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Mark Scheme (Provisional)

Summer 2021

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

In Chemistry (WCH15)
Paper 01:Transition Metals and Organic Nitrogen
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Summer 2021
Question Paper Log Number P64627A
Publications Code WCH15_01_2106_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2021
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners

must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they
mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must
be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather
than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade boundaries
may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark
scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero
marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit
according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the
mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must
be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate
has replaced it with an alternative response.
Section A (Multiple Choice)

Question Answer Mark

1 1
The only correct answer is D(VO2+ and VO2+)

Ais not correct because both Cr have the oxidation number +6

B is not correct because both Cr have the oxidation number +6
C is not correct because both V have the oxidation number +5

Question Answer Mark

2(a) 1
The only correct answer is B(−1.63 V)

A is not correct because the electrode potential for the Fe3+/ Fe2+ electrode system has been added to the Eocell
value instead of being subtracted
C is not correct because the value should have a negative sign
D is not correct because the value should have a negative sign and the electrode potential for the Fe3+/ Fe2+
electrode system has been added to the Eocell value instead of being subtracted
Question Answer Mark
2(b) 1
The only correct answer is C (platinum and titanium)
A is not correct because the Fe3+|Fe2+ electrode system requires a platinum electrode
B is not correct because the Fe3+|Fe2+ electrode system requires a platinum electrode and the Ti2+|Ti electrode
system requires a titanium electrode.
D is not correct because the Ti2+|Tielectrode system requires a titanium electrode.

Question Answer Mark

2(c) 1
The only correct answer is C(2 mol dm−3 and 1 mol dm−3)

A is not correct becausethe cell solution must be 1 mol dm−3 with respect to both Fe2+ and Fe3+ therefore the dilution
on mixing and the two Fe3+ ions in each iron(III) sulfate must be taken into account
B is not correct becausethe cell solution must be 1 mol dm−3 with respect to both Fe2+ and Fe3+ therefore the dilution
on mixing and the two Fe3+ ions in each iron(III) sulfate must be taken into account
D is not correct because the cell solution must be 1 mol dm−3 with respect to both Fe2+ and Fe3+ therefore the dilution
on mixing and the two Fe3+ ions in each iron(III) sulfate must be taken into account
Question Answer Mark
3 1
The only correct answer is A

(Ar) ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

B is not correct because the most stable electronic configuration is with all six electrons unpaired in two half-
filled subshells
Cis not correct because the most stable electronic configuration is with all six electrons unpaired in two half-filled
Dis not correct because the most stable electronic configuration is with all six electrons unpaired in two half-filled

Question Answer Mark

4 1
The only correct answer is A (electron-pair donor)

Bis not correct because ligands do not need to be negatively charged

Cis not correct becauseligands are not electron pair acceptors
Dis not correct because ligands are not electron pair acceptors and do not need to be negatively charged
Question Answer Mark
5 1
The only correct answer is C (d—d transitionsare not possible because the d orbitals are fully occupied)

A is not correct because the d orbitals in copper(I) can be split

B is not correct because no d—d transitions occur
D is not correct because the ease of oxidation of an ion does not affect the colour of its complex

Question Answer Mark

6 1
The only correct answer is B(type of ligand is bidentate; coordination number of copper(II) is 6)

A is not correct because3 is the number of ligands not the coordination number
C is not correct because the ligand is bidentate and 3 is the number of ligands
D is not correct becausethe ligand is bidentate

Question Answer Mark

7 1
The only correct answer is D(green precipitate and precipitate turns brown)

A is not correct becauseFe(OH)2 is green (initially)

B is not correct becausethe precipitate turns brown on standing
C is not correct becauseFe(OH)2 is green (initially)
Question Answer Mark
8 1
The only correct answer is A(deprotonation and ligand exchange)

B is not correct because the formation of the ammine complex involves ligand exchange
C is not correct because the formation of the precipitate involves deprotonation of water ligands and the formation of
the ammine complex involves ligand exchange
D is not correct becausethe formation of the precipitate involves deprotonation of water ligands

Question Answer Mark

9 1
The only correct answer is C(four)

