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Transistor Curve Tra

On USB, for bipolar trannies and FETs
Rainer Schuster (Germany)

This practical instrument can be used to measure and record the characteristic curves of NPN and PNP
bipolar transistors, N- and P-channel JFETs, and N- and P-channel MOSFETs. The circuit is based on an
R8C/13 microcontroller, which transfers the measurement data to a Windows application program via USB.

February 2006 issue [1] and the USB

Quick Project Specs controller is wired as described in the
March 2006 issue [2]. All of this is fitted
• R8C/13 microcontroller control module
on a PCB measuring only 80 × 35 mm.
• PC link via USB port Power is supplied via the USB port.
• User-friendly PC program with Help function (runs under Windows 2000 and XP) Various I/O port pins, +V and ground
are fed out to a 20-way socket header
• Curve data can be exported to and imported from Excel so the microcontroller module can also
• Checking transistor matching be used for other tasks.
The microcontroller can be reset when-
• Records characteristic curves of NPN and PNP transistors, N-channel and P-channel MOS-
ever desired by means of Reset push-
FETs, and N-channel and P-channel JFETs
button S1. A set of eighteen 470-Ω
• Plotted curves can be printed out or embedded in other applications resistors limit the output currents of
the I/O pins to approximately 10 mA
in order to protect the board against
Curve tracers have a long history in Curve tracer operating principle the potentially fatal consequences of a
Elektor. The first article on this sub- connection error.
ject appeared in the 1979 Summer The operating principle of curve tracers When jumper JP1 is fitted, program
Circuits issue, followed by an article has not changed much since the first code can be downloaded into the
in June 1980, one in October 1988, article appeared in Elektor. The basic microcontroller via the USB port. One
and another one in December 1989. idea is to generate a time-dependent way to do this is to use the Renesas
However, none of these circuits had collector current by combining a ramp- Flash Development Toolkit, which can
a computer interface, and except for shaped collector–emitter voltage with a be downloaded free of charge from the
the circuit published in the Decem- base current that is increased either in Web address for this project [3]. The
ber 1989 issue, they were limited to discrete steps or continuously. The col- previously mentioned Elektor articles
NPN transistors. lector voltage is plotted on the X axis, and the R8C topic on the Elektor forum
This situation changed with the project and the collector current is plotted on the [4] provide adequate information about
published in the May 1990 issue, which Y axis. The block diagram in Figure 1 is generating the software, downloading
provided a control interface for connec- based on this operating principle. the hex file to the microcontroller, and
tion to the Centronics port of an Atari installing the USB driver on the PC.
computer. A version for use with a PC
followed in September 1993. The circuit
Control module
was upgraded in April 1998, includ- The curve tracer described here is
Circuit description
ing control software running under built around an R8C/13 microcontrol- Generating the base current or gate–
Windows 95. ler, which is linked to a USB to serial source voltage
converter (type PL2303). The complete Timer Y is operated in PWM mode to
Now, more than 10 years on it’s time circuit diagram is shown in Figures 2a drive the base or gate of the transis-
for a new curve tracer with features and 2b. It does not require much com- tor under test (TUT). See the descrip-
that definitely outclass all the previ- ment, since the circuitry of the R8C/13 tion of the firmware for more details.
ous versions. section was described earlier in the The pulse rate is 2 kHz, and the pulse

