and
has an 85% cure rate by doing nothing but fixing their teeth.
Since MS is very similar to ALS, there have been several ALS
cases that have recovered by having their fillings removed.
One of the first things I did was to contact the Huggins
institute get a referral for a local, qualified Dentist to perform
the amalgam removal. It is important to get a qualified Dentist
because, as toxic as the amalgams are when they are installed,
they can be 100 times more toxic when they are being removed.
This is because the mercury is being vaporized and then can
be inhaled in significant amounts if proper precautions are not
taken. This is not a job for just the average sure to
see a specialist.
Also note that its not just the mercury that can cause disease
in the human body. Any dental work, especially root canals and
implants can cause bacterial infection(s) that can be detrimental
to many organs and systems.

Mercury Undercover

Another article called Life Extension ALS® I found on the website. It lists the causes or contributing factors of
ALS as follows:
Physical : Deficiencies:
Compression of the calcium
Cervical Spinal Cord magnesium
Infectious Disease: Glutamate Toxicity
Lyme Disease
Post-Poliomyelitis Oxidative Stress
HIV Infection
Neurosyphilis Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Toxic Chemical Exposure: Exposure to Heavy Metals:
Toluene Lead
xylene Mercury
hexanes Aluminum
benzene Manganese
styrene Carbohydrate Metabolism
pesticides Growth factor deficiency
Note how similar the conclusions provided in this article match
the article discussed earlier. Why are we then told that they
have no idea what causes ALS?
With these two articles, ALS - The Mercury Connection and
Life Extension ALS® we begin to see a sweeping view of what
ALS really is; a complex set of conditions that, in combination,
cause the immune system to be overwhelmed and the body
to fail. I think a better label might be 'DTI' or 'Deficiencies,
Toxins and Infections' because that is what ALS and other
'autoimmune diseases' truly are; a combination of factors all
conspiring to derail your body’s natural ability to defend itself
against foreign invaders.
I consider ALS to be what I call a ‘Domino disease’ in that one
trigger, environmental or otherwise, has resulted in all of the
dominos being knocked over in a cascade effect. One last straw
has broken the camel’s back and a preexisting multifaceted
pathology has been set in motion that finally overwhelms the
immune system. The conditions have reached a point where
the immune system is so overwhelmed that it can no longer
deal with everything at once and begins to ‘malfunction’ -
hence an auto-immune disease.
ALS is simply a label for a wide range of possibilities. ALS is
defined by where the damage to the brain and spinal cord is
occurring. The only difference between MS and ALS is the
location where scar tissue, often referred to as lesions or
plaques, damage is located. If you have MS, scarring occurs
in multiple areas of the upper (Cerebrum) areas of the brain.

Parkinson’s disease occurs when the Substantia Nigra found
in the mid-brain is diminished or destroyed. ALS, on the other
hand, is the label used to describe scar tissue found in the
upper motor neurons and spinal cord.
This damage is caused by free radicals causing oxidative stress
(neurotoxins or excitotoxins) leading to destruction of the nerve
cells which then collectively establish lesions in the brain (scar
tissue). There are four primary sources of free radicals:

The Environment: Air pollution, cigarette smoke, smog,

soot, automobile exhaust, toxic waste, pesticides,
herbicides, ultraviolet light, background radiation, drugs,
and even certain foods can all generate free radicals in the
Internal Production: Our bodies constantly produce free
radicals as a byproduct of normal metabolism. And yes,
since exercise increases metabolic rates, it increases the
production of free radicals.
Stress Factors: Aging, trauma, medications, disease,
infection, and 'stress' itself all accelerate the body’s
production of free radicals – by a factor of eight, or more.
Chain Reactions: When a free radical steals an electron to
balance itself, it creates a new free radical in the molecule
from which it stole the electron. In many cases, the new
free radical will seek to balance itself by stealing its own
electron – and on and on. And remember, even one free
radical is capable of destroying an entire cell, or a strand
of DNA. Imagine what a chain reaction of millions of free
radicals can do!
Types of Free Radicals
There are different types of free radicals in the body. They
each work in different areas of the body and on different
cells or even different parts of cells. Four particularly
destructive ones are:

Superoxide Radical: This radical tries to steal its much-
needed electron from the mitochondria of the cell. When
mitochondria are destroyed, the cell loses its ability to
convert food to energy. It dies.
Hydroxyl radical: This free radical attacks enzymes,
proteins, and the unsaturated fats in cell membranes.
Lipid Peroxyl Radical: This radical unleashes a chain
reaction of chemical events that can so totally compromise
the cellular membrane that the cell bursts open, spews its
contents, and dies.
Singlet Oxygen: Not technically a free radical, this
metabolite can nevertheless wreak havoc on the body.
It’s listed here because it functions like a free radical and
because it is controlled by antioxidants.

When you think about it, ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS,

Huntington’s and many others are merely variations of the
same dis-ease or condition. But what is causing the damage?
The answer is free radicals and because of Epigenetics
('above' or 'on top of' genetics) or external modifications to
DNA (environmental factors) free radicals can affect genes in
individual ways. Everyone is different and react differently to
comparable environmental stimuli. That is why you are sick and
others have remained unaffected.
There are hundreds of neurotoxins, infections and deficiencies
that affect different people in different ways. Each individual
may have some or any combination of all of these factors
contributing to their pathology. That is why some treatments
may work for some but not for others. Everyone is different
and yet as we see by the summary listing above there are a
wide range of ‘known’ causes of this disease. If treatment is
pursued blindly without knowing the underlying pathology of
each person, then individual remedies will be ineffective, costly
and potentially harmful to the patient.
What amazed me about these articles is that it is quite clear that
there are alot of factors that contribute to the condition labeled
ALS but, in my experience, nothing is done to remedy the situation.
NO tests are done, no supplements are provided and no lifestyle
changes are suggested. At best, Allopathic interventions seem to
involve simply prescribing Rilutek and measuring the decline of
the patient.
I believe, with the socialized medicine we have here in Canada,
that ALS patients are simply not worth trying to save. The cost
of performing any manner of tests to uncover all the factors
that possibly contribute to the condition are simply not worth
persuing because, on a per patient basis, they are too costly
for the insurance companies (in my province known as OHIP).
In the following chapter we will discuss basic ways for you to
begin eliminating toxins from your environment and from your
diet in order to reduce free radical damage.

Today, more than 95% of all
chronic disease is caused
by food choice, toxic food
ingredients, nutritional
deficiencies and lack of
physical exercise
~ Mike Adams

This Chapter concentrates on things that you can do for
yourself...and that can be undertaken immediately
Dietary and Lifestyle changes OR Things you need to
eliminate from your body
The beauty of the changes listed in this chapter is that they
can be implemented immediately...just by eliminating certain
foods and environmental toxins can have profound effect on
your immune system and can begin to improve your condition.
Dr. Joe Espisito says it best; If I gave you $120,000 would you
be willing to give me $8 back? In other words, out of the 120,000
available foods would you be willing to give up 8 in order to
be healthy and feel well? The basic list you need to give up
are; Aspartame, coffee, alcohol, MSG, sugar, processed meat,
wheat and dairy. I will discuss Dr. Espisito’s list as well as other
food and environmental toxins you should consider eliminating
from your home and from your diet.
When it comes to diet, we must return to the diet that existed
prior to the 20th century. We must learn to avoid processed,
chemically and genetically altered ‘Frankenfood’ and return to a
raw, organic whole food diet. The closer to the ground, the better.

Dietary Changes
Aspartame was rejected for approval 13 times by the FDA and
was eventually approved through political manipulation and
backroom deals. Donald Rumsfeld was the Chairman of Searle
at the time, and being part of Ronald Reagan’s transition team
used his influence to have this deadly poison approved for
human consumption. Searle was then bought out by Monsanto
who now holds the patent.
Dr. Adrian Gross, the FDA’s own toxicologist, testified before
Congress that without a shadow of a doubt, aspartame can
cause brain tumors and brain cancer. Aspartame causes

headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and
cancer. It also worsens or mimics the symptoms of such
diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS (and ALS), lupus,
ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue and depression.
Aspartate and glutamate act as neurotransmitters in the brain
by facilitating the transmission of information from neuron to
neuron. Too much aspartate or glutamate in the brain kills
certain neurons by allowing the influx of too much calcium
into the cells. This influx triggers excessive amounts of free
radicals, which kill the cells. The neural cell damage that can
be caused by excessive aspartate and glutamate is why they
are referred to as 'excitotoxins.' They 'excite' or stimulate the
neural cells to death.

D O C U M E N T A R Y : Aspartame:
Sweet Misery, Our poisoned World

Drinking coffee increases the production of hydrochloric acid
and makes your body more acidic. This can interrupt the proper
digestion of proteins and can lead to a wide range of health
issues including bloating, gas, diverticulitis, ulcers, Chrohn’s
disease and even colon cancer. Increased acidity weakens the
stomach lining as well as irritates the small intestine leading to
irritable bowel syndrome.
Excess acidity can lead to heartburn and peristalsis, the
process in the digestive tract that makes us head for the
bathroom reducing the bodies ability to absorb minerals and
vitamins. This is due to the way coffee affects iron absorption
in your stomach and particularly your kidneys ability to retain
calcium, zinc, magnesium and other important minerals. The
most important mineral, magnesium, is required for proper
bowel regularity.
Often the reasons many people consume coffee is for the rush or
energy it provides. This is because coffee stimulates the release
of the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine and nor-epinephrine.
These stimulants are a associated with the classic ‘fight or flight’
response that increase your blood pressure, heart rate and
tension levels. This constant state of tension and ongoing stress
can interfere with GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) metabolism.
GABA is a critical neurotransmitter that regulates mood, stress
and digestion.
For an ALS patient anything that interrupts the maximum
performance of the nervous system and digestion, a critical
component of our immune system, should be removed from
the diet.

Alcohol also contributes to acidity in the body and weakens the
immune system. It interferes with the communication pathways
in the brain and is especially hard on the detox organs in the
body including the liver and pancreas due to inflammation.
Alcohol can cause anemia, cancer, cardiovascular disease,
cirrhosis, dementia, seizures, gout, depression, high blood pressure,
pancreatitis and nerve damage. It also reduces glutithione, our
most potent antioxidant against free radical damage.
Protecting nerve function is critical to an ALS patient. Heavy
drinking can cause nerve damage known as alcoholic
neuropathy because alcohol is toxic to nerve cells and causes
nutritional deficiencies that compromise nerve function. Alcohol
neuropathy can produce numbness and muscle weakness in the
extremities and because the normal progression of ALS begins
in the extremities it would be prudent to protect nerve function in
this area in order to slow the progression of the disease.

Monosodium Glutamate is a flavor enhancer found in thousands
of the foods we eat regularly in the North American diet and
is found mostly in processed or restaurant food. It is found in
canned soups, salad dressings, frozen dinners, meat, baby
food, etc. and can be deceptively listed on processed food
labels, among others as;

Yeast Extract, Food, nutrient Anything 'hydrolyzed'
Soy or whey protein Calcium Caseinate
Sodium Caseinate Stock, broth or bouillon
Flavoring Citric Acid, Citrate
Pectin Maltodextrin
Barley malt Soy sauce
Protein fortified Fermented
MSG, like Aspartame, is an excitotoxin.

'MSG is added to food because of its addictive qualities, it

is nicotine for food. It is highly reactive in the human brain
and other organs.'
~John Erb, The Slow Poisoning of America

Food laced with MSG causes people to eat more of it because

it shuts down the centers of the brain that indicate that you
feel full. This can lead to overeating, especially non-nutrient rich
calories, and therefore obesity. For those of us that cannot clear
the MSG from our brains it will lead to neuronal damage.

BOOK: Excitotoxins: The Taste

That Kills by Dr. Russell Blaylock

'Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills' by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a

board-certified neurosurgeon , explains the dangers of MSG -
an excitotoxin that overexcites your cells to the point of damage
or death, causing brain damage to varying degrees. It can a
trigger and enhance the symptoms of ALS, MS, Parkinson’s
and Alzheimer’s. Even the FDA states:

Studies have shown that the body uses glutamate, an

amino acid, as a nerve impulse transmitter in the brain and
that there are glutamate-responsive tissues in other parts
of the body, as well.

Abnormal function of glutamate receptors has been linked
with certain neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s
disease and Huntington’s chorea. Injections of glutamate
in laboratory animals have resulted in damage to nerve
cells in the brain. ~ FDA

The bottom line for people with ALS is that the nerves are
being damaged or destroyed through oxidation. This oxidative
damage is caused by an excess of free glutamate.
It is important to note that the one approved drug for ALS
patients is Rilutek. Rilutek is a glutamate inhibitor and, as stated
earlier, has major side effects like:
nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine,
clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes),
fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms, chest discomfort, dry
cough, trouble breathing;
It might be better to avoid taking Rilutek and instead to simply
stay away from the glutamate (MSG) in your diet.
There is an important relationship between glutamate and
glutithione that needs to be addressed with regard to your diet.
Glutamate is an important neurotransmitter that plays the
principal role in neural activation while glutithione, known as
GSH, is a tripeptide composed of the amino acids glutamine,
cysteine, and glycine and is the most powerful intracellular
antioxidant. Glutithione plays a pivotal role in DNA repair,
immunity, flushing of toxins, removal of heavy metals, quenching
of free radicals, and recycling of other antioxidants such as
vitamins C and E. You can get one of the main components,
cysteine, from the diet, in meat, bone broth, eggs, garlic,
onions, red pepper, broccoli and other foods. Both gluten
(found in grains such as wheat) and casein (milk protein) can
inhibit the uptake of cysteine, which the body needs to make
glutithione. Environmental assaults, toxins and infections,
inhibit the enzymes that are responsible for maximizing the
antioxidant power of glutithione.
Glutithione cannot simply be used as a supplement as it is
easily eliminated from the body and must be synthesized on
a cellular level to be effective. In a healthy body, glutithione is
normally recycled which extends its ability as an antioxidant.
Problems occur when the toxic load (body burden) becomes
too great and it begins to breaks down into its component
parts, releasing free glutamate, causing increased oxidative
stress while at the same time reducing its antioxidant abilities.
Glutithione is destroyed and its potency is depleted by mercury,
alcohol consumption, smoking, acetaminophen and statin
drugs allowing a build-up of free radicals. Excess glutamate
results from the break down of glutithione and becomes an
excitotoxin. As the glutamate builds up in the brain and spinal
cord it begins to overstimulate the neural activity in the cells
causing nerve damage and muscle atrophy.
Reduce your exposure to glutamate by avoiding processed
foods 'seasoned' with MSG by preparing your own foods from
scratch. Basic foods you need to avoid are;
Fast food chicken Sausage products
Gravy Parmesan items
Ranch (creamy) dressings Soups
Dipping Sauces Fish Sauce
Cold cuts Soy Sauce
Beef Jerky Beer
Baked goods Hot Dogs
Any product using Aspartame
Fries with any kind of seasoning on them except plain salt.
Flavored salty snack chips - Doritos® and Cheetos® and items
with cheese powder added.

Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product from the aluminum,
phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizer industries. Millions of
tons of fluoride are produced each year and these industries
needed somewhere to dispose of their waste. What better
place than in our drinking water?

If you look at the warning labels on a tube of toothpaste, you
will see that toothpaste can be harmful if swallowed, and you
should 'contact a poison control centre right away'. This is due
to the sodium fluoride content of the toothpaste. Why then, are
we forced to drink this poison? It is added, without consent
into the drinking water supply of most cities in North America.
The same cannot be said for European nations where 97% do
not fluoridate their water and yet the instance of tooth decay
is statistically equal. In fact, the instance Dental fluorosis,
a discolouration and mottling of tooth enamel caused by
excessive exposure of fluoride is far greater in areas where the
public drinking water is fluoridated.
Sodium fluoride is widely used as an insecticide and is the
primary ingredient in rat poison. Negative effects on the human
body include kidney and liver damage, calcification of the pineal
gland, lowered immune system function, infertility, lowered IQ’s
in children and Cancer.
Fluoride is and endocrine disrupter and can interfere with the
functions of the brain and thyroid among many systems in
the body. This is another assault on our nervous system. The
Lancet has now concluded and listed fluoride as a known
neurotoxin alongside mercury, lead and aluminum.

What has also changed is how much toxicologists know

about the harmful effects of fluoride compounds. Ingested
in high doses, fluoride is indisputably toxic; it was once
commonly used in rat poison. Hydrogen fluoride is
regulated as a hazardous pollutant in emissions from
chemical plants and has been linked to respiratory illness.
Even in toothpaste, sodium fluoride is a health concern.
In 1997 the Food and Drug Administration toughened
the warning on every tube to read, 'If more than used for
brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or
contact a poison-control center right away.'
~Time Magazine

The best ways to avoid consuming fluoride is through reverse
osmosis filtration or by drinking distilled water.

The Greater Good; Fluoridegate

GMOs (especially wheat and corn)

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose
genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering
techniques. Organisms that have been genetically modified
include micro-organisms such as bacteria and yeast, insects,
plants, fish, and mammals.

Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are foods

produced from organisms that have had specific changes
introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic
engineering. These techniques have allowed for the
introduction of new traits as well as a far greater control
over a food’s genetic structure than previously afforded
by methods such as selective breeding and mutation
breeding. ~ Wikipedia

The top five genetically modified crops in North America are;

corn, wheat, soy, rapeseed (canola) and cottonseed.
There are unanswered questions regarding the potential long-
term impact on human health from food derived from GMOs.
Genetic modifications often involve increasing a particular
plant’s tolerance to insecticides such as glyphosate, including
the Monsanto product Roundup.
Celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and gluten intolerance
are on the rise worldwide, and that rise has taken place in line
with the increased use of glyphosate. Glyphosate can cause
biological changes in the human body including cytochrome
P450 inhibition, disruption of synthesis of aromatic amino acids,
chelation of transition metals, and antibacterial action that can
contribute to the pathology of celiac disease. This results in

damage to the small intestine that interferes with the absorption of
nutrients from food causing the person to become malnourished
no matter how much food they eat. This kind of malnutrition, I
believe, contributes to the pathology of ALS as well.

This paper presents an exhaustive review of the

toxic effects of the herbicide, glyphosate, the active
ingredient in Roundup®, in humans, and demonstrates
how glyphosate’s adverse effects on the gut microbiota,
in conjunction with its established ability to inhibit the
activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes, and its likely
impairment of sulfate transport, can remarkably explain
a great number of the diseases and conditions that are
prevalent in the modern industrialized world. Its effects
are insidious, because the long-term effects are often
not immediately apparent. The pathologies to which
glyphosate could plausibly contribute, through its known
biosemiotic effects, include inflammatory bowel disease,
obesity, depression, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cancer,
cachexia, infertility, and developmental malformations.
Glyphosate works synergistically with other factors, such
as insufficient sun exposure, dietary deficiencies in critical
nutrients such as sulfur and zinc, and synergistic exposure
to other xenobiotics whose detoxification is impaired by
glyphosate... Glyphosate is likely to be pervasive in our
food supply, and, contrary to being essentially nontoxic, it
may in fact be the most biologically disruptive chemical in
our environment.
Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450
Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut
Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases by
Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff

Genetic Roulette

I don’t believe people have suddenly become gluten intolerant in
as much as we are simply reacting to the genetic modifications
that have taken place in modern strains of wheat, sugar, corn,
soy, etc. Symptoms of gluten intolerance include nausea,
diarrhea, skin rashes, macrocytic anemia and depression. It
can result in nutritional deficiencies, reproductive issues and
increased risk of thyroid disease, kidney failure and cancer. It
all points to the fact that these foods are no longer natural to
the body and is resulting in an epidemic of new diseases and
sensitivities - another domino in the pathology of ALS.

Shock findings in new GMO study (France): Eating

genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace
levels of Monsanto’s Roundup chemical fertilizer caused
rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ
damage, and premature death. That’s the conclusion of a
shocking new study that looked at the long-term effects of
consuming Monsanto’s genetically modified corn.
• U
 p to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered
premature death.
• R
 ats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels
legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300%
increase in large tumors.
• R
 ats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered
severe organ damage including liver damage and kidney
• T
 he study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of
GM corn that’s grown across North America and widely
fed to animals and humans. This is the same corn that’s
in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and
corn snack chips.

And in another study in 2014

Monsanto’s Roundup and Other Glyphosate-Based
Herbicides Directly Linked to Chronic Disease Spike
A new correlation study published in the Journal of Organic
Systems has linked glyphosate, the primary ingredient
in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Roundup, to an
enormous increase in chronic diseases across the U.S.
Supporting countless studies before it, this new report is
a detailed analysis proving an undeniable link between
glyphosate-based herbicides and the rates of chronic
disease all over the country.
Dr. Nancy Swanson and the President of the International
Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM),
Andre Leu, led the research team which proved – once
again – that glyphosate and Roundup are lethal, even in
small amounts.
This increase in use is contributing to the development of
diseases such as diabetes, obesity, lipoprotein metabolism
disorder, Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, Parkinson’s,
multiple sclerosis, autism, and cancer. The report details
how there is a direct correlation between the incidence of
these diseases and glyphosate use.
~ Christina Sarich,

There are many organic farms that recognize the dangers of

the use of this product. Unfortunately, the pollen from the GMO
crops tend to be carried by the wind, and bees, and cross-
pollinate with unaltered fields of natural corn, wheat and soy.
Is the farmer compensated for the contamination of their crop?
The answer, for the time being, is NO.
What happens is that companies like Monsanto wind up suing
the organic farmer for copyright infringement.

Organic Farmers Lose Right to Protect Crops.
Organic and other farmers who do not wish to plant GMOs
filed a lawsuit against Monsanto, the world’s largest seed
company and the holder of numerous GMO seed patents.
The company is notorious for suing those farmers when their
non-GMO crops become contaminated by GMOs growing
in nearby fields. And the organic and non-GMO farmers
hoped the suit would protect them from any litigation in the
event that their crops become contaminated against their
knowledge via drifting pollen or cross-pollination from bees.

At best, this contamination should be treated as an industrial

accident. Unfortunately, powerful corporations and lobby
groups continue to win the day with potentially dangerous
consequences for all of humanity.
With these ideas in mind I decided to eliminate wheat and corn
products from my diet. This can be impossible on a day-to-day
basis but I have certainly drastically reduced my exposure to these
destructive frankenfoods and I encourage you to do the same.

