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given. You finally faced this judgment, Welcome to Immortality. Transcend-

"You have succeeded!" standing tall in honest victory. Your feat ing the limits and concerns of mere mor-
The power of the Celestial voice rings was examined, the results weighed and tals, your character has now entered the
in the cool evening sky. Your character found to be of full and true measure. realm of ultimate power. Your dynast,
has worked for many long years to hear You now stand ready, your farewells paragon, polymath, or hero is now one of
that simple phrase, and has now finally completed. At long last you have broken a handful in the entire history of the
achieved this most ambitious goal— the sticky web of mortal concerns. Under human and demi-human people to earn
Immortality itself. the watchful eye and blessing of your this exalted privilege.
You have probably invested a respect- patron Immortal, your spirit turns in a Your character can now explore new
able amount of time developing and new direction, as the boundaries of mor- worlds and revisit the old. A new home
playing your character. And now you tal life recede ever faster. and friends await, and much work lies
decide your character's ultimate fate. Is There lies your castle, town, province... ahead.
reaching this long-sought goal the trium- Your entire realm shrinks to a cloud-dotted Start by reviewing and changing the
phant conclusion of a glorious career? Or square in the patchwork blanket of a conti- game details for the character to reflect
is it just a beginning? nent, its ragged edges trailing off into a sea- the changes that have occurred. Observe
Step into character once again for a blue horizon. The homeworld shrinks into what lies ahead, and plan future goals.
look back—and ahead. a blue marble on stellar black velvet. You New and great powers are explained;
You met an Immortal long ago. You feel a passing twinge of regret as the world, examine them carefully, and develop
accepted a challenge, and brought all in all its vastness and complexity, becomes strategies for play.
your skill and knowledge to use in many a shrinking speck amidst the vast depths of And enjoy the game.
long trials. You met, and even exceeded, space. You have left the cradle; now look
the stringent requirements you were ahead!
Fantasy Adventure Game

Players' Guide to Immortals

By Frank Mentzer

Editing: Anne Gray McCready TABLE OF CONTENTS

Development: Harold Johnson
Cover Art: Larry Elmore
Illustrations: Jeff Easley
Transition 2
Larry Elmore
Typesetting: Linda Bakk
Section 1: Changes 3
Kim Lindau
Experience Points 3
Form 3
®1986 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Name 3
Race 3
This book has been designed for use with the
Rank and Level 3
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Basic, Expert, Alignment 4
Companion, and Master Sets. It does not explain Armor Class 4
how to play the game. You must have the Basic, Hit Dice and Hit Points 4
Expert, Companion, and Masters rules before you
can use this set.
Movement Rate 4
Ability Scores 4
Saving Throws 6
Hit Rolls 7
Cash Total 7
Equipment 7
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and D&D® are registered
trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. ®1986 TSR, Inc. All Section 2: New Character Information 8
Rights Reserved. Spheres 8
This book is protected under the copyright laws of the
Options and Abilities 8
United States of America. Any reproduction or other Senses 8
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained Defense and Repair 9
herein is prohibited without the express written consent of
TSR, Inc. Movement 10
Order of Events in Combat 10
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by
Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House
Attack Forms 12
of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by
regional distributors. Section 3: Immortal Magic 16
Printed in the U.S.A. First Printing —June, 1986
Power Cost 16
Explanation of Terms 18
TSR, Inc. TSR UK, Ltd. Section 4: Character Advancement 22
PO Box 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva, WI Cambridge, UK Level Advancement 22
53147 CB14AD Rank Advancement 22

Section 5: The Home Plane 23

Starting Details 23
Development 23
Effects 23
Material Forms 24
Creating a Form 25
Assuming an Existing Form 27

TSR, Inc. Section 6: Reference Tables 29


"But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth,

Unhurt amidst the wars of elements,
the wrecks of matter,
and the crash of worlds."

Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

When your character's spirit left the mortal beings of even greater power. Immortals can
world, your character's mind and body create things of all sorts—objects, beings,
changed into pure Immortal power. The and even entire planes of existence. But they
character's material form was not destroyed, were not the original creators of the multi-
but merely changed, and can be created verse.
again. The structure of the organization of the
The character's life force (which mortals Immortals is divided into five areas, called
can rarely see, even magically) can assume Spheres. Everything in the multiverse con-
any form convenient to the time and place. It tains part of one or more of these Spheres —
can even exist on two or more planes of exist- Matter, Energy, Time, Thought, and
ence at once. The character thus has no single Entropy. Every Immortal serves one Sphere
"true" form. only. Player character Immortals can choose
The essence of your character remains the to serve any Sphere except Entropy, which is
same. Memories survive, and personality reserved for NPCs only.
will be the most useful of the character's Some beings of historical myth, such as the
assets. All former possessions were props, "gods" of the ancient world, are included in
merely part of the setting for the character this set as Immortals. Some of the beings
role. The character can continue with differ- once worshipped by the ancients are also read this book, as it will affect far more
ent props, or even with none; the mind described here with even greater powers. But than just player characters.
remains. all are mere creatures, part of the game sys- Book 2, the DM's Guide to Immortals,
Don't change your mental picture of the tem. details the rules for playing in the realms of
character just yet. For a smooth transition, Modern beliefs have been avoided in creat- the Immortals. A large portion of Book 2
keep the familiar memory alive—that of a ing this rule system. This is a game. It is not a describes the Astral and Outer planes, and a
mature, seasoned, famous adventurer. But collection of religious beliefs, and should not sampling of creatures found therein. It also
just as the character has transcended mortal be taken as such. If you nevertheless find any contains many other game details, along with
limits, learn as a player to widen your part of this game to be offensive to your per- ideas for Immortal adventures.
imagination beyond past experience, as you sonal beliefs, simply remove that element. But just as the original D&D game book-
learn more of the game at Immortal levels of And please hold the beliefs of your fellow lets merely offered a beginning, leaving
Play- players with as much respect as you hold your many details to your imagination, this work
Immortals are beings who are one step own. also barely scratches the surface. The topic is
beyond mortals. In this game, they oversee This book, the Players' Guide to Immor- so vast that many thick volumes could not
and control all of the known multiverse. They tals, starts with the basic information needed exhaust it. Add to the basic system herein as
can appear as normal humans and demi- to convert your mortal player character to you see fit, but maintain the balance and con-
humans, or may choose to use other forms. Immortal status. New game mechanics are sistency you will find. And remember that
They wield power beyond mortal compre- explained, as are many aspects of the charac- the purpose of the game is, as always, to have
hension, but are themselves dwarfed by ter's new existence. Dungeon Masters should fun.
Section 1: Changes
The most basic and far-reaching change in total in another place as well, someplace scended mortal life, every new Immortal
the existing game system involves the charac- where it can be frequently changed, and use gains a new common name. This name is
ter's current Experience Points. The XP total this one to keep track of the character's cur- known and used by many other Immortals,
is converted to Power Points, which affect rent (variable) Power. When PP are spent for and eventually by some mortals as well, once
other game mechanics. temporary effects, or regenerated afterward, the character gains fame. You as a player may
Get your character records sheet(s) and a modify only the current total. Modify both choose the name, though the DM may have
fresh piece of paper. Don't discard the old Power totals only if PP are permanently specific suggestions or limits.
character sheet when you're done; you'll expended or if new Power is received. In addition, the Immortal gains a
need many of the details later. If the Immortal's permanent Power total truename, a word that is magically and truly
ever reaches zero, the Immortal's life force is part of the character's life force. Immortals
Experience Points extinguished. In mortal play hit points are discover their new truenarnes through medi-
the measure of life force. (See Names, page tation, and usually keep them utterly secret.
In mortal life, experience is a measure of suc- 3.) An Immortal cannot be forced to reveal a
cess and power. It continues to be a primary truename by any means whatsoever, and a
goal of the character, even in Immortality.
Start by converting the total XP earned in
Form truename cannot be otherwise discovered.
One's truename is linked to the character's
mortal life to a new figure, Power Points You do not need to amend any character
existance and those who possess the hidden
(PP). Each 10,000 XP are worth 1 PP, details for this aspect of the character, but you
knowledge may command or destroy the
rounded up. must understand the possible forms.
Immortal. Conversely, damage may only be
A typical starting Immortal (Initiate) has The material form or body used by an
inflicted on an Immortal if part of his
between 300 and 500 PP. Magic-users usually Immortal determines the character's base
truename is known and invoked.
start with the most Power Points, and clerics Armor Class, saving throws, and other
One or more parts of an Immortal's
usually start with the least. Demi-humans details. Though not considered by mortals to
truename are often known by other Immor-
may have any amount, but usually start with be an accessory, a body is entirely optional to
tals, though almost never by any mortal.
less than 400 PP. an Immortal, and any form is possible. Every
Immortals sometimes find it necessary to
A character's PP total determines his status Immortal regularly uses three or more forms.
reveal parts of their truenames, usually as
in the hierarchy of the Immortals. Gains in The character can remain pure Power and irrevocable alliances or to balance debts.
status bring gains of Hit Dice, hit points, life force, in a form called incorporeal (with-
abilities, influence, and responsibility. out matter). In this form, the character is After gaining one truename as a Temporal,
immune to most attack forms, but also has the character gains another name upon
An Immortal character gains PP (usually
extremely limited actions. The character can- reaching each new rank. A Celestial thus has
just called Power) for learning, working, and
not use spells or special powers, though com- two truenames; a Hierarch, five. If one
performing deeds, just as in mortal life.
munication is possible. truename is compromised early in the
Power may also be gained as gifts from other
Immortal's career, the character automati-
Immortals, and as bonuses for advancement. Immortals normally occupy sturdy, but
cally grows less vulnerable as more truena-
Power awards may be small in comparison to unique, material forms designed for conven-
mes are gained.
XP. Ten or twenty PP are sizeable amounts, ience, familiarity, and pragmatic utility.
especially to a starting Temporal. Remember Though these forms are technically mortal,
that each Power Point represents 10,000 they are extremely durable, and are referred Race
mortal experience points! to as normal forms. Such a form can imitate The race of the character is the same as in
But in addition to their typical function as the character's mortal form in shape, but the mortal life. The mortal race has long been a
a record of experience, Power Points are also flesh has been replaced with a sturdier form. major factor in the character's personality,
actively used in play. They are expended by Whenever the character revisits the Prime and will always be visible in some way (to
Immortals in creating various effects, magi- Plane, the character can only assume his or those who have the ability to see it, such as
cal and not. This is a basic change in game her original mortal form, complete with all other Immortals) as an emanation of the life
mechanics, and affects all games involving its flaws. The form can be magically altered, force.
Immortals. A major goal of all characters is to of course, but all the mortal characteristics The title "Immortal" is not the name of a
gain more Power, and to translate that into return in full, excepting only those of the race or class. It is a new type of life form, and
more abilities and influence. mind (Intelligence and Wisdom). The player a new state of mind.
Power is temporarily expended in produc- may choose the character's age, while an
ing magical effects, moving or changing ele- Immortal superior may bestow special abili- Rank and Level
mental material, and attacking. Power is ties or rank for the character. Former items of
permanently expended in raising ability equipment do not reappear, since they never These terms are applied to the set of limits
scores, creating permanent non-magical vanished. They are now in the hands of sur- affecting the mortal character's range of abili-
effects, and many special actions. Temporary viving mortals, the rightful owners. But the ties. The character's limits are now much
Power expenditures return (regenerate) auto- character can create nearly any equipment fewer, but some still apply. You chose a class
matically at a rate determined by the charac- desired. when you created your mortal character, but
ter's rank; permanent expenditures do not. now the character's rank is determined by the
amount of Power acquired.
Record your PP total in two places on the Name The character starts as an Initiate, a mem-
character sheet. Write one figure in the usual
Your character can still use his or her mortal ber of the lowest rank of Immortals—those
place for XP, to keep track of the total earned
name, but two new names are gained. with the least Power. An Initiate soon enters
to date—the permanent PP total. Write the
To emphasize that the Initiate has tran- the next rank, becoming a Temporal. The

higher ranks of Immortals in ascending order An Immortal gains one additional Hit Die They no longer affect Armor Class or saving
of Power are Celestial, Empyreal, Eternal, with each increase in level (within a rank). throws. To gain each new rank, the character
and Hierarch. The number of Hit Dice determines the char- must achieve minimum ability scores. Ability
Level is still used to describe an amount of acter's chance to hit in melee. Increased Hit score checks may be required in play. Abili-
progress within each rank, again using expe- Dice also brings resistance to magical effects ties may be directly attacked by other Immor-
rience (now counted in Power Points) as the for which a size limit is given. tals and some powerful creatures.
yardstick. Table 1 gives the various level and Hit points are also gained with each level,
rank titles and their corresponding Power and with each new rank as well. Temporals Direct Effects
Point values. gain 10 hp per level, Celestials 20, Empyreals
Although they no longer affect hit points or
30, and Eternals 40. Hit points are still a
Armor Class, ability scores do have other
Alignment measure of the stamina of the character's
game effects. Use Table 2 (Ability Score
material body. High or low Constitution does
The character's alignment may be changed Modifiers) for the first five ability scores. The
not affect hit points.
without penalty, though any change in per- table covers all possible scores, from 1 to 100,
A material form that the character creates and gives a modifier for each. Table 3 gives
sonality should be very minor. Remember
for use can have any number of hit points, to other modifiers for Charisma. The modifier
that alignment is not something to be chosen
a maximum equal to the character's. When can be applied in a different way for each
and adhered to, but is instead a term that
the form drops to zero or fewer hit points, it ability score.
should summarize an actual attitude. If you
dies. The character does not die at that time,
change alignment, be sure to adopt one that The modifiers are also used whenever
but has very limited possible actions until he
describes, not limits, the character. Immortals directly attack each other's ability
or she occupies a new form.
Future modifications may apply if your scores. Refer to Combat (Attack Forms) for
Refer to Table 1 for the exact Hit Dice and
character's alignment matches or differs from more details.
hit points for each level of Immortality.
the alignment favored by the Sphere (see Refer to the applicable Tables and write the
Spheres) chosen. modifiers next to each ability score. Use pen-
Movement Rate cil for all scores and modifiers, since all the
Armor Class Your character's method and rate of move- numbers change over the course of play.
ment are determined by the form used, and
An Initiate to Immortality has an AC of 0
(zero). This statistic can sometimes be modi-
by magical effects applied to that form. As a Strength
general rule, the movement rate is the same
fied by equipment, and always by situation as that of the form used. The form can be When an Immortal occupies any physical
bonuses or penalties, but never by ability moved a bit faster when desired, by 30 feet form except the original (mortal) one, the the
scores. It may also be improved by perma- per turn (10 per round) walking, or double character may use a Punch attack. This blow
nently expending Power. Once such an that when running which is the same propor- inflicts a maximum number of six-sided dice
expenditure is made, the AC is permanently tion as for mortal play. Example: A storm of damage equal to the number given on the
and irreversibly improved. It cannot be giant has a movement rate of 150'(50'). An table. The character need not cause all the
traded to gain Power. Armor Class changes Immortal taking that form could walk possible damage, and may select the number
slightly, but automatically, with each change quickly at a 180'(60') rate, or run at the of dice of damage he inflicts up to the limit of
in rank, but is unaffected by level. maximum rate of 36O'(12O'). the maximum given before any punch.
A permanent expenditure of 100 PP pro-
Your Immortal character can also move
duces a permanent gain of 1 unit of Armor
across boundaries of planes and dimensions.
Class. The best possible base Immortal
Trans-dimensional travel always requires an The number on the table determines the
Armor Class (before other modifications) is
expenditure of Power, though usually very maximum number of projects that the
20 (or, by mortal AC reckoning, AC -20).
little. Trans-planar movement toward the Immortal can handle simultaneously. A pro-
Few Immortals spend the Power to reach this
Inner Planes also requires an expenditure of ject is any activity designed to increase the
limit, for many other demands on Power are
Power, but movement toward the Outer permanent Power of an Immortal occurring
of higher priority.
Planes requires none. Refer to "Outer in different locations. An Immortal creates
Planes," "Dimensions," and "Magical duplicates of himself to oversee each project.
Hit Dice and Hit Points Powers" for costs and other details. If the projects are in different dimensions or
When your character first becomes an Initi- planes of existence, only half as many can be
ate in the Immortal hierarchy, the character Ability Scores maintained. Each project is typically a com-
has 15 Hit Dice and 75 hit points, even if the plex operation.
Your Immortal character keeps the same six
latter number is less than the character had in
ability scores used to describe the mortal
mortal life. If an Immortal reassumes his
form. Copy them onto the new character
original mortal form, he regains his mortal
sheet. Though the mortal body described by This modifier determines the maximum
hit point total. By the end of the training per-
the categories of Strength, Dexterity, and number of creatures which can be affected by
iod, when the Initiate becomes a Temporal,
Constitution is now little used, those terms Aura (see Combat) in any one round.
the character has 20 Hit Dice and 100 hit
still refer to aspects of the character's life
force. The character's mind, described by
The hit point total for the old mortal form Intelligence and Wisdom and affecting Cha-
is only relevant when and if that form is used risma, is exactly the same. Ability scores
again, with all its limits and flaws. affect Hit and damage rolls in the usual way.

Dexterity command such loyalty at will. Power Maximum

The Morale bonuses given when the Cost Ability
The modifier given affects certain unarmed
Immortal's Charisma score is 24 or more Rank Per Point Score
combats (see Combat). apply to all the saving throws of all retainers
against effects produced by other Immortals. Temporal 10 PP 25
Constitution The character may expend temporary Power Celestial 20 PP 50
to further increase these bonuses, but each Empyreal 40 PP 75
When an Immortal is the victim of a poison-
ous attack or imbibes poisons or intoxicants, increase has a duration of only 1 turn. Eternal 80 PP 100
Hierarch 160 PP 100
the character resists the effect for a number of
rounds equal to the Constitution ability score Aura: Charisma determines the force of the As one requirement for gaining each next
modifier. Some other affects may occur dur- character's Immortal Aura, or presence, on higher rank, all three scores of an Immortal's
ing that period, depending on the type of mortals. Aura is an attack form which can be Greater Talent must be raised to the maxi-
poison—deadly, damaging, or special (such used at will and at no cost in Power. The Aura mum. If the character's total GT is not at its
as paralysis). modifier determined by Charisma applies to maximum, he or she is not eligible to
If the poison is deadly, the Immortal suffers saving throws by those attempting to resist advance. See Rank Advancement for more
1-6 points of damage each round. If the poi- the Aura. See Combat (Attack Forms) for details.
son is special, no damage is inflicted, and the more details. Any number of points may be "pur-
effect is delayed as described above. If the chased" at any time if sufficient power is
poison inflicts a given amount of damage, the Talents available. A character cannot voluntarily
Immortal suffers half that amount, applied expend Power Points if that action would
evenly throughout the delay period (DM's Three ability scores are important to the
reduce his or her total Power to less than the
choice), and the balance takes effect at the character's Sphere. The first corresponds to
minimum for the rank as given on Table 1.
end of that time. the Prime Requisite of the mortal class
matching the Sphere. This is the Primary Example: A character recently achieved
In all cases, neutralizing the poison during Talent of every character in the Sphere. The the rank of Celestial in the Sphere of Time.
the delay period negates the final effect and Secondary and Tertiary Talents are listed in Her Wisdom, Strength, and Charisma scores
prevents further damage (if any). Neutraliz- order of their importance to the Sphere. The are now 25 each, and she has 1,080 PP. To
ing the poison and curing the damage total of these three scores is a new statistic, raise each ability score to 50 (needed for
incurred from it are two different effects. called the character's Greater Talent. The Empyreal), she must spend 1,500 Power
total of the three remaining scores is called Points to gain 75 ability score points in
Charisma the Lesser Talent. exchange. However, at this time she can only
expend 20 PP, for one ability score point,
This score affects reactions, retainer number since the expense of the second point would
and Morale, and Aura strength. Greater Talents (in order) reduce her Power total to 1,040, ten less than
Sphere Primary Secondary Tertiary the minimum for Novice Celestial.
Reactions: This game mechanic is
Matter Str Con Dex
unchanged. The DM rolls 2d6 to randomly
Energy Int Cha Con Reducing Ability Scores
determine a reaction for each group or indi-
Time Wis Str Cha
vidual creature encountered, whichever is Ability score points can be converted into
Thought Dex Int Wis
preferred. Apply the given reaction modifier Power Points. The only restriction is that no
to the roll only if the Immortal character Sphere Lesser Talents (no order) score of a Greater Talent can be lowered
speaks to those encountered. Omit the reac- below the rank minimum. Each ability score
Matter Wis Cha Int
point can be converted into 5 PP. Change
tion roll entirely if the Immortal uses Aura to
Energy Dex Str Wis
both the permanent and current Power Point
influence reactions.
Time Con Int Dex records for this increase, and subtract the
Thought Str Con Cha points converted from the ability score(s)
Maximum Retainers: This is the number of
mortal allies which the Immortal can attract Write the abbreviations " G T " and "LT" on being changed.
and effectively control at one time. The your character sheet, and list the ability score Ability scores are rarely reduced in this
Immortal can have up to this maximum on names and the total talent scores for each. way, but they do provide a reservoir of Power
each project since he can conduct several pro- Use the reaction modifier from the Charisma for an Immortal who finds the action neces-
jects at once at different locations. If the table (Table 3) when finding the total talent sary. The abilities of the Greater Talents are
Immortal reassumes his original mortal modifier. Also find the sum of the ability almost never reduced, but the Lesser Talents
form, the character's original Charisma must score modifiers which apply to each talent, do not affect rank advancement, and may be
be used instead. and list those cumulative modifiers as well. converted with when the need arises. This
action must be voluntary on the Immortal's
Retainer Morale: The Morale of the Increasing Ability Scores part, and cannot be forced. Ability score
Immortal's retainers is checked when needed points converted can be repurchased later in
An Immortal can increase his or her ability the usual way (though a net loss in the trans-
by applying the standard game mechanic,
scores by expending Power permanently. The action, possibly severe, must obviously be
using 2d6. Retainers with 12 Morale fight to
cost of increasing a score is determined by the accepted).
the death if ordered, but otherwise act nor-
character's rank. Ability scores can only be
mally for their own self-preservation. Any Although a character cannot voluntarily
raised to the listed maximum, as determined
Immortal with 21 or greater Charisma can drop to a lesser rank through permanent PP
by the rank.

expenditures, a character may be forced to Modifiers for... wants to masquerade as a mortal being, the
expend the Power and drop to a lower rank. Class Easy Average Difficult standard saving throws, as determined by the
character or monster type and level, can be
Temporal + 55 + 30 +5
Using Ability Scores in Play Celestial + 40 + 15 -10
used for most effects. Any mind attack from a
mortal source will fail utterly, of course, but
Ability Score Checks Empyreal + 10 -15 -40 the character may wish to pretend to be
In play, a character's ability scores may be Eternal -10 -35 -60 affected, as part of the masquerade.
important in resolving a problem that chal-
lenges even Immortal skill. The DM may call If the Immortal cares more about preserv-
Example: A Celestial with 30 Strength wants
for an ability score check in such situations. ing the mortal form than about the pretense,
to add a moon to a planet in his home plane.
the character can simply set the saving throws
Before the DM makes a check, the player The character creates or gathers the mass,
at any value, to a minimum of 2. (A natural
must select one of the six ability scores (the and is ready to move it into a stable position
roll of 1 indicates failure.) These saving
DM must decide when there is a question). A near the planet. The DM states that moving
throw numbers can be changed instantly, at
standard ability score check is made by roll- the moon calls for Strength and Intelligence
the discretion of the Immortal, at no cost of
ing ldlOO and comparing the result to the checks with a +25 bonus. After considering
ability score. If the result is equal to or less the size of the task, the character convinces a
than the score, the Immortal's action is suc- Temporal (with 22 Strength) to assist. The An Immortal without a material form is
cessful. DM adds the Strength scores of the two char- immune to all effects of mortal origin, and
acters (30 + 22) and the stated bonus that most attacks of Immortal power as well. Only
If the roll indicates failure, the Immortal
applies ( + 25), for a total of 77. If the result of a Mental Blow or Power Drain (see New Sav-
cannot solve the problem. When an ability
the DM's subsequent ldlOO roll is 78 or ing Throws) can have any affect on a charac-
score check must be passed to complete a
more, the task fails, and the moon does not ter in this incorporeal state.
given task, a failed check means the task can-
not be completed until additional ability move. A lesser result indicates the mass is Although Immortal minds are beyond
score points are applied—by the cooperation moved. Before the DM makes the Intelli- mortal influence, an Immortal's normal form
of another Immortal, by an actual increase in gence check to see if the moon is moved into may be affected by magic from spells or
the ability score, or by some other means. the correct position (course and speed), the devices of any origin, mortal or otherwise.
The character cannot simply "try again"; two Immortals discuss the problem. They Anti-Magic may negate magical effects, but
some change in the situation must occur first. again apply the total of their scores to the otherwise whenever a saving throw is
Ability scores are limited by the form the check required. The same bonus applies. allowed, apply the Immortal's new saving
Immortal chooses. throw vs. Magic Spell.
The new Immortal saving throws apply
A standard unmodified ability score check Talent Checks only when the Immortal is incorporeal or in
is a difficult test for most Immortals. A Nov-
Some complex actions cannot be divided into any non-mortal form. When the original
ice Empyreal will fail 50% of the required
separate ability score effects. In such cases, a mortal form is assumed, mortal saving
checks even when some score of his Greater
check of an entire talent may be used. Since throws apply.
Talent is being tested. Thus, modifications to
each talent is comprised of three ability
ability score checks are common.
Check modifications may be made to the
scores, a talent check is normally made by When To Apply Saving Throws
dividing the total talent by three, and again
the score at the DM's choice. Bonuses are Use Power Drain when a non-spell effect
rolling Id 100. Also apply the standard modi-
added and penalties are subtracted. Different would reduce Power Points.
fiers for ability score checks to checks of any
numbers and/or types of dice may also be Use Magic Spell when a spell or other magi-
Greater Talent. For a Lesser Talent check,
used to vary the difficulty. cal effect, including those produced by
apply a + 30 bonus also. As with ability score
Ability scores of cooperating Immortals checks, a die roll equal to or less than the artifacts, would affect any part of the
may be added together for purposes of mak- character's talent indicates that the action is Immortal except the mind.
ing a check. What one Immortal may find successful. Use Physical Blow when an impact or other
almost impossible, two or three may consider attack would inflict an amount of hit
easy when working together. points of damage.
The following modifications are applied to
Attacks on Abilities Use Mental Blow-when an attack (magical or
tasks which are easy, of average complexity, Immortals and other outer-planar creatures otherwise) could affect the Immortal's
or difficult for an Immortal. Players may may use attack forms that directly affect an mind.
refer to the modifiers in play, so that the diffi- ability score. These attack forms, which may
culty of a task facing the character can be esti- appear as colorful bolts of energy, use Power New Saving Throws and Old Attack
mated with some accuracy. The DM also may to drain or counter an ability, such as Weak- Forms
shift the level of complexity of a task, making ness against Strength. Refer to Combat
it easier or more difficult based on the rela- (Attack Forms) for more information. Death Ray: Use Power Drain
tion of the Immortal to the location (see Poison: See Constitution (page 5)
No effect
Bias). Saving Throws Wands: Use Magic Spell
An Immortal's saving throws are determined Paralysis: Use Power Drain
by the form he or she has created or assumed. Turn to Stone: Use Physical Attack
An Immortal occupying a mortal form has Rod/Staff: Use Magic Spell
a choice of saving throws. If the character Spell: Use Magic Spell

Breath Weapon, mortal dragon: If the attack character. They are used more frequently natural 20 is rolled and modified higher, find
can be avoided by dodging, make a Dex- when the character reaches the Temporal and the total on the chart normally. Example: A
terity check (q.v.) using 3d20. Success higher ranks. Temporal (HD 20) can hit AC 19 at best with
indicates no damage. Failure indicates All Immortal Armor Classes range from a natural unmodified hit roll of 20. Any roll
that half damage is inflicted (possibly zero to high negative numbers. For ease of less than 20 can hit AC 15 at best, if bonuses
modified by magical effects). play, all negatives are ignored. Thus, the hit raise it sufficiently.
Breath Weapon, Immortal dragon or other: roll line on the table seems at first to be the
Use Physical Attack reverse of that used in mortal games. A target Cash Total
with a high Armor Class number is now diffi-
cult to hit. Any and all valuables that your character
As in mortal life, a successful saving throw
owned in mortal life have been left behind or
indicates that either half or no damage is When using Immortal Armor Classes in
destroyed. You do not need treasure as such,
inflicted, depending on the attack form used, games involving mortals, always remember
though some may be useful when dealing
or that no change occurs. to treat each AC as a negative number. For
with mortals, who value it highly. You may
Refer to Table 4, and copy the categories example, if an Immortal with AC 8 appears
create or collect treasures as desired for future
and numbers (for Initiate level) on your char- in a standard game, remember to change its
use, when the opportunity permits.
acter sheet. Armor Class to -8 for that appearance.

Hit Rolls Modifying Hit Rolls Equipment

The standard system for melee attacks is still When the number 20 appears on the chart, it
(Normal or Magical)
used. The attacker rolls ld20, and refers to always occurs five times in the hit roll line. As with cash, you can create or collect
the hit roll chart (Table 5) to find the Armor This effectively gives a bonus of 20% (four devices, but they have little use and no value
Class hit. If the target's actual Armor Class is AC increments) whenever a natural hit roll of except when dealing with mortals. Only one
equal to or poorer than the AC hit, the attack 20 occurs, using the following system. If type of magic item is of real value—one made
has succeeded, and the attacker then deter- bonuses raise a hit roll to 20 or more, stop by an Immortal, and called an artifact. Arti-
mines the amount of damage inflicted. adding and use the first 20 in the appropriate facts are explained in the D&D® Master Set,
You will probably not need a permanent series on the chart. If a natural 20 is rolled but and their powers are quite similar to those of
record of the hit rolls needed for your Initiate unmodified, use the last 20 in the series. If a Immortals, but far more limited.
Section 2: New Characters Information
In the previous section, you have modified create order, resists the attacks of Time, Senses
and reexamined existing character details. At forces matter to change
The five senses common to all mortals also
this point, the character may seem to be
exist in most Immortals, but they perceive
merely a super-powerful being. But Immor- 3. Time
stimuli beyond mortal ken. Details vary by
tality brings many new and different things
Favored Class: Clerics the Immortal's form.
as well. Some old and familiar details that
Alignment: Neutral An incorporeal Immortal can sense and
have always been assumed, such as the five
Element: Water interpret sound and light energy of all kinds.
senses, will be carefully scrutinized. And
Aura: Continuous regular change But, without form, the Immortal has no sense
some entirely new character details will be
Purpose: To promote change in all and of smell, taste, or touch.
maintain time's flow An Immortal in mortal form may "speak"
Spheres Interplay: Opposes Matter's resistance to
change, resists the existence of Thought,
by creating vibrations in some manner which
can be sensed and interpreted by mortals.
Some time ago, you chose one of four routes forces Energy to have duration The normal form of an Immortal is usually
to Immortality, and your character followed equipped with similar speech organs, but
that route to a successful result. Each route 4. Thought these are rarely used in the same way. The
corresponds to one of the four Spheres, and obvious design error of the mortal mouth
each Sphere gives bonuses to certain mortal Favored Class: Thieves requires food, water, and air to be routed
classes, as follows: Alignment: All through the speech organ. An Immortal's
Element: Air speech is generated from an organ uniquely
Aura: Purpose and meaning designed for speaking.
Route Sphere
Purpose: To conceive of and categorize all of
Moist, fragile sensory orbs are part of the
Dynast Time existence
mortal form. These are equipped to handle a
Hero Thought Interplay: Opposes Energy's outbursts,
very limited type of energy known as visible
Paragon Energy resists the limitations of Matter, forces light. This radiant form of energy is con-
Polymath Matter Time into organization verted to a more usable form, which is then
interpreted by thought. Some mortal forms
Whatever route your character took, you 5. Entropy are also able to sense heat energy in a similar
may choose any one Sphere now. Before you manner (infravision). The normal form used
Favored Class: None (NPC only)
do so, you may examine the powers, goals, by an Immortal is usually equipped with stur-
Alignment: None
and other details of all the Spheres as dier organs that can "see" on a greater scope,
described in this book. Though your choice Element: None (the void)
Aura: Conflict and despair interpreting more types of electromagnetic
will probably be the Sphere corresponding to energy and enhancing it, such as ultralight,
the route followed, you can change, and the Purpose: To destroy everything in the multi-
verse, always making way for the new x-ray, radiation, and radiowaves.
only cost is that your character cannot qualify
for certain future bonuses. Immortals are free Interplay: Uses and opposes all other Taste is a sensation produced when fluid
to change Spheres at any time, but suffer Spheres; destroys Matter, drains Energy, containing impurities comes in contact with
such extreme penalties (in effect starting stops Time, prevents Thought the tongue. As an art form, Immortals retain
completely over) that they rarely do so after the ability to taste what they consume, but
passing Initiate level. Options and Abilities choose where to place the corresponding
sense organs.
The five Spheres of Power are listed for An incorporeal Immortal is extremely lim-
Just as impure fluids contain tastes,
quick reference in your decision. ited in possible actions. For this reason,
impure air contains scents which can be
Immortals assume physical forms. But these
interpreted by a sense of smell. Scents are
1. Matter forms are stronger than any mortal shell, for
sources of information, and may be very
they are designed to fill many special func-
Favored Class: Fighters valuable. The mortal organ for scent detec-
tions. The characteristics of other forms
Alignment: Lawful tion may be redesigned and relocated any-
Immortals assume determine many of their
Element: Earth where on the Immortal form. With
Aura: Order and similarity experience, an Immortal may be able to track
The Laws of Nature as known in our world other creatures or find locations by scent
Purpose: To withstand destruction and
do not apply to the D&D game multiverse. alone, sensing tiny changes in the air.
This multiverse is based on combinations of
Interplay: Opposes Time's attempts at A sense of touch is the ability to perceive
the four elements and their associated
change, resists the attacks of Energy, surroundings through physical contact with-
Spheres. As you consider all the new and old
forces Thought to be practical out using energy as a medium. Although the
character abilities, learn to think of their
mortal form is not equipped to properly han-
effects in terms of this alternate nature.
2. Energy dle the information gained thereby, the
Beware of your instincts; your subconscious,
Immortal mind can easily exceed mortal lim-
Favored Class: Magic-users having grown accustomed to the real world
its and may be designed to accurately mea-
Alignment: Chaotic for so many years, often leads you to deduc-
sure as well as sense the environment through
Element: Fire tions which are incorrect if applied to the
touch, given the proper organs to allow this.
Aura: Disorder and uniqueness multiverse as it appears in the game. The odd
Pain, the mortal warning system for physical
Purpose: Create more energy and activity and bizarre are commonplace in the multi-
damage, is a function of this sense. Although
Interplay: Opposes Thought's attempts to verse where form follows function.
New Characters Information

pain is useful to alert the Immortal, pain and penetrate the A-M (by standard procedure) Bias
fatigue can be "turned off" after the charac- before the DM checks the chance of success.
The relation between any Immortal and any
ter takes note of the alarm, and need not be a A-M magically increased to 100% thus can-
Plane of Existence can be described as the
continuing irritant. not be affected by any outside force.
"bias" of the Plane—hostile, neutral, or
Every Immortal has an additional sense,
friendly. Whatever an Immortal's location, the
the ability to detect and use Aura, a psychic Power Point Recovery rate of regeneration of the Immortal's Power,
manifestation created by living creatures.
Immortal Power Points regenerate auto- hit point, and ability score losses are determined
The character can communicate with other
matically, at a rate determined by the rela- by the bias of the Plane or Dimension of that
Immortals through use of his or her Aura, at
tionship between an Immortal and his location. An Immortal who exists on several
no cost in Power. The maximum range of
environment, called the planar or local bias. planes at once (commonly on the Home Plane
Aura communication is 120 feet per point of
(SeeBias.) The regeneration requires no con- and one or more others) must apply the least
Aura strength (the number determined by
centration or expenditure. favorable bias that applies.
Charisma on Table 3), or 3,000 feet for a
Hierarch. When on a "friendly" plane of existence, The rate of regeneration is 1 point per
Power regenerates at the rate of 1 point per round on a friendly plane, 1 point per turn on
a neutral plane, and 1 point per day on a hos-
Defense and Repair round. When on a "neutral" plane of exist-
ence, the rate is 1 point per turn (10 minutes). tile plane. Regeneration affects all losses
Immortals are far more durable than mortals When on a "hostile" plane, the rate is 1 point simultaneously (including all six ability
in many ways. They can also be damaged in per day. scores). Each score continues regenerating
more ways, since they use attack forms com- until it reaches its normal total.
pletely unknown to mortals. Defenses and Physical Recovery
means of repair thus take several forms.
An Immortal's physical form automati-
Bias of Specific Planes
Armor Class is a measure of defense against
physical attack. Anti-Magic is a measure of cally regenerates all losses of ability score An Immortal's Home Plane is always treated
defense against magic. points and hit points. The rate is the same as as friendly. Any other Outer Plane belonging
the Immortal's regeneration of Power Points, to an Immortal of the same Sphere is friendly
as determined by planar or local bias. unless declared otherwise by the owner. The
Anti-Magic The cost of faster regeneration is 100 PP. Elemental Plane corresponding to the char-
An Immortal life force automatically con- This expenditure doubles the base rate for 6 acter's Sphere is friendly unless declared oth-
fers some resistance to magic upon the physi- hours (36 turns). A like increase in rate and erwise by the Elemental Ruler of that plane.
cal form used by the character. This duration (not an additional doubling) can be The Astral, Ethereal, and Prime Planes
protection, called Anti-Magic (A-M), is obtained for each expenditure. Example: A are always neutral. The Elemental Planes
explained in the D&D Master Set (DMR, 4th level Eternal on a plane with neutral bias corresponding to the two elements not
page 2). If you are not familiar with A-M, wants to increase his regeneration rate to 4 directly opposed to the element of the charac-
review that section before play. points per turn for 12 hours. This requires ter's Sphere are neutral unless declared oth-
An Initiate or Temporal has 50% A-M, three increases, all applied twice (once for erwise by their respective Rulers. The Outer
and this figure increases by 10% for each each 6-hour increase), for a total cost of 600 Planes of Immortals of Spheres correspond-
class attained. A-M may also be increased by PP. ing to those two elements are likewise neutral
a magical effect; see page 17 (non-spell magic An Immortal may expend Power to repair unless declared otherwise by their owners.
of the Sphere of Time). any physical form used. Standard magical The one Elemental Plane of the element
A character may voluntarily stop (or cure spells may be created and applied as opposed to that of the character's Sphere is
restart) all personal A-M effects at will. The desired. Remember that A-M should be vol- hostile. The Outer Planes of Immortals of the
action must be announced to the DM. This untarily dropped if a risk of magic failure is to corresponding Sphere are likewise hostile.
practice is common when a character wants be avoided. Power may also be used to hasten The ruler of any such plane may declare oth-
to use magic with a personal effect, such as a the natural regeneration process for hit points erwise, but this is rare.
cure or ability, such as shapechange. If an and ability scores. This does not affect the The Dimension of Nightmares is always
Immortal does not voluntarily stop the A-M rate of Power regeneration. treated as if it were dominated by Entropy
before using magic, the A-M may disrupt Natural or enhanced regeneration affects and is always hostile to all other Spheres.
magic use, negating all possible results. This current totals at all times, and is cumulative Other dimensions may have any bias,
applies also to magic used to create or with magical effects. Ability score losses are depending on their characteristics, but most
enhance Anti-Magic. If A-M affects existing often most easily countered by applying mag- are neutral. Any plane of the Sphere of
magic (spells with durations, magic items, ical ability score increases. As the ability Entropy is friendly toward all Immortals of
etc.), the magic may be negated for a turn or scores then regenerate, the augmented ability Entropy, and hostile to all other Immortals
more. During the time when an Immortal scores likewise increase. The same phenome- (neutral toward none).
stops his A-M effect, he is subject to other non occurs when hit points are magically Example: An Immortal of the Sphere of
magical effects directed at him, augmented. However, regeneration can Matter knows that, to his perspective, each
Paradoxically, after magic is used to create never cause a score to exceed normal maxi- Elemental and Outer Plane has the following
or enhance Anti-Magic, the resulting effect mum if no magical augmentation has been bias:
(technically magical and with a given dura- applied. Friendly: Earth and Matter
tion) cannot be affected by Anti-Magic. It Neutral: Fire, Air, Energy, and Thought
may, however, be affected normally by a dis- Hostile: Water and Time
pel magic spell. The dispel effect must first
New Characters Information

Local Bias During any one round, an Immortal may Immortals are four-dimensional beings,
assume gaseous form, move the full distance and can see their destination by simply look-
An Immortal completely immersed in non-
(240'), and then reassume normal form. ing across the fourth dimension. This does
magical elemental material must apply bias
This counts as one "normal" action (i.e. not mean that they can travel in that direction
as if he or she were within the corresponding
movement). without effort (by magical means). A mortal
Elemental Plane. Local bias never applies on
Whenever a character assumes a form with may also see things at a distance, but be
the Prime Plane, but affects all other planes.
a movement rate which differs from those unable to reach them without some expendi-
No bias adjustment is necessary for magical
given, the faster rate always applies. In addi- ture (muscle power and time, in the case of
effects of any sort. The immersion must last
tion, some special types and faster speeds of simple long-distance travel to a distant but
for at least 1 full round before the bias adjust-
movement can be produced by applying observable location). To a mortal three-
ment (if any) takes effect.
magic. dimensional perspective, a teleport is a dar-
Example: The ruler of the Elemental ing step through an unobservable dimension.
Refer also to page 11 for helpful methods of
Plane of Air, whose bias toward the Sphere of
handling and visualizing movement in three- Mortals can only teleport within a three-
Time is usually neutral, quarrels with the
dimensional combat. dimensional frame of reference, and thus
Hierarch of that Sphere and impulsively
decrees his entire realm hostile to all Immor- must leave from and arrive at a location on
tals of Time for a period of 10 days. Any Interplanar Movement the ground or some other surface. An attempt
Immortals of Time entering an air-filled to do otherwise is often disastrous, disorient-
This category includes all forms of move- ing the mortal completely and utterly ran-
space during that period must either accept ment across the boundaries of one or more
the lesser rate of regeneration or continually domizing the teleport effect. Unfamiliarity
Planes of Existence. Interplanar movement with either location produces some degree of
surround themselves with non-magical water may require Power expenditure, or may be
(for friendly bias) or fire (for neutral bias). disorientation, introducing the random ele-
free of cost, depending on the direction of tra- ment described in the spell description
vel. If the character moves toward the outer (Expert Set, page 15).
Movement planes, no expenditure is required. Any other
direction of Interplanar movement requires
An Immortal may employ three entirely dif- an expenditure. The relative "directions" of Interdimensional Movement
ferent types of movement. These types are the planes, starting from the Inner Planes All planes are comprised of many dimen-
movement within a plane or dimension (Uni- and moving outwards, are: Prime, Elemental sions or ways to measure distance between
versal), movement across the boundaries of or Ethereal, Astral, and Outer. For example, two points. Within any plane, each dimen-
one or more Planes of Existence (Inter- movement from the Prime Plane to an Ele- sion may be either of limited size or infinite.
planar), and movement across the bounda- mental Plane requires no expenditure, but There are only five known dimensions in
ries of one or more Dimensions movement between Elemental Planes is not each plane, though more are suspected to
(Interdimensional). toward from the Outer Planes, and thus exist. The first three dimensions are length,
requires expenditure. width, and depth. The fourth dimension is
Universal Movement The base cost for Interplanar movement referred to as hyper space or the shortcut
This category includes all forms of normal requiring expenditure is 50 Power Points per dimension and is used for teleporting. The
and magical movement during which the planar boundary crossed. However, one fifth dimension is an alien space so horrid it
character remains within the universe of a magical gate can be created instead, the exact has been named the Dimension of Night-
single plane or dimension. Walking, swim- PP cost being the cost of the magic (see mare. The names of the dimensions do not
ming, flying, and gaseous travel are exam- Immortal Magic, page 16). The primary correspond to any Sphere, thus Time is not a
ples of this type. advantage of a gate is that it creates actual dimension. The DM's Guide gives further
The maximum Universal rate for an incor- holes in several planar boundaries, making a details on dimensions.
poreal Immortal is 24 miles (the width of a direct connection to some other plane at any Immortals normally exist in the first three
standard large-scale campaign map hex) in distance. As a result, the cost of the gate is dimensions, but may explore other dimen-
one round, or 8,640 miles per hour. This usually less than the total cost of standard sional space (collections of any three dimen-
amazing speed results from the character's Interplanar movement (50 per boundary), sions).
relative freedom from the limits of matter and and the time required for the crossing is also Many other dimensions exist, and most
time while in this form. When incorporeal, a less. The disadvantages of a gate are its magi- are as yet unexplored by Immortals. These
character may pass freely through material cal nature (thus easily disturbed by A-M or dimensions may be entered by Immortals
objects and magical effects. dispel effects) and its very existence; other and others. Some creatures have existence
When in material form, a character's base creatures may use the gate as long as it only within the third, fourth and fifth dimen-
rate of Universal movement on any surface is remains. sions, and view creatures from the first three
120 feet per turn (40 feet per round). Any One turn (10 minutes) of time elapses dimensions as monsters. These may some-
Immortal may fly at 360'(120') rate, or may while an Immortal crosses one planar bound- times escape into other dimensional space.
assume gaseous form and move at ary by means of standard Interplanar move- A mortal may enter another dimension by
720'(240') rate. The latter rates and styles ment. By contrast, movement through a gate accident, by action of other-dimensional
are identical to those of a travel spell, but may takes only 1 round per boundary crossed. creatures, or in dreams. An Immortal may
be produced at will, at no cost in Power. The only enter another dimension by expending
effects are non-magical, and thus cannot be Immortals may teleport without error, and Power. The cost to an Immortal is the same as
affected by dispel magic or Anti-Magic may do so to or from any location (not limited for Interplanar movement, or 50 PP per
effects. to a surface). dimensional boundary crossed.

New Characters Information

Three-Dimensional Movement If strict accuracy is desired, players may We mortal earthbound folk rarely visualize
calculate exact distances for movement and the problems of orientation in a
As a player, you have probably encountered "effects. This can become tedious very quickly three-dimensional gravity-free environment.
problems in representing aerial or underwa- and should only be done when some detail is Yet this is precisely the situation for charac-
ter movement with miniature figures. The of critical importance (e.g. when a charac- ters in the Astral Plane.
two-dimensional limits of most playing sur- ter's life depends on it). All characters in such circumstances should
faces can be helpful in many situations, but A more convenient method of estimating agree to accept one position as "up," and the
often provide little help for such distance can be used by measuring distances opposite as "down."
three-dimensional activity. in square inches or by using a grid of squares Estimating 3-D Distance
You will rarely be able to place figures in as a playing surface. You will then become Diagram 1 illustrates an imaginary grid of
their correct positions, with all distances in accustomed to converting distances from cubes over a playing surface. Two opponents
scale. Flying movement, for example, often "feet" to "squares." For example, when one are positioned as indicated (A and B). The
involves quick changes of altitude and vari- square is 5 feet long, a normal move of 90 feet DM wants to find the total distance between
ous magnitudes of distance. becomes one of 18 squares. The diagonal of them. Counting along an imaginary line as
If exact heights are accounted for sepa- one square, approximately 1.41 times the near to straight as possible but going from
rately, dice or other solids may be used to sim- side of the square, can be rounded to 1 V2 cube to cube, the DM counts four long diago-
ply raise a figure's position slightly, squares for ease of counting. Thus, a 90-foot nals (1 3A each, or 7) and six short diagonals
indicating to others that the character is at a (18-square) move made diagonally is counted (1 V2 each, or 9), for a total distance of 16
higher altitude than the others. When multi- as 12 diagonals of 1 V2 squares each. units (80 feet).
ple figures are at different altitudes, the low- For three-dimensional movement, urge
est (whether on a floor or not) is treated as everyone to visualize moves in terms of grid Diagram 1
"aground," and all others positioned with "cubes" of distance equal to the width of a
respect to that one. square. Imagine levels of altitude over the
A scrap of paper may be placed next to gridded playing surface, each exactly one
each miniature figure or kept by each player, grid cube high.
with notes on the altitude, direction of travel, Vertical or horizontal movement between
and other needed information about the char- these imaginary cubes is handled as normal
acter represented. movement; each move counts as one unit of
The positions of figures on the playing sur- distance (normally 5 or 10 feet, as decided
face should merely be two-dimensional pro- beforehand for the grid). A diagonal move-
jections of their actual locations. Each figure ment in a horizontal or vertical direction is
is placed where the character would be if low- the same length as on the board, 1 V2 squares.
ered to that surface. Thus, large amounts of However, diagonal movement in a diagonal
real movement may occur (straight up or direction upward or downward counts as 1 3A
down, for example) with little or no change in square (or 3 V2 for two), and should be
the figure position. referred to as a "long" diagonal.

Order of Events in Combat

The additional attacks possible for 4. Aura attacks*, side that wins initia- * Power combat involves attacks by both
Immortals requires a revision in the tive sides, and is always concluded in step 3.
standard order of events. When several 5. Actions, side that wins initiative:
Immortals are opposed in combat, addi- a. Morale checks, if needed
Optional Order: This combat sequence
tional events apply. b. Movement
separates swifter actions from slower melee
c. Missile fire
combat, providing the possibility of dis-
1. Intentions: The DM asks each player d. Magic (spells, spell-like effects,
rupting spells by causing damage to the
what the character intends to do in the items, etc.)
caster. First, the side with initiative makes
coming round. If the DM chooses to e. Hand-to-hand combat (including Morale checks, moves, fires missiles, and
use statistics to determine the order in ability score attacks) uses magical items. The other side
which intentions are announced (high- responds. Then the first side casts magical
est or lowest dexterity, Power total, 6. Actions, side losing initiative: follow
steps a. through e. above. and spell-like effects and fights
etc.), the method should be hand-to-hand combat; and the other side
announced beforehand and applied 7. Check Results
a. if one side is defeated, stop responds. This optional Combat order may
consistently. be used by both mortals and Immortals.
b. if one side flees, check details of
2. Initiative: Each side rolls Id6. pursuit and evasion
3. Special combat, side that loses ini- c. if combat continues, return to
tiative: Resolve Aura and Power step 1
combat, in that order.