24 elektor - 2/2009

width can be set over a range of 0 to for P-channel MOSFETs and P-channel measured, but instead calculated by
100%. A Butterworth low-pass filter JFETs. Switching between positive and the software from the configured base–
built around IC5a converts this sig- negative voltages is provided by ana- emitter voltage and the selected base
nal into a variable DC voltage, which logue switch IC9. The current gain is current range.
is amplified by a factor of 2 in IC5b provided by IC10 in combination with In order to measure the configured col-
to provide a voltage at the output of a transistor output stage formed by T1– lector–emitter voltage, it is first recti-
IC5b with an adjustment range of 0 to T4. Resistors R34 and R35 limit the out- fied by IC11 because it can be either
+10 V. The linearity of the output volt- put current to approximately ±0.5 A. positive or negative. After being
age can be seen clearly in the oscillo- divided by a factor of 2 by R42/R43, the
scope images (Figure 3). Measuring the characteristics rectified voltage is fed to the microcon-
The output voltage is inverted by IC8a The configured base current is not troller A/D converter input AD0. The
to generate the base current for PNP
transistors or the gate voltage for P-
channel MOSFETs and N-channel Timer Y Output 10μA
(P3.1) 0...-10V
JFETs. Switches S1 and S2 (IN1 and x -1
PWM 2kHz 100μA
IN2) of analogue switch IC7 connect 0...100% Butterworth
either a positive voltage or a negative 1mA
voltage to the base or the gate of the
TUT (see the firmware description for
the associated truth table).
Timer Z Output
Switches S3 and S4 (IN3 and IN4) of (P3.2) 0...-10V Transistor
IC7 are used to select the desired cur- x -1 under
PWM 2kHz Test
rent range (0–10 µA, 0–100 µA, or 0– 0...100% Butterworth x1
1 mA). The 0–1 mA range is always
used with the ‘FET’ setting to set the 0...+10V
gate voltage.

Generating the collector-emitter or A/D Input

drain–source voltage AD0
Timer Z of the R8C/13 is also operated UCE 0V...+5V
in PWM mode with a fixed pulse rate
of 2 kHz. A Butterworth low-pass fil-
ter built around IC6 converts the pulse
width into an analogue voltage and
A/D Input
amplifies the voltage by a factor of AD1
2 to again provide an output voltage I C 0V...+5V
with a range of 0 to +10 V. The volt- 1Ω
age is inverted by IC8b to generate
080068 - 13
the collector–emitter voltage for PNP
transistors or the drain–source voltage Figure 1. Curve tracer block diagram.

2/2009 - elektor 25

measurement range of 0 to ±10 V for

the collector–emitter voltage thus cor- a +5V +5V

responds to a range of 0–5 V at the A/D

converter input. Diode D5 prevents the
A/D input voltage from rising above C9 C10
F1 R1 4 8 17 24
C11 C7 C4

5 V in the event of a fault and protects 100n 10μ 20
19 100n 10μ 100n
25V 25V
the input from negative voltages. 100mA 1
5 13
The collector or drain current flows 2
3 6
through R49 and generates a positive USB
1 R2 DSR
voltage at the output of IC12b. The +5V
2 27 Ω
D– 11
output voltage ratio is 1 mV/mA. IC13 D+
3 R3
PL2303 CTS
4 27 Ω DP SHTD
amplifies the voltage by a factor of 10 GND
USB -B 26 23
to yield a ratio of 10 mV/mA at the A/D 7
converter input (AD1). The voltage and 21

the A/D input is 4 V at the maximum OSC1 OSC2

27 28
collector or drain current of 400 mA. X2

Here again, diode D8 prevents the A/ C6 C5

R7 R6 R5 R12



D input voltage from rising above 5 V 12MHz
in the event of a fault and protects the
input from negative voltages.

Table 1: Pin assignments of K1. R9 R31 C1 R29 R30


Pin Signal Pin Signal





1 P1.7 11 P3.0 7 19
2 GND 12 P3.1 1
P37/TXD10/RXD1 P00/AN7/TXD11
32 +5V
3 31 P0.1
3 P1.3 13 P0.7 P1.7 8
P17/INT1/CNTR0 P02/AN5
30 P0.2 K1
P1.6 9 29 P0.3 19 20 R10 P0.1
4 P1.6 14 P0.6 10
P16/CLK0 P03/AN4
28 P0.2 R11 17 18 R14
470 Ω
P15/RXD0 MODE 470 Ω 470 Ω
11 27 P0.4 P0.4 R28 15 16 R27 P0.5
5 P1.1 15 P0.4 P1.3 12
P14/TXD0 P04/AN3
26 P0.5 P0.7
470 Ω
R26 13 14 R25
470 Ω
P13/KI3 P05/AN2 470 Ω 470 Ω
6 P1.2 16 P0.5 P1.2 13
P12/KI2 P06/AN1
25 P0.6 P3.0
470 Ω
R24 11 12 R23
470 Ω
P1.1 14 R8C/13 24 P0.7 P3.2 R22 9 10 R21 P3.3
P11/KI1 P07/AN0 470 Ω 470 Ω
7 P4.5 17 P0.2 P1.0 15
22 P4.5
470 Ω
R20 7 8 R19
470 Ω
P4.5 16 20 P3.1 P1.1 R18 5 6 R17 P1.2
P45/INT0 P31/TZOUT 470 Ω 470 Ω
8 P1.0 18 P0.3 P3.3 17
18 P3.2 P1.3
470 Ω
R16 3 4 R15
470 Ω
2 23 P1.7 R4 1 2
9 P3.2 19 +5V CNVSS IVCC C1 470 Ω

