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The Sunken Fort
Nickolas Z Brown

An Adventure for Low to Mid-Level Characters

With Conversion instructions for old school versions of the original fantasy Role-Playing Game
Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

The Sunken Fort

On the edge of a swamp beneath an old forest lay an even older fort, constructed for some ancient and
unknowable purpose. The shadows are stronger here, and the scent of madness lingers in the air. The
fort may seem mundane at first glance, but you will learn soon enough that something is not quite

Aside from stray bits of rubble and stonework poking out of the ground here and there, the only visible
portions of the fort are the enormous stone entry doors, and what remains of a ruined tower.
Everything else is covered in trees and centuries of biological muck.

This dungeon is ideal as a secondary starting adventure for Characters levels 1 thru 4. The difficulty is
moderate, and even an experienced group may find themselves dying a fair bit. There is plenty of
treasure and magic items within to reward those who are clever or determined enough to crack the
Sunken Fort.

Possible Lead-In Quest

Concerns abound in town as denizens are having their shadows ripped away in the night by a
fearsome pale creature.

The creature is reported to be humanoid, but anything but human as its bloated pale body has a single
protrusion for a head without a facial or neck structure. Where its face should be is a row of ever-
grinning sharp teeth and two beady black eyes. Its claws drip with a caustic black substance that fades
away upon contact with the morning sun.

Victims of this so-called ‘Shadow-Thief’ become severely weakened, their once-strong vitality
seemingly stripped away. Their reflections in mirrors also become semi-transparent, and any part of
their body that encounters direct sunlight turns to ash.

Merchants are rejoicing, of course, for burqa sales are up like never before.

In any case, the local authority has posted a bounty of 10,000gp for whomever shall slay this monster,
and return the shadows to their rightful owners.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

Xi: These tooth-littered stairs descend into an expansive Mega-Dungeon, known as the “Descent into
Madness” where horrors and wonders abound in equal measure.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort


Preparation: None required! Any If you’re not using the Five Cataclysms rule set,
interconnections in the dungeon arise out of that’s fine. The module works well with any
interaction, so you can go in just as blind as your od&d or whitebox editions, and should work for
players. the most part with d&d 5e. All HD values are d6,
but you may change these as you see fit. All AC
Room Keys: Any text not italicized or values match the creatures thematically, so you
(parenthesized) may be read aloud to the players. may adjust them accordingly.
(Parenthesized text is for DM eyes only, typically
explaining an unseen item or function.) Bold text Armor Class is Ascending
will refer to deeper explanations provided Armor Class starts at 10 (typically)
outside of this paragraph, for example: Attack Bonus = Monster HD
Save = 18 – Monster HD
Bold – (The bolded item would be described Speed of 12 is Human Average
here.) Morale Checks are rolled using 2d6; rolling
above 6 means failure.
In addition, you may use the ctrl-f feature to find A Turn is about 10 minutes, a combat round is
any room by typing the room # and a ‘:’ such as anywhere between 10 seconds and 1 minute.
Always remember that as a Dungeon Master you
Monster Keys: Listed within each room key, and have the power to change whatever you want;
codified as per the terms below: the contents of this module are merely
HD – Hit dice. Determines attack bonus, hp, and suggestions. If a combat is too easy/hard for
saving throw. For example, an HD3+2 Monster your liking, tweak it. Have an idea that’ll make a
has (3d6+2) hit points; +3 to attack rolls, and a room even more fun? Put it in! Do whatever you
saving throw of (18-3=15). need for you and your players to have fun!
Hp – A creature with an Hp value has a set Hp
total, and an attack bonus of 0 unless otherwise EXP HOW
specified. This module is designed for a treasure-as-exp
AC – Armor Class. Attacks must match or exceed system. EXP is rewarded 1 point per each gold-
this value to hit. Monster touch AC is reliant upon piece worth of treasure extracted from the
AC source. Armored targets have touch AC of 10, dungeon. This way, avoiding or tricking monsters
but a dodgy bat with an AC of 14 will have touch is just as viable as murderizing them.
AC of 14.
SPD – Indicates the Speed of the creature. If not For any feedback, please send an email to
listed, assume speed is 12. 12 is considered [email protected] We’d love to hear
unencumbered. from you!
ATT# - The number of attack rolls a creature may
Xtra1dmg – Deals one extra damage on attack.
“SvSpells” Means “Save versus spells”

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

For wandering monster checks, roll a d12 every turn (or ten minutes). On a result of 1, roll a d8 on the
table to determine what monster appears. If no monster appears or the 1 is not rolled, increase the
threshold for the d12 from 1 to 2, making wandering monsters more likely to appear as time passes.

Be sure to reduce the population counter on the right as monsters are destroyed.
If an entire population is slain, remove that monster from the list. If subsequent checks roll an empty
result, no monster shows up.

The table below is for all rooms excluding 26 and 67+, which is the area behind the 3 portculli, and
behind the door labeled 22a.

# # of Enemies Monster Description Population

that Appear
1 1d4 Bloated BLOATED FIRE BAT 22 remain
Fire Bats Hp1 AC12 SPD12
Upon Death, 2/6 chance to explode for 1d6 fire damage.
2 1d6 Armored ARMORED OOZE-MAN 12 remain
Ooze-men HD2+2 AC 17/19 xtra0/1Dmg SPD9
Uses either a greatsword or shield+mace, reflected by above AC & DMG values.
3 A Lizard of METAL FIRE LIZARD Just the 1 that
Scrap Metal HD6 AC17 SPD15 lives in room 14
that Reeks of Breath Attack: 10’ cone of 1d6+1 fire dmg once per combat.
Oil Attacks whomever has most fire oil, and sucks up the oil when it can, to recharge
flame breath.
*Upon death, will ooze fire oil and black sludge.
4 Exploding ETHEREAL SKULL – A chittering ghostly skull that chases down its prey Infinite, unless
Ethereal Skull Hp1 AC12 SPD12Flying room 24 pits
Only hurt by magic, holy water, or silver weapons. destroyed or
Will explode on successful attack for 1d6 magic damage, dealing 1 splash damage permanently
to surrounding creatures. blocked.
5 2 Armored Blue BLUE HUNTING BEAR – Plaid Tam Hats, blowguns, bipedal. 6 remain
Hunting Bears HD4 AC18 ATT#2 xtra2Dmg in melee
with Tam Hats Poison Dart Attack is full round action: On hit, target must SvPoison or fall asleep
for 1d6 turns.
Prefer to use poisonous sleep darts to capture humans.
If threatened, they will use melee.
*Each bear carries a ‘Blue-Bear Key’
*1/6chance to drop ‘Big Metal Key’ as loot. This chance increases by one with each
Blue Bear slain. Only 1 ‘Big Metal Key’ is available.
6 1d10 Kobolds, Roll morale to determine whether they’re aggressive or are willing to talk. Infinite - from
who are clearly KOBOLD outside the
lost. Hp1 AC10 SPD9 – Wield short-spears. dungeon.
7 Two Very Rude -1 to party’s surprise roll, the mannequins prefer to make surprise attacks and Just the 2 that
Armor then retreat as soon as they are able. live in room 32
Mannequins ARMOR MANNEQUINS – They are quite adept with their prosthetic arms...
HD2 AC13 SPD15
*Each has 2 rings and a necklace, each of the 6 jewelry pieces is worth 200gp.
8 Shadow Roll again, but from the Wandering Shadow Monster Table on the next page.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort


This d6 table is for the north-eastern shadow area, which are rooms 26 and 67+.