New Characters Information

Attack Forms duration of the Awe, or the sum of the dura-

tions of the Awe and ensuing charm, is twice
Your character can now use several new types of attacks.
the amount produced by a charm spell effect.
When a calculation requires the use of a character's level, such as variables in spell effects or Charm duration varies by the Intelligence of
combat methods, an Immortal's effective "level" is simply twice the number of Hit Dice. the victim. Refer to the D&D Master Set,
Example: The Hierarch of any Sphere (HD 45) is treated as a 90th level character. This (90th DMR pages 16-17, to find the Intelligence
level) is then the maximum "level" possible for any character. scores of published monsters.
The duration of terror is 3 turns (30 min-
Direct Attacks Usable by Immortals
utes), and may be reduced by 1 round per
Type of Possible Maximum Effect of Cure for point of the victim's Intelligence (DM's
Attack Victim Range Attack Effect option). Memory of the terror does not van-
ish quickly. Once Aura is used to evoke terror
Aura Mortal Sight Awe/Terror Time or Spell in a creature, that victim cannot be awed by
Physical Any By Weapon HP Decrease Cure Spell the same Immortal until another 3 turns have
Magical Any Bv Effect By Effect Varies by Effect elapsed. The Immortal creating the terror
Power Immortal Sight PP Decrease Time Regenerates can remove it at will, at no cost in power, but
Ability Immortal Sight AS Decrease Time or Power cannot reverse or reduce it.
Write "Aura" on your sheet as an attack
form, and note its strength modifier (from
1. Aura of the victims' size or the results of subse- Table 3) and the maximum number of crea-
Aura is the term used to describe the effect quent saving throws. tures affected per round (as determined by
created when an Immortal life force nears The power of Immortal Aura overwhelms Intelligence, using Table 2).
any mortal being. The mortal senses the most mortal resistance. Whenever an
incredible Power in the Immortal life force Immortal chooses to use Aura, each victim 2. Physical Combat (Melee)
and reacts instinctively. A few mortals may be must make a saving throw vs. Spells, using
immune to the effects of Immortal Aura, but the base number given by class or monster Any Immortal in normal or mortal form can
the reaction is automatic and irresistable for description. That number is not modified by employ all mortal methods of physical com-
most. equipment, spell effects, or ability scores, but bat. Ability score adjustments to melee apply
two new adjustments do apply. The first is for at all times, based on the scores of the form
Auras do not affect other Immortals used (usually the same as the Immortal char-
adversely, and can be useful in communica- the strength of the Aura, as determined by
the Immortal's Charisma. Refer to Table 3 acter's). All other details of mortal melee also
tion. Immortals thus usually ignore their apply, including surprise, initiative, ranges
Auras when no mortals are nearby, allowing for specific figures. The second possible, but
uncommon, adjustment is a bonus conferred and damages of weapons, etc. Review all the
them to emanate freely. They can, and usu- modifiers applicable to melee, including
ally do, restrain their Auras when dealing by another Immortal. Any Immortal may, by
expending Power, confer a bonus to any sav- those for equipment, if possible.
with mortals, being quite aware of the possi-
ble effects. ing throw of a mortal. Apply all adjustments When an Immortal suffers points of dam-
to the roll, not the base saving throw. Any age from a blow, the character may make a
Immortal Aura can be used to create either
adjusted result of 1 or less indicates failure. saving throw vs. Physical Blow. If the saving
charm or terror in mortals. Aura-inspired
throw fails, the character receives normal
charm is more akin to awe (or even worship) Since Aura can be used continuously with- damage. If the saving throw is successful, the
than to simple friendship. The terror effect is out Power cost, victims who resist the Aura character takes half the damage indicated.
of similar intensity, a combination of over- effect may be forced to make a new saving
whelming fear and utter panic. throw each round. The frequency of use is
Armed Combat
Aura may be used selectively by "aiming" entirely at the discretion of the Immortal
A character may use Power to create
at one or more designated individuals of a using the Aura. The intensity of the Aura is a
equipment (weapons, armor, etc.), or may
group. Either awe or terror can be produced fixed quantity, and cannot be increased or
use equipment found locally. A character still
in this manner. lessened.
retains any weaponry skill gained in mortal
Physical range does not effect Aura use. After an Immortal uses Awe to charm a life, including weapon proficiency, and Mas-
Any creature seeing or seen by an Immortal mortal, the Immortal may alter the effect at tery. The character's form and its ability
can be affected, as long as the Immortal is will, at no cost in power. The awe-filled, scores often affect or limit the possible choices
actually present. Mortals seeing merely the immobilizing charm can be reversed, of weaponry.
image of an Immortal, or who are magically reduced, or removed. If reversed, the awe
seen from afar by an Immortal, cannot be becomes terror (no saving throw). If reduced, Mortal weapons are of little consequence
affected by that Immortal's Aura. it becomes simply a powerful charm, much to Immortals. Any Immortal in normal form
more conducive to conversation and move- may, entirely unarmed, use a punch to inflict
Aura is slightly limited in scope, but can be damages beyond the ranges of most mortal
used at no cost in Power. The maximum ment than is awe. If the charm is removed,
the victim's normal state of mind returns. weaponry, even those of great enchantment.
number of creatures affected per round is
equal to the modifier given on Table 2 corres- Awe reduces automatically to charm when Immortal strength often enables the char-
ponding to the character's Intelligence score. the Immortal is out of Aura range (i.e. cannot acter to use large solid objects as missile
For example, an Immortal with 39 Intelli- see nor be seen by the mortal). weapons. The DM must rule on the success
gence can use Aura on a maximum of 9 crea- of such a feat (applying a modified Strength
Immortal charm of this type has greater
check) and must choose an appropriate dam-
tures per round. This limit applies regardless effect than the mortal variety. The exact

New Characters Information

age range. Generally, the difficulty of the A-M percentage applies to all physical forms the existence of any amount, small or large,
check corresponds to the size of the object and used by the Immortal, including the old mor- generates a positive response to the probe.
the Immortal's Strength score. Your DM has tal form. No information is gathered in any category
more precise guidelines. Mortal saving throws apply to all magical that does not apply to the creature probed.
effects directed against the character's mortal No information is gained from a creature
Unarmed Combat form. The Immortal's new saving throw vs. using a shield. In any one round, an Immor-
Wrestling and Striking are handled as for Magic Spell (Table 4) applies when the tal may initiate a probe or an attack, but not
mortals, though with a few minor changes. Immortal is in any other form. Immunities or both. A probe may have different effects,
Striking: Use all optional rules, and all resistances of any form used are applied sometimes quite adverse, on certain life
standard procedures for mortal form. For before saving throws or other modifiers. forms native to other dimensions as detailed
normal form, if the character "pulls the in creature descriptions.
punch," use normal procedures. A standard 4. Power Attacks One character may use a maximum of two
punch inflicts Id6 to 20d6 points of damage; different types of attacks in any one round,
Though Power is a factor in many actions
the exact number of dice is equal to the modi- though each may be repeated many times as
and abilities, it may also be attacked directly.
fier given for the character's Strength score. responses to incoming attacks. Each of the
Any being who possesses pure Power in any
If a blow hits, roll Id 100 and subtract the vic- possible attack modes involves the applica-
amount can be attacked in this way. The
tim's Constitution score. If the result is 1 or tion of pure Power in a different way. The
forms of the opponents have no effect on
greater, a knockout may occur for a duration possible attack forms and their effects depend
Power combat. Power is the only means by
equal to the final score in the round. Mortals on the method of Power combat used in play.
which an incorporeal Immortal can directly
may make an unmodified saving throw vs. Refer to the Power combat descriptions for
attack another.
Death Ray to avoid being knocked out. details on all attack forms.
Immortals make an easy Constitution check Power combat may occur simultaneously
to avoid being knocked out. with other actions. It does not detract from
the number of other actions permitted in any
Wrestling: Calculate the Wrestling Rating timeframe. An Immortal may initiate a max- The range of a shield is zero; it has per-
for normal form by adding the character's imum of one attack per round, but may sonal effect only, and cannot be created for or
Hit Dice and Armor Class, and adding 10 to respond to any number of attacks in that upon another creature. The range of a probe
the result. The AC is not subtracted, despite same round, and all while performing some or attack is virtually infinite, within the fol-
its technically negative value. In use, apply other action (either physical or magical) if lowing limits. Each opponent must be able to
all the optional rules given. The class adjust- desired. The abilities of some Power-using detect the other in some way, whether by
ments for Immortals, needed for Optional monsters are more limited. sight, magic, or otherwise. The target of a
rule #2, are: Power attack can always detect the attacker
The DM and players may select one of two in return. Opponents in Power combat must
Initiate +2 Empyreal +7 methods of Power combat, simple or either be on the same Plane of Existence or be
Temporal +3 Eternal +9 advanced. The only difference between the on planes connected by a gate or equivalent
Celestial +5 Hierarch + 12 two methods is the types and effects of possi- effect. Power attacks and probes cannot cross
ble attack forms. All procedures and other planar boundaries.
Recalculate the Wrestling Rating normally details are the same for both methods.
for the mortal form, but using the character's
Power combat is almost entirely aggres-
Hit Dice as a starting point (instead of using Procedures
sive. A victim normally "defends" by attack-
half the mortal level of experience). Actions in Power combat (probe, shield, or
ing in response to other attacks.
attack) must be declared during the Inten-
3. Magical Attacks Actions and Power Costs
tions phase of the melee round, along with all
other planned actions. The exact type of
When incorporeal, an Immortal cannot use The three possible actions in Power com-
attack and the amount of Power used are not
spells or create magical effects of any sort, but bat are shield, probe, or attack. Each
declared. Initiative does not affect Power
the character is likewise immune to all magic. requires a Power expenditure. The cost of a
combat. A character cannot be surprised by
In mortal or normal form, the character may probe or shield is 5 PP. The cost of an attack
Power attacks. Power combat is resolved
use Power to create any spell effect. Other depends on the method used in play—20 PP
before all other actions in the round.
magical effects which do not correspond to in the simple combat method, or nearly any
mortal spells may also be created. amount (up to 500 PP) in the advanced If an Immortal is the target of a Power
method. attack, the character may either ignore it or
The Power expenditure for producing one
respond. If the attack is ignored, the charac-
magical effect ranges from 1 to 160 PP. The
ter is automatically the loser when combat
exact cost is determined by the effect, the Effects results are applied to that attack. If the char-
Sphere which controls that effect, and the A shield negates all probes used on the acter chooses to respond, he or she must
Sphere of the Immortal. Refer to Immortal character during that round, but has no other choose one attack form to use in responding,
Magic, page 16, for details of spells and effect. and combat results are applied normally.
non-spell magical effects. A probe is an information-gathering
After intentions are declared, each oppo-
All Immortals are resistant to all forms of device. It lasts for 1 round, and may be used
nent engaged in Power combat must write
magic, and this is represented by an on one creature. By using a probe, an
down the name of the attack form used, along
Anti-Magic (A-M) percentage given for each Immortal can detect the existence of Sphere,
with the name of the opponent. For multiple
class. Check A-M before applying any spell Power Points, hit points, Anti-Magic, and
attacks, be sure to keep an accurate record of
effects; the magic may simply not work. The life force. Amounts are never detected, but
each exchange. In the advanced combat

New Characters Information

method, the amount of Power applied to each Power Combat Winners (Simple Method) Hold: T h e victim may not move for the
attack must also be noted. remainder of the round. Furthermore, unlike
Slam Change Wrap
other results, this tactical effect lasts until the
Timestop Slam Tie Slam Wrap victim succeeds in making a saving throw vs.
An Immortal who creates a timestop spell Change Slam Tie Change Power Drain. T h e Immortal m a y still use
effect m a y use Power combat during the Wrap Wrap Change Tie Power combat and magic, and may even
" r o u n d s " effectively gained thereby. T h e vic- physically attack if a target is within range.
tim may respond normally, despite being Advanced Power Combat T h e first saving throw may be attempted af
caught by the spell effect. All combat results This method offers five types of attacks, the start of the Intentions phase of the next
involving Power loss are applied while the variable P P costs for each, a n d two different round, and repeated each round thereafter
timestop is in effect. W h e n using advanced combat results, Power loss and Tactical. until successful.
Power combat, all results other than Power Three types of attacks are identical to those Slam: T h e loser is moved a distance equal
losses are applied after the timestop ends, but of the simple method. T h e two added attack to the amount that the attacker could nor-
before any subsequent events in the (actual) forms are Erase and Hold, used to negate or mally move in one round, as determined by
round. stop the incoming Power attacks (respec- the attacker's current form. T h e attacker
tively). may choose the exact direction of movement.
Combat Results T h e cost of any one attack is 10 to 500 PP. This tactical result cannot force a creature to
If a Power attack of any sort is directed at a T h e attacker may choose any amount within cross planar or dimensional boundaries.
victim who does not use Power Points, the that range. Wrap: T h e loser is surrounded by the
attack is resolved as if it were a magical Death If both opponents choose the same type of attacker's Power for the remainder of the
Ray. Despite this effect, the resolution occurs attack and the result is a "tie," the opponent round. This negates all normal senses, magi-
in the same phase as Power combat. using the greater amount of Power wins. If cal and non-magical detection abilities, and
W h e n e v e r two o p p o n e n t s u s e P o w e r both forces are equal, n o combat result Aura (though not effects already produced
attacks against each other, either may suffer a applies. Otherwise, in a tie, subtract the thereby), but has no effect on the ability to
loss of Power Points as a combat result. T h e lesser force from the greater. T h e loser sense and respond to Power attacks.
exact amount depends on the attacks used. deducts twice that amount as the Power loss
T h e loser m a y make a saving throw vs. result (or half that if the saving throw is suc-
Power Combat Winners
Power Drain when the results are applied. If cessful).
If opponents choose different attack forms, (Advanced Method)
that saving throw is successful, the loss is
halved (rounded up). consult the Power Combat Winners table to Slam Wrap Erase Hold Change
All losses of Power are applied against the find the winner. T h e loser deducts twice the
amount of the attacking force (or half that Change SI Ch Ch H o Tie
current (variable) Power total. If such losses
amount if the saving throw vs. Power Drain Hold SI Wr Ho Tie Ho
exceed the P P r e m a i n i n g , the excess is
is successful). Erase Er Er Tie Ho Ch
deducted from the hit points of the form used.
Wrap Wr Tie Er Wr C h
If no material form exists, or if a form used is
Tactical Results (Advanced Method Only) Slam Tie Wr Er SI SI
reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the victim is
forced to return to his or her H o m e Plane. T h e loser of a round of advanced Power D e f e n s e O p t i o n (Simple or A d v a n c e d
Any creature without a H o m e Plane or combat must apply a tactical result in addi- Method)
defeated on his H o m e Plane is destroyed tion to a Power loss. T h e tactical combat A character may use Wrap to block all
when its P P total reaches zero. result is determined by the type of attack used incoming Power attacks. T h i s action is
by the winner. declared in a special way during the Inten-
Simple Power Combat All tactical results are applied when Power tions phase. A character may not use this
This method of play involves three possible combat is resolved, before all subsequent defense option during any round in which he
attack modes—Slam, Change, a n d W r a p . events in melee. T h e tactical effects of or she has initiated or responded to any
They are used to confront, divert, or contain C h a n g e , Erase, and Wrap attacks last only Power attacks.
(respectively) the Power of the incoming until the end of the melee round in which they T h e d e f e n d e r must ignore all Power
attack. occur, a n d vanish before intentions are attacks declared, and must then (as the last
Any one attack m a y be p r o d u c e d b y declared for the next round. Intention declared before the D M starts the
expending 20 PP. If both opponents choose Change: T h e loser cannot use magic for round) announce the intention to defend.
the same attack mode, neither loses or wins, the rest of the round. If the attacker knows of W h e n that is revealed, each attacker deducts
and no losses result. If the attack modes dif- any magic currently affecting the victim, one 5 P P to represent the foiled attempt. T h e
fer, refer to the following chart to find who magical effect can be removed (i.e. automati- defender finds the total number of incoming
wins. T h e loser must deduct 40 P P (or 20 P P cally, b u t selectively dispelled). T h e victim attacks declared, multiplies that figure by 10,
if the saving throw is successful) as the result cannot, however, be forced to reveal any and deducts the result as the P P cost of the
of the combat. details about the magical effects which could defense.
thus be removed.
In defending, the character actually uses
Erase: T h e victim is paralyzed, and may the Wrap for personal effect instead of using
not physically attack or execute Universal it to attack another. W h e n u s i n g the
movement. T h e victim may use Power com- advanced combat method, the Wrap has
bat and magic, and may move across planar standard tactical effects on the defender
or dimensional boundaries. (inability to sense, detect, or use Aura). It

New Characters Information

does not affect magic use or other abilities. tact the victim for the attack to succeed. The communication. Immortal voices can be far
The defense option is recommended for attack must be devoted to the ability score louder than those of mortals!
use in any game in which one creature of any attack alone. If any other effect would auto-
sort may be the target of Power attacks from matically occur by touch (such as paralysis, a Results
all or most others present. In the simple com- spell effect, etc.), the ability score attack does To resolve an ability score attack, each
bat method, the defender may avoid massive not occur. player rolls Id6 and adds it to the modifier (as
losses of Power with no ill effects. In the To attack a physical ability score, the given on Table 2 or 3) for the ability score
advanced combat method, the defense is attacker declares only a normal "Punch" named. Subtract the lesser adjusted total
often followed by a delaying tactic or a attack during the Intentions phase of the from the greater. The opponent with the
retreat. round. When actions are resolved, the lesser total loses a number of ability score
attacker must make a successful Hit roll. If points equal to that difference, and the
5. Attacks on Ability Scores this misses, the ability score attack obviously attacker gains the same amount. Both
cannot be made. If it succeeds, the attacker changes apply only to the ability score
An Immortal in any physical form (i.e. not must announce immediately that an ability involved. Ability attacks are never modified,
incorporeal) can directly attack an ability score attack is in progress, naming the abil- and allow no saving throws.
score of another creature who is also in a ity; otherwise the attack remains a punch Although the victim of an ability score
material form. Some creatures of the astral (inflicting hit points of damage only). attack may choose not to defend, this has dire
plane and the Dimension of Nightmares can
effects. The victim may only use the result of
do so as well. Incorporeal beings cannot
Mental the random (Id6) roll, and may not add the
attack ability scores, and cannot be attacked
The only limit to the range of a mental ability score modifier.
in this way.
ability score attack is that of communication. When ability scores change because of
Ability score attacks are either Physical or For example, whenever two Immortals are attacks of this type, remember to adjust the
Mental. The Physical ability scores are speaking together, either may directly attack modifiers accordingly. The change in modi-
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. The the other's Wisdom, even if they are on dif- fiers occurs simultaneously with the change
Mental scores are Intelligence, Wisdom, and ferent planes of existence and communicat- in score.
Charisma. ing by magical means. Mental ability score Ability score points gained in attacks are
Imagine each ability score attack as a test. attacks are usually more common than physi- temporary gains, lasting for only 6 turns.
The victor is usually the creature with the cal ones. They may surpass class limits, but the maxi-
greater score, but not always. Physical ability
The attacker must declare the exact type of mum score (100) cannot be exceeded.
score attacks are those in which the oppo-
attack during the "Intentions" phase of the Ability score points lost to attacks are tem-
nents come into physical contact, to see
round. Once declared, a mental ability score porary losses. Each ability score automati-
which has the greater strength, agility, or
attack can only be avoided by a break in the cally regenerates at the same rate as Power
stamina. A mental ability score attack
communication. If both opponents are within and hit points (determined by bias; see page
involves a similar comparison of intelligence,
the same area, such as a melee, one may con- 9). All ability scores regenerate simultane-
sagacity, or leadership, and may occur at long
tinue to attack another in this way despite the ously and at no cost in Power. An Immortal
victim's desires, and no Hit roll is required. may expend temporary Power to hasten the
A defender may only prevent mental ability recovery, or to magically enhance the less-
Physical score attacks by either silencing the attack- ened ability scores.
The range of any physical ability score ers) or moving out of range of all possible
attack is zero; that is, the attacker must con-

Section 3: Immortal Magic
An Immortal can recreate cleric, druid, and Sphere Factors for Magical Effects Caster Level
magic-user spell effects of all types and levels
Sphere of Sphere of Magical Effect The character's effective level for all purposes
by expending Power Points. Other magical
Immortal Matter Energy Time Thought is twice the number of Hit Dice. This effec-
effects which do not correspond to mortal
Matter tive level is used in place of caster level in all
spells may also be created. Immortal Spells
Energy applications, even though the spell effects are
are never gained through meditation or
Time created, not cast.
study; spell effects are created only by
expending Power. Thought Example: A Novice Celestial (HD 25) poly-
morphs an obnoxious human into a dinner
Any one Immortal can create a maximum
Example: An Immortal of Matter can expend plate. This radical change lasts for 1 turn per
of one magical effect per round. (A timestop
16 PP to create any one of the following magi- level of the caster, or 50 turns in this case. A
spell actually creates multiple rounds of time
cal effects: 36th level mortal magic-user who attempts to
for the user. Refer to the spell description for
Base dispel the magic is the Celestial's inferior by 14
details.) From 1 to 160 PP may be expended
Sphere Cost Factor levels, and therefore has a 70% chance of fail-
in doing so. The exact cost is determined by
Force Field Matter 16 1 ure (5% per level difference) in the attempt.
the spell and by the Sphere of the Immortal
producing it. Continual Light Energy 8 2
Every mortal magic spell is associated with Hold Person
Remove Fear
4 4 General Notes, Charts
2 8
one of four Spheres of Power. None are spe-
cifically associated with the Sphere of
Entropy, though many do unavoidably aid Durations of Effects Using the Charts
entropy in some way. All other magical effects Whenever a fixed duration of any length is An Index to Magical Effects that may be cre-
likewise correspond to individual Spheres. given for a magical effect, an Immortal may ated by Immortal use of Power Charts S1-S4
The Index to Magical Effects lists all the extend the effect for the same amount of time are located in the Reference Guide, located in
possible magical effects in alphabetical order by expending half the base Power cost. the back of this booklet.
and gives the Sphere for each. For details on Example: An Immortal of Thought expends A page reference and base PP cost are
the magical effect, refer to the detailed list for 16 PP (base cost 2, factor 8) to create a web given for each spell and non-spell magical
the corresponding Sphere (charts S1-S4). which lasts for 8 hours, but he may extend effect, along with ranges and durations for
Your DM should classify all other spells that to 24 hours by expending only 2 addi- easy reference. The abbreviations used to
developed in the campaign according to the tional PP (each 8-hour extension costing half note in which rule set the effect is explained
guidelines given (see Adding Spells) and add the base cost, or 1 Power Point apiece). are: B = Basic, X = Expert, C = Compan-
them to the index and charts.
ion, and M = Masters. The effects of most
Only about 25% (or less) of the magical Limits on Use spells are obvious from their names. Review
effects listed have good melee applications. any that you are not familiar with; these are
Plan ahead to avoid delays in play by review- Magic of any origin, mortal or Immortal, has
no effect on an incorporeal being. Magical valuable tools in play.
ing the possibilities and pre-calculating costs
effects created by mortals have no effect on Most non-spell magical effects are
of those effects your character will probably
Immortals in any form. Magical effects cre- described in the Artifact power descriptions
ated by Immortals have standard effects on of the D&D Master Set (DMR pages 51-54).
Some not contained therein are merely
Power Cost other Immortals—subject to Anti-Magic
effects (q.v.), and with certain changes logi- extrapolations of those given, and need no
The actual PP cost of creating any magical cal for Immortal application. additional explanation.
effect is calculated by multiplying the base An Immortal may apply magical effects to
Power cost by a factor. This multiplier trans- his or her physical form, or may apply them Changing Range and Duration
lates the effects of dominance and opposition to some other creature or object. Any effect
into specific increases in Power costs. The An Immortal may increase the range of a
previously limited to "self can be delivered magical effect by doubling the cost. The
spell level and/or details of the effect deter- by touch to any creature when produced by
mine the base Power cost, from 1 to 20 PP. amount of increase is equal to the original
an Immortal. Immortal power expands the range. Duration may be increased in the
The multiplier is 1, 2, 4, or 8. scope of many such effects. same manner. The doubling of cost is cumu-
Imagine the four Spheres to be on a circu- During any one round, an Immortal may lative; for example, an effect with triple nor-
lar path representing elemental take one physical action per natural attack mal range and triple normal duration thus
dominance—Earth over Air over Water over form or one magical action, but not both. costs 16 times as much as the unmodified
Fire over Earth. (This is diagrammed in the "Action" in this usage refers to any physical effect. If the duration is given as instantane-
D&D Companion Set, DMC page 20.) The attacks, defense, or miscellaneous physical or ous or permanent, it cannot be changed. If
base cost applies when the magic is within the magical effect. Multiple physical attacks are the range is zero, that likewise cannot be
character's Sphere. The base cost doubles for possible if the Immortal form possesses sev- increased. Range applies to a distance within
each step along this circular path. The result- eral natural methods of attack (eg. a bear can a single plane unless the spell or effect
ing factors are given in the following table. claw twice, bite, and maybe hug in the same description specifies otherwise. Such effects
You may wish to draw the circular path on round). cannot be sent across a planar boundary
your character sheet, as it affects many except by an existing path (such as a worm-
aspects of play. hole or gate).

Immortal Magic

The volume of an effect may also be a range of-18 to +20. score determines the frequency of any
changed in this way, but the process may A new rule is used when determining dam- attempts to non-magically conquer or defeat
involve a calculation more complex than sim- age caused by a magical effect. If bonuses or the effect. This frequency is identical to that
ple multiplication. To double the volume of a penalties apply to damage rolls, these modi- given in the D&D Master Set (MDM page
cone or sphere, for example, the formula for fiers will not change the number beyond the 16) in reference to charm effects. The chart
calculating its volume must first be found. maximum or minimum on the die used. below adds to that earlier one, and covers the
(Consult a text on solid geometry.) Simply Thus, a bonus of + 1 on Id6 results in rolls of span of Immortal ability scores.
doubling one dimension of the volume often 2 , 3 , 4, 5,6, and 6. When a new check is allowed, the player
more than doubles the total volume. If bonuses or penalties apply to damage makes a standard Intelligence check, com-
rolls, do not simply apply the bonus to the paring an unmodified roll of ldlOO to the
Conjuring and Summoning average per die. That would ignore the fact character's Intelligence score before being
that the modified result per die cannot exceed affected by the spell. If that check succeeds, a
Whenever a magical effect summons a crea- the maximum possible result. With a fire new saving throw may be attempted. The
ture, the victim must be able to respond using ball, for example, a + 1 bonus per die cannot effect vanishes without magical curing only if
its normal type of movement. Thus, trans- cause the result of any one of the dice used to the saving throw succeeds. The effect
planar summoning is only effective if the vic- exceed six. remains if either the check or the saving
tim can cross planar boundaries, or if The averages for most common types of throw is failed.
preceded by a gate or similar effect to enable dice and for bonuses or penalties of -3 to +3 Immortals with 76 or greater Intelligence
such movement. are given below. To calculate the averages for may check once at the start of each round,
Conjuring refers to a magical effect that other dice, or for modifications outside that and again at the midpoint of the round.
actually creates a creature. In such cases the range, apply the following guidelines. Immortals with 91 or greater Intelligence
life force involved might be summoned, but is The average roll for a given type of die is need not make the ability score check at all.
automatically drawn into the form created
(possibly across planar boundaries). Average Results of Common Dice Rolls
Conjuring and/or summoning will not
work if the creature involved is composed of a Type Modifier
single elemental material or devoted to a sin- of Die -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
gle Sphere against which local or planar bias Id4 1.0 1.25 1.75 2.5 3.25 3.75 4.0
is hostile. Example: An Immortal of Id6 1.5 2.0 2.667 3.5 4.333 5.0 5.5
Thought cannot conjure a fire elemental on Id8 2.25 2.875 3.625 4.5 5.375 6.125 6.75
his Home Plane, because his element (air) is ldlO 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.5 6.4 7.2 7.9
opposed to fire, and his plane thus has hostile Idl2 4.0 4.75 5.583 6.5 7.416 8.25 9.0
bias against fire and Energy. Similarly, the
same Immortal may open a gate to a nearby found by finding the total of all possible
Outer Plane and try to summon some flickers results and dividing by the number of results. Durations of Mental Effects
known to be therein, but these creatures (of Apply modifiers (if any) to each result before
the Sphere of Energy) will not respond unless finding the average. Example: On Id6, the Intelligence Check again after
they freely choose to do so. results (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) average 3.5 per die. 13-15 3 days
With a + 1 bonus, the results (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6) 16-17 24 hours
Damage average 4.3 per die (26 divided by 6). 18 8 hours
The damage produced by any single magical 19 3 hours
effect cast by an Immortal (including fire Mental Effects 20 1 hour
ball, lightning bolt, etc.) is Id6 per Hit Die The descriptions for some spells that affect 21-22 1 turn (60 rounds)
(not level) of the Immortal creating it. Thus, the mind may specify that the effects are 23-25 30 rounds
the most powerful fire ball known, created by permanent—that is, of infinite duration until 26-29 15 rounds
a Hierarch (HD 45), inflicts 45-270 points of cured or dispelled in some way. These notes 30-34 8 rounds
damage. apply only to mortals. An Immortal victim 35-40 4 rounds
For any effect involving large numbers of may be able to defeat the effect by sheer con- 41-50 2 rounds
dice, the DM may wish to use the average centration as explained below. The victim 51-75 1 round
damage instead of random rolls. This speeds cannot, however, cure himself by magical 76-90 2/1 round
play greatly, requiring only one simple multi- means. Immortals who fall victim to mental 91-100 2/1 round, save only
plication instead of much dice rolling. Any effects are usually cured quickly by allies, at
reasonable variation of this method, such as relatively minor Power Point expenditure.
adding or subtracting a fixed or random But this might not occur, and might be
amount to represent the normal variance of a impossible because of 100% A-M.
random total, is also encouraged. In the If the Immortal victim's A-M does not
example given above, the fire ball would be negate the attack, and if the saving throw vs.
quickly found to inflict 158 points of damage Mental Attack is failed, even an Immortal
by using the average of 3.5 points per die. It mind can fall victim to charm, feeblemind,
might be modified slightly by using 2d2O-2O, and other effects. The victim's Intelligence

Immortal Magic

Undead Curing and used on any creature which already has Clairvoyance: When used to see an area
an A-M percentage, the figures are cumula- through the eyes of an Immortal, the victim
Any magical effect that would cure damage tive. For example, a Celestial of Thought (A- senses the presence of (but absolutely no
when applied to an undead creature (such as M 60%) who wants 100% A-M for an hour details about) the "eavesdropper."
cause wounds, finger of death, etc.) has the may acquire the 40% increase in A-M (base
same curative effect when used on any crea- Clone: An Immortal cannotbe cloned. This
cost 15), which is ruled by Time (Sphere fac-
ture of the Sphere of Entropy. (Immortal effect can be used only on mortals.
tor x 2), by expending 30 PP. The magically
creatures cannot, however, be Turned.) added A-M cannot be dispelled by itself nor Commune: This establishes instant contact
by the innate A-M. with one Immortal of any Sphere. When this
Explanation of Terms, Anti-Magic can disrupt any type of magic is used by an Immortal player character,
detailed communication is possible, not
Charts S1-S4 use, whether mortal spellcasting or Immortal
Power expenditure. Anti-Magic has no effect merely the "yes or no" question format given
Ability score bonuses: An Immortal may on Power combat, Aura, or other non-magical in the spell description. If a specific Immortal
increase one or several ability scores by a sim- effects. is named, that individual is contacted if avail-
ple Power Point expenditure. The standard able, or otherwise another of the same Sphere
duration of any such effect is 1 hour (6 turns). Anti-Magic Ray: Unlike standard A-M and of comparable rank. Even if available, an
Mortal ability scores cannot exceed 18, and effects, this does not deactivate magic for a Immortal may refuse contact (but the PP cost
any increase in excess of this is discarded. full turn. Magical effects and temporary must still be paid). Any Immortal contacted
Immortal ability scores cannot exceed 100, magical items do not work while within the by commune automatically knows the caller's
but normal rank limits may be ignored for ray, but return to normal at the instant the identity (by common name, never truename)
this temporary effect. ray is no longer upon them. and status, including the exact rank if
The listed PP cost raises the ability score(s) Automatic Healing: See Cureall. Immortal.
involved by 4 points. However, a larger
increase may be achieved by expending more Bearhug: If an Immortal's form has more Confusion: See General Notes (Mental
Power Points. For example, an increase of 40 than two arms, any two may be employed in Effects).
points can be created as one action (though at using this effect. Conjure Elemental: See General Notes
10 times the base cost). As with other magical Blasting: It is very important to remember (Conjuring and Summoning).
effects, this action may only occur during the that in the D&D game, sound may exist
"magic spells and items" phase of the melee Contact Outer Plane: This produces an
where air does not. Though speech is nor-
round. It is subject to A-M, and may be effect identical to that described for commune
mally created by manipulating air, effects of
removed by dispel magic. Magical ability in this section. No chance of insanity applies
this type work magically, and can only be
score increases cannot be made permanent. to an Immortal character.
blocked by magical silence.
No factor ever increases the base PP cost of Container: This effect can only be placed on
creating ability score bonuses, and hence Bug Repellant: The DM may expand the
an inanimate non-living object of 1 or more
these effects are listed for all four Spheres. definition to include local varieties of "bugs,"
cubic feet in volume.
When a bonus refers to "GT," any of the abil- even though such may be totally unlike those
ity score(s) of the Immortal's Greater Talent of the Prime Plane. However, no creature of 3 Contingency: If cast by an Immortal, this
can be affected. "LT" refers to all the Lesser or greater Intelligence can be classified as a effect can trigger a spell effect of up to 5th
Talents. bug. level (one higher than the mortal version). It
Example: An Immortal of Time (whose cannot trigger a non-spell magical effect.
Buoyancy: This effect is useless in places
Greater Talents are Wisdom, Strength, and where "sinking" (i.e. gravitational orienta- Create Normal Objects: Immortals may use
Charisma) wants to temporarily increase her tion) is unknown. Such places are common in this effect to create non-magical objects of
Charisma by 20 points, so that her Aura will the Elemental Plane of Water, for example, value (including treasure). However, trea-
have greater power. She must expend 20 PP where large water globes are common. The sures created must be simple non-crafted
to produce this effect, multiplying the 4 PP DM may freely apply this effect to areas objects, such as raw uncut gemstones. From
base expenditure 5 times. If she instead where any type of sinking (or even falling!) the Immortal perspective, material wealth is
wishes to increase her Intelligence by 20 could occur, regardless of the elemental or irrelevant except when bargaining with mor-
points using the Raise all Lesser Talents other material involved. tals.
effect, she must expend 80 PP (base cost 16
PP, again multiplied times 5), which raises Calm Others: If cast by an Immortal, this Create Water: This spell has normal (though
the other two Lesser Talents as well. The best effect can remove fear or agitation from a startling) effect when used in an environment
way for her to achieve both these goals at once number of Hit Dice of creatures equal to which lacks a ground-like surface. The spring
would be to raise all the ability scores by 20 twice the Immortal's Hit Dice. can be summoned forth from any solid non-
points (at a total cost of 100 PP), as that living object of 1,000 or more cubic feet in
Choose Best Option: This magic has no effect volume.
method raises all the Greater Talents instead when used by a Hierarch. If used by any other
of merely Charisma. Immortal, this effect telepathically links the char- Creeping Doom: The magically created
acter with the Hierarch of his or her Sphere. It is swarm always consists of tiny insects native to
Aerial Servant: See General Notes (Conjur-
thus best used sparingly, if at all. The Hierarch the plane of the caster, which might be
ing and Summoning).
acts in the same way as would an artifact with this instantly slain by certain environmental
Anti-Magic: When this category of non- power, considering only those parts of a problem effects.
spell magic (of the Sphere of Time) is created which are specifically presented.

Immortal Magic

Cureall: This effect can cure a maximum of Feeblemind: See General Notes (Mental Life Trapping: This effect can only be
6 hit points per level of the caster. It can thus Effects). placed on an inanimate non-living object of 1
cure a maximum of 216 points of damage if or more cubic feet in volume.
Find the Path: This spell functions properly
cast by a mortal (36th level), or 540 points if
only within a single plane of existence. It Light: When an Immortal is blinded by this
created by a Hierarch (HD 45, caster level
might malfunction partially or totally if the effect, the Immortal's form is affected nor-
path leads across planar boundaries. The mally. This does not prevent Aura or Power
Curse: If cast by an Immortal, a curse can DM may decide the specific result—whether use, and if the Immortal leaves the body, the
have up to double normal effect. the spell seems to have no effect or the path incorporeal character is not blinded. The
suddenly stops or proceeds in the wrong blindness affects only the material form.
Death Spell: If cast by an Immortal, this can direction. It is highly erratic and often mis- Each round an Immortal's A-M may be used
affect double the given amount of creatures leading or useless when insufficient details of to try to negate the" effect. But the character
(8-64 Hit Dice, affecting creatures of 15 Hit the destination are known. For example, will become blinded if the A-M is lowered
Dice or less). when used to find the seventh dimension, or during the duration of the effect.
Delayed Blast Fire Ball: See General Notes the hiding place of the Old Ones, this effect
leads in a random direction. Lightning Bolt: See General Notes (Dam-
Dimension Door: An Immortal may use Fireball: See General Notes (Damage).
Lore: If cast by an Immortal, the effect
this effect normally or may reverse this effect,
Geas: See Quest. requires only 1-4 rounds or 1-100 turns,
dimension window, to change his or her
instead of the same numbers of turns or days
dimensional perspective to any other possible Haste: This affects the physical form only. It
given in the spell description.
for the location, viewing other dimensions. does not affect the rate of Power use of any
When used in this way, the effect does not type, nor of any type of regeneration. Lower Water: The maximum depth of the
cause physical movement. "hole" in the water is 500 feet. If cast by an
Heal: See Cureall.
Immortal, this effect can be used to create a
Disintegrate: In addition to the usual
Hold Monster: This can affect any living similar hole in solid ice. In this case, only half
defenses (A-M and saving throw), this effect
mortal creature, but has no effect on Immor- normal effect is gained (depth to 3/4 normal,
may be partially resisted by an Immortal vic-
tals of any sort. to a maximum of 250 feet).
tim. The victim must make a standard
(unmodified) Constitution check. If success- Hold Person: Immortals of any sort are not Magic Jar: An Immortal may dispense with
ful, the effect causes damage equal to half the affected by this magic, even if they were the need for a container for the life force,
Immortal's normal (undamaged) hit point "persons" (by the spell description) in mortal being able to exist as an incorporeal.
total, but does not produce full disintegra- life.
tion. The disintegration of a form has no Mass Charm: If the effect is cast by an
effect on the Immortal's life force, though it Insanity: See General Notes (Mental Immortal, the maximum number of Hit Dice
does cause incorporeality. Effects). or levels of creatures affected is equal to the
Immortal's caster level, equal to double his or
Insect Swarm: The insects are summoned, her. Hit Dice.
Dispel Evil: If used against an Immortal,
not conjured, and must thus be able to reach
this has no effect unless the victim is the sole
the caster by using their normal form of Massmorph: Immortals experienced in
target, and even then allows the usual saving
movement. If preceded by a gate spell or sim- environments other than that of the Prime
throw and A-M resistance. Even if successful,
ilar effect, the insects may indeed be sum- Plane may choose to create the illusion of
the effect merely causes the Immortal to
moned from another plane or dimension. some plant life other than trees.
return to his or her Home Plane, and the
Immortal may leave the next round after Invisible Stalker: See General Notes (Con- Maze: This has no effect whatsoever if used
arriving here. juring and Summoning). on the Astral Plane. An Immortal who
entraps a creature by this effect may follow it
Earthquake: The exact amount of crushing Levitate: In environments lacking gravita-
to the astral maze (using standard movement
damage inflicted upon a creature engulfed by tional orientation, the direction of movement
procedures and costs) and automatically find
a crack is 101-200 points of damage may be freely selected. The movement rate is
the victim in 1 round. The Immortal may
(ldl00 +100) per round. still very slow in comparison to fly and other
pull the victim out of the maze, into the wide
effects, but may be useful in some situations.
Elasticity: The size limits mentioned in the expanses of the Astral Plane, by scoring a
If an Immortal applies this effect to another
description apply to mortal humanoids. An normal Hit roll and pulling the victim along.
creature, the creator of the effect may retain
Immortal may stretch the form used up to 5 If this occurs, the victim does not reappear at
control of the movement, or may give control
times normal height, with a minimum of 5% the point of disappearance, instead remain-
to the recipient. Control passes with the
of normal thickness. The benefit of taking ing on the Astral Plane.
touch required to bestow the effect. If
only half damage from blunt weapons applies retained, control cannot be given at a later If the victim of this effect is Immortal, he or
also to a punch attack and other modes of time. When this effect is used as a form of she may leave the maze in 1 round, and then
unarmed combat. attack, to restrict or force movement with the free to move as desired. The Immortal need
creator retaining control, the victim may save not then return to the point of disappearance.
Explosive Cloud: Though no saving throw The returning effect of the spell is automatic
applies to mortals, Immortals may make the vs. Spell when touched to avoid the effect. If
the victim saves, the magic vanishes. if the Immortal simply waits for the effect to
usual saving throw vs. Physical Attack to end (a maximum of 4 rounds after it began).
reduce the damage by half.

Immortal Magic

Memorize Bonus Spell Levels: This has no Produce Fire: This will not work when local inanimate non-living object of 1 or more
effect on any creature who creates magical or planar bias is hostile toward Energy or cubic feet in volume.
effects by Power use, rather than by spellcast- fire.
ing. Size Control: The size limits mentioned in
Protection From all Creatures: The unlim- the description apply to mortal humanoids.
Meteor Swarm: This effect is commonly ited effect applies to mortals only. This effect An Immortal may enlarge his or her form to a
used by Immortals. The DM may choose to does not normally block any Immortal crea- maximum of 3 times normal height, or shrink
use the results of only one roll (of 4d6 or 8d6) ture. However, an Immortal may expend to a minimum of 5% normal. The user's
to all four or eight meteors, to speed play. An double the standard PP cost to create a simi- attacks and damage therefore may be signifi-
acceptable alternative is to use average dam- lar effect that blocks both mortal and Immor- cantly affected and the DM's judgment is
age in all cases, perhaps rolling randomly tal creatures for the same duration. required.
only if the damage needed to slay an oppo-
nent is close to that average. Quest: Since this effect can be removed sim- Speak With Monsters: If any creator of this
ply by the reversed spell effect, this is rela- effect (mortal or Immortal) attacks the recipi-
Mirror Image: The creator of the effect (and tively inefficient when used on any Immortal. ent while conversing, the effect ends immedi-
the recipient, if the effect is bestowed by ately.
Raise Dead (and Raise Dead Fully): This
touch) can always tell which of the images are
has no effect if applied to the slain material Spell Damage Bonus: See General Notes
illusory and which is the real creature.
form used by an Immortal. (Damage).
Parry: Unlike the standard fighter tactic,
Regeneration: This effect is the same as that Statue: The AC -4 given for the statue form
this has effect even if the user is unarmed.
described for Artifacts, but only restores lost supercedes the character's Armor Class, for
Pass-Wall: Any dense non-living inanimate hit points and damaged flesh, not Power or better or worse.
matter can be affected if this magic is cast by Abilities.
an Immortal. Though this can never in itself Striking: This effect is limited in application
Reincarnation: This has no effect on the to non-living objects, and cannot be used to
inflict damage, this may cause a collapse of
slain material form used by an Immortal. give damage bonuses to the attacks of any
surrounding matter and the collapse may
have damaging effects. The chance of col- type of creature (including those of the non-
Remove Barrier*: If cast by an Immortal,
lapse is equal to the percentage of the sup- living variety, such as golems).
this effect will remove even a wall of iron.
porting base material removed by this effect. Summon Animals: If this effect is used in a
This distinctive effect actually moves the Remove Curse: This is ineffective if the cre-
plane other than the Prime, the DM should
matter involved into an opposite dimensional ator or caster of the curse has (or had) a
greater number of Hit Dice than the creator determine the local equivalents of the animals
orientation. It remains in the same location, that can be affected.
but appears to change into air because of the of this effect. If several Immortals work
dimensional displacement. Were it to actu- together to remove a curse, their effective Summon Elemental: See General Notes
ally move, an inrush of air or other nearby level is equal to the total of their Hit Dice. (Conjuring and Summoning).
material would accompany the effect—which Repair (normal object, magical object): Symbol: All Immortals are treated as magic
it does not. This has no effect on any creature, living or users for this effect, and may save to avoid the
otherwise. effects. Furthermore, an Immortal may
Plane Travel: This only affects the user and
make a saving throw even when merely pass-
any non-living inanimate equipment carried. Reverse Gravity: This has absolutely no
ing the symbol.
If all members of a group simultaneously effect if the local environment has no gravity.
plane travel to a predetermined destination, Note also that falling may occur at much Teleport: This effect cannot be used to cross
all starting from the same general location, slower rates in conditions of less than normal planar boundaries, nor to change one's
they will appear in the same positions relative gravity. dimensional orientation. It merely enables
to each other. This applies even if several movement in the fourth dimension (referring
plane travels are required to reach the final Shapechange: This has very nearly the same
to standard orientation), literally bypassing
destination. However, any member of such a effect as the spell. However, the maximum
any amount of three-dimensional distance.
group may, simply by concentrating slightly size change is one hundredfold in each
in the process of moving, arrive up to 24 dimension. For example, a typical mortal Thief Ability: These effects are often useless
miles (1 outdoor map hex) distant from the human could become a creature up to 600 to Immortals, but are frequently used on fol-
others for each planar boundary crossed. feet tall, if any such creature were seen first lowers or other allies.
(as limited by the spell description). Thus,
even Immortals cannot shapechange into Timestop: Power combat occurs in literally
Polymorph Other: Although this magic has
huge creatures like the draeden or megaliths. no time at all, and is unaffected by this
normal effect on Immortals, this spell does
Immortal magic use is not dependent on magic. See Power combat for procedural
not erase memory in any way, but merely
any characteristics such as form, movement, notes on this topic.
produces tendencies that match the new
form. It does not impair Power use in any or sound, being instead a purely mental func- Tracking: The variance in percentage by
way. tion. The spellcasting restriction given in the locality (indoor, outdoor) applies only to mor-
shapechange spell description thus does not tals. An Immortal uses the "indoor" percent-
Power Words (stun, blind, kill): If any apply to any being, Immortal or otherwise, age when trying to track in any environment
such magic is cast by an Immortal, the range, who uses Power to create magical effects. in which some elemental material exists,
duration, and all limits on creatures affected
whatever the type. The "outdoor" percent-
are doubled. Shelter: This effect can only be placed on an age is used when tracking in non-elemental

Immortal Magic

environments of all sorts, including the Ethe- Turn Undead (All cleric levels)
real and Astral Planes and even vacuum. An
Immortal may follow a creature's traces Cleric Level
across planar and dimensional boundaries,
Undead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11- 12 13-14
but at only half the listed "outdoor" chance Skeleton 7 T T D D D D D D D+ D+
of success. Zombie 9 7 T T D D D D D D D+
Truesight: This effect also reveals the exact
(.fh'iul 11 <) 7 1 T I) 1) I)
n I) D
Hit Dice of those seen, but never an exact
Wichl -- 11 ;l 7
r T I) D L) D D
Power total (permanent or temporary).




Turn Undead: An Immortal with this magi- Spectre — — — — 11 9 7 T T D D
cal ability may Turn undead creatures by ges- Vampire — — — — — 11 9 7 T T D
turing, and needs no holy symbol. An l'h:ni!(i[ii ... - - ... — — 11 !> 7 T T
Immortal can Turn twice as many undead as lliiiim — — — — — — — 11 9 7 T
a mortal cleric, affecting 4-24 Hit Dice per Spirit — — — — — — — — 11 •9 •7
attempt. The level at which an Immortal Nightshade — — — — — — — — — 11 9
Turns undead is based on the effect chosen Lich — — — — — — — — — — 11
and power spent. An Immortal who was a Cleric: Level
cleric in mortal life retains his inherent Turn- Undead 15-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36
ing ability at the level he gained as a mortal.
Skeleton D + D+ D+ D# D# D#
A complete chart is given below.
Zombie D + D+ D+ D+ D# D#
Although Immortal creatures of Entropy (ih'.ul L) + 1)-* I) + 0 + D+ D#
can be cured as if undead, they cannot be WiKhi 1) D+ I) + 1) + D+ D+
Turned, and cannot be controlled as Pawns.
They may, however, act as Lieges. Proce-

dures for handling undead Lieges and Pawns
Spectre D D D D D+ D+
are described in the D&D Master Set, MDM
Vampire D D D D D+ D+
pages 22-23.
Any non-undead follower of an Immortal
I'liamom 1) I)
n D 1) I) +
of Entropy can be Turned as a "special." For
1 launt T I) D D rI)> D
example, this applies to various followers of
the demon rulers. This affects only creatures Lich 9 7 T T T T
who voluntarily ally with these Immortals, Special 11 9 7 T T T
and not to those who are duped, charmed, or
otherwise manipulated. It also does not apply
to creatures who are created by magical

Explanation Web: The time required to break free of the effect. Factors are cumulative. Without this
web varies by Strength as follows. restriction, those of the Sphere of Thought
11, 9, or 7: Total dice roll (on 2d6) needed
have a distinct advantage over all other
for successful Turn Strength Time required Spheres.
T: Automatic Turn, 4d6 Hit Dice of undead 0 Spell duration A wish cannot affect any creature's perma-
(2d6 for mortals) 1-3 5-30 turns nent PP total. It can be used to restore a tem-
D: Automatic Destroy, 4d6 Hit Dice of 4-8 3-18 turns porary PP loss, but to a maximum of 20
undead (2d6 for mortals) 9-12 2-8 turns points. It is thus at least as costly as the
D + : Automatic Destroy, 6d6 Hit Dice of 13-15 1-4 turns expenditure, and a useless tactic unless
undead (3d6 for mortals) 16-17 5-30 rounds employed to aid another creature.
D#: Automatic Destroy, 8d6 Hit Dice of 18 4 rounds
undead (4d6 for mortals) 19-20 3 rounds Word of Recall: An Immortal may have
21-23 2 rounds multiple "permanent homes," to a maximum
Weapon Bonus: This effect can only be
24-27 1 round of one for each Project. However, this effect
applied to an inanimate, non-living object.
28-32 1/2 round does not enable instantaneous transplanar
Weather Control: The DM may modify this 33-100 Instantlv travel to such a place unless the movement is
effect for local weather effects as well as gen- away from the Prime Plane (e.g. Prime to
eral environmental conditions. An Immortal Wish: All resiriuiuns given in ilic spell Elemental or Elemental to Outer).
may thus cause spectacular weather changes description still firmly apply. If a wish is used
as well as create small personal rain clouds to reproduce a spell effect (limited to one of
and such. 8th level or less), multiply the PP cost of the
wish by the Sphere factor of the resulting

Section 4: Character Advancement
A character's progress is measured by his or Minimum Requirements Max. Probable Min.
her Power total. Levels of experience were High Temporals 20 12
An Immortal must satisfy two specific
used to describe mortal progress, and also High Celestials 14 8
requirements to become eligible for rank
apply to Immortals. But in addition, an High Empyreals 4
advancement. The first is a given amount of
Immortal reaches a limit after a series of level High Eternals 2
Power Points, listed on Table 1 and summa-
gains. The character can then progress fur-
rized below. The second requirement is that To start each Olympics, all those of High
ther only after meeting certain additional
each of the three scores comprising the (5th) level are grouped with their peers. The
requirements and passing a test. Each group-
Immortal's Greater Talent must be at the number of available positions is announced;
ing of levels, representing the period from
maximum for the character's rank (as for example, two vacancies for Celestial may
one such limit to the next, is called the
explained earlier in the section on Ability exist as goals for the competing Temporals.
Immortal's rank. Level and rank gains are
Scores). A character who satisfies both Each group of competitors is then sent to an
not handled in the same manner.
requirements becomes eligible for, but does arena—an entire plane of existence, selected
not automatically gain, the new rank. to not favor any element or Sphere. Each
Level Advancement The Power totals required for each rank group has its own private arena, with either
Refer to Table 1. An Immortal starts each are as follows: no other life forms or only those with no intel-
rank (Initiate, Temporal, etc.) as a Novice, ligence within.
and progresses through five levels within that Current Power to be
Rank total needed... eligible for The games are watched by most of the
rank before reaching the next. Level Immortals of the Sphere. The conditions of
advancement is automatic upon reaching the Temporal 1,000 PP Celestial victory are as follows. When a competitor's
Power Point (PP) totals given for each. The Celestial 2,500 PP Empyreal hit points reach zero, that Immortal's mate-
reverse process is also automatic; permanent Empyreal 5,000 PP Eternal rial form is slain, and the character cannot
PP expenditures may cause a loss of one or Eternal 10.000 PP Hierarch affect or win the competition. The life force
more levels within a rank. automatically returns to the Immortal's
The permanent Power Point Total is the Only scores in the character's Greater Tal- home plane. Most defeated competitors
only factor that determines level. No other ent affect the second requirement for eligibil- immediately assume a new form and join the
requirements apply. Whenever the level ity. No minimum Lesser Talents are spectators. All remaining competitors
changes, remember to add or subtract Hit required. (However, low scores of any sort become instantly aware of the reduction in
Dice and hit points (which are determined by are flaws in the character, and may lead to their numbers. When the number of remain-
level) accordingly. defeat in the ensuing contest.) ing competitors equals the number of vacan-
Fifth level is the upper limit within each cies announced beforehand, the event ends,
rank. Progression from there to the next rank Competition for Advancement and this fact is announced to all participants
is impossible until a certain procedure is com- An Immortal can only rise to a new rank by and spectators.
pleted (see Rank Advancement). Until that defeating one or more peers in a competition Each winner gains Novice level in the new
time, the character's PP total cannot exceed for the honor. This game, carefully designed rank and receives bonus awards of Power and
the amount given for maximum (5th) level. by the Eternals to be a fair and well-rounded hit points, as given on Table 1 and summa-
Power in excess of this amount is immedi- test of the abilities of all applicants, is held rized here.
ately discarded if earned. Example: A Tem- publicly and enjoyed by all observers. It is
poral with 990 PP and 24 in each Greater part of a series of games called an Olympics. Victory Awards
Talent ability score has an opportunity for Each Sphere holds its own Olympic games.
adventure. If the character earns 20 PP dur- Rank Power Points hit points
Many Immortals enjoy visiting other
ing the adventure, 10 are acquired and 10 are Spheres' Olympics. Olympic meets are held Temporal + 50 + 10
discarded. The extra PP cannot be expended; at regular intervals determined by the Hier- Celestial + 125 + 20
they were never acquired. arch or Eternals of each Sphere. Empyreal + 250 + 30
Power cannot be voluntarily expended Each applicant must have the minimum Eternal + 500 + 40
permanently if the subtraction would drop qualifications of total Power and Greater Tal- After the rank advancement competitions
the Power total to below that required for ent to be eligible to compete. After an are finished, other games may be held. The
Novice level in the rank. Example: A Celes- Immortal has qualified for rank advance- awards for these games may consist of bonus
tial with 1,019 PP cannot spend 20 PP per- ment, a waiting period of several weeks to Power from a superior, alliance, gaining 1
manently to increase an ability score, since years normally occurs before the next Olym- service from another, etc. The number and
the reduction would cause the PP total to pics. While waiting, Immortals may work on type vary by the preference of the Hierarch of
drop below 1,000, the minimum required for improving their Home Plane, Lesser Talents, the Sphere, but are usually chosen so that
Celestial rank. and other comparatively minor details. every Immortal can participate in at least one
Power expenditures must be carefully consid- event, if desired. Each event is usually, but
Rank Advancement ered, for if some opportunity to regain the not always, limited to one rank of Immortal.
To gain a new rank, a character must first Power used is not found quickly, the charac- The details of these games need not be
become eligible by meeting two require- ter may be ineligible for competition. announced before the Olympics, again
ments, and must then defeat peers through The following numbers of Immortals are depending on the preferences of the Hier-
competition for the honor of advancement. typically eligible for rank advancement com- arch, but the explicit victory conditions and
petition. The DM selects the number who awards are always announced before each
participate. contest.

