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Name : Krishna Singh Bohara

Address : Krishnapur-04, Kanchanpur

Diploma in Agriculture major in animal science

Shree Krishna Secondary School


Unit : 1
Origin meaning and concept of extension education:
The term extension is originated in England is 1867-68 with a
system of university extension was first taken up by Cambridge
and oxford university and later by educational institution and later
by other educational institution .The term extension education was
first used in 1873 by Cambridge university to describe this ass
particular educational innovation .The objective was to take the
educational benefits of the university to the ordinary people in
their working situation Voorhees (1894) was the first person to use
the word extension in the context of diffusion of agricultural
information to the farmers .
The word "extension" has been derived from Latin language "ex"
meaning out and tension meaning stretching, literally speaking.
Extension means to extend or to disseminate, but in actual use the
term extension is used to disseminate useful information and ideas
to the ordinary people in the working situation "we can define
extension as the increased dissemination of useful knowledge for
improving rural life.
The term education is a controversial word because some
scientist defined that is was Greek word education meaning
teaching while other scientist said that it was a Latin word pedicure
meaning to make literate.
Education is a conscious a deliberate process in which one
personality acts upon another in order to modify the development
of the other by the communication and manipulation of knowledge
"-------- Adams.
Thus education means to bring about changes in human behavior
in socially desired direction.
1) Change in knowledge i.e. change in what people know e.g.
.heavy application of nitrogenous fertilizer leads to excessive
loading of paddy crop. An application of fertilizes give more yield.

Prepared by Krishna Singh Bohara cont. 9865885770 Email:[email protected]

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2) Change in attitude: i.e. change in what people think e.g. An

application of fertilizer lives more yield .What he says or thinks
about fertilizer.

3) Change in skill i.e. change in what people can do e.g. How to

apply the fertilizer in better way .How o proper good compost.

Types of education
Generally the education is divided into 3 groups:
i) Formal education
ii) Informal education
iii) Non formal education.
i) Formal education:
The chromatically graded and structured system of teaching at
institution from primary school to the university .It is subject
originated, full time and sequences .leading to certificates diplomas
and degrees.

2) Informal education:
The life long process by which every person acquires and
accumulates knowledge, skills attitude and insights from day to
day experiences exposure to the environment at home, at work, at
play, from friends, from travel, reading news papers and books or
by listing the radio, viewing, films or television.

3) Non formal education:

Any organized systematic reaching outside the established
formal system for groups of people with particular interest and
needs is known as non formal education .It includes agricultural
extension ,adults literacy campaign instruction in health ,nutrition
and family planning .When non formal education has focused on
improved agricultural production supply and marketing it has been
called agricultural extension .
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Difference between formal and non formal education

Formal Education Non formal Education
1) This education is meant for 1) This education is meant for
those who come to school or those who don't come to school
college. and college .
2) There is standard curriculum 2) There is a no standard
or course of study of basic curriculum or course of study .
subject which are tough
throughout the country .
3) Formal examination is 3) No any examination is
conducted . conducted .
4) Students study subject. 4) Farmer study problem .
5) The teachers starts theory and 5) The teachers (extension
works up to practical workers) start with practical and
may take up theory later on .
6) It has preplanned and pre- 6) It has freedom to develop
decided programme. programme locally and thing are
based on the needs and
expressed desires of the people .
7) Teaching is mainly vertical 7) Teaching is mainly horizontal
and curriculum originated. and mostly need based and
problem oriented.

Role of non formal education is rural development:

Rural development is a prerequisite for over all development of
the country where rural life is still predominates society .Whether
it is rural or urban development ,it involves those activities which
will promote desired changes leading to achieve .Having realized
to crucial role that education has with the development process it is
necessary for rural people to have access to education .In addition
for the village agricultural some from the education is necessary
for the understanding the advantages of he use of scientific farm
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practices ,equipment ,tools and other inputs .A balk of the nations

population still reissues in the less development rural areas which
include a large number of children ,youth ,adults ,men and women
who have never attended school or are early drop out where as this
section of population be mobilized for participation in the
community development .This however ,requires building , skills ,
knowledge ,competitions and compatibilities' in the people
themselves in order to prepare them as more productive ,useful and
potential citizen only a small minority have access to the formal
education provided by the public and private schools ,colleges and
universities where as non formal education concerned with
improving the stranded of living of the rural people helping lift
them out of degrading and dehumanization economic suppression
,unemployment ,ill health ,caste problem ,superstition and
ignorance .The school curricula are often developed by those
experts who have little acquaintance with the situation in the rural
areas .Such curricula will be of no or limited use in meeting the
education needs of the entire rural community .No formal
education is needed for all age groups and all section of society
including those who are in formal education or who have
benefited from it by it's nature the content of non formal education
programs are such that they are related to specific to social
,cultural ,political ,economic and environmental needs and
problems of intended learner group .Although non formal
education is not the panacea for the problem of transforming
billions of literate rural people into educated well informal citizens
in the props in assisting the rural population to become ready for
positive directional changes as well as a supplementary item to the
formal education programme .

Unit - 2
Extension education system in Nepal
2.1 Definition :
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Extension is an out of school system of education in which the

adults and the young people learn by doing the job themselves. ----
-------"Kesley and Heaene "
Extension education is a science that brings about desirable
changes in the behavior of the concerned person person through
educational methods so as to improve their general standard of
living with their efforts . --------------- Ranjit singh .

Scope of extension education

Like any other discipline extension education also has it's scope
.The scope of extension education including all the activities
directed towards the development of rural people .The following
points emphasis the scope of extension education .
1) Extension education fundamentally a system of out of school
education for adults and youth .It is the system where people
are motivated through a proper approach to help by applying
science in their lives in farming home making and
community living.
2) Extension education is bring about desirable changes in
knowledge ,altitudes and skill of people .
3) Extension education is teaching through learning by doing
and seeing as believing.
4) It is two way channel :- It brings scientific information to
village people and it also takes the problems of the farmer to
the research stations for study and solution .
5) It is a continuous education process in which both learner
and teacher contribute and receive.

Concept of extension education:

The concept of extension education is used in educating people
not only in agriculture but also in the field of lives stocks home
science ,diary ,veterinary ,public health etc. As per specialization
the extension education may have following branches .
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i) Agricultural extension : It deals with extending scientific

and technical knowledge in agriculture to farmers .
ii) Livestock extension : It deals with extending technical
knowledge about breeding ,managing , feeding an care of
animals and birds .
iii) Agricultural engineering extension: It deals with extending
technical knowledge about farm tools and machineries
such as tractor pump set, plough and soil and water
management etc.
iv) Home science extension: It deals with extending technical
knowledge to the female or ladies in rural urban areas
about balanced food, child care, home making, textile,
tailoring, kitchen gardening etc.
v) Dairy science: It deals with extending technical
knowledge about raising of Mitch animals, milk and milk
products to the dairy farmer.
vi) Public health extension : It deals with extending scientific
information or knowledge about hygiene ,family ,planning
cure and prevention of disease to the general public .
vii) Forestry extension: It deals with extending knowledge
about forest plantation ,conservation and utilization etc. to
the people .

