Inter-Company Services Agreement Template-1

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Inter-Company Services Agreement

This document is an Inter-Company Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) and is effective


BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "First Party"), a company organised

and existed under the laws of [COUNTRY], located:


AND: [SECOND PARTY NAME] (the "Associate Company"), a company

organised and existing under the laws of [COUNTRY], located:



WHEREAS [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a [SPECIFY INDUSTRY] company specialised in


WHEREAS Associate Company is a company specialising in [SPECIFY];

WHEREAS the parties and the Company are desirous of working together about the conduct of

NOW THEREFORE this Agreement witnessed that in consideration of the premises and other
good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows:


In this Agreement, except where the context or subject matter is inconsistent in addition to that,
the following terms shall have the following meanings:

1.1 “Agreement” shall mean this document, the annexed appendices, which are incorporated
herein, together with any future written and executed amendments agreed to by the

1.2 “Affiliated Companies” shall mean any company or another business enterprise, which
directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control by a party.

1.3 “Associated Staff” shall mean any officer, director, employee, agent, or student of a
Party, and any other person involved in the execution of this Agreement, excluding
patients solely involved as subjects in studies.

1.4 “Documentation” shall mean all documents, regardless of form, relating to the Project.

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1.5 “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean any and all rights, title and interest in and to
any and all ideas, discoveries, inventions, creations, works and know-how including,
without limitation, patents, trademarks, service marks, designs, integrated circuit
topographies, copyrights, including applications for any of the foregoing, as well as
design rights, confidential information, trade secrets and any other similar intellectual
property rights protected in [COUNTRY] and in any other country.

1.6 “Material” shall mean any and all information and materials, relating to a Party’s
business, business processes and methods of doing business, given to the other Party from
time to time for review, data processing, or for any other reason, and all copies thereof
regardless of form or storage medium, including, but not limited to, documentation, notes,
formulae, components, drawings, data, flow-charts, plans, specifications, techniques,
processes, algorithms, inventions, prototypes, protocols, patent portfolio, pre-clinical and
clinical studies, contracts, marketing and other financial and business plans, and includes,
without limitation, all confidential and proprietary information which is at any time so
designated a Party by the other Party, either in writing or orally.

1.7 “Project” shall mean [DESCRIBE THE DETAILS OF THE PROJECT].

1.8 “Services” shall mean the services as described in Subsection 2.1 hereof.


2.1 The parties agree to act as independent contractors for each other. [YOUR COMPANY
NAME] will perform professional services as described in Appendix “A” to this
Agreement (the “Company Services”), a copy of which has been appended hereto and
initialled by the parties for identification. Associate Company will perform professional
services as described in Appendix “B” (the “Associate Company Services”), a copy of
which has been appended hereto and initialled by the parties for identification. “Services”
shall mean either or both of the Company Services and the Associate Company Services,
as the case may be.

2.2 Each Party agrees to use its best efforts to assign personnel with the proper skill level and
type of experience, to ensure that the Services will be completed in a timely and
successful manner.

2.3 In the event that a Party does not have personnel with the proper skill level or experience
to provide the Services required under the terms of this Agreement, such Party may
engage the services of such competent personnel, or may subcontract or assign a portion
of the Services to be rendered, with the prior written consent of the other Party to this
Agreement. Notwithstanding such approval, the sub-contracting Party shall be primarily
responsible and liable for the services rendered by such personnel, subcontractor or
assignee and shall be responsible for the payment of the remuneration payable to such
personnel, subcontractor or assignee, which shall be included in the total compensation
described in Section 3 hereof.

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2.4 Each Party will, on a regular basis, keep the other Party appraised of the work in progress
under the terms of this Agreement and will meet from time to time with the other Party, to
review the Services performed or to be performed under the provisions hereof.


3.1 Associate Company will pay [YOUR COMPANY NAME] for Company Services
satisfactorily rendered under the payment sch1edule described in Appendix “C” to this
Agreement (the “Company Budget”), a copy of which has been appended hereto and
initialled by the Parties for identification. Company shall not be permitted to incur any
cost or expense that would cause the Company Budget to be exceeded, without the prior
written approval of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], in the form of an amendment to this

3.2 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] will pay Associate Company for Associate Company
Services satisfactorily rendered under the payment schedule described in Appendix “D” to
this Agreement (the “Associate Company Budget”), a copy of which has been appended
hereto and initialled by the parties for identification. Associate Company shall not be
permitted to incur any cost or expense that would cause the Associate Company Budget to
be exceeded, without the prior written approval of the Company, in the form of an
amendment to this Agreement.