Section 5: The Home Plane
As one of the last details handled during the within this vast empty space are 2-5 stars, permanent, self-sustaining life forms are
training period as an Initiate, each new with a total of 16-20 planets in orbit around desired. Such creatures may have any char-
Immortal is assigned a Home Plane. them (plus any number of assorted smaller acteristics, and need not duplicate life forms
rocks, from moon-sized to mere fist-sized that exist elsewhere. But the easiest method is
fragments). Up to 3 of those planets may be to import life from other planes.
Starting Details megaliths, at the DM's discretion. A character who tires of Immortality may
An apparently infinite number of Outer confer great bonuses to the Home Plane by
Planes exists. One of the tasks of the hierar- Life Forms Dispersion. With this action, the Immortal
chy of the Immortals is the exploration of bestows all of his or her Power to the plane,
these planes. Millions of planes have been Any and all planets and stars may already gaining greater effects than through normal
discovered, explored to a minor extent, and support life forms of various sorts when the permanent expenditure. Upon Dispersing,
categorized. Of all these, a few have been plane is first adopted by the Initiate character the character's life essence may either retire
designated as appropriate starting planes for as determined by the DM. The space to some point within the plane, immune to all
new Immortals. between the planets and stars may also be outside effects (but unable to act in any way),
The Initiate cannot select a Home Plane; home to certain odd life forms, though these or may choose to begin the great cycle of life
one is assigned by the Hierarch of the charac- are much rarer than the other types. No life once again as a mortal creature. In the prior
ter's Sphere. Each of these suitable planes is forms in a starting plane have an average case, a player may wish to try the challenges
nearly identical, to give each Immortal a fair racial Intelligence of greater than three on the of being DM in his own world. If the first
chance to compete on an equal basis with the standard scale. Most are of microscopic size, option is chosen, the character is no longer
other Immortals of the hierarchy. The start- though some may be as large as 2-5 feet long. played, but may be contacted for reference by
ing Home Plane has the following character- Any megaliths present are the sole exceptions other Immortals who enter the plane and seek
istics. to this rule. out the life force.
Some of the terms in the following notes One or more renegade life forms may be If the second option is chosen, the charac-
may be unfamiliar to you as a player. Your present. Though this possibility is minimized ter is reborn on the Prime Plane as a normal
DM may choose to reveal more details, or through earlier surveys, the large volume of mortal, with no memory of his or her pre-
may leave them for future adventures. the plane makes it impossible to completely vious life. All details are created randomly, as
examine it before assignment to an Initiate. usual for a starting character. However, if
The character should examine the plane
Size more thoroughly before starting major pro-
that character ever regains Immortal status
(following the long route of a complete and
The plane is a five-dimensional space (as are jects. Most Immortals enlist the aid of several successful mortal life and thereafter meeting
most planes of existence). All the dimensions associates (from various Spheres) to complete the standard requirements for Immortality),
are equal in size. This size— the maximum this initial exploration and, if necessary, the character's memory of the previous life
distance one could travel in a straight line, cleansing of the Home Plane. returns, and the character gains the old,
measured along any one dimension—is already improved Home Plane instead of a
approximately 5 trillion miles (5 x 10E12).
Even traveling at maximum incorporeal Development new, undeveloped one.
speed (4 miles per second), an Immortal An Immortal may increase all characteristics
would require over 36,000 years to cross the of the Home Plane. A gate to an Elemental Effects
plane (assuming 365 24-hour days per year). Plane may be opened, if permission in
Teleporting, which has no maximum range, An Immortal gains many bonuses when on
advance is given by both the elemental ruler
is thus a necessity for travel at this scale. his or her own Home Plane. Some activities
and the Elemaster involved. Elemental mate-
can only be performed while on the Home
rial of any kind can thus be added to the
Sphere Influence plane, at any desired location. Minor adjust-
ment is always needed to stabilize the ele-
The plane is carefully selected so that the new mental material. Special care is needed when Resistances
owner's Sphere is dominant. It is usually only material is added to an existing system of a While on his or her Home Plane, an Immor-
slightly so, with all five Spheres present to star and orbiting planets. tal is immune to all attacks of mortal origin.
some extent. The size of the plane may be increased by a The character automatically takes only half
permanent PP expenditure, but such actions damage from magical effects and physical
Elemental Influence are very expensive, requiring at least 500 PP blows of Immortal origin, and may save (vs.
Each plane contains some air, earth, fire, and and often many thousands. This sort of activ- Spell or Physical Blow, as applicable) to take
water. The exact amounts vary widely, but ity is not necessary until the plane has already one-quarter damage. The Immortal may
the element corresponding to the character's undergone substantial development. make a saving throw (whichever is applica-
Sphere occurs in slightly greater amounts New life forms may be created by magical ble) to avoid or halve the damage from any
than the others. and other means. Magical creations do not magical effect which normally allows none.
have the ability to reproduce, but may be use-
General Characteristics ful in short-term goals. They must, however,
be duplicates of creatures that exist else-
Most of the plane is vacuum, containing where. Or an Immortal may alter existing
only occasional bits of extremely small ele- creatures already found in the Home Plane.
mental material. Floating here and there Permanent PP expenditures are necessary if

The Home Plane

Controls tion requires 1-20 turns of time and 50-500 Immortal's true scores, but never more.
PP, depending on the physical details of the The many physical characteristics of the
By expending Power Points, the Immortal form. The PP expenditure is permanent. form also apply. To use the previous example,
may control certain characteristics of the Step 3 (inhabiting) requires only 1 round an Immortal in dragon form cannot hide very
entire plane. Typical features which can be of time, and costs 50 PP, whatever form is easily nor move silently, has poor finger coor-
easily limited are the planar bias, the use of assumed. This PP cost is a temporary dination, and of course would frighten most
magical effects within the plane, the methods expenditure, and regenerates at the standard creatures encountered (possibly including
or points of entry into the plane, and the rate determined by planar or local bias. even other dragons).
speed of travel within the plane. The changes
All forms have their limits, but most have Any form created by temporary PP
may be temporary or permanent, according
benefits as well. The Immortal's mental expenditure (such as by the use of magic)
to the nature of the PP expenditure. Specific
powers are not affected by the form assumed, loses all movement and attack capability (if
costs are listed in the DM's book.
but the form's physical limits usually restrict any) when inhabited by an Immortal life
the character's abilities to some extent. Most force, but it may cast spells.
Effects on Play of these restrictions can be countered by mag- A non-magical form that is not specifically
Home Planes may be handled in as much or ical alterations, if desired, but these limits designed for a life force may be inhabited, but
as little detail as Dominions of mortal charac- must nevertheless be accurately defined and must be magically altered before it is of any
ters. Great amounts of detail and play may be applied. real use. For example, an incorporeal
devoted to exploring and describing the Though magic is a handy tool, Immortals Immortal could inhabit a rock or a dead tree,
Home Plane, or the details may simply be know that it is often undependable, and may but then has no capacity for movement or
assumed. Home Planes offer opportunities prefer to rely on their non-magical abilities physical attacks. Such an object has compar-
for games, but players should not demand and maintain high A-M for defense. atively low limits on physical ability scores,
full details if the DM offers other options for Immortals usually design forms that have usually a maximum of 18. The Immortal
exciting play. the widest range of available actions and may magically polymorph the object into a
responses as possible. They usually prefer more convenient form, of course, but that
forms that can blend well into a local popula- effect is subject to A-M and dispel magic, as
Material Forms tion, aiding subtle operations. The form well as the limits of the polymorph object
An Immortal may only create a material should have innate movement ability conven- spell description. And the ability score limit
form for his or her use while within the Home ient to the area of operations, and should be cannot be increased by any means.
Plane. Full details are given below. able to resist most of the environmental char- An Immortal may assume the form of a
acteristics most likely to be encountered. dead body unless it has been disintegrated,
The types of actions and responses available dismembered, reduced to -10 hit points or
to an incorporeal Immortal are very limited.
Most Immortals use physical forms most of
Gains less, or has been slain by death magic.
the time. The process of gaining a physical Aura and Power combat are usable by an
form is called "assuming" that form. incorporeal Immortal, but physical and abil-
Spare Forms
ity score attacks are only usable while in a Though an Immortal may certainly create
General Notes material form. Magical effects can only be physical forms in advance of his or her needs,
created while corporeal, even though they are the permanent expenditure required usually
To assume a material form, an Immortal produced by Power expenditure. limits the number severely. Any physical
normally uses a three-step process of plan- Whatever the form assumed, the Immortal form can be stored on the Immortal's Home
ning, creating, and then inhabiting the form. gains all the natural abilities of that form. Plane without penalty. The primary risk is
As an alternative, an Immortal may take con- When assuming the form of a dragon, for that an intruder (or even an indigenous pred-
trol of a form that already exists. This is not example, the Immortal gains non-magical atory life form) may discover and harm the
normally possible if the form already houses a flight, multiple attacks, a breath weapon, and spare form(s).
life force, but can otherwise be done easily. possibly spell use. Any spare form stored on a plane other
The three-step process is costly in terms of The Immortal's current totals of hit points, than the Home Plane degenerates with time,
both Power Points and time, but results in a Power Points, and mental ability scores are losing 1 point from its physical ability score
material form capable of typical Immortal not changed when a form is assumed. The limit for each 10 days of storage.
activities. The assumption of an existing Immortal's innate A-M also applies to the
form is quick and has little cost, but this form
is inefficient and easily damaged.
form. Only in physical form can an Immortal Repairing Forms
create and use spell-like effects. The physical
In the three-step process, step 1 (planning) form acts as a focus for creating effects in the Every form is damaged occasionally, often
requires no PP expenditure, but may involve material world. An Immortal may abandon through general use and attacks from oppo-
quite a bit of time (even years), depending on any physical form at will. nents. A form cannot be repaired unless it is
the complexity and size of the form. Once the inhabited by a life force. Any Immortal may
planning is successfully completed, the form temporarily expend PP to create magical cure
designed can be recreated at any time, and
Limits spell effects, which have normal effect on the
the design time is never reapplied. When in a physical form, an Immortal's form assumed. Natural amounts of wear and
Step 2 (creating) can only be performed by current physical ability scores (Strength, tear in normal activities are assumed to be
an Immortal on his or her Home Plane, and Dexterity, and Constitution) are those of the repaired at regular intervals, and need not be
only after the form has been designed. Crea- form assumed. These may be less than the explicitly detailed in play.

The Home Plane

Creating a Form hurried a bit, to 150'(50'), and can run, quite low. Whatever method is chosen, the
given a reasonable surface on which to do so, DM should apply it equally and fairly to all
All Immortals can create two basic forms, and enough gravity to allow traction, at dou- characters, both PCs and NPCs.
called the Original and the Standard forms. ble speed (300'). If the original mortal form is created by the
A third form, usually imitating that of one Immortal on his or her Home Plane, the
monster type (called the Creature form), is Original Form process takes only 3 rounds, and omits the
also common. Other forms may also be planning phase, because of the character's
designed and used. An Immortal may create The Plane of Existence in which an Immortal long experience with that form. The cost of
a non-magical form only on his or her Home spent most of his or her mortal life is called the process involves a permanent expendi-
Plane. the character's Native Plane. This may be ture of 50 PP for creating the form, and a
different from the being's Plane of Origin, temporary expenditure of 50 PP for inhabit-
Standard Form the place of birth. Whenever an Immortal ing it.
returns to his or her Native Plane, the charac- When a character's form changes upon
Every Immortal is taught how to create a ter's material form instantly and automati- entering the Native Plane, no cost applies.
standard form while an Initiate. This form cally changes to the original mortal one. In The change occurs instantly, in the process of
appears very similar to the character's origi- most cases (such as all humans and demi- entering the plane. By the same procedure,
nal mortal form, with the same number and humans), the native plane is the Prime Plane. the character's previous form will return
type of general parts (head, torso, etc.) and of For Immortal beings who came from planes when the Immortal departs from the native
the same size, but with far greater durability. other than the Prime, the Native Plane may plane (unless, of course, the original mortal
The cost of creating the first standard form be one of the four-Elemental planes, the Ethe- form was in use all along). This change can
is assumed to apply during the Immortal's real, or even the Astral. The individual's his- be prevented if the Immortal chooses to
study period as an Initiate, and is never actu- tory (often but not necessarily corresponding retain the original form, but otherwise occurs
ally deducted from his or her PP total. The to that of others of the same race) determines automatically, at no cost.
planning takes 1 month and is automatically the Native Plane in all such cases.
successful. If an Immortal enters his native plane in
Every Immortal is affected in this way incorporeal form or inhabits a form already
A replacement form may be created as because of unbr6akable habit. The charac- present on his native plane, he is not subject
needed. The cost is 50 PP for a demi-human ter's mind spent many years in this form, and to this change.
or 100 PP for a human (per form), and no the act of reentering the same environmental
design time is required. If a greater physical conditions (unique to that plane) triggers this
ability score capacity is needed, it may be natural and irresistable response. The Other Forms
achieved by multiplying the base cost by 2 or change and the resulting form are not magi- Immortals often experiment with additional
more, as detailed in the notes on the three- cal effects. forms for special uses. Apply the procedures
step process (Step 2, Creating). No addi- Though forced into the mortal form, the given below (the three-step process).
tional planning is needed for this minor character may freely choose any age for that
improvement in the standard form, or in any form, even if such an age was not actually Three Steps to Gaining a Form
other, as long as all other details of the form reached during mortal life. For example, an
are identical. Immortal who was formerly a human female Apply the following details whenever an
The standard form's physical ability scores may assume the form of herself as an old Immortal wants to create and assume a mate-
are those of the Immortal, but to a maximum woman, nearly unrecognizable to her former rial form.
of 27 points ( + 6 bonus because of ability associates, even though she may have Step 1: Designing
scores). This standard form thus does not reached Immortality at a much younger age. Before creating a form, an Immortal must
unduly limit Immortals of Temporal status, All the physical ability scores and other design it. A usable material form is a blend of
but becomes increasingly restrictive for more characteristics of the original form reappear energy, matter, thought, time, and even
powerful Immortals. with that form, regardless of the Immortal's entropy. The complex details of the influence
The standard form's Armor Class and hit current abilities. If, as a mortal, the character of these Spheres are not easily or quickly
points are those of its Immortal creator. could memorize and cast spells, that ability is grasped.
The form is self-sufficient, and needs no regained, and applies in addition to the But these details are a matter for the con-
food, air, water, or other means of suste- standard Immortal ability to create magical cern of the character only. The player need
nance. It has the same senses as the original effects by Power expenditure. Mortal attack only consider two crucial variables of the
mortal version, plus non-magical infravision capability, saving throws, Armor Class, and form, its size and number of attacks, compar-
to 180-foot range. It has the added ability to all other characteristics return in full. ing them to the Immortal's original mortal
accurately identify anything smelled or The exact physical ability scores used form. A modified Intelligence check is used to
tasted. It can hear noise at very long ranges, should be those that the character had just determine the success of designing the size of
double the human norm, though greater before leaving mortal life. Optionally, the the form. Wisdom similarly governs the
comprehension of sounds is not automati- ability scores may be those of the character at design of the number of attacks.
cally conveyed. the age selected. However, this option The ability score checks are always modi-
The standard form has an innate non- requires either complete records of the char- fied for the difficulty of the task. If the form's
magical movement ability, similar to flight, acter's past progress, or good guesses and size or number of attacks are less than those
by which the form can move in any direction cooperation from the player and DM of the original mortal form, the check has
at 120 feet per round (the same rate as an involved. For example, if a very young or only a 1 % chance of failure. If a variable is
unencumbered human). The form can be very old version is used, the scores may be the same, the task is modified as "easy." The

The Home Plane

increase in variables increases the relative subsequent attempt at designing the form of a Ability Score Capacity
difficulty of the task. Refer to the following 16-foot-tall fire giant should automatically
Physical ability Cost
Design Variations chart for details. Creatures fail.
with two arms (such as humans and demi- score capacity Multiplier
humans) who normally have one attack per Design Variations Up to 18 ( + 3 bonus) 1/2
round are counted as having two attacks for Up tn 27 ( +f> bonus] 1
Characteristic Effect on Ability Up to 45 ( + 9 bonus) 2
this purpose.
Score Check Up to 70 ( + 12 bonus) 3
The time needed for the design of a form
with the same size or number of attacks as the Less Modify to 1 % chance Up to 88 ( + 15 bonus) 4
original mortal form is 1 month. The time of failure Up to 98 ( + 18 bonus) 5
drops by half for reduction in variables Same Modif> as "Easy" Up to 100 ( + 20 bonus) 6
(cumulative, to a 1-week minimum), and Up to 2x Modify as "Average"
Increases in ability scores, whether tempo-
doubles for each increase. For example, if a Over 2x to 4JC Modify as "Difficult"
rary (from magic or ability score combat) or
formerly human Immortal designs a form of Over 4x to 8x Modify to 1 % chance
permanent (from PP expenditure), may not
48-foot height and 16 attacks, each variable of success
raise the physical scores of the form above the
has been doubled three times, so the total Over 8x Task is impossible
limits determined during the form's creation.
time required for design is 64 months. Example: An Immortal who was formerly a The wise player may thus choose to create a
The ability score checks are made at the human male designs a form which is very form with very high potential, even though
midpoint of the design time. No indication of similar to that of a gargoyle—man-sized but the Immortal character may have relatively
success or failure is revealed before that with four attacks per round. The size is low scores, in case such magical bonuses may
point, whatever means are applied (even roughly the same, so the Intelligence check is be needed in combat.
multiple wishes). If either check fails, the modified as Easy. The number of attacks is A new form which is absolutely identical in
Immortal recognizes the flaw in the design, twice normal, so the Wisdom check is modi- all aspects except ability score potential need
and can stop immediately. fied as Average. If both checks succeed, the not be redesigned. The previously successful
The player need only describe the design in form is designed successfully. If either fails, design may be used, and the greater PP cost
general terms, specifying height, number of the Immortal knows that the form is flawed, of creation is simply applied creating a new
attacks, and other general characteristics to and must try another design. form from scratch.
the DM. The Immortal character is assumed At the time the form is created, the DM
to plan and examine every detail, down to Step 2: Creating
should review all details of the form and may
microscopic size. The character may design Once a design is successfully completed,
modify them as needed for game balance and
continuously, or may complete parts of the the Immortal has memorized every minute
logic. The base damage per attack must be
design at any intervals, taking time out for detail. These details will never be perma-
approximately the same as for a normal crea-
adventuring and other tasks. No penalty nently forgotten as long as the character
ture of similar size and type. In the example
applies if the design time is not continuous, retains Immortal status of any level. The
above, the base damage per attack of the
and this is in fact the most common proce- memory may be temporarily lost, due to
gargoyle-like form could be 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4
dure, as a percentage of every Immortal's magical effects (such as feeblemind), but is
(as an actual gargoyle), or perhaps improved
time is occupied by required tasks of manag- restored when such effects are removed.
to a maximum of 1-4/1-4/1-8/1-6, but no fur-
ing the multiverse (assumed, not played in With the design work successfully com- ther. The Immortal's Strength bonus to dam-
the game). The DM should specify the pleted, it is a comparatively simple matter for age will always improve the results quite
amount of spare time that can be spent the Immortal to create the form. This step sufficiently.
designing a new form. can only be accomplished on the Immortal's
Home Plane, and only if some elemental Bonuses to Hit and damage rolls for high
Failure in the design stage precludes any Strength or Dexterity apply only to methods
further attempts at creating that form until material is present, but both of these details
are usually easy to accomplish. of attack which could reasonably accomodate
the Immortal reaches a higher rank (not such increases. The DM may reduce or omit
merely level). For example, if a Temporal The base cost of creating the form should damage bonuses accordingly for relatively
tries to design a dragon form and fails, he or be about 1 PP per pound of mass, or 20 PP minor attack forms. For example, a player
she will automatically fail in essentially iden- per foot of height or length (considering the might design a small but many-armed form,
tical designs until reaching the rank of Celes- longest measurement only), with a minimum trying to achieve incredibly huge damage
tial, after which the procedure can be cost of 50 PP. The DM should decide what potential through the many applications of
restarted. A new attempt at a previously the final cost should be. If the form has long the Strength bonus. But in such a case, the
failed design gains no bonuses for that experi- or extendable appendages, the maximum DM could rule that the form's physical
ence, and must be completely restarted. reach should be applied instead of the dimen- attacks are too minor to warrant any bonus at
The DM may choose to categorize general sions of the basic form. all. A good rule of thumb is that bonuses to
creature types for purposes of these designs. The base cost applies to a form with physi- Hit Rolls and damage may never exceed the
For example, a kobold and a halfling are cal ability scores ranging from 1 to 27. A maximum normal damage the weapon can
nearly identical in most physical ways, and greater capacity may be achieved by multi- cause. Thus, a dagger which causes 1-4 nor-
failure at designing one might cause auto- plying the base cost by 2 or more, according mal could be up to +4 to Hit and damage.
matic failure in an attempt to design the to the following chart.
other. Minor changes do not qualify as a new
design. For example, if the attempt at design-
ing the form of a 12-foot-tall hill giant fails, a

The Home Plane

The actual process of creating the form is be controlled properly by an invading life Avatars
assumed, and few details are relevant to the force.
game. It takes at least 1 turn to finish, and Whenever an Immortal life force occupies An Immortal may choose to inhabit a form
may require as much as 20 turns based on the a non-magical object not designed for this with only part of his or her life force, instead
complexity of the design. The work must be purpose, the Immortal must make a standard of all of it. The standard procedures and costs
continuous, otherwise the form is spoiled. unmodified Constitution check. If this is for planning, creating, and inhabiting the
failed, the attempt also fails, and 4.2 cubic form must be applied. Such a form, contain-
Step 3: Inhabiting feet of the form's material (a sphere of 1 foot ing only part of the Immortal's life force, is
After a form has been designed and cre- radius) disintegrates. If this is a greater called an avatar. The form containing the
ated, it may be inhabited by expending 50 amount than the entire object, only the object bulk of the Immortal's life force is then called
PP. The process takes only a few seconds (1 disintegrates, not anything nearby. Even the the primary.
round). It is a non-magical phenomenon, check is successful (indicating that the When inhabiting the form, the Immortal
and cannot be blocked. Immortal life force has successfully held the chooses the amount of life force to place
object together), another check must be made within the avatar. In play, the character
Assuming an Existing Form each turn (60 rounds) thereafter, applying the leaves 5 % or more of his or her permanent hit
same results. point total within the avatar form. The avatar
If an Immortal character's form is slain or
is simply a second body used by the single
otherwise rendered useless, the character
Golems & Drolems Immortal life force, exactly the same phe-
may choose to remain in the area, and can
One option may yet remain. A greater nomenon seen in the horde-being of the the
still use Power attacks and Aura (though
construct (CON-struct) may be found and Elemental Plane of Earth (Companion Set,
nearly all other abilities are lost). He or she
inhabited. Constructs are summarized in the DMC page 41).
may decide to return to the Home Plane and
D&D Companion Set (DMC page 21). The avatar has the number of hit points
create a new form. Or the character may find
Lesser constructs can easily disintegrate if deposited by the Immortal. The remainder of
a form nearby and inhabit it.
inhabited by an Immortal life force; their the Immortal life force has a correspondingly
This last option is only viable in certain forms are too flimsy to stand the strain. Of
special situations. The character cannot lesser total of hit points. For example, a 1st
the greater constructs—gargoyles, golems, level Empyreal (310 hp) may exist in four
assume control of any living creature, and drolems—only the latter two are built
because the presence of any life force utterly bodies, three of them being avatars with 16
with enough care to permit Immortal use of hp each and the fourth (the primary form)
blocks such attempts. A magic jar effect can their forms. When an Immortal life force
displace a life force, but an incorporeal containing the remainder of the life force,
inhabits a golem or drolem, no Constitution with 262 hp. Additional hit points may be
Immortal cannot create magical effects. A check is required.
corporeal ally who uses magic jar on a victim transferred to the avatar, but only by touch.
cannot then turn the form over to the incor- An incorporeal character can move at When an avatar is slain, its life force does
poreal Immortal faster than the original life incredible speeds, unhampered by interven- not become incorporeal. It is not an actual
force can reinhabit the form, unless the vic- ing matter, and could search a wide area for independent life force. Its power and hp
tim has first been feebleminded or otherwise an available form. If a golem or drolem is return to the primary life force.
mentally incapacitated. An incorporeal found, the Immortal can inhabit and control The maximum number of avatars usable
Immortal can thus only occupy the body of it simply by moving in, expending only the by one Immortal is equal to the number of
another living being if some ally first incapac- standard 50 PP cost. projects which can be maintained (i.e. equal
itates and then displaces the victim's life Several restrictions apply. The Immortal to the ability score modifier for Intelligence,
force. cannot change the form magically, and must or half that if the avatars and/or projects are
be content with whatever form of movement on different planes of existence). Each avatar
Undead forms are likewise unusable. Even
is natural to that form. A drolem, which can act independently and simultaneously in
undead have life force, albeit of a nature
might be constructed to permit flying, is all physical ways, but the life force is still lim-
unique to these creatures, and this also pre-
obviously the most mobile form. Golems ited to one action per round of any mental
cludes such attempts at possession of their
must walk, a slow process that can try even nature. Thus, by using two avatars at a single
forms. Immortal patience. location, an Immortal may gain additional
If a living being is willing to loan its body to
The Immortal's A-M applies to the new physical attacks, but can still initiate only one
the Immortal, it must have the ability to first
form. Magical effects which do not change Power attack per round, can create only one
vacate the form, a characteristic of Immortals
the form can be produced by standard proce- magical effect per round, and so forth. The
but not of mortals. A nearby Immortal may
dures, and normal Power combat is also usa- source of such mental attacks, however, may
depart from his or her material form and
ble. In addition, all the abilities of the golem vary by the choice of avatar used. Magical
allow the incorporeal Immortal to take it
or drolem may be used, and its immunities effects of a physical nature similarly apply
over. Though most Immortals are not willing
apply as well. Thus, a drolem form inhabited only to the individual forms, while those of a
to take such an action, a charmed or other-
by an Immortal may breathe poisonous gas mental nature apply to all. For example, a
wise very helpful Immortal ally might be con-
three times a day, is immune to various spells, magical increase in A-M applies only to the
vinced to do so.
and can use bite and claw attacks for the listed form creating that effect, but detect enemies
The incorporeal Immortal may otherwise damage. would benefit all the forms.
choose to inhabit an inanimate object. But
not only is this subject to the standard 50 PP All avatars are constantly and fully aware
cost of inhabiting a form, it is normally a use- of each other, even if on different planes of
less maneuver. Most objects are not con- existence. No communication is needed
structed with enough care to enable them to between them, for they are all manifesta-

The Home Plane

tions of the same single Immortal life force. If supervision and control of projects. They are Immortal power, and can affect all life forms.
one avatar is successfully attacked by mental occasionally used to gain advantages in a sin- When an Artifact is created, its Handicaps
means, all the avatars are affected in the same gle melee or other operation, but this is not and Penalties arise spontaneously, and are
manner. A time-related attack (such as that of common, because of the PP cost of the forms determined by the DM. These side effects
a jumper) causes displacement only of the and the additional danger presented by mul- cannot be avoided by mortal users.
local life force, not affecting any other mani- tiple targets for opponents. For Immortal users, the Intelligence score
festation of the Immortal. Physical effects, of the creator of the Artifact determines the
however, are localized to the form of the ava- Artifacts incidence of side effects. If the user's Intelli-
tar affected. gence is equal to or greater than that of the
Immortal PCs may create artifacts. The creator, no side effects occur. Otherwise, the
An Immortal may at any time simply with- powers and costs for artifacts are given in the
draw his or her life force from any avatar chance of side effects is 5 % per point of differ-
D&D Master Set (MDM pages 45-64). An ence, checked at each applicable situation.
used. If the avatar is on any plane other than Immortal may only create an Artifact while
the Home Plane when this occurs, it dies (i.e. For example, if the Shard of Sakkrad (created
on his or her Home Plane. by a Hierarch, whose Intelligence is 100) is
the form is no longer usable). On the Home The PP expenditure for creating an artifact
Plane, the avatar form may be stored in such used by an apprentice Hierarch with only 88
is a permanent one. Most Immortals do not Intelligence, the chance of side effects is 60%
a way as to prevent any damage, and may be create artifacts until reaching Celestial or
reinhabited later. An Immortal must collect (12 points difference). The chance of occur-
higher status. Artifacts are usually created for rence of a Penalty is given as 20%, but in this
his or her life force into a single form when use by mortal life forms, to defend or other-
competing for rank advancement. case would be only 12% (60% , as calculated
wise aid one of the Immortal's projects. Mag- above, times the 20% given).
Avatars are commonly used to maintain ical effects produced by Artifacts have

Section 6: Reference Tables

TABLE 1: Rank Advancement Chart

Rank Level PP HD hp A-M Scores Pop.**
Initiate — 15 75 50 (var)
Novice 500 20 100 25
lsi 1<-M1 Tion 21 110 24
2nd level 700 22 120 23
3rd level 800 23 130 22
4ih level 'J00 24 140 21
Temporal 5th level 1,000 25 150 20
Novice 1,050 25 160 60 25 19
1 st level 1,300 26 180 18
2nd level 1,600 27 200 17
3rd level 1,900 28 220 16
4th level 2,200 29 240 15
Celestial 5th level 2,500 30 260 14
Novice 2,625 30 280 70 50 13
1st level 3,000 31 310 12
2nd level 3,500 32 340 11
3rd level 4,000 33 370 10
4th level 4,500 34 400 9
Empyreal 5th level 5,000 35 430
Novice 5,250 35 460 80 75
1 st level 6,000 36 500
2nd level 7,000 37 540
3rd level 8,000 38 580
4th level 9,000 39 620
Eternal 5th level 10,000 40 660
Novice 10,500 40 700 90
1st level 11,000 41 750
2nd level 12,000 42 800
3rd level 13,000 43 850
4th level 14,000 44 900
Hierarch 5th level 15.000 45 1.000 100

* Each Sphere of Immortals has its own sole ruling Hierarch, who always has one "trainee" (an aide or apprentice) who can assume the senior
position whenever necessary.
** Population refers to the total number of Immortals that may exist at each level.

TABLE 4: Saving Throws
TABLE A\ Modifiers based on
Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity,
TABLE 3: Physical Power Mental Magic
and Constitution scores Charisma Effects Attack Drain Attack Spell
Ability Ability Retainers Initiate 14 18
16 20
Score Adjustment Score Reac Max Morale Aura
0 -5 1 -3 1 3 ( + 4)
14 16 17 20
1 -4 2-3 -2 1 4 ( + 3) 1st level 14 15 17 19
2-3 o 1 "i -1 J ") 2nd level 13 15 16. 19
4-3 -2 6-8 -I 3 6 (+ t) 3rdlc\el 13 14 16 18
6-8 -1 9-12 0 4 7 (0) hi, !<\.l 12 14 15 18
9-12 None 13-15 +1 5 8 -1 ".ililiwl 12 13 15 17
13-15 +1 16-17 +1 6 9 -2 Celestial
16-17 +2 18 +2 7 10 -3 Novice 11 13 14 17
18 +3 10 20 +2 8 11 -4 1st level 11 12 14 16
19-20 +4 2\-Z'i +3 9 12 2nd level 10 12 11 i'i
21-23 <id lt-\fl M -
+5 •4-i~ +3 10 ( + I) f, M 11
24-27 +6 28-12 +4 11 ( + 2) -
i i 9 11 12 15
28-32 +7 33-38 +4 12 (+3) -8 5th level 9 10 12 14
33-38 +8 39-45 +5 13 (+4) -9 Empyreal
39-45 +9 46-53 +5 14 ( + 5) -10 Novice 8 10 11 14
lo "• i • in H-tu »o i1) I T ty i M i
, i-fjj + 11 *b It) I + 7) -12 •2nd Jevd 'j* *
Hi M
fii-"'i + i: 71-77 •7 17 ." + 81 - 1J Sidievrf1 7" in 1.'
71-77 + 13 78-83 +7 18 ( + 9) -14 4th level 6 8 9 12
78-83 + 14 84-88 +8 19 ( + 10) -15 5th level 6 7 9 11
r. l-"3 + 15 80 T, +n 20 i + 1 I'I - 1 r, Eternal
89-93 + 16 . • 94-96. . +9' 21 (*«) -17 Novice 5 7 8 11
94-96 + 17 '••{ » •' ^ 9 - 22 -18 1 „• tp.,,,1 <S a, 8
97-98 + 18 •" : 99- ^ +10 23 ( + 14) -19 2n'l level • 4, " • - ' ' • • * • 7 g
99 + 19 l'JU * 1U j.1 J: d levrf *" *5 7 8
100 + 20 4th level 3 5 6 7
5th level 3 4 5 6
Hierarch (all) 2 3 4 5

TABLE 5: Hit Rolls

Creature's Negative AC Hit
HD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
13 + to 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
15 +to 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
17 + to 19 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
14 +to 21 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
21 +io 23 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lo 17
23+to 25 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
25 +to 27 2 -•• 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
27 +to 29 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
.:•' i i . . • ; > 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
31 + i n 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 11 12
33 +to 33 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 h 7 8 9 10 11
35+to 37 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
. ; : : tu :>'J 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
39 +to 41 1* 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
41 +to 43 2* 1* 0 1 2" 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7

Creature's Negative AC Hit

HD 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 26 27
13+to 15 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30
15 + to 17 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
17 - i . . lr< 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 •j. ,

19 + tn 21 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
21-tt. 23 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
2 3 + ti)'25 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
J j * N. j : lb 17 18 19 20 20 20 2U 20 21 22 23 21 2J
27 +to 29 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24
29 +to 31 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23
3 1 - m 33 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22
33 + to 33 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21
35 + to 37 11 12 13 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20
37 +to 39 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20
39 +to 41 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18" 19 20 20 20
41 + t o 4 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
* Automatic hit unless rolling a natural 1, add number given to damage.
Index to Magical Effects

Sphere Spell Name Sphere Spell Name

All Ability Score Bonuses Matter Dance
Thought Aerial Servant Time Darkness, Continual Darkness
Time Age Change Time Death Spell
Matter Animate (Dead or Object) Time Delay
Time Anti-Animal and Plant Shells Thought Drtri't Danger. Evil. Invisible, Magic, Enemies
Time Anti-Magic perceniagc (l0'/t-50';c ). Shell, or Ray Thought l)eic(.i Slopes. New Construction, Gems, Metal,
Time Appear Shifting Wall* & Rooms
Time Armor Class Bonus (2 to 10) Mailer Dimension Door
Matter Babble Maivi i n A M I< k
Matter Barrier Energy Disintegiatc
Energy Bearhug Energy Dispel Evil
Energy Blasting Time Dispel Magic
Mattel- Blend with Sui ii-uiidinj;& Energy Displacement
Energy Bless Time Dissolve
Time Blight Time Dodge Missiles. Directional Attacks
Time Breath Weapon, Acid or [<e Matter Earthquake
Energy Breath Weapon. Fin- Matter Elasticity
Thought Breath Weapon, Poison Gas Thought ESP
Time Bug Repellant Thought Explosive Cloud
Matter Buoyancy (various amounts) Matter Feeblemind
Energy Burrowing Thought Find Path, Secret Door, Trap (spell ability)
Thought Call Lightning Time Finger of Death
Thought Calm Others Energy Fire Ball. Delayed Blast Fire Ball
Time Cancellation Mailer Flesh to Stone
Time Cause Disease Mattei- Floating Disc
Matter Cause Fear Energy Fly "_
Time Cause Wounds (Light. Serious, Critical) Matter Force Field
Thought Change Odors Energy Free Monster, Free Person
Time Change Tastes Matter Gaseous Form
Thought Charm Monster, Person, Plain, Mass Charm Energy Gate
Thought Choose Best Option Thought Gcas or Quest
Thought Clairaudience Matter Growth of Animal, Growth of Plant
Thought Clairvoyance Energy Hallucinatory Terrain
Energy Climb Walls (70%-120%) Thought Harden
Matter Clone F.ncrijv Haste
Time Close Gate Matter Heal
'Thought Cloudkill 1 houglit Hear Noise (50%-140%.)
Thought Commune Energy Heat Metal
Thought Communication Matter Hide in Shadows (30%-100%)
Thought Confuse Alignment Time 1 lit Point Bonus ( + 1 to + 1 per H D )
Matter Confusion Energy 1 lit Rolls Bonus ( +'J to + 10)
Thought Conjure Elemental 1 inn- Hold Animal. Monster. Person. Portal
1 liouglu Luiitact Othet Plane- LllLl^) llul) Wvld
Matter Container (5,000-50,000 en) Time Ice Storm or Wall
Time Contingency Thought Identify
Thought Control Animals, Dragons. Giants. 1 lumans, Time Immune to Aging Attack
Plants Time Immune to Breath Weapons
Thought Control Temperature 10" Radius Thought Immune to Disease. Paralysis. Time
Time Control Undead (Lesser or Greater) Time Immune to Energy Drain & Poison
Thoughi Control Winds Time Immunity
Matter Create Animal, Monster, or Normal Object Time Inertia control
Matter Create food Thou gin Inlravision
Energy Create Magic Aura Thought Insect Plague
Time Create Poison Mallei- Invisibility, Inv. 10" Radius. Mass Inv.
Time Create Water Thought Invisible Stalker
Thought Creeping Doom Matter Knock
Matter Cureall, Automatic Cureall Thought Know Alignment
Thought Cure Blindness EniTiiv Leap JO' to 120' (with Hit roll bonus)
Matter Cure Disease Mailer Lcviiale
Matter Cure Wounds (Light. Serious. Critical) Thoughl Lie Detection
Time Curse Time Life Drain

Index to Magical Effects

Sphere Spell Name Sphere Spell Name

Time Life Trapping Thought Resist Cold
Energy Light, Continual Light Time Resist Fire
Energy Lightning Rolt Energy Restore
Thought Locate Plant/Animal, Locate Object Matter Reverse Gravity
Thought Lore Time Rulership
Time Lower Water Time Saving Throws Bonus ( + 2 to +6)
Time Luck Energy Security
Energy Magic Door Matter Set Normal Trap (50 % -90 % )
Thought Magic Jar Matter Shapechange
Time Magic Lock Time Shelter
Matter Magic Missile Time Shield
Thought Mapmaking Matter Shrink Plants
Energy Massmorph I "inn- Silrni i1 I.V K; • • 1111 >
Matter Maze M.-nirr S i / i 1 ( .niiiriil
Thought Memorize + 1 u> + Id Spill I.rxrls I imi- Sln-p
Matter Merging Time Slow
Matter Metal to Wood Energy- Smash Attack
Energy Meteor Swarm Thought Snake charm
Thought Mind Barrier, Mindmask Thought Speak with Animal, Dead, Monster, Plant
Energy Mirror Image Energy Spell Damage Bonus + 1 to +4 Per Die
Matter Move Earth Time Spell Turning
Energy Move Silently (5()%-100%) Matter Statue
Time Neutralize Poison Matter Sticks to Snakes
Time Obliterate Matter Stone to Flesh
Tln.uglii OllM-IIIV l'.IHTU'V Striking
I'.M.IHX O p i - n L i n k s (lii)1'.1 - I J U ' V i TIllMlglll Summon Animal, I'.liini'ntal, Weather
Miiiiri ( ) | n n Miinl Maiti-r S i . i n i i i u i n ( )l)j<-< 1
Time Paralysis Time Survival
Matter Parry- Matter Sword
Energy- Pass Plant Time Symbol
Matter Pass-Wall Matter Telekinesis
Time Permanence Matter Teleport, Teleport Object
Energy Phantasmal Force Time Timekeeping
Energy Pick Pockets (50 % -100 %) Time Timestop
Matter Plane Travel Thought Tracking
Energy Plant Door Energy Transport Through Plains
Time Poison EniTijy lr.ivi-1
Matter Polymorph Object, OIIHT. Self Tliouglii Tn-.-isini- rimlinir
Energy Power Word Blind, Kill. Suin l-'.lllTHV Tnr inovcnirlH
Thought Predict Weather Thought Truesight
Energy Prismatic Wall Time Turn Undead (as Cleric L6, 12, 24. 36)
Energy Produce Fire Time Turn Undead bonus +2 to +6. + Id6 to +3d6
"'^*' ^ Projt-i Iril 1 lll.'lgr rliJ
Time Protection From Creatures (some, many, most, all) Matter Turn Wood
Time Protection from Evil, Prot. from Evil 10' Radius Energy Ventriloquism
Time Protection from Lightning Time Victory
Time Protection from I.ycanthropes Energy Wall of Fire
Matter Protection from Magic Detection Matter Wall of Iron, Stone
Time Protection from Normal Missiles Matter Warp Wood
Time Protection from Poison Thought Water Breathing
Time Protection from Undead Energy Weapon bonus (to damage or strength)
Thought Purify Food & Water Thought Weather Control
Energy Raise Dead, Raise Dead Fully Matter Web
Thought Read Languages Energy Web movement
Thought Read Magic Thought Wish
Matter Regeneration Thought Wizard Eye
Matter Reincarnation Time Wizard Lock
Energy Remove Barrier, Curse, Traps (50%-100%) Energy Wizardry
Thought Remove Charm, Fear, Geas, Quest Matter Word of Recall
Matter Repair Object (normal or magical) Thought X-Ray Vision

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Ability Scores 4 Level 16
Attacks on 6,15 Advancement 22
Checks 6
Direct Effects 4 M
Increases 5
Magical Attacks 13
Reductions 5
Magical Effects, Index to 31
Alignment 4
Movement 10
Anti-Magic 9
Interdimensional 10
Armor Class 4
Interplanar 10
Artifacts 28
Rate 4
Attack Forms 12
Universal 10
Aura 12
Avatars 27
B Name 3
Normal Form 3
Bias 9
Of specific planes 9
Local 10
Options and Abilities 8
Cash 7
Charisma 5 Physical Combat (Melee) 12
Combat 11 Physical Recovery 9
Armed 11 Power Attacks 13
Order of Events 11 Power Points 3
Unarmed 11
Conjuring and Summoning 17 R
Constitution 5
Race 3
Rank Advancement 22
Rank and Level 3
Damage 17
Defense and Repair 9 S
Dexterity 5
Saving Throws 6
vs. Other Attack Forms 6
Senses 8
Equipment 7 Spheres 8
Experience Points 3 Strength 4

Form, Immortal 3 Talents 5
Creation of 25 Checks 6
Three-Dimensional Movement 11
Hit Dice 4
Hit Points 4 Undead Curing 18
Hit Rolls 7
Modifying 7 W
Home Plane 23
Wisdom 4
Development 23
Effects 23
Material Forms 24

Incorporeal Form 3
Intelligence 4

Fantasy Adventure Game

Dungeon Master's Guide to Immortals

By Frank Mentzer

Editing: Anne Gray McCready

Development: Harold Johnson TABLE OF CONTENTS
Cover Art: Larry Elmore
Illustrations: JeffEasley
Larry Elmore The Multiverse 2
Typesetting: Linda Bakk Physical Characteristics 5
Kim Lindau Other Notes on Dimensions 12
®1986 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Campaign 14
Goals of the Immortals 15
This book has been designed for use with the
Immortal Justice 18
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Basic, Expert, New Magic 19
Companion, and Master Sets. It does not explain The Sphere of Entropy 23
how to play the game. You must have the Basic, Experience Points 23
Expert, Companion, and Masters rules before you
can use this set.
Adventure Planning 25

Reference Guide center of book

Creatures 27
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and D&D® are registered Introduction 27
trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. BATTLESYSTEM and
the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. ®1986 Creature Descriptions 28
TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Bibliography 51
This book is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or other
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained Spells of Entropy inside back cover
herein is prohibited without the express written consent of
TSR, Inc.

Distributed to the book trade in the United States by

Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House
of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by
regional distributors.

Printed in the U.S.A. First Printing —June, 1986

TSR, Inc. TSR UK, Ltd.

PO Box 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva, WI Cambridge, UK
53147 CBHAD

TSR, Inc.
The Multiverse

"Whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire,

This longing after Immortality?"

Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

Before you study this section, you should be six planes of existence—the Prime, Ether, way Immortals can replenish their numbers,
familiar with the notes in the D&D® Com- and the four Elemental Planes—are collec- to maintain their commanding positions as
panion Set which describe the Ethereal and tively called the Inner Planes. controllers of all of existence, is by finding,
Elemental Planes, vortices, and wormholes The Inner Planes are surrounded by the encouraging, and testing exceptional mortals
(DMC pages 18-19). You should also be Astral Plane, which is connected to the Ele- who wish to achieve Immortality.
familiar with the five Spheres of Power, as mental and Ethereal Planes but not to the Breeding experiments have not improved
described in this set. Before we break new Prime. Far beyond the Inner Planes, across the odds. On the rare occasions when Immor-
ground, a brief review is in order, and some this vast "astral ocean," are other planes of tals have masqueraded as mortals (as docu-
new details are added to these now-familiar existence, the homes of the Immortals and mented by dozens of ancient myths), their
topics. other beings. These other planes are com- offspring were mortals and neither more nor
monly called the Outer Planes, a provincial less likely to achieve Immortality than other
and relative term that is nevertheless in com- humans of purely mortal origin. Such med-
mon use because of the Prime-planar origin dling poses dangers to the balance of the
Planes of Existence of most Immortals. Prime that such attempts were abandoned
In game terms, the phrase "plane of exist- Only three of the known planes of exist- long ago.
ence" (or simply Plane) refers to an area seen ence are infinite in size—the Prime, Ethe- Potential Immortals are often discovered
by mortal beings as a three-dimensional vol- real, and Astral. All others are limited, or in planes other than the Prime, but few of
ume of unmeasurable size. This is different "bounded" planes, or pocket universes. these succeed in reaching Immortality. Those
than in geometry, in which a plane is a flat Together, all these planes, bounded and who do reach Immortality have never
two-dimensional area. One Plane contains infinite, Inner and Outer, is collectively achieved greatness within the Immortal hier-
the PC homeworlds, other planets, moons, called the Multiverse. archy. Immortals believe that this is because
stars, other objects, and vast distances of the flaws caused by the imbalances in the
between them in which there is almost noth- native planes of such creatures.
ing. This plane is called the Prime Plane (or The Importance of the Prime
merely the Prime).
Any attempt at finding an end to this space
The Prime Plane is special in several ways. It
is the only one in which the five Spheres of
will fail, for it extends without end in all nor- Power (Matter, Energy, Time, Thought, and Just as the five Spheres govern the multi-
mal directions (height, width, etc.). Any such Entropy) all blend together perfectly, in pre- verse, five dimensions govern each plane of
plane of infinite size is called a universe. cisely equal proportions. It is also the only existence. Each dimension is a way of mea-
One other plane, the Ethereal, touches the plane in which the four elements of Air, suring physical size or distance. Each dimen-
Prime at all points. Most adventurers from Earth, Fire, and Water blend perfectly, again sion is a real direction perpendicular to every
the Prime are quite familiar with the Ether, in equal proportions. Every other plane of other. Time, often mistakenly called the
for it can be entered by using various magical existence contains some imbalance in ele- fourth dimension, is not a direction, but one
effects and devices. The Ether is also an area ments, Spheres, or both. of the Spheres.
through which characters must pass to reach All Immortals, including those of Entropy, Imagine one dimension as a straight line
the nearby planes of the four elements. The are extremely careful not to disturb the bal- on a piece of paper. Another line crossing it at
Prime and Elemental planes are connected ance of all things in the Prime Plane. Their a 90 degree angle shows a second direction,
by tubes that reach through the Ether, form- caution is in their own self-interest, for the forming a plus sign on the paper. To add a
ing a branching network very similar to the Prime Plane is the only plane from which new third direction perpendicular to both, imag-
roots of a tree. Immortals consistently arise. For Immortals ine a line passing through the center of the
From a greater perspective, this group of cannot create Immortal offspring. The only plus, leading above and below the flat paper
The Multiverse