2.2 Objectives of extension education :

General objectives of extension education are given below :-
i) To assist people to discover and analyze their problems
their felt and unfelt needs .
ii) To develop leadership among people and help them in
organizing groups to solve their problems .
iii) To disseminate information based on research /practical
experience in such manner that people would accept it
and put it into actual practice .

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iv) To keep the research workers informed of the people

problems from time to them ,so that may offer solution
based on necessary research .

Philosophy of extension education :

The word philosophy has its origin from Greek language "Philo
"meaning education and knowledge and "Sophia " meaning way of
acquiring knowledge philosophy of extension education is given
as under .
i) It is an educational process i.e, changing the knowledge
,attitudes skills of the people .
ii) It is working with men and women ,young people ,boys
and girls to answer their needs ands wants .Extension
education is teaching people what they want and ways to
satisfy their wants .
iii) Extension education is "Helping people to help themselves
iv) Extension education is" learning by doing and seeing by
believing .
v) Extension education is development is individuals , their
leaders ,their society and world as a whole .
vi) Extension education is working together to expand the
welfare and happiness of people .
vii) Extension education is in harmony with the culture of
people .
viii) Extension education is living relationship respect and trust
for each other.
ix) Extension education is a two way channel .
x) Extension education is a continuous educational process .

Principles extension education :

"A principle is a statement of policy to guide decision and action
in a consistent manner ." However it will be clear when we try to
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understand the sequence of generation ,it is like this when

something is put as a assumption and whole validity is yet to be
known is called hypothesis .When a hypothesis is put to a test and
the assumption turn to be acceptable it is called a theory .When
theory is put to several tests varying setting by different individuals
and the result are found to be agreed by all then it is called a
principle .When a principle is universally true it becomes law .

The following principles of extension education are widely

accepted and have practical implication in extension education
program principle of grass -root approach .
1) For the success of extension programme from both
organizational and planning point of view ,it is suggested that the
planning should be done from root level i.e. family level and more
particularly at the village level .Imposition from top doesn't draw
the co-operation of the people which is basic for the success of
extension programme should be undertaken keeping in view the
needs and interest of the people i.e. so that the local people become
sufficiently interest to participate in the programme .The approach
should be such the programme strategy should spring from those
people we are willing to improve their living standards and not
from the planners alone .

2) Principle of cultural differences :

Before undertaking extension programme in any community ,the
extension worker should study their historical and cultural
background ,their organization institution their values the ways and
means to research those values because different in people in these
cultural settings differed in the religion ,custom ,belief ,norms and
all these elements have considerable bearing of their life style
attitude ,habits action experience e.t.c. So the extension approach
in a particular country should be in line with the culture of people
.Therefore the extension programme designed from or globe may
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not be applicable as such in another part because of cultural

differences .

3) Principle of participation :
This principle is based on ideas that people are more likely to
change their behavior when they have participated in the planning
programme .Any planed programme in which the people haven't
participated and contribute in one or other stages can hardly be
excepted to produce the desirable results so participation of people
becomes a primary factor for the success of any educational
Endeavour .When people are involved it makes then feel that it's
their own programme and for their welfare .

4) Principles of interest and need :

To be effective extension work must be based on the interest and
needs of the people .Many time these needs and interests differ
from individual to individual from village to village ,district to
district .Under such circumstances the extension worker should
help people recognized their needs on the basis of extent of
requiring immediate action and fulfillment and priority must be
given to the needs felt by majority of the people .

5) Principle of satisfaction :
The extension programme should result of satisfaction of
participants because of success of extension work lies in the
satisfaction of the people .Extent of satisfaction acts as an
indicator on the part of the participants so far as their involvement
and co-operation in the future extension programme is concerned .

6) Principles of leadership :
Leadership is one of he most important factors which affects
the extension programme because they posses ability to motivate
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influence and instigate the people .Local leaders being guardian of

local thoughts and actions they can be best trained to serve as
catalyst for speedy extension work .The experience shows that an
idea is more easily and quickly adopted by their local leader . The
extension workers and subject matter specialists should identify the
potential local leaders and train them for extension function .

7) Principle of democratic approach :

Extension programme is democratic both philosophy and
procedure .It operates through discussion and suggestions and not
through ordering .Facts of a situation are shared with the people by
means of continuous interaction between the extension worker
and the participants .All possible alternative solutions are placed
before the participants and their merits and demerits are
highlighted through mutual discussion and the ultimate authority
is invested in people to their local situation with their own
resources and available government assistant .

8) Principle of adaptability in the use of teaching methods :

It is not always that only one extension teaching method is
adaptable and effective under all stations .The use of teaching
methods must have flexibility to be adopted to the member of a
social system who differs in age, education economic status,
gender change , proneness, level of knowledge and understanding
.Hence different methods are to be used under proved that usually
a combination of more than one suitable extension method
produced relatively higher degree of success in the adoption and
diffusion of innovation among the people as compared to use of
only one extension method .

9) Principle of circuit programme :

Non extension programme should be implemented in close
circuit or only for new person .This may some times happen when
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the target group may be only few farmers owning tractors .Even if
the programme is to be carried out only with them ,let this may be
doubt .

10) Principles of evaluation :

Evaluation is necessary to accesses the progress made and sees
whether or not the extension work is moving in the right direction
to achieve the objectives of the programme .Evaluation provide an
opportunity t rectify the errors and find out strengths and
awareness of the programme and there by modify further actions
so as to accelerate the speed of achievement and to build the faith
and confidence of participation in the programme .