# # of Enemies Monster Description Population

that Appear
1 1d6 Dark DARK CHERUB – A small, pudgy creature with ashen skin and red eyes 22 remain
Cherubs who HD2 AC14
Dance & Sing a Dance with me: Target must SvSpells or begin to dance, unable to take other
Dire Tune actions. On their turn, they may SvSpells again to break the spell, but if they are still
dancing on the cherub’s next turn, they must SvSpells again, or they will dance into
a wall, becoming a beautiful painting. If the cherub is slain, the dance ends.
Cherubs prefer to dance their victims to room 75, if able.
*Dispel Magic will turn paintings back into people, but if the painting is destroyed,
so is the person.
2 A Moist, Wet, BLOODSKULL SWARM – A convulsing mass of blood-slicked skulls 2 remain,
Swarm of HD8 AC10 rolling
Bloodskulls Only takes 1 damage from non area of effect attacks. about the
It will roll after the party, seeking to grapple them and squeeze the life blood out of dungeon
them, dealing 1d6/rd. 2 targets may be grappled at a time.
3 A Pale, ever- -1 to party’s surprise roll. If party is not surprised, shadow thief will immediately Unique,
grinning flee. can be
creature with SHADOW THIEF – Teeth filed to a point. No nose or hair. Sharp black claws. found in
pale flesh and HD10 AC12 deals 2d6Dmg SPD15 room 79.
beady black May turn into shadow to squeeze through tight spaces
eyes Surprise attacks party, attempting to steal an individual's shadow before slipping
away. On hit, he will grab the target's shadow and run, tugging it away from them.
Will then spend the next action severing the shadow which reduces target’s
remaining Hp by half, removing their shadow. He will eat it the next round, gaining
the hp that the target lost.
Shadow-less creatures will be dealt 1d6dmg/rd by the sun, which cannot be
recovered until the affliction is resolved. They also have no reflection. A shadow
will dissipate if its owner dies. Cannot be remedied by remove curse.
Upon death, Shadow Thief will vomit many shadows which return to their
respective owners, and he will drop a ‘Shadow Key’ which releases the shadows in
room 78.
4 1d4 Tubular TUBE-HEAD 8 remain
Headed HD3 AC12 *Cannot attack normally
Creatures with Touch attack: Target must SvParalysis, else they will be stunned, as the Tube-Head
far too many wraps around the victim's head, draining their life force for 1d6/round, over-
Fangs healing itself. The victim must be removed by external force before they shrivel
like a raisin, dead.
5 A Shimmering MAGIC EATER - Floating shadowy serpent that glows with energy 3 remain
Magical HD3 AC15
Serpent that +8 to saves vs spells, heals 2d6 from harmful magic before taking damage.
Glides thru the Will wriggle past formations to attack the most magical people and grab their
Air magic items, then try to escape. Extra 2HD for grapples.
*Will hide in a secret spot as it digests the magic item over the course of a day. If
digestion successful, another magic eater will appear in the dungeon.

6 Something Create your own nightmare fuel! Use the below stat ranges to conjure a shadow Infinite.
Awful creature to terrify those hapless adventurers! Or just roll again... Source:
HD4 to 8, AC10 to 20, ATT#1 to 3, xtra1 to 3dmg portal in 26
You may roll for above stats to create a highly aggressive shadow monster.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort


Upon Death: Will explode for 2d6 fire damage.
*Oozes out fire oil on death, if it didn’t explode.
01: A heavily armored figure wielding a
greatsword paces back and forth in front of two
02a: The circular base of this column has several
large stone doors.
holes in it, around the circumference. It looks like
a spear or pole could fit inside.
Heavily Armored Figure – (This is an Armored
Oozeman, who will attack on sight. He will not
Holes – (If a pole is fit inside, a mechanism will
pursue targets far from the dungeon entrance.)
release, allowing the base of the column to be
rotated, sliding open the secret door on the west
Large Stone Doors – (Built of heavy stone,
side of the room. Inside is a pile of 1200gp, and
requires a successful strength check to push
10 gems worth 80gp each.)
open. Attempts may be repeated once per
round, only becoming problematic if the party is
02b: (This wall is hollow, and easy to break
fleeing. Door will swing shut once party has
through with a hammer or pick. $ - Inside is a pile
of 800gp and a potion of Flame Cloak: Grants a
cloak of flame for 1d6 turns, which deals 1d6 fire
ARMORED OOZEMAN – Wields a greatsword
damage to melee attackers, on hit or miss.)
HD2+2 AC17 xtra1Dmg
*Upon Death: will ooze out of armor, forming a
c: A statue of a smiling devilish creature, a stream
small dark pool.
of pungent fire oil pouring from his hand into a
basin beneath him.

02: Firebats attack immediately Fire Oil - (Party can fill 20 more fire flasks from
this statue).
As the stone door grinds open, three bloated
orange bats screech and begin flapping towards
02.1: Locked metal door. (Requires ‘Big Metal
Key’. No hinges are visible, and most lockpicks
Bats – (These 3 bats are ‘Bloated Firebats’. Once
are not strong enough to handle the complex
defeated, every time the adventurers return to
mechanism inside. Treat as -4 to lockpick checks
the room, there will be a 1/10 chance of there
on d6 skill roll.)
being a ‘Dire Bloated Firebat’ in the room. Once
slain, no more firebats will spawn here.)

BLOATED FIREBAT x 3 – A fat winged creature 02.2: A ghostly figure is pounding on the glass.
that has gorged itself on fire oil and transformed Beyond the window, you can see a stone bridge
into a flying orange blob. upon a column, perpendicular to you.
Hp1 AC12
Upon Death: 2/6 chance to explode for 1d6 fire Ghostly Figure – (If the glass is broken, the
damage. Window Specter will be released, and it is
*Oozes out fire oil on death, if it didn’t explode. hostile.)

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

HD3 AC14 SPD15
Insubstantial: Only harmed by magic and may 05: A skeleton rests beneath a glass panel in the
phase through solid objects. floor. In its hands is clutched a scroll.
On hit: deals 1d6 damage to maximum hp, so if
someone’s Max HP value is 8, it may be reduced Skeleton – (Just a normal, inanimate skeleton.)
to as low as 2.
*Will linger in the hallway, protecting it as its Glass – (Ordinary glass, can be broken easily.
territory. Causes a loud noise, which triggers a wandering
monster check.)

03: The south wall is lined with 2 shelves that Scroll – (Scroll is a trap. A person who reads it
hold two-dozen small gnome figurines. In their receives 2d6 fire damage; SvBurst for half
hands are various picks and hammers. (They are damage. Inflicts temporary blindness and facial
magical creatures. If one of them is smashed, or scars that damage charisma by 1d3. Scroll is
someone threatens them, they will come to life consumed when triggered.)
and attack.)

Gnome Figurines – (These are magical creatures. 06: The entire room is a pit, with a stone bridge
They each contain 10 coins, so if someone shakes held aloft by a round pillar in the center. The
one they’ll hear coinage jumbling inside. bridge is not physically connected to either
However, if one is smashed, or if someone entryway, . At the bottom of the 20' deep pit is
threatens to smash them, the Gnome Statues will black sludge.
come to life and attack.)
Stone Bridge – (This is a mechanism that can
GNOME STATUE x 24 rotate. Initially the bridge spans east-west, but if
Hp1 AC10 deal only 1dmg on hit. the wheel in room 34 is turned, the bridge can be
*Each gnome has 10gp bouncing around inside. set to face north/south.)\
If several gnomes are killed and the room is fled,
the gnomes will pile up the gold and guard it. Black Sludge – (A vicious, viscous creature with
an appetite. Will chow down on anyone who falls
into it.)
04: The air smells of fire oil, and there are 20 pots
on the floor. The floor is littered with the BLACK SLUDGE
skeletons of mice. HD10 AC12 SPD6, deals 2d6Dmg
If hit with fire, will explode dealing remaining hit
Pots – (Roll 1d20 for each pot’s contents. 3 pots points in damaging burst. SvBurst for half
are filled with 10 flasks worth of fire oil. 1 damage.
contains 500sp. 10 pots contain a poisonous and
aggressive Pot Snake.)
06a: A sturdy portcullis blocks this passage.
POT SNAKE (10 remain)
Hp1 AC13 SPD9 Portcullis – (Lifted by turning wheel 6.1, to the
On Hit: Deal 1 damage and target must SvPoison south; the wheel cannot lock in place. Otherwise,
or take 2damage/rd for 1d6 rounds. the portcullis is very heavy: a person gets a -10 to

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

strength check to open. Those who assist may incessantly from the fountain. The creature is
add their strength modifier to the roll.) surprisingly muscular.

