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This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, conceptual

framework, theoretical framework, statement of the problem, scope and limitations of

the study, significance of the study and definition of terms.


Every business starts with a business plan also in enhancing a product to get

a high production volume. Student need to use a business plan to be their guide in

making a good product to catch a customer. A strategy can help students to grow

their business. There are so many problems that the students will face in able to

enhance their production volume especially in creating business plan. Having a bad

business plan can affect the production volume of one business. Planning is the

foundation on which the student can base the project execution. Without a strong

and stable foundation, the project is more than likely to collapse around the student’s

ears. Good planning will ensure that the resources are ideally utilized. Students

should not waste resources when planning a project as this will result in the

decrease of the overall profits from the project. This study is about improving

production volume in a business, it consist of different strategy that the students

might need for them to enhance their production volume.

The production volume is a study wherein the student has a lack of

knowledge on that topic because maybe they only focusing on their studies.


Production volume can use only when student willing to take the risk in taking a

business management because production volume is being a productive in making a

new product and also student has a lot of problem like about their studies that’s why

they do not have much time to do some kind of business. Also it might affect the

students because some of them not know what production volume is.

Background of the Study

All successful businesses go through a lot of process. That is why, business

must undergo to a business process which is a series of repeatable steps carried out

by an individual or team that accomplish a certain business goal. It’s something that

every business does, whether they do it consciously or not. To be successful in

business, businessman or women need to be organized. Organization will help the

entrepreneur to complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done. Successful

business also possesses a keep detailed records, it will help an entrepreneur to

know where the business stands financially and what potential challenges might this

business facing.

In this study, the researchers come up a marketing strategy that can help

those who wants to improve their production volume. That is why the researchers

defined what production volume is. Production volume is a variance measure the

amount of overhead applied to the number of unit produced. It is the difference

between the actual number units produced in a period and the budgeted number of

unit that should have been produced. And that is why new product and service said

to be the lifeblood of all business (wealthy.Gorilla).

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task. A full academic course load to the

mix and managing time can suddenly seems like a herculean feat. Building a

successful business, that is why those students’ entrepreneurs set out to do.

Balancing an entrepreneurship and studied can be the toughness challenge.

Students must have enough time to do both so either startup will never develop. The

production volume helps the student to enhance their ability to do something and to

learn something new. To make the student satisfied in every detail, production

volume is needed to help students to get an exact unit.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify some steps in determining streamline process or

“DSP Marketing: A business plan to enhance production volume of Grade 11 Senior

High School”.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of enhancing the production volume in a business?

2. Does enhancing production volume have a huge impact in making new


3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of DSP marketing in enhancing

production volume in business?

Null Hypothesis

The researchers found out that having business plan is not enough in

improving production volume in business, because business plan only consists of

the following guidelines in building a business. Manual can also make the

entrepreneur be lazy in creating future product and also relying on that business



Theoretical Framework

An operational plan as well as a management and organizational plan are the

parts of traditional business planning process. Accordingly, their theories will be

discussed to be important as they include the description and daily activities.

Additionally they create guidelines for a whole organization and its management

(Stein, 2016). Apart from that, it should be determined how business can afford to

achieve strategic goals and objectives. For this purpose, the financial planning

theory will be presented as well. Financial planning is an integral part of a business

planning process due to the reason that the plan involves all activities. Financial

planning activities includes plenty of duties and that is why it requires detailed

description (Boesch, 2016).

Michael Porter, the other main modern – day strategist, adopted a particular

focus on organizational and governmental competence and competitiveness and

has written several popular books on business strategy; he has also developed a

number of often – used tools and techniques, two of which, his ‘Five Forces’ and ‘

Value Chain Models’ are described later in this module.

Henry Mintzberg has been called the great management economist owing to

his willingness to attack previously sacred concepts in business and management.

His commonsense approach to management issues has earned him a very wide

following and he is perhaps best known for his work on business strategy, where he

said to have exposed the gaps between academic concepts of strategy and reality.


Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output

1. Character Profile  Creating survey  Manual entitled;

 Age questionnaire
 Gender  Distribution of “DSP Marketing:
2. Ideas from related questionnaire and
literature and studies instrument data A Business Plan
3. Data Gathering gathering
 Research  Analyzing the to Enhance
through the data gathered
internet  Interview and Production
4. Materials needed observation
 Magazines or  Choose platform Volume”
newspapers for the manual
 Bond paper  Define the
and colored purpose of the
paper manual
 Card board or  Creating step-by-
illustration step guidelines in
board for production plan
cover and business plan
 Attractive  Organize
designs information
 Plastic cover hierarchically
 Put pictures in
every steps
decide on the
design for the

Figure 1: Conceptual FEEDBACK Framework

The figure 1 shows the step by step gathered data

and process. The researchers divided during the study. This will serve as a guide to


make the study work smoothly. Indicated in this Conceptual Framework are the

Input-Process-Output models to illustrate the procedures.

The Input is consisting of the following character profile, age and gender

ideas from related literature and studies, data gathering (research through internet),

materials needed (magazines or newspaper, bond paper, colored paper, card board

or illustration board for cover, attractive designs, and plastic cover).

The process being used is through creating survey questionnaire, distribution

of questionnaire and instrument data gathering; analyze the data gathered, interview

and observation, choose platform for the manual, define the purpose of the manual,

creating step-by-step guidelines in production plan and business plan, organize

information hierarchically, put pictures in every steps decide on the appropriate

design for the manual.

The Output is a manual entitled; “DSP Marketing: A Business Plan to

Enhance Production Volume of Grade 11 Senior High School”.


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The research paper will determine streamline process or “DSP Marketing: A

business plan to enhance production volume of Grade 11 Senior High School”. The

study is composed of 100 respondents these are the Grade 11 ABM students that

will be the main participant of the study. The primary data gathering will use in the

interview to determine the effects of the study.

This study is limited only to Grade 11 Senior High School students in ICCT

Colleges Foundation Incorporated. This study will involve the dissemination of

survey form to the students which will help the researcher in gathering information.

The main source of data was conducted by the researchers through the use of

surveys and questionnaires. It involves the perception of (100) one hundred

respondents who are the students of ICCT Colleges Foundation Incorporated Cainta

main campus.


Significance of the Study

The study focused on the step-by-step strategy in determining streamline

process or “DSP Marketing: A business plan to enhance production volume of Grade

11 Senior High School”.

Moreover, the results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

School Administration

This study can benefit school administrators for them to give their guidance

and improved the researchers’ confidence in promoting this study. They can also

help students and teachers, to operate other schools administrators.

The Teacher

Can share their knowledge about this process to their students, especially to

their family.

The Students

Be knowledgeable and aware about how business works and they can apply

it in the near future.

The Parents

The research benefits the parents to inform their children regarding on how to

be a productive person and also know how to handle a business someday.


Future Researchers

The idea presented may be used as a background in conducting new

researchers that related to the topic.

The Community

This study benefits the community to know the importance of business and

how to increase or improve the production volume.

The Researchers

It can benefit the researchers to seek more information that can help to

enhance the production volume or their co-students for them to be more productive

in the near future.




This chapter states the different literature and studies that were conducted for

the research to gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Foreign Literature

Charles T. Horngren, the Edmund W. Littlefield (Horngren, Datar, & Rajan,

2014) Professor of Accounting, Emeritus, at the Stanford Graduate School of

Business, credited with inventive modern-day cost management practices known to

everyone as Chuck. Horngren was inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame and

was honored repeatedly for his contributions to the American Accounting

Association in 1969, for which he served as president and director of research. His

textbook of Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis which is now in its 14th

edition. It is just one of several of his books that have shaped the education of

generations of accounting students of the whole world. Horngren (Horngren, Datar,

& Rajan, 2014) was credited with changing traditional accounting education in the

1960s "from cost accounting's overwhelming emphasis on accumulation and

calculation of product costs to managerial accounting, which explores the uses of

costs for various purposes," wrote Thomas Burns, a professor at Ohio State

University and chairman of the Accounting Hall of Fame when Horngren was named

to the Hall in 1990.



This study is similar with the study that our conducting because it is all about

cost accounting. Cost accounting is the recording of all the cost incurred in a

business in a way that can be used to improve its management. It can relate to our

study because this study will be the guide of business women on how to manage a

business properly.

Based on the International Journal of Management Science and

Business Administration (Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China).