Easy so far, for most of us. But the next line to have any real location or meaning, it explorations of the dimensions.
dimension is in a direction perpendicular to must exist within a two-dimensional or larger They found a barrier they cannot pene-
all three of those lines, a direction that we as space. The line itself describes only one trate.
players are simply not equipped to see. We dimension, but its location must be described
can, however, assume that our Immortal by two.
characters can see, use, live within, and even Similarly, a two-dimensional plus sign can
The Secret of the
ignore this dimension as naturally as we do certainly exist alone, but to have real mean- Multiverse
the first three. ing, it must be located within a Immortals have imagined much of the follow-
Thus, a mortal can be simply defined as a three-dimensional space from which it may ing, and have in fact deduced most of the
being who is equipped to perceive only three be observed. truth, but have never found real evidence to
dimensions at once. An Immortal can per- The conclusion of this line of reasoning is support their theories. They remain uneasy,
ceive four dimensions at once—but four only. that any being who perceives a given number intellectually capable but unable to fully
However, a fifth direction lurks around the of dimensions must exist in a space that has a accept their own deductions.
corner, perpendicular to all of the first four greater number of dimensions to perceive Coming from a place now lost in the mists
dimensions. It is normally as impossible for those dimensions; at least one more and pos- of forgotten time and memory, the first
Immortals to see this fifth direction as it is for sibly several. From this, it is easily proved Immortals found the multiverse; they did not
humans to perceive the fourth. Its effect on that Immortals, who can perceive four create it. They found it without order, and
mortals, who rarely but occasionally catch dimensions, must exist in five or more. without purpose, so they made the achieve-
glimpses of its existence, can be horrifying. Immortal discussions of mathematics, phi- ment of these things their highest goal. The
Mortals commonly call this fifth direction the losophy, and other topics led them to this con- many planes of existence are still being
Dimension of Nightmares. This bothersome clusion. They further deduced that an explored by the Immortals. The Outer
name does not denote a place; it is a simple infinite number of dimensions must exist, Planes seem to be innumerable. With each
tag attached, through ignorance, to a direc- since each depends on the one "above" it to passing millenium, the Immortals grow ever
tion that no mortal or Immortal can perceive. exist. They have attempted to explore the five more awed by the apparently infinite size and
Although all five directions are real, mea- obvious dimensions and to discover others. variety of this vast creation.
surable distances, the latter two are com- Immortals quickly encountered creatures Someone must have been here before, they
monly called "imaginary" dimensions by who naturally perceive three dimensions, but reason. Someone or some group, or perhaps
mortals. This is merely a natural refusal to whose viewpoint is entirely different than some thing, made all of this. The Immortals
admit their reality; they exist nevertheless. humans'. These life forms consider the five call them the Old Ones—beings to whom
The five known dimensions have been dimensions in a way exactly opposite to the even the power of the Immortals is but a drop
given names to define what each dimension is mortal view. Similar to mortals, they per- in an ocean.
commonly used to measure when used in ceive and accept a three-dimensional world. The Immortals are correct. With such
conjunction with other dimensions. The first But the dimensions that normal mortals call power, the Old Ones knew that the Immor-
dimension measures length or distance the fifth, fourth, and third, these beings per- tals would come. They saw this as an oppor-
between two points, and thus has a beginning ceive as their first, second, and third. They tunity. For despite their unimaginable
and an end. The second dimension measures are disturbed by their fourth dimension abilities, the Old Ones are tragically similar
breadth and direction of the object in the first (what normal mortals call the second), and to Immortals in one respect. They cannot
dimension. The third dimension measures horrified by the fifth (what normal mortals reproduce and the only way for other beings
volume or magnitude or size of an object. call the first). to achieve their level of power is through a
The fourth dimension defines the relation Many of these beings, the so-called Night- test of time, experience, and will. Just as
between two objects, finding all points of sim- mare creatures, were discovered coexisting Immortals await and desperately desire the
ilarity, or convergence. And finally, the fifth already on the Prime Plane itself. This was appearance of exceptional mortals, so do the
dimension measures the unique nature or startling but not entirely unexpected, since Old Ones watch and wait for the greatest and
essence of an object in relation to all others, the planes and dimensions are two entirely best of all the Immortals.
or divergence. different things. The Immortals now watch But knowing that Immortal power could
If an object exists in only a few of the five over and protect these beings, admitting their transcend all boundaries, the Old Ones set a
dimensions, the first dimension by which it is inability to understand them fully but accept- limit to restrict the Immortals to help them
measured—-even if this is actually the second ing them as natural life forms of the inviolate concentrate their efforts. This is the Barrier.
or third dimension—is viewed by creatures Prime Plane. Withdrawing themselves into the sixth and
who perceive dimensions from the same per- Immortals realize problems posed by the higher dimensions, the Old Ones created a
spective as the object, as the object's length. very existence of these creatures. No life type of wall between themselves and the rest
Dimensions that cannot be perceived do not forms seemed to consider the second, third, of existence. Whenever an Immortal tries to
appear to exist to the character's perceptions. or fourth dimensions as their "starting pass beyond the first five dimensions, he or
point," as it were. Why, then, this apparent she enters a special realm. Immortals per-
Infinite Dimensions importance of the fifth? Perhaps the five ceive this realm as a whirlpool of infinite size,
dimensions and five Spheres are somehow made of a watery form of ether. Some Immor-
Let's back up a bit. When you imagined a related, but no evidence has been found to
line to represent one dimension, you also tals have been lost in the huge swirling mass
support this theory. However, a peculiar phe- for many years; they are known to still live,
imagined the line to be somewhere—on a nomena has been discovered—something
piece of paper, for example. But that paper but are missing, and presumed unrecovera-
that strikes fear into even the most powerful ble. The Immortals have made manv
exists in at least two dimensions. Thus, for a of Immortals, millions of years since the first
The Multiverse

attempts to explore, penetrate, and solve the

mystery of this vast whirlpool, but have never
succeeded. This swirling chaos is called the
Dimensional Vortex.
Perhaps even worse than the existence of
the barrier is the simple fact that some crea-
tures, presumably life forces but of a type dif-
ferent from all others, enter and leave the
Dimensional Vortex. Simply called vortex
creatures by Immortals, these beings are
powerful and greatly feared. The Immortals
Outer Planes believe that the vortex creatures are servants
of the Old Ones, sent to observe, correct, or
(exist in many shapes and sizes)
In creating the barrier, the Old Ones knew
that its existence would produce certain odd
effects—most notably the evolution of life
forms with a new dimensional viewpoint, the
Nightmare creatures. They saw this as
another opportunity. Immortals have begun
to look at Nightmare creatures as an alternate
stock from which Immortals may arise once
they have reached the level of evolution of the
Normal dimensional creatures. The barrier
will not be removed until this great experi-
ment of the Old Ones has reached a conclu-
sion , for it has been successful in creating new
Old Ones.
Approximately one Immortal per 10,000
reaches Full Hierarch status. Most of these
Astral Plane beings are content in this exalted post. But
some very few Hierarchs have become dissat-
Ethereal Plane isfied with their fate. They sought even
greater power, and wondered about the para-
Elemental Plane Elemental Plane dox of the great barrier. Most of these over-
CJ came their concerns and curiosity, but a
few—perhaps one of each hundred or two—•
chose to prove their ultimate superiority, on
the remote chance that some greater power
might be watching. They dispersed their life
essences into their Home Planes, and rein-
carnated themselves as mere mortal humans
once again.
' Wormholes Most of these daring individuals perished
in the process, for they indeed became mere
mortals, with no better chance to survive and
achieve Immortality than any other mortal
Prime Plane (The Universe) man. Only a handful both desired and
reached Immortal status a second time. And
of these, only a few reached Hierarch status a
second time. And finally, of these few, only
two dared once again to seek more. They saw
the coming of the blackballs as their punish-
ment and final destruction, and the other
Immortals still believe that this is what
occurred. But unbeknownst to all, they
passed beyond the barrier, and exist now with
the Old Ones.
Elemental Plane Elemental Plane One success could have been chance, but
the second arrival proved that the great
experiment known as the Multiverse would
The Multiverse

serve its purpose. The Old Ones continue to tems can produce effects so outlandish as to We have added the elements of fantasy to
watch and wait for other daring Hierarchs. seem entirely fantastic, but may be entirely this likely early configuration, and the result
And someday when they are satisfied, when real. Vast empires, both planet-bound and is the campaign world described in the boxed
their unknown goals have been reached— galaxy-wide, can exist for millions or billions rule sets and adventures. This period of
someday the Old Ones will return. of years without ever becoming aware of each earth's history is therefore known as the Age
others' existence, if separated by the vast of Magic. Political and social developments
Summary depths of intergalactic space. are another matter, left almost entirely to the
Unlike* the real world, teleportation is development of individual Dungeon Mas-
This set does not attempt to fully describe the possible in this game. The Prime Plane can ters. The real fun of a good fantasy game lies
Old Ones. We cannot even fully describe therefore be explored on a large scale, and in dealing with the scope of human activities,
their servants, the Immortals, nor their vast contact can be made even between civiliza- independent of mere geographical details.
realm of the Multiverse. And no future vol- tions in separate galaxies. Such occurrences
ume will provide details on the Old Ones, for are very unlikely by random chance, but the Home System
their powers transcend the framework of any Immortals as a group can serve to monitor
mere game. To reduce them to game terms many races and either prevent or encourage For convenience, the star and other bodies of
would trivialize their power, which is of an their interaction. the solar system that contains the PC home-
order far greater than the Immortals'. world are essentially identical to that with
When we consider the further possibilities
The Old Ones are prepared to wait indefi- opened by other planes of existence, the ele- which we are familiar. We assume that one
nitely, for Time has no hold over them. If any mental theory of matter, the common use of moon orbits the earth, though you may pre-
player character succeeds in the great jour- magic, and the imbalances of the Spheres, lit- fer to add others. However, we chose one
ney, not merely achieving Hierarch status but erally anything is possible. So for the DM, because of its pervasive influence on our his-
proving his or her superiority by doing it the problem of designing new worlds, life tory. According to some, the lunar cycle may
twice—well, no higher goal can be attained, forms, and other game elements is not "Is it have affected man both physically and men-
and no reward is too great. The player wins possible?" but rather "Where does it occur?" tally. It has certainly had widespread effects
and his character vanishes. And that is the on the measurement of time, the agricultural
final end of this game. and marine cycles, and other aspects of our
* An assumption with which some readers world. So instead of reexamining all aspects
One fact remains for you, as Dungeon will no doubt disagree. But no concrete evi-
Master, to decide. Who are the Old Ones? of human life, and possibly changing them
dence has yet come to light, only allegations. into details too alien to entertain us as a game
Are they indeed the greatest and most power-
ful beings of all? Or perhaps, as they wait form, we maintain the use of a single, famil-
secure in their power, do even the Old Ones
Earth iar moon.
naively fail to see the most obvious fact of all? The home world of human player characters We also assume that most of the same plan-
Can they really believe that no higher Being as portrayed in the D&D Basic, Expert, ets exist. Three noteworthy exceptions are
watches them? Companion, and Master sets is merely one of mentioned below, followed by a brief chart of
One who also watches... and waits... many possibilities. Within its limited scope, the mass and position of each body of the
this world is simply our real one, but at a home system.
point in the far past. The land masses dia-
Physical grammed in the Companion set are a rough A. A planet lies between Mars and Jupiter, in
the area we now call the asteroid belt. If the
Characteristics depiction of the ancient world of Pangea. The
continents have only begun to drift from their DM desires, it may be the home of an
The number of planes of existence is infinite. early unified position, following the modern advanced civilization. But this planet will be
Immortal explorations of the bounded Outer theories of the shifting tectonic plates. destroyed in the future—possibly in a few
Planes continually find previously undiscov- years, or perhaps in a few thousand; possibly
Although the earth as portrayed in this by natural means, or perhaps by the actions
ered ones. The infinite realms of the Prime, game has been designed as if it were an actual
Ethereal, and Astral Planes are also being of its residents. Its remains will form a haz-
predecessor to our real one, the DM may eas- ardous region of floating debris, and large
explored by both mortal and Immortal ily change this. It may be a parallel world,
beings. The Immortals' chosen task of pieces will swing about the sun in
located at a far distance from our real one but collision-prone orbits for millions of years.
exploring the multiverse will thus never end, bearing many similar characteristics. This
lasting as long as the Immortals themselves. For these and other reasons, let us call this
method can be used to resolve various dis- doomed planet Damocles.
crepancies between the game world and our
The Prime Plane real one. For example, names from ancient
myths have been suggested for various
B. At the time of this game setting, the bodies
now called Mercury and Pluto do not exist.
The Prime Plane alone, limited only by its Immortals, simply for familiarity, but the When Damocles is destroyed, the two largest
perfect balance of Spheres and elements, specified era predates such cultures by mille- pieces will fly in opposite directions. The one
offers incredible variety. It houses the entire nia. The possible invention and use of explo- heading toward the sun will be caught in an
realm of existence which we, the humans of sives can also pose a problem unless an unusual orbit, and will be later known as
the real world, have studied and catalogued. alternate earth postulate is accepted where Mercury. The other will almost escape the
The possibilities are amazing—black holes gunpowder does not exist. But these prob- solar system entirely, but after passing nearby
and quasars, galaxies and nebulae, standard lems can be solved in other ways, even while Uranus and Neptune it will also end up in
and variant planetary and stellar configura- maintaining the campaign world as it is orbit, to be later called Pluto.
tions, and so forth. Double and triple star sys- described. The final choice is the DM's. Some large chunks of Damocles will be
The Multiverse

captured by gravity, becoming the infamous Life forms similar to or compatible with gin may produce effects different from their
"retrograde moons" (which rotate in a direc- humankind are only common in remote areas standard forms, all of which can be logically
tion opposite that of the other bodies of the of this sort. The stars and systems of the cen- deduced by the shift in dimensional perspec-
solar system) of Jupiter and other planets. tral hub of the galaxy are much closer tive. In all cases, the "missing dimension"
And many pieces will become asteroids and together, and would thus seem to have a alters the effect so that it appears parallel to
comets with elliptical solar orbits, the flying greater chance of interaction between differ- the two-dimensional spellcaster. For exam-
shrapnel now called Eros, Amor, Albert, ent life forms (and a corresponding greater ple, a fire ball spell cast by a mortal adven-
Apollo, Icarus, Adonis, and Hermes (listed theoretical chance of housing a galactic net- turer would create a perfectly thin disc-like
in order of size). work or empire). However, the amount of explosion, similar to the blade of a circular
hazardous radiation and incidence of stellar saw. Potential victims might not be damaged
C. Beyond the orbit of Neptune lies the tenth collisions are also correspondingly higher for even when very near the center of the explo-
planet, called Charon. It is slightly larger those in the hub. It is much safer, albeit much sion. A spell caster may practice spells while
than Mars. Its location is accurate to the quieter and lonelier, out in the sparsely set- on the Astral Plane, and may learn to rotate
method of prediction known as Bode's Rela- tled backwaters of the galactic mass. the effect after 3 to 6 uses. With the previous
tion, but it will remain undiscovered until the fire ball, for example, the two-dimensional
solar system can be re-explored by use of * One light-year (LY) is 5,875,000,000,000 miles. effect would initially be parallel to the
technology, many thousands of years after the two-dimensional caster, but the caster could
passing of the Age of Magic.
The Astral Plane thereafter cause the explosion to occur in any
non-parallel direction.
System Diameter Distance from sun The great gulf between the Inner and Outer
Body in miles in millions of planes of existence is the Astral Plane. It is Though the fireball actually exists in three
miles the only known infinite plane outside of the dimensions, even mortals may be able to save
The Sun 864,000 — Inner Planes. to take no damage because they can see the
Venus 7,581 67 direction in the fourth dimension that they
Like most other planes, the Astral Plane is
Earth 7,926 93 must move to evade the spell.
a pentaspace (five-dimensional volume).
Mars 4,200 141 However, the Astral Plane has a unique effect For an area effect, this dimensional change
Damocles 6,103 257 on all beings who enter it. It shifts their per- also changes the result of the saving throw. If
Jupiter 88,670 484 spective by one dimension but not their phys- the saving throw is successful, the victim
Saturn 75,062 887 ical reality, producing several unusual effects. takes no damage at all, having avoided the
Uranus 29,577, 1,783 effect entirely.
Within the Astral Plane, a mortal per-
Neptune 27,589 ' 3,230 ceives the second, third, and fourth dimen- For all aspects of melee, both physical and
Charon 5,320 7105 sions, and lacks the ability to see the first. magical, normal unmodified Hit and damage
(The Nightmare creatures are just the oppo- rolls apply.
The Galaxy site, lacking the ability to see the fifth dimen- Immortals, who perceive four dimensions,
sion.) A human sees himself as a flat, can see the fifth dimension but cannot see the
So little is known about the nature of the "Milky "missing" first dimension. (Again, the reverse
two-dimensional thing, unable to see one of
Way," the galactic home of humanity, that the applies to Immortal Nightmare creatures, but
his natural dimensions. Since Immortals are
DM may add details with great freedom. the end result is the same.) Magical effects of
four-dimensional beings, mortals who
The galaxy is a large thin disc, 100,000 Immortal origin are three-dimensional, existing
encounter them on the Astral Plane see them
light years* (LY) across, with a central node in the second, third, and fourth dimensions.
as solid, three-dimensional creatures. It is
that is 20,000 LY thick. The outer portions Any magical effect of Immortal origin appears
thus easy to tell whether a creature encoun-
taper slowly, averaging 2,000-3,000 LY in in normal, unmodified form; for example, an
tered on the Astral Plane is mortal or Immor-
thickness. The galaxy contains 125 billion Immortal's fire ball would explode in a full nor-
tal; the difference is immediately visible.
stars, but only 125 million earthlike planets. mal three-dimensional way.
Only 125,000 have produced intelligent life The change in dimensional perspective
causes all things on the Astral Plane to appear On the Astral Plane, a -5 penalty applies to
forms, and only about 125 of the races are all mortal saving throws vs. magical effects of
able to use magic and/or technology to con- outlined in a sparkling, shimmering substance.
No such substance actually exists; the effect is Immortal origin.
trol their own destinies. Finally, all magical aids to movement suf-
The stars closest to man's are (to use our merely illusory, a matter of perception.
fer modification, as described in the following
modern names for them) Alpha Centauri (4.3 section.
LY), Sirius (8.6 LY), Epsilon Eridani (10.7 Effect on Magic
LY), Procyon (11 LY), 61 Cygni (11.1 LY), Material objects taken to the Astral Plane Movement
Tau Ceti (11.2 LY), and Altair (15.7 LY). It undergo the same shift, and some character-
may be noteworthy that Centauri, Sirius, istics are changed. Magic items are especially Normal movement within the Astral Plane
Procyon, and Cygni are all double star sys- affected. The magical strength of any (such as walking) is only possible when some
tems. The closest civilization able to use enchanted item is reduced by one; for exam- surface is present. The usual means of travel is
magic (counting only those outside the home ple, a sword + 4 is treated as a sword +3 in flight. Gravity is only present when some solid
system of humanity) is on several planets all respects while on the Astral Plane. Any is nearby, and only has minor effect (similar to
orbiting Epsilon Eridani. item of + 1 enchantment is effectively the relationship between Prime-Plane gravity
The home system of man is far removed non-magical. The magic is still there, not dis- and the nearby Ether, as described in the D&D
from the galactic hub, hidden among many pelled or suppressed, but has no effect. Companion Set).
other stars in one of its several great arms. Other magic items and spells of mortal ori-
The Multiverse

One quite noteworthy alteration in magical Creatures creatures. The chart has extra spaces wherein
travel occurs on the Astral Plane. All magical tra- you may insert the creatures you add, and an
vel loses, in effect, one dimension of its capacity. The Astral Plane is the native plane of a few odd extra column for you to revise percentages.
A teleport or dimension door effect opens a creatures, but most of the beings encountered
Check for random encounters three times
pathway across the fourth dimension, allow- therein are transient visitors. Because of its promi-
during any trip through the Astral Plane
ing the user to bypass the first three dimen- nent location among the planes of existence, the
—once shortly after the plane is entered, once
sions and apparently cross any amount of Astral Plane is commonly used by many types of
at the midpoint of the journey, and once near
space in very little time. However, this has lit- creatures, both mortal and Immortal.
the end of the trip. Check also when the char-
tle effect while the user is on the Astral Plane, The only creatures described in this set as acter or party moves near to or travels upon
as that dimension is now one of the three very common in the Astral Plane are nippers any large solid within the plane.
"normal" ones. A new spell effect, astral tele- and astral proteans. But this does not mean To check randomly, roll Id6; an encounter
port, a variation of the teleport spell may be that these are the only ones present. You occurs if the result is a 1. Roll ld% to determine
learned if the opportunity arises, but this is should create new creatures as desired, or as the exact creature encountered. The DM may
an entirely new spell. On the Astral Plane, it needed. The Astral Plane offers the ultimate select a result instead of using a random roll.
has the same effect described for the normal freedom of design, because of its unusual
In the following chart, "Ref' lists the book
teleport spell (with the same PP cost if used characteristics and infinite expanse.
and page reference for a full description of the
by an Immortal). For random encounters in the Astral creature. Be sure to review the notes given
On the Astral Plane, a standard teleport plane, use the following chart. The percent- after the chart, which offer more details on
effect (including teleport object) merely ages given apply only if you design no new the creature(s) encountered.
allows three-dimensional flight, as the fly
spell description. A dimension door effect Random Encounters
also enables flight, but at half the speed
d% Yourd% Creature e n c o u n t e r e d Number appearing Ref
given. A magical fly effect only enables levi-
tation (slow two-dimensional movement), 01-03 Adaptors 3-18 M24
04-05 Adventurers, diaboli 4-9 137
and a levitate is useless.
06-19 Adventurers, human 4-9 All
Within the Astral Plane, no signposts point 20 Archons 2-4 M40
the way to the Outer or Inner Planes. An 21 Blackball 1-2 M40.I50
inexperienced traveler may easily become 22-23 Brain Collector 1-2 X2
utterly lost. A wish or other magical naviga- 24-28 Demon (lesser) 1-4 129
tional aid can become critically important in 29 Demon ruler 1 133
this environment. 30-31 Djinni, Greater 1 M39
A wish can also be used to change dimen- 32 Draeden 1 138
sional perspective, either back toward nor- 33 Dragon, brown 1-4 M27
34 Dragon, gold 1-4 C29
mal or further by one increment. Magical 35 Dragon, red 1-4 C29
aids to vision have no effect, since the prob- 36 Dragon, ruby 1-4 M27
lem is not one of sight but rather of dimen- 37 Dragon ruler (any) 1 M28.I39
sional orientation, a different matter entirely. 38-39 Efreeti, Greater 1 C39
With normal dimensional perspective, all 40-41 Elemaster 1 140
magical movement aids function normally. 42-45 Flickers 2-8 140
46 Hag, Black 1-2 M31
Contents " ,.-*-*^ 47 Hydrax, Immortal 1-2 C41.I
48-55 Immortal NPC 1-6 I
Similar to the Prime, the Astral Plane contains 56-57 Jumpers 2-8 142
vast reaches of nearly empty space. All five 58 Krvst, Immortal 1-2 C42,I
Spheres and all four elements are represented. 59-61 Lich 1-2 M33
Planets, stars, and other typical huge objects 62 Malfera 2-5 C34
63 Nightcrawler 1-2 M36
can be found. However, these may seem to be Nightwalker
64 1-2 M36
eithej;_flat surfaces or^jjill^hree-dimensional 65 Nightwing 1-2 M36
objects, depending on their true dimensional 66-72 Nippers 3-60 144
position. A planet similar to the PC home- 73-75 Notions 2-8 144
world, with one of its three dimensions appar- 76-82 Protean, Astral 1 146
ently missing, "wettid appear as a flat surface of 83-84 Repeater 1-2 147
large size. The rarer four-dimensional solids 85-87 Soo 2-5 148
would appear three-dimensional in the Astral 88 Spectral Hounds 3-6 C36
Plane (just as do Immortal creatures). 89-90 Spiders, Planar 5-16 M41
91 Spirits, Druj 2-5 C37
Other planes may also be found "in" the Spirit, Odic 1-2
92 C37
Astral Plane. Many of the Outer Planes are 93 Spirit, Revenant 1-2 C37
bubble-like and completely isolated, sur- 94 Titan (any Sphere) 1-2 148
rounded by the Astral. Planar boundaries are <«.ri-w; Tbnals 2-32 149
described in later sections (the Astral-Ethereal 97-98 Undine, Immortal 1-2 C42
Boundary, and Other Planar Boundaries). 99-00 Vampires 3-6 X57
The Multiverse

Your additional c r e a t u r e s : determine the type. Mixed types often travel

d% Your d % Creature encountered Number appearing together for a time before separating to go to
their respective tasks.
Type d%
Screaming 01-38
Croaking 39-65
Howling 66-82
Groaning 83-91
Hissing 92-96
Roaring 97-99
Whispering 00
Demon ruler: This may be Orcus (60%) or
Demogorgon (40%), but either is accompa-
nied by 2-8 lesser but powerful demons of
mixed types, plus 1-4 groups of special fol-
lowers (see page 35).
Djinni, Greater: This pasha is accompanied
by 3-18 normal djinn. The group is on their
way to or from an Outer Plane of the Sphere
of Thought.
Draeden: This huge being will probably
(80%) ignore anything it encounters, unless
Dragon (any normal): Only large or huge
dragons are found on the Astral Plane, and only
Notes Archons: These creatures are either a rescue those using spells or special magic items which
party, sent to aid some beings known to be protect and guide them. If heading toward the
All encounters: Check the book reference lost in the Astral Plane, or are en route to or
before using the creature in a game. Most Inner Planes, they are newly constituted ones
from the Prime Plane on a special mission. from the Home Plane of a dragon ruler, about
require pre-planning and have a wide range They are the personal agents of the Hierarch
of abilities. to begin service. If otherwise, they may be wan-
of Energy, who will not look kindly on any dering and/or lost, or may be heading for the
Immortals: If Immortal beings capable of interference by other Immortals. The
level and rank progression are encountered, Outer Plane of their ruler.
archons probably (80%) have exceptional
you may select the rank of each, or may ran- magic items to aid them in their journey. Dragon Ruler: Any ruler traveling outside
domly determine it by rolling ld%: the Home Plane is accompanied by 2-5 huge
Blackball: This thing may be wandering powerful dragon aides. The group is heading
d% Rank randomly (80%), or may (20%) be tracking to or from a specific mission of some sort,
01-50 Temporal some other creature deliberately. If the latter, which could be on any plane of existence,
51-75 Celestial the intended victim may be one of the PC including the Astral. The group may (50%)
76-90 Empyreal party. be accompanied by 2-12 dragon spirits,
91-99 Eternal utterly invisible without powerful magical aid
00 Hierarch Brain Collector (Neh-Thalggu): See the
D&D® Master Set (page 42) for a summary of (such as truesight) but able to assume mate-
Adaptors: The home of these beings, though creature statistics. These odd beings are Night- rial form if needed.
not the place of origin of the race as a whole, mare creatures (q.v.), but are native to the Efreeti, Greater: This amir is accompanied
is one of the planets within the Astral Plane. Ethereal Plane. Neh-Thalggu found on the
This is either a group of explorers or a guard by 3-18 normal efreet. The group is bound
Astral Plane are far more powerful than those
patrol. They are not novices, not lost, and for or returning from an Outer Plane of the
described, as they may have collected 1-4 brains
not easily surprised. They carry exceptional Sphere of Energy.
from Immortals and have thereby gained
equipment, often technological, and are Power and extra magic use. Furthermore, the Elemaster: Any one of the four may be
familiar with most of the creatures encoun- brains may still contain the trapped life forces of encountered, and almost always alone. The ele-
tered in this plane. Immortals, relatively unharmed but unable to masters usually travel in tiny form while on the
free themselves from this living prison. Astral Plane. The creature is probably (80%)
Adventurers: Whether human (including
en route to or from the Outer Home Plane of
demi-humans) or diaboli, this is a well- Demon (any lesser): These are en route to the Hierarch of the appropriate Sphere.
rounded group of high-level characters with or from any plane of existence, but always
appropriate equipment. They are extremely have a specific purpose. If on their way to a Flickers: These carefree creatures are prob-
cautious, may be trigger-happy, and may job, they will try to evade anyone they ably lost, but they don't care. They are sim-
(20% chance) be lost. encounter. After you find the number ply wandering or exploring, and will not be
appearing, roll d% separately for each to hostile unless attacked first.
The Multiverse

Hag, Black: This malevolent creature is others to assist. If two nightshades are tral, but will never be overtly hostile. Titans
probably en route to or from an Outer Plane encountered, they are bound for different encountered on the Astral Plane always
of Entropy, for a specific reason. It (or they) destinations, merely traveling together for retreat if attacked, since their assigned tasks
may have magic items or exceptional spell safety. have priority, but they may later seek out
use (greater than that given in the monster their attackers (often with allies) to settle
description), and may (30%) be accompany- Nippers: This horde of tiny centipede-like unfinished business.
ing a lich. creatures will attack anything. They are
extremely dangerous. Tonals: The number appearing varies by the
Hydrax, Immortal: This creature is evil but type(s) of tonals encountered, as per the crea-
Notions: This group will consist primarily of
not stupid. It probably has a specific purpose ture description. Breves are never encoun-
outlandish, bizarre, or extreme notions.
for being in the Astral Plane, and if so, will tered alone, always accompanied by one or
They are not hostile, but may be lost.
avoid anyone encountered. It is probably more other types. The tonals are probably
(90%) of the Sphere of Time, with appropri- Protean, Astral: This predictable and slow, (80%) of the wild, evil variety (atonals). Oth-
ate powers. Select or randomly determine its but dangerous, life form is usually attacked erwise they are Lawful and friendly. Any
rank, but reroll any result of 91 or more. on sight by Immortals. Proteans are the tonal may have a purpose or simply be wan-
scourge of the Astral Plane. Determine Hit dering.
Immortal (any Sphere): Select or randomly Dice randomly (d% xlO), and note that A-M
determine one of the four PC Spheres is 1 % per HD. Undine, Immortal: This being is probably
(excluding Entropy), and one rank. All the (90%) of the Sphere of Time, with appropri-
Immortals encountered will be of the same Repeater: This creature is a scavenger, and ate powers. It is Chaotic but always good.
Sphere and rank (though of any level within will probably (80%) attack anything it Select or randomly determine the creature's
that rank). They are probably simply explor- encounters. It is just as likely to not pursue rank, but reroll any result of 91 or more.
ers, but may be en route to or from a mission. mortal victims if they flee quickly.
They will not be hostile unless attacked first. Vampires: The group encountered is always
Soo: If soo are encountered, some form of of maximum size (9 HD). They are all spell
Jumpers: These creatures usually avoid water (ice, liquid, or clouds) is 90% likely to users, either clerics or magic-users, and may
encounters with Immortals unless they are be nearby on some Astral Planet. The soo be of any level, though usually from 25th to
seeking employment or extremely hungry. normally avoid confrontation, but are notori- 36th (Idl2 +24). They are probably (80%)
They will attack nearly any mortal they rec- ous liars and thieves. not lost, and are always in search of victims.
ognize as such. They may sometimes (10%) be pawns of a
Spectral Hounds: In the Astral Plane, these more powerful undead, which need not be
Kryst, Immortal: This being is probably creatures are up to five times normal (up to nearby but is certainly somewhere on the
(90%) of the Sphere of Matter, with appro- 25 HD) and take automatic minimum dam- Astral Plane.
priate powers. It is also probably good, and age from all mortal attack forms (similar to
friendly as well. Select or randomly deter- demons). They are en route either to or from
mine the creature's rank, but reroll any result the Barrier. The Outer Planes
of 91 or more.
Spiders, Planar: Since they can shift Because of the extremely wide variety of life
Lich: This creature or pair may (80%) be en between planes and dimensions at will, these forms found in the many planes of existence,
route to or from an Outer Plane of Entropy, or merchants are usually friendly and will seek and the infinite number of Outer Planes,
are otherwise simply wandering in search of vic- to trade valuables and/or information. They descriptions cannot be given for each.
tims (preferably mortal). Each carries 2-5 useful are never lost, and can offer directions to Home Planes of Immortals all have certain
powerful magical items, 3-8 useful lesser magi- those who are—for a price, of course. A common characteristics, starting with those
cal items, and has cast 0-19 (ld20-l) spells in group of spiders always includes one cleric given in the Players' Book. However, those
previous encounters. If one lich is encountered, and one magic-user of maximum (9th) level notes apply only to a starting plane. Immor-
it may (70%) be alone, or otherwise has a black when encountered on the Astral Plane. If tals of Celestial and higher status have planes
hag (q.v.) for a companion. attacked, the entire group will shift to another which are larger and more developed than
plane, and will continue shifting through 2-5 the starting details given. Most of the Outer
Malfera: These Nightmare creatures are more planes and/or dimensions as a precau- Planes are larger than that starting size,
actually native to the Prime Plane, and are tion. though some may be smaller.
probably (80%) lost in the Astral. They are
exceptional specimens, able to cast spells as Spirit (any of 3): These malevolent crea-
magic-users of levels 9 to 28. Though of hor- tures (not to be confused with the general
rid appearance, the malfera will probably not term meaning life essence) are definitely lost, Most (95%) of the Outer Planes are five-
be hostile, seeking only to return to its native having wandered into the Astral Plane by dimensional spaces, but not all. Some are
plane and/or dimension. accident. They will attack anyone they four-dimensional, and a few have only three
encounter, except superior beings of Entropy. or fewer dimensions. Dimensional spaces
Nightshade (Nightcrawler, Nightwalker,
vary in the proportions listed on Table 10.
or Nightwing): This powerful but mortal Titan: Select or randomly determine a
You may want to develop weird adventures
minion of the Sphere of Entropy is heading to Sphere for the titan to serve, ignoring
by sending player characters to an odd
or from an Outer Plane of its Sphere. Its Entropy. The titan encountered has a specific
mission, and may contact his or her patron dimensional plane.
approximate location is known to at least one
Immortal at any time, by telepathic means. Of every billion Outer Planes, there are
demon, who will know if its servant is
The titan's attitude may be friendly or neu- 950 million pentaspaces, 47.5 million tetras-
attacked and who may (50%) come or send
paces, 2,375,000 trispaces, 11,875 dispaces,
The Multiverse

and 6,250 monospaces. This last type is often number of stars and planetary systems that attoplanes are monospacial. The phrase
completely undetectable from the Astral exist in each outer plane. With this informa- "trispacial gigaplane" is similarly self-
Plane, and has only been discovered with tion in hand, an Immortal player character contradictory.
great difficulty. may begin to develop or explore the vastness
A monospace (one-dimensional plane of of a plane. The size of a plane is used to deter-
existence) is simply a line. Peculiar life forms mine the power cost to make changes to the
Table 10: Percentage of Spatial
are only found in 1 % of the known mono- natural laws of a plane as described in Home Planes
planes. System (page 5). Percentage of Total
A dispace (two-dimensional plane of exist- The terms for the number and size of the Number of Outer
ence) is a perfectly flat surface. Life forms dimensions of a plane found on the following Dimensions Planes
have been found in about 10% of such tables may be used together. For example, a 95
spaces. bounded region of maximum size and dimen- 4.75
A trispace (three-dimensional plane of sions is called a pentaspacial teraplane. Some 0.2375
existence) is easily understood, as this is the terms cannot be combined, because of the 0.011875
apparent size of all planes to the mortal per- size limits. For example, the only known 0.000625
spective. Life forms have been found in 90%
of the known planes of this type. Humans
and most other mortal beings can enter and Table 11: Terms for Sizes of Planes
function within tridimensional space, but Size Size in Immortal
Immortals can do so only with difficulty, as in miles other units Term
they must compress their size (from four to
three dimensions) to do so. 0.000005 almost lh in. Attoplane
0.005 26V2 feet Femtoplane
A tetraspace (four-dimensional plane of 5.0 26,400 feet Picoplane
existence) is easily visualized by Immortals, 5 thousand 208+ map hexes Nanoplane
since they are four-dimensional beings. Life 5 million 26.8 LS Microplane
forms are found in over 99% of the planes of 5 billion LH
7'/J Milliplane
this type. All known life forms can function 50 billion 74'/- I.M Centiplane
easily within such spaces. 500 billion 745 LH 1 )cr iplane
A pentaspace (five-dimensional plane of 5 trillion 0.85 LY Standard plane
existence), the most common type by far, is 50 trillion 87.: LY Dekaplane
hard for Immortals to visualize fully, and the 500 trillion 85 LY Hectoplane
task is impossible for mortals. Life forms are 5 quadrillion 851 LY Kiloplane
believed to exist in three-dimensional por- 5 quintillion 851,000 LY Megaplane
tions of all planes of this type, and any form 5 sextillion 851 mill. LY Gigaplane
may be found. The three infinite planes are 5 septillion 851 bill. LY
pentaspaces. Teraplane
1 Mile = 5,280 feet
It is hypothesized that many pentaspaces 1 Map hex = 24 miles
actually possess other dimensions than the
1 LS (Light second) = 186,282 miles
known five. But since these dimensions can-
1 LH (Light hour) = 670,715,200 miles
not be traveled in or perceived, they are
1 LY (Light year) = 5,875,000,000,000 miles
grouped with true pentaspaces.
There are no known hexaspaces (six-
dimensional planes of existence) because of Table 12: Random Determination of Planar Size
the existence of the Dimensional Vortex.
Number of dimensions present
Plane size 2 3 4
Attoplane 01-05
All of the dimensions within a single plane of Femtoplane 06-14 01-06
existence are equal. The standard size of every Picoplane 15-32 07-17 01-08
Immortal's starting Home Plane is about 5 tril- Nanoplane 33-68 18-.15 09-20 01-10
lion miles. Outer planes of various sizes have Microplane 69-86 56-65 21-37 11-23 01-12
been found. Their possible and average sizes Milliplane 87-95 66-83 38-62 24-39 13-26
vary by the number of dimensions present. Centiplane 96-97 84-87 63-68 40-45 27-30
Immortal terms for describing these various Deciplane 98-99 88-91 69-74 46-52 31-35
sizes of planes, are listed on Table 11. Std. plane 00 92-94 75-79 53-60 36-41
To randomly determine the size of the Dekaplane 95-97 80-84 61-67 42-48
dimensions within a plane, refer to Table 12. Hectoplane 98-99 85-88 68-72 49-54
Roll d% and find the result in the column Kiloplane 00 89-91 73-76 55-59
that gives the number of dimensions present. Megaplane 92-00 77-89 60-74
Table 13 may be used to determine the Gigaplane 90-00 75-88
Teraplane 89-00

The Multiverse

Table 13: Contents of Planes

13A: Stars
Roll the same way as for treasure types in mortal games. Check each entry for each plane. Find number only (all 100% chance) for Dekaplanes and
larger spaces.

Type of . . . . Star Types

Plane Micro Dwarf Standard Giant
Attoplane 30% 1 special Nil Nil Nil

Femtoplane 60 %1 Nil Nil Nil

Picoplane 60% 1-4 Nil Nil Nil

30% 1

Nanoplane 80% 2-5 Nil Nil Nil

10% 1

Microplane 99% 2-5 60% 1 Nil Nil

Milliplane 99% 2-9 80% 1 30% 1-4 Nil

Centiplane 99% 2-12 60% 2-5 95% 1 10% 1

50% 1

Deciplane 99% 2-12 60% 3-6 10% 2-5 40% 1

80% 2-5 40% 1-4 99% 1

Standard plane 99% 2-12 80% 1-4 50% 2-5 20% 1-4
90% 2-5 50% 1 70% 1 70% 1
Dekaplane ld2O + 2 2d6 3dl0 2d8 + 2
Hectoplane ldlOO ld8xlO ldl0x40 ld4xlO

Kiloplane Id6 ldlO + 4 ld20 + 20 ld8

or larger*

* Kiloplane: multiply all results times 100

Megaplane: as kiloplane, times 1,000
Gigaplane: as kiloplane, times 1 million
Teraplane: as kiloplane, times 1 billion

13B: Other Bodies Microstar: Condensed dwarf star of low mass Standard star: Typical and most common
common to bounded planes but rare else- star type. In modern astronomy, one in
Number of planets = 3-8 (Id6 + 2) times the
where. Diameter 2 feet to 20 miles. Mass the Main Sequence. Diameter 250,000 to
number of stars
3-30 times earth. Temperature range 5% 2,500,000 miles (ldlO x 250,000). Mass
Number of moons, etc. = 1-10 times the
to 100% of our sun. 100-1,000 times earth. Temperature
number of planets (includes asteroids,
Dwarf star: Very small and dense star. Diam- range 50% to 200% of our sun.
comets, etc.)
eter 16,000 to 35,000 miles (ld20 + 15 Giant star: Very large but nearly gaseous star.
xl,000). Mass 100-400 times earth. Tem- Diameter 10 million to 390 million miles
Explanations perature range 120% to 200% of our sun. (2d2O-l xlO million). Mass 1,000-10,000
Special (Attoplane only): A pinpoint star-like times earth. Temperature range 50% to
object, with a diameter of less than one- 100% of our sun.
thousandth of an inch. Mass 10-1,000
pounds. Temperature less than 1 % of our

The Multiverse

Other Notes on Dimensions Whatever the number of dimensions of a pal residents of these planes are located well
plane's or object's real existence, the away from the distorted region.
Dimensions and Magic sequence of numbers may not contain a gap. Unfortunately, dimensional aberrations
In terms used by the Immortals, the dimen- are not static phenomena; they move in
For reasons unknown to Immortals, mortals
sions must be contiguous—not merely adja- waves. Magic-using residents of a plane may
and Immortals who enter a plane with three
cent, but adjacent at all points. This be subjected to regular cycles of limited or
or fewer dimensions are unable to use magi-
invariable law of dimensional contiguity has nonexistent magic, or may suffer a sudden
cal powers of any sort. Magical items likewise
no known exceptions. and unexpected removal of magical power.
become entirely non-magical in such spaces.
It has further been discovered that interdi- Similarly, an entire technological civilization
Immortals who enter a tetraspace are simi-
mensional travel must be contiguous. It is to in the midst of a dimensionally turbulent area
larly limited to magical use by standard
say that to travel to the fourth dimension, you may suddenly find itself populated by
means (i.e. memorization and casting, rather
must first travel through the third or fifth magic-users when the aberration passes.
than simple Power expenditure).
dimension. Immortals may sometimes erect obstacles
This phenomenon occurs because magic
to block or reduce the effects of the waves of
draws power from the dimension(s) that the
Unusual Dimensional Effects dimensional distortion.
user cannot perceive. A two-dimensional life
Many causes produce this type of turbu-
form within a trispace might be able to use A one-dimensional object or plane has lence, including the very motion of stellar and
powers which, from its limited perspective, length, but no width (direction) nor depth planetary bodies. A fluctuating mass, like a
are the equivalent of magic. (volume). If a two-dimensional being is quasar, is another common disruptive influ-
Some magic may even use additional struck by the edge of a one-dimensional ence, producing an effect sometimes called
dimensions beyond the fifth, but because of object, it may be sliced in half. This effect is gravity waves that may distort dimensions.
the sixth-dimensional vortex, these dimen- the same as described for a weapon with slic- Most of the planes of existence are free of
sions may not be perceived nor traveled to. ing ability—the victim must make a success- major disturbances of this type, and many
ful unmodified saving throw vs. Death Ray
Visiting Planes with Fewer Dimensions Outer planes have dimensions that are totally
or lose half his hit points. However, a being stable. But the three most critical planes of
Both mortals and Immortals may visit a
who exists in three or more dimensions is existence are affected by these distortions,
plane with fewer dimensions than their form
completely unaffected by being struck by a and dimensional aberration is thus a natural
by first compressing themselves with a wish
one-dimensional object or plane, and is also enemy of all Immortals.
or other means, in incorporeal form, or by
unable to affect it by physical means. The
possessing a creature native to the plane. Any
creature's two remaining dimensions bind
other attempt results in failure and the victim
must make an Immortal level Constitution
the figure together against the severing force. Boundaries
For example, a normal human adventurer
check or suffer 1-100 points of damage. All known planes of existence border on
who discovers a monospacial plane or object
Unfortunately, such journeys often turn other known planes, primarily the Astral and
can reach through it, but cannot grasp it.
out to be one way because of the loss of Ethereal Planes. If a plane of existence does
magic-using abilities. To return, either a per- An identical effect occurs if an object or not contact one of the other known planes of
manent gate needs to be created ahead of plane limited to two-dimensional existence existence, it may not be reached by any
time or someone else must rescue the traveler strikes a three-dimensional being, but only if means, magical or power use. The plane has
from a magical plane. an edge is contacted. no reference point from which to determine
its location, and thus does not exist.
Dimensional Contiguity Dimensional Aberrations There is one exception, as explained in
Some few planes of existence are dimension- Home Planes in which an Immortal avatar
For a plane, object, or creature to exist, its on a plane with no access to other planes may
dimensions must be numbered in sequence. ally asymmetrical; that is, the dimensions
within are not all the same length. As a sim- be used as a reference point.
A typical three-dimensional creature may
exist in dimensions 1,2, and 3 (such as Nor- ple example, imagine a two-dimensional
plane which, instead of a perfect square, is Planar Boundaries
mal humans), dimensions 3, 4, and 5 (such as
Nightmare creatures), or even dimensions 2, the silhouette of an hourglass. A similar effect A planar boundary is that region of a plane of
3, and 4 (such as nippers, native to the Astral can occur in some multidimensional planes of existence at which another plane is adjacent
Plane, which seem to turn into squashed existence. to it and may be entered. A plane need not
two-dimensional bugs if viewed from Normal The net effect of such distortion varies. If necessarily be contiguous. Two types of pla-
or Nightmare perspective when taken to any multiple dimensions compress at the same nar boundaries can be seen in the Astral
other plane). point, severe visual distortions may appear. Plane—one unique type at the Ethereal
Limited or curtailed magical effect and Plane, and another type at the edge of each of
Planes and objects are not limited to
ranges is the most common symptom of the Outer Planes.
three-dimensional existence, though most mor-
dimensional aberration. This is most obvious
tals are three-dimensional creatures. Immortals
when magic-using residents of one part of a
are four-dimensional, and baaka are The Astral-Ethereal Boundary
plane find themselves unable to use magic in
five-dimensional. Other strange creatures are
another part of the same plane. If the Astral Plane is imagined as an ocean,
known to exist in only one or two dimensions.
This same principle also applies to planes of All three of the known infinite planes, the the Ethereal Plane is the sea bottom. If one
existence, most often observed in the variety of Prime, Ethereal, and Astral, contain areas of travels far enough through the Astral Plane
the Outer Planes, and objects of all sorts. dimensional aberration. Most of the princi- toward the Inner Planes, the Ether eventually

The Multiverse

appears. The only way to continue is to either ceived by the observer. Every pentaspace a powerful magical aid (such as truesight) is
enter the Ether or bypass it by using a magi- appears to a normal Immortal observer as a used, some small part of the actual interior of
cal gate. The Prime and Elemental Planes are four-dimensional solid. A tetraspace appears the plane can also be examined, to the range
not adjacent to the Astral Plane. See the the same if its dimensional orientation is the limit of the effect employed.
D&D Companion Set, DMC page 18, for reverse of normal (i.e. if it contains the 2nd
more on the Ethereal Plane. After entering through 5th dimensions), since the dimen- Dimensional Boundaries
the Ethereal Plane, a traveler may move sion it lacks (the 1st) is the same one that the
directly to either the Prime or an Elemental Immortal observer also lacks (while in the A more perplexing situation arises with the
Plane which are overlapped by the ether. Astral Plane). If the tetraspace is the first limits of the dimensions within a bounded
Since the Astral and Ethereal are both through fourth dimensions, it appears plane. Although a planar boundary cannot
planes of infinite size, this boundary is also three-dimensional, since the only common be seen from within a plane of existence, the
infinite. The boundary does not block magi- dimensions are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. limit of its dimensions can be reached. To
cal sight. From the Astral Plane the boundary cross a planar boundary from within a plane
By similar logic, the boundary of a trispace
appears as dull gray, because the Ether itself requires the use of magic or power.
may appear as a three-dimensional solid (if it
is gray. Once found, it is thus unmistakeable. contains dimensions 2 through 4, or 3 In most cases, a plane contains a few stars
From the Ether, the Astral Plane is visible at a through 5) or as a two-dimensional flat sur- and planets surrounded by empty space.
distance, appearing as a shimmering light face (containing dimensions 1,2, and 3, the From within the plane, the emptiness seems
that grows brighter as approached. first being unseen). A dispace may similarly to continue infinitely, despite the boundary
appear two- or one-dimensional, and the limits. Or, if you desire, the answer to a ques-
A traveler may cross the Astral-Ethereal
boundary of a monospace (always tion of "What's beyond the world's edge?"
boundary from either direction by the usual
one-dimensional) can only be seen if its might literally be "Nothing!"
magical means (such as plane travel), but it
resists all non-magical attempts. If the dimension is one that can be observed from Optical effects aside, the practical effect on
boundary is damaged in any way, it automat- the Astral Plane. those who approach the dimensional bound-
ically seals itself. The substance of the Astral ary is relevant. The result of such actions
All of the above assumes that the observer
and Ethereal Planes will not mix, nor can a depends on the number of dimensions within
has a normal dimensional orientation. If
permanent non-magical hole be made in the the plane.
multiple observers have different orienta-
boundary. tions, a single planar boundary may be seen Monospace: Stop. There is nowhere else
entirely differently by each. For example, to go except back; the creature is literally at
suppose that a pair of Immortals, one former the end of the line.
Other Planar Boundaries Dispace: Stretch. The inherent instability
human and one former diabolus, are together
From a viewpoint in the Astral Plane, the in the Astral Plane and observe the boundary of bounded dispacial planes causes an odd
boundary of any other pentaspace (except the of a trispace that contains dimensions 1, 2, result. Magical pressure may be applied to
Ethereal, as described above) appears as a sil- and 3. The Immortal diabolus would the boundary, and enough pressure will cause
very surface. This surface may be perfectly describe it as a three-dimensional solid, since one dimension to enlarge, while the other
smooth or may have edges. its perspective lacks only the fifth dimension contracts. This may continue until the space
The size of this boundary bears no relation (irrelevant in this case). But the other would becomes very nearly monospacial, but not
to the size of the plane within it. The bound- perceive the boundary as flat and entirely, at which time the distortion is
ary only indicates the amount of the plane two-dimensional, seeing only dimensions 2 stopped. Pressure may then be applied to the
which is adjacent to the Astral Plane. A pen- and 3. The Immortal diabolus could move other boundary, with the effect of
taspacial teraplane (the maximum sized behind the solid, suddenly vanishing into re-widening the plane. The total area of the
five-dimensional space) may appear as a tiny thin air from the viewpoint of the Immortal plane always remains constant, and the max-
ball if it has very few points adjacent to the human. If the pair were to encounter a imum length possible is given on Table 11.
Astral Plane. monospacial planar boundary existing only Trispace: Slip. The creature seems to
This degree of adjacency may be reduced in the first dimension, only the Immortal move, but it is illusory. Slippage occurs that
by an Immortal through permanent Power diabolus could detect its existence (normally results in no actual distance traveled.
expenditure, resulting in the shrinking of the observable only by Normals)! Tetraspace: Skip. Movement is possible,
planar boundary. but only along another dimension from that
Planar boundaries are not observable from
Some Outer Planes are not adjacent to the within planes of existence except in the case of the original movement. A change of posi-
Astral Plane at all, being adjacent only to of infinite contiguity, such as the border tion results, but not in the direction intended.
another Outer Plane. Such areas are utterly between the Ethereal and Prime Planes. Pentaspace: Loop. The creature continues
undetectable from the Astral Plane. A few Examination of the boundary of an Outer moving in the same apparent direction, but is
have been discovered by Immortals in the plane with magical aid, such as detect invisi- actually moved from one end of the plane to
course of exploration. The Home Planes of ble, reveals a slight tint to the silvery color. the other. The effect is the same as movement
some Hierarchs and Eternals have been This color reveals the Sphere which is domi- around the interior of a cylinder in a direction
deliberately and successfully hidden in this nant in the plane: pink for Energy, tan for parallel to either end.
way, accessible only through one or more Matter, light blue for Thought, light green
other Outer Planes. for Time, and gray for Entropy. When multi-
The number of apparent dimensions of a ple Spheres are present in perfect balance, a
planar boundary are determined by the rela- spectrum of colors can be observed. Astral
tionship between the dimensions of the plane explorers may thus gain forewarning of pla-
contained therein and the dimensions per- nar bias without actually entering a plane. If

The Campaign

Ethereal and four Elemental Planes.

All types of games usually involve Immor-
tal characters from various Spheres. The
"All the world's a stage, Hierarchs of the four PC spheres cooperate to
a great extent, and may offer specific tasks to
And all the men and women merely players; player characters. These tasks may be
declined, but are usually sought after, since
They have their exits and their entrances, they lead to gains of Power and status. There
And one man in his time plays many parts..." is no penalty for declining a task.
Games with Immortal characters can be
easily run for one, two, or many players.
As You Like It, Act 2 Sc 7 One-on-one games (one player and DM) can
be quite enjoyable at this level of play, espe-
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) cially since an Immortal character is able to
do so many things alone. A blend of Spheres
is helpful in an adventure, but not nearly as
Immortal player characters may participate Games involving Immortals fall into two critical as a good selection of character classes
in any type of D&D game. In their normal general categories: those also involving mor- in a mortal adventuring party.
forms, traveling singly or in groups, they tal Inner Planar creatures, and those without
explore and control the Outer Planes. Immor- them. Games of the second type usually take
tals also assume mortal forms to watch and place in the Outer Planes, including the
participate in the development of the Prime Astral. Those of the first type are most often
Plane. in the Prime Plane, but may include the

Page 14
Corrigenda Column 2, Paragraph 4
The actions of every Immortal, whatever
In the D&D Master Set, some of the details The various notes on responses may be
his or her Sphere, always serve the greater
given about Immortals (MDM pages 13-15) applied to NPC relations with mortals, but
goals of all the Immortals. No action that
were incorrect and/or oversimplified because any PC Immortal may respond as desired.
would endanger the Prime is ever taken by
of limits on space. These guidelines should nevertheless be con-
any Immortal, including one of Entropy.
sidered by the player, to maintain some bal-
Page 13 Paragraph 6 ance and consistency. For example, mortals
Column 1, Paragraph 5 These notes on material forms are greatly may expect some small gift if their actions are
oversimplified, since the topic is rather com- exceedingly great, and the Immortal should
The Prime Plane holds special interest for
plex. See the Players' book for detailed notes bring a minor magic item (easily obtained
Immortals because of its central location in
on the creation of material forms. from another location nearby) before meet-
the multiverse, but the Prime does not actu-
Whenever an Immortal's form is slain on ing with the mortal. Immortal PCs should be
ally border all the other planes. Indeed, the
the Prime Plane, the character should try to similarly strict in their requirements, and
reason the Immortals and many other beings
arrange for its utter destruction. At best, the may actually be instructed to turn down the
dwell so far removed from the Prime Plane,
form would leave clues about the existence mortal, however great the achievement. This
among the Outermost Planes of Existence, is
and activities of Immortals, and powerful may occur when no spaces are available in
that their presence within of near the Prime
mortals could seriously interfere with the Immortal hierarchy, but may also occur
can upset its perfect balance.
Immortal plans if sufficiently aroused. for other reasons.
The Prime is perfectly equidistant from all
other planes—a position unique in the multi- Paragraph 7
verse. This perfect balance produces unusual Page 15
The number of days given is an approxi-
effects not matched elsewhere. The facets of mate average, and includes normal travel Column 3, Paragraph 6
life in the typical campaign world may be time to the Home Plane. While time may not An Immortal PC obviously need not retire
reproduced elsewhere in part, but only on the pass on that plane as it does in the Prime, the from play, now that these additional rules are
Prime Plane do sentient humanoids occupy number of equivalent days on the Prime is available. As noted in this same paragraph
and manipulate an environment composed of given in the text. Again, this is not an actual and the next, the PC may easily take a mortal
all four elements in equal balance along with limit, but an average of observed results from form of any class and level of adventurer.
the powers of all five Spheres. past occurrences. The Immortal gains 1 PP for each 10,000
Paragraph 6 XP earned adventuring, not per 40,000. A
Column 3, Paragraphs 2-6 set bonus award also applies to each such
Immortals do not pass through the Prime, Many of the notes herein are simply incor-
but rather visit it with regularity. Once, in the "observer" adventure.
rect. Most of the originally planned details
distant past, Immortals lived in the Prime were revised in the process of developing this
and directly influenced the progress of man. set. All details given in this set supercede the
They later wisely departed, simply to pre- notes in the Master Set.
serve the unique environment, for this is the
only Plane of Existence from which new
Immortals dependably arise.