Humanoid - (Humanoid cannot react to any party

07: The room is totally clean, no lose debris or action, including attacks. He is addicted to the
objects. The far wall has a great stone door, with fountain and cannot pull himself away.)
50 holes in its face. The stone floor in front of the
door is cracked, as if pounded with significant Fountain – (Magic Fountain than when drank,
force. grants 1 to a random stat, but must SvSpells.
(Penalty to saving throw is -1 per every time the
Stone Door - (Slightly magical; once all 50 holes person has drank from the fountain.) 1st failed
have some small object inside, the door will fall save: Drinker will begin to crave the fountain
outwards, revealing a small chamber beyond. liquid. 2nd failed save: Drinker becomes addicted,
Anyone who is in front of the door at this time and will not be able to leave the fountain’s side.
must SvBurst to avoid the 4d6 crushing damage If dragged away, they will lose 1Hp per turn,
dealt by the door.) unable to heal. Once they hit 0Hp, they become
comatose. Dispel Magic will remove the
(Once the door is opened): Behind the door is a affliction, but will damage the drinker’s stats
beautiful golden sculpture and 10 rubies. You've based on how severe their affliction is. A craver
never seen such shiny treasure, for it is clean, will lose 1 point for all stats. An addict will have
immaculate, and mysteriously floating in the air all stats lowered by 3. Someone comatose, 5.)
and moving towards you. The air reeks of oil.

Gold Sculpture & Rubies – (Gold sculpture worth 09: Two heavily armored figures spar in a small
7000gp intact, 700gp if melted by fire. Each of pit of sand with sword and shield. There are
the 10 rubies is worth 100gp.) weapon racks around the room, with old
decrepit weapons.
Mysterious Floating – (The treasure is contained
within the Flame Jelly Slime Cube, whose Armored Figures – (These are armored oozes
presence will be detected as soon as it attacks. It who are focused on their spar, but will
is somewhat stealthy, but once someone knows immediately attack the party as soon as they
its there, they have no trouble seeing it.) notice them being too loud or obnoxious.)

FLAME JELLY SLIME CUBE – Primarily attempts to Weapon Racks – (Primarily hooks drilled into wall
engulf and suffocate victims. Avoids fire. bricks. One such hook is attached to a loose
HD7 AC10 SPD6 brick, which if pulled out will reveal a piece of
Will attempt to engulf targets, and suffocate jewelry worth 500gp.)
them dealing 1d6/rd to those grappled.
If hit with fire, will explode in a fiery burst dealing ARMORED OOZE x 2 – Wield sword & shield
its remaining hit points in damage. SvBurst for HD2+2 AC19 SPD9
half damage. *Upon Death: The black ooze will seep out of the
armor, dead.

08: A rugged stone fountain dominates the

room. There is a small furry humanoid drinking

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

10: Three heavily armored figures sit at a long the locked gauntlet capability optional. Detect
table on benches, the table is set for dinner but magic is the ideal way to locate it, as otherwise it
there is no food. Their heads are face down on looks like an ordinary gauntlet.)
the plates. All three are wearing pieces of
jewelry worth 400gp each.
13: There is a stack of crates, upon which sits an
Armored Figures – (These armored oozemen will armored figure with a polearm. He tenses with
attack if party is loud or obnoxious. They wield hostile intent.
Armored Figure - (Will attack if the party does
Set – (One plate has a red color sign on the not immediately leave.)
bottom, and the first to see the sign must SvBurst
or be blinded by red ink for 1d6 turns.) Crates - (The crates contain basic adventuring
gear such as ropes or iron spikes. Each crate has
ARMORED OOZE x 3 – Wield Greatswords 5 items, and there are 8 crates. Underneath the
HD2+2 AC17 SPD9 xtra1Dmg crates is a locked metal panel.)
*Upon Death: The black ooze will seep out of the
armor, dead. Locked Metal Panel - (Requires ‘Tarnished Metal
Key’ to open. Inside is a sack of 1800gp, and 5
gems worth 100gp each.)
11: 6 worn cots line the walls of this room. 2
Heavily armored figures with swords & shields ARMORED OOZE
rest on two of the cots, motionless. HD2+2 AC17 SPD9 xtra1Dmg
*Upon Death: The black ooze will seep out of the
Armored Figures - (When the party walks halfway armor, dead.
into the room, the figures will sit up, and watch.
They attack if the party leaves room 12 with
stolen equipment.) 14: Heaps of scrap metal rest in the corners and
the area reeks of oil. In the middle is a scrap
Worn Cots - (One of the pillows has a ‘Tarnished heap that resembles a lizard, with 2 legs, a snout,
Metal Key’ inside for opening a metal panel in and a tail, all stitched and bolted together.
room 13.)
Lizard - (This is the Metal Fire Lizard. It is asleep,
ARMORED OOZE x 2 – Wield Sword & Shield and will awaken if players disturb its metal piles.)
HD2+2 AC19 SPD9
Upon Death: The black ooze will seep out of the METAL FIRE LIZARD
armor, dead. HD6 AC17 SPD15
Breath Attack: 1/encounter, cone of fire that
deals 1d6+1. Targets may save to take ½ damage.
12: A pile of armor pieces rests in the center of Prefers to attack targets who carry flammable
this room. All manner of plate and chain and material, such as fire oil or torches. When the
shields. creature eats fire oil, it will recharge its flame
breath attack.
Armor - (The only special item is a magical *Upon death, will ooze fire oil and black sludge.
gauntlet that increases Attack rolls by 1, and has Remove from wandering monster table.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

18: A large stone cauldron sits in the middle of

the room. A large pile of humanoid bones rests
15: Room reeks of oil, as there is many shattered in a corner. Two armored figures stand silently
flasks of fire oil on the ground. The ground is against the far wall, resting their hands on great-
mildly slick with oil. swords. At the base of the far wall is a small
hole, 6” in diameter.
Oil - (Can’t be scooped up into a flask, too little
present. However, the floor may be lit on fire). Armored Figures – (These armored ooze-men will
attack if the cauldron is threatened in some way.)

Stone Cauldron - (Stone cauldron reads as

16: The southern half of the room is filled with
magical, any organic substance placed within will
water, waist deep. At the bottom is a thick, black
make the vat glow red as it painlessly converts
sludge. The opposite door has a platform before
organics into a sentient black sludge. A character
it, and the far door on the right has no platform
will still be able to act, and be able to squeeze
through tight spaces, but they’ll be unable to
speak and their charisma will be reduced to 2.)
Black Sludge - (Walking on it will induce attacks
from the black sludge, which is a massive
Small Hole - (Hole is 10’ deep, and at the back are
creature who will aims to pull creatures
20 gems worth 100gp each.)
underwater and crush them to death. The water
blocks most ranged attacks.)
HD2+2 AC17 SPD9 xtra1Dmg
*Upon Death: The black ooze will seep out of the
HD8+20 AC12 SPD6
armor, dead.
Will grapple and drown/crush creatures that walk
on it, dealing 2d6 damage per round.

19: A stone laboratory overgrown with mould

and fungus. There are still a couple potions
17: A large copper disc is set into the floor, with
an image of flame set in grooves in the disc. The
stone surrounding the disc is scorched. An
Couple Potions – (Listed below are the potions
inanimate suit of armor lies crumpled against the
and what they do. However, it takes an alchemist
south wall.
to identify the effects.)
- Light Blue: Cure light wounds
Copper Disc - (The disc will flash with fire every
- Clear: Reverses the most recent damage.
10 minutes, dealing 2 damage to those nearby. If
- Red, Zappy: Drinker Polymorphs into a
fire oil is in the grooves at the time of the flash, a
weightless lightning lizard. Special 1/Enc ability
secret door will open in the northwest corner,
to blast lightning dealing their level x d6 damage
revealing some treasure.)
in a 20’ cone. SvBurst for half damage.
$ - (In the North-West cache, there is 400gp,
800sp, and a Magical Ring of Resist Fire, that
resists 1 fire damage per d6 of damage.) 20: (The Door to this room is Wizard Locked by a
7th level magic user.)
Cold mist seeps from under the door.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

22: 8 small fuzzy humanoid creatures are sitting

Door - (If opened, party must roll surprise with a - around a pile of rocks. They carry makeshift
1. Hostile Treasure Wraith will attack whomever spears. There is also a waist-high wall through the
has the most treasure, and once all treasure is middle of the courtyard, as well as 2 trees and a
acquired, it will flee, becoming a wandering dilapidated tower.
Rocks - (The top rock of the pile is magical.
TREASURE WRAITH - The Treasure Wraith will Bestows the wielder with +1 strength mod if held
demand the party’s valuables, attacking in both hands.)
whomever carries the most. Dropping treasure is
a great way to distract it. Fuzzy Humanoid – (These Furkin attack if they
HD5 AC14 SPD15 ATT#2 (one ‘finger’ attack and see someone enter the courtyard.)
one sword attack) xtra1Acc/Dmg.
Only harmed by fire, silver, or magic weapons. FURKIN x 8
Finger Attack: Will damage target’s max Hp total HD1/2 AC10 SPD9
by 1d6. Spears are tipped with a poison that puts those
Scream Attack: Those nearby who can hear, must who fail to sleep for 1d6 turns.
Save vs Paralysis or be frozen in fear for 1 rd.
$ - Carries Jewelry worth 3000gp initially. Will Trees - (Halfway up the larger tree to the north is
pick up more treasure as it goes, which may slow a hollow wherein is stashed 700gp, 8gems worth
it down. 50gp, and 1 jewelry worth 1000gp.)

