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1. What is the importance of Science Technology and Society?
- Science and Technology Studies is a growing field that draws on the full range of
disciplines in the social sciences and humanities to examine the ways that science and
technology shape, and are shaped by, our society, politics, and culture. We study
contemporary controversies, historical transformations, policy dilemmas, and broad
philosophical questions. The graduate program prepares students to be productive and
publicly-engaged scholars, advancing research and making a difference.
- Science is important to the public because it helps address issues that are of concern to the
general population. Scientific principles have been and continue to be applied to address
issues, concerns, and problems that people face in the day-to-day aspects of living.
Scientific research has value and importance to the layperson to the extent that it helps
address problems of a practical nature. How science is taught and learned can determine
its relevance to the majority of students, not only to those planning careers in scientific
- The Division for Science, Technology and Society (STS) focuses on the societal role of
science and technology in the modern and contemporary world. The research and teaching
conducted at the division encompasses a broad spectrum of perspectives. Among the
disciplines and fields represented is history of science and technology, innovation and
sustainability studies, infrastructure and policy studies, science and technology studies as
well as gender studies, philosophy and sociology.
- Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field that studies the
conditions under which the production, distribution and utilization of scientific knowledge
and technological systems occur; the consequences of these activities upon different
groups of people.

2. What is the relationship between Science Technology and Society?

- Infrastructures in the society has developed with the help of science and technology. The
invention of the telephone and radio services has expanded human communication.
Society can not exist without the industry we have today. Society needs science and
technology. A computer helps us. The impact of science and technology can be
seriously recognized. Science and technology has greatly contributed in practice to the
vision of man over himself. Science has changed the opinion about the origin of man
and place of origin as well. Through the results of scientific discoveries, the perception
of people about his behavior and his place of origin was diversely changed.
Experiments in science today are in one way or another to the detriment of society.
Take for Example of the attempt to clone a human being. The experiment has a lot of
controversy, as the company skeptical about them.
- As science and technology is linked to society is something that calls also for government
intervention. Science and technology issues are actually discussed worldwide today.
Progress in this has led to produce the ability to integrate different types of physical
- The establishing world has a long custom of participatory action research study, popular
education and neighborhood company enrolling to fix some science and technology
concerns that impact the society. How is science and technology associated to the society
is something that is calling even for the federal government intervention. Science and
technology associated concerns are really been gone over around the world today.
Progress in this has actually been dealt with to the capability to produce varied kinds of
product products. Answering the concern how science and technology belongs to society.
- First, science and technology has not only made human society more prosperous, it has
been the engine driving the evolution of the very nature of society. Moreover, expectations
are high that science and technology will continue playing this role in the future, and will
also be responsive to new issues that arise as times change, such as ensuring the safety
and security of society.
- In today’s world, in which science and technology deeply permeate all areas of society, it is
impossible to engage in economic activity that is not somehow linked to S&T. And as social
problems such as energy and environmental issues become increasingly conspicuous,
each and every citizen must come to see society’s problems as his or her own problems
and consider and execute appropriate responses to them. On the other hand, the
government authorities who promote S&T policy must accurately grasp the public’s
demands and expectations for S&T and execute policies that have the public’s
understanding, support, and trust.
- Science informs technological advancements. We rely on theories on physics, material
science, electricity, chemistry, etc to develop new technologies. Indeed, we’re still working
to create a lot of potentially useful materials that are predicted to exist, based on our current
scientific theories, and the more scientific theory develops, the more it can inform our
technological advancements. Our ability to create such powerful computers is informed by
our science. Quantum computers are being developed, based on our science on the topic,
which will further our computing power by orders of magnitude. But technology also
changes how we do science. Think about the invention of the telescope. It vastly changed
our ability to conduct astronomical research. Space telescopes, probes like Voyager, the
Cassini probe and the Huygens lander, etc have done even more. Even more recently,
technological advancements have allowed us to create a virtual telescope the size of the
Earth, which has allowed us to actually photograph a black hole (or really the material
around it). I happened to pick astronomy as an example, but the influence technology has
had on science is—well—astronomical. Computing power, storage capacity, and so on has
allowed for data science and the use of big data in medical sciences, sociology, economics,
and more. So the very computers that are being developed, using scientific theory and
evidence, also help us do scientific research. In some ways, the influence that technology
has had on society is obvious. It’s also very profound. Just consider your ability to ask the
Quora community this question, and our ability to answer. It would not exist without
technology. Social media, the internet as a whole, blockchain technology, etc all have had
significant influences on society. Of course earlier technological revolutions such as the
industrial revolution and the agricultural revolution cannot be ignored either. The ability to
create materials that we use in our everyday life, the ability to feed a massive amount of
people, and so on, are all thanks to the development of technological innovations. Of
course, while technology has been a great boon for prosperity, it has also had some
negative impacts. It has produced quite a bit of pollution, though hopefully technology and
science will cure that issue. Probably the worst use of technology—and the science which
informs its development—has been weapons of mass destruction. In the opposite direction,
society drives technology and sometimes prohibits its development. I recently finished a
piece on the ethics of fiction writing, in which I touched on the importance that fiction has
had on inspiring new technology and warning of threats that we could face in the future[1].
Society also drives technological evolution through need. Very often a technology emerges
because someone recognizes a need for that technology. Just as technology often
develops because there is a need for it, science helps solve the needs of society. While a
major goal of science is to simply better our understanding, many leverage science to help
solve real world problems in society. Additionally, like with technology, society can influence
our theories, and their evolution. Science also improves our understanding of society.
Anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, and so on, all help us better
understand how society functions. Because science alters our understanding of the world, it
has had a significant impact on our belief systems, our norms, and our values, as well as
our daily behaviors. Germ theory, for instance, has changed our sanitation habits and our
hygiene, as well as our food safety protocols.