A is not correct becausethis omits two isomers

B is not correct because in the Kekulé structure1,2-dichlorobenzene has two isomers, one with the carbon atoms
carrying the chlorines joined by a single bond and the other with them joined by a double bond
D is not correct becausethis overlooks the fact that the 1,3 and 1,5 structures are identical
Question Answer Mark
10 1
The only correct answer is D O


A is not correct because the substituent is SO3H

B is not correct because the substituent is SO3H with a C—S bond
C is not correct because the substituent is SO3H

Question Answer Mark

11 1
The only correct answer is B



A is not correct because the N----H—O bond angle should be 180°

C is not correct because hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon atoms cannot form hydrogen bonds
D is not correct because hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon atoms cannot form hydrogen bonds
Question Answer Mark
12 1
The only correct answer is A(amides)

B is not correct because amino acids combine to form polypeptides and proteins, which are polyamides
C is not correct because diacyl chlorides combine with diamines to form polyamides
D is not correct because diamines combine with diacyl chlorides to form polyamides

Question Answer Mark

13(a) 1
The only correct answer is B
NH 2 O

H 3C C C


A is not correct because this structure is only possible near neutral pH

C is not correct because this structure is formed at low pH
D is not correct because this structure dominates at neutral pH
Question Answer Mark
13(b) 1
The only correct answer is D(ionic bonds)

A is not correct because van der Waals forces are the weakest forces broken
B is not correct because hydrogen bonds are weaker than ionic bonds
C is not correct because covalent bonds are not broken when amino acids melt

Question Answer Mark

14 The only correct answer is D(P is due to C—H aldehydeand Q is due to C=O aldehyde)

A is not correct because P is too sharp to be an OH stretch and Q is outside the region of 1725-1700 cm−1 for a
carboxylic acid C=O stretch
B is not correct because P is too sharp to be an OH stretch
C is not correct because Q is outside the region of 1725-1700 cm−1 for a carboxylic acid C=O stretch

Question Answer Mark

15 1
The only correct answer is C(five)

A is not correct because the C atoms in methylcyclohexane are not all equivalent
B is not correct because there are five types of C atom in methylcyclohexane not three
D is not correct because the C atoms in methylcyclohexane are not all different
Question Answer Mark
16 1
The only correct answer is A(one singlet, one doublet and a heptet)

B is not correct because this ignores the fact that the proton environments on C1 and C3 are the same
C is not correct because this is the number of protons in each environment, not the splitting pattern
D is not correct because this ignores all the splitting except the effect of one methyl on the C2 proton

Question Answer Mark

17 The only correct answer isB (8.4 dm3)

A is not correct because the number of oxygen atoms in the compound has been doubled
C is not correct because the oxygen atoms in the compound have been omitted from the calculation
D is not correct because the oxygen atoms in the compound have been omitted from the calculation and one oxygen
molecule has been allowed for the combustion of each pair of hydrogen atoms

Total for Section A = 20 marks

Section B

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark


[1] MnO4− + e−⇌MnO42−and 2

18(a)(i) • selection of the correct half-equations from the table (1)
[7] MnO42− + 4H++ 2e−⇌MnO2 + 2H2O

• writing the balanced equation (1) 3MnO42− + 4H+⇌ 2MnO4− + MnO2 + 2H2O

[1] MnO4− + e−⇌MnO42−and
[5] MnO4− + 8H++ 5e−⇌Mn2+ + 4H2O

which gives
5MnO42− + 8H+⇌ 4MnO4− + Mn2+ + 4H2O

Accept e for e− in half equations

Correct equation scores (2) marks

Unbalanced equation with all species correct

scores (1)

Use of alkaline half-equation to give

3MnO42− + 2H2O ⇌ 2MnO4− + MnO2 + 4OH−
scores (1) mark

Ignore state symbols even if incorrect

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

18(a)(ii) • selection ofappropriate values and insertion in the correct equation (1) Eocell = 2.26 − 0.56

• completion of calculation
= (+)1.70 (V) and (positive so
and reaction is) feasible
evaluation of the feasibility of the reaction (1) Accept (if second equation given)
Eocell = 1.51 − 0.56
= (+)0.95 (V) and (positive so
reaction is) feasible