10 P3.3 20 P0.1 5
4 6
R8 X1 JP1

S1 C8 C3 C12
Power supply 20MHz

The curve tracer is powered by an on- 100n 22p 22p

board PCB-mount transformer with

two secondary windings, each rated 080068 - 12

at 15 V / 0.5 A. The rectified DC volt-

ages of approximately ±20 V are fed to
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the microcontroller module (a) and control circuitry (b).
IC2 and IC3, which produce regulated
voltages of ±15 V to power all of the
analogue circuitry with the exception [1][2][4]. HEW can also be downloaded Configuring the base current range
of the output stages. LEDs D10 and from the project Web address [3]. The base current range is set using I/O
D11 indicate the presence of the sup- pins P1.2 and P1.3 as follows:
ply voltages.
The ±12 V supply voltages for the out-
Program flow P1.2 P1.3 Base current range
put stages are provided by IC1 and Initialisation 1 1 10 µA
IC4, which require heat sinks. Here Timers Y and Z are first initialised as 0 1 100 µA
LEDs D9 and D12 indicate the pres- PWM timers with a pulse rate of 2 kHz. 1 0 1 mA
ence of the supply voltages. Timer X is used to execute wait loops.
The UART1 interface is initialised to Configuring the transistor type
9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and The polarity of the base current or gate
R8C firmware no parity. The interrupt for this inter- voltage and the collector–emitter or
The microcontroller firmware was writ- face is enabled with a priority of 6. The drain–source voltage are set using I/
ten in C using the Renesas High-per- following default values are then set: O pins P1.0, P1.1, P1.6 and P1.7 (see
formance Embedded Workshop. The • Maximum collector or drain current: Table 2).
details of the development environ- 100 mA
ment fall outside the scope of this arti- • Transistor type: NPN Main program loop
cle. It has been described in the R8C • Base current range: 10 µA The main program loop constantly
articles in previous issues of Elektor • Number of curves: 5 polls the UART1 serial interface to see

26 elektor - 2/2009
b +5V
R11 +5V
10k R16 V+

C12 C25

R15 13
100n 2 7 2
100n R7 IC5.B 10k 100n V+ R21
1 5 1 2 3 R19
R5 R6 IC5.A 10k IC8.A D1 S1 4k7 931k
3 3 15 14 R20
10k 10k D2 S2 4k7
R12 10 IC7 11 R22
C13 D3 S3 4k7
7 6 R23

K1 C11 D4 S4 88k7
19 20 TYOUT 47n DG441DJ
100n 1
17 18 IN1
15 16 5 IN2
11 12 TZOUT IN4
TYOUT 9 10 V–
7 8 IBPOS IC5 = TL082P 100n 4
IBNEG 5 6 IB100U IC8 = TL082P JP1

IC6 = TL082P


V+ T3

R13 +5V
10k R17 V+ C29


10k BD139
C17 C27
6 D1

R18 13 R34
100n 2 7 6 100n
R10 IC6.B 10k V+ R32 BC547A

1 5 7 2 3 IC10 1N4148
R8 R9 IC6.A 10k IC8.B D1 S1 10k
3 5 15 14 3 7
10k 10k D2 S2 10k R36 C/D
R14 10 IC9 11 6
C18 D3 S3 R33 100 Ω
7 6 2 JP2