21: The floor of this room is extremely dusty, the 22a: This sturdy metal door is locked with a
dust is a couple inches deep. There is a broom in padlock. A steel panel hangs from the handle,
the corner. engraved with a skull.

Dusty - (The dust appears self-replenishing. No Padlock – (There is no key, but several loud but
matter how much is swept, it'll just keep strong strikes should break it. Roll wandering
reappearing. This is because an enchanted monster check.)

Broom - (The broom is magic and grants flight 23: This is a 4-story ruined tower.
spd12 when mounted. Can also be loaded with
cargo and tugged along. Broom can only carry up Tower - (Floors 1 thru 3 have nothing but rubbish
to 15 stones, so a typical person +5 stones.) and rubble, but a blue dragon roosts at the top,
along with his treasure hoard. When a person
(If somehow the dust is swept totally aside, there wanders in, Sor’Ves the Blue dragon will kindly
is a floor grate, under which is an emerald worth ask for a piece of that person’s wealth. He may
500gp. Problem is, the emerald is cursed to spew be willing to cut a deal for more wealth, but if
dust everywhere so it's pretty worthless until the angered will demand more, even to the point of
curse is removed.) demanding the clothes off a person’s back.)

Deal – (If the players present him with treasure

totaling 2500gp or more, he will belch out a

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

water elemental that will serve them until it is a witch on a broom with a repeating crossbow in
destroyed. Only one can serve at a time.) each hand, pelting peasants and their chickens in
the fields below.
Treasure Hoard – (25,000gp, 200 gems worth
50gp each, and 80 gems worth 125gp each.) Mural – (Holds the Witch of the Mural captive.
Lighting the oil or fire, or striking the mural with a
SOR’VES THE BLUE DRAGON hammer will destroy it, as it shatters backwards
HD15 AC17 SPD15 ATT#3 xtra2Dmg into the courtyard. The sky will momentarily
As a full round action, may belch out a Water darken, and great heinous laughter will boom
Elemental to aid him in combat. out. The magic broom or room 21 will disappear,
as the witch will use it to fly through the skies,
WATER ELEMENTAL – It’s more slappy than attacking peasants and others with her repeating
drowny. crossbows. If the broom has already been
HD5 AC12 removed from the dungeon, her reign of terror
will be flightless.)

24: Before you are 8 pits, 4 along each wall. If you WITCH OF THE MURAL - Pure evil, murderous,
look inside, they descend into darkness, and and unwilling to negotiate.
appear to have no bottom. HD7 AC14 SPD15(While on broom) ATT#4
Pits - (Each turn there is a 50% chance for an If struck while riding the broom, she must save or
Ethereal Skull to fly out of a pit, and chase a fall off.
player until it collides with them. When an item Repeating Crossbows: The source of her ATT#, as
is dropped into a pit, it will appear to fall each crossbow has 2 shots and deals 1xtradmg
endlessly before fading from view, and there’s a per round. *They can be looted afterwards, but
50% chance an Ethereal Skull will pop out. A they can be broken or lost.
dispel magic can dispel the pits, revealing them to
be just 20’ deep whereas before they seemed
bottomless. Items dropped in before can be 25.1: A face with an open mouth, 2 citrines
retrieved this way.) worth 200gp as eyes.

ETHEREAL SKULL Face - (If anyone approaches within 15’ in front of

Hp1 AC12 the face, a ball will launch out of the mouth,
Only hurt by magic, holy water, or silver attacking as an HD5 creature, dealing 1d6
weapons. damage. It is a golden ball, likely worth 50gp.
Will explode on successful attack for 1d6 magic However, after 3 turns, the ball will explode for
damage, dealing 1 splash damage to surrounding 1d6+2 fire damage in a small area.)

a: Portcullis - (Requires standard strength check 26: Three runed-pyramidal black stones face a
to open. Falls shut when released.) shallow pool of slowly swirling pale purple liquid.
The shadows in this room feel much stronger.

25: The back wall has oil dripping down a mural Black Stones – (Touching flesh one of these
of a man screaming fire into the sky. In the sky is obelisks will drain 1d6hp, and temporarily

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

activate the shadow portal, summoning a Pool - (This is a shadow gate to a corrupted realm
creature from the table below. Roll a d6 on the that contains dark and twisted monsters. If
following table to determine what is pulled someone is standing in the pool when a stone is
through the portal.) touched, they will fall into a dark and terrifying
world of nightmare.)

# Monster Description
HD8 AC10 Takes 1 damage from non-aoe attacks.
It will roll after the party, seeking to grapple them and squeeze the life blood out of them, dealing 1d6/rd. 2 targets
may be grappled at a time.
HD3 AC12 *special attack
Touch attack: Target must SvParalysis: If target fails, they will be stunned, as the Tube-Head wraps around the
victim's head, draining their life force for 1d6/round, over-healing itself. The victim must be removed by external
force before they shrivel like a raisin, dead.
3 SHUCK – A shadowy hound with red eyes
HD2 AC 10 It cannot be harmed, except by remove curse, dispel evil, or a divine weapon.
Will fix its eyes upon a target who must save to look away, or curse them giving them a -4 to all d20 rolls, and
increasing damage they take from all sources by 2.
HD3 AC12, Only harmed by magic weapons. Will do the bidding of the summoner, but if the summoner fails to
give it a task for a full day, it will attack the summoner until given a task.
5 MAGIC EATER x 3 - Floating shadowy serpent that glows with energy
HD3 AC15
+8 to saves vs spells, heals 2d6 from harmful magic before taking damage.
Will wriggle past formations to attack the most magical people and grab their magic items, then try to escape. Extra
2HD for grapples.
*Will hide in a secret spot as it digests the magic item over the course of a day. If digestion successful, another
magic eater will appear in the dungeon.
6 Roll a d4 on Table on Next Page

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

HD5 AC15
A blank disc will appear, standing upright and hovering in the air. It will lance out, stealing a facial feature on
successful attack before retreating. It will attempt to stalk the party, laying ambush to steal yet more features. It
starts out blind until it gets eyes. Once it fills out its facial features, it will vanish, never to be seen again. Requires 1
nose, 2 eyes, a mouth, and 2 ears.
*If slain, will drop a shadow gem worth 2000gp. Body parts can be recovered, but can they be reattached?
2 SOUL EATER - A massive, black leather-skinned hulk with a gaping gullet that holds many corpses that writhe with
angry spirits.
HD15 AC16 ATT#2*special
Bite Attack: Will also grapple, dealing 1d6/rd automatically. While grappled, Spirit Attack will hit automatically.
Spirit Attack: Spirits lash out, draining 1d6 max HP
The bodies of slain enemies will be dragged inside and added to the mass of flesh.
*Will drop shadow gem worth 2000gp upon death.
HD12 AC18 SPD15 ATT#* xtra2Dmg
Only harmed by silver/magic weapons and effects.
Horn attack strikes 2 targets.
Claw attack strikes 1 target for 2d6 damage. *Will drop shadow gem worth 2000gp upon death.
4 HEART THIEF x 12 Vaguely humanoid shadow with long ethereal arms.
HD4 AC14
Only harmed by silver/magic weapons & effects.
On Crit, target must SvDeath or their heart will be torn from their chest, without leaving a hole, resulting in instant