Marketing strategy represents a key element of success for organizations. Executing

an effective marketing strategy is just as important as conceptualizing and creating

it. Through marketing strategy implementation firms employ scarce resources

through marketing capabilities in order to attain the set goals and targets. In order to

illustrate the value of marketing strategy and the process of implementation a

detailed literature review was performed. A total of (Number of Studies Depending

On the References Count, After Employee Deletion) studies on the topic of

marketing strategy have been examined. The meta-analysis uncovers two distinct

but related features to marketing strategy content: marketing strategy decisions and

marketing strategy decision implementation. The literature also suggests there is a

relationship of marketing strategy, and marketing mix elements on organizational

performance, and emphasizes a further need to perform conceptual and empirical

studies. The originality and value of the review lies in the fact that marketing strategy


has been analyzed both in terms of its outcomes and as a process that does not

yield satisfactory results without effective implementation.


This study is similar to the study that our conducting because it is all about

the key elements in marketing strategies. It emphasizes the relationship of

organizational plan and marketing strategy were business performance is needed in

order to achieve the customer satisfaction. And be able to have their own business

strategy not copying to the ideas of other business organization.

Compton and Brinker (Compton, J & Brinker, & Thomas M, 2005)

mentioned that every cost is different, and only some should be evaluated for

decision-making purposes (Compton, J & Brinker, & Thomas M, 2005). Different

researchers distinguished different kinds of costs. Martin (1992) distinguished cost

control includes direct costs, third-party costs, distributable costs, indirect costs and

associated costs. Compton and Brinker (Compton, J & Brinker, & Thomas M, 2005)

distinguished marginal costs and sunk costs. Cost of production per unit is the cost

associated with production, divided by the number of units produced Webner

(Webner, 1911) provided that material, labor and expenses are the three constituent

elements of production costs. Mikhail Chester and Chris Hendrickson (Chester &

Hendrickson, 2005), they have concluded that “construction cost goes up in a project

with the seven different mismanagement scenarios, such as delay, Cost cutting, re-


sequencing of work, acceleration, change of scope (rework), defective work, and



This related foreign literature is all about how business discusses the

marginal costs and sunk cost pointing all products. It is different cost/price but to

avoid sunk costs, it should be in good managerial control production divided all unit

into product of good quantity, quality exact exposure of product no delay minimized

expenditure. And this is why it is related to the study our conducting.

A study by Beckman and Marks (1996) found that business experience was

a factor in the success of small firms. Another study by Costa, 1994, indicated that

strategic planning contributes to long-running success for businesses. Other factors

for success include quality, customer focus, innovative marketing practices, flexibility

and employee empowerment (Zetlin, 1994). Filley and Pricer (1991) defined several

tools for small business success. These included good management techniques,

such as appropriate operating strategies, leadership and time management. Other

tools were good financial management and pricing strategies, motivational strategies

for employees, and ensuring only those employees with ability are hired.


This study is similar with the study that our conducting because it is all about

the factors that can help a small business becomes successful. It is related to the


topic because of some marketing practices that is being mentioned. It also included

some management techniques and operating strategies.

According to Lussier (1996), "There is no generally accepted list of variables

distinguishing business success from failure". The two most commonly stated

variables, however, that seem to make the difference are capital and management

experience. Steiner and Solem (1988) reported key success factors in small

manufacturing businesses would include an owner/manager with experience in the

business or prior experience; adequate financial resources; a competitive advantage

based upon customer and product specialization; and strategic planning. Dyke,

Fischer, and Reuben (1992) found that management experience may be a

significant factor in achieving success or successful performance in the small

business environment. It stated that "would-be business owners should be

concerned to gain related industry, management, and start-up experience...

regardless of the type of industry in which they plan to operate". It was also noted,

however, that while experience was a significant factor, it could vary by industry in

importance. This would support Cochran (1981), who suggested that research for

specific industries in specific regions might prove more useful than national studies.

This study was referring to research regarding failures of small businesses;

however, this may apply to successes also.



This study is similar with the study that our conducting because it focuses on

the variables that some businesses aim to be successful. It comprises of different

key success factors in small businesses. The research was referring to the failures

of small businesses.

Local Literature

Soriano (2008) revealed in his study that the most notable among the

problems in marketing management of the small and medium businesses in Western

Tarlac is low price, followed by unresponsiveness of the products to customer

needs, no customer, high promotional cost, stiff competition, and declining demand

because of the presence of many firms and continuous increase in prices of



Soriano’s study is similar with the study that our conducting because it

focuses on the business problems in Tarlac. All business experiencing some little or

big problems and our research may help the other business man or woman. It can

also relate to our study because it’s all about the problems that can solve by

applying the determine streamline process.


