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For the use of Members of Parliament NOT FOR PUBLICATION

No. 14/RN/Ref./June/2018



Prepared by Dr. Jayadev Sahu, Additional Director (23035025) and Shri Sai Ram C.V., Junior Library Assistant
of Lok Sabha Secretariat under the supervision of Smt. Kalpana Sharma, Joint Secretary and Smt. Anita Khanna,

The Reference Note is for personal use of the Members in the discharge of their Parliamentary duties, and is
not for publication. This Service is not to be quoted as the source of information as it is based on the sources
indicated at the end/in the context.
Vehicular Pollution in India
Air pollution is one of the serious environmental concerns of the urban
cities where majority of the population is exposed to poor air quality. The rapid
urbanization in India has resulted in a tremendous increase in the number of
motor vehicles. As the number of vehicles continues to grow and the
consequent congestion increases, vehicles are now becoming the main source of
air pollution in urban India.
The country has taken a number of measures for the improvement of the
air quality in cities. These include, the improvement in the fuel quality,
formulation of necessary legislation and enforcement of vehicle emission
standards, improved traffic planning and management, etc.

Vehicular pollutants

Automotive vehicles emit several pollutants depending upon the quality

of the fuel they consume and engine efficiency. The release of pollutants from
vehicles also include fugitive emissions of the fuel and the source and level of
these emissions depending upon the vehicle type, its maintenance, etc. The
major pollutants released as vehicle/fuel emissions are, carbon monoxide (CO),
nitrogen oxides (NOx), photochemical oxidants, air toxics, namely benzene
(C6H6), aldehydes, 1,3 butadiene (C4H6), lead (Pb), particulate matter (PM),
hydrocarbon (HC), oxides of sulphur (SO2) and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs). While the predominant pollutants in petrol/gasoline
driven vehicles are hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, the predominant
pollutants from the diesel based vehicles are Oxides of nitrogen and

Status of the Vehicular Pollution Control Programme in India, CPCB, p.2-3.

Effects of Vehicular Pollutants on Human Health

The vehicular emissions have damaging effects on both human health and
ecology. There is a wide range of adverse health/environmental effects of the
pollutants released from vehicles. The effects may be direct as well as in-direct
covering right from reduced visibility to cancers and death in some cases of
acute exposure to pollutants, specially carbon monoxide. These pollutants are
believed to directly affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In
particular, high levels of Sulphur Dioxide and Suspended Particulate Matters
are associated with increased mortality, morbidity and impaired pulmonary
function. The pollutant wise health effects are summarized below.

Vehicular Pollution Problems in India

Motor vehicles have been closely identified with increasing air pollution
levels in urban centers of the world. Besides substantial Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
emissions, significant quantities of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbon (HC),
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and other air
toxins are emitted from these motor vehicles in the atmosphere, causing serious
environmental and health impacts. Like many other parts of the world, air
pollution from motor vehicles is one of the most serious and rapidly growing
problems in urban centers of India. The problem of air pollution has assumed
serious proportions in some of the major metropolitan cities of India and
vehicular emissions have been identified as one of the major contributors in the
deteriorating air quality in these urban centers. The problem has further been
compounded by the concentration of large number of vehicles and
comparatively high motor vehicles to population ratios in these cities. Reasons
for increasing vehicular pollution problems in urban India are as below;
 High vehicle density in Indian urban centers.

 Older vehicles predominant in vehicle vintage

 Predominance of private vehicles especially cars and two wheelers,

owing to unsatisfactory public transport system, thereby causing higher
idling emissions and traffic congestion.

 Absence of adequate land use planning in development of urban areas,

thereby causing more vehicle travel and fuel consumption

 Inadequate inspection & maintenance facilities.

 Adulteration of fuel & fuel products

 Improper traffic management system & road conditions

 High levels of pollution at traffic intersections


 Absence of effective mass rapid transport system & intra-city railway


 High population exodus to the urban centers.

 Increasing number skyrocketing buildings in the urban areas causes

stagnation of the vehicular emissions to the ground level and preventing
its proper dispersion.