Casein is the name for a group of phosphoproteins commonly
found in mammalian milk, making up 80% of the proteins in
cow milk and is a major component of cheese.
Casein is a complex protein, like gluten, that breaks down in the
digestive tract and forms protein fragments that can be ‘mis-
read’ by the body as foreign invaders. Once in the bloodstream,
your immune system will react by sending out antibodies that
can cause inflammation. Casein inhibits the uptake of cysteine,
a primary building block of glutithione.
Inflammation can cause a wide variety of symptoms depending
on the area of the body in which the inflammation occurs.
Inflammation in the joints, for example, can cause arthritis while

inflammation in the lungs can cause respiratory congestion
and asthma. Inflammation of the central nervous system, the
one we are most concerned with, contributes to neurological
disorders like MS, epilepsy and ALS.
Another issue associated with milk is recombinant Bovine
Growth Hormone (rBGH), a genetically engineered hormone
manufactured by Monsanto under the trade name Posilac.
This bioengineered hormone is injected in the cows every other
week to force the cows to produce more milk which can then
make the cows susceptible to an udder infection known as
mastitis. Mastitis is a condition which can increase the amount
of cow’s pus which ends up in the milk along with antibiotics
residues, introduced to fight the infection.
The presence of rBGH in the cow’s blood also stimulates the
production of another hormone, called Insulin-Like Growth
Factor-1 (IGF-1) which is directly responsible for increasing
milk production. IGF-1, however, is also linked to the prevention
of normal 'programmed cell death' in the body and thereby
promotes the out-of-control growth of cells, in other words
known as cancer.
Thankfully rBGH is not a problem in Canada as the Milk Board
has soundly rejected its use. I include this brief summary simply
to make you aware that chemicals and poisons are thoughtlessly
added to our food in order to maximize profit at the expense of
our overall health.
It is interesting to note that investigative reporters Jane Akre
and Steve Wilson working at WTVT, a fox affiliate in Florida,
prepared a four-part news series about the dangers of rBGH
which included a Monsanto executive on film repeatedly lying
about the product. Just prior to it being aired in February 1997,
Monsanto threatened Fox and the two reporters saying the series
was unscientific and biased against Monsanto. The reporters
offered to re-write the show to make it more palatable, but
with each draft, Fox attorneys instructed them to make it more
favorable to Monsanto. Over the next 6 months, they re-wrote
the script 83 times. Akre and Wilson were repeatedly instructed

to include unverified and even some outright false statements
by Monsanto’s dairy research director. When they refused, they
were suspended for insubordination and eventually fired.
Under Florida’s ‘whistle blower law’, that protects employees
from retaliation for reporting their employer for breaking the
law, Akre and Wilson sued the Fox station. Akre was awarded
$425,000, by the jury that agreed that her dismissal was
retaliation for her threat to tell the (FCC) about the station’s plan
to report false information on television. The case was later
overturned when Fox appealed the verdict and the court stated
that 'lying on TV is not against the law. The FCC’s policy against
news distortion is a policy, not a 'rule, law, or regulation,'.
The bottom line is Media, Newspapers and TV news, are not
required to tell you the truth. Think about that the next time you
watch the mainstream, corporate news!

Addiction to sugar can be as addictive as alcohol or tobacco.
As consumers we demand lower fat foods but as a result those
foods wind up tasting like cardboard, so the solution, of course,
is to add sugar to enhance the taste. Aside from the more
obvious sources of sugar, it is also added to yogurt, fruit juice,
tomato sauce, granola, oatmeal, jam, peanut butter, fat free
salad dressings, BBQ sauce, multi-grain cereals and crackers,
pizza, bread and fat-free milk.
Before sugar enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract, it
is broken down into two simple sugars…glucose and fructose.
Glucose is essential part of every living cell on the planet and if
we don’t get it from the diet, our bodies produce it. Fructose on
the other hand is not produced by our bodies and there is no
physiological need for it. Fructose is described as 'fruit sugar'
and is found in fruit but not in any significant amount...but it is
found in abundance in raw sugar.
Fructose fools our brains into thinking we are not full, so we
overeat. It also causes dopamine release in the brain making it
highly addictive. Moreover, excess fructose cannot be converted
into energy by the mitochondria inside our cells and instead
turn the excess fructose into liver fat. That starts a cascade of
insulin resistance (insulin promotes sugar uptake from blood).
Eating a lot of fructose overloads the liver which leads to chronic
metabolic diseases, like diabetes and obesity.
The more sugar a person consumes, the more oxidative stress
is created which can result in greater glycemic imbalance,
advanced glycation end products and protein dysfunction.
A simple way to avoid hidden sugar is to avoid processed
foods. This means a return to cooking or preparing your own
meals using basic raw foods. I will discuss this more later in the
chapter on diet.

Refined Salt
US fast foods are twice as salt laden than any other country in
the world. As with sugar, the high demand for low-fat or "diet"
foods has encouraged food manufacturers to compensate for
the reduction of fat by increasing the amount of salt in order to
improve the taste.
Refined salt increases the manufacture of T helper cells,
normally used to fight infection. One particular T helper cell, TH
17, can become more aggressive which leads to inflammation
in the nervous system. T helper cells release increased levels of
cytokines (proteins used to pass messages between cells) 10
times more than normal. This can lead to hyperstimulation of
signaling in the nervous system.
Salt is critical to our health but our bodies are not designed to
process refined and bleached sodium chloride since it has no
nutritional value. However, Himalayan pink salt or Celtic Sea salt
are natural salts that are filled with dozens of minerals that can
be of great benefit to our bodies. It is harvested naturally and is
not processed.

Processed Meat
Processed meats include salami, pepperoni, packaged ham, hot
dogs, sausage, bacon and sandwich meat. Processed meats
contain sodium nitrite, a known carcinogen which is used as a
colour fixer to make the meats appear bright and fresh. Once it
has entered the digestive system it can cause extreme damage
to the liver and pancreas and is likely the leading cause of
pancreatic cancer.
Processed meats are also strongly linked to cancers of the
colon, breast and prostate. Fat tissue in the meats concentrate
toxic chemicals, heavy metals and environmental pollutants
found in the foods that a cow eats. A cow eats tons of grass
in its lifetime, grass that had been sprayed with chemicals and
grown in soil replete with toxic waste. Its common to find heavy
metals like mercury along with pesticides, and even PCBs in
non-organic beef.
These toxins impair the immune system and are linked to cancer
and nervous system disorders like ALS and can even accelerate
the progression of Alzheimer's and dementia.

Pharmacological Changes
Sleeping Pills
Sleeping pill drugs are known as benzodiazepines. Benzos have
a strong sedative effect and work by reducing activity in the
part of the brain that controls emotion by boosting the action
of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This
chemical disrupts neurotransmitter signaling between brain cells
and has a calming affect on the brain, muscles and heart rate.
After you stop taking the drug, the neurotransmitters come back
but they are not as effective. The drug can alter connections
between brain cells and even the structure of the brain itself.
This effect can become permanent. As a consequence,
Benzodiazepines can increase your risk of Alzheimer's and
dementia by 51%
Besides, benzodiazepines do not provide you with a good
night’s sleep. They reduce slow wave sleep and can, in fact,
inhibit really deep sleep as well as exacerbate sleep disorders
like sleep apnea. They can also lead to daytime sleepiness,
reduced concentration, irritability and anxiety.

Vaccination is the administration of antigenic material

(a vaccine) to stimulate an individual’s immune system
to develop adaptive immunity to a pathogen. Vaccines
can prevent or ameliorate morbidity from infection. The
effectiveness of vaccination has been widely studied
and verified; for example, the influenza vaccine, the HPV
vaccine, and the chicken pox vaccine. Vaccination is the
most effective method of preventing infectious diseases;
widespread immunity due to vaccination is largely
responsible for the worldwide eradication of smallpox and
the restriction of diseases such as polio, measles, and
tetanus from much of the world. ~ Wikipedia

The above statement is what we have been led to believe but

there is actually no scientific evidence to support that vaccines
produce the result that they say they do. European nations who
did not vaccinate their populations had the same results as
vaccinated countries. The same diseases disappeared because
the diseases had run their course. It turns out that changes
in hygiene, water, sanitation, nutrition, and conditioned living
spaces were responsible for the eradication of many of the
infectious diseases of the 1800’s and 1900’s. The invention
of the toilet has had a greater bearing on the eradication of
these diseases than vaccinations have. Prior to the widespread
acceptance of the indoor toilet in the early 20th century, human
waste was collected using chamber pots and then simply
tossed out the window to be removed from the gutters by a
street sweeper. These unsanitary conditions were the primary
cause of the spread of disease.

Vaccination does not account for the impressive declines

in mortality seen in the first half of the century
Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: Trends in the
Health of Americans During the 20th Century (2000)

'Deaths from measles in 1900 were 13 per 100,000 people.
In 1948 – less than 1 per 100,000. Measles vaccines weren’t
even introduced until 1963 but took credit for what they
never did – eliminate measles.' ~Craig Stellpfug, NDC

Vaccines are a hoax perpetrated on the general public in order

for Pharmaceutical companies to be able to sell useless drugs
to healthy people.

Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry

has moved very far from its original high purpose of
discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now
primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious
benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt
every institution that might stand in its way, including the
US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the
medical profession itself.'
~Marcia Angell, M.D., former editor of The New England
Journal of Medicine.

The problem with vaccines is that they completely bypass the

body’s natural immune system. Over 70% of your immune
system is located in your digestive system with the mouth,
nose and throat as the gatekeepers to the entire system.
Mucous will trap bacteria and pathogens in order to prevent
them from entering the body. They are excreted by blowing
your nose, coughing up phlegm or in the saliva. Those bacteria
that do make it into the system are prevented from entering the
bloodstream by being eliminated through the digestive system.
Other immune systems like the kidneys, liver and lymph systems
remove toxins by cleaning the blood and fluids and processing
them for elimination in your urine and feces.
Vaccinations bypass all of your defenses by being injected directly
into your bloodstream, via muscle tissue, in order to provoke an
immune response. This response is not natural and the immune
system tends to overreact to the pathogen causing the immune

system to become overstimulated. This can cause brain tissue
damage and decreased immunity. Vaccines, along with a cocktail
of toxic substances, over-excite the immune response in the brain
(microglial priming), leading to all types of degenerative brain
tissue diseases.
Toxic substances in vaccines include: aluminum, thimerosal
(mercury), polysorbate 80 (spermicide), 2 phenoxyetha
(insect repellent), formaldehyde (known human carcinogen),
magnesium sulfate (commonly used as fertilizer), DNA from
animals, and live viruses. These substances are often used as
adjuvants or Excipients:

Adjuvants may be added to vaccines to modify the immune

response by boosting it such as to give a higher amount of
antibodies and a longer lasting protection, thus minimizing
the amount of injected foreign material. Adjuvants may also
be used to enhance the efficacy of vaccines by helping to
subvert the immune response to particular cells type of
immune system ~Wikipedia (emphasis added)

Excipients are also used as 'bulking agents' or 'fillers' to aid in

the accurate dispensation of the drug. The immune system not
only reacts to the pathogen but also to the excipient substances
as well. After the initial introduction of vaccines a variety of
symptoms, including shock, fainting, and sometimes death,
could suddenly result following an injection. This is referred to
as serum shock.
Vaccines have two major effects: immunity and hypersensitivity
and when you use certain excipients the body becomes
hypersensitive to that substance. Eggs were widely used as an
excipient in the past but today, peanut oil is widely used. Have
you noticed that peanut allergies have suddenly emerged as
the #1 cause of death from food reactions? This is the result
of anaphylaxis which can also bring a higher risk of asthma,
shock, respiratory failure, and death.
Thimerosal (mercury) has been linked to the rise of autism rates
in the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. has the highest vaccination
rates in the world and also ranks in at #57 on the list for infant
mortality (6.71 deaths per 1,000), well down the list from
Monaco at #1 (1.81 deaths per 1,000). As the number of required
vaccines has risen from 10 in 1983 to over 36 in 2014, autism
rates have exploded from just 1 in 5000 (1975) to 1 in 68 (2014).
Autism rates are higher in boys than in girls (1 in 42 boys and
1 in 189 girls). This means that boys are 5 times more likely
to have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The same can
be said for ALS patients where the disease occurs about 1.56
times more frequently in men than women. Since testosterone
interferes with the male’s ability to naturally chelate mercury,
this would go a long way to explain why men and boys are more
susceptible to these conditions.
Another adjuvant of major importance to ALS patients is
Aluminum Hydroxide. The following is the Abstract from a
study performed by the Neural Dynamics Research Group,
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and

the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Experimental
research clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a
potential to induce serious immunological disorders in
humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries
a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and
associated neurological complications and may thus have
profound and widespread adverse health consequences.
In our opinion, the possibility that vaccine benefits may
have been overrated and the risk of potential adverse
effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated
in the medical and scientific community.
Aluminum-treated mice showed significantly increased
apoptosis of motor neurons and increases in reactive
astrocytes and microglial proliferation within the spinal
cord and cortex. (Emphasis added)

Basically, the use of Aluminum (hydroxide) as an adjuvant can
lead to neurological disease.
Aluminum hydroxide is used in the oral vaccine Dukoral, an
anti-cholera vaccine that I took just prior to my trip to Cuba in
2012. My first respiratory signs of ALS began within a week of
taking this vaccine. I firmly believe that this was the trigger for
the onset of my ALS symptoms.
Another well documented adjuvant that has been linked to
autoimmunity is the an oil based adjuvant called squalene.
Squalene is recognized by your immune system as a natural
molecule found throughout your nervous system and brain.
We can consume squalene in olive oil, shark oil and in lesser
amounts in wheat germ and rice bran. It even has antioxidant
properties when consumed in this form.
Unfortunately when squalene is injected into our bodies through
vaccination this abnormal route of entry incites your immune
system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the
vaccine adjuvant. The body will destroy the molecule wherever
it finds it, including the brain and nervous system. Once self-
destruction begins, the immune system continues to attack and
destroy the nervous system because it has now acquired the
antibodies to an essential component of that system.
Injecting any foreign substance straight into the bloodstream
will only cause an anaphylaxis (sensitization) reaction. When
you inject adjuvants such as squalene, normally a natural
component in the body, it is no wonder that it can result in the
hyperactivation of the immune system and an autoimmune
reaction similar to anaphylaxis.

Squalene is a kind of trigger for (a) real biological weapon.

When the immune system’s full repertoire of cells and
antibodies (attack) tissues they are supposed to protect,
the results can be catastrophic. Oil adjuvants [like squalene]
are the most insidious chemical weapon ever devised.

The real problem with using squalene (isn’t) that it mimics
a molecule found in the body; it is the same molecule.
So what American scientists conceived as a vaccine
booster was another ‘nano-bomb,’ instigating chronic,
unpredictable and debilitating disease. When the NIH….
argued that squalene would be safe because it is native
to the body, just the opposite was true. Squalene’s natural
presence in the body made it one of the most dangerous
molecules ever injected into man and using it in vaccines is
outlandish and criminal.
~ Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s
Killing Our Soldiers and Why GIs are Only the First
Victims by Gary Matsumoto

The hyperactivation of the immune system that occurs with

the use of vaccinations may not become apparent for many
years. Cellular hypersensitivity depends on the original antigenic
stimulation and a latent period followed by an infectious trigger of
the immune response. You may not have a reaction immediately
following a vaccination but the introduction of a novel, foreign
infectious agent such as a virus, bacteria, fungi, spirochete or
parasite or a chemical agent such as mercury, an endotoxin,
antibiotics and various drugs can trigger this kind of autoimmune
hypersensitivity reaction. This delayed reaction helps to
obfuscate the link between vaccines and chronic disease.
Some vaccinations have also been know to have aborted fetal
tissue, human diploid cells, added to the mix; foreign human
DNA is initiating an immune response. Its no wonder that our
immune system can become confused as to what it considers
‘self’ vs ‘non-self’
Also, chicken egg whites were used a an adjuvant during the 50’s
60’s and 70’s. This makes everyone who received vaccines during
this period allergic to egg whites and they should be eliminated
from your diet. Paradoxically, the yolks of the eggs are high in
cholesterol, a basic building block in the brain and spinal cord.

Vaccination campaigns appear to be more about politics and
profit without any concern for the harm that these medications
may cause. They represent the worst of science and are part
of a colossal deception perpetrated upon an unsuspecting and
naive public by the medical mafia focused on an agenda of
population reduction.

There are a great many pharmaceutical drugs that could
be discussed at this point but I chose to discuss statins, or
cholesterol lowering medications, because several of these
drugs directly contributed to my condition.
Most pharmaceutical drugs come with negative side effects and
you should explore the side effects that may be associated with
any prescription drugs you may be taking. There are several
websites you can go to including,
or You may be unpleasantly surprised to learn the
deleterious effects of most prescription medications.

W E B S I T E S :;;

Statins (or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are a class of

drugs used to lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting the
enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a central role in
the production of cholesterol in the liver, which produces
about 70 percent of total cholesterol in the body.

Statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors - a substance that

blocks an enzyme needed by the body to make cholesterol and
lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The problem is
that these drugs also block the synthesis of CoQ10, dolichol
and selenoprotein.

Dolichol inhibition leads to problems with glycoprotein
synthesis critical for neuropeptide synthesis, cell identification,
cell messaging and immunodefense. CoQ10 interference
leads to cell wall integrity loss, interference with energy
formation, increased mitochondrial mutations and reduces the
effectiveness of the anti-oxidation system, leading directly to
excess ROS (reactive oxygen species) other
words, oxidative stress; a hallmark in the pathology of ALS.
Cholesterol is one of the most basic defense mechanisms of
our immune system. If you have elevated cholesterol levels it
is your body reacting to a foreign invader in your bloodstream.
It coats the inside lining of your veins to protect the body from
harm. 95% of your hormones and 90% of your brain and spinal
cord are made up of cholesterol. Reducing cholesterol simply
results in the reduction of your body’s ability to protect itself,
leaving it more susceptible to disease and bacterial infections.
Reducing cholesterol essentially leads to the degeneration
of the myelin sheath, a chronic inflammatory autoimmune
process of the central nervous system that affects the brain
and spinal cord. The damaged myelin sheath then develops
scarring that leads to either distorted communication or lack
of communication between the nerve endings. This, in turn,
leads to the nerves misfiring, the associated muscles twitching
(fasciculations) and eventually muscle atrophy. Statins also
nullifiy the immune response to vaccines leaving our bodies
vulnerable to the pathogen we have just been injected with.
Dr. Duane Graveline, MD is an Allopathic doctor and former
astronaut who has written a number of books on the dangers
of statins including ‘The Statin Damage Crisis’ and ‘The Dark
Side of Statins’. Dr. Graveline only took statins for 5 months but
was damaged enough by their use that, he believes, eventually
lead to premature aging and a diagnosis of ALS.


Statins, also known as reductase inhibitors, block the
mevalonate pathway causing a wide range of side effects,
including permanent neuropathy and myopathy, ALS and
other neurodegenerative illnesses.
The pathway to cholesterol synthesis is also shared by many
extremely important biochemical substances, including
coenzyme Q10, inhibition of which was the cause of many
side effects. Excessive CoQ10 inhibition was resulting in
buildup of free radicals resulting in increased mitochondrial
DNA damage and mutation, primary factors in how we
age. Statin drugs were thereby enhancing aging. Statin
associated CoQ10 inhibition was leading directly to increased
mitochondrial DNA damage and premature senility.
Mitochondrial mutations induced by statins began to be
reported as the cause of increasing numbers of serious
disabilities affecting neurons of the brain as well as causing
muscle damage. Inhibition of CoQ10 was allowing free
radical excess to mutate our mitochondria. The World
Health Association reported excess ALS in statin users
My neurologist generally agreed that ALS fit with my muscle
atrophy and weakness and volunteered that he wondered
about the mitochondria. He said he had been seeing much
statin damage of this type and suspected mitochondrial
mutations might have occurred.
~Dr. Duane Graveline, from several sources

Imagine, there has even been talk of putting statins into our
water supply along with lithium, in order to 'protect the general
public' against the scourge of heart disease.

Statin Nation

Sleeping Pills
Sleeping Pills or sedative hypnotics include barbiturates and
Barbiturates depress the central nervous system and can cause
sedation but are more commonly used as anesthesia.
Benzodiazepines also increase drowsiness to help people
sleep but they are essentially anti-anxiety medications that
are potentially addictive. Some familiar names include Xanax,
Valium, Ativan, and Librium.

Secret documents reveal that government-funded experts

were warned nearly 30 years ago that tranquilizers that
were later prescribed to millions of people could cause
brain damage.
~UK Independent

Benzodiazepines have a strong sedative effect and work by

reducing activity in the part of the brain that controls emotion.
These chemicals disrupt neurotransmitter signaling between
brain cells and have a calming effect on the brain, muscles and
heart rate.
After you stop taking the drug, the neurotransmitters come back
but they are not as effective. The drug can alter connections
between brain cells and even the structure of the brain itself.
This effect can become permanent.
Benzodiazepines can be highly addictive even with short-term
use and withdrawal symptoms can include distorted vision,
burning sensations and even seizures.
Long-term use can often lead to headaches, neurological pain,
cognitive impairment and memory loss. They can also increase
your risk of Alzheimer's and dementia by 51%.

Antidepressants or SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors, can cause permanent brain damage, increase the
risk of suicide and actually increase episodes of depression.
Physically they can cause internal bleeding, inproper bone and
brain development, movement disorders, agitation and sexual
Mentally they can cause amotivational syndrome which is
characterized by apathy, disinhibited behavior including blunt
emotional responses and personality changes similar to the
effects of lobotomy.
SSRIs can cause irreversible chemical and structural changes
to the body and brain. The administration of Prozac and Paxil,
for example, raises cortisol levels and are associated with
depression, weight gain, immune dysfunction, and memory
problems. Even short-term exposure can produce swelling and
kinking in the serotonin nerve fibers.
Risk of suicide while taking SSRIs is three times higher than
placebos and they can also insight violent behavior, like mass
murder and gun violence especially when a patient is trying to
reduce their dependence on the medication.
SSRI is a collection of over 6,000 stories that have
appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals) in
which prescription drugs were mentioned and in which these
drugs may be linked to a variety of adverse outcomes including
suicide and mass gun violence.


Environmental (Chemical) toxins

'What then is unique about this small number of people

who ultimately develop ALS following some form of toxic
exposure? Clearly, the answer lies in how their bodies
respond to the toxic insult. That is to say that some
individuals may be at increased risk for developing ALS
following exposure to a toxin because of inadequacies in
their detoxification system.'
~ Dr. David Perlmutter, board certified neurosurgeon

We are inundated daily by environmental toxins in cleaning

products, personal hygiene products and toxic substances,
such as solvents like those found in paint, and petroleum
based products like plastic. Make-up, hair dyes, deodorants,
perfumes and cleansers should all be avoided in favor of more
natural products.
There are a number of plastics that can leach toxic chemicals
when heated, worn or put under pressure: polycarbonate,
which leaches bisphenol A; polystyrene, which leaches styrene;
and PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, which breaks down into vinyl
chloride. You should therefore avoid drinking from plastic water
bottles or heating any foods in plastic containers using the
microwave oven.
When we have exposed ourselves to such toxins over a lifetime
we eventually get into an immune compromised condition
that makes us hypersensitive to ANY toxic exposure. I was a
house painter during my college years and was widely exposed
to paint and solvents during that time. This became another
domino that needed to be recognized and eliminated in order
to repair the damage to my body.

