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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
Daraga, Albay

Student : KYLE R. AMATOS

Term : 1st Sem., S.Y 2021-2022


Module 2- Learner- Centered Psychological Principles

What will you learn?

14 Learner Centered Teaching Principles Educational Psychologists and

Advocates of Learner Centered Teaching and them Contributions/Advocacies


1. Create a concept map of the 14- learner centered psychological principles to show
understanding of the lesson.
2. Reflect on the importance of these principles to you as a student in this new normal and as
a future teacher.
3. Compare or contrast the contributions of psychologists and advocates of learner
centered teaching.

Let’s Try This!

1.1 Pre-Assessment. What do you already know about this lesson? Write A for Agree and D
for Disagree opposite each of the items below.

A 1. Learner centered teaching is a traditional way of teaching.

A 2. Reflecting on a lesson learned uses metacognition.
A 3. The teacher is the one responsible for students’ learning.
A 4. John Dewey was an advocate of learner centered teaching
D 5. Home, culture and interests affect students’ learning.

How well did you fare? Which item/s did you find easy?
 I think I did well, the item I find very easy is in items 2,3 and 4 because some of the questions are a
bit familiar to me.

Which was a bit difficult?

 The items 1 and 5 because I am not that sure of my answers.
1.3 Let’s Study.

Answer the following items. Write F for Fact or B for Bluff for the first 5 items. Then, give short
answers for the succeeding numbers.
1. The 14 learner centered principles are based on research. __B___ 2. These principles focus
on the students and their learning process. __F___ 3. Multiple intelligence fall under
motivational and affective factors. __B___ 4. Learning in this new normal is under the individual
differences’ factors. __F_ 5. Education for all types of students are part of the developmental
and social factors. __F__
6. From the descriptions in the text, what is the role of the teacher and why?
 Basically, according to the 14 learner-centered principles the main role of the teacher is to
act as facilitators and guide to students because it is one way of knowing whether students
will develop and improve their knowledge and skills. Their role is to ceate an atmosphere
that generates autonomous student learning, they aim to let students explore and learn on
their own with their guidance and help.

7 & 8. Choose 2 or 3 factors that you will most likely use to accomplish the tasks in your subjects
and rank them based on your priority. Explain briefly why you have chosen them.
Rank Reason

1. Goals of the Learning Process It is one of the most important thing that a
learner must know because this goals will
motivate us to become better and aware of the
things that we want to pursue and achieve as a

2. Strategic Thinking A learner who is able to create strategies, focus

and innovate is a learner who will succeed. It is
very important that we learn to do some things
on our own way because through this we
develop our thinking skills, physical abilities,
acquire and integrate our knowledge. Through
strategic thinking, I will be able expand my
knowledge, abilities and skills that will not only
help in the learning process but as well as help
me in my future.

3. Social Influences in Learning Having a support system will not only help me
become motivated but as well as help me aim
for the best. By interacting with other people, I
will be able to enhance and widen the range of
my knowledge and understanding about lessons
and certain issues of the world.

9 &10. How did the cognitive and metacognitive factors help you in understanding this
In a way that it was able to lead me to a path where I am certain and it inspired me to be a
teacher who prioritizes the welfare and knowledge of my future students. The cognitive and
metacognitive factors helped me realize and recognize my strengths and weaknesses as a
learner. It made me understand that we all have different ways and strategies in learning and
coping with all the lessons and knowledge imparted to us. Having the knowledge and
understanding about the 14 learner-centered principles inspired me to become a better and
more active student in the learning process. It encouraged me to aspire and acquire greater
knowledge and understanding especially to things that involves the betterment of education
and our society. Also it helped me understand that teachers plays a very important role as
facilitators wherein they push us students to explore and discover our talents and skills. They
are the main reason why we students are able and capable of achieving something. They do
not only teach us lessons but as well as wisdom and morale. It is very interesting knowing
how our teachers molds us and hone us in becoming a better, active and knowledgeable
student and citizen of our society.

