DEF CON Safe Mode - Sean Metcalf - Hacking The Hybrid Cloud

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Hacking the Hybrid Cloud

Sean Metcalf (@PyroTek3)

s e a n @ Trimarc Security . com
• Founder Trimarc (, a professional services company that
helps organizations better secure their Microsoft platform, including
the Microsoft Cloud and VMWare Infrastructure.
• Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) Directory Services
• Microsoft MVP (2017, 2019, & 2020)
• Speaker: Black Hat, Blue Hat, BSides, DEF CON, DEF CON Cloud Village
Keynote, DerbyCon, Shakacon, Sp4rkCon
• Security Consultant / Researcher
• Active Directory Enthusiast - Own & Operate
(Microsoft platform security info)

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

• Hybrid Cloud
• The Cloud & Virtualization
• Compromising Domain Controllers (On-Prem)
• Cloud Hosted/Managed Active Directory
• Amazon AWS
• Microsoft Azure
• Google Cloud Platform (GC)
• Attacking Hybrid Components
• Cloud Administration (IAM)
• Compromising On-Prem Domain Controllers Hosted in the Cloud –
AWS & Azure
• Conclusion Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
What is Hybrid Cloud?
• Blend of on-prem infrastructure combined with cloud
• Typically on-prem infrastructure with some cloud
hosted infrastructure (IAAS) and services (SAAS).
• Connection points between on-prem and cloud often
don’t focus on security.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Hybrid Cloud Scenarios
• On-Prem AD with Office 365 Services (SaaS)
• Office 365 to host mailboxes with authentication
performed by Active Directory on-prem.
• Cloud Datacenter
• Extending the datacenter to the cloud leveraging Azure
and/or Amazon AWS (IaaS).
• On-Prem AD with Cloud Hosted AD as Resource Forest
• Trust between on-prem AD and cloud hosted AD
• Combination of these (or other)
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
The Cloud &

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Conceptually The Cloud is Virtualization (effectively)
• Cloud provider Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) architecture
and configuration
• Amazon AWS architecture to host VMs (instances) which has
leveraged XEN and more recently (2018) Amazon’s Nitro
(based off KVM core kernel).
• Azure leverages a customized version of Hyper-V (core) to
host Azure VMs.
• Google Cloud Platform (GCP) uses KVM for virtualization.
• There is a cloud “fabric” that ties the “virtualization”
component with orchestration (and storage, network, etc).
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Access Office 365 with AWS Managed Microsoft AD
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
VMWare Cloud on AWS
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Domain Controllers

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Physical DCs
• Physical Access
• Out of Band Management (HP ILO)
• Check for port 2381 on servers for ILO web service (on same
network –which is bad)
Test-NetConnection $IPAddress -Port 2381

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

• A new exploitation technique that allows compromise of the
host server operating system through DMA.
• Leverage a discovered RCE to exploit an iLO4 feature which
allows read-write access to the host memory and inject a
payload in the host Linux kernel.
Airbus • New vulnerability in the web server to flash a new backdoored
Security • The use of the DMA communication channel to execute
arbitrary commands on the host system.
Identified iLO • iLO (4/5) CHIF channel interface opens a new attack surface,
exposed to the host (even though iLO is set as disabled).
Security Exploitation of CVE-2018-7078 could allow flashing a
backdoored firmware from the host through this interface.
Issues: • We discovered a logic error (CVE-2018-7113) in the kernel
code responsible for the integrity verification of the userland
image, which can be exploited to break the chain-of-trust.
Related to new secure boot feature introduced with iLO5 and
HPE Gen10 server line.
• Provide a Go scanner to discover vulnerable servers running
Virtual DCs: VMWare
• Compromise VMWare administration
• Compromise account with VMWare access to Virtual DCs
• Compromise system running vCenter (Windows system or
appliance) since this is an administration gateway that
owns vSphere
• Identify VMWare ESXi Root account password and use to
compromise ESXi hosts
(similar to local Administrator account on Windows)
• Connect directly to virtual DCs with the VIX API
(via VMWare Tools)
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Virtual DCs: Hyper-V
• Compromise members of “Hyper-V Admins” group.
• Compromise server hosting Hyper-V.
• Compromise local admin account on the Hyper-V
server (pw may be the same as other servers)
• Compromise account with GPO modify rights to the
OU containing Hyper-V servers.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Hosted/Managed Active
& What this Means to Pentesters & Red Teams