The Campaign

of 50 PP by each Immortal, the usual amount

Goals of the Immortals Existing Identities for inhabiting a form.
One overall goal applies to all Immortal To perform an assigned task on the Inner By using an appropriate Identity, an
activities—the preservation of the Immortals Planes, an Immortal may either assume a Immortal may take the form of any character
themselves, and of their position of power in new role, pretending to be a traveler, adven- type of any level. This is very helpful when
the multiverse. All Immortals (including turer, or other being whose past is unknown, most of the players have mortal characters,
those of Entropy) strive for three lesser goals or may take up the role of a creature that and one or two have Immortals but want to
that contribute to this greater one, and work already exists. play in the same game. In a brief discussion
to further these goals in their own ways. The The Immortals have prepared for such before the game, the DM gives the player a
following goals are listed in order of priority. needs by establishing several pre-existing character sheet for an NPC that fits the par-
Immortals of different Spheres often work identities or characters whose form may be ty's needs—in other words, the details of the
together to explore the Outer Planes, but used by any Immortal granted permission. Identity. A capsule description of the estab-
each Immortal wants to further the goals of The following notes apply specifically to the lished personality and his background is also
his own Sphere while doing so. Individuals homeworld of mortal humankind. But simi- necessary. If handled properly, the other play-
are also vying for more Power and to rise in lar situations exist in many other areas of the ers may not even know that an Immortal is
the ranks of their Sphere. Immortals of all the Prime Plane, and in the Ethereal and Ele- present!
Spheres may put aside their differences if a mental Planes as well. When an Immortal uses an Identity, all the
greater task requires it, such as a serious Many creatures around the world, human, physical characteristics of the prepared form
threat to humanity from some force outside of demi-human, and monster, are actually are used, including hit points, Armor Class,
the Immortal hierarchy. Immortals. Some are avatars, but most are and physical ability scores. Special abilities
Although these goals are multiversally Immortals who are responsible to maintain in must be either already possessed by the
acknowledged, they do not produce perfect long-term positions as observers of the Prime Immortal or magically through Power use.
harmony between the Spheres. Quite the Plane and history. The identities of these The Immortal knows all the history of the
contrary; the members of each Sphere con- beings, the various details of their "natural" character and cannot be discovered to be a
stantly strive to further their own goals, often lives within society, usually belonged to true fraud through careful cross-examination.
in conflict with the others. This constant mortal beings who died. Immortals call these The player may make a few errors, but the
striving to strengthen one's Sphere or main- characters Identities. When the Immortals character does not. The Immortal can main-
tain the balance of the Spheres results in a decide to create an Identity, they prefer to use tain surface thoughts of mortal nature, to sat-
constant ebb and flow of Power. A wide vari- a creature who died in some obscure way. isfy any ESP check. An Immortal's
ety of actions are permitted as long as they do They can repair, reanimate, and inhabit the alignment must match the Identity's in order
not endanger the Prime Plane of the actual form, or may simply create a new form that for the Immortal to be able to use the form.
hierarchy of the Immortals. appears identical. Another option is to create If the form is slain while being used, the
In addition, each Immortal pursues the an imaginary past and insert verifying facts Immortal is forced into incorporeal form. If a
personal goal of accumulating power and and memories in the proper places and per- raise dead is used, the Immortal may then
" gaining advancement among the ranks of the sons, but this is a far more complex task and reinhabit the form (though at the standard 50
Immortals. involves quite a bit of meddling with the PP cost). But any Immortal who destroys an
Prime itself. Though occasionally necessary, Identity not only loses all experience that
Disagreements often arise about the effects
it is avoided. would be gained thereby, but may also be
of actions. For example, an Immortal of
Entropy may conduct a project on the Prime A single Identity may be used by many dif- punished by the permanent loss of some
Plane with a destructive objective, and may ferent Immortals over a period of time. When Power.
claim that such actions are necessary to main- one Immortal holds a long-term observer Am Immortal using an Identity may, of
tain balance. Immortals of other Spheres position, he or she may take a break by lend- course, use Immortal abilities when needed.
may either agree, not interfering with ing it to another for a special project, who However, this is strongly discouraged;
destruction, or may act to reduce or prevent returns it when the task is done. Sometimes adventurers are a crafty lot, and may be
the damage. All Immortals agree that all five Immortals take turns maintaining the Iden- watching at any time. Powerful mortals who
Spheres are necessary. They only disagree tity for relatively short periods, turning it observe suspicious actions may use wishes to
about the balance between them. over to a new Immortal to play every few gain explanations. But they can learn noth-
years or so. In any case, the new Immortal ing if the Immortal has remained in character
arrives at a selected time, and the present at all times. The Immortals who created and
Order of Immortals' Goals
occupant simply turns over the form and all maintain the Identity have used wishes to
1. To maintain the existence and integrity of details of that character's history. maintain the secrets of the Identity. Wishes
the Prime Plane and the creatures within If an Immortal needs to use an Identity, the will not reveal the true Immortal nature of
it who, through their achievements, character must first travel to the appropriate the life force inhabiting or maintaining the
replenish the ranks of the Immortals. location (usually on the Prime Plane). Since Identity.
2. To assist, protect, and develop the Sphere magic is the usual mode of travel, the normal However, if an Identity is observed using
that one serves and other individuals, procedure is to assume a material form for Immortal powers, he may be discovered and
mortal or Immortal, who serve the same the journey, and then trade that form for the revealed to the public, ruining the effective-
Sphere. one being maintained for the Identity. The ness of the Identity.
3. To explore and develop the multiverse. Immortals involved can easily trade forms
again once the task is finished. Each such
maneuver requires a temporary expenditure

The Campaign

Games With Both Mortals acter should be a follower or independent, several ways in the game. The player might
not a leader or otherwise dominant force. think of a good tactic based on the current
and Immortals events in the dominion, or the DM might
Immortal activities on the Inner Planes are of Controllers offer several options and allow the player to
two distinct types, Observation and Control. choose. If the DM uses a Wisdom check to
Using the information they gain through see if the character chooses the proper course
An Observer's task is to gather information, observers, the Immortals take action to reach
avoiding interference. A Controller's task is of action, the check might be used as the only
their goals. Whenever such actions are best determining factor, or might be used to pro-
to cause specific changes through direct accomplished by a leader of men, or by some
(though usually subtle) actions. Both types of vide a second chance if the player chooses the
other creature that greatly influences the fate wrong advice.
activities involve games that include both of human- or demi-humankind, those in the
mortal and Immortal characters. Ability score checks should not be used
key positions who influence leaders are called
very frequently; the adventure should be
Observers designed so that the player makes most of the
Controllers may be sages, any character choices. But these checks are convenient tools
In the business of managing the multiverse, class, powerful monsters, relatives dominion when the DM needs to resolve some action or
the Immortals are concerned with many rulers, or other influential beings. Identities choice of which the character is usually capa-
great and wondrous details. The scope of are almost always used, since a transient or ble, but which is too complex or detailed to be
such concern is wide, and may involve whole other being without a known history can enjoyable in play.
galaxies or even entire planes of existence. rarely accomplish a desired task.
Of special note here is the use of monster
However, Immortals do try to keep aware
Identities, which are commonly used when
of all facets of existence, down to the smallest
scale. Though not all-knowing, Immortals the Immortals wish to present an adventurer An Immortal character's first experience
have such great powers that, when applying or party with a specific and dangerous chal- with Observing is always carefully Observed
these powers in organized ways, they can lenge. This is actually a common practice by other Immortals. Two or more members of
gather information so quickly and in such when dealing with mortals who aspire to the mortal party will thus be Immortals using
minute detail that they may seem omniscient Immortality. An Immortal, possibly even the Identities. Other creatures and NPCs
from the mortal perspective. mortal's sponsor, plays the role of a monster encountered during the adventure may also
The crucial parts of this network are the to be defeated. If an Identity is not used in be Immortals.
Temporals and Celestials. Characters of these this case, the Immortal may only assume the All of the Immortals involved in such trial
ranks spend most of their time on the Inner form of his or her original mortal self while on situations scrupulously maintain their roles,
Planes, gathering information by various the Prime Plane. Any other inhabited form and do not reveal themselves even to each
means and relaying it to more powerful changes when the Immortal first enters the other. A full report of every detail of the
Immortals, who integrate and analyze it. Prime. Though an Immortal could certainly adventure will eventually reach the sponsor
Characters may be assigned duties of simple shapechange into any monster desired, the of the fledgling Immortal being observed.
scanning, where general information is original form reappears when the monster is And this report will be used as a basis for
desired, or studying, when specific informa- slain, and this is obviously unacceptable. power reward and future assignments.
tion is needed. Characters are free to refuse Although an Immortal could create and ani- An Immortal's first job as Controller is
assignments. Most do not, as it is through mate a monster (and this is indeed done, on likewise observed, but usually by Immortals
such tasks that they gain power and experi- occasion), monster Identities, especially of Empyreal or higher status. All are pre-
ence. dragons, provide a much cheaper and more pared to take immediate action should severe
easily controlled alternative. problems arise. In no case will they take
An Observer's task may be to study a given
area, person, race, item, or some other topic, Controllers may be very active or may take actions that prevent the character from
either broad or specific. The Observer is usu- very little action, depending on the magni- behaving properly, or from having to solve
ally required to assume a mortal form for the tude and nature of the change involved. the problems presented himself. They will
duration of the task. To make the necessary Immortals always prefer to interfere as little also allow the character to make mistakes,
observations, the assignment may be of any as possible, obtaining maximum results from and watch to see if they are recognized and
length of time, from a single day to many dec- minimum action. But in every Controller corrected by the character alone. But if neces-
ades. Pre-existing Identities are commonly job, a change must be accomplished, and a sary they will use multiple wishes to repair
used, though other methods are also accept- chance of error exists. If a task is too difficult, the effects of any severe errors. In extreme
able as long as they cause absolutely no ill the DM may require Intelligence and Wis- cases, they may even end the assignment,
effects on the Prime Plane or its residents. dom checks, usually modified as easy or of sending the character back to the Outer
average difficulty, to determine the results of Planes and taking control of the Identity
While either scanning or studying, an involved.
Immortal using an Identity must continue to
play the role of the identity assumed. This As an example, consider the following situ- Some exceptionally sensitive situations on
may involve only normal everyday routines, ation presented to the player in a one-on-one the Prime Plane, such as the rise of a large
or may require participation in great adven- game (one player, one DM). The Immortal empire or powerful individual, the Immor-
tures through wilderness, dungeons, or even assumes the Identity of a sage who, at a criti- tals may use both Observers and Controllers
other planes of existence. But in any case, the cal point, must advise a dominion ruler. The to guide the situation. The key individuals
DM and player should both remember that advice must eventually lead to the ruler's are usually mortal, but may actually be sur-
the goal is observation, not interference. The downfall, but must also seem quite plausible rounded by more Immortals (as aides, staff,
role should be played to reflect this. The char- at the time. This could be handled in any of servants, etc.) than mortals.

The Campaign

XP Awards and Penalties Standard XP awards for adventures also the Immortal ruler).
apply, cumulative with the Immortal awards.
Experience awards for Observer and Con- For example, if an Immortal PC using an
troller jobs are based on the average gain per adventurer Identity were to gain 30,000 gp as
Games for Immortals Only
adventure, as determined by the DM using the share of the treasure gained in an adven- Exploration
the Adventure Planning system (described on ture, the character would earn 3 PP extra (1
page 25). Awards are expressed as a percent- per 10,000 XP). The cash and/or magic items Both mortals and Immortals often explore
age of this variable number. must be left with the Identity, to maintain its the Prime and Outer Planes, but rarely
A PC Immortal serving as an Observer earns continuity, but the character gets the experi- together. Although these new locations are
an award of 1 % of the calculated average PP ence points. different and challenging to both players and
award per adventure (rounded up to the nearest their characters, the theme and activities are
PP) per job successfully completed. The Tem- familiar, in a way. Explorations have proba-
poral in the example above would earn 1 PP for
Projects bly been the most common type of adven-
a brief adventure with mortals. Long-term Immortals usually conduct various projects tures for mortal characters, and exploring
Observer jobs are typically of months or years for their own benefit. "Project" is a general with Immortals can be a reassuring feeling
in duration, but are usually held by NPCs only. term that applies to any sort of organized for players faced with the gamut of new situa-
The XP earned is usually 2%-8% of the aver- ongoing activity, some business which con- tions presented in this set.
age award per month. tinues while the Immortal performs many Explorations are common in the Prime,
Controller jobs are considerably riskier, other tasks elsewhere. The maximum num- Ethereal, Astral, and Outer Planes. No
and thus merit a 10% of the average award in ber of projects that may be undertaken at one exploration of the Elemental Planes is
the short term. Long-term controller jobs are time is determined by an Immortal's Intelli- needed, since those bounded planes hold few
similarly worth about 20%-80% of the aver- gence score. If an Immortal personally super- secrets. They are entirely known and con-
age award per month of service. Controller vises a project continuously using an avatar, trolled by their respective Elemasters and ele-
positions normally include Observation. the Immortal may acquire mortal allies to mental rulers.
If an Identity is ruined by an Immortal help with the project. The maximum number As in mortal games, explorations are sim-
user, the offender gets only half the usual of retainers is determined by each character's ply journeys into the unknown. The area
award at best, and may gain no award if his Charisma score. If an avatar is not used, involved may be totally new, or may have
or her negligence caused the loss. A form that allies may still be gained, but will act very been previously explored to a minor extent.
is slain and then recovered by raise dead or independently interpreting the goal for them- However, Immortals are eager to explore
other magical means taken by the mortals selves and developing their own strategies to new areas, and only reexamine an area if it
does not count as a ruined Identity. Just the reach it. Projects begun and left to unsuper- presents a problem or puzzling situation of
opposite; death during adventuring is com- vised development may go astray, and may some sort.
mon enough, especially to high-level adven- require repairs when the Immortal returns to
turers, and is an accepted and reparable part check on them. Investigation
of normal activity. Typical projects include sponsoring a mor-
Another type of game common to both mor-
Failure at either type of job results in a tal on the route to Immortality (watching
tal and Immortal play is the investigation.
complete loss of all normal PP awards. It may over him, placing challenges in his path,
Characters are asked to find more informa-
also incur a penalty equal to a loss of Power etc.), accepting a long-term Observer or
tion about a specific situation, and usually to
up to five times the award that would other- Controller position, and developing an area
solve any problem presented thereby.
wise have been earned, based on the degree on one planet of the Home Plane.
of failure. For example, if the Temporal men- Many of the scenarios presented in the
In some circumstances, Immortal projects
tioned above were to try a Controller job of D&D Basic Set are again applicable, but on a
may be handled by the same game mechanics
running an empire for two months, but man- much grander scale. Others are certainly pos-
used for strongholds and Dominions (D&D
aged to not only damage the empire but also sible, but consider just these few, from an
Companion Set, DMC pages 3-11). Use the
reveal his Immortal status in the process, the Immortal point of view.
War Machine Mass Combat System (DMC
Identity is ruined, and many wishes (at the pages 12-17) as needed for large battles, or use
very least) would be needed to restore the the BATTLESYSTEM™ Supplement (a sepa- 1. Investigate an Enemy Outpost
empire and/or remove all memory of the rate product) to play such battles in detail. Beings hostile to the Immortals themselves
events from the mortals affected. The unfor- Within one's Home Plane, an Immortal may could threaten the hierarchy, and may have
tunate character would not gain the 88 PP freely and openly act as a king or emperor. an outpost hidden in the Astral or some
that would have been awarded for success, Some modifications to the Dominion rules Outer Plane. Beings hostile to the human
and may be penalized as much as 440 PP. may apply, and the DM should logically and race, possibly from a distant galaxy, could
Such tasks are obviously not for Novices. reasonably modify details as needed. For begin to encroach on the home system.
Bonuses can also be given. If a PC per- example, weather effects are easily countered
forms exceptionally well, the standard award by Immortal power. The Confidence Level is 2. Recover Ruins
may be doubled or tripled. Actions that pro- quite high (since it includes the ruler's ability
mote one's Sphere without interfering with scores, which are now quite large), and upris- Ancient remains, possibly of the Old Ones
the primary objective also merit bonuses. ings are very unlikely. Revolts are neverthe- but definitely predating the Immortals, could
Bonuses are only awarded by Eternals or less possible if a dominion is neglected. be discovered anywhere. A newly explored
Hierarchs, and only in a private session on Income from a dominion has normal effects Outer Plane might require development and
the superior Immortal's Home Plane. on XP gains (converted, of course, to PP for cleansing before use by the Immortals.

The Campaign

3. Destroy an Ancient Evil 5. Escape from Enemies escape (see 5.), and may require rescue.
Characters may be asked to find an Immortal
Similar to the situation of an enemy outpost, Immortals are very difficult creatures to trap,
who was lost in the Dimensional Vortex.
this could involve a single creature or small but it is possible. At the start of the game,
group. It may simply be a project of one or some item or creature (such as a brain collec-
7. Find a Lost Race
more Immortals of Entropy. tor) may have already captured the PCs, and
they must find a way to escape. In the course of general exploration, the char-
4. Fulfill a Quest acters may find a new race of creatures. This
6. Rescue Prisoners type of game can be very challenging, as PCs
One or more Immortal PCs may be required must learn about the new race and decide
to recover a valuable object or person, or per- Important mortals may be imprisoned in a how to handle them. Are they a potential
form some other service for a higher level way that defeats all mortal attempts at rescue. threat? Should they be ignored or destroyed?
Immortal. The Immortals may decide to get involved. Or are they potential Immortals, to be pro-
Immortals may be trapped without means of tected at all costs?

Immortal Justice
Immortals have ample incentive for hard is the Hierarch of that Sphere. When an a punishment appropriate to the misdeed is
work and loyal service. Gains in Power carry Immortal is accused of some misdeed, he or applied, often but not always being the per-
benefits of various sorts, including prestige. she is summoned to the Hierarch's Home manent removal of some amount of Power
But some Immortals are less suited to the reg- Plane, as are the accusers and superiors of the Points. The accused cannot stop or avoid the
imented hierarchy than others, and some accused. When two or more Immortals seek a punishment, and gets no saving throw. Pen-
bear petty resentments and unruly tenden- judgment on their difference of opinion, they alties can only be decided on and applied by
cies, usually carried over from mortal life. must go to the Hierarch and present their the Hierarch of the offender's Sphere, and
Some few have even maliciously turned on cases. only within the Hierarch's Home Plane.
their own kind, though this is extremely rare. If an Immortal accused of misdeeds refuses When Immortals present different opin-
During the Initiate period, each fledgling to attend the hearing, any number of Immor- ions to a Hierarch and ask for judgment, they
Immortal is taught the goals and basic rights tals may be sent by the Hierarch to bring in are agreeing in advance to accept and imple-
of all Immortals. Actions contrary to the let- the accused, forcibly if necessary. One ment the Hierarch's judgment. The Hierarch
ter or spirit of the primary goals of the request for a delay is automatically granted if often decides such cases with a simple
Immortals are always punished. Other made, but incurs an additional penalty unless "you're right, and you're wrong" approach,
actions are rarely punished. Any two or more made for a good reason, in the Hierarch's but may also order one, both, or all parties to
Immortals who have a grievance may sole opinion, such as reducing Power Points, take some action, in the interest of fairness.
request, and will automatically receive, a stripping away some hit points, or changing Though rare, a penalty may also be applied.
hearing to decide their case by a superior the Sphere's bias in relation to the character However, those who ask for penalties often
Immortal. An Immortal may choose to for purposes of using spell-like effects. The become recipients instead, penalized for their
change allegiance to a different Sphere, but at request for a delay must be made directly to unforgiving or malicious attitudes. When
severe cost. The Immortal is reduced to Nov- the Hierarch, not to an intermediary, but dealing with a Hierarch, it is best to stick to
ice Temporal status, and must begin anew need not be made in person, magical com- the simple facts of a situation, and avoid sug-
with 500 PP, 50% A-M, and a new Home munication being satisfactory. gesting solution.
Plane. All the evidence is collected and carefully
The sole judge of all Immortals of a Sphere weighed by the Hierarch. If found necessary,

The Campaign

New Magic of existence or through another dimension. form. Use to ruin or improve equipment or
small terrain features. Use to modify material
Many players and Dungeon Masters have 2b. Create energy within living matter
to occupy either more or less space, or for
created new magical effects for the game. The Use to bestow general or specific move- deception. Use to modify tools and/or sup-
framework of the Spheres also suggests many ment ability to aid in coping with terrain or plies to become either more or less functional.
other possibilities. When creating spell-like attacking. Use to bestow the ability to move
effects, the DM must decide on the final other matter. Use to restore movement 2b. Change living matter in form, appear-
details, comparing the range, level, and effect potential and life (level) energy. ance, and/or actual substance.
to existing spells and modifying as needed to Use to change living matter to non-living.
1. Energy/ability to move self
preserve game balance. Use to add or remove physical abilities which
2. Energy/ability to move other (creature
are dependent on form. Use to modify crea-
Every magical effect is controlled by one of the or object)
tures to occupy either more or less space. Use
four Spheres open to player characters. All the 3. Restore energy for life or movement to repair damage, or as an aid to defense,
magical effects listed in the charts (Reference
movement, or physical abilities.
book) were divided according to the following 3. Change Energy
guidelines. Use these notes to categorize new
magical effects of your own design. These guide- Change existing energy in appearance or 3. Move Matter
lines will also provide suggestions for other magi- substance.
Cause matter to move in some (unlimited)
cal effects you might create. Use to modify energy in air or matter. Use
To assign a base PP cost, a sense of game to augment destructive energy releases. Use
balance is again required. Generally, a first to change light, fire, or sound energy to 3a. Move any type of matter in any normal
level spell effect has a 2 PP cost; a ninth level another form. Use to change class-oriented direction.
effect, 20 PP. No effect has a base cost of energy to another form. Use to move a creature, object, or terrain
greater than 20 PP, though very minor effects feature in place or across any distance except
4. Defeat Matter
costing 1 PP each are certainly possible. into another dimension or plane of existence.
Magic of levels 2-8 is often modified for its Use to destroy the form and substance of ter- Use to bestow energy for movement upon
relative effect, and compared to similar rain, equipment, and creatures. any non-living object or creature.
magic when determining the exact cost. 5. Aid Paragons 3b. Move any type of matter in a
Be prepared to modify a cost you assign if, trans-dimensional or trans-planar direction.
in the course of play, the magical effect has Bestow Ability Score bonuses to deserving
Use to move a creature, object, or terrain
less or greater power than you anticipated. mortals. feature in a very small amount of time. Apply
New magic which has destructive capacity B. Magic of Matter to large or small distances, and either toward
unlike other existing effects may be added to or from the user.
the magic usable by Immortals of Entropy. 1. Create Matter
Cause new living or non-living matter to 4. Defeat Thought
A. Magic of Energy materialize from no apparent source. Destroy or prevent the creation and/or
1. Create Energy in Air la. Create non -living matter as objects of any spread of Thought in ideas, information, and
type, size, shape, texture, and appearance. communication.
Cause new energy to appear in the air, from
no apparent source. Use to create any material tools and/or Use to destroy sensory organs and/or
supplies (including garments, weapons, effects produced by them, defeating their
la. Create Fire food, valuables, and misc. equipment), functions. Use to defeat sight or sound, or
Use in cone, sphere, or rectangular form to obstructions, devices, and non-living crea- normal or artificial thought.
attack or obstruct. Useful also in small form. tures. Use to create structures and large
l b . Create Light masses. 5. Aid Polymaths
Use in sphere, rectangular, or linear form l b . Create living matter as whole creatures Bestow Ability Score bonuses on deserving
to illuminate, obstruct, or destroy. Use to or parts thereof. mortals.
reproduce images and communicate. Use to recreate or duplicate any existing
lc. Create Sound natural or magical creature, to create a new C. Magic of Thought
Use to inform, distract, delay, or destroy. type of creature, or to aid movement and/or 1. Create or Change Air
Use with varying form, intensity, and com- combat abilities which are dependent on new
plexity. body parts or organs. Create new visible or invisible air. Change
the temperature, movement, or composition
2. Create Energy in Matter 2. Change Matter of existing air.
Use to create poisonous or explosive air, or
Create energy in living or non-living matter Cause a change in one or more material char- to create visible air to obstruct vision. Use to
as dynamic or static (potential) force. acteristics of existing living or non-living change air into matter, and vice versa. Use to
matter. I change the movements of large air masses.
2a. Create energy within non-living matter
Use to improve material tools or, through 2a. Change non-living matter in form, Use to change air into fire or water.
heat, destroy their utility. Use to enable matter appearance, and/or actual substance.
to move other matter to or from another plane Use to restore non-living matter to living

The Campaign

2. Acquire Thought and draining of both life and sight energy.

Home Planes
Expand the scope and/or detail of existing
5. Aid Heroes The myriad details of developing a Home
thought by adding other thought.
Bestow Ability score bonuses upon deserving Plane are mostly left to the ingenuity of the
2a. Acquire thought from Air or Thought. players and DMs involved. Once again, how-
Use to gain information from the thoughts ever, a few general details may be helpful.
of oneself or others. Use to learn general and
specific characteristics of existing air, and to D. Magic of Time Magical Effects
deduce future ones from them. 1. Create Water
The effects produced by some magic may be
2b. Acquire thought from Earth or Matter. Cause new water in any form to appear from helpful to a character developing areas of his
Use to find and interpret changes in matter no apparent source. Home Plane. Their obvious disadvantage is
caused by creatures, including thoughts Use as ice or fluid to attack or obstruct. their magical nature. Anything magical can
encoded in matter as writing, tracks, art or Use to change terrain. be dispelled. Creatures made entirely of
other means. Use to find the location of one magic are sterile, and cannot reproduce
or more specific types of matter. Use to aid 2. Move or Change Water except by magical means unless permanent
movement through and/or around matter. expenditures of power are made.
Move existing water in any form in any direc-
2c. Acquire thought from Fire or Energy. tion. Change water in any form in any way. If desired, the DM may allow some magi-
Use to find and/or interpret energy in the Use to move small or large volumes of ice cal effects of greater than instantaneous dura-
forms of visual, magical, or sound effects. or water in any normal or unusual direction, tion to be created in non-magical form,
and at any speed. Use to change water to ice simply by requiring a permanent PP expend-
2d. Acquire thought from Water or Time. iture instead of a temporary one. This should
or the reverse, or to change the taste, weight,
Use to learn general and specific character- only be possible by an Immortal on his or her
or location of water.
istics of existing water or time, and to deduce Home Plane. For reasons of game balance,
past and future ones from them. costs may also be increased by a factor of 2, 5,
3. Create or Change Time
10, or more.
3. Change Thought Create or change time or its effects on matter, For example, bestowing a permanent
Change existing thought in any form. energy, and thought. non-magical ability to move silently at 50%
Use in dynasties for strength and health (in probability (Sphere of Energy) upon an existing
3a. Change thought in self. strife). Use generally to extend durations of non-magical creature would require a perma-
Use to strengthen thought or its defenses, other powers. Use to modify time's rate of nent expenditure of 7 PP, but should not cost
or to modify thought capacity. Use to change passage. Use to create more time when time more, since this is a relatively insignificant
thought to reality. gains in value. effect. The ability to use another dimension
3b. Change thought in other creature. non-magically (such as dimension door of the
Use to produce an emotion, urge, or com- 4. Defeat Energy Sphere of Matter) should cost considerably
pulsion, to control general behavior. Use to more than the base cost given of 5 PP-—possibly
Defeat energy of any type and form.
damage (disorganize) or repair (reorganize) as much as 50 PP or even 500 PP of permanent
thought. 4a. Defeat magical energy in general. expenditure, if the ability can be inherited.
Use to destroy or dampen the effects of The DM may decide that certain effects
3c. Change thought in non-living matter. magical energy in any form. are inalterably magical, and cannot be cre-
Use to modify thought encoded in matter ated in a non-magical form. No instantane-
as writing, tracks, art or other methods. 4b. Defeat energy in the air in all forms.
ous effect can be exactly duplicated by
Use to destroy light. Use to defend against
3d. Change thought in Energy. non-magical means, though a similar but less
fire, light, sound, and environment.
Use to modify thought (information) in powerful effect is often possible.
energy of any type. Use to modify veracity or 4c. Defeat energy in non-living matter.
content of communication, or to change vis- Use to stop or impede the movement of Adding Material
ual images. objects or non-living creatures. Use to stop or
destroy movement energy in objects. Use to Immortals frequently develop their planes by
3e. Move thought. aid resistance to general entropy. opening gates to elemental planes, and draw-
Use to incapacitate by displacing thoughts. ing raw material from them for later use in
Use to insert life essence (self or other) into 4d. Defeat energy in living matter. construction. Elemental fire becomes a star,
living or non-living objects. Use to destroy life energy, to negate or and elemental earth becomes an asteroid,
block movement energy, or to negate moon, or planet. Elemental water and air will
defenses. disperse unless kept within a gravity trap (i.e.
4. Defeat Water or Time
on a sizeable mass of earth).
4a. Defeat Water. 5. Aid Dynasts The gate to an elemental plane cannot be
Use to destroy or block water, or to negate opened unless the elemental ruler of the plane
its destructive powers. Bestow Ability Score bonuses upon deserving
mortals. or portion of the plane gives its permission.
4b. Defeat Time. Because of the distance involved between the
Use to block or destroy the effects of time Outer and Inner Planes, elemental material
attacks, including poison, disease, paralysis, cannot simply be stolen.

The Campaign

Moving a Plane plane, but the waves of aberration are tran- expenditure).
sient and may stop by themselves after a per- Dimensional aberrations can be intro-
The many Outer Planes lie within a frame of iod of time. Severe and recurrent aberrations duced to a plane. The cost applies per dimen-
reference called the Astral Plane. Their posi- may be stopped by direct action, but this usu- sion affected, and only produces a transient
tions may be stable, or the planes may drift in ally requires permanent PP expenditures. wave that automatically vanishes when it
the Astral sea, or they may be deliberately If a plane in motion is stopped exactly adja- reaches the dimensional endpoint of the
moved to hide their existence or to add to the cent to another plane, the collision is averted, plane. Players may think of other changes or
size of the plane. and a non-magical connection can be opened limits they may wish to apply.
If a plane contains an Immortal life force, between the two. A major change can be reversed or
it is "anchored" in the Astral Plane, and can- removed at the same permanent PP cost
not be moved. Infinite planes are also immo- Costs of Moving a Plane required to create it. Once again, this can
bile. Any other plane can be moved, and only be performed by a Home Plane's
even a Home Plane can be moved if the Size Cost in PP Immortal ruler, if any, or if none, by any
Immortal departs from it completely, leaving Attoplane 10 creature who knows how.
not even an avatar behind. Femtoplane 20
The cost of moving a plane of existence Picoplane 40
corresponds to its dimensional size, as given
Planar Access
Nanoplane 80
on the following table. The cost is a tempo- Microplane 160 The apparent size of an Outer Plane, when
rary Power expenditure, not a permanent seen from the Astral Plane, corresponds only
one. The cost may be shared by several Milliplane, to its accessibility from the Astral Plane. The
Immortals working simultaneously. Centiplane, actual number of access points is equal to the
The expenditure of Power imparts a very or Deciplane 320 number of square inches of apparent surface
slow movement rate on the entire plane, rela- Standard plane, area. In other words, an astral Immortal who
tive to the Astral Plane. From the Astral, the Dekaplane, or wants to enter an Outer Plane must touch the
rate in feet per hour appears equal to the PP Hectoplane 640 planar boundary. The square inch of area
expenditure. The rate does not change once touched corresponds to one specific volume
created, but may be increased. The same Kiloplane 1,280 within that plane. If a visitor always touches
expenditure is needed to stop the movement. Megaplane 2,560 the same point on the surface, the visitor will
If a plane in motion collides with another Gigaplane 5,120 always appear in the same approximate loca-
plane, the result depends on the anchoring of Teraplane 10,240 tion within that plane. The requisite magical
that plane. If any Immortal life force is aid, plane travel, must be used in each case.
present within the plane that is struck, the Major Changes The sole exception is when two Outer Planes
plane in motion comes to a stop. Otherwise, The Immortal ruler of an Outer Plane may, are adjacent and a non-magical opening has
the plane struck is pushed ahead by the other, through permanent PP expenditures, cause been created.
both moving at a proportionately lesser rate major changes to his Home Plane's charac- Access points are fixed and evenly spaced if
varying by the size of the planes involved. No teristics. The PP cost of any such change is the plane's dimensions are stable. If the plane
creature can resist the movement of an entire 10% of the cost given for moving the plane is affected by dimensional aberrations, the
plane, but the impact inflicts no damage. (q.v.), which depends on the size of the access points may be irregularly spaced, and
If a plane in motion stops because of a colli- dimensions within it. A major change can may change.
sion, it instantly and automatically loses one only be made by the ruler of a plane, not by An Immortal may change a plane so that it
of its dimensions. For example, a tetraspace any other creature. Planes of infinite size can- has either more or fewer access points. The
would suddenly become a trispace. This may not be affected, but any Outer Plane that is visual effect in the Astral Plane is that the sil-
have drastic effects on the material and life not a Home Plane for an Immortal also may very sphere of the planar boundary gets
forms within the plane, all of which are lim- be affected by any creature who knows how to larger or smaller. A Home Plane can only be
ited by its dimensions. The contents are make the change. modified in this way by its Immortal ruler.
physically unaffected if they have the same The most common major change involves Outer Planes that are not Home Planes can
number or fewer dimensions than the new dimensional travel. An Immortal may pre- be modified by any Immortal of the Sphere
limit, but may otherwise be suddenly com- vent the use of teleport, dimension door, and corresponding to the dominant Sphere of the
pressed. Such a compression never inflicts similar effects. This is often an effective secu- plane.
damage per se, but will cause confusion and rity device, for invaders unable to teleport The cost of decreasing or increasing the
may cause insanity in intelligent creatures. within a plane may, depending on their point size of a planar boundary is 1 PP per square
Magic use is another matter, as it requires of entry, be unable to attack the Immortal or inch added or removed. Each change must be
one dimension more than those of the crea- his projects without first traveling across vast made separately; a large PP expense cannot
tures using it. A sudden and total plane-wide distances, possibly for many years. It has its be made all at once. The time required to add
disappearance of all magical objects and drawbacks, since everyone (including the or destroy one square inch of planar bound-
powers is a unique characteristic of planar Immortal ruler) is affected. ary is 10 hours. The PP expenditure is per-
collision. A lost dimension may be regained manent.
A planar boundary may be locked, and
by expending permanent PP equal to 10% of It is certainly possible to decrease the num-
cannot thereafter be passed by the usual mag-
the cost to move the plane. ber of Astral access points to zero. Before the
ical plane travel. It can be unlocked by any
The act of moving a plane invariably Immortal who expends the same amount of last step, the planar boundary appears as a
causes dimensional aberrations within the Power used to lock it (again a permanent tiny sphere with only 1 square inch of area.

The Campaign

During the final change, it simply shrinks

and vanishes. The notable hazard involved is
that an Outer Plane with no Astral access is
utterly inaccessible from then on, unless
some other access has been provided. If the
Immortal ruler is within the plane when this
occurs, he or she may still increase the access
size from zero to one square inch (and possi-
bly more thereafter) when desired. Some
Immortals have desired privacy to such an
extent that they now reside within such
"missing" planes, completely out of contact.
An Outer Plane that can only be reached
from another Outer Plane and has no point of
access from the Astral Plane, cannot be
reached via a gate.
Most Hierarchs and many other powerful
Immortals have limited access to their Home
Planes by shrinking the planar boundary.
The most common situation is to move the
plane to connect it to some other Outer Plane
for access, and then to decrease the number
of Astral access points to zero. Some few
Outer planes can only be reached by way of
several other planes, but not by way of the
Astral Plane.
This method is also not without hazard.
The access points to any Outer Plane must be
permanent but magical gates. Any magical
effect can be dispelled, and if the last remain-
ing access points are destroyed thereby, the
plane vanishes, inaccessible. Thus, any
Immortal who eliminates Astral access to his
or her Home Plane always leaves an avatar
within the plane, so that whatever happens,
his or her life force is within the plane and
able to reopen the access. To do otherwise
risks the loss of the Home Plane, and total
destruction of the Immortal becomes a fairly
easy matter of reducing the character to zero
PP, hp, and ability scores.
A plane with no Astral access cannot be
detected from the Astral Plane by any means,
including truesight, wish, or otherwise. It is
simply not there!

The Campaign

The Sphere of Entropy the only true Immortals, for Entropy shall For every Hit Die over 21, add 250 points
continue until the last iota of matter, energy, to both the Base value and Bonus value. Use
The four Spheres available to player charac- time, and thought has ceased to be. the formulae below for fast calculation when
ters govern most of existence. The fifth the number of Hit Dice is large.
Sphere, Entropy, balances all others. Mortal Forms
Entropy is the name for all changes during The servants of Entropy are legion, and Base value = (HD x 250) minus 2,750
which the total essence of the Spheres are present in nearly every dimension and Bonus value = Base value minus 500
decreases. Simply put, everything runs plane of existence in the D&D game. Those
down, breaks, or otherwise ceases to be. That
entire process is the domain of the Sphere of
on the Prime are known as the undead.
The mortal servants of Entropy are (in
Mortal Opponents
Entropy. What the other four Spheres give or order of power, from least to most): skeleton, Use the standard rules for determining the
create (Matter, Energy, Time, and Thought), zombie, ghoul, wight, wraith, mummy, spec- number of asterisks or bonus values to add.
Entropy takes away or destroys. tre, vampire, phantom, haunt, spirit, night- Add more asterisks for abilities that are com-
All higher Immortals recognize and fully shade, and lich. Other forms, very rare and parable to those of the Immortals, as follows.
understand the need for Entropy. Immortals very powerful, are occasionally created by an Ability scores: Add one asterisk for each
of that Sphere are not really enemies of all Immortal for a specific purpose—usually as two ability scores (rounding up) that exceed
others, even though the conflict between an undead form of another creature 20. Add another asterisk for every score that
them is nearly continuous. The fight is part of (beholder, gargantua, etc.). Such creatures exceeds 50, and still another for each that
the natural process. The balance is often can be Turned, by mortal clerics, as a "Spe- exceeds 75. Add one more asterisk for every
oversimplified by fatalistic phrases, such as cial." ability score of 100 or more.
"all things must die," or "survival of the fit- Travel effects: If the mortal creature can
Immortal Forms travel across planes or dimensions, whether
test." The balance is often mistakenly called
The creature section gives full game statis- by use of Power, magic, or other means, add
Neutrality, and is sometimes confused with
tics for a sampling of these ultimate oppo- one asterisk.
the druidic philosophy. To keep the balance of
nents. All the levels of Immortals of Entropy Magic via Power: If the mortal can use Power
existence, there must be force from both
are not described, for lack of space. If you, as to create a magical effect, add a number of aster-
sides—"good" and "evil," if you will—and
DM, choose to create other opponents, sure isks equal to the equivalent spell level.
the forces must remain in conflict to preserve
that their characteristics are in balance with
all. Power combat: Addfiveasterisks if a crea-
the examples given. Note the variety of possi-
Without Entropy, the positive forces would ture is completely immune to Power attacks.
ble forms, the limits on their abilities, and
quickly proliferate to extremes. At some If a mortal can use Power only to Wrap defen-
design corresponding details for your crea-
point, conflict and destruction would result, sively, add one asterisk. If a creature can use a
tions. Such work is not required for play; the
and Entropy would be victorious. The Power attack against an opponent add five or
demons given here should be more than ade-
Immortals agree that steady attrition, though more asterisks, depending on the creature's
quate to fill the needs for difficult foes in
often tragic, must continue; for without it, permanent PP total, as follows.
games at the Immortal level.
existence would eventually but inevitably 1- 100 PP + 5 asterisks
To adequately balance the other four
suffer cataclysmic and possibly total destruc- 101-500 PP +10 asterisks
Spheres, Entropy has twice the normal num-
tion. 501-1,000 PP +15 asterisks
ber of Immortals. For example, the total
Each Immortal of the Sphere of Entropy number of Eternals in a Sphere is 27, so there 1,001 or more PP + 20 asterisks
has its own Home Plane. Although the hier- are 54 Eternals of Entropy. The total num-
archy of that Sphere is a bit different from
others, its members have equivalent posi-
bers are rarely used, but may be relevant if
you run an epic battle involving many
Immortal Opponents
tions. Despite the restrictions on their abili- demons. The standard experience point chart is used
ties, the total force of the Immortals of Before you place even one demon in a to calculate the total XP values of Immortal
Entropy exactly balances the sum of all the game setting, be sure you understand how to opponents.
forces of all four of the other Spheres. handle the mechanics of its special abilities. A
All this is not to say that demons are not properly run demon should be a challenging Base Value
evil. Quite the opposite; each is a representa- opponent even to powerful characters and
tive of ultimate Evil, thoroughly despicable Find the normal Base value determined by
experienced players. Demons should be as
in every way. This is by their deliberate the Hit Dice of the Immortal creature.
clever and inventive as the best of characters.
choice. By being evil, they fulfill their own If the Immortal is not immune to Power
purpose. This is the primary reason why attacks (the most common case), divide the
player characters cannot enter the Sphere of Experience Points creature's permanent PP total by 10 and
round up. Multiply the Base XP value by the
Entropy. The depths of the Evil in these
beings is beyond the capacity for mortal char- The basic XP system is unchanged for mortal result, and make a note of the total.
acters and DMs, to even describe. The ways opponents, though additions are used when a If the Immortal is completely immune to
of this Sphere are beyond the imagination of creature can use Immortal Power. Experi- Power attacks, multiply the Base XP value by
mortal man. ence points for defeating Immortal oppo- 100, and make a note of the result.
nents are calculated in a slightly different If the Immortal's permanent PP total is
Whatever you imagine, demons are infi- manner, but use the same Base and Bonus
nitely worse. They are the ultimate oppo- zero but the creature is not immune to Power
values. The standard XP chart is given on attacks, calculate the XP value as if the crea-
nents, to be fought and, if possible, destroyed page 25.
as individuals. As a Sphere, they are perhaps ture were mortal in all respects.

The Campaign

Bonus Amounts or Immortal blows discarded. Decimals in the second and fur-
Immune to low-level Immortal magic ther places (representing 100 XP or less)
Standard bonuses (asterisks) are added in (such as those effects with base cost of 7 should always be discarded in Immortal-level
three categories, which cover the range of PP or less) games.
most Immortals. Other special bonuses may Movement rate greater than 1,200 feet per The DM and the players may decide
also be added for certain Immortal creatures. round but less than 1 mile per round together whether to discard or keep track of
The three basic categories are Magic, Power remainders to the permanent PP total. The
combat, and Status. Five asterisks are added for each of the fol- amounts involved are insignificant to all but
To find the total Bonus value, add up the lowing abilities: Temporals, but such characters may wish to
number of asterisks and multiply the result Immune to mortal blows gain every possible morsel of Power.
by the Bonus value as determined by the Immune to ability score attacks
creature's Hit Dice. Immune to all mortal magic Examples
Magic: If the Immortal can create magical Immune to medium-level Immortal magic
effects by use of Power, find the highest PP The XP/PP value of a normal PC Tempo-
(such as those effects with base costs 14
expenditure possible for creating a single ral (newly arrived) would be calculated as fol-
PP or less)
unmodified effect. This number is 160 for lows.
Movement rate from 1 to 24 miles per
Immortal PCs and most others, or 20 for
round Base Value: 2,375 XP (for 20 HD) multiplied
those restricted to effects of a single Sphere.
times 50 (500 PP divided by 10), for a
Divide that number by 10, and round up.
Ten asterisks are added for each of the follow- Total Base Value of 118,750 XP.
Add that number of asterisks for magic use.
ing abilities: Bonuses: 28 asterisks (16 for Magic, 5 for
Power combat: If the Immortal is immune Immune to all Immortal magic Power, 7 for Status) times 1,800 XP each
to Power attacks, add 10 asterisks. Other- (for 20 HD), for a Total Bonus Value of
Immune to Immortal blows
wise, add one asterisk for each Power attack 50,400 XP.
Movement rate greater than 24 miles per
mode usable (even if only a defensive Wrap).
round Total Value: 169,150 XP, or 16.9 PP
Status: This general bonus represents all
the benefits of Immortality (A-M and various
other resistances, high ability scores, Aura,
Special Situations The minimum XP/PP value of the Hier-
arch of a Sphere (not counting special added
and so forth). Find the Immortal's status on If the Immortal must expend only double PP bonuses, which are common at this rarefied
the following chart, and add the number of cost to produce magical effects not of its height of existence) would be calculated as
asterisks given. Sphere, 8 asterisks are added for magic use, follows.
not 16.
Initiate If the Immortal's Wisdom or Intelligence Base Value: 8,500 XP (for 45 HD) multiplied
Temporal score is 7 or less, the total XP value is halved. by 1,500 (15,000 PP divided by 10), fora
Novice or LI If the Immortal's physical form limits the Total Base Value of 12,750,000.
L2 or L3 creature's physical ability scores to half value Bonuses: 41 asterisks (16 for Magic, 5 for
L4 or L5 or less, the total XP value is also halved. Power, 20 for Status) times 8,000 XP each
Celestial If an Immortal who is using an Identity is (for 45 HD), for a Total Bonus Value of
Novice or LI 10 defeated, he is only worth the XP value of the 328,000 XP.
L2 or L3 11 Identity unless the Immortal was discovered Total Value: 13,078,000 XP, or 1307.8 PP
L4 or L5 12 using Immortal powers. If discovered to be
Empyreal an Immortal, then defeating the character,
Novice or LI 13 award XP as if this was an avatar, dividing
L4 or L5 15 the Identity's hit points by the Immortal's hit If the Immortal creature defeated is an ava-
Eternal points to find the percentage. tar, only a small percentage of the total award
Novice or LI 16 is earned. The percentage is equal to the per-
L2 or L3 17 Total XP Value centage of hit points placed in the avatar,
L4 or L5 18 compared to the Immortal's total. Example:
Hierarch The total XP value is simply the sum of the An average 3rd level Empyreal has an XPV
Novice to L4 19 multiplied Base value and the multiplied of 2,375,000, or 237.5 PP. If the Immortal
Level 5 (Full) 20 Bonus value. Since Immortals measure XP places 60 of his 370 hit points in an avatar, the
in Power Points, divide the total value by avatar's XPV is 60/370 of the original
10,000 to find the PP value. (16.2%), or 385,135 XP (38.5 PP). Though
Other Bonuses Standard XP values (not PP) should be the avatar has comparatively few hit points, it
Add the following additional bonuses to XP used in all games involving mortal adventur- is capable of using all 4,000 of the Empyreal's
calculations for Immortal creatures with spe- ing parties. Amounts may be converted to PP Power points for magic, Power attacks, and
cial characteristics. The DM may add others for games in which most or all of the PCs are so forth.
as desired, but the balance and scope of the Immortal. XP totals are best kept to one deci-
system should be carefully maintained. mal place (i.e. rounded to the nearest 1,000
XP) until the adventure is completed, when
One asterisk is added for each of the following all the awards for creatures can be added
abilities: together. Any leftover decimal should then be
Takes only minimum damage from mortal

The Campaign

Note on Magnitude Experience Points for Creatures

The XP values of Immortal creatures are Special Ability Special Ability
obviously extremely large, and some DMs Monster's Base Bonus per Monster's Base Bonus per
may feel inclined to lessen them. But try to Hit Dice XP Value Asterisk Hit Dice XP Value Asterisk
resist the temptation, unless you play the Under 1 5 1 8 650 550
creatures much weaker than they actually 1 10 3 8+ 775 625
are. Consider the powers of a mere Novice 1+ 15 4 9 900 700
Temporal. 2 20 5 9 + to 10 1,000 750
With a quick and minor Power expendi- 2+ 25 10 10 + to 11 1,100 800
ture, the Temporal can make himself immune 3 35 15 11 + to 12 1,250 875
to magic by increasing A-M to 100%. His 3+ 50 25 12 + to 13 1,350 950
natural Aura, requiring no PP expense, will 4 75 50 13 + to 14 1,500 1,000
eventually immobilize all mortals nearby. 4+ 125 75 14 + to 15 1,650 1,050
With one bare-handed punch he can inflict 5 175 125 15 + to 16 1,850 1,100
up to 6-36 points of damage. One simple 5- 175
5+ 225 16 + to 17 2,000 1,150
point Power attack acts as a death ray against
a victim who cannot use Power—and the
6 275 225 17 + to 18 2,125 1,350
6+ 350 300 18 + to 19 2,250 1,550
Temporal has 500 PP, and can produce Power
7 450 400 19 + to 20 2,375 1,800
attacks for a very long time, and at very long
7+ 550 475 20 + to 21 2,500 2,000
range. Finally, if his form is slain he is still an
effective opponent (though incorporeal), For every Hit Die over 21, add 250 points
since the Aura and Power abilities remain. to both the Base value and Bonus value.
Small wonder, then, that such a creature
has an XP value of nearly 170,000 points.
And imagine the shock to a mortal who dis-
covers that even the powerful Immortals fear
other even greater opponents, such as the
repeater (1.8 million XP) or draeden (up to
30 million)!

