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Important Banking Awareness Questions

1).Banking Ombudsman Scheme is applicable to the 6).Distribution of insurance products and insurance
business of . policies by banks as corporate agents is known
a) All scheduled commercial banks excluding RRBs as .
b) All scheduled commercial banks including RRBs a) General Insurance
c) Only Public Sector Banks b) Non-life Insurance
d) Only Private Sector Banks c) Bancassurance
e) All scheduled banks except private banks d) Insurance Banking
Answer: b) e) Deposit Insurance
Answer: c)
2).Which of the following functions are not being
performed by the Reserve Bank of India? 7).Which of the following committees/ Task Forces
a) Regulation of Banks in India was set up to suggest reforms in Banking Sector?
b) Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment inIndia a) Swaminathan Committee
c) Foreign Currency Management in India b) Narasimham Committee
d) Currency Management in India c) Rajinder Sachar Committee
e) Control and Supervision of Money Supply d) Task Force on Infrastructure
Answer: b) e) None of these
Answer: b)
3).A bank is called as ―Scheduled Bank‖
when . 8).FINO stands for .
a) Its business has crossed Rs. 1000 crore mark a) Financial Investment Network and
b) Its branch network is over 100 Operations
c) It is included in the second Schedule of the b) Farmers Investment in National Organization
RBI Act c) Farmers Inclusion News and Operations
d) When it complies with all the three above d) Financial Inclusion Network and Operations
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: c) Answer: d)

4).Which of the following organization/agencies has 9).When the rate of inflation increases .
sought an emergency fund of Rs. 1000 crore from a) Value of money increases
banks to tackle acute liquidity crisis, which is b) Purchasing power of money decreases
coming in the way to give loans to micro borrowers? c) Purchase power of money increases
a) Micro Finance Institutions d) Purchasing power of money remains
b) Regional Rural & Cooperative Banks unaffected
c) RBI e) Amount of money in circulation decreases
d) NABARD Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: d) 10).Which of the following is the main advantage of
―ASBA‖ with the applicants for share allotment?
5).What is the upper limit prescribed for RTGS a) ASBA applicant has got certain preference in
transaction? allotment of shares as compared to general
a) Rs. 5 lacs applicants
b) Rs. 1 lacs b) ASBA applicants need not remit the fund for
c) Rs. 25 lacs allotment of shares, he/she will do after
d) Rs. 50 lacs shares are allotment to him/her
e) No upper limits is prescribed c) ASBA applicant has got secured allotment of
Answer: e) shares
d) ASBA applicants deposit/OD account is not
debited, only the funds are blocked for the ii) Credit Card
same and he/she continues to avail interest iii) Debit Card
till the shares are allotted to him/her. a) Only i)
e) None of these b) Only ii)
Answer: d) c) Only iii)
d) Both ii) and iii)
11). Interest on saving bank account is now e) All i), ii) and iii)
calculated by banks on . Answer: d)
a) Minimum balance during the month
b) Minimum balance from 7th to last day of the 16). Which of the following terms is used in the field
month of finance and banking?
c) Minimum balance from 10th to last day of a) Guage Pressure
the month b) Quantum number
d) Maximum balance during the month c) Adjustment Credit
e) Daily product basis d) Absolute Zero
Answer: e) e) Single bond
Answer: c)
12). A centralized database with online connectivity
to branches, internet as well as ATM-network which 17). Goods and Services Tax (GST), would replace
has been adopted by almost all major banks of our which of the following taxes level at present?
country is known as . a) Income tax
a) Investment banking b) Corporate tax
b) Core banking c) Capital gains tax
c) Mobile banking d) Value-added tax (VAT)
d) National banking e) All of these
e) Specialized banking Answer: d)
Answer: b)
18). Normally Banks accepts Fixed Deposits for a
13). Which of the following is not considered a maximum period of .
money market instrument? a) 5 years
a) Treasury bills b) 3 years
b) Repurchase Agreement c) 7 years
c) Commercial Paper d) 20 years
d) Certificate of deposit e) 10 years
e) Shares and bonds Answer: e)
Answer: e)
19). IFRS stands for .
14). Which of the following is not a part of the a) International Financial Reporting Standards
scheduled banking structure in India? b) Indian Financial Rating Standards
a) State Co-operative Banks c) International Financial Rating Standards
b) Public Sector Banks d) Indian Functional Reporting Standards
c) Private Sector Banks e) None of these
d) Regional Rural Banks Answer: a)
e) Money Lenders
Answer: e) 20). KYC guidelines followed by the Banks have
been framed on the recommendations of
15). Which of the following is known as Plastic the .
money? a) Ministry of Home Affairs
i) Demand Draft b) Ministry of Rural Development
c) Indian Banks Association e) Formal International Investor
d) Financial Intelligence Unit Answer: a)
e) Reserve Bank of India
Answer: e) 26). Which among the following is a qualitative tool
of monetary policy?
21). Short-term assets, representing amounts due a) Credit Ceiling
to a vendor or suppliers of goods or services that b) Credit Rationing
weresold on credit terms is known as . c) Cash Reserve Ratio
a) Account Receivable d) Bank Rate
b) Fixed Asset e) None of these
c) Deposit Asset Answer: b)
d) Current Liabilities
e) None of these 27). In India, the Chit funds are governed /
Answer: a) regulated by .
a) Local Bodies
22). What is the rate at which commercial banks b) RBI
charge on their surplus funds with RBI? c) Central Government
a) SLR d) State Government
b) Reverse Repo Rate e) None of these
c) Repo Rate Answer: d)
d) Cash Reverse Ratio
e) Bank Rate 28).CAG Stands for .
Answer: b) a) Controller and Auditor General of India
b) Constant and Author General of India
23). is the rate at which commercial bank c) Constant Auditor General of India
needs to maintain in the form of cash, or gold or d) Central Auditor General of India
government approved securities (Bonds) before e) None of these
providing credit to its customers. Answer: a)
a) Reverse Repo Rate
b) Repo Rate 29). CPI stands for .
c) CRR Rate a) Cost Price Index
d) SLR Rate b) Current Price Index
e) None of these c) Consumer Price Index
Answer: d) d) Cash Price Index
e) None of these
24). Who appoints the governor of Reserve Bank of Answer: c)
a) Financial Secretary 30). SEBI is a .
b) Financial Ministry a) Non-Advisory body
c) Central Government b) Statutory body
d) President of India c) Advisory body
e) None of these d) Constitutional body
Answer: c) e) Non- Statutory body
Answer: b)
25). FII Stands for .
a) Foreign Institutional Investor 31). At which rate the RBI lends money to a public
b) Foreign International Investor sector bank on a long term basis?
c) Forward Institutional Investor a) Bank Rate
d) Formal Institutional Investor b) CRR
c) Repo Rate and other short-term securities are kept with
d) PLR .
e) Reverse Repo Rate a) RBI
Answer: a) b) Individual banks
c) SBI
32). What is the full form of PPP? d) Finance Ministry
a) Personal Private Power e) None of these
b) Primary Power Parity Answer: b)
c) Personal Private Parity
d) Purchasing Power Parity 38). As per the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, any
e) None of these person can file a complaint before the Banking
Answer: d) Ombudsman, if the satisfied reply is not received
from the bank within a period of .
33). What is the Minimum amount of transfer a) 6 months
required for RTGS is . b) 3 months
a) Rs. 1 lakh c) 2 months
b) Rs. 2 lakh d) 1 month
c) Rs. 5 lakh e) 1 year
d) Rs. 50,000 Answer: d)
e) No Limits
Answer: b) 39). Money lent for more than one day but less than
15 days in the money market is known as .
34). Who is the sole authority to issue and manage a) Notice Money
currency in India? b) Call Money
a) State Bank of India c) Term Money
b) Government of India d) Week Money
c) Reserve Bank of India e) None of these
d) Finance Ministry Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 40). Smart Money‘ is a term used for .
a) Internet Banking
35). In CRR, C stands for . b) Credit Card
a) Cash c) Mobile Apps
b) Currency d) Demand Drafts of Banks
c) Core e) None of these
d) Currency Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 41). The Indian Financial System Code (IFS Code)
is an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a
36). MICR code is used for . bank-branch participating in the two main
a) For Code Banking Solution Electronic Funds Settlement Systems in India. IFSC
b) For Electronic Funds Transfer code consists of how many alphanumeric codes?
c) For Electronic Clearance of Cheques a) 10
d) For Cheque Truncation Services b) 11
e) None of these c) 9
Answer: c) d) 12
e) 8
37). The Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR), the Answer: b)
amount of liquid assets such as cash, precious metals
42). Which among the following committee a) Regulation
constituted on Payment Banks license? b) Reserve
a) Dr. Nachiket Mor c) Restructuring
b) Deepak Mohanty d) Ratio
c) A C Shan e) Reduce
d) B D Thakar Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 48). What is the minimum amount required to open
a Fixed Deposit (FD)?
43). SARFAESI Act 2002 related to . a) Rs. 1000
a) Acquisition of small banks b) Rs. 100
b) Fixation of interest rates c) Rs. 500
c) Recovery of bad loans d) Rs. 10000
d) Regulation of foreign exchange e) No Limit
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: c)
49). If one is not satisfied with the decision passed by
44). NDTL stands for . the Banking Ombudsman, one can approach the
a) Net Demand and Term Liability appellate authority to .
b) Net Demand and Time Liquidity a) Governor of RBI
c) Net Demand and Trade Liquidity b) Deputy Governor of the RBI
d) Net Demand and Time Liability c) Finance Secretary
e) None of these d) Finance Minister
Answer: d) e) GM of the Concern Bank
Answer: b)
45). Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) is
a 9 digits code is used mainly by the banking 50). Headquarters of National Investment and
industry to ease the processing and clearance of Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) is located at .
cheques and other documents. The first three digits a) New Delhi
represent the . b) Hyderabad
a) Bank c) Mumbai
b) City d) Kolkata
c) State e) Bangalore
d) Branch Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 51). According to the proposal on PSL, what sub
target is to be created for Micro Enterprises in India
46). A savings as well as current account should be by March 2017?
treated as inoperative / inactive if there are no a) 7 %
transactions in the account for over a period of b) 7.5 %
years. c) 8 %
a) 5 d) 8.5 %
b) 3 e) None of the above
c) 1 Answer: b)
d) 2
e) 4 52). What is ―Stagflation‖?
Answer: d) a) inflation with growth
b) deflation with growth
47). In CDR, ―R‖ stands for . c) inflation after deflations
d) inflation with depression
e) None of the above 58). With which article of the Indian Constitution is
Answer: c) Money Bill related?
a) Article 110
53). Which bank has become the first private sector b) Article 109
bank to sell Indian gold coins? c) Article 108
a) Dhanlaxmi Bank d) Article 107
b) Federal Bank e) None of the Above
c) ICICI Bank Answer: a)
d) IndusInd Bank
e) Karur Vysya Bank 59). RBS Bank has been headquartered in
Answer: b)
a) Glasgow, United Kingdom
54). Which of the following can issue commercial b) Edinburgh, United Kingdom
paper for raising short term funds? c) Skye, United Kingdom
a) Corporate d) Aberdeen, United Kingdom
b) Primary Dealers e) None of these
c) All-India Financial Institutions Answer: b)
d) Both (B) and (C)
e) All of the Above 60). National Housing Bank (NHB), a wholly owned
Answer: e) subsidiary of
a) RBI
55). Section 80E of the Income Tax Act provides for b) Government Of India
deduction of interest paid on Education or study c) IRDAI
loan taken for higher education. Deduction under d) State Government
section 80E is available for e) None of these
a) 2 years Answer: a)
b) 4 years
c) 8 years 61). In India Mutual Funds are regulated by
d) 10 years .
e) None of these a) Securities and Exchange Board of India
Answer: c) b) Reserve Bank of India
c) State Bank of India
56). What is the full form of FCCB? d) Small Industrial Development Bank of India
a) Foreign Currency convertible Bond e) None of these
b) Foreign Currency credit Bond Answer: a)
c) Financial Consortium and Credit Bureau
d) Future Credit and Currency Bureau 62). KYC Compliance is done to .
e) None of the Above a) Identify a person
Answer: a) b) To know the address of a person
c) To ensure the genuineness the person‟s identity as
57). Which of the following institutions is mentioned in the application and to verify the
responsible for the supervision of RRBs? correctness of address
a) RBI d) Concern state government
b) SEBI e) None of these
c) NABARD Answer: c)
d) GOI
e) Both (a) and (c) 63).MICR stands for .
Answer: e) a) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
b) Maximum Individual Cancer Risk 68). Reverse Repo rate is the rate at which RBI Pays
c) Michigan Incident Crime Reporting interest to Commercial Banks and it is linked to
d) Magnetic Ink Check Reader Repo Rate and the rate is .
e) None of these a) 1% above Repo Rate
Answer: a) b) 1% below Repo Rate
c) Same as Repo Rate
64). Open Money Market is a place for selling and d) None of these
buying of financial instrument by . e) Cann‟t be determined
a) All financial institutions Answer: b)
b) Only by Commercial Banks
c) Only by Common Banks 69).Which is the first Public Sector Bank to issue
d) Indian Government capital to public?
e) None of the above a) Indian Overseas Bank
Answer: a) b) Syndicate Bank
c) Oriental Bank of Commerce
65). Which of the following is the first commercial d) Punjab National Bank
bank to launch mutual fund? e) None of these
a) State Bank of India Answer: c)
b) Canara Bank
c) PNB 70).Which of the following rates is not decided by
d) Bank of India the RBI?
e) None of these a) Bank Rate
Answer: a) b) Repo Rate
c) Reverse Repo Rate
66). Who can invest in a commercial paper? d) Prime Lending Rate
a) Individuals e) None of these
b) Banking Companies Answer: d)
c) Corporate bodies registered or incorporated
in India and unincorporated bodies, Non- 71). Which of following is NOT a function of the
Resident Indians (NRIs) and Foreign Reserve Bank of India?
Institutional Investors (FIIs) a) Fiscal Policy Functions
d) All of the above b) Exchange Control Functions
e) None of these c) Issuance, Exchange and destruction of currency
Answer: d) notes
d) Monetary Authority Functions
67).The committee on Banking Regulations and e) Supervisory and Control Functions
Supervisory Practices which released the agreed Answer: a)
frame work on international convergence of capital
measures and capital standards in July 1988 is 72). With a view to facilitate payment of balance in
popularly known as . the deposit account to the person named by the
a) Vaz Committee depositor without any hassles in the event of death
b) Cooks Committee of the account holder, the following facility was
c) Basel Committee introduced for bank accounts in our country
d) Rao Committee a) Will
e) None of these b) Registration
Answer: c) c) Nomination
d) Indemnity
e) Guarantee
Answer: c)
b) Fiscal Responsibility and Business Management
73). Banks in our country normally publicize that c) Financial Responsibility and Budget Management
additional interest rate is allowed on retail domestic d) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
term deposits of . e) Formal Responsibility and Business Management
a) Minors Answer: d)
b) Married women
c) Senior citizens 79). Which of the following organization / agencies
d) Govt. employees has established a fund known as Investor Protection
e) Rural residents Fund?
Answer: c) a) RBI
74). On which one of the following issues IMF has c) Bombay Stock Exchange
supported monetary policy of India? d) Ministry of Finance
a) Introduction of GST. e) Ministry of Commerce & Industry
b) Stimulus for agriculture sector Answer: c)
c) Concessions for foreign investment
d) Tightening of monetary policy 80). The CRR and SLR maintenance is on the
e) None of these
Answer: d) a) NDTL
b) DTL
75). In the term STRIPS, the first letter ―S‟ denotes c) Total Deposits
a) Single e) None of these
b) Small Answer: a)
c) Special
d) Savings 81). Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in?
e) Separate a) 1945
Answer: e) b) 1949
c) 1950
76). When the loan is granted for purchase of white d) 1955
goods it is called . e) None of these
a) Consumption loan Answer: b)
b) White goods loan
c) Consumer durable loan 82). Which of the following is the most liquid
d) Business loan money?
e) Proprietary loan a) M1
Answer: c) b) M2
c) Securities
77). Structure of Basel II is based on how many d) M3
pillars? e) Call Money
a) Two Answer: a)
b) Ten
c) Four 83). Who decides the value and volume of bank
d) Five notes to be printed and on what basis?
e) Three a) Finance Ministry
Answer: e) b) Planning Commission
c) RBI
78). Expand the term FRBM d) Stock Exchange
a) Financial Responsibility and Business Management e) None of these
Answer: c) 89). The largest number of commercial banks offices
are located in?
84). What is the purpose of KYC in banking? a) Karnataka
a) It is used for customer identification b) Maharashtra
b) It is used for increasing the CRR of banks c) Tamil Nadu
c) It is used against money laundering d) Uttar Pradesh
d) It is used by the central bank to control liquidity e) None of these
e) Both (a) and (c) Answer: d)
Answer: e)
90). A financial contract that derives its value from
85). Which of the following is not a member of the another asset or an index of asset values in known
World Bank Group? as
a) International Bank of Reconstruction and a) Insurance policy
Development b) Security
b) International Development Association c) Derivative
c) Bank of International Settlement d) Share
d) International Finance Corporation e) None of the above
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: c)
91). Which of the following co-operative banks is
86).Which of the following types of cards is free considered as the first Co-operative Bank in India?
from credit risk? a) Amanath Co-operative Bank Ltd
a) Credit card b) Anyonya Co-operative Bank
b) Debit card c) Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank Ltd
c) Prepaid cards d) Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank Ltd
d) Charge cards e) None of these
e) Both (c) and (d) Answer: b)
Answer: b)
92). In India Agricultural Co-operative Banks was
87). Pledge means? started at .
a) advance against goods a) 1929
b) open working capital limits b) 1950
c) bailment of goods as security for payment of c) 1904
a debt or performance of a promise d) 1980
d) all of the above e) 1975
e) none of these Answer: c)
Answer: c)
93). Co-operative Banks in India are registered
88). Inflation refers to a fall in the value of money. under .
Which of the following is the key measure of i) Banking Laws (Co-Operative Societies) Act, 1965
inflation in india? ii) Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
a) Consumer price index iii) Companies Act, 1956.
b) Wholesale price index a) Only i)
c) Personal consumption expenditures price index b) i) and ii)
d) GDP Deflator c) ii) and iii)
e) All of the above d) i), ii) and iii)
Answer: b) e) None of these
Answer: a)
94). According to the Sarraya Committee, average b) Promotes and protects the interests of the member
membership of the society‟s is . banks
a) 19 c) Provides a common forum to the member banks
b) 48 d) All of the above
c) 25 e) None of these
d) 32 Answer: d)
e) 45
Answer: d) 100). The State Co-Operative Bank, being the Apex
Bank at the State level_ .
95). Monetary Policy as an arm of the economic a) Provides the link between the RBI and the
policy is administered by . money market on one hand, and the entire cooperative
a) Prime Minister of India credit structure on the other
b) Government of India b) Acts as the custodian of the surplus resources
c) State Bank of India and the reserves of the Central Co-operative
d) Reserve Bank of India Banks and supplements them by attracting
e) None of these sizeable deposits and by obtaining loans from RBI.
Answer: d) c) Operates as balancing centre for the
movement of the resources in the entire state
96). Co-Operative Development Bank was set up d) All of the Above
by . e) None of these
a) NABARD Answer: d)
b) RBI
c) SBI 101). RBI known as lender of last restore because:
d) Central Government a) It has to meet the credit need to citizens to whom
e) State Government no one else is willing to lend
Answer: a) b) Banks lend to go to RBI as a last restore
c) It comes to help banks in times of crisis
97). Co-Operative Banks in India do not finance d) All of the above
rural areas under . e) None of these
a) Personal Finance Answer: c)
b) Small Scale Unit
c) Farming 102). The seed capital of Bharatiya Mahila Bank is
d) Cattle
e) None of these a) Rs.5000 crore
Answer: b) b) Rs.1000 crore
c) Rs.500 crore
98). Co-Operative Bank in India has a . d) Rs.100 crore
a) Four tier system e) None of the above
b) Two tier system Answer: b)
c) Three tier system
d) Five tier system 103). Which is incorrect with regard to powers of
e) Six tier system RBI:
Answer: c) a) Holds cash reserve banks
b) Controls banking system through licensing
99). Which of the following statements is TRUE c) Supervises Banking system through inspection
about National Federation of State Co-Operative d) None of the above
Banks? e) All of the above
a) Provides research and consultancy inputs to the Answer: d)
member banks
104). Which of the following is an investment 109). Which of the following can be categories as a
advisory Merchant Banking service?
discipline? a) Consultancy on finance to a company
a) Corporate Industrial Finance b) Advance in capital structure
b) Offshare Banking c) Managing mergers
c) Wholesale Banking d) Helping in finalizing take over
d) Wealth Management e) All the above
e) Trade Finance Answer: e)
Answer: d)
110). What is the maturity period for senior citizen
105). When banks accept a fixed sum of money from savings scheme?
an individual for a definite term and pay on a) 3 years
maturity with interest, the deposit is known as: b) 5 years
a) Term Deposit c) 2 years
b) Demand Deposit d) 7 years
c) Bond e) 4 years
d) Mortgage Answer: b)
e) Advance
Answer: a) 111). Crossing denotes
a) that the cheque will not be paid across the counter
106). When there is a difference between all receipts but will be credited to the account of the holder
and expenditure of the Government of India both b) that the cheque cannot be transferred by the
capital and revenue it is called payee named therein
a) Revenue Deficit c) that the cheque will be paid through clearing only
b) Budgetary Deficit d) a direction to the paying bank to make payment of
c) Zero Budgeting the cheque through a bank
d) Trade Gap e) none of the above
e) Balance of Payment Problem Answer: d)
Answer: b)
112). Which of the following private banks has
107). Which of the following is not the name of a signed an agreement with Reliance Jio Money for
bank functioning in India? One-Click payment service ?
a) Central Bank of India a) Laxmi Vilas Bank
b) UCO Bank b) Federal Bank
c) Aegon Religare c) South Indian Bank
d) Dena Bank d) Karnataka Bank
e) ICICI Bank e) Karur Vysya Bank
Answer: c) Answer: b)

108). Lack of access to financial services is 113). Who is primarily liable on a cheque?
technically a) Drawee banker
known as b) Drawer
a) Financial Instability c) Payee
b) Financial Stability d) Collecting banker
c) Financial Inclusion e) None of these
d) Financial Exclusion Answer: b)
e) Poverty
Answer: d)
114). Which of the following banks have become the 119). Demand draft is a
first banks to join SWIFT‘s global payments a) not negotiable instrument
initiative? b) not transferable instrument
a) ICICI and HDFC Bank c) negotiable instrument
b) IndusInd Bank and SBI d) Quasi-negotiable instrument
c) PNB and Federal Bank e) none of the above
d) Axis Bank and ICICI Answer: c)
e) ICICI and SBI
Answer: d) 120). The Reserve Bank of India imposed how much
penalty on Bank of Baroda in the alleged Rs 6000
115). NBFCs consist of crore forex related irregularities that came to light
a) Equipment Leasing Company and Investment in October last year?
Company a) Rs 5 crore
b) Hire purchase Finance Company and Mutual b) Rs 7 crore
Benefit Finance Company c) Rs 5.5 crore
c) all of the above d) Rs 6.2 crore
d) None of the above e) Rs 6 crore
e) collection of funds from a larger of investors Answer: a)
Answer: d)
121). By crossing we mean
116). Recently, Yeldi Softcom received a licence for a) two horizontal lines on a cheque
RBI to set up which of the following? b) one straight line across the cheque
a) open wallet c) two lines across the cheque making ‘X’
b) semi-closed wallet d) two transverse parallel lines on a cheque
c) closed wallet e) none of the above
d) semi-open wallet Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 122). Caixa Bank has been headquartered in

117). The Kisan Credit Card Scheme is being a) United Kingdom

implemented by all b) Spain
a) Public Sector Commercial Banks c) Singapore
b) Regional Rural Banks d) South Africa
c) State Cooperative Banks/DCCBs/PACS and e) None of these
Scheduled Primary Cooperative Banks Answer: b)
d) All of the above
e) None of the above 123). Capital market can be divided into
Answer: d) a) industrial securities market
b) gilt edged market
118). RBI has imposed a fine of Rs 1 crore on which c) personal securities market
of the following banks for flouting bill discounting d) both a) and b)
norms? e) none of the above
a) Syndicate Bank Answer: d)
b) United Bank of India
c) Indian Overseas Bank 124). The Headquarters of Capital Local Area Bank
d) UCO Bank is situated in
e) Vijaya Bank a) Amritstar, Punjab
Answer: d) b) Ludhiana, Punjab
c) Bathinda, Punjab
d) Jalandhar, Punjab 130). Which of the following is the Headquarters of
e) None of these Yes Bank?
Answer: d) a) Noida
b) Hyderabad
125). What are the facilities available to the c) Chennai
customers through ATM d) Mumbai
a) Cash withdrawal subject to a predetermined limit e) None of these
per day Answer: d)
b) Cash deposit
c) Balance enquiry 131). How many types of PSLCs can be issued by
d) details of certain number of transactions the Banks?
e) all of the above a) Four
Answer: e) b) Five
c) Six
126). RBS Bank has been headquartered in d) Eight
e) None of these
a) Glasgow, United Kingdom Answer: a)
b) Edinburgh, United Kingdom
c) Skye, United Kingdom 132). Which of the following is included in
d) Aberdeen, United Kingdom bancassurance?
e) None of these a) Insurance policies issued by the banks in their
Answer: b) names
b) Selling by a bank the insurance policies of its
127). The following are main objectives of the SEBI ancillary insurance company
a) to protect interest of investors c) Selling by a bank the insurance policies of any
b) to promote the development of security market insurance company
c) to regulate the security market d) All the above
d) all of the above e) None of the above
e) none of the above Answer: d)
Answer: d)
133). What is the loan limit for education in the
128). DBS Bank has been headquartered in country under priority sector?
a) 15 lakh
a) United Kingdom b) 10 lakh
b) Spain c) 8 lakh
c) Singapore d) 20 lakh
d) South Africa e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: c)
134). To control inflationary situation in the
129). To restrict expansion of credit, the Reserve economy, RBI can increase one or more of these
Bank monetary tool?
a) raises the bank rate a) Crr-Slr-Bank Rate
b) reduces the bank rate b) Slr-Crr-Base Rate
c) freezes the bank rate c) Crr-Slr-Repo Rate
d) none of these d) Crr-Slr-Reverse Repo Rate
e) all of these e) Crr-Slr-Benchmarking Plr.
Answer: a) Answer: a)
135). How many sub-categories are classified under b) Public
Agriculture sector? c) Private
a) Four d) Prudent
b) Five e) Pension
c) Six Answer: b)
d) Three
e) None 141). Loan given by the banks to farmers/small shop
Answer: d) owners etc. is known as
a) Corporate loan
136). Reserve Bank of India was established on 1st b) Business loan
April, in accordance with the provisions c) Priority Loan
of Reserve Bank of India act d) Commercial Loan
a) 1935 – 1934 e) None of the above
b) 1934-1935 Answer: c)
c) 1935-1936
d) 1937-1938 142). ―Sensitive Index‖ of Bombay Stock Exchange
e) all the above is called
Answer: a) a) Forex
b) MAX
137). Which among the following is/are the different c) LIBOR
type(s) of category under priority sector? d) Sensex
a) Agriculture e) None of the above
b) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Answer: d)
c) Export Credit
d) All of the Above 143). A Pledge means
e) None of these a) advanced against goods
Answer: d) b) hypothecation of goods
c) bailment of goods as security for payment of a
38). Which amongst the following is called as debt or performance of a promise
mother of deposits? d) Open limits
a) Current account e) none of these
b) fixed deposit Answer: c)
c) recurring deposit
d) savings bank 144). With effect from 1st July 2010, interest rates of
e) reinvestment deposit Banks are linked to which of the following?
Answer: d) a) Base Rate
b) Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
139). The Priority Sector Lending Certificates c) Bank Rate
(PSLCs) can be traded using the RBI‘s d) Repo Rate
a) e-Kuber platform. e) None of the above
b) NEFT Answer: a)
d) None of the above 145). Balance Sheet of a firm indicates which of the
e) Cannot be determined following?
Answer: a) a) Profit or Loss over a period.
b) Financial position of the unit over a period.
140). When it comes to the following term namely- c) Financial position of the unit as on a particular
IPO, what do you mean by ―P‖? date.
a) Provisions d) Position of assets and liabilities over a period of
time. 151). Bill of Exchange, Promissory Notes and
e) None of the above Cheques are defined as
Answer: c) a) Negotiable Instruments
b) Trust Receipts
146). National Housing Bank(NHB) was set up c) Documents of Title to goods
under d) None of the above
a) National Housing Bank Act, 1987 e) Stamped Instruments
b) National Housing Bank Act, 1977 Answer: a)
c) National Housing Bank Act, 1967
d) National Housing Bank Act, 1957 152). RBI was established on .
e) None of the Above a) April 1, 1925
Answer: a) b) April 1, 1935
c) April 1, 1945
147). What is difference between banks & HFCs? d) April 1, 1955
a) HFCs cannot accept demand deposits e) None of these
b) It cannot issue cheques drawn on itself Answer: b)
c) deposit insurance facility of Deposit Insurance
and Credit Guarantee Corporation is not available to 153). On 19th July 1969, 14 banks were
depositors of HFCs nationalized, these banks had deposits of more than
d) All of the Above a) Rs 25 crore
e) None of the Above b) Rs 50 crore
Answer: d) c) Rs 85 crore
d) Rs 100 crore
148). ―Matryoshka bond‖ is issued by? e) none of these
a) USA Answer: d)
b) Japan
c) Russia 154). What is macro-economics?
d) Canada a) macro economics deals with economic activities of
e) Korea the level of an economy as a whole
Answer: c) b) it deals with only a segment of an economy
c) it deals with both a) and b)
149). An Indian rupee denominated bond issued d) none of these
outside India is called e) All of the above
a) Yankee bond Answer: a)
b) Bulldog bond
c) Uridashi bond 155). Factoring is
d) Samurai bond a) a means of financing traders and manufactures by
e) Masala bond taking over their receivables
Answer: e) b) a means of providing post-shipment finance to
150). The safest form of Crossed Cheque is c) a type of agriculture financing
a) Double Crossing d) None
b) General Crossing e) All
c) Special Crossing Answer: a)
d) Account payee crossing
e) None of the Above 156). Which of the following banks was first to
Answer: d) establish merchant banking business in India?
a) ABN Amro Bank
b) Citibank
c) HDFC Bank d) None of The Above
d) Standard chartered e) None of these
e) Grindlays Bank Answer: b)
Answer: e)
162). How many banks were nationalized as on 19
157). Who can open various types of non-resident July, 1969:
accounts? a) 15
a) Persons of Indian Nationality or person of Indian b) 13
origin residing outside India c) 14
b) Persons of foreign nationality or origin residing d) 16
outside India e) None of these
c) Firms, companies and other organization resident Answer: c)
outside India
d) all 163). GATT stands for:
e) none a) General Agreement on Tariffs, Tradition and Trade
Answer: d) b) General Agreement on Tradition and Trade
c) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
158). Free Trade Refers to d) None of The Above
a) Free movement of Goods from one country to e) None of these
other. Answer: c)
b) Movement of Goods from one Country to another
free of cost. 164). Inventor of ATM was:
c) Unrestricted exchange of Goods and Services. a) Ian Luther Steward
d) Tool free of Duty b) David Block
e) None of these c) John Adrian Shepherd Barron (A British)
Answer: c) d) David Adrian
e) None of These
159). FCNR (banks) accounts are maintained in the Answer: c)
form of
a) saving accounts 165). The trading regulations of GATT were
b) Current accounts established between and :
c) Term deposits (except recurring deposits) a) 1947 and 1994
d) all b) 1947 and 1995
e) none c) 1946 and 1996
Answer: c) d) 1947 and 1996
e) None of These
160). Under which act does RBI issue directives to Answer: a)
a) PMLA Act, 2002 166). Slogan of Allahabad Bank is:
b) RBI Act, 1934 a) Together We Prosper
c) DICGC Act, 1961 b) A Tradition of Trust
d) Banking Regulation Act, 1949 c) A Long Tradition of Trust
e) None of these d) All the above
Answer: d) e) None of These
Answer: b)
161). First Bank established in India was:
a) Bank of India 167). Syndicate Bank was established in in
b) Bank of Hindustan Udupi:
c) General Bank of India a) 1926
b) 1900 173). In TRIPS, what does ‗I‘ stand for?
c) 1925 a) Intellectual
d) 1924 b) Information
e) None of These c) Indian
Answer: c) d) Infra
e) None of these
168). United Bank of India Limited was formed in Answer: a)
1950 with the amalgamation of:
a) Comilla Banking Corporation Limited (1914) 174). Through which of the following sources
b) Begal Central Bank Limited (1918) domestic funds are raised by companies?
c) Comilla Union Bank Limited (1922) a) IPO only
d) Hooghly Bank Limited (1932) b) FPO only
e) All of The Above c) Commercial papers only
Answer: e) d) Both IPO and FPO
e) All IPO, FPO and commercial papers
169). Vijaya Bank is a sized Public Sector Answer: a)
Bank with presence across India:
a) Medium Sized 175). In India, which among the following is/are a
b) Large Sized part of Legal Tender Money?
c) Small Sized a) Both coins and currency notes
d) None of The Above b) Both coins and bank drafts
e) None of These c) Both currency notes and SDRs
Answer: a) d) Only currency notes issued by RBI
e) None of these
170). 14 Major banks were nationalized in: Answer: a)
a) 1970
b) 1969 176). When was IDBI delinked from the RBI and
c) 1968 taken over by Government of India?
d) 1970 a) 1976
e) None of These b) 1977
Answer: b) c) 1978
d) 1980
171). On the basis of which commission was RBI e) None of these
established? Answer: a)
a) Hilton Young Commission
b) British Commission 177). Which among the following is correct?
c) Federal Commission a) Money market provides long term source of finance
d) Federation Commission b) Recession in the industrial sector in India is
e) None of these normally due to a fall in exports
Answer: a) c) Ways and means advances given by RBI
d) Exchange rate is fixed by RBI
172). Expand LIBOR? e) None of these
a) London Inter Bank Offered Rate Answer: c)
b) London Inter Bank Official Rate
c) London Inter Bank Offered Ratio 178). Who was the first Indian Governor of RBI?
d) London International Bank Offered Rate a) Yash Pal Singh
e) None of these b) Hemant Rao
Answer: a) c) CD Deshmukh
d) Jaipal Singh
e) None of these e) none of the above
Answer: c) Answer: a)

179). KYC‘ (Know Your Customer) norms were 184). RBI was established on .
implemented in the Indian banking system in 2002 a) April 1, 1925
as per the directive of ? b) April 1, 1935
a) SEBI c) April 1, 1945
b) RBI d) April 1, 1955
c) IBA e) None of these
d) IRDA Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 185). Which of the following banks is not wholly
owned by the Government of India?
180). Expand CRAR in terms of banking sector. a) Reserve Bank of India
a) Capital- to- Return Asset Ratio b) State Bank of India
b) Capital –to-Risk Asset Ratio c) Punjab and Sind Bank
c) Capital –to-Risk Asset Range d) Central Bank of India
d) Core Risk Asset Return e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: b)
186) Which of the following terms is NOT used in
181). One rupee notes and coins are issued by Banking/Finance related matters ?
a) Reserve bank of India a) Discount Rate
b) State Bank of India on behalf of Government of b) Letter of Credit
India c) Cheque Clearing
c) RBI d) General Ledger
d) Finance Minister of Central government of India e) Law of Motion
e) None of the above Answer : e
Answer: d)
187). Which of the following would fall under the
182). What does ‗Kite Flying‘ refers to in the category of retail banking?
banking terminology? a) Home Loans
a) The practice of depositing and withdrawing b) Credit Cards
frequently in a bank account. c) Personal Loans
b) Opening of multiple accounts with different names d) Car Loans
by any individual e) All of these
c) Doing unauthorised business Answer: e)
d) Permitting drawls against uncleared cheques
e) None of these 188). ‗Swabhiman‘, the financial inclusion scheme,
Answer: d) comes under the purview of which ministry?
a) Ministry of Commerce
183). Bank rate policy, open market operations, b) Ministry of Home Affairs
variable reserve requirements and statutory c) Ministry of Finance
liquidity requirements employed by Reserve Bank d) Ministry of External Affairs
as measures of credit control viz. e) None of these
a) quantitative methods Answer: c)
b) qualitative methods
c) both of the above 189). A commercial paper is
d) all of the above a) a paper issued by Reserve Bank of India an trade
and commerce c) SEBI
b) an unsecured money market instrument issued in d) IRDA
the form of promissory note e) (a) and (b) combined
c) a document issued by IDBI for seeking refinance Answer: b)
facility from Reserve Bank India
d) all of the above 195). A customer is required to maintain adequate
e) none of the above balances in his/her accounts in order to use his
Answer: b) card in the merchant establishments?
a) Smart Card
190). Under which of the following type of account is b) Credit Card
a specified amount deposited every month for a c) Add-on Credit card
specified period, says, 12, 24, 36 and 60 months? d) Debit Card
a) Fixed Deposit Account e) None of the above
b) Saving Bank Account Answer: d)
c) Current account
d) Recurring Account 196). Economic planning is an essential feature of
e) None of these a) Dual economy
Answer: d) b) Mixed economy
c) Social economy
191). How Commercial banks can regulate money d) Capitalist economy
supply? e) None of these
a) Printing of one rupee notes Answer: c)
b) Augmentation of savings and time deposits
c) Provision of high denomination notes 197). Who covered the Export Credit Packing
d) Creation of demand deposits Advance sanctioned to SSI exporters under the
e) None of the above credit guarantee scheme?
Answer: d) a) DICGC
192). Credit is a c) DRI
a) Stock concept d) GIC
b) Flow concept e) None of the above
c) A stock-flow concept Answer: b)
d) A holding concept
e) None of these 198). SEBI is a
Answer: c) a) Constitutional body
b) Statutory body
193). The term ―HNI‖ used in banking parlance c) Advisory body
means ? d) Non-statutory body
a) Highly Negative Individual e) None of these
b) High Net-worth Individual Answer: b)
c) High Networked Individual
d) High Nuisance Individual 199). What is the ―USP‖ in a Savings Bank account
e) None of the Above of a Bank over another Bank?
Answer: b) a) Higher rate of interest
b) Low risk transaction
194). Who compiles Economic Survey report in c) Banking channels and branches
India? d) Easy to operate
a) RBI e) None of the Above
b) Ministry of Finance Answer: a)
205). By adopting Cheque Truncation System, the
200). Which of the following remains at the top of banks in India would be required to print security
organizational structure of RBI? logo on the face of the cheque leaves as ?
a) Governor a) CTS 2012
b) Executive directors b) CTS 2013
c) Central board of directors c) CTS 2010
d) Chief general manager d) CTS 2009
e) Principal chief general manager e) None of the Above
Answer: c) Answer: c)

201). In terms of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 206). Who regulates chit funds in India?
guidelines, Banks in India must pay a minimum a) Government of India
interest on the balances held in Saving bank account b) State Governments
at ? c) Not regulated at all
a) 4% d) Concerned Districts
b) 3.50% e) None of these
c) 5% Answer: b)
d) 6%
e) 7% 207). A Co-Operative Bank operating in different
Answer: a) States is regulated by ?
a) State Co-Operative Societies Act
202). Which of the following can be called as b) Banking Regulation Act
‗National Income‘? c) Multi Unit Co-Operative Societies Act
a) Net National Income at factor cost d) Banking Laws (applicable to Co-Operative
b) Gross National Income at factor cost Societies)
c) Net Domestic Product at factor cost e) None of the above
d) Gross Domestic Product at factor cost Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 208). You might have heard about PMI data. What
is PMI?
203). FIMMDA‘s general principles and procedures a) Prudential Managers Index
are applicable to ? b) Purchasing Managers Indian
a) Fixed Income Markets c) Purchasing Managers Index
b) Money Markets d) Prudential Managers Indian
c) Derivatives Markets e) None of these
d) All of the above Answer: c)
e) None of the above
Answer: d) 209). Hypothecation is applicable in the case of
204). Expand FIPP – a) Movable goods
a) Foreign Investment Promotion Brochure b) Immovable property
b) Foreign Investment Production Board c) Book debts
c) Foreign Investment Promotion Board d) Corporate guarantee
d) Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Board e) None of the above
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: c)
210). Banking sector comes under which sector?
a) Services sector
b) Manufacturing sector
c) Realty sector d) Satisfy yourselves about the customer’s identity
d) Industrial sector and activities
e) None of these e) None of the above
Answer: a) Answer: d)

211). In respect of Regional Rural Banks, the share 216). What is ‗STT‘?
holding pattern is ? a) Standard Transaction Tax
a) Central Government 50%, State Government 35%, b) Securities transaction tax
Sponsoring Bank 15% c) Securities transfer tax
b) Central Government 50%, State Government d) Standard transfer tax
15%, Sponsoring Bank 35% e) None of these
c) Central Government 15% State Government 35%, Answer: b)
Sponsoring Bank 50%
d) Central Government 35%, State Government 217). Which was the first Mutual Fund started in
50%, Sponsoring Bank 15% India ?
e) None of the Above a) SBI Mutual Fund
Answer: b) b) HDFC Mutual Fund
c) Kotak Pioneer Mutual Fund
212). Which of the followings can be used for d) Indian Bank Mutual Fund
Current Account Deficit financing? e) None of the above
a) FII only Answer: e)
b) FDI only
c) ECB only 218). Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has its
d) Both FII and FDI only headquarters in
e) All FII, FDI and ECB a) Mumbai
Answer: e) b) Kolkata
c) Bhubaneswar
213). A company which pools money from investors d) New Delhi
and invests in stocks, bonds, shares is called ? e) None of these
a) A bank Answer: d)
b) An insurance company
c) Bancassurance 219). The regulator for Mutual Funds in India is?
d) Mutual Fund a) FIMMDA
e) None of the above b) AMFI
Answer: d) c) RBI
214). Which of the following agreement/accord is e) None of the above
related to baking reforms? Answer: d)
a) Vienna agreement
b) Basel accord 220). If the Statuary Liquidity Ratio (SLR) is
c) Nagoya Protocol increased, what will be the effect on Bank‘s credit
d) Cartagena Protocol situation?
e) None of these a) It will be reduced
Answer: b) b) It will be increased
c) It will remain unaffected
215). KYC means ? d) None of these
a) Know Your Customer very well e) All of the above
b) Know Your exiting Customer very well Answer: a)
c) Know Your prospective Customer very well
221). Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) Scheme was d) Special clearning
formulated in the year: e) None of the above
a) 1996 Answer: b)
b) 1997
c) 1998-99 226). To enforce law and order Government of India
d) 2000 has many agencies. SFIO is one of them. Expand it.
e) None of the above a) Serious Fraud Interrogation Office
Answer: c) b) Serious Fraud Investigation Office
c) Serious Feud Interrogation Office
222). Expand CIN with respect to OLTAS. d) Serious Fraud Interrogation Ordinance
a) Challan Identification Number e) None of these.
b) Challan Identification Notary Answer: b)
c) Channel Identification Number
d) Challan Inventory Number 227). The government has allowed issue of Long-
e) None of these Term Bonds for Insurance Companies and others
Answer: a) upto:
a) 10 years
223). The components of Tier I capital of a banking b) 15 years
company include: c) 25 years
a) capital reserve representing surplus arising out of d) 30 years
sale proceeds of assets e) None of the above
b) paid-up capital, statutory reserves and other Answer: c)
disclosed free reserves, if any
c) both (a) and (b) 228). Consider these statements:-
d) either (a) and (b) Statement I – One rupee note is the liability of GOI.
e) None of the above Statement II – Two rupee note is the liability of RBI.
Answer: c) a) Both statements are true.
b) Both are false.
224). What is the meaning of ‗I promise to pay‘ c) Statement I is true, whereas II is false.
clause written on notes? d) Statement I is false, whereas II is true.
a) The bank’s obligation to pay the value of banknote e) None of these.
does not arise out of a contract but out of statutory Answer: a)
b) The bank’s obligation to pay the value of 229). Banking Regulation Act, 1949, does not at all
banknote does arise out of a contract but not out of apply to
statutory provisions. a) nationalized banks
c) This obligation is neither due to a contract nor a b) State bank of India and its subsidiaries
statutory provision. c) foreign banks having branches in India
d) It means that to pay you the value, there is d) Primary agricultural credit societies and cooperative
sovereign guaranty. land mortgage banks
e) None of these. e) None of the above
Answer: a) Answer: d)