Take Lou Gehrig’s disease – even conventional medicine

admits that perhaps 90 percent of the cases have no
known cause. They don’t know what causes it, and that's

because, as with many other degenerative diseases, Lou
Gehrig’s disease really isn’t a disease at all. It’s a name
attached to a set of observations. It’s really just things
going wrong with the nervous system or the neuromuscular
system, i.e. nutritional deficiencies and exposure to
environmental toxins which conventional medicine prefers
to sit back and name rather than try to prevent.
Poor nutrition and exposure to toxins are really the root
cause of all these mysterious disorders. If you lack good
nutrition -- vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential
fatty acids and so on -- and poison your body with the
toxic chemicals found in personal care products, home
cleaners, air fresheners, dryer sheets, laundry detergent,
deodorant, shampoo, nail polish, and all the additives in
food and beverages, then of course things are going to
start to go wrong with your body.
~ Neurological disease names sound complex, but they
often share a common cause by Mike Adams

Here are some suggestions for natural cleaners:

• Baking Soda - cleans, deodorizes, softens water, scours.

• Soap - unscented soap in liquid form, flakes, powders or
bars is biodegradable and will clean just about anything.
Avoid using soaps which contain petroleum distillates.
• L
 emon - one of the strongest food-acids, effective
against most household bacteria.
• B
 orax - (sodium borate) cleans, deodorizes, disinfects,
softens water, cleans wallpaper, painted walls and floors.
• W
 hite Vinegar - cuts grease, removes mildew, odors,
some stains and wax build-up.
• C
 ornstarch - can be used to clean windows, polish
furniture, shampoo carpets and rugs.

• Washing Soda - SAL Soda is sodium carbonate
decahydrate, a mineral. Washing soda cuts grease,
removes stains, softens water, cleans wall, tiles, sinks
and tubs. Use care, as washing soda can irritate mucous
membranes. Do not use on aluminum.
• Isopropyl Alcohol - is an excellent disinfectant. (It has
been suggested to replace this with ethanol or 100 proof
alcohol in solution with water.
• Citrus Solvent - cleans paint brushes, oil and grease,
some stains. (Citrus solvent may cause skin, lung or eye
irritations for people with multiple chemical sensitivities.)

Chemical Warfare
Chemical warfare agents have been used as weapons
throughout human history but it was not until World War I that
chemical agents like sarin, chlorine and mustard gas were used
to murder human beings on a mass scale. With my research
on this subject I was most interested in those substances that
caused neurological damage known as nerve agents.
Nerve agents include chemicals such as Cyclosarin (GF), Sarin
(GB), Soman (GD), Tabun (GA), VX, VR, some insecticides
and Novichok agents. Use of these agents can cause a wide
variety of symptoms such as blurred vision, headache, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea but can also be responsible for muscle
twitching/fasciculations and dyspnea (shortness of breath)
which were my primary ALS symptoms. I began to wonder if
there was a connection.
I discovered that pesticides are made from leftover nerve gas
used in World War I and II and that nerve agents inactivate the
enzyme acetylcholinesterase, preventing the breakdown of the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the victim's synapses and
causing both muscarinic and nicotinic effects. Nicotinic effects

are those of sympathetic overactivity and neuromuscular
dysfunction and include tachycardia, hypertension, dilated
pupils, muscle fasciculation and muscle weakness.
Acetylcholine, by its nicotinic effects, is responsible for synaptic
transmission. Nerve agents therefore disrupt proper synaptic
transmission which leads, ultimately, to muscle weakness and
atrophy which is the most common outcome with ALS.
By way of example, we are all familiar with the hazardous effects of
DDT and Agent Orange. DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
was an insecticide that was widely used during the 1940s
and 50s. It was later shown to cause cancer and posed a
threat to wildlife, particularly birds and has been implicated in
neurological disorders. It was banned worldwide in 2001.

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Agent orange was a herbicide and defoliant used during the

Vietnam war from 1961 to 1971. It was contaminated with
a dioxin (TDCC) and is known to be a human carcinogen,
frequently associated with soft-tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic
leukemia. This dioxin can remain in the human body with a half-
life of 7 years and in soil for more than 10 years. It was not
completely banned until 1985.
These chemicals, DDT and Agent orange, are just two examples
of the reckless and untested use of toxic agents with unknown
or unforeseen detrimental consequences for humans and our
environment. It took decades for these toxic substances to be
recognized and eventually banned. The chemical companies
profit without any concern for the human collateral carnage that
they inflict upon an unsuspecting public.
Here is what I believe will prove to be more recent example of a
chemically toxic insecticide that will have a disastrous outcome
on human health; neonicotinoids.

Neonicotinoids are like the nerve agents discussed above
because, as the name suggests, these insecticides have the
same nicotinic effects on insects, and ultimately human beings,
as the biological nerve agents used in the wars of the 20th
century. Neonicotinoids were first introduced into Canadian
agriculture in 2007 and have been linked to the collapse of
honey bee colonies. After their introduction into the market, bee
populations collapsed by 93% within the following year. Recent
findings, including a 2012 study by Lu and colleagues, suggest
that Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is related specifically to
neonicotinoids, which may impair bees’ neurological functions.

Neonicotinoids are a relatively new class of insecticides

that share a common mode of action that affect the central
nervous system of insects, resulting in paralysis and death.
They include imidacloprid, acetamiprid, clothianidin,
dinotefuran, nithiazine, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam.
According to the EPA, uncertainties have been identified
since their initial registration regarding the potential
environmental fate and effects of neonicotinoid pesticides,
particularly as they relate to pollinators. Studies conducted
in the late 1990s suggest that neonicotinic residues can
accumulate in pollen and nectar of treated plants and
represent a potential risk to pollinators.

These pesticides are sprayed directly on the seeds and once

the seeds are planted, the insecticide will grow along with the
plant. When neonicotinoid-coated seeds germinate and mature
into crops, the pesticide dissolves in water and permeates every
plant cell. Washing food cannot remove neonicotinoid residues
and all aspects of the plant are genetically altered to contain the
insecticide which causes, as stated earlier, paralysis and death.
So far, there have not been any long term studies into the
effects that these substances may have on animals further up

the food chain, including human beings, but there are some
early studies that clearly indicate a link between neonicotinoids
and neurological disease.

The etiology of most neurodegenerative disorders is

multifactorial and consists of an interaction between
environmental factors and genetic predisposition. The role
of pesticide exposure in neurodegenerative disease has
long been suspected, but the specific causative agents
and the mechanisms underlying are not fully understood.
For the main neurodegenerative diseases such
as, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis there are evidences linking
their etiology with long-term/low-dose exposure to
pesticides such as paraquat, maneb, dieldrin, pyrethroids
and organophosphates. Most of these pesticides share
common features, namely the ability to induce oxidative
stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, α-synuclein fibrillization
and neuronal cell loss.
Pesticides exposure as etiological factors of
Parkinson's Disease and other neurodegenerative
diseases - a mechanistic approach

Harvard researchers noted that although neonicotinoid

residues in their study were below levels allowed by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the way these
levels are determined 'does not take into sufficient account
the protection of human health from long-term low-dose
exposure.' This is worrisome, given the mounting evidence
that exposure to nerve poison pesticides is a leading
cause of neurodegenerative disorders such as autism,
Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.

Obviously this another reason to avoid ‘roundup-ready’,
genetically modified, processed food and get back to basic,
raw organic whole foods that avoid the use of these chemicals.
A documentary that discusses the influence of big business
and lack of Government oversight is called 'Bought'. It
discusses the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries and
their disregard for human safety in favour of maximizing profits.
It also includes a discussion of 'neonicotinoids'.


Have you ever considered the air you breath? Since my first
symptoms involved respiratory difficulties I began to inquire
about the air we breath and although it is impossible to just
stop breathing it is a matter that we should be informed about.
Have you ever considered that on a perfectly clear day, airplanes
flying overhead are leaving trails of chemical compounds that
never dissipate and can turn a perfectly clear day into a hazy,
overcast patchwork of fuzzy lines. Have you ever questioned what
is happening? These lines are known as chemtrails and they are
entirely different from what we have been taught is a contrail.

Contrails (short for condensation trails) or vapor trails are

long, thin artificial (man-made) clouds that sometimes form
behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by
the water vapor in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but can
also be triggered by the changes in air pressure in wingtip
vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface. Like
all clouds, contrails are made of water, in the form of a
suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals.
~ Wikipedia

Contrails form when heated air is exhausted from an aircraft’s

engines and the surrounding temperature at higher altitudes
is very cold. As the warm air cools to match the surrounding
atmosphere the contrails will quickly dissipate.

Chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much

thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in
varying patterns of Xs, tick-tack-toe grids, cross-hatched
and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails
expand and drip feathers and mare’s tails. In 30 minutes or
less, they open into wispy formations which join together,
forming a thin white veil or a ‘fake cirrus-type cloud’ that
persists for hours. ~ Thayer, 2000

Of course, chemtrails have often been dismissed as a paranoid

conspiracy theory but we should consider the following.
Researchers have been able to conclude that the primary
chemicals associated with chemtrails are aluminum and barium
nanoparticles and can be measured in chemtrail fallout. These
metals were collected using ground air filters and increased
levels are found several hours after a chemtrail dispersal event.
Aluminum nanoparticles can enter the brain and spinal
cord quickly through the lungs and nostrils and are highly
inflammatory to tissue than other forms of environmental
aluminum. There is a definite connection of chemtrails'
aluminum deposits to the rise of neurodegenerative diseases
like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and ALS.
Barium interferes with our immune system. It blocks the
activation of T-cells, which protect the body from pathogenic
bacteria, a major component of the immune system.
Thus chemtrails provide both an inflammatory response as well
as immune suppression.

What on Earth are they Spraying?

The doctor of the future will no
longer treat the human frame with
drugs, but rather will cure and
prevent disease with nutrition
~ Thomas Edison


'Most infections do not take hold on strong healthy tissues.

So the only thing missing from this picture is toxicity and
strong nutritional deficiencies, from our dead, processed,
and genetically modified foods. Our dirty air and water and
nutrient deficient foods, along with an overuse of antibiotics,
creates an imbalance in the intestinal flora which gets the
whole ball rolling in the first place. Low grade inflammation
sets in, followed by an inability to fight the infection load we
encounter on a daily basis. Then add stress and emotional
trauma, and the stage is set for disease.'
~ Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM

In the last chapter we learned what you can eliminate immediately

from your diet and from your environment. In summary:
NO Mercury NO Aspartame NO Fluoride
NO Wheat NO Dairy NO Egg whites
NO Vaccines NO Coffee NO Alcohol
NO Pharmaceutical drugs NO Chemicals
NO Processed Meats
So, what can you eat? In this chapter I will discuss what you
CAN add to your diet and changes that you can implement
immediately to refine your diet.

Eat only pure, fresh, whole foods, many raw, and preferably
organic (no pesticides). When you cook, use whole foods
(not canned, packaged or processed) and cook gently,
using only extra virgin olive oil, natural salt, pepper and
herbs for seasoning. If you ever consume anything
packaged or prepared by others, read the ingredient list
and make sure there are no added free glutamates.
~Dr. David Steenblock

A primary contributor to ALS is endotoxins from bacteria, yeast
and parasites in the intestinal tract that pass into the blood
and lymph and finally reach the cerebrospinal fluid. This is
often referred to as 'leaky gut'. Yeast overgrowth, like candida
albicans, disrupts the integrity of the lining of the intestine and
allows endotoxins to bypass the effectiveness of the immune
system in the gut.
Once bacteria enters cerebrospinal fluid these endotoxins are
absorbed by the microglia that surround the motor neurons.
Once compromised, the microglia no longer perform properly
and the endotoxins begin to injure and kill motor neurons. Many
other toxic compounds can also enter the body, reach the
microglia, and overwhelm them. Mutations in SOD-1 (superoxide
dismutase, an antioxidant enzyme that reduces free radicals to
oxygen and hydrogen peroxide) can reduce the glucose levels
in synapses as well as reduce glutamate transport in the brain
and spinal cord resulting in inflammation and myelin destruction
(nerve damage). This leads to the accumulation of free radicals
(oxidative stress) and further neuronal degeneration.
We must rid the body and intestine of these poison-producing
bacteria, strengthen and heal the inner lining of the intestines,
repair the damaged blood vessels leading into the spinal cord
and ultimately remove the inflammation within the spinal cord.
First line of therapy for leaky gut is to stop using antibiotics
for minor infections, stop eating hormone fed animal products,
stop eating all forms of sugar including grains, alcohol and fruit
juices and remove gluten which can act as an excitotoxin. One
should also avoid yeast based, or fermented, foods like breads,
alcohol, soy sauce and hard cheeses as they can introduce
unwanted bacteria into your system.
There really is only one diet you need to follow; raw, fresh and
organic but you can design what works for you based on several
diets presented here. The thing is, they are almost identical in
philosophy and approach.

Paleolithic diet
Dr. Terry Wahls ( is clinical professor of
medicine at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
in Iowa City, Iowa. Dr. Wahls was diagnosed with secondary
progressive multiple sclerosis in 2003. By 2007 Dr. Wahl’s
condition had deteriorated to the point that she required the use
of a wheelchair because of the weakness in her back muscles.


Dr. Wahls began her own study of neuroimmunology and

biochemistry and began to use vitamins and supplements
important to brain health. This later developed into the redesign
of her diet so that she would get those important brain nutrients
not from supplements but from the foods she ate. This 'Hunter-
Gatherer diet' was later developed into the Wahl’s protocol and
she has written two books; The Whal’s Protocol and Minding
your Mitochondria. Within a year, Dr. Wahl had recovered
from her condition to a point where she no longer required the
wheelchair and participated in an 18-mile bicycle tour. A short
video about her journey is available on TED talks (
The basic tenant of the Paleolithic diet is to eat the way our
ancient ancestors ate for millions of years; meat, fish, fowl and
the leaves, roots and fruits of many plants. It has only been in the
last 10,000 years that we have begun to consume grains, beans
and potatoes because we discovered that they were edible only
after they were cooked. These foods are full of energy but all are
inedible in their raw state as they contain many toxins. Cooking
them removes these toxins and the human diet was changed
dramatically by introducing grain based foods such as flour,
bread, noodles and pasta.
There are several advantages to grain based foods:
• They can be stored for long periods and during winter months
• They are calorie dense and easy to transport

• T
 he food was also the seed allowing them to be planted
and farmed
Food storage freed people from having to constantly hunt and
gather food and farming was easier than constantly moving
from place to place. Farming also provides feed for animals
which in turn provide dairy products and subsequent calories
over a longer term than simply eating them for meat and allowed
humans to pursue non-essential activities. Cow’s milk is ideal
for calves but not for humans and cannot provide the nutrients
required for human brain development. The problem is, our
genes were never developed with grains, beans, potatoes or
dairy products and our bodies cannot properly process these
foods and contravenes millions of years of evolution.
The paleolithic diet consists of the following:
• Meat, chicken and fish
• Eggs
• Fruit
• Vegetables (NOT root vegetables like potatoes but DO
include carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, Swedes)
• Nuts, eg. walnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia, almond. Do
not eat peanuts (a bean) or cashews (a family of their own)
• B erries- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc.
• Mushrooms
• Organ meats- liver and kidneys
This diet also aligns with avoiding 'free' glutamates and increasing
'bound' glutamates as discussed earlier. The staples of the
Paleolithic diet have a higher incidence of bound glutamates
and can help reduce damage in the cells by oxidation.

PH Alkaline Diet
A pH level measures how acid or alkaline something is; a pH of
0 is totally acidic, while a pH of 14 is completely alkaline. A pH
of 7 is neutral.

Our bodies are naturally alkaline and normal blood pH should
be slightly alkaline ( 7.35 - 7.45 ). Below or above this range
results in symptoms and disease. An acidic pH can occur from
an acid forming diet, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions
or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other
nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by
using alkaline minerals. Everything we put in to our body can
be considered acidic and the body compensates by trying to
alkalize foods in order to break them down into the enzymes
and amino acids that the body can use. Saliva is the first stage
in this process and helps to neutralize acids. We can assist this
process by chewing our foods and drinking liquids slowly in
order to maximize the ingestion of nutrients. Think 'Drink your
food and chew your liquids'
An acidic diet decreases the body's ability to absorb minerals
and other nutrients, detoxify heavy metals and decreases the
energy production in the cells and the ability to repair damaged
cells. Acids, like raw sugar, can make tumor cells thrive while
making you more susceptible to fatigue and illness. The foods
in a typical North American diet are highly acidic typically found
in animal products like meat, eggs and dairy. Other acidic
sources include processed foods, coffee, alcohol, refined
sugar, pharmaceutical drugs, aspartame and MSG, all of which
have been mentioned earlier.
The problem with the North American diet is that we don’t
include enough alkaline foods and our PH is out of balance.
Balance is the true state we are looking for but when we are
already battling a diseased situation, like ALS, we need to
overcompensate to a more alkaline state.
To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline
forming foods and 40% acid forming foods. To restore health,
the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods. In
general, alkaline forming foods include green vegetables, peas,
beans, lentils, spices, herbs, fruit and nuts and seeds.

Keytone Diet
The Keytone diet is quite different from the others and should not
be undertaken without the consultation of your physician. I include
it simply to make you aware of it and to motivate you to do your
own research.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-

carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat
difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet
forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.
Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are
converted into glucose, which is then transported around
the body and is particularly important in fueling brain
function. However, if there is very little carbohydrate in
the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone
bodies. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace
glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone
bodies in the blood, a state known as ketosis, leads to a
reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures.

Ketone bodies have been found to protect cells in various

neurodegenerative diseases such as epilepsy, stroke, traumatic
brain injury and cancer. They are also anti-inflammatory and
reduce oxygen free radicals which is especially important for
ALS patients. Also, elevated triglycerides and cholesterol in
ALS patients are associated with greater longevity!  Saturated
fats, mono-saturated fats, medium chain fats like coconut and
palm oil, and omega-3 fatty acids (found in sardines, mackerel,
herring, salmon, halibut, cod and tuna) with vitamin E help ALS
patients to maintain their weight. Animal proteins, like eggs,
heavy cream, chicken and turkey along with a high intake of
fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants will be beneficial.
A number of studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of a
ketone diet for ALS patients.

The mitochondria within all our cells produce energy for
our muscles. The first phase of energy production is called
Complex I which is blocked by the kind of mutant SOD1 that
characterizes ALS.  Dietary ketones can restore complex I
function and in research conducted by Dr. Zhao, it was noted
that mice fed a ketogenic diet maintained their muscle strength
longer than the standard diet-fed mice and had significantly
more motor neurons at the end of the study than the control
mice. They also lost weight at a slower rate and also reduced
free radical production and neuronal die-off. 
In another ALS mouse study, those mice that had their L-arginine
levels beefed up showed a slowing of progression of symptoms
in the lumbar spinal cord plus an extended life span. L-Arginine
can be found in cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, yogurt, whey
protein, gelatin, poultry light meat, wild game, seafood, wheat
germ, buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts and seeds.
The early stages of ALS are often characterized by impaired
glucose tolerance and in combination with environmental toxin
can lead to hypoglycemia in ALS patients. Glucagon effects are
the opposite of those induced by insulin and the two hormones
need to work in partnership with each other to keep blood
glucose levels balanced. Glucagon increases blood glucose
levels and can be restored with 2 amino acids; L-alanine and
L-glutamine. Alanine is found in gelatin, eggs, turkey, beef,
chicken breast, and wild salmon. Glutamine is found in beef,
chicken, wild salmon, eggs, diary products, cabbage, beets,
beans, spinach and parsley.
A keytone diet basically derives 90% of its calories from fats
as opposed to sugar and reduces the body's dependence
on glucose for energy. Keytones are an alternative energy
source for the brain and do not require insulin in order to get
into the cell. Normally we use insulin and insulin receptors to
extract glucose from the blood as a source of energy for the
cells but keytones can enter straight into the cell where they
provide energy, through ATP production, for the mitochondria.
ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a nucleoside triphosphate

used in cells as a coenzyme often called the "molecular unit of
currency" of intracellular energy transfer.
Coconut oil is the best source of keytones and is 60% medium
chain triglycerides that are easily absorbed into the cells as an
energy source. It has been shown to have an immediate effect
in reversing some of the symptoms in Alzheimer's patients. is a website that helps patients with ALS
to review alternative and off-label ALS treatments. They have
reviewed the efficacy of coconut oil and have concluded that
it has plausible mechanisms for use in ALS involving raising
ketone bodies and lipid levels. They also found that ketogenic
and high fat diets may have helped slow motor neuron loss. It is
recommended that you take up to 6 tablespoons of coconut oil
per day, 2 tablespoons with each meal. This will help maintain
keytone levels in the bloodstream in order to maximize their
affect. Results can vary and it may take several months to
see any improvements but some ALS patients have reported
greater muscle strength and coordination.


Although the Ketonic diet relies more heavily on dietary fats,

it also has similar components to the Paleolithic and Alkaline
diets and a clear picture should begin to appear. Although not
all of the following have been clearly discussed, these are some
simple rules you can follow:
• Eat whole, natural foods.
• Eat only foods that will spoil, but eat them before they do.
• Eat naturally-raised meat including fish, seafood, poultry,
lamb, game, and organ meats
• Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, in salads
and soups, or lightly steamed
• Eat nuts and seeds
• Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.

• U  se unrefined Celtic sea salt (or Himalayan Pink Salt) and a
variety of herbs and spices for food interest
• Use only extra virgin olive oil, sesame, coconut and palm.
Avoid omega-6 oils like canola, vegetable, corn and
sunflower oils
• Make your own salad dressing using spices, raw vinegar
and extra virgin olive oil
• Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey
and maple syrup
• Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light.
• Think positive thoughts and minimize stress.

GI (Glycemic Index) Diet

Steve Shackel ( recommends a glycemic index
diet, which is an eating plan based on how foods affect your
blood sugar level. The goal is to streamline your blood sugar
by consuming low glycemic foods like vegetables, most fruits
and low-fat milk products. When it comes to breads, cereals
and grains try to choose whole grains and legumes or simply
eliminate or reduce their use.