TE on alkaline disproportionation
Eocell = 0.59 − 0.56 = (+)0.03 (V) and
(positive so reaction is) feasible scores (2)

TE on equations used the wrong way

round −1.70 / −0.95(V) and not feasible
scores (1)

Just (+)1.70 (V) / (+)0.95 (V) scores (1)

Do not award a non-disproportionation

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
For M1 and M2Either 4
• equation for the reaction (1) 2MnO4 + MnO2 + 4OH ⇌3MnO4 + 2H2O
− − 2−

Allow → for ⇌
orEocell = 0.56 − 0.59

• calculation of negativeEocell for the equation (1) Eocell = −0.03 (V)

Or Reverse reaction and Eocell = (+)0.03 (V) (1)

• clear identification of the appropriate half-equations from the table (1) Equations 1 and 2

• use of anticlockwise rule or similar to show that required reaction is Desired reaction moves ‘clockwise’ so not
not favoured (1) (thermodynamically) feasible
For M3 and M4 Allow calculation of Eocell as above

• statement that the standard electrode potential values are close (1) (−)0.03 (V) /Eocellis a (very) small
equilibrium has significant concentrations of
the reactants and products
Allow if Eocell = (+)0.03 (V) in M2
Standalone mark

Allow by increasing alkali concentration

• reaction may be shifted in the required direction using concentrated No TE on incorrect system
alkali (1) Ignore
just ‘by changing concentrations’
references to rate and temperature
Ignore state symbols even if incorrect
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

18(b)(i) 1
• colourless Allow pale green for colourless
Do not award just ‘green’ for the start colour
to pale pink
Accept pink

Do not award purple / magenta

Ignore ‘clear’
Ignore ‘permanent’
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

18(b)(ii) Example of calculation 5

• calculation of moles of manganate(VII) in 27.35 cm3 (1) 27.35 x 0.0195 x 10−3

= 5.33325 x 10−4/ 0.000533325 (mol)

• use of 1:5 ratio to calculate mol Fe2+ in 25.0 cm3 (1) 5 x 5.33325 x 10−4
= 2.666625 x 10−3 /0.002666625 (mol)

• scaling to 250.0 cm3to give mol Fe2+ in 250.0 cm3 (1) 10 x 2.666625 x 10−3
= 2.666625 x 10−2/ 0.02666625mol)
• conversion of mol to g of iron (1)
2.666625 x 10−2 x 55.8 = 1.48798 (g)
• calculation of percentage of iron in the wire and gives the final value to
3 SF (1) 100 x 1.48798/1.53 = 97.25338
= 97.3%

If Ar (Fe) = 56 is used mass = 1.49331 (g)

% iron = 97.6%
Allow 100 x 1.49/1.53 =97.4%
Correct answer to 3 SF and some working
scores (5)

TE at each stage
Ignore premature roundingif final answer
correct otherwise allow rounding to at least
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

18(b)(iii) 3
An explanation that makes reference to the following

• brown suspension formed is manganese(IV) oxide / MnO2 (1) Reference to half-equations 6 & 7 in the
manganese(IV) oxide / MnO2formed (in
alkaline conditions)

• Mn(VII) to Mn(II) provides 5 electrons per MnO4− but Mn(VII) to Accept explanation in terms of oxidation
Mn(IV) only provides 3 electrons numbers
Standalone mark

• so more MnO4 is needed / titre is greater (1)
If no other mark is scored, allow one mark
for the titration is no longer quantitative as
another reaction is (also) taking place.
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
18(c)(i) 100 x 0.005 x 2
(Balance: 1.53
= 0.65)

• burette:
100 x 0.05 x 2
= 0.37(%) All three percentages correct scores (2)

100 x 0.06 Any two percentages correct scores (1)

• pipette: 25
= 0.24(%)
100 x 0.3
• volumetric flask: 250
= 0.12(%)

(Total = 1.38) (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

18(c)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to

• total percentage uncertainty is (approximately) 1.38% (1) TE on 18(c)(i)

Allow 1.4% / 2 SF

• because the total percentage uncertainty is much bigger than 0.863, the Ignore ‘data given to 3SF)
answer should be to no more than 2 / 3 SF(1)