2.3 Need for effective extension programme :

As we can observe new inventions information and technology
,ideas ,innovations is coming up . The information that have
practical relevance to every day ,life are to be conveyed to the
people who need them for solving their problem .In the case of
agricultural extension new ,useful and practical information related
to agriculture are to be extended to the farmers who will utilized
them in their farming system .
The scientific information ,ideas and method are generated in
the research station by the researchers .The innovations are of no
use unless they are utilized .The scientists (update ,familiar ) with
the job of persuading rural people in an effort to make them adopt
innovation wise it is also not possible for all people to visit
research stations to seek first hand information .It is also that the
rural people often face the problems of understanding the
information as such . The information is to be translated or
interpreted in a way that is understandable to be general people
.The rural people also have practical problems to be carried to the
research stations for their solution .It is in this context that the
extension system becomes imperative .
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2.4 Historical development of extension education in Nepal :

The sequence of agricultural development in Nepal is a formal
way begins as in 1922 by establishing an agricultural office named
as Krishi Adda at Singhadurbar .The main purpose of this office
was to provide information on modern agriculture to the farmers
.This office was up graded as department of agriculture in 1925

In 1937 the first vocational agriculture school was started for

promoting agriculture extension .In the some year ,the agriculture
council also come into existence. The two organizations formed
earlier named department of agriculture and the agriculture
council was emerged into one and it was named as the agriculture
development board an organized extension service was initiated
in 1952 with the introduction of a rural development programme
called as Tribhuwan Gram vikash. At the time the agricultural
extension work as functioning as unit of the multipurpose rural
development programme in various district .Late in 1953 the
Tribhuwan village development department was created for rural
development in an integrated form .In addition to it's main purpose
of agriculture extension .The programme like 4-4 (charpate) club
, rural youth along with agricultural extension was also initiated in
the same year (1953) .In 1959 ,extension services are brought
directly under the department of agriculture (DOA) by establishing
the agricultural extension section .In the same year extension
offices were established in 25 districts and subsequently this
number rose to 34 and 49 in 1960 and 1061 respectively .By the
end of 1963,extension offices were opened in 55 districts .The
department of agriculture extension set as target of establishing
district agricultural extension offices in all the 75 districts .

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Extension system In Nepal :

The following extension approach system used in Nepal (1989)
for the development of agriculture all these model have almost
some common elements of extension teaching which constitute the
central theme of any model .Each has certain advantages and
disadvantages depending upon the problem to the solved .
The extension approach which are being used in various parts of
Nepal are : -
 Conventional extension system (CES)
 Integrated rural development project (IRDP)
 Training and visiting system (T and V)
 Tuki system
 Farming system research and extension (FRSE)
 Block production programme .

1) Conventional extension system (CES)

This is the old and traditional system of extension based on the
concept of diffusion .The system of extension is employed by
department of agriculture and department for live stock services .It
is in practice in almost all district of hills excepting those where
other system of extension are in operation .

In this system the extension activities are carried out by field

extension worker designated as junior technician (JTS) who are
guided and supervised by agriculture development officers
(ADOS) at district level . The field extension workers are trained
to identify the progressive and cooperative farmers called as
agricultural assistants (AAS) .The new technology is diffused
through out the community by exemplifying it at the farmers of
AAS . The extension teaching methods often used include
demonstration ,training field /farmers day, meetings , exhibitions .

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In this system technology is not generated but feedback is provided

to community research programs on the results if the mini kit
demonstration .

2) Integrated rural development project (IRDP)

The Integrated rural development project (IRDP) are multi
sectional projects and the sectorial programmes are supposed to
be integrated .The extension system employed is most IRDPs is
sub system of the total IRDP system .the basic assumption of
this approach is that the existing technology in agriculture is
adequate and that the limiting factors for adoption by farmers
are the lack of coordination lack of inputs and extension
manpower .Therefore to over come these barriers specials
provision of input supply credit , marketing physical resources
and man power are well co-ordination .In other respect the
extension strategy adopted by most of the IRDPs are similar to
that of conventional of diffusion system of extension .
3) Training and visiting system (T and V )
The T and V system of agricultural extension is not basically a
new system of agricultural extension .The system is to reform
the existing extension services through an efficient management
of system of intensive training and visiting .The concept was
first develop by Daniel Belor in mid 1970s and incorporate in
some bank ,financed the main idea of this system is to have
competent and well informed village level extension workers
who visit farmers field frequency and regularly with relevant
technological information and bring farmers problem to
research for study and solution it is re organized and stream
lined (smoothie) agricultural extension method under
agricultural extension agents receive periodic training and pass
on the knowledge to farmers during their frequent visits .Thus
the systematic training and systematic visit are two basic
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concept embodied (in person ) in T and V system .The main

idea behind the systematic trainings to develop adequate
professional knowledge and skills in the extension workers .

Objectives of T and V system:

 To improve the level of agricultural production by large
number of farmers cultivating small farms and using low
level of technology.
 To concentrate efforts only on their major crops.
 To contribute efforts on those aspects of production which
offer greater scope of increasing income through inexpensive

4) Tuki system
The tuki system is sub system of the Integrated Hill
development project (IHDP) .This system of agriculture extension
was locally developed in 1977 and adopted in two hilly districts
namely Dolakha and Sindhipalchowk of Nepal ,where the Swiss
government aided IHDP has been implemented .the tuki system
aims at spreading the important information and promoting
development process in the project areas . The tukies volunteers
selected from a group of farmers trained through a 15 days .
Intensive progressive farmers course (IOFS) .They provide
technical advice to the farmer as and when requested ,but are also
engaged in other village development works .The improvement of
their own farms and the making of a model farm to demonstrate
innovation and improve practices .This approach doesn't create
new technology but screens technology development of a
commodity development programs by verification at their farms
.Minikits are the farmers with the extension worker to relay the
results of screening trial .Training courses are conducted quarterly
for farmers where researchers are also involved .

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Major objectives of Tuki system

As tuki system has to be adopted to the different socio-economic
and environmental condition ,the system activities can't be limited
to some technical subjects .The extension worker under this system
has : -
 To deal with needs of the village people and fulfill these
needs with respect to improved agricultural inputs .
 To disseminate information and trained their neighbor .
 To understand his own capacity and that of supporting people
,institutes ,development agencies which will help their

Characteristic of tuki system :

I. He is a bonafide member of the social system where
he works .
II. He is self motivated to work for rural development in
cooperation with his neighbor .
III. He is willing to train and inform his neighbor to
distributes inputs.
IV. He is a progressive farmer having his own model
farm .
V. He takes keen (devoted interest to discuss questions
and problems related to form and name activities .
The whole tuki receive incentives in the form of a
commission by distributing agricultural inputs to their
contact farmers.
5)Farmers system research :
The FSRE is a whole farm approach exemplified in Nepal by the
LAC(Lumie, Agricultural centre ) and PAC (Pakhribas
Agricultural centre ) noth funded by the overseas Development
Administration of the British government .

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Farming system research and extension in LACs is in cooperation

since 1984/85 .The socio economic section of LAC coordinates
other units involved in farming system research activities .This unit
involves agronomy, Horticultural, livestock, forestry and pasture
,training and extension .The activities at FSRE sites are dedicated
by the various units in conjugation with the farmers .The activities
planned are implemented and evaluated along with the farmers .

6) Block production programme :

The block production programme (BPP) is an approach aimed
increasing agricultural production by concentration all efforts
within a specified area or block .The BPP as a pilot production
programme and lunched at cropping system research sites of parsa
and Chitwan districts covering 510 hectors area under the
integrated cereal project (ICP) in the fiscal year 1982/83 .Inspired
by the result of the PPP (pilot production programme ).The
programme was expanded to 5 districts of central Development
region on 1700 hectors of area .the programme has now been
expanded to 20 districts in terai and 8 districts in hills covering a
total of 1 lakh 10 thousands hectors of land . The concept of block
is that about fixed location constitution block .But the programme
is lunched by farming sub block of a minimum of 100 hectors in
Terai and 20-25 hectors in hills BPP is lunched not only to increase
agricultural production of a particular area but also with
expectation of a greater demonstration effect .