Adventure Planning
The standard Adventure Planning method is the party. Sphere is irrelevant; all PC Immor- The numbers given apply only to good
explained fully in the D&D Companion Set tals use the same progress chart. If the party play. If mere bad luck interferes with success,
(DMC page 2). It is provided so that the DM is a mixed group, find the appropriate num- be prepared to add extra bonus awards for a
may plan ahead, estimating the number of bers of each rank on separate charts, and total good attempt (though the total should still be
game sessions needed for a character to gain the amounts indicated. The total figure is the less than for total success). If players make
one level of experience. Too many sessions amount of Power Points that should be too many mistakes, or aren't properly play-
can cause player frustration, while too few awarded for an entire game session. ing their character roles, you may penalize
can make the game too easy, and thereby bor- In games for mortal characters, XP for the awards and/or the rate of progress to give
ing. defeating monsters represented about 20% of them time to learn.
In the Companion Set, one planning chart the total gain, the balance made up by trea-
was given for all mortal characters of Name sure and other awards. In games for Immor- Extrapolation
level or higher. The XP needs of Immortals of tals, little or no awards are gained for
different ranks require separate charts, which treasure (the characters having gone beyond The charts cover rates from 2 to 8 sessions
are given below. such mundane things), so the proportions per level gained, and any size group from 1 to
vary widely. Most of the total award will usu- 10 characters. Other numbers may be found
To use the charts, first decide how many
ally be for completing a mission, aiding one's by the following approximate method. Start
adventures should be needed, on the average,
Sphere, and so forth. with a figure from the Extrapolation chart
for an Immortal to gain a level of experience.
below, based on the character's rank. Multi-
Five is a recommended number for low The figures given on the charts represent ply the figure by the number of characters,
levels, while six to eight are satisfying for amounts of Power Points, not XP. They and divide that result by the number of ses-
higher levels. The DM may wish to poll the should be applied without modification to sions selected. Round up to the next whole
opinions of the players. Once the number has parties consisting entirely of Immortals. number of PP.
been chosen, it should apply to all adven- Whenever an Immortal character serves as
tures. When you have played several games, an Observer (q.v.), assuming the part of a
and observed the results of your choice, the mortal in all respects, the standard award is Extrapolation Chart
number may be modified. 10% of the number given on the chart, Temporal 220 Empyreal 1,700
When planning for a game, find the chart rounded up. Celestial 900 Eternal 3,400
that represents the rank of the characters in

Adventure Planning Charts

A. Temporals
Number of Rate of Progress
Characters 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 110 74 55 44 37 32 28
2 220 147 110 88 74 63 55
3 330 220 165 132 110 95 83
4 440 294 220 176 147 126 110
"> .«,: _'7"> 221! 184 158 138
(i 6(>0 410 wo 2ht 220 189 165
7 770 514 385 308 257 220 193
8 880 587 440 352 294 252 220
9 WO 660 495 396 330 283 248
10 1,100 734 550 440 367 315 275

B. Celestials
Number of Rate of Progress
Characters 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 450 300 225 180 150 129 113

2 900 600 450 360 300 258 225
3 1,350 900 675 540 450 386 338
4 1,800 1,200 900 720 600 515 450
5 2,250 l,5Dii I . I 2:1 900 750 643 563
6 2,700 1,8IHI 1. r>() 1,080 900 772 675
7 3,150 2,100 1,575 1,260 1,050 900 788
8 3,600 2.400 i .800 1,440 1,200 1,029 900
9 4,050 2,7OU 2,025 1,620 1,350 1,158 1,013
10 4,500 3,000 2,250 1,800 1,500 1,286 1,125

C. Empyreals
Number of Rate of Progress
Characters 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 850 567 425 340 284 243 213

2 1,700 1,134 850 680 567 486 425
3 2,550 1.700 1,275 1,020 850 729 638
4 3,400 2.267 1,700 1,360 1,134 972 850
5 4,250 2,8 54 2.125 1.700 1,417 1,215 1,063
6 5,100 3,400 2.">50 2,040 1,700 1,458 1,275
7 5,950 3,967 2,975 2,380 1,984 1,700 1,488
8 6,800 4,534 3,400 2,720 2,267 1,943 1,700
9 7,650 5,luu 3,825 3,060 2,550 2,186 1,913
10 8,500 5,667 4,250 3,400 2,834 2,429 2,125

D. Eternals: Use Empyreals chart, but

double all numbers

E. Hierarchs: Use values as if Eternals

Reference Tables
TABLE 1: Rank Advancement Chart
Rank Level PP HD hP A-M Scores Pop.*
Initiate — 15 75 50 (var)
Novice 500 20 100 25
lsr level f>00 21 110 24
2nd lewd 70H 22 12n
ii. !!.-..•! :-•! H i j • 1 <"
n l i I' ."I Mill jl 1 i" .'I
l&ttporai 5th level . 1,000 2") 110
Novice 1,050 25 160 60 25
1st level MOO In ino 18
2ml Wvel 1.600 27 2(K) 17
;,.! y - ,•; 1. J_'I •

H..I.-.I .' J i m _• i ..1"

Celestial .'«h level 1,300 SO •260 14
No\ i( t- 2,625 30 280 70 50 n
1st level 3,000 31 310 12
2nd level 3,500 32 340 11
ird lfvcl 4,000 33 370 10
4ih level 4.500 34 400
EntpyrcAi '"illi Irvrl i.000 T) •130

Nn\ in- 'i.J.iil -Mill no


1 si level h.OOD .if, r.oo

2nd Ic-vcl 7.000 37 /4O
3rd level 8,000 r
38 580
4th level 9,000 39 620
Eternal 5th level 10,000 40 660
Novice 10,500 40 700 * . ! •

1st level 11.000 41 750

2nd level l-'.OOO 42 800
3rd level 13,000 43 850
4th level 14,000 44 900
Hirrarch 5rh li"ve 1 l.v.lHiO M 1 OW loo

* Each Sphere of Immortals has its own sole ruling Hierarch, who always has one "trainee" (an aide or apprentice) who can assume the senior
position whenever necessary.
** Population refers to the total number of Immortals that may exist at each level.
TABLE A'. Modifiers based on
TABLE 3: TABLE 4: Saving Throws
Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity,
Physical Power Mental Magic
and Constitution scores Charisma Effects Attack Drain Attack Spell
Ability Ability Retainers Initiate 14 16 18 20
Score Adjustment Score Reac M a x Morale Aura Temporal
0 -5 1 -3 1 3 ( + 4) Novice 14 16 17 20
1 -4 2-3 -2 1 4 ( + 3) 1st level 14 15 17 19-
2-3 -3 4-5 -1 2 5 ( + 2) 2nd level 13 15 lb i()
4-5 -2 6-8 -1 3 6 3rd level 13 14 lb 18
6-8 -1 9-12 0 4 7 (0) 4th level 12 14 15
9-12 None 13-15 +1 5 8 -1 5th level 12 13 15 - *
13-15 +1 16-17 +1 6 9 -2 Celestial
16-17 +2 18 +2 7 10 -3 Novice 11 13 14 1? ,
18 +3 19-20 +2 8 11 -4 1st level 11 12 14 16
19-20 +4 21-23 +3 9 12 -5 2nd level 10 12 13 lf>
21-23 +5 24-27 +3 10 ( + 1) -6 3rd level 10 11 13 15
24-27 +6 28-32 +4 11 ( + 2) -7 4th level 9 11 12 is;
28-32 +7 33-38 +4 12 ( + 3) -8 5th level 9 10 12
33-38 +8 39-45 +5 13 ( + 4) -9 Empyreal
39-45 +9 46-53 +5 14 ( + 5) -10 Novice 8 10 11 14'
46-53 + 10 54-62 +6 15 (+6) -11 1st level 8 9 11 13
* '-"'•" ' 54-62 + 11 63-70 +6 16 ( + 7) -12 2nd level 7 9 10 13
63-70 + 12 71-77 +7 17 ( + 8) -13 3rd level 7 8 10 12
71-77 + 13 78-83 +7 18 ( + 9) -14 4th level 6 8 9 12
78-83 + 14 84-88 +8 19 ( + 10) -15 5th level 6 7 9 11
84-88 + 15 89-93 +8 20 ( + 11) -16 Eternal
89-93 + 16 94-96 +9 21 ( + 12) -17 Novice 5 7 8 li
94-96 + 17 97-98 +9 22 ( + 13) -18 1st level 5 6 8 10'
97-98 + 18 99 + 10 23 ( + 14) -19 2nd level 4 6 7 '•
99 + 19 100 + 10 24 ( + 15) -20 3rd level 4 5 7 ;t
100 + 20 4th level 3 5 6 7.
5th level 3 4 5 '&.
Hierarch (all) 2 3 4 5
TABLE 5: Hit Rolls
Creature's Negative AC Hit
HD 4 5 6 10 11 12 13
13 + to 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
15+to 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
17+to 19 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
19 +to 21 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 it
21+to 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
23+to25 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS »
25+to 27 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
27+to 29 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
29 +to 31 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
31+to 33 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Id 11 12
33 + to35 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 u 10 ti
35 +to 37 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 H «) 10
37->-to39 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
39 +to 41 1* 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
41 +to43 2* 1* 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7

Creature's Negative AC Hit

HD 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
13 + to 15 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30
15 + to 17 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
17+to 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
19 +to 21 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
21+to 23 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 a?
23+to 25 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
25 + to 27 Ui 17 1H 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 > • )
23 21 25
27 + 1.1 2'J l'i Id 17 li< 1!) 20 20 20 20 20 21 •) >
23 24
29 + io.M 14 lr> Hi 17 IK 1!) 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23
31+to 33 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 • 2 l
. <•
33 + to35 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20
35 +to 37 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 *
37+to 39 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20
39 +to 41 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
41 +to43 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
* Automatic hit unless rolling a natural 1, add number given to damage.
Index to Magical Effects
Sphere Spell Name Sphere Spell Name
All Ability Score Bonuses Matter Dance
Thought Aerial Servant Time Darkness, Continual Darkness
Time Age Change Time Death Spell
Matter Animate (Dead or Object) Time Delay
Time Anti-Animal and Plant Shells Thought Detect Danger, Evil, Invisible, Magic, Enemies
Time Anti-Magic percentage (10%-50%), Shell, or Ray Thought Detect Slopes, New Construction, Gems, Metal,
Time Appear Shifting Walls & Rooms
Time Armor Class Bonus (2 to 10) Matter Dimension Door
Matter Babble Matter Disarm Attack
Matter Barrier Energy Disintegrate
Energy Bearhug Energy Dispel Evil
Energy Blasting Time Dispel Magic
Matter Blend with Surroundings Energy Displacement
Energy Bless Time Dissolve
Time Blight Time Dodge Missiles, Directional Attacks
Time Breath Weapon, Acid or Ice Matter Earthquake
Energy Breath Weapon, Fire Matter Elasticity
Thought Breath Weapon, Poison Gas Thought ESP
Time Bug Repellant Thought Explosive Cloud
Matter Buoyancy (various amounts) Matter Feeblemind
Energy Burrowing Thought Find Path, Secret Door, Trap (spell ability)
Thought Call Lightning Time Finger of Death
Thought Calm Others Energy Fire Ball, Delayed Blast Fire Ball
Time Cancellation Matter Flesh to Stone
Time Cause Disease Matter Floating Disc
Matter Cause Fear Energy Fly
Time Cause Wounds (Light, Serious, Critical) Matter Force Field
Thought Change Odors Energy Free Monster, Free Person
Time Change Tastes Matter Gaseous Form
Thought Charm Monster, Person, Plant, Mass Charm Energy Gate
Thought Choose Best Option Thought Geas or Quest
Thought Clairaudience Matter Growth of Animal, Growth of Plant
Thought Clairvoyance Energy Hallucinatory Terrain
Energy Climb Walls (70%-120%) Thought Harden
Matter Clone Energy Haste
Time Close Gate Matter Heal
Thought Cloudkill Thought Hear Noise (50% -140%)
Thought Commune Energy Heat Metal
Thought Communication Matter Hide in Shadows (30%-100%)
Thought Confuse Alignment Time Hit Point Bonus ( + 1 to + 3 per HD)
Matter Confusion Energy Hit Rolls Bonus ( + 2 to +10)
Thought Conjure Elemental Time Hold Animal, Monster, Person, Portal
Thought Contact Other Plane Energy Holy Word
Matter Container (5,000-50,000 en) Time Ice Storm or Wall
Time Contingency Thought Identify
Thought Control Animals, Dragons, Giants, Humans, Time Immune to Aging Attack
Plants Time Immune to Breath Weapons
Thought Control Temperature 10' Radius Thought Immune to Disease, Paralysis, Time
Time Control Undead (Lesser or Greater) Time Immune to Energy Drain & Poison
Thought Control Winds Time Immunity
Matter Create Animal, Monster, or Normal Object Time Inertia control
Matter Create Food Thought Infravision
Energy Create Magic Aura Thought Insect Plague
Time Create Poison Matter Invisibility, Inv. 10' Radius, Mass Inv.
Time Create Water Thought Invisible Stalker
Thought Creeping Doom Matter Knock
Matter Cureall, Automatic Cureall Thought Know Alignment
Thought Cure Blindness Energy Leap 30' to 120' (with Hit roll bonus)
Matter Cure Disease Matter Levitate
Matter Cure Wounds (Light, Serious, Critical) Thought Lie Detection
Time Curse Time Life Drain
Index to Magical Effects

Sphere Spell Name Sphere Spell Name

Time Life Trapping Thought Resist Cold
Energy Light, Continual Light Time Resist Fire
Energy Lightning Bolt Energy Restore
Thought Locate Plant/Animal, Locate Object Matter Reverse Gravity
Thought Lore Time Rulership
Time Lower Water Time Saving Throws Bonus (+ 2 to +6)
Time Luck Energy Security
Energy Magic Door Matter Set Normal Trap (50%-90%)
Thought Magic Jar Matter Shapechange
Time Magic Lock Time Shelter
Matter Magic Missile Time Shield
Thought Mapmaking Matter Shrink Plants
Energy Massmorph Time Silence 15' Radius
Matter Maze Matter Size Control
Thought Memorize + 1 to +10 Spell Levels Time Sleep
Matter Merging Time Slow
Matter Metal to Wood Energy Smash Attack
Energy Meteor Swarm Thought Snake charm
Thought Mind Barrier, Mindmask Thought Speak with Animal, Dead, Monster, Plant
Energy Mirror Image Energy Spell Damage Bonus + 1 to + 4 Per Die
Matter Move Earth Time Spell Turning
Energy Move Silently (50%-100%) Matter Statue
Time Neutralize Poison Matter Sticks to Snakes
Time Obliterate Matter Stone to Flesh
Thought Obscure Energy Striking
Energy Open Locks (60%-120%) Thought Summon Animal, Elemental, Weather
Matter Open Mind Matter Summon Object
Time Paralysis Time Survival
Matter Parry Matter Sword
Energy Pass Plant Time Symbol
Matter Pass-Wall Matter Telekinesis
Time Permanence Matter Teleport, Teleport Object
Energy Phantasmal Force Time Timekeeping
Energy Pick Pockets (50%-100%) Time Timestop
Matter Plane Travel Thought Tracking
Energy Plant Door Energy Transport Through Plants
Time Poison Energy Travel
Matter Polymorph Object, Other, Self Thought Treasure Finding
Energy Power Word Blind, Kill, Stun Energy Tree movement
Thought Predict Weather Thought Truesight
Energy Prismatic Wall Time Turn Undead (as Cleric L6, 12, 24, 36)
Energy Produce Fire Time Turn Undead bonus +2 to +6, + Id6 to + 3d6
Energy Projected Image HD
Time Protection From Creatures (some, many, most, all) Matter Turn Wood
Time Protection from Evil, Prot. from Evil 10' Radius Energy Ventriloquism
Time Protection from Lightning Time Victory
Time Protection from Lycanthropes Energy Wall of Fire
Matter Protection from Magic Detection Matter Wall of Iron, Stone
Time Protection from Normal Missiles Matter Warp Wood
Time Protection from Poison Thought Water Breathing
Time Protection from Undead Energy Weapon bonus (to damage or strength)
Thought Purify Food & Water Thought Weather Control
Energy Raise Dead, Raise Dead Fully Matter Web
Thought Read Languages Energy Web movement
Thought Read Magic Thought Wish
Matter Regeneration Thought Wizard Eye
Matter Reincarnation Time Wizard Lock
Energy Remove Barrier, Curse, Traps (50%-100%) Energy Wizardry
Thought Remove Charm, Fear, Geas, Quest Matter Word of Recall
Matter Repair Object (normal or magical) Thought X-Ray Vision
Charts S1-S4: Magical Effects by Sphere
SI. Energy M53 8 Climb Walls, 100% R0, DR 12T
la. Spells of Energy M53 11 Climb Walls, 110% R 0, DR 12T
M53 14 Climb Walls, 120% R0, DR 12T
rr M52 7 Create magic aura R 120f, DR3T
Ref Spell Name Range & Duration
Cost X63 10 Displacement R0, DR IT
X5 2 Bless R 60f, DR 6T M52 12 Fire breath R 30f, DR Inst
X6 8 Continual Light R 120f, DR Perm M52 4 Hit rolls bonus + 2 R 0 , DR IT
C22 13 Delayed Blast Fire Ball R 240f, DR 0-60r M52 6 Hit rolls bonus + 3 R0, DR IT
X16 16 Disintegrate R 60f, DR Inst M52 8 Hit rolls bonus + 4 R0, DR IT
X8 8 Dispel Evil R 30f, DR IT M52 10 Hit rolls bonus + 5 R0, DR IT
Xll 11 Fire Ball R 240f, DR Inst M52 12 Hit rolls bonus + 6 R 0, DR IT
X12 5 Fly R 0 , DR ld6T + lT/L M52 14 Hit rolls bonus + 7 R0, DR IT
X15 8 Free Monster* R 120f, DRPerm M52 16 Hit rolls bonus + 8 R 0, DR IT
X12 5 Free Person* R 180f, DR Inst M52 18 Hit rolls bonus + 9 R0, DR IT
C26 19 Gate R 30f, DR 1 or l d % T M52 20 Hit rolls bonus + 10 R0, DR IT
X13 7 Hallucinatory Terrain R 240f, DR to Touch M52 5 Leap 30', +2 Hit R0, DR IT
X12 6 Haste R 240f, DR 3T M52 10 Leap 60', +4 Hit R0, DR IT
M4 5 Heat Metal R 30f, DR 7r M52 15 Leap 90', +6 Hit R0, DR IT
C13 19 Holy Word R 0, DR Inst M52 20 Leap 120', +8 Hit R0, DR IT
B40 4 Light R120f, D R 6 T + 1T/L M53 7 Move Silent, 50% R 0, DR 6T
X12 12 Lightning Bolt R 180f, DR Inst M53 9 Move Silent, 60% R 0, DR 6T
C22 8 Magic Door R lOf, DR 7 use M53 11 Move Silent, 70% R 0, DR 6T
X13 6 Massmorph R 240f, DR Cone M53 13 Move Silent, 80% R 0, DR 6T
C26 20 Meteor Swarm R 240f, DR Inst M53 15 Move Silent, 90% R 0, DR 6T
B42 5 Mirror Image R 0, DR 6T M53 17 Move Silent, 100% R 0, DR 6T
C16 7 Pass Plant R 0, DR Inst M53 2 Open Locks, 60% R 0, DR 6T
B42 10 Phantasmal Force R 240f, DR Cone M53 5 Open Locks, 70% R 0, DR 6T
C15 4 Plant Door R 0, DR 1T/L M53 8 Open Locks, 80% R 0, DR 6T
C25 17 Power Word Blind R 120f, DR2hr-4/day M53 11 Open Locks, 90% R 0, DR 6T
C26 17 Power Word Kill R 120f, DR Perm M53 14 Open Locks, 100% R 0, DR 6T
C22 12 Power Word Stun R 120f, DR 2d6/ld6T M53 17 Open Locks, 110% R 0, DR 6T
M9 20 Prismatic Wall R 60f, DR 6T M53 19 Open Locks, 120% R 0, DR 6T
C15 3 Produce Fire R 0, DR 2T/L M53 6 Pick Pockets, 50% R 0, DR 6T
X16 14 Projected Image R 240f, DR 6T M53 11 PickPockets, 75% R 0, DR 6T
C12 12 Raise Dead R 120f, DR Perm M53 16 PickPockets, 100% R 0, DR 6T
C13 17 Raise Dead Fully R 60f, DR Perm 20 Pick Pockets perfectly R 0, DR 6T
X14 14 Remove Curse R 0, DR Perm M53 6 Remove Traps, 50% R 0, DR 6T
C12 14 Remove Barrier* R 60f, DR Perm M53 12 Remove Traps, 75 % R 0, DR 6T
C13 18 Restore R 0, DR Perm M53 18 Remove Traps, 100% R 0, DR 6T
X7 6 Striking R 30f, DR IT M53 6 Security R 0, DR Var
C16 9 Transport Through Plants R 0, DR Inst M53 17 Smash Attack R 0 , DR IT
M8 16 Travel R 0, DR 1T/L M53 6 Spell damage bonus + I/die R = Spell, DR Inst
B40 2 Ventriloquism R 60f, DR 2T M53 11 Spell damage bonus + 2/die R = Spell, DR Inst
X14 5 Wall of Fire R 60f, DR Cone M53 16 Spell damage bonus + 3/die R = Spell, DR Inst
M4 18 Wizardry R 0, DR IT M53 20 Spell damage bonus + 4/die R = Spell, DR Inst
M54 3 Tree movement R0, DR 12T
lb. Non-Spell Magic M54 3 Weapon damage + 2 R0, DR IT
M54 5 Weapon damage + 3 R0, DR IT
rr M54 7 Weapon damage + 4 R0, DR IT
Ref Cost Spell Name Range & Duration
M54 9 Weapon damage + 5 R0, DR IT
4 Ability bonus (1 in GT) R 0, DR 6T M54 11 Weapon damage + 6 R0, DR IT
8 Ability bonus (2 in GT) R 0, DR 6T M54 13 Weapon damage + 7 R0, DR IT
12 Ability bonus (all 3 GT) R 0, DR 6T M54 15 Weapon damage + 8 R 0, DR IT
16 Ability bonus (all 3 LT) R 0, DR 6T M54 17 Weapon damage + 9 R 0, DR IT
20 Ability bonus (all 6) R 0, DR 6T M54 19 Weapon damage +10 R 0, DR IT
4 Ability penalty (1 in GT) R 0, DR 6T M54 9 Weapon damage x2 R 0, DR IT
8 Ability penalty (2 in GT) R 0, DR 6T M54 12 Weapon damage x3 R0, DR IT
12 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R 0, DR 6T M54 15 Weapon damage x4 R0, DR IT
16 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R 0, DR 6T M54 18 Weapon damage x5 R0, DR IT
20 Ability penalty (all 6) R 0, DR 6T M54 5 Weapon strength + 1 R0, DR IT
M51 5 Bearhug R 0, DR IT M54 8 Weapon strength + 2 R0, DR IT
M51 20 Blasting R 60f, DR Inst M54 11 Weapon strength + 3 R0, DR IT
M51 12 Burrowing R 0, DR 6T M54 14 Weapon strength + 4 R0, DR IT
M53 2 Climb Walls, 70% R0, DR 12T M54 17 Weapon strength + 5 R0, DR IT
M53 4 Climb Walls, 80% R0, DR 12T M54 20 Weapon strength + 6 R0, DR IT
M53 5 Climb Walls, 90% R 0, DR 12T M54 7 Web movement R0, DR 12T
S2. Matter

2a. Spells of Matter 2b. Non-Spell Magic

Ref Cost Spell Name Range & Duration Ref Cost Spell Name Range & Duration
X14 10 Animate Dead R 60f, DR Perm 4 Ability bonus (1 in GT) R 0, DR 6T
X9 12 Animate Objects R 60f, DR 6T 8 Ability bonus (2 in GT) R 0, DR 6T
X9 10 Babble* R 60f, DR 1T/L 12 Ability bonus (all 3 GT) R 0, DR 6T
C12 14 Barrier R 60f, DR 12T 16 Ability bonus (all 3 LT) R 0, DR 6T
X5 2 Cause Fear* R 120f, DR 2T 20 Ability bonus (all 6) R 0, DR 6T
M6 16 Clone R lOf, DR Perm 4 Ability penalty (1 in GT) R 0, DR 6T
X13 5 Confusion R 120f, DR 12r 8 Ability penalty (2 in GT) R 0, DR 6T
M8 20 Create Any Monster R 90f, DR 3T 12 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R 0, DR 6T
X8 7 Create Food R lOf, DR Perm 16 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R 0, DR 6T
M7 18 Create Magical Monsters R 60f, DR 2T 20 Ability penalty (all 6) R 0, DR 6T
C12 8 Create Normal Animals R 30f, DR 10T M51 20 Automatic Healing R 0, DR Perm
C22 9 Create Normal Monsters R 30f, DR IT M51 18 Blend with Surroundings R 0, DR 6T
C12 7 Cure Critical Wounds R 0, DR Perm M51 3 Buoyancy to 10,000 en R 0, DR 6T
X6 4 Cure Disease R 30f, DR Perm M51 6 Buoyancy to 20,000 en R 0 , DR12T
B26 3 Cure Light Wounds R 0, DR Perm M51 9 Buoyancy to 40,000 en R 0, DR 18T
X7 5 Cure Serious Wounds R 0, DR Perm M51 12 Buoyancy to 80,000 en R 0, DR 24T
M9 20 Cureall R 0, DR Perm M51 15 Buoyancy to any weight R 0, DR 36T
C24 15 Dance R 0 , DR3-7 r M51 2 Container, to 5,000 en R 0, DR 36T
X13 5 Dimension Door R lOf, DR lr M51 4 Container, to 10,000 en R 0, DR 36T
C13 18 Earthquake R 360f, DR IT M51 6 Container, to 15,000 en R 0, DR 36T
C20 8 Feeblemind R 240f, DR Perm M51 8 Container, to 20,000 en R 0, DR 36T
X16 10 Flesh to Stone R 120f, DR Perm M51 10 Container, to 25,000 en R 0, DR 36T
B39 2 Floating Disc R 0, DR 6T M51 12
Container, to 30,000 en R 0, DR 36T
M8 16 Force Field R 120f, DR 6T M51 14
Container, to 35,000 en R 0, DR 36T
X6 4 Growth of Animal R 120f, DR 12T M51 16
Container, to 40,000 en R 0, DR 36T
X13 5 Growth of Plants R 120f, DR Perm Container, to 50,000 en R 0, DR 36T
M51 18
R 240f, DR Perm Create Normal Objects R 30f, DR Perm
B41 4 Invisibility M52 15
Disarm Attack R 0, DR 6T
X12 5 Invisibility 10' radius R 120f, DRPerm M52 5
Elasticity R 0 , DR 12T
B41 4 Knock R 60f, DR Var M52 9
R 0, DR 3T
Gaseous Form
B41 3 Levitate R 0 , DR6T + 1T/L M52 6
Hide in Shadows, 30% R 0, DR 6T
B40 3 Magic Missile R 150f, DR lr M53 6
Hide in Shadows, 50% R 0, DR 6T
C22 12 Mass Invisibility R 240f, DR Perm M53 9 Hide in Shadows, 70% R 0, DR 6T
C26 20 Maze R 60f, DR lr-6T M53 12 Hide in Shadows, 90% R 0, DR 6T
C16 16 Metal to Wood R 120f, DR Perm M53 15 Hide in Shadows Perfectly R 0, DR 6T
C21 10 Move Earth R 240f, DR 6T 18 Merging R 0, DR 18T
C24 16 Open Mind* R 0, DR 6T/L M53 8 Parry R 0, DR 6T
X15 9 Pass-Wall R 30f, DR 3T M53 5 R 0, DR Inst
C25 15 Polymorph Any Object R 240f, DR lT/L-Prm M53 13 Plane Travel R 0, DR 6T
X13 9 Polymorph Other R 60f, DR Perm M53 17 Protection/Magic Detection R 0, DR IT
X14 13 Polymorph Self R 0 , DR6T + 1T/L M53 19 Regeneration R 0, DR Perm
C21 15 Reincarnation R lOf, DR Perm M53 2 Repair Normal Objects R 0, DR Perm
C22 12 Reverse Gravity R 90f, DR 2 sec M53 8 Repair Temporary Magic R 0, DR Perm
M9 20 Shapechange R 0, DR 1T/L M53 14 Repair Permanent Magic R 2f, DR Perm
X13 5 Shrink Plants* R 120f, DR Perm M53 4 Set Normal Trap 50% R 2f, DR Perm
C23 14 Statue R 0, DR 2T/L M53 8 Set Normal Trap 70% R 2f, DR Perm
X8 7 Sticks to Snakes R 120f, DR 6T M53 13 Set Normal Trap 90% R 0, DR 6T
X16 10 Stone to Flesh R 120f, DR Perm M53 7 Size Control
C23 19 Summon Object R Inf, DR Inst
C24 14 Sword R 30f, DR lr/L
C2 8 Telekinesis R 120f, DR 6r
X15 10 Teleport R lOf, DR Inst
C24 17 Teleport any Object R 0, DR Inst
M5 9 Turn Wood R 30f, DR 1T/L
C21 10 Wall of Iron R 120f, DR Perm
X15 7 Wall of Stone R 60f, DR Perm
C15 3 Warp Wood R 240f, DR Perm
B42 2 Web R lOf, DR 48T
X9 18 Word of Recall R 0, DR Inst
S3. Thought

3a. Spells of Thought 3b. Non-Spell Magic

Ref CJost Spell Name Range & Duration Ref Cost Spell Name Range & Duration
C12 14 Aerial Servant R 60f, DR 1 day/L 4 Ability bonus (1 in GT) R 1 cr, DR 6T
C15 12 Call Lightning R 360f, DR 1T/L 8 Ability bonus (2 in GT) R 1 cr, DR 6T
X13 6 Charm Monster R120f, DRVar 12 Ability bonus (all 3 GT) R 1 cr, DR 6T
B39 4 Charm Person R 120f, DRVar 16 Ability bonus (all 3 LT) R 1 cr, DR 6T
C21 9 Charm Plant R 120f, DR 3 mon 20 Ability bonus (all 6) R 1 cr, DR 6T
XI1 5 Clairvoyance R 60f, DR 12T 4 Ability penalty (1 in GT) R var, DR 6T
X14 9 Cloudkill R If, DR 6T 8 Ability penalty (2 in GT) R var, DR 6T
X8 18 Commune R 0, DR 3T 12 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R var, DR 6T
X5 3 Confuse Alignment* R 0 , DR1T/L 16 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R var, DR 6T
X14 12 Conjure Elemental R 240f, DR Cone 20 Ability penalty (all 6) T var, DR 6T
C20 17 Contact Other Plane R 0, DR Var M51 6 Calm Others R 120f, DR Perm
X61 7 Control Plants R 0, DR 20T M51 3 Change Odors R 120f, DR Perm
C15 7 Control Temperature 10' rad. R 0 , DR1T/L M51 9 Choose Best Option R 0, DR Inst
C16 6 Control Winds R 0, DR 1T/L X61 3 Clairaudience R 60f, DR 12T
C16 20 Creeping Doom R 120f, DR lr/L M51 12 Control Animals R 60f, DR 20T
X6 4 Cure Blindness R 0, DR Perm M51 19 Control Dragons R 120f, DR20T
M4 8 Detect Danger R 5f/L, DR 6T/3T M51 17 Control Giants R 120f, DR 20T
B41 3 Detect Evil R 0, DR 6T M51 20 Control Humans R 120f, DR20T
B41 7 Detect Invisible R 0, DR 6T M51 8 Communication R 0, DR 6T
B39 3 Detect Magic R 0, DR 2T B45 7 Detect Enemies R 60f, DR lr
B41 5 ESP R 60f, DR 12T X60 3 Detect Gems R 60f, DR 3T
C24 15 Explosive Cloud R If, DR 6T X62 4 Detect Metal R 20f, DR 6r
X9 16 Find the Path R 0 , DR6T+1T/L M52 2 Detect New Construction R 0, DR 36T
X5 7 Find Traps R 0, DR 2T X60 5 Detecting Shifting Stone R lOf, DR lr
X9.16 10 Geas or Quest R 30f, DR Var M52 3 Detect Slopes R 0, DR 36T
C20 6 Harden R 240f, DR Perm M52 7 Find Secret Doors R 0, DR 6T
X12 4 Infravision R 0, DR 1 day M53 2 Find Traps, 50% R 0, DR 6T
X8 8 Insect Plague R 480f, DR 1 day M53 4 Find Traps, 60% R 0, DR 6T
X16 10 Invisible Stalker R 0, DR Var M53 6 Find Traps, 70% R 0, DR 6T
X5 4 Know Alignment R 0 , DR lr M53 8 Find Traps, 80% R 0, DR 6T
C15 2 Locate R 0, DR 6T M53 10 Find Traps, 90% R 0, DR 6T
X6 4 Locate Object R 0, DR 6T M53 12 Find Traps, 100% R 0, DR 6T
C22 14 Lore R 0, DR Perm M53 14 Find Traps, 110% R 0, DR 6T
X15 14 Magic Jar R 30f, DR Var M53 5 Hear Noise, 50% R 0 , DR 12T
C24 15 Mass Charm R 120f, DRVar M53 10 Hear Noise, 90% R 0, DR 24T
C24 16 Mind Barrier R lOf, DR 6T/L M53 15 Hear Noise, 140% R 0, DR 36T
Xll 3 Mindmask* R 0 , DR12T C54 5 Identify R 60f, DR lr
C15 4 Obscure R 0 , DR 1T/L M52 10 Immune to Aging attack R 0, DR 18T
C15 2 Predict Weather R 0, DR 12hr M52 4 Immune to Disease R 0, DR 18T
B27 2 Purify Food & Water R lOf, DR Perm M52 6 Immune to Paralysis R 0, DR 6T
B40 2 Read Languages R 0, DR 2T M52 10 Lie Detection R 0, DR 3T
B40 2 Read Magic R 0, DR IT M52 11 Mapmaking R 0, DR IT
C24 13 Remove Charm* R 120f, DRPerm/lT M52 2 Memorize + 1 spell level R 0, DR 1 study
B27 2 Remove Fear R 0, DR 2T M52 4 Memorize + 2 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
X9.16 9 Remove Geas or Quest* R 30f, DR Perm M52 6 Memorize + 3 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
B27 2 Resist Cold R 0, DR 6T M52 8 Memorize + 4 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
X6 3 Snake Charm R 60f, DR 2-5r,T M52 10 Memorize + 5 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
X6 3 Speak with Animals R 0, DR 6T M52 12 Memorize + 6 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
X7 5 Speak with the Dead R lOf, DR lr/L M52 14 Memorize + 7 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
X9 12 Speak with Monsters R 0, DR lr/L M52 16 Memorize + 8 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
X8 6 Speak with Plants R 0, DR 3T M52 18 Memorize + 9 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
M5 6 Summon Animals R 360f, DR 3T M52 20 Memorize +10 spell levels R 0, DR 1 study
M5 16 Summon Elemental R 240f, DR 6T M53 10 Poison Gas Breath R 0, DR 3r
C16 11 Summon Weather R5mi/L-14, DR6T/L M54 6 Tracking 90 %, 50% indoor R 0, DR 36T
C12 10 Truesight R 0 , DR IT + lr/L M54 14 Tracking 90 % anywhere R 0, DR 36T
X12 3 Water Breathing R 30f, DR 1 day M54 12 Treasure Finding R 0, DR 6T
C16 16 Weather Control R 0, DR Cone M54 16 X-Ray Vision R0, DRIT
M10 20 Wish R 0, DR Any
X14 6 Wizard Eye R 240f, DR 6T
S4. Time

4a. Spellis of Time X62 8 Age Change (2-20 years) R touch, DR Perm
pp X62 12 Age Change (3-30 years) R touch, DR Perm
X62 16 Age Change (4-40 years) R touch, DR Perm
Ref Cost Spell Name Range & Duration
X62 20 Age Change (5-50 years) R touch, DR Perm
C16 9 Anti-Animal Shell R 0, DR 1T/L M51 18 Anti-Magic Ray R 60xl0f, DR IT
X15 15 Anti-Magic Shell R 0 , DR 12T M51 3 Anti-Magic 10% R 0, DR 6T
C16 6 Anti-Plant Shell R 0, DR lr/L M51 7 Anti-Magic 20% R 0, DR 6T
C22 12 Appear* R 240f, DR Perm M51 11 Anti-Magic 30% R 0, DR 6T
X5 2 Blight* R 60f, DR 6T M51 15 Anti-Magic 40% R 0, DR 6T
C12 7 Cause Critical Wounds R 0, DR Inst M51 19 Anti-Magic 50% R 0, DR 6T
X6 5 Cause Disease* R 30f, DR P2dl2d M51 4 AC bonus -2 R 0, DR 6T
X5 2 Cause Light Wounds R 0, DR Inst M51 6 AC bonus -3 R 0, DR 6T
X7 6 Cause Serious Wounds R 0, DR Perm M51 8 AC bonus -4 R 0, DR 6T
C26 17 Close Gate* R 30f, DR Perm M51 10 AC bonus -5 R 0, DR 6T
M8 20 Contingency R 0, DR Var M51 12 AC bonus -6 R 0, DR 6T
X6 6 Continual Darkness* R 120f, DRPerm M51 14 AC bonus -7 R 0, DR 6T
X8 8 Create Poison* R 0, DR Perm M51 16 AC bonus -8 R 0, DR 6T
X7 4 Create Water R lOf, DR 6T M51 18 AC bonus -9 R 0, DR 6T
X14 5 Curse* R 0, DR Var M51 20 AC bonus -10 R 0, DR 6T
XI1 3 Darkness* R120f, DR6T + 1T/L M51 5 Bug Repellant R 0, DR 40T
X16 10 Death Spell R 240f, DR Inst B45 20 Cancellation (one item) R touch, DR Perm
X8 11 Dispel Magic R 120f, DR Perm M51 3 Change tastes R 60f, DR Perm
C20 7 Dissolve R240f, DR 3-18 day M51 14 Control Undead, Lesser R 120f, DR 20T
C12 10 Finger of Death R 60f, DR Perm M51 18 Control Undead, Greater R 120f, DR 20T
X12 3 Hold Animal R 180f, DR 1T/L C50 2/r Delay Spell Effect R Spell, DR l-10r
X15 7 Hold Monster R120f, DR6T+1T/L M52 7 Dodge normal missiles R0, DR IT
X12 4 Hold Person R 180f,DR9T,lT/L M52 10 Dodge any missiles R 0, DR IT
B39 4 Hold Portal R lOf, DR 2d6T M52 13 Dodge directional attacks R0, DR IT
X13 9 Ice Storm R 120f, DR lr M52 6 Hit point bonus + 1 per HD R0, DR IT
X13 5 Ice Wall R 120f, DR 12T M52 12 Hit point bonus + 2 per HD R0, DR IT
M9 20 Immunity R 0, DR 1T/L M52 18 Hit point bonus + 3 per HD R0, DR IT
C13 14 Life Drain* R 0, DR Perm M52 11 Ice breath R 30f, DR Inst
X16 8 Lower Water R 240f, DR 10T M52 20 Immune to Breath Weapons R0, DR IT
C22 12 Magic Lock* R lOf, DR 7 use M52 16 Immune to Energy Drain R 0, DR 6T
X8 6 Neutralize Poison R 0, DR Perm M52 8 Immune to Poison R 0 , DR 18T
C13 18 Obliterate* R 60f, DR Inst M52 17 Inertia control R 0, DR 24T
C25 18 Permanence R lOf, DR Perm M52 20 Life Trapping R 0, DR Var
B40 2 Protection from Evil R 0 , DR 12T, 6T M52 20 Luck R 0 , DR IT
X8 5 Protection/Evil 10' radius R 0 , DR 12T B44 10 Paralysis R 60f, DR 5r
C15 8 Protection from Lightning R 0 , DR IT/1 B44 15 Paralysis (-2 save) R 120f, DR IT
X12 4 Protection/Normal Missiles R 30f, DR 12T B44 20 Paralysis (-4 save) R 180f, DR 15r
X5 3 Resist Fire R 30f, DR 2T B43 6 Poison, special effect R touch, DR l-12r
B40 2 Shield R 0, DR 2T B43 12 Poison, damage (1 pt/PP) R touch, DR Perm
X6 8 Silence 15' radius R 180f, DR 12T B43 18 Poison, deadly (-2 save) R touch, DR Perm
B40 3 Sleep R 240f, DR 4d4T M53 4 Protection/some creatures R 0, DR 6T
X12 5 Slow* R 240f, DR 3T M53 8 Protection/many creatures R 0, DR 6T
M3 13 Survival R 0, DR 6T/L M53 12 Protection/most creatures R 0, DR 6T
C25 18 Symbol R 0, DR Perm M53 17 Protection/all creatures R 0, DR 6T
M10 20 Timestop R 0, DR 2-5r B44 9 Protection from
B42 6 Wizard Lock R lOf, DR Perm Lycanthropes R lOf, DR 6T
M5 6 Protection from poison R 0 , DR 1T/L
4b. Non-Spell Magic B44 13 Protection from Undead R lOf, DR 6T
M53 10 Rulership R 1 obj, DR 1 check
rr M53 5 Saving Throws bonus + 2 R 0, DR 6T
Ref Cost Spell Name Range & Duration
M53 10 Saving Throws bonus + 4 R 0, DR 6T
4 Ability bonus (1 in GT) R 1 cr, DR 6T M53 15 Saving Throws bonus + 6 R 0, DR 6T
8 Ability bonus (2 in GT) R 1 cr, DR 6T M53 7 Shelter R 0 , DR24hr
12 Ability bonus (all 3 GT) R 1 cr, DR 6T X62 20 Spell Turning R 0, DR 1 spell
16 Ability bonus (all 3 LT) R 1 cr, DR 6T M54 2 Timekeeping R 0 , DR 24 hr
20 Ability bonus (all 6) R 1 cr, DR 6T M54 4 Turn Undead as Cleric L6 R Sight, DR 3T
4 Ability penalty (1 in GT) R var, DR 6T M54 9 Turn Undead as Cleric LI2 R Sight, DR 3T
8 Ability penalty (2 in GT) R var, DR 6T M54 14 Turn Undead as Cleric L24 R Sight, DR 3T
12 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R var, DR 6T M54 19 Turn Undead as Cleric L36 R Sight, DR 3T
16 Ability penalty (all 3 GT) R var, DR 6T M54 4 Turn bonus +2, + Id6 HD R Sight, DR IT
20 Ability penalty (all 6) T var, DR 6T M54 8 Turn bonus + 4, + 2d6 HD R Sight, DR IT
M51 13 Acid breath R 30f, DR lr M54 12 Turn bonus + 6, + 3d6 HD R Sight, DR IT
X62 4 Age Change (1-10 years) R touch, DR Perm M54 15 Victory R 0, DR 1 check
Character Common Name Race & Level

Sphere Alignment

0 -1 •2 -3 •4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Permanent Power Points
[m mortal Save Mod.

0 -1 2 -3 •4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Current Power Points

Mortal # Affected
O £ Power Magical Physical Mental
Z ? Drain Spell Blow Blow
^< 55 Poison
Poison or
or --^ Magic ^ ^ Petrify or >—^ Breath ^ - v Spell or ^—v
co p Death Ray f J Wands f J Paralysis f J Weapon C J Rod/Staff f J

FORM • Normal • Avatar I] Original • Identity • Beast D Construct FORM D Normal D Avatar • Original D Identity • Beast O Construct

I / Hit Points
Wounds Hit Points

\AC / Current Current

ATTACK #AT Dmg/Effect Def. Special/Range ATTACK #AT Dmg/Effect Def. Special/Range

itrength Punch (To Hit/Dmg) Current Score GREATER TALENTS Strength Punch (To Hit/Dmg) Current Score GREATER TALENTS

Cfi • Str • Dex CO • Str • Dex

Intelligence Projects ( s ) Current Score • Int • Con Intelligence Projects (Add. Lang) Current Score • Int • Con

0 • Wis a Chr
0 • Wis • Chr

U Wisdom Aura (Mental Save Adj) Current Score Points Mod.

0 Wisdom Aura (Mental Save Adj) Current Score
Points Mod.
Dexterity Unarmed (AC/Missiles) Current Score LESSER TALENTS Dexterity Unarmed (AC/Missiles) Current Score LESSER TALENTS

H D Str D Dex H • Str • Dex

-J Constitution Poison (HP Adj) Current Score • Int D Con Constitution Poison (HP Adj) Current Score • Int • Con
M D Wis D Chr M • Wis • Chr
Charisma Reaction/Rctaincrs/Morale Current Score Charisma React.on/Retainers/Morale Current Score
Points Mod. Points Mod.

Wrestling; „ . . , , Wrestling Special Attacks-

* Special Attacks-

Rating Rating
Vision Vision
Detections Detections •

Methods of Walk Run. Methods of Walk Run .

Movement Fly Special Movement Fly • Special -
Description: (Head; # of Limbs; Garb/Hide;Manifestations; Abilities) Description: (Head; # of Limbs; Garb/Hide;Manifestations; Abilities)

Shape/Race- Size- Shape/Race- Siz

Difficulty Modifiers Magic Factor Circle Recovery Rates
Easy xl Friendly 1/round
Average- x8 Neutral- _ I/turn
Difficult- x4 Hostile _ _ I/day
° 1986 TSR, Inc All Rights Reserved
Character Common Name Race & Level

Sphere Alignment
Temporal Celestial Empyreal Heirarch IMMORTAL CHARACTER RECORD


0 -1 -2 •3 •4 •5 -6 -7 -8 •9 -10 Permanent Power Points
Immortal Save Mod.

0 -1 -2 •3 -4 •5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Current Power Points

Mortal # Affected
0*? Power Magical Physical f~\ Mental
gj* Drain Spell Blow V_/ Blow
4< 5 Poison or -—v Magic / ^ - N Petrify or ^->. Breath ^—«* Spell or /—v
c«* Death Ray M Wands f ) Paralysis f ) Weapon ( ) Rod/Staff f )

F O R M • Normal • Avatar • Original • Identity D Beast • Construct F O R M • Normal • Avatar • Original • Identity • Beast • Construct

I / Hit Points
Hit Points
/ Permanent

VAC / Current VAC / Current

ATTACK #AT Dmg/Effect Def. Special/Range ATTACK #AT Dmg/Effect Def. Special/Range

Strength Punch (To Hit/Dmg) Current Score GREATER TALENTS Strength Punch (To Hit/Dmg) Current Score GREATER TALENTS

• Str • Dex • Str • Dex

Intelligence Projects (Add.Lang) Current Score • Int • Con Intelligence Projects (Add.Lang) Current Score • Int • Con
• Wis • Chr • Wis • Chr
0 0
Wisdom Aura (Mental Save Adj) Current Score Points Mod.
u Wisdom Aura (Mental Save Adj) Current Score
Points Mod.

CO Dexterity Unarmed (AC/Missiles) Current Score LESSER TALENTS Dexterity Unarmed (AC/Missiles) Current Score LESSER TALENTS

• Str • Dex —
•' • Str • Dex

Constitution Poison (HP Adj) Current Score • Int D Con Constitution Poison (HP Adj) Current Score • Int • Con
• Wis • Chr • Wis • Chr
Charisma Reaction/Retaincrs/Morale Current Score Charisma Rcaction/Retainers/Morale Current Score
Points Mod. Points Mod.

Wrestling ^ . ^ Wrestling
A t t a c k s
Special Attacks-

Rating Rating
Vision Vision
Detections Detections •

Methods of Walk Run. Methods of Walk Run.

Movement Fly • Special • Movement Fly - Special -

Description: (Head; # of Limbs; Garb/Hide;Manifestations; Abilities) Description: (Head; # of Limbs; Garb/Hide;Manifestations; Abilities)

Shape/Race Size. Shape/Race- Size

Difficulty Modifiers Magic Factor Circle Recovery Rates
Easy Friendly- 1/round
Average- x8 Neutral- _ I/turn
Difficult- Hostile _ _ I/day
1986 TSR, Inc All Rights Reserved

Introduction your logic is familiar, alien, simple, or

complex. You and your players will find that
are common in games at this level. Since
many of these creatures may eventually
This section cannot accurately be titled a logical multiverse offers far more appear in games involving both mortal and
"monsters." Many of these beings are allies satisfaction, and is much more playable, than Immortal beings, the AC is always listed in
or acquaintances of player character a random creation. full form.
Immortals, though some are monstrous foes
All the creatures described in the following
Creature Descriptions Hit Dice: This number always determines a
creature's base chance to hit a target in
pages are native to planes other than the The basic statistics for each creature are physical combat, applying standard
Prime, home of mortal man. None should preceded by details especially relevant to procedures. Hit points, however, might be
appear with any great frequency in usual games that involve Immortal characters. The given as a constant, rather than a variable.
D&D® games, those for mortal characters text describing each creature is divided and This is a common feature of many
alone. A few could be used with good effect, if labeled clearly for ease of reference. Immortals. If this line is immediately
you are a skilled enough Dungeon Master to followed by another giving specific hit point
insert them properly. Read the notes Name: The name given for each entry is the figures, use these, and do not roll for hit
carefully, however. Some of the creatures common term used by Immortals when points. Otherwise, the range of hit points
herein simply cannot exist in the referring to such creatures. Every intelligent equals Id8 for each Hit Die.
environment of the PC homeworld. And race has its own name for itself, always
some could destroy an entire planet in less different from the name given and often Move: As in previous rule sets, the first
time than it has taken you to read this book. unpronounceable. figure is the distance the creature may move
Here you will find creatures of all the You might add an interesting twist to your in one 10-minute turn. The second figure, in
Spheres of Power. They fit neatly into the games by not revealing the name of a parentheses, is the distance a creature moves
great scheme of things, but some are entirely creature encountered. Encourage the players in one 10-second round. Movement rates are
different from anything you have ever to invent names for each, based on what the given in feet. Some creatures are so large or
imagined. Despite this, you should have no characters experienced. Then write this new fast that their movement rates may be given
difficulty using them in play, if you first name beside the common one given, and in miles, each 5,280 feet long. In all such
become familiar with the new game rules for refer to the creature by that new name from cases, the number of miles is always a
this level of play. When you encounter then on. multiple of 3, and is usually a simple fraction
references you do not understand, turn to the or multiple of 24. This is for use with a
Index and review the information on the Sphere: Most creatures of the Astral and campaign map of standard scale, in which
topic. Outer planes are affiliated with one of the five each hex is 24 miles across.
Only one race of beings is given for the Spheres of Power—Matter, Energy, Time, Remember that nearly any creature can
Sphere of Entropy. But these fearsome foes Thought, or Entropy. Though most living choose to move at very slow rates, or not at
should be more than enough to challenge things are composed of two or more Spheres, all. Few creatures reveal their full movement
even the mightiest of player characters. nearly every Immortal creature serves a potential unless they are hurried or attacked.
General information about the Sphere of single Sphere.
Entropy is given with that monster Attacks: This figure is the number and type
description. Status: If the creatures described are of physical attacks usable by the creature. If
Very few creatures given here are of the Immortal, their class or equivalent status is the creature is unable to use any physical
Sphere of Matter. Other beings of that given. This may be used as a general guide to attacks, the type of attack it most commonly
Sphere are often variations on the usual the challenge presented by the creature, uses is listed instead. If many attack forms are
monsters described in previous rule sets. especially if encountered as an opponent. possible, only the details of the physical ones
Most of the creatures herein are from the are noted. Others are explained in the text.
other three Spheres—Energy, Time, and Power Points: Power and its uses are
Thought. Some beings of these Spheres may integral parts of D&D games at this level of Damage: The range or number given
lack material forms, and these will probably play. If you are not familiar with Power, be applies to the types of attacks noted on the
pose the greatest challenges to your sure to learn it before starting play. previous line. For creatures of the Astral and
imagination. Every Immortal creature has a fixed Outer planes, damage is often "special," and
The following creatures are only a few of number or range of Power Points. This figure described in the text.
the infinite forms of life that populate the normally corresponds to the status, following
vastness of the multiverse. A complete the guidelines given for all Immortals (Table No. Appearing: Few of these creatures
catalog would no doubt span several thick 1). Some entirely mortal creatures have appear in dungeon settings, so only one
volumes, an impossible task for this limited gained the ability to use Power. number or range is given. If the creature is
work. Therefore feel free to design your own one-of-a-kind, the word "unique" appears
creatures, following either the guidelines Anti-Magic (A-M): Nearly any extra- next to the number appearing.
given in this set or, if you prefer, your own planar creature may be resistant to the effects
view of this fantasy realm. While designing, of magic. The number given is always a per- Save As: Saving throws for mortal creatures
be sure that your creatures fit within a centage. Full details on A-M are given in the are the same as for characters, and a class and
developed logical framework that governs D&D Master Set, MDM page 2. level is listed. Immortal creatures may
existence. It makes little difference whether sometimes save as mortals or Immortals.
Armor Class (AC): Negative Armor Classes


Morale: Morale checks are fully explained in ers will find more inventive uses for the crea- Text: The details presented in the text are
the revised D&D Basic Set (DMR page 19). ture's service than for their possessions. always given in the same order: Description
You may also modify or omit Morale to (appearance, size, etc.), Abilities and Limits
Alignment: This category lists a general
reflect the situation. Nearly any intelligent (possible attack forms, senses, etc.), Resist-
indication of the creature's behavior. By now
creature will flee or bargain if its death seems ances (including the attack forms to which the
you should know that behavior and motiva-
imminent. An Immortal, however, must creature is wholly or partially immune),
tion are different aspects of a creature. An
weigh the factors carefully. He or she may Habits, and Background. The information in
orderly, law-abiding creature may have good,
choose to fight to the death of his material the last two categories offers your best guide
evil, or selfish intentions. A Chaotic is usu-
form, since a new form can be created. But for role playing and further development of
ally disruptive, but may be good-hearted.
the creature's current project may make such the creatures, and often explain how they fit
Neutral is the most common alignment found
a delay unacceptable, and in such cases sur- into the greater scheme of things. Small ideas
in the multiverse, as most creatures act in
vival of the form may be critical. presented here can easily stimulate your
their own self-interest, whatever their inten-
If your creatures always fight to the death, imagination, leading to great epic adven-
your games are too combat-oriented, and tures.
probably contain very little role playing. XP Value: The number listed is always Whenever immunity to magical weapons
Morale is an important factor in all good role- measured in Power Points, on an Immortal of a given strength is noted, this applies only
playing games. scale. If the creature is defeated partially or to standard weaponry. Immortal strength can
wholly by mortals, remember to multiply the propel most non-magical objects with enough
Treasure Type: Treasure is not an impor- figure by 10,000 (adding four zeroes) before force to overcome such resistance. An
tant element of Immortal-level games. Many dividing it among the participants. If you do Immortal's simple Punch attack, for exam-
creatures native to planes other than the this, remember also to divide the share that ple, always inflicts damage when it hits, even
Prime have treasures in forms that mortals applies to Immortal characters by 10,000 though his or her fist is a non-magical
cannot appreciate. Immortals usually respect before announcing their total earned. weapon of sorts.
every creature's right to life, and good play-

Creature List
Archon to Vortex Creatures

These Lawful champions of goodness are sworn enemies of Chaos.
They are native to the Home Plane of the Hierarch of Energy. Their
full description is given in the D&D Master Set (MDM page 40).
They are entirely mortal.
In the opinion of the Hierarch (who has little experience in working
with the substance of the other Spheres), his creations are shining
examples of the perfect blend of beauty and power. Few other Immor-
tals agree, but those of his Sphere dare not voice their opinions.
Archons have very narrow views of what is acceptable behavior. They
are so outraged by any neutral, chaotic, or evil behavior that they are
avoided by all other creatures. Despite their good intentions, they
manage to arouse resentment in nearly everyone they meet. And they
are multiversally considered to be the most obnoxious creatures in all
the Home Planes.
Sphere: Matter
Status: Mortal Description: Baaka are living guardian-obstructions (walls, doors,
Power Points: 5,000 tunnels) created and used by the Immortals of Matter. They are
Anti-Magic: 100% (vs. mortal) or None made of reinforced diamond, so they are quite resistant to damage.
Armor Class: -15 They are often black monoliths, but may be any one color.
Hit Dice: 100 A baak may have nearly any shape, with a maximum volume of
Move: None 1 million cubic feet. Common forms include a cube 100 feet on each
Attacks: Magic or Power only side, a thin strip encircling an entire planet, or a huge rectangular
Damage: By effect or Power attack solid floating independently in space.
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Empyreal 5 Abilities and Limits: Baaka never move or reason. They may
Morale: 12 nevertheless use all forms of Power combat, and may use Power to
Treasure Type: None create any magical effect listed for the Sphere of Matter in response
Alignment: Lawful to attacks and other stimuli. Though they are mortal, baaka pro-
XP Value: 566,000 vs. mortal opponents duce effects of Immortal levels.
457,250 (45 PP) vs. Immortal opponents

Resistances: Baaka have no ability scores so Habits: Baaka somehow have life without Background: An Immortal of Matter once
they are immune to ability score attacks. energy or thought, and successfully resist studied the forms of the elemental rulers of
They are completely immune to mortal time. They are nearly the ultimate form of Earth and discovered how to condense that
magic and take minimum damage from mor- order and solidity. form to make the baak. Created to serve as
tal blows. Baak suffer normal damage when A baak perfectly executes the instructions nearly invulnerable guardians, baaka are
attacked by Immortal blows or magic. of its creator, guarding various treasures and useless in any other capacity.
For each point of damage inflicted upon a secret ways, and does absolutely nothing else.
baak, a diamond of 1,000 gp value is chipped It is typically ordered to attack all creatures
loose. If its hit points are reduced to half nor- (except its creator) who approach within a
mal or fewer, a baak cures itself magically given range and/or those with hostile inten-
(employing a cureall for maximum effect). tions. Exact types of attacks may be specified
in its instructions, such as forcing movement
without physical damage.

