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School: DepEdClub.

com Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File created by Ma’am MA. DONNA V. MARQUEZ Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: MARCH 2 – 6, 2020 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A. Content Standards ● Demonstrates understanding of various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information
● Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
● Demonstrates understanding of verbal and non-verbal elements of communication to respond back
● Demonstrate understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts
● Demonstrates understanding that a change in stress entails a change of meaning to evaluate the speaker’s/author’s purpose and meaning
B. Performance Standards ● Orally communicates information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences for a variety of purposes
● Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
● Uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback
● Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts for various audiences and purposes
● Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
C. Learning Competencies/ Summarize the information Use appropriate graphic organizer Use various types and kinds of Conduct short research projects on Compose three-paragraph
Objectives from a text heard in text read sentences for effective a relevant issue persuasive essay on
Inferring meaning of communication of information/ideas self-selected topic
content-specific terms using (Compound-Complex Sentence) Make connections between
-context clues information viewed and personal
-affixes and roots experiences
-other strategies

Write the LC code for each EN6OL-IVg-3.6 EN6RC-IVg-2.15.2 EN6SS-IVg-1.10 EN6SS-IVg-2.3 EN6WC-IVg-2.2.11
ENGV-IVg-12.3.3 EN6VC-IVg-1.4

II. CONTENT Clarifying meaning of text Graphic organizer Compound-Complex Sentence Used to influence viewers Composing paragraph
(Subject Matter) heard Research projects Stereotypes, point of view ,
Inferring meaning of borrowed propaganda
Context clues
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide/Pages Curriculum Guide pp 138 of227
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages Essentials English 6 pp.372-373 Essentials English 6 pp.373--376 Essentials English 6 pp.378-379 Essentials English 6 pp. 376 Essentials English 6 p 380
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource(LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources powerpoint Chart, worksheet powerpoint powerpoint Powerpoint
A. Reviewing previous lesson Arrange the jumble words to Add tion/ ion to the following Recall what the difference between a Write the clue words in the box How to write a persuasive
or presenting new lesson form the informational text words. compound sentence to a complex where they belong. paragraph. Watch a video to
needed in making a summary. sentence. know what is a persuasive
1.transfuse We she him my me paragraph?
What tell text the all is about. 2.progress You he I mine her they
Topic the identify. 3.obsess Them
Points key the tell. 4.confess
5.televise First Second Third
6.supervise person Person Person

B. Establishing a purpose for Each group will be given a The following underlined words Study the following sentence. Watch any one of these episodes of Watch another video to learn
the lesson picture puzzle of climate are found in the story we are Jollitown at www. more how you can write a
change. Then tell something going to read today. Give their 1. Their parents disapproved of persuasive paragraph.
about climate change . meaning using context clues. their relationship and tried
to separate them, but
1. She screamed in fright forbidden love would always
and scamperd away, find a way.
dropping her shawl in her 2. When the night came,
hurry. Thisbe secretly slipped out
a. Jump of the house to meet
b. Run Pyramus. Write the important information
2. He grabbed the dagger you learned from the episode.
which he had always Which part of the episode is related
brought with him. Identify what type of sentence to your personal experience?
a. Gun are they, and why. Original File Submitted and
Original File Submitted and Formatted by DSepEd Club
b. Knife
Formatted by DepEd Club Member - Member - visit for
visit for more more
3. The beast trampled on
her shawl, and wrenched
it with its teeth as it let
loose a frightening roar.
a.violent motion
b. quiet motion

C. Presenting examples/ Listen to the second part of Have you heard a story about red Use a coordinating conjunction to join W atch another video about Write a three=paragraph
instances of the new lesson the text about climate change. mulberries. each pair of the independent clause propaganda. persuasive essay on any of these
Summarize the information into a compound sentence. topics.
you heard by answering this 1. Mathematics seems hard for
question to help you identify many pupils. There are a. Getting a cat as pet
the key points. techniques for improving b. Visiting your
one’s mathematical skills. hometown
● What are the serious c. Starting a good habit
2. Zachary is an excellent
effects of climate d. Volunteering to Gawad
student. He received a
change? Kalinga
3. The library is quiet place to What are the different propaganda e. Avoiding junk food
study. We prefer to study at that can influence you? f. Stopping a bad habit
Are they edible? 4. Some animals are
Let find out why mulberries endangered. Many people
turned blood-red.
are working to protect them.
The Legend of the Red Mulberries
5. Fasten your seatbelt. You
might ne injured.
Answer the following questions:
1.Where did this story take place?
2.In what place did Pyramus and
Thibe agree to meet as they
planned to run way
3.What happened when Thisbe
arrived at their meeting place?
4.What happened when Pyramus
arrived? you believe that Pyramus and
Thisbe loved each other truly and
deeply? Prove your answer.
6.What could have prevented this
incident from happening?
7.How do you think did the old
folks explain why thwe white
mulberries turned into red fruits?

