A Tiger in The Zoo

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A Tiger in the Zoo


1.How does the tiger feel in the zoo?

Ans. The poet describes the feelings of the tiger in the zoo. He keeps on moving from one comer to
another. “He stalks in his vivid stripes moving the few steps of his cage”. He is not happy. He expresses
his silent anger.
2.How does the tiger walk in the cage?
Ans. In the cage, the tiger walks stately and furiously.
3. What message do you get from this poem?
Ans. From this poem, we come to know that animals like to live freely in the forest. The animals do not
want to live in the zoo. Their life is pitiable in it.
4. How does the tiger act in the cage?
Ans. The tiger is in the cage. He is powerless and helpless. He longs for freedom. His velvet pads do
not make ‘ any noise. He is in the silent anger roaring and ignoring the visitors.
5. What would the tiger do in a forest?
Ans. In the forest, the tiger can enjoy complete freedom. He would walk around freely without any
fear. He would terrorize the villagers by growling. He would show his teeth and claws.
6. What does the poet want to convey through this poem?
Ans. The poet wants to convey that like human beings, animals also like freedom. They do not want to
be caged, they cannot live a miserable life. If their habitat is destroyed by human beings, these animals
cannot survive.
7. What would the tiger do in a forest?
Ans. In the forest, the tiger can enjoy complete freedom. He would walk around freely without any
fear. He would terrorize the villagers by growling. He would show his teeth and claws.
8. “Freedom is a birth right. It is the most beautiful gift of god. It is valuable for all human
beings as well as for creatures,” Discuss with reference to the poem “A Tiger in the Zoo.”.
Ans. Freedom is the most beautiful gift of god. Freedom is a birthright, without freedom all is in vain.
Since the man has come on his earth, he tries to enslave the weaker sections for his own selfishness. If
a bird lives in a golden cage, it cannot become happy. It loves to fly freely in an open sky. In the same
way, if ‘ a man lives in a prison and gets everything, he cannot feel happiness. But if a man lives freely,
he will be happy even in poor conditions. In this poem, we find the descriptions of two tigers, one is in
a cage and second in an open field/forest. There is a great contrast between their behaviours.
9. Tigers are becoming extinct due to deforestation and poaching. How can people be
sensitized about the need of tiger.
Ans. Tigers are considered as an endangered species. People are killing tigers for their skins, bones,
claws and teeth. Due to this, the population of tigers has declined. We should not encroach on their
habitat. As we all need sheltered home, tigers also need natural surroundings. Forests should not be
cut down. They (Tigers) must be given more space to move freely around.
10. ‘Freedom’ is a life for both humans and animals. Elaborate.
Ans. The poet describes the feelings of the tiger in the zoo. He keeps on moving from one comer to
another. “He stalks in his vivid stripes moving the few steps of his cage”. He is not happy. He expresses
his silent anger.
11. Those who deny freedom to others, do not deserve it for themselves. Comment.
Ans. The poet describes the feelings of the tiger in the zoo. He keeps on moving from one comer to
another. “He stalks in his vivid stripes moving the few steps of his cage”. He is not happy. He expresses
his silent anger.
12. Read the following two poems—one about a tiger and other about a panther.
Then discuss:
Are zoos necessary for protection or conservation of some species of animals? Are they useful
for educating the public? Are there alternatives to zoos?
Ans. The zoo is necessary place for some animals to stay safe as they could be hunted down, poisoned
by sotne wild food; or could drown in water in the forest. They also create awareness among the
public about the nature of animals and make people friendly with animals. However, a zoo is not the
correct substitute for a forest. In a zoo, an animal would feel restricted’ and it is for this reason that
wildlife sanctuaries are better places for national endangered species.
These places provide protection as well as natural surroundings to these species. They can roam
around freely in their habitat and safe too. The public can visit these parks and get educated about the
animals and their lifestyle. The parks and sanctuaries are run using a strict set of rules, the most
prominent being the ban on hunting. Since the animals are in the open, visitors are not allowed to feed
them and would not misbehave or try to play with them as they are under strict guidance. Such
incidents have been recorded in zoos where people irritate and tease the animals. Hence, a wild life
sanctuary is a good alternative for animals to be safe as well as to live freely in their natural
13. Take a point of view for or against zoos or even consider both points of view and write a
couple of paragraphs or speak about this topic for a couple of minutes in class.
Ans. Zoos are both necessary and unnecessary for many reasons. But the reasons in favour are more
than its opposite idea. That is why the number of zoos is increasing throughout the world. Day by day
the number of many species is decreasing rapidly. So zoos are very necessary to protect and conserve
them. Many species of wild animals have already become extinct. Animals too are important for this
earth. There are many reasons to say that there are no alternatives of zoos