Screaming Croaking Howling

Sphere: Entropy Entropy Entropy

Status: Temporal Temporal Celestial
Power Points: 500 800 1,300
Anti-Magic: 50 55 60
Armor Class: 0 -1 -2
Hit Dice*: 20* 23* 26*
Hit points: 100 130 180
Move: 120'(40') 60'(20') 60'(20')
Flying: 180'(60') 60'(20')
Attacks: 2 claws/2 talons/1 bite 2 claws/1 bite 2 pincers/2horns/l bite
Damage: 1-4 each/1-8 each/1-6 1-3 each/4-18 2-12 each/1-3 each/1-6
No. Appearing: 1 or 1-3 1 or 1-3 1 or 1-3
Save As: Novice Temporal 3 Celestial 1
Morale: Special Special Special
Call Other: 10 20 30
Treasure Type: B C D
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic
XP Value: 71,075 (7 PP) 137,750 (13 PP) 271,375 (27 PP)

Groaning Hissing Roaring

Sphere: Entropy Entropy Entropy

Status: Celestial Empyreal Empyreal
Power Points: 2,200 3,500 5,000
Anti-Magic: . 65 75 80
Armor Class: -3 -4 -5
Hit Dice*: 29* 32* 35*
Hit points: 240 340 430
Move: 90'(30') 120'(40') 60'(20')
Flying: 120'(40') 150'(50')
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite 1 tail/6 1 sword/1 whip
Damage: 1-4 each/2-8 + 2-8/by weapon 1-10/1-2 or
poison & disease special
No. Appearing: 1 or 1-3 1 or 1-2 1 or 1-2
Save As: Celestial 4 Empyreal 2 Eternal Novice
Morale: Special Special Special
Call Other: 50 60 70
Treasure Type: E F G
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic
XP Value: 535,000 (53 PP) 973,375 (97 PP) 1,568,750 (156 PP)


Whispering Orcus Demogorgon

Sphere: Entropy Entropy Entropy
Status: Initiate Eternal Eternal
Power Points: 400 9,500 5,000 per head
Anti-Magic: 70 85 90
Armor Class: -6 -7 -8
Hit Dice': 15* 39* 40*
Hit points: 75 620 660
Move: 120'(40') 90'(30') 15O'(5O')
Flying: 180'(60') 180'(60') 150'(50')
Attacks: 2 talons See below See below
Damage: 5-8 each + energy drain See below See below
No. Appearing: 1 (solitary) 1 (unique) 1 (unique)
Save As: Initiate Eternal 4 Eternal 5
Morale: Special Special Special
Call Other: 40 Special Special
Treasure Type: 1x2 E, F, G, I B, H, 1x3
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic
XP Value: 39,300 (3 PP) 6,825,500 (682 PP) 7,466,000 (746 PP)

Abilities of all Demons: In its Home Plane, a demon is a very powerful creature. There it is
A + 1 bonus to surprise and initiative rolls immune to all mortal magic, can assume any form desired (as the 9th
Power use (combat and magic) level shapechange spell, but at will), and regenerates quickly (1 hp per
Call Other (percentage chance to summon aid; see Tables D2 and D3) Hit Die per round). If the demon's body is slain in its Home Plane,
Speak with any undead or living thing however, its life force can be pursued, caught, and permanently
Control undead destroyed.
Infravision 120' Each demon is an individual, and each has its own names that it
Enter/leave Ethereal Plane at no cost I/day bore in mortal and Immortal life. A demon never reveals any of its
Enter/leave Astral Plane at no cost I/day true names, whatever the threat. However, it is rumored that if all of
High ability scores (as other Immortals) the truenames of a demon are somehow known, that demon can be
Regenerate 1 hp per day forced to obey or serve. Many powerful spells must also be used.
These are unknown, now lost to the past.
Resistances of all Demons:
The ancient spells for calling demons may be discovered through
Needs no sustenance (air, water, food)
costly research, if the DM permits. Some names of demons may also
Immune to mind-reading, disease, aging, energy drain, death ray
be discovered through similar research, but this may draw the atten-
Minimum damage from any mortal attack form
tion of the demon involved. Such research is extremely dangerous,
but can produce results, given sufficient time, money, and energy.
"Demon" is a common term once applied to nearly all monsters— A mortal cannot gain complete control over any Immortal, and that
including everything from gargoyles to dragons. In the D&D game, a a demon summoned and perhaps constrained in some ways is still
demon is an Immortal who serves the Sphere of Entropy. It dwells in free-willed. Legends describe the repeated attempts by mortals to con-
its own place, one of the Outer Planes of Existence. Any demon trol demons. All who have ever dealt with demons have eventually
encountered outside of its Home Plane is performing a service of some been utterly and permanently destroyed.
sort, and was either sent or summoned by a more powerful demon or
by an extremely powerful (or very foolish) mortal. Standard Abilities and Resistances
The statistics given describe the normal bodies that demons use for
most of their appearances outside their Home Planes. These bodies All of the following characteristics are natural, non-magical effects
can be slain, but as with other Immortals, this is a mere inconven- unless noted otherwise. Many are normal powers of all Immortals.
ience. If it occurs, the demon's life force abandons the material form Ability Scores
and returns to its Outer Plane home. Even one or more wishes cannot Demon ability scores are determined in the same way as for other
prevent this departure. After a time, the demon creates a new body Immortals. The Greater Talents of Immortals of Entropy are
and resumes normal activities. Strength, Intelligence, and Constitution. The physical scores
Each demon was once a mortal, with a form much different than its (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) of a demon's form cannot
current one. Most demons were men or monsters who became exceed the number of Hit Dice given for that type.
undead, and who were so evil and cunning that they achieved Immor- For most demons, Charisma cannot exceed half its Hit Dice. For
tality. Most demons have chosen and earned their Immortal positions, demons of High Empyreal status and above (the roaring demons and
just as characters may aspire to other Spheres. demon rulers described herein), Charisma may equal their Hit Dice.
A whispering demon's Charisma may exceed its Hit Dice, to a maxi-


mum score of 25. All demons of Eternal and higher status have nor- Immunities
mal Aura powers when in material form, but all other demons lack All demons are completely immune to all forms of mind reading,
this power. All demons have normal Aura when incorporeal. disease, aging, death rays, and energy draining. They are vulnerable
A summary of typical ability scores is given in the general descrip- to mortal blows and to mortal magic (except the effects listed) but only
tion of each type of demon. Use Strength and Dexterity bonuses in suffer minimal damage from damaging attacks. These are standard
melee according to normal procedures (such as to Hit and damage attributes of all Immortals of this Sphere.
rolls). Each Armor Class given already reflects the typical Dexterity of
Minimum Damage
the form, and should not be adjusted except for situation modifiers.
Hit points likewise already include all adjustments. Refer to Tables 2 Whenever dice are rolled to determine the amount of damage that
and 3, Ability Score modifiers, for exact figures for all scores. an attack form inflicts on a demon, each die is instead automatically
counted as a 1, and not rolled. Bonuses and penalties, if applicable,
Call Other are applied normally and fully. Demons may not attempt a saving
Any demon may mentally summon help, hoping that another throw vs. Physical Blow to reduce such damage by half. This special
demon will hear and respond. There is a percentage chance (different effect supercedes that rule.
for each type of demon) that the call is answered. Refer to Table D2.
Only one demon responds, appearing within 60 feet of the summon- Number Appearing
ing demon in 1-2 rounds. The demon rulers, who send the other demons to perform specific
Any demon may Call once per round, and may continue Calling at tasks, usually send only one demon who has the abilities required.
that rate, even when some aid has already arrived. A demon may not When that type is not available for some reason, one to three lesser
Call in the same round it uses magic or makes a Power attack. Each demons may be sent. So for any type of demon, the normal number
Call costs 10 Power Points, regardless of its success. Any demon appearing is only one. If that demon finds unexpected obstacles, or
responding to a Call may, if convinced that the situation is dangerous, happens to encounter dangerous foes (such as high level adventurers),
Call even more aid. Nearly any demon who Calls for help will suffer the demon may Call for aid. In this case, the total number appearing
punishment if the aid is not absolutely necessary, and thus most may be two or more, and those present might be different types.
demons treat this as a last desperate maneuver. The sole exception is When placing demons, never randomly select a number appearing.
the whispering demon, who is poorly equipped to handle strong Always consider the reasons for their appearance.
attackers and who is thus often Calls for help when necessary. A If a demon ruler is encountered on any of the Inner Planes (an
demon who makes a Call for another cannot us Power in any way dur- extremely rare event, always involving some great task which
ing the same round except to Wrap defensively. demands such exceptional force), he or she is normally attended by
one whispering demon, one roaring demon, and up to six others of
Control Undead
various types. The two rulers never travel together, and no problem
Any demon can attempt to control undead monsters as if it were a
has ever warranted their combined attention or presence.
powerful undead creature itself. Refer to the D&D Master Set (MDM
pages 22-23) for detailed information on undead Lieges and Pawns.
Power Points
Gaining this control requires the expenditure of 1 PP for each creature
Immortals of this Sphere use all forms of Power combat it- standard
controlled. Example: A howling demon (HD 26) can control up to a
total of 52 Hit Dice of undead, none being larger than 26 HD in size,
As they are not affiliated with any of the four Spheres coi oiling
and can maintain the control to a maximum range of 26 outdoor (24-
magic, demons are very limited in the type of magical effects ti. • can
mile) map hexes.
produce. Furthermore, a demon can only expend a given max im
Orcus can automatically take control of up to 200 Hit Dice of
number of points for any one effect. Power costs for magical effect: re
undead if he is within 180 feet of them, and can maintain control as
always double the base cost. All possible magical effects, their fixe. I
long as he remains anywhere in their plane of existence.
costs (for demons), and the limits for individual demon types are
Demogorgon can automatically take control of a maximum of 150 given on Table Dla.
Hit Dice of undead of any type if she is within 120 feet of them. How-
The maximum expenditure applies only to Power used to produce
ever, she can only maintain control to a maximum range of 500 miles
magical effects. No limit applies to Power combat.
(about 21 map hexes), and cannot control any undead already con-
A demon must drop its A-M voluntarily when planning to create
trolled by Orcus.
magical effects, and must leave it down if personal effects are to be
Enter/Leave Planes maintained without risking their sudden disappearance.
Any demon may magically enter or leave the Ethereal Plane at will, Demogorgon may use Power from both heads at once. She may ini-
at no Power cost, once (each way) every 24 hours. From the Ether, a tiate two Power attacks per round, and may produce two magical
demon may enter the Astral Plane in the same fashion, or may enter effects per round by using Power. All demons may use Power to create
the Ether from the Astral Plane—again, once (each way) every 24 magical effects while moving or physically attacking.
hours at most, without using Power Points. More frequent magical
travel is certainly possible by standard PP expenditure. Regenerate
All demons regenerate hit points, Power Points, and ability score
Holy Water
losses at standard Immortal rates. The bias of all inner and outer
This substance can damage demons, but (as with all attacks) inflicts
planes (except their Home planes) is hostile, and the rate is thus nor-
only minimum damage, or 1 point per vial. Its use also enrages the
mally only 1 point per day. Darkness, however, provides friendly bias.
demon, who immediately responds by attacking the individual who
A demon who remains within utter darkness, whether normal or mag-
used the holy water to attack it. If others interfere with this attack, the
ical, regenerates at the fastest rate of 1 point per round. The same rate
demon will usually try to pass them, if possible (such as by teleport-
applies to a demon in any Outer Plane of Entropy. No plane or local
ing), rather than fighting its way through them.


condition has neutral bias for demons. Since demons (and other
Immortals) are regenerating creatures, certain weapons may inflict
extra damage against them for this reason.

Saving Throws
Demon forms are vulnerable to both mortal and Immortal attacks
of most types, though certain ones are immune to damage from nor-
mal or silvered weapons. Always apply Immortal saving throws to
demons, even if the attack form is of mortal origin. Demons do not
gain an Immortal save vs. a mortal physical blow which already
inflicts only minimal damage. Refer to Immortal Saving Throws, for
exact figures.

Speak with Anything

Any demon may, at will, speak with any living or undead creature
of any type.

All Immortals of this Sphere gain a + 1 bonus to all rolls for surprise
and initiative, even when in melee with Immortals of other Spheres.

Treasure Type
If the demon has a lair on the Prime Plane for more than 48 hours,
it has accumulated the treasure noted. Multiple demons of one type
may have as much as five times the treasure given, but usually with Howling Demon (Fire Demon, Four-Armed Horror)
many coins. Different types of demons never occupy a single lair.
This bizarre demon form has a wolfs head with long, sharp horns, a
Any demon encountered wandering (whatever the location or plane
large muscular body, but normal human legs. It stands about 9 feet
of existence) may be wearing expensive jewelry and carrying other
tall. It has four arms; two long arms are attached at its shoulders and
items of value. Only very useful and powerful magic items are car-
end in crablike pincers, and two smaller human arms protrude from
ried, as they function occasionally at best, because of the demon's per-
its chest. The small arms are used only in normal activities, never in
sonal Anti-Magic.
The fire demon uses magical fire effects whenever possible, to ham-
Physical Descriptions per or damage opponents. It can produce a fearsome howl, forcing all
Screaming Demon (Air Demon, Winged Fury) within 180 feet to check Morale or flee (PCs are unaffected). In addi-
tion to its two pincer attacks, it may attack with its long, sharp horns
This demon is part bird and part man in form, standing over 8 feet tall as well as a bite. It often howls whenever any of these attacks miss. A
on stork-like legs. Powerful claws adorn humanoid arms. Its feet are tal- four-armed horror can be damaged by magical or silvered weapons,
oned. Its large feathered 30-foot wingspread provides quick flight. If the but not normal ones. Typical ability scores are:
air demon can gain surprise, it Swoops down on one opponent. In a Each Greater Talent: 25-26
Swoop, it attacks with two talons (only), gaining double damage on Wisdom and Dexterity: 7-26 (ld20 + 6)
each hit, and can carry off a man-sized or smaller victim as per the Charisma: 2-13 (Idl2 + 1)
Swoop attack rule (D&D Expert DM book, pg 45). Lacking surprise, it
screams in birdlike fashion as it dives to the attack. In melee it swings
Groaning Demon (Forest Demon, Biter)
both claws, leaps and strikes with its foot talons, and bites as well. A
winged fury can be damaged by any sort of weapon. Abilities include: This is a tall humanoid with the torso and arms of an ape, a boar's
Each Greater Talent: 15-20 (Id6 + 14) head, and goat-like legs. It stands 10 feet tall. Its favorite weapon of
Wisdom and Dexterity: 1-20 (ld20) terror is its groan, a nightmarish resonant sound which causes its vic-
Charisma: 3-10 (Id8 +2) tims to shake uncontrollably, effectively paralyzed, for 1 turn. Victims
of less than 4 Hit Dice get no saving throw. A victim of 4 to 7 + Hit
Croaking Demon (Swamp Demon, Gobbler) Dice may attempt a saving throw vs. Death Ray to avoid the effect,
and any creature with 8 or more Hit Dice is not affected.
This foul, slimy monster looks like a giant humanoid toad, standing The forest demon attacks with two claws and a slavering, poisonous
about 7 feet tall. With surprise, it can lash out with its 10-foot-long bite laden with disease. Even if the victim makes the saving throw vs.
magical tongue and, if it scores a hit, it pulls the victim into its jaws, Poison, avoiding immediate death, the disease still takes effect (no
biting for double damage (automatic hit). It does not use its tongue in saving throw). A diseased victim's wounds cannot be healed until the
normal melee, as that part is easily damaged (AC 5). In melee, the disease is cured. A biter can be hit only by magical weapons. Typical
swamp demon uses two claws and a bite to attack. A gobbler can be ability scores are:
damaged by any weapon. Typical ability scores are:
Each Greater Talent: 26-29 (Id4 + 25)
Each Greater Talent: 9-23 (Id8 + 15) Wisdom and Dexterity: 10-29 (ld20 + 9)
Wisdom and Dexterity: 3-22 (ld20 + 2) Charisma: 3-14(ldl2 + 2)
Charisma: 2-11 (ldlO + 1)


Each Greater Talent: 28-35 (Id8 + 27)

Wisdom and Dexterity: 16-35 (ld20 + 15)
Charisma: 16-35 (ld20 + 15)
Charisma: 14-17 (Id4 +13)

Whispering Demon (Charmer, Gray Deceiver)

This demon is never found with others of its kind, nor with hissing
demons. It prefers to act alone or as the companion of another power-
ful demon. Its natural form is that of a human female with small horns
and great bat-like wings, but this form is rarely seen. It prefers to
appear as an extremely seductive mortal, either male or female and of
any race, as suits its goals. The touch of a gray deceiver causes an
energy drain of 1 level (per round, as applicable), but the victim is
completely unaware of the effect until 1 turn later (if still alive). In
turn, the demon (if damaged) is cured 1-10 hit points and a like
amount of Power Points with each such drain. The demon's spell-like
powers of charm person and hold monster can be used to great advan-
tage in combination with this energy drain effect.
The charmer seeks to dupe its victims by convincing them it is good
Hissing Demon (Water Demon, Destroyer) and innocent, sometimes pretending to be a captive. It relies on false
appearances and treachery. Rather than fighting for itself, it usually
This demon appears either as a 20-foot-long giant poisonous snake or relies on a powerful companion or mistakenly beguiled allies to do the
as part snake, part humanoid. In snake form, it may either bite or spit fighting for it. If forced, however, it can be a formidable opponent on
poison to a 30-foot range. The spit causes blindness unless the victim its own. A whispering demon can be harmed only by weapons of + 2
makes a successful saving throw vs. Poison, and the bite venom is or greater enchantment. Typical ability scores are:
deadly (-4 penalty to the saving throw). Each Greater Talent: 10-15 (Id6 + 9)
The water demon's semi-human form is a six-armed female human Wisdom and Dexterity: 8-15 (Id8 + 7)
torso (about 7 feet tall) atop a 10-foot-long snake body. Each of the six Charisma: 13-24 (Idl2 + 12)
arms may wield any one-handed weapon, and a wide variety of weap-
ons are often used (including swords, whip, net). Furthermore, any The Demon Rulers
pair of hands may instead be used to wield a two-handed weapon. The
demon can change from one form to the other in 1 round, and may use The two following individuals command all the other demons
a spell-like power at the same time. Any weapons used are dropped described in this section. However, they are but two of the many Eter-
when the monster assumes snake form. A destroyer can be damaged nals of this Sphere.
only by magical weapons. Typical ability scores are: Orcus (commonly called The Goat) is commander of all mortals of
Each Greater Talent: 25-32 (Id8 + 24) the Sphere, which includes all undead monsters. He also commands a
Wisdom and Dexterity: 13-32 (ld20 + 12) small body of loyal Immortals of various types. Demogorgon (com-
Charisma: 5-16 (ldl2 + 4) monly called The Child) commands most of the Immortals described
here, and may technically command even Orcus, though great and
Roaring Demon (Mountain Demon, Manslayer) sufficient cause must exist. The two rulers are nearly equal in power.
Orcus is a 4th level Eternal and Demogorgon is a High Eternal.
This fearsome fanged demon has a 12-foot-tall human body. Sharp The following abilities are usable at will by either demon ruler, at
horns protrude 1 foot from each side of its head, and huge leathery no cost in Power: detect magic, detect invisible, know alignment,
wings rise from its back. It is a reasonable creature, and rarely attacks true seeing, read languages, and read magic. Both rulers are tele-
by surprise, preferring to allow its victims a chance to surrender pathic, able to send and detect thoughts. Both are immune to mind-
totally and unconditionally. If refused, it usually roars. This roaring reading.
instantly summons one or both of two special weapons, a two-handed The demon rulers have all the standard abilities and immunities of
sword of slicing +5, +10 vs. humans or a whip of draining with the other demons, and are also immune to poison, paralysis, turn to
same bonuses. See the D&D Companion Set for details on slicing and stone, and fear. They can be harmed only by weapons of + 3 or
draining abilities, and the attack forms of a whip. Either weapon greater enchantment.
appears in the demon's hand when summoned (as the 7th level magic- These Eternals and all other Eternals of this Sphere possess Aura.
user spell summon object), but automatically vanishes if dropped or The physical forms described here are those most commonly
taken from the demon, returning to the demon's Home Plane. It can employed by the demon princes. However, both commonly shape-
use either of these weapons one-handed, and may use both at once. change to any form convenient to their purposes. All of Orcus' ability
The mountain demon likes to perch on high peaks or crags, both for scores are 90; all of Demogorgon's are 95.
tactical reasons and to assume a commanding position. It can speak Instead of the standard random Call Other ability of all demons,
quite convincingly, and may use a spell-like power at the same time. It each ruler may choose the types of creatures to be Called, with vary-
possesses leadership and domination abilities; its great power and ing chances of success (as listed on Table D3). If a Gargantuan is cho-
Charisma enable it to convince or force even the most rampant cha- sen, roll d% to determine the exact type responding, and refer to
otics to cooperate. A manslayer can be damaged only by magic weap- Table D4. Unlike other demons, a demon ruler may Call many lesser
ons of + 2 or greater enchantment. Typical ability scores are: demons.


Table D5 gives statistics for the Special Followers which may damage or entanglement), but any hit causes an energy drain of 1-4
respond to a Call from a demon ruler. A page reference is given for levels (for mortal character types) or Hit Dice (for monsters). Any
each normal-sized creature; " B " (D&D Basic Set) and " C " (D&D Immortal struck loses 1 Hit Die permanently (and the corresponding
Companion Set) listings refer to the DM rulebooks in those sets. More amount of PP, hit points, etc.), and must successfully save vs. Power
detailed statistics are given for gargantuan followers; see the Compan- Drain or lose 100 PP permanently. Each tentacle hit inflicts a horrible
ion Set (DM rulebook, pg. 32) for other details on these creatures. rot (no saving throw) which destroys one-fourth of the victim's (origi-
Their energy drains do not increase in power. Level-draining gargan- nal) hit points immediately and permanently. Only a wish will permit
tuans (wights, wraiths, and spectres) can only be created or Called by curing of this damage. The blow affects mortals and Immortals
a demon ruler, not by any mortal or lesser Immortal. equally (but an Immortal can create a new, undamaged form at a later
OTCUS (The Goat, Master of the Dead, Lord of Darkness, The
Black Prince) This unique demon can create two magical effects in a single round,
one with each head. Either head can instead be used to gaze to a 120-
This demon's normal form is a 15-foot-tall fat goat-like humanoid. foot maximum range, producing a special effect as follows. The left
His two great curled ram's horns are his most recognizable feature. head's gaze can charm any mortal; the right head's gaze causes insan-
His arms are giant-sized but very human. His legs are goatlike, with ity for 1-6 turns. Either effect may be avoided if a successful saving
split hooves. When willing to fight personally (a rare event), he uses throw vs. Spells is made. Both gazes can also affect Immortals, caus-
any convenient weapons, wielding one in each hand, and swings his ing a permanent drain of 1-6 ability score points. The left head affects
deadly poisonous barbed tail (-6 penalty to saving throws) as well. Wisdom, and the right, Intelligence. The Immortal may attempt to
Any Immortal struck by Orcus' tail loses 1 Hit Die permanently (with save vs. Mental Attack for each gaze, and success indicates that the
a corresponding loss of Power, hit points, etc.), and must successfully effect is avoided.
save vs. Power Drain or temporarily lose 3 more. Temporary losses of If Demogorgon does not create any magical effects in a round, both
Hit Dice are restored automatically when the victim's PP total regen- heads may gaze in unison while twisting about. Against mortals, this
erates enough to reflect this. If Orcus is not at full Power when this has the net effect of charming up to 300 Hit Dice of creatures within a
occurs, he absorbs the victim's permanent Power losses (in the same 120-foot radius. A mortal victim with 30 or more Hit Dice or levels of
way that a magical cure restores hit points). experience may attempt a saving throw vs. Spells to avoid the effect,
but with a -5 penalty to the roll. For mortal characters, use levels, not
Demogorgon (The Child, Bane of Souls, The Lizard King, The Hit Dice. Mortal victims with less than 30 levels or Hit Dice (includ-
Dark Lady) ing all demi-humans) have no saving throw. All charmed victims will
obey Demogorgon's commands for 1 turn, but of course will not per-
This demon often polymorphs into the form of a human child, appar- form any self-destructive activity. This double-gaze attack affects all
ently the essence of youth and innocence. When she chooses to fight, Immortals in range as if each victim were attacked by both gazes.
however, she assumes her normal form—an 18-foot-tall reptilian Demogorgon can affect a mixed group of mortals and Immortals
monster, with two monkey heads atop sinewy necks, two great tenta- simultaneously with this attack form.
cles in place of arms, and a forked tail. She can attack with one tail and
both tentacles each round. The tail can strike as if a whip (either for


Reference Tables: All Demons

Table Dl: Magical Effects Table D2: Call Other (Lesser Demons)
Produced by Demons Find the demon Calling on the top row. Roll ldlOO to check the chance of success in Calling,
Dla. Limits to Magical Effects, by Demon given below each type. If a response is indicated, roll again and find the demon type which
Type responds in the appropriate column.
Maximum PP Expenditure
Calling Demon
Demon Type for Magical Effects
Scream Croak Howl Groan Hiss Roar Whisper Demon
Whispering 8 10% 20% 30% 60% 50% 70% 40% Responding
Screaming 8 01-95 01-20 01-13 01-12 01-08 01-02 01 Screaming
Croaking 14 96-99 21-95 14-40 13-30 09-20 03-05 02-03 Croaking
Howling 20 00 96-99 41-91 31-55 21-37 06-25 04-06 Howling
Groaning 26 00 92-99 56-88 38-60 26-90 07-65 Groaning
Hissing 32
00 89-95 61-90 91-95 — Hissing
Roaring 38
96-98 91-97 — 66-97 Roaring
Orcus 40
99-00 — 96-97 — Whispering
Demogorgon 40
98-99 98-99 98-99 Orcus
00 00 00 Demogorgon
D l b . All Magical Effects Usable by
Immortals of the Sphere of Entropy (See
Inside back cover for table Dlb.)

Tables D3-D7: Call Other (Orcus and Demogorgon) Table D5: Special Followers (Orcus and Demogorgon
Choose one of the four categories on Table D3 and roll ldlOO to check
the success of the Call. Refer to Table D4 for demons responding, or Select one type only, and roll to determine the number appearing. The
Tables D5, D6, and D7 for Special Followers. response is automatic (100% success).
Orcus Demogorgon
Table D3: Demons Responding 3-30 Mummys 4-24 Horned Chameleons
2-20 Spectres 3-18 Tuatara Lizards
Chance of success for... 2-12 Vampires 3-12 Wyverns
Possible Responders Orcus Demogorgon 1-6 Phantoms 2-8 Purple Worms
A. Hissing or Roaring Demon 50 55% 1-3 Spirits 1-4 Small Dragons
B. Croaking, Groaning, 1 Nightshade 1-2 Dragon Turtles
Screaming, or Howling Demon 80 85% 1 Gargantuan 1 Gargantuan Snake
C. Whispering Demon 90 95% Undead (See Table D6) or Lizard (See Table D6)
D. Special Follower 100 100%

Table D4: Demons Appearing to Orcus' or Demo- Table D6: Type of Gargantuan Responding (Orcus
gorgon's Call Only and Demogorgon Only)
Roll ldlOO and refer to the appropriate column as determined by the Orcus d% Demogorgon
cnoice made on laiDie U J . use lat)ie LJD tor cinoice u (op<eciai roi- Skeleton 01-28 Spitting Cobra
lower). Zombie 29-51 Pit Viper
Ghoul 52-69 Gecko
Responder Number A B c 70-83 Rattlesnake
Croaking 2-5 01-20 Wight
Wraith 84-93 Python
Groaning 1-3 21-70 Mummy 94-99 Horned Chameleon
Hissing 1-3 01-35
00 Tuatara
Howling 1-4 71-95 Spectre
Roaring 1 36-00 01-02
Screaming 2-5 96-00
Whispering 1 03-00


Table D7: Statistics of Special Followers

D7a. Normal Followers
Demogorgon Orcus
Dragon (small): B28; AC 2/1/-1/-2; HD 7** to 1 1 " ; MV 907240' Mummy: X54; AC 3; HD 5 + 1*'; MV 60'; THACO 14; AT 1
flying; THACO 13/12/11/10; AT 2 claws/1 bite ( + breath); choose touch; Dmg Idl2 + disease
any Chaotic (Black, Green, Red, Brown) Nightshade: HD 20 to 30
Dragon Turtle: C31; AC -2; HD 30*; MV 90730' swimming; Phantom: C35; HD 10*** to 12'**
THACO 0; AT 2 claws/1 bite (+breath); Dmg ld8/ld8/10d6 Spectre: X56; AC 2; HD 6**; MV 1507300' flying; THACO 14;
Horned Chameleon: B32; AC 2; HD 5*; MV 1207THACO 15; AT AT 1 touch; Dmg Id8 + drain (2 levels)
1 bite/1 horn; Dmg 2d4/ld6 Spirit: C37; HD 14**** to 18****
Purple Worm: X55; AC 6; HD 15'; MV 60'; THACO 8; AT 1 bite/ Vampire: X57; AC 2; HD 7** to 9**; MV 1207180' flying; THACO
1 tail; Dmg 2d8/ld8+ poison 13; AT 1 touch; Dmg ldlO + drain (2 levels)
Tuatara Lizard: B32; AC 4; HD 6; MV 90'; THACO 14; AT 2
Nightshade, Phantom or Spirit: Refer to the monster description for
claws/1 bite; Dmg Id4/ld4/2d6
details. Randomly select one of the three possible types of each crea-
•Wyvern: X57; AC 3; HD 7*; MV 907240' flying; THACO 13; AT 1
bite/ 1 tail; Dmg2d8/ld6+ poison

D7b. Gargantuan Followers

Cobra 7 8** 180' 12 1 bite 3d4 + poison 1,750
Gecko 5 25* 240' 3 1 bite 4d8 9,500
Ghoul 6 16" 180' 7 2 claw/1 bite 3d4/3d4/3d4 + paralysis 3,250
Chameleon 2 40" 240' 3 2 bites 4d8/4d6 20,750
Mummy 3 41*** 120' 2 1 touch 4dl2 + disease 28,500
Pit Viper 6 16** 180' 7 lbite 2d8 + poison 3,250
Python 6 40" 180' 2 1 bite/1 squeeze 2d8/4d8 20,750
Rattler 5 32" 240' 2 2 bites 2d8/2d8 + poison 14,750
Skeleton 7 8* 120' 12 1 weapon 4d6 1,200
Spectre 2 48"* 300' 2 1 touch 4d8 + energy drain (2) 35,500
Tuatara 4 48* 180' 2 2 daw/1 bite 2d8/2d8/6d8 26,750
Wight 5 24" 180' 3 1 touch Id4 + energy drain (1) 8,750
Wraith 3 32*** 240' 2 1 touch 4d6 + energy drain (1) 19,500
Zombie 8 16* 180' 7 1 claw 4d8 2.300


Diabolus amount spent cartwheeling.

Sphere: None Resistances: Each diabolus saves either as a normal man or as its
Status: Mortal corresponding character class and level. All other resistances applica-
Power Points: None ble to mortal humans apply also to the diaboli.
Anti-Magic: 100% (vs. normals) or 0 A diabolus' base Armor Class is 8, slightly better than a normal
human's because of natural defensive skills (gaining + 2 to their AC).
Armor Class: 8 (base; see below) Diaboli wear various types of armor and can thus improve their base
Hit Dice: 1 to 9 AC to a maximum of -3 (with shield and their equivalent of suit
Move: 120'(40') (and see below) armor).
Attacks: 1 bite or weapon/1 tail All diaboli are utterly unaffected by magical effects produced by
Damage: 1-6 or 1-10/1-4 + special creatures from the Normal dimension. Similarly, magical effects of
No. Appearing: Any diabolic origin cannot affect normals. No immunity or exceptional
Save As: Character class and level resistance applies to magical effects of Immortal origin.
Morale: Any
Treasure Type: Any Habits: The diaboli are a cheerful, well-meaning race. As with most
Alignment: Any (mostly Chaotic) Nightmare creatures, they believe that Chaos is the natural disorder
XP Value: By class and level of all things, and they try to bring its joys to all who are receptive to
such ideas. They do not generally force their beliefs on those who dis-
Description: The diaboli are a humanoid race of Nightmare crea- dain them.
tures, of sizes equal to the range found in humans. Diaboli have well- Diabolic interrelations and culture are similar to humans' in many
muscled arms and legs, and their skin is bright red, shiny, and ways, but strikingly different in others. They promote chaos, chance,
hairless. Their feet have split hooves like a pig' s, and their hands have and inspiration, viewing order, laws, and disciplines as evil. They do
only three fingers each but are otherwise entirely human. The pupils practice customs, though a chaotic society, but each time a custom is
of their eyes are vertical slits, similar to certain reptiles. The nose is practiced, it changes slightly. The diaboli have no set organization or
usually longer and lumpier than a human's. A long, forked tongue, rulers, of course, but they seem to manage very well without them.
another reptilian feature, is equipped with the various senses of smell,
sound, and heat detection. Two small horns protrude from the top of Background: Though both are native to the Prime Plane, the
the head, but these are merely vestigial remains from early evolution, human and diaboli worlds are separate. The segregation is further
and are nearly useless. Each diabolus has a tail just slightly longer aided by the opposed dimensional viewpoints of the races, as they thus
than its legs. have only one dimension in common. Although diaboli have existed
The diaboli are natives of the Prime Plane, but live in fifth dimen- for nearly as long as mankind, contact is extremely rare. Diaboli are
sional space, a space made up of the third, fourth, and fifth dimension aware of the existence of other planes, but only visit them occasionally
and referred to as the dimension of Nightmare. The homeworld(s) of by using magic. They strongly prefer their homeworlds.
player characters are near to, but never coincide with, those of the The diaboli have little interest in war or weaponry, and follow a
diaboli. Because of the alien perspective of the dimension of Night- strict moral code of non-interference. Their technological base is far
mare, creatures from Normal space view Nightmare creatures as hid- more primitive than man's, but their art forms, generosity, philoso-
eous monsters, even as the peaceful diaboli view Normal creatures as phy, and tolerant attitudes surpass those of humankind.
grotesque monstrosities. Some few diaboli explorers have encountered humans on rare occa-
sions, and mutual horror was the natural result. Human legends have
Abilities and Limits: Diaboli abilities are mostly identical to those exaggerated these events, and the diaboli are thus much feared and
of normal men. Adventurous adult diaboli advance through the same maligned. They tell similar tales to their own young, describing the
character classes as those available to humans, and gain exactly the horrible hairy beings who invent all manner of tools to ensure the
same abilities thereby. Diaboli are slightly more physically capable destruction of all life. Some diaboli religions maintain that humans
than humans, and can attack with bite and tail if no weapons are are agents of evil. The misunderstandings will probably never be
available. The tail is poisonous even to other Nightmare creatures, resolved on either side.
and a victim stung by the tail must save or be paralyzed for 1-6
Some diaboli have achieved Immortality by following routes very
rounds. All diaboli are immune to this venom.
similar to those available to humans and demi-humans. However,
The preferred tool of all adult diaboli is a barbless trident with an their Chaotic nature makes most diaboli unsuited to long periods
elongated handle. This can be used to attack (damage 1-10 plus within the Immortal hierarchy. They may be found in every Sphere,
strength bonus), but may also be used to communicate, enhance but are generally looked upon with suspicion.
movement, and defend. If a diabolus does not attack in a round, it
The mortal diaboli are constantly watched and tended by the
may defend with the trident, gaining a -5 bonus to its Armor Class.
Immortals who consider them to be a viable alternative source for
The trident can be used for silent but quite detailed communication,
Immortals if the primary experiment with humans fails—should the
using a system of twirling and other motions understood by all adult
overly aggressive humans eventually succeed in their apparently self-
diaboli. By using both its tail and its trident, a diabolus can use a form
destructive goals. The diaboli are unaware of all this, of course, and
of acrobatic cartwheel movement at double the normal running rate,
though they may eventually mature and inherit control of the multi-
or 240 feet per round. The diabolus must concentrate when using this
verse, they will not (as a race) be ready for this responsibility for many
maneuver, and thus no other action is possible at the same time. Cart-
wheel movement incurs the same fatigue as running and it can be
maintained for 30 rounds (5 minutes) at most, and must be followed
by rest. The amount of time required for rest equals six times the


a standard Wisdom check (unmodified and using ldlOO). If the check

succeeds, the viewer sees the draeden's true form. All those failing the
check believe that they see the deadliest, most invulnerable being
imaginable. For most Immortals, draedens appear to be huge and
powerful enemies from the Sphere of Entropy, usually Eternals or
Hierarchs. Mortal humans and demi-humans usually see them as
huge dragons.
If a draeden encounters matter it usually tries to eat it. The draeden
may choose either a bite or swallow attack for each of its mouths, and
may thus attack up to 20 different opponents with each end of its body.
The flexible strands may reach far to each side, to a maximum range
of one-third the creature's total length. A target cannot be swallowed
if it measures more than 1,000 feet in any dimension. A draeden will
not knowingly swallow anything that could pose a threat thereafter,
preferring to bite until the target is dead.
A simple bite attack inflicts 1-100 points of damage. A swallow
attack inflicts only 1-10 points initially, but the target takes 1-100
points per round thereafter from the monster's acidic digestive fluids.
The draeden's interior is AC -10.
The creature has a Power ability believed to be unique to its race.
By expending only 5 PP, a draeden can reproduce the exact type and
strength of any incoming Power attack. In play, this new form of
Draeden Power attack is called "Reflect." Example: An Immortal declares a
Sphere: Thought Power attack against the draeden. The DM chooses to Reflect. What-
Status: Empyreal or Eternal ever force and type of attack is revealed by the attacker, the DM
Power Points: 30 per HD (3,030-6,000) reveals an identical effect and force, but only deducts 5 PP as the cost
Anti-Magic: 99% to the monster.
Immortals cannot use, learn, or otherwise duplicate Reflect as a
Armor Class: -20 Power combat option.
Hit Dice: 101-200 Draedens can also employ all normal options of Power combat if
Move: 18 miles (6 miles) they so choose. They may create all magical effects by using Power,
Attacks: Up to 40 blows but rarely do so. A draeden can cross any dimensional or planar
Damage: 1-100 each boundary by expending 10 PP. If seriously threatened, a draeden will
No. Appearing: 1 usually use magic to escape across dimensions or planar boundaries if
Save As: Immortal of equivalent PP total (Novice possible.
Empyreal to Eternal 1) Draedens sense their surroundings in some unknown way which
Morale: 11 cannot be blocked by any known means, magical or otherwise. They
Treasure Type: Special can use their mouths to speak any language they encounter. They
Alignment: Chaotic regenerate PP, hit points, and ability scores at maximum rate (1 per
XP Value: 101 HD: 7,587,500 (756 PP) round), in all environments, planes, and dimensions.
150 HD: 16,904,800 (1,690 PP)
200 HD: 30,126,500 (3,012 PP) Resistances: A draeden's high Armor Class and ability scores, 99%
A-M, and unique Power ability serve to protect it from most attack
Description: Draedens are feared and respected by all who are forms. It cannot be affected by normal weapons or poison, but has no
aware of their existence. A draeden's true but rarely-seen appearance other special immunities. A draeden saves as if it were a Novice
is a cluster of 20 tubular strands, all symmetrically attached at a cen- Empyreal, although it is apparently mortal. If they are Immortal, the
tral node and fanning out at both ends. Each strand has a mouth at Home Planes of the draeden are among the infinite number of Outer
each end, and contains a digestive passage leading to the central node. planes as yet unexplored by the Immortals. (The discovery of one
The node is the equivalent of a stomach, and contains several thou- would be an event of the greatest magnitude, but even after millions of
sand boulders to aid digestion. These boulders range in size from 1-20 years of nearly constant searching, the Immortals have not succeeded
feet, and are made of solid diamond, worn to perfect smoothness by in doing so.)
the acidic fluids. A draeden's intelligence resides throughout a neural
network that spans most of the form. The creature's total length is Habits: Draedens despise all elemental material, and dislike the sub-
about 1,000 feet per Hit Die. The width at the central node is 10% of stance of the Ethereal and Astral planes. They prefer to wander the
the total length. depths of perfect vacuum, especially those of the Prime and Elemental
Although the six standard ability scores are inappropriate for planes.
describing this life form, treat each as maximum for Immortals (100). Draedens usually avoid Immortals and their projects, but are occa-
No ability score modifiers apply to a draeden's attacks in melee. sionally encountered randomly. They sometimes attack Immortal
Draedens have no Aura, but can understand Aura communication projects for no apparent reason. Many Immortals have chosen to
used by Immortals. abandon minor projects rather than confront the offending draedens.
Such attacks are very rare, as a state of truce technically exists
Abilities and Limits: Each creature who sees a draeden must make between the Immortals and this fearsome race.


These creatures are very rarely encountered, and almost always Prime Plane, and thus always bring several attendants and allies when
travel singly. The only known instances of multiple draeden appear- visiting.
ing have occurred when they deliberately gather to attack some
Immortal outpost or project. As many as 20 draeden have united in Habits: Each of the dragon rulers has its own Home Plane. Immor-
this way at least once in the distant past. No event of this type has tals generally refer to this group of four adjacent Outer Planes as the
occurred for over 200 million years. Draconian Cluster, or simply the Four. They welcome visitors who
are well-behaved. But woe to the disrespectful invader who may be
Obviously of incredibly high intelligence, draedens sometimes
attacked by thousands of dragons at once!
agree to negotiation if opponents are numerous and of Immortal sta-
Each plane of the four is populated by the disembodied spirits of all
tus. However, they are quite arrogant and self-centered, and may
dragons that have died in the past. All those of a single alignment stay
suddenly reject all proposals for no apparent reason.
within the plane of their ruler. The largest, bravest, most mature
Background: Draedens are the descendants of beings that existed dragons—the draconian equivalent of epic heroes—earn the privilege
before the Immortals, beings who may have actually created part or of serving and living with the Great One. The dragon populations of
all of the multiverse. Their exact population is unknown, but num- each plane are approximately equal.
bers at least 1,000. Draedens still consider the entire multiverse to be Once every 20 hours on the Outer Planes each spirit dragon can
their domain. When Immortals assumed the responsibility for all of assume its original mortal form for up to 1 turn. Dragon spirits are
existence, the draedens became resentful. But after long strife and reincarnated in mortal form once every 10,000 years and inhabit
negotiations, they agreed to peace. They plan to outlast their enemies every Inner plane and many Outer planes. Dragon spirits bear no
by simply waiting until the Immortals destroy themselves, leaving the grudges against the slayers of their former mortal forms.
multiverse to the draedens once again. Dragons never attack draeden for any reason, and those creatures
treat dragons with the same respect.
Dragon Ruler Background: Immortals believe that dragons and draedens are
Name Status XP Value vs. Immortal closely related, despite the extreme differences in their physical forms
opponents and abilities. Dragons certainly predate Immortals, as they were neu-
Pearl, the Moondragon Temporal 4 349,750 (34 PP) tral bystanders during the great Draeden-Immortal war of the distant
Opal, the Sundragon Celestial 2 438,500 (43 PP) past. Dragons consider history to be irrelevant; they merely exist, ful-
Diamond, the Stardragon Celestial 5 526,000 (52 PP) filling their function in the multiverse. They are party of the natural
The Great Dragon Eternal 5 846,500 (84 PP) cycle of life. They provide a challenge to mortals to strive toward
greatness in Immortality.
Description: The rulers of dragonkind are described in the D&D
Master Set (MDM pages 28-29). As noted there, all are Immortal. Elemental Creatures
Dragons and dragon rulers are not affiliated with any one Sphere.
The dragon rulers do not progress within any hierarchy; all the statis- Some of the elemental beings described in previous sets are capable of
tics given are unvarying. reaching Immortality. This is very rare, but possible.
Each type of elemental material corresponds to a single Sphere.
Abilities and Limits: The dragon rulers have no Power Points, but Elemental races that are not true Elementals are thus limited to
are completely unaffected by Power. Any opponent using a Power Immortal status within their corresponding Spheres. The routes to
attack against a dragon ruler deducts the amount of PP chosen for the Immortality for these creatures are somewhat different from those
attack form used, but then immediately realizes that the attack had no available to player characters, but are not detailed here.
effect, although no responding attack occurs. Probes used against Normal Elementals are not ambitious, and cannot reach this level.
them produce normal results. The creatures cannot shield themselves Elemental rulers (described in the D&D Master Set) are content to
against probes. serve as lords of their own kind. Their lifespans are so long that they
If a dragon ruler's form is slain on any plane but its Home, its life see no reason to follow the difficult route to Immortality. But each race
force returns to the Home Plane, just as that of any Immortal. Each of elementals has an Immortal sponsor and protector. These beings,
ruler has the ability to create a new physical form by destroying the are called the elemasters.
spirit of one loyal follower and converting the resulting essence. Some exceptional individuals of other races native to the elemental
Although this totally destroys the victim, the dragon spirits of the planes do seek and occasionally achieve Immortality. These races are
Home Plane find it a great honor to sacrifice themselves for their described in the D&D® Companion Set, and include the haouu and sshai
liege. It is a joyous occasion, not a sad one. Luckily, it is rarely neces- (air), horde-beings and kryst (earth), helions (fire), and hydrax and
sary, as the dragon rulers care deeply for their subjects and avoid dam- undines (water). Of the noteworthy djinn (air) and efreet (fire), only their
age whenever possible. rulers, the pashas and amirs (respectively), may strive for Immortality.
Resistances: These beings have no A-M. In addition to the previ- These beings are not described in this set. If you wish to include
ously published spell and weapon immunities, they are immune to them in your Immortal games, use the same procedures for convert-
certain magical effects of Immortal origin. Lesser dragon rulers are ing mortal characters to Immortal status (Players Book, page 14) to
immune to magical effects for which the base cost is 7 PP or less; the the monster descriptions, and add powers as needed. All of these crea-
Great Dragon is immune to effect which costs 15 PP or less. The base tures have mental ability scores, usually in the same range as mortal
cost is always used to determine immunities, never the total cost. characters. Their physical scores are 1-6 points greater than humans'.
Dragon rulers save as their Immortal status equivalents (given on Note that special abilities, including spell effects, are lost as the wider
the chart above) against attacks of Immortal origin. On any plane but Immortal powers are gained.
the Prime, they may likewise save to reduce the damage from any Notes on another elemental creature, the phoenix, appear on page
physical attack by half. They do not enjoy this benefit when on the 46.


Elemaster _ Immortals tolerate them for this reason and for fear that, if sufficiently
irritated, an elemaster may upset the balance of the elements in the
Sphere: Element equivalent Prime plane.
Status: Hierarch 2
Power Points: 12,000
Anti-Magic: 90%
Armor Class: -18 Sphere: Energy
Status: Mortal
Hit Dice: 42
Power Points: 100-1,000 (ldlOxlOO)
Move: As Immortal
Anti-Magic: 100% (None vs. Energy effects)
Attacks: 4 fist strikes
Damage: Up to 100 (each) Armor Class: None
No. Appearing: 1 (unique) Hit Dice: 9
Save As: Hierarch 2 Move: Any (see below)
Morale: Special Attacks: None (Power only)
Treasure Type: Special Damage: None
Alignment: Neutral No. Appearing: 1-4
XP Value: 9,539,250 (953 PP) Save As: N/A
Morale: 9
Description: The elemasters are high-ranking aides who directly
Treasure Type: Nil
serve the Full Hierarchs of the Spheres. They represent and rule all of
Alignment: Chaotic
the elementals of the multiverse.
An elemaster's normal form is similar to its elemental type, but 20 XP Value: 8.600
feet tall. It is able to shrink or grow at will, to a minimum height of one Description: A flicker is a being composed entirely of light energy. It
inch, and a maximum of 300 feet. This ability is innate, non-magical, appears as a strand of multi-colored light. This strand is only ik inch
and requires no Power expenditure. in diameter, but a number of feet long equal to the creature's Intelli-
gence score.
Abilities and Limits: An elemaster can use all forms of Power com-
One end of the light strand moves in a complex path within a small
bat, and may expend Power to create any magical effect within its
space (about 100 cubic feet), and the rest of the strand appears to fol-
Sphere, at half normal cost (rounded up). Elemasters may create
low the leading end's path. Movement may be very slow or extremely
effects of other Spheres, but at 10 times the usual cost (cumulative
rapid—indeed, as fast as light itself. The creature may thus appear to
with the multiplier for dominance).
normal vision as a glowing symbol or as a written word.
The elemasters' normal forms are carefully designed and expensive
The maximum movement rate of a flicker is half that of an incor-
to create so they are careful to avoid this destruction if possible. Each
poreal Immortal—63,360 feet (12 miles) per round. Flickers usually
has the full ability scores of the elemaster, all of which are 75 ( + 13
choose to move much more slowly, at rates similar to those of other life
modifier). Each elemaster has standard Aura power. Any ability score
forms nearby, unless seriously threatened. They may accelerate to full
check manipulating the represented element is never penalized for
speed instantly.
difficulty (though bonuses for ease apply frequently). For example, if
the Earthmaster tries to hurl an asteroid with a mass of billions of tons Abilities and Limits: These creatures have minds similar to those of
at an opponent, the base 75% chance of success (equal to its Strength Immortals, with Intelligence and Wisdom scores ranging from 17-28
score) applies without penalty. (Idl2 + 16). They may use all forms of Power combat, but cannot cre-
Though of "trainee Hierarch" status, the elemasters cannot prog- ate any magical effect. They have learned to use Power to cross planar
ress further, and can never become Full Hierarchs. boundaries (50 PP cost), but in a unique non-magical way. Power loss
or usage regenerates at standard rates.
Resistances: The elemasters have 90% A-M, but usually negate it if
Since flickers have no material forms, the abilities and statistics
they plan to create magical effects. They are completely immune to all
dependent thereon do not apply to these creatures. They actually do
mortal magic. They are immune to magical effects of Immortal origin
not sense matter in any way, and are able to move through it with
that have a base cost of 15 PP or less. In addition, they are unaffected
by all mind attacks except direct ability score attacks, all magic that
could cause instant death (including disintegrate), and blows from Resistances: Flickers are completely immune to the effects of matter,
weapons of +4 or lesser enchantment. All standard Immortal saving time, thought, and all magical effects other than those of Energy. For
throws apply as well. each full round that a flicker remains within fire or any magical
energy effect, the creature may either regenerate damage or perma-
Habits: The business of the elemasters is primarily administrative,
nently gain 1 Power Point (to a maximum of 1,000 PP). Flickers do
as their realms are vast. They spend much of this time visiting and
not otherwise regenerate, and are not classified as regenerating crea-
examining their subjects, often stifling their auras and masquerading
as young elementals. The local rulers of the elemental planes (detailed
in the D&D Master Set) are aware of this, and never shirk their Habits: Flickers communicate with each other by the patterns
duties, lest they be under secret observation. formed by their movements. These patterns can be understood by
Immortals (in a manner similar to that used in Aura communication),
Background: The elemasters achieved Immortality long ago, and
or by anyone using read magic.
now protect their exalted positions by preventing any other true Ele-
mentals from reaching Immortal status. They are vain and self-
centered, but extremely powerful and superb at their tasks. The


A flicker's mood can be detected without magical aid. Its patterns Some of the first beings encountered by new Immortal player char-
contain smooth, flowing lines when the creature is happy or peaceful. acters are their peers, the other Initiates and Temporals of their
The patterns become jagged and irregular as the flicker's excitement Spheres. Draw on your experience as a Dungeon Master, simply
or irritation increases. Color is another good indicator of mood, but recast old but memorable personalities in these new roles. By using
the meanings of all the subtle hues of which the creature is capable are characters that were portrayed by former players, or those provided in
difficult to interpret fully. some published game adventures, you can create NPCs with person-
This life form is common in the Astral Plane, and occasionally alities and who are also driven by understandable motivations. Intro-
found in Outer Planes of Energy and the Elemental Plane of Fire. duce them with care, for unlike the low-level NPCs whose exit can be
Flickers do not enter any other plane voluntarily, and die immediately as hasty and ill-planned as their entrance, these NPCs may be around
if forced to do so unless carefully protected by total immersion in fire for a while—possibly forever!
or energy. Everyone likes to know who's in charge, and new PC Immortals
will be no exception. Thus, select Hierarchs for the Spheres before
Background: This race began, long ago, in the Home Plane of an
you start play. If you use a blend of various myths, the following indi-
Immortal of Energy. They developed intelligence through evolution,
viduals are recommended. They are vague enough to be unpredicta-
and eventually learned to leave their own plane. Their existance is
ble, but are similar to the major figures of ancient myths. For any
well-known to Immortals, many of whom treat them (somewhat
Hierarch, all powers and ability scores should be at maximum level.
insultingly) as pets.
Finally, be sure to assign positions to the names of Immortals that
players recall as being creators of the Known Artifacts. Thier person-
alities should be appropriate to their sphere. The powers and ability
scores of these lesser Immortals should be typical for their respective
Sphere of Matter
Full Hierarch: Mother Earth, Terra, Djaea
Hierarch 3: Ouranos (creator of the Sakkrad)
Eternal 5: Maat (creator of Ivory Plume)
Empyreal 2: Wayland (creator of Armet)
Celestial 3: Ilmarinen (creator of Automoton)
Sphere of Energy
Full Hierarch: Light, Pyro, Solarios
Empyreal 3: The Korrigans (9 elves, creator of the Comb)
Empyreal 1: Ninsun (creator of Glaring Eye)
Celestial 3: Saturnius (creator of Pileus)
Celestial 4: Idraote (creator of Girdle)
Sphere of Time
Full Hierarch: Father Time, Grim Reaper, Khoronus
Empyreal 5: Verthandi (creator of Invincible Hourglass)
Celestial 3: Simurgh (creator of the Claw)
Celestial 2: Hymir (creator of Steaming Cauldron)
Sphere of Thought
Full Hierarch: News, Noumena
Immortals Eternal 2: Tyche (creator of Diamond Orb)
As Dungeon Master, you may wish to create a roster of some or all of Empyreal 4: Ssu-Ma (creator of Tome)
the 2,000 Immortals of the five Spheres of power. By creating your Celestial 1: Sinbad (creator of Rainbow Scarf)
own list and populating the Immortal hierarchy with individuals of Sphere of Entropy
your own design, you have a free hand. You may wish to research and
Full Hierarch: Night, Old Nick, Nyx
use the beings of classic Greek myths, or you may prefer the Roman to
Eternal 3: Masauwu (creator of Fiery Brand)
populate your courts of Immortals. You will find much of mythologi-
Celestial 3: Skuld (creator of Ortnit's lance)
cal interest in the tales of ancient Scandinavia, or you may prefer an
entirely original creation of fantastic beings of your own invention. Not all Immortals of Entropy are demons. The ranks of demons are
Or you may wish to mix several myths together, as we have done in merely one group of this Sphere's population.
presenting the "known" artifacts of the D&D Master Set. By choos-
ing your own path, you avoid the pitfall of the player who reads the
details of a published roster and acts according to knowledge of which
the character would be ignorant.
All that is given here is a starting point. The game details for NPC
Immortals of every level are the same as those for PCs, so refer to the
appropriate Tables and other sections when you need such informa-