V+ C16 D4 S4 R35
47n 4

C15 C19 C22 1 D2
100n IN1 TL081P T2
5 IN2
100n 100n 100n GND
8 8 8 IN3
9 C28 1N4148
IC1 8
100n BC557A T4
C26 R51
4 4 4 7812 +12V V–
C14 C20 C23

100n 4

100n 100n 100n

C3 C7
V- V- BD140
K2 FT14 100n 10μ
25V -12V E/S
R40 R39
115V IC2 20k 20k
50Hz V+
B1 R41 R38
VM18 6
R42 10k 10k
15V 10k IC11.B 1N4148

115V 5
05A C1 C4 C8 D5 R43

D10 D3 2
2200μ 100n 10μ 10k
35V 25V 22n 1
50 71 64 3
BZX90C5V6 D4
IC11 = TL082P

C2 C5 C9 V+ 1N4148

2200μ 100n 10μ D11

V+ 35V 25V R50
C31 C33 100n R47 R46
IC13 20k 20k
7915 V-
100n 100n 7 2
8 8
IC3 R53 R48 R45
IC11 IC12 10k 10k 10k
3 7
4 4 R4 D8 IC12.B
C30 C32 C38 4 5 1N4148

C6 C10 TL081P
100n 100n 22n R44
R52 D6 2
100n 10μ D12 1

V- 25V BZX90C5V6 IC12.A R49


IC12 = TL082P
7912 -12V 1N4148 1W
IC4 080068 - 11

whether any characters have been

Table 2: Transistor type setting.
received. This interface is connected
to the PC via the USB to serial adapter Base or gate Collector or
P1.0 P1.1 P1.6 P1.7 Transistor type
polarity drain polarity
(PL2303). The protocol described
NPN transistor or
below has been implemented for data 0 1 0 1 + +
N-channel MOSFET
Each command consists of a com- 0 1 1 0 + – P-channel JFET
mand code (a letter in the range A to 1 0 0 1 – + N-channel JFET
Z) optionally followed by one or more PNP transistor or P-
1 0 1 0 – –
parameters, which are always writ- channel MOSFET
ten as ASCII character strings sepa-
rated by commas. The defined com-
mand string terminators are CR (0x13) on its own initiative. It can only send with the configuration of the output
and LF (0x10). This protocol applies to replies in response to requests from parameters.
transmissions in both directions (from the PC. The commands are summa- For bipolar transistors, the base cur-
the PC to the curve tracer module and rised in Table 3. rent range is set to 10 µA and the
from the curve tracer module to the base–emitter voltage (UBE) is set to 0.
PC), although the curve tracer module Initiation of curve measurement For MOSFETs, the base current range
does not send commands to the PC The curve measurement process starts is set to 1 mA and the gate–source

2/2009 - elektor 27

a b c

Figure 3. Pulse width and IC5b output voltage at pulse width ratios of 10% (a), 50% (b), and 90% (c).

voltage (UGS) is set to 0. For JFETs, UGS mum value of IB or UGS, curve tracing The actual measuring process begins
is set to the maximum level, which is is terminated and the error message if no error has been detected. For each
+10 V for P-channel JFETs or –10 V for ‘M1<CR><LF>’ is sent to the PC. The value of IB or UGS, the collector-emit-
N-channel JFETs. The collector-emit- message ‘M2<CR><LF>’ is sent if the ter or drain–source voltage is swept
ter voltage (UCE) or drain–source volt- maximum collector or drain current is from 0 to 10 V while the associated col-
age (UDS) is set to the maximum value reached with a very low value of IB or lector or drain current is measured. The
(+10 V or –10 V), and curve tracing is UGS, which can occur with a shorted results are sent to the PC in the follow-
started. transistor. This message is also sent if ing format:
The base current (IB) or gate-source too many curves are set with the “K”
voltage (U GS) is increased until the command. After the base current or P<curve_no.>,<IB>,<Range><CR>
maximum collector or drain current is gate–source voltage corresponding to <LF>
reached. With bipolar transistors, the the maximum collector or drain current N<UCE>,<IC><CR><LF>
base current range is also incremented has been calculated, the delta (incre-
if the maximum collector current has ment value) is calculated from the base curve_no.: the number of the curve
not been reached. With JFETs, UGS is current and the number of curves to presently being measured;
reduced until the maximum drain cur- be measured (delta = IB(max) divided IB: xbase current or gate–source volt-
rent is reached. by number of curves). The previously age (0–10 V);
If the maximum collector or drain cur- mentioned error message is also sent Range: base current range; 0 = 10 µA,
rent is not reached with the maxi- if the increment is zero. 1 = 100 µA, 2 = 1 mA;