The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) unit,
ORAC value, or 'ORAC score' is a method of measuring the
antioxidant (free-radical destroying) capacity of different foods
and supplements. It is believed that foods higher on the ORAC
scale will more effectively neutralize free radicals. According
to the free-radical theory of aging, this will slow the oxidative
processes and free radical damage that can contribute to age-
related degeneration and disease.
Remember that free radical damage is what is causing the
scar tissue to form in the brain and spinal cord. Reducing free
radicals by eating antioxidant foods should be a primary goal
in forming a new diet. The highest ORAC foods include dried,
ground spices (cloves, oregano, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon,
tumeric, basil, etc.), Nuts (pecans, walnuts), fruit (Raspberries,
Blueberries, raisins) and dark chocolate. Hurrah!

Juicing can be one of the simplest ways to add nutrients from the
fruits or vegetables that you normally couldn’t eat in the same
volume as the whole versions of those foods. Fruit and vegetable
juices retain most of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals
(phytonutrients) that can help protect against cardiovascular
disease, cancer and various inflammatory diseases. Valuable
compounds called flavinoids and anthocyanins are abundant
in a variety of fruits and vegetables and, as discussed, guard
against oxidative cellular damage.
Dark green plants are rich in chlorophyll, a biomolecule critical
in photosynthesis, which allows plants to absorb energy from
sunlight, so drinking them is like consuming liquid sunshine.
Chlorophyll helps to increase the number and quality of your red
blood cells resulting in better oxygen transportation, prevents
cancer and can chelate heavy metals. Liquid chlorophyll also
is a powerful antioxidant and boosts the immune system to
protect the body from toxins and wastes.
There are a number of juicers on the market ranging from $30 to
$300. I use a Breville juicer and it uses centrifugal force to separate
the pulp from the juice. The pulp can accumulate quite quickly so
be sure to choose a juicer with a large capacity and that is easy
to clean. Juicing can be time consuming but is well worth the
effort and is a great way to get your body the nutrients it needs to
get better.

Food Matters; Hungry for Change

Genetics loads the gun and
environment pulls the trigger
~ Dr. Francis Collins,
Director of the National Institutes
of Health (NIH)

The information in the following chapters requires professional
intervention as the pathogens are not easily removed without
naturopathic expertise.

Infections: Parasites, Viruses and bacteria

Unfortunately, there a huge number of infections that could be
discussed at this point, however I have chosen to concentrate
on the few that clearly contribute to the pathology of ALS and
have been linked, at least in theory, to the cause of the disease.

In 2000, Bruno Lina, MD, PhD, and a team of researchers in
France, looked for indications of EchoVirus (EV) in the spinal
cords of 17 patients with ALS and 29 healthy people for
comparison. They found that almost 90% of those with the
disease had evidence of an echovirus, but only 3.4% of the
healthy people showed any evidence of it. Most of the ALS
patients were found to have pieces of genetic material that
closely matched the EV known as echovirus-7.
An ECHO (Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan) virus, is a
type of RNA virus that is a member of the enterovirus B
species. Echoviruses are highly infectious and normally
found in the gastrointestinal tract. Exposure to the virus
can cause other opportunistic infections and diseases
by spreading into secondary sites like the central
nervous system.
An echovirus-7 infection can lead to encephalomyelitis, a
general term used to describe inflammation of the brain and
spinal cord. For example, Encephalomyelitis disseminata is the
technical name for multiple sclerosis; Myalgic encephalomyelitis
is more commonly referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
and is associated with symptoms of muscle pain and fatigue.
Echovirus-7 has been one of the leading theoretical pathogenic
causes of ALS but is only one of many possibilities. The one

thing that the majority of chronically ill patients, with ALS or
similar, have in common is that they show evidence of chronic
infection whether it is viral, bacterial or fungal.


Mycotoxins are chemicals made by fungi. They are found

in grains that have been contaminated with fungi and
mold. Some mycotoxins are used for medicinal purposes.
Antibiotics, such as penicillin and the cephalosporin drugs,
are fungal metabolites- they are mycotoxins. Alcohol is a
mycotoxin. Aflatoxin, the most carcinogenic substance on
earth, is a mycotoxin. The most commonly contaminated
crops are peanuts, corn, and wheat.
~ Multiple Sclerosis: A Chronic Mycotoxicosis?
By Dr. David Holland, MD

Chronic bacterial and viral infections that invade the brain

have been found at high incidence in ALS patients, and
these may play an important role in nerve cell death. For
example, investigations at the Institute for Molecular
Medicine have found that 85% of ALS patients (and 100%
of Gulf War veterans with ALS) have bacterial infections
caused by Mycoplasma species. In addition, neurotrophic
viruses such as the Echo-7 enteroviruses are found in most
ALS patients, and these viruses could cause cell death to
infected cells.
~Dr. Garth Nicolson,

Dr. Nicolson discovered that 80 to 90% of ALS patients tested

positive for some form of mycoplasma infection. In studying
Gulf War Veterans with the Gulf War Syndrome form of ALS,
it was 100% with over 90% testing positive for mycoplasma
fermentans. It was also discovered that the families of these
veterans were also becoming sick with ALS along with similar

chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's, Fibromyalgia, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, MS, etc. Although these soldiers were
exposed to radiation, chemical and environmental toxins it was
concluded that, since family members were also getting these
illnesses, the source of the contamination had to be biological
and was the result of the vaccinations that the soldiers had
received during their deployment.
Within the civilian population of patients with ALS it was found
that 85% of all patients had a mycoplasma infection with 50%
being infected with mycoplasma fermentans. 70% of both
civilian and military patients were also infected with echovirus-7
along with other infections like chlamydia pneumoniae, borrelia
burgdorferi and Herpesvirus-6 to a lesser degree.
Mycoplasma infections strip away the cell membrane and attack
the mitochondria, which produce reactive oxygen species
(ROS) disabling the nerve cells from properly performing their
function. This reduces the overall energy in the cells because
they are no longer performing at full capacity. This translates
into a reduction of overall energy in the body, fatigue, that we
see in the neurodegenerative diseases like ALS.
Pathogenic mycoplasma has been patented in the United States
- US 5242820 - and the invention relates to a novel pathogenic
mycoplasma isolated from patients with Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and its use in detecting antibodies
in sera of AIDS patients, patients with AIDS-related complex
(ARC) or patients dying of diseases and symptoms resembling
AIDS diseases.

The more species of bacterial infections found in a patient

correlates with increased morbidity and severity of signs
and symptoms. Successful treatment of such infections
results in decreased morbidity, severity or recovery.
~Dr. Garth Nicolson

Investigators have found a possible link between an ALS-like
disease and a toxic substance produced by cyanobacteria also
known as blue-green algae.
On the island of Guam, Paul Cox, a world-renowned ethnobotanist,
discovered that the Chamarro people had a high incidence of
cases of ALS and other neurological diseases. The rates were
100 times greater than in the average population and it was
discovered that it may be linked to their fondness for eating
flying fox bats. The bats forage on seeds from cycad trees,
which contain cyanobacteria in their roots and grow next to
water sources that contain blooms of blue-green algae. This
cyanobacteria produces the neurotoxin BMAA (b-methylamino-
L-alanine), an excitotoxin that stimulates neurons into
exhaustion so they can no longer function. BMAA was found in
a very high concentration in the brains of Guam victims of ALS
as compared with control subjects suggesting a biological link
between cyanobacteria and ALS.
There are over 80 known species of cyanobacteria and are
typically associated with blue-green algae found in lakes, rivers,
ponds and swamps. Another cluster of ALS patients was found
around Mascoma Lake in New Hampshire. Elijah Stommel, a
neurologist and researcher at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center, has noted that people who live around Mascoma Lake
are 25 times more likely to get ALS than other people in New
Hampshire. Using sophisticated geographical software, he has
discovered convincing statistical increase in the incidence of ALS
cases near water bodies with a history of toxic algae blooms.
Lyme Disease & co-infections
The 'Lyme' disease bacteria know as Borrelia burgdorferi has
coexisted on our planet for thousands of years but it was not
officially classified in North America until 1981. It is named
after the researcher, Willy Burgdorfer, who first isolated the
bacterium and its effects were first noticed in the town of
Lyme, Connecticut in the early 70’s. The residents of this small
town began to show symptoms of headaches, swollen knees,
rashes, paralysis, and severe chronic fatigue. Burgdorferi is not
the only strain of the bacterium as there are over 100 strains
of the Borrelia spirochetes with names like Borrelia valaisiana,
B. afzelii and B. garinii. The disease has been spreading like
wildfire across the continent ever since and is carried by
mosquitoes and ticks which are then borne by deer, birds and
household pets.

Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) is an infectious disease

caused by at least three species of bacteria belonging to the
genus Borrelia. It is transmitted via the bite of an infected
tick. Early symptoms may include fever, headache, and
fatigue. A rash occurs in 70–80% of infected persons at the
site of the bite after a delay of 3–30 days (average is about
7 days), and may or may not appear as the well-publicized
bull's-eye (erythema migrans). The rash is rarely painful or
itchy, although it may be warm to the touch. About 20–
30% of infected persons do not experience a rash. Left
untreated, later symptoms may involve the joints, heart,
and central nervous system. In most cases, the infection
and its symptoms are eliminated by antibiotics, especially
if the illness is treated early. Delayed or inadequate
treatment can lead to more serious symptoms, which can
be disabling and difficult to treat.
Most people treated for Lyme disease, particularly when
done following the tick bite, respond well to doxycycline or
amoxicillin. The term 'chronic Lyme disease' is controversial
and not recognized by the Infectious Disease Society of
America, which calls the persistence of symptoms following
treatment 'post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome' and
advise against long-term antibiotic treatment. ~Wikipedia

Note that the Wikipedia definition indicates that a chronic

form of lyme disease is ‘controversial’. The current Allopathic
community denies the existence of a chronic form of lyme
disease and have disciplined a number of MD’s for their efforts
to combat chronic borreliosis with long-term antibiotic therapy.

Dr. Alan B. MacDonald is a hospital pathologist who, in 1985,
began researching autopsy Alzheimer's Brain tissue for
evidence of Borrelia burgdorferi. He was able to isolate the
spirochete in the four brains that he examined at that time and it
has now been linked, by cause or association, to over 300 auto
immune diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, MS,
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc. Lyme borreliosis
is similar to syphilis, in that it can manifest in primary, secondary
and tertiary forms, granular and cystic forms or hidden in biofilm
communities. The spirochete is not always found in its classic
corkscrew form and is often hard to detect once it reaches its
chronic phase.
Lyme disease eludes many doctors because of its ability
to mimic many other diseases. According to one study into
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), most patients diagnosed
were actually suffering from Lyme disease (93%). In another
study of 31 patients diagnosed with CFS, 28 patients, or 90.3%,
were found to be ill as a result of Lyme.

Lyme support groups are reporting that those who

received labels such as MS, ALS, CFS, FM, etc, were
tested with the Q-RiBb test, found to be positive for lyme,
and then treated, are improving. These results only confirm
my long held suspicion that Bb and other microbes, such
as mycoplasma, are running rampant through our society.
It appears that this situation is being allowed to occur. It
is fairly obvious that everything possible is being done to
thwart proper testing, diagnoses and curative treatment.
~ Lyme Disease - Misdiagnoses And Medical
Dictatorship, Marjorie Tietjen

The above statement begs the question: If we have coexisted

with Borrelia for centuries why, all of a sudden, do we have a
rash of autoimmune disease?
If you look at a map and locate the town of Lyme, Connecticut
you will notice that it is on the eastern coast of the United

States directly west across the channel from Plum Island.
Plum Island is a well-known biological warfare research facility.
There is a book available on the subject called ‘Lab 257: The
Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island
Germ Laboratory’ by Michael C. Carroll. Written in 2004 and
based on innumerable declassified documents, it describes
the Federal Government germ laboratory and its connections
to various virus and biological outbreaks that have occurred in
the past century including West Nile virus and Lyme disease.
Is it possible that a weaponised version of borrelia accidentally
escaped this facility?
It is interesting to note at this point that Lou Gehrig, one of the
most widely publicized victims of ALS, was an avid gardener and
enjoyed his pastime at his summer home in Lyme, Connecticut!
His case certainly preceded the 1970s outbreak of Lyme disease
but the coincidence definitely peaked my interest.
So, is Lyme the direct cause of ALS? I would suggest that, like
the other deficiencies and toxins, it is simply another domino,
albeit a major one, in a list of factors that contribute to the
pathology of ALS.

In the last decade the majority of outcome-oriented

physicians observed a major shift: we realized that it was
neither the lack of vitamins or growth hormone that made
our patients ill. We discovered that toxicity and chronic
infections were most often at the core of the client’s
suffering. We watched the discussion, which infection may
be the primary one: mycoplasma, stealth viruses, HHV-
6, trichomonas, Chlamydia pneumoniae, leptospirosis,
mutated strep, or what else?.
The new kid on the block is Borrelia Burgdorferi (Bb) and
some of us have looked at it for a long time as possibly the
bug that opens the door for all the other infections to enter
the system.
~ Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

Unfortunately, borrelia does not travel alone and there are a
number of co-infections that are associated with Lyme disease.
Again, they may not be present at all but if you have borreliosis
you will likely have one or two of the co-infections.
Babesia (Babesiosis)
Babesia is a protozoan, malaria-like parasite spread by ticks.
It can cause symptoms like air hunger, fatigue, fevers, vertigo
and sweats
Bartonella (Bartonellosis, also known as cat scratch fever)
Bartonella is a bacteria that lives in other cells and can be spread by
ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. It can cause abnormal liver enzymes,
brain disease, enlarged spleen and lymph nodes, and inflammation
of the heart with flu-like symptoms, immunosuppression, fever
and anemia
Ehrlichia (Ehrlichiosis)
Ehrlichia is a genus of rickettsiales bacteria and results from the
bite of infected ticks. Erlichia can cause low blood platelets and
white blood cell levels leading to headaches, muscle pain and
chronic fatigue.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by bacteria called
Rickettsia rickettsii that are transmitted by the bite of a tick.
Patients can develop a high fever, rash, headache and bleeding
Powassan virus
Powassan virus causes tick-borne encephalitis (TBE).
Symptoms may include fever, headache, disorientation, fatigue
and paralysis.
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus (TBEV)
TBVE is a viral infectious disease that involves the central
nervous system. It can cause inflammation of the protective
membranes of the brain and spinal cord (Meningitis) and/
or swelling of the brain (Encephalitis). Symptoms include
headache, fever, confusion, drowsiness, and fatigue. In a
Russian study, 'Clinical pathogenic peculiarities of chronic
Russian tick-born encephalitis', they hypothesize that there
is a direct link between TBEV and ALS.

The entire concept of antibiotic-resistant, hard-to-test-

for chronic CNS infections leading to a plethora of
neurological syndromes has to be suppressed and what
can’t be suppressed will be craftily discredited. Better to
give every expression of a neurological infection its own
name such as “MS”, “Alzheimers”, “Parkinsons,” “ALS”
and “Fibromyalgia”. And fund armies of ignorant “experts”
to obfuscate the issue, whilst boycotting, firing, censoring,
smearing and suing those few real experts that refuse to
stay in line. Big Pharma is in business to make money,
and money is made when people are ill, not when they’re
healthy. Anyone standing in their way is relegated to the
sidelines. Patents are being bought and shelved so that
cures will never see the light of day.
~ Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a

Vaccines revisited
As stated earlier, vaccines bypass the basic natural immune
systems of the body. Dead or attenuated (weakened) live viruses
are introduced to the body directly into the muscle tissue in
order to provoke an immune response. The vaccine schedule
has changed in the last 30 years with children receiving 10
vaccines in 1983 to 36 by 2008. Rates of autism have risen from
1 in 10,000 to 1 in 150 during the same period of time. Children
are bombarded with the DNA of a flood of deadly viruses during
a time when their immune systems have not yet fully developed.
According to Dr. Johan Boswinkel, all vaccines, in 100% of cases,
lead to the impairment (crippling) of the functioning of pituitary
gland which, in turn, disrupts the hormone and immune systems:
The immune system consists basically of all body systems.
There is really no organ or vessel in the body that does
not belong to the immune system. But the organs take
their orders from the hormonal system and most hormonal
glands take their orders from one master gland: the pituitary
gland. A tiny piece of the body, but so powerful.
In medicine from India, the pituitary gland is also the
'centre of discrimination', in other words the gland has
to discriminate whether something is good or bad. If it
is good, then the body should tolerate it. If something is
bad however, the pituitary gland should sound the alarm
and activate the body’s defensive systems. This does not
happen anymore!!! This function of the pituitary gland is
immobilized in everybody who has had the vaccination
against poliomyelitis.
So in reality the immune system is no longer existent
thanks to this vaccination of which the effect has never
been proven.
The master gland is hurt and more or less unconscious.
~Dr. Johan Boswinkel

Dr. Boswinkel goes on to state that other vaccines are responsible

for the disruption of other critical systems in the body.
The use of vaccines often lead to more immediate tragic results:

The 1976 swine flu outbreak, also known as the swine

flu fiasco, or the swine flu debacle, was a strain of H1N1
influenza virus that appeared in 1976. The outbreak is most
remembered for the mass immunization that it prompted
in the United States. The strain itself killed one person and
hospitalized 13. However, side-effects from the vaccine
are thought to have caused five hundred cases of Guillian–
Barré syndrome and 25 deaths. ~ Wikipedia

A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find
anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine.
Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations
organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women
under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program
sponsored by the Kenyan government.
According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya
Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found
an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being
administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World
Health Organization and UNICEF.

Gardasil is the HPV vaccine, touted to fight cervical cancer.

What they are not telling you is that thousands of girls are
having adverse reactions to the HPV Vaccines, some have
even died -at last count, over one hundred lives have been
lost. These girls are having reactions such as; seizures,
strokes, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, headaches, stomach
pains, muscle pain and weakness, joint pain, auto-
immune problems, chest pains, hair loss, appetite loss,
personality changes, insomnia, hand/leg tremors, arm/leg
weakness, shortness of breath, heart problems, paralysis,
itching, rashes, swelling, aching muscles, menstrual cycle
changes, fainting, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats,
nausea, temporary vision/hearing loss just to name some
of them!

Polio Vaccine Campaigns and Increases In Deadly
Polio-Like Disease in Children.
A paper published earlier this year (2011) in the Indian
Journal of Medical Ethics should have made headlines
around the globe, as it estimated there were 47,500 cases
of a polio-like condition linked to children in India receiving
repeated doses of oral polio vaccine in 2011 alone. The
incidence of non-polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in
India is now 12 times higher than expected.

Flu vaccine (2014-15) only 23% effective in U.S., even

less effective in Canada
The flu vaccine seems effective in reducing the risk of flu
by 23 per cent, based on an early estimate from the U.S.
among people going to the doctor for respiratory illness.
Canadian and U.S. health officials have said the most
common type of flu circulating this season is H3N2, which
is not well-matched with the seasonal flu vaccine.
Since the CDC started doing flu vaccine studies in 2004,
overall effectiveness has ranged from 10 per cent to 60
per cent.

Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease

Health officials are blaming unvaccinated children for the
recent measles outbreak that started at Disneyland. However,
with no blood tests proving the outbreak is from wild measles,
the most likely source of the outbreak is a recently vaccinated
individual, according to published science.

According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, the best
protection against infectious disease is a healthy immune
system, supported by adequate vitamin A and vitamin
C. Well-nourished children easily recover from infectious
disease and rarely suffer complications.

These are just a few examples of vaccination ‘science’ gone

awry leading to adverse effects to the health and well-being
of thousands of human beings. Whatever happened to the
Hippocratic oath of ‘First, do no harm’?
Consider the controversy surrounding vaccines with regard to
GcMAF and Nagalase.
GcMAF or Vitamin D binding protein (Gc Protein) macrophage
activating factor, stimulates the macrophage element of the
immune system to destroy cancer cells. It also blocks the
supply of nutrients to cancer cells weakening and making them
more vulnerable to attack by GcMAF.
Nagalase is an enzyme/protein that is synthesized and released
from cancer cells and viruses. It pinpoints the Gc protein facilities
on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and degrades the
GcProtein to the point where it is unable to become GcMAF.
This results in immunodeficiency and the entire immune system
is compromised leaving a person unprotected against illness
and death.
If Nagalase is present in the body then GcMAF is unable to
mount a defense against the rapid spread of cancer or viral
infection. Nagalase only inhibits the GcProtein to prevent the
synthesis of GcMAF and has no effect on GcMAF itself. As
a result, GcMAF can therefore be used as an intervention to
reverse the effects of Nagalase.
Many doctors have been exploring this link between GcMAF
and Nagalase. One Doctor, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet found Nagalase
in very high concentrations in autistic children and has treated
1,100 patients with GcMAF. He had an 85% response rate with
15% of the patients showing total eradication of symptoms.
Research has also shown that the macrophage activation associated
with GcMAF therapy can also help in various neurological diseases
such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis and other
inflammatory conditions.

recent advances reveal a dramatic therapeutic opportunity

for controlled harnessing of macrophages for repair of the
damaged CNS following acute insults, in neurodegenerative
conditions, and in psychiatric disorders.
~ Harnessing monocyte-derived macrophages to
control central nervous system pathologies

The de-Glycosylated vitamin D binding protein is a

powerful Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) that
shows multiple biological effects that could be exploited in
the immunotherapy of tumours, viral infections and autism.
GcMAF subcutaneous injections were associated with
improvement of clinical conditions (including ALS).
~ Therapeutic effects of highly purified de-
glycosylated GcMAF in the immunotherapy of
patients with chronic diseases

Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also learned that the

Nagalase protein was not present in children at birth but was
somehow introduced into autistic children, they felt, during the
immunization process. In other words, Nagalase was being
introduced to the body through vaccines.
Dr. Bradstreet was a very outspoken critic of vaccination and
unfortunately, at the height of his career, ‘committed suicide’
by shooting himself in the chest with a shotgun. He was only
the first.