Mendoza (2003), stated that packaging is a group of activities in product

planning which involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for

product. There are several reasons why products are being packaged. Packaging

serves as product protection during its route from the producers to manufacturers to

the final user, and for protection during storing period before consumption. It

complements a company’s marketing program through differentiation by customers

and it also increases profit possibilities, particularly when other customers buy the

product primarily because of the package.


This study is similar with the study that our conducting because it is about

product planning that involves the wrapper and container for a business. Wrapper

and container are important to identify what kind of product is that and to know the

brand of that product. It is related in our research topic because it is also regarding

in making business plan. Were they apply it in their product making process.

Josiah Go, Fundamental Marketing in the Philippines Setting. According to

his study marketing strategy has two interrelated components the target market and

marketing mix. Target market is a fairly homogeneous group of people or

organization to whom a company wishes to appeal. The marketing mix profile is a

specific market segmentation of controllable and interrelated variables compose of

product, placement, price and promotions that the company assembles.



This study is related to the study that our conducting because it stated that

fundamental marketing is fairly homogeneous is a group of people or organization to

specific. The interrelated variable and also in the market segmentation needed to

control the composing product and other that is needed. This research is included to

the literature that gave ideas how student control the company assembles.

According to Cesar G. Saldana, financial policy and strategy formulation is

normally a top level management prerogative. It covers investment and financing

decisions with long term implications on the overall risk, profitability and growth of

the company. The financial management and control function is essentially a middle

management level activity. Once strategies and policies have been set middle

manager's role is to ensure that operational and day to day decision are consistent

with the chosen overall direction. Financial planning is primarily a staff function,

providing the necessary informational and analytical support to both financial policy

and control decisions.


This local literature is somewhat related to this study because it discusses

about strategies formulation is normally a top level management prerogative. Also

stated once the strategies and policies have been set the middle mangers role is to

ensure that operational are consistent with the chosen in overall directions so they


included it as a sample of literature that might lead the students to improve their

knowledge about business plan and also in the marketing strategies.

Based on Edgar P. Del Val (1983), companies that marketing their products

and/or services overseas is faced with the decision of whether to standardize or

adapt their product offerings. This decision concerns firms commencing to market

their products in foreign countries as well as those already operating internationally

and is considering expanding into further markets. The standardization of products

across cultures is increasingly becoming an important issue that the managers of

global firms are today facing. As international marketing in the 21st century receives

significant research attention, it seems the cost benefits and administration of

standardization strategies has simplified the international marketing approach as

well as being an attractive choice for many firms.


This study is relevant to the study that our conducting. This study focused on

the business strategy on how to market their product. It emphasizes the decision

making of what is good for the organization. As well as our study emphasizes the

business plan that enhances the production volume of a certain business that

consist of step by step business strategy to enhance the production volume.


Foreign Studies

According to Eric H. Shaw (Department of Marketing, Florida Atlantic

University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA). Marketing strategy: from the origin of the

concept to the development of a conceptual framework “, journal of historical

research in marketing. The purpose of this paper is to organize the semantic jungle

of marketing strategy approaches, terms and concepts into logically coherence

framework using the history of marketing thought to inform current marketing

research and practices. The paper takes the form of an intensive literature review

tracing the three streams of marketing strategy term and concept their roots in the

literature of early marketing management managerial economic and corporate

management to the present along with marketing ideas, strategy concept from

managerial economic and from corporate management were absorbed directly into

the corpus of strategic marketing thought .These three stream of research have

converged into the current state of marketing strategy - an electric mixture of both

complementary and conflicting strategic approaches, terms and concept. By

systematically following the evolutionary development of major contribution to

strategic can be integrated into a comprehensive conceptual framework for

organizing and choosing among individual marketing strategies.


This foreign study relates to our research topic because it explains how

marketing can help to improve the production volume. This paper is to organize the

semantic jungle of marketing strategy approaches, terms and concepts into logically


coherence framework using the history of marketing thought to inform current

marketing research and practices.

According Peter Gabrielsson (Journal of International Marketing). This study

examines the marketing strategies of companies originating in small and open

economies as they expand into foreign markets. It distinguishes two major

globalization paths (that of born global and that of globalizing internationals),

contrasts them with traditional internationalizes, and describes their characteristics.