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Cloud Hosted/Managed AD
• AD environment spun up per customer by cloud provider
• 100% managed AD by the cloud provider
• Customer does not get Domain Admin rights or access to Domain
• Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform all have a
host Managed AD environments for customers, with some differences

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory
• 2 DCs running Windows Server 2012 R2 ( &
• Default domain Administrator account “Administrator” in the
“AWS Reserved” OU.
• First account is “Admin” and gains full rights on customer OU
• Customer OU created and rights delegated to AWS
Administrators (& default Admin account)
• The domain password policy is default, but the customer has the
ability to modify 5 pre-created Fine-grained password policies
• The DC auditing policy is decent except no Kerberos audit
policies, so no way to detect Kerberoasting (requires "Audit
Kerberos Service Ticket Operations" auditing).
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
AWS Managed AD – Customer Admin Account

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

AWS Microsoft AD Delegation Groups
• AWS Delegated Administrators group is delegated most rights including:
• Group Modify rights on the "AWS Delegated Groups: OU
• "Reanimate-Tombstones" (effectively the ability to undelete objects)
• AWS Delegated Managed Service Account Administrators group is
delegated rights to create and manage MSAs
• AWS Delegated Add Workstations To Domain Users added to the "Add
workstations to domain" URA on DC GPO
• AWS Delegated Kerberos Delegation Administrators added to "Enable
computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation"
• AWS Delegated Replicate Directory Changes Administrators group is
delegated "DS-Replication-Get-Changes" at the domain level
• AWS Delegated Domain Name System Administrators is added to the
DNSAdmins group providing DNS administration.
• AWS Delegated Server Administrators group is added to the local
Administrators on all computers in the customer OU ("LAB") and child
OUs via the GPO "ServerAdmins".
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Azure Active
Directory Domain

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Managed AD)

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Azure AD Directory Services (Managed AD)
• 2 DCs running Windows Server 2012 R2 ( &
• Default domain Administrator account “dcaasadmin” (default location)
• Initial admin account is Azure AD account – can select Azure AD accounts
(or synched on-prem AD accounts)
• Customer OUs: AADDC Computers & AADDC Users
• 1 Fine-Grained Password Policy (FGPP) called “AADDSSTFPSO”
• Authenticated Users can add computers to the domain
• Event auditing on Managed AD Domain Controllers not configured via
GPO, so can’t see configuration.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Azure AD DS Delegation Groups
• AAD DC Administrators has the ability to create new OUs (domain)
• AAD DC Administrators is delegated Full Control on:
• AADDC Computers
• AADDSSyncEscrows
• AADDSSyncState
• Managed Service Accounts
• Program Data
• AAD DC Administrators has Edit Settings rights on the GPOs:
• AADDC Computers GPO (linked to OU=AADDC
• AADDC Users GPO (linked to OU=AADDC Users,DC=trimarcrd,DC=com)
• The GPO AADDC Computers GPO adds AAD DC Administrators to the
local group Administrators in the following OU AADDC Computers
• AAD DC Service Accounts has DS-Replication-Get-Changes rights
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
GCP Managed
Service for
Microsoft Active
Microsoft AD)

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

GCP Managed Microsoft AD

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

GCP Managed Microsoft AD
• 2 DCs running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (2012R2 Forest FL)
• The AD Recycle Bin has not been enabled
• Default domain Administrator account “Administrator” (disabled)
• 2nd domain admin account “cloudsvcadmin”
• First account is customer created (“setupadmin” –can be changed)
• The domain password policy is default, but the customer has the
ability to create Fine-grained password policies
• Event auditing on Managed AD Domain Controllers not configured
via GPO, so can’t see configuration.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