A total of twelve doctors died within a three month period in
2015 and many were found dead or to have committed suicide
under suspicious circumstances like that of Dr. Bradstreet.
These dead doctors all had one thing in common: they were
studying the effects of GcMAF and/or Nagalase in regard to
cancer or links to children with autism.
Cancer is big business. As such, it should come as no surprise
that the potential for GcMAF’s cancer-fighting ability has not
been widely publicized. In fact, it was not widely known, and
certainly not covered by the corporate media, until doctors
started dying for researching it. Those who worked with it
claimed it has reversed autism and cured cancer. Is it too much
to speculate that certain interested parties would go to great,
even criminal, lengths to protect such a profitable enterprise
known as the ‘War on Cancer’?
Corporations often employ a number of devious strategies
in order to protect their bottom line. Consider the four dog
defense; it goes something like this:
1. We don’t own a dog
2. We own a dog but our dog doesn’t bite
3. OK, our dog bites but it didn’t bite you
4. Our dog bit you but it’s your fault for playing with our dog
When applied to the arguments put forth by the tobacco
industry we get the following;
1. Smoking does not cause cancer
2. Smoking causes cancer but our cigarettes don’t
OK, our cigarettes cause cancer but they didn’t cause
your cancer
4. Our cigarettes caused your cancer but it’s your own fault
for smoking them
The Pharmaceutical industry is using the same tactics when
it comes to the efficacy of vaccines. They deny that they do
any harm and produce their own studies using financially
compromised scientists to disprove any link between vaccines
and autism, cancer or autoimmunity. Independent researchers

who disagree with the efficacy of vaccines are labelled quacks,
have their careers destroyed and, in some cases, wind up
having an accident.
Pharmaceutical Corporations continue to deny their products
are harmful and yet the vaccine inserts indicate a long list of
potential complications including autism and neurological
damage. Are you aware that there is something called the
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program often
referred to as the ‘Vaccine Court’? If you suffer harm or death
due to a vaccine, you cannot sue the manufacturer. You
must, instead, sue the Federal Government and try to obtain
compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust
Fund, which is funded by taxes paid on vaccines. Meanwhile,
the pharmaceutical industry is seeking to make vaccines
mandatory while legally protecting themselves from liability and
prosecution. If vaccines ‘do no harm’ why does the National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program even exist and why does
the industry continue to shield itself from liability?

The deck is stacked against families in vaccine court.

Government attorneys defend a government program, using
government-funded science, before government judges
~ Rebecca Estepp, Coalition for Vaccine Safety

The courts won't concede something that will bring down

the vaccination program
~ J.B. Handley, Generation Rescue

I always consider ‘cui bono’ or 'who benefits’ when it comes

to issues of public safety versus corporate greed. The Pharma
cartel has a vested, financial motive for denying the harmful
consequences of vaccines whereas ‘anti-vaxers’ simply try
point out their dangers while risking their careers and even their
lives in order to expose the truth. Follow the money.

Vaccines are destroying our immune systems. Amazingly,
the medical profession ignores the incriminating evidence
against vaccines, and continues to inflict more unnecessary
and harmful vaccines on our nation’s infants. The destructive
effect of vaccines on the immune system can persist over
an extended period of time. One study published in the
Journal of Infectious Diseases documented a long-term
depressive effect on interferon production caused by the
measles vaccine.
What is the effect of long-term immune suppression? Some
investigators are concerned that vaccines could be disabling
our body’s ability to react normally to disease, and creating
the climate for autoimmune self-destruction.The many
reports of autoimmune phenomena that occur as reactions
to vaccination provide incontrovertible proof that tampering
with the immune system causes devastating disease.
~ Do Vaccines Disable The Immune System? - Randall
Neustaedter, O.M.D., L.Ac.

There is growing suspicion that immunization against

relatively harm-less childhood diseases may be responsible
for the dramatic increase in auto-immune diseases since
mass inoculations were introduced. These are fearful diseases
such as cancer, leukemia. Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple
sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, lupus erythematosus, and
the Guillian-Barre syndrome. An autoimmune disease can
be explained simply as one in which the body's defense
mechanisms cannot distinguish between foreign invaders
and ordinary body tissues, with the consequence that the
body begins to destroy itself. Have we traded mumps and
measles for cancer and leukemia?
The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against
Disease by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

The greatest danger is the vaccines themselves...
vaccinations themselves are now causing a major upsurge
in childhood diseases, adult maladies" and even deadly
ailments such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig`s
disease (ALS).
~ Dr. Russell Blaylock

Vaccines are proving to be less than effective, especially when

it comes to the seasonal flu. Why would you put your entire
long-term health at risk in order to prevent a common illness
that typically lasts no more than a week. You are better off
strengthening your immune system through proper hygiene,
detoxification and diet.

The moment the disturbances of the vaccinations have

been taken away, the body suddenly wakes up out of its
unconscious state and starts cooperating in the healing
process and shows its remarkable capabilities.
~Dr. Johan Boswinkel

Clearly you MUST deal with these infections and vaccine

residues in order to allow your body to heal itself.

Being considered 'crazy'
by those who are still victims
of cultural conditioning is a
~ Jason Hairston

Diagnostic Homeopathy
I will now turn back to my experience to show you how the
information I have described in the previous chapters fit into my
personal pathology and recovery from many of the symptoms I
was suffering in August of 2013.
Of course, one of the first things I discovered was the ‘mercury’
connection and I sought out case studies of patients who
recovered from ALS after removing mercury from their system.
I soon discovered the story of Dr. Hal Huggins, who recovered
from MS after having his amalgam fillings removed. I contacted
their office in Colorado, and
asked for a Dentist in my area who could safely remove my
amalgam fillings. Not all Dentists are trained in the safe removal
of mercury-based fillings and their removal can expose you to
roughly 100 times the mercury vapor experienced when having
the fillings placed. This is because a Dentist’s drill grinds the
mercury into a fine dust that can be inhaled if safety precautions
are not put into place. When I ultimately had my fillings removed
the professional I used was able to remove each filling in under
30 seconds and wore a protective face mask as well as having
a HEPA filtered vacuum close to the area of removal in order to
catch as much of the vapor as possible.
I was in such poor health and unable to recline in the chair
because of my breathing that the Dentist was, at that time,
unable to remove the amalgam fillings. He encouraged me to
visit a ‘Miracle Worker’ that he knew. This ‘Miracle Worker’ was a
Naturopath in an Ontario town, an hour and a half drive from my
home. The dentist thought that he could stabilize my condition
to a point where I could undergo the amalgam removal and he
turned out to be right. In fact, it only took three months before
I returned to the Dentist’s chair to have the first of my amalgam
fillings removed.
In August of 2013 I was unable to walk 10 feet without being out
of breath and if I wanted to walk around the block I would have

to carry a BiPAP machine in a backpack to help me with my
breathing and, even then, it was a struggle. On Dec 4, after only
a few months of treatment, I stepped out my door and walked
6 kilometers without any mechanical assistance. It was glorious
to be independent and breathing on my own, once again.
One note of caution however, from that point forward because
of my condition, I continued to decline in other ways along
with a renewed decline in my breathing. Over the course of
2014, my arms, hands and eventually my legs showed signs
of deterioration, loss of muscle and functionality. I had an
amazing short term recovery followed by a long, slow decline
typical of ALS but I was so impressed by that initial recovery
that I decided I was on the right path and continued to pursue
this avenue of healing. This kind of recovery, I figured, was
unprecedented with ALS and considered this therapy could
not only buy me some more time but might ease my decline
and possibly reverse my condition. I decided to stick with what
became, the best education and most difficult battle of my life.

The Trouble with Diagnostics

Based on the two articles mentioned earlier, ALS - The Mercury
Connection and Life Extension ALS it should now be apparent
that ALS is a domino disease; a complex condition with a wide
range of possible causes and contributing factors. Imagine the
cost of ordering all the tests needed to properly diagnose each
patient with this condition. I think this is, partly, the true reason
why ALS patients are largely ignored. Allopathic medicine 1)
considers ALS to be too complicated and pretty much a lost
cause 2) would be far too costly to the system to properly
investigate the pathology of each patient. A proper diagnostic
test ( or for ‘Lyme Disease’, for
example, can cost around of $700, not to mention the testing
for all the co-infections, with no guarantees that this will turn
out to be the root cause of the condition. What about treating
deficiencies or eliminating toxins? The cost per patient would
be enormous so why bother on a lost cause?

Prior to my diagnosis I was sent for an entire barrage of testing
including a stress test, an MRI, a CT scan, all manner of blood
tests and respiratory tests. In Canada, under socialized medicine,
the appointments to have these tests took months to get and
were, in the end, useless in diagnosing my condition. I am grateful
that I did not have to pay for these tests directly but I am sure that
it would have left me penniless. This approach to medicine costs
all of us with longer wait times, increasingly expensive testing
that is ultimately paid by the taxpayer. There never seems to be
enough funding but the Government, the insurance companies
and private contractors all seem to be doing pretty well. There
has to be a better, more cost effective way to unravel the twisted
pathology of chronic diseases like ALS.
Through my experience with my Naturopath, I was introduced
to a remarkable tool for diagnosing all manner of conditions
from the emotional to the physical.

REBA Testing

The Reba device measures four subtle levels of our

physiology through brain-wave frequency. These four levels
are: The physical body (life energy, vitality) which correlates
to Theta brain waves. The Emotional body (emotions and
mood) which correlates to the Theta brain waves. The Mental
body (consciousness, feeling of self and seat of memory)
which correlates with the Alpha brain waves. And the Causal
body (deep subconscious and intuition) which correlates to
the Beta brain waves. The test device emits a so-called multi
frequency spectrum to the patient/client by means of a pulse
(wrist) electrode. This is a non invasive process.
The belief system is that energy blocks cause many chronic
conditions. Most important are inner blocks caused by
emotional conflicts. The blocked energy flow is often
the main cause of disturbed metabolism in a segment or
region of the body, which leads to many physical illnesses
and complaints.

The device is a diagnostic tool that establishes the priority
of treatment. Once diagnosed by the Reba device specific
homeopathic remedies are given to rid us of these conflicts.

At first, the use of the REBA device seemed unconvincing, but

through experience, this method quickly turned out to be a
fascinating and insightful method of diagnostics. At first, it was
like trying to explain a cell phone to someone in the 1950’s; you
understand the technology in general but this device and its use
appeared to be beyond my awareness.
Various test kits, like an organ test kit for example, can be
used to test whether a major organ system is in conflict or is
in an unhealthy state, energetically. Once established, test
vials containing various toxins, bacteria and viruses are used
to determine what is causing harm to the conflicted organ. The
device will then be used to determine what corrective remedies
will alleviate the stress in the specified organ and correct the
identified energy blockage and conflict.
A variety of remedies can be tested and dosages can be
established to precisely eliminate a conflict to increase one’s
state of health. Any product, including Allopathic medications
and natural health products, can be tested for compatibility
with each other and the personal requirements of the person.
Aside from using natural supplements, my Naturopath used
Gemmotherapy to correct the profusion of conflicts I was
experiencing as an ALS patient.

Gemmotherapy is a form of herbal medicine that uses remedies

made principally from the embryonic tissue of various trees
and shrubs (the buds and emerging shoots), but also from
the reproductive parts (the seeds and catkins) and from newly
grown tissue (the rootlets and the cortex of rootlets). In two
instances, remedies are also made from the sap.

This raw material is taken in the Spring (in the case of
the seeds, in the Autumn), at the peak time of the tree or
shrub’s annual germination, in order to capture the various
nutrients, vitamins, plant hormones and enzymes that are
released during this process, and which in some cases are
only present in the plant at this time.
~ Wikipedia

The use of plant and tree buds as medicines dates back to the
ancient Egyptians and because of its focus on the embryonic
tissue of plants, gemmotherapy can also be referred to as Plant
Stem-Cell Therapy.
Gemmotherapy is taken in the form of drops, similar to a
tincture. Each ‘gemmo’ can be customized using wide range
of extracts and is designed to match the individual needs of
each patient. I think of gemmo as nature’s antibiotic as some
of the ingredient’s are capable of ridding the body of bacteria
and viruses but it’s main function is drainage. Individual gemmo
ingredients assist the liver and kidney’s to excrete toxins
and heavy metals. They stimulate normal bodily functions to
overcome blocked channels and aid in eliminating toxins from
the body.
Here is a list of some of the extracts and their function, from

ABIES PECTINATA: Decalcification and rickets, dental caries.

ACER CAMPESTRIS: Sequelly of poliomyelitis and paralysis.
Herpes zoster.
AESCULUS HIPP: Haemorrhoids.
ALNUS GLUTINOSA: Sequelly of cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral
infarction, and chronic rhinitis.
AMPELOPSIS WEITCHII: Chronic rheumatism, rheumatoid

CARPINUS BETULUS: Spasmodic and chronic rhinopharyngitis.
Spasmodic cough.
CEDRUS LIBANI: Dry eczema, icthyosis, and pruritis.
CORYLUS AVELLANA: Emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis.
CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA: Cardiac insufficiency, precordial
pain, tachycardia, sequelly of infarction.
FAGUS SYLVATICA: Renal insufficiency, renal lithiasis.
FICUS CARICA: Obsessional and anxiety neurosis, gastric and
peptic ulcers.
FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR: Acute and chronic gout.
JUGLANS REGIA: Varicose ulcers, skin infections (impetigo,
infected eczema).
JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS: Major hepatic insufficiency and
cirrhotic syndromes.
OLEA EUROPAEA: Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and
PINUS MONTANA: Chronic rheumatism, vertebral osteoarthrosis,
osteoarthrosis of the hips and knees.
POPYLUS NIGRA: Obliterative arterial disease of the lower limbs
and associated trophic disturbances.
PRUNUS AMYGDALUS: Hypertension, antisclerotic agent.
RIBES NIGRUM: Allergic problems, chronic coryza, hay fever,
and migraine.
ROSA CANINA: Migraine and headache.
ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS: Hepatic insufficiency, biliary colic,
biliary dyskinesia.
RUBUS IDAEUS: Female problems, menstrual disturbances,
pelvic pain, metritis and vaginitis.
SEQUOIA GIGANTEA: Prostatic hypertrophy and adenoma,
uterine fibroids.

SORBUS DOMESTICA: Veinous problems, sequelly of phlebitis,
TAMARIS GALLICA: Various types of anaemia,
TILIA TOMENTOSA: Nerve sedative, tranquilizer, insomnia,
and neuralgia.
ULMUS CAMPESTRIS: Weeping eczema, acne and impetigo.
VACCINIUM VITIS IDAEA: Intestinal syndromes, chronic
E. coli infections.
VIBURNUM LANTANA: Simple and complicated asthma.

Now, with all this in mind, both the problems and the above
described approach to treatment, the next chapter is a summary
of my experience.

The way of success
is the way of continuous
pursuit of knowledge
~ Napoleon Hill

Treatment Log
Appointment 1

Problems with: Lungs, Spleen, Nerve, Artery, Duodenum,

Vein, Skin
Microbes: Cell wall deficient (CWD) Candida Albcans,
Herpes, Cytomegalovirus
Metals/Toxins: Lead, Mercury
Nutrients: Threonine excess, B6 Deficiency
Sensitivities: Wheat, Dairy, Turkey, Corn, Eggs

During my first visit it was firmly established that, like most

people, I had food sensitivities to both wheat and dairy as
well as poor flora in the gut with the prescence of Candida
Albicans. The villi of the small intestine are designed to provide
the maximum surface area through which to absorb nutrients.
When you eat wheat and dairy they create a paste or mucus in
your digestive system that clogs the villi, reducing the surface
area and therefore the body’s ability to absorb the nourishment
that it requires. If you have a diet heavy in breads and dairy the
you are likely undernourished as a result. You are not just what
you eat, you are what you absorb!
I was provided with remedies to remove the candida but more
importantly I was introduced to diatamaceous earth.

Diatomaceous Earth is the powdered microsopic shells of

ancient freshwater plants called diatoms and have strong
negative charges. As these millions of ground up powdered
silica shells move through the stomach and digestive tract,
they attract and absorb bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa,
pesticides, endotoxins, drug residues, heavy metals and
E-Coli. These are trapped inside the cylinder and passed
out of the body.

Also, any larger parasites that happen to be in the digestive
tract are 'cut up' and killed by the sharp edges of the
Diatomaceous Earth. All of this results in a far more healthy
body with less illness and infirmity. Folks often say that 'I just
feel better' with just one tablespoon a day of Diatomaceous
Earth in their favorite juice or liquid. This feeling of well-being
comes from all of the 'junk' being removed from the body
and because the immune system has now received the
'jump start' that it needed.

Diatamaceous Earth helps to ‘strip away’ or ‘scrub’ the walls

of your small intestine to remove the mucus and bad bacteria
so that you can properly adsorb your food as well as provide a
proper exit for the toxins and viruses you need to eliminate. Other
remedies of this type include ground flax seeds, psyllium fiber
and when necessary, colonics. These substances help to clean
your colon, provide regular bowel movements and enhanced
nutrient absorption. Ultimately this can prevent cancer, ulcers
and polyps and provide more energy and better sleep.

Appointment 2

Problems with: Liver, Ileum, Jejunum

Metals/Toxins: Lead
Nutrients: B1, Zinc, Magnesium Deficiency

The number one problem in my first appointment was a herpes

virus in my lungs. The fact that I had trouble breathing was
the first priority that my body needed help with. The second
was heavy metal toxicity and this continued into my second
visit. I was heavily burdened with lead and once the lead is
chelated then the mercury becomes the priority. At this point,
I had changed my diet to eliminate the more obvious food
sensitivities; no more wheat, dairy, processed meats, coffee,
alcohol, MSG, aspartame or fluoride. I also purchased a high
class juicer and began consuming chlorophyll-rich dark green
vegetables in a liquid form. Without the pulp I was getting the
benefit of far more vegetables than I could possibly consume in
their natural form.
At this point, I was also able to stop taking my pharmaceutical
medication. I had been on two cholesterol lowering and three
blood pressure medications for many years. The simple
changes in the diet during this period corrected both of these
problems and the medications became unnecessary. Besides, I
had the medications tested and only one out of five had any real
affect on me . As a sort of bonus, over a period of three months,
I lost 40 pounds and my weight has not changed since. I have
not gained or lost any weight in over 2 years

Appointment 3

Problems with: Bronchii, Lung, Pancreas, Ileum, Jejunum,

Artery, Low mitochondrial function
Metals/Toxins: Lead
Nutrients: CoQ10 Deficiency

As you can see I had alot of trouble getting the lead out and was
still having trouble with the bronchii and lungs. You will also note
that I had problems with my filtering system including the liver.
The lymph, kidneys and liver all work to eliminate toxins from
the body. Toxins are then dumped into your digestive system so
they can be eliminated. Remedies provided would assist these
organs to properly perform their given tasks.
Also note that the first sign that my cells were not functioning
properly; low mitochondrial function and CoQ10 deficiency. I
was provided with supplements to replenish these deficiencies.
This is the time I experienced my most profound turnaround.
Prior to this time I couldn’t walk ten feet without being out of
breath. If I wanted to go for a walk, I wore a mask and carried
a BiPAP machine in a backpack and even then I could barely
get around our block. Now, however, after just three months of
treatment I stepped out my door on an unusually warm winter
day and walked six kilometers unassisted. For me it was a
miracle and gave me the hope and strength for what lay ahead.
I decided that with the help of my Doctor, my miracle worker, I
at least had a shot at being able to recover from this horrible,
life-threatening condition.

Appointment 4

Problems with: Thymus

Microbes: Herpes
Metals/Toxins: Arsenic, Iron, Amalgam fillings
Nutrients: Low Lysine, Methionine

At this point I was well enough to begin having my amalgam

fillings removed and as you can see in both Appointment 4 and
5 the fillings along with my teeth became a priority for my body
to eliminate. I contacted the Huggins Institute recommended
Dentist and over the next few months had all of my amalgam
fillings replaced.

Appointment 5

Problems with: Liver, Teeth

Microbes: Epstein Bar Virus
Nutrients: Low Vitamin D and electrolytes

This appointment was in the middle of winter and this is

reflected in the low vitamin D. Since there is lesser daylight and
we cover ourselves in heavy clothing at this time of year, vitamin
D deficiency is fairly common and should be addressed using
vitamin D rich foods or supplementation.

Appointment 6

Problems with: Kidney, Nerves, Gall bladder, Heart

Microbes: CWD Salmonella, Parasites
Metals/Toxins: Acetone, Benzene, Formaldehyde

Our bodies are a record of our entire lives. They harbor residue
of the infections and toxic substances that we have been
exposed to. I traveled to the Dominican Republic over thirty
years ago and became ill with travelers diarrhea. Travelers
diarrhea can be caused by a wide range of bacteria, but in my
case this was likely where I was exposed to salmonella. I was
very ill the entire week and have never returned to the DR. The
DNA of the bacteria, however, became a part of who I am and
was exposed as a cell wall deficient microbe. Cell wall deficient
bacteria lack a cell wall but retain their ability to survive by living
inside another host cell. This is how our immune system can
appear to turn on us. It is attacking the foreign invader but in
order to destroy it, it must also destroy the cell that is harboring
the invader.
As a teenager I painted houses as a summer job and the
acetone, benzene and formaldehyde were likely present in my
body as a result exposure to paint and cleaning products like
varsol. Everything you do in life seems to have consequences
and when we are younger we tend to believe we are invincible
and unconcerned with our exposure to these toxic products.
As I learned about the varied causes of my illness I was made
aware of how uneducated I was with regard to workplace safety.

Appointment 7

Problems with: Nerves

Microbes: CWD Salmonella, Epstein Bar Virus,

The salmonella persisted and as I was provided remedies to

remove the bacteria from my body I experienced a Jarisch-
Herxheimer reaction. A herx reaction is a reaction to endotoxin-
like products released by the death of harmful microorganisms
within the body during antibiotic treatment. Since the remedies
I was provided to eliminate this bacteria act like nature’s
antibiotics I have certainly experienced many herx reactions.
Herxing occurs when dead bacteria release their endotoxins
into the blood and tissues faster than the body can comfortably
handle them. This provokes an inflammatory response that feels
just like the original infection. In the case of the salmonella, I
experienced the same symptoms that I did when I was first
exposed to the bacteria in the Dominican Republic. These
symptoms were not as severe as the original exposure but the
elimination of this bacteria was definitely similar to the original
Symptoms of my illness would increase (a herx-like reaction) for
a period of time as we moved through removing the multitude of
infections and toxins.

Appointment 8

Problems with: Nerve, Appendix, Thyroid, Adrenal, Kidney

Microbes: Borrelia (Lyme), Parasites, Epstein Bar
Virus, Cytomegalovirus

Nutrients: Vitamin D Deficiency

This appointment showed that I was having trouble with my nervous

system and that I had Borrelia Burgdoferi,the spirochete associated
with lyme disease. We discovered that the Borrelia had infected
my thyroid.

The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses

energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the
body is to other hormones. It participates in these processes
by producing thyroid hormones, the principal ones being
triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (sometimes referred to
as tetraiodothyronine (T4)). These hormones regulate the
growth and rate of function of many other systems in the
body. T3 and T4 are synthesized from iodine and tyrosine.
The thyroid also produces calcitonin, which plays a role in
calcium homeostasis.
~ Wikipedia

Disruption of optimal thyroid function can disrupt your hormonal
systems and can lead to a wide array of physical complications.
An under-active thyroid, hypothyroidism, can cause infertility,
birth defects, heart problems, goiter, depression and peripheral
neuropathy. Neuropathy can cause muscle weakness and loss
of muscle control; a common symptom of ALS.