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Organizational structure of extension system

RAD (Regional ,SAED ) RARC
MOAC = Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives
DOA = Department of livestock
DOL = Department of livestock
DC= Department of cooperatives
DETAQC = Department of Food Technology and Quality control
NARC = Nepal agriculture Research Council
RAD= Regional department of agriculture
DADO = District Agriculture Development office
ASC= Agriculture sub centre
DG= District of General
SAEC= Senior Agricultural Extension officer
ADO = Agriculture Development Officer
AADO = Assistant Agriculture Development officer
SMS= Subject Matter Separatist
PO= Production officer
VDC = Village Development Committee
RARC = Regional Agriculture Research Centre
VLAAS = VDC level agriculture Assistance
ARS = Agriculture Research station

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Unit = 3
Teaching and learning Process :
Meaning of teaching and Learning
Teaching is the process of arranging or providing situation in
which the things to be learnt are brought to notice of the learners
,their interest is development and desire aroused i.e. they are
stimulated into action .

Learning apprises by which a person becomes change in his

behavior through his own activities .

Adult education :
In adult education ,the emphasis would be on the interest and
need of mature people rather than the interest and needs of children
or youth .
Adult education deals with the education of adults , their
behavior pattern their loyalties, their attitudes and their
environment .It tries to find out what kind of materials mature
people can best learn by what procedure they can learn most
effectively .

Adult learning principle :

There are some important principles in providing condition for
effective learning on the part of the adults are as follows :
I. Adults learn best when there is interest .Interest is a dynamic
quality that motivates us to devote on that which we find
desirable .It interest doesn't exist ,it should be developed by
relating the adult ,education programme to the interest of the
learner who is to be enrolled .The motivation necessary for
learner is provided by effective teaching .
II. Adult learn best when need are being met learner requiring
needs to be satisfied should their present practice and

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behavior as unsatisfactory and there are better way and

means available to convert it into satisfactory .
III. Adult learn best when thinking is stimulated : -
Adult can thought more effectively by using problem solving
procedure more extensively both . In group and individual
situations . Problem solving teaching is interesting to the
learner as it relates theory to practice and it is more likely to be
carried to the doing level than other method of teaching
IV. Adult learn best when active participations is provided .
Learning is a self active process .Each person learns for
himself to the extent the participates .The teacher can't learn
more for the student but rather simply creates a situation
helpful to effective learning with the procedure and material
provided .Activities include the entire one dose , such as
learns overt action ,his thinking ,his feeling ,his imagining
ect. other methods emphasize activity on the part of the
learner are field trips ,discussion ,student report etc.

V. Adults learn best when correct behavior is reinforced .In

adult education learning must result in the success or
satisfaction .In most educational programmes ,some
repetition is desirable .there is no one need .However the
making reassuring /supportive statement such as "that's very
good ",I agree " .
VI. Adult learn best when there aren't under stress : Participation
is difficult when there are financial ,physical or social
constraints .Training must recognizes these barriers and try to
over come them is ways suitable to the local situations
.Learning take place when learners aren't under stress .

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Extension teaching methods :

The extension teaching methods are tools and techniques to creat
situations in which communication can't take place between the
rural people and the extension worker .A proper understanding of
these methods and their selection for a particular type of work are
necessary .Some extension teaching methods are discussed below :
1. Individual contact method :
Extension methods under this category provide opportunities
for face or person to person between the rural people and the
workers .These methods are effective in teaching new and
creating good will between the farmers and the extension
workers .

2. Group contact method :

Under this category the rural people are contacted in a group
,which usually consists of 20-25 persons .These groups are
usually farmers around a common interest .These methods also
involved a face to face contact with the people and provide an
opportunity for the exchange of ideas for discussion on
problems and technical recommendations and finally for
deciding the future course of action .
a) Result demonstration :
Result demonstration is an educational test to provide the
advantages of recommended practices and to demonstrate their
applicability to the local condition .it is designed to teach others ,in
addition to the person who conducts the demonstrations .It helps
the farmer learn by see and doing .This method can be used to
show superiority of practices .Such as the use of fertilizers ,
pesticides , high yielding varieties of seeds .

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b) Method demonstration :
Method of demonstration use to share the techniques of doing
things or carrying out new practices e.g. preparing a nursery bed,
treatment seed with fungicide ,line showing taking a soil sample
,grafting , fruit trees etc .

2. Mass contact :
Mass contact methods are all those means of imparting
information to a large number of people quickly by a single
source .Some important mass contact methods are discussed
below :
a) Printed media : Pamphlet , leaflet , folder , booklet ,
bulletins ,circular letter , News paper , magazine ,poster
etc .
b) Broadcasting Media : Radio , Tv, exhalation etc .
c) Audio - visual Aids : An audio aids is an instructional and
communicating device in which the message can be heard
but not seen e.g. Radio ,phone, Tape record etc .
A visual Aids is an instructional or communicating
device in which message can seen but not heard e.g.
white board ,photograph ,slides chart , graphs, posters
,exhalation ,models etc.

An audio - visual aids is an instructions or

communicating device in which message can be heard
as well as seen e.g. Television .

Communication in extension :
It is the process of transforming and idea skill or attitude from one
person to another accurately and satisfactory .
Communication has attained greater importance in the
development and extension programme. It is the process of
disseminating the aim and objectives of the programme, technical
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information change the behavior of the people .The extension work

can not change unless he is able to communicate effectively
.Therefore he should be familiar with the key elements of the
communication process and condition to be fulfill by each of the
elements if the communication is to be successful .
Communications elements :
Most communication system identify four basic elements on
SMCK in the communication process :
S= sender, source ,communication or teacher .
M= Message ,information or subject matter .
C = Channel or means of communication
R= Receiver ,audience or learners .
Source Message channel receiver

i) Communicator (source )
The teacher of message who may be change agent like JT,JTA,
SMS, Social worker etc. who disseminates the technical
information .

ii) Message :
Message is the information or subject matter to be convoyed to
audience it is a package to be send by the source to bring about the
specific change in social system .

iii) Communication channel :

It is a transmission line or a bridge between sender and receiver
of the proper channel communication has a wide choice of
channels such as radio , TV, personal contact etc.

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iv) Receiver or audience :

They are intended respondents who receives the message from
the communicator .Audience may be one or more people who are
to gain economically ,socially or others by the message the
communicator wants to communicate .

