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Physical Education 4

Module 2:
Team Sports
Nature and Background of Sport (Volleyball)
The purpose of this course is to provide learning experiences that will lead to
the development of basic skills in team sports.  In addition to skill acquisition, the
course will focus on how to plan and implement the four stages of skill development in
games through the use of extending, refining, and application tasks.  An emphasis will
be placed on the use of the game stages and movement framework as a guide for
designing a variety of sport game experiences for students.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate basic skills in selected sports using a mature movement pattern.)
2. Demonstrate team play concepts and strategies in mini-game play.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of history, rules, safety, and performance techniques in
     team sports.




Nature and Background of Sport (Volleyball)
This lesson was written for you to describe the nature and
background of the sport, execute the skills involved in it, displays
tolerance and acceptance of individuals with varying skills and abilities.
At the end of this lesson, you should able to identify the nature
and background of volleyball and appreciate it as sport through
executing the skills involves in it.
Let’s see if you have a prior knowledge about volleyball. Choose
the words that you think is related to volleyball. Define it
Learning Task 1: Study the pictures. Identify the scrambled letters about
the nature and background of volleyball sport. Write your answers in
your answer sheet.
Learning Task 2: Draw and write a short description of at least five
equipment in playing volleyball. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
Learning Task 3: Write the benefits that you can derive from playing
volleyball sport with the help of your guardian or older sibling. Write your
answer in your answer sheet
B. Answer the given question.
. 1. Based on your answer in the first activity, do you think Volleyball
can improve your health status?

2. What do think are the HRF components that can you derive from
playing Volleyball?
Nature and Background of Volleyball
The Director of Physical Education in Young Men’s Christian
Association in Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA, named William G. Morgan
created the sport “Volleyball” on 1895. The elements of basketball,
tennis, baseball, and handball are combined together to create this sport.
William named it as “mintonette” until a professor from Springfield
College in Massachusetts noticed the volleying nature of the game and
proposed the “volleyball” as a name of the sport. The Federation
Internationale De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded in 1947 and they
govern the all forms of Volleyball on a global level.

Facilities and Equipment

1. Court dimension
Below is an illustration of a court in volleyball with
2. The Net
It is above the center line. For the women completion, it is 7 feet
and 4 inches above the ground and 8 feet above for men.

3. Pole
It is set 36 feet apart and 3 feet further out from the sidelines.

4. Antenna

5. Ceiling Height
The height of the ceiling should be 23 feet or higher.
6. Ball
It is spherical ball made from leather or synthetic leather with
the circumference of 25.6” - 26.4” and weight of 9.2-9.9 oz

The game is played by two teams with six players each. To gain
score, the player should hit the ball using the hands over the net into the
opponent’s court in such a manner that the opponent is unable to return
the ball. The match can lasts for more than one hour to one hour and 30
minutes, but the clock is not a factor, the game continues until one team
has won three games.
The first four sets are played to 25 points, but when the match
goes to a fifth set, this game is only played to 15 points. To win a set, a
team should win by two points. The first team to win the three games
wins the match.

1. The official court measurement must be 18 meters by 9 meters
2. To start the game, the server may serve from anywhere behind the end
line, either overarm or underarm, into the opposing team's side of the
3. The opponent team is permitted a maximum of three touches before
sending the ball back over the net.
4. The player is not allowed the touch twice the ball in a row, but they
are allowed to hit the ball on the first and third contact.
5. The ball must be hit, not caught.
6. The serving team receives a point if the opponent fails to return the
ball over the net, hit the ball out of bound or commit a violation
7. When the team wins the point, then they go to serve
8. Every time a team wins the serve from the other team, the players
rotate their position on court clockwise so that everyone gets a chance to
Basic Skills in Playing Volleyball

1. Serving
A. Underhand Service
To serve, the player holds the ball in one hand. Swing the right
arm backward transfer weight to the front foot and strikes the ball from
the bottom with a fist.

B. Overhand Service
To serve the ball, the player should toss the ball above the head
and hit it by extending the arm.
C. Sidearm Service
To serve, the player should draw the right arm from the back and
then swing it forward to hit the ball. The ball may be hit directly or it
may toss into the air a few inches high. Hitting the must follows through
parallel to floor.

D. Passing
The most important skill in playing volleyball. If the player can’t
pass the ball after the serve, then the team can’t make a point.
How to pass the ball
1. for the ready position, the players needs to
bend their knees
2. The forefingers perpendicular and the
thumb are parallel to each other.
3. The player must straighten their arms to hit the ball either by
arms or wrist

E. Digging
It is defensive maneuver that the player save the team from the
attack or spike of the offensive team. It is almost the same with pass, but
in dig the player use different part of their body part such as foot, hands,
arms and sometimes legs just to save the ball.
You can practice passing and digging using these drills.

F. Setting
It is tactical skill that the player receive the ball and direct it to
the player who can spike it in the opponent’s court.
How to set the ball
The player who will receive the ball needs to make sure that their hands
fit in the shape of the ball to toss above the head through pushing the
ball and extending their arms.
You can practice the skill using the skill below.

G. Spiking
It is an act of slamming the ball in downward motion across the
net to the opponent’s court.
How to spike the ball?
Step the right foot followed by the left foot. Then, jump and hit
the ball.

H. Blocking
It is an action taken by the player to stand or jump in the
front of the net to stop the opponent’s attack.
How to block the ball?
1. For the ready position the player should bend their knees and elbow
and the arms are raise in the front of the face.
2. The blocker must be alert and prepared to run left or right when the
setter set to the spiker.
3. The blocker should jump straight with extended arms and spread
fingers to successfully alter the opponents attack.
Learning Task 4: Perform the given task below. In an open space,
perform both the underhand and overhand service with 10 times each. In
your answer sheet, rate your performance in the previous task using the
rubric below. Write something about your experience while doing the
Learning Task 5: Perform the Drill A (see on page 30) for 2 minutes
without letting the ball fall on the ground. Count how many hits you can
make in the given time. In your answer sheet record and write your
experience about it.

Learning Task 6: Write the measurement of the standard volleyball court.

Use meter as unit. Do this activity in your answer sheet
Learning Task 7: Read and identify the statement below. Choose your
answer from the box below. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. The year the volleyball was introduced. ______________________

2. He introduced the volleyball as a sport.____________________________
3. The place where the volleyball originated.__________________________
4. It measures 18 meters by 9 meters.____________________________
5. It is a type of attack which forcefully drives the ball downward into the
opponent’s court.____________________
6. The first name of volleyball.________________
7. The organization who governs the volleyball globally._______________
8. It is the ability of the player to prevent the ball from touching one's
9. The use of is to give the referee and players an aid to judge if the ball
is in play or out of bound.________________
10. It is the ability of the player to stop the opponent’s attack through
standing or jumping at the front of the net.___________________
Learning Task 8: Answer the given questions in your answer sheet.
1. What are the characteristics of volleyball as a game?
2. Why playing Volleyball necessary in the promotion of physical fitness
and wellness?

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