27: As soon as the door opens, an extremely 29: Every 10’ wall segment has a door. They are
muscular green arm reaches from a hole in the all identical.
floor, grabbing and slamming the door shut. It
does not appear to want anyone passing through Door - (Any door that only appears in this room
its tiny room. and not an adjacent room is a False Door, which
will slam the ground trying to smash the opener.
GREEN ARM - Does not allow passage through The False Door will then waddle after the
the room. creature in an attempt to kill it.)
HD5 (HD15+15 for grapple rolls) AC12 SPD0
xtra5Dmg. FALSE DOOR (7 total, but only attack 1 at a time
per interaction.)
HD3+3 AC13 SPD6
28: There is a full water basin upside down on
the ceiling. $ - (The middle of the east wall has a cache
carved out with a small golden gem-encrusted
Water – (The water and the basin have reversed statue worth 2000gp.)
gravity. If a creature drinks the water from this
basin, their gravity will be reversed for 1d6 turns;
on a roll of 6, roll again and add to the duration. 30: (North-East Angry Metal Door is a hostile
30 doses remain.) entity that will smack anyone who tries to pass
through it. After its first attack, it will flip
Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

around angrily, calming down once the party 32: There are 2 beds in this room. Each of them
leaves. This door will slowly fill the room with has an armor mannequin upon it. Each has 2
blue mist. Dispel Magic will disenchant the rings and a necklace, each of the 6 jewelry pieces
door.) is worth 200gp.

A blue mist spews from behind the door as it is Armor Mannequin - (Attempts to remove jewelry
cracked open. will result in a surprise, as the Armor
Mannequins smack their greedy hands away and
Blue Mist - (Creatures who breathe it in must hop out of the room with a bout of muffled
SvSpells. The mist does nothing, but seems scary. yelling.)
The room can air out, with the blue mist
dissipating into the next room. The room is Beds - (Inside the left mattress is a sack of 15
otherwise empty.) copper coins emblazoned with a fire icon that
explode for 1d6 damage each when thrown.
ANGRY METAL DOOR Multiple may be thrown at once.)
HD8 AC23 xtra2dmg.
HD2 AC13 SPD15
31: There is a potted plant in the center of the More likely to surprise party, -1 to party surprise
room. roll.
Prefer to strike on a surprise round and retreat
Potted Plant - (If approached near, it will shake rather than fight a prolonged engagement.
violently as it begins to covertly cast ‘charm
person’. It will cast the spell repeatedly each
round until everyone is under its thrall, at which 33: The walls and ceiling are covered with vines,
point the adventurers will be forced to adventure and there is a small waterfall pouring out of a
in its name, the almighty Hedgemon. It has HD1 stone basin surrounded by lush shrubberies. The
AC5, making it vulnerable to attacks.) room is lit by a green glow. In the back of the
room, where the foliage is the most dense, is an
(Hedgemon prefers to be transplanted onyx obelisk inset with a series of radiant green
somewhere nice and fertile, where it will spread gems.
its leafy domain charming all who come near,
sprouting beautiful flowers and granting blessings Green Glow - (The room has a calming effect.
to its champions.) Creatures must save vs paralysis in order to make
an attack, as the entire room is under a
HEDGEMON – A potted plant, master of the ‘sanctuary’ spell.)
HD1 AC5 Onyx Obelisk - (If the obelisk is broken from the
Can cast ‘charm person’ once per round, target floor to which it is attached, the plants here will
must SvSpells or be charmed to do Hedgemon’s wilt and die. The room will lose the sanctuary
bidding, so long as requests aren’t suicidal or effect, and the obelisk will cease to be magical.
unthinkable. The spellcast is only telegraphed by The Onyx Obelisk is worth 4000gp as art as a
the shaking. complete object. If gems removed, there are 20
and they are worth 80gp each.)

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

34: Door is locked (requires ‘Blue-Bear Key’, but 36: There is a sword stuck blade-first into a
can be lock-picked normally.) pedestal. Upon the pedestal it says, "Speak with
noble intent.”
There are a couple large cages and a table. In the
cages are 3 humans, each naked and Sword - (+1/+1 sword, deals extra 1d6 damage to
unconscious. On the table are some broken blow notably evil targets. The sword will not budge
guns, and 4 darts tips with a mysterious from the magical stone, except for one who
substance. There is a wheel attached to the wall declares that they will take up the sword to
that looks like it can be twisted. There are destroy evil. That said, if they slay innocent or
sheddings of blue fur scattered about the room. particularly "good" entities, the sword will
become too heavy for them to bear, crashing to
Humans - (The naked humans will be somewhat the ground with enough force to crack flagstones,
feral, but will not attack on sight. They can be and there it will remain until picked up again by a
brought back to town and rehabilitated into righteous warrior. If too much time passes, it will
highly loyal retainers, as they were once fade and return to this pedestal.)

Substance – (These darts are tipped with a sleep 37: A grey stone figure of a knight with 1 arm and
poison; targets struck must SvPoison or fall half its head missing levels a blade at you and
asleep for 1d6 turns.) prepares to attack!

Wheel – (Turning this wheel will rotate the bridge Grey Stone Figure - (Will attack until party
in room 6; this wheel may be locked in place.) retreats from room, where it will stand vigil for
reasons unknown.)

35: Door is locked (requires ‘Blue-Bear Key’, but GREY GUARDIAN

can be lock-picked normally.) HD4 AC20 xtra1Dmg

There are four naked humans, collared & chained

to four stone obelisks. They begin to growl at 38: In the corner is a basin, with a golden ring
you in feral fashion. around the upper lip. It is filled with slick, wet,
red blood.
Humans - (If party gets too close, these Feral
Humans will attack). Basin - (If someone approaches, a little blood
demon will pop out and chime "Mmmmm Make a
Obelisks - (Twisting the Southeast obelisk will wish, chaps! A ... lesser wish! Yehehehehahah." If
open the secret door, which can also be pushed a person makes a wish, their words will be
open from the other side.) twisted as much as possible to turn the wish into
something harmful. Only 1 wish per person.
FERAL HUMAN x 4 - Lashes out with small shivs
in both hands, while spitting phlegm from their Golden Ring – (It is worth 500gp worth of solid
foaming mouths. gold, but the blood and demon will disappear,
HD1 AC10 along with any items wished into being, or lives

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

42: A bipedal lizard creature is in here, gnawing

on the corpse of a kobold. The room is smattered
39: Roll for surprise with blood, floor walls and ceiling.

(An old man, jittering with panic, has a crossbow Lizard - (It's a bloodthirsty Werelizard. If the
leveled at the door, and will fire at the first one party doesn’t immediately leave, it will turn
in. He can speak little more than Gibberish. The around, dropping the kobold, and attack.)
room is filthy.)
HD1 AC10 xtra1Dmg Lycanthropy: If someone is damaged to the point
that they roll on death’s door and live, they will
become a werelizard lycanthrope in 2d6 days. 2
days before turning, the character will come
40: A bejeweled, golden serpent slithers out from
down with an intense fever and feral urges. A
a pile of gold and silver coins.
cure disease spell can work before they turn, but
after they become a werelizard for the first time,
Golden Serpent - (It is immediately hostile.
it cannot be cured by most means.)
Worth 5000gp alive, 1,500gp dead.)

HD3 AC12 43: A ring of purple metal hangs from a string.
Bonus HD2 for grapples
Poisonous Bite: SvPoison or take 1d6 damage for Ring - (The purple ring is cursed. The wearer and
1d3 rounds. Each point of damage is bled out as everything they carry will have reversed gravity,
a gold piece. and the ring cannot be removed without a
‘remove curse’ or ‘dispel evil’ spells, which will
Pile - (1200gp and 900sp.) also destroy the ring.)

41: Southern door is made of stone, scorch 44: 8 Kobolds are standing here, their attention
marks can be seen beneath it. (Opening door pointed towards the South-Eastern door, their
will trigger the statue’s attack.) spears raised.