225). What is the name of technology given to the 230). Consider these statements:-
recently introduced computerised clearance of Statement I – Other than Rs. 1000 note, the security
cheques: threads of the banknotes contain the word ‗Bharat‘
a) Automatic clearance in Devanagari script and ‗RBI‘ alternatively.
b) MICR Statement II – In Rs. 1000 note, the security thread
c) Speedline System
contains the word ‗Bharat‘ in Devanagari script, 235). Bank holidays under Section 25 of the
‗1000‘, and ‗RBI‖. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 are declared by:
a) Both are false. a) State Government for the respective State
b) Both are true. b) Banking Operations Department
c) Statement I is true but II is false. c) Central Government
d) Statement I is false but II is true. d) RBI
e) None of these e) None of the above
Answer: b) Answer: d)

231). A mortgage involves: 236). The tax payers data flows directly from banks
a) transfer of ownership to Tax Information Network (TIN). Who maintains
b) transfer of possession TIN?
c) transfer of interest a) RBI
d) All of the above b) National Securities Depository Ltd.
e) None of the above c) National Securities Defense Ltd.
Answer: c) d) Enforcement Directorate
e) None of these
232). Banknotes can be issued in any denominations Answer: b)
but coins can be issued up to what denomination?
a) Rs. 5000 237). Which of the following is not included in
b) Rs. 1000 ‗CAMELS‘:
c) Rs. 500 a) Capital Adequacy and Asset Quality
d) Rs. 100 b) Management and Earning Performance
e) None of these c) Employees Performance
Answer: b) d) Liquidity and Systems
e) None of the above
233). “Micro Credits‖ are loans: Answer: c)
a) granted to distressed persons (other than
farmers) to pre-pay their debt to non-institutional 238). When were banknotes in the Mahatma Gandhi
lenders against appropriate collateral or group Series introduced?
security a) 1991
b) not exceeding Rs. 50,000 per borrower provided b) 1995
by banks c) 1996
c) both (a) and (b) d) 2000
d) None of the above e) None of these
e) Cannot be determined Answer: c)
Answer: c)
239). ‗Ways and Means‖ advances are provided by
234). RBI issued its first banknote in Jan 1938 Reserve Bank of India only to:
bearing the portrait of George IV. What was its a) central Government
denomination? b) State Government
a) Rs. 5 c) Both (a) and (b)
b) Rs. 10 d) None of the above
c) Rs. 1 e) Cannot be determined
d) Rs. 2 Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 240). Consider these statements:-
Statement I – RBI decides volume and value of
banknotes to be printed.
Statement II – RBI decides volume and value of d) Merchant Bankers to evaluate portfolio investment
coins to be minted. e) None of the above
a) Both are true. Answer: c)
b) Both are false.
c) Statement I is true, but statement II is false. 246). The Foreign exchange of India is kept with
d) Statement I is false, whereas II is true.
e) None of these a) SBI
Answer: c) b) ECGC
c) RBI
241). When a cheque is drawn on a bank, the bank d) NABARD
is called the ? e) None of these
a) Payee Answer: c)
b) Drawee
c) Drawer 247). Which of the following instruments is not a
d) Endorsee Negotiable Instrument, as per NI Act, 1881?
e) None of the above a) Bills of Exchange
Answer: a) b) Letter of credit
c) Bank Draft
242). Balance in a current account is classified as d) Promissory Notes
e) Cheque
a) Hybrid Deposit Answer: b)
b) Term Deposit
c) Demand Deposit 248). Deposits under Foreign Currency Non-
d) Flexi Deposit Resident(FCNR) scheme can be accepted for a
e) None of the above minimum of
Answer: c) a) 15 days
b) 3 months
243). Capital adequacy is worked out based on? c) 6 months
a) Total demand and time liabilities d) 1 year
b) Net demand and time assets e) 7 days
c) Risk weighted assets Answer: d)
d) Risk weighted liabilities
e) None of the above 249). One of the State Government avails of a
Answer: c) temporary financial assistance from Reserve Bank
of India. This type of finance is called ?
244). In which of the following types of banking, a) Overdraft
there is a direct execution of transaction between a b) Temporary loan
bank and its consumers? c) Short term finance
a) Retail Banking d) Ways and Means advance
b) Universal Banking e) None of the above
c) Virtual Banking Answer: d)
d) Unit Banking
e) None of the above 250). Which of the following forms of securing a
Answer: a) loan is the safest one?
a) Lien
245). “CAMEL model‖ is used by ? b) Assignment
a) Bankers to evaluate a credit proposal c) Pledge
b) Bankers to manage their risks d) Hypothecation
c) RBI inspectors to evaluate banks functions e) Mortgage
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer : a
251) When banks accept a fixed sum of money from
an individual for a definite term and pay on 256) The RBI has decided to stop circulation of the
maturity with interest, the deposit is known as coin of which of the following denominations from
a) demand deposit June 2011 ?
b) term deposit a) 50 p.
c) bond b) Rs 1
d) mortgage c) Rs 2
e) advance d) 25 p.
Answer : b e) Rs. 5
Answer : d
252) Which of the following public sector banks has
257) Insurance companies in India are regulated by
recently celebrated it centenary year?
a) RBI
a) Central Bank of India
b) Allahabad Bank
c) State Bank of India
d) Bank of Maharashtra
e) Bank of Baroda
Answer : d
Answer : b
258) Department of Economic Affairs is part of
253) The primary function of a central co-operative
which of the following Ministries ?
bank is to
a) Ministry of Home Affairs
a) to channelize the flow of funds from the State co-
b) Ministry of Planning
operative banks
c) Ministry of Finance
b) mobilize the resources in the district for financing its
d) Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
members to the maximum extent possible
e) Ministry of Rural Development
c) Both of these
d) Only 2
Answer : c
d) None of the above
259) The currency notes of which of the following
Answer : c
denominations are not printed in India ?
a) Rs 5
254) Which of the following Bank in 2012 has
b) Rs 10
celebrated it 30th year of continuous service?
c) Rs 50
a) RBI
d) Rs 1,000
e) Rs 2,500
c) Central Bank of India
d) NARARD Answer : e
260) Union Budget which is presented every year in
Answer : d
the parliament is also known as
a) Annual Budget
255) Which of the following organizations/agencies
b) Common Budget
works solely to monitor and arrange flow of
c) General Budget
agriculture credit in India ?
d) Finance Report of the year
e) Statement of Allocation of funds
c) RBI Answer : c
261) Which of the following is not the name of a 266) The Regulatory Authority for Regional Rural
bank, functioning in India ? Banks is
a) Central Bank of India a) RBI and NABARD
b) Aegon Religare b) Central Government
c) United Bank of India c) State Government
d) Dena Bank d) Sponsor bank
e) Citi Bank e) All of the above
Answer : b Answer : a

262) Which of the following public sector banks has 267)Through which of the following the funds to the
recently celebrated it centenary year? projects aided by the World Bank and the
a) Central Bank of India International Monetary Fund (IMF) are
b) Allahabad Bank distributed?
c) State Bank of India a) Regional Branches of RBI
d) Bank of Maharashtra b) NABARD
e) Bank of Baroda c) Integrated Rural Development Programme
d) Agriculture Refinance and Development
Answer : a Corporation
e) Ministry of Finance
263) The primary function of a central co-operative
bank is to Answer : d
a) to channelize the flow of funds from the State co-
operative banks 268) Which of the following conditions are required
b) mobilize the resources in the district for financing its to be fulfilled by a Regional Rural Bank to be
members to the maximum extent possible eligible for opening of new branches ?
c) Both of these a) It should not have defaulted in maintenance of SLR
d) Only 2 and CRR during the last two years
d) None of the above b) Its net worth should show improvement and its net
Answer : c NPA ratio should not exceed 8 per cent
c) It should be making operational profits
264) Which of the following Bank in 2012 has d) Only (1) and (2)
celebrated it 30th year of continuous service? e) All of the above
a) RBI Answer : e
c) Central Bank of India 269) Co-operation as a form of economic activity
d) NARARD was formally recognized in India in the year 1904
e) SBI when
Answer : d a) Mahatma Gandhi inaugurated the first Indian co-
operative bank
265) All regional rural banks (RRBs) are required b) the first co-operative bank was established in
to maintain their entire statutory liquidity ratio Bombay
(SLR) in c) the first Co-operative Societies Act was passed
a) current accounts with sponsor banks d) All of the above
b) time deposits with sponsor banks e) None of the above
c) government and other approved securities Answer : c
d) gold holdings only
e) All of the above 270) Which of the following is NOT a part of India‘s
Answer : c Money Market?
a) Bill Market
b) Call Money Market
c) Banks c) government and other approved securities
d) Mutual Funds d) gold holdings only
e) Indian Gold Council e) All of the above
Answer : e Answer : c

271) Under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, 276) The Regulatory Authority for Regional Rural
which of following is not qualified to be called as Banks is
banks in the co-operative sector? a) RBI and NABARD
a) Urban Co-operative Banks b) Central Government
b) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies c) State Government
c) State Co-operative Banks d) Sponsor bank
d) Central Co-operative Banks e) All of the above
e) All of the above Answer : a
Answer : b
277) Through which of the following the funds to the
272) On the current account balances maintained by projects aided by the World Bank and the
the Regional Rural Banks with them, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are
commercial banks may distributed?
a) pay interest up to 9 per cent a) Regional Branches of RBI
b) pay interest at such rates as may be mutually agreed b) NABARD
to c) Integrated Rural Development Programme
c) pay interest as applicable to savings accounts d) Agriculture Corporation Refinance and
d) waive incidental charges Development
e) All of the above e) Ministry of Finance

Answer : b Answer : d

273) Where is the headquarter of Asian 278) Which of the following conditions are required
Development Bank (ADB) located? to be fulfilled by a Regional Rural Bank to be
a) Manila eligible for opening of new branches ?
b) Singapore a) It should not have defaulted in maintenance of SLR
c) Frankfurt and CRR during the last two years
d) Bangkok b) Its net worth should show improvement and its net
e) Kathmandu NPA ratio should not exceed 8 per cent
Answer : a c) It should be making operational profits
d) Only (1) and (2)
274) The headquarter of Bank of India is located in e) All of the above
which of the following city? Answer : e
a) Kolkata
b) New Delhi 279) Co-operation as a form of economic activity
c) Mumbai was formally recognized in India in the year 1904
d) Manipal when
e) Chennai a) Mahatma Gandhi inaugurated the first Indian co-
Answer : c operative bank
b) the first co-operative bank was established in
275) All regional rural banks (RRBs) are required Bombay
to maintain their entire statutory liquidity ratio c) the first Co-operative Societies Act was passed
(SLR) in d) All of the above
a) current accounts with sponsor banks e) None of the above
b) time deposits with sponsor banks Answer : c
285) On the current account balances maintained by
280) Which of the following is NOT a part of India‘s the Regional Rural Banks with them, the
Money Market? commercial banks may
a) Bill Market a) pay interest up to 9 per cent
b) Call Money Market b) pay interest at such rates as may be mutually agreed
c) Banks to
d) Mutual Funds c) pay interest as applicable to savings accounts
e) Indian Gold Council d) waive incidental charges
Answer : e e) All of the above

281) Under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Answer : b

which of following is not qualified to be called as
banks in the co-operative sector? 286) Where is the headquarter of Asian
a) Urban Co-operative Banks Development Bank (ADB) located?
b) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies a) Manila
c) State Co-operative Banks b) Singapore
d) Central Co-operative Banks c) Frankfurt
e) All of the above d) Bangkok
Answer : b e) Kathmandu
Answer : a
282)The Difference between Gross Domestic
product and Net Domestic product is 287)The headquarter of Bank of India is located in
a) Government Revenue which of the following city?
b) Net Indirect Tax (Indirect Tax Subsidy) a) Kolkata
c) Consumption of fixed Capital b) New Delhi
d) Net Capital Formation c) Mumbai
e) None of these d) Manipal
Answer : d e) Chennai
Answer : c
283) Under which category will you classify
Regional Rural Banks ? 288) The Difference between Gross Domestic
a) Scheduled Commercial Banks product and Net Domestic product is
b) Co-operative banks a) Government Revenue
c) Private sector banks b) Net Indirect Tax (Indirect Tax Subsidy)
d) Development banks c) Consumption of fixed Capital
e) None of these d) Net Capital Formation
Answer : a e) None of these
Answer : d
284) From which of the following financial
organizations of the world, India had taken soft loan 289) Under which category will you classify
for recapitalization of banks? Regional Rural Banks ?
a) Asian Development Bank a) Scheduled Commercial Banks
b) International Monetary Fund b) Co-operative banks
c) International Donors’ Group c) Private sector banks
d) World Bank d) Development banks
e) Bank of China e) None of these
Answer : d Answer : a
290) From which of the following financial
organizations of the world, India had taken soft loan 295).Which among the following is the private sector
for recapitalization of banks? banks?
a) Asian Development Bank a) Union Bank of India
b) International Monetary Fund b) Syndicate Bank
c) International Donors’ Group c) IDBI Bank
d) World Bank d) UCO Bank
e) Bank of China e) HDFC Bank
Answer : d Answer: e)

291).Nationalized Bank is also known as . 296).Travellers Cheque is .

a) Private Sector Banks a) A supplementary credit card
b) Self help Groups b) A cheque issued by a bank or finance institution
c) Cooperative Banks which functions as capital
d) Grameena Banks c) A certificate issued by a bank or finance institution
e) Public Sector Banks in lieu of cash
Answer: e) d) A cheque issued by a bank or finance institution
which functions as a bond
292).In which of the following accounts, operation e) A prepaid instrument issued by a bank or
by cheques is permitted? financial institutions which can be substitute of cash
a) Savings bank accounts and fixed deposit accounts Answer: e)
b) Current accounts and fixed deposit accounts
c) Savings bank accounts and floating loan accounts 297).Mortgage is a security created on .
d) Savings bank accounts and cash accounts a) Movable property for a loan given by a bank
e) Savings banks accounts and current accounts b) Immovable property for a deposit received by a
Answer: e) bank
c) A confirmation of immovable property given by
293).Which of the following is NOT comes under the a bank
functions of Banks? d) Movable property for a deposit given by a bank
a) Accept demand and time deposits from the public e) Immovable property for a loan given by a bank
b) Accept items for keeping in safe custody Answer: e)
c) Sell gold coins
d) Buy commodities for trading 298). Foreign exchange Reserves in India are kept in
e) Accept foreign currency for selling to money the custody of .
changers a) Finance Ministry
Answer: d) b) SEBI
c) Overseas Ministry
294).RTGS enables . d) Reserve Bank of India
a) Immediate transfer of money from customer of e) Govt. of India
one bank to customer of another bank Answer: d)
b) Immediate transfer of money from customer of
one bank to customer of another branch within the 299).What is the full form of the name ‗ILO‘ an
same bank agency of the United Nations?
c) Immediate transfer of money from customer of a) International Labour Organization
another country b) International Legal Organization
d) Immediate transfer of money from customer of c) Indian Labour Organization
one bank to customer of RBI d) Information & Legal Organization
e) None of these e) Indian Lawyer’s Organization
Answer: a) Answer: a)
305). What is Reserve Money (RM)?
300).For using the safe deposit locker facilities, bank a) Currency in circulation with the public
customers pay . b) Deposits of some people with RBI
a) Commission of locker c) Cash reserves of the banks
b) Interest on locker d) Total of the above three options
c) Rent on locker e) None of the above
d) Exchange on locker Answer: d)
e) Safe custody charges
Answer: c) 306). Which of the following is the first Universal
Bank established in India?
301). Expand MAT related to tax? a) IDBI Bank Ltd.
a) Minimum Additional Tax b) ICICI Bank ltd.
b) Maximum Alternative Tax c) Reserve bank of India
c) Maximum Additional Tax d) NABARD
d) Minimum Alternative Tax e) HDFC Bank Ltd.
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: d)
307). What is the objective of introduction of
302). Local Area Banks ‗Marginal Standing Facility‘ by RBI?
a) are licensed under the Banking Regulation Act, 1956 a) To contain volatility in the overnight inter-bank
b) are eligible for inclusion in the Second rates
Schedule to the Reserve bank of India Act, 1934 b) To contain volatility in MIBOR
c) Have minimum paid up capital of Rs. 5 crore c) To contain volatility in LIBOR
with promoters’ contribution being at least Rs. 2 d) To match with standard Tier 1 capital Ratio
crore e) None of these
d) all of the above Answer: a)
e) none of the above
Answer: d) 308). The term ‗Merchant Banking‘ connotes
a) Services rendered by banks for merchants and
303). Which agency in India provides refinance of traders capital requirements to merchants covered
export credit? under DICGC Guarantee Scheme
a) SIDBI b) Telegraphic transfers effected by merchants
b) NABARD c) Catering to the needs of corporate customers
c) RBI raising finance
d) EXIM Bank d) All of the above
e) Government of India e) none of the above
Answer: d) Answer: c)

304). The primary function of a central co-operative 309). Expand FRBM.

bank is to a) Financial Responsibility and Budget Management
a) mobilize the resources in the district for b) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Maintenance
financing its members to the maximum extent possible c) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
b) to channelize the flow of funds from the co- d) Fiscal Risk and Budget Management
operative banks e) None of these
c) All of the above Answer: c)
d) Either a) or b)
e) none of the above 310). The promoters of Local Area Banks may
Answer: c) comprise
a) individuals
b) corporate entities c) Deposits Insurance and Credit Guarantee
c) trusts and societies corporation
d) accepts deposits from public d) None of the above
e) all of the above e) all of the above
Answer: e) Answer: c)

311). The regional Rural Banks are sponsored by 316). If the rupees depreciate, what is the effect on
a) Unit Trust of India the exporters?
b) Reserve Bank of India a) They are unaffected
c) Life Insurance Corporation of India b) They are in loss
d) NABARD c) They are in profit
e) Any Scheduled Commercial bank d) They get credit crunch
Answer: e) e) None of these
Answer: c)
312). Deficit financing can (these are also demerits
of it) 317). Under merchant banking, consultancy services
a) Cause inflation are rendered by banks/merchant bankers for
b) Bring rise in fiscal deficit a) floating of new companies
c) Bring rise in credit creation in banks b) preparation, planning and execution of new
d) All above projects
e) None of the above c) giving expert guidance and managing the new
Answer: d) promotions or new promotions of
313). Central co-operative banks d) all of the above
a) occupy a crucial importance in the co-operative e) none of the above
credit structure Answer: d)
b) from an important link between the state co-
operative bank at the apex and the primary agricultural 318). When the Government of India cannot raise
credit societies at the base enough financial resources through taxation, it
c) are closer to the primary societies than an apex finances its expenditure through various means like
bank could be borrowing from market, running down its balances
d) all of the above with RBI etc. This can be exactly called as
e) none of the above a) Fiscal Deficit Financing
Answer: d) b) Deficit Financing
c) Capital Infusion
314). If the RBI wants to infuse credit in Banking d) Restructuring
system in our country, which of the followings can e) None of these
be done? Answer: b)
a) Decreasing CRR
b) Decreasing SLR 319). Under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949,
c) Both (a) and (b) which of the following is not qualified to be called as
d) None of the above banks in the co-operative sector?
e) Cannot be determined a) Urban Co-operative banks
Answer: c) b) State Co-operative banks
c) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
315). Deposits with Regional Rural Banks are d) Central Co-operative Banks
insured by e) None of the above
a) Life Insurance Corporation of India Answer: c)
b) General Insurance corporation
320). Buying and selling of eligible securities by RBI d) Only (a) and (b)
in the money market can be termed as e) All of the above
a) Open Economy Operations Answer: e)
b) Open Market Operations
c) Credit Control Measures 325). Which of the following is NOT a type of
d) Credit Creation Measures cheque issued by an individual?
e) None of these a) Bearer cheque
Answer: b) b) Order cheque
c) Crossed cheque
321). Which of the following is the private d) Savings cheque
sector Bank in India? e) None of the above
a) IDBI Bank Answer: d)
b) Axis Bank
c) Corporation Bank 1947. Regional Rural Banks are empowered to
d) UCO Bank transact the business of banking as defined
e) None of the above under
Answer: b) a) Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976
b) Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
234) Regional Rural Banks are managed by c) Banking Regulation Act, 1949
a) Reserve Bank of India d) The Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer
b) the State Government of Undertakings) Act, 1970
c) the sponsor bank e) None of the above
d) a board of directors
e) All of these Answer : c
Answer : d

323). Which of the following terms NOT used in the 327). Name the person Currently who is the
field of Banking & Finance? Governor of the RBI ?
a) Overdraft a) Bimal Jalan
b) Base Line b) Y.V. Reddy
c) RTGS c) Arun Jaitley
d) GBC d) Urjit R. Patel
e) None of the above e) None of the above
Answer: d) Answer: d)

324). Which of the following conditions must be 1946. Paid-up share capital of Regional Rural Bank
fulfilled before a bank is included in the Second is contributed by
Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act? a) Central Government only
a) It must be a State co-operative bank or a b) State Government only
company as defined in the Companies Act, 1956 or c) Central Government, State Government and the
an institution notified by the Central Government in sponsor commercial bank in the ratio of
this behalf or a corporation or a company 50: 15 :35 respectively
incorporated by or under any law in force in any d) NABARD, the concerned State Government and the
place outside sponsor commercial bank in the ratio of 60
b) It must satisfy the Reserve Bank of India that its : 20 :20 respectively
affairs are not being conducted in a manner e) All of the above
detrimental to the interests of the depositors Answer : c
c) It must have a paid-up capital and reserves of
an aggregate value of not less than Rs. 5 lakh 329). Which of the following is an example of cash
less purchase?
(a) ATM Withdrawal b) Converting money obtained through illegal
(b) Credit Cards sources in to legal money
(c) Debit Card c) Keeping the money in currency chests
a) Only a d) Sending excess cash to other branch
b) Only (b) e) None of these
c) Only (b) and (c) Answer: b)
d) All of these
e) None of the above 335) For opening a new branch, a Regional Rural
Answer: c) Bank requires
a) permission of NABARD
330). RBI was established on . b) permission of Director, Institutional Finance
a) April 1, 1925 c) Approval of DRDA
b) April 1, 1935 d) RBI license
c) April 1, 1945 e) All of the above
d) April 1, 1955 Answer : d
e) None of these
Answer: b) 336). What does M stand for In CAMELS?
a) Maintenance
333) For which of the following, the Reserve Bank of b) Management
India has stipulated the maximum capital adequacy c) Misappropriation
requirement? d) Money
a) Private sector banks e) None of these
b) Banks that undertake insurance business Answer: b)
c) Local Area Banks
d) Scheduled Commercial Banks 337). CASA is basically the combination of Current
e) None of these account and saving account deposits with a Bank.
Answer : c Why do the Banks put greater emphasis on
mobilizing a high CASA ratio?
332). Which of the following appears in the balance a) In order to fulfill RBI stipulation for it
sheet of a company? b) It helps reduction in average cost of funds
a) Subscribed Capital c) These are stable deposits
b) Authorized Capital d) These help Banks maintain a healthy asset-
c) Partner’s Capital liability ratio
d) Paid up Capital e) None of the Above
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: d)
338). The main foreign exchange reserves in the
333). Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is to be maintained country are:
on Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL). SLR a) Foreign Currency assets
is thus required to be maintained on ? b) Gold Stock
a) Total Demand and Time Liabilities c) Special Drawing Rights
b) Net Demand and Time Liabilities d) All of the above
c) Total Demand and Time Assets e) None of these
d) Net Demand and Time Asset Answer: d)
e) None of the above
Answer: b) 341) Which of the following Acts has specially been
enacted to help banks deal with bad loans?
334). What do you mean by ‗Money Laundering‘? a) Negotiable Instrument Act
a) Washing the currency notes in a good laundery b) Banking Regulation Act
d) Companies Act 345). If a customer does not get a satisfactory
e) Offshore Banking Act response to his grievance from the bank within
Answer : c days , then he can approach the Banking
340). What is current Reverse Repo rate? a) 60
a) 6.50 b) 90
b) 6 c) 30
c) 6.75 d) 15
d) 7.25 e) None of these
e) 5.75 Answer: c)
Answer: b) (on May 2017)
346). Under which category will you classify
341). In Banking parlance, ‗NPA‘ stands for Regional Rural Bank?
a) Non Performing Asset a) Scheduled Commercial Banks
b) Net Producing Asset b) Co-operative Banks
c) Net Performing Asset c) Private sector Banks
d) Not Promoting Asset d) Development Banks
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: a) Answer: a)

342). is the duty applied by a 347). What does FSDC stand for?
government to control the exports of an article of a) Financial Security and Development Council
trade, so that the article of trade can be used by the b) Financial Stability and Development Council
local markets rather than in foreign countries. c) Fiscal Security and Development Council
a) Customs duty d) Fiscal Stability and Development Council
b) Excise duty e) None of these
c) Anti-dumping duty Answer: b)
d) Dumping duty
e) None of these 348). Which of the following is also known as the
Answer: a) National Bank?
a) Reserve Bank of India
343). Which of the following fall under the b) Asian Development Bank
qualitative method of credit control adopted by the c) State Bank of India
Reserve bank of India? d) NABARD
a) Selective credit control e) None of these
b) Moral suasion
c) Credit authorization scheme Answer : d
d) All the above 349). The Headquarter of Bank of India is located in
e) None of these which of the following city?
Answer: d) a) Kolkata
b) New Delhi
344). The treasury bills are issued at a c) Mumbai
a) Discount d) Manipal
b) Premium e) Chennai
c) Both a) and b) Answer: c)
d) Face value
e) None of these 350). Many regional Rural Banks were given
Answer: a) licenses to open branches in small cities and towns.
These licenses were given by –
a) Indian Banks’ Assocoation Answer: e)
c) RBI 356). Financial services at affordable costs to the
d) Cabinet Committee on economic affairs sections of disadvantaged and
e) None of these low-income group of society is called as-
Answer: c) a) Financial Inclusion
b) Financial Stability
351). DAX is the stock exchange of ? c) Deflation
a) Germany d) Good trade
b) Japan e) None of these
c) USA Answer: a)
d) Maxico
e) None of the Above 357). Biometric ATMs have been introduced by
Answer: a) many banks recently, to cater to which type of
352). What does ‗L‘ stands for in term CBLO? a) Urban customers
a) Liquidity b) Non-Resident Indians
b) Lending c) People with dubious characters
c) Lower d) Rural and illiterate people
d) License e) Bank employees
e) None of these Answer : d
Answer: b)
358). Which of the following type of budgeting being
353). Indian paper currency is minted in Mysore used in India?
and also in ? a) Balanced Budget
a) Kolkata b) Zero base Budget
b) Chennai c) Receipts Budget
c) Bengaluru d) All of the above
d) Nasik e) None of these
e) Delhi Answer: d)
Answer: d)
359). Rise in inflation rate leads to decline in
354). The inflation led by rising food prices caused ?
by increased demand for a) Interest rate
agricultural commodities is called – b) Raise in the deposits in the banks
a) Hyperinflation c) Decrease the real interest rate
b) Stagflation d) Raise the credit growth by banks
c) Agflation e) None of the above
d) Deflation Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 360). The sheet of record which contains all
monetary transaction between an country and the
355). The different names of Reserve Bank of India rest of the world is called –
are ? a) Balance of trade
a) Central bank b) Balance of Payment
b) Banker’s bank c) Balance sheet
c) Lender of the last resort d) Export-Import Data
d) Apex bank e) None of these
e) All of the above Answer: b)
a) Repo rate
361). Some bank are financing projects like b) CRR
―Construction Roads/Bridges Etc. c) Bank Rate
a) Developing Core Sector Industry d) Reserve Repo Rate
b) Project Management e) None of these
c) Infrastructure Development Answer: c)
d) Financial Inclusion
e) All of these 367). The Bank shall have to state their lending
Answer: c) policies. These would include
a) Exposure limits and eligible borrowers
362). Fiscal deficit is . b) Documentation standards, maturity and pricing
a) Total income less government borrowing options
b) Total payments less total receipts c) Write off review procedures
c) Total payments less capital receipts d) All the above
d) Total expenditure less total receipts excluding e) None of these
borrowing Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: d) 368). What does ‗T‘ in RTGS stand for?
a) Transaction
363). On the current account balances maintained b) Transfer
by the Regional Rural Banks with them, the c) Tax
commercial banks may d) Time
a) Pay interest up to 9 per cent e) None of these
b) Pay interest at such rate as may be mutually agreed Answer: d)
c) Pay interest as applicable to savings accounts 369). What is the limitation period for filing a case
d) Waive incidental charges in a Consumer court?
e) All of the above a) Two years from the date of cause of action
Answer: b) b) Two years from the date purchase of good or
364). The one-rupee note bears the signature of c) Three year from the date of cause of action
. d) One month from the date of purchase
a) RBI Governor e) None of these
b) Deputy Governor Answer: a)
c) Finance Secretary
d) Finance Minister 370). The tax levied by Local Governments i.e.
e) None of these Municipal Corporations and municipalities is
Answer: c) .
a) Income Tax
365). RBI was nationalized in the year b) Wealth Tax
a) 1949 c) House Tax
b) 1952 d) Gift Tax
c) 1955 e) None of these
d) 1964 Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 371). What do you mean by ―C‖ in the term called
as FMCG?
366). Which of the following interest rates signifies a) Customer
RBI‘s long term stance of monetary policy? b) Consumer
c) Creditor e) None of these
d) Country Answer: c)
e) None of the above
Answer: b) 377). Which of the following is included in
372). For which of the following bank account there a) Insurance policies issued by the banks in their
is no deduction of TDS? names
a) Saving Bank accounts b) Selling by a bank the insurance policies of its
b) Recurring Deposit accounts ancillary insurance company
c) Term deposit Accounts c) Selling by a bank the insurance policies of any
d) Both A & B insurance company
e) None of these d) All the above
Answer: d) e) None of the above
Answer: d)
373). Which of the following is the oldest public
sector bank of India having branches all over the 378). What can be the maximum limit of CRR for a
country and serving for the last 147 years and even commercial bank to maintain cash with RBI?
today? a) 55%
a) Bank of India b) 40%
b) Punjab National Bank c) 50%
c) Allahabad Bank d) 49%
d) State Bank of India e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer : c
379). Which amongst the following is not term
374). The banks get benefited most from which of deposits issued by commercial banks?
the following entity ? a) Current account
a) Fee of services b) Fixed deposit
b) Loans c) Recurring deposit
c) Securities d) Reinvestment deposit
d) Saving Account e) all the above
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: b) 380). Which among the following bank has offered
the best interest on saving accounts in India by Jan
375). In the term called as AMFI, what do you mean 2015?
by ―M‖? a) Yes bank
a) Mutual b) Kotatk Mahindra Bank
b) Money c) IndusInd Bank
c) Managing d) Lakshmi Vilas Bank
d) Miscellaneous e) None of these
e) none of the above Answer: a)
Answer: a)
381). IFSC in a cheque means:
376). Which of the following authorities is not a) Indian Financial System Code
involved with FDI dealing? b) It has 11 digits alpha numeric
a) Reserve bank of India c) First 4 digits represent Bank Name
b) Foreign Investment Implementation Authority d) This code is used in remitting funds through RTGS
c) Securities and Exchange board of India and NEFT
d) Foreign Investment Promotion Board e) All the above
Answer: e)
387). PAN number is required for all transactions
382). M-wallet (mobile wallet) application called above:
Buddy lauched by which of the following bank? a) Rs. 25,000
a) Axis b) Rs. 50,000
b) State bank of Travancore c) Rs. 1 lakh
c) ICICI d) Rs. 10 lakh
d) SBI e) Rs. 2 lakh
e) None of these Answer: e)
Answer: d)
388). The announcement of Bank holidays on 2nd
383). Which of the following statements is correct and 4th Saturday will be effective from-
about banks? a) 31st August 2015
a) Banks cannot accept demand and time deposits b) 1st September 2015
from public. c) 30th August 2015
b) Banks can accept only time deposits from public. d) 30th September 2015
c) Banks can accept both demand and time deposits e) None of these
from public. Answer: b)
d) Banks can accept demand and time deposits only
from government. 389). "Allonge" is
e) None of the above a) A piece of paper for making endorsements
Answer: c) b) A piece of paper attached to a negotiable
instrument for making available more space for further
384). Which committee is heading the conversion of endorsements
Urban Cooperative Banks into Regular Banks? c) Both a and b
a) R Gandhi d) Duplicate DD issued to a customer
b) H R Khan e) Bill payable after sight
c) Urjit R. Patel Answer: b)
d) S. S. Mundra
e) None of these 390). Which of the following is not the function of
Answer: a) Payment bank?
a) Issue of ATM /Debit card
385). Banking Ombudsman services are available b) Issue of Credit Card
to: c) Accepts Deposits
a) All Scheduled Commercial Banks d) Provides remittances
b) Regional Rural Banks e) None of these
c) Scheduled Primary Co-operative Banks Answer: b)
d) Only a & c
e) All the above 391). "Hundi" is a
Answer: e) a) Draft
b) Cheque
386). When the conversion rate of our currency goes c) Bill of exchange
high in compared to other currency , it is known as- d) Promissory note
a) Rupee Appreciation e) None of these
b) Rupee Devaluation Answer: c)
c) Rupee Demodulation
d) Rupee Depreciation 392). In which of the following market does
e) None of these devaluation of currency happen?
Answer: d) a) Fixed exchange rate
b) Floating exchange rate d) Industrial Disputes Act
c) Pegged exchange rate e) None of these
d) Either A or B Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 398). Which of the following Indian company sets it
393). Mutual Fund Scheme that operates record to be the first company to overtake its parent
continuously without any limit entry for company in terms of ‗market valuation‘?
subscriptions and redemptions is: a) Mahindra & Mahindra
a) Fixed Income b) Tata Motors
b) Specific Fund c) Ashok Leyland
c) Close Ended d) TCS
d) Open Ended e) None of these
e) Mixed Fund Answer: d)
Answer: d)
399). NEFT is useful because:
394). At Present, What is the maximum amount that a) The remitter need not send the physical cheque or
a payment bank can accept from a depositer? Demand Draft to the beneficiary.
a) Rs.5 lakhs b) The beneficiary need not visit his/ her bank for
b) Rs.1 lakh depositing the paper instruments
c) Rs.2 lakhs c) The beneficiary need not be apprehensive of loss/
d) Rs.75000 theft of physical instruments or the likelihood of
e) None of these fraudulent encashment thereof
Answer: b) d) Cost effective
e) All the above
395). Basic Objective of SEBI is/are: Answer: e)
a) To promote the interests of investors in securities
b) To promote the development of Securities Market 400). Customer Day in the bank is on and customers
c) To regulate the securities market are allowed to meet the top officials of the bank on
d) To protect the interest of the investors to improve this day in every month:
the stock market investments a) 5th
e) All of the above b) 10th
Answer: e) c) 15th
d) 30th
396). Which of the following will be the co-investor e) Any of the above dates
for India Aspiration Fund (IAF) and SIDBI Make Answer: c)
In India Loan For Enterprises (SMILE),funds
launched by SIDBI? 401). Which of the following is the name of the
a) GIC organization specifically to develop small scale
b) LIC industrial sector in our country?
c) SBI Finance a) NABARD
d) Tech M b) SEBI
e) None of these c) SIDBI
Answer: b) d) AMFI
e) None of the above
397). Banking Industry has been declared as public Answer: c)
utility service for purpose of
a) Negotiable Instruments ACT, 1881 402). Mutual Funds are regulated by
b) Reserve bank of India Act, 1934 a) Reserve Bank of India
c) Banking regulation Act, 1949 b) Securities and Exchange Board of India
c) Small industrial development bank of India d) final settlement of funds take place at 3 PM daily
d) State Bank of India e) none of the above
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: b)
408). Which of the following banks is not
403). Which of the following types of ATMs nationalized in 1969
eliminates the need for PIN early and authenticated a) Central Bank of India
customer transactions by thumb impressions. b) Dena Bank
a) while label ATMs c) Canara Bank
b) Biometric ATMs d) Oriental Bank of Commerce
c) On-site ATMs e) None of these
d) Off-site ATMs Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 409). Effective from 15th April, 1980, how many
banks with demand and time liabilities exceeding
404). Maximum age for retirement for MD/CEO of 200 crore were nationalized?
all private banks is a) five
a) 70 b) four
b) 65 c) six
c) 60 d) ten
d) 68 e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: a)
410). Which one of the following rates is not decided
405). The New Capital Adequacy Frame work by RBI
prescribed for the banks is commonly known as? a) Bank rate
a) KYC norms b) Base rate
b) Credit Policy c) Repo rate
c) Basel accord d) Prime Lending rate
d) Fiscal Policy e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: c)
411). What does AGM stand for?
406). Regulatory Authority for Regional Rural Bank a) Asian General Meeting
is of b) American General Meeting
a) RBI and NABARD c) Academic General Meeting
b) NABARD d) Annual General Meeting
c) RBI e) None of these
d) Central bank Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 412). Foreign exchange reserves of India are kept in
the custody of which of the following?
407). Real Time Gross Settlement System means a a) International Bank for Reconstruction and
payment system in which Development
a) both processing and final settlement of funds b) Reserve Bank of India
transfer instructions can take place continuously c) State Bank of India
b) final transaction takes place at the end of the day d) International Monetary Fund
c) final payment is physically effected within 24 e) Government Treasury
hours Answer : b
Answer: b)
413). What does CRR stand for?
a) Credit Reserve Ratio 419). Regional Rural Banks are classified as
b) Cost Advisory Ratio a) subsidiaries of NABARD
c) Cash Reserve Ratio b) subsidiaries of the sponsor banks
d) Cash Revenue Ratio c) scheduled commercial banks
e) None of these d) All of the above
Answer: c) e) None of the above
Answer : c
414). What does 'DD' stand for
a) Demand Cheque 420). Which of the following organizations is the
b) Demand Credit Mutual Fund Market regulator?
c) Demand Cash a) CIBIL
d) Demand Draft b) MCX-SX
e) None of these c) SEBI
Answer: d) d) National Stock Exchange of India
e) None of these
415). In which city the Bank of International Answer: c)
Settlements (BIS) located?
a) New York 421). Which among the following is not under the
b) Basel control of central banking authority?
c) Washington a) Monetary control
d) Davos b) Management of government debts
e) Paris c) Lender of last resort to banks
Answer : b d) Banker to government
e) Equity market and debt market supervision and
416). RBI was established on ? control
a) 21st April 1940 Answer: e)
b) 20th April 1943
c) 2nd April 1947 422). A very large loan extended by a group of small
d) 1st April 1935 banks to a single borrower is known as
e) None of these a) Secured loan
Answer: d) b) Syndicated loan
c) Non-Recourse loan
417). Which among the following is at times d) No Documentation loan
mentioned as a kind of Direct Debit Facility? e) None of these
a) RTGS Answer: b)
b) ECS
c) NEFT 423). Safe deposit locker – a product offered in the
d) IMPS Indian retail banking segment under:
e) None of these a) Retail loan products
Answer: b) b) Retail deposit products
c) Retail services
418). What does EXIM Bank stand for? d) Retail facilities
a) Extra Import Bank of India e) Retail comforts
b) Export Import Bank of India Answer: c)
c) Export Information Bank of India
d) Export Import Bank of Intelligence 424). When it comes to retail deposit products,
e) None of These which among the following is irrelevant?
a) Recurring deposit accounts c) Reserve Account
b) Term deposit accounts d) All of the above
c) No frills accounts for common man e) None of the Above
d) Depository services Answer: c)
e) Senior citizen deposit accounts
Answer: d) 430). To control inflationary situation in the
economy, RBI can increase one or more of these
425). Which term refers closure of the loan account monetary tools:
prior to the tenure fixed for the account? a) CRR-SLR-BANK Rate
a) Pre Approved b) SLR-CRR-BASE Rate
b) Pre Closure c) CRR-SLR-REPO Rate
c) Personal Disposable d) CRR-SLR-REVERSE REPO Rate
d) All of the above e) CRR-SLR-BENCHMARKING PLR
e) None of the Above Answer: a)
Answer: b)
431). When it comes to money market instruments,
426). Leasing, hire purchase and bill discounting which among the following is not true?
are the domain of a) Treasury bills
a) Non banking companies b) Term money
b) Mutual funds c) Certificate of deposits
c) Commercial banks d) Corporate securities
d) Development banks e) Commercial paper
e) None of the above Answer: d)
Answer: a)
432). A debt which is irrecoverable and is therefore
427). The difference between the total cost of a written off as loss in the accounts of an institution or
project and the sanctioned loan amount is termed as bank is known as
a) External debt
a) Near Money b) Good debt
b) Hot Money c) Bad debt
c) Gross Income d) Internal debt
d) Margin Amount e) All of the above
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: d)
433). 1936. The issued/paid-up capital of a Regional
428). The capital markets regulatory authority has Rural Bank should be
supervision over: a) Rs. 5 lakh
a) Stock exchanges b) minimum Rs 25 lac and maximum Rs 100 lac
b) Foreign institutional investors c) Rs. 80 lac
c) Equity and debt raisers d) Rs 60 lac
d) Mutual funds e) None of the above
e) All the above Answer : b
Answer: e)

429). An account which is maintained by depositing 434). is basically charged when a

undistributed parts of profit for future needs is person uses a credit card to obtain cash.
known as a) Early Repayment Charge
a) Savings Account b) Redemption Fee
b) Current Account c) Transaction Fee
d) Cash Advance Fee e) None of the above
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: d)
440). A loan which is secured by collateral and for
435). New and re-issuable currency notes are stored which borrower is not personally liable is called
in maintained by the banks as agents of Reserve
Bank of India a) Secured loan
a) Currency chests b) Syndicated loan
b) Treasuries c) Non-Recourse loan
c) Branches d) No Documentation loan
d) Service units e) None of these
e) Godowns Answer: c).
Answer: a)
441). Goods and Service Tax, would replace which
436). Time period that is considered from the of the following taxes levied at present?
inception of the credit, investment or negotiable a) Capital gains tax
instrument and ends upon the maturity or expiry of b) Corporate tax
the instrument is referred as c) Value added tax
a) Amortisation Period d) Income tax
b) Amortising Swap e) None of these
c) Asset Backed Security Answer: c)
d) Attrition Analysis
e) None of these 442). Which of the following sectors makes
Answer: a) maximum contribution to the National Income of
437). Urban cooperative banks are controlled a) Agriculture
by and b) Service
a) State government-RBI c) Industry
b) NABARD – RBI d) Both a) and c)
c) SEBI – RBI e) None of these
d) Central government – NABARD Answer: b)
e) NABARD – state governments
Answer: b) 443). Which of the following statements are correct
in regard to foreign banks operating in India ?
438). Which is an interest-free period that is to be a) The parent foreign bank of a wholly owned
given by a creditor to debtor? subsidiary would continue to hold 100 per cent equity
a) Fixed Period in
b) Preset Period the Indian subsidiary for a minimum prescribed period
c) Grace Period of operation
d) All of the above b) Foreign banks would be permitted to acquire a
e) None of the Above controlling stake in a phased manner, but only in those
Answer: c) private sector banks which are identified by the Reserve
Bank for restructuring
439). Cash reserve ratio is the deposit to c) Foreign banks would be allowed to open more than
be held by banks with Reserve Bank of India the existing WTO commitment of 12 branches in
a) Voluntary a year
b) Mandatory d) Only (1) and (2)
c) Optional e) All of the above
d) As decided by the chairman and managing director Answer : e
444). Mixed economy means? e) SBI
a) Co-existence of public and private sectors Answer: a)
b) Co-existence of rich and poor
c) Co-existence of small and large industries 450). The Base rate for banks in India is set up by?
d) Co-existence of wholesale and retail markets a) Board of all banks
e) None of these b) RBI
Answer: a) c) SBI
445). What is fiat money? e) SBIA
a) The currency backed by Government Guarantee Answer: b)
b) The currency backed by gold reserves
c) The currency backed by paper assets 451). Where is the head quarter of Insurance
d) The currency backed by individuals Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)?
e) None of these a) Hyderabad
Answer: a) b) Bangalore
c) Mumbai
446). In the term STRIPS, the S denotes d) Delhi
a) Small e) None of these
b) Single Answer: a)
c) Separate
d) Savings 452). Where is the head quarter of Telecom
e) None of these Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)?
Answer: c) a) New Delhi
b) Gujrat
447). KYC guidelines followed by the Banks have c) Pune
been framed on the recommendations of the d) Bangalore
a) Ministry of Home Affairs e) None of these
b) Reserve Bank of India Answer: a)
c) Indian Banks Association
d) Financial Intelligence Unit 453). What is the full form of NAV?
e) None of these a) Net Actual Value
Answer: b) b) Net Annual Value
c) Net Asset Value
448). Under the ‗Swabhiman‘ above how much d) Net Average Value
population the government has decided to provide e) None of these
banking facilities to unbanked areas? Answer: c)
a) 2000
b) 3000 454). Which of the following is known as the concept
c) 4000 of a standard contract to buy or sell a specified
d) 5000 commodity at a certain date in future and at a
e) 6000 market driven price?
Answer : a) a) Forward Contract
b) Futures Contract
449). Which one of the following is a regulatory c) Market Contract
body in India? d) Standard Contract
a) RBI e) None of these
b) SEBI Answer: b)
c) BMB
455). Which of the following depicts the financial 460). Which of the following is the correct definition
position of a bank or business enterprise at a given of Hot Money?
point of time? a) This is the fund which is dumped into a country to
a) Balance sheet get the advantage of a favourable interest rate
b) Cash flow statement b) This is the fund which is provided by a bank in US
c) Income statement $ at very short notice and at a very high rate of interest
d) Model audit and for a longer period of repayment
e) None of these c) This is the fund which is pushed into market
Answer: a) through illegal methods
d) All of the above
456). When financial institutions and banks e) None of these
undertake activities related to banking like Answer: c)
investment, issue of debit and credit card etc then it
is known as ? 461). When it comes to organized sector, which
a) Internet banking among the following is not true?
b) Universal banking a) Reserve Bank of India
c) Virtual Banking b) Public sector commercial banks
d) Wholesale banking c) private sector commercial banks
e) None of these d) money lenders
Answer: b) e) cooperative banks
Answer: d)
457). What is the full form of NIM?
a) Net Interest Margin 462). Name the country‘s first small finance bank
b) Net Involvement Margin which started its operations recently?
c) Net Involution Margin a) Capital Local Area Bank
d) Net international Margin b) Disha Microfin Private Limited
e) None of these. c) Au Financiers (India) Limited
Answer: a) d) Ujjivan Financial Services
e) Utkarsh Micro Finance
458). Oudh Commercial Bank was founded in Answer: a)
a) 1913 463). A is an institution which
b) 1917 accepts deposits, makes business loans and other
c) 1894 related services
d) 1881 a) Development bank
e) None of these b) Savings bank
Answer: d) c) Commercial bank
d) Indigenous bank
459). Which of the following is a financial ratio that e) Local area bank
gives a measure of a company‘s ability to meet its Answer: c)
financial losses?
a) Cash Reverse Ratio 464). In which of the public sector bank,
b) Leverage Ratio government decided to take a move to lower its
c) Statutory Liquidity Ratio stake below 51%?
d) Loan-to-Value Ratio a) IDBI Bank
e) None of these b) Bhartiya Mahila Bank
Answer: b) c) Vijaya Bank
d) EXIM Bank
e) OBC Bank
Answer: a) Answer: a)