1.4 Let’s Think About This.

 The 14 learner- centered psychological principles (APA, 1997), include six cognitive and
metacognitive factors, three motivational and affective factors, two developmental and social
factors, and three individual differences factors.
 These principles are for all learners of different interests, abilities and needs.
 The teacher facilitates students’ learning.
Add another idea or learning that you got.
 The 14 learner-centered principles enables students or learners to discover, explore and develop
their skills, knowledge and capabilities.
 These principles teaches us students to not always depend on our teachers instead we should
learn to create ways and strategies that would help us enhance and develop our skills, knowledge,
personality and perspective in life.
 The teacher gives opportunities to students in creating and leading their own paths which will mold
them in becoming an intelligent, innovative, resourceful and active students.
 It pertains to the learner and its learning process.
 The 14 learner-centered principles emphasizes the active and reflective nature of learning where
students learn to act responsible and independent at some point.
1.5 Let’s Apply.
From the lesson read, do a concept map of the 14- learner centered principles and write a
caption below.

1.6 Let’s Reflect.

Write a two-paragraph reflection on how the 14 learner centered principles can be useful in your
lifelong learning and future profession. Moreover, at present, which principle/s would pose a
challenge to you as a student and why?
The 14 learner-centered principles enables students/learners with different capacity, interests,
abilities and needs to have a chance to learn and understand the lessons with the use of different
strategies for learning. For me, it is very useful especially that I will become a teacher myself,
through the knowledge and information that I have earned and acquired, I will be able to impart this
to my future students. Being able to understand how important it is to let students explore and act
independently allowed me to excel and enhance my capabilities, skills, talents and knowledge
about every lesson and situation given. I will not only use this in my chosen profession but as well
as apply this knowledge and skills on the things that I do in my everyday life. This principles made
an important impact not only to my future career but most importantly to my life because it made
me very certain how I would be able to use my talents and knowledge. I want to be useful not only
for my future students but most importantly for the future of our society. I also want to be the
teacher who can produce learners who will be active, resourceful, mindful, intelligent, innovative,
competent citizens who will become agents of change for the future generations.
During this trying times where I am still in grasp with all the changes happening, I would say
that the principle that would pose a challenge to me is the individual differences in learning. It is
with no doubt that students have different ways of coping up and understanding the lesson which is
why during this new normal, I am still adjusting and getting the hang of it. Honestly, I am a student
who learn faster when there are activities and task given that needs to be done and experience. I
believe in what John Dewey said ‘Learning by Doing” it means that some students would easily be
able to learn if they are experiencing the situation or lesson discussed. In addition to that, I may
struggle and fail sometimes but this will not hinder me in attaining and aiming for my dreams and
goals in life. Also this is a challenge that I will never back out because I am motivated, inspired and
driven to succeed.

Let’s Study. Write A for Agree and D for disagree for the following items.
__A___1. Making meaning from one’s own experiences was espoused by Jean Piaget.
__D __2. John Dewey’s belief in students’ reflection in order to understand things is shared by
Stanley Hall.
_ A__3. The “More Knowledgeable Others” may include teachers and

_A__4. Practices in learner centered teaching vary.

_A_ 5. Researches on learner centered teaching and learning may reinforce or oppose
previous ones.
6-10. Give a 2-3 sentence paragraph to answer this question.
From the contributions of the advocates and psychologists, which two struck you as
extraordinary or innovative and effective for you as a learner and why?
The two advocates and psychologists that inspired me and encourage me to become better are
John Dewey and Jean Piaget. I am amazed of how John Dewey, a philosopher, social reformer
and educator changed the fundamental approaches to teaching and learning. His ideas about
education sprang from a philosophy of pragmatism and were central to the Progressive Movement
in schooling. He is often considered one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, Dewey had
a vital influence on psychology, education, and philosophy. His emphasis on progressive education
contributed greatly to the use of experimentation rather than an authoritarian approach to
knowledge. Dewey was also a prolific writer and he believed that each child was active, inquisitive
and wanted to explore, this will become possible if the students are able to experience and learn to
adapt to situations and lessons. This helped me as a learner in a way that John Dewey was able to
establish a belief that students learn through different ways and because of that I was able to
understand and develop my strengths and weaknesses.
Next is Jean Piaget, I am impressed by his contributions to the field of education, he is best
known for his research on children's cognitive development. Piaget studied the intellectual
development of his own three children and created a theory that described the stages that children
pass through in the development of intelligence and formal thought processes. His contributions
include a stage theory of child cognitive development, detailed observational studies of cognition in
children, and a series of simple but ingenious tests to reveal different cognitive abilities. This helped
me as a learner in a way that the theory and researches of Piaget became a very important tool in
developing my learning capabilities and skills.