A small statue of an angry dwarf with a runed Kobolds - (Will be easy to surprise, with a -2 to
crown stares down the southern door. The floor their surprise roll. They will be startled by the
in-between is scorched by fire. group, roll morale to determine whether or not
they attack the party. They may demand to know
Statue – (Spews 2d6 fire damage as SvBurst where their friend Pokeri went. Spoilers: he got
attack, 15’ range. Triggers when there is motion eaten by the werelizard in room 42.)
in front of the statue. Takes 1 hour to recharge.
Statue may be picked up and moved around, or KOBOLD x 8
sold for 2000gp to the right buyer.) Hp1 AC10

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

45: There are two crates.

Crate 1 - (Crate on the left is rigged with a poison 47: A red light glows from under the door.
dart trap which causes the afflicted to remove
their clothes, scream, and sprint in a random Inside is a small grove of glowing red
direction through the dungeon for 1d6 turns, mushrooms, and you can hear the chanting of
attracting all kinds of attention. The crate spells.
contains assorted useless trinkets, as well as a
book that contains the knowledge to create basic Mushrooms - (Any alchemist will recognize that
poisons, granting the skill ‘Journeyman Alchemy’. the mushrooms are potent alchemical reagents,
Takes 1 week to read.) 80 of which are worth 25gp each.)

Crate 2 - (The crate on right has a poison dart Spells - (5 tiny, 5 inch-tall men with beards and
trap that causes wearer to go into fetal position pointy hats are casting offensive spells to defend
and wail loudly for 1d6 turns.) Inside the crate is their mushroom crop!)
a puzzlebox! (Toss a rubix cube to your player. If
you don’t have a rubix cube, you may require an TINY CONJURER x 5
int check with a -3.) Hp1 AC18 SPD12
Casts spells as 3rd level magic user.
Puzzlebox - (Inside the puzzle box is an incredible
piece of jewelry worth 5000gp. It will be reduced
to 1/10th its value if the puzzle box is busted
48: Three armored oozemen are in the room, and
open, damaging the jewelry.)
they are hostile! (Both parties must roll

46: Two gears are sticking out of the north wall, ARMORED OOZEMAN x 3 Wield poisoned
one in each corner. They look like they can be longswords
turned. The floor is wet, and occasionally a drip HD2 AC17 xtra1Dmg
of water falls from the ceiling. Poisonous strike: SvPoison or target endures
Paralysis for 1d3 turns.
Gears - (Turning the left gear will raise a wall *Will ooze out of armor upon death.
revealing a secret chamber behind a portcullis,
and turning the right gear will raise the portcullis
that blocks entry to the secret chamber.
49: There is a firepit in middle of the room that
However, both gears will also slowly open a
burns low, on the verge of extinguishing.
floodgate in the ceiling that lets water into the
room, which will slam the doors shut. Spinning
Firepit – (The fire is actually a magical creature,
the gears back will close the floodgate, but not
and will never burn out. Feeding the fire
before too much water gets in and potentially
sufficiently will awaken the dormant flame djinni,
drowns someone. Drowning creatures take
who will immediately issue demands.)
1d6/rd. The solution is to wedge the doors
Demand 1 – (He demands a sacrifice of no less
than 10 beds. He emblazons a person with a mark
Secret Chamber – (Contains a pile of 1400gp, and
of flame, telling them they will combust within 1
2 jewelry worth 500gp each.)
days’ time should they not fulfill his demand.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

SvSpells with -4. He will attempt additional mark 51: There is a stack of 8 beds... and there is a
emblazons each round. Upon completion, the ninth bed, being eaten by a large scaled Glutton
mark of flame will vanish, and he will issue his creature with 5 horns and 8 eyes... It chomps
second demand.) through the bed in several bites, before turning
Demand 2 - (The flame djinni emblazons another its attention to you. (Hostile and hungry!)
character, and demands 5 stones worth of a blue
bear's fur. Upon completion, the mark of flame GLUTTON
will vanish, and he will issue his third demand.) HD6 AC14 SPD9
Bite attack, will grapple on hit and continue to
Demand 3 - (As his third demand, he requires chew its prey. Grappled targets have -4 AC.
‘The Bottled Breath of a Dragon’. He supplies the Multiple creatures can be grappled at once and
magical vessel with which to capture the breath. must individually succeed to escape.
Upon completion, the mark of flame will be If the glutton kills someone and swallows them, it
removed, and he will grant the party their just will heal for ½ that person’s max HP.

Reward - (50 diamonds glimmering with inner 52: 5 motionless skeletons sit around a square
fire worth 400gp each. He will then rise up from table. On the table is a grid, with small
his hearth, and make himself a temple atop a miniatures of adventurers and monsters.
nearby mountain, devoted to the Flame God
Yaka.) Miniatures - (9 figurines of expert make, worth
50gp each.)
HD8 AC15 ATT#3 Harmed by ice or magical How I felt hosting games that involved
effects, but can only be killed by ice magic. battlemaps and individual initiative rolls.
Deals 1d6 fire damage to any melee attacker.

53: The room is barren, except that the north

50: There is a recently used sleeping roll in this wall is a mirror.
Mirror – (Not a mirror at all. It’s just a glass pane
Sleeping Roll – (Belongs to the invisible behind which 4 Doppelgangers are standing,
Lizardman in the room. Underneath it is a small ready to mimic the party. However, since there is
pouch of 26 silver pieces.) only 4, only up to 4 people will be reflected by
the “mirror”. The opposite door is rigged to
Lizardman - (There is an invisible lizardman in the mimic the motion of the entry doorway. When
room, who is waiting eagerly for the party to the mirror is broken, and the reflections do not
leave. Magically invisible, but does not know any disappear, much confusion may ensue. Any
spells. Will attack if threatened, losing the mention of the reflections being doppelgangers
invisibility but he prefers to stay out of trouble.) will cause them to attack.)

LIZARDMAN - Wields a spear and shield.

HD4 AC14 ATT#2 xtra1Dmg

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

HD3 AC12
Will attempt to infiltrate the party by killing their 57: A great pile of corpses, refuse, broken
match, and proceed to kill the party one by one equipment, and more.
should the opportunity arise.
More - (A ‘detect magic’ spell will detect a metal
53a: (The opposite door leads to a small room serpent ring that regenerates health 1/turn. Also
with 800gp and a fancy silver mirror. The silver detected is a Small Elaborate Sword worth 40gp
mirror is a magical mirror that when you look as art which glows green when goblins are near.
into it, you see yourself outside the dungeon Has no bonuses, but counts as a magic weapon to
entrance. This is a mirror of recall. Can work on a damage incorporeal creatures and other non-
group, but everyone must be holding it, which magic resistant targets.)
can get tricky. Can sell as an art piece for 400gp.)

58: A golden, shining, ghostly kitten slurps from a

54: 8 lidded pots. small pan of milk. It looks up at the party and
Pots - (Inside each is about 15 firebombs worth of
fire oil, so 120 overall. 120 remain.) Kitten - (If approached, it will flee in a direction at
SPD12. If the party manages to corner and
capture it, it will turn into a lifelike golden
55: A small wooden puppet-dummy sits on a figurine of a kitten, worth 2000gp.)
chair in the corner. You can feel heat radiating
off of it. Milk - (If someone drinks the milk they must
SvSpells or ‘Polymorph’ into a yellow kitten.)
Puppet - (Using it gives the wielder the ability to
cast a 5d6dmg fireball that explodes in a 10’
radius area within 100’. The dummy can only 59: A pair of legs walks about this room, bumping
launch this attack once, before it lights on fire into various walls. The part where the torso is
and burns away. Only worth 10gp if attempts are missing is a completely clean cut, but no bodily
made to sell it.) fluids are leaking out, except in the crotch area
because the legs appear to have wet themselves.
There is also a framed picture of a person
56: A vicious creature, with the head of an eagle, sleeping on a desk, with a ghost wrapping its
body of a bear, with webbed, clawed feet. It roars hands around the person's head.
with fury at your intrusion!
Legs - (These are the legs of the poor man in
UNINVITED GUEST – Head of an eagle, body of a room 65. If touched, he will harmlessly kick out
bear, with webbed, clawed feat. trying to defend himself.)
HD8 AC14 ATT#3 xtra3Dmg
Life Drain: Attacks heal the Uninvited Guest for
the damage they deal. Picture - (There is nothing behind it. Picture is
Web attack: As a full round action, may spew worth 50gp as art.)
webs in a cone. Those afflicted must SvParalysis
or be stunned for 1d3 rounds.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

60: It’s a Kobold nest! 18 Angry kobolds with

short spears. The nest consists of many torn
cushions and other soft materials. The back of the 62: (If the two Blue Bears were not attracted by
room has a great wheel, which looks like it can be the throne trap in room 62, they will be in here,
turned. unaware.)