Making lesion plan for effective teaching lesion plan is an out line
of activities that a teacher should follow in order to creat an
effective learning situation while preparing the lesion plan the
total topic and sub topic are listed on the basis of allocated time ,
the course is divided to cover the given topic in the given time .

After division of total course into credit hours ech topic is

planned in detail mentioning it's topic and other component as
shown in the chart below .

S.N Topic Objective Teaching Teaching Time Remarks

method material
1 Nursery For seeding Theory Marker 2 hours
bed raise white board
preparation purpose

2 For seeding Practical Seed , 5 hour

raise spade
purpose pesticide

Essential characteristic of good lesion plan :

i) It should be in a witlen form .
ii) It should show a relation between previous lesion and the lesion
to be learned .
iii) The subject matter and material should be well prepared .
iv ) The teaching should be clearly .
v) Lesson plan should include evaluation process .

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Unit – 4
An innovation is an idea practice or object accepted as new an
individual .

Adoption :
Adoption is a decision to make full use of a new idea .

Adoption process :
A committee for rural sociologist suggested of 5 stage model in
form practice adoption .
Awareness interest evolution trial Adoption
Awareness stage
At this stage the individual become aware or just hear about new
idea but there is a lack of detail information .

Interest :
At this stage the individual develops an interest in new idea .He
seeks more detail information to determine it's possible usefulness
Evaluation :
At this stage the individual studies and analyses the required
information about the situation .

Trial :
At this stage the individuals are mentally prepare and applies the
new idea on a small scale in order to determine it's utility in his
own situation .

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Adoption :
At this stage if individuals is satisfied with the trial of new idea he
apply it on a large scale .

Classification of adopters :
They are categories in 5 stage which are describe below :

i) Innovators :
Innovators are also called as experimenters as they always try find
out new ideas before any one else in their community .These
category of adopters tend to be relatively young ,better educated
and financially well off .They are categorized by large operation
,high community status ,willing to bear risk and access to direct
contact many source of information .

2) Early adopters :
They aren't the persons who test the innovation first hand but are
quickest to use the already tried ideas in their own situations .They
are younger than average in community ,educated and socially
active .

3) Early majority (Local adoption leaders ) :

This adopter category adopt the new idea earlier than the majority
.They adopt the new idea only after they are convinced about the
value if innovation .

4) Late majority :
This block of adopter adopt the new idea just after the average
member of a social system have adopted .They are little abler in
age , financially not so sell- off and generally learn from early
majority .

5) Laggards (Late adopters)

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This category of adopter being last to adopt the new ideas in the
community .They are generally abler in age and have very little
education .They are the ones who are highly conservative ,try to
resist charges and seldom take risk .When laggards finally adopt an
innovations it may already have been superseded by another more
recent ideas which the innovators are already using .

Factors affecting on adoption of innovation .There are different

factors that enhance or delay in adoption of new idea technology
some of the factors are describe below :-

1) Social status and economic position :-

It is greatly affecting the adoption of idea, technology or
practice .New innovation improves economic status and social
position .One adopted faster where as that provide normal impact
while other adopted slower .

2) Communication channel used :-

The rate of adoption is faster for those who uses different
communication network as they can get the information from
different sources .For those who are back in communication
network that adopt slowly .

3) Personal factor :
a) Age :-
Elder farmers (60 and above ) and young generation (below20)
are slower in adopting new idea or practice in comparison to
mature group disables are always late in adoption .

b) Education :-
Educated people are fast in accepting or adopting new ideas or
practices in comparison to uneducated farmers .

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4) Economics factor
a) Farm income :-
Farmers having big farm with better income adopt new
technology or ideas faster then middle or lower income farmer .

b) Size of farm :-
large farm size may adopt faster adoption of new technology
than small size farm .

Unit :- 5
Programming monitoring and evaluation programme :-
The term "pro" means before and "graphian" means to "write ".

Programme planning is a process of developing a programme and

plan of work. Programme planning is a decision making practice
which involver collection of data ,analysis of data ,identification of
nee/problems making a plan work and calendar of operation
,monitoring and evolution. In short programme planning answer of
six questions that is what ? ,why ,How ? when? ,where ?.

Importance of programme planning :

A well planned programme provides numerous benefits to the user
these are :-
 It avoids wastage of resources such as time money ,work
efficiency etc.
 It provides guideline to carry out the whole programme
smoothly .
 The written programme provides actual information about
programme ,situation and resources.

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 A good programme planning avoid unnecessary conflict

during implementation .
 A written programme provides justification to the public
bodies .INOs ,NGOs ,CBOs .
 It provides leadership development by providing specific task
with status .

Principles of programme planning :-

In order to have a sound programme the planner should keep
following principles in mind while building a programme .
 The programme must be based on the needs and interest of
the people .
 It should be based careful analysis of th situation .
 It must be developed through the joint participation of village
leaders and extension staff and must take into account
recommendation from district ,regional and central
government .
 It must be in line with as well as district and national need s.
 It must have objectives that are attainable with in the
economic ,social and mental capacities of the people .
 It must be significant economically , socially or morally a
relatively large number of people in the area .
 The objective and solution must offer satisfaction to the
participations .
 The programme should have a plan of action .

Programme planning process/procedure (step in programme

planning ) :-
Programme planning is a continuous series of activities of
operation leading to the development a definite plan of action the
process has 8 steps :- The first 4 steps are included under
programme planning while the remaining 4 steps are grouped
under programme action .
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i) Collect facts .
ii) Analysis situation
iii) Identity need and problems
iv) Decide on objective .
v) Develop plan of work
vi) A execute plan
vii) Determine or evaluate progress
viii) Reconsideration .

i) Collect facts :
Facts are the foundation stone upon which the programme is
build and employment .Collect the information/facts about the
local situation of a community /village/district .The following
information were collected .
a) Basic information about village :-
Population ,total number of families ,other main occupations
,transport facility ,education facilities ,attitudes nutrition situation .
b) Information about farm management and production programme
Total cultivated area ,average size of land holding ,types and
quality of crop growth ,types and quality of live stock ,soil types
and problems connected to the soil ,fertility ,soil erosion ,drainage
,disease and pest control irrigation source ,financial position of the
farmer ,marketing facility position of labor ,agriculture
machineries the community .

The information may be collected by means of interviews

,surveys ,questionnaire ,meeting with people ,examination of
available records and report about the community .

ii) Analysis situation :-

The situation is a state of affairs or a combination of
circumstances at any given time . Analysis means a detailed
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examination of the element or component of a situation .Thus

situational analysis implies the effort to determine the
circumstances in which extension education is to function .

ii0 Identity needs and problem :-

Having analyzed the situational factors the next step in
programme planning would be to identity needs and problems .

iv) Decide on objectives :-

The results of situational analysis and needs assessment become
the basis for the formulation of programme objectives .

v) Develop plan of work :-

Plan of work is a definite outline of procedure for solving the
different problems .A plan of work the listing of activities by
which the objectives already decided upon are to be achieved .It
includes the methods of executing the programme such as
demonstration discussion ,meeting etc.

vi) Execute plan :-

The success of a programme depend on how well it is carried
out .The program execution should be coordinated within the
agencies and organization as set in the plan of work .

vii) Evaluation of progress :-

Evalution is the process of determining the extent to which
objectives have attained . The program accomplishments are the
changes in people and the changes in their economic and social
situation resulting from the program .