Emissions of Green House Gases (GHGs) from Transport Sector

A study for CO2 emission carried out by a Delhi based organization Centre for
Science and Environment has depicted that the emission of CO2 on Indian road
is expected to reach a value of 1212 million tonnes during 2035 from a value of
208 million tonnes during 2005. Total CO2 emission from well to exhaust in
Indian roads from 2005 to those projected in 2035 are depicted below:2

Source: CSE, New Delhi

Vehicular Population Growth: The transport demand in India has been

growing rapidly. Sustained economic growth, improved road infrastructure and
increased disposable income of households have led to the rising demand for
road transport. There has been a continuous increase in the number of registered
motor vehicles in India since 1951. The total number of registered motor
vehicles increased from about 0.3 million in March, 1951 to 230.03 million up

Ibid. p.10-11.

to 31st March, 2016 ( Annexure-I&II). The total registered vehicles in the

country grew at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.9 per cent
between 2006 and 2016.3

Vehicular Pollution Control Measures

The Union Government of India have been emphasizing the need for
planning and developing strategies to implement mitigation measures to
maintain the urban air quality and make the cities cleaner and greener for
achieving better air quality and good health for its citizens.
Vehicular Pollution Control Initiatives in India can broadly be
categorized into Technical & Non-Technical Measures. The Technical
Instruments for controlling vehicular Pollution include Implementation of
stringent emission norms for both new & in-use vehicles, improvement in
vehicular technology, improvement in the quality of fuels, switching over to
cleaner vehicles as well as fuels, etc. The Non Technical instruments include
measures like better traffic management system, augmentation in public
transport system, implementation of market based instruments i.e. fiscal
instruments, generating mass awareness, drives for checking adulteration, etc.
Some of the major steps taken by the Union Government to check
vehicular pollution include:-
 Mass Emission Standards (Bharat Stage IV) implemented across the
country for all categories of new vehicles from 01 April, 2017. India will
leap frog from BS-IV norms to BS-VI and Notification for
implementation of BS-VI emission norms for all categories of new
vehicles from 01 April, 2020 has been issued.

 Fuel efficiency norms for passenger cars have been notified on 23 April,

Road Transport Year book (2015-16), MoRTH, p.8-9.

 Promotion of electric/hybrid vehicles through National Electric Mobility

Mission Plan 2020 and Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &)
Electric Vehicles.

 Introduction of cleaner / alternate fuels such as LPG, CNG, Bio-Diesel

Blends, Battery Operated, Hydrogen and Solar Operated vehicles.

 Promotion of public transport and network of metro, e-rickshaws,

promotion of car pooling, Pollution Under Control Certificate, lane
discipline, vehicle maintenance, etc.4,5

Air pollution imposes a cost on society as it increases both morbidity and
mortality. There is thus an urgent need to deal with the problem of vehicular
pollution. Advanced emission norms, Bharat IV and VI are being adopted to
deal with the problem. Awareness has to be created among people to undertake
measures to keep their vehicles well maintained to reduce emissions. However,
the greatest benefit come from the public transport as it will reduce the number
of vehicles on Indian city roads at the same time meeting the mobility needs of
the people. The pollution level can be minimized by the use of innovative and
technical methods as well as the alternative fuels. Measures should be taken to
run public transport vehicles on fuels which pollute less such as Compressed
Natural Gas, so that emissions from these vehicles can be minimized.

Sources Consulted
1. Status of the Vehicular Pollution Control Programme in India, CPCB, MoEFCC, New
Delhi, 2010.
2. Road Transport Year Book (2015-16), MoRTH, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Reply to Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Questions.

Op.cit. Status of Vehicular, p.34.
Reply to Rajya Sabha Question No.1805 dated 12-03-2018.
Annexure - I

The total number of registered motor vehicles in India from 1951 to 2016

Source: Road Transport Year Book (2015-2016)

Annexure -II

State-wise and million-plus cities wise distribution of Registered Motor Vehicles

Source: Road Transport Year Book (2015-2016)

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