Appointment 9

Problems with: Thyroid, Vein, Sinus

Microbes: Biofilm Borrelia, Tetanus, Herpes, Babesia
Nutrients: Low Copper and Zinc

Here we see evidence of Borrelia hidden in a biofilm, an example

of chronic lyme disease. Normal blood tests will not find Borrelia
that is not active in the blood stream. It has become chronic and
is able to evade not only the tests but the immune system as
well. Being hidden in a biofilm is like the enemy hiding in one of
your own tanks, the immune system cannot see it and assumes
that it is a natural part of the body and does not consider it a
threat. No threat, no need to eradicate it; the enemy is free to
infiltrate further into the systems of the body where it can cause
further destruction.
A lyme co-infection, Babesia, was also discovered in my sinus.
This was of special interest to me because Babesia causes air
hunger and my primary symptom continued to be my difficulty
in breathing. I was hopeful that this was a final hurdle to being
able to breath normally again. It was also at this point that I
was well enough to fulfill a lifelong dream. I traveled to South
America and was able to visit three natural wonders of the
modern world; Machu Picchu in Peru, Iquazu Falls in Argentina
and Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A trip I would
never have imagined possible 8 months earlier.

Appointment 10

Problems with: Duodenum, Nerves, Lymph, Kidney

Microbes: CWD Salmonella, Borrelia, HPV, Tetanus
Appointment 11

Problems with: Muscles

Appointment 12

Problems with: Nerves, Pancreas

Microbes: Tick Borne Encephalitis Virus (TBEV),
Nutrients: Excess Copper, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
and SOD1

Appointments 10 and 11 seemed to indicate that I was almost

complete in my treatment. Muscle problems are typically
the last organ that need therapy following the eradication of
microbes and toxins. Unfortunately I continued to decline,
albeit very slowly, despite of the work we had done so far. The
discovery of the TBEV in appointment 12 was critical. This is
one nasty pathogen and as stated earlier, at least one study
from Russia considered TBEV to be a direct cause of ALS. We
also began to discover the faulty chemistry often described
in ALS literature. Problems with SOD1, copper and excess
H2O2 are all indications of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress
is essentially an imbalance between the production of free
radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify
their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.
Copper enzymes are essential for regulating energy production
and neurotransmission as well as being an essential cofactor
for oxidation-reduction reactions. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
is a well known oxidant and Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1)
acts to regulate the cellular resistance to oxidative stress. The
fact that my nervous system was under attack and normal
cellular activity was out of balance were clear indications of the
underlying chemistry associated with ALS.
Appointment 13

Problems with: Thyroid, Heart, Kidney, Skin, Teeth, Colon,

Bronchii, Liver, Adrenals, Muscle
Microbes: CWD Strep, Tetanus, CWD P. Acne
Metals/Toxins: Palladium, Vanadium
Nutrients: Low Iodine, BCAA and Lecithin

An entirely new set of microbes and toxic metals made their

appearance. The goal here is to continue to reduce the bacterial/
toxic load so that the body has a better chance at healing itself.
Low iodine levels can lead to the symptoms associated with
hypothyroidism, discussed earlier. BCAA (Branched Chain
Amino Acids) supplementation is required to increase energy
and to provide the basic building blocks for muscle. Lecithin
is a phospholipid required to build cell membranes. These
supplements were used to help slow the decline in nerve cells
and muscle tissue.

Appointment 14

Problems with: Oxidative stress

Nutrients: Low Selenium, High Copper

Selenium is a trace mineral important for reproduction, thyroid

gland function, DNA production, and protecting the body from
damage caused by free radicals and from infection. Selenium is
a powerful anti-oxidant and can be found in Brazil nuts.

Appointment 15

Problems with: Liver

Microbes: Tetanus, Strep A, Strep B, Bartonella

Tetanus like so many others is a neurotoxin that affects the
central nervous system associated with skeletal muscle
control. It can cause severe cramps and muscle spasms in the
jaw (lockjaw) and elsewhere in the body. Bartonella is another
tick-borne co-infection of lyme disease.
At this time my Doctor felt that I was having trouble eliminating
toxins from my system and suggested I have several Colonics.
He felt that while I was eliminating various infections, Strep A
& B, Tetanus, Bartonella, etc., the toxins they released seemed
to sit in my digestive tract and were being reabsorbed into the
body. I did indeed feel poorly and I certainly lacked the energy
for normal daily living. I now often required an afternoon ‘nap’
spent on the BiPAP in order to regain some energy and help me
with my breathing.

Colonic irrigation, hydrotherapy or colonics refer to the

practice of placing a tube into the rectum; this tube is
attached to special equipment through which large amounts
of water, sometimes mixed with herbs or other substances,
are introduced into the colon (large intestine) for the purpose
of removing waste matter.
The main argument in favor of colonics is the concept of
'autointoxication,' which has been around since the ancient
Egyptians. The belief is that stagnation of feces in the colon
causes toxins to be absorbed through the colon lining
into the bloodstream, ultimately poisoning the body. Other
pro-colonic theories include the idea that hardened feces
that accumulates along the lining of the colon can lead to
the overgrowth of harmful bacteria and interfere with the
absorption of water and nutrients.

Although having a colonic is not an entirely pleasant experience,

it is not as bad as you might think. The benefits I gained through
the experience were certainly worth it as I did feel much better
after treatment.

Appointment 16

Problems with: Brain, Muscle, Pancreas, Lung, Oxidative

Microbes: TBEV, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
(RMSF), Tetanus, Babesia, Respiratory
syncytial virus, Rubella, Measles, Polio
Metals/Toxins: Lead, Aluminum
Nutrients: Low Selenium, Vitamin E, Proteolytic
enzymes, Alpha Lipoic Acid

While still having alot of trouble with microbes and heavy metals,
this was the first time vaccine residues made an appearance.
In fighting the Polio vaccine residue, I really felt as if I had post-
polio syndrome; muscle weakness, atrophy and exhaustion
after minimal activity. Walking became awkward and my legs
felt like rubber and my feet began slapping the pavement as
I lost control of my movements. This awkwardness, this herx-
like reaction, lasted several weeks and then began to dissipate.
It would later return as I continued to decline and I began
wonder how much the vaccine might actually contributed to
my condition. How much had any of the vaccines, foreign DNA
injected directly into the muscle, contributed in destroying/
bypassing my immune defenses leaving me susceptible to
other infections? I have researched the efficacy of vaccines
extensively and have decided that I will never willingly accept
another one. They are simply another way for the pharmaceutical
companies to profit by selling unnecessary drugs to perfectly
healthy people. The practice, in my opinion, is based on fraud,
greed and criminal intent.

Appointment 17

Problems with: Thyroid, Pituitary (Brain), Kidney,

Mammary, Sinus, Lung, Stomach, Joint,
Muscle, Oxidative stress
Microbes: Polio, Measles, Rubella, Diptheria,
Cholera, Salmonella, Bacillus Calmette–
Guérin (BCG)
Nutrients: Low Silica, Excess Estrogen

Continued problems with vaccine residues and oxidative stress.

Appointment 18

Problems with: Oxidative stress, Bronchii, Testes, Brain,

Skin, Kidney
Microbes: Microcystis (Cyanobacteria), Anatoxin-a
(Very Fast Death Factor)
Nutrients: Low Selenium, High H2O2, Aspartic
Acid, Microglia M2, Low Glutamic Acid,
Glutamine, Low Taurine

According to Allopathic medicine there is no primary cause

or cure for ALS but there is has been one leading theory. The
study of the high rates of ALS in the people of Guam has led
to the investigation into the infectious role of cyanobacteria as
an underlying cause of ALS. Even so, it was a bit of a surprise
to learn that there was an ALS test kit (50 vials) for use with
the REBA psychosomatic energetics device. When I reviewed
the contents of this kit I found that most of the samples were
cyanobacteria of one kind or another. On my first testing, I
tested positive for five and on the second testing the total was
nine including mycrocystis and Anatoxin-a. The Anatoxin-a
was certainly a shock considering its nasty nickname, Very Fast
Death Factor (VFDF).
Remember that ALS clusters have been reported around
lakes and streams that have regular algae blooms during the
summer months. This blue-green algae contains cyanobacteria
which is highly neurotoxic. I believe I came in contact with the
bacteria while swimming at Wasaga Beach, Georgian Bay on
Lake Huron. The Nottawasaga River empties into the bay after
passing through the Minesing swamp and heavy rains can stir
up the algae which is then carried out into the lake. During the
month of August this natural silt floats and eventually washes
up onto the sandy shores of Wasaga Beach and collects into
a band of a dark, unpleasant smelling muck. The Municipality
collects the muck and disposes of it but it remains suspended
in the water for several weeks. This could be a problem for
sensitive and susceptible people such as myself; another
domino to add to the countless possible causes of ALS.

Appointment 19

Problems with: Oxidative stress, Gall Bladder, Spleen,

Veins, Skin, Kidney, Muscle, Lymphatics
Microbes: Microcystis (Cyanobacteria), Anatoxin-a
(Very Fast Death Factor), Rubella,
Nutrients: Low B12, Copper, Magnesium, Cobalt,
Low H2O2

As I battled the various cyanobacteria I experienced a significant

decline in my condition. My energy, strength, breathing and the
fine motor skills in my hands all suffered a downward slide. I
experienced five weeks of gout in my right foot which brought
my daily walks to an end for awhile. Once I recovered I found
that I was only able to walk half the distance I was able to
before the gout. After a few weeks and a new remedy, the gout
returned but this time it affected my left foot. This seriously
affected my walking strength and stamina. I began to have
trouble climbing stairs.

Appointment 20

Problems with: Excess estrogen, muscles

Microbes: Anatoxin-a
Nutrients: Low B1, B2, B6, B12, Selenium, High
Estrogen, Low Alanine, Histidine
Notice how I was consistently low in Selenium (trace mineral
antioxidant), high in oxidative stress and low in the B vitamins.

B complex vitamins are important for various functions of

the human body. Be it energy production, body defense
mechanisms, or red blood cell formation, the B group
vitamins play pivotal roles and carry on the functions by
working in tandem or all alone. Vitamin B12, in particular,
has a great impact on neurological health.

Vitamin B12 is important for the proper formation of the myelin

sheath that covers and protects nerve cells in the brain and
spinal cord and helps to ensure proper nerve pulse transmission.
There is a book entitled 'Could it be B12 ?: an epidemic of
misdiagnoses' by Sally Pacholok and Jeffrey Stuart. Chapter
three of their book is called ‘Deadly mimic: when vitamin
B12 deficiency masquerades as Multiple Sclerosis and other
neurological disorders’. The title says it all, a vitamin B12
deficiency could lead to an array of symptoms that can appear to
an MD like a neurological disease. It would be wise to be tested
for B12 deficiency in order to rule out this as being a cause of
your ALS. How simple would that be?

B O O K : Could it be B12 ?
by Sally M Pacholok, Jeffrey J Stuart

Appointment 21

Problems with: Oxidative stress, Nerve, Muscle, Testes,

Teeth, Joint
Metals/Toxins: Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Chromium,
Arsenic, Tin
Microbes: P. Acnes, CWD P. Acnes, High Uric Acid
Nutrients: Low B12, Copper, Magnesium, Cobalt,
Low H2O2, Lathyrus Sativa (Peas)

As I progressed through treatment my Doctor and I encountered

many of the possible underlying causes of ALS and dealt with
them using gemmotherapy. We dealt with each major issue
one at a time and yet I continued to decline and although my
major symptoms were waning they continued to endure. We
each explored new theories, possibilities and neurodegenerative
factors that could explain my continued decline.
At my Doctors suggestion, we tested and successfully found
that I was sensitive to Lathyrus Sativa or grass peas, a staple of
south Asian cultures. Overconsumption of the grass pea can lead
to Lathyrism because they contain a known neurotoxin, ODAP
(β-oxalyl-L-α, β-diaminopropionic acid).

Lathyrism or neurolathyrism is a neurological disease of

humans and domestic animals, caused by eating certain
legumes of the genus Lathyrus.
The consumption of large quantities of Lathyrus grain
containing high concentrations of the glutamate analogue
neurotoxin β-oxalyl-L-α, β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP)
causes paralysis, characterized by lack of strength in or
inability to move the lower limbs, and may involve pyramidal
tracts producing signs of upper motor neuron damage.

The toxin may also cause aortic aneurysm. A unique
symptom of lathyrism is the atrophy of gluteal muscles
(buttocks). ODAP is a poison of mitochondria leading to
excess cell death, especially in motor neurons.
~ Wikipedia

In order to be sure, I decided to eliminate all peas, including chick

peas which are the primary ingredient for one of my favorite
snack foods, humus.
Appointment 22

Problems with: Muscle, Peripheral Nervous system,

Sinus, Veins, Adrenals, Testes
Metals/Toxins: Mercury
Microbes: Measles (vaccine residue)
Nutrients: Low Threonine, Ornithine, low cortisol and
testosterone production

My research around this time acquainted me with the alternative

theories of Dr. Joel Wallach. I reviewed a number of videos,
books and radio programs where he discussed his theory
that most human disease is the result of nutritional or mineral
Dr. Wallach is a veterinarian, naturopathic physician, author
and lecturer who played a major role in the development of
the market of liquid vitamin-mineral supplements. His research
has resulted in the publication of more than 70 articles in peer
reviewed journals in the fields of nutrition and pharmaceutical
His most famous lecture is called ‘Dead Doctors Don’t Lie’
and it discusses mineral deficiency diseases that challenge
the orthodox medical paradigm. It argues that Allopathic
medicine is not about health care but more about sickness
care; it treats the symptoms of disease but never provides a

cure. The average lifespan among the general population is 76
years; among MDs it is 58 years. This is probably due to the
fact that they practice on themselves what they are taught in the
pharmaceutically controlled medical colleges and universities.
Why then would you put your trust in a profession with such a
dismal track record?
Dr. Wallach performed 17,500 animal autopsies at The National
Institute of Health for The Center for the Biology of Natural
Systems, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; and
Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
In 1979 he discovered a nutritionally-caused cystic fibrosis
(CF)-like syndrome in Rhesus monkeys and was able to confirm
his findings in humans. He discovered that Cystic Fibrosis
was the result of a prenatal deficiency of selenium, zinc and
riboflavin, and/or exacerbated by diets low in vitamin E and rich
in polyunsaturated fatty acids. When he went public with this
information he was promptly fired from his position. Years later
he tried to approach the Cystic Fibrosis Association with this
information and was ignored.
The selenium deficiency was also at the heart of Muscular
Dystrophy (MD) so Dr. Wallach contacted Jerry Lewis, the
spokesperson for Muscular Dystrophy for 59 years and who
helped raise over $2.5 billion for the Association. Mr Lewis
became very excited about a possible naturopathic, inexpensive
cure for MD so he approached the Muscular Dystrophy
Association (MDA), and directly after giving them this data, Mr.
Lewis was fired as the National Chairman.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), like the Cancer
Society or even the ALS Association, have no interest in a low
cost cure for the conditions they represent; they have far too
much invested to risk losing their funding. A cure would put
them out of business and an entire, profitable industry, would
be lost.
Dr. Wallach has created a nutritional supplement called the 90
essential nutrients under the product name ‘Youngevity’. The 90
essential nutrients include 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino

acids and 3 essential fatty acids all-in-one supplement called
Tangy Tangerine 2.0. This supplement will provide the body’s
daily nutritional requirements as the body will use what it needs
and discard the excess.
Dr. Wallach claims to have cured a number of ALS patients
including one patient who was on a feeding tube and ventilator
and who experienced a complete recovery within 3 months. I
researched his information and here is his recipe for recovery;
• 10-12 eggs per day soft scrambled in butter
• The 90 essential nutrients, Tangy Tangerine 2.0
• Extra Selenium • Smart Fx, and • Cell Shield RTQ
which are all supplements available through his website, www.


As discussed earlier, if statins are designed reduce cholesterol

and can cause serious demyelinating side effects, then
consuming 10-12 eggs a day would be the best way to flood
the system with the basic building blocks needed to repair the
brain and spinal cord.
I discussed this with my doctor began a regimen of eating 8
eggs every day, not only for the cholesterol but also because
they are an excellent source of threonine.

B O O K : Epigenetics
by Dr. Joel Wallach, Ma Lan, Gerhard Schrauzer

One criticism of the Wallach protocol is that it fails to address

the need to first rid the body of viruses and toxins which I
believe absolutely necessary before recovery using the 90
essential nutrients can begin.

Appointment 23

Problems with: Muscle, Peripheral Nervous system,

SOD2 radical damage, Pineal gland, liver
Microbes: Polio virus, EBV, Varicella Zoster
(Chicken pox)
Metals/Toxins: Mercury, lead
Nutrients: Low Manganese, Low Hydrogen Peroxide

Once again I seemed to be having problems with the polio

virus in my system, especially in my muscles. I decided to
research polio and discovered some interesting ideas regarding
post-polio syndrome (PPS). Is it possible there could be a link
between the Polio vaccination we are given as children and the
emergence of post-polio syndrome 35 - 50 years later?

Post-Polio Syndrome Signs and symptoms

After a period of prolonged stability individuals who had
been infected and recovered from polio begin to experience
new signs and symptoms, characterized by muscular
atrophy (decreased muscle mass), weakness, pain and
fatigue in limbs that were originally affected or in limbs that
didn't seem to have been affected at the time of the initial
polio illness. PPS is a very slowly progressing condition
marked by periods of stability followed by new declines in
the ability to carry out usual daily activities. Most patients
become aware of their decreased capacity to carry out daily
routines due to significant changes in mobility, decreasing
upper limb function and lung capability.
Fatigue is often the most disabling symptom; even slight
exertion often produces disabling fatigue and can also
intensify other symptoms. Problems breathing or swallowing,
sleep-related breathing disorders, such as sleep apnea and
decreased tolerance for cold temperatures are other notable

Increased activity during intervening healthy years between
the original infection and onset of PPS can amplify the
symptoms. Thus, contracting poliomyelitis at a young age
can result in particularly disabling PPS symptoms.

Some people who have had polio develop this syndrome

decades after they have recovered from polio. Post-polio
syndrome is more likely to develop in older people and
in people who had a severe initial case of polio. Muscles,
usually those that were affected by polio, may become tired,
painful, and weak and may waste away. However, in most
people who have had polio, such symptoms are not due
to post-polio syndrome but to the development of a new
disorder, such as diabetes, a ruptured (herniated) disk, or
osteoarthritis, or to age-related loss of certain nerve cells in
areas where polio had already reduced the number of these
nerve cells. Post-polio syndrome is sometimes considered
a motor neuron disease but is sometimes considered a
separate disorder.

Skeletal muscle injury is known to predispose its sufferers

to neurological complications of concurrent poliovirus
infections. This phenomenon is labeled 'provocation
poliomyelitis,'... it has been reported that intramuscular
injections may also increase the likelihood of vaccine-
associated paralytic poliomyelitis in recipients of live
attenuated poliovirus vaccines. Skeletal muscle injury
induces retrograde axonal transport of poliovirus and
thereby facilitates viral invasion of the central nervous
system and the progression of spinal cord damage.
~ Mechanism of injury-provoked poliomyelitis. J. Virol,
1998 Jun;72(6):5056-60.

I was definitely intrigued by the possibility that I may have
become infected with polio as the result of the vaccination as
the majority of my symptoms later in life closely matched that
of PPS. A polio infection as a child can be asymptomatic or be
overlooked because the symptoms are fairly common among
illnesses. Symptoms include fever, sore throat, headache,
vomiting, fatigue along with back, neck, arm and leg pain or
stiffness....all fairly routine expressions of illness. The Allopathic
community considers PPS and ALS as separate and distinct
diseases even though the symptoms are very similar. The
difference between them is simply time; PPS patients can
linger many years beyond the normal course experienced by
ALS patients.
I was also intrigued by the statement that ‘Increased activity
during intervening healthy years between the original infection
and onset of PPS can amplify the symptoms’. I was a very
active person most of my life. I played basketball twice a week
and spent most weekends hiking along the Bruce Trail, a 945km
hiking trail through the heart of southern Ontario. Was my
increased activity a contributing component to the onset of my
symptoms? Could this explain, in part, why I was susceptible
to developing ALS while others were not? I also had a herniated
disk from an injury sustained while playing basketball, that
later required surgery. Could this spinal injury in the prescence
of the polio virus be responsible for my ALS diagnosis years
later? I think these are valid questions to be considered when
evaluating your own medical profile.
What if polio was never truly eradicated as we have been led to
believe? What if new diseases like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
are, in fact, new strains of polio under a different name? Is ALS
a mutated and deadlier form of polio? Is it possible that the
polio vaccine is responsible for the spread of these mutated
polio strains?

...neurologists were calling chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
'Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.' That's funny I thought, why are
they calling it 'myalgic,' which means muscle; 'encephalo,'
which means brain; and 'myelitis,' which means inflammation
of the covering of the nerves?
Modern genetics has confirmed the genetic similarity
between polio viruses, Coxsackie, and another group called
the Echo viruses. Before the advent of the Salk and Sabin
vaccines, there were only three polio viruses. Now, with the
drastic alteration of the human gut over the years as a result
of these vaccines, there are at least 72 viral strains that can
cause polio-like diseases.
The evidence is overwhelming that Salk and Sabin did
nothing but cause tremendous confusion in the medical
world by modifying the polio disease, as Pasteur did over
a hundred years ago with so many other diseases. Multiple
sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, CFS, Tourette
syndrome, 'learning disabilities,' Guillian Barre Syndrome,
idiopathic epilepsy, and many other neurological conditions
may very well be just forms of polio induced by these
vaccines. Salk and Sabin opened Pandora's box and we
now have 72 types of polio rather than three.
~ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden Polio Epidemic
by Dr. William Campbell Douglas

Note: Dr. Douglas is considered by some to be a controversial

person that has made a few outrageous claims. I include the
previous quote for the sake of argument as it seems to align
with and explain my own clinical experience. The information
however, can be verified in a book by Dr Suzanne Humphries
called ‘Dissolving Illusions’

B O O K : Dissolving Illusions
by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk

And finally, consider the following statements from Dr Jonas
Salk, developer of the first inactivated polio vaccine.

Nearly all polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral
polio vaccine.
Live virus vaccines against paralytic poliomyelitis, for
example, may in each instance produce the disease it is
intended to prevent; the live virus vaccines against measles
and mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis.
Both of these problems are due to the inherent difficulty of
controlling live viruses in vivo [once they are placed in a live
Polio would have gone away on its own, we didn’t have any
affect on it.
~ Jonas Salk, inventor of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine,
various sources

Appointment 24

Problems with: Adrenals, Gall bladder, Lung, Nerves,

Teeth (18, 38), Muscle, Pancreas
Microbes: Polio virus, Borrelia Valiasigni, Salmonella,
Herpes, Roundworm parasite
Nutrients: Low Manganese, High oxidative stress,
Low CoQ10, Low zinc, Low Vitamin D

After this appointment and 18 months of treatment I felt like I

had come full circle. The testing found that I had Lyme disease
and polio in my wisdom teeth, specifically tooth 18 and 38. The
problem was that I had had all my wisdom teeth removed 25 years
earlier. As I began to research this issue I returned to the teaching
and information set out by the Huggins Institute. I began a review
of the material and discovered a number of interesting statistics
and information regarding amalgams and root canal teeth.