(Total for Question 18 = 21 marks)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• Amine Allow amino 1
Ignore classification such as ‘tertiary’
Ignore NH2
Do not award ammine
Question Answer Additional guidance Mar
number k
19(a)(ii) Example of calculation
Method 1

• rewrite the Ideal Gas Equation in terms of mass and molar

mass(1) PV = mRT

• change the subject of the equation (1)
157 cm3 = 1.57 x 10−4 / 0.000157 m3
• change volume to m3and temperature to K(1)
Allow conversion to kPa & vol to dm3
15°C = 288 K

• calculation of molar mass (1) Mr =0.493 x 8.31 x 288

103000 x 1.57 x 10−4

= 72.963 = 73.0 / 73 (g mol−1)

• Method 2

n = PV/RT
• Change subject of equation (1)

157 cm3 = 1.57 x 10−4 / 0.000157 m3

• change volume to m and temperature to K (1) Allow conversion to kPa & vol to dm3

n = 103000 x 1.57 x 10−4 / 8.31 x 288 =6.7568 x 10−3

• evaluate n (1)

• calculation of molar mass (1) Mr = 0.493 / 6.7568 x 10−3

• = 72.963 = 73 (g mol−1)

• Ignore just ‘g’ do not award 72.9 (g mol−1) if rounded

from 72.963
Correct answer with some working scores (4)
Correct answer with no working scores zero
Ignore premature rounding if final answer correct
otherwise allow rounding to at least 3SF Ignore SF
except 1 SF in final answer
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• hydrogen chloride / HCl Allow
hydrochloric acid / HCl(aq)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• N-substituted amide / -CONHR Accept 1
amide / acid amide / -CONH2 / -CONH-
If name and formula are given, both must be

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

Example of calculation 3
• conversion of percentages by mass into moles (1) % 62.6 11.3 12.2 13.9
mol 62.6/12 11.3/1 12.2/14 13.9/16
• evaluation of moles anddivision by the smallest value
(=5.2167) (=11.3) (= =0.86875
to give a ratio (1)
Ratio 6.00 13.01 1.00 1.00

• conversion of ratio into an empirical formula (1) C6H13NO

Correct answer with no working scores (1)

Ignore SF except 1 SF in mol calculation

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
*19(c) This question assesses the student’s ability to show a coherent and Guidance on how the mark scheme should be
logically structured answer with linkages and fully sustained applied.
The mark for indicative content should be added to
Marks are awarded for indicative content and for how the answer the mark for lines of reasoning. For example, a
is structured and shows lines of reasoning. response with five indicative marking points that is
partially structured with some linkages and lines of
The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for reasoning scores 4 marks (3 marks for indicative
indicative content. content and 1 mark for partial structure and some
Number of indicative marking Number of marks awarded for linkages and lines of reasoning).
6 4
5-4 3 If there were no linkages between the points, then
3-2 2 the same indicative marking points would yield an
1 1 overall score of 3 marks (3 marks for indicative
0 0 content and no marks for linkages).

The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for In general it would be expected that
structure and lines of reasoning 5 or 6 indicative points would get 2 reasoning
Number of marks awarded 3 or 4 indicative points would get 1 reasoning mark
for structure of answer and 0, 1 or 2 indicative points would get 0 reasoning
sustained lines of reasoning marks.
Answer shows a coherent logical
structure with linkages and fully If there is any incorrect chemistry, deduct mark(s)
2 from the reasoning. If no reasoning mark(s)
sustained lines of reasoning
demonstrated throughout awarded do not deduct mark(s).
Answer is partially structured
with some linkages and lines of 1 Comment: Look for the indicative marking points
reasoning first, then consider the mark for the structure of the
Answer has no linkages between answer and sustained line of reasoning
points and is unstructured
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
Marks may be awarded for IPs annotated 6
*19(c) Indicative points on the NMR or on the structure

• IP1 three peaks indicates three proton environments Allow three types of proton / hydrogen

• IP2 no splitting shows no proton environment is adjacent to another Allow ‘peaks have one split’
• IP3 chemical shift = 7 (ppm) indicates N—H proton

• IP4 nine protons in one environment and no coupling indicates (CH3)3C—

• IP5 chemical shift = 2 (ppm) indicates CH3C=O protons

Accept CH3C=O indicated by amide
responsible for the peak at 2 (ppm)
CH3C=O indicated by use of
ethanoyl chloride