28 elektor - 2/2009
Table 3: Commands.
Parameter Meaning Response from curve tracer module
A - Query ID of curve tracer module Note 1)
B 0 - 255 Pulse width for IB or UGS; range 0–10 V –
C 0 - 255 Pulse width for UCE or UDS; range 0–10 V –
0 = 10 µA
D 1 = 100 µA Base current range –
2 = 1 mA
0 = Positive
E Polarity of IB or UGS –
1 = Negative
0 = Positive
F Polarity of UCE or UDS –
1 = Negative
G0 - 1024
G – Query current value of UCE or UDS
Voltage [V] = parameter value divided by 100
H0 - 1024
H – Query current value of IC or ID
Current [mA] = parameter value divided by 2
Maximum collector or drain current
I 0 - 1024 –
Current [mA] = parameter value divided by 2
1 = NPN
2 = PNP
J Transistor type setting –
5 = N-JFET
6 = P-JFET
K 0 -10 Number of curves (see text) –
L – Start curve measurement See text
1) The curve tracer module responds by sending its ID code: ‘A + Curve_Tracer VX.X + <CR><LF>’ (X.X = current version number). After this, the
curve tracer module sends the current settings of the following configuration parameters:
- Maximum collector current (default = 100 mA)
- Transistor type (default = NPN)
- Number of curves (default = 5)

UCE: collector–emitter voltage; range file (Curve_Tracer.mot), which can Application program
0–1024 (0–10.24 V); be downloaded via the USB interface
IC: collector or drain current; range 0– with the aid of the Flash Development The application program provides the
1024 (0–512 mA). Toolkit [3]. user interface for the curve tracer mod-
To enable downloading, fit jumper JP1 ule and is written in Visual Basic 6.0.
The base current is calculated as on the microcontroller board and press All program components were pack-
follows: the Reset button. After the firmware has aged using the VB6 Packaging Wizard.
been downloaded, remove the jumper They can be installed in any desired
Range = 10 µA: base current = and press the Reset button again. folder by running the Setup.exe pro-
IB × 0.025 [µA]; gram. The application pro-
Range = 100 µA: base cur- gram can run under Win-
rent = (IB – 14) ÷ 2.3 [µA] if dows 2000, XP, and Vista. All
IB ≥ 14; otherwise base cur- DLL files and ActiveX compo-
rent = 0; nents are registered during
Range = 1 mA: base current installation, except for the
= (IB – 16) ÷ 2.6 × 10 [µA] if Prolific driver for the USB to
IB ≥ 16; otherwise base cur- serial converter. This driver
rent = 0. must be installed by running
PL-2303 Driver Installer.exe.
After all the values have The Curve_Tracer.exe pro-
been transfer red, the gram can be started after
curve tracer module sends the curve tracer module is
‘O<CR><LF>’ to the PC, connected to a USB port of
which can then process the the PC.
data and display the curves.
Downloading the firmware The window shown in Fig-
The Renesas High-perform- ure 4 appears after the pro-
ance Embedded Workshop gram starts up and estab-
generates a Motorola (!) hex Figure 4. Example characteristic curve chart. lishes a connection to the

2/2009 - elektor 29

Controller board # 080068-2

R1 = 1kΩ5, SMD 0603
R2,R3 = 27Ω, SMD 0603
R4,R10,R11,R14-R28 = 470Ω, SMD 0603
R5,R6,R7 = 220kΩ, SMD 0603
R8,R9,R12,R29,R30,R31 = 4kΩ7, SMD
R13 = 1kΩ, SMD 0603

C1,C2,C4,C8,C9,C11,C13 = 100nF,
SMD 0603
Figure 5. Layout of the microcontroller PCB. C3,C12 = 22pF, SMD 0603
C5,C6 = 10pF, SMD 0603
C7,C10 =10µF 25V, SMD case A

D1 = LL4148
D2 = LED, 3mm, low-current
IC1 = PL2303X

curve tracer module. The follow-

ing functions are available in this

• Recording the characteristic curves

of NPN and PNP transistors, N-chan-
nel and P-channel MOSFETs, and N-
channel and P-channel JFETs.

