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2. Critic the play using the different elements of theatrical arts as your guide.

“Rated: PG” is a poignant play on positive discipline written by Liza Magtoto,

directed by Mae Quesada-Medina and with music by award winning composer Vincent
A. De Jesus. It was performed on the scene of the PETA Theater Center.
The play revolved around the character of Joselle. Joselle is presented to the
audience as a hardworking, multi-tasking mother of two: Tonton, age 6 and Rosalie, a
teenager. However, her dilemma started when the opportunity to work abroad knocked
in front of her but she is torn between the decision to make her provide more for her
family and to be able to stay at home and make sure that her two kids grow up well.
Her husband, Romy could have taken the sole responsibility of taking care of the
children, but he is too focused on his job and leaves the children’s moral upbringing to
her already burdened wife. She also has some discomfort on leaving her children in her
own mother’s care since she herself was traumatized in her upbringing. She tries to
delegate tasks, but Rosalie, her teenage daughter has her own concerns. Like most
parents, Joselle and Romy find themselves at their wit’s end, and are tempted to resort
to physical punishment as a form of discipline. Also, like many other parents, they don’t
want to be like their own parents, so they try to find other ways of instilling discipline.
This play about instilling positive discipline is not just for the parents, but also for
the younger ones. As the parents would know and hear what is going on in the minds of
their children, the younger ones would also understand what their parents are going
through. The writer was able to capture this in the script, the director was able to stage it
in a fun, but not a preachy kind of way and the music director was able to convey the
message of the play through its music and lyrics.
One aspect that the audience cannot fail to appreciate is the impeccable acting
and singing skills of the cast. The actors are totally amazing and their acting is intensely
genuine. One can easily figure out and flow with the story based on their movements
and gestures. In fact, they acted in such a way that they could convey emotions to the
extent that the audience tangibly felt their sentiments. The actors were appropriately
groomed. Their costumes fitted the genre perfectly. They portrayed the poor life the
actors lived. The lighting of the scenes has made a great impact together with the
varying sound effects that describe the nature of the scenes.
Overall, I loved their performance. This play shows and teaches through music
and production numbers the what

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