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viii) Reconsideration :-
The results of evaluation are used for planning future program
.In other word ,each future programme should be based on the
evaluation results of the previous one .
Evaluation is an integral part of any extension program . The
periodic evaluation of program in terms of objectives and activities
provides a basis for continuous improvement of extension
programme .

Monitoring :-
Monitoring continuous watching the activities of the program
monitoring has been defined as a continuous or periodic
supervision of the program to ensure that inputs delivers, work
schedules ,targeted output and other required action proceeding
according to plan .

Similarly evaluation means judging and determining the values of

something .

Objectives of monitoring :-
1) To ensure smooth function of the activity .
2) To visualized the feasibility versus target and adjust it for
next year planning .
3) To maintain the control over the resources and uses .
4) To study the status and effort of the project in short term
basis .

Objective of evaluation :-
The main objective of evaluation is to find out the cause of failure
or success of a programme .
1) During programme formulation and planning .
2) During programme implementation .
3) After the programme .
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Above three points which are gradually mention are evaluation

phase of programme .

Importance or need of evaluation in extension :-

1) To state clearly objective of programme and to plan clearly .
2) To determine the extent of accomplishments of the objective
3) To strength and weakness of the programme can be
determine and need to make improvement and adjustment .
4) It becomes essential part of the planning process to make the
plan successful .
5) To provide useful information to serve as the basic for future
improvement of the training programme .

Nature of extension programme planning :-

Based on clients participation extension programme planning can
be classified into 3 main types :-
1) Predetermined programme planning :-
In the case of progamme is determined at the top level of or by
the government without consultation and involving the clients .It is
based on what in can do or what's to do .The programme are
planned by the planning commission of the organization of the
government and pass it on the extension personals .

2) Fact or joint determined or democratic programme planning:-

The programme planning are built from the grass root level after
analyzing the fact of the extension condition of the people and the
place here the programs co-operations of the people and concerned
official of the government or the organization .

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3) Self determine :-
Here the local leaders at district level or village are brought
together to form a development committee and this committee is
suppose to built the programme .

Recording ,managing and reporting :-

1) Collection of data :-
Information is collected from the local people local leader
,village elder by extension worker and subject matter specialized
(SMS).They and review previous programme .

2) Analysis of data :-
The information collect and studied on the basis of suitability
,resources available ,needs and interest of majority of people .

3) Identification of problems and need :-

a) Data analysis gives a clear information particular area .
b) Select the cliends need ,interest and their problem and
prioritized .
c) Sort out the problem involve in solving those needs problem and
interest .
d) Determine the possible solution .

4) Setting the objectives and preparation of programme :-

a) Decide and set objective and prepare a written programme to
meet the set objective .
b) The objective of the programme must meet the need ,interest
and problems of the clients .
c) Identity the people to be involved and indicate the changes in
behavior to be brought and subject matter to be thought .
d) At this stage a programme is fully prepared to satisfy the cliend .

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5) Preparation of plan of work and calendar of operation .

On the basis of written programme a working schedule or plan is
prepared by the extension .
A plan of work is the outline of he activities for effective
implement of a giver programme .It works as a calendar which
shown that should be some and when .

6) Implementation of plan of work and calendar of operation :-

It is the main part of educational process where the people get
new skill , knowledge and for successful implementation of
programme requires skillful trainer using different teaching
methods good cooperation and support of local leaders .

7) Monitoring and evaluation of programme :-

Programme helps to keep in line of the activities and progress
of the programme as per the schedule to achieve the set of
objective .
At the same time periodic evaluation of the programme the result
and a correct mistakes .

8) Feed back :-
It is done to know the cliends reaction about the new practice .It
measures the efficiency ,output which is for future programme .

9) Reporting :-
Report is the written material found from the end of programme
which carry result and conclusion of the programme .

Unit :-6
Basic sociological concept :-
Meaning of sociology :-
The term sociology is the combination of two words one Latin
word "Socoetus" and other Greek word "Loos" in which societus
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means society and logos means study or science .In this way
sociology is the study of society or science of society .

Definition of sociology :-
"Sociology is a science society " L.F. warn
"Sociology is the scientific study of the structure of social life
"Young and Mack .
"Sociology deals the behavior of man in group " Kimbai Young .

Importance of sociology :-
Sociology doesn't deals with the scientific discovery but has got
immense (Huge)use to study the social relationship ,social
structure ,social norms etc. that are prevailing in the society .The
importance of sociology is described below:-
1) It makes a scientific study of society by using sociological
tool such as case study questionnaires etc .
2) IT helps in solving social problem ,conflict management and
enriches human culture .
3) It has occupied an important place in the curriculum of the
colleges and universities .
4) It isa profession to provide involvement in different jobs.

Meaning of rural sociology :-

The term rural indicates those areas that are faraway from town
and cities where physical facilities (Transportation ,communication
,health centre ,educational facilities ect) are scare or are not
available .The study of such areas ,people ,their organization etc
are carried out by a specialized branch of sociology is called rural
sociology .

Definition :-
"Rural sociology is the science of rural society ".

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Importance of rural sociology :-

i) It helps in understanding of the farmer the rural man and
his home which is a pre requisite for agriculture
development .
ii) It helps to expand sufficient technical knowledge and skill
in improved agriculture practices .
iii) It helps to promote rural community development .
iv) It is scientific study of laws of the structural and
development of rural society .
v) It studies the attitude and behavior of rural people .
vi) It studies the needs and interest of rural people .
vii) It analyze rural social relationship or organization and
leadership in rural areas the social process like co-
operation ,association competition etc among village
people .
viii) It investigates the social ,cultural ,practical and religious
problem of rural society .

Concept and meaning of different terminologies :

i) Social group :-
A social group exist when two or more people are direct or
indirect in contact and communication .The member of the group
estimate and respond to one another is some meaning full way
.Social group may small (8-10 members ) medium (15-20
members) or large (more than 20 members ) .
According to Harry M.Jhonson :- "A social group is a system of
social interaction".

According to R.M Maiverr and page "any collection of human

being who are brought into human relationship with one another ".

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Community :-
The word community is the combination of two latin words
"Com and munis means serving. Thus the meaning of community
is serving together .

According to Lundeberg :- "Community is a human population

living within a limited geographic area and carrying on a common
interdependent life".