465). The initial public offer is connected to which 470). Which state owned bank has become the top
among the following: mobiliser under Gold Monetization Scheme,
a) Primary market launched by Modi government?
b) Secondary market a) Bank of Baroda
c) Old issues market b) State Bank of India
d) gilt edged securities market c) Punjab National Bank
e) None of the above d) Central Bank of India
Answer: a) e) Bank of India
Answer: c)
466). Name the mobile app started by SBI to stop
the debit card details whereby the customer can 471). Which among the following is short term
activate or deactivate its debit card by just sending borrowings for any firm?
an SMS? a) Debentures
a) SBI Debit b) Shares
b) SBI SMS c) Long term loans availed from banks
c) SBI Quick d) Subordinated borrowings
d) SBI Flip e) Sundry creditors
e) SBI Deact Answer: e)
Answer: c)
472). The Imperial Bank of India was renamed as?
467). The industries securities market refers to the a) Reserve Bank of India
market which deals in: b) IDBI
a) Equities c) Union Bank of India
b) Debentures d) State Bank of India
c) Treasury bills e) None of these
d) Commercial paper Answer: d)
e) Only (a) and (b) as above
Answer: e) 473). Find the odd man out when it comes to
sanctioning of loans to a customer?
468). According to a report, India replaced China as a) Borrowing
top destination for foreign direct investment in 2015 b) Lending
by attracting how much worth of FDI projects? c) Advancing
a) $57 billion d) Procuring
b) $68 billion e) Extending credit
c) $53 billion Answer: d)
d) $63 billion
e) $50 billion 474). SBI Day is observed on
Answer: d) a) April 1
b) May 1
469). refers to the market for c) June 5
government and semi government securities, backed d) July 1
by the RBI e) None of these
a) Gilt edged market Answer: d)
b) Industrial securities market;
c) Primary market 475). What do you mean by RIDF?
d) Secondary market a) Rural India development fund
e) None of the above b) Rural Infrastructure development fund
c) Rural Innovative development fund c) 5
d) Rural Industrial development fund d) 3
e) none of the above e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: b)

476). India became the country in the world 481). Financial instruments provided short term
to have a bank especially for women. and they include
a) 7 a) Commercial paper
b) 6 b) Hundi
c) 5 c) Certificates of deposits
d) 3 d) Promissory notes
e) None of these e) All the above
Answer: d) Answer: e)

477). When it comes to electronic banking which 482) The ‗No Frill Accounts‘ facility provided by the
among the following are not coming under the banks is aimed at which of the following
purview of electronic banking? categories of people?
a) Debit cards a) Corporate world
b) credit cards b) Senior citizens
c) mobile banking c) Current account holders
d) safe deposit locker d) Poor people
e) internet banking e) Government employees
Answer: d) Answer : d

478). Which of the following is the purpose of 483) In the context of banking business, the
introducing ―Know Your Customer‖ norms by the increasing trend in the Burden Bearing Ratio would
banks? show the following?
a) Identifying people who do not pay Income Tax a) Less burden bearing capacity of the bank
b) To bring more and more people under the banking b) More burden bearing capacity of the Bank
net c) Gradual increase in the bad debts
c) To ensure that the money deposited in banks has d) Improvement in the business growth
come from genuine sources e) None of these
d) None of the Above Answer : a
e) Both a) and b)
Answer: c) 484). Government has infused Rs 2,229 crore into
which public sector bank in lieu of preferential
479). The returned non resident Indians are allotment of shares?
permitted to open the following accounts: a) Bandhan Bank
a) Non resident external account b) IDBI
b) Non resident ordinary account c) Canara Bank
c) RFC account d) SBI
d) FCNR account e) None of these
e) none of the above Answer: b)
Answer: c)
485). A depositor can deposit his funds in
480). In second phase of nationalization, how many any number of times he likes and can
banks were nationalized? also withdraw the same any number of times he
a) 7 wishes
b) 6 a) Savings bank
b) current account 490). Which bank launched skill development
c) recurring deposit mission initiated by the Centre to train millions of
d) both (a) and (b) youths and make India a hub for skilled workforce?
e) none of the above a) Federal Bank
Answer: d) b) SBI
c) Yes Bank
486). Which bank has earmarked Rs 20 crore to d) ICICI Bank
support employees who were affected by the floods e) None of these
in Chennai? Answer: a)
b) Doha Bank 491). The Deposit Insurance Credit Guarantee
c) Royal Bank of Scotland Scheme was formed on ?
d) None of these a) July 1, 1975
e) All of the above b) January 1, 1952
Answer: c) c) January 1, 1962
d) January 1, 1991
487). When it comes to unorganized sector, which e) None of the above
among the following is not true? Answer: c)
a) Indigenous bankers
b) Money lenders 492). According to RBI guidelines the term ‗bulk
c) Chit funds deposit‘ is used for single rupee term deposit of
d) Nidhis
e) Cooperative bank a) Rs. 1 crore and above
Answer: e) b) Rs, 25 lakh and above
c) Rs, 75 lakh and above
488). Disha Microfin and , will merge d) Rs, 50 lakh and above
expecting the combination to help them launch a e) Rs, 15 lakh and above
stronger small finance bank. Answer: a)
a) Muthoot Finance
b) Bajaj Finance 493). A ―Debit Card‖ is issued by a bank to ?
c) Future Financial Services a) All customers of a Bank
d) All of the above b) All customers having Saving bank account with a
e) None of these bank
Answer: c) c) All customers having loan account with a Bank
d) A Bank customer who is Income Tax assesses
489). Banks borrow in this money market for the e) All Corporate Salary account holder
following purposes: Answer: b)
a) To fill the gaps in temporary mismatches in funds
b) To meet the cash reserve ratio and statutory 494). According to Reserve Bank of India
reserve ratio – the mandatory requirements as stipulated Regulations, ―Universal Banks‖ are permitted to
by RBI pick up stake in Payment Banks up to
c) To meet sudden demand for funds arising out of a) 35%
larger outflows b) 25%
d) All the above c) 20%
e) none of the above d) 40%
Answer: d) e) 30%
Answer: e)
495). The currency notes issued by Reserve Bank of a) Net Assets
India are under the signature of ? b) Qualifying Assets
a) President of India c) Commercial Papers
b) Dy. Governor d) Both (A) and (C)
c) Governor e) All of the Above
d) Secretary, Finance Ministry Answer: a)
e) None of the above
Answer: c) 501). We can open a saving bank account in the sole
name of a minor if he completes age of ?
496). The Minimum Net Owned Fund for NBFC- a) 6
MFIs registered in the North Eastern Region of the b) 10
country is c) 18
a) Rs.5 crore d) 21
b) Rs.4 crore e) None of the above
c) Rs.3 crore Answer: b)
d) Rs.2 crore
e) None of the Above 502). The IMGC is the sole provider of mortgage
Answer: d) guarantor for housing finance in India. The
alphabet ―I‖ in the abbreviation IMGC stands
497). The Lead Bank Scheme was introduced in the for
year ? a) India
a) 1968 b) Institute
b) 1969 c) Internal
c) 1974 d) Informative
d) 1976 e) International
e) None of the above Answer: a)
Answer: b)
503). Banks are increasingly selling Insurance
498). In SNRR Account, SNRR stands for products mainly due to ?
a) It helps in increase in deposits of a bank
a) Statutory Non Resident Rupee b) It helps in growing Loan portfolio of a bank
b) Single Non Resident Rupee c) It helps increase commission income of a bank
c) Statutory Non Reflex Rupee d) It diversify the risk of a Bank
d) Single Non Resident Rupee e) Bank have taken over Insurance companies
e) Special Non Resident Rupee Answer: c)
Answer: e)
504). A collection of non-bank financial
499). Who pays commission to banks for intermediaries that provide services similar to
conducting Government business? traditional commercial banks is known as
a) Government of India
b) State Government a) Off-shore Banking
c) RBI b) Investment Banking System
d) Central and State Governments c) Shadow Banking System
e) None of the above d) Conventional Banking
Answer: c) e) Merchant Banking System
Answer: c)
500). Which are defined as total assets other than
cash and bank balances and money market 505). The term ―Bancassurance‖ means _?
instruments? a) Assurance of quality services by the Bank
b) Selling of Insurance products by Banks
c) Selling of Third party Mutual Funds Products 510). The ―Stand Up India‖ is aimed at promoting
d) Selling of Add-on Banking Services entrepreneurship among women and scheduled
e) Selling of Credit Cards castes and tribes. The bank loans under the scheme
Answer: b) shall be referenced to _
506). The national agency mandated to control, b) NABARD
analyse and disseminate Suspicious Transaction c) RBI
Reports(STR), Cash Transaction Reports and d) MUDRA
counterfeit currency reports to various investigative e) DRDA
agencies of the country after receiving it from banks Answer: a)
and other financial intermediaries is
a) RBI 511). Which of the following is not a banking term?
b) Financial Intelligence Unit(FIU) a) Letter of credit
c) Intelligence Bureau(IB) b) MIBOR
d) Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) c) Factoring services
e) Central Intelligence Unit(CIU) d) Entry load
Answer: b) e) None of these
Answer: d)
507). The Lead Bank Scheme was introduced on the
basis of recommendations of ? 512). Which of the following is not classified as a
a) Reserve Bank Commercial Bank?
b) NABARD a) Public Sector Bank
c) Study group appointed by National Credit Council b) Foreign Bank
under the chairmanship of Prof. D. R. Gadgil c) Private Sector Bank
d) SIDBI d) Regional Rural Bank
e) None of the above e) Urban Cooperative Bank
Answer: c) Answer: e)

508). An NBFC-MFI is defined as a non-deposit 513). Which of the following is true about the
taking NBFC (other than a company licensed under functions performed by RBI -
Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956) with (i) It is the Bank of Issue
Minimum Net Owned Funds of (ii) It acts as banker to the Government
a) Rs.5 crore (iii) It is the banker of other banks
b) Rs.4 crore (iv) It regulates the flow of credit
c) Rs.3 crore a) Only (i) and (ii)
d) Rs.2 crore b) Only (iii) and (iv)
e) None of the Above c) Only (i) and (iv)
Answer: a) d) All of the above
e) None of the above
509). At present, the maximum interest a bank Answer: d)
offers on Saving bank account is ?
a) 3.50% 514). SHCIL was established in 1986 under the
b) 5% Government of India as
c) 7% a) Private Ltd
d) As per bank policy, as the Interest rate on Savings b) Public Ltd
account is deregulated c) Limited Liability Partnership
e) None of the above d) Unlimited company
Answer: d) e) None of the Above
Answer: b) a) currency risk
b) interest rate risk
515). Maximum value of transaction for e-SBTR c) currency and interest rate risk
should be d) cash flows in different currency
a) Rs.1000 e) All of the above
b) Rs.2000 Answer: d)
c) Rs.3000
d) Rs.5000 521). Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd is going to be
e) No limit merged with which of the following?
Answer: e) a) DHFL Vysya Housing Finance Ltd
b) Cent Bank Home Finance Limited
516). Which of the following is the most liquid c) Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd.
money? d) Manipal Housing Finance Syndicate Ltd.
a) M1 e) None of these
b) M2 Answer: a)
c) Securities
d) M3 522). Demand of which among the following will be
e) Call Money called as Direct Demand?
Answer: a) a) Weaving Machine
b) Wool for Factory
517). What is the purpose of KYC in banking? c) Sweater
a) It is used for customer identification d) Wool for making gloves
b) It is used for increasing the CRR of banks e) None of these
c) It is used against money laundering
d) It is used by the central bank to control liquidity Answer : c
e) Both (a) and (c)
Answer: e) 523). Which of the following banks has planned to
commence urban microfinance operations in its 85
518). The ratio of deposits to loans of a bank is branches across the country?
known as a) Yes Bank
a) NPA coverage Ratio b) Kotak Mahindra Bank
b) Return on asset ratio c) ICICI Bank
c) Asset Coverage ratio d) Axis Bank
d) CD Ratio e) None of these
e) Other than those given as options Answer: d)
Answer: e)
524). is the percentage of total deposits of a
519). In International Banking bank which it has to keep with itself in the form of
terms,‖Appreciation‖ of Rupee means _ liquid assets.
a) Excess of exports over imports a) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
b) Purchasing power of rupee has come down b) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
c) Availability of less foreign currency vis-a-vis rupee c) Statutory Reserve Ratio
d) Excess of imports over exports d) Cash Ratio
e) Availability of more foreign currency vis-a-vis e) None of these
rupee Answer: a)
Answer: c)
525). According to a news, the State Bank of India
520). Currency Swap is an instrument to manage was being put in ―Hall of Shame‖ list along with
some other banks. The reason for this was
a) for not recovering the NPAs in the last 6 months
b) for financing a US cluster bomb manufacturer b) RBI
c) for supporting Vijay Malaya c) Indian banks Association
d) it listed the worst NPAs ever the last quarter d) CRR and SLR association
e) None of these e) None of the above
Answer: b) Answer: b)
531). The Reserve Bank of India does not print
526). When Reserve Bank intends to increase credit currency notes of the denomination of Rs. .
by the banking system, it a) 20
a) Reduces the bank rate b) 50
b) Raises the bank rate c) 3,000
c) Freezes the bank rate d) 2,000
d) None of these e) 500
e) All of these Answer: c)
Answer: a)
532). Which of the following is considered as the
527). Which of the following has decided to block financial capital of India?
LPG subsidy and PAN of the tax defaulters? a) New Delhi
a) RBI b) Kolkata
b) SBI c) Bangalore
c) Income Tax Department d) Ahmedabad
d) Govt. of India e) None of these
e) Finance Ministry Answer: e)
Answer: c)
533). Many times we read in financial
528). Bank rate means newspapers/magazines about Systematic Investment
a) The rate of interest charged by the bank on Plans (SIPs). SIPs are an investment option also
advances operated in the mode of
b) The rate of interest paid by banks on the deposits a) Mutual Funds
c) The standard rate at which the RBI is prepared to b) Small Savings Schemes in Post Offices
buy or to rediscount eligible bills of exchange or other c) National Pension Fund
commercial papers of commercial banks d) National Saving Certificates
d) None of the above e) None of these
e) All of the above Answer: a)
Answer: c)
534). Who amongst the following has suggested to
529). According to a report by Reserve Bank of the banks in India to give details of fund transfers to
India, country‘s gross bad loans are expected to customers via SMS/E-mails?
grow from 7.6% to by March 2017. a) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
a) 9.2% b) India Banks Association (IBA)
b) 8.2% c) Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
c) 8.5% d) Securities and Exchange Board of India
d) 8.0% e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: c)
535). The short term loans given to the farmers are
530). Which is the authority in India for effecting the loans given normally for a period of
changes in the cash reserve ratio and statutory a) three months
liquidity ratio? b) six months
a) Government of India c) nine months
d) one year a) Only (A)
e) fifteen months b) Only (B)
Answer: d) c) Only (C)
d) All (A), (B) and (C)
536). India started its five year planning with effect e) None of these
from the year Answer: a)
a) 1955
b) 1951 541). A ‗Non-negotiable‘ crossing is a ?
c) 1960 a) General crossing
d) 1965 b) Special crossing
e) 1948 c) Restricted crossing
Answer: b) d) Non-transferable crossing
e) None of the above
537). The Head of the Reserve Bank of India is Answer: a)
designated as the .
a) Chief Executive Officer 542). What does N in NASSCOM stands for?
b) Managing Director a) National
c) Chief Banking Officer b) Non
d) Deputy Governor c) Net
e) None of these d) All of the above
Answer: e) e) None of these
Answer: a)
538). Which of the following organizations was
specially established to operate in Gramin areas by 543). CRR is required to maintain in the form of
design itself? ?
a) Commercial Banks a) Approved Government Securities
b) Central Financial Institutes b) Cash with RBI
c) Private Banks c) Cash with bank
d) Regional Rural Banks d) All the above
e) None of these e) None of the above
Answer: d) Answer: b)

539). Which of the following is NOT a part of 544). Tagline of Bank of Baroda
India‘s Money Market? a) India’s best business bank
a) Bill Markets b) The Thinking Behind the Money
b) Call Money Market c) India’s International Bank
c) Banks d) Not Your Typical Bank
d) Mutual Funds e) None of these
e) Indian Gold Council Answer: c)
Answer: e)
545). Monetary Policy of RBI Does not include
540). Which of the following is/are the measure(s) ?
taken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ease a) Control the supply of Money
the liquidity crunch in the country? b) Reduction of taxes
A. Cut in Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory c) Fixation of rate of interest (least in some
Liquidity Ratio. categories)
B. Increase the flow of foreign direct investment. d) Fixation of Repo rate and Reverse Repo rate
C. Supply of additional currency notes in the e) Fixation of Cash
market. Answer: b)
c) Staff Advances
546). What is R in FERA? d) Overdue Recurring Deposits
a) Rural e) None of these
b) Restricted Answer: d)
c) Refinance
d) Regulation 552). SEBI was established in the year
e) Regulatory a) 1994
Answer: d) b) 1990
c) 1992
547). Which of the following private sector bank re- d) 1982
branded itself as ―RBS‖? e) None of these
a) Sumitomo Bank Answer: c)
b) Bank of Scotland
c) ABN Amro Bank 553). State Bank of India's new floating rate of
d) ICICI Bank deposit is directly linked to?
e) Bank of Rajasthan a) Base Rate
Answer: c) b) BPLR
c) Bank Rate
548). In a prepaid card the maximum value to be d) Inflation Rate
stored is? e) CRR
a) 25000 Answer: a)
b) 50000
c) 10000 554). When RBI sells government securities its
d) 20000 meaning is?
e) None of these a) Liquidity in banking increases
Answer: b) b) Liquidity gets diminished
c) Liquidity remains unchanged
549). is the largest stake holder in the d) None of these
National Securities Depository Limited? e) Both a) and b)
a) SBI Answer: b)
b) Corporation Bank
c) Syndicate Bank 555). The banking company has restriction to
d) IDBI Bank sanction loan to
e) ICICI Bank a) Staff working in the bank
Answer: d) b) Directors of the bank
c) Students going abroad
550). The Head Office of National Housing Bank is d) Professionals
in e) None of these
a) Kolkata Answer: b)
b) Bangalore
c) New Delhi 556). Which of the following rates are decided by the
d) Mumbai RBI called as ―Policy Rate‖?
e) None of these a) Cash reserve ratio
Answer: c) b) Lending rate
c) Bank rate
551). Which of the following is not an asset of a d) Deposit rate
bank? e) None of these
a) Notes and Small coins Answer: a)
b) Short Term Loans
c) Bank of Baroda
557). Which of the following is a non-depository d) Bank of India
institution? e) Union Bank of India
a) Regional Rural Bank Answer : d
b) Mutual Funds
c) Credits Unions 563). Which of the following is a public sector bank?
d) Commercial Banks a) Andhra Bank
e) None of these b) Federal Bank
Answer: b) c) ICICI Bank
558). Which Bank in India opened India's first e) None of these
offshore banking Unit ? Answer: a)
a) SBH
b) ICICI 564). Normally banks accept fixed Deposits for a
c) SBI maximum period of:
d) Axis a) 5 years
e) Bank of Baroda b) 7 years
Answer: c) c) 10 years
d) 20 years
559). Issuing of credit cards is a component of e) None of these
a) Corporate Banking Answer: c)
b) Micro Finance
c) Retail Banking 565). Which of the following statements about Local
d) Rural Banking Area Banks are correct ?
e) None of these a) Local Area Banks are required to observe the
Answer: c) priority sector lending targets at 40 per cent of net bank
credit as applicable to other domestic bank
560). Indian Depository Receipt (IDR) is the? b) Local Area Banks have to lend at least 25 per cent of
a) Proof of an Indian company’s share their priority sector deployments (10 per cent of
b) Is an unsecured money market instrument net bank credit) to weaker sections within the over all
c) Proof of ownership of foreign company’s share 40 per cent target sfor priority sector
d) Proof of earnings or profits of Indian Companies c) Local Area Banks are registered as a public limited
e) All of these company under the Companies Act, 1956
Answer: c) d) Only (1) and (2)
e) All of the above
561) Life Insurance Corporation of India is a Answer : e
a) Department of Govt. of India 566). Which of the following extreme measures may
b) Independent Body be resorted to by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI),
c) Corporation established by a special Act of in order to safeguard the interest of the depositing
Parliament public when the affairs of a bank are observed to be
d) Company established under Companies Act 1956 beyond redemption?
e) Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) a) Refusal of a licence or cancellation of an existing
Answer : c licence
b) Merge the bank with any public sector bank
562) Which of the following bank became the first in c) Applying to the Central Government for an order of
India to be fully computerized? moratorium and thereafter reconstructing or
a) State Bank of India amalgamating the bank with another bank
b) Punjab National Bank d) All of the above
e) None of the these
Answer : d 572). Coins in india are minted at
a) Hyderabad
567). Which of the following terms is used in the b) Kolkata
field of finance and Banking? c) Noida
a) Adjustable credit d) All the above
b) Absolute Zero e) None of these
c) Guage pressure Answer: d)
d) Single bond
e) None of these 573). All the financial issues of agriculture are dealt
Answer: a) by which Bank?
a) Andhra Bank
568). Which of the following is known as Plastic b) SBI
money? c) RBI
a) Demand draft d) NABARD
b) Credit card e) None of these
c) Debit card Answer: d)
d) Both B and C
e) None of these 574). If you buy a financial instrument in one
Answer: d) market in order to sell the same instrument in
another market at higher price, it will be called as
569). Which of the following category of banks were a) Brokerage
mooted with a view to providing an institutional b) Arbitrage
mechanism for promoting rural and semi-urban c) Forfeiture of Instrument
savings as well as - the provision of credit for viable d) investment
economic activities in local areas ? e) None of these
a) Regional Rural Banks Answer: b)
b) Local Area Banks
c) Private sector banks 575). AER stands for ?
d) Land Development Banks a) Average Equivalent rate
e) All of the above b) Annual Equivalent Rate
c) Appropriate Equivalent Rate
Answer : b d) Approximate Equivalent Rate
e) None of these
570). Which of the following set up core banking Answer: b)
infrastructure for rural banks?
a) RBI 576). Which among the following is incorrect about
b) NABARD Bank Ombudsman ?
c) IDBI a) Bank Ombudsman scheme was first introduced in
d) NHB 1995 but start in operations from 2006
e) SEBI b) Bank Ombudsman has the power to solve bank
Answer: b) Complaints
571). Which bank launched ‗Mobicash easy‘ c) Bank Ombudsman acts as the one of representative
scheme? of Reserve Bank of India in order to implement RBIs
a) SBP rules and regulations
b) SBH d) All the Above
c) SBI e) None of these
d) Axis Answer: e)
Answer: c)
577). The Commission charged by a broker is a) 10000
? b) 50000
a) Brokerage Interest c) 25000
b) Brokerage Fee d) 100000
c) Brokerage Profit e) 200000
d) Brokerage rate Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 583). Notice Money is a money lend for a period of ?
a) Between 2 and 14 days
578). is a short term and unsecured b) Exceeding 14 days
promissory notes issued by corporations with very c) 1 day
high credit standing? d) 2 days
a) Demand draft e) 4 days
b) Credit card Answer: a)
c) Debit card
d) Commercial Paper 584). Which is incorrect about NBFC (Non-Banking
e) None of these Financial Company) ?
Answer: d) a) The deposits with NBFCs are not insured
b) deposit insurance facility of Deposit Insurance and
579). Slogan of Corporation Bank? Credit Guarantee Corporati n is not available to
a) Working for a better tomorrow depositors of NBFCs, unlike in case of banks
b) Prosperity for all c) NBFCs do not form part of the payment and
c) Trusted family Bank settlement system and cannot issue cheques drawn on
d) None of these itself
Answer: b) d) NBFCs cannot offer interest rates higher than the
ceiling rate prescribed by RBI from time to time. The
580). ―Blending Modernity with Tradition‖ is the present ceiling is 12.5 per cent per annum
slogan of ? e) None of these
a) State Bank of Patiala Answer: a)
b) SBI
c) SBH 585). INDIAs Central Bank" is slogan of:"
d) SBM a) Reserve Bank of India
e) SEBI b) State Bank of India
Answer: a) c) IDBI
581). Multilated Notes are? e) None of these
a) Notes which are in pieces and/or of which the Answer: a)
essential portions are missing
b) Any bank note, which is wholly or partially, 586). Upper Limit on Kisan Vikas Patra is:
obliterated, shrunk a) 1000000
c) Notes which are washed, altered or Indecipherable b) 500000
d) Notes which are wholly or partially, obliterated, c) No upper limit
shrunk, washed, altered or indecipherable d) 200000
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: a) Answer: c)

582). Minimum limit for sending money to Nepal 587). Which of the following instruments of credit
through NEFT (National Electronic fund Transfer) control adopted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
in a single day?
does not fall within ‗general‘ or ‗quantitative‘ c) accepts deposits from public and invests the same as
methods of credit control? trade and industry
a) Bank rate d) accepts deposits from the public
b) Open market operations e) All of the above
c) Stipulation of certain minimum margin in respect of Answer : e
advance against specified commodities
d) Variable reserve requirements 592). Which of the following is an account at a bank
e) None of the these or credit union that earns interest over a specified
Answer : c amount of time?
a) Interest Bearing Account
588). In periods of boom, which leads to economic b) Regular Checking Account
instability, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) resorts c) De-materialized Account
to? d) Savings Bank Account
a) Hike in the Bank Rate as a measure of open market e) None of these
operations Answer: a)
b) Buying of approved securities in the market as a
measure of open market operations 593). The paid-up capital of Non-Schedule Bank is
c) Sale in the market of first class securities in its less than
possession to reduce the supply of money as a measure a) Rs 5 lakh
of open market operations b) Rs 10 lakh
d) All of the above c) Rs 12 lakh
e) None of the above d) Rs 15 lakh
Answer : b e) None of the above

589). CPI refers to: Answer : a

a) Cost Price Index
b) Consumer Price Index
c) Current Price Index 594). term refers an account that cannot be
d) Consumer Price interface converted and repatriated into foreign currency.
e) None of these a) Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee or NRO Account
Answer: b) b) Non-Resident Rupee or NRE Account
c) FCNR Account
590). In periods of depression when the Reserve d) Retail Account
Bank of India (RBI) desires to encourage the e) None of these
banking system to create more credit, what it does? Answer: a)
a) Permits the Bank Rate to be decided by market
forces 595). What does the term Open Market Operations
b) Raises the Bank Rate refer to?
c) Reduces the Bank Rate a) Selling of equities in the open market
d) All of the above b) Selling of commodities in the open market
e) None of the above c) Buying and selling of government securities in the
Answer : c open market
d) Buying and selling of products in the wholesale
591) In terms of section 5 (1)(e) of the Banking market
Regulation Act, 1949, a ‗banking company‘ means e) None of these
any comps- which Answer: c)
a) transacts the business of banking in India
b) undertakes lending of money 596). account is opened by the investor
while registering with an investment broker.
a) Fixed Deposit Account
b) Savings Bank Account Answer: b)
c) Recurring Account
d) De-materialized Account 601). Which of the following is not included in govt.
e) None of these securities?
Answer: d) a) Promissory notes
b) Debentures
597). is the percentage of total deposits of a c) Bearer bonds
bank which it has to keep with itself in the form of d) all
liquid assets. e) none
a) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) Answer: b)
b) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
c) Statutory Reserve Ratio 602). Money Market is regulated by?
d) Cash Ratio a) RBI
e) None of these b) SEBI
Answer: a) c) IRDAI
d) None of the Above
598). is a deposit of money that has a e) Both (a) and (c)
fixed time and pays higher interest than a SB Answer: a)
a) Fixed Deposit Account 603). Who issues treasury bills?
b) Savings Bank Account a) Reserve Bank of India, as the agent of the Central
c) Recurring Account Government
d) Current Account b) Any Govt. dept. of State and Central
e) None of these c) Any Commercial Bank
Answer: a) d) All of the above
e) None of the above
599). Land Development Banks provide long-term Answer: a)
credit for schemes of basic importance to
agriculture as 604). short term instrument, have the
a) mechanization of agriculture i.e., loans for purposes generic character of T-bills but are issued for
of tractors, power tillers, threshers etc maturities less than 91 days.
b) land reclamation, soil conservation, plantation of a) Dated Government Securities
fruit orchards, dairy development schemes etc. b) State Development Loans (SDL)
involving c) Cash Management Bills (CMBs)
heavy expenditure d) All of the Above
c) minor irrigation purposes like wells, dug-cum-bore e) None of these
wells, tube wells, pump sets and irrigation tanks Answer: c)
d) Only (1) and (2)
e) All of the above 605). Certificate of deposit can be subscribed by
Answer : e a) individuals
b) corporate companies
600). Which of the following is a transactional c) Trusts, funds, association et.c
deposit account held at a financial institution that d) ( a) and (b)
allows for withdrawals and deposits? e) all of (a) to (c)
a) Deposit Accounts Answer: e)
b) Checking Accounts
c) Capital Market Accounts 606). refers borrower‘s ability to meet
d) Business Accounts immediate liabilities.
e) None of these a) Current Ratio
b) Gearing Ratio Answer: c)
c) Acid-Test Ratio
d) All of the above 612). The process of the total valuation of the
e) None of the Above financial capital assets of a country is technically
Answer: c) known as?
a) Market Capitalization
607). A government security is generally issued in b) Gross Domestic Product
the form of c) Net wealth of the country
a) Stock certificates d) Gross Domestic Resources
b) Bearer bonds e) None of these
c) Promissory notes Answer: a)
d) all
e) none 613). CICs are permitted to invest Liquid Fund
Answer: d) Schemes (Mutual Funds) with maturity of less than
608). An Asset Reconstruction Company(ARC) in a) 51
India is associated with b) 71
a) UCPDC c) 61
b) DICGC d) 91
c) NPA e) 81
d) All of the above Answer: d)
e) None of the Above
Answer: c) 614). ICICI was formed in :
a) 1955
609). Who are the major players in the call money b) 1956
markets? c) 1957
a) Banks d) 1989
b) Insurance companies e) None of These
c) Development Financial Institutions Answer: a)
d) Selected Mutual Funds
e) All of the above 615). Which of the following is NOT the part of the
Answer: e) organized sector in Indian Money Market?
a) Mutual Funds
610). is a voluntary market body for b) Non-Banking Financial Companies
the bond, money and derivatives markets. c) Unit Trust of India
a) RBI d) Chit funds
b) SEBI e) None of these
c) IRDAI Answer: d)
e) None of the above 616). Systematically Important Core Investment
Answer: d) Company(CIC-ND-SI)/ CICs can not accept
611). ICICI stands for: a) Public Fund
a) Indian Credit and Investment Corporation of India b) Deposit
b) Investment Corporation In Credit c) Public Deposit
c) Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of d) Both (B) and (C)
India e) None of these
d) All of the above Answer: d)
e) None of These
b) Board Code for Standards in Branches
617). CEO of ICICI bank is: c) Board Code for Standard in Banking
a) Arundhati Bhattacharya d) None of the above
b) Chanda Kochhar e) Both a) and b)
c) Indira Nuyi Answer: a)
d) Arun Jaitley
e) None of These 623). How many types of PSLCs can be issued by
Answer: b) (as on 26th May 2017) the Banks?
a) Four
618). Resources of Land Development Banks b) Five
operating in the country are raised by c) Six
a) share capital from members which is linked to their d) Eight
borrowings from the bank e) Three
b) reserves created out of profits Answer: a)
c) borrowings comprising of interim accommodation,
deposits and debentures 624). Kisan Credit Card can be used for financing?
d) Only 3 a) Production needs
e) All of the above b) Consumption needs
Answer : e c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
619). Infrastructure Finance Company(IFC) has a e) cannot be determined
minimum Net Owned Funds of Answer: c)
a) 100 Crore
b) 150 Crore 625). Which public sector bank of India is the first
c) 250 Crore fully Indian bank, established by the Indian
d) 300 Crore national?
e) 350 Crore a) Allahabad Bank
Answer: d) b) Central Bank of India
c) State Bank of India
620). ICICI bank launched internet banking d) Punjab National Bank
operations in e) Bank of Baroda
a) 1998 Answer : d
b) 1999
c) 2000
d) 2002 626). When the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the
e) None of These lender of last resort, what does it mean?
Answer: a) a) RBI advances money to public whenever there is any
621). When was the Imperial Bank of India b) Commercial banks give fund to the RBI
nationalised? c) RBI advances necessary credit against eligible
a) 1948 securities
b) 1950 d) All of the above
c) 1955 e) None of the above
d) 1969 Answer : c
e) 1957
Answer: c) 627). The largest number of commercial banks‘
offices are located in?
622). 'BCSBI' Stands for : a) Karnataka
a) Banking Codes and Standards Boards of India b) Maharashtra
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Uttar Pradesh 632). means the period for which the
e) None of these securities cannot be delivered.
Answer: d) a) Fixed Time Period
b) Shut Period
628). Closed Economy is one in which : c) Grace Period
a) only export takes place d) Payback Period
b) money supply is fully controlled e) None of these
c) deficit financing takes place Answer: b)
d) neither export nor import takes place
e) None of these 633). Non Banking assets include:
Answer: d) a) Property seized by the bank
b) Auction sale of the customer's property
629). The term ‗moral suasion‘ refers to c) Band Building
1) The moral duty of a borrower to deal with only one d) Both A and B
bank e) None of these
2) The advice given by the Reserve Bank of India to Answer: d)
banks/financial institutions in the matter of
their lending and other operations with the objective 634). ―Multi-currency basket‖ means?
that they might implement or follow it a) a number of international currencies to which the
3) The banker’s duty of secrecy as regards the affairs value of SDRs is linked
and accounts of his customers b) selected international currencies to which the value
4) All of the above of Asian Monetary Unit is linked
5) None of the above c) number of major international currencies to which
the external value of the Indian rupee is linked
Answer : b d) the name given to a group of West European
e) None of these
630). The definition of the priority sector was first Answer: c)
formalized in 1972 by?
a) Planning Commission 635). Which is India‘s first and largest Asset
b) National Development Council Reconstruction Company?
c) Reserve Bank of India a) ARCIL
d) Ministry of Finance, Government of India b) PARAS
e) None of these c) Relaince ARC
Answer: c) d) Both a) and b)
e) None of the Above
631). The term ―capitalisation of reserves‖ is used Answer: a)
to denote?
a) the use of reserves for the acquisition of additional 636). The tertiary sector of economy is called as:
capital a) Manufacturing Industry
b) Service Industry
b) the use of reserves for paying-off loans raised for c) Agro and Fishing Industry
building up fixed assets d) All of the above
c) the use of reserves for issuing bonus shares to the e) None of these
existing shareholders Answer: b)
d) the use of reserves for the replacement of
depreciated assets 637). Which of the following is a leading electronic
e) None of these
Answer: c)
payment technology firm ? (The logo of the firm can E. All the above
be seen printed on credit cards/ATM centres etc.) Answer : b
a) Visa
b) Max 643). A offers loans to people starting their
c) BSE own business"
d) Sensex a) Bank
e) SWAP b) Credit Union
Answer : a c) Pawnshop
d) Both a) and b)
e) None of These
638). In Notice Money Market, the tenor of the Answer: c)
transactions is from
a) 2-7 days 644). Which of the following cannot be called as a
b) 2-14 days Debt Instrument as referred in financial
c) 2-21 days transactions?
d) 2-28 days a) Certificate of Deposits
e) None of these b) Bonds
Answer: b) c) Stocks
d) Commercial Papers
639). FDR is: e) None of these
a) Fix Date Rate Answer: c)
b) Fixed Deposit Receipt
c) Full Date Rate 645). All coins that are minted in Noida have
d) All of the above
e) None of these a) Dot
Answer: b) b) Star
c) Diamond
640). What is the full form of ECB? d) No mark
a) Extra Commercial Banking e) None of these
b) Extra Commercial Borrowings Answer: a)
c) External Commercial Borrowings
d) All of the above 646). Obtaining cash from an ATM is similar to:
e) None of these a) Writing a Cheque
Answer: c) b) Open any Account
c) Any banking transaction
641). Account payee crossing is an direction of the d) Both a) and b)
drawer to? e) None of These
a) To collecting banker Answer: a)
b) To drawee banker
c) To payee 647). Which of the following cannot be endorsed?
d) To all endorsees a) A fixed deposit receipt
e) None of these b) A bank draft
Answer: a) c) A Promissory note
d) A usance bill of exchange
642). One rupee note and all coins will be issued by: e) None of these
A. Reserve Bank of India Answer: a)
B. Central Government
C. Central and State Governments collectively 648). What is a Green Index?
D. None of the above
a) It measures the nation’s wealth according to GNP
per Capita 653). The relationship between RBI and the Bank
b) It measures the nation’s wealth according to GDP maintaining the currency chest is that of?
per Capita a) Creditor and Debtor
c) It measures nation’s wealth according to provisions b) Bailor and Bailee
of control on greenhouse gases c) Principal and Agent
d) It measures the nation’s wealth in terms of d) Debtor and Creditor
coverage of forest area. e) None of these
e) none of these Answer: c)
Answer: c)
654). Where are the headquarters of National
649). A endorsement includes the words Housing Bank?
"FOR DEPOSIT ONLY": a) Lucknow
a) Restrictive b) Allahabad
b) Predictive c) Mumbai
c) Conductive d) New Delhi
d) Both a) and c) e) Kolkata
e) None of These Answer: d)
Answer: a)
655). In India, forex rates are determined by
650). In a company the use of price sensitive
corporate information by the Company – people to a) Demand and supply forces
make gains or cover losses is known as? b) Importers
a) insider trading c) Ministry of commerce
b) future trading d) Exporters
c) foreign trading e) None of these
d) stock trading Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 656). Which among the following committees
suggested the concept of ―Universal Banking‖ ?
651). India‘s first indigenous payment gateway is a) Raja Chelliah Committee
b) SH Khan Committee
a) India Payment c) Abid Hussain Committee
b) India Pay d) LK Jha Committee
c) India Rupee e) None of them
d) India Expenditure Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 657). An increase in CRR by RBI leads to

652). Which of the following organizations provides a) Increase in deposit

Buffer Stock Financing Facility? b) Decrease in deposit
a) Reserve Bank of India c) Decrease in lendable resources
b) Asian Development Bank d) Increase in lendable resources
c) International Monetary Fund e) None of these
d) World Bank Answer: c)
e) Federal Reserve Bank
Answer: c) 658). In which year central government abolished
banking Services Recruitment Boards?
a) 1995
b) 1998 e) None of these
c) 1999 Answer: d)
d) 2000
e) 2001 664). When RBI reduce the CRR it results into
Answer: e)
a) Increase in lendable resources
659). The interest on recurring deposit is paid on the b) Decrease in lendable resources
basis of? c) Increase in deposit
a) Interest calculated on daily products basis d) Decrease in deposit
b) Simple interest on monthly products basis e) None of these
c) Simple interest calculated monthly basis Answer: a)
d) Quarterly compounding
e) None of these 665).In banking services, which are the major
Answer: d) characteristics affecting the channel selection
a) Intangibility
660). In which year UTI was split into UTI-I and b) Inseparability
UTI-II? c) Perish ability
a) 2001 d) All of the above
b) 2002 e) None of these
c) 2003 Answer: d)
d) 2004
e) 2005 666). What does CRR stand for?
Answer: c) a) Credit Reserve Ratio
b) Cost Advisory Ratio
661). RBI was established in 1935 pursuant to c) Cash Reserve Ratio
recommendation of: d) Cash Revenue Ratio
A. The Hilton Young Commission e) None of these
B. All India Rural Credit Survey Committee Answer: c)
C. Gorawala Committee
D. Talwar Committee 667). What does 'DD' stand for
E. None of the above a) Demand Cheque
Answer : a b) Demand Credit
c) Demand Cash
662). What is international banking? d) Demand Draf
a) Providing of variety of financial services to the e) None of these
customers who are living outside their home country Answer: d)
b) Providing of financial services to the customers
who are living in home country 668). The term smart money refers to
c) Banking between two countries a) foreign currency
d) All of the above b) Internet banking
e) None of these c) US Dollars
Answer: a) d) Traveller’s cheques
e) credit cards
663). Tele banking is attracting the fancy of urban Answer: e)
customer due to
a) Non-availability of time to visit bank branches 669). Which of the following is the retail banking
b) Transport bottlenecks product?
c) Traffic Jams a) home loans
d) All of the above b) working capital finance
c) corporate term loans
d) infrastructure financing 675). Which is the biggest commercial bank in
e) export credit India?
Answer: a) a) Indian Overseas Bank
b) SBI
670). Which of the following is NOT required for c) PNB
opening a bank account? d) Indian Bank
a) Identity Proof e) Canara Bank
b) Address Proof Answer: b)
c) Recent Photographs
d) Domicile Certificate 676). How many Deputy Governors are there in
e) None of these RBI?
Answer: d) a) Three
b) Two
671) Who was the first governor of RBI? c) Four
A. Osborne Smith d) Six
B. James Taylor e) Five
C. C.Desh Mukh Answer: c)
D. B.R.Rao
E. None of the above 677). Which among the following does not decided
Answer : a the RBI?
a) CAR
672). Which of the following is not a tool in the b) CRR
hands of RBI to control the inflationary pressure in c) Base Rate
the country? d) Bank Rate
a) Bank Rate (BR) e) Repo Rate
b) Special Drawing Rights (SDR) Answer: c)
c) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
d) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) 678). The interest on Marginal Standing Facility
e) None of these sanctioned by RBI to banks is:
Answer: b) A. Repo rate plus 1%
B. Repo Rate plus 2%
673). When was the Financial Market Department C. Repo Rate plus 3%
was established by RBI? D. One percent less than reverse repo rate
a) May, 1999 E. None of the above
b) Jan, 2000 Answer : a
c) July, 2005
d) Aug, 2002 679). What does ‗T‘ in RTGS stand for?
e) None of these a) Time
Answer: c) b) Transaction
c) Tax
674). which among the following is at times d) Transfer
mentioned as a kind of Direct Debit Facility? e) None of these
a) RTGS Answer: a)
b) ECS
c) NEFT 680). In which year does the Differential Rate of
d) All of these Interest Scheme was introduced?
e) None of these a) 1972
Answer: b) b) 1982
c) 1978
d) 1988 686). Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
e) None of these was launched on which date?
Answer: a) a) 16 August 2014
b) 26 January 2014
681). Islamic Development Bank located in which c) 28 August 2014
country? d) 4 January 2014
a) Qatar e) None of these
b) Saudi Arabia Answer: c)
c) Yemen
d) Iraq 687). According to the ASSOCHAM reports, which
e) Oman among the following states has topped in the country
Answer: b) in terms of growth in the industry and service
sectors in the last ten years?
682). In which among the following types occurs the a) Gujarat
Interest Rate Risk? b) Madhya Pradesh
a) Interest risk c) Maharashtra
b) Credit risk d) Uttrakhand
c) Payment risk e) Tamil Nadu
d) Market risk Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: d) 688). has become the first state in India
to launch RBI‘s e- payment system for commercial
683). Which of the following is the biggest borrower tax payers.
in India? a) Karnataka
a) Government of India b) Assam
b) Reserve bank of India c) Kerala
c) State Government d) Tamil Nadu
d) Indian Railways e) Andhra Pradesh
e) Public Sector Undertakings Answer: a)
Answer: a)
689). is the organization that maintains
684). Which of the following terms is used in the borrower‘s history in India.
banking field? a) CAMEL
a) Input Devices b) CARE
b) Zero Hour c) CRISIL
c) Interest Rate Swap d) CIBIL
d) Sedimentary e) None of these
e) Privilege Motion
Answer: c)
Answer: d)