GCP Managed AD Delegation Groups
• Cloud Service All Administrators
• Delegated Full Control on all objects (& link GPO rights) in the Cloud OU
• Cloud Service Administrators
• Member of Cloud Service All Administrators & Group Policy Creator Owners
• Cloud Service Computer Administrators
• Added to local Administrators group via GPO on Cloud OU
• Cloud Service Managed Service Account Administrators
• Delegated Full Control on the Managed Service Accounts OU
• Cloud Service DNS Administrators
• Cloud Service Protected Users
• Cloud Service Group Policy Creator Owners
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Managed AD Common Themes
• No customer Domain Admin or Domain Controller rights.
• Custom OU(s) are provided for customer use (users, computers, groups,
• Delegation groups provides AD component management capability to
• Domain Password Policy is default (7 characters), with the ability to adjust
via Fine-Grained Password Policies.
• Azure AD DS & GCP Managed AD both seem to have default Domain
Controller GPO settings.
• All provide the ability to configure an AD trust, so you may see the on-prem
AD forest trust a Managed AD environment (in the near future).
• Slightly different (or quite different!) approaches are used to provide the
same or similar capability.
AD Security Review PowerShell Script:
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Attacking Managed AD
• Determine which Managed AD you are viewing (combination of OU and
group names)
• Likely no escalation to Domain Admins, so focus on delegation groups &
• Identify default customer admin account.
• Azure AD DS can be managed by Azure AD accounts that are synchronized
into Azure AD DS or even on-prem AD accounts synched in from the on-
prem Azure AD Connect (through Azure AD) to Azure AD DS. If Password
Hash Sync (PHS) is enabled, then the on-prem AD account hash is included.
• Enumerate Managed AD privileged group membership.
• Managed AD typically used & managed by Application Owners who may not
realize the rights they do have as members in the Managed AD delegation
• DC auditing may not be configured to detect malicious activity (or sent to
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Hybrid Cloud Components
Amazon AD Connector

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Microsoft Pass-Through Authentication (PTA)
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Attacking Microsoft PTA
• Managed by Azure AD Connect
• Compromise server hosting PTA (typically Azure AD
Connect server)
• Azure AD sends the clear-text password (not hashed!)
to authenticate the user.
• Inject DLL to compromise credentials used for PTA
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Attacking Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On
• Managed by Azure AD Connect
• “Azure AD exposes a publicly available endpoint that accepts
Kerberos tickets and translates them into SAML and JWT
• Compromise the Azure AD Seamless SSO Computer Account
password hash (“AZUREADSSOACC “)
• Generate a Silver Ticket for the user you want to
impersonate and the service ‘ ‘
• Inject this ticket into the local Kerberos cache
• Azure AD Seamless SSO computer account password doesn’t
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Attacking Azure AD Connect

(July 2017)
On-Prem: Acme’s Azure AD Connect

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

On-Prem: Acme’s Azure AD Connect

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

On-Prem: Acme’s Azure AD Connect

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

On-Prem: Acme’s Azure AD Connect

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Cloud Administration
Identity Access Management (IAM)

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Cloud Administration & Roles
• Administrative groups are called Roles
• Each role has specifically delegated access.
• Depending on the cloud provider, custom roles can be
created with custom delegation and rights.
• Azure and Amazon AWS each have their own methods
for this, but the concepts are the same.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Azure IAM – Role Types
• Owner
• Has full access to all resources including the right to
delegate access to others.
• Contributor
• Can create and manage all types of Azure resources but
can't grant access to others.
• Reader
• Can view existing Azure resources.
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Azure IAM – Privileged Roles
• Tenant Admins
• Owner Role on the Tenant
• Full control over the tenant and all subscriptions
• Subscription Admin
• Owner Role on the Subscription
• Full control over the subscription

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
AWS IAM (Organizations)
• Root Account (Payer Account) – organization primary account
(often the first account)
• Account Admins
• Full control over the Account and everything in the account (account
• If Root Account (admin) AND Account Admin = Full organizational
• No real “subscription” concept
• Organizational Unit concept that provides granular
administration of instances (EC2)
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
AWS IAM Privilege Escalation Methods
• Creating a new policy version (iam:CreatePolicyVersion)
• This privilege escalation method could allow a user to gain full administrator access of the AWS account.

• Creating an EC2 instance with an existing instance profile (iam:PassRole and ec2:RunInstances )
• This attack would give an attacker access to the set of permissions that the instance profile/role has, which again could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access of the AWS account.

• Creating a new user access key (iam:CreateAccessKey)

• This method would give an attacker the same level of permissions as any user they were able to create an access key for, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the

• Create/update new login profile (iam:CreateLoginProfile / iam:UpdateLoginProfile)

• This method would give an attacker the same level of permissions as any user they were able to create a login profile for, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the

• Attaching a policy to a user (iam:AttachUserPolicy)

• An attacker would be able to use this method to attach the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy to a user, giving them full administrator access to the AWS environment.