It then outlines a framework and hypothesis regarding the marketing strategies used

foreign expansion and examines them empirically in the information and

communication technology field. The authors examine two important strategic

marketing issues: the breadth of product offering and the standardization of

marketing strategies across countries. The empirical results show that foreign

expansion path, foreign business experience, and external globalization pressure

have an impact on the selection of marketing strategies. The study also finds that

the fit between these contextual factors and the standardization of marketing

strategy has a positive effect on performance. The novel results regarding the

importance of foreign expansion paths in the important implications for both

academicians and practitioners in the field of international marketing.


This foreign study also pointed out how marketing strategies can help or can

give an idea when it comes to improving production volume, and how to expand


production volume in a market or companies. And also this study finds that the fit

between these contextual factors and the standardization of marketing strategy has

a positive effect on performabce.

Stacy Jagodowski (2017), said that marketing plans are the roadmap to

success for your school, keeping you on track with your initiatives throughout the

year and, ideally, the next several years. It’s easy to get side tracked when great

ideas pop up, but like on a road trip you’ll never reach your destination if you keep

adding new stops along the way. School marketing plans streamline what you do

and outline why you’re doing it. Validating these important decisions is important for

gaining support for the plan and ensuring that you continue to move forward with

positive progress. The traditional marketing plan format can be daunting, but building

a “modified” school marketing plan can be super simple. It doesn’t matter if you’re a

small private school, a school with multiple campuses and grade levels, or an entire

school district, you can create a strategic school marketing plan that meets your

needs. Times have changed, and many schools are finding that they need to engage

in strong marketing tactics to thrive in today’s market. That means more schools

than ever are looking to develop marketing plans to guide them. Unfortunately, for

those institutions building a school marketing plan for the first time, it can be

overwhelming to get started.



This related foreign study is related to the study that our conducting because

it is all about marketing plans. It is important to have marketing plans. It is the only

way to have a successful and positive progress that a thriving business wants for. It

is not a big deal if being in a private or public school, as long as it can create a

strategic school marketing plan that meets the society’s needs.

As per as the study of James Bucki (Top Ways to Streamline your

Business), Efficiency can be increased in a number of ways if you're starting to feel

like your workplace is on the verge of spiraling into chaos. But running a business

can be complex, and you might not know where to start to begin restoring order. You

can assess six key areas to decide if they can be streamlined to increase

productivity. Remember to evaluate the impact that each of these will have on

your bottom line as well as how they'll affect your customers, suppliers, employees,

and business partners. The Balance Small Business makes launching and

managing your own business easy. It is home to experts who provide clear, practical

advice on entrepreneurship and management. Whether you’re just starting up or you

want to take your company to the next level. The Balance Small Business will

answer your questions and turn your business dreams into reality.


This study is similar with the study that our conducting. Wherein it discusses

the top ways in streamlining a business. Stated that in every workplace must have


efficient and be able to merge in order to run a business. James Bucki also stated

that businesses must assess the six key areas for them to decide on how to apply

the streamline process they make.

Written by Seppo Saari (2006), “Operationalize the concept of productivity in

business. Operationalization comprises the following five steps: 1) Phenomenon

description. The phenomenon of productivity is described as part of economic

activity. 2) Concept formation. Productivity is defined as a concept in close relation

to such concepts as profitability, economic growth, efficiency, surplus value, quality,

performance, partial productivity, need, etc. 3) Modelling. A model of productivity

measurement is presented, based on the most accurate business data. A time

series construction for the development of productivity, profitability and production

income distribution is suggested. Interpretations of the partial productivity

measurement are given. 4) Horizontal comparison. The production function-based

models for business are compared by identifying their features and evaluating the

differences. 5) Vertical comparison. Productivity models of a business and a nation

are compared by identifying their features and evaluating the differences. As a

result, operationalization of the concept of productivity is presented based on the

most accurate business information. A quantitative model is demonstrated.

Differences in productivity measurement models are made transparent and

evaluated based on the production theory.”



Seppo Saari discusses about the productivity of some businesses and what

are the effects of it in economic growth. It is somehow related to the study that our

conducting because it stated that production volume must need to have operational

strategies. He also gives the five steps in operational strategies that can help

production volume in a business.