3. Discuss the benefits of Technologies and Society advancement?

- Technology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. It helps society and
determines how people interact with each other on a daily basis. Technology plays an
important role in society today. It has positive and negative effects on the world and it
impacts daily lives. We are living in an era where technological advances are common. The
internet and cell phones are some examples. However, with technological advances,
there’s a downside to it all.
- One aspect of technology that has had a great impact on society is how it affects learning.
It’s made learning more interactive and collaborative, this helps people better engage with
the material that they are learning and have trouble with. Also, it gets you better access to
resources. With the creation of the internet, it gives us access to information at a twenty-
four-hour rate and you have access to almost anything online. In addition, it allows students
to get work done easier. Students can take quizzes and exams more easily, and teachers
being able to hold online classes can be very effective. It also expands the boundaries of
the classroom, encouraging self-paced learning. People can access learning through
YouTube and social media. This helps students learn better than sitting down for lectures
and reading from textbooks. These technological advancements made learning more fun
and convenient.
- Another way technology has impacted society is through communication, how we talk and
communicate with one another worldwide. Technology brought many new methods of
electronic communication. For example, there are emails, social networking, you can
facetime a person that lives on the other side of the world, and here’s video conferencing
where you can have conferences electronically. Lastly, the technological advancements
that were made within the health industry have helped keep people safe and healthy. There
are many innovate apps on phones that although people to watch their weight, how many
calories they intake, heart rate and other health properties any time of the day. There’s
increased accessibility of treatment available, there’s the change in healthcare that adds
benefits for the elderly, and hospitals using advanced technology within their surgical
- However, studies show that mobile communication affects people in a negative way when it
comes to being sociable and making face-to-face contact. Mobile technology can decrease
communication and relations between people. There’s less personal time, where you find
that you don’t enough time for yourself because you’re always in contact with someone.
Also, it can be distracting from your schoolwork. There is also loss of privacy, because
anyone can find you anywhere, at any time of the day. In conclusion, all of these things
impact how humans act today. Without technological advancements, our way of life would
not be as complex. Technological influences shape the way humans act today.

4. What is Technology?
- Technology is a broad term dealing with the use and knowledge of humanity's tools and
crafts. For scientists and engineers, technologies are: conceptual tools - as methods,
methodologies, techniques; instruments - as machines, apparatus, software programs; as
well as, different artificial materials which they normally use. Technologies are not direct
products of science, because they have to satisfy such requirements as: utility, usability and
safety, therefore the application of the scientific knowledge to concrete purposes requires
the contribution of engineering research. Until recently, it was believed that the
development of technology was a concept akin and restricted only to human beings, but
recent studies show that other primates (such as chimpanzees), and certain dolphin
communities, have developed simple tools and learned to pass this knowledge to other
generations, what would constitute a form of non-human technological development.

5. What is Society?
- A society, or a human society, is a group of people involved with each other through
persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social
territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between
individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be
described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. In the
social sciences, a larger society often evinces stratification and/or dominance patterns in
subgroups. Insofar as it is collaborative, a society can enable its members to benefit in
ways that would not otherwise be possible on an individual basis; both individual and social
(common) benefits can thus be distinguished, or in many cases found to overlap. A society
can also consist of like-minded people governed by their own norms and values within a
dominant, larger society. This is sometimes referred to as a subculture, a term used
extensively within criminology. More broadly, a society may be illustrated as an economic,
social, or industrial infrastructure, made up of a varied collection of individuals. Members of
a society may be from different ethnic groups. A society can be a particular ethnic group,
such as the Saxons; a nation state, such as Bhutan; or a broader cultural group, such as a
Western society. The word society may also refer to an organized voluntary association of
people for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes. A
"society" may even, though more by means of metaphor, refer to a social organism such as
an ant colony or any cooperative aggregate such as, for example, in some formulations of
artificial intelligence.

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