GE - 1 (Edelen Saavedra) - Defining Beauty

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Name: Edelen Mae Saavedra

Course: BSBA-FM


Complete the sentences below:

1) For me beauty means you appreciate a person’s physical and

inner self.

2) A beautiful person is someone who is beautiful both inside and

out. Meaning you appreciate on how a person is confident on
how he or she looks or on how he or she acts genuinely with the
people around him or her. A person who is not fake and does not
only act just because society dictates him or her to be that way.

3) I am beautiful because I am confident enough to say that I am just

thankful to be alive.

4) List the names of people who are beautiful:

a. People who save lives;

b. People who help the needy; and
c. People who don’t only think about themselves but also for

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