• Attaching a policy to a group (iam:AttachGroupPolicy)

• An attacker would be able to use this method to attach the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy to a group, giving them full administrator access to the AWS environment.

• Attaching a policy to a role (iam:AttachRolePolicy)

• An attacker would be able to use this method to attach the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy to a role, giving them full administrator access to the AWS environment.

• Creating/updating an inline policy for a user (iam:PutUserPolicy)

• Due to the ability to specify an arbitrary policy document with this method, the attacker could specify a policy that gives permission to perform any action on any resource, ultimately escalating to full
administrator privileges in the AWS environment.

• Creating/updating an inline policy for a group (iam:PutGroupPolicy)

• Due to the ability to specify an arbitrary policy document with this method, the attacker could specify a policy that gives permission to perform any action on any resource, ultimately escalating to full
administrator privileges in the AWS environment.

• Creating/updating an inline policy for a role (iam:PutRolePolicy)

• Due to the ability to specify an arbitrary policy document with this method, the attacker could specify a policy that gives permission to perform any action on any resource, ultimately escalating to full
administrator privileges in the AWS environment.

• Adding a user to a group (iam:AddUserToGroup)

• The attacker would be able to gain privileges of any existing group in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account.

• Updating the AssumeRolePolicyDocument of a role (iam:UpdateAssumeRolePolicy)

• This would give the attacker the privileges that are attached to any role in the account, which could range from no privilege escalation to full administrator access to the account. Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Cloud API Keys
• Provide permanent access, often with privileged rights.
• Often provides additional authentication access method
(other than username/password)
• API keys are frequently exposed in code (Github), including
private repositories.
• Compromised API keys need to be regenerated.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Compromise Cloud
Hosted DCs
Via AWS /Federation
AWS Federated Authentication with Active
Directory Federation Services (AD FS)
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

On-Prem AWS EC2 Administration

On-Prem On-Prem
Domain Domain
Controller Controller

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



On-Prem AWS EC2 Administration

On-Prem On-Prem
Domain Domain
Controller Controller

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



On-Prem AWS EC2 Administration

AD Group: On-Prem On-Prem

AWS EC2 Admins AD AD
Domain Domain
Controller Controller

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



On-Prem AWS EC2 Administration

AD Group: On-Prem On-Prem

AWS EC2 Admins AD AD
Domain Domain
Controller Controller

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



On-Prem AWS EC2 Administration

AD Group: On-Prem On-Prem

AWS EC2 Admins AD AD
Domain Domain
Controller Controller

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]


On-Prem AWS EC2 Administration

AD Group: On-Prem On-Prem

AWS EC2 Admins AD AD
Domain Domain
Controller Controller

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



On-Prem AWS EC2 Administration

AD Group: On-Prem On-Prem

AWS EC2 Admins AD AD
Domain Domain
Controller Controller

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

On-Prem AD Account -> AWS Federation ->
Compromise On-Prem AD Summary
• On-prem AD Domain Controllers are hosted in AWS EC2
• On-prem AD groups are added to AWS Roles
• Compromise on-prem AD user account to compromise AWS EC2
instances (VMs) to run stuff on DCs
• Amazon SSM installed by default on most Amazon provided
instances (template) – need role to execute
• Hopefully you are logging this and looking at the logs (CloudTrail)
And the Logs can’t be deleted.
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
From Azure AD
to Azure
An Unanticipated Attack Path

Note that it’s possible that Microsoft has made changes to elements described in
this section since I performed this research and reported the issue.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | sean@trimarcs
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Updated docs

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
for Azure

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Access API

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Compromise Office 365 Global Admin

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
(Office 365)
User Access
Global Admin

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Hacker Account Added to User Access Administrator

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Azure RBAC Role Monitoring

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
What About Removal?

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Get Azure Owner Rights!

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

“… lets you manage virtual
machines, but not access to
Virtual them, and not the virtual
network or storage account
Machine they're connected to.”
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
“… lets you manage virtual
machines, but not access to
Virtual them, and not the virtual
network or storage account
Machine they're connected to.”
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Add Attacker Controlled Account to Virtual
Machine Contributor

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
(Office 365) (Azure)
User Access Add to Role
Global Admin Subscription Admin

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

• Companies often have 2 groups managing
different systems.
• One team typically manages Active
Separation of Directory & Azure AD.
• Another team typically manages servers
Administration on-prem and in the cloud (IAAS).
• These teams expect that they have
exclusive control of their respective areas.