685). E.P.S. in share market stands for: 690). Which of the following is not a Public Sector
a) Earnings Per Share Unit?
b) Electronic Payment System a) HPCL
c) Employee Pension Scroll b) HAL
d) Equated Payment System c) SAIL
e) None of these d) YES Bank
Answer: a) e) IDBI Bank
Answer: d) d) Chairman, Planning Commission
e) None of these
691). Which of the following organizations issue the Answer: a)
rules of global trade?
a) Foreign trade 696). Which of the following is / are included under
b) G-20 Statutory Pre-emption?
c) World Trade Organization a. SLR
d) IMF b. CRR
e) None of these c. Bank Rate
Answer: c) d. Repo Rate
a) Only (a)
692). Sub Prime lending" is a term applied to the b) Only (a) and (c)
loans made to c) Only (a) and (b)
a) Those borrows who do not have a good credit d) Only (d)
history e) All of these
b) Those who wish to take loan against the mortgage Answer: c)
of tangible assets
c) Those who have a good credit history and are 697). Which of the following is necessary while
known to bank since 10 years opening deposit accounts in banks?
d) Those borrowers who are most preferred a) Will
customers of the bank b) Registration
e) None of these c) Guarantee
Answer: a) d) Nomination
e) None of these
693). RBI stipulates a healthy mix of CASA in the Answer: d)
business figures of banks. What is CASA?
a) Current Account and saving Account 698). Which bank recently introduced the Software
b) Credit and savings Aggregate Robotics for power banking operations?
c) Customer Analysis and Savings Pattern a) ICICI Bank
d) Cost Appreciation and selling Analysis b) Axis Bank
e) None of these c) HDFC Bank
Answer: a) d) State Bank of India
e) None of these
694). In India, Infrastructure Debt Fund can be Answer: a)
established as a Trust or a company. Which of the
following regulated the Infrastructure Debt Fund 699). Which of the following banks recently
set up as a trust? launched 'Mingle', a social media banking platform
a) SEBI for Facebook and Twitter users?
b) RBI a) HDFC Bank
c) IRDA b) ICICI Bank
d) Ministry of Corporate Affairs c) Axis Bank
e) IRDA d) SBI
Answer: a) e) Federal Bank
Answer: d)
695). Whose signature appears on Indian Rs. 100
note? 700). Which of the following financial institutions is
a) RBI Governor based in the Basel city of Switzerland?
b) Finance Secretary a) IMF
c) Finance Minister b) World Bank
c) ADB e) Rs 500.00 Lakh
d) BIS Answer: a)
e) WTO
Answer: d) 706). Social control over the banks in India was
imposed on
701). Who is issuing license to perform insurance a) 9th June, 1969
business by banks b) 9th July, 1969
a) RBI c) 19th July, 1969
b) IRDA d) 19th July, 1970
c) SEBI e) 9th July, 1970
d) Central government Answer: c)
e) LIC
Answer: b) 707). The nationalisation of 14 Indian commercial
banks, with deposits over and above Rupees 50
702). Now a bank can enter in the field of insurance Crores, was undertaken by government of India, on
sector. To enter in the field of a) 9th June, 1969
insurance the minimum net worth of a bank should b) 19th July, 1969
be c) 9th July, 1969
a) Rs 200 Crores d) 9th June, 1970
b) Rs 500 Crores e) 9th July, 1970
c) Rs 100 Crores Answer: b)
d) Rs 50 Crores
e) No such requirement 708). After nationalisation of 14 commercial banks,
Answer: b) the government of India had nationalised other 6
commercial banks, with deposits over and above
703). When banks are undertaking the business of Rupees 200 Crores, during
bancassurance, they attract supervision of a) April, 1980
a) Central govt. b) April, 1969
b) SEBIX c) April, 1970
c) RBI d) May, 1970
d) IRDAVI e) July, 1970
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: d)
709). On 4th September, 1993. a loss making
704). The banks included in 2nd schedule of are nationalised bank was merged with Punjab National
known as scheduled banks Bank by government of India. The name of the bank
a) Banking Regulation Act was
b) Reserve Bank of India Act a) Lakshmi Was Bank
c) Negotiable Instrument Act b) New Bank of India
d) Banking (Acquisition & Transfer of Properties)Act c) Sangali Bank
e) Banking Companies Act d) State Bank of Saurashtra
Answer: b) e) State Bank of Indore
Answer: b)
705). The scheduled commercial banks must have
paid up capital & reserves not less than 710). Who is holding the share capital of
a) Rs 5.00 Lakh nationalised banks
b) Rs 50.00 Lakh a) State Bank of India
c) Rs 10.00 Lakh b) Reserve Bank of India
d) Rs 100.00 Lakh c) Public
d) Government of India
e) Government of India & Public 716). The first company to get RBI‘s permission to
Answer: e) open White Label ATMs is:
a) Tata Communications Payment Solutions Limited
711). is a short term and unsecured (TCPSL)
promissory notes issued by corporations with very b) Muthoot Finance
high credit standings: c) Prizm Payments
a) Commercial Paper d) AGS
b) Cheque e) None of These
c) Corporate Bond Answer: a)
d) None of The Above
e) DD 717). TCPSL started their White Label ATMs chain
Answer: a) under brand name :
a) Easecash
712). CBS stands for: b) Indicash
a) Code Banking Solutions c) T – Cash
b) Core Banking Solutions d) None of These
c) Central Banking Solutions e) E -Cash
d) None of The Above Answer: b)
e) Core Bank System
Answer: b) 718). Which among the following is correct about
Brown Label ATMs:
713). Slogan of Corporation Bank is: a) These ATMs are owned and maintained by service
a) Working for a better tomorrow provider.
b) Trusted Family Bank b) Bank whose Brand name is used on ATM takes
c) Prosperity For All care of cash management and network connectivity.
d) None of The Above c) Both of Above
e) Property for all d) None of These
Answer: c) e) ATM Carries fund
Answer: c)
714). White Label ATM means:
a) The ATM that does not have any bank logo. 719). Which among the following definitions are
b) The ATM carries logo of RBI correct:
c) Both of Above a) Online ATMS – These ATMs are connected to the
d) None of These bank’s database at all times and provide real time
e) ATM Carries fund transactions online. The withdrawal limits and account
Answer: a) balances are constantly monitored by the bank.
b) Offline ATMs – These ATMs are not connected to
715). Which among the following is correct about bank’s database hence they have a pre-defined
the ―White Label ATM‖: withdrawal limit fixed and you can withdraw that
a) Any non bank entity with a minimum net worth of amount irrespective of the balance in your account.
Rs. 100 crore can apply for white label ATMs. (Not c) Onsite ATM – The ATMs installed within a branch
Just NBFCs, any non bank entity can apply) premises
b) White Label ATM does not carry any bank’s logo. d) All of the Above
c) RBI has given license/permission to non – bank e) None of These
entities to open White Label ATMs. Answer: d)
d) Sponsor Bank provides the cash.
e) All of the Above 720). Which among the following definitions of
Answer: e) ATMs are incorrect:
a) Onsite ATM – The ATMs installed within a branch Answer : d
b) Stand Alone ATM – The ATMs are not connected 725) The Cash Reserve Ratio is to be maintained by
with any ATM network hence their transactions are Commercial Banks in the form of:
restricted to the ATM’s branch and link branches only. A. Cash in hand at branches
c) Both of Above B. Balance with other banks
d) Online ATMS - These ATMs are connected to the C. Balance in a special account with RBI
bank’s database at all times and provide real time D. Funds in the currency chest
transactions online. The withdrawal limits and account E. Any of the above options.
balances are constantly monitored by the bank. Answer : c
e) None of These
Answer: e) 726) Increasing Cash Reserve Ratio from time to
time by Reserve Bank of India leads to:
721). Which of the following is not classified as a A. Decrease in deposit
commercial Bank ? B. Increasing in deposit
a) Regional Rural Bank C. Increase in lendable resources
b) Private Sector Bank D. Decrease in lendable resources.
c) Foreign Bank E. Any of the above
d) Co-operative Bank Answer : d
e) None of these
Answer: d)
727). Which bank has launched the country‘s first
722). Which among the following is a qualitative tool contactless debit and credit cards on 7 January
of monetary policy? 2015?
a) Bank Rate a) HDFC
b) Credit Ceiling b) SBI
c) Credit rationing c) ICICI
d) Cash Reserve Ratio d) Union Bank of India
e) Repo Rate e) Yes Bank
Answer: c) Answer: c)

723). From time – to – time, which among the 728). In recent times, the term Gold ETF was
following body publishes the ―exchange control making news. Which among the following closest
Manual‖ in context with the foreign exchange in instrument to Gold ETF?
India? a) Debenture
a) foreign trade promotion board b) G-Sec security
b) department of commerce c) Mutual Fund
c) reserve bank of India d) Commercial Paper
d) SEBI e) IPO
e) None of the above Answer: c)
Answer: c)
729). Which of the following deposits do not attract
724). At present the rate of interest paid by RBI to TDS?
Commercial Banks on CRR is : A. Fixed Deposits
A. 3% B. Deposit Reinvestment Deposits
B. 4% C. Flexi Deposits
C. 5% D. Call Deposits
D. No interest E. Recurring Deposits
E. Only for above Rs. 1000 crore CRR balance. Answer : e
730). Which is the first bank to get ISO certificate? 735). Among the banks in our country, which of the
a) Corporation Bank following is not a foreign bank?
b) UBI a) HSBC
c) Canara Bank b) Standard Chartered Bank
d) Syndicate Bank c) BNP Paribas
e) ICICI d) Citi Bank Na
Answer: c) e) Ing Vysya Bank
Answer: e)
731). Which of the following is the best option to
park money for a long period of time to earn a high
rate of interest? 736). Which among the following body authorizes
a) Savings account the credit limit to the national cooperative
b) Current account marketing federation?
c) Deposit account a) reserve bank of India
d) Recurring account b) department of agriculture
e) None of these c) NABARD
Answer: c) d) department of finance
e) None of these
732). Which of the following bank has recently Answer: c)
launched a new home loan product ―Women
Power‖ with a differential rate of interest 737). The headquarters of local boards of RBI are
exclusively for women customers? located at :
a) ICICI Bank a) Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi
b) HDFC Bank b) Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai and Mysore
c) IDBI Bank c) Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chennai and New Delhi
d) SBI d) Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and New Delhi
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: a)

733). What do well can an arrangement whereby an 738). Which among the following is NOT a pillar of
issuing bank at the request of the importer (Buyer) Basel III?
undertakes to make payment to the exporter a) Minimum capital standards
(Beneficiary) against stipulated documents? b) Supervisory review
a) bill of exchange c) Market discipline
b) letter of exchange d) Consolidation of assets
c) letter of credit e) None of the above
d) bill of country Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 739). Budget is an instrument of
a) Commercial policy of the government
734). Which of the following is not a primary b) Fiscal policy of the Government
function of a Bank? c) Monetary policy of the government
a) Granting Loans d) Money-saving policy of the government
b) Collecting Cheques/Drafts customers e) None of these
c) Facilitating import of goods Answer: b)
d) Issuing Bank Drafts
e) Selling Gold/Silver Coins 740). Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme introduced
Answer: c) in has emerged as an innovative
credit delivery mechanism to meet the production Answer: d)
credit requirements of the farmers in a timely and
hassle – free manner. 745). Which of the following measures will have
a) 1998 positive impact on Inflation?
b) 2000 (1). Reduction in unnecessary expenditure of
c) 2001 Government
d) 1991 (2). Increase in savings of the people
e) 2004 (3). Surplus budgets
Answer: a) (4). Halt in repayment of public debt and Select the
correct codes
741). The Basic criteria that was considered while a) 1, 2 and 4
nationalisation of banks in 1969 was the liability b) 2, 3 and 4
base of banks is more than: c) 1, 3 and 4
A. 30 crores or more d) All of the above
B. 40 crores or more e) None of the above
C. 50 crores or more Answer: d)
D. 60 crores or more
E. None of the above 746). In respect of partnership business, LLP stands
Answer : c for ?
a) Limited Liability Partnership
742). Which of the following is a Private Sector b) Limited Loan Partnership
Bank in India? c) Local Labour Promotion
a) Corporation Bank d) Low Labour Projects
b) Kotak Mahindra Bank e) None of these
c) IDBI Bank Answer: a)
d) Syndicate Bank
e) Oriental Bank of Commerce 747). When did the nationalisation of major banks
Answer: b) happen?
a) June, 1951
743). Why reserve bank of India is called custodian b) June, 1961
of foreign balances of the country? c) June, 1969
a) because government delegates RBI to redistribute d) July, 1969
the foreign currencies in India e) None of these
b) because RBI maintains both gold and foreign Answer: d)
currencies as reserves against note issues
c) because RBI is delegated by the Government to 748). Interest payable on savings bank accounts is?
absorb all the foreign currency in India a) Regulated by Central Govt
d) b and c b) Regulated by RBI
e) None of the above c) Regulated by Finance Minister
Answer: b) d) De-regulated by RBI
e) None of these
744). If the customer can do all transactions only in Answer: d)
a branch and the branch has no online access, it is
called . 749). Banking services delivered to a customer by
a) Online Banking means of a computer control system that does not
b) Internet Banking directly involve banks branch is called?
c) Virtual Banking a) Brick & Mortal banking
d) Brick and Mortar Banking b) Virtual banking
e) None of these c) Universal banking
d) All of the above e) Other than those given as options
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: b)
755). How many banks were nationalised In the
750). When was Triton Insurance Company Ltd second phase in 1980:
established? A. 5
a) 1834 B. 6
b) 1850 C. 7
c) 1907 D. 4
d) 1938 E. 1
e) None of these Answer : b)
Answer: b)
756). RBI was established on ?
751). account records the change a) April 21st,1940
in stock of reserve assets (also known as foreign b) April 20st,1943
exchange reserves) at the country‘s monetary c) April 22nd,1947
authority. d) April 1st,1935
a) Reserve e) None of these
b) Demat Answer: d)
c) Bank
d) Stock 757). The first nationalisation of banks exercise was
e) None of these done on:
Answer: a) A. 19.07.1969
B. 19.07.1970
752). Which of the following is NOT a retail C. 19.07.1967
banking product? D. 15.08.1967
a) Fixed deposit account E. None of the above
b) Working capital finance Answer : a
c) Personal loan
d) Housing loan 758). referring to the purchase of assets in
e) Educational loan the rest of the world, which allows control over that
Answer: b) assets.
a) Commercial Borrowings
753). is defined as a sustained increase in b) Foreign Indirect Investment
the general level of prices for goods and services. c) Portfolio Investment
a) Deflation d) Foreign Direct Investment
b) WPI e) None of these
c) Inflation Answer: d)
d) CPI
e) None of these 759). Out of 27 Public Sector Banks (PSBs), Govt of
Answer: c) India controls 22 banks through majority holding
and which of the following state-run entities holds
754). The soon to be set up proposed Micro Units majority stake in the remaining 5 banks?
Development Refinance Agency (Mudra) Bank will a) LIC
be first set up as a subsidiary of the b) SIDBI
b) SBI d) SBI
c) EXIM bank e) Other than those given as options
d) SIDBI Answer: d)
c) RBI Governor
760). Which of the following is NOT a KYC d) President of India
requirement while opening a bank account? e) None of these
a) A proof of identity Answer: a)
b) A proof of address
c) A proof of income 766). Who invented the first operational ATM ?
d) A recent photograph a) John Conner
e) None of these b) John Smith Adam
Answer: c) c) Adam Carter
d) John Shepherd Barron
761). The term SMART MONEY refers to: e) John Sayer
a) Traveller's Cheque Answer: d)
b) Internet Banking
c) Credit Cards 767). A money deposited in a bank that cannot be
d) All of the above withdrawn for a preset fixed period of time is
e) None of These known as:
Answer: c) a) Checking Account
b) Term Deposit
762). Commercial banks provide locker facility to c) No Frills Account
their customer for . d) All of the above
a) Satisfying the Bank’s jewellry and gold needs. e) None of These
b) Filing important documents Answer: b)
c) Safe custody
d) Storing excess gold and valuables of banks 768). FEMA 1999 stands for .
e) None of these a) Foreign Economy Management Act 1999
Answer: c) b) Foreign External Management Act 1999
c) Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999
763). ASBA (Application Supported by Blocked d) Financial Exchange Management Act 1999
Amounts) used with the help of banks associated e) None of these
with Answer: c)
a) Capital Market
b) Loans 769). Regional Rural Banks were established in the
c) World Bank Grants year
d) Ponzi Schemes a) 1985
e) None of these b) 1948
Answer: a) c) 1975
d) 1995
764). The excess of total expenditures over total e) 1994
receipts is known as: Answer: c)
a) Fiscal Deficit
b) Revenue Deficit 770). ‗Trusted Family Bank‘ – is the tagline of –
c) Budget Deficit a) Dena Bank
d) Both b) and c) b) Corporation Bank
e) None of These c) Central Bank of India
Answer: c) d) Oriental Bank of Commerce
e) None of these
765). Who appoints the deputy governors of RBI? Answer: a)
a) Union Government of India
b) Board of directors of RBI
771). Foreign Direct Investment limit in private a) Capital Market
sector banks is? b) Loans
a) 75 percent c) World Bank Grants
b) 74 percent d) Ponzi Schemes
c) 77 percent e) None of these
d) 78 percent Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 777). The term is defined as a central location
for keeping securities on deposit?
772). CRISIL has been promoted by and a) Depository
? b) Instrument
a) ICICI, UTI c) Institutions
b) IDBI, SBI d) All of the above
c) AXIS, UTI e) None of the above
d) PNB, SBI Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 778). The number of lead merchant bankers may
not exceed in case any issue of, issue size 200crore to
773). Which is the first Committee that gave its 400crore?
recommendations relating to Mechanization of a) 4
Banking System? b) 3
a) Saraf Committee c) 6
b) Rangarajan Committee d) 5
c) Kishore Committee e) None of these
d) Narsimhan Committee Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 779). Role of merchant bankers——–?
a) Mobilization of funds
774). The decimal system of note and coin issue was b) Promotional function
started in India in . c) Innovation
a) 1950 d) All of these
b) 1947 e) None of these
c) 1957 Answer: d)
d) 1960
e) None of these 780). In which circumstance Dear money policy will
Answer: c) be adopted by Reserve Bank of India?
a) Inflation
775). . are Local Institutions b) inflatable
functioning like Banks c) disinflation
A. Local Area Banks d) Ostentation
B. Indigenous Banks e) none of these
C. Private Banks Answer: a)
D. Financial Institutions
E. All the above 781). Which of the following is not a primary
Answer : b) function of a Bank?
a) Granting Loans
776). ASBA (Application Supported by Blocked b) Collecting Cheques/Drafts customers
Amounts) used with the help of banks associated c) Facilitating import of goods
with d) Issuing Bank Drafts
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: a)
787). Providing Gas subsidy, government pensions,
782). Reserves which can act as a liquidity buffer for providing scholarships etc through banks called as
commercial banks during crisis times are a) Area Banking
a) CAR b) Social Banking
b) SLR c) Royal Banking
c) CAR and CRR d) Visual Banking
d) CRR and SLR e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: b)
788). Which of the following banking does not come
783). Regional Rural Banks have been set up with under Social Banking?
the basic objective of: a) Crediting the LPG subsidy in the beneficiary bank
A. Providing credit to semi-urban and urban population account
B. Providing deposits facilities to farmers b) Offering Jan Dhan Scheme accounts
C. Providing credit and deposit facilities to rural areas c) Allowing students to credit their scholarships
D. Providing credit, deposit and other banking facilities through No-frill accounts
to people in rural areas d) Allowing the subsidy loan to disadvantage sections
E. None of the above of the society
Answer : d e) None of these
Answer: c)
784) The following is a mechanism for injecting
liquidity by RBI to the financial system: 789). Loan of very small amounts given to low
A. Reverse Repo income groups is called
B. Hike in CRR a) Cash credit
C. Hike in interest rate b) Micro credit
D. Repo c) Simple overdraft
E. None of the above d) No frills loans
Answer : d e) None of these
Answer: b)
785). To make KCC a Smart Card cum Debit Card,
Government of India had constituted a Working 790). What is the maximum period for which
Group under the Chairmanship of domestic term deposits are normally accepted by
a) C. Ranga Rajan banks in our country?
b) Chanda Kocchar a) 3 years
c) Arundhathi Bhattacharya b) 5 years
d) T.M. Bhasin c) 7 years
e) None of these d) 10 years
Answer: d) e) None of these
Answer: d)
786). In 2014, Competition Commission of India
probed the merger between regional rural banks 791). Banking in India is controlled by:
sponsored by Punjab National Bank and a) Reserve Bank of India
a) Andhra Bank b) Union Finance Commission
b) Union Bank of India c) Union Ministry of Finance
c) State Bank of India d) Union Ministry of Commerce
d) Syndicate Bank e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: a)
by The Banker, the Financial Times Group‘s
792). Which bank was the sponsor of Prathama monthly publication?
Gramin Bank? a) Janet Yellen
a) Bank of Baroda b) Raghuram Rajan
b) Indian Bank c) Graeme Wheeler
c) Punjab National Bank d) Mario Draghi
d) Syndicate Bank e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: d)
797). Which of the following sets up core banking
793). Which one of the following is/are infrastructure for rural banks?
implication(s) of large inflow of foreign exchange a) IBA
into the country? b) NABARD
I. It makes monetary management difficult for RBI. c) RBI
II. It creates money supply, asset bubbles and d) SIDBI
inflation. e) None of these
III. It weakens the competitiveness of Indian Answer: b)
a) Only I 798). Which of the following is foreign bank having
b) Only II offices/branches in India?
c) Only III a) Yes Bank
d) All of the above b) HDFC Bank
e) None of these c) IDBI Bank
Answer: d) d) Karnataka Bank
e) Standard Chartered Bank
794). With whom does the ownership of Public Answer: e)
sector banks rest?
a) Wholly with Government of India 799). Production is
b) Jointly with Government of India and share- a) Destruction of Utility
holders from the public b) Creation of Value
c) Jointly with Government of India and State Bank c) Creation of Utility
of India d) Manufacture of goods
d) Jointly with Government of India and Reserve e) None of these
Bank of India Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 800). What is the cost of credit expressed as a
percentage on a yearly basis called?
795). In which years RBI and SBI are nationalized a) APR
respectively? b) APY
a) 1955, 1949 c) WPI
b) 1969, 1955 d) All of the above
c) 1949, 1955 e) None of these
d) 1955, 1969 Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 801). Indian commercial banks are categorised into:
A. Public Sector banks
796). Who is conferred with the Central Banker of B. Foreign Banks
the Year Award (Global and Asia Pacific) for 2016 C. Private Sector Banks
D. All the above
E. None of the above
Answer : d 807). When a bank returns a cheque unpaid, it is
802). The main function of an Asset Management a) Payment of cheque
Company is to: b) Dishonor of cheque
a) manage the securities of various schemes c) Cancelling of cheque
b) manage the funds by making investments in d) Drawing of cheque
various types of securities e) None of these
c) manage property for the benefit of the unit holders Answer: b)
d) All the above
e) None of these. 808). Which of the following banks has opened the
Answer: b) country‘s first ―Cash Factory‖ in Lucknow which
will issue currency notes to all its branches and
803). RBI uses bank rate in order to control ATM in the area?
. a) Bank of India
a) Money supply, volume of bank credit and cost of b) Bank of Baroda
bank credit. c) State Bank of India
b) Liquidity d) Union Bank of India
c) Cash holdings of banks e) None of these
d) Financial position of banks Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 809). National Payments Corporation of India
(NPCI) is being used by banks for .
804). Which of the following terms is used in the a) Remittance
field of banking and finance? b) Clearing and settlement
a) Investment c) Payments and settlements
b) Genetics d) Advisory service
c) Resistance e) None of these
d) Metabolic Reaction Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 810). Expand IFSC .
a) Indian Financial System Code
805). Forfaiter is b) Indian Financial Services Code
a) an intermediary between an exporter and importer c) International Financial Service Code
b) an intermediary between an exporter and bank d) Interbank Fund Service Code
c) an intermediary between an bank and importer e) Indian Financial Security Code
d) a bank. Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 811). First state cooperative bank to have its own
―RuPay‖ ATM cum Debit Card is ?
806). Electronic fund transfers like RTGS and a) HP
NEFT are operated and maintained by b) Bihar
. c) AP
a) National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) d) Rajasthan
b) Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) e) None of these
c) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Answer: a)
d) Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL)
e) None of these 812). In EDLI, what is the meaning of L?
Answer: c) a) Limit
b) Linked Answer: d)
c) Lower
d) Listed 818). There are _ promoter banks in National
e) Loan Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
Answer: b) a) 6
b) 7
813). Mortgage is Security on: c) 8
a) Immovable Property d) 10
b) Movable Property e) 9
c) Both Movable and Immovable Property Answer: d)
d) cannot be determined
e) None of these 819). The govt. of India replaced the FERA
Answer: a) by… ?
814). It is a tax which is levied at the same rate at all b) FRBMA
income levels. c) Monopolies Act
a) Progressive Tax d) FRTP
b) Regressive Tax e) None of these
c) Proportional Tax Answer: a)
d) Sales Tax
e) None of these 820). Increase in Service tax came is effective from?
Answer: c) a) 1st june 2016
b) 1st May 2016
815). The debit card holder can perform which of c) 1st Aug 2016
the following functions ? d) 1st July 2016
a) Make Point of Sale (POS) purchase e) None of these
b) Recharge Prepaid mobile phones Answer: a)
c) Pay Life Insurance premium
d) Make donation 821). Where are the headquarter of National
e) All of the above Housing Bank (NHB)?
Answer: e) a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
816). Bank Rate is… ........ ? c) Pune
a) Rate at which commercial banks borrow long term d) Lucknow
funds from Central Bank. e) Bangalore
b) Rate at which commercial banks borrow Short Answer: a)
term funds from Central Bank.
c) None of these 822). ―CAMEL model‖ is used by ?
d) Both 1 and 3 a) Bankers to evaluated a credit proposal
e) cannot be determined b) Bankers to manage their risks
Answer: a) c) RBI inspectors to evaluate banks functions
d) Merchant Bankers to evaluate portfolio investment
817). What is used to manage cash flows in different e) None of the above
currencies? Answer: c)
a) Credit crunch
b) Arbitrage 823). Credit cards are cards which are also known
c) Mirco credit as
d) Currency swap a) Plastic cards
e) None of these b) Card money
c) Plastic cards full of money
d) All of the above 829). Which from the following is NOT true when
e) None of these the interest rate in the economy goes up?
Answer: a) a) Saving increases
b) Lending decreases
824). Full form of QIB is c) Cost of production increases
a) Quantitative Institution Board d) Return on capital increases
b) Qualified Inclusive Board e) None of the above
c) Qualified Institutional Buyers Answer: d)
d) Quantity Institutional Buyers
e) Quantified Infrastructure Board 830). If you are taking a housing loan by depositing
Answer: c) your house documents by mortgaging your house it
is known as .
825). Except one of the following instruments others a) Mortgage
are issued at discount. Identify the exception ? b) Pledge
a) A Certificate of Deposit (CD) c) Collateral
b) A Treasury Bill (T Bill) d) lien
c) A Commercial Paper (CP) e) None of these
d) A Fixed Deposit (FD) Answer: b)
e) None of the above
Answer: d) 831). Which of following is NOT a function of the
Reserve Bank of India?
826). What does ―I‖ stand for in ULIP? a) Fiscal Policy Functions
a) Investment b) Exchange Control Functions
b) Inflation c) Issuance, Exchange and destruction of currency
c) Insurance notes
d) Instrument d) Monetary Authority Functions
e) Index e) Supervisory and Control Functions
Answer: c)
Answer: a)
827). Which of the following is not related to bill of
exchange? 832). With a view to facilitate payment of balance in
a) Endorser the deposit account to the person named by the
b) Payee depositor without any hassles in the event of death
c) Drawer of the account holder, the following facility was
d) Drawee introduced for bank accounts in our country
e) None of these a) Will
Answer: a) b) Registration
c) Nomination
828). When a cheque is drawn on a bank, the bank d) Indemnity
is called the ? e) Guarantee
a) Payee Answer: c)
b) Drawee
c) Drawer 833). Banks in our country normally publicize that
d) Endorsee additional interest rate is allowed on retail domestic
e) None of the above term deposits of .
Answer: a) a) Minors
b) Married women
c) Senior citizens
d) Govt. employees
e) Rural residents 839). Which of the following organization / agencies
Answer: c) has established a fund known as Investor Protection
834). On which one of the following issues IMF has a) RBI
supported monetary policy of India? b) SIDBI
a) Introduction of GST. c) Bombay Stock Exchange
b) Stimulus for agriculture sector d) Ministry of Finance
c) Concessions for foreign investment e) Ministry of Commerce & Industry
d) Tightening of monetary policy Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: d) 840). The CRR and SLR maintenance is on the

835). In the term STRIPS, the first letter ‗S‘ denotes a) NDTL
b) DTL
a) Single c) Total Deposits
b) Small d) CASA
c) Special e) None of these
d) Savings Answer: a)
e) Separate
Answer: e) 841). Where is NDB headquartered?
a) Beijing
836). When the loan is granted for purchase of white b) Chengdu
goods it is called . c) Hong Kong
a) Consumption loan d) Shanghai
b) White goods loan e) None of these
c) Consumer durable loan Answer: d)
d) Business loan
e) Proprietary loan 842). National stock exchange is located -
Answer: c) a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
837). Structure of Basel II is based on how many c) Kolkata
pillars? d) Bangalore
a) Two e) None of these
b) Ten Answer: b)
c) Four
d) Five 843). Who is the winner of Tour De France 2015 ?
e) Three a) Alejandro Belmonte (Spain)
b) Chris Froome (Kenyan born British)
c) Vincenzo Nibali (Italy)
Answer: e) d) Fabian Cancellara (Switzerland)
e) None of these
838). Expand the term FRBM Answer: b)
a) Financial Responsibility and Business Management
b) Fiscal Responsibility and Business Management 844). Which was the first bank to be established in
c) Financial Responsibility and Budget Management India?
d) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management a) Bank of Calcutta
e) Formal Responsibility and Business Management b) Bank of Hindustan
Answer: d) c) General Bank of India
d) State Bank of India a) Punjab National Bank
e) None of these b) State Bank of India
Answer: b) c) Syndicate Bank
d) United Bank of India
845). Where is the head quarter of world Health e) None of these
organization (WHO)?
a) New York Answer: c)
b) Jeneva
c) Peris 851). Who is the minister of "Urban Development
d) London Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation" ?
e) None of these a) Rao Inderjit Singh
Answer: b) b) Bandaru Dattatreya
c) Rajiv Pratap Rudy
846). The ICC World Twenty 20 cup 2016 hosts by d) Vijay Goel
e) Shripad Yesso Naik
a) India Answer: a)
b) Bangladesh
c) Sri Lanka 852). IDBI Bank is a ?
d) England a) Public Sector Bank
e) None of these b) Private Sector Bank
Answer: a) c) Foreign Bank
d) Cooperative Bank
847). What is the full form of MTSS? e) None of these
a) Money Transfer Service Scheme Answer: a)
b) Medium Transfer Service Scheme
c) Moderate Transfer Service Scheme 853). Which of the following is a fully-owned
d) Money Transfer Service Strategy subsidiary of RBI?
e) None of these a) NHB
Answer: a) b) DICGC
848). ―Banking for all‖ is the tagline of which Bank? d) All of the above
a) State bank of India e) Only (a) and (b)
b) IDBI Bank Answer: d)
c) HDFC Bank
d) ICICI Bank 854). Small finance banks are a type of
e) None of these banks in our country.
Answer: b) a) niche
b) investment
849). Relationship between the RBI and the bank c) industrial
maintaining currency chest will be of ? d) All of the Above
a) Trustee and beneficiary e) None of the Above
b) Creditor and debtor Answer: a)
c) Licensor and licensee
d) Principal and agent 855). If a bank is not able to recover its loan and
e) None of these advances it is called
Answer: d) a) Market Risk
b) Distribution Risk
850). Which bank started the first RRB named c) Operational Risk
Prathama Grameen Bank? d) Capital Risk
e) None of these c) both i and ii.
Answer: a) d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these.
856). According to RBI Regulations, which of the Answer: c)
following are allowed to set up small finance banks?
a) NBFC 862). As per which act, holidays are provided in the
b) MFI banks?
c) LAB a) RBI act
d) All of the Above b) Banking regulation act
e) None of the Above c) Negotiable instrument Act –1881
Answer: d) d) Banking nationalization act
e) None of these
857). What is ‗STT‘? Answer: c)
a) Standard Transaction Tax
b) Securities Transaction tax 863). National stock exchange is located -
c) Securities Transfer tax a) New Delhi
d) Standard Transfer tax b) Mumbai
e) None of these c) Kolkata
Answer: b) d) Bangalore
e) None of these
858). Head Quarters of BIS? Answer: b)
a) Basel, Switzerland
b) Australia 864). Which of the following has most of the bank
c) UK branches?
d) Japan a) Allahabad Bank
e) None of these b) HDFC Bank
Answer: a) c) ICICI Bank
d) State Bank of India
859). BIS stands for ? e) None of these
a) Bank for Insurance Supervision Answer: d)
b) Bank for Income Settlements
c) Bank for International settlements 865). World investment report is published by?
d) Bank for International school a) UNDP
e) None of these b) World bank
Answer: c) c) IMF
860). RWA stands for ? e) none of these
a) Real Weight Assets Answer: d)
b) Range Weighted Assets
c) Risk Weighted Assets 866). On the basis of which commission was RBI
d) Risk Wire Assets established?
e) None of these a) Hilton Young Commission
Answer: c) b) Federal Commission
c) Federation Commission
861). Wholesale banking is also called, d) British Commission
i)Corporate banking. e) None of these
ii)Commercial banking Answer: a)
a) only i.
b) only ii. 867). Merchant banking in India is governed by:-
a) SEBI b) SBI
b) RBI c) HDFC Bank
c) IRDA d) HSBC Bank
d) ministry of finance e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: a)
873). The ratio of deposits in current and savings
868). In which of the following States there is no account to total deposits of a bank, is known as
Regional Rural Bank? a) NPA ratio
a) Karnataka b) NIM ratio
b) Goa c) CD ratio
c) Uttarakhand d) CASA ratio
d) Himachal Pradesh e) None of these
e) Punjab Answer: b)
Answer: b)
874). When was Triton Insurance Company Ltd
869). National Institute of Bank Management is the established?
institute meant for . a) 1834
a) Providing Management personnel to the Banks b) 1850
b) Training of bank employees in Banking c) 1907
c) Providing consultancy on best practices in Bank d) 1938
Management e) None of these
d) Recruitment of Bank Employees at all levels Answer: b)
e) All those given as options
Answer: e) 875). What is the full form of FSDC?
a) Financial Security and Development Council
870). Fixed deposits and recurring deposits b) Financial Stability and Development Council
are . c) Financial Security and Development Convention
a) repayable after an agreed period d) Fiscal Stability and Development Council
b) repayable on demand e) None of these
c) not repayable Answer: b)
d) repayable after death of depositors
e) repayable on demand or after an agreed period as 876). Name the country‘s first small finance bank
per banker's choice which started its operations recently?
Answer: e) a) Capital Local Area Bank
b) Disha Microfin Private Limited
871). The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a c) Au Financiers (India) Limited
regional development bank established in 1966. It is d) Ujjivan Financial Services
headquartered in . e) Utkarsh Micro Finance
a) Shanghai Answer: a)
b) Metro Manila
c) Kathmandu 877). Which of the following bank has launched
d) Jakarta ‗mVisa‘ – a mobile-based payments solution?
e) None of these a) HSBC Bank
Answer: b) b) ICICI Bank
c) SBI
872). The first ATM was set-up in Mumbai in 1987 d) Canara Bank
by . e) Yes Bank
a) ICICI Bank Answer: c)
d) Shashenk Manohar
878). Which of the following bank launches India‘s e) Anent Geete
first Mobile ATM? Answer: c)
a) HDFC Bank
b) Axis Bank 884). Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
c) ICICI Bank and Industry (FICCI) established in
d) SBI a) 1927
e) None of These b) 1985
Answer: c) c) 2001
d) 1999
879). If the customer can do all transactions only in e) 1995
a branch and the branch has no online access, it is Answer: a)
called .
a) Online Banking 885). The term is defined as a central location
b) Internet Banking for keeping securities on deposit?
c) Virtual Banking a) Depository
d) Brick and Mortar Banking b) Instrument
e) None of these c) Institutions
Answer: d) d) Cannot be determined
e) None of the above
880). Which is the first bank to get ISO certificate? Answer: a)
a) Corporation Bank
b) UBI 886). The is the apex organization in the
c) Canara Bank Indian money market?
d) Syndicate Bank a) SBI
Answer: c) c) ICICI
881). Who is primarily liable on a cheque? e) None of these
a) Drawee banker Answer: b)
b) Drawer
c) Payee 887). What are the facilities available to the
d) Collecting banker customers through ATM :-
e) None of the above a) Cash withdrawal subject to a predetermined limit
Answer: b) per day
b) Cash deposit
882). The following are main objectives of the SEBI c) Balance enquiry
:- d) details of certain number of transactions
a) to protect interest of investors e) all of the above.
b) to promote the development of security market Answer: e)
c) to regulate the security market
d) all of the above 888). Any change in flow of funds and the demand
e) None of the above of them, is clearly reflected in?
Answer: d) a) Call money market
b) Money market
883). Who is the president of FICCI? c) Repo market
a) Dr. Naushad Forbes d) Commercial bill market
b) Sunil Kanoria e) None of these
c) Harshavardhan Neotia Answer: a)
889). The proposed Universal Banks shall be 894). The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) follows the
governed by financial year.
a) Banking Regulation Act, 1949 a) Jan to Dec
b) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 b) Apr to March
c) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 c) July to June
d) Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 d) Sep to Aug
e) All of above Acts govern these banks. e) Oct to Sep
Answer: e) Answer: c)

890). ————– is a financial intermediary who 895). As per the provision of the Coinage Act, 2011,
helps to mobilize and transfer capital from those coins of any denomination not lower than one rupee
who possess it to those who need it? shall be legal tender for .
a) Lease finance a) Any sum
b) Venture capital b) Any sum not exceeding Rs. 10
c) Merchant banker c) Any sum not exceeding Rs. 50
d) hire purchaser d) Any sum not exceeding Rs. 100
e) None of these e) Any sum not exceeding Rs. 500
Answer: b) Answer: a)

891). The SEBI amended the regulations for REITs 896). A cheque that is not crossed on the left corner
recently to facilitate their growth, What is the full and payable at the counter of the drawee bank on
form of the term REITs? presentation of the cheque, is called ,
a) Rural Estate Investment Trusts a) Open cheque
b) Regional Estate Innovation Trusts b) Order cheque
c) Real Estate Investment Trusts c) Stale Cheque
d) Restructured Estate Investment Trusts d) Post-dated cheque
e) None of these e) Ante-dated cheque
Answer: c) Answer: a)

892). ―Entry Load‖ is a term associated with which 897). The RIDF is a fund maintained by the
of the following? National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
a) Mortgage Development (NABARD). What does the letter ―R‖
b) Reinsurance denote in the term RIDF?
c) Startups a) Regional
d) Mutual Funds b) Rural
e) Shipping c) Referral
Answer: d) d) Railway
e) Rehabilitation
893). The BASE III banking rules is a global, Answer: b)
voluntary regulatory framework on bank capital
adequacy, stress testing and marketing liquidity 898). Which of the following terms is NOT used in
risk. It will fully kick in by . the field of banking?
a) March 2017 a) Moral Suasion
b) June 2017 b) Assignment
c) Sep 2018 c) NAV
d) March 2019 d) Knot
e) June 2019 e) Kite flying
Answer: d) Answer: d)
899). A current or a saving bank account with a 904). CIBIL Transunion score ranges from to
bank will be classified as an ―inactive account‖ if the a) 100, 300
account holder has not done any transactions b) 300, 500
through it for more than . c) 300, 900
a) 3 months d) 250, 700
b) 6 months e) 100, 900
c) 9 months Answer: c)
d) 12 months
e) 24 months 905). Capital market can be divided into:-
Answer: d) a) industrial securities market
b) gilt edged market
900). What is the headquarters of Canara Bank? c) personal securities market
a) Mangalore d) both 1 and 2
b) Bengaluru e) none of the above .
c) Chennai Answer: d)
d) Manipal
e) Hyderabad 906). Who is the president of FICCI?
Answer: b) a) Dr. Naushad Forbes
b) Sunil Kanoria
901). Indian Financial Network [INFINET] is the :- c) Pankaj R.Patel
a) communication backbone for the Indian Banking d) Shashenk manohar
and Financial sector e) Anent Geete
b) association of the employers of the banking and Answer: c)
financial sector
c) closed user group network of SBI and its 907). Interest payable on savings bank accounts is?
subsidiaries a) Regulated by Central Govt
d) all of the above b) Regulated by RBI
e) None of the above c) Regulated by Finance Minister
Answer: b) d) De-regulated by RBI
e) None of these
902). As per RBI statement, the proposed Universal Answer: d)
Bank shall have a minimum net worth of at
lla times. 908). The full form of BBPS is
a) Rs. 500 crore a) Bill Finger Berger Power Series
b) Rs. 100 crore b) Best Business Practice
c) Rs. 50 crore c) Bharat Bill Payment Service
d) Rs. 10 crore d) Bharat Bill Payment System
e) Rs. 1000 crore e) Bharat Bill Payment Status
Answer: a) Answer: d)