PP to regain control.
For each successful time-jump it causes, ajumper is cured of 5 hp of
damage and regains 5 PP. These are applied in the same manner as
normal cures, only restoring hp or PP lost or expended, to a maxi-
mum of the creature's original totals.
The creature may ignore any victim who is jumped ahead in time,
as its attacks can only inflict damage to the uninhabited form, and
produce no curative effect on the jumper. The jump effect is produced
only by the creature's will, and can be omitted from the attack if the
jumper chooses not to use it.
Jumpers may use all forms of Power combat, but they fear such
attacks because they have so little power. If their motives for attacking
are strong, they may Wrap defensively while continuing their assault.
Jumper ability scores are all typically 21 to 26. They cannot create
magical effects. They move by very rapid but non-magical flying, and
communicate by telepathy.
Resistances: Jumpers are completely unaffected by most magic, but
have no special resistance to magical effects of their own Sphere of
Jumper Time. Standard saving throws apply, made as if the jumpers were Ini-
Sphere: Time tiate Immortals. Despite this, they are entirely mortal.
Status: Mortal Habits: Jumpers are thieves whose self-interest is always para-
Power Points: 5 per Hit Die mount. They may be hired for payment in time units, usually
Anti-Magic: 100% (or None vs. Time magic) demanding 5-50 days per mission (per jumper). They normally insist
Armor Class: -7 (body) or -2 (arms) on payment before providing service, but they fear Immortals enough
Hit Dice: 11 to 30 that once paid, they can be relied upon.
Hit points: 5 per Hit Die The payment can be contributed by up to two individuals per
Move: 450'(150') jumper. To collect, the creature gently wraps five arms around the vic-
Attacks: 12 arms (maximum 5 per target) tim, so that no physical damage is inflicted, and then concentrates
Damage: 2-12 each + Special (see below) deeply. The victim (having agreed to the payment) gets no saving
No. Appearing: 1-8 throw, and is suddenly jumped forward by the agreed-upon amount
Save As: Initiate after the jumper concentrates for a few rounds.
Morale: 8 (vs. Immortals) or 11 Ajumper with full PP and hp totals gains 1 Hit Die for each 5 days
Treasure Type: None of time that it eats. It gains a corresponding amount of hp, PP, and
Alignment: Neutral physical size for each Hit Die gained.
XP Value: 11 HD: 7,500
Background: These odd creatures were created by a former Hierarch
20 HD: 16,775 (1 PP)
of the Sphere of Time, who granted them some characteristics of Initi-
.30 HD: 38,750 (3 PP)
ates for their own protection. They thrived and spread quickly, and are
Description: Jumpers are intelligent life forms that feed on time. now common sights on the Outer and Astral planes. When each new
They appear very similar to marine brittle-starfish, with small bodies Immortal of Time gains a Home Plane, a flock of these creatures (3-24,
and long slender arms. Each is far larger than the aquatic version, the each with 11-18 Hit Dice) soon arrive to seek employment. If none are
body measuring about 1 inch across per Hit Die, and the arms 1 foot hired, they may retaliate as a group by stealing something.
per Hit Die. The body has the shape of a dodecahedron (Idl2), and
an arm extends from the center of each of the 12 sides. Megalith
Abilities and Limits: A jumper may use a maximum of five arms Sphere: Matter
against any one victim, but can otherwise attack up to 12 times per Status: Empyreal
round. Though its arm inflicts points of damage, the jumper also Power Points: 5,000
steals time from its victims. Any mortal victim is aged 10-40 years (no Anti-Magic: 75%
saving throw) per hit. Any Immortal struck must save vs. Power
Drain for each blow. If this roll is successful, the character temporar- Armor Class: -5 (core) or + 15 (mantle)
ily loses 1-10 PP. If it fails, the character's life force (only) jumps 5 Hit Dice: Unknown (see below)
rounds forward in time. Move: Constant (see below)
Attacks: See below
In play, this time-jump has a striking effect. The victim's form col-
Damage: See below
lapses, and no trace of life force remains. But unlike a typical physical
death, the life force cannot be found nearby. The life force reappears No. Appearing: 1
in the same location 5 rounds after it vanished. If the body is also Save As: Empyreal 5
there, it animates immediately. If the body is moved during the Morale: 12 +
interim, the life force reappears outside of it. The victim may re- Treasure Type: Self
inhabit the form in the usual way, by moving into it and expending 50 Alignment: See below (Habits)
XP Value: Not applicable


Description: Megaliths are the largest known life forms in the multi- will try to avoid unexpected movements while awake, for such can
verse. They may be related to baaka (q.v.), but are of a greater order damage or destroy the life forms. The active phase lasts for 10,000-
of magnitude, and are as yet classified as a different life form. A mega- 1,000,000 years (ldlOO xl0,000).
lith may, at first sighting, appear to be a planetary body. In its long Near the end of its active cycle, a megalith loses interest in its sur-
dormant phase, it may be indistinguishable from a planet. roundings. It cools its outer parts by rotating with increasing speed,
The smallest known megalith is about 3,000 miles in diameter; the slowing only after all extraneous material (such as water, life forms,
largest, over a million. The average weight of a megalith's form varies etc.) is discarded. It then withdraws its life force to some central point,
from 100 to 500 pounds per cubic foot. Its exact Hit Dice are finally lapsing into a dormant phase (similar to animal hibernation).
unknown, and of no practical use in games, but are believed by During this phase it ignores most activity within, on, and around
Immortals to be about 1 per mile of the creature's diameter. itself, and becomes Chaotic in alignment reacting randomly and
A megalith's body has two distinct parts. Its center, in which the life instinctively. Whether it dreams or not, who can tell.
essence resides, isawarm, solid core weighing almost 20% of the total
Background: All the known megaliths were created at the same time
mass. This core, effectively the creature's brain, is protected by an
as the multiverse. The home planet of all PCs is a megalith, now near-
outer covering of mixed solid and liquid matter. This covering is
ing the midpoint of its active phase. The Immortals made special
called its mantle, and can withstand nearly any imaginable attack due
arrangements with this creature, who is known to them as Urt, before
to its sheer size.
starting to cultivate life forms upon and within it.
Over long periods of time, very thin layers of earth, water, and air col-
lect on the creature's surface. Most transient life forms present during Nightmare Creatures
a megalith's active phase confine themselves to these^added layers,
and rarely penetrate any large fraction of the mantle. Life forms who live in fifth dimensional space comprised of the third,
fourth, and fifth dimension of Nightmare, perceive the five dimen-
Abilities and Limits: In its active phase, a megalith can use all sions in a way exactly opposite to the human viewpoint. These are
forms of Power attacks, and can create any magical effect within its commonly called Nightmare creatures. One such creature is the
Sphere by standard procedures. The range of such effects is measured malfera (D&D Companion Set, DMC page 34); another is the diabo-
from the creature's outer edge, not the core. A megalith in dormant lus, described earlier in this section. Beings such as humans are called
phase is immune to Power and magical attacks. Normals for they live in Normal space comprised of the first three
Megalith Strength and Constitution scores are extremely high. dimensions.
They vary by the creature's size, with a minimum of 1,000 (virtually Nightmare creatures are viewed by Normals as horrible, malevo-
incomprehensible even to Immortals). Megaliths have no Dexterity lent beings. Some Immortals share this view, but the feeling is by no
whatsoever, and are immune to direct attacks on that ability score. means universal, and the diaboli are a noteworthy exception to the
Mental ability scores, including Charisma, are of the usual range for general rule. The Nightmare creatures view all mortal normals and
Empyreals (50 to 75). most Immortals with much the same horror. Some Nightmare crea-
During its active phase, a megalith can communicate by gentle, tures are indeed evil, but some are good, and most are neutrally moti-
subtle manipulations of the surface of its mantle. The only mortals vated. Alignment applies to these the same as it does to Normals,
able to understand megalith "speech" are specialists called druids, though the Nightmare beings' views of behavior are again opposite to
and even they do not fully understand the process or the implications. the views of Normals. They find Chaos to be the natural disorder of all
Immortal intelligence, augmented by magical aids such as telepathy, things, and believe Law to be unnatural and often with evil motiva-
can establish two-way communication with megaliths in active phase. tion. Among Nightmare beings, the different viewpoints of behavior
During its dormant phase, a megalith rejects all attempts at com- and motivation occur in much the same proportions as they do in Nor-
munication, and will instinctively use its mantle to defend itself or to mals.
repel irritants. Its physical attacks include great earthquakes and huge All Nightmare creatures are poisonous to Normals. Normals are
volcanic eruptions. The latter may be used to hurl large quantities of likewise poisonous to Nightmare creatures! This is not a commonly
lava (molten liquid matter) to a maximum range equal to the mega- known fact, for most adventurers use weapons, magic, and other
lith's diameter. The combined force and heat of the lava causes an devices, and do not bite or claw their opponents. Magically created
amount of damage equal to the megalith's Hit Dice, thus instantly creatures of any sort are not poisonous in this way; for example, the
slaying any victim hit and utterly obliterating any object, even an arti- attacks of a gargoyle (a magically created construct) are not poisonous
fact. An Immortal may make a Dexterity check to avoid being struck, to Nightmare creatures. Nightmare creatures are not poisonous to
with bonuses or penalties based on the amount of warning indicated Immortals, and the reverse applies as well.
by the circumstances. When a wish or other powerful magic is used to force a Nightmare
Resistances: A megalith's core has 75% A-M and is immune to creature into the dimensional space of Normals, the victim must make
direct Dexterity attacks, but has no other special defenses other than a successful saving throw vs. Spell or go insane. If it fails, the creature
its protective mantle. Only the core life force can be attacked by becomes uncontrollable, ignores all attempts at communication, and
Power or ability score attacks, and the process of physically reaching it will automatically attack everyone around it, always fighting to the
can be difficult. death. The same procedure and results apply when a Normal is forced
into the dimensional space of Nightmares. However, any creature
Habits: The monotony of a megalith's life is broken by cycles. Each who voluntarily travels in this way (from either dimensional view-
cycle consists of two phases, active and dormant. In the active cycle, point) simply fails to enter the other dimension if the saving throw is
the megalith is fully awake and Lawful in alignment. It observes its failed, and suffers no ill effects. Only magical means can cure this
surroundings and examines itself constantly, noting the appearance insanity.
and disappearance of life forms on and within it aiding their develop-
ment and defending itself. Of generally good intentions, a megalith


The many life forms "native" to the dimensional space of Night- simply vacating his or her material form. Damage to the form thereaf-
mares are as wide in variety as those encountered in normal D&D ter does not affect the Immortal's life force.
games. You may create creatures of your own, but remember that The young require 1 full turn to reach maturity. If still within a
their origins and ancestors may differ wildly from the mammalian host, each reproduces again.
emphasis of the PC homeworlds, as should be evident from the
descriptions of the malfera and the diaboli. Resistances: Nippers have no resistance to any attack form, and save
Refer to page 4 for more information on the five dimensions of the only as 1st level mortal Fighters. They are not a disease, merely para-
known multiverse. sites. They may be easily exterminated en masse by area effects if
attacked before they can swarm upon a victim. A standard magical
Nipper fire ball cast at a typical flock of nippers will incinerate 21-30 of them.
Nippers may also be located by probes and destroyed by Power
Sphere: None attacks even after they enter a victim. However, a victim's A-M may
Status: Mortal interfere with magical attempts to attack them at this late stage.
Power Points: None
Anti-Magic: None Habits: Nippers can apparently live in the Astral Plane indefinitely
without sustenance of any sort. They may float about for years in
Armor Class: 0 search of a host body. Unfortunately, nippers do not seem to like the
Hit Dice: 1 (1 hit point) taste of proteans, and usually avoid them. They also have no apparent
Move (flying): 240'(80') effect on draeden. Nippers die instantly in any environment except
Attacks: 1 swarm that of the Astral Plane, and thus pose no threat to most inhabited
Damage: 1 and special worlds.
No. Appearing: 3-60
Save As: Fighter 1 Background: Immortals view nippers with much the same disdain as
Morale: 11
humans view insects. They are generally hated and occasionally sub-
Treasure Type: None jected to mass attempts at extermination, but their species survives
Alignment: Neutral nevertheless. Though they might originally have come from some
XP Value: 50 (1 PP per swarm) other plane, they are now native to the Astral.
Description: The nipper is a potentially dangerous pest common in
the Astral Plane. It is similar in appearance to a tiny centipede with 12
legs and jagged mandibles, but is rarely more than V4 inch long. Sphere: Thought
Status: Initiate
Abilities and Limits: Nippers are unintelligent. They can sense Power Points: 250
warmth and are attracted by motion. When a flock of nippers senses a Anti-Magic: 40%
victim, they quickly swarm to the attack. They all try to burrow into
the victim's body. If multiple targets are possible, a swarm of nippers Armor Class: -12
may attack two different ones, dividing into two swarms of roughly Hit Dice: 5 to 50
equal size. They ignore other targets, never splitting their swarm Move: 72 miles (24 miles)
more than once. Attacks: 2 thoughts
Damage: Special (see below)
No Hit roll is made for the swarm attack. Instead, the armor class
penetrated is indicated by the Hit roll number equal to the number of No. Appearing: 1-8
nippers attacking the victim. For example, the attack of 10 nippers Save As: Initiate
Morale: 9
will automatically hit AC 9, 20 nippers hit AC -1 through -5, 30 nip-
pers hit AC -15 through -19, and so forth (refer each time to the stand- Treasure Type: Nil
ard Hit chart for creatures of 1 HD). If this non-random Hit roll Alignment: Neutral
indicates success, the number of nippers that succeed in penetrating XP Value*: 5HD: 5,125
their victim is equal to the difference between the victim's Armor 25 HD: 105,500 (10 PP)
Class and the Armor Class hit. For example, an Immortal with AC -3 50 HD: 299,250 (29 PP)
attacked by 22 nippers (which can hit AC -7) is automatically infested
by four nippers. The victim takes only 1 point of damage for each * The DM may reduce or omit XP awards for defeating notions which
invading nipper, and suffers no ill effects from nippers that do not pen- are benign or relatively insignificant to play.
Description: Notions are creatures of nearly pure thought, often
Once a nipper is within a victim's body, it quickly reproduces and
completely undetectable (see Resistances). At rest, a notion appears
bears live young. It can accomplish this alone and at remarkable
as a lacy network of strands of air, similar to a small and loosely woven
speed, producing 2-20 young within 1 round, and 1-10 more each
net. Its surface area is about 1 square foot per Hit Die. It may flutter
round for 5 rounds thereafter. Each young nipper feeds immediately
about in this form, or may curl up into a tiny ball of airy fluff of
after birth. For each newborn nipper, the victim takes 1 point of dam-
extremely small size.
age and must make a standard Constitution check. If failed, the vic-
tim permanently loses 1-4 points of Constitution. The effect is so
severe that the loss affects an Immortal victim's actual essence, not
merely the form used. An Immortal can avoid extensive damage by


Abilities and Limits: Notions can use Power only to probe and spondingly greater effects, increasing both the number of other vic-
shield. They are unable to initiate Power attacks, and automatically tims and the intensity of the hatred. In this case, the hatred need not
lose when attacked in this way. They cannot produce magical effects. lead to attacks; the individual might instead make a few insults and
They have no ability scores except Intelligence (which equals about 1 stomp off. The effects of notions should never in themselves produce
point per Hit Die), and are immune to all inapplicable ability score irrational violence, though that may be the result if combined with cir-
attacks. A notion flees immediately if its Intelligence is attacked cumstances.
Each notion has a specialty, a concept or emotion that makes up its Resistances: A notion is invisible in an environment of earth, fire,
essence. Notions and Immortals refer to this specialty as the notion's water, or vacuum, but can be seen with magical aid (or by innate
flavor. Though many are similar, each individual notion is a blend of Immortal truesight). These areas are neutrally biased for notions,
specific thoughts. Notions with relatively low Hit Dice have weak fla- allowing regeneration of Power and hit points at the standard rate of 1
vor (minor effect); those of high Hit Dice contain very strong flavor point per turn. In air, ether, or the Astral Plane a notion simply cannot
(intense effect). In play, the greater the Hit Dice, the stronger the be detected by any normal or magical means. These areas are friendly
effect. Typical flavors (effects) of notions are listed below. biased for notions, producing fast regeneration. The only areas host-
Notions rarely attack with evil intent, but may attack simply for ily biased are those of the Sphere of Entropy.
entertainment or at the request of some other creature. A notion sim- A notion's location may be accurately found by use of Power. A
ply swoops near a victim. A successful Hit roll means that the victim is probe used to find an unseen notion may fail to do so; the chance of
affected by the notion's essence. Mortal victims gain no saving throw, success is 2 in 6. Once the notion is located in this way, the Immortal
but those of Immortal status may make a modified Intelligence check may continue to know its location by renewing the probe each round.
to avoid the effect. Apply standard difficulty modifiers to this check, However, if the creature uses Power to shield itself, it becomes utterly
based on the Hit Dice of the attacking notion. Modify the check as undetectable. A wish may be used to overcome this by enhancing the
Easy for notions of 5-14 Hit Dice, Average for 15-30 Hit Dice, and probe or negating the shield for one round.
Difficult for notions of 31 or more Hit Dice. Notions can be affected by any magic that affects air or thought, but
A victim affected by a notion's attack immediately reacts to the are immune to all other types.
notion. If the notion's current Power total is not at full strength, it
regains 1-6 PP for each victim affected by it. It is unknown just where Habits: Notions are a friendly, inquisitive race, and mean no harm
this Power comes from; the victim suffers no loss. to anyone. Their personal habits are unknown. They sometimes
Any notion may attack at up to two targets per round. Large reproduce simply by swooping at each other. Occasionally this inter-
notions may choose to float down on a group of targets, rather than action of two notions creates a new one, apparently instantaneously.
swooping at individuals. This is limited by the notion's physical size Depending on its exact scope, the new notion may have any number
and by the locations of the victims. of Hit Dice, up to a maximum of the total of the parent notions. Thus
The duration of the effect of a notion's attack is determined ran- when two notions come together, nothing may result, or a small
domly. Mortal victims may make a saving throw vs. Spell once per inspired notion may result, or they may form a major new nation,
hour, success indicating that the effect decreases to proportions which more complex than before. Notions of a single type are rarely found
can be either controlled or ignored (player's choice). Immortals may together. The creatures seem to prefer to congregate with others of
save vs. Magic Spell each round, with the same results. There are two widely different flavors.
races of notions, the white, or posotive thought, and the gray, or Notions can be persuaded to perform services in exchange for pay-
destructive, negative thought. ment in high emotional states. Individual notions have their own pref-
erence for payment, usually from an emotion corresponding to their
Typical Notion Flavors own makeup. A creature willing to pay the price will be unable to
experience the emotion for 1-20 days per HD of the notion.
alertness, unconcern love, hate
certainty, doubt optimism, pessimism
Background: A powerful Immortal of Thought grew bored with his
comprehension, misinterpretation peace, rage
work, and chose to disperse his essence and return to mortal life. His
curiosity, indifference pleasure, sorrow
well-meaning aide granted his new personality a minor gift to aid his
fondness, dislike pragmatism, absurdity
survival, but the gift had a side effect. During a dream one fateful
honesty, evasiveness sanity, insanity
night, his mind was able to enter the Dimension of Nightmares, and
judgment (good or bad) his thoughts took on real forms which kept their existence after he
awoke. The notions are the descendants of one of his more pleasant
Thousands of other types are certainly possible. Space does not per- thoughts during that brief visit.
mit full definitions of each term to be included here. Consult a good
With the rise of human and demi-human powers, notions have
dictionary for subtleties of meanings of these terms.
become very common on the Prime Plane. They are perhaps the most
The DM should privately reveal the flavor and strength of a notion
widespread life form in the Outer Planes of Thought, serving many
to the player of the character affected. The exact Hit Dice of the crea-
Immortals of that Sphere.
ture need not be revealed. The player should make every attempt to
add that effect to the character's reaction in a degree equal to the hit
dice of the creature, and continuing until a saving throw indicates that
the effect has abated.
Example: A character affected by a 5 Hit Die notion of hate would
become a bit irritated with one other person for no apparent reason.
Hate notions of progressively greater Hit Dice would produce corre-


Phoenix XP Value: Local (without Power) Astral

HD 10: 500 HD 10: 5,000
Lesser Greater HD 100: 11,125 (1 PP) HD 100: 337,375
Sphere: Energy Energy (33 PP)
Status: Mortal Mortal Local (with Power use) HD 1,000: 26,032,400
Power Points: 100 200 (2,603 PP)
XP Value: Lesser: 11,400(1 PP) HD 10: 2,375 to 4,250
Greater: 22,375 (2 PP) HD 100: 65,500 (6 PP)
to 119,875 (11 PP)
As described in the D&D Master Set (MDM page 41), phoenixes are
native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They were created and granted Half XP value is awarded for all form of Proteans because of their
a limited use of Power by Phoebus, currently an Eternal of Energy. very limited Intelligence.
Having merely animal intelligence, the phoenix cannot control its Description: Proteans are the most widespread life form in the entire
Power. It uses it instinctively. Power always radiates from it as pure Prime Plane, including the PC homeworld(s). They are almost
energy, taking the appearance of intense flame. The creature regener- entirely unknown to mortals, since they are usually limited to micro-
ates Power at a rate which exactly matches its expenditure, 1 point per scopic size by the conditions of that plane. The few mortals even
round. aware of the existence of proteans call them amoebas.
When a phoenix' form is slain, a burst of additional Power is At rest, a protean has a form similar to a thin circular disc. Its thick-
released, creating an explosive effect (as detailed in MDM, pg. 41). ness is about 1 % of its width. Its circumference is about 6 feet per Hit
This uses an extra 5 PP, which do not fully return for 24 hours. The Die. When it moves or attacks, a protean's form is irregular.
explosion creates the same effect as a raise dead fully, and the phoenix Whatever their size, proteans are very simple single-celled orga-
thus arises 1 round later, alive and fully cured once again. A phoenix nisms. In the Prime Plane, they are occasionally encountered in
can be permanently slain, if subjected to enough "deaths" in quick "giant" size. In the Astral and Outer Planes, they can grow to nearly
succession to drain all of its Power. any size.
The phoenix despises captivity of any sort (including paralysis), Proteans may be assigned Strength and Constitution scores for
and fears Power attacks. In the event of either, it instinctively Wraps combat purposes. Each score is usually 1 point per Hit Die of the
itself and immediately teleports in a random direction, expending 5 monster, and scores over 100 are possible. Protean Intelligence, Wis-
PP in the process. The effect is that of a long-range dimension doorto dom, Dexterity, and Charisma scores are negligible, and these cannot
a place either 36,000 feet away (10 times normal) or, if that location is be attacked directly in ability score combat.
occupied by a solid, to the next vacant area in the same direction. The
magical movement thus never fails to work unless insufficient Power Abilities and Limits: A protean extends a finger of protoplasm to
remains to activate it. envelop its victim at the same time, and secretes acidic digestive juices
Each such shift has a 1 % chance of error. If this occurs, the shift to consume its food. The damage given is used for both the attack and
crosses the nearest planar boundary instead of a dimensional one. A each round while enveloped.
phoenix may thus be occasionally found on planes other than its own. Astral proteans are able to attack multiple opponents simultane-
Phoenixes have been captured alive, but the process is obviously ously, to a maximum of 1 target for each 10 Hit Dice. The largest
very difficult. The only known victors in the attempts were Immor- known protean can attack up to 100 opponents each round. Only one
tals, using complex and carefully planned strategies. attack can be made against any one opponent.
An astral protean moves and attacks by using Power. Its intelli-
gence is rudimentary at best, but sufficient for this purpose. It is
Protean unable to probe or shield, but may use all types of Power attacks. It
Local (Giant) Astral cannot produce magical effects.
Sphere: None None
Resistances: With 1 % A-M per Hit Die, large proteans are effec-
Status: Mortal Mortal
tively immune to magical effects due to their sheer size. All proteans
Power Points: 0 or 10-100 10 per Hit Die can be damaged by normal blows, and are usually very easy to hit.
Anti-Magic: None 1 % per Hit Die Proteans of 20 or more Hit Dice are effectively immune to poison,
able to identify and isolate it before damage can occur. At least half of
Armor Class: 10 to 8 0 its volume must be poisoned for it to suffer ill effects from poisoning.
Hit Dice: 10-100 10-1,000
Move: 120'(30')to240'(60') 30'(10')perHitDie Habits: A protean has little or no thought, and is thus quite predicta-
Attacks: 1 1 per 10 Hit Dice ble. It will instinctively reach for objects of all sorts, and can digest
Damage: 2-12 to 4-24 1 per Hit Die any solid or liquid. Proteans do not react to light or darkness. They
No. Appearing: 1(1) tend to retreat from serious danger if they recognize it as such.
Save As: Fighter 7 Fighter 36 Protean hit points increase as they feed, to a maximum of 8 points
Morale: 10 11 per Hit Die. When this limit is reached, a protean may reproduce. It
Treasure Type: Nil Special requires 1 hour per Hit Die to prepare to reproduce. After this time,
Alignment: Neutral Neutral the protean splits into two halves, each with exactly half the size, Hit


Dice, and hit points of the original. The division process takes 1 turn and claws are long and razor-like. It has four pairs of wings, two pro-
per Hit Die. During division, a protean can only attack a maximum of truding between each set of legs.
one opponent per round.
Abilities and Limits: The repeater can be a formidable opponent in
Background: Proteans originated on the Prime Plane, and were physical combat. It makes one Hit roll for each of the six claws, and
some of the first forms of animal life. Despite Immortal efforts to another for the bite, but each Hit roll determines the success of a dou-
quarantine proteans therein, the first human adventurers to discover ble attack routine. For example, if one Hit roll indicates that a claw
and visit other planes of existence brought microscopic proteans with hits an opponent, the victim is struck twice in quick succession by the
them. Some proteans survived and grew in the vast depths of the same claw. When the Hit roll indicates a miss, both attacks miss. All
astral plane. They are now too prolific and widespread to be com- attacks can be directed at a single opponent, if desired, or divided
pletely eliminated. among up to seven (one per claw and one bite). The damage given in
Most Immortals are well aware of the hazard posed by these crea- the statistics above is for each blow that hits.
tures. Whenever mortals visit Outer Planes, Immortals arrive soon The repeater can use all forms of Power combat, and can use Power
after they depart and conduct a mass protean hunt, lest the plane be to create a limited number of magical effects. It can create any detec-
contaminated. This became standard procedure when, in the course tion or movement aid, and can also produce any effect of the Sphere of
of routine Immortal exploration of the infinite number of Outer Time. It cannot create other magical effects.
Planes, one was discovered to contain nothing but decomposing pro- This creature's most feared ability is its snort. The monster can
tean matter—apparently the end result of an unstopped infestation. snort at the end of any melee round, and no other limit applies to the
frequency. Its snort produces an odd feeling of entrapment in all life
forms within 300 feet of the repeater. Each victim within range must
make a saving throw vs. Magic Spell. If successful, the victim resists
the trap; but if failed, the victim falls prey to the infamous repeater
Any victim of the repeater effect must repeat all of the previous
round's actions. The repeater, of course, is under no such compul-
sion, and acts with deadly foreknowledge of its victim's actions. It
cannot, however, move about during the round after it snorts. The
Power attack it initiates (if any) must be the same one as in the pre-
vious round.
For each victim affected by the snort, the previous round's Hit and
damage rolls apply once again, and all magic use and Power combat
actions are repeated exactly. If movement occurred, the same move-
ment is taken again, but starting from the current position. The most
dangerous part of such repetition is in Power combat, since the mon-
ster knows what attack mode will be used against it, and can automati-
cally select a winning strategy.
The repeater can sense which members of a group have fallen into
its trap, and favors them with its attacks if possible. It gains a +8
bonus to all Hit rolls in melee against a victim.
Repeater (or Ditto)
The creature will usually choose not to snort at the end of a round in
Sphere: Time which it has been physically damaged, for the same damage would
Status: Empyreal then recur. It will probably snort when subjected to Power attacks
Power Points: 5,000 from multiple sources, as it can win them all if repeated.
Anti-Magic: 75% Anyone entrapped by the repeater effect may make a new saving
throw (vs. Magic Spell) at the end of the round of repetition. If this is
Armor Class: -13
successful, the effect ends at that time, and the victim can freely
Hit Dice: 25
choose actions for the coming round. If failed, the victim must repeat
Hit points: 400
the same actions again. Any number of rounds of action may be
Move (flying): 360'(120') repeated in this way, and a repeater may snort every round if desired.
Attacks: 6 claws/1 bite + 1 snort
Damage: 2-20 each/8-80 + special
Resistances: In addition to its 75% A-M and respectable Armor
No. Appearing: 1-2
Class, the repeater cannot be affected by any magic of the Sphere of
Save As: Empyreal 5
Time except its own. It has the dangerous characteristic of automati-
Morale: 11
cally reflecting all energy attacks back at the persons casting or creat-
Treasure Type: Teeth
ing them. In play, this effect can be deadly, for most Immortals drop
Alignment: Lawful their A-M before creating such effects, and the magic reflected back at
XP Value: 1.825.000 (182 PP^ the attacker often has severe effects.
Description: The repeater, also called the ditto-monster, is a six-
Habits: Repeaters are dangerous scavengers of the Astral and Outer
legged reptilian Immortal life form. It is 75 feet long and 15 feet wide.
Planes. They do not usually attack Immortal projects, preferring to
Its body is covered with shimmering multi-colored scales, and its teeth
wander and search for single travelers or those in small groups.


Repeaters enjoy eating the forms created by Immortals, but also Background: The soo are notorious liars, and have offered a large
savor mortal humans and demi-humans. They can converse in many number of conflicting stories about their origin and background.
languages, and also by telepathy, but usually find communication Their true story has probably been revealed but disbelieved with all
unimportant. others. This habit has led to the Immortal expression, "not worth a

Background: Repeaters are thought to be related to draeden and/or

dragons, but all three life forms deny the connection. Little else is Titan
known about these creatures.
Sphere: Any except Entropy
Status: Initiate
Soo Power Points: 250
Sphere: Time Anti-Magic: 25 %
Status: Mortal
Armor Class: -3
Power Points: 30-200 (10 per Hit Die)
Hit Dice: 15
Anti-Magic: 50%
Move: 150'(50')
Armor Class: -5 Attacks: 2 fists or 1 weapon/ 1 magical effect
Hit Dice: 3 to 20 Damage: By Punch (x2) or by weapon/ by magical effect
Move: 180'(60') No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-2)
Swimming: 180'(360') Save As: F 36
Attacks: 1 envelop/1 magical effect Morale: 11
Damage: Special/by effect Treasure Type: Nil or 10-100 gems (see below)
No. Appearing: 1-3(1-4) Alignment: Any
Save As: Thief 36 XP Value: 52,800 (5 PP)
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Potions (see below) Description: Titans are giants that appear very similar to attractive
Alignment: Neutral humans, 21 to 30 feet tall. All their ability scores are 18-25 (Id8 + 17),
XP Value: H D 3 : 245 and hit points are always 5-8 (Id4 + 4) per Hit Die. Titans are the spe-
HD 20: 36,575 (3 PP) cial servants of the Immortals, and share many Immortal characteris-
tics. They cannot, however, progress beyond the details given here.
Description: Soo are watery time-beings, and have no solid forms.
Each Sphere (except Entropy) has approximately 20 titans. All the
They appear as small dark spheres, each about 1 foot across per hit
titans of each Sphere share a common Home Plane, and theirs are
die. Each soo is composed mostly of water and time.
four of the largest of the Outer Planes.
Abilities and Limits: A soo may use all forms of Power combat, and
Abilities and Limits: Titans are able to use Power to create magical
may use Power to produce magical effects listed for the Sphere of
effects, but are limited to those within their respective Spheres (thus
Time (only). Its physical attack is simply to envelop its target. This
always applying base costs). They regenerate Power and hit points at
may cause an air-breather to suffocate, and may block the victim's
standard rates (according to Sphere and bias).
vision (treat the result as if a darkness spell effect), but inflicts no other
damage. Once in contact with a victim, however, a soo may use cause Titans have no Aura, and are not able to create usable material
wounds and other magical attacks, possibly with deadly effect. forms. If a titan's body is slain, the life force returns to the Home
Plane, but the titan must await Immortal assistance before another
Although a soo's form is not magical, its substance can produce an
form can be created and occupied.
effect identical to those of any one potion. Most soo (90%) deliber-
ately choose one such effect, usually ethereality, gaseous form, or poi-
Resistances: Titans cannot be damaged by normal or silver weap-
son. If part of a soo is ingested by an opponent (such as in the course of
ons, nor by magical weapons of + 2 or lesser enchantment. Their
a bite attack), the potion takes effect immediately. The attacker may
innate Anti-Magic is less than any Immortal's. Titans are also unaf-
make a saving throw vs. Poison (or Physical Attack, if Immortal) to
fected by first- and second-level spells (including their own effects of
avoid the effect. Any effect produced in this way is magical, despite its
this type). Against mortal magic, they save as 36th level fighters.
non-magical origin, and may thus be dispelled or otherwise magically
They use standard Initiate saving throws against attacks of Immortal
A soo's form collapses when the creature is slain, forming a puddle
of water which rapidly disperses in most environments. If the victors
Habits: Titans are found singly or in pairs on all planes except their
act quickly, they may gather 2-5 potions from the remains.
Homes. They freely reveal their common names to anyone encoun-
tered, and strongly prefer to be addressed informally. Titans are
Resistances: The soo are completely immune to all fire and energy-
rarely encountered on the Prime Plane, but prefer to dwell with 2-8
based attack forms. They are somewhat resistant to magic (A-M
Cyclopes (D&D Expert Set, page 47) when visiting. Each titan usually
50%), but voluntarily drop this resistance to zero when using magic
carries 10-100 gems when encountered where valuables are useful,
but rarely carries anything else. Though titans are able to use all types
Habits: Soo are rather independent creatures, not very interested in of weapons, they prefer to carry none.
other life forms. They feed by absorbing water, and enjoy savoring its


Background: The titans aspire to full Immortal status, but none Abilities and Limits: Each tonal may use all forms of Power com-
have ever achieved it. All titans nevertheless maintain hope that even- bat, and may use Power to create some magical effects. In the latter
tually, through their devotion and service, they may yet achieve that case they are limited to magic which creates or negates sound.
greatest of rewards. Some few titans secretly resent humans and demi- A tonal's normal non-magical attack form is a blast of sound, which
humans because of this, although they successfully hide this attitude radiates evenly from the creature in all directions to a range in feet
from the Immortals. equal to the tonal's Hit Dice. No Hit roll is required; the blast always
inflicts a fixed amount of damage to all victims in range. Each victim
Tonal may make a saving throw (vs. Breath for mortals, Physical Blow for
Immortals) to take only half damage. However, a penalty of-8 applies
Breve Semibreve Minim to mortal saving throws against this effect.
Sphere: Energy Energy Energy A tonal's blast attack is effective anywhere, even in a vacuum.
Status: Eternal Empyreal Celestial Tonal ability scores follow the standard range for those of all
Power Points: 8,000 4,000 2,000 Immortals.
Anti-Magic: 80 70 50 Though most tonals are now Lawful (see Background), many older
Armor Class: -10 -8 -6 Chaotic tonals still wander the Outer and Astral Planes. These can be
Hit Dice: 38 33 28 dangerous; they are often evil, and are usually cacophonous. They are
Move: 12O'(4O') 240'(80') commonly called atonals, to distinguish them from their civilized
60'(20') counterparts.
Attacks: 1 blast 1 blast 1 blast
Damage: 64 + special 32 + special 16 + special
No. Appearing: 1 1 or 2 2 or 4 Resistances: Though a tonal's blast may be avoided by use of magi-
Save As: Eternal 3 Empyreal 3 Celestial 3 cal silence, such effects never adhere to tonals. In play, they automati-
Morale: 11 10 9 cally succeed in the saving throw, and may move out of the magically
Treasure Type: Special Special Special affected area. Their innate A-M may apply as well.
Alignment: Lawful Lawful Lawful Tonals cannot be damaged by normal weapons, and are immune to
XP Value: 5,550,000 2,305,000 917,500 ability score attacks. Unarmed combat can force them to move, but
(555 PP) (230 PP) (91 PP) cannot inflict damage.

Crotchet Quaver Semiquaver Habits: Most tonals are social creatures, found in groups of various
Sphere: Energy Energy Energy sizes. Except for breves, all tonals congregate in even numbers. They
Status: Temporal Temporal Initiate communicate by changing colors, a language understandable to oth-
Power Points: 1,000 500 250 ers only with magical aid.
Anti-Magic: 50 50 25 Tonals sing to each other frequently, producing harmonic sounds
that do not inflict damage. This music is a favorite entertainment dur-
Armor Class: -4 -2 0
ing Olympic meets and other festive occasions.
Hit Dice: 25 20 15
Move: 480'(160') 960'(320') l,920'(640')
Background: Tonals were created by Thalia, a famous High Eternal
Attacks: 1 blast 1 blast 1 blast
of Energy. Her work in developing the Prime Plane predates mortal
Damage: 8 + special 4 + special 2 + special
magic use. Tonals were originally utterly Chaotic, but were made
No. Appearing: 2, 4, or 8 4, 8, or 16 8, 16, or 32 Lawful by one of Thalia's aides, an Eternal with the common name of
Save As: Temporal 5 Novice Temporallnitiate Guidarezzo. The creatures seem to enjoy their relatively new align-
Morale: 8 7 6
ment, which has significantly improved their ability to communicate.
Treasure Type: Special Special Special
Most Immortals know of and avoid conflict with the Lawful tonals.
Alignment: Lawful Lawful Lawful
However, the old wild and often evil atonals are considered fair game.
XP Value: 398,000 (39 PP) 143,950 (14 PP) 54,900 (5 PP)
Tonals have no relation to the non-living sounds common to the
Prime Plane, some of which bear similar names.
Description: Tonals have physical forms very similar to bubbles of
All tonals share a common Home Plane in the Outer Planes. In
light. These forms vary in size and color according to each tonal's sta-
addition to the usual protections, this plane is watched by Thalia her-
tus. The color varies during communication, but the size is constant.
self, and is considered unassailable by most Immortals.
The diameter of a tonal is 1 foot per Hit Die. A breve, semibreve, or
minim is pale in color, ranging from nearly pure white to pinkish yel-
low. Crotchets, quavers, and semi-quavers are darker colored, rang-
ing from deep blue to brown or black.
Tonals cannot progress within the hierarchy of their Sphere. All sta-
tistics for each are permanent and unvariable.
A tonal's form collapses when its hit points reach zero. Its flimsy
outer skin may be gathered and compressed to form a small object
similar to a sling stone. This may then be used as a weapon, for it
explodes on impact and releases one final blast of a strength and size
equal to the original tonal's. Remember to add the original tonal's size
to the blast radius to find the resulting area of effect.


Vortex Creatures Description: These odd beings appear as featureless black globes,
each about 5 feet in diameter. The Immortals know them to be life
The great dimensional Barrier, whose very existence creates the forms, but only within a very broad definition. They do not commu-
dilemma and paradox of the missing dimensions (as explained on nicate, but it is unknown whether this is by choice or lack of ability.
page 3), is commonly called the Dimensional Vortex. The few life
forms known to arise from dimensional space including the Vortex, Abilities and Limits: Blackballs use all Power attacks, but cannot
are called vortex creatures. All of these beings can be described as use shield or probe. They move slowly, disintegrating everything they
either minor or major. A typical minor vortex creature is the spectral touch (no saving throw). If a blackball touches an Immortal (whether
hound, described in the D&D Companion Set(DMC page 36). Major in physical or incorporeal form), the Immortal must make a successful
vortex creatures are incredibly dangerous to both mortals and saving throw vs. Power Drain or lose a third of his or her current
Immortals. A typical example is the blackball (Master Set, MDM Power Points, whatever the amount. Success indicates that the
page 40). Immortal has pulled away from the blackball, resisting the powerful
Minor vortex creatures are immune to fire and cold (whether nor- suction draining his power. If this first saving throw is failed, another
mal or magical), and can only be struck by magical or silvered weap- must be made, with the same results. If three saving throws are failed
ons. Major vortex creatures can only be damaged by Power attacks, in succession, the Immortal's essence is sucked through the blackball
and are immune to all other forms of damage. and cast adrift in the Dimensional Vortex.
The characteristics of all vortex creatures place them within the Resistances: As with all major vortex creatures, blackballs are
Sphere of Entropy, though they are not actually part of that organiza- immune to all magical, physical, aura, and ability score attacks. But
tion. You may create others following this example. they may be maneuvered by non-aggressive and non-attack effects.
Blackball Habits: The only predictable trait observed in blackballs is their ten-
dency to move toward great sources of Power when possible. If there is
Sphere: Entropy no power present, they move randomly. However, they apparently do
Status: Temporal or Celestial not distinguish between amounts that differ by 100 PP or less.
Power Points: 500 to 2,500 (as level)
Anti-Magic: 50 or 60 (as rank) Background: Unknown, even to Immortals. Blackballs seem to arise
Armor Class: 10 spontaneously from the Dimensional Vortex space, and have been
Hit Dice: 11 seen returning to it voluntarily. Immortals suspect that blackballs can
XP Value: Temporal Novice: 71,000 (7 PP) pass through the Vortex, and that they serve the Old Ones, but all this
Celestial 5: 295,000 (29 PP) is conjecture.


I. Source Material II. Additional References Acting: A Handbook of the Stanislavski

Method, compiled by Toby Cole. Crown,
Chainmail Rules for Medieval Miniatures by The Beasts ofNeverby Georgess McHargue. 1947.
Gary Gygax & Jeff Perren. Tactical Studies The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Armour & Weapons by Charles Ffoulkes.
Rules, 1973. Borges. Oxford/Clarendon, 1909.
Bullfinch's Mythology by Thomas Bullfinch. The Armourer and His Craft by Charles
Swords & Spells Fantastic Miniatures Rules Dictionary of Classical Mythology by J.E.
Ffoulkes. Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1912.
by Gary Gygax. TSR Games, 1976. Zimmerman. Harper & Row, 1964. Bible and Sword by Barbara W. Tuchman.
English Folk and Fairy Tales by Joseph New York Univ. Press, 1956.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Game Origi- Jacobs. Benthan's Handbook of Political Fallacies,
nal Set by Gary Gygax & Dave Arneson. Tac- Gods and Heroes by Gustav Schwab. edited by Harold A. Larrabee. Johns
tical Studies Rules, 1974. The Golden Bough by Sir James G. Frazer. Hopkins, 1952.
Volume 1: Men & Magic Macmillan, 1922. Castles by David Macauley.
Volume 2: Monsters & Treasure The Masks of God by Joseph Campbell. Pen- Creative Storytelling by Jack Maguire.
Volume 3: The Underworld & Wilderness guin, 1976. Philip Lief Group, 1985.
Adventures Volume 1: Primitive Mythology A Distant Mirror by Barbara W. Tuchman.
Volume 2: Oriental Mythology Ballantine, 1978.
Volume 3: Occidental Mythology From Magic to Science by Charles Singer.
1. Greyhawk by Gary Gygax & Rob Volume 4: Creative Mythology Dover, 1958.
Kuntz. TSR Games, 1975. The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist
2. Blackmoor by Dave Arneson. TSR The Meridian Handbook of Classical by Lawrence LeShan. Viking, 1974.
Games, 1975. Mythology by Edward Tripp. The Morning of the Magicians by Louis
3. Eldritch Wizardry, by Gary Gygax & Mythology by Edith Hamilton. Pauwels & Jacques Bergier. Avon, 1968.
Brian Blume. TSR Games, 1976. The New Larousse Encyclopedia of A Reader's Guide to Fantasy by Baird Sea-
4. Gods, Demi-gods & Heroes, by Rob Mythology, translated by Robert rles et al. Avon, 1982.
Kuntz & James Ward. TSR Games, Aldington et al. Stolen Lightning: The Social Theory of
1976. Scandinavian Folk & Fairy Tales, edited by
Magic by Daniel L. O'Keefe. Contin-
Claire Booss. Crown, 1984. uum, 1982.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Game, Basic Funk & Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia,
Rules set (revisions) Folklore, Mythology, and Legend, edited edited by Douglas M. Considine. Van
Edited by Eric Holmes. TSR Hobbies, by Maria Leach and Jerome Fried. Nostrand, 1976 (annual).
1977. The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and
Edited by Tom Moldvay. TSR Hobbies Secrets by Barbara G. Walker. Harper &
Inc., 1981. Row, 1983.


III. Inspirational Reading

Various fictional works were written or edited by the following authors. We heartily recommend that you at least sample, if not widely read, as
many authors as possible. Most or all are represented at your local library. Fictional reading can provide ideas for character roles, settings, and

Adams, Richard Grahame, Kenneth Silverberg, Robert

Aiken, Joan Green, Roland Smith, Clark Ashton
Alexander, Lloyd Haggard, H. Rider Smith, David C.
Anderson, Poul Haiblum, Isidore Smith, Thorne
Anthony, Piers Haldeman, Linda Springer, Nancy
Asprin, Robert Hancock, Neil Stephens, James
Baum, L. Frank Hazel, Paul Stewart, Mary
Beagle, Peter S. Heinlein, Robert A. Stoker, Bram
Beaumont, Charles Hodgson, William H. Straub, Peter
Bellairs, John Hoffmann, E.T.A. Sturgeon, Theodore
Blackwood, Algernon Howard, Robert E. Swann, Thomas B.
Blish, James Ipcar, Dahlov Thompson, Ruth P.
Bloch, Robert Iverson, Eric Tolkien, J.R.R.
Bok, Hannes Jakes, John Vance, Jack
Brackett, Leigh Jansson, Tove Wagner, Karl E.
Briggs, K.M. Jones, Diana W. Walker, Hugh
Brooks, Terry King, Stephen Walton, Evangeline
Brown, Fredric Kirk, Richard Wellman, Manly D.
Broxon, Mildred D. Kurtz, Katherine Wells, H.G.
Brunner, John Lafferty, R.A. Westall, Robert
Burroughs, Edgar Rice Le Fanu, Sheridan White, Theodore H.
Cabell, James B. Le Guin, Ursula K. Williams, Charles
Caldecott, Moyra Lee, Tanith Williamson, Jack
Campbell, J. Ramsey Leiber, Fritz Yarbro, Chelsea Q.
Carroll, Lewis Zelazny, Roger
Lewis, C. S.
Carter, Lin
Long, Frank Belknap
Chambers, Robert W.
Lord Dunsany (E.J.M.D. Plunkett)
Chant, Joy
Lovecraft, H.P.
Chapman, Vera
Cherryh, C.J. Lumley, Brian
Chute, B.J. MacDonald, George
Cook, Glenn Machen, Arthur
Cooper, Susan Matheson, Richard
Copper, Basil Mayne, William
Crowley, Aleister McCaffrey, Anne
Crowley, John McKillip, Patricia
Davidson, Avram Merritt, Alan Postscript
de Camp, L. Sprague Mitchison, Naomi
Monaco, Richard This concludes the D&D game line of boxed
Delaney, Samuel R. rule sets. Dozens of adventures and other
Derleth, August Moorcock, Michael
Moore, C.L. accessories are also available. With all at
Diamond, Graham hand, and equipped with imagination and a
Dickinson, Peter Morris, William
pencil, your game experiences are now
Dickson, Gordon R. Mundy, Talbot
Donaldson, Stephen R. Munn, H. Warner
Nesbit, Edith Similar to the original set published in
Eager, Edward 1974, this final boxed set opens many doors
Eddison, E.R. Niven, Larry
without entering them. Many possiblities are
Eisenstein, Phyllis North, Joan
mentioned, but limits on time and space (for
Farmer, Phillip Jose Norton, Andre
a mere mortal such as I) have limited the
Finney, Charles G. Offutt, Andrew
amount of detail. Develop the information in
Finney, Jack Peake, Mervyn
any way you wish. If you find areas where
Forster, E.M. Powers, Tim
more detail would be extremely helpful,
Fox, Gardner Pratt, Fletcher
Garner, Alan Price, E. Hoffman
Gaskell, Jane Quinn, Seabury
Russ, Joanna Immortals Rules, do TSR, Inc.
Goudge, Elizabeth POB 756, Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Saberhagen, Fred

Dlb. All Magical Effects Usable by Immortals of the Sphere of Entropy

Refer to the standard reference charts for details on the following magical effects. The Sphere of each effect is given.

Cost Sphere Effect Cost Sphere Effect Cost Sphere Effect
4 Time Blight* 16 Thought Communication 30 Time Anti-Magic 40%
4 Matter Cause Fear* 16 Time Create Poison* 30 Time Anti-Magic Shell
4 Time Cause Light Wounds 16 Thought Detect Danger 30 Matter Create Normal Objects
4 Matter Cure Light Wounds 16 Matter Feeblemind 30 Matter Dance
4 Thought Remove Fear 16 Energy Free Monster* 30 Thought Explosive Cloud
4 Energy Ventriloquism 16 Time Lower Water 30 Thought Mass Charm
4 Matter Web 16 Time Silence 15' Radius 30 Matter Polymorph Any Object
16 Matter Telekinesis 30 Time Victory
6 Time Anti-Magic 10%
6 Thought Confuse Alignment* 18 Time Anti-Animal Shell 32 Energy Disintegrate
6 Time Darkness* 18 Thought Charm Plant 32 Thought Find the Path
6 Thought Detect Magic 18 Thought Cloudkill 32 Matter Force Field
6 Matter Levitate 18 Matter Create Normal Monsters 32 Matter Metal to Wood
6 Time Sleep 18 Time Ice Storm 32 Thought Mind Barrier
6 Matter Warp Wood 18 Matter Pass-Wall 32 Matter Open Mind*
18 Matter Polymorph Other Energy Travel

Thought Charm Person

Matter Growth of Animal

18 Matter Turn Wood Thought X-Ray Vision
8 Time Hold Person 20 Matter Animate Dead 34 Time Close Gate*
8 Time Hold Portal 20 Matter Babble* 34 Time Inertia Control
8 Matter Invisibility 20 Time Death Spell 34 Energy Power Word Blind
8 Matter Knock 20 Time Finger of Death 34 Energy Power Word Kill
8 Thought Locate Object 20 Matter Flesh to Stone 34 Matter Protection from Magic
8 Thought Obscure 20 Thought Lie Detection Detection
10 Cause Disease*
20 Energy Phantasmal Force 34 Matter Teleport Any Object
20 Matter Stone to Flesh
10 Time Cause Serious Wounds Tl»1#»r\/-iT-*
36 Time Anti-Magic Ray
10 Thought Clairvoyance 9ft
JtclcpOrt 36 Matter Container, to 50,000 en
10 Matter Confusion inougni jirucsigni 36 Matter Create Mag. Monsters
10 Matter Cure Serious Wounds 22 Time Anti-Magic 30% 36 Matter Earthquake
10 Time Curse* 22 Time Dispel Magic 36 Time Obliterate*
10 Matter Dimension Door 22 Energy Fire Ball 36 Time Symbol
10 Thought ESP
24 Matter Animate Objects Time
38 Anti-Magic 50%
Energy riy 24 Time Appear* 38 Energy Gate
I\J Jf e- Wall
1 lme 1(_C
24 Energy Lightning Bolt 38 Matter Summon Object
lv I lme 24 Matter Mass Invisibility 38 Regeneration
Speak with the Dead
10 Thought 24 Energy Power Word Stun
10 Wall of Fire 40 Energy Blasting
Energy 24 Matter Reverse Gravity
40 Matter Create Any Monster
12 Time Anti-Plant Shell 24 Thought Speak with Monsters A(\ PiiT-c-all
12 Thought Charm Monster 24 Thought Treasure Finding TU i^ureaii
Time Immune to Breath Weap-
12 Time Continual Darkness* 40
26 Energy Delayed Blast Fire Ball ons
12 Matter Gaseous Form
10 TJ..t. 26 Matter Plane Travel Time Life Trapping
lz Energy riaste 26 Matter Polymorph Self 40 Matter Maze
12 Time Neutralize Poison 26 Thought Remove Charm* 40 Energy Meteor Swarm
12 Time Protection from Poison 40 Energy Prismatic Wall
Thought Speak with Plants 28 Matter Barrier
12 40 Matter Shapechange
28 Time Life Drain*
14 Time Anti-Magic 20% 40 Time Timestop
28 Thought Magic Jar
14 Time Cause Critical Wounds
28 Energy Projected Image
14 Energy Create Magic Aura 28 Energy Remove Barrier*
14 Matter Cure Critical Wounds 28 Energy Remove Curse
14 Time Dissolve 28 Matter Statue
14 Thought Find Traps 28 Matter Sword
14 Energy Hallucinatory Terrain
14 Time Hold Monster
14 Matter Size Control
14 Matter Wall of Stone

Adventure planning 25 Home Planes 20
Charts 26 Magical effects 20
Astral Plane 6 Moving a plane 21
Contents 7 Planar access 21
Creatures 7 Home System 5
Effect on magic 6
Movement within 6 I
Avatars 24
Identities, existing 15
Immortals, games for 17
Exploration ^ 17
Boundaries, of planes 12 Investigation 17
Games with mortals 16
C Immortal justice 18
Immortal opponents 23
Campaign, the 14
Infinite dimensions 3
Combinations 14
Controllers 16
Creatures 27
Magic, new 19
D Of energy 19
Of matters 19
Dimensional Contiguity 12
Of thought 19
•Dimensions 2
Of time 20
Aberrations 12
Mortal opponents 23
And magic 12
Movement 6
Boundaries 12
Multiverse 2
Astral-Ethereal 12
Dimensional 13
Planar 12
Infinite 3 Observers 16
Unusual effects 12 Outer Planes 9
Dimensions 9
E Size 10
Earth 5
Experience awards and penalties 17
Experience points 23 Physical characteristics 5
Immortal opponents 23 Astral Plane 6
Mortal opponents 23 Outer Planes 9
Prime Plane 5
G Planes of existence 2
Prime Plane 5
Galaxy, the 6
Projects 17
Goals of the Immortals 15


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