• IP6 structure is Allow displayed, structural or skeletal

formulae or any combination of these e.g.
C H 3
H 3C C N C C H 3
C H 3
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
C H 3
H Allow displayed, structural or skeletal
formulae or any combination of these e.g.
H 3C C N H H

C H 3

Allow TE on the amide in 19(c)providing

X is shown as an amine
(Total for Question 19 = 17 marks)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

20(a)(i) Example of calculation 2

• calculation of the difference between the enthalpies of combustion of
−3752 – (− 3584) = −168 (kJ mol−1)
cyclohexene and cyclohexa-1,4-diene (1)
Ignore sign of 168
• subtraction of the calculated difference from the enthalpy of
combustion of cyclohexa-1,4-diene to give the enthalpy of combustion −3584 − (−168) = −3416 (kJ mol−1)
of cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene (1)
TE on numerical errors in M1
Correct answer with some working scores (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

20(a)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to 3

• calculation of the difference between the enthalpies of combustion of −3416 − (−3267) = −149 (kJ mol−1)
benzene and cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene (1)
TE on value calculated in (a)(i)
Ignore omission of negative sign

• benzene more stable than cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene by 149 (kJ mol−1) (1) Allow enthalpy of combustion of benzene
less negative / less exothermic /lower than
that of cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene and so
benzene is more stable

If M1 is scored Allow just ‘benzene more

stable than cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene’

Allow reverse arguments

Do not award M2 if the enthalpy of

combustion of benzene is more negative
than that calculated for cyclohexa-1,3,5-

• (benzene more stable)because the π electrons in benzene Allow

are delocalised (1) benzene has delocalisation energy /
resonance stability /bonds delocalised
standalone mark
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
20(b) An answer that makes reference to four of the following:


• both reactions involve electrophilic attack(1) This may be shown using a labelled
• both reactions form a carbocation (1)


• reaction with benzene is substitution (because the stable benzene ring is

retained / restored)(1)

• reaction with cyclohexene is addition (because σ bonds stronger than π Accept 2 C—H and 1 C—C stronger than
bonds)(1) C=C and Br—Br

• reaction with benzene requires a catalyst (and heat)

whereas reaction with cyclohexene occurs under normal laboratory Allow cyclohexene reaction does not require
conditions (1) catalyst / heat
Allow cyclohexene reacts with bromine
Do not award if conditions are incorrect
e.g. cyclohexene reaction requires heat
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
If name and formula are given both must be 1
• 2,4,6-tribromophenol correct
Accept Kekulé structure

Br Br
Correct structure and tribromophenol
Ignore punctuation errors in the name such
as omission of commas or hyphen and
inclusion of spaces


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

20(c)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to

• lone pair of electrons on the oxygen (1) Allow lone pair of electrons on the OH
• overlap / interact with the π electrons of the ring Allow (lone pair) donated to the π electrons
and of the ring
increasing its electron density / becomes more susceptible to electrophilic Ignore increasing the reactivity of the ring
attack (1) Ignore reference to phenol being a
(Total for Question 20 = 12 marks)
Total for Section B = 50 marks
Section C

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark


21(a) 2
An explanation that makes reference to the following points

• the electronic structure of Fe(II) is [Ar]3d6 and Fe(III) is [Ar]3d5 (1) Ar may be given as 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

Allow just Fe(II) is 3d6 and Fe(III) is 3d5

• 3d5 is more stable than 3d6 because the 3d6 subshell has two paired Allow half-filled subshell is more stable
electrons which results in repulsion /pairing of electrons is (energetically) Allow 1 electron in each orbital is stable
less favourable (1)
If no other mark is scored, just ‘Fe(III) has a
half-filled 3d subshell scores (1)

Allow use of ‘orbital’ or ‘(quantum) shell’

for subshell

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• Fe2+(g) → Fe3+(g) + e(−) 2+
Allow Fe (g) − e( ) → − 3+
Fe (g)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
21(b)(ii) An answer that makes reference to the following points
These marks may be awarded if a labelled
Hess cycle is used
• conversion of iron(II) / Fe2+to iron(III)/ Fe3+requires 2958 kJ mol−1


conversion of iron(II) / Fe2+to iron(III)/ Fe3+requires (large amounts

of ) energy


conversion of iron(II) / Fe2+to iron(III)/ Fe3+is (very) endothermic (1)