Nest - (There are 24 baby kobolds wrapped up in The room has a few boxes of supplies, and some
the blankets. There are also small pouches that treats in the form of sugar-coated meat cubes.
contain 600sp total.) There is also a small totem in the back corner,
next to a lever.
Kobolds - (Will warn party to leave before
attacking.) Boxes – (The supplies are simple things like vials
and small tools, satchels and salt. Nothing of
Wheel – (Can be turned and locked into place. value or utility to adventurers.)
Operates the two portculli to the northeast and
southeast of this room.) Totem – (Shaped like a small bear, with a
pawprint on its head. If a bear paw is placed upon
KOBOLD x 18 the totem’s head, the room’s secret door will
Hp1 AC10 slide open. Non-bear hands will be pushed away
by an unseen force. Secret door may be pushed
open from the other side.)
61: At the far end of the room is a throne,
wrought from silver and studded with precious Lever - (Lever releases throne trap in room 61.)
Throne - (Upon close inspection, there are many HD4 AC18 ATT#2 xtra2Dmg in melee
holes around the throne with metal pole inserts. Poison Dart Attack: Full round action, afflicted will
When someone sits in the throne, a pressure fall asleep for 1d6 turns.
plate beneath the throne will activate and the Prefer to use poisonous sleep darts to capture
metal poles will slide up, trapping the person on humans.
the throne. Afterwards, 2 blue bears will walk If threatened, they will use melee.
out of room 62 to collect their catch, fighting off Each bear carries a ‘Blue-Bear Key’
others if necessary. Silver throne looks to be Wears plate armor and a Tam hat. Its body is
worth 2500gp, but weighs 20 stones.) covered with blue fur.

BLUE BEAR (2 from room 62) - Wears plate The sugared meat cubes are treats for humans,
armor and a Tam hat. Its body is covered with crafted from human flesh.
blue fur.
HD4 AC18 ATT#2 xtra2Dmg in melee
Poison Dart Attack: Full round action, afflicted will 63: There are several small crates in here.
fall asleep for 1d6 turns.
Prefer to use poisonous sleep darts to capture Crates - (One contains human noses. Another
humans. contains human scalps. Another is a box of
If threatened, they will use melee. testicles. Another contains kobold whiskers.
*Each bear carries a ‘Blue-Bear Key’ Another contains glass jars of black sludge that

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

wriggles. Another has all sorts of meats,

packaged and dried.) Totem - (Shaped like a small bear, with a
pawprint on its head. If a bear paw is placed upon
Black Sludge – (It’s animate and alive, but mostly the totem’s head, the western secret door will
harmless.) slide open. Non-bear hands will be pushed away
by an unseen force. Secret door may be pushed
open from the other side.)
64: This looks like a butcher’s workshop; corpses
of several humans and kobolds rest on some Effigies - (The south-most of the 6 effigies, if
tables, hides cut away and chunks carved from pulled down, will raise the southwestern secret
their flesh. From the walls hang the tools of a door, leaking a toxic sleeping gas into the room
butcher. that does 1d3 damage each turn for 1d6 turns
while the afflicted is put to sleep. Inside the
secret room is an enormous pile of 12,000sp.)
65: The upper half of a man is hanging from a
Bears - (Will drop Big Metal Key upon death if it
rope tied to a ceiling hook. His mouth is gagged,
has not been found already.)
his arms are tied, and he is alive. The bottom of
his torso is a clean cut, but no bodily fluids are
BLUE BEAR x 2 - Wears plate armor and a Tam
pouring out. There are also 3 barrels in a corner.
hat. Its body is covered with blue fur.
HD4 AC18 ATT#2 xtra2Dmg in melee
Man - (Once able to speak, the man will ask the
Poison Dart Attack: Full round action, afflicted will
party to find his lower half; it was lost
fall asleep for 1d6 turns.
somewhere in the dungeon! Promises to pay
Prefer to use poisonous sleep darts to capture
them all he can upon return to town, which is
sadly, just 56gp: his life savings. However, he will
If threatened, they will use melee.
become a loyal retainer. Name is Alberto, the
*Each bear carries a ‘Blue-Bear Key’
blue bears test new poisons on him. Lower half
can be rejoined by mashing them together.)

Barrels - (There are three barrels, one has 12 67: The dominating feature of this room is a
blowguns in it, another contains water, and writhing mass of bodies, seemingly fused
another holds flasks of liquids.) together, with the faces and eyes sunken in. A
large face of congealed flesh moans out: "You
Liquids – (20 doses of sleep poison: SvPoison or should not be here!!"
Sleep for 1d6 turns. 4 doses of paralysis poison:
SvPoison with -2, or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.) Writhing Mass of Bodies - (In order to pass
through the room, the party would have to risk
attacks on every other person as the writhing
mass reaches out to grab them and kill them.)
66: Two more blue bears are camping in this
room, and look both surprised and angry at your

Northern exit is barricaded by spikes. There is a

fire pit, a bear totem and six hanging effigies
made from the bones of lizard-men.

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

WRITHING MASS the caster as a 1/2 of afflicted's HD and AC12

HD8+15 AC10 ATT#5 creature. Afflicted will take 1d6/round if in direct
When struck by melee, attacker must roll a saving sunlight, which cannot be healed until curse is
throw, or have their weapons ripped from their lifted. Caster may return the shadow anytime,
hands and absorbed by the writhing mass. but if the target dies, the shadow will fade.
*Once slain, a shadow gem worth 2000gp can be
found amidst the corpse. Purple Flames – (Magical Fire that may be
dispelled. Will alight flammable objects with
normal, red-orange fire.)
68: (North Door is a Heavy Steel Door - Requires
a strength check with a -2 to open as they must
fight its tendency to swing shut.) 70: This dark room is packed full of thick spider
webs, a funnel the size of a man creates a path
In the center of the room is a thick round statue through it. Smaller funnels branch off from the
of an exaggerated soldier who carries a spear and main path.
a shield, made entirely of diorite. Its features are
fused such that there is no open air between its Smaller Funnels (Down some of the smaller
limbs and body, a stonecutter’s strategy to grant tunnels can be seen the glittering of gold. Once
the statue increased durability. Sticking out from someone attempts to crawl or reach down one of
under the statue’s round base is an enormous these side funnels, 8 Shadow Spiders will attack
blood-smear that appears to have burst outwards the party. There is 500gp total scattered across
from the bottom. A slight glimmer can be seen the various funnels.)
from the statue’s eyes.
Statue - (If approached, the eyes will open to HD1 AC19 SPD15
reveal 2 shadow gems worth 2000gp each, and Phase Venom: Those who fail a SvSpells will
the statue becomes hostile.) phase out of reality for 1d6 rounds, where they
will be unable to perform actions, but also be
DIORITE HOPPING STATUE safe from attacks.
HD8 AC22 SPD9 deals 4d6Dmg on hit
Kills by hopping & squashing.
71: There are 4 faces in this room, 2 on the north
wall, 2 on the south wall. Each of them appear to
69: Upon a slab is a tome wrapped in shadows. It be sad, their mouths open, their eyes hollow and
is flanked by two free-floating purple flames. empty.

Tome - (The tome has two spells in it); Faces - (Placing gold/gem into any of them will
2nd lvl spell: ‘Summon Lesser Shadow’: make that face happy, and the other faces angry.
Summons a hostile shadow at target location Every face given wealth will make it happy, but
within 90', which will berserk and attack anything remaining ungifted faces even angrier. If one face
near it. Takes half damage in dark or dim light, is left out until the end, it will remain angry even
but may be damaged normally in bright light. if given treasure. Other faces will revert to angry
Lesser shadow has HD4 AC12. if their wealth is taken, or sad if all wealth is
4th lvl spell: ‘Shadow Tear’: Target must Save vs taken, but that one angry face shall be forever
Spells, or their shadow is torn away and obeys angry. The status of these faces reflects that

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

statue of the faces in room 73, as they are the point of corruption. If any resist, his calm
same faces. Once the horned shadow demon in demeanor will quickly turn to one of rage and he
room 73 is defeated, the faces will vanish along will attack. Will not pursue enemies beyond
with the treasure they were given.) room 72.)