4.1 As each Party is undertaking to perform professional services for the other, and is doing
so as an independent contractor and not as an employee, agent, partner, or joint venturer
of the other Party, the fees will be limited to those stated in Appendices “C” and “D”,
attached hereto, as the case may be. Neither Party will participate in any employee benefit
plans of the other Party nor receive any other compensation beyond that stated in such
Appendices “C” and “D”. Neither Party will have any power or authority to bind the other
or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on the other’s
behalf or in the other’s name, and neither Party will represent to any person or entity that
it has such power or authority.


5.1 Neither Party is responsible for verifying the existence or sufficiency of the qualifications,
authorisations, permits or licences of the other Party and/or the other Party’s employees.
Each Party represents and warrants that it and any of its employees are authorised to work
and are not acting and will not act during the term of this Agreement in violation of any
applicable laws and the regulations thereunder or any agreement it has entered into with a
third party. Each Party will indemnify the other Party against any and all claims, damages,
losses and other liabilities including, but not limited to, fines, penalties, and/or attorneys’

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fees incurred by a Party because the other Party and/or the other Party’s employees or
agents are not authorised to perform all or part of the Services.


6.1 Unless otherwise expressly specified in this Agreement, each Party shall supply, at its sole
expense, all equipment, tools, materials, supplies and other resources necessary to
perform the Services.

6.2 In the event that any equipment, tool, material, supply or other resource, including any
computer equipment, is supplied by a Party, and unless expressly specified in this
Agreement, such equipment, tool, material, supply or other resource must be promptly
returned to said Party, upon request or upon expiry or termination of this Agreement for
any reason. Such equipment, tool, material, supply or other resource must be packaged
appropriately to ensure its protection upon return to the other Party and be returned in
good working order and an appropriate state of repair, taking into consideration normal
wear and tear during the performance of the Services. Should a Party fail to fulfil its
obligations under this Subsection 6.2, said Party shall be liable for the cost of replacement
of such equipment, tool, material, supply or other resource in the condition such
equipment, tool, material, supply or other resource would have been had these obligations
been fulfilled.


7.1 This Agreement will come into force as of the Effective Date and will expire on [DATE]
unless extended by the parties in writing or otherwise terminated by the parties by the
terms of this Agreement.

7.2 Associate Company shall have the right to terminate or cancel all or part of the Services
contemplated by this Agreement or any request for Services on any specific task at any
time by giving Company [NUMBER] days prior written notice of its intent to so
terminate or cancel. If Associate Company desires to cancel or terminate any or all of
[YOUR COMPANY NAME]’s activities, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] will assemble
and turn over forthwith in an orderly fashion to authorised representatives of Associate
Company, the Material and Documentation, including draughts of all write-ups, notes,
and other information, materials and deliverables, if any, related to the Services. If
Associate Company terminates this Agreement before the end of the term, it shall pay
[YOUR COMPANY NAME] only for Services satisfactorily performed and not
previously paid, and any justified irrevocably obligated reasonable expenses for non-
cancellable commitments, up to the effective date of termination.

7.3 Associate Company shall incur no liability, under this Agreement or otherwise at under
[COUNTRY] law or in equity, for Company Services not satisfactorily performed and
may request the immediate replacement of any of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]’s

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7.4 Upon termination of the Agreement, each Party shall immediately deliver to the other
Party all material, documents and data in its possession or under its control owned by the
other Party relating to the Project. Each Party shall cooperate reasonably with the other in
the event of termination of the Project.


8.1 If the performance of this Agreement or any obligation hereunder, except the payment of
monies, is prevented, restricted or interfered with by reason of any cause beyond the
reasonable control of the affected Party, the affected Party shall, upon immediate notice to
the other Party, be excused from such performance to the extent of such prevention,
restriction or interference, provided that the Party so affected shall use its best efforts to
resume performance hereunder with the utmost dispatch whenever such causes are
removed. If such performance cannot be resumed within [NUMBER] days after the date
of notice by the affected Party, then Associate Company shall have the right to provide
notice to [YOUR COMPANY NAME] that it is terminating this Agreement forthwith
with no further obligation or liability other than for payment of any Company Services
that have, to that date, been performed by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] to the reasonable
satisfaction of Associate Company.