According to Dr. Huggins, the first recorded case of Multiple
Sclerosis occurred shortly after the introduction of the mercury
dental amalgam in Paris, France in 1832. ALS, also know as
Charcot’s disease, was not fully described until 1874 by Jean-
Marie Charcot, physician to the hospitals of Paris, also followed
the introduction of dental amalgam.
In 1976, the Dental Association introduced the high copper
amalgam filling. This filling is a mixture of copper and mercury
and the combination results in both elements vaporizing at 50
times the rate of previously used amalgams. Toxicity skyrocketed
and the reported cases of Multiple Sclerosis jumped from 8,800
cases, on average from 1970-1975, to 123,000 cases per year
in 1976 alone - a 1297% increase in only one year! There was
also a similar jump in reported cases of ALS that same year.
Another reported jump in cases of MS and ALS occurred in
1991. In 1990, the dental association 'suggested' that dentists
perform thirty million root canals per year by the year 2000.
Dentists set out to perform more root canals and accomplished
that goal by 1999. By the year 2000, ALS rates had skyrocketed.
Dr Huggins suggests that there was an almost 200% increase
in the number of ALS cases between 1991 and the year 2000;
the same period of time when root canal procedures were
increasingly performed. I think this is more than just a statistical
Root canals remove the nerves and blood flow from the tooth.
The tooth then becomes a dead bone sitting inside your mouth
still attached to the jaw bone. Research has demonstrated
that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due
to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. Root
canal teeth no longer have a connection to the immune system
through the blood supply so they can never be healed by the
body. These infections leak out into the surrounding bone and
then begin to negatively impact the body’s blood chemistry.
When a tooth is extracted it, of course, leaves a hole but it also
often leaves behind the periodontal ligament. This ligament
is the connective tissue surrounding the root of a tooth that

attaches it to its bony socket. If this ligament is left in place after
the extraction of a tooth, the surrounding bone still believes that
the tooth is in place. The bone will naturally grow to fill in the
empty space left by the extraction but it does not fill in the area
of the peridontal ligament. The bone will essentially pave over
the area and create a pocket, or cavitation, in the jaw bone.

The term 'cavitation' is generally used to describe lesions

appearing as empty holes in the jawbone. They are usually
ischemic (no oxygen supply), necrotic (dead), osteomyelitic
(infected bone), and they usually release toxins. These
lesions are often found in old extraction sites, under or
near the roots of root canal teeth, avital (dead) teeth, and/
or wisdom teeth. The lesion may spread throughout the
jawbone, penetrate the sinuses or totally encompass the
inferior alveolar (jaw) nerve.

These cavitation sites, like root canal teeth, become a fortress

for bacteria. There is very little blood flow in the jawbone so it is
almost impossible for the immune system to manage infections
that leak out from these cavitations.

It has become self-evident for many that mercury-containing

amalgam fillings represent a severe compromise to the
immune system of a person...We feel that the extraction
of root canal treated teeth and the cleaning of cavitations
should be addressed first. This allows for the quickest
recovery of the immune system possible, since the toxins
in the root canal treated teeth appear to be more toxic than
the mercury-containing amalgam fillings.
The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry and
medicine by Robert Kulacz and Thomas Levy

Total dental revision (TDR), which includes replacing
amalgam fillings, extracting root canaled teeth, and treating
cavitations, has been found to offer significant health
improvements to many with ALS and other autoimmune
conditions. Root canals and cavitations have been found to
harbor anaerobic bacteria which give off toxins of extreme
toxicity which block enzymatic processes at the cellular
level causing degenerative processes according to the
medical labs that do the tests, similar to mercury’s effects
but in some cases even more toxic.

In a large German study of MS patients after amalgam

revision, extraction resulted in 85% recovery rate versus
only 16% for filling replacement alone. This appears to be
due to migration of mercury into roots & gums that is not
eliminated by simple filling replacement. Also toxic metals,
formaldehyde, and other toxic substances have been
documented to accumulate in the jaw bone and tissue
near teeth with multiple metals, as well as in pockets from
extracted teeth and from cavitations (areas of toxic materials
and diseased bone). Such cavitations and toxic bacteria
accumulating from root canaled teeth sometimes must be
cleaned out before significant recovery can occur. There is a
direct connection between the teeth and gums with the brain
and CNS by both travel along nerve fibers and through the
cranio-vertebral venous system for either toxic substances
such as mercury or for bacteria.
~ Is Mercury from Amalgam Fillings the Most Common
Cause of MS, ALS, AD, PD, SLE, RA, MCS, etc. by
Bernard Windham

My Naturopath suggested that I have several ozone injections

into the cavitation sites where my wisdom teeth, 18 and 38, had
been removed.

Ozone is a potent antibacterial and is widely used to disinfect
wounds, as well as bacterially and virally produced diseases.
Ozone can also stimulate circulation and helps to (re)activate
the immune system by activating the body’s own antioxidants
and radical scavengers. It also helps to reduce chronic
In my case, ozone was used like an atomic bomb to, hopefully,
completely destroy the bacteria (borrelia and polio) found in the
cavitations of the jawbone. These infections were festering and
causing untold damage for over 25 years.
This was considered to be the best way to help my condition
in the short term but the cavitations would remain and could
become reinfected. The only way to ensure proper healing may
be through cavitation surgery, where an incision in the gum is
used to expose the defect in the bone and the area is then
scraped clean (debridement) to remove the unhealthy and/
or diseased tooth and bone. I found many examples of ALS
patients who recovered from dental revisions and cavitation
surgery. Here is one of them.
Bob Jones was an ALS diagnosed patient from Aurora,
Colorado. In 1987, he was stricken with chronic fatigue and
a neurological condition that led to severe muscle atrophy. By
1992, he had become completely disabled, was wheelchair
bound, had lost the use of his arms and had gained an excessive
amount of weight. Through his own research and experience
he discovered that he suffered from an extremely severe,
debilitating osteonecrosis of multiple sites in his jawbone.
Bob's symptoms subsided, and his condition dramatically
improved once his diseased bone marrow and amalgam fillings
were removed. His recovery has not been 100% but today he is
completely mobile, moderately active and has lost most of his
excess weight.
Bob Jones is also the inventor of the Cavitat. After his recovery,
he used his experience as a design engineer with a background
in sonar technology to develop an improved imaging device for
detecting cavitations and infected areas in the jaw bone. The

Cavitat is a computerized 3-D, color imaging device that uses
ultrasonic sound to detect and measure bone marrow defects.
Dr Hal Huggins has said that Total Dental Revision resulted in
only 1% of his patients recovering from an ALS diagnosis, but
a 1% chance is certainly better than no chance at all. I wonder
if Dr Huggins had such a low success rate with ALS patients
because he was only dealing with the dental revision and not
any of the other sources of illness?

Appointment 25

Problems with: Ileum and jejunum, Nerves, Teeth (22, 28,

38), Muscle, Bones
Microbes: Polio virus, Borrelia Valiasigni
Nutrients: Low Glutamine, Low Calcium Phosphate,
low immune response

I continued to have trouble with the polio virus in the cavitations

of the jaw bone so I continued my research into ‘Polio’.
• In cases of paralysis, ‘poliomyelitis', refers to the inflammation
of the grey nerves of the spinal column. This inflammation can
also be caused by heavy metal toxicity and viral infection.
• The eradication of polio is largely due a reclassification
(renaming) of the illness. Polio has now been renamed ‘Acute
Flaccid Paralysis’ also known as ‘vaccine-associated paralytic
poliomyelitis’. In other words, provocation poliomyelitis can
occur as the result of vaccines or other injections
• However;
º Coxsackie virus and echoviruses can cause paralytic
syndromes that are clinically indistinguishable from paralytic
º Guillian-Barré disease and aseptic meningitis were diagnosed
as polio during the US epidemics prior to 1957.

º West
 Nile virus can cause a polio-like syndrome with paralysis
and impaired breathing and is clinically indistinguishable
from poliomyelitis.
º 'Diseases'
 with varying degrees of the same symptoms as
polio and falling under the umbrella of motor neuron disease:
ALS, Guillian-Barre Syndrome, Masthenia Gravis, MS, acute
flaccid paralysis (AFP), CFS, Transverse Myelitis, Viral or
aseptic meningitis, Chinese Paralytic syndrome, epidemic
cholera, cholera morbus, spinal meningitis, spinal apoplexy,
inhibitory palsy, ME, post-polio syndrome.
º If you use the pre-1957 definition, then there are many more
cases of poliomyelitis occurring in the US today, than there
were in 1952 - at the height of the US polio epidemics.
• In the 19th century, Poisonous metals were suspected of
causing this polio, particularly lead, arsenic and mercury. For
example, Alfred Vulpian, 1878, found that dogs dosed with
lead suffered the same damage in their motor-neuron cells as
found in the human victims of infantile paralysis.
• The polio outbreaks of the early 20th century occurred during
the summer months and only in the industrialized western
countries where lead arsenate rapidly became the principal
pesticide used on fruit and berries. It was replaced by the use
of DDT.
• The National Institute of Health reported in 1944 that DDT
damaged the same part of the spinal cord (the anterior horn
cells) that is damaged in infantile paralysis (polio). The use and
annual production of DDT increased to 500 million pounds by
1956. It was banned in North America in 1969.
• In 1954 Dr Ralph Scobey suggested that the fundamental
cause of human poliomyelitis appeared to be a poison or
toxin. The virus remains ‘dormant’ within cells until something
(a poison) activates it and it is widely recognized that toxic-
damaged tissues attract viruses.
• Poliovirus can reside in the human body for more than 20
years making it practically impossible to exterminate. The
RNA of the virus allows rapid mutation and can reappear in
greater mutated forms once reactivated by environmental
• `post-polio syndrome' is caused by an overload of
environmental pollutants on compromised and damaged
areas of the body like the central nervous system.
Polio has not been eradicated at all. This evidence suggests
that the polio epidemics are more likely caused by the overuse
of toxic pesticides, alone or in combination with a number of
viruses not simply the polio virus itself. The bioaccumulation
of environmental toxins, the overstimulation of the immune
response, poor nutrition and physical trauma can all contribute
to the onset of polio-like diseases with similar symptoms,
progression and clinical outcomes as found in PPS, ALS, CFS,
MS, and more as listed above.
But how do you combat the polio virus and/or environmental
toxins like pesticides and heavy metals? One solution may be
found in the use of mega doses of Vitamin C

Vitamin C
In an effort to deal with the polio virus I began to explore the
incredible, and widely suppressed, healing power of Vitamin C
(ascorbic acid)
In 1948, Dr Fred Klenner of Reidsville , N.C. was able to
successfully treat 60 cases of polio that came under his care
using mega doses (between 6,000 and 20,000 mg over a
24 hour period) of intravenous (injectable) Vitamin C. These
cases included those with common symptoms of high fever,
headache, sore throat, vomiting and constipation as well as
several cases of paralytic polio; which include both spinal polio
(spinal cord) and bulbar polio (brainstem).
All sixty cases of polio recovered within 72 hours with the
administration of Vitamin C. Three however, had a relapse, so the
C was continued in all 60 cases for another two days every eight
to twelve hours. Two of the 60 patients had throat muscle paralysis
and needed oxygen and drainage but were recovering in 36 hours.
Dr Klenner presented his experience at the Annual Session of
the American Medical Association in 1949 and also published
a paper that same year entitled "The Treatment of Poliomyelitis
and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C”. His success in
treating a wide range of viral infections with Vitamin C also
include measles, pneumonia, encephalitis, hepatitis, herpes
and mononucleosis. Other researchers would later find that it
was also effective in treating lyme disease, cataracts, AIDS and
even some cancers. His findings were confirmed and expanded
upon by two time winner of the Nobel prize (Chemistry and
Peace), Linus Pauling. By the time of his death, the medical
establishment had branded Pauling a quack, because like
Klenner, he advocated the use of high doses of vitamin C to treat
many diseases. The successful use of Vitamin C as an anti-viral
however, has been largely ignored if not suppressed, by the
Allopathic medical community. Could it be because Vitamin C
is readily available in the foods we eat, is relatively inexpensive
and cannot be patented by the major drug companies?
Vitamin C is not really a vitamin at all, but an essential substance
we no longer manufacture in our bodies. Most animals make
their own vitamin C but in humans, the gene for this ability has
mutated; a genetic deficiency of the enzyme, l-gulonolactone
oxidase that no longer works properly. Virtually all mammals
normally manufacture between 2-4 grams of C per day and can
increase the amount in times of stress and/or disease. That’s
why cats, dogs, vultures, and other animals can eat dead
meat loaded with bacteria and not get sick. Humans cannot
synthesize their own vitamin C and must consume it in their diet
or as a supplement.
Vitamin C can act as a ‘Flash Oxidizer’ to aid the immune
system, to act as an antihistamine, a reducing agent, an
oxidizing agent, an anti-clotting agent, an anti-infective agent
and to neutralize toxins, viruses and heavy metals. Unless the
white blood cells are saturated with ascorbic acid, they are like
soldiers without bullets.

In poliomyelitis, Vitamin C works to destroy the virus, dehydrate the
brain and the spinal cord safely, support and normalize the adrenal
glands as well as preserve the surface cell structure of the spinal
cord. The more serious the condition, the more C is required.
During infectious states, Vitamin C joins with the toxin and/
or virus to form a new compound which is then destroyed by
oxidation. Both the toxin and the vitamin are destroyed in the
process and since the body is dependent on food for vitamin C
to meet its daily needs, the body tissues soon become depleted.
That is why mega doses are required for adequate treatment
when an illness is active. Failure to benefit from Vitamin C use
is usually due to inadequate amounts being used for too short
a period of time.
Vitamin C works the same way in chelating heavy metals. It
can oxidize mercury, for example, making it water soluble and
inert to the body. The body can then pull the mercury out of
the fat and expel it without destroying any of the surrounding
cells. Vitamin C (and glutithione) can destroy the mercury on
contact and the inert molecules are then excreted through the
digestive system. Unfortunately, any cell harboring a heavy
metal molecule is also destroyed in the process.
Dr Klenner used roughly 50 grams of intravenous Vitamin C
per day to fight infections. This can be difficult to administer
and can be expensive if you need to have a physician involved.
Also, IV Vitamin C has only a 20% absorption rate but by using
oral Liposomal Vitamin C you can increase this rate to 90%.
Liposomal vitamin C is a technological breakthrough in nutrient
assimilation and 6 grams can provide the same benefits as 50 g
of IV Vitamin C. “Lipo” is Greek for fat while “soma” means body.
Liposomes are tiny “nano-size” fat soluble vehicles for carrying
nutrients like Vitamin C to the body’s cells. They can easily pass
through the digestive system and deliver the nutrient directly to
the bloodstream. The liposome is then easily assimilated into
the cells because it is very similar to the phospholipid bilayer of
the cell membranes in the body. The Vitamin C can then carry
out its anti-oxidant capability.

If I had to do it over knowing what I have learned, I would have
started using liposomal Vitamin C almost immediately after my
diagnosis because as Dr Klenner was often quoted as saying; “I
have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit “ and
“the patient should get large doses of Vitamin C in all pathological
conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis.”
For current information on the benefits of Vitamin C, including
many, books, lectures and articles by Dr Thomas Levy, visit the


Appointment 26

Problems with: Liver, brain, appendix, pancreas, duodenum

Microbes: Polio virus, Lead, tin, aluminum, fluorine,
chlorine, aspergillius niger, parasites
Nutrients: High oxidative stress, low Vitamin C, low
mitochondrial function
Appointment 27

Problems with: Liver, duodenum, lymph, nerves

Microbes: Plaques (calcium & lead), blocked ducts,
DDT toxicity
Nutrients: Iodine deficiency, inflammation due to
hydrogenated fats
Appointment 28, 29, 30

Problems with: Nerves, jejunum, duodenum, lymphatics

Microbes: DDT toxicity in the arms and right thigh,
nerves and digestive tract
Nutrients: Deficiency of DPA essential fats; low
secretory IgA with insufficient mucous
immune defenses

With the polio virus on its way out, my Doctor discovered that I
continued to be challenged by DDT toxicity. We discovered that
many of the foods I consumed every day still contained DDT
even though it has been banned in North America since 1972
and has been banned worldwide since 2001. We found that it
was illegally present in imported fruits like pineapple, bananas,
raspberries and oranges and can also be found in many
vegetables, grains or in fish which have swum in contaminated
rivers. Around 80 per cent of Americans have traces of DDE (a
breakdown product of DDT) in their system. It can take decades
to work its way out of the body, having a half-life of between
eight and ten years and can accumulate over time in the tissues
as people age. The following quote is critical...DDT toxicity
sounds an awful lot like ALS.

DDT, dieldrin, aldrin, heptachlor, chlordane, lindane, and

toxaphene. All have chlorinated hydrocarbon structures and
all have some common physical properties such as very low
water solubility (0.001-10ppm) and very high lipid solubility
(log p of 4-7). All are very resistant to degradation and are,
therefore, persistent in the environment. Their acute toxic
effects in animals are principally due to hyperexcitation in
the nervous system and death is frequently ascribed to
respiratory failure after the disruption of nervous system
The DDT-type insecticides act primarily on the peripheral
nervous system. The mechanism of action of DDT-type
insecticides has been investigated for several decades and
the currently accepted hypothesis was essentially put forth
in its present form by Holan. At the sodium gates of the axon,
DDT exerts its toxic action by preventing the deactivation
or closing of that gate after activation and membrane
depolarization. The result is a lingering leakage of Na+
ions through the nerve membrane, creating a destabilizing
negative afterpotential.

The hyperexcitability of the nerve results in trains of repetitive
discharges in the neuron after a single stimulus and/or occur
spontaneously. (fasciculations)
Mechanisms of Toxic Action and Structure-Activity
Relationships for Organochiorine and Synthetic
Pyrethroid Insecticides by Joel R. Coats

DDT is an organochlorine pesticide that following its ban was

replaced by the use of organophosphates. Either way, it was
not much of an improvement as organophosphates also attack
the nervous system in the same way as nerve agents like sarin.

Upon entering the body—through ingestion, inhalation, or

contact with skin—organophosphates inhibit cholinesterase,
an enzyme in the human nervous system that breaks
down acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that carries signals
between nerves and muscles.
When cholinesterase is inactivated, acetylcholine builds
up in the nerves, which become overactive. Victims of
organophosphate poisoning typically die because they can't
~ Organophosphates: A Common But Deadly Pesticide
By Ker Than, National Geographic

DDT was developed during the Second World War and used
extensively in agriculture from the 1940s. Its association with
the “polio outbreaks” of the time is well documented and
was discussed earlier in this document. Also discussed was
one of the leading theories for the cause of ALS; BMAA (a
cyanobacteria and neurotoxin) and its association with ALS-PD
complex of Guam (ALS-PDC). It is also known locally as Lytico-
bodig and includes the complex of neurological diseases on
Guam that resemble ALS, Parkinsonism-Dementia (PD) and
possibly Alzheimer’s disease. Because of its occurrence in a
relatively unique and isolated population, lytico-bodig has been

widely studied by various groups of researchers in the hopes
of finding its cause and possible cures. It was widely prevalent
during the 1950s and 60s with up to 25% of the population
being afflicted with the condition.
With further research there is a surprising, and not widely
acknowledged new connection; an alternative theory that
deserves a re-examination of the facts regarding the high
incidence of ALS-PD complex of Guam.

In 1944 the Battle for Guam was fought. Many men died on
both sides. Almost 20,000 people were killed in the battle.
About 5,000 US and 15,000 Japanese. The war in the Pacific
was coming to a climax. Guam was a key part on the attack
of Japan.
With all the dead on Guam and the war still raging a huge
problem arose. Filth Flies and other disease carrying insects
were multiplying by the billions on all the dead. There weren't
enough people to do away with all the bodies to stop the
problem. The answer to the problem was DDT. The island
wide use started just after the battle. The entire island was
sprayed by air day after day, month after month. The use
of DDT by air may have gone on for years. DDT was also
used in the disposal of many of the bodies. The bodies were
DDT'd, wrapped or bagged then DDT'd, then put in graves
and DDT'd again. DDT wasn't the only pesticide being used.
DDT was used on Guam until it's ban.
There are health problems that coincide with the military
buildup; neurodegenerative disease. It has many names but
is best described by ALS/PDC. Neurodegenerative disease
got to epidemic proportions between WWII and the middle
50's for Guam natives, the Chamorro people.
~ Statement of Contamination On Guam
By Vancil Sanderson

What if the high incidence of ALS in Guam is not the result
of a bacteria (BMAA) but due to the heavy use of pesticides
like DDT? This would go a long way to explaining the higher
than normal incidence of ALS in Italian Soccer players; a
consequence of the use of pesticides to treat the grass on the
soccer pitch. There are also ALS clusters found around bodies
of water containing cyanobacteria, like Mascoma Lake in New
Hampshire. Could these clusters instead be the result of the
accumulation of pesticides in our lakes and streams following
the run-off from widespread agricultural use?
Why would researchers seek to blame a bacteria, like BMAA, in
the face of overwhelming evidence of a link between pesticides
and neurological disease?
The simple answer is financial liability.
One million veterans were exposed to DDT on Guam just like
millions more were exposed to agent orange in Vietnam. The
U.S. Government is financially responsible to care for these
soldiers due to the chronic negative health consequences of
their exposure to these toxic agents. Veterans have long been
denied the care they deserve and the Government finally admits
culpability only after most of those exposed have died from
the resulting cancers, respiratory disorders and neurological
disease. The Government and chemical companies would
certainly want to deny any link between their products and any
chronic or even terminal conditions like cancer and autoimmune
disease. It is in their best interest, financially, to deny any liability
and actively obscure the truth.
The following quote is from a Review Article from the
International Journal of Current Advanced Research and brings
all this information into a single thesis...a demonstrable link
between viral infections, pesticides along with a compromised
immune system resulting in an autoimmune disease.

