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Ken Dion A.

Calites BSHM – 1C 9:30 PM

Mr. Rochele John Tagalogon 09 – 01 – 2021

Illustrate a diagram that will explain the legal bases and chronology of
events in the passage of the RA9163 (NSTP Act of 2001)
The Evolution of National Service Training Program

Evolution of National Service Training Program


Started when the military December 21, 1935

instructions were conducted in the
Philippines National Defense Act 1935
(Commonwealth Act 1) by President
Manuel L. Quezon
August 8, 1980

Presidential Decree No. 1706 1986-1987

(National Service Law) by President
Ferdinand E. Marcos Basic Reserve Officer’s Training
Corps (ROTC) by President Corazon
C. Aquino

Expanded Reserve Officer’s Training 1995

Corps (ROTC) Program (Republic
Act No. 7077
E-Reserve Officer’s Training Corps
(ROTC) was conceptualized

January 23, 2002
Mandatory ROTC ended and the
National Service Training Corps (RA The National Service Training
91630 was established. Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 (RA
9163) signed into law by
President Gloria Macapagal
Test I. Write on your paper AGREE if the statement is true; DSAGREE if false. (2 pts
DISAGREE 1. Of the three (3) program components of NSTP, ROTC is the graduation
requisite for male students.
DISAGREE 2. Since the implementation of RA 9163, CWTS and LTS program
components replaced ROTC.
DISAGREE 3. The implementation of NSTP Act 2001 as embodied in RA 9163
commenced in school year 2001-2002.
DISAGREE 4. Former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos signed RA 9163 into law on
January 23, 2002.
DISAGREE 5. As provided for in the NSTP Law, all incoming freshman students enrolled
in any baccalaureate degree or at least two-year technical-vocational course are
mandated to enroll in NSRC.
AGREE 6. The implementation of NSTP shall be jointly supervised by the Department of
National Defense, Commission on Higher Education and Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority.
AGREE 7. As per provision of the NSTP, student-trainees shall be required to complete
the NSTP program component of the choice of the school/higher educational institutions
AGREE 8. Private higher educational institutions and technical-vocational schools, as
stipulated in the IRR of RA 9163, may offer ROTC if they muster at least three hundred
fifty (350) cadets.
AGREE 9. Graduates of the non-ROTC components shall belong to the National Service
Reserve Corps (NSRC) who may be tapped by the State for literacy and civic welfare
AGREE 10. In order to fulfill the requirements of NSTP, a student-trainee has to complete
a total of 108 to 180 hours for any of the three program components.

Test II. Identify the word or phrase described in each item. (2 pts each)
NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM 1. Program aimed at enhancing civic-
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service
and patriotism.
designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train,
organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
CIVIC WELFARE TRAINING PROGRAM 3. Refers to activities’ contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the
enhancement of facilities.
LITERACY TRAINING SERVICE 4. NSTP component designed to train the students to
teach literacy and numeracy skills.
RESERVED OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS (ROTC) 5. A program option for students
who cannot take NSTP during the regular semester.
SCHOOL AUTHORITIES 6. It is responsible to exercise academic and administrative
supervision over the design, formulation, adoption and implementation of the different
NSTP components in their school.
ONLY ONE NSTP COMPONENT 7. Number of NSTP program component that a student-
trainee is required to complete as a graduation requirement.
2 SEMESTERS 8. Number of semester(s) NSTP will be taken by a student.
54-90 HOURS 9. Number of hours per semester that a student must take the NSTP
component of his/her choice.
CITIZENS’ ARMED FORCE 10. Organization where graduates of the ROTC component
shall form part.
Test III. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice. (2
pts each)
B 1. RA 9163 is also known as
a. NSRC b. NSTP c. NSP d. CWTS
B 2. As per constitutional mandate, the prime duty of the government is to:
a. protects every member of the community c. defend the rights of the Filipinos b. serve
and protect its citizens d. serve the Filipinos
B 3. The following are program components of NSTP, except
a. CWTS b. LES c. LTS d. ROTC
A 4. The responsibility of the Filipino citizen to the state is to:
a. defends the security of the state c. serve the government b. secure and serve
community d. defend the citizens
A 5. The government may require each citizen to render:
a. personal, military or civil defense c. political and economic help b. spiritual and
emotional help d. all of the above
A 6. The vital role of the youth as per RA 9163 is:
a. nation building c. serve as auxiliary member of the AFP b. protection of our patrimony d.
defend our country
B 7. To promote civic consciousness among the youth through NSTP, the state shall
develop their:
a. artistic ability c. professional competence b. intellectual capability d. none of the above
B 8. NSTP shall inculcate in the youth values on:
a. ethics of service c. both a and b b. patriotism d. none of the above
D 9. In pursuit of the goals of NSTP, the youth, in service of the nation, shall be
a. motivated c. organized b. trained d. all of the above
B 10. In service of the nation, the youth may be tapped for: a. literacy training only c. civic
welfare services only b. military, literacy and civic welfare training d. none of the above

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