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Request Letter Asking for Financial Help in Paying Hospital Bills

[These are sample Request Letters Asking for Financial Help in Paying Hospital
Bills. You can follow these sample formats of request letter or application to send
to your office senior, employer, friend, and telling them about your tough financial
crisis and how medical bills are way out of your range. You can make any change
to the below application as per your needs.


Friend/Relative/Respected person name…

Office/Business type…


Sub: Letter Asking for Financial Help in Paying Hospital Bills

Respected (Name),

I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter with a lot of hope that maybe you
will be able to help me. My father’s business was not doing very well for a long
time, our financial instability had hit its peak and there was a lot of burden on my
father’s shoulders. (Describe in your own words). He had taken a loan from a bank
before he started his business and was not able to pay it off. He had a lot of debt to
pay off and was always stressed out due to these reasons. (Explain the actual
problem and situation).

Recently, because of the magnitude of stress, he had a heart attack (Disease type).
We immediately took him to the hospital and he has been admitted for three days
(More/less). He was worried about the hospital bills but I assured him that the
matter had been taken care of and he does not need to worry. However, the hospital
bill is around (Money amount) and I cannot afford such an amount. I will be so
grateful if you can provide me some financial assistance in my hard time and pay
the hospital bill. (Cordially describe your requirements).

I hope you will help me out and provide me with an assuring response.

Best Regards,

Your name…


Contact information…

Another format,

[Date of letter-month, day, and year]

[Recipient’s first and last names]

[Company/Business name

[Office/Home address]

[City, Province]

Sub: Sub: Letter Asking for Financial Help in Paying Hospital Bills

Dear [recipient’s name]:

I am writing to request financial assistance for my family from your organization.

As a result of unexpected and significant medical expenses, we are experiencing
extreme challenges in our monthly budgeting for basic living expenses. (Describe
in your own words). Right now we need approximately (Money Amount), but f
you could help us with whatever you can provide, we would be most appreciative.
(Explain the actual problem and situation). We would use any help that we receive
for food and utility expenses. (Cordially describe your requirements).

Thank you so much for taking the time to consider this request. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.



[Sender’s first and last names]

[Address and contact information]

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