There is a disturbing fixation on a single virus, the poliovirus,
being the cause of the disease Polio. Meanwhile tens
of thousands of cases of non-poliovirus Acute Flaccid
Paralysis (AFP) are on the rise. The poliovirus is but one
of many types of enterovirus that will cause paralysis in
the presence of the appropriate toxic co-factors. The
evidence that organochlorine pesticides are co-factors in
multiple neurological disorders, not just AFP, is unequivocal.
Pesticides are implicated in diseases such as Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
There is more than one family of pesticides causing toxicity
problems for humans, but DDT use is a big offender, but not
as big as our myopic blindness to the actual etiology and
pathology of the many neurological disorders that plague
us. It is simply beyond reason as it could jeopardize the
survival of the human race.
Think about 10 million pounds of DDT being sprayed in Africa
per year alone and it makes those populations prone to both
poliovirus-facilitated Acquired Flaccid Paralysis (AFP), as
well as non-polio enterovirus AFP. Ethiopia, South Africa,
India, Mauritius, Myanmar, Yemen, Uganda, Mozambique,
Swaziland, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Eritrea, Gambia,
Namibia, and Zambia are all using DDT. Who benefits if we
all believe polio is just about a virus – a single virus?
The family of viruses that causes AFP belongs to the
enterovirus (EV) family, but the immune system has to be
compromised for them to wreck havoc on the nervous
system; otherwise, they just remain a relatively benign family
of viruses. Consider the possibility that the infamous
“polio” epidemic was a man-made environmental
catastrophe where a relatively benign family of viruses
opportunistically took advantage of those with a
compromised immune system because their bodies
were sub-clinically poisoned with pesticides.
~ AD, AFP, ALS, and DDT by K Paul Stoller

Appointment 31 & 32

Problems with: Lung, Bronchii, Matrix and muscle, legs,

arms and hands
Nutrients: Need for silica and reishi mushrooms to
rebuild connective tissue and muscles.
B1 (Thiamine) defciency

Vitamin B1 deficiency is also known as beriberi, which

means very weak and also translates as 'I cannot, I cannot'.
A B1 deficiency can affect the cardiovascular, muscular,
gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Dry beriberi causes
muscle wasting and partial paralysis which is due to damage
to the peripheral nervous system. This can result in walking
difficulties (loss of balance and coordination), numbness in
the hands and feet, paralysis of the lower legs and mental
confusion/speech difficulties.

Appointment 33

Problems with: Brain (midbrain/cerebral acqueduct),

Matrix, Nerves (brain stem, spinal cord
at lumbar L3, L4, L5)
Nutrients: Need for Pregnenalone, silica and ginseng

In this appointment it was discovered that my cerebral aqueduct

was partially blocked by a glial scar (sclerosis). Glial cells are
nonneuronal cells that form myelin and provide support and
protection for neurons in the central and peripheral nervous
systems. They assist neurons in forming synaptic connections
and can effect some physiological processes like breathing.
Gliosis is a consequence of the reactive change in the glial
cells in response to damage to the central nervous system. The
cells proliferate which can ultimately lead to the formation of a
glial scar.
This scar in the cerebral aqueduct hinders the flow of
cerebrospinal fluid as well as neurotransmission. For me, this

prevented the adequate repair of the lumbar region of my spine
where I had suffered a sports injury; an injury that ultimately
required surgery to remove herniated disc fragments.
Pregnenolone is a steroid hormone which is a precursor to many
other hormones including testosterone. It is also a neurosteroid
and is found in high concentrations in certain areas of the brain.
As a neurosteroid, pregnenolone effects synaptic functioning and
protects neurons by improving myelination. It was prescribed here
to help remove the glial scar and to enhance neurotransmission
through the cerebral aqueduct.

Appointment 34

Problems with: Nerve tissue, adrenal gland, scar tissue in

ligaments, ankle joints & lumbar (L4, L5),
associated lymphatics
Microbes: Salmonella, polio

Problems with: Brain, Peripheral Nervous System, lumbar

(L4, L5), blocked cholinesterase enzyme

Cholinesterase is an enzyme that is needed for normal nervous

system function. The constant firing of signals across the synapses
of your neurons are stimulated by a chemical called acetylcholine
and are inhibited, or discontinued, by cholinesterase. These are
very important chemical reactions with acetylcholine causing
stimulation and acetylcholinesterase terminating the signal.
Cholinesterase can be inhibited by many pesticides which then
prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine. This is what many
pesticides are designed to do to insects. They are cholinesterase
inhibitors, which are obviously toxic to humans as well.
When acetylcholine does not break down, the synapses of an
insect continue firing uncontrollably. Electrical impulses can fire
away continuously unless the number of messages being sent
through the synapse is limited by the action of cholinesterase.
This uncontrolled buildup of acetylcholine eventually leads to

cholinergic (neurotransmitter) hyperactivity, rapid twitching of the
muscles (fasciculations), convulsions, paralyzed breathing and
death. Sound familiar?

Appointment 35

Problems with: Ileum, Blabber, Pulmonary artery

Microbes: Salmonella

At this point, I was pretty much near the end of my treatment.

I was no longer burdened with any infections or toxins and my
scores during the testing were always 100%.
Even so, I still had some slight decline because of the damage
to my central nervous system but I felt that my condition had
stabilized. I had suffered a rapid decline while fighting the
cyanobacteria, poliovirus and pesticide contamination but once
they were eliminated my condition seemed to plateau. I was still
walking, with assistance, when I suffered a number of falls, one
of which left me with a badly sprained ankle that took several
weeks of recovery.
My treatment was now focused on rebuilding muscle and
strength, if possible. I was not sure whether I could recover my
abilities considering the extent of the atrophy to my muscles and
the damage to my spinal cord. At the very least, I had been able
to slow and even stop the progression of my symptoms. My one
major symptom, the fasciculations, were far less intense, were
far less frequent and at times even nonexistent. I could easily
envision a day when they would no longer persist and I could
begin to recuperate.

It is easier to fool people...
than to convince them they
have been fooled
~ Mark Twain

We live in an world of make-believe, a matrix created by the
corporations that control the mainstream media and therefore
control our understanding of the world around us. We must
break the chains of our systems of belief and realize that these
corporations are poisoning our world for the sake of their
greed. We need to empower ourselves by taking personal
responsibility and discard the habits acquired over a lifetime
for the sake of convenience and get back to a simpler, healthier
lifestyle. We can no longer simply accept what governments,
corporations and our ‘healthcare’ system are telling us to
‘believe’ and forcing us to accept without informed consent.
We must absolutely question everything because much of what
we have been taught is simply propaganda designed to benefit
those in positions of authority.
Think outside the box and allow yourself to seek the truth no
matter where it leads you. This can be the key to stabilizing
your symptoms and possibly reversing your condition. I have
seen many ALS patients do just that by taking control of their
own lives and treating themselves outside of the confines of
Allopathic medicine.
After you have been diagnosed with ALS, you often ask yourself
the question, why me? I know I have asked that question many
times and from a certain perspective it is simply just bad luck.
The conditions that led to an ALS diagnosis could easily have led
to any number of diagnoses, such as Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis,
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or similar neurological disorders.
The increase in the incidence of autoimmunity is due the fact
that we live in a toxic world where the human body is constantly
under chemical assaults in our food, air and water like no other
time in history. Although there is certainly a genetic susceptibility
involved in autoimmunity, I have come to believe that the higher
incidence of these chronic ailments is the result of the fact that
we are constantly being assaulted by environmental toxins,

poisonous food additives and a barrage of infectious diseases
and their mutations.
As you can see from my own experience and treatment log,
autoimmunity is the result of a confluence of factors; a lifetime
being exposed to a number of infections and toxins resulting in
a 'perfect storm' as we age.
Autoimmunity is multifarious;

• A Type "A", often athletic personality that produces higher than
normal amounts of free radicals that are released by the body
during prolonged exertion. Free radicals are a by-product of
the cell's energy production therefore the longer and more
intensely an individual exercises the more free radicals their
body will produce. For this reason endurance athletes are
subject to free radical overload and oxidative stress.
• The body may not, on a genetic level, be able to adequately
deal with this excess of free radicals. Perhaps the body is
incapable of producing enough antioxidants to prevent free
radical damage. This may also be true when it comes to
chelating heavy metals. If the body cannot adequately remove
this assault by eliminating these toxins immediately then the
negative impact on the body will build up over time.
• Physical injury, such as a concussion or a back injury, can
leave the central nervous system susceptible to infection.
Environmental toxins, bacteria and viruses seem to proliferate
in areas of weakness and injury.

• Having a poor diet leads to a weakened immune system and
health consequences can be the result of being malnourished.
If your digestive system is under stress then it cannot properly
absorb the nutrients that are required for optimal health.
• Common yeast infections like Candida Albicans can compromise
the lining of the gut and allow infections to enter the body.

• Eating the wrong foods like wheat and dairy can reduce the
body's ability to absorb nutrients.
• Excitotoxins in processed food like MSG, aspartame, fluoride
and pesticides are devastating to the health and effectiveness
of the central nervous system and must be eliminated from
the diet.

• The damage and side effects caused by pharmaceutical
medication can be extensive. Statins, for example, reduce the
myelin sheath around the nerve fibers that leave the central
nervous system vulnerable to infection and toxins. They also
reduce the effectiveness of antioxidants and compounds vital
for cellular energy, such as coenzyme Q10.
• Other medications can alter brain chemistry to a point where
they can cause permanent brain damage. The benefits of a
certain medications may not always outweigh the negative
consequences. Dietary changes will often lead to improved
health at which point these antagonistic medications will no
longer be necessary.
• Vaccines certainly play a role in weakening the immune system
by overstimulation of the immune response. The adjuvants
used in vaccines introduce toxic heavy metals that can
destroy the CNS as well as human compatible substances,
like foreign DNA, that induce the body to attack itself because
it can no longer distinguish between self and non-self.

• We are constantly being assaulted by environmental toxins
that, to a certain extent, are beyond our ability to control. The
autoimmune patient must strive to reduce as many toxins
from their immediate environment as possible
• Eat unprocessed, organic food, drink filtered water and
avoiding alcohol, coffee and soft drinks. Use natural cleaners
and nonchemical personal hygiene products.

• One priority would be to have a total dental revision (TDR)
by having mercury amalgam fillings replaced, root canal teeth
removed and cavitation's surgically repaired. Dental health
can remove a wide number of infections and toxins that can
have a great deal of effect on one's health

• It has long been postulated that a bacterial or viral infection
is involved in the onset of autoimmune disease such as ALS,
MS and Alzheimer's.
• Any number of infections have been implicated in the
development of ALS including Echovirus-7, Mycoplasma,
Borrelia (Lyme disease), Cyanobacteria and Polio.
• There appears to be a synergistic relationship between viruses
and toxins. Viruses and toxins are cofactors; the toxins
weaken the immune system and allow the viruses to attack.
This, for me, is the key to autoimmunity; infections that become
extremely potent, even lethal in the presence of pesticides.
The polio outbreaks of the early 20th century would not have
been nearly as devastating if not for the widespread use of
pesticides use during the summer months. Polio outbreaks
began with the use of lead arsenate in 1892 and became worse
with the introduction of DDT in 1944. This is wholly evident in the
circumstances surrounding the high incidence of ALS-PDC in
the indigenous people, and stationed soldiers, on the island of
Guam during the 1950s and 60s where DDT and cyanobacteria
became deadly conspirators.
Muscle fasciculation (twitching) is a prominent symptom in ALS
patients that persists whether the muscles are working or at rest.
Muscle fasciculations are also one of the prominent symptoms
seen in organophosphate poisoning. Endocrinologist Dr Morton
Biskind found in 1949 that DDT causes ‘lesions in the spinal
cord resembling those in human polio.' Would it be too much
to speculate that these polio lesions are similar to the scarring
or plaques found in the upper motor neurons and spinal cord

of ALS patients? Perhaps polio or other infections can cause
these lesions the same way that heavy metals and pesticides
can. It is the infection and toxic chemical, acting together, that
develop into a more vigorous and deadly aggregate.

Central nervous system diseases (CNS) such as polio are

actually the physiological and symptomatic manifestations
of the ongoing government- and industry-sponsored
inundation of the world’s populace with central nervous
system poisons.
~ Dr. Biskind

Autoimmune diseases are the result of the combination of

industrial toxic chemicals and mutated viral infection. They
are caused by an overload of environmental pollutants, in
combination with the rapid mutation of a virus, on immune
system compromised and/or damaged areas of the body like
the central nervous system.
In essence, autoimmune disease is the result of the following
simplified formula:


The trouble I have with Allopathic medicine is that they claim

to have nothing to help slow or even reverse the progression
of your ALS symptoms. No suggestions, no changes to

lifestyle and no effort to explain the reasons why you are sick.
This document is my attempt to show you that there is plenty
you can do, on your own and with professional Naturopathic
If I were asked to provide advice to a newly diagnosed ALS
patient I would ask them to immediately implement the following:
• Increase your consumption of healthy fats to rebuild your
CNS by eating avocados, five eggs per day soft scrambled in
butter and 4 tablespoons of coconut oil per day
• Switch to an organic paleo diet consisting of seafood and
grass fed meats, vegetables of all colors but especially the dark
leafy greens, low fructose fruits with high antioxidant value,
nuts and seeds and healthy oils like coconut and grape seed
for cooking and olive oil for salad dressing. This diet would also
have to avoid grains, processed food that contain raw sugar or
refined salt and any food that contains MSG, aspartame, fluoride
or have been genetically modified to allow the excessive use of
pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.
• Purchase a juicer and begin maximizing the consumption of
nutrients, in the form of juices, that your body requires
• Seek out a qualified holistic dentist and begin a total dental
revision as described earlier
• Begin taking 6 grams of liposomal vitamin C per day to
eliminate infections that may be overwhelming the immune
system. I would continue this regimen for several weeks.
• Seek out professional Naturopathic care to help chelate heavy
metals and toxins and to help you refine your diet to eliminate
food allergies.
I have seen the statistics regarding the outcome for respiratory-
onset ALS patients. The typical outlook and death occur within
one year following a diagnosis with no patient surviving beyond
14 months. I was initially given three weeks and then perhaps
six months to live after diagnosis. I have so far survived three

years with no end in sight because of the changes I have made to
my lifestyle and the regimens I have described in this document.
I'm not sure whether I can survive this diagnosis because of
the changes I have made but do know that I have been able to
extend my time and improve my quality of life.
If you choose to pursue this information, perhaps you will have
similar and maybe even better success. I wish you all the best.

Let food be thy medicine
and medicine be thy food
~ Hippocrates

Candida Albcans Lead
Herpes Aluminum
Cytomegalovirus Mercury
Epstein Bar Virus Iron
Salmonella Tin
Parasites Florine
Borrelia Chlorine
Borrelia Valiasigni Chromium
Babesia Arsenic
Tick Borne Encephalitis Virus Acetone
Bartonella Benzene
Rocky Mountain Spotted Formaldehyde
Fever Palladium
Cyanobacteria Vanadium
Anatoxin-a DDT toxicity
Human Papillomavirus Zinc
Tetanus Magnesium
P. Acne Manganese
Measles Cobalt
Rubella Copper
Diptheria Calcium Phosphate
Cholera CoQ10
Polio virus Lysine
Varicella Zoster Methione
Aspergilius Niger Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin Vitamins C, D, E
SOD1 Selenium
Hydrogen Peroxide Silica
Copper Alpha Lipoic Acid
Estrogen Alanine
Threonine Glutamic Acid
Aspartic Acid Glutamine
Microglia M2 Taurine

Glyphosate disrupts the gut biome

The shikimate pathway (shikimic acid pathway) is a seven

step metabolic route used by bacteria, fungi, algae,
parasites and plants for the biosynthesis of aromatic
amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan). This
pathway is not found in animals, hence the products of
this pathway represent essential amino acids that must be
obtained from the animal's diet.
~ Wikipedia

Glyphosate is designed to interfere with the shikimate pathway

of unwanted plants (weeds) and insects while the genetically
modified crops are engineered to withstand its effects.
Glyphosate has been deemed safe for human consumption
because we do not have a shikimate pathway. It does, however,
inhibit the shikimate pathways of the gut bacteria that we
depend on to harvest, store, and supply us with the energy
and essential amino acids we require from our diet. Glyphosate
acts as an antibiotic to disrupt gut bacteria leading to the
overgrowth of pathogens like candida albicans. This is likely the
true reason behind the recent epidemic of gluten intolerance,
leaky gut and chronic intestinal diseases like Chrohn’s, Colitis
and Celiac disease. In turn, a leaky gut followed by a leaky brain
barrier can lead to neuronal exposure to dangerous metals and
As a side note, glyphosate also interferes with the production
of cholesterol and impairs fatty acid release from the fat cells
leading to obesity. The increasing use of glyphosate in the past
40 years can easily explain the epidemic in obesity that we see
in Western society as well as the pharmaceutical industry’s
push for the escalation in statin drug use.

Glyphosate Disrupts sulfate synthesis and transport
All cells require inorganic sulfate for normal function and is
required for detoxification of foreign chemical substances
(xenobiotics). Sulphate is essential to your body's electron
transport system and is used to form proteins in the
mitochondria. It is also important for proper insulin function,
assisting B1 in converting carbohydrates into energy and
synthesizing glutathione. Almost half of the sulfur in your body
can be found in your muscles, skin and bones. If sulphate is not
available your muscles will suffer and deteriorate.
In addition to bonding proteins, sulfur is also required for the
proper structure and biological activity of enzymes. If you don't
have sufficient amounts of sulfur in your body the enzymes
cannot function properly. Disruption to the basic enzyme and
protein building blocks on a cellular level will have disastrous
consequences for the entire body.

Glyphosate is a glycine mimic

Glyphosate is a man-made amino-acid, which mimics

the essential amino acid glycine and takes over many of
its functions. Glycine helps to detoxify foreign proteins,
promotes gluconeogenesis (making new glucose from
amino acids) from the liver and kidney, goes into the bone
marrow, helps to make collagen and is a neurotransmitter.
Glycine is essential for the synthesis of DNA and, therefore,
for cell proliferation and is also involved in protecting
against xenobiotics.
Glyphosate can cross the blood-brain barrier and start
interfering in our brain chemistry. It can mis-fold proteins
and cause them to behave unnaturally and perform
unintended tasks with potential negative effects for us.
~ How Glyphosate mimics our basic amino acid, and
gets into our cells, tissues, chromosome and DNA

Amino acids are used in every cell of our body to build the
proteins we need to survive. All organisms need protein in order
to build muscle or simply as part of structures in cell membranes.
Glycine is one of 22 essential amino acids that is biosynthesized
in the body from the amino acid serine and cannot be acquired
through diet. The principal function of glycine is as a precursor
to proteins that are used to help create muscle tissue and
convert glucose into energy. Glycine is also an inhibitory
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and is a required
co-agonist, along with glutamate, for NMDA receptors (nerve
cells that are activated when both glycine and glutamate bind
to it) allowing positively charged ions to flow through the cell
membrane. Glyphosate is identical to glycine except that it has
an additional hydrogen oxygen molecule attached to it and is
capable of acting as a glycine analogue that may be mistakenly
incorporated into peptides during protein synthesis.
Glycine is not only used to form muscle but collagen; the main
structural protein in various connective tissues in animals.
25% of the protein in our body is collagen and glyphosate
substitution for glycine can often lead to joint and bone
diseases like osteoarthritis. High amounts of glycine are also
found in gelatin, which is a form of denatured collagen. Vaccine
live viruses are grown in gelatin derived from the collagen
(ligaments) of pigs and cows who are fed a steady diet of
Roundup Ready (glyphosate) genetically modified crops. This
gelatin contains both glycine and glutamate and the possibility
exists that if glyphosate is substituted for glycine, then these
two neurotransmitters together will over-excite the NMDA
receptors in the brain causing neuronal burnout; a common
feature of ALS. A hypersensitivity reaction to these components
found in the vaccine would also explain the overstimulation of
the nervous system causing damage to the brain.
Glyphosate can displace glycine at random points in the protein
synthesis process leading to improper protein folding. If the
glycine is not present then the protein does not work properly.
Proteins are being created that do not work and will not break

down properly, cannot be disposed of and accumulates to form
scar tissue or plaques.
It has long been established that Alzheimer's disease is one
such protein mis-folding disease due to the accumulation of
abnormally folded amyloid beta proteins in the brain. Other
neurological diseases that have mis-folded proteins involving
conserved glycine residue include Parkinson's (Alpha synulein)
and prion diseases (prion proteins)
The signature lesions of sporadic ALS are neuronal inclusions
(plaques) formed by TAR DNA binding Protein (TDP-43). The
gain of toxic function or loss of function in TDP-43 causes ALS.
TDP-43 relies on a C-terminal glycine-rich domain in order to
function properly, therefore substituting glycine with any other
amino acid or a bulkier molecule like glyphosate disrupts the
function of the enzyme and increases the risk to ALS. Over 90%
of ALS cases exhibit TDP43-based pathology.
Glyphosate substituting for glycine is also a problem in the
formation of motor proteins like Myosin as well as acetylcholine
receptors at the surface of a nerve cell. Myosins are required
for muscle contraction and other motility processes while
acetylcholine receptors are necessary for normal cell signaling.
The defective receptor and/or defective myosin leads to stress
on the motor neurons feeding into the chemical synapse formed
by the contact between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber
(neuromuscular junction). Basically, the motor neurons in the
spinal column burn out under the stress of supplying muscle
power to the muscle motors (myosin) that are severely impaired
by glyphosate substitution for glycine. Glyphosate’s disruption
of these processes could explain the fasciculations and muscle
wasting associated with ALS.


Thimerosal Insert: Very toxic cumulative effects can cause

damage to the kidneys and to the respiratory system, skin, the
nervous system. Can cause reproductive and developmental
disorders like autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Tripedia® DTaP Insert: (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)
Adverse events reported during post-approval use of
Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic
purpura, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death), anaphylactic reaction,
cellulitis, autism, convulsion/ grand mal convulsion,
encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and
apnea. Events were included in this list because of the
seriousness or frequency of reporting.

30% of our vaccines are contaminated with gamma-

retroviruses. Not only is this contamination associated with
autism and chronic fatigue syndrome, it is also associated
with Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and Alzheimer’s.
Dr. Mikovits believes we will win this war, that we will
eventually clean up vaccines, stop vaccinating infants,
and stop injecting our children with multiple vaccines. But
she also believes the government will continue to cover up
their culpability in the current epidemic of autism and other
The science does not support the statement that vaccines
are safe and effective. This is not a scientific finding. This
is a marketing slogan taught to doctors in medical school.
~ The Discovery That Destroyed Judy Mikovits’ Career

The perfect storm occurs when human DNA is disturbed
by retroviruses, when there are co-infections, when there is
severe shock or trauma, when hormones are dysregulated,
when there are genetically modified organisms and
glyphosate in the diet, when there are pesticides and other
toxic substances in food and the environment, and when
there are genetic susceptibilities.
~ Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals
What the Government is Hiding

bad food choices (casein, gluten, poly-saturated fats,

iodized salts, sugars) produce a breeding ground in the
body for long-term infections, thyroid disorder, disease &
vaccine derived viruses. All viruses thrive in a non-alkaline,
acidic environment.
~The Problem with Vaccines



















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