D. Discussing new concepts Study the following words. Sequence the event in the story Use subordinating (though, if , when,
and practicing new skills #1 we read using graphic organizer. because etc.) to connect the
Erosion explosion sentences into one complex sentence.
1. Deanne needs to learn
Revolution eruption English. Gianah will teach
Conclusion abrasion 2. 2. It was drizzling outside.
They went for a walk.
What do you notice about the 3. Kyla needs to ask me. I will
following words? buy it for her.
4. Keith played football
The suffix –tion occurs in extremely well. He was very
words of Latin origin, used to young.
form abstract nouns from
verbs to express action or a
state. If the word rotation
means the act of rotating, give 5. Erik wants to get a new job.
the meaning of these terms in He is preparing for job
science that ends in –ion suffix. interviews.

E. Discussing new concepts Make new words by adding Group activity Group activity
and practicing new skills #2 one of the given suffixes. Choose a part of the story that Using the following dependent clause
you can dramatize. Observe make a compound –complex
-ion, tion accuracy, appropriate expressions sentence.
1. create-_____________ and correct pronunciation. 1. though you know the answer
2.expand-_____________ Present your dramatization to the 2. although he agrees with me
3.ascend-_____________ class. 3. how he found out
4.reduce-_____________ 4. while you work on the cake
5. unless you can tell me

F. Developing Mastery Complete the sentence by Answer this questions: Match the dependent clause with the Watch another video then identify
(Lead to Formative adding suffix tion/ion to the 1. Do you think that the right independent clause to form the what kind of propaganda .
Assessment) word in the inside unfornate death of Thisbe compound –complex sentence. Then
theparentheses. and Pyramus could have rewrite again the sentence.
been avoided if onbly both
1.The police carried out an Dependent clause
of them arrived at the
__________ into the
crime.(investigate) agreed time? 1.when the teacher asked him for it
investigation 2. Do you think we can 2.because his cousin is allergic to
2.Joe had an __________ on prevent these misfortunes poultry
his arm after he broke it.(opera from happening ? How? 3.after I swept the garage

3.There was a lovely Independent clause

__________ on the cover of a.I love eating turkey at Thanksgiving
the book.(illustrate) but my friend’s family eats lasagna
b.I asked my dad for my allowance
4.________speak louder than but he only laughed at my request
words.(act) c.Tom knew my name, but he forgot
5. we were having a large
_______built on the back of
G. Finding practical application Group Activity Recall the initial research tasks Group Acitvity
of concepts and skills in daily Use the following words in a you have done in Lesson 36.
living. sentence. Organize all notes and Each group will present one of
information you gathered
1. Rotation the kinds of propaganda.
following the outline below.
2. Revolution
3. Evaporation I- Name calling
4. Eruption II- Glittering
5. erosion III- Bandwagon
IV- Plain folks
V- testimonial

H. Making Generalization and What are way in adding

Abstraction about the lesson tion/ion to a root word?

Usually a verb is use as a base

word . example:
Spelling tips for adding
● If the verb ends in a T
just add - ion
Diffract- diffraction
● Remove a final e
gefore adding -tion
● Sometimes you must
add or remove a
vowel before adding
Add – addition (add i)
Register – registration
(remove e)
Evolve - evolution
I. Evaluating Learning Choose the letter of the Choose the correct conjunction to
correct answer. complete the compound-complex
1.Stop! You’re going in the 1.I hate writing essays, ____I hate
wrong________. writing poetry, ______I love giving
a. director c. direction speeches. d. direcssion a.but, because, when
2. She lost all her ________ in c.for, before
a fire. d.and ,though
a.possesion c.possetion 2. ______Bob got his license, he
b.possess d. possessor drove to school everyday____he
picked me up.
3. I have enjoyed our a. after, and
________but I really must do b. before, because
some work. c.while, though
a.conversassion c.converse d. unless, and
b.conversation d.conversion 3.____you find a job, you should
work during the summer,______you
4. Traffic was diverted because should cut back on your hours during
of a _________ on the the school year.
highway. a. while, because
a.collission c. collition b. if, but
b. collide d. collision c. before, so
d. that, and
5.I get a great feeling of 4.Ron is running for student council
________ when I complete all president,______ he will not win
my work. _____ he does not gret the seniors’
a.satisfaction c.satisfacssion vote.
b.satisfy d.satisfacsion a. yet, while
b. for, before
c. but , if
d. and when

5._____my parents were at dinner, I

cleaned the house_____my sister did
the ironing.
a. before, so
b. after, if
c. although, for
d. while , and
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
A. No. of learners earned
80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who
are required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. Number of learners who
continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials/discover
which I wish to share with other

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