Faces - (These correspond to the faces in room

72: (Door is trapped: Opening the door releases 71. The happy faces will attack the demon as an
a counterweight which causes a spike ram to HD5 creature with a firebolt each round for 1d6
impale whoever stands in front of the door for damage. They may also heal their allies for 1d6
3d6 damage. Attacks as HD12 creature.) Hp by issuing forth a curative breeze. Angry faces
will assist the demon.)
There are two relief sculptures on the walls of
snarling gnolls, one on the left and one on the Onyx Throne – (Underneath is a lever which
right. (Pit Trap) There are waist-high slits in the opens the eastern secret door. Onyx Throne is
far left & right walls just before the opposite worth 4000gp but weighs 20stones.)
Snarling Gnolls - (1 on each side of pit trap. HD15 AC18 SPD15 ATT#3 xtra2Dmg Only harmed
Activated by trip wire directly in front of relief by holy, silver, and magic weapons/effects
sculpture, which causes a spike to thrust out of Life Drain: Attacks will heal the demon for ½ of
their mouth for 2d6 damage, attacks as HD10). damage dealt.
Corruptive Strike: on hit, targets must
Pit Trap – (Beyond the snarling gnolls. Middle SvCorruption or gain a point of corruption.
segment of hall hides a 30'deep spiked pit trap. It *Upon death, will drop a shadow gem worth
can be detected if someone looks for a small tell- 4000gp.
tale gap in the floor. Activates when the false
floor is stepped upon, or 10 pounds of force are
placed upon it. Spikes deals 3d6 damage, plus fall 74: Three beautiful marble chests sit in the room.
damage. Spikes attacks as HD15 creature.) (Each marble chest is worth 600gp alone, for
their beautiful construction.)
Waist-High Slits - (Trap activates when door
handle is pulled. 2 blades swing from the wall Marble Chest 1 – (Contains 8000gp.)
slits. Two attacks, each deals 2d6 damage and
attack as HD10 creature.) Marble Chest 2 – (Contains 3 potions, a Magical
Amulet, and 50 gems worth 50gp each.)

73: A massive horned shadow demon sits upon Marble Chest 3 – (Holds a solid brick of electrum
an Onyx throne. It grins with black teeth and that fills the chest, worth 4000gp. At the heart
beckons you forward. Along the walls are four of the brick is a massive ruby worth 5000gp,
faces, 2 north and 2 south, the same ones you which is not likely to be found.)
saw previously.
Shadow Demon - (The demon is willing to allow Small Flask full of Dark Mist - (Shadow Walking
the party to leave if they accept his “blessing”. for 1d6 turns: Drinker becomes a shadow, and is
They must each allow the demon to grant them 1 impossible to track within other shadows.)

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

Dark Red - (Troll's Blood potion: Regenerate 4

damage per round for 2d6 rounds.) 76: There is a dark lapis stool, inscribed with a
Orange, hot to the touch - (Fireball Potion: Grants sequence of images.
imbiber ability to cough out a 5d6 damage
magical fireball. They will explode for 8d6 if they Sequence of Images - (The sequence shows a
hold it in for more than 3 rounds.) person sitting, becoming pregnant, and then
shadows leaping out of them and consuming
Magic Amulet - (Linked segments of black metal them.)
with a black eye inset with amber, grants the
wearer magical darkvision, able to see through Dark Lapis Stool – (Looks to be worth 800gp if
natural darkness, and through up to 10th lvl the curse is removed. If a person sits on the stool,
magical darkness. May be sold for 1000gp as they must SvSpells, or their gut will rapidly
jewelry.) distend, as they are injected with shadow
creatures. After 1d6 days, anytime during that
day, 5 HD1 shadow creatures will leap out,
75: There are 6 beautiful paintings on the walls dealing 1d6 damage each to the birther, and
here of various adventurers in fantastic dancing attack everything in sight except for the birther,
poses, but their faces are fearful or angry; one is unless said birther also attacks them. That is if the
frothing at the mouth. (If players spend more birther even survived.)
than 1 minute in this room, they will hear a
"teehee" from behind them, and the little pitter
patters of small feet, as six dark cherubs will 77: This room is totally dark, you cannot see the
arrive. Roll surprise.) ceiling, the floor, or the walls. You hear the faint
sound of distant, deep laughing.
Beautiful Paintings - (Casting dispel magic on a
painting will release a trapped adventurer. They Dark - (Items thrown inside can be seen to
will become a loyal retainer, roll 1d3 for their bounce off the floor. The ceiling and walls are
level. The one frothing at the mouth carries a also there; there is simply no reflected light.)
magical singing battle axe of +1/+2.)
Deep Laughing - (If room is entered, there is a
DARK CHERUB x 6 1/10 chance of someone falling in the hole, from
HD2 AC 14 which the laughter comes. It is 50' deep, and
Dance with me: Target must SvSpells or begin to leads to a small chamber, equally dark, in which
dance, unable to take other actions. On their sits a pile of dark coins. 500 coins of total
turn, they may SvSpells again to break the spell, darkness, worth 10g each as a curiosity.
but if they are still dancing on the cherub’s next Furthermore, if someone feels around the base of
turn, they must SvSpells again, or they will dance the floor in the lower chamber, they will discover
into a wall, becoming a beautiful painting. If the a tiny little tunnel, merely 8 inches in diameter. It
cherub is slain, the dance ends. leads hundreds of feet, twisting and turning
Cherubs prefer to dance their victims to room 75, before ending up in room 80.)
if able.
*Dispel Magic will turn paintings back into
people, but if the painting is destroyed, so is the 78: The room is empty, but the walls dance with
person. shadows. There are shadows of many people,
which struggle against shadow chains, writhing

Five Cataclysms Sunken Fort

and straining to get free. There is also a SHADOW THIEF - Large pale creature with a pot
silhouette of a large chest. belly and no neck. Perpetual toothy grin, beady
little eyes.
Shadows - (If a person with a shadow enters the HD10 AC12 xtraD6Dmg May turn into shadow to
room, they will feel light tugs at their essence. squeeze through tight spaces
Harmless, but spooky. Shadows can be released Surprise attacks party, attempting to steal an
by inserting the ‘Shadow Key’ into a shadow individual's shadow before slipping away. On hit,
padlock that binds the chains.) he will grab the target's shadow and run, tugging
it away from them. Will then spend the next
Large Chest - (Cannot be interacted with directly, action severing the shadow which reduces
but may be unlocked with the ‘Shadow Key’. remaining hitpoints by half, removing their
Inside will be 5 shadow gems worth 2000gp shadow. He will eat it, gaining the hp that the
each.) target lost.
Shadow-less creatures will be dealt 1d6dmg/rd
by the sun, which cannot be recovered until the
79: (This is the lair of the shadow thief. 50% affliction is resolved. They also have no reflection.
chance that it'll be here.) A shadow will dissipate if its owner dies. Cannot
be remedied by remove curse.
The room is shrouded in shadows that pulse with *Upon death, Shadow Thief will vomit many
malevolence. shadows which return to their respective owners,
and he will drop a ‘Shadow Key’ which releases
Shadows – (Entering the shadows, a person must the shadows in room 78.
SvSpells or flee in fear for 1d6 rounds. In the dark
can be found corpses with their bones snapped
and suckled. There are also knives, cushions, and 80: The walls are completely dark, just like the
over 500’ of metal chain. The shadows can be previous chambers, but hanging in the air are
dispersed by a dispel evil spell, or temporarily by radiant diamonds that glow with astral radiance.
a light spell.)
Walls - (Dark walls cannot be broken due to
magical nature. They can be dispelled, though
they are a 15th level effect).

Radiant Diamonds - (20 Astral Diamonds worth

5,000gp each. This is the mega treasure, highly
unlikely to be found. Entice your players with
news that there is 100,000 g worth of treasure in
a pile in the dungeon somewhere. Or don't.


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