8.2 If either Party becomes bankrupt or insolvent or if a petition or other proceeding is filed
by or against a Party for re-organisation, arrangement or relief under any law relating to
bankruptcy or insolvency, or if a receiver is appointed in respect of a Party’s property and
assets or a substantial part thereof, or if a Party makes an assignment for the benefit of
creditors or if proceedings are instituted for the liquidation or winding-up of the business
or assets of a Party, then such acts shall be considered a default under this Agreement. In
such event, the non-defaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement upon
providing notice in writing to the other Party hereto. This Agreement, once such notice is
given, shall be terminated forthwith with no further obligation or liability other than for
payment of any Services that have, to that date, been performed by [YOUR COMPANY
NAME] or Associate Company, as the case may be, to the reasonable satisfaction of the
other Party.


9.1 Payments to either party for Services rendered shall be made without any deductions for
taxes, duties, or other charges of any kind whatsoever, in conformity with each Party’s
status as a non-employee [COUNTRY] resident. Any taxes that may be due and payable
as a result of the payments herein specified by the parties shall be due and payable as part
of this Agreement. Each Party undertakes to pay all taxes, duties or other charges for
which it may be liable on such payments when due and note the amounts about such

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9.2 Each Party reserves the right to withhold whatever taxes, duties, charges or other
payments, from the other Party, as are required by [COUNTRY] law.


10.1 During the term of this Agreement, or any extension thereof, [YOUR COMPANY
YEARS] thereafter, compete, directly or indirectly, or participate as a director, officer,
employee, shareholder, partner or joint venturer nor provide any Company Services for
any business competing, directly or indirectly, with the manufacture, sale or distribution
of any products which are then currently marketed by Associate Company or its affiliates,
without the prior written approval of Associate Company. Ownership of not more than
[PERCENTAGE %] of the stock of a competing company or an interest not exceeding
[PERCENTAGE %] in any competing partnership or joint venture, however, shall not in
itself be deemed to be a violation of this Agreement.


11.1 Any Material, Documentation and related information and documents (including, without
limitation, data, computer software and hardware) and Intellectual Property Rights
contained therein, furnished by either Party for use by the other Party in connection with
this Agreement shall remain the exclusive property of the furnishing Party.




12.1 Except as specifically set forth in this Section 12, all rights relating to the Project or
otherwise arising from the Project, and all Intellectual Property Rights therein that are
conceived, generated or reduced to practice, as the case may be, during the term of this
Agreement, or within [NUMBER] years subsequent to the termination or expiration of
this Agreement, by Associate Company, the [YOUR COMPANY NAME], any
investigator or jointly by Associate Company, the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and/or
any investigator, shall be the exclusive property of Associate Company

12.2 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] hereby assigns to Associate Company all rights, title and
interests, including, but not limited to, all Intellectual Property Rights in the Project or
otherwise relating to the Project and any associated items, including, but not limited, to all
work products, data, Material, Documentation, and Intellectual Property Rights therein.
[YOUR COMPANY NAME] agrees to execute such documents and take such other
action as necessary to give effect to these rights in [COUNTRY] and/or foreign countries.

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12.3 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] hereby waives and will cause the authors to waive, in
favour of Associate Company, all moral rights, in those jurisdictions where such waiver is
not prohibited at law, in any work created or derived, or arising from its work under this

12.4 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] agrees and acknowledges that it shall acquire no right of
any kind whatsoever concerning the property relating to the Project or otherwise arising
from the Project.

12.5 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] agrees not to instal or use any proprietary software of a
third party on any Associate Company computer unless [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
has, in writing, the software owner’s permission or licence to do so and Associate
Company’s written agreement to do so.

12.6 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] agrees to provide Associate Company with copies of all
items, documents, notes whether in digital, printed or other form that relates to any
obligation under this Agreement. Such copies shall be provided to Associate Company
upon Associate Company’s request and upon termination or expiry of this Agreement.

12.7 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] agrees to obtain, for the benefit of Associate Company, all
necessary licences and consents such that the Associate Company can continue to use the
work performed by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] for the period of time as is necessary
for Associate Company to obtain all the benefits available to it by virtue of the work
performed by the Company under this Agreement.