• Exporting curve data to Excel and

importing curve data from Excel.

• Checking transistor matching.

• Printing curve charts or embedding

them in other applications.

The program has an extensive Help

function, so the operation of the pro-
gram is not described in detail here.

As can be seen from the schematic
diagrams, the hardware is divided
between two PCBs. The small micro-
controller board (Figure 5) holds the
R8C/13 and the PL2303, along with the
associated components (Figure 2a).
The main board (Figure 6) contains
the rest of the hardware (Figure 2b),
including the transformer.

All of the components on the microcon-

troller board are SMDs, so a reasonable
amount of soldering experience is nec-
essary for assembly. The main board is
more roomy, and all of the components
have leads or pins. The two 12-V volt-
age regulators, as well as power tran-
sistors T3 and T4, are fitted with heat
sinks. Here you must take care that the
Figure 6. Layout of the main PCB.
heat sinks of the two transistors do not

30 elektor - 2/2009
IC2 = R5F21134FP (R8C/13) R39,R40,R46,R47 = 20kΩ IC3 = 7915
R49 = 1Ω 1W IC4 = 7912
Miscellaneous R50 = 90kΩ9 IC5,IC6,IC8,IC11,IC12 = TL082P
K2 = USB-B socket IC7,IC9 = DG441DJ
K1 = 20-way (2x10) DIL pinheader Capacitors IC10, IC13 = TL081P
S1 = pushbutton, 6mm, SMD C1,C2 = 2200µF 35V radial
X1 = 20 MHz quartz crystal, SMD C3-C6,C11,C12,C14-C17,C19-C35 = Miscellaneous
X2 = 12 MHz quartz crystal, SMD 100nF, lead pitch 2.5mm K1 = 20-way DIL socket
JP1 = 2-way SIL pinheader with jumper C7-C10 = 10µF 25V radial K2 = 3-way PCB terminal block, lead pitch
F1 = 100 mA Polyfuse C13,C18 = 47nF, lead pitch 2.5mm 2.5mm
C36,C37 = 22nF, lead pitch 2.5mm F1 = 100 mAT (slow) glass fuse, with
Semiconductors TR1 = mains transformer, secondary 2x
COMPONENT LIST D1-D4,D6,D7 = 1N4148 15V / 14VA
Main board # 080068-1 D5,D8 = 5.6 V 500 mW zener diode 4 heatsinks type FK218/SA32 (21 K/W)
D9-D12 = LED, low-current, 3 mm
Resistors B1 = VM18, bridge rectifier 1 A / 100 V, Microcontroller and PC Software: free
R1-R18,R24-R33,R37,R38,R41- DIP4 download at [3].
R45,R48,R51,R52,R53 = 10kΩ T1,T2 = BC547A PCBs 080068-1 and 080068-2, avail-
R19,R20,R22 = 4kΩ7 T3 = BD139 able from the Elektor Shop.
R21 = 931kΩ T4 = BD140 Controller board also with components fit-
R23 = 88kΩ7 IC1 = 7812 ted, Elektor Shop # 080068-91.
R34,R35 = 1Ω5 IC2 = 7815
R36 = 100Ω

touch. It’s a good idea to use a piece of

insulating material here.
Bopla type E450 FVL. Various types
of transistor sockets can be fitted to
Internet Links
the enclosure to provide connections [1]
The microcontroller board plugs into a for the transistors, although a set of [2]
20-pin DIL socket on the main board. three short leads terminated in alliga- [3]
The assembled board set can be fitted tor clips is also a workable solution.
in a suitable enclosure, such as the (080068-1)
[4], go to R8C topic.


2/2009 - elektor 31

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