903). What is a stale cheque? 909). Bank rate policy, open market operations,
a) A cheque with only signature of the drawer variable reserve requirements and statutory
b) A cheque which has completed 6 months from the liquidity requirements as measures of credit control
date of its issue are classified as :-
c) A cheque issued without drawer’s signature. a) quantitative methods
d) All of the above b) qualitative methods
e) None of these c) weighted average method
Answer: b) d) both 1 and 2
e) none of the above .
Answer: a) 915). The Concept of ‗Universal Banking‘ was
implemented in India on the recommendations of:
910). Interest on savings bank account is now a) Abid Hussai Committee
calculated by banks on? b) R H Khan Committee
a) Minimum balance from 7th to last day of the c) S Padmanabhan Committee
month d) YH Malegam Committee
b) Daily product basis e) None of these
c) Minimum balance from 10th to last day of the Answer: b)
d) Minimum balance during the month 916) Reverse Repo Rate has the following
e) None of these characteristic:
Answer: b) A. Borrowing by RBI from banks
B. Borrowing with government security as collateral
911). What does ‗I‘ in IDBI stand for? C. Short Term Borrowing
a) International D. All the above
b) Indian E. None of the above
c) Investment Answer: d
d) Industrial
e) None of these 917). Which of the following banks was first to
Answer: d) establish merchant banking business in India?
a) ABN Amro Bank
912). Who fixes the interest on Savings Deposit? b) Citibank
a) Reserve Bank of India c) HDFC Bank
b) Government of India d) Standard chartered
c) Respective Banks e) Grindlays Bank
d) Finance Minister Answer: e)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 918). What is ‗STT‘?
a) Standard Transaction Tax
913). Which of the following banks is limited to the b) Securities transaction tax
needs of agriculture and rural finance? c) Standard transfer tax
a) RBI d) Both (a) and (c)
b) SBI e) None of these
c) IFC Answer: b)
e) Axis Bank 919). The custodian of FOREX Reserve of GOI is
Answer: d) a) IRDA
914). Which of the following is the full form of the c) RBI
term SLR as used in the banking sector? d) PFRDA
a) Social Lending Ratio e) None of these
b) Statutory Liquidity Ratio Answer: c)
c) Scheduled Liquidity Rate
d) Separate Lending Rate 920). Expand FIPB –
e) None of these a) Foreign Investment Promotion Brochure
Answer: b) b) Foreign Investment Production Board
c) Foreign Investment Promotion Board
d) Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Board
e) None of these
Answer: c) 926). Which of the following statement is/are not
921). Which of the following will be the authorised a) Interest on term deposit is payable at quarterly or
operational units? longer rests
a) BBPCU b) Banks are free to determine their savings bank
b) BBPOU deposit interest rate, subject to a few conditions
c) Biller c) Banks cannot accept interest-free deposits for
d) All of the Above current accounts
e) None of the Above d) With effect from April 1, 2010, Payment of interest
Answer: b) on savings bank accounts by scheduled commercial
banks would be calculated on daily product basis
922). What does SEZ stand for? e) All of the above correct
a) Special Economic Zone Answer: c)
b) South East Zone
c) State Enterprise Zones 927). Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in:
d) Stream Environment Zone a) 1946
e) None of these b) 1947
Answer: a) c) 1948
d) 1949
923). In primary and secondary markets dealer of e) None of these
Government securities is known as? Answer: d)
a) Ledger
b) Corporate bond dealer 928). Commercial paper may be issued for a period
c) Primary dealer of ?
d) Secondary dealer a) 90 days
e) None of these b) 91 to 180 days
Answer: c) c) 7 days to one year
d) All the above
924). What is the maximum age for MD and CEO in e) None of the above
Private Sector Banks set by RBI? Answer: c)
a) 70
b) 75 929). is the rate at which commercial banks
c) 60 charge on their surplus funds with RBI.
d) 80 a) Repo Rate
e) None of these b) Reverse Repo Rate
Answer: a) c) Interest Rate
d) Bank Rate
925). have been awarded the license by the e) None of these
Central Bank to operate Bharat Bill Payment Answer: b)
System (BBPS) recently.
a) Common Service Centres (CSC) 930). Loan for fish rearing is covered under
b) Financial Institutions Prirority Sector as advances
c) Only (a) a) Self Employment Scheme
d) Both (a) and (b) b) Self Employment Scheme
e) None of the Above c) Indirect Agriculture
Answer: a) d) Direct Agriculture
e) None of these
Answer: d)
931). Large amounts of cheques are processed by 936). Which is the first Indian company to be listed
using in NASDAQ ?
a) OCR a) Reliance
b) MICR b) TCS
c) OMR c) HCL
d) All of these d) Infosys
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: d)

932). Which of the following cannot be called as a 937). Loans of very small amount given to low
Debt Instrument as referred in financial income group is called-
transactions? a) Cash Credit
a) Certificate of Deposits b) No Frill Credit
b) Bonds c) Rural Credit
c) Stocks d) Micro Credit
d) Commercial Papers e) Simple Overdraft
e) Loans Answer: d)
Answer: c)
938). Bank rate implies the rate of interest-
933). What is the condition for a bank to be called a a) Charges by banks on loans and advances
"Scheduled Bank" ? b) Paid by the RBI on the deposits if commercial
a) Its business has to be crossed Rs. 1000 Cr mark banks
b) Its branch network should be over 100 c) Payable on bonds
c) It should be included in the second schedule of the d) At which the RBI discounts the Bill of Exchange
RBI act e) None of these
d) It should comply with all the above conditions Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 939). What do you mean by Mortgage?
a) A security created on immovable property for a
934). A worldwide financial messaging network deposit received by a bank
which exchange messages between banks and b) A security created on immovable property for a
financial institutions is known as- loan given by a bank
a) CHAPS c) A facility created on movable property for a deposit
b) SWIFT received by a bank
c) NEFT d) A security created on movable property for a loan
d) SFMS given by a bank
e) CHIPS e) None of the above
Answer: b) Answer: b)

935). Which of the following is not a ‗Money Market 940). The Bank of Calcutta, Bank of Bombay and
Instrument‘? Bank of Madras were merged in 1921 to form
a) Treasury Bills a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Commercial Paper b) Imperial Bank of India
c) Certificate of Deposit c) Bank of India
d) Equity shares d) Union Bank of
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: d) Answer: b)
941). Monetary Policy of RBI does not include c) Bear run
? d) Stage
a) Control the supply of Money e) None of these
b) Reduction of taxes Answer: c)
c) Fixation of rate of interest (least in some categories)
d) Fixation of Repo rate and Reverse Repo rate 947). To maintain price stability, while keeping in
e) Fixation of Cash mind the objective of growth, RBI Act 1934 has
Answer: b) been amended by the finance Act, 2016 to provide
for a statutory and institutionalized framework for
942). Monetary policy committee will consist of how MPC. In this context, MPC stands for .
many members? a) Money Policy Committee
a) 4 b) Monetary Prime Committee
b) 10 c) Monetary Public Committee
c) 6 d) Maintain Policy Committee
d) 18 e) Monetary Policy Committee
e) 12 Answer: e)
Answer: c)
948). RBI issue currency rupee notes on bases of
943). The is the apex organization in the .
Indian money market? a) By holding minimum value of gold coins and
a) SBI bullion
b) RBI b) By holding minimum foreign securities as a part of
c) ICICI the total approved assets
d) IDBI c) By holding minimum amount of commodities
e) None of these which are trading in commodity exchanges
Answer: b) d) Only a and b
e) All the above
944). If the RBI increase reverse repo rate, Answer: d)
a) Banks will have less money to lend 949). Who is the ex-officio chairperson of the
b) Banks will have more money to lend Monetary policy Committee (MPC)?
c) Banks will decrease interest rates a) Finance secretary, Government of India
d) Liquidity in the economy will increase b) Finance Minister
e) None of these c) RBI Governor
Answer: a) d) Chief Economic Advisor to Government of India
e) Prime Minister
945). National Payments Corporation of India Answer: c)
(NPCI) is being used by banks for .
a) Remittance 950). What is inflation?
b) Clearing and settlement a) increase in value of currency
c) Payments and settlements b) decrease in value of currency
d) Advisory service c) increase in value of commodities
e) None of these d) decrease in value of commodities
Answer: b) e) None of the above
Answer: c)
946). If the stock markets are declining then it is
called as . 951). Which of the following is/are essential features
a) Bull run of a genuine currency note?
b) Down run
a) The issuing authorities name should be printed on Liquidity Ratio (SLR) are terms most closely related
it to which of the following industries/ markets?
b) The promise clause should be there a) Capital Market
c) The guarantee clause should be there b) Banking industry
d) All of the above c) Commodities market
e) None of these d) Money Market
Answer: d) e) Mutual fund industry
Answer: b)
952). What is Call Money ?
a) Money borrowed or lent for a day or over night 957). The Indian person who received the Nobel
b) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 3 Prize in Economic?
days a) Rabindra Nath Tagore
c) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 7 b) C.V. Raman
days c) Amartya Sen
d) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto d) Dr. Radha Krishan
14 days e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: a)
958). What does the M in M-banking stands for?
953). NCAER is located in a) money
a) Mumbai b) marginal
b) New Delhi c) message
c) Noida d) mutual fund
d) Chennai e) mobile
e) Hyderabad Answer: e)
Answer: b)
959). World investment report is published by?
954). The headquarters of Investment a) UNDP
Information & Credit Rating Agency(ICRA) b) World bank
Limited is located in c) IMF
a) Mumbai d) UNCTAD
b) New Delhi e) None of these
c) Noida Answer: d)
d) Gurugram
e) Hyderabad 960). Where is the head quarter of sequrities and
Answer: d) Exchange Board of India (SEBI)?
a) Pune
955). Which of the following is a measure taken by b) Bangalore
Reserve Bank of India to control inflation in our c) Mumbai
country? d) Delhi
a) Increase in CRR e) None of these
b) Increase in SLR Answer: c)
c) Contraction of supply of currency
d) Raising of Repo / Reverse Repo Rate 961). What is Repo Rate?
e) Decrease the SLR a) It is a rate at which RBI sells government securities
Answer: d) to banks
b) It is a rate at which RBI buys government securities
956). Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory‘ from banks
c) It is a rate at which RBI allows small loans in the b) Hyderabad
market c) Mumbai
d) All of these d) Lucknow
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: c)

962). Which of the following committees has given 967). Which of the following is an easy way of
its recommendations on ‗Financial Inclusion‘? providing credit to the farmer community?
a) Rakesh Mohan Committee a) Kisan credit card
b) Rangrajan Committee b) Indira vikas patra
c) Sinha committee c) National saving certificates
d) Kelkar Committee d) Loan against gold
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: a)
968). Many times we read in newspapers that the
963). A customer wishes to purchase some US RBI has revised certain rates/ ratios under LAF.
dollars in India. She/he should go to: What is the full form of LAF?
a) Public Debt Division of the RBI only a) Liquidity Adjustment Facility.
b) American Express Bank only b) Legal Adjustment Facility
c) RBI or any branch of a bank which is authorized for c) Long-term Achievement Facility
such business d) Legal Adjustment Formality
d) Ministry of foreign affairs e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: c)
969). Which of the following is an international
964). Which of the following products of a bank is forum to discuss and implement supervisory norms
specifically designed to provide financial help to in all the banks of the world?
children in their higher studies in India or in a a) Basel Committee
foreign nation? b) UN charter on commercial laws.
a) Personal loan c) World trade organization
b) Corporate loan d) International Board of banks and finance
c) Educational loan e) None of these
d) Mortgage loan Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 970). What is the full form of NBFC as used in the
financial sector?
965). Which amongst the following organizations a) New banking finance company
make major credit policies for the RRBs? b) National banking and Finance Corporation
a) NABARD c) New business finance and credit
b) Asian development bank d) New business fund company
c) World bank e) None of these
d) SBI Answer: e)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 971).The functions of the lead bank are performed
966). The head office of the National bank for a) SBI
agriculture and rural development (NABARD) is b) RBI
located in? c) Any bank
a) New Delhi d) A bank designed for this purpose
e) None of these b) Currency notes impregnated with plastic thread
Answer: d) c) Currency notes printed on plastic coated paper
d) Credit cards mainly issued by the banks
972). Central Co-operative banks work at: e) None of these
a) District level Answer: d)
b) State level
c) National level 978). Government of India, for the first time
d) Block level nationalized 14 large commercial banks in the
e) None of these year
Answer: a) a) 1956
b) 1959
973). The largest public sector commercial bank of c) 1969
India is the d) 1972
a) Bank of India e) None of these
b) RBI Answer: c)
c) SBI
d) Union bank of India 979). PAN card issued by the income tax
e) None of these department cannot be used for which of the
Answer: c) following purpose?
a) Proof of identity
974). Which one of the following statements is b) Proof of a registered tax payer
correct regarding increase in the CRR in India? c) Proof of address
a) It increases credit creation d) Proof of date of birth
b) It reduces credit creation e) None of these
c) It does not affect credit Answer: b)
d) It denoted liberal monetary policy
e) None of these 980). Mohammad yunnus, who has been awarded
Answer: b) Nobel peace prize in 2006, is a citizen of
a) Bangladesh
975). Which among the following sectors contributes b) Iran
most to the saving in India? c) Malaysia
a) Banking and financial sector d) Pakistan
b) Private corporate sector e) None of these
c) Export sector Answer: a)
d) Household sector
e) None of these 981). Which of the following is not a banking related
Answer: d) term?
a) Outstanding amount
976). The EXIM bank of India was established in b) Explicit guarantee
c) Creditor
a) 1964 d) Radiation
b) 1970 e) None of these
c) 1980 Answer: d)
d) 1982
e) 1986 982). Insurances service provided by various bank
Answer: d) is commonly known as:
a) Investment banking
977). The term plastic money applies to b) Portfolio management
a) Bank draft made of plastic coated paper c) Merchant banking
d) Banc assurance
e) None of these 988). If the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is lowered
Answer: d) by the RBI, its impact on credit creation will be:
a) Increase
983). In India, the bank NABARD does not provide b) Decrease
refinance to: c) No impact
a) Scheduled commercial banks d) All of these
b) Regional rural banks e) None of the above
c) State land development banks Answer: a)
d) Export-import bank
e) None of these 989). Which one of the following is a private bank?
Answer: d) a) Allahabad bank
b) Punjab and Sind bank
984). ‗Repo Rate‘ is the rate at which: c) Punjab National Bank
a) The RBI lends to state government d) Punjab Bank
b) The international aid agencies to RBI e) None of these
c) The RBI lends to banks Answer: d)
d) The banks lend to RBI
e) None of these 990). Which of the following pairs is not correctly
Answer: c) matched?
a) SEBI … Security Market regulatory body
985). Which of the following public sector bank b) RBI … Banking regulatory authority
emblem figures a dog and the words ‗faithful, c) SBI … Commercial bank
friendly‘ in it? d) IDBI … World bank
a) Punjab National Bank e) None of these
b) SBI Answer: d)
c) Oriental Bank of Commerce
d) Syndicate bank 991). In banking, CORE stands for .
e) None of these a) Centralized Online Real-Time Exchange
Answer: d) b) Centre for Online Real Exchange
c) Centralized Online Real Time Express
986). Which is the highest bank in the banking d) Centre for Online Real Express
structure of India? e) None of these
a) SBI Answer: a)
b) Central bank of India
c) Industrial Development bank of India 992). India Millennium deposit Scheme was
d) RBI introduced by .
e) None of these a) ICICI
Answer: d) b) SBI
c) Axis
987). Which of the following payment instrument d) IOB
introduced by the banks is known as plastic a) None of these
money? Answer: b)
a) Bearer Cheques
b) Credit Cards 993). Which of the following is an international
c) Demand Drafts forum to discuss and implement supervisory norms
d) Gift cheques in all the banks of the world?
e) None of these a) Basel Committee
Answer: b) b) UN charter on commercial laws.
c) World trade organization c) Balance in a special account with RBI
d) International Board of banks and finance d) funds in the currency chest
e) Cannot be determined e) None of these
f) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: a)
999). When Banks accept a fixed sum of money from
994). received Reserve Bank of India an individual for a definite term and pay on
(RBI)‘s permission to open its first international Maturity with interest, the deposit is known as
branch in Dubai. ? a) Demand Deposit
a) Federal Bank b) term Deposit
b) Axis Bank c) mortgage
c) HDFC Bank d) Advances
d) ICICI Bank e) bond
e) None of These Answer: b)
Answer: a)
1000). Regional Rural Banks are sponsored by
995). Monetary Policy as an arm of the economic a) Nationalised Commercial Bank
policy is administered by b) Reserve Bank of India
a) Government of India c) State Bank of India
b) Reserve Bank of India d) Government of India
c) State Bank of India e) None of these
d) Governments of the respective states Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 1001). Which Bank is called Apex Bank?
a) Development Bank of India
996). The appointments of Banking Ombudsman b) NABARD
will be carried out by which of the following? c) Reserve Bank of India
a) Finance Ministry d) SBI
b) RBI e) EXIM Bank
c) Govt. of India Answer: c)
e) None of these 1002). Many times we read in newspapers that the
Answer: b) RBI has revised certain rates/ ratios under LAF.
What is the full form of LAF?
997). India‘s first banking robot Lakshmi launched a) Liquidity Adjustment Facility.
by in Chennai (Tamil Nadu). b) Legal Adjustment Facility
Lakshmi will be first onsite huamanoid (robot) in c) Long-term Achievement Facility
India ? d) Legal Adjustment Formality
a) ICICI Bank e) None of these
b) City Union Bank Answer: a)
c) South Indian Bank
d) Axis Bank 1003). Which of the following is known as demat
e) None of These accounts?
Answer: b) a) Accounts in which share of various companies are
traded in electric form.
998). Cash Reserve Ration (CRR) funds are kept by b) Accounts which are zero balance accounts
the banks in c) Accounts which are operated through internet
a) cash in hands at branches facility
b) balances with other banks d) Accounts which are used for saving purpose
e) None of these a) An account maintained by Indian bank in foreign
Answer: a) country with dollars
b) An account maintained by foreign bank in India in
1004). When a bank returns a cheque unpaid, it is Indian Rupees
called c) An account maintained by foreign bank in India in
a) talking of the cheque Foreign Currency
b) payment of the cheque d) An account maintained by Indian bank in foreign in
c) drawing of the cheque Indian Rupees
d) dishonour of the cheque e) An account blocked by RBI
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: d)
1010). Which of the following is the Banker of the
1005). The rate at which banks borrows from the Banks?
RBI is called a) IDBI
a) SLR b) SBI
b) Repo Rate c) RBI
c) Reverse repo rate d) SBI and RBI
d) Bank rate e) SEBI
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: b)
1011). Which of the following cannot be called as a
1006). What was the purpose of setting up Debt Instrument as referred in financial
Narsimhan committee-2? transactions?
a) efficiency and productivity of financial institution a) Certificate of Deposits
b) banking reform process b) Bonds
c) export of it sector c) Stocks
d) fiscal reform process d) Commercial Papers
e) None of these e) Loans
Answer: b) Answer: c)

1007). Which of the following terms is used in 1012). The Bank of Calcutta, Bank of Bombay and
Banking? Bank of Madras were merged in 1921 to form
a) Epicenter a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Pascal b) Imperial Bank of India
c) Latency c) Bank of India
d) Verticity d) Union Bank of India
e) Inflation e) None of these
Answer: e) Answer: b)

1008). Initial repayment holiday given to borrower 1013). Which report is published by World Bank
for repayment of loan is called as every year?
a) EMI a) human development report
b) moratorium b) world development report
c) Amortization c) international finance and development report
d) Subvention d) world trade development report
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: b)

1009). Vostro Account means —— 1014). High powered money is:-

a) bank's reserves at central bank a) The issuing authorities name should be printed on
b) all loans and advances of banks. it.
c) money held by banks. b) The promise clause should be there
d) currency held by public and reserves with the c) The guarantee clause should be there
central bank d) All of the above
e) None e) None of the above
Answer: a) Answer: d)

1015). Payment of a cheque cannot be made on a 1020). Banks keep notes/ coins in Currency Chest on
cash counter of the bank if the cheque is:- Behalf of which of the following?
a) bearer a) Their own self
b) cross b) The Central Government
c) order c) The Reserve Bank of India
d) all of the above d) Their Head Office
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: c)

1016). What is a corporate Hedging? 1021). The Chairman of SEBI is nominated by?
a) It is a mechanism to protect firm’s exposure to a) Union Finance Ministry
eqity risk b) RBI
b) It is a mechanism to protect firm’s Exposure to c) Government of India
market risk d) All of these
c) It is a mechanism to protect firm’s exposure to e) None of these
forex risk Answer: c)
d) It is a mechanism to protect firm’s exposure in
International trade 1022). Banking services provided to Special
e) None of these Economic Zones(SEZ) units have been exempted
Answer: b) from
a) Sales Tax
1017). Which of the following institutions is involved b) Securities Transaction Tax – STT.
in granting Housing Loans? c) Central Excise Duty
a) RBI d) Service Tax
b) SBI e) None of the Above
c) IBA Answer: d)
e) HDFC 1023). What is the full form of forex?
Answer: e) a) Foreign Exemption
b) Foreign Exchange
1018). Expand terms means IFRS c) Foreign Expert
a) Indian Financial Review Standards d) Foreign Expansion
b) Indian Financial Reporting Standards e) None of the above
c) International Financial Review Standards Answer: b)
d) International Financial Reporting Standards
e) None of these 1024). Stock Exchanges generally work in -
Answer: d) a) Primary Market
b) Secondary Market
1019). Which of the following is/are essential c) Money Market
features of a genuine currency note? d) Financial Market
e) None of the above
Answer: b) c. buying and selling of metals.
d. helping in import and export trade.
1025). Loan of very sall amount given to low income a) only a and b
group is called- b) b and c
a) Cash Credit c) a b and c
b) No Frill Credit d) iv all of the above
c) Rural Credit e) None of these
d) Micro Credit Answer: d)
e) Simple Overdraft
Answer: d) 1031). Which of the following agencies in India is
responsible for computation of national income?
1026). Increase in net RBI creit for central a) NCAER
government represents- b) CSO
a) Budgetary deficit c) NSS
b) monetized deficit d) RBI
c) Fiscal deficit e) None of the Above
d) Revenue deficit Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 1032). Currency Swap is an instrument to manage

1027). National stock exchange is located - a) currency risk

a) New Delhi b) interest rate risk
b) Mumbai c) currency and interest rate risk
c) Kolkata d) cash flows in different currency
d) Bangalore e) All of the above
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: b)
1033). A bank's 'fixed deposit' is also referred to as
1028). Where is the head quarter of world Health a. ......... ?
organization (WHO)? a) term deposit
a) New York b) savings bank deposit
b) Jineva c) current deposit
c) Peris d) demand deposit
d) London e) home savings deposit
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: b)
1034). In order to attract more foreign exchange the
1029). Merchant banking in India is governed by:- Govt of India decided to allow foreign investment in
a) SEBI LLP firms.What is full form of ―LLP‖ as used in
b) RBI this reference?
c) IRDA a) Local Labour Promotion
d) ministry of finance b) Low Labour Projects
e) None of these c) Limited Loan Partnership
Answer: a) d) Longer Liability Partnership
e) Limited Liability Partnership
1030). Which of the following are functions of Answer: e)
foreign bank?
a. remitting money from one country to another. 1035). Which of the following bank had its old name
b. discounting of foreign bills. as ‗Devkaran Nanji Banking Company Limited‘?
a) Dhanlaxmi Bank e) None of these
b) Dena Bank Answer: a)
c) Central Bank of India
d) State Bank of Mysore 1041). The safest form of Crossed Cheque is
e) None of these a) Double Crossing
Answer: b) b) General Crossing
c) Special Crossing
1036). In banking parlance, ‗NPA‘ stands for d) Account payee crossing
? e) None of the Above
a) Net Performing Asset Answer: d)
b) Non Performing Asset
c) Non-Productive Asset 1042). Ten-rupee notes contain the signature
d) All of these of .............. ?
e) None of the Above a) Finance Secretary, GOI
Answer: b) b) Chairman, State Bank of India
c) Governor, Reserve Bank of India
1037). CRAR stands for: d) Finance Minister, GOI
a) Capital to Risk (weighted) Assets Ratio e) Prime Minister
b) Credit Risk Account Ratio `Answer: c)
c) Commercial Risk (weighted) Assets Ratio
d) Cross Research And Recession 1043). Bank advances of a Bank are called:
e) None of these a) Bad debt
Answer: a) b) Book debt
c) Non performing Asset
1038). What is Repo Rate? d) Out of order accounts
a) It is a rate at which RBI sells government securities e) Overdrawn accounts
to banks Answer: c)
b) It is a rate at which RBI buys government securities
from banks 1044). Axis bank tagline is
c) It is a rate at which RBI allows small loans in the a) Your perfect banking partner
market b) Badhti ka naam zindagi
d) All of these c) Hum Hai Na, Khyal aapka
e) None of these d) Cannot be determined
Answer: b) e) None of these
Answer: b)
1039). The minimum rate of Interest charged by a
Bank from Customers on the loans is? 1045). Central Co-operative banks work at:
a) Base Rate a) District level
b) Bank rate b) State level
c) Prime Rate c) National level
d) Prime Lending Rate d) Block level
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: a) Answer: a)

1040). ‗DAX‘ is the stock Market of- 1046). Which among the following sectors
a) Germany contributes most to the saving in India?
b) USA a) Banking and financial sector
c) France b) Private corporate sector
d) HongKong c) Export sector
d) Household sector
e) None of these 1052). The Headquarters of SMERA is located in
Answer: d)
a) Mumbai
1047). National Bank for Agriculture & Rural b) New Delhi
Development (NABARD) was setup in the year c) Hyderabad
? d) Gurugram
a) 1982 e) None of these
b) 1991 Answer: a)
c) 1969
d) 1948 1053). SMERA has been registered under
e) None of these a) Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992
Answer: a) b) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
c) Banking Regulation Act, 1949
1048). Where is NDB headquartered? d) Securities and Exchange Board of India (Credit
a) Beijing Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999
b) Chengdu e) None of these
c) Hong Kong Answer: d)
d) Shanghai
e) None of these 1054) How many Deputy Governors will be there in
Answer: d) RBI:
A. 3
1049). When was the first Land Mortgage Bank B. 5
established? C. 7
a) 1920 D. 4
b) 1925 E. No Deputy Governor will be appointed
c) 1931 Answer : d
d) 1935
e) None of these 1055). Apna Sahakari Bank Ltd is located at?
Answer: a) a) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
b) Kolkata, West Bengal
1050). Banks which are included in the second c) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 are d) Mumbai, Maharashtra
called as ? e) None of the above
a) Public Sector Banks Answer: d)
b) Co-Operative Banks
c) Foreign Banks 1056). Slogan of Allahabad Bank ?
d) Scheduled Banks a) Where money lives
e) None of these b) A Tradition of Trust
Answer: d) c) The whole world in one bank
d) Together we can
1051). Where is the headquarter of Federal Bank? e) None of these
a) Kochi Answer: b)
b) Mumbai
c) New Delhi 1057). Which bank was earlier called the ''Imperial
d) Bengaluru Bank of India'' ?
e) None of the above a) RBI
Answer: a) b) SBI
d) DENA Bank
e) None of these 1063). Currency Chest is the property of
Answer: b)
a) SBI
1058). What percentage of Priority Sector Lending b) Government of India
(PSL) is being created for Micro Enterprises by c) RBI
March 2017? d) CSO
a) 10 % e) None of these
b) 7.5 % Answer: c)
c) 8.5 %
d) 9.5 % 1064). Which are the following rates are decided by
e) None of the above the RBI is called "Policy Rate"?
Answer: b) a) Cash reserve ratio.
b) Lending rate.
1059). Slogan of Corporation Bank ? c) Bank rate.
a) A Primer Public Sector Bank d) Deposite rate.
b) Not Your Typical Bank e) None of these
c) The world's local bank Answer: a)
d) What's in your wallet?
e) None of these 1065). The term plastic money applies to
Answer: a) a) Bank draft made of plastic coated paper
b) Currency notes impregnated with plastic thread
1060). What is the purpose of KYC in banking? c) Currency notes printed on plastic coated paper
a) It is used for customer identification d) Credit cards mainly issued by the banks
b) It is used for increasing the CRR of banks e) None of these
c) It is used against money laundering Answer: d)
d) It is used by the central bank to control liquidity
e) Both (A) and (C) 1066). Which one of the following banks gives long
Answer: e) term loans to agriculture?
a) State co-operative bank
1061). The E-Commerce website ―Alibaba‖ is the b) Commercial bank
company of which country? c) Primary credit society
a) America d) Land development bank
b) Japan e) None of these
c) India Answer: a)
d) China
e) None of these 1067). The primary relationship between the banker
Answer: d) and the customer is that of
a) Trustee and beneficiary
1062). Head Office of the Asian Development Bank b) Debtor and creditor
located in c) Principal and agent
a) Jakarta d) Lessor and lessee
b) Manila e) None of these
c) Nairobi Answer: b)
d) Tokyo
e) New Delhi 1068). Where is the head quarter of Insurance
Answer: b) Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)?
a) Hydrabad
b) Bangalore
c) Mumbai b) China Construction Bank Corporation
d) Delhi c) HSBC Holdings
e) None of these d) Industrial & Commercial Bank of China
Answer: a) e) None of these
Answer: d)
1069). The bank rate is the rate at which
a) A bank lends to the public 1075). CTC Stands for
b) The RBI lends to the public a) Cheque truncation System
c) The RBI gives to the commercial banks b) Cheque Transaction System
d) The government of India lends to other countries c) Cheque Transmission Service
e) None of these d) Cheque Transport Service
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: a)
1070). Capital Market Regulator is—
a) RBI 1076). ‗DAX‘ is the stock Market of-
b) IRDA a) Germany
c) NSE b) USA
d) BSE c) France
e) SEBI d) HongKong
Answer: e) e) None of these
Answer: a)
1071). Who issues 'Commercial Papers'?
a) A Company to a Bank 1077). Which of the Public Sector Bank tagline
b) Banks to Banks ―India‘s International Bank‖ ?
c) Banks to Companies a) SBI
d) Company to its suppliers b) PNB
e) None of these c) ICICI
Answer: b) d) HDFC
e) BOB
1072). What is the cost of credit expressed as a Answer: e)
percentage on a yearly basis called?
a) APR 1078). The phenomenon of a continuous decrease in
b) APY prices of goods and services in the economy is,
c) WPI known as ?
d) Cannot be determined a) Inflation
e) None of these b) Deflation
Answer: a) c) Stagflation
d) Market crash
1073). Who was the founder of Punjab National e) None of the Above
Bank? Answer: b)
a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
b) Bhagat Singh 1079). The Headquarters of NHB located in
c) Bipin Chandra Pal
d) Lala Rajpat Rai a) Chennai
e) None of these b) Mumbai
Answer: d) c) New Delhi
d) Gurugram
1074). Which is the largest bank in the world? e) None of the Above
a) BNP Paribas Answer: c)
e) None of these
1080). National Housing Bank(NHB) was set up Answer: b)
under 1086). Where is the head quarter of International
a) National Housing Bank Act, 1987 monetary fund (IMF)?
b) National Housing Bank Act, 1977 a) London
c) National Housing Bank Act, 1967 b) New York
d) National Housing Bank Act, 1957 c) Washington DC
e) None of the Above d) Paris
Answer: a) e) None of these
Answer: c)
1081). What is the full form of IPO?
a) Initial Private Offering 1087). World investment report is published by?
b) Initial Partnership Offering a) UNDP
c) Initial Public Offering b) World bank
d) Interest Private offering c) IMF
e) None of the above d) UNCTAD
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: d)
1082). Stock Exchanges generally work in -
a) Primary Market 1088). Which among the following is NOT a
b) Secondary Market subsidiary of RBI?
c) Money Market a) National Housing Bank
d) Financial Market b) NABARD
e) None of the above c) Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private
Answer: b) Limited
1083).Which among the following does the RBI not e) None of these
decide? Answer: d)
a) SLR
b) CRR 1089). Which among the following is a qualitative
c) Bank Rate tool of monetary policy?
d) Base Rate a) Bank Rate
e) None of these b) Credit Ceiling
Answer: d) c) Credit rationing
d) Cash Reserve Ratio
1084). Which of the following organizations is the e) None of these
Mutual Fund Market regulator? Answer: c)
b) MCX-SX 1090). Which among the following was the first
c) SEBI bank purely managed by Indians?
d) National Stock Exchange of India a) Oudh Commercial Bank
e) None of these b) Punjab National Bank
Answer: c) c) Bank of India
d) Allahabad
1085). What is the full form of CBS? e) None of these
a) Cash Banking Solutions Answer: b)
b) Core Banking Solutions
c) Cash Balance Solutions 1091). Which of the following state is known as
d) Capital Banking Solutions ―Cradle of Indian Banking‖?
a) Kerala e) None of these
b) Maharashtra Answer: b)
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Karnataka 1097). Slogan of IDBI Bank is ?
e) Uttar Pradesh a) Trusted family bank
Answer: d) b) Where vision gets built
c) Banking for All; Aao Sochein Bada
1092). Which of the following is the headquarters of d) Good people to grow with
BCSBI? e) None of these
a) Chennai Answer: c)
b) New Delhi
c) Mumbai 1098) Functions of Reserve Bank are:
d) Hyderabad A. Bankers bank
e) None of the Above B. Banker to Government
Answer: c) C. Lender of last resort
D. Controlling financial requirements of banks through
1093). BCSBI is governed by a governing Repo/Reverse Repo
Council including one Chairman. E. All the above
a) six-member Answer : e
b) Four-member
c) Five-member 1099). Who is the MD and CEO of Punjab ans Sind
d) Three-member Bank?
e) None of the Above a) Arun Tiwari
Answer: a) b) Kishor Kharat
c) S.Jatinderbir Singh
1094). National bank is a subsidiary of which of the d) Ravi Krishnan
following banks? e) None of these
a) Bank of Baroda Answer: c) (as on 26th May 2017)
b) Allahabad Bank
c) Bank of India 1100). India ranked out of 118 in Global
d) Union Bank Hunger Index
e) None of these a) 72nd
Answer: a) b) 97th
c) 108th
1095). In which country, the Unit Banking System d) 85th
originated? e) None of these
a) United States Answer: b)
b) United Kingdom
c) France 1101). Which of the following is the first Bank who
d) Spain provide the interest banking facility first?
e) None of these a) ICICI Bank
Answer: a) b) State Bank of India
c) Syndicate Bank
1096). ''Yogakshemam Vahamyaha'' Slogan of d) Central Bank of India
? e) None of these
a) REC Answer: a)
b) LIC
c) Bachat Lamp Yojna 1102). The first government of RBI is –
d) Midday Meal Scheme a) C.D. Deshmush
b) Dr. Manmohan Singh Answer: a)
c) C. Rang Rajan
d) D. Subba Rao 1108). Many times we read in newspapers that the
e) None of these RBI has revised certain rates/ ratios under LAF.
Answer: a) What is the full form of LAF?
a) Liquidity Adjustment Facility.
1103). Which of the following terms is used in b) Legal Adjustment Facility
banking and finance? c) Long-term Achievement Facility
a) Abiotic d) Legal Adjustment Formality
b) Demand Deposit e) None of these
c) Fat scales Answer: a)
d) A diabetic
e) None of these 1109). In India, the bank NABARD does not provide
Answer: b) refinance to:
a) Scheduled commercial banks
1104). Banks do not provide which of the following b) Regional rural banks
services? c) State land development banks
a) Issuing Bank Drafts d) Export-import bank
b) Deposting Money e) None of these
c) Sale of post cards and postal stamps Answer: d)
d) Lockers for valueable items/ documents
e) None of these 1110). Which bank has launched "travel card" for
Answer: c) students joinnig abrod?
1105). Which of the following terms is NOT used in b) HSBC
the field of Banking & Finance ? c) SBI
a) Overdraft d) HDFC
b) Base Line e) PNB
c) RTGS Answer: a)
d) GBC
e) None of these 1111). What do you understand by the term
Answer: b) ‗Mortgage‘?
a) Sale of movable security in the event of default by
1106). Which of the following is a pension scheme the borrower
focused on the workers in the unorganiaed sector? b) Registration of charge with the Registrar of
a) SSY Companies
b) AMRUT c) Making the security of immovable property
c) APY available as a cover for a home loan by the borrower
d) PMAY d) Registration of charge with the Regional Transport
e) None of the Above Authority
Answer: c) e) Returning of the security to borrower by the bank of
receipt of full payment
1107). Which amongst the following organizations Answer: c)
make major credit policies for the RRBs?
a) NABARD 1112). How many banks are presently associated of
b) Asian development bank State Bank of India?
c) World bank a) Eight
d) SBI b) Seven
e) None of these c) Six
d) Five e) Gujarat
e) Four Answer: b)
Answer: d)
1118). The financial assistance of loans of Rs.10000
1113). If a bank is unable to refund the short term by bank to a small borrower will be called ........ ?
deposits as funds are locked in long term loans, it a) business finance
involves? b) government finance
a) Interest Rate Risk c) micro finance
b) Operational Risk d) small finance
c) Liquidity Risk e) KYC finance
d) Market Risk Answer: e)
e) Other than the given options
Answer: c) 1119). The Head Office of which of the following
banks is in Mumbai?
1114). If credit facility applied for is rejected, the a) Punjab National Bank
reasons therefore should be briefly mentioned in b) Bank of Maharashtra
the- c) UCO Bank
a) Loan Applications Received and Disposal Register d) Union Bank of India
b) Opinion Reports e) None of the above
c) Loan Rejection Register Answer: d)
d) All of the above
e) Other than the given options 1120). Which of the following state shows the fastest
Answer: a) growth in expanding Micro Finance business in the
1115). Escrow account is useful/helpful to- a) Gujarat
a) importers b) Andhra Pradesh
b) exporters c) Maharashtra
c) people d) Karnataka
d) Assets e) None of the above
e) Other than the given options Answer: b)
Answer: b)
1121). On the basis of recommendations of which of
1116). The ‗monetary base for credit expansion‘ the following committees NABARD was
consists of ? established?
a) The total value of ‘high-powered money’ a) Shunglu Committee
b) The demand and time deposit liabilities b) Shivaraman Committee
c) The size of the deficit in the government’s budget c) Narshimhan Committee
d) All of the above d) Public Accounts Committee
e) None of the above e) None of the above
Answer: a) Answer: b)

1117). has been declared the first ‗total 1122). Stock exchange securities do not include?
banking state‘ in India, successfully implementing a) Debentures certificates
the total financial inclusion thereby ensuring b) Small debentures issued by port trusts
banking facility to all households. c) Government promissory notes
a) Maharashtra d) Reverse Repo Rate
b) Kerala e) None of the above
c) Himachal Pradesh Answer: d)
d) Uttarakhand
c) Existence
1123). Each Regional Rural Bank is managed by d) Economic
? e) Exit
a) Board of Directors Answer: d)
b) Reserve Bank
c) Sponsoring commercial bank 1129). Which Bank is called Apex Bank?
d) None of the above a) Development Bank of India
e) None of these b) NABARD
Answer: a) c) Reserve Bank of India
d) SBI
1124). Under which of the following methods of e) EXIM Bank
note-issue the RBI issues notes? Answer: c)
a) Fixed Fiduciary System
b) Maximum Fiduciary System 1130). The Reserve Bank of India will transfer its
c) Minimum Reserve System surplus profit of 65,896 crore rupees to the Centre.
d) Proportional Reserve System This amount is percent higher than previous
e) None of the Above year.
Answer: c) a) 5%
b) 19%
1125). Lead Bank Scheme was introduced in c) 25%
? d) 33%
a) 1965 e) None of these
b) 1969 Answer: c)
c) 1981
d) 1992 1131). On a Cheque instead of two parallel lines only
e) None of the above bank‘s name is written is known as
Answer: b) a) Payable to bearer
b) General Crossing
1126). Which of the following is the slogan of c) Special Crossing
CIBIL? d) Both (b) and (c)
a) Empowering Banks e) None of the Above
b) Empowering Women Answer: c)
c) Empowering India
d) Empowering you 1132). How many banks are presently associated of
e) None of the Above State Bank of India?
Answer: d) a) Eight
b) Seven
1127). Which of the following provides license to a c) Six
credit bureau? d) Five
a) SEBI e) Four
b) SIDBI Answer: d)
d) RBI 1133) Which of the following organizations/agencies
e) GOI works solely to monitor and arrange flow of
Answer: d) agriculture credit in India ?
1128). In the acronym WEF, ‗E‘ stands for….. b) SIDBI
a) Exchange c) RBI
b) Eternal d) SEBI
e) None of these
Answer : a 1139). Which bank became the first bank to open its
branch in china?
1134). The Definition of ‗Banking‘ is given in a) IDBI bank
b) HDFC bank
a) Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 c) SBI
b) RBI Act, 1934 d) Punjab national bank
c) The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 e) None of these
d) Indian Contract Act, 1872 Answer: c)
e) None of the Above
Answer: c) 1140). The banks are required to maintain certain
ratio between their cash in hand and total assets.
1135). What is the most powerful tool used by the This is called
Reserve Bank of India to control inflation? a) SLR
a) Raise interest rates b) SBR
b) Raise current supply c) CBR
c) Reduce current supply d) CRR
d) Reduce interest rates e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: a)
1141). "Disguised unemployment" Denotes:
1136). When was the Indian Mercantile Insurance a) a situation where workers are disguised
established? b) a situation where too many workers are doing a
a) 1907 limited amount of work.
b) 1938 c) a situation where workers are doing a limited
c) 1957 amount of work
d) 1973 d) None of the above
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: a) Answer: b)