12.8 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall not use, license, distribute or exploit any work created
as a result of this Agreement without the express written agreement of Associate

12.9 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] represents and warrants that any data, information,
materials and other deliverables to be provided to Associate Company under this
Agreement can be used by Associate Company without the need for any proprietary
knowledge or information held by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] or a third party and that
no specific licence or sublicense would be required by Associate Company following
completion of the services by [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

12.10 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Associate
Company and its affiliates, and their employees, officers, directors, agents and contractors
against and from any losses, claims, proceedings or investigations arising out of or
relating to any infringement or unauthorised use of any third party proprietary and/or
Intellectual Property Rights arising out of or relating to the performance of the services by
the Company under this Agreement.



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12.11 Except as specifically set forth in this Section 12, all rights relating to the Project or
otherwise arising from the Project, and all Intellectual Property Rights therein that are
conceived, generated or reduced to practice, as the case may be, during the term of this
Agreement, or within [NUMBER] years subsequent to the termination or expiration of
this Agreement, by Associate Company, [YOUR COMPANY NAME], any investigator
or jointly by Associate Company, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and/or any investigator,
shall be owned jointly by Associate Company and [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

12.12 Each Party agrees to execute such documents and take such other action as necessary to
give effect to the joint ownership rights set out above in [COUNTRY] and/or foreign

12.13 Each Party agrees not to instal or use any proprietary software of a third party on any
computer of the other Party unless it has obtained, in writing, the software owner’s
permission or licence to do so and the other Party’s written agreement to do so.

12.14 Each Party agrees to provide the other Party with copies of all items, documents, notes
whether in digital, printed or other form that relates to any obligation under this
Agreement. Such copies shall be provided to a Party upon a Party’s request and upon
termination or expiry of this Agreement.

12.15 Each Party agrees to licence to the other Party all necessary rights such that each Party
can continue to use the work performed by the other Party for as long as is needed to
obtain all the benefits available to it by virtue of the work performed by the other Party
under this Agreement. Whenever such a licence involves confidential information, each
Party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of such information at any cost. [Note to draft:
Depending on the context, the term of the licence should be specified. Also, the nature of
the licence may be circumscribed, i.e. for internal use only.]

12.16 Each Party agrees to obtain, for the benefit of the other Party, all necessary licences and
consents from third parties such that each Party can continue to use the work performed
by the other Party for the period of time as is necessary for each Party to obtain all the
benefits available to it by virtue of the work performed by the other Party under this
Agreement. [Note to draft: Depending on the context, the term of the licence should be
specified. Also, the nature of the licence may be circumscribed, i.e. for internal use only.]

12.17 Neither Party shall use, license, distribute or exploit any work created as a result of this
Agreement without the express written agreement of the other Party.

12.18 Each Party represents and warrants that said Party can use any data, information,
materials and other deliverables to be provided to a Party under this Agreement without
the need for any proprietary knowledge or information held by the other Party or a third
party or that any necessary consent to use such information will be provided.

12.19 Each Party will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party and its affiliates, and
their employees, officers, directors, agents and contractors against and from any losses,
claims, proceedings or investigations arising out of or relating to any infringement or

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unauthorised use of any third party proprietary and/or Intellectual Property Rights arising
out of or relating to the performance of the Company Services or the [COMPANY
NAME] Services, as the case may be.


13.1 Neither Party shall make any presentation or publication relating to either
13.1.1 its work hereunder; or
13.1.2 information disclosed to it by the other Party in connection herewith,
without the other written prior approval, which may be withheld, both as to
content and method (including time) of publication or presentation.


14.1 Each Party hereby acknowledges and agrees that information and material that it may
have, and may continue to, come into contact with, either in oral, written, graphic,
photographic, recorded or in any other form, including, without limitation, the Material
and Documentation, may be highly confidential, and that this information and material
(the “Confidential Information”) is being made available by the disclosing Party (the
“Disclosing Party”) to the receiving Party (the “Recipient”) solely for performing the
Services under this Agreement and for no other purpose.

14.2 The Disclosing Party shall continue to be the exclusive owner of all Confidential
Information, including, without limitation, the Material and Documentation and other
information and material (including trade secrets) and Intellectual Property Rights
contained therein, made available to the Recipient, under this or any other agreement, all
of which are proprietary to the Disclosing Party.