Let’s Think About This.

1. Psychologists, educators and advocates of effective instruction have made their
contributions for better education.
2. Reflective thinking leads to higher levels of cognitive, social and moral development and
self esteem.
3. Teaching practices should consider individual differences and learning
4. Educational practices have evolved throughout the years.
5. Assessment should be varied and continuous.

Let’s Apply. Please choose from options

Option 1.
Compare or Contrast two similar or different thoughts/ideas of educators or psychologists
respectively and explain your choice briefly.
 The two thoughts and ideas that I want to compare is the idea of Maria Montessori and Lev
Vygotsky wherein Maria Montessori looked at education from a scientific level. She believed
that education should prepare a person for all aspects of life. She believed that a person will
not learn from other person buy herself. She encourages learners to be responsible for their
own learning, growth and development. She designed materials and techniques that would
promote a natural growth of learning in students. They are common and can be observed in all
Montessori classrooms. However Vygotsky's theory is based on the idea that learning can
lead development, and development can lead learning, and this process takes place through a
dynamic interrelationship. Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive
development which tells that culture is significant in learning, language is the root of culture,
and individuals learn and develop within their role in the community. Lev Vygotsky believed
that students learn and develop skills and knowledge with the influence of their culture, peers
and community. He believed that cognitive development is possible to students if there will be
someone to guide and help them in their journey which is their teachers. Above all that, I
believe that both their theories is good and existing, there are some students who can handle
and develop their knowledge on their own and there are also some who develops faster when
there is someone to facilitate them. So I can conclude that despite the differences that their
theories imply, I still see the similarities that they both hold which is to show and support the
development or students and learners. With the knowledge that I had gained back then and
during this pandemic, I must say that I myself had experienced learning on my own and
learning with the help of my teachers but I cannot deny the fact that for me, I learn faster when
there is someone to guide and help me understand the things I need to learn.

Let’s Reflect.
The different contributions of the advocates and psychologists are significant in the learning
process. You are now going to write three things that you learned, two things that you
would like do in teaching your future class and one question that you would like to ask.
 First, I learned that this advocates and psychologists had contributed a lot to improve our
education, they created theories, researches and regulations that became a guide to both
students and teachers. They helped us develop ourselves and understand more on how
students/learners learn best. Second, I learned how important it is to know and figure what
strategies are best for students to learn and cope up with the lesson, I learned that with the
differences that we have, we must be able to adapt to situations and follow certain rules in
order to develop and enhance our skills. Some students may learn by just reading, some may
learn throughout an active discussions while some may learn if they are experiencing and
participating in the lessons. This advocates and psychologists cleared a path for us learners,
they created ideas, theories, materials and researches that will inspire us to become better
students. Lastly, I learned that anyone of us can help contribute to the betterment of our
education, it is just a matter of dedication and passion. We never know someday, we might
become one of the advocates that had created ways and researches explaining and initiating
that there are other ways to help develop the educational environment that we have.

 The two things I would like to do in class is advocating and teaching them this theories and
beliefs. I would want them to be inspired and driven to study hard. I want them to learn to act
independently with the help of my guidance so that they will learn to explore and develop their
skills, knowledge and capabilities. Next is that I want to teach them to appreciate and know the
worth of all this discoveries and theories that the advocates and psychologists were able to
share to us. I don’t want them to just learn and remember this lessons rather I want them to
understand and apply this throughout their journey in developing and knowing themselves.
 The question that I would like to ask is that, What theories or beliefs from the advocates and
psychologists would develop my personality, talents, skills and knowledge that shows my high
capacity to learn?

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