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NB: i. To be done inside the Practical Workbook for Computer Science
ii. Attach copies of your program interface and output for each question answered
iii. Computer Science Students to Answer 1-15, While Computer Engineering to Answer 1-10
1. Given a Quadratic Equation x2+4x+16=0,
Design and Create a Windows Console Application that will calculate for the values of x using the
Almighty Formula
Hint: x=(-b+√ 4ac)/2a and x=(-b-√ 4ac)/2a

2. Design and Create a Login System using the Windows Form Application that will have the following
parameters: Username, Surname, Matric Number. Where the Username can be any of the
following: Ola, Michael, Samson, Job

3. Design and Create a Windows Console Application that will calculate the Area of a Circle

4. Design and Create a Windows Console Application that will collect the name of Student and the
Scores (C.A, Mid-Semester and Exam Scores) for the Course OOP Using BASIC and then give the
cumulative Score and Grade obtained

5. Design and Create a Windows Form Application that will collect the basic Bio-Data information for 5
Students in your Class and store them using Microsoft Access Package as your Database

6. Design and Create a Windows Form Application that will Calculate the total cost of Staying in an

7. Design and Create a Windows Console Application that will replace the word “Science” For
“Engineering” in the sentence “I am proud to be a Computer Science Student”

8. Using the CASE Statement, Design and Create a Windows Console Application that will allow user to
subscribe to a data plan with options of a 1 day or 2 days or 1 week or a 1-month plan

9. Highlight with the aid of a diagram, the Program Development Cycle

10. Highlight with the aid of hierarchical table, and Explain the various data types supported in Visual

ND2 Computer Science Students to Include Question 11 -15 below:

11. Using the Input Box and the Message Box, Design and Create a Windows Form Application that will
collect the name of a user and return a greeting the name collected

12. Using a CASE Statement, Design and Create a Windows Console Application that will provide a
student to choose His or Her Academic year, Level, Semester. And then display a list of registration
requirements and procedures for the Department of Computer Science or Engineering

13. Design and Create a Windows Form Application that will calculate four basic Arithmetic Operations
upon accepting two “real” data types from the user

14. Design and create a Windows Console Application that will print out ODD Numbers from 20 to 100

15. Design and Create a Windows Console Application that will calculate the Simple Interest. Where
Principal, Rate and Time are to be supplied by the user

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