14.3 Where information or material received by the Recipient is not labelled confidential, the
Recipient agrees to treat it as such, unless the Disclosing Party indicates otherwise in

14.4 The Recipient agrees that its directors, officers and employees will use any Confidential
Information provided by the Disclosing Party only in order to comply with its obligations
under this Agreement and agrees to only disclose such information to those of its
directors, officers and employees (including those of an Affiliated Company) directly
concerned with the work under this Agreement. Subject to the provisions herein, the
Recipient agrees that it will not disclose any Confidential Information, including, without
limitation, any part of the Material or Documentation, to a third party nor use it for any
other purpose either for itself or a third party.

14.5 The Disclosing Party may, at its discretion and where reasonable, require the Recipient’s
directors, officers, employees or third parties contracted by the Recipient, who perform
the Services, to sign a confidentiality agreement in respect of the Confidential
Information, including, without limitation, the Material or Documentation, or work to be

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done with respect to the Services. Should an employee of the Recipient or [NUMBER]
party contracted by the Recipient refuse to sign such an agreement, they may be refused
access to the Disclosing Party’s premises, at the Disclosing Party’s discretion. Such
refusal shall in no way constitute a breach of any sort under or constitute an intention to
terminate this Agreement. In such a case, the Recipient further agrees, at the request of
the Disclosing Party, to remove the said employee or third party contracted to do the work
from performing the Services. The Recipient agrees to replace the said employees or third
party contractors with personnel who agree to be bound by such a confidentiality

14.6 The Recipient shall, at all times, preserve the proprietary, confidential and/or trade secret
nature of the Confidential Information both during and after the term of this Agreement
irrespective of the manner or method in which it is terminated.

14.7 No Confidential Information of any kind, whether in digital or any other form given to the
Recipient by the Disclosing Party to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement, may be
retained by the Recipient after the termination or expiration of the term of this Agreement.

14.8 Obligations of confidentiality contained in this Agreement shall not apply to any
information or material that the Recipient can demonstrate was part of the public
knowledge or already known to the Recipient on the date it was disclosed, or subsequent
to the time of disclosure became part of the public knowledge through no fault of the
Recipient, or was rightfully disclosed to the Recipient by a third party. If the Recipient
becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential Information, it shall promptly
inform the Disclosing Party of such fact in writing to allow the Disclosing Party to take
appropriate protective actions or measures or to seek orders to protect the interests of the
Disclosing Party.

14.9 If processing any personal data on the Disclosing Party’s behalf, the Recipient shall only
do so in accordance with the Disclosing Party’s instructions and applicable data
protection legislation and only for the purposes designated by the Disclosing Party. Also,
the Disclosing Party shall take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to
prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing, unwarranted disclosure, or accidental loss,
destruction of, or damage to, such data.

14.10 If, in the performance of Services, either Party collects, holds, uses, communicates or
discloses any personal information related to an individual, such Party agrees to comply
with applicable data protection legislation. In such event, each Party agrees to obtain
specific consent from the individual concerned for the communication or disclosure of the
individual’s personal information to the other Party and the use of the individual’s
personal information by the other Party.


15.1 Each Party hereby represents and warrants to the other that:

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15.1.1 it has all required capacity and corporate authorisation to enter into this
Agreement and be bound by the obligations provided hereunder;

15.1.2 its execution of this Agreement and the performance of its obligations hereunder
will not constitute a violation or breach of any obligation of any agreement
between it and any third party or a violation of its legal obligations, including any
applicable regulatory requirements; and

15.1.3 it holds sufficient rights to use all tools and equipment used in the performance of
the Services and to grant any Intellectual Property Rights it purports to grant under
this Agreement, free and clear of any encumbrances.


16.1 During the term of this Agreement, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall procure and
maintain comprehensive general liability insurance, which shall include blanket broad
form contractual liability coverage, with limits of not less than [AMOUNT] per
occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, combined single limit. [YOUR
COMPANY NAME] shall also procure and maintain worker’s compensation insurance in
accordance with relevant provincial/state statutory limits, employer’s liability insurance
with a limit of not less than [AMOUNT] per occurrence, automobile liability insurance
covering all owned, hired and non-owned automobile equipment with limits of not less
than [AMOUNT] per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, combined single
limit, professional liability insurance (errors & omissions) with a limit of not less than
[AMOUNT] annual aggregate and excess liability or umbrella insurance with a limit of
not less than [AMOUNT] annual aggregate. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall, at
Associate Company’s request, provide [COMPANY NAME] with a certificate(s) of
insurance evidencing any such coverage described in this Subsection. [YOUR
COMPANY NAME] shall require all of Associate Company subcontractors retained in
connection with this Agreement, if any, to provide the coverage above as well as any
other coverage [YOUR COMPANY NAME] may consider necessary.