Local Studies

Ablaza (2001) cited that loyalty results from a customer’s continuing

satisfaction. Therefore, customer satisfaction lies at the core of business

sustainability. Customer satisfaction is achieved whenever the customer experience

meets or exceeds customer expectations. Expectations are conditioned by customer

perceptions of the product’s price-value and the image created by marketing

communications. The customer experience is an accumulation of the outcomes from

all the customer interactions with the product/company, sometimes referred to more

romantically as “moments of truth” or threateningly as “points of failure.” The terms

of competition are typically defined by customer expectation benchmarks. A

customer-driven marketing strategy holds the key to a perpetual market leadership

and dominance in a highly competitive marketing warfare. All activities in marketing

are carefully designed and addressed to a specific target customer, his need and

wants. Ilano (2001) also noted that the challenge for any provider of goods and


services is to make the customer believe that he will definitely be better off after

buying the provider’s product.


This study is somewhat related to our study because this is about how to

contribute the customer satisfaction, the author want to know the some creative

strategy to have a successful business. All companies have their own strategies and

this author believe that as capital markets have evolved they have become more

toxic for strategy. Having a strategy in the first place is hard but maintaining a

strategy is even harder because creating a strategy is not easy it will need to know

the customer satisfaction.

Based on the study of Joel P. Feliciano (2015) “International Journal of

Education and Research”, the impact of leadership effectiveness and marketing

strategies of selected higher education institutions in Metro Manila on student

satisfaction and loyalty to provide bases for strategic plan to enhance student

satisfaction and loyalty. This study used descriptive research method with the

questionnaire as the major tool for gathering data. There were four groups of

respondents composed of administrators, faculty members, non-academic

personnel, and students from the selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

Frequency and percentage, weighted mean, one-way analysis of variance, and

person-product moment correlation were used as statistical tools. The findings

revealed that students are generally satisfied with and loyal to the selected HEIs.


Leadership effectiveness and the marketing strategies adopted by selected HEIs are

directly correlated to student satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, HEIs must improve

their marketing program in order to determine and develop much better marketing



His study is composed of the impact of leadership effectiveness and

marketing strategies. It highlights a set of dynamic search and adaptation

capabilities that can be studied the problems they are meant to solve and the

efficiency and reliability by which they search a solution. And that is why it is related

to the study that our conducting.

According to De Asis (2003), competition, globalization, changes in the

curriculum influenced by technology and industry, and a more demanding student

clientele are but some of the developments that suggest an urgent need for

educational institutions to have a strong marketing orientation. Moreover, she cited

that many schools today may not recognize the fact that they have come under

intense scrutiny from their primary customers that include the students and the

industry, the latter being the natural reservoir of graduate students. A more

demanding student clientele suggest an urgent need for educational institutions to

have a strong marketing orientation. Thus, if schools wish to survive, they need to do

some drastic changes and shun the traditional belief that students and the business

sector will always accept what schools produce.



This study is similar to the study that our conducting because it focuses on

the students industry in making a business by their own. Students who graduated

must already have a strong marketing orientation for them to build their own

business. That is why educational institutions must have a strong marketing

orientation to the students.

“The Most Common Strategy Mistakes”, Joan Magretta, the granddaddy of

all mistakes is competing to be the best, going down the same path as everybody

else and thinking that somehow you can achieve better results. This is a hard race to

win. So many managers confuse operational effectiveness with strategy. Another

common mistake is confusing marketing with strategy. It's natural for strategy to

arise from a focus on customers and their needs. So in many companies, strategy is

built around the value proposition, which is the demand side of the equation. But a

robust strategy requires a tailored value chain—it's about the supply side as well, the

unique configuration of activities that delivers value. Strategy links choices on the

demand side with the unique choices about the value chain (the supply side). You

can't have competitive advantage without both.


This study is somewhat similar to the study that our conducting. It discusses

the different mistakes that the entrepreneurs do in making marketing strategies.

Which is the only focused is the arising in customers need not knowing the effect of


it in the market supply. Were they should supply both side so that the marketing

strategy become successful.

El Prado and Rosellon (2015) stated that firm-to-firm technology and

knowledge sharing in firms from the food manufacturing sector. Traditionally driven

by secret recipes and family-grounded procedures, food processing firms are

naturally unwilling and indisposed to embrace collaborative undertaking and

developing external ties due to perceived risks of leakage of company specific

assets. Their paper attempts to document the practical experiences of two

manufacturing firms and their views on sharing technology and knowledge to their

partners in the production network.


This study was related to our study because it is all about firm to firm

technology and knowledge sharing in firms the food manufacturing sector. His study

can help the future business women/man on choosing partner to build a business

and guide them to have a good business.


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