Family :-
The word family is taken out from the roman word "famulus
which means a servant .

According to Burgees Locke " family is a group of persons united

by the ties of marrying ,age ,blood or adoption ,consisting of a
single household ,interacting and inter communicating with each
other in their respective social roles ,husband and wife ,mother
rand father , son and daughter ,brother and sister creating a
common structure .".

Social structure :-
The term structure means frame work or a way in which the
things are arranged .According to oxford dictionary of society
"social structure refers to systematic arrangement of different
groups ,institutions ,private and public bodies for achievement of
common goal .

Social custom (tradition )

The term customs means the daily practice or usual behaviour
that is prevailing in the society .It is a social phenomena is social
recognized .In general custom regulate the whole social life of man
.Law itself cannot cover the whole gamut of social behaviour .It is
the customary practice that continuities harmonious social
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interaction in a society .In certain communities custom determines

the relations between two communities at war .Some of the
customs doesn't exist because of their ancient nature just as all
people bathing in an unhygienic tank or a lake just because of an
established religious custom .

Social culture :-
Culture refers to those abilities nation(ideas) and forms of
behaviour which are acquired by a person as members of society
.Culture is the acquired characteristics passes from one generation
to another .According to Linton "culture may be defined as the
total knowledge ,attitude and natural behaviour pattern, shared and
transmitted by the members of a particular society .

Social values :-
The social values are cultural standard that evaluate and
measures what is right and important for society .they provide
guidelines for social conduct .

According to Young and Mack:- "Values are assumption ,largely

unconscious of what is right and important .

Social processes :-
Man is social animal that cannot live without society as a
member of society they talk, cooperate and interact with other
.Interaction among the people occurs in different form
,assimilation ,co-operation called social process .

According To MacIver :- "Social process is a manner in which the

relationship of the members of a group once brought together
requires a certain distinct character .

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Social norms :- "Norms are based on social values which are

justified by the moral standard and aesthetic values and accepted in
a group .

According to David Jary :- "Social norms is a standard or rule

regulating behaviour in a social setting .

Social institution :-
Institution are crystallized ,mechanism which clearly defines
ways in which society meets it's need .Eg:- Social institutions are
government organization ,school system ,VDC and religious and
social organization .

According to Maciver :- "Institution is an all established conditions

or forms of procedure characteristics of group activities .

Caste system in Nepal :-

The word cast ownes it's origin to the Spanish word "casta"
which mean breed ,race ,strain or complex hereditary qualities .The
Portuguese applied this term to the classes of people in Nepal
know by name of "Jati" .The Sanskrit term "verna" denotes a group
of Jati or the system of cast .

According to dictionary of Anthropology :- "Cast are combined

social units which are ranked and generally defined by originated
marriage and occupation ."

In the Aryan priest law makers created the 4 great hereditary

divisions of society still serving today, placing their own priestly
class at the head of this cast with the title of earthly gods or
brahmans next in order of rank were the warriors the Kshatriyas
.Then come the vaisyas the farmers and merchants .The forth of

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the original cast was the sudras ,the labours born to the servant .
Untouchable aren't include in the above series .

Unit :- 7
Social mobilization
Meaning concept and purpose of social mobilization :-
Social mobilization means organizing people living in a
community to bring about changes in different area such as
economic ,political ,religious ,culture etc.

This concept has been associated with the movement from

traditional to modern way of life .In recent year ,approach of local
development by which people in the community are organized to
share and discuss problems for find out solution from their own
concept and outside resources .

Purpose of social mobilization :-

i) To make people aware about different aspect of
development .
ii) To make people aware about their rights as citizen and
exercise their rights actively and regularly .
iii) Socio-economically backward groups require guidance
and encouragement to recognized their potential for
community development .
iv) To translet the capability of the citizen into production
action .

Concept of sustainable development :-

The term sustainable means long lasting or durable development
which is beneficial for the present as well as for future generation
.Similarly according to Vylder (1996) "sustainable human
development that not only generates economic growth but also
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distributes it's benefits equally that is that improves the

environment rather than destroying it, that empower people rather
than marginalizing them".

It gives priority to the poor people by increasing their choice and

opportunities .

Importance of sustainable development :-

i) To reduce excess population growth .
ii) To remove poverty and provide required human development .
iii) To provide ecological sound farming system .
iv) to provide ecological sound farming system .
v) To control the use of hazardous chemical ,waste product etc and
provide safe , clean and green environment .

Concept of rural development :-

Rural areas indicates a social body that has cohesive and religious
belief ,quality of co-operation interpersonal respect and certain
degree of responsibility .

Development involves technology administration ,supplies services

,method ,procedure ,plan ,programme etc .Thus rural development
is a strategy designed to improve the economic and social life of
specific group .It involves extending the benefits of development
to the poorest who live in rural area such as farmer ,tenants and
land less .

According to work "the rural development is a process through

which rural poverty alleviated to sustain and increase in
productivity and income of low income rural worker and the
household it is a planned process using any form of action or
communication designed to change the environment techniques
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Page 43

and attitude of rural people to remove poverty and improve their

way of life ."

Community development :-
A community is a group of people living in a particular area and
have an interest in each other for the purpose of making a living .

Develpoment includes the gradual and sequential positive change

in a quality of people the UN .Define community development as a
process of change by which the effort of people are united with
those of government authorities to improve the socio-economic
and cultural condition of the community to make them contribute
fully to a national programme .

Importance of rural and community development :-

i) It is for the local development .
ii) People living in the community don't lack brain but they are
lacking in opportunity .
iii) It provide courage to change their skill ,attitude and behavior .
iv) To improve participation of women, youth and social drop out
peoples .
v) To provide self help for improving agricultural ,livestock living
condition etc .
vi) For effective utilization of donor funds for betterment of
community .

Decentralization of local governance :-

Decentralization means shifting decision making process closer to

the people by devolving (transfer power to lower level ) authority
,responsibility and resources to the local bodies .Local governing
institution have been termed as local bodies .

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Local government is defined as the exercise of political

economical and administrative authority to local body .

Decentralization and local governance have been treated ass ingle

interlink phenomenon as decentralized of public sector .It's self
will not be effective unless supported by central level to make it
strong .

Strategy of decentralized local governance :-

there are 75 districts 99 municipalities and 3872 VDCs in Nepal
.The main strategy of decentralized local governance is to achiever
the following plans policies .They are :-
i) Participation of local people government process .
ii) To involve socially and marginalized people in the development
process .
iii) To give power to local bodies to plan ,implement and manage
local development activities .
iv0 Development of rural leadership and human resource .
v) Participation of NGOs, INGOs and provide sector in local
governance .
vi) Division of authority responsibility and resources to local
people .