16.2 Each Party (the “Indemnifying Party”) will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other
Party and its affiliates, and their employees, directors, officers, agents and contractors (the
“Indemnified Party”), against and from any losses, claims, proceedings or investigations
arising out of or in connection with a breach of this Agreement by the Indemnifying
Party, including, without limitation, attorney fees, amounts paid in settlement of claims,
proceedings or investigations, except to the extent that such claim is due to the negligence
or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Party or its failure to abide by the terms of this

16.3 Each Party shall be solely responsible for any personal injury or property damage or loss
suffered by it or its employees or agents in the course of carrying out any duties under this
Agreement. Neither Party shall obtain any workers’ compensation or insurance
concerning the other Party or any of its employees or Associated Staff. Each Party shall

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comply with workers’ compensation [COUNTRY] law and where applicable shall
provide the other Party with a certificate of workers’ compensation insurance.

16.4 Without restricting the generality of anything contained herein, each Party warrants that
its Associated Staff and those of its sub-contractors and any other parties over which it
may exercise control, will, in the performance of the work described herein, strictly
adhere to all applicable country, provincial, municipal and local law and regulations
including, but not necessarily limited to, those pertaining to the environment and health
and safety. In the event of any breach of this warranty, the breaching Party will
indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party and its affiliates, and their
employees, directors, officers, agents and contractors, from any claims, losses, damages,
awards, judgments or prejudices (including attorney fees), which may be sustained as a
result of any such breach.


17.1 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and its personnel assigned to work under this Agreement
agree to abide by all reasonable rules which Associate Company may impose, including
all such rules which Associate Company may impose upon its employees.

17.2 In this respect, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] acknowledges that Associate Company has
special responsibilities to drug regulatory agencies and the public given the nature of its
products and agrees to cooperate in every way with Associate Company to assist it in
discharging these responsibilities.

17.3 [YOUR COMPANY NAME] agrees to comply with all of [COMPANY NAME]’s
written standards and procedures including, but not limited to, procedures regarding
security, data administration and operating practices.


18.1 Associate Company’s liability for negligence, breach of this Agreement or any other
claim in damages and losses shall not exceed the total amount owed to the Company
under this Agreement at the time of the breach. In no event shall Associate Company be
responsible for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or losses
including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost business revenue, lost an opportunity or
third-party damages. These limitations on Associate Company’s liability shall survive the
termination of this Agreement irrespective of the manner or method in which it is

[If the parties wish for a two-way limitation of liability, use below]

Each Party’s liability for negligence, breach of this Agreement or any other claim in
damages and losses shall not exceed the total amount owed to the other Party under this

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Agreement at the time of the breach. In no event shall either Party be responsible for any
indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or losses including, but not limited
to, lost profits lost business revenue lost an opportunity or third-party damages. These
limitations on either Party’s liability shall survive the termination of this Agreement
irrespective of the manner or method in which it is terminated.


19.1 In order to verify each Party’s compliance with its obligations hereunder, at any time or
from time to time during the performance of Services, a Party or a representative
designated by it and reasonably acceptable to the other Party, or regulatory agents, may,
upon reasonable notice, inspect and test the manner in which the Services are being
performed. Such rights of inspection shall include visiting sites at which a Party performs
the Services, auditing selected records and databases containing data of said Party,
observing the performance of the Services or selected components thereof, and
interviewing said Party’s personnel familiar with, or responsible for, performing the
Services. Each Party shall cooperate with the other Party’s personnel or representatives in
such inspections, and shall ensure that appropriate staff, computing and other resources
are available as required in the course of such inspections. Each Party shall bear its costs
associated with the exercise of the rights of inspection set out herein.


20.1 Any notice provided for or permitted in this Agreement shall be in writing and will be
deemed to have been given [NUMBER] days after having been mailed, postage prepaid,
by certified or registered mail or by recognised overnight delivery services, except in the
case of a postal or other strike affecting the service used whereupon notice will be deemed
to have been given [NUMBER] days after normal service resumes.