1137). Which one of the following statements is 1142). Foreign Trade Policy is Framed by :
correct regarding increase in the CRR in India? a) RBI
a) It increases credit creation b) EXIM Bank
b) It reduces credit creation c) DGFT
c) It does not affect credit d) Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.
d) It denoted liberal monetary policy e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: b)
1143). RBI doesn‘t have an office in
1138). The EXIM bank of India was established in a) Jaipur
b) Bhopal
a) 1964 c) Kanpur
b) 1970 d) Shimla
c) 1980 e) None of these
d) 1982 Answer: d)
e) 1986
Answer: d) 1144). The rate at which banks borrows from the
RBI is called
a) SLR
b) Repo Rate
c) Reverse repo rate 1150). Commercial paper may be issued for a period
d) Bank rate of ?
e) None of these a) 90 days
Answer: b) b) 91 to 180 days
c) 7 days to one year
1145). Who is having the major stakes in NABARD? d) All the above
a) RBI e) None of the above
b) Central Government Answer: c)
c) SBI
d) Ministry of Finance 1151). ‗RuPay‘ has been developed by which
e) None of these organization?
Answer: b) a) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
1146). The tag line ‗A friend you can bank on‘ is of c) SBI
which bank? d) National Payment Corporation of India
a) Vijaya Bank e) IMF
b) Bank of Maharashtra Answer: d)
c) UCO Bank
d) Bank of Baroda 1152). Which bank has recently started ―Tab
e) None of these Banking‖ service?
Answer: a) a) SBI
1147). The appointments of Banking Ombudsman c) PNB
will be carried out by which of the following? d) UBI
a) Finance Ministry e) ICICI
b) RBI Answer: a)
c) Govt. of India
d) SEBI 1153). Who is the chairman of Bharatiya Mahila
e) None of these Bank?
Answer: b) a) Ranjana Paintal
b) Indira Talwani
1148). The minimum acceptable amount under the c) Usha Ananthasubramanian
Scheme of Certificate of eposit is ? d) Krishnan Nair
a) Rs. 1 lakhs e) Ranjit Kumar
b) Rs. 25 lakhs Answer: c)
c) Rs. 20 lakhs
d) Rs. 25 lakhs 1154). ―Plastic Money‖ denotes ?
e) None of the above a) Bearer cheque
Answer: a) b) Credit card
c) Demand Draft
1149). Demand deposits mean ? d) Traveller’s cheque
a) Deposits withdrawable on demand by the depositor e) Gift cheque
b) Current deposits Answer: b)
c) Fixed deposits
d) Short deposits 1155). The Head of Reserve Bank of India is?
e) None of the above a) Chief Executive Officer
Answer: a) b) Managing Director
c) Chief Banking Officer
d) Governor 1161). India's first post office savings bank ATM
e) Other than the given options facility has been recently inaugurated in which of
Answer: d) the following places?
a) Chennai
1156). In Banking terminology, NPA means b) Delhi
a) Non-Promise Account c) Mumbai
b) Non-Personal Account d) Bengaluru
c) Non-Performing Asset e) None
d) Net-performing Asset Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 1162). RBI permitted CBS-enabled Cooperative
Banks to issue ATM cards in tie-up with:
1157). ‗Sugam‘ is a scheme launched for a) State Bank of India
a) Small tax payers b) a sponsor bank
b) Pensioners getting old age pension c) NABARD
c) Big corporate houses d) Any Nationalised Bank
d) Getting all sorts of permission e) None
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: a)
1163). Working capital requirement depends upon
1158). Asian Development bank is a regional ?
development bank established in : a) Level of activity
a) 1949 b) Nature of Production cycle
b) 1953 c) Types of business carried
c) 1966 d) All the above
d) 1969 e) None
e) 1975 Answer: d)
Answer: c)
1164). Who headed the RBI panel that has
1159). Which bank in India performs duties of submitted its report titled 'Data Format for
Central Bank? Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit
a) Central Bank of India Information Companies'.
b) SBI a) Urjit Patel
c) Both A and B b) Aditya Puri
d) RBI c) R.Gandhi
e) None of these d) A.K.Sharma
Answer: d) e) None
Answer: b)
1160). The World Bank group is made up of how
many organisations? 1165). After the recommendations of which of the
a) 3 following committee the Regional Rural Banks were
b) 5 setup?
c) 7 a) Sarayya Committee
d) 8 b) Kapoor Committee
e) 10 c) Narasimhan Committee
Answer: b) d) Rangarajan Committee
e) None
Answer: c)
1166). The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) 1171). ‗Repo Rate‘ is the rate at which:
which provides the Banking supervision accords is a) The RBI lends to state government
located in which country b) The international aid agencies to RBI
a) England c) The RBI lends to banks
b) USA d) The banks lend to RBI
c) France e) None of these
d) Switzerland Answer: c)
e) None
Answer: d) 1172). In the field of banking, what does ADF stand
1167). The Know Your Customer (KYC) norms of a) Additional Dearness Allowance
opening a bank account has been relaxed for the b) Automated Data Flow
accounts with minimum balance of c) Additional Deposit Allowance
a) Rs.1,00,000/- d) Automated Deposit Allowance
b) Rs.25,000/- e) None of the Above
c) Rs.50,000/- Answer: b)
d) Rs.75,000/-
e) None 1173). A financial contract that derives its value
Answer: c) from another asset or an index of asset values is
known as
1168). What is the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) at a) Insurance Policy
present? b) Security
a) 4% c) Derivative
b) 4.25% d) Share
c) 4.5% e) None of the above
d) 4.75% Answer: c)
e) None
Answer: a) 1174). Central Bank ofa county is also known as the
1169). The Centre will over the next four years a) Federal bank
infuse how many crore rupees into the state-owned b) Chief Commercial Bank
banks ? c) Banker of banks
a) Rs. 70,000 crore d) Lead Bank
b) Rs. 80,000 crore e) None of these
c) Rs. 90,000 crore Answer: c)
d) Rs. 65,000 crore
e) None 1175). What is meant by a stale cheque?
Answer: a) a) A cheque which is lost or stolen
b) A cheque which is more than three months old
1170). is the regulatory authority for Mutual from the date of the cheque
funds: c) A cheque which is defaced/ mutilated
a) IRDA d) A cheque from an account which is closed
b) Ministry of Corporate affairs e) None of these
c) RBI Answer: a)
e) None 1176). The Securitization and Reconstruction of
Answer: d) Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security
Interest Act as present is not applicable to -
a) Public sector banks Answer: b)
b) Private banks
c) Non- banking financial companies 1182). Accounts are allowed to be operated by
d) Financial institutes of the government cheques in respect of:-
e) None of these a) both saving and fixed accounts
Answer: c) b) saving and current accounts.
c) current and fixed accounts.
1177). Which bank bagged the prestigious ‗Bank of d) all type of accounts available.
the year‘ award 2015? e) None of these
a) HDFC bank Answer: b)
b) ICICI bank
c) Yes BankWhich bank has inst6alled 1183). Corporation Bank is a public sector banking
d) IndusInd Bank company headquartered in ......... ?
e) None of these a) Kolkata
Answer: c) b) Chennai
c) Bengaluru
1178). Which bank has installed world‘s first ATM d) Mangalore
a) City Bank e) Mumbai
b) Royal Bank of Scotland Answer: d)
c) Barclays
d) HSBC 1184). The head of the SBI is designated as:
e) none of these a) Executive director
Answer: c) b) Governor
c) Deputy Governor
1179). The maturity period of recently introduced d) Chairman
Gold Bonds is – e) None of these
a) 3 years Answer: d)
b) 5 years
c) 8 years 1185). When was RBI nationalized?
d) 12 years a) 1905
e) None of these b) 1920
Answer: c) c) 1935
d) 1949
1180). Slogan of Indian Bank ? e) None of these
a) You can always bank on us Answer: d)
b) Where every individual is committed
c) Good people to bank with 1186). Bill of lading is a :
d) Your Tech – Friendly Bank a) Negotiable Instrument
e) None of these b) Non- negotiable Instrument
Answer: d) c) Quasi-Negotiable Instrument
d) All of the above
1181). Banks have different interest rates for e) None of the above
different loan products. to which rate are they Answer: c)
a) prime lending rates 1187). What is true about 'white Card ":
b) base rate a) It is related to companies producing milk products
c) RBI administered rates b) It does not carry on its face, the brand of the issuer
d) bank rate c) It is meant to covert money into the economy
e) solely on discretion of the particular bank d) All of the above
e) None of the above e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: d)

1188). Balance in a current account is classified as – 1193). Payment of a cheque cannot be made on a
a) Hybrid deposit cash counter of the bank if the cheque is:-
b) Term deposit a) bearer
c) Demand deposit b) cross
d) Flexi deposit c) order
e) None of these d) all of the above.
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: b)
1189). Which of the following forms of securing a
loans is the safest one? 1194). What is the term used for a deposit with a
a) Line bank that locks up money for a certain period but
b) Assignment also provides an option of premature withdrawal
c) Pledge which may attract a penalty?
d) Hypothecation a) Savings bank deposit
e) Mortgage b) Term deposit
Answer: c) c) Recurring deposit
d) Current deposit
1190). Which of the following bodies regulates the e) None of these
Regional Rural Banks? Answer: b)
a) RBI
b) NABARD 1195). The soon to be set up proposed Micro Units
c) Department of Rural Development Development Refinance Agency (Mudra) Bank will
d) State Government be first set up as a subsidiary of the
Answer: b) b) SBI
c) EXIM bank
1191). In India, Micro finance development and d) SIDBI
Equity fund is maintained by- e) Other than those given as options
a) Small industries development Bank of Answer: d)
b) RBI(Reserve bank of India). 1196). Service Area Approach (SAA) is associated
c) Nabard(National bank for Agriculture and rural With?
development). a) Development banks
d) CII(Confederation of industries in India). b) Branches of commercial banks situated in metro
e) None of these cities
Answer: e) c) Urban branches of commercial banks
d) Rural and Semi-urban branches of commercial
1192). What is/are the main functions of RBI? banks
(i). Notes Issuance. e) None of these
(ii). Government's Banker. Answer: d)
(iii). Banker's Bank.
(iv). Bank's Supervision. 1197). The credit policy of a bank does not consists
a) Only (i) of?
b) Both (ii) and (iii) a) Quality control
c) Both (iii) and (iv) b) Advertising of loan products
d) All of these c) Loan product mix
d) Lending policies a) Deflation
e) None of these b) Devaluation
Answer: b) c) Depreciation
d) All of the above
1198). Which of the following is the first commercial e) None of these.
bank ? Answer: c)
a) State bank of India
b) Oudh Commercial Bank 1204). In banking the term DTL refers to;
c) Union Bank of India a) Detail time limit.
d) Indian Bank b) Demand and time limit.
e) None of the above c) Demand and time liabilities.
Answer: b) d) All of the above
e) None of these.
1199). Imperial Bank of India was nationalised in Answer: c)
a) 1955
b) 1956 1205). NABARD Bank for Agriculture and Rural
c) 1945 Development was established in
d) 1967 a) 1979
e) 1971 b) 1980
Answer: a) c) 1981
d) 1982
1200). Life Insurance corporation was established in e) 1983
a) 1954 Answer: d)
b) 1955
c) 1956 1206). IDBI was established in
d) 1957 a) 1961
e) 1958 b) 1962
Answer: c) c) 1963
d) 1964
1201). Bitcoin is a . e) 1965
a) Term used in share market Answer: d)
b) Payment system
c) Intranet Service Provider 1207). Drawee in the bank cheque is
d) Internet Service Provider a) Who receive the cheques
e) None of these b) Who rejects the payment of cheques
Answer: b) c) Who encash the cheques
d) The banker
1202). Financial institution that does not supervised e) None of these
by a national or international banking regulatory Answer: d)
a) NBFI 1208). First Multi-currency international Debit
b) IDBI Cards are issued in India by .
c) ICICI a) ICICI Bank
d) Reserve Bank of India b) State Bank of India
e) None of these c) Axis Bank
Answer: a) d) Indian Bank
e) None of these
1203). Fall in the value of currency in respect to Answer: b)
other currencies is known as:-
1214) As we know that CARE is a well-known
1209). Which was the first bank to set up talking rating company but how many officers of CARE are
ATM in India? located in India?
a) State Bank of India a) Six
b) Punjab National Bank b) Five
c) Union Bank OF India c) Nine
d) Axis Bank d) None of these
e) None of these e) Seven
Answer: c) Answer: e)

1210). In recent times, the term Gold ETF was 1215) Monetary Policy as an arm of the economic
making news. Which among the following closest policy is administered by which bank?
instrument to Gold ETF? a) RBI
a) Debenture b) SBI
b) G-Sec security c) CUB
c) Mutual Fund d) KVB
d) Commercial Paper e) PNB
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: c)
1216) Which bank opened a Lockless branch at
1211) Which of the following bank was the second Maharashtra to respecting the local customs:
Presidency bank of India? a) State Bank of India
a) Presidency Bank of Calcutta b) UCO Bank
b) Presidency Bank of Bengal c) Bank of Maharashtra
c) Presidency Bank of Calicut d) None of these
d) Presidency Bank of Madras e) All the above
e) Presidency Bank of Bombay Answer: b)
Answer: e)
1217) Which of the following is correct about ATM:
1212) Which nationalised bank was merged with a) ATM is a computer which is dedicated to perform
PNB in 1993? certain specific Jobs only
a) New Bank of India b) ATM is a user friendly machine and the customer
b) Imperial Bank does not require any training to use it
c) Bank of Hindustan c) ATM is totally menu driven which displays
d) Central Bank of India instructions to the customers step by step for operating
e) Oudh Commercial Bank the same
Answer: a) d) All of the above
e) None of these
1213) The first Indian bank to get ISO certification Answer: d)
was .
a) Canara Bank 1218) SIDBI stands for"
b) Axis Bank a) Specially Industries Development Bank of India
c) UCO Bank b) Sound Industries Development Bank of India
d) Oriental Bank of commerce c) Small Industries Development Bank of India
e) Dena Bank d) None of these
Answer: a) e) All the above
Answer: c)
1219) Which of the following bank is the first b) UN charter on commercial laws.
universal bank established in the country: c) World trade organization
a) SBI d) International Board of banks and finance
b) PNB e) None of these
c) ICICI Bank Limited Answer: a)
d) None of these
e) All of the above 1225). An average citizen cannot a savings account
Answer: c) in which of the following?
a) Commercial Bank
1220) The reserves which can act as liquidity buffer b) Post office
for commercial banks during crisis times are: c) Cooperative bank
a) CRR and SLR d) RBI
b) Only CRR e) None of these
c) Only SLR Answer: d)
d) None of these
e) All of the above 1226). Financial inclusion is meant for -
Answer: a) a) Less privileged persons
b) Senior citizens
1221). Current accounts are meant and useful for c) Micro finance institutions
? d) All the above
a) Investment purposes e) None of these
b) Identity purposes Answer: a)
c) Savings purposes
d) Day-to-day business needs 1227). Euro money is the official currency of -
e) Operational convenience a) NATO
Answer: d) b) UN
c) European Union
1222). CBS stand for? d) Germany and England
a) Centralised banking system e) None of these
b) Computer based Solution Answer: c)
c) Core banking Solution
d) Customised banking Solution 1228). When Repo rate is reduced by RBI, it leads to
e) None of the Above a) reduction of cost to borrowers on loans from banks
Answer: c) b) increase in cost of loans to borrowers from banks
c) reduction in cost of borrowing by banks from RBI
1223). Reserve Bank of India was setup on the d) increase in cost of borrowing by banks from RBI
recommendations of which of the following e) None of these
commission/committee? Answer: c)
a) Royal Commission
b) Hilton Young Commission 1229). Which instrument cannot be transferred
c) Dantwala Committee from one person to another by endorsement?
d) D R Mehta Commission a) Fixed Deposit Receipt
e) None of these b) Short deposit
Answer: b) c) Deposit Receipt
d) All of the above
1224). Which of the following is an international e) None of these
forum to discuss and implement supervisory norms Answer: a)
in all the banks of the world?
a) Basel Committee 1230). NCAER is located in
a) Mumbai d) December
b) New Delhi e) February
c) Noida Answer: e)
d) Chennai
e) Hyderabad 1236). Expand the term ALM as used in Banking/
Answer: b) Finance sector.
a) Asset Liability Management
1231). ‗MAT‘ is an acronym which stands for- b) Asset Liability Maturity
a) Maximum Alternate Tax c) Asset Liability Mismatch
b) Minimum Alternate Tax d) Asset Liability Manpower
c) Minimum Affordable Tax e) Asset Liability Maintenance
d) Maximum Affordable Tax Answer: a)
e) None of the above
Answer: b) 1237). Money loaned by a bank or other institution
which is repayable on demand is called as ?
1232). DEPB (Duty Entitled Passbook) scheme a) Call Money
which ended in September 2011 was related to- b) Demand Loan
a) Foreign direct investment c) Cash Credit
b) Foreign institutional investment d) Short Term Loan
c) Export promotion e) None of these
d) Import substitution Answer: a)
e) None of the above
Answer: c) 1238). What does ADB stand for?
a) American Development Bank
1233). Insurance cover for bank deposits in our b) Australian Development Bank
country is provided by c) Asian Development Bank
a) SBI d) All of these
b) Government of India e) None of these
c) GIG Answer: c)
d) LIC
e) DICGC 1239). Which of the following is one of the main
Answer: e) functions of the Reserve Bank of India?
a) Regulation of the Stock Markets
1234). Loans of very small amounts given to low b) Regulation of Life Insurance
income groups is called c) Regulation of General Insurance
a) Cash credit d) Regulation of Mutual Funds in India
b) Micro credit e) Banker's Bank
c) Simple overdraft Answer: e)
d) No frills loans
e) Rural credit 1240). In which of the following States there is no
Regional Rural Bank?
a) Karnataka
Answer: b) b) Goa
c) Uttarakhand
1235). Union Budget is always presented in the d) Himachal Pradesh
month of e) Punjab
a) January
b) March
c) April Answer: b)
Answer: a)
1241). Which Bank has launched IT Innovation
Start-up Fund to support start-ups in the financial 1246). A bond issued at a price less than its face
technology (finetech) space? value and payable on its due date at its face value
a) Punjab National Bank bearing no ROI (Rate of Interest) is
b) Canara Bank called .
c) State Bank of India a) Preference Bond
d) Syndicate Bank b) Zero Coupon Bond
e) None of these c) Convertible Bond
Answer: c) d) Perpetual Bond
e) Sovereign Bond
1242). as approved a 500 Answer: b)
million dollars loan to build a bridge across the
Ganga River in Bihar 1247). A Credit Guarantee Trust Fund has been set
a) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank up for guaranteeing Collateral Free Facilities by
b) World Bank lending institutions to Small Scale Industries. This
c) Asian Development Bank fund is being managed by which of the following
d) Intenational Monetary Fund institutions?
e) None of these a) IDBI
Answer: c) b) NABARD
c) SBI
1243). Which Bank has launched India‘s first d) SIDBI
internationally-listed certified green bond to finance e) RBI
climate change solutions around the world at Answer: d)
London Stock Exchange (LSE)?
a) State Bank of India 1248). External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs)
b) Axis Bank form part of?
c) HDFC Bank a) Current Account
d) ICICI Bank b) Capital Account
e) None of these c) Either (a) or (b)
Answer: b) d) Balance of Payments
e) None of the above
1244). According to accepting public deposits, Answer: b)
NBFCs can be classified into broad categories.
a) Two 1249). Closed Economy is one in which:
b) Three a) only export takes place
c) Four b) money supply is fully controlled
d) All of the Above c) deficit financing takes place
e) None of the Above d) neither export nor import takes place
Answer: a) e) None of the above
Answer: d)
1245). IFC is a non-banking finance company with
Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR) of 1250). IDBI was established in
a) 1961
a) 15% b) 1962
b) 20% c) 1963
c) 25% d) 1964
d) 30% e) 1965
e) None of the Above Answer: d)
c) Financial Responsibility and Budget Management
1251). After State Bank of India, which of the d) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
following banks has the largest number of offices? e) Formal Responsibility and Business Management
a) Punjab National Bank Answer: d)
b) Bank of India
c) Andhra Bank 1257). The ability of commercial banks to increase
d) Canara Bank their deposits by expanding their loans and
e) None of these advances is known as .
Answer: a) a) Capital Expansion
b) Capital Creation
1252). With which of following types of loans are c) Credit Expansion
teaser rates related? d) Credit Control
a) Home loans e) Credit Creation
b) Personal loans Answer: e)
c) Auto loans
d) Reverse mortgage loans 1258). Which was the first bank to introduce ATM
e) None of these in India?
Answer: a) a) HSBC
b) Standard Chartered Bank
1253). In which denomination were India's first c) State Bank of India
bimetallic coins issued in the year 2009? d) United Bank of India
a) Rs. 100 e) None of these
b) Rs. 5 Answer: a)
c) Rs. 10
d) Re. 1 1259). What is the GDP growth projected in the
e) None of these 2015-16?
Answer: c) a) 8-8.5%
b) 9-9.7%
1254). Part of company‘s earning or profit which is c) 8-9%
paid out to share holders is known as d) 7.7 to 8.5%
a) Premium e) None of these
b) Dividend Answer: a)
c) Bonus
d) Sum Assured 1260). ‗Which bank launched smart star account?
e) Return a) HDFC Bank
Answer: b) b) HSBC
c) ICICI Bank
1255). What is the duration of Public Provident d) IDBI Bank
Fund (PPF) account? e) None of these
a) 3 years Answer: c)
b) 5 years
c) 9 years 1261). In which year was the Reserve Bank of India
d) 15 years established ?
e) 18 years a) 1935
Answer: d) b) 1947
c) 1949
1256). Expand the term FRBM? d) 1952
a) Financial Responsibility and Business management e) None of these
b) Fiscal Responsibility and Business management Answer: a)
a) Importers
1262). Which of the following terms is used in b) Bank Employees
banking field? c) Exporters
a) Interest rate swap d) Small Scale Industries
b) Input devices e) Large Scale Industries
c) Sedimentary Answer: c)
d) Zero Hour
e) None of these 1268). Which is the first Indian bank that started
Answer: a) solely with Indian capital investment?
a) Canara Bank
1263). Which of the following banks was b) Central Bank of India
inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919? c) Punjab National Bank
a) Bank of Maharashtra d) State Bank of India
b) Bank of Baroda e) None of these
c) State Bank of Saurashtra Answer: c)
d) Union Bank of India
e) None of these 1269). When was the first Land Mortgage Bank
Answer: d) established?
a) 1920
1264). The reserves held by Commercial Banks over b) 1925
and above the statutory minimum, with the RBI are c) 1931
called d) 1935
a) Cash reserves e) None of these
b) Deposit reserves Answer: a)
c) Excess reserves
d) Momentary reserves 1270). CRISIL is a .
e) None of these a) Mutual Fund
Answer: c) b) Credit Rating Agency
c) Investment Bank
1265). What does ‗S‘ stand for in the abbreviation d) Share Depository
‗MSF‘? e) None of the above
a) Standing Answer: b)
b) Status
c) Still 1271) AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
d) State Urban Transformation) to be introduced in the
e) None of the above cities and towns, where the population is ?
Answer: a) a) One lakh and above
b) Two million and above
1266). What is the term for a bank without any c) One thousand and above
branch network that offers its services remotely? d) One hundred and above
a) Internet only Banks e) None
b) Direct Bank Answer: a)
c) Lending Institution
d) Indirect Bank 1272) Banks generally borrow funds from which of
e) Online Bank the following money markets to meet the mandatory
Answer: b) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity
Ratio (SLR) requirements as stipulated by the
1267). The Pre Shipment finance is provided by the Central bank?
banks only to a) Notice Money Market
b) Call Money Market e) None of these
c) Bill Market Answer: a)
d) Money Market
e) None 1278) Annual Meeting of Board Governors of World
Answer: b) Bank Group and International Monetary Fund or
the 2015 was held at
1273) What is the minimum denomination of a) New York
Treasury bills to issue in India? 25000 b) Brussels
a) 30000 c) Peru
b) 45000 d) New Delhi
c) 50000 e) None of these
d) None Answer: c)
e) 100000
Answer: a) 1279) The government formed the panel after many
exservicemen returned their medals to protest
1274) What is the maximum amount per transaction the rejection of their ‗one rank one pension‘
NEFT limit for cash-based remittances to Nepal? demand. Who is heading this panel?
a) 100000 a) K.M. Chandrasekhar
b) 200000 b) R Balakrishanan
c) 50000 c) B S Padmanabham
d) 75000 d) T. Raja Shekhar
e) 70000 e) R Balu
Answer: c) Answer: a)

1275) Department of Economic Affairs is part of 1280) Whenever RBI does some Open Market
which of the following Ministries ? Operation Transaction, actually it wishes to regulate
a) Ministry of Home Affairs which of the following?
b) Ministry of Planning a) Inflation only
c) Ministry of Finance b) liquidity in economy
d) Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises c) Borrowing powers of the banks
e) Ministry of Rural Development d) Flow of Foreign Direct Investments
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: b)
1276) Opening the Saving Bank Account of a minor
girl will be called as which of the following in 1281). Which of the following is/are used in the loan
Banking terminology? approval processes?
a) Retail Banking a) Credit Information Report (CIR)
b) Merchant Banking b) CIBIL TransUnion Score
c) Institutional Banking c) Both(a) and (b)
d) Social Banking d) STRIPS
e) Corporate Banking e) None of these
Answer: a) Answer: c)

1277) Loan for fish rearing is covered under 1282). The Base rate of each bank is to be reviewed
Priority sector as advances after every
a) Direct Agriculture a) Quarter
b) Self Employed Scheme b) Month
c) Indirect Agriculture c) Year
d) Allied to indirect agriculture d) Week
e) None of these a) Absolute Zero
Answer: a) b) Amplitude
c) Soft patch
1283). Largest shareholder of a nationalized bank d) Buoyancy
is:- e) None of these
a) RBI Answer: d)
c) Govt. of India 1289). ―Banking with personal touch‖ is the tagline
d) ministry of finance of
e) none of these a) Federal Bank
Answer: c) b) South Indian Bank
c) Karur Vysya Bank
1284). Who is the MD and CEO of Vijaya Bank? d) Laxmi Vilas Bank
a) Suresh N Patel e) None of these
b) Kishore Kumar Sansi Answer: d)
c) Sushil Muhnot a) Australian Euro
d) Kishore Piraji Kharat b) Australian Rupee
e) None of these c) Australian Dollar
Answer: b) (as on 26th May 2017) d) Australian Pound
e) None of these
1285). Public Sector Banks are required to pay how Answer: c)
much percentage of their net bank credit to Priority
Sector in advance? 1291). Which bank had the highest concentrations
a) 5% of operations overseas in 2010?
b) 7% a) Bank of Baroda
c) 40% b) Bank of India
d) 15% c) State Bank of India
e) None of the above d) Union Bank of India
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: a)
1286). Certificate of Deposits can be issued for a
maximum period of ? 1292). Which of the following is the central bank of
a) 30 days U.S.A?
b) 90 days a) Federation of Banks in U.S.A.
c) 180 days b) Central Bank of U.S.A.
d) 365 days c) Federal Reserve
e) None of these d) Bank of America
Answer: d) e) None of these
Answer: c)
1287). What is the full form of SEPA?
a) Simple Euro Payments Area 1293). The rate at which banks borrows from the
b) Simple Euro Payments Attempt RBI is called?
c) Single Euro Payments Area a) SLR
d) Single Euro Payments Attempt b) Repo Rate
e) Standard Euro Payments Are c) Reserve repo rate
Answer: c) d) Bank rate
e) None of these
1288). Which of the following term in related with Answer: b)
d) ‘We Understand Your World’
1294). Bank can grant Loans against..? e) None of these
a) LIC Policy Answer: a)
b) CDs (Certificate of Deposits)
c) FD issued by Other Bank 1300). Gilt-edged securities mean ……..
d) Mutual Fund a) Gold bonds
e) None of the Above b) High-graded and low risk securities
Answer: a) c) The duplicate bonds
d) Certificates issued by Post Office
1295). National Institute of Bank Management e) Stocks recognized by SEBI .
(NIBM) is located at..? Answer: b)
a) Mumbai
b) Hyderabad 1301). For using safe deposit locker facilities, bank
c) Pune customers pay
d) Kolkata a) Exchange on locker
e) New Delhi b) Commission on locker
Answer: c) c) Rent on locker
d) Safe custody charges
1296). Telebanking service is based on . e) None of these
a) Virtual Banking Answer: c)
b) Online Banking
c) Core Banking 1302). What is the full form of ECB?
d) Voice Banking a) External Cooperative Borrowings.
e) None of these b) Extra Cooperative Borrowings.
Answer: d) c) External Commercial Borrowings.
d) Extra Commercial Borrowings.
1297). Which one of the following does not quality e) None of these
as priority sector lending by Commercial Banks? Answer: c)
a) Small Industrial Loan
b) Software Exports 2030. The following contains an order to pay money
c) Small Business Loans a) Bill of exchange
d) Education Loans b) Cheque
e) None of these c) Promissory Note
Answer: b) d) Only (1) and (2)
e) None of these
1298). Which state is called the ‗Cradle of Banking‘
in India, as seven leading banks of India have Answer : d
originated from this state?
a) Gujarat
b) Karnataka
c) Maharashtra 1303) The following contains an order to pay money
d) West Bengal a) Bill of exchange
e) None of these b) Cheque
Answer: b) c) Promissory Note
d) Only (1) and (2)
1299). What is the slogan of State Bank of India? e) None of these
a) ‘The Banker to Every India’
b) ‘A Tradition of Trust’ Answer : d
c) ‘Relationship Beyond Banking’
c) IDBI Bank
1304). The definition of 'Banking' is given in d) SBI
a) Negotiable Instrument Act. 1881 e) None of these
b) RBI Act, 1934 Answer: b)
c) The Banking Regulation Act, 1949
d) The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1310). Which among the following is a qualitative
e) None of these tool of monetary policy?
Answer: c) a) Bank Rate
b) Credit Ceiling
1305). Which of the following is the least liquid asset c) Credit rationing
? d) Cash Reserve Ratio
a) Money e) None of these
b) Shares Answer: c)
c) Machinery
d) Special deposits 1311). How many digits are there in Mobile Money
e) None of these Identifier (MMID)?
Answer: c) a) 7 digits
b) 9 digits
1306). What does cheap rate imply? c) 10 digits
a) Interest are very high d) 11 digits
b) Interest rate are very low e) None of the Above
c) Interest are medium Answer: a)
d) All of the above
e) None of these 1312). Which of the following will set up core
Answer: b) banking infrastructure for rural banks ?
1307). RTGS as well as NEFT uses b) RBI
a) UTR Number c) IDBI
c) IFSC e) None of these
d) DNS Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 1313). Expand the term FRBM?
a) Financial Responsibility and Business management
1308). Per capita income is obtained by dividing b) Fiscal Responsibility and Business management
national income by c) Financial Responsibility and Budget Management
a) Area of the country d) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
b) Total working population e) Formal Responsibility and Business Management
c) Volume of the capital used Answer: d)
d) Total population of the country
e) None of these 1314). The Pre Shipment finance is provided by the
Answer: d) banks only to
a) Importers
1309). Which of the following bank has recently b) Bank Employees
launched a new home loan product ―Women c) Exporters
Power‖ with a differential rate of interest d) Small Scale Industries
exclusively for women customers? e) Large Scale Industries
a) ICICI Bank Answer: c)
b) HDFC Bank
b) Share
1315). The tax on import and export is known as c) Mutual Funds
a) income tax d) Treasury Bill
b) trade tax e) None of these
c) custom duty Answer: d)
d) commercial tax.
e) None of these 1321). Which bank launched Mobile Bank Accounts
Answer: c) in association with Vodafone's m-paisa?
a) Bank of Baroda
1316). Which report is published by World Bank b) HDFC Bank
every year? c) ICICI Bank
a) Human development report d) Punjab National Bank
b) World development report e) None of these
c) International finance and development report Answer: b)
d) World trade development report.
e) None of these 1322). Which was the second bank in India with
Answer: b) limited liability?
a) Punjab National Bank
1317). Which of the following terms is used in b) Imperial Bank of India
banking field? c) New Bank of India
a) Interest rate swap d) State Bank of India
b) Input devices e) None of these
c) Sedimentary Answer: a)
d) Zero Hour
e) None of these 1323). The Headquarters of Islamic Development
Answer: a) Bank is
a) Sohar, Oman
1318). Which of the following banks was b) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919? c) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
a) Bank of Maharashtra d) Baghdad, Iraq
b) Bank of Baroda e) None of these
c) State Bank of Saurashtra Answer: c)
d) Union Bank of India
e) None of these 1324). Caixa Bank has been headquartered in
Answer: d)
a) United Kingdom
1319). Money lent for 15 days or more in inter-bank b) Spain
market is called c) Singapore
a) Term Money d) South Africa
b) Short Term Money e) None of these
c) Call Money Answer: b)
d) Notice Money
e) None of these 1325). Who headed the committee on Credit
Answer: a) Information Reports (CIRs)?
a) Raghuram Rajan
1320). While discussing investments there is mention b) Kaushik Basu
of short term government security. What is this type c) K.V Kamath
of investment known as d) Aditya Puri
a) Debenture e) None of these
Answer: d) e) None of these
Answer: a)
1326). PJ Naik committee is related to
a) Refinancing weak banks 1332). SLR is maintained by banks on which of the
b) Licensing to private bank following
c) Governance of bank boards a) Demand and Time Deposits
d) Privatization of nationalized banks b) Net Demand and Time Deposits
e) None of these c) Demand and Time Liabilities
Answer: c) d) Net Demand and Time Liabilities
e) None of these
1327). Bank of Rajasthan was merged with Answer: d)
a) SBI
b) HDFC 1333). In which year, Nationalization of SBI
c) IDBI Subsidiaries took place?
d) ICICI a) 1955
e) None of these b) 1966
Answer: d) c) 1959
d) 1969
1328). Who is the MD and CEO of IDBI Bank? e) None of these
a) P.S. Jayakumar Answer: c)
b) Mahesh Kumar Jain
c) Arun Shrivastava 1334). High powered money is:-
d) Arun Tiwari a) bank's reserves at central bank
e) None of these b) all loans and advances of banks.
Answer: b) (as on 26th May 2017) c) money held by banks.
d) currency held by public and reserves with the
1329). ―Support all the way‖ is the tagline of central bank.
e) None of these
a) HDFC Bank Answer: a)
b) Citi Union Bank
c) Dhanlaxmi Bank 1335). When the banker talks about CDR, what is
d) Catholic Syrian Bank he talking about?
e) None of these a) Corporate Debt Restructuring
Answer: d) b) Corporate Debt Roll over
c) Company Debt Roll over
1330) Which of the following is an economic term? d) Corporate Deposit Restructuring
a) Plaintiff e) Company Deposit Restructuring
b) Bunker Answer: a)
c) Lampoon
d) Deflation 1336). What does FCCB stand for?
e) None of these a) Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
Answer : d b) France Currency Convertible Bond
c) Freight Currency Convertible Bond
1331). International Bank for Reconstruction and d) All of these
Development is related to e) None of the Above
a) World Bank Answer: a)
b) ADB
c) IMF 1337). Which among the following is at times
d) Federal Bank mentioned as a kind of Direct Debit Facility?
b) ECS 1343). In India, forex rates are determined by
c) NEFT a) Exporters
d) All of these b) Demand and supply forces
e) None of the Above c) Importers
Answer: b) d) All of these
e) None of these
1338). SEPA Stands for Answer: b)
a) Scottish Environment Protection Agency
b) Single Euro Payments Area 1344). is a way of transferring personal
c) Scottish Environment Protection Area remittances from abroad to beneficiaries in India
d) Single Euro Payments Agency a) RDA
e) None of the Above b) MTSS
Answer: b) c) Both (A) and (B)
d) All of the Above
1339). Which of the following is the most active e) None of the Above
segment of the money market in India? Answer: b)
a) Commercial Paper(CP)
b) Certificate of Deposit(CD) 1345). How many members are there in FATF?
c) Call Money a) 42
d) All of the above b) 43
e) None of the Above c) 40
Answer: c) d) 37
e) 39
1340). In which of the following cities, The Head Answer: d)
Office of FICCI is located?
a) Hyderabad 1346). A fixed deposit receipt is kept with the bank
b) Chennai for its safety, is known as ?
c) Kolkata a) Safe custody
d) Mumbai b) Safe deposit
e) New Delhi c) Locker
Answer: e) d) Valid safe deposit
e) None of these
1341). Loans of very small amounts given to low Answer: a)
income groups is called
a) Cash credit 1347) The drawee of a cheque can be
b) Micro credit a) one person
c) Simple overdraft b) two person
d) No frills loans c) any legal or juristic person
e) Rural credit d) a bank
Answer: b) e) none of these
Answer : d
1342). What is the full form of REER?
a) Real Earning Emergent Ratio 1348). Banking in India is controlled by:
b) Real Elective Effective Ratio a) Reserve Bank of India
c) Real Effective Exchange Rate b) Union Finance Commission
d) Role Effective Earned Rate c) Union Ministry of Finance
e) None of these d) Union Ministry of Commerce
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: a) a) 2
b) 4
1349). After State Bank of India, which of the c) 5
following banks has the largest number of offices? d) 10
a) Punjab National Bank e) None of these
b) Bank of India Answer: b)
c) Andhra Bank
d) Canara Bank 1355). Service Area Approach (SAA) is associated
e) None of these With?
Answer: a) a) Development banks
b) Branches of commercial banks situated in metro
1350). Which of the following terms is used in cities
banking field? c) Urban branches of commercial banks
a) Interest rate swap d) Rural and Semi-urban branches of commercial
b) Input devices banks
c) Sedimentary e) None of these
d) Zero Hour Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 1356). Generally, what is the designation of head of
public sector undertakings (PSUs) and PSU banks
1351). Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana was launched in in India?
which year? a) President
a) 2016 b) Chairman cum Managing Director
b) 2015 c) Chairman
c) 2014 d) Director General
d) 2013 e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: b)
1357) . If the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is lowered
1352). The Definition of ‗Banking‘ is given in by the RBI, its impact on credit creation will be:
a) Increase
a) Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 b) Decrease
b) RBI Act, 1934 c) No impact
c) The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 d) All of these
d) Indian Contract Act, 1872 e) None of the above
e) None of the Above Answer: a)
Answer: c)
1358). The Imperial Bank of India, after its
1353). On a Cheque instead of two parallel lines only nationalization came to be known as
bank‘s name is written is known as a) Reserve Bank of India
a) Payable to bearer b) State Bank of India
b) General Crossing c) United Bank of India
c) Special Crossing d) Indian Overseas Bank
d) Both (b) and (c) e) None of these
e) None of the Above Answer: b)
Answer: c)
1359). Which of the following rates are reviewed by
1354). How many Deputy Governors are there in the RBI at the time of periodical review of the
RBI? policy?
1). Bank rate c) Union Bank of India
2). Repo rate d) Indian Bank
3). Savings bank rate e) None of the above
a) Only 1 Answer: b)
b) Only 2
c) Both 1 and 2 1365). Which bank has launched the fist contactless
d) All the three debit, credit and multi-currency forex card?
e) None of these a) Axis Bank
Answer: d) b) ICICI Bank
c) HDFC Bank
1360). Expand the term LIBOR as used in financial d) SBI
banking sectors? e) None of these
a) Local Indian Bank Offered Rate Answer: a)
b) London-India Bureau Of Regulations
c) Liberal International Bank Official Ratio 1366). What is the full form of FATCA?
d) London Inter Bank Offered Rate a) Forex Account Tax Compliance Act
e) None of these b) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Answer: d) c) Forex Account Total Compliance Act
d) Foreign Account Total Compliance Act
1361). Cash kept in the currency chest is owned by? e) None of these
a) Currency Chest branch bank Answer: b)
b) State Bank of India
c) Central Government 1367). Interest payable on savings bank accounts is-
d) Reserve Bank of India a) decided by banks without following any conditions
e) None of these by RBI.
Answer: d) b) not regulated by RBI.
c) regulated by central government.
1362). Which bank has acquired the d) decided by banks following the guidelines of RBI broking and trading company? e) None of these
a) HSBC Answer: d)
b) BNP Paribas
c) Deutsche Bank 1368). The appointments of Banking Ombudsman
d) ING Vysya will be carried out by which of the following?
e) None of these a) Finance Ministry
Answer: b) b) RBI
c) Govt. of India
1363). Which of the following institution is meant d) SEBI
for small and medium enterprises? e) None of these
a) RBI Answer: b)
c) IFCI 1369). If the rate of inflation increases then the-
d) NABARD a) purchasing power of money increases.
e) None of these b) purchasing power of money decreases.
Answer: b) c) purchasing power of money remains uneffected.
d) All of these
1364). Which of the following is the first commercial e) None of these.
bank ? Answer: b)
a) State bank of India
b) Oudh Commercial Bank a 1370). In India, National income is estimated by ?
a) Planning Commission e) None of these
b) Indian Statistical Institute Answer: c)
c) Central Statistical Office
d) National Sample Survey Organisation 1376). If a crossed cheque is presented for payment
e) None of these
Answer: c) a) It can be paid across the counter in another bank
b) Cash can be paid across the counter to the presenter
1371). Medium-term industrial finance refers to the c) It can be paid only through a banker
funds required for a period of one year to d) Cash can be paid across the counter to the presenter
a) 6 years e) None of these
b) 2 years Answer: c)
c) 3 years
d) 4 years 1377). Which of the following scheme was
e) 5 years formulated by RBI?
Answer: e) a) Banking Ombudsman Scheme
b) Jan Dhan Yojana
1372). What does the acronym IFCI mean? c) MUDRA Bank Yojana
a) International Finance Corporation of India d) Boutique Financing Scheme
b) Industrial Finance Corporation of India e) None of these
c) Institute of Financial Consultants of India Answer: a)
d) Industrial Finance Council of India
e) None of these 1378). A transfer of money from a migrant worker
Answer: b) to their families or other individuals in their home
countries is known as
1373). Banks are required to provide loans to the a) Inward Remittance
priority sector upto a specified limit. What is the b) Foreign Remittance
limit for public sector bank? c) Commercial banking
a) 50% d) Wholesale banking
b) 20% e) None of these
c) 40% Answer: b)
d) 10%
e) None of these 1379). While discussing investments there is mention
Answer: c) of short term government security. What is this type
of investment known as
1374). Which of the following bank has its a) Debenture
headquarters in Tamil Nadu? b) Share
a) Dhanalakshmi Bank c) Mutual Funds
b) Karur Vysya Bank d) Treasury Bill
c) South Indian Bank e) None of these
d) Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 1380). Regional rural banks are managed by
1375). Industrial Finance Corporation of India, is an a) The Central Government
Indian government owned b) Sponsored Bank
a) Private Bank c) The State Government
b) Scheduled Bank d) All of the above
c) Development Bank e) None of the above
d) All of these Answer: d)
1381). ‗Birr‘ is the name of currency of which of the 1386). Usually, the validity period of an Income Tax
following countries? Refund Order is?
a) Eritrea a) 1 months
b) Haiti b) 2 months
c) Ethiopia c) 3 months
d) Latvia d) 6 months
e) Romania e) None of the above
Answer: c) Answer: c)

1382). Which of the following has become the first 1387). Money laundering is related to ------------------
Indian lender to complete a banking transaction ----------
using Blockchain technology? a) To reduce the number of families which lives
a) HDFC Bank below poverty line
b) ICICI Bank b) To reduce the NPA of Banks
c) Axis Bank c) To reduce the Black Money
d) Federal Bank d) To reduce the umemployment rate.
e) YES Bank e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: c)

1383). The main mandate of Payments Banks is to 1388). NAMA word is related to which organisation
offer which of the following? ?
a) Lending services a) World Trade Organisation
b) Credit cards b) UNCTAD
c) Bancasurance service c) International Monetary Fund
d) Remittance services d) World Bank
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: d) Answer: a)

1384). Under the RBI,s SDR scheme, banks can 1389). Service Area Approach (SAA) is associated
convert their loans into equity, acquire a majority With?
stake in the firm and bring in new promoters, Here a) Development banks
the term SDR means b) Branches of commercial banks situated in metro
a) Systematic Debt Restructuring cities
b) Special Debt Restructuring c) Urban branches of commercial banks
c) Supplementary Debt Restructuring d) Rural and Semi-urban branches of commercial
d) Strategic Debt Restructuring banks
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: d) Answer: d)

1385). What is ―Stagflation‖? 1390). When was the 2nd phase of nationalization of
a) inflation with growth banks done?
b) deflation with growth a) 15th April 1980
c) inflation after deflations b) 25th june 1969
d) inflation with depression c) 20th Aug. 1979
e) None of the above d) 15th Aug. 1980
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: a)
1391). The object of introducing base rate by RBI d) All of the above
is . e) None of these
(A) Enhancing transparency in lending rates of banks Answer: b)
(B) Enabling better assessment of transmission of
monetary policy 1396). The nature of convertibility of the Indian
(C) Keeping interest rates low Economy is .
a) A and B a) Convertibility at capital account
b) Only C b) Convertibility at trade account
c) Only B c) Free Convertible
d) All of above d) Convertibility at current account
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: a) Answer: d)

1392). What is the full form of LERMS ? 1397). SEBI is related to .

a) Liberalised Exchange Rate Management a) Bank
System b) Government of India
b) Long Elimination Reserve Management System c) Share Market
c) Liberalised Extended Related Management d) State Government
Stock e) None of the above
d) Linguistic Exchange Reserve Management Answer: c)
e) None of these 1398). Foreign Currency which has a tendency of
Answer: a) quick migration is called-
a) Fiat Currency
1393). Certificate of Deposit (CDs) and Commercial b) Soft Currency
Paper (CPs) are the instruments widely used in c) Token Currency
which of the following financial sector market..? d) Hot Currency
a) Credit Market e) None of the above
b) Stock Market Answer: d)
c) Corporate Debt Market
d) Money Market 1399). The term ‗Paper Gold‘ means
e) Forex Market
Answer: d) a) Paper with gold coating
b) Gold Currency
1394). To authenticate a Digital Signature in Cheque c) Paper currency
Truncation System (CTS), which of the following d) Special drawing rights of the IMF
keys are used.. e) None of these
a) Private Key Answer: d)
b) Public Key
c) Master Key 1400). Current deposits are also known as
d) All of these
e) None of these a) Time Deposits
Answer: a) b) Demand Deposits
c) Recurring Deposits
1395). Payment of a cheque cannot be made on a d) Fixed Deposits
cash counter of the bank if the cheque is:- e) None of these
a) bearer Answer: b)
b) cross
c) order 1401). What does CRISIL stand for?
a) Credit Rating and Industrial Services of India account held by a third party during the process of a
Limited transaction between two parties.
b) Cash Rating and Industrial Services of India a) Company Account
Limited b) Current Account
c) Credit Rating and Investment Services of India c) Escrow Account
Limited d) Nominal Account
d) Currency Rating and Investment Services of India e) None of these
Limited Answer: c)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 1407). India has emerged as the world‘s
largest startup base, according to a new report by
1402). The word "Code Sharing" is most used in Nasscom
which of the following industries? a) Fifth
a) Information Technology b) Seventh
b) Defense Industry c) First
c) Nuclear Industry d) Third
d) Air Transport Industry e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: d)
1408). The RBI has authorized the Receivables
1403). Banks are required to pay how much Exchange of India (RXIL) to launch the country‘s
percentage of their net bank credit to Priority first trade receivables exchange platform for
Sector in advance ? MEMEs buyers and financiers. The RXIL is
a) 5% promoted by
b) 7% a) SIDBI
c) 10% b) NSE
d) 15% c) BSE
e) None of these d) NABARD
Answer: c) e) Both a) and b)
Answer: e)
1404). Expand NPD?
a) Net Primary Deficit 1409). Vijaya Bank has been adjudged ‗Best Bank
b) Non Primary Deficit for SME Lending‘ in PSB category by Assocham at
c) Non Performing Deficit the 4th SMEs excellence Awards. The bank is
d) Net Present Deficit headquartered at
e) None of these a) Chennai
Answer: a) b) Hyderabad
c) Bengaluru
1405). Where is National Institute of Bank d) Mangalore
Management (NIBM) located? e) Kochi
a) Nasik Answer: c)
b) Mumbai
c) Pune 1410). When a corporate entity wishes to raise
d) New Delhi money from the market it can do that by issuing
e) None of these .
Answer: c) a) Commercial Papers
b) Treasury Bills
1406). An is a temporary pass through c) KisanVikas Patra
d) National Savings Certificates
e) None of the above
Answer: a) 1416). India projected to grow per cent in
2017: UN report
1411). The new Indian Currency Note of Rs. 2000 a) 7.6
denomination will have an image of: b) 7.7
a) Taj Mahal c) 7.8
b) Red Fort d) 7.5
c) Qutb Minar e) None of these
d) Mangalyaan Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: d) 1417). Headquarters of Asian Development Bank in