• this energy is recovered by hydration (which is exothermic) (1)


• the hydration of iron(III) / Fe3+ is more exothermic than iron(II) / Fe2+

because the iron(III) has a greater charge (1)
Accept ‘charge density’ for charge
Ignore smaller ionic radius
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
An answer that makes reference to the following points 3
• the energy difference between the two sets of (3)d orbitals Allow the different energy levels of the (3)d
is different (1) subshell
Do not award orbital for orbitals
Do not award (quantum) shell for subshell

• because the ligands / ions are different (1) Ignore just ‘complexes are different’

• so radiation / light / quanta absorbed from different regions of the visible Accept
spectrum (1)
different radiation / light frequencies
different radiation / light wavelengths
transmitted / reflected

Do not award radiation / light emitted

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
Example of calculation 4
21(d)(i) Method 1

• conversion of % transmittance into log(% transmittance) (1) log(39.8) = 1.60

• use of the graph to obtain a value for the concentration of [Fe] = 0.44 (mg dm−3) (allow 0.42—0.46)
iron in mg dm−3(1)

• calculation of the mass of iron in 500 cm3 of iron solution which 0.5 x 0.44 = 0.22 mg (in 500 cm3 / 20g)
is also the mass of iron in 20 g of sodium carbonate (1) Accept 0.21-0.23 (mg)
0.00022 / 2.2 x 10−4 g (in 500 cm3 / 20g)

• conversion of the mass Fe in 20 g to ppm (1) (106 x 2.2 x 10−4) ÷ 20= 11 ppm

Method 2 (M1 and M2 as above)

• calculation of concentration of sodium carbonate (1) = 20 x 1000/ 500÷1000

= 40000 mg dm−3

• calculation of the ppm of Fe in 40000 mg of sodium carbonate (1) ppm = 0.44 x 106/40000 = 11 ppm (<20ppm)
Method 3 (M1, M2 as above)

• Conversion of the maximum permitted mass of iron in 20 g of sodium 20 x 20 ÷ 106 = 4 x 10−4 g = 0.4 mg (>0.22)
• Calculation of the concentration of maximum allowed iron 0.4 x 1000 ÷ 500 = 0.8 mg dm−3

(So Fe is within the stated specification)

TE at each stage
Correct answer with some working scores (4)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark


21(d)(ii) 2
• (thioglycolic acid is a) bidentate (ligand) (1)

• because there are three ligands per complex ion and the coordination Allow three ligands replace six
number of Fe3+ is (usually) six (monodentate) water ligands

can form dative bonds using the lone pairs on the SH and the COOH Accept S and O atoms
groups (1) Ignore just ‘forms two dative bonds’
/ ‘3 ligands form 6 dative bonds’

Do not award two dative covalent bonds

from COOH
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• catalyst and reactants are in the same phase Accept ‘same state’
Allow all species are in aqueous solution
Allow ‘It’ is in the same phase / state as the
Ignore reference to products
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

21(e)(ii) Examples of equations 2

• equation for oxidation of iron(II) by peroxodisulfate (1) S2O82− + 2Fe2+→ 2SO42− + 2Fe3+

• equation for oxidation of iodide ions by iron(III) (1) 2I− + 2Fe3+→ I2 + 2Fe2+

Allow multiples / equations in any order

Ignore state symbols even if incorrect
Two unbalanced equations with all species
correct scores (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• uncatalysedreaction involves two negatively charged ions reacting Ignore general definitions of catalysts
catalysed steps involve oppositely charged ions reacting (which is
kinetically more favourable / lowers the activation energy)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• chloride ions are large so steric hindrance is too great for six ligands to Allow just ‘chloride ions are large’ 1
coordinate around the central ion Allow chlorine ligands are (too) large
Do not award chlorine atoms
Ignore reference to repulsion between
negative chloride ions
(Total for Question 21 = 20 marks) Total for Section C = 20 marks
Total for paper = 90 marks
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with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom

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