20.2 Where personal service is made or where delivery is made by facsimile and a receipt
thereof has been retained, any notice provided for or permitted in this Agreement will be
deemed to have been given when received by the intended recipient. The intended
recipient must be an individual whose personal name appears on the address set out in the

20.3 Addressing and delivery is to be made as follows:

20.3.1 If to: Associate Company:

Associate Company
Attention: [NAME]



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Attention: [NAME]

as the case may be.

20.4 Each Party may communicate other addresses where notice must be sent to the other from
time to time. Such communication shall be in writing and shall have the effect of
replacing the address under Subsection 20.3. No change of address effected under this
Subsection shall in any way affect the operation of any term, other than the delivery
address of Subsection 20.3, in this Agreement.


21.1 Each Party acknowledges that any violation of the terms of this Agreement would result
in damages to the other which could not be adequately compensated by monetary award
alone. In the event of any violation by a Party of the terms of this Agreement, including,
without limitation, of a Party’s proprietary rights and ownership, and confidentiality
provisions, and in addition to all other remedies available at under law and at equity, the
other Party shall be entitled as a matter of right to apply to a court of competent equitable
jurisdiction for relief, waiver, restraining order, injunction, decree or other remedy as may
be appropriate to ensure compliance of the violating Party with the terms of this


22.1 Modification

This Agreement constitutes the parties’ entire understanding relating to its subject matter and
supersedes and replaces all previous negotiations, representations and any other agreement or
understanding between them relating to the same subject matter. Any modification and/or
amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by both parties.

22.2 Assignment

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall not assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations
hereunder without Associate Company’s prior written consent, which consent may be withheld at
Associate Company’s sole discretion.

22.3 Binding Agreement

The terms of this Agreement shall bind the parties and their respective successors, heirs and
permitted assigns.

22.4 Incorporated by Reference

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The Preamble and all Attachments, Appendices and Exhibits attached hereto are hereby
incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement.

22.5 Applicable Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted by the laws of the [COUNTRY], without
reference to its conflict of law provisions, and the laws of [COUNTRY] applicable therein. All
disputes arising under this Agreement will be referred to the courts of [COUNTRY] which will
have jurisdiction, and each Party hereto irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of such courts.

22.6 Severability

If any term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof shall be invalid or
unenforceable, such term or provision shall be severed from this Agreement and the remainder of
this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby and each remaining term or provision of this
Agreement shall be valid and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.

22.7 Waiver

No provision of this Agreement may be waived except in a written document signed by the Party
granting such waiver.

22.8 Currency

All references to monetary amounts in this Agreement shall be in [COUNTRY] currency.

22.9 Further Assurances

Each Party will execute and deliver such further agreements and other documents and do such
further acts, and things as the other Party reasonably requests to evidence, carry out or give full
effect to the intent of this Agreement.

22.10 Non-solicitation

Unless given prior written consent by the other Party, which consent may require a payment, each
Party agrees that it will not, during the engagement, or for a period of [NUMBER] year
thereafter, knowingly solicit or hire any employee of the other Party who is directly involved, or
who have been directly involved during the preceding [NUMBER] month period, in the provision
of Services herein.

22.11 Survival

Sections 8, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 and 21 and Subsections 7.2, 7.3, 22.10 and 22.11 will
survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

22.12 Absence of presumption

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No presumption shall operate in favour of or against any Party hereto as a result of any
responsibility that any Party may have had for drafting this Agreement.

22.13 Paramountcy

If any provision of this Agreement conflicts with any Appendices attached hereto or any
agreement executed among the parties hereto dealing with any matter referred to herein, the
provisions of this Agreement should prevail.

22.14 Language clause

Parties specifically require that this Agreement and any notices, consents, authorisations,
communications and approvals be drawn up in the English language.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party to this agreement has caused it to be executed at [PLACE
OF EXECUTION] on the date indicated above.


Authorised Signature Authorised Signature

Print Name and Title Print Name and Title

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[Note to draught -- please include a schedule for the performance of the Services.]
[Note to draught -- please consider whether Company will be required to submit reasonably
detailed progress reports on a [monthly? quarterly?] basis]

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[Note to Draft: Insert fees agreed upon for the Services]

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