1412). Axis Bank, in collaboration with the e-retailer a) Mandaluyong, Philippines

has launched ‗Axis Bank Buzz Credit b) New Delhi, India
Card‘ payment solution in an attempt to enhance c) Beijing, China
the customer‘s online shopping experience d) Washington, D.C., USA
a) Flipkart e) None of these
b) Amazon Answer: a)
c) Abof
d) Infibeam 1418). Which one of the following is the directive
e) None of these given to the government of India in the financial
Answer: a) stability report submitted to it?
a) To reduce fiscal deficit
1413). Which of the following agencies/organizations b) To ensure GDP growth
has decided to make major changes of ULIPs? c) To reduce revenue deficit
a) IRDA d) Focus on financial consistency
b) RBI e) None of these
c) AMFI Answer: a)
e) None 1419). The sponsor bank of Ellaquai Dehati Bank
Answer: a) is?
a) IOB
1414). NEFT and RTGS in banking terminology b) State Bank of Mysore
speak of c) Indian Bank
a) Various deposit products d) SBI
b) Various loan products e) State Bank of Patiala
c) Electronic payment products within a bank Answer: d)
d) Electronic fund transfer from bank to bank
e) Cheque transaction process 1420). The sponsor bank of Pallavan Grama Bank
Answer: d) is?
a) IOB
1415). Which of the following is a risk free b) OBC
Instrument? c) Indian Bank
a) G-Sec d) Union Bank of India
b) Equity Shares e) United Bank of India
c) Debentures Answer: c)
d) Fixed Deposits
e) None of these 1421). Presently which Indian bank has the largest
Answer: d) number of foreign branches?
a) SBI Answer: b)
b) Canara Bank
c) Bank of Baroda 1427). Among the following which is NOT a source
d) Bank of India of funds of a commercial bank?
e) None of the above a) Deposits
Answer: c) b) Call money borrowings
c) Loans
1422). Which of the following groups suffer the most d) Borrowing from RBI
from inflation e) None of these
a) Debtors Answer: b)
b) Creditors
c) Business class 1428). Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are
d) Holders of real assets supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets
e) None of these defined and maintained by
Answer: b) a) Asian Development Bank
b) Reserve Bank of India
1423). ―Currency Swap‖ is an instrument to manage c) World Bank
? d) International Monetary Fund
a) Currency Risk e) None of these
b) Interest Rate Risk Answer: d)
c) Currency and Interest Rate Risk
d) Cash Flows in different currencies 1429). Invisible export means export of .
e) All of the above a) Services
Answer: d) b) Prohibited goods
c) Unrecorded goods
1424). Currency notes issued by RBI are fully d) Goods through smuggling
covered by: e) None of these
a) Approved assets, Answer: a)
b) Gold
c) Foreign exchange 1430). The Reserve Bank of India does NOT decide
d) All of these the
e) None of the above a) Rate of Repo and Reserve Repo
Answer: b) b) Marginal standing Facility Rates
c) Bank Rate
1425). An unbanked customer can initiate IMPS d) Rate of Dearness Allowance for Government
transaction using the services of . Employees
a) PPI e) Statutory Liquidity Ratio
b) PCI Answer: d)
c) PFI
d) PDI 1431). A banking system where all operations are
e) None of the Above confined to a single office is known as
Answer: a) a) Unit Banking
b) Group Banking
1426). In 1980, how many banks were nationalized? c) Chain Banking
a) 8 d) Branch Banking
b) 6 e) None of these
c) 14 Answer: a)
d) 10
e) None of these
1432). Raising or lowering of the central bank d) 21.50%
discount rate is known as e) None of these
a) Bank rate policy Answer: c)
b) Open Market Operation
c) Cash Reserve Ratio 1438). A tradition of trust is the tagline of
d) None of these
e) None of these a) Bank of Maharashtra
Answer: a) b) Syndicate Bank
c) Allahabad Bank
1433). Bank draft is a d) Andra Bank
a) letter from the bank e) None of these
b) cheque which a bank draws itself Answer: c)
c) Instruction to a banker to collect a customer’s debt.
d) Instruction not to honor a stop payment 1439). Which of the following is known as ―Retail
e) Other than the given options banking‖?
Answer: b) a) Merchant banking
b) Investment banking
1434). Which of the following is not the part of the c) Consumer banking
scheduled banking structure in India? d) Wholesale banking
a) Money Lenders e) None of these
b) Public Sector Banks Answer: c)
c) Regional Rural Banks
d) Private Sector Banks. 1440). Banks located in jurisdictions with low
e) None of these taxation and regulation is known as
Answer: a) a) Private Banks
b) Offshore banks
1435). Which of the following rates signals the RBI‘s c) Community Development Bank
long-term outlook on interest rates? d) All of these
a) Repo Rate(RR) e) None of these
b) Reverse Repo Rate (RRR) Answer: b)
c) Bank Rate (BR)
d) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) 1441). Which among the following was the first
e) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) bank purely managed by Indians?
Answer: c) a) Oudh Commercial Bank
b) Punjab National Bank
1436). Which of the following agencies maintain c) Bank of India
RIDF (Rural Infrastructure development Fund) ? d) Allahabad
a) Ministry of Rural Development e) None of these
b) Reserve Bank of India Answer: b)
d) SIDBI 1442). Where are the headquarters of EFTA
e) None of these located?
Answer: c) a) Geneva
b) Brussels
1437). What is the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) c) Stockholm
on January 02 2017? d) Vienna
a) 20.75% e) None of these
b) 21.75% Answer: b)
c) 20.50%
1443). An EEFC account can be held only in the form 1448). Which bank launched home loan overdraft
of facility for salaried customers?
a) Savings Bank Account a) State bank of India
b) Deposit Account b) ICICI bank
c) Current Account c) Axis Bank
d) Both (b) and (c) d) HDFC Bank
e) None of the Above e) None of these
Answer: c) Answer: b)

1444). The Rate at which the domestic currency can 1449). Which of the following allowed Non-Resident
be converted into foreign currency and vice versa is Indians (NRI) to subscribe to NPS?
called as a) SEBI
a) Inter Bank Money Rate b) EXIM Bank
c) Repo Rate d) RBI
d) Exchange rate e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: d)
Answer: d)
1450). Who among the following is the guardian of
1445). MD and CEO of Canara Bank is the PFRDA, subject to his Financial Emergency
Powers, as per the Articles of Indian Constitution?
a) P S Jayakumar a) Vice President
b) Kishore Piraji Kharat b) Prime Minister
c) Rakesh Sharma c) President
d) Usha Ananthasubramanian d) GOI
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: c) (as on 26th May 2017) Answer: c)

1446). Which bank has deployed humanoid/mobile 1451). Khandelwal Committee relates to study of
robot named IRA (Intelligent Robotic Assistant) in ………….. issue in Public Sector Banks?
one of its branch to help branch staff in servicing a) Capital Adequacy Ratio
customers? b) Human Resources
a) HDFC Bank c) Branch Expansion
b) ICICI Bank d) Foreign Exchange
c) Yes Bank e) None of the above
d) IDFC Bank Answer: b)
e) None of these
Answer: a) 1452). The Nippon Ginko is the central bank of:
a) Canada
1447). is an account maintained in b) Australia
foreign currency with an Authorised Dealer Bank. c) UK
a) Exchange Earners’Foreign Currency Account d) Japan
b) Exchange Eligible Foreign Currency Account e) China
c) Earners’ Eligible Foreign Currency Account Answer: d)
d) Earners’ Exchange Foreign Currency Account
e) Equity Exchange Foreign Currency Account 1453). Bankers have to maintain secrecy of customer
Answer: a) accounts as per the provisions of
a) Banking Regulation Act 1949
b) Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
c) Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of 1459). Which private sector bank is recently merged
Undertaking) Act, 1970 with Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB)?
d) Provident Funds Act 1925 a) ING Vysya Bank
e) Damle Committee b) Karur Vysya Bank
Answer: c) c) Lakshmi Vilas Bank
d) Jammu and Kashmir Bank
1454). What does RBI regulate through Open e) None of these
Market Operation Transactions? Answer: a)
a) Flow of Foreign Direct Investment
b) Borrowing powers of the banks 1460). Which among the following is the first
c) Inflation universal bank of India?
d) Liquidity in economy a) HDFC
e) None of these b) Axis Bank
Answer: d) c) ICICI
d) Federal Bank
1455). What is the full form of CBS? e) None of these
a) Core Banking Solution Answer: c)
b) Core Banking Software
c) Core Banking System 1461). Which of the following is the first Regional
d) Core Banking Service Rural Bank of India?
e) None of these a) AP Grameena vikas Bank
Answer: a) b) Chaitanya Godavari
c) Andhra Pragathi
1456). The name of the currency in Dubai and the d) Prathama Bank
United Arab Emirates is e) Baroda UP Gramin Bank
a) US Dollar Answer: d)
b) Dinar
c) Euro 1462). An Asset Management Company is promoted
d) Dirham for which of the following purposes?
e) None of these a) To manage the assets of insurance company
Answer: d) b) To manage the funds of a mutual fund
c) To manage loans taken from other banks
1457). Which of the following organisations releases d) To manage the assets of NBFCs
"World Economic Outlook" Report ? e) None of these
a) Asian Development Bank Answer: b)
b) World Bank
c) International Monetary Fund 1463). Inflation pressure on an economy essentially
d) World Trade Organisation signifies .
e) None of these I. Absence of growth impulses in the economy
Answer: c) II. A disequilibrium between exports and imports
III. Inflation is higher in economy
1458). In which year Public Debt Act was passed ? a) Only I
a) 1938 b) Only III
b) 1940 c) I and III
c) 1944 d) Only II
d) 1948 e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: c)
1464). has been declared the first ‗total 1469). Which among the following bank has bagged
banking state‘ in India, successfully implementing the ‗Best MSME Bank Award 2016‘ instituted by
the total financial inclusion thereby ensuring Assocham?
banking facility to all households. a) Corporation Bank
a) Maharashtra b) Syndicate Bank
b) Kerala c) IDBI Bank
c) Himachal Pradesh d) Indian Bank
d) Uttarakhand e) None of these
e) Gujarat Answer: a)
Answer: b)
1470). Which facility was set up by State bank of
1465). Which of the following is an example for India on recommendation of Iyer Committee in
Long Investment Option? 1991?
a) Fixed deposit a) RTGS
b) Money market b) NEFT
c) Public provident fund c) BANKNET
d) Saving accounts d) Rupaya
e) None of these e) None of these
Answer: c) Answer: c)

1466). India Post Payments Bank(IPPB) will offer 1471). The significance of index linked bonds is?
a) It provides protection against inflation rate rise
a) Forex b) It is inbuilt in the process
b) Mutual funds c) Either (a) or (b)
c) Pension d) Both (a) and (b)
d) Insurance e) None of these
e) All of these Answer: d)
Answer: e)
1472). SLR is maintained by banks on which of the
1467). are the beneficiaries of the following –
―Reverse Mortgage Scheme‖. a) Demand and Time Deposits
a) Government employees b) Net Demand and Time Deposits
b) Senior citizens c) Demand and Time Liabilities
c) Unemployed persons d) Net Demand and Time Liabilities
d) Persons of BPL category e) None of these
e) None of the above Answer: d)
Answer: b)
1473). ―We Make You Feel Richer‖ is the tagline of
1468). Which of the following banks recently
launched ―Smart vault‖ digital locker facility? a) Nainital Bank
a) SBI b) Catholic Syrian Bank
b) HDFC c) IndusInd Bank
c) PNB d) HDFC Bank
d) NABARD e) None of these
e) ICICI Answer: c)
Answer: e)
1474). Which of the following Rates/Ratios is not
covered under the Monetary and Credit Policy of
the RBI?
a) Bank Rate d) Tamil Nadu
b) Repo Rate e) None of these
c) Cash Reserve Ratio Answer: a)
d) Exchange Rate of Foreign Currencies
e) None of these 1480). In which year India become a member of
Answer: d) Financial Action Task Force?
a) 1978
1475). What is the expanded form of ECS as used in b) 2000
banking sector? c) 2010
a) Effective Clearing System d) 1994
b) Electronic Confirmation System e) None of these
c) Electronic Clearing Service Answer: c)
d) Enabled Clearing System
e) None of these 1481). Which of the following is a Central
Answer: c) Recordkeeping Agency For National Pension
1476). Many a times Government raises additional a) RBI
resources through taxation & allocation of b) FICCI
expenditure as per its requirements. It is known as c) ARCIL
. d) NSDL
a) Credit Policy e) None of these
b) Fiscal Policy Answer: d)
c) Monetary Policy
d) Taxation Policy 1482). When was the Small Industrial Development
e) None of these Bank of India established?
Answer: b) a) 2 January 1990
b) 2 December 1982
1477). Where is the headquarter of Federal Bank? c) 2 April 1982
a) Kochi d) 2 December 1990
b) Mumbai e) 2 April 1990
c) New Delhi Answer: e)
d) Bangaluru
e) None of these 1483). Pension Fund Regulatory and Development
Answer: a) Authority (PFRDA) is authorized by?
a) GOI
1478).Which of the following agencies is associated b) RBI
with the business of Insurance sector as a regulator? c) Ministry of Commerce
a) NPCI d) Ministry of Finance
c) SEBI Answer: d)
e) None of these 1484). New Bank of India was merged with which
Answer: b) bank?
a) Bank of Baroda
1479). The largest number of commercial bank‘s b) PNB
offices are located in . c) Central Bank of India
a) Uttar Pradesh d) SBI
b) Maharashtra e) None of the given options is true
c) Gujarat Answer: b)
b) Company Debt Restructuring
1485). The headquarters of Pension Fund c) Corporate Debt Reconstruction
Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) d) Company Debt Restructuring
is? e) None of these
a) Mumbai Answer: a)
b) Hyderabad
c) New Delhi 1491). Largest shareholder (in percentage
d) Bangalore shareholding) of a nationalized bank is.
e) None of these a) RBI
Answer: c) b) NABARD
1486). Who is the Managing Director and CEO of d) Govt. of India
IndianBank? e) IBA
a) Ravi Shanker Pandey Answer: d)
b) Arun Shrivastava
c) Mallikarjun Rao 1492). In National Pension System(NPS), PRA
d) Upendra Ananth Pai Stands for?
e) Kishor Kharat a) Pension Retirement Account
Answer: e) (as on 26th May 2017) b) Personal Recurring Account
c) Provident Retirement Account
1487). Which of the following is not Non d) Pension Recurring Account
Commercial Bank ? e) Personal Retirement Account
a) SIDBI Answer: e)
b) National Housing Bank
c) IDBI 1493). Which of the following is a measure taken by
d) NABARD Reserve Bank of India to control inflation in our
e) None of these country?
Answer: a) a) Increase in CRR
b) Increase in SLR
1488). Gilt – edged securities can be used to c) Contraction of supply of currency
maintain . d) Raising of Repo / Reverse Repo Rate
a) Repo Rate e) Decrease the SLR
b) CRR Answer: c)
c) Reverse Repo Rate
d) SLR 1494). The maximum Statutory Liquidity Ratio to
e) None of these be maintained by banks is
Answer: d) a) 25%
b) 30%
1489). In which year does the RBI has introduced c) 35%
the Banking Ombudsman Scheme? d) 40%
a) 2000 e) None of these
b) 1993 Answer: d)
c) 1995
d) 1989 1495). In banking parlance, ‗NPA‘ stands for?
e) None of these a) Non-Performing Asset
Answer: c) b) Net Producing Asset
c) Net Performing Asset
1490). Expand CDR? d) Not Promoting Asset
a) Corporate Debt Restructuring e) None of the above
Answer: a) b) Rematerialisation
c) Facilitating repurchase
1496). Which of the following is Annuity Service d) Electronic Settlement
Provider? e) All of these
a) Life Insurance Companies Answer: a)
b) Public Sector Banks
c) Private Sector Banks 1502). National Insurance Academy located in
d) NBFCs .
e) None of these a) Chennai
Answer: a) b) Calcutta
c) Pune
1497). Insurance cover for bank deposits in our d) Hyderabad
country is provided by. e) None of these
a) SBI Answer: c)
b) Govt. of India
c) GIC 1503). In banking terminology bad loans refer to ----
d) UCI --------------.
e) DICGC a) Bad debts
Answer: e) b) Non performing assets
c) underwritting assests
1498). Headquarters of Dhanlaxmi Bank located in d) Fictitious assests
e) None of these
a) Kerala Answer: b)
b) Karnataka
c) Tamil Nadu 1504). Who is issuing license to perform insurance
d) Andhra Pradesh business by banks
e) None of these a) RBI
Answer: a) b) IRDA
1499. Insurance cover for bank deposits in our d) Central government
country is provided by e) LIC
a) SBI Answer: b)
b) Government of India
c) DICGC 1505). India Millennium deposit Scheme was
d) GIC introduced by .
e) None of these a) ICICI
Answer : c b) SBI
c) Axis
1500) The Banking Ombudsman d) IOB
a) is in charge of bank loans for buses e) None of these
b) fixes the rates of interest for loans Answer: b)
c) resolves complaints of customer
d) is the head of all nationalized bank 1506). The bank conducts Government business as
e) none of these an agent of
Answer : c a) Union and state Government
b) Reserve Bank of India
1501). The process of converting physical c) State Bank of India
certificates to electronic form is known as? d) SIDBI
a) Dematerialisation e) None of these
Answer: b) a) New Delhi
b) Kolkata
1507). What is the money, which was accepted c) Ahmedabad
temporary in lieu of gold? d) Mumbai
a) Plastic Money e) None of these
b) Commodity Money Answer: d)
c) Currency Money
d) Fiat Money 1513). In Regional rural Banks state government
e) None of these has shareholding of
Answer: d) a) 10%
b) 15%
1508). Which of the following is known as a Savings c) 35%
Bank Account opened with a commercial bank with d) 25%
zero balance or very minimal balance? e) None of these
a) Current Account Answer: b)
b) No-frills Account
c) Fixed Deposit Bank Account 1514). Tagline of Punjab and Sindh Bank is
d) Students Savings Bank Account a) The name you can bank upon
e) None of these b) where service is a way of life
Answer: b) c) Relationships beyond Banking
d) One Family One Bank
1509). The Bank of Calcutta, Bank of Bombay and e) None of these
Bank of Madras were merged in 1921 to form- Answer: b)
a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Imperial Bank of India 1515). Which of the following is the headquarters of
c) Bank of India Narmada Jhabua Grameen Bank?
d) Union Bank of India a) Howrah, West Bengal
e) None of these b) Nagpur, Maharashtra
Answer: b) c) Dumka, Jharkhand
d) Indore, MP
1510). Mobile banking is set to get a boost from e) Bathinda, Punjab
IMPS, which stands for---------------- Answer: d)
a) Inter-Bank Mobile Payment Service
b) Inter-Bank Money Portability Service 1516. Which of the following cannot be a feature of
c) Intra-Bank Mobile Payment System a Debit card?
d) Inter-Bank Money Preventing System a) These cards cannot be used as POS Centres
e) None of these b) Banks earn huge amount as penalties for defaulting
Answer: a) on payment through these cards.
c) Can be used normal withdrawals.
1511). The headquarters of SIDBI is in- d) Only 1 and 2
a) Lucknow e) All 1,2 and 3
b) New Delhi Answer : d
c) Mumbai
d) Kolkata 1517). What is the full form of the term OBU?
e) None of these a) Other backward units
Answer: a) b) Overseas banking units
c) Off-shore banking units
1512). Which of the following is considered as the d) Off-shore business units
financial capital of India? e) None of these
Answer: c) 1523). In which of the following cities, The Head
Office of FICCI is located?
1518). Fixed deposits are for the bank in general a) Hyderabad
b) Chennai
a) Fixed Asset c) Kolkata
b) Time liability d) Mumbai
c) Demand liability e) New Delhi
d) Current Assets Answer: e)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 1524). The Currency of Hungary is
a) Gourde
1519). The term ―Insider Trading‖ is related to b) Franc
c) Forint
a) Share market d) Lempira
b) Horse racing e) None of these
c) Taxation Answer: c)
d) Public expenditure
e) None of these 1525). FICCI is the largest and oldest apex business
Answer: a) organisation in India. (FICCI) was established in-
a) 1913
1520. Sub-prime lending refers to b) 1919
a) lending to the customers who are most valued for the c) 1927
bank. d) 1935
b) lending to the customers who come to the bank for e) 1949
the very first time Answer: c)
c) lending to the people with less than standard credit
status 1526). The headquarters of Langpi Dehangi Rural
d) lending to the people who live a sub-standard life. Bank is?
e) None of these a) Howrah, West Bengal
b) Nagpur, Maharashtra
Answer : c c) Diphu, Assam
d) Bolangir, Odisha
e) Bathinda, Punjab
1521). NABARD was set up with an initial capital Answer: c)
a) Rs 200 crore 1527). The safest form of crossing is
b) Rs 1500 crore
c) Rs 500 crore a) Special crossing
d) Rs 100 crore b) Account payee crossing
e) Rs 1000 crore c) Double crossing
Answer: d) d) General crossing
e) None of these
1522). The headquarters of Malwa Gramin Bank is? Answer: b)
a) Howrah, West Bengal
b) Nagpur, Maharashtra 1528). The headquarters of Gramin Bank Of
c) Dumka, Jharkhand Aryavrat is?
d) Sangrur Punjab a) Chitoor, Andhra Pradesh
e) Bathinda, Punjab b) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Answer: d) c) Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh
d) Ballari, Karnataka 1534). Which of the following is also known as
e) Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu multi-manager investment?
Answer: b) a) Bond
b) Securities
1529). Headquarters of Syndicate Bank in c) Stock
d) Funds of Fund
a) Kolkata e) None of these
b) Chennai Answer: d)
c) Manipal
d) Mumbai 1535). Which of the following is the basic objective
e) None of these of R.B.I's monetary policy ?
Answer: c) a) To control deficit in the balance of payment
b) To control public expenditure
1530). What is meant by a Scheduled Bank ? c) To control deficit of the budget
a) A Bank functioning under procision of Banking d) To control cost and availability of money
Regulation Act. 1949 e) None of these
b) A Bank included in 2nd schedule of RBI Act 1934 Answer: d)
c) A Bank incorporated under Banking Companies
Act. 1956 1536). Deposits under NRE/FCNB accounts are
d) A Bank authorised to do Banking functions linked to-
e) None of these a) Base Rate
Answer: b) b) SIBOR
1531). National Income of India is estimated by? d) All of the above
a) Central Estimates Survey Committee e) None of these
b) National Sample Survey Committee Answer: c)
c) Central Statistical Organization
d) Finance Ministry 1537). How many parties primarily involved in a
e) None of these Promissory Note?
Answer: c) a) Two
b) Three
1532). The maturity of Treasury Bills in India is c) Four
always less than d) Five
a) 91 Days e) Six
b) 182 Days Answer: a)
c) 365 Days
d) 730 Days 1538). C V R Rajendran is the MD and CEO of
e) 425 Days which private sector bank?
Answer: c) a) Federal Bank
b) Catholic Syrian Bank
1533). Which of the following is NOT a Nationalized c) Karur Vysya Bank
Bank in India? d) South Indian Bank
a) Union Bank of India e) None of these
b) Central Bank of India Answer: b) (as on 26th May 2017)
c) Yes Bank
d) Syndicate Bank 1539). Loan taken by the person, not telling the
e) Indian Bank purpose of taking loan is called
Answer : c a) Non – Personal Loan
b) Secret Loan
c) Free Loan 1544). Largest shareholder (in percentage
d) Personal Loan shareholding) of a nationalized bank is
e) None of these .
Answer: d) a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Finance Ministry
1540). Group of people such as workers who pool c) State Government
their money together for savings and to make loan is d) Government of India
called a/an e) None of these
a) Public Union Answer: d)
b) Credit Union
c) Labour Union 1545). The higher denomination banknotes in Rs.
d) Cooperative Union 1,000 ,Rs. 5,000 , Rs. 10,000 were reintroduced by
e) None of these RBI in the year
Answer: b) a) 1948
b) 2016
1541). Which one of the following is called as initial c) 1979
repayment holiday given to a borrower for d) 1954
repayment of loan? e) None of these
a) Amortization Answer: d)
b) Moratorium
c) Subvention 1546. As we know lot of new concepts are being used
d) Both a) and c) in the field of banking these days. Which. Of the
e) None of these following is NOT one such concept/product directly
Answer: b) associated with banks?
a) E-payment
1542). What does RTGS enable? b) SMS Alert
a) Immediate transfer of money from customer of one c) ATM/Debit Card
bank to customer of another bank d) Demat Account
b) Immediate transfer of money from customer of one e) Number Portability
bank to customer of another branch within the same Answer : e
c) Immediate transfer of money from customer of one
bank to customer of another country 1547). Which of the following is held by a
d) Immediate transfer of money from customer of one depository?
bank to customer of RBI a) Shares
e) None of these b) Debentures
Answer: a) c) Government Securities
d) Bonds
1543). ―Experience our expertise‖ is the tagline of e) All of these
. Answer: e)
a) Kotak Mahindra Bank
b) HDFC Bank 1548). Cash Reserve Ratio is maintained in the form
c) Yes Bank of?
d) Citi Union Bank a) Government Securities
e) None of these b) Balance with Reserve Bank of India
Answer: c) c) Balance with State Bank of India
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
Answer: b)
a) Commercial policy of the government
1549). Khandelwal Committee relates to study of b) Fiscal policy of the government
………….. issue in Public Sector Banks? c) Monetary policy of the government
a) Capital Adequacy Ratio d) Money-saving policy of the government
b) Human Resources e) None of these
c) Branch Expansion Answer: b)
d) Foreign Exchange
e) None of the above 1555). Which bank first introduced Automated
Answer: b) Teller Machine (ATM) in India (1987)?
a) SBI
1550). National Securities Depository b) Punjab National Bank
Limited(NSDL) is promoted by? c) Federal Bank
a) IDBI Bank d) HSBC
b) Unit Trust of India e) Other than the given options
c) NSE Answer: d)
d) None of these
e) All of these 1556). Who has been appointed the interim
Answer: e) Managing Director and CEO of India Post
Payments Bank (IPPB)?
1551). Which private sector bank is recently merged a) Seema Biswas
with Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB)? b) Nihar Gupta
a) ING Vysya Bank c) S R Reddy
b) Karur Vysya Bank d) A P Singh
c) Lakshmi Vilas Bank e) None of these
d) Jammu and Kashmir Bank Answer: d) (as on 26th May 2017)
e) Other than the given options
Answer: a) 1557). Which of the following is the first universal
bank of India?
1552). Which of the following is an investment a) HDFC
strategy in which a fund invests in other types of b) Axis Bank
funds? c) ICICI
a) Bond d) Federal Bank
b) Securities e) None of these
c) Stock Answer: c)
d) Funds of Fund
e) None of these 1558). Which of the following bank headquarters
Answer: d) not in New Delhi?
a) Oriental Bank of Commerce
1553). Banks have started opening bio-metric ATMs b) Bank of India
now. Such ATMs will prove most beneficial for c) Bhartiya Mahila Bank
which of the following categories of customers ? d) Punjab & Sind Bank
a) Govt. employees e) None of these
b) HNIs Answer: b)
c) NRIs
d) Students 1561) Some banks are financing projects like
e) Illiterate people ―Construction Roads/Bridges etc. Financing such
Answer: e) projects means banks are helping exactly in —
a) Developing Core Sector Industry
1554). Budget is an instrument of b) Project Management
c) Infrastructural Development b) Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Banks
d) Financial Inclusion c) Nationalized Banks and Private Sector Banks
e) All of these d) None of these
Answer : c e) All of these
Answer: b)
1560). In banking terminology the word ―Co -
obligant‖ means : 1565). Loan of very small amounts given to low
a) A person who has guaranteed the account of income groups is called ?
another person(s) a) Cash credit
b) A person who has executed an indemnity bond in a b) Micro credit
bank’s favour c) Simple overdraft
c) A person who has assumed obligations of contract d) No frills loans
jointly with other person(s) e) Rural credit
d) A person/ business undertaking opening a Answer: b)
documentary letter of credit
e) None of these 1566). Whose signature is found on a 50 rupee
Answer: c) currency note in India?
a) President of India
1561). Ashwani Kumar is the MD and CEO of b) Governor, RBI
c) Finance Minister
a) Syndicate Bank d) Prime Minister of India
b) Canara Bank e) Secretary, Ministry of Finance
c) Dena Bank Answer: b)
d) Indian Overseas Bank
e) None of these 1567). Which of the following is held by a
Answer: c) (as on 26th May 2017) depository?
a) Shares
1562). A cheque which is not crossed is called b) Debentures
c) Government Securities
a) Open cheque d) Bonds
b) Uncrossed cheque e) All of these
c) Order cheque Answer: e)
d) Bearer cheque
e) None of these 1568). Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL),
Answer: a) is the second Indian central securities depository
based in?
1563). Banks has different interest rates for a) New Delhi
different loans products. To which rate are these b) Chennai
interest rates linked? c) Hyderabad
a) RBI Administered rate d) Mumbai
b) Prime lending rate e) Noida
c) Base rate Answer: d)
d) Bank rate
e) None of these 1569). Public Sector Banks are required to pay how
Answer: c) much percentage of their net bank credit to Priority
Sector in advance?
1564). The Commercial Banking System in India a) 5%
consists of . b) 7%
a) Regional Rural banks and Co-operative Banks c) 40%
d) 15% 1575). Banks allow some important customers to
e) None of the above withdraw without clear credit balance. Such facility
Answer: c) is known as:
a) Zero balance
1570). CRISIL is a . b) Current Account
a) Mutual Fund c) Overdraft
b) Credit Rating Agency d) Demand draft
c) Investment Bank e) Promissory
d) Share Depository Answer: c)
e) None of the above
Answer: b) 1576). CRR refers to the share of that rural
banks have to maintain with RBI of their net
1571). Educational for All Development Index is demand and time liabilities?
released by - a) Liquid cash
a) IMF b) Gold
b) World Bank c) Forex reserves
c) UNO d) Illiquid cash
d) WTO e) None of these
e) Other than the given options Answer: a)
Answer: c)
1577). Demand deposits mean ?
1572). ―We understand your world‖ is the tagline of a) Deposits withdrawable on demand by the depositor
b) Current deposits
a) Federal Bank c) Fixed deposits
b) Yes Bank d) Short deposits
c) HDFC Bank e) None of the above
d) Karur Vysya Bank Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: c) 1578). The commercial paper can be issued by
1573). What type of loan is granted by banks for a) Corporates
purchase of the White Goods? b) Reserve Bank of India
a) Home Loan c) IDBI
b) Jewel Loan d) Every non-banking company
c) Finance Loan e) None of the above
d) Consumer Durables Loan Answer: a)
e) Both a) And c)
Answer: d) 1579). Who is the MD and CEO of Corporation
1574). An account is considered dormant when there a) Suresh N Patel
is no transaction through it for more than b) Jai Kumar Garg
a) 12 months c) R K Takkar
b) 6 months d) M O Rego
c) 18 months e) None of these
d) 24 months Answer: b) (as on 26th May 2017)
e) None of these
Answer: d) 1580). Base rate is the rate below which no bank can
allow their lending to anyone. Who sets-up this
‗Base rate‘ for banks?
a) Individual Banks’ Board d) Mobility
b) Ministry of Commerce e) None of these
c) Ministry of Finance Answer ; c
d) RBI
e) Interest Rate Commission of India 1586). Raghuram Govind Rajan is an Indian
Answer: d) economist who served as the Governor of the
Reserve Bank of India
1581). Under which of the following methods of a) 22nd
depreciation, amount of depreciation varies every b) 23rd
year? c) 24th
a) Written Down Value Method d) 25th
b) Straight Line Method e) None of these
c) Amount of depreciation does not very on year to Answer: b)
year basis
d) All of the above 1587). Ashok Kumar Pradhan, chief General
e) None of the above Manager at state bank of Bihar & Jaipur, has been
Answer: a) appointed as executive Director at
a) United Bank of India
1582). ‗Rupay‘ is a domestic card scheme of b) Union Bank of India
c) Allahabad Bank
a) VISA d) Bank of Maharashtra
b) NPCI e) Punjab National Bank
c) RBI Answer: a)
e) None of these 1588). One of the State Government avails of a
Answer: b) temporary financial assistance from Reserve Bank
of India. This type of finance is called ?
1583). Capital adequacy is worked out based on? a) Overdraft
a) Total demand and time liabilities b) Temporary loan
b) Net demand and time assets c) Short term finance
c) Risk weighted assets d) Ways and Means advance
d) Risk weighted liabilities e) None of the above
e) None of the above Answer: d)
Answer: c)
1589). What is the minimum denomination of
1584). Which city gets the countries first Talking Treasury bills to issue in India .
ATM? a) Rs.25,000
a) Ahemedabad, Gujarath b) Rs.20,000
b) Chennai, Tamilnadu c) Rs.15,000
c) Thiruvananthapuram, Kerale d) Rs.5,000
d) Both a) and b) e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: a)
1590). With reference to a cheque which of the
1587. We often heard about M-Banking. What does following is the ―drawee bank‖?
M stands for? a) The bank that collects the cheque
a) Money b) The payee's bank
b) Memory c) The endorsee's bank
c) Mobile d) The endorser's bank
e) The bank upon which the cheque is drawn 1596). Which of the following is the authority for
Answer: e) effecting changes in the Cash Reserve Ratio and
Statutory Liquidity Ratio?
1591). A rise in the reserve ratio of banks ? a) Reserve Bank of India
a) Will lead to an increase in the money supply b) Indian Bank’s Association
b) Will lead to a proportionate increase in the money c) Government of India
supply d) IDBI
c) Will lead to a decrease in the money supply e) None of the above
d) Will have no impact on money supply Answer: a)
e) None of the above
Answer: c) 1597). Which of the following is Annuity Service
1592. Whose signature does a one rupee note bear - a) Life Insurance Companies
a) Governor of RBI b) Public Sector Banker
b) Dy. Governor of RBI c) Private Sector Banks
c) Finance Minister d) NBFCs
d) Finance Secretary e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: a)

Answer : d 1598). A commercial bank law creates credit only if

it has
1593). Devaluation of money means a) Cash in the vault
a) Decrease in the internal value of money b) Excess reserves
b) Decrease in the external value of money c) Permission of Reserve Bank of India
c) Decrease in the internal and external value of d) Cooperation of other banks
money e) None of these
d) The government takes back currency notes of any Answer: a)
e) None of these 1599). Group of people such as workers who pool
Answer: b) their money together for savings and to make loan is
called a/an
1594). What is the full form of POPs? a) Public Union
a) Presence of Point b) Credit Union
b) Points of Private c) Labour Union
c) Presence of Presence d) Cooperative Union
d) Points of Presence e) None of these
e) Points of Public Answer: b)
Answer: d)
1600). Which of the following is the Statutory
1595). Savings bank accounts are generally opened Liquidity ratio (SLR), at present?
by a) 10%
a) firms b) 21.5%
b) companies c) 20.50%
c) association of persons d) 24%
d) individuals e) 33%
e) none of these Answer: c) (on May 2017)
Answer: d)
1601). Which among the following years, the BFS
was constituted?
a) November 1969 d) SIDBI
b) November 1956 e) None of the above
c) November 1949 Answer: c)
d) November 1982
e) November 1994 1607). The logo of Bank of Baroda is known as—
Answer: e) a) Sun of Bank of Baroda
b) Baroda Sun
1602). BFS stands for- c) Bank of Baroda’s Rays
a) Board for First Supervision d) Sunlight of Bank of Baroda
b) Bureau for Financial Supervision e) None of these
c) Board for Financial Supervision Answer: b)
d) Board for Financial System
e) Board for Financial Service 1608). The Stock Exchange Board of India was set
Answer: c) up by a Special Act in ?
a) 1988
1603). Government of India to issue a notification b) 1989
body to pay interest on inoperative PF c) 1987
accounts d) 1990
a) 5.4% e) None of the above
b) 6.5% Answer: a)
c) 7.7%
d) 8.8% 1609). The BFS's board member are appointed for
e) None of these term of :
Answer: d) a) 2 years
b) 3 years
1604).India has emerged as the world‘s c) 4 years
largest startup base, according to a new report by d) None of These
Nasscom e) All of these
a) Fifth Answer: a)
b) Seventh
c) First 1610). Which of the following is correct:
d) Third a) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1935
e) None of these b) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
Answer: d) c) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1930
d) All of these
1605). Which of the following can be used to check e) None of These
the authenticity of the Certificate? Answer: b)
a) Unique Identification Number
b) Account Number 1611). Which is not an Associate Bank of SBI?
c) PAN Number a) State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
d) All of the above b) State Bank of Travancore
e) None of these c) State Bank of Mysore
Answer: a) d) State Bank of Rajasthan
e) None of the given options is true
1606). Which of the following acts as Regulators for Answer: d)
Credit rating agencies in India?
a) RBI 1612). The merchant banking activity in India is
b) NSDL governed by
c) SEBI a) RBI
c) IRDA 1618). Which of the following is Annuity Service
d) Both (a) and (c) Provider?
e) None of these a) Life Insurance Companies
Answer: b) b) Public Sector Banks
c) Private Sector Banks
1613). Which was the first bank to introduce credit d) NBFCs
card in India? e) None of these
a) Canara Bank Answer: a)
b) Central Bank of India
c) Bank of Baroda 1619). Which of the following is important part of
d) ICICI Bank National Pension System (NPS)?
e) None of these a) Asset allocation
Answer: b) b) Tax collection
c) Fund management
1614). Which of the following maintains the RIDF d) Both (a) and (c)
(Rural Infrastructure Development Fund) ? e) Both (b) and (c)
a) RBI Answer: d)
c) SIDBI 1620). Universal Banks FDI Limit?
d) NABARD a) 74%
e) None of these b) 85%
Answer: d) c) 72%
d) 73%
1615). Which of the following bank headquarters e) None of these
located in Bangalore? Answer: a)
a) Vijaya Bank
b) Corporation Bank 1621). Cash reserve ratio is the deposit to be
c) Karnataka Bank held by banks with Reserve Bank of India
d) All of the above a) Voluntary
e) None of these b) Mandatory
Answer: a) c) Optional
d) As decided by the chairman and managing director
1616). Indian Bank was esatblished on e) None of these
a) 1906 Answer: b)
b) 1907
c) 1908 1622). In which year Statutory Liquidity ratio was
d) 1910 first imposed on banks?
e) None of these a) 1949
Answer: b) b) 1951
c) 1955
1617). It is a tax which is levied at the same rate all d) 1968
income levels. e) None of these
a) Progressive Tax Answer: a)
b) Regressive Tax
c) Proportional Tax 1623). illustrates the financial position
d) Sales Tax of a bank at a given point of time
e) None of these a) Ledger account
Answer: c) b) Balance sheet
c) Cash flow statement
d) Income statement 1629). Ravindra Prabhakar Marathe is the MD and
e) None of these CEO of
Answer: b) a) Corporation Bank
b) Bank of Maharashtra
1624). Who is the present Managing Director (MD) c) Bank of Baroda
& Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of National d) Indian Bank
Housing Bank (NHB)? e) none of these
a) Sriram Kalyanaraman Answer: b) (as on 26th May 2017)
b) Harsh Kumar Bhanwala
c) Kshatrapati Shivaji 1630). Urban cooperative banks are controlled by
d) Yaduvendra Mathur and
e) Upendra Kumar Sinha a) State government – RBI
Answer: a) (as on 26th May 2017) b) NABARD – RBI
1625). Tarapore Committee submitted its report on d) Central government – NABARD
"Full Convertibility on Rupee" in- e) NABARD – state governments
a) Americal Depository Receipt
b) Current Account
c) Capital Account Answer: b)
d) None of these
e) All of these 1631). The Co-operative bank is governed by the
Answer: c) banking regulation Act 1949 and co-operative
societies Act of
1626). World investment report is published by? a) 1963
a) UNDP b) 1965
b) World bank c) 1975
c) IMF d) 1961
d) UNCTAD e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: d)
1632). Which commission distributes the taxes
1627). Maximum age for retirement for MD/CEO of between center and states?
all private banks is a) Finance Commission
a) 60 years b) NITI Ayog
b) 65 years c) SEBI
c) 70 years d) NABARD
d) 75 years e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: a)
Answer: c)
1633). Money market is a market for debt securities
1628). is the macroeconomic policy laid that pay off in the short term………..
down by the central bank. a) Usually less than two years.
a) Monetary Policy b) Usually less than three years.
b) Fiscal Policy c) Usually less than one year.
c) Credit Score d) Usually less than five years.
d) Credit Bureaus e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: a)
1634). Providing banking services to a customer c) Deposit insured and Credit guarantee Corporation
without his entrance inside the bank‘s branch is d) Detailed insurance and Credit guarantee
called as: Corporation
a) Virtual banking e) Deposit insurance and Credit guarantee Corporation
b) Relationship banking Answer: e)
c) Universal banking
d) Mobile banking 1640). In which among the following years NPCI
e) None of these (National Payments Corporation of India)was
Answer: a) incorporated-
a) December 2008
1635). Which committee has recommended b) January 2006
introduction of smart card? c) April 2010
a) Rangarajan committee d) July 2012
b) Saraf committee e) None of the given options is true
c) Nayak committee Answer: a)
d) Pannieselvam committee
e) None of these 1641). Which card is a new card payment scheme
Answer: b) launched by NPCI?
a) Maestro card
1636). Which of the following is not a characteristic b) Visa Card
of foreign exchange? c) MasterCard
a) It is a commodity d) RuPay
b) Rates are volatile e) None of the given options is true
c) It has no exact location Answer: d)
d) It works 7 days in a week
e) None of these 1642). United Bank of India was established on
Answer: d) December 18
a) 1942
1637. Who amongst the following Padma Bhushan b) 1945
Awardees is a famous banker ? c) 1950
a) Mr. Azim H. Premji d) 1960
b) Ms. Chanda Kochhar e) None of these
c) Ms. Kapila Vatsyayan Answer: c)
d) Mrs. Waheeda Rehman
e) Mr. Brajesh Mishra 1643). Who is the MD and CEO of Allahabad Bank?
Answer : b a) Ravi Krishan Takkar
b) Kishor Piraji
1638). Axis Bank is the changed name of c) Pawan Kumar Bajaj
a) ICICI d) Usha Ananthasubramanian
b) UTI e) None of these
c) IDBI Answer: d) (on 26th May 2017)
d) UTO
e) Imperial Bank 1644). The govt. of India replaced the FERA by
Answer: b) ?
1639). DICGC stands for ----- b) FRBMA
a) Demand insurance and Credit guarantee c) Monopolies Act
Corporation d) FRTP
b) Demand insured and Current guarantee Corporation e) None of these
Answer: a) e) None of these
Answer: c)
1645). “The Bank that begins with ―U‖‖ is the
tagline of 1650). Which of the following banks was first to
a) Union Bank of India establish merchant banking business in India?
b) UCO Bank a) ABN Amro Bank
c) United Bank of India b) Citibank
d) Central Bank of India c) HDFC Bank
e) None of these d) Standard chartered
Answer: c) e) Grindlays Bank
Answer: e)
1646). Where is the head office of Bank for
International Settlements (BIS)? 1651). Which Bank of India maintains the Principal
a) Zurich, Switzerland Accounts of Central as well as State Governments at
b) New York, USA its Central Accounts Section?
c) Basel, Switzerland a) IDBI
d) Berlin, Germany b) SBI
e) Geneva, Switzerland c) SIDBI
Answer: c) d) NABARD
e) RBI
1647). Director General of Foreign Trade is working Answer: e)
under .
a) Ministry of Finance 1652). BLA stands for
b) Ministry of Commerce a) Bond Ledger Account
c) Ministry of External Affairs b) Bond Lending Account
d) Reserve Bank of India c) Basic Ledger Account
e) None of these d) Basic Lending Account
e) None of these
Answer: a)
Answer: b)
1653). On which date was the Reserve Bank of India
1648). NOSTRO Account is a established?
a) Foreign Account maintaining account with any a) April 1, 1935
bank in India b) July 12, 1982
b) Any Indian bank maintaining account with a bank c) May 26, 2006
abroad d) September 30, 2005
c) Foreign Bank maintaining account with RBI e) None of these
d) Indian account maintaining account with RBI Answer: a)
e) None of these
Answer: b) 1654). NAMA word is related to which organisation
1649). Cheque truncation means: a) World Trade Organisation
a) Tearing a cheque into two or more pieces b) UNCTAD
b) Sending the Photostat copy of a cheque in c) International Monetary Fund
collection d) World Bank
c) Using the electronic image of a cheque e) None of these
d) Keeping the Photostat copy of a cheque with Answer: a)
collecting bank before sending the original cheque to
the drawee branch 1655). In which year Public Debt Act was passed ?
a) 1938 e) None of these
b) 1940 Answer: d)
c) 1944
d) 1948 1661). Which of the following rates is decided by the
e) None of these market conditions and not by RBI?
Answer: c) a) Bank rate
b) SLR
1656). What is the minimum period of maturity c) CRR
prescribed for Commercial Paper (CP)? d) Inflation rate
a) 17 Months e) None of these
b) 14 Days Answer: d)
c) 01 Year
d) 07 days 1662). Which of the following is not considered as a
e) 05 years means of foreign capital inflow into the country?
Answer: d) a) FDI
b) FCNR accounts
1657). Sovereign Gold Bonds can be held in c) FII
account. d) No frills accounts
a) Current Account e) None of these
b) SB Account Answer: d)
c) Term Deposits
d) Demat 1663). Who is the major shareholder in NABARD?
e) None of these a) RBI
Answer: d) b) Central Government
c) SBI
1658). Headquarters of Canara Bank located in d) All of these
e) None of these
a) Bangalore Answer: b)
b) Hyderabad
c) Mumbai 1664). The term ‗transfer‘ is defined under
d) Vadodara a) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
e) none of these b) Companies Act, 2013
Answer: a) c) RBI Act 1934
d) All of these
1659). Living, Breathing Asia is the tagline of e) None of these
Answer: a)
a) DBS Bank
b) Bank of America 1665). Collection of coins is both a hobby and study.
c) CITI Bank Which word describes this habit?
d) Deutsche Bank a) Philately
e) none of these b) Numismatics
Answer: a) c) Coinage
d) Mint
1660). Who is introduced 'Paper Currency' first e) None of these
time in India ? Answer: b)
a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
b) Auranga jab 1666). Who is the MD and CEO of Allahabad Bank?
c) Akbar a) Ravi Krishan Takkar
d) British Government b) Kishor Piraji
c) Pawan Kumar Bajaj Answer: d)
d) Usha Ananthasubramanian
e) None of these 167 2). The MAT is a tax levied under Income Tax
Answer: d) (as on 26th May 2017) Act of India, 1961. What is the full form of the term
1667. Where is the Headquarter of Indian Bank a) Modified Alternate Tax
located? b) Minimum Alternate Tax
a) Mumbai c) Maximum Alternate Tax
b) New Delhi d) Marginal Average Tax
c) Mangalore e) Minimum Average Tax
d) Chennai Answer: b)
e) Kolkata
Answer : d 1673). Which of the following was the first bank to
introduce the concept of the ATM in India way back
1668). Which of the following is a non-deposit in 1987?
accepting loan company? a) Citibank
b) IFC c) Deutsche Bank
c) NABARD d) Standard Chartered
d) SEBI e) Barclays Bank
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: b)
1674). Which of the following has become the first
1669). NPCI stands for ? bank in India to connect with Earthport's global
a) National Payments Corporation of India payments network, which spans over 60 countries?
b) National Payable Corporation of India a) Federal Bank
c) National Payments Co-operative of India b) Kotak Mahindra Bank
d) Nation Payable Corporation of India c) Axis Bank
e) None of these d) ICICI Bank
Answer: a) e) Yes Bank
Answer: c)
1670). Indian Banking Regulation Act was passed in
the year? 1675). The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has
a) 1949 selected who among the following as its new CEO
b) 1969 and Managing Director?
c) 1971 a) Ashok Chawla
d) 1947 b) Subrato Das
e) None of these c) Ashish Chauhan
Answer: a) d) MS Raghavan
e) Vikram Limaye
1671). The Centre has formed a six-member Answer: e)
committee to give a report on ways to improve
India's Haj policy. who among the following is the 1676). Usha Ananthasubramanian is the present
convener of the Committee? MD and CEO of Allahabad bank. Previously she
a) Najma Heptulla work in which of the following banks?
b) Badruddin Ajmal a) ICICI Bank
c) Tariq Anwar b) Bank of Baroda
d) Afzal Amanullah c) Axis Bank
e) MJ Akbar d) Bank of India
e) Punjab National Bank
Answer: e) 1681). In which of the following Year Saurashtra
Bank merged with State Bank of India?
1677). is an important role given by the a) 2010
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to the banks for b) 2008
providing a specified portion of the bank lending to c) 2012
few specific sectors like agriculture. d) 2011
a) NDTL e) None of these
b) PSL Answer: b)
c) MSF
d) LAF 1682). Federal Reserve is the central bank of :
e) LAP a) USA
Answer: b) b) Japan
c) India
167 8). The Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account d) China
opened on the basis of simplified KYC norms are e) None of these
treated as Small Account. BSBDA-Small Accounts Answer: a)
are NOT subject to which of the following
conditions? 1683). Where is the central office of Asian
a) Total credits should not exceed Rs.1 lakh in a year. Development Bank?
b) Maximum balance should not exceed Rs.50,000 at a) Tokyo
any time. b) Manila
c) The total of debits should not exceed Rs.10,000 in a c) London
month. d) Dhaka
d) Foreign remittances can't be credited without e) None of these
completing normal KYC formalities. Answer: b)
e) Other than the given options
Answer: e) 1684). BSBDA, stands for:
a) Basic Savings Bank Dual Account
1679). The India post Payments Bank (IPPB) b) Base Savings Bank Deposit Account
launched its operations recently. The paid-up equity c) Basic Savings Bank Deposit Application
of the IPPB is d) Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
a) Rs. 500 cr e) None of these
b) Rs. 800 cr Answer: d)
c) Rs. 1000 cr
d) Rs. 1200 cr 1685). If the involvement of financial intermediary
e) Rs. 1500 cr in aiding credit creation without regulatory
Answer: b) oversight is Called:
a) Virtual banking
1680). Which of the following bank headquarters b) Common banking
not located in Mumbai? c) Unit banking
a) Federal Bank d) Shadow banking
b) Yes Bank e) Yes banking
c) Kotak Mahindra Bank Answer: d)
d) HDFC Bank
e) None of these 1686). Goods and services tax would replace which
a) Custom duty
Answer: a) b) Excise duty
c) Value added tax
d) Service tax 1692). Union Bank of India was established on 11
e) None of these November
Answer: c) a) 1919
b) 1921
1687). Which of the following is also known as c) 1927
policy rate? d) 1932
a) Bank rate e) None of these
b) Repo rate Answer: a)
c) Base rate
d) CRR 1693). is the percentage of total
e) None of these deposits of a bank which it has to keep with itself in
Answer: d) the form of liquid assets
a) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
1688). In the context of banking system, what does b) Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)
productivity means? c) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
a) Production of service d) None of these
b) Business per employee e) All of these
c) Quality of customer service Answer: c)
d) Both (a) and (b)
e) None of these 1694). What is the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) on 07
Answer: b) March 2017?
a) 3.00%
1689). Which of the following term is not associated b) 4.00%
with economy? c) 4.50%
a) GDP d) 5.00%
b) Hindu Growth e) None of these
c) PPP Answer: b)
d) LED
e) None of these 1695. Who amongst the following CANNOT work as
Answer: d) a ‗Business Correspondent, as given in the
scheme launched by the banks ?
1690). What is the expanded form ECS as used in a) Self Help Group
banking sector? b) Post Office
a) Effective Clearing Service c) Kirana Store
b) Enabled Clearing System d) A Bank Officer
c) Electronic Clearing Service e) Cooperative Society
d) Electronic Confirmation System Answer : c
e) None of these
Answer: c) 1696. Which of the following is called the Bankers‘
Bank in India?
1691). “Your perfect banking partner‖ is the tagline a) State Bank of India
of b) Central Bank of India
a) Karnataka Bank c) Reserve Bank of India
b) Federal Bank d) NABARD
c) IndusInd Bank e) None of these
d) Kotak Mahindra Bank Answer : c
e) None of these
Answer: b)
1697). New Bank of India was merged with which 1702). Till 30th June, 1955, State Bank of India
bank? (SBI) was known as
a) Bank of Baroda a) State Bank of British India
b) PNB b) Imperial Bank of India
c) Central Bank of India c) India Central bank
d) SBI d) Central Bank of India
e) None of the given options is true e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: b)