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

• Customers usually have no expectation that an Office
365 Global Administrator has the ability to control
Azure role membership.
• Microsoft documented Global Administrator as an
“Office 365 Admin”, not as an Office 365 & potential
Azure administrator.
• Office 365 (Azure AD) Global Administrators can gain
Azure subscription role administration access by
Why is this toggling a single switch.
• Azure doesn’t have great granular control over who can
issue run commands on Azure VMs that are sensitive like
Azure hosted Domain Controllers.
important? • Once the “Access management for Azure resources” bit
is set, it stays set until the account that toggled the
setting to “Yes” later changes it to “No”.
• Removing the account from Global Administrators does
not remove the account from “User Access
Administrator” access either.
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Detection Key Points
• Can’t detect this setting on Azure AD user accounts using PowerShell,
portal, or other method.
• No Office 365/Azure AD logging I can find that states that an Azure AD
account has set this bit (“Access management for Azure resources”).
• No (Azure AD/O365) Audit Logs logging that clearly identifies this change.
• Core Directory, DirectoryManagement “Set Company Information” Log
shows success for the tenant name and the account that performed it.
However, this only identifies that something changed relating to “Company
Information” – no detail logged other than “Set Company Information” and
in the event the Modified Properties section is empty stating “No modified
• Didn’t find any default Azure logging after adding this account to the VM
Contributor role in Azure.
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Azure AD to Azure Mitigation
Monitor Monitor the Azure AD role “Global Administrator” for membership changes.

Enforce Enforce MFA on all accounts in the Global Administrator role.

Control the Global Administrator role with Azure AD Privileged Identity

Control Manager (PIM).

Monitor the Azure RBAC role “User Access Administrator” for membership
Monitor changes.

Ensure sensitive systems like Domain Controllers in Azure are isolated and
Ensure protected as much as possible.
Ideally, use a separate tenant for sensitive systems.
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
MSRC Reporting Timeline
• Reported to Microsoft in September 2019.
• MSRC responds in early October 2019:
“Based on [internal] conversations this appears to be By Design and the documentation is being
updated. “
• Sent MSRC additional information in mid October 2019 after a day of testing detection and
potential logging.
• MSRC responds that “most of what you have is accurate”
• Sent MSRC update in late January 2020 letting them know that I would be submitting this as part
of a larger presentation to Black Hat USA & DEF CON.(2020).
• MSRC acknowledges.
• Sent MSRC notification that I would be sharing this information in this blog.
• Documentation updated – June 2020.
• MSRC Security incident still open as of July 2020.
I was informed by Microsoft during my interactions with MSRC that they are looking into re-working this
functionality to resolve some of the shortcomings I identified.
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
How bad can this get?

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

How bad can this get?

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

How bad can this get?
Attacker takes control of Azure resources
Removes accounts from all Roles
Ransom the Azure environment
Azure Ransomware?

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Next Level

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

On-Prem Federation
Datacenter Server

Google Cloud Platform


Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



Google Cloud Platform


Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



Google Cloud Platform


Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



Google Cloud Platform


Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]



Google Cloud Platform


Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

“Don’t want all my eggs in one
So now eggs are in all baskets.”

Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

• Given that cloud IAAS is similar to on-prem
virtualization, cloud attacks are similar as well
• Connection points between on-prem & cloud
need to be carefully considered.
• Domain Controllers can be vulnerable no
matter where they are located (on-prem & in
the cloud).
• Authentication flows between on-prem & cloud
(and Cloud to Cloud!) can be vulnerable.
• Protecting admin accounts is even more
important in a cloud-enabled world.
Sean Metcalf (@PyroTek3)
Slides: s e a n @ Trimarc Security . com
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]
• GCP KVM reference
• Airbus Security – ILO
• AWS Managed AD
• Azure AD Domain Services
• GCP Managed AD
• Amazon AD Connector
• Microsoft PTA
• Attacking Microsoft PTA & Azure AD Connect
• Azure AD Seamless SSO
• Attacking Azure AD Seamless SSO
• Rhino Security Labs - AWS IAM Privileged Escalation Methods
• From Azure AD to Azure: An Unanticipated Attack Path
• Introducing ROADtools - The Azure AD exploration framework
• Dirk-jan Mollema’s talks
Sean Metcalf | @PyroTek3 | [email protected]

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