Summary of the poem

The poem begins with a description of a tiger that is very beautiful and is walking in his little
cage. He has beautiful stripes on his skin and has velvet like soft paws. But the tiger is not
happy and is quite angry about being confined in the cage. The poet says that if the tiger was
not confined to the zoo cage, he would have been hiding himself behind the long grass near
some water body, in order to catch its prey that is the deer. Also, he would have terrorised the
residents of the villages around the forest area. But the reality is totally opposite to this. He
was confined in a cage which was made up of strong building material and he was helpless
there. He could not show his power to the visitors, therefore, never tried to terrorize them.
The tiger is described as being powerless and agonized by the poet. He says that during night
also he is alone, hearing the voice of the patrolling vehicles of police and looking at the stars.
The cage life has totally changed the tiger’s personality. The poet is trying to say that the
animal which is famous for its fearlessness and freedom is confined and sad due to the human
beings who want to derive pleasure by looking at him in the zoo cage.


He stalks in his vivid stripes                 

The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.
Here the poet says that the tiger that is confined in the zoo moves around in the cage under his bright
coloured skin. He further says that the tiger can take only a few steps because the cage is small and it is
not easy to move in it. One cannot hear his footsteps because he has very soft feet, like velvet because of
which there is no sound of the tiger’s footsteps. The tiger tries to control his anger by quietly walking in
the limited area of his cage. He is angry because he is not free.

He should be lurking in shadow,

Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole                                         
Where plump deer pass.
The poet says that if this tiger was free, he would have hid himself behind the long grass near the
water bodies so that he could easily catch a deer in order to have it as its food. Basically, the poet
wants to say that the actual life of a tiger is to live in jungle where he could catch his prey and eat it
but the tiger in the cage can not do so.

He should be snarling around houses

At the jungle’s edge,                                           
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorising the village!
The poet says that if the tiger would have been free, he would have snarled around the houses located
at the outskirts of the forest. He would terrorise people with his sharp tooth and claws. This would
create fear among the people living in the villages.

But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
Now the poet comes to the reality of the tiger that is inside the cage. He says that the tiger is confined
in a strong cell which is made of strong building material. He further says that as the tiger is behind
bars, so his ferociousness is also behind the bars. He just stalks in the cage. He never tries to terrorise
the visitors because his power is restricted by the cage. Therefore, he never tries to terrorise the
visitors as he cannot attack them.

He hears the last voice at night,

The patrolling cars,
And stares with his brilliant eyes                       
At the brilliant stars.
The poet says that in the night, the tiger hears the sounds of the patrolling cars. Patrolling cars are the
vehicles of police which are used to guard at night. So, in the night the tiger hears the sounds of these
cars. He then stares at the shining stars with his shining eyes. The poet wants to say that the tiger is
sad and as he is confined in the cage, so, he cannot do anything. Therefore, he stares at the stars in the
night and tries to divert his thoughts towards them.

Word meanings
Stalks: follows
Vivid: bright colored
Pads: paws of tiger
Rage: anger
Lurking: To be hidden as to wait for your prey
Snarling: warning sounds made by animals
Baring: uncovered
Fangs: Sharp tooth of animals
Concrete: building made of bricks, cement, sand and water
Patrolling: to guard, to vigil.

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