1698). Which of the following is an investment 1703). Who sets up the Bench Mark Interest Rate
strategy in which a fund invests in other types of for Germany ?
funds? a) German Central Bank
a) Bond b) Deutsche Bundes Bank
b) Securities c) European Central Bank
c) Stock d) Deutsche Bank
d) Funds of Fund e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: d)
1704). What is India's apex tax body ?
1699). Which of the following is/are the subsidiaries a) CBDT
of RBI? b) GAAR
a) DICGC c) IT Department
b) NHB d) RBI
c) NABARD e) None of these
d) BRBNMPL Answer: a)
e) All of these
Answer: e) 1705). Who is the New CEO of Indian Bank?
a) Kishore Kumar Kharat
1700. How many banks were nationalized in July b) Mahesh Kumar Jain
1969, when first Nationalization took place ? c) R. Koteeswaram
a) 5 d) Arundhati Bhattacharya
b) 8 e) Rakesh Sethi
c) 10 Answer: a) (as on 26th May 2017)
d) 14
e) None of these 1706). In India, scheduled commercial banks are
Answer : d those banks included
a) In the Second Schedule of RBI Act,1943
b) In the Second Schedule of BR Act,1949
1701). What is 'Packing Credit' ? c) In the Second Schedule of NI Act, 1881
a) Finance extended to packing materials d) In the Second Schedule of Companies Act,1956
b) Finance extended to an importer to pack the goods e) None of these
imported Answer: b)
c) Finance extended to warehouses for keeping the
goods packages 1707). In regards to insurance, 'A policy provision to
d) Finance extended to an exporter to meet the cost of be restored from a lapsed status and resume active
buying and/or making products 'to be exported coverage, is termed as
e) None of these a) Reaffirmation
Answer: d) b) Reinsurance
c) Reinstallment
d) Revocation
e) None of these 1713) On the ,recommendation of which of the
Answer: b) following NABARD was established ?
a) Rangarajan
1708). 'The termination of an insurance policy due b) Shivraman II
to non-payment of premium' is technically known c) Narasingam
as: d) Vijay Kelkar
a) Lapse e) None of these
b) Death Answer: b)
c) Forfeiture
d) Seize 1714. The financial results of banks and other
e) None of these organizations normally are expressed in quarters.
Answer: c) What does Q -1 means ?
a) Results of January - March
1709). What are open market operations ? b) Performance during April - June
a) Activities of SEBI-registered brokers c) Profits during July - September
b) Selling of currency by the RBI . d) The period when the profits were highest
c) Selling of gilt-edged securities by the government e) None of these
d) Sale of share by FIIs Answer : b
e) None of these
Answer: c) 1715) The merchant banking activities in India are
governed by which of the following bodies ?
1710. Which of the following certainly is an effort in a) RBI
the direction of Financial Inclusion ? b) IRDA
a) No-frills Accounts c) SEBI
b) Foreign Currency Accounts d) Union Finance Ministry
c) Internet Banking e) Both RBI and SEBI
d) Anywhere Banking Answer: c)
e) All of these
Answer : a 1716) Which of the following types of institutions
operate in call money market only as lenders ?
1711) Which of the following is not a tool in the a) Primary dealers
hands of RIM to control the inflationary pressure in b) State Bank of India
the country ? c) Commercial Banks
a) Bank rate d) Insurance companies
b) Special drawing rights e) None of these
c) Statutory liquidity ratio Answer: d)
d) Cash reserve ratio
e) None of these 1717) ATM cards are issued to a person who
Answer: b) maintains any of the following accounts with a bank
1712) Certificates of deposits have a minimum value a) Saving bank account
of : b) Term deposit account
a) 1 Lakh c) Current bank account
b) 10 Lakh d) Both (1) and (3)
c) 12 Lakh e) None of these
d) 15 Lakh Answer: d)
e) None of these
Answer: a)
1718) The availability of cash and other cash like c) GMRA Agreement
marketable instruments that are useful in purchases d) All of these
and investments are commonly known as : e) None of these
a) Cash crunch Answer: b)
b) Liquidity
c) Marketability 1724). CSA stands for
d) Credit a) Credit Support Agreement
e) None of these b) Core Support Annex
Answer: b) c) Credit Support Annex
d) Core Support Agreement
1719) The Indian rupee is : e) None of these
a) Token coin Answer: c)
b) Gold coin ,
c) Standard-token coin 1725). Exchange Earners Foreign Currency (EEFC)
d) Standard coin Account provides
e) None of these a) Current Account
Answer: c) b) SB Account
c) Term Deposits
1720) NBFC stands for : d) All of these
a) Non Banking Financial Constitution e) None of these
b) New Bank Financial Constitution Answer: a)
c) Non Banking Free Co-industry
d) Newly Open Banking Financial Constitution 1726). A banking Ombudsman will not entertain
e) None of these Credit Cards Complaints which are more than
Answer: e) old.
a) 3 months
1721). Which of the following bank headquarters b) 6 months
located in Pune? c) 9 months
a) Bank of Maharashtra d) 12 months
b) Allahabad Bank e) 16 months
c) Dena Bank Answer: d)
d) Central Bank of India
e) None of these 1727). Central government stake in RRB is
Answer: a) a) 40%
b) 80%
1722). Pawan Kumar Bajaj is the MD and CEO of c) 50%
d) 100%
a) United Bank of India e) 20%
b) Dena Bank Answer: c)
c) Bank of Maharashtra
d) Allahabad Bank 1728). Which is the largest foreign bank working in
e) None of these India?
Answer: a) (as on 26th May 2017) a) Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
1723). Which of the following is the standard b) Standard Chartered Bank
document that is commonly used to govern over-the- c) Citibank
counter derivatives transactions? d) Barclays Bank
a) CSA Agreement e) Deutsche Bank
b) ISDA Agreement Answer: c)
d) HDFC Bank
1729). A non -performing asset (NPA) is a loan or an e) Yes Bank
advance where, interest and/or installment of Answer: c)
principal remain overdue for a period of more than
days in respect of a term loan. 1734). Reserve Bank of India has recently (August
a) 60 days 2016) launched a portal to curb illegal and
b) 70 days unauthorised pooling of funds by unscrupulous
c) 80 days firms. What is it called?
d) 90 days a) Savdhaan
e) 100 days b) Sanchetna
Answer: d) c) Sachetna
d) Sanchet
1730). NSSO headed by a Director General is e) Sachet
responsible for conduct of large scale sample Answer: e)
surveys in diverse fields on All India basis. NSSO
stands for- 1735). IPPBL has received the Certificate of
a) Nominal Sample Survey Office Incorporation from the Registrar of Companies and
b) National Sample Survey Office has become the first PSU under the Department of
c) National Sample Survey Organization posts. What is the full form of IPPBL?
d) National Sample Service Office a) India Post Paying Bank Limited
e) National Source Survey Office b) India Post Payments Bank Limited
Answer: b) c) India Post-Office Payments Bank Limited
d) International Post Payments Bank Limited
1731). What is the current rate of CRR? e) India Post Payments Banking Limited
a) 4% Answer: b)
b) 5%
c) 3% 1736). Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks
d) 4.5% to provide loans up to Rs. 3 lakh to Women Self-
e) None of these Help Group (SHG) at a discounted rate of
Answer: a) per annum.
a) 4%
1732). A leading bank in India has recently (July b) 6%
2016) launched a social media, banking platform for c) 7%
its facebook and twitter users which goes by the d) 9%
name of `Mingle'. Name the Bank. e) 5%
a) Punjab National Bank Answer: c)
b) Yes Bank
c) State Bank of India 1737). Urjit Patel recently (September 2016)
d) Bank of Baorda assumed charge as the Governor of Reserve Bank of
e) ICICI Bank India. He is the Governor of Reserve Bank
Answer: c) of India.
a) 25th
1733). has launched India's first b) 23rd
internationally-listed certified green bond to finance c) 21st
climate change solutions around the world at d) 20th
London Stock Exchange. e) 24th
a) Kotak Mahindra Bank Answer: e)
b) ICIC Bank
c) Axis Bank
1738). Domestic Systematically Important Banks (D- b) AMFI
SIBs) is announced with the term . c) RBI
a) Too big to fail d) ECGC
b) Too big to fall e) ONGC
c) Too big to pass Answer : e
d) Too big to die
e) Too big to stop working 1744). The customers will be issued on the
Answer: a) date of issuance of the SGB.
a) Certificate of Deposit
1739). Rupee denominated bonds issues by Indian b) Commercial Paper
companies in order to raise funds offshore are called c) Certificate of Holding
d) All of these
a) Convertible bonds e) None of these
b) Global development bonds Answer: c)
c) Callable Bonds
d) Masala Bonds 1745). Sovereign Gold Bond(SGB) will be tradable
e) Asian Development Bond on
Answer: d) a) SEBI
b) RBI
1740). Which of the following Bank headquarters c) NABARD
located in Chennai? d) Stock Exchange
a) Syndicate Bank e) None of these
b) IDBI Bank Answer: d)
c) Bank of India
d) Indian Overseas Bank 1746). Interest will be credited to the bank
e) None of these account of the investor of Sovereign Gold Bond.
Answer: d) a) Semi-monthly
b) Semi-annually
1741). Who is the MD and CEO of Syndicate Bank? c) Quarterly
a) Rakesh Sethi d) All of these
b) Arun Shrivastava e) None of these
c) Melwyn Oswald Rego Answer: b)
d) Mahesh Kumar Jain
e) None of these 1747). MUDRA Bank as a wholly owned subsidiary
Answer: b) (as on 26th May 2017) of which institutions?
a) Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
1742). Which of the following negotiable b) Commercial Banks
instruments can be crossed to the banks? c) Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs)
a) Bills of Exchange d) Small Industries Development Bank of India
b) Cheques (SIDBI)
c) Drafts e) None of the above
d) None of these Answer: d)
e) All of these
Answer: a) 1748). Authorized Dealers for foreign exchange
transactions are appointed by:
1743. Which of the following organizations/agencies a) Reserve Bank of India
is not associated with the world of banking and b) Government of India
finance? c) Individual Banks
e) None of the above e) IDBI Bank
Answer: a) Answer: b)

1749). Asset Reconstruction Company is associated 1754). YES Bank recently deferred its $1-bn equity
with. ........? raising plan. The bank was panning to raise money
a) DICGC through QIP, which means
b) ECGC a) Quantitative Institutional Placement
c) NPA b) Qualitative Institutional Placement
d) SEBI c) Quintessential Institutional Placement
e) None of the above d) Qualified Institutional Placement
Answer: c) e) None of these
Answer: d)
1750). “Crossing‖ applies to:
a) Cheques 1755). Prathama Bank is the first Regional Rural
b) Bills of exchange Bank (RRB) of India established on 2 Oct, 1975,
c) Promissory Notes with its Head Office at Moradabad. The bank was
d) Hundis sponsored by
e) None of these a) State Bank of India
Answer: a) b) Central Bank of India
c) Bank of India
1751). Which of the following was the first Indian d) Punjab National Bank
bank to open a branch in London in 1946 and the e) Syndicate Bank
first to open a branch in Paris in 1974? Answer: e)
a) State Bank of India
b) Punjab National Bank 1756). Which of the following types of banks are
c) Central Bank of India NOT allowed to provide credit facilities to their
d) Allahabad Bank customers?
e) Bank of India a) Small Banks
Answer: e) b) Payments Banks
c) Universal Banks
1752).A person writes a cheque to make payment to d) Cooperative Banks
someone. Which of the following must be mentioned e) Regional Rural Banks
on the cheque to complete the transaction Answer: b)
a) Name of the payee 1757). Masala bonds are Indian rupee denominated
b) A valid amount bonds issued in offshore capital markets. The RBI
c) A valid date has reduced the minimum tenure of such bonds that
d) Drawer's signature an Indian company can, issue to
e) All the above a) one year
Answer: e) b) two years
c) three years
1753). Which of the following banks (in Sep 2016) d) four years
has announced the deployment of `Software e) five years
Robotics' in over 200 business processes across Answer: c)
various functions?
a) Axis Bank 1758). In which among the following years NPCI
b) ICICI Bank was incorporated-
c) HDFC Bank a) July 2012
d) IDFC Bank b) January 2006
c) April 2010 a) 50%
d) December 2008 b) 40%
e) None of the given options is true c) 30%
Answer: d) d) 60%
e) None of these
1759). The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Answer: b)
(CPPIB) received the Reserve Bank of India's
approval to increase its stake beyond five per cent to 1764). To authenticate a Digital Signature in Cheque
10 per cent in Truncation System (CTS), which of the following
a) Axis Bank keys are used..
b) Kotak Mahindra Bank a) Private Key
c) YES Bank b) Public Key
d) IDFC Bank c) Master Key
e) Federal Bank d) Both a) and c)
Answer: b) e) None of these
Answer: a)
1760). Flipkart-owned mobile payments startup
PhonePe has launched unified payments interface 1765). Which of the following is the most active
(UPI) based, payments app for which it has segment of the money market in India?
partnered with a) Call Money/Notice Money Market
a) Yes Bank b) Repo/Reverse Repo
b) Federal Bank c) Commercial Paper (CP)
c) HDFC Bank d) Certificate of Deposit (CD)
d) ICICI Bank e) None of the above
e) IDFC Bank Answer: a)
Answer: a)
1766). Banking Ombudsman Scheme is applicable to
1761). The headquarters of Industrial Finance the business of
Corporation of India(IFCI) a) All scheduled commercial banks excluding RRBs
a) Mumbai b) All scheduled banks except private banks
b) New Delhi c) All scheduled commercial banks including RRBs
c) Chennai d) Only Public Sector Banks
d) Hyderabad e) none of these
e) None of these Answer: c)
Answer: b)
1767). What is meant by ‗Underwriting‘ the term
1762). Which of the following Acts is specially frequently used in financial sector?
launched to facilitate banks in recovery of bad a) Under valuation of the assets
loans? b) The Act of taking on a risk
a) RBI Act c) Giving a Guarantee that a loan will not become a
b) Banking Regulation Act bad loan
c) SARFAESI Act d) All of the above
d) Companies Act e) None of the above
e) Income Tax Act Answer: b)
Answer : c
1768). An increase is CRR by RBI leads to-
1763). What is the Maximum Percentage of Net a) Decrease in lendable resource
Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL) RBI is b) Increase in lendable resource
empowered to increase ? c) Decrease in deposit
d) Increase in deposit 1774). Which one of the following rates is not
e) None of these decided by RBI?
Answer: a) a) Repo rate
b) Base rate
1769). How many parties primarily involved in a c) Bank rate
Promissory Note? d) Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rate
a) Two e) None of these
b) Three Answer: b)
c) Four
d) Five 1775). is the organization that maintains
e) None of these the borrower‘s history in India.
Answer: a) a) CAMEL
1770). Which of the following banks was first to c) CRISIL
establish merchant banking business in India? d) CIBIL
a) ABN Amro Bank e) None of these
b) Citibank Answer: d)
c) HDFC Bank
d) Standard chartered 1776). RBI has introduced ―Marginal Standing
e) Grindlays Bank Facility‖ with the objective of:
Answer: e) a) Controlling Inflation
b) Containing instability in long term inter-bank rates
1771). Bank of India was established on 7 c) Containing instability in the overnight inter-bank
September rates
a) 1895 d) All of the above
b) 1926 e) None of these
c) 1954 Answer: c)
d) 1906
e) 1940 1777). Pawan Kumar Bajaj is the MD and CEO of
Answer: d)
a) United Bank of India
1772). The reserves held by Commercial Banks over b) Dena Bank
and above the statutory minimum are called c) Bank of Maharashtra
a) Cash reserves d) Allahabad Bank
b) Deposit reserves e) None of these
c) Excess reserves Answer: a) (as on 26th May 2017)
d) Momentary reserves
e) Over reserves 1778). NABARD is responsible for regulating and
supervising the functions of
1773). Which bank are Public Sector Banks of a) Investment and Industrial Finance Banks
India? b) Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks
a) More than 50 % stake held by government c) Corporate Finance and Overseas Banking Units
b) 50 % stake held by government d) Private Sector and Multinational Banks
c) Less than 50 % stake held by government e) Reserve Bank of India
d) All of the above Answer: b)
e) None of the above
Answer: a) 1779). Which type of risk arises before a bank that
trades in government securities?
a) Liquidity risk
b) Market risk b) Through clearing account of a bank
c) Credit risk c) Both in cash and through clearing account of a bank
d) Trade risk d) Through none of the above
e) None of the above e) None of these
Answer: b) Answer: b)

1780). Times bank limit merged with 1785). Which of the following is a stipulation under
a) HDFC bank the Basel III norms?
b) Bank of India a) The total minimum capital adequacy ratio to be 9%
c) PNB Bank b) Banks to maintain an overall minimum capital
d) Central Bank of India adequacy ratio of 11.5%
e) None of these c) Banks to reach the minimum capital adequacy ratio
Answer: a) of 11.5% by 31st March, 2018
d) Banks to maintain a capital adequacy ratio of 10%
1781). In the financial sector there are many by 2013
companies who are providing banking like activities e) None of these
though they are not recognized as banks. How is this Answer: c)
particular type of activity known as?
a) Informal banking 1786). A demand draft issued by one bank branch
b) Indigenous banking on another branch is legally—
c) Shadow banking a) Cheque
d) Development banking b) Promissory note
e) None of these c) Delivery order
Answer: c) d) Supply bill
e) None of these
1782). Currently banks claim that they have Answer: b)
achieved 100% CBS. What are they referring to?
a) It means all their branches are technology driven 1787). What would a lender examine to judge
with core banking solutions whether a business can be given a funding facility?
b) It suggests complete banking services a) The financial statements
c) It is an indication of customized banking services b) The credit history
d) None of the above c) The business risk
e) All of these d) All the above
Answer: a) e) None of these
Answer: d)
1783). You might have heard of 'a bank run'. What
does it mean? 1788). An asset reconstruction company looks for
a) Identifies those banks which are performing very business from banks. What do you understand from
well this statement?
b) Banks which are promoting marathon sports events a) These companies assist banks in getting potential
c) When people rush to withdraw funds from their clients for big ticket loans
bank accounts b) Banks identify potential borrowers for
d) When banks do door to door publicity campaigns infrastructure lending by these companies
e) None of these c) Banks sell their bad debts to these companies
Answer: c) d) Asset reconstruction companies buy bad debts at a
discount from banks
1784). Payment of a crossed cheque can be made e) None of these
Answer: d)
a) Only in cash
1789). Banks fix separate cash limit and overall a) Certificate of Deposits
spending limit for each credit card. What is the b) Bonds
disadvantage in withdrawing cash on credit cards? c) Stocks
a) Cash withdrawn means the credit balance is d) Commercial Papers
reduced e) Loans
b) An amount is charged by the bank as cash Answer: c)
withdrawal fees
c) Cash withdrawal fees together with tax is charged 1794). The government formed the panel after many
to the card holder ex-servicemen returned their medals to protest
d) Less time is given for payment as compared to the rejection of their ‗one rank one pension‘
other debits for purchases demand. Who is heading this panel?
e) None of these a) K.M. Chandrasekhar
Answer: c) b) R Balakrishanan
c) B S Padmanabham
1790). Which of the following terms appropriately d) T. Raja Shekhar
explains the role of banks in an economy? e) R Balu
a) Financial conglomerate Answer: a)
b) Holding companies
c) Financial intermediaries 1795). Whenever RBI does some Open Market
d) Indigenous banking Operation Transaction, actually it wishes to regulate
e) None of these which of the following?
Answer: c) a) Inflation only
b) liquidity in economy
1791). What is a Repo Rate? c) Borrowing powers of the banks
a) It is a rate at which RBI sell government securities to d) Flow of Foreign Direct Investments
banks e) None of these
b) It is a rate at which banks borrow rupees from RBI Answer: b)
c) It is a rate at which RBI allows small loans in the
market 1796). The maximum amount of the total Revenue
d) It is a rate which is offered by Banks to their most earned by the government of India comes from:
valued customers or prime customers a) Income Tax
e) None of these b) Customs Duty
Answer: b) c) Excise Duty
d) Value Added Tax
1792). In economics it is generally believed that the e) Corporate Tax
main objective of a Public Sector Financial Answer: c)
like Bank is to: 1797). Which was the first Indian Bank to introduce
a) Employ more and more people b) Maximize total credit card?
profits a) State Bank of India
c) Maximize total production b) Central Bank of India
d) Provide financial service to the people of the nation c) Union Bank of India
of its origin across the country d) ICICI
e) Sell the goods at subsidized cost e) None of these
Answer: d) Answer: b)

1793. Which of the following cannot be called as a 1798). Capital Market Regulator is—
Debt Instrument as referred in financial a) RBI
transactions? b) IRDA
c) NSE e) None of these
d) BSE Answer: c)
Answer: e) 1804). Which of the following is known as plastic
1799). FDI refers to— a) bearer cheques
a) Fixed Deposit Interest b) credit cards
b) Fixed Deposit Investment c) demand drafts
c) Foreign Direct Investment d) gift cheques
d) Future Derivative Investment e) None of these
e) None of these Answer: b)
Answer: c)
1805). Who is known as the ‗Father of Economics‘?
1800). What is Call Money ? a) Adam Smith
a) Money borrowed or lent for a day or over night b) Marshall
b) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 3 c) J.M. Keynes
days d) Pareto
c) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 7 e) None of these
days Answer: a)
d) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 14
days 1806). Which sister organization of the World Bank
e) None of these provides long term loans at zero interest to the
Answer: a) poorest developing countries?
a) Asian Development Bank
1801). Which is the first Indian company to be listed b) IMF
in NASDAQ ? c) International Developmental Association
a) Reliance d) International Finance Corporation
b) TCS e) None of these
c) HCL Answer: c)
d) Infosys
e) None of these 1807). DSCR indicates the ability of a company to-
Answer: d) a) Meet its current liabilities
b) Service its share holders
1802). Which among the following decides the oil c) Meet its long term debt obligations
Prices in India? d) Raise further capital
a) Government of India e) None of these
b) Government of Respective states Answer: c)
c) Ministry of Petroleum
d) Oil Companies 1808). When there is an inflationary trend in the
e) None of these economy what would be trend in the pricing of the
Answer: d) Bank products?
a) Increasing trend
1803). SEBI has been imposed a restriction on b) Decreasing trend
money flow in equity through ‗P-notes‘. What is the c) Constant trend
full form of ‗P-notes‘? d) There is no relevance of the inflation in pricing of
a) permanent notes the Banking Products
b) purchase notes e) None of these
c) participatory notes Answer: a)
d) private notes
1809. Banks in our country normally publicize that b) MIBOR
additional interest rate is allowed on retail domestic c) Factoring services
term deposits of? d) Entry load
a) Minors e) None of these
b) Married Women Answer: d
c) Senior citizens
d) Government Employees 1815. Which of the following organizations issue the
e) Rural residents rules of global trade?
Answer: c a) IMF
b) World Trade Organization
1810. When the rate of inflation increases? c) Foreign trade
a) Purchasing power of money increases d) G-20
b) Purchasing power of money decreases e) None
c) Value of money increases Answer: b
d) Purchasing power of money remains unaffected
e) Amount of money in circulation decreases 1816. One single statement that depicts the financial
Answer: b position of a Bank and / or Business enterprise at a
given point of time is called:
1811. A centralized database with online a) Statement of product details
connectivity to branches, internet as well as ATM- b) Foreign exchange
network which has been adopted by almost all c) Balance Sheet
major banks of our country is known as? d) Balance of payment
a) Investment Banking e) Trading and Manufacturing account
b) Core Banking Answer: c
c) Mobile Banking
d) National Banking 1817. The Reverse Mortgage scheme is launched to
e) Specialized Banking give benefit to which of the following groups of
Answer: b society?
a) Persons below 60 yrs
1812. Which of the following is NOT considered a b) Senior Citizens
money market instrument? c) Unemployed youth
a) Treasury Bills d) Orphans
b) Repurchase Agreement e) All
c) Commercial Paper Answer: b
d) Certificate of Deposit
e) Shares and Bonds 1818. One of the major challenges banking industry
Answer: e is facing these days is curbing deliberate efforts of
some people to bring money earned through illegal
1813. Which of the following is necessary while activities in circulation. Which of the following act is
opening deposit accounts in banks? passed to prevent this activity?
a) Will a) Payment & settlements Act
b) Registration b) Control money supply Act
c) Nomination c) Narcotics and Psychotropic substance Act
d) Indemnity d) Prevention of Money laundering Act
e) Guarantee e) None
Answer: c Answer: d

1814. Which of the following is not a banking term? 1819. Which of the following scheme is not meant
a) Letter of credit for investment purposes?
a) National saving certificate Answer: b
b) Infrastructure bonds
c) Mutual funds 1825. While discussing investments there is a
d) Letter of credit mention of short term government security. What is
e) None of these this investment?
Answer: d a) Debenture
b) Mutual funds
1820. Basel norms which are important regulatory c) Treasury bill
stipulations are meant for which sector? d) Share
a) Insurance e) None of these
b) Banking Answer: c
c) Micro finance
d) Pension funds 1826. NBFCs are an important part of the Indian
e) None financial system. what is meant by this term?
Answer: b a) New Banking Financial Companies
b) Non Banking Financial Companies
1821. Systematic investment Plans relates to: c) Neo Banking Financial Confederation
a) Mutual Funds d) Non banking Fiscal Companies
b) Life Insurance Companies e) None
c) Commercial Banks Answer: b
d) Post office savings schemes
e) None 1827. Banking loan against property requires the
Answer: a asset to be free from encumbrances. What does it
1822. Which of the following is NOT a scheduled a) The asset to be free from any liability
Commercial Bank ? b) The asset to be properly registered
a) HDFC Bank c) The property to be fully constructed
b) Axis Bank d) The asset should not have multiple owners
a) IDBI Bank e) None
d) NABARD Answer: a
e) SBI
Answer : d 1828. RBI stipulates a healthy mix of CASA in the
business figures of banks. What is CASA?
1823. Which of the following is an example of cash a) Customer Analysis and Savings Pattern
less purchase? b) Cost Appreciation and selling Analysis
a) Debit card c) Current Account and saving Account
b) Credit card d) Credit and savings Aggregate
c) ATM withdrawal e) None of these
d) All of the above Answer: c
e) None
Answer: d 1829. Which one of the following is not an electronic
banking delivery channel?
1824. Whose signature appears on Indian Rs. 100 a) Mobile Vans
note? d) Mobile Phone Banking
a) Finance Minister c) Internet Banking
b) RBI Governor d) Tele Banking
c) Finance Secretary e) ATM
d) Chairman, Planning Commission Answer: a
e) None
1830. The Rate at which the domestic currency can 1835. Fixed deposits and recurring deposits are?
be converted into foreign currency and viceversa is a) Repayable after an agreed period
known as the b) Repayable on demand
a) Exchange rate c) Not repayable
b) MIBOR d) Repayable after death of depositors
c) Inter bank Call money rate e) Repayable on demand or after an agreed period as
d) Base rate per bank’s choice
e) LIBOR Answer: a)
Answer: a

1831. Now-a-days Banks are selling third party 1836. Accounts are allowed to be operated by
products. Example of third party product is: cheques in respect of?
a) Mutual funds a) Both savings bank accounts and fixed deposit
b) Term deposits accounts.
c) Credit cards b) Savings bank accounts and current accounts.
d) All of these c) Both savings bank accounts and loan accounts.
e) None d) Both savings bank accounts and cash accounts only.
Answer: a e) Both current accounts and fixed deposit accounts.
Answer: b)
1832. Electronic Clearing Service in banks can be
availed only by:
a) Individuals 1837. Which of the following is correct statement?
b) Corporates a) No interest is paid on current deposit accounts.
c) Senior Citizens b) Interest is paid on current accounts at the same rate
d) All of these as term deposit accounts.
e) None c) The rate of interest on current accounts and savings
Answer: a accounts are the same.
d) No interest is paid on any deposit by the bank.
1833) Interest payable on savings bank accounts is? e) Savings deposits are the same as current deposits.
a) De-regulated by RBI Answer: a)
b) Regulated by State Governments
c) Regulated by Central Govt 1838. Banking services delivered to a customer by
d) Regulated by RBI means of a computer control system that does not
e) Regulated by Finance Minister directly involve banks branch is called?
Answer: a) a) Universal banking
b) Virtual banking
c) Narrow banking
1834. The usual deposit accounts of banks are? d) Brick & Mortal banking
a) Current accounts, electricity accounts and insurance e) None
premium accounts. Answer: b)
b) Current accounts, post office savings, bank accounts
and term deposit accounts.
c) Loan accounts, savings bank accounts and term 1839. Financial inclusion means provision of ?
deposit accounts. a) Financial services namely payments, remittances,
d) Current accounts, savings bank accounts and term savings, loans and insurance at affordable cost to
deposit accounts. persons not yet given the bank
e) Current bill accounts and term deposit accounts. b) Ration at affordable cost to persons not yet given the
Answer: d)
c) House at affordable cost to persons not yet given the
d) Food at affordable cost to persons not yet given the
same 1844. Distribution of insurance products and
e) Education at affordable cost to persons not yet given insurance policies by banks as corporate agents is
the same known as?
Answer: a) a) General insurance
b) Non life insurance
c) Bancassurance
1840. When a bank returns a cheque unpaid, it is d) Insurance Banking
called? e) Deposit Insurance
a) Payment of the cheque Answer: c)
b) Drawing of the cheque
c) Canceling of the cheque
d) Dishonour of the cheque 1845. In respect of partnership business, LLP stands
e) Taking of the cheque for:
Answer: d) a) Local Labour Promotion
b) Low Labour Projects
c) Limited Loan Partnership
1841. Who is the Chairman of the committee d) Longer Liability Partnership
constituted by RBI to study issues and concerns in e) Limited Liability Partnership
the Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) Sector? Answer: e)
a) YH Malegam
b) Dr. KC Chakraborty 1846. What is a stale cheque?
c) C. Rangrajan a) A cheque issued without drawer’s signature.
d) M. Damodaran b) A cheque with only signature of the drawer.
e) Usha Thorat c) A cheque which has completed 3 months from the
date of its issue.
Answer: a) d) Any one of the above.
e) None
1842. Which of the following types of accounts are
Answer: c)
known as ‗Demat Accounts‘?
a) Accounts which are Zero Balance 1847. Interest on savings bank account is now
b) Accounts which are opened to facilitate repayment
calculated by banks on?
of a loan taken from the bank. No other business a) Minimum balance during the month
can be conducted from there b) Minimum balance from 7th to last day of the month
c) Accounts in which shares of various companies are c) Minimum balance from 10th to last day of the month
traded in electronic form d) Maximum balance during the month
d) Accounts which are operated through internet e) Daily product basis
banking facility
Answer: e)
e) None of the above
Answer: c) 1848. Largest shareholder (in percentage
shareholding) of a Nationalized bank is ?
a) RBI
1843. NEFT means? b) NABARD
a) National Electronic Funds Transfer c) LIC
b) Negotiated Efficient Fund Transfer system d) Govt of India
c) National Efficient Fund Transfer solution e) IBA
d) Non Effective Fund Transfer system Answer: d)
e) Negotiated Electronic Foreign Transfer system.
Answer: a)
1849. Banking Ombudsman is appointed by:
A. Reserve Bank of India
B. Government of India d) No Frills Account
C. Concerned State Govt, where RBI office is located e) None of the above.
D. Finance Minister Answer : d
E. None of the above
Answer: a 1855. The KYC does not include obtaining the
following :
1850. Before approaching Ombudsman what should a) Identity Proof
the complainant do? b) Address Proof
A. Take up the matter with State Government c) Customer Profile
B. Take up the matter with concerned Bank Branch d) Vehicle details of the customer
within 30 days of cause of action e) None of the above
C. Approach Lok Adalat Answer : d
D. Can directly approach Banking Ombudsman
E. Any of the above 1856. AML Stands for
Answer : b a) Anti Monitory Limit
b) Anti Money Laundering
1851. What is the maximum period within which the c) Always money laundering
aggrieved customer can approach d) Anytime Money Laundering
OMBUSAMAN? e) None of the above
a) Within 2 year Answer : b
b) Within 1 year
c) Within one month 1857. KYC –Know Your Customer is to identify the
d) No such limitation period Customer, whereas AML- Anti Money Laundering
e) None of the above is to identify the Source of Income:
Answer : b a) False
b) True
1852. What is the maximum amount for which the c) True only in case of small amounts
Award Can be given by OMBUDSMAN D. Not necessary in all cases
a) Rs 1,00,000 E. Any of the above
b) Rs 2,00,000 Answer : b
c) Rs 5,00,000
d) Rs 10,00,000 1858. If a Depositor is not a Senior Citizen and his
e) No limit Taxable Income is within the exempted limits then
Answer : d he has to submit ———to the Bank for not
deducting tax at source
1853. Who will be appointed as Banking a) Form 15G
Ombudsman? b) Form 15 H
a) CGM or GM of RBI c) Form 61
b) Deputy Governor of RBI D. Form 60
c) Governor RBI I is an ex-officio Ombudsman E. None of the above
d) Finance Secretary Answer : a
e) None of the above
Answer : a 1859. In case the prospective customer whose
income comes from only Agriculture sources then he
1854. KYC norms are liberalized in case of has to give a declaration in Form 61.
following accounts: a) True
a) Current Account b) False
b) Savings Account c) He has to submit form 60
c) Term Deposit Account d) No such requirement
e) None of the above a) No Provision Account
Answer : a b) Non Performing Asset (An asset which ceases to
generate income)
1860. Nomination is available for c) No Profit Account
a) Deposit accounts d) Non-Personal Accounts
b) Safe custody articles e) None of the above
c) Lockers. Answer : b
d) Partnership firms
e) Only A B C 1866. Finance Ministry advised RBI to allow
Answer : e common ATMs to be owned and managed by Non
Banking Institutions. Such ATMs are called:
1861. Nomination can be given only for: a) NBFC ATMs
a) Individuals b) Off Site ATMs
b) Joint Individuals c) Third Party ATMs
c) Limited Companies d) White Label ATMs
d) Only A, and B e) None of the above
e) None of the above Answer : d
Answer : d
1867. An ECS transaction gets bounced and you are
1862. Money deposited at a bank that cannot be unable to recover your money from your customer.
withdrawn for at fixed period of time is known as a Under which Act criminal action can be initiated?
: a) Indian Penal Code
a) Term deposit b) Negotiable Instrument Act
b) Checking Account c) Criminal Procedure Code
c) Saving Bank deposit d) Payment and Settlement Act
d) No Frills Accounts e) Indian Contract Act
e) Current deposit (Note: ECS used for Electronic Clearing of cheques–
Answer : a Debit ECS for Collection of loan installments) and
Credit ECS for payments like Dividends, Salaries etc.
1863. With reference to a cheque which of the Answer : d
following is the ‗drawee bank‘?
a) The bank that collects cheque. 1868. What is CTS
b) The payee’s bank. a) Cash Transaction system (in banks)
c) The endorsee’s bank. b) Cheque Transfer System
d) The bank of the Drawer of the Cheque c) Cheque Truncation System
e) None of the above d) Cash Transfer System
e) None of the above
Answer : d (CTS mean Cheque Truncation System – wherein
instead of sending cheques physically to learing house,
1864. Base Rate is the rate below which no Bank can only scanned images will be sent. It is also called image
allow their lending to anyone. Who will fix this based clearing. This system already started in many
‗Base Rate‘ for Banks? states of India. This reduces the collection of cheques
a) Individuals Banks Board time considerably and is advantageous to the
b) Ministry of Commerce customers)
c) Ministry of Finance Answer : c
d) RBI
e) Interest Rate Commission of India 1869. Banks recover term loan from the