Scope of social mobilization :-

Social mobilization organizes people in the community to bring
about changes in different areas such as ecological ,political ,social
,religious etc. It has become a local development effort to uplift the
rural communities .the scope of social mobilization is highly
useful to improve the rural communities by implementing
conceptual package and local specific programme .The scope of
social mobilization programme are as follows :-

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i) Develop the rural firm communities .

ii) To provide group activities and group effort ofr
development .
iii) To improve decision making process .
iv) To improve capabilities of people and to utilize the own
and outside resources .
v) Provides employment generating activities and control
population growth .
vi) To uplift the socially background and marginalized
community .

Effective community /rural development programme :-

Role of effective rural development :-

Rural as well as community can be developed by adopting the
following activities :-
(A)Increasing employment :-
a) Effective rural development must follow employment
opportunity with correspondence to population growth .

b) Increase efficiency of the people resource utilization and

resources productivity through improved technology to remove
poverty .

c) Rural development planes and programmes must be designed in

such a way that it must be related ,suitable ,adoptable ,eco-friendly
and durable to the given area .

(B) Equality :-
Rural development programme must follow gender balance in
terms of resources used ,employment opportunities government
services and infrastructure development .
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(C) Employment :-
Rural development programme must increase participation of
rural people to decide and implement different planes and
programmes .This can be achieved by only increasing capacity of
people to help themselves by establishing their own organization .

Major problems of rural community development :-

Various effect have been made since past 50 years .To over come
the problems of development but little has been achieved .Some of
the problems in Nepal includes :-
i) Subsistence agriculture .
ii) Low precipitate income
iii) Small land holding
iv) Cast driven social structure
v) Very low literacy rate
vi) Highly unemployment problem .
vii) High percentage of poverty .
viii) Insignificant policy on population growth .
ix) Land locked country with barriers for infrastructural
development .
x) Unstable and inappropriate political system .

Issue if rural development of Nepal :-

Today main challenge is to bring the country forward along with
the developed condition of the world , by receiving the concept and
process of development the 9th and 10th 5 years plan there has
come out some of the important challenges as shown below :-
i) Periodic planned should be implemented in a combine manner
but due to lack of such long term vision the objective of each
periodic plan vary .

ii) Lack of clear cut vision of human resource development .

Prepared by Krishna Singh Bohara cont. 9865885770 Email:[email protected]

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iii) Inability of divert foreign aid toward development priorities .

iv)Inability to formulate annual programme .

History of social mobilization in Nepal Historically special

mobilization is divided into 2 groups :-
i) Holistic groups :-
ii) Cadre based approach

i) Holistic groups :-
Holistic approach are often more appropriate in addressing the
multiplication nature of poverty .People of different classes , ethnic
group and sex find room to work together even though their need
and interest differ .

Holistic approach are particularly appropriate in the context of

decentralization as community organization and local government
learn to work with each other to plan and provide basic service
delivery .They are also particularly in overall poverty reduction in
a community .However as communities improve their standards of
living ,more targeted activities may be appropriate to develop
specific area .

ii) Cadre based approach :-

In the cadre based approach members of a community are
motivated to act by a group leader who manage a part of the
process and taken on many of the activity that would be carried out
by a staff member in the first .As member of the community ,these
leaders have vested interest in the success of programme and are
much more likely to remain the community when a donor funded
efforts comes to an end .This increases chance of sustainability .

Prepared by Krishna Singh Bohara cont. 9865885770 Email:[email protected]

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Current status of decentralization in Nepal :-

Based on the recommendation of a high level Decentralization
coordination committee (DCC) formed under chairpersonship of
the prime minister in 1996 .The local self governance Act (LSGA)
and was enacted 1999 . .The act laid the foundation for a local self
governance system in the country .This make a local Bodies (LBs)
more responsive to their populace .The legal frame work have
increase the authority and responsibility of the LBs and increase
the devolution of administrative ,judicial ,fiscal power of the local
elected bodies .the spirit of a (SGA. calls for comprehensive
transforming for central decision making power and implementing
authority or local level development activities to the LBs and there
has intimate (close rel". Collaboration between Nepal governed
donors and civil society in supporting a common frame work .

Role of local agency (LAS) Line agency (NGOs) non

governmental organization community based organization (CBs)
Role of local agencies are stated below :-
i) NGos should be allowed to organize farmers groups
,strengthen their capacity empower them to evolve and self-
reliant , active and visible group and bring about group unity
ii) The government line agency should be engaged in providing
services of these groups and should strike a balance between
the receiving mechanism and the service delivery mechanism
iii) The CBOs facilities the people required at the time of group
formation activity after for continuation of group activity
after phase out the programme .It also help to manage
conflictism in a group.
Prepared by Krishna Singh Bohara cont. 9865885770 Email:[email protected]

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Unit :- 8
Group formation and group dynamic social group :-
Oxford dictionary of sociology state "social group is a number
individuals defined by formal or informal criteria of membership
who share a felling of unity or are found together in relatively
stable pattern of interaction .
According to MacIver and page - "Group is defined as any
collection of human relationship with one another ."
Characters of group formation :-
i) Collection of people of 8-30 members .
ii)They are physically closed .
iii) They have common objectives and goal .
iv)They are interested to make plan and programme to achieve
objectives and goal .
v) There must be leader to lead the group and follower him .
vi) No conflictism in a outside the group .
vii)Proud to group activities.
viii)They can work voluntarily within the group .

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Principles of group formation :-

There are some principles for formation of group .Some of them
are given below :-
i) It should be small i.e.8-15 members .Group within 8- 10
members are too small and more than 20 group activities .
ii) Group should be uniform -in terms of educational level ,sex ,age
, interest to work in improved practices etc.
iii) Group must be voluntarily and democratic -group formation is
completely voluntarily based on the group character .Democratic
principle must govern the group .
iv) Group must be involved in income generating activities -
Income generating programmes increases the group efficiency and
provide better chance to study to improve and understand inter-
personal behavior of group activities .Group welfare fund is
essential .
v) Member of the group must follow the rules ,norms and values
prepared by the group.
Procedure of group formation :-
Before group formation there should be maintain or keep in view
about group character and group principles .Following step can be
to form a group .
i) Identify the organizations involved in particular area in a
particular work .
ii) Try to find out the different organizations and programmes
working and worked in the past in that particular locality .

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iii) Meet with local leaders by formally or informally , discuss the

issues of group formation and their helps as well as support to form
group .
iv) Communicate the people by making pamphlet , leaflet ,
newspaper , radio, etc. .
v) Interested farmers are collected and discussed fully about
related topic ,need and importance of the group .
vi) People interested to form a group based on age ,sex, interest
,educational level and economic status .
vii) Motivate each group to give group name and also elect the
working members (president ,vice -president ,general ,secretary
viii) Motivate each group to prepare rules and regulations for
smooth running of the group .

Prepared by Krishna Singh Bohara cont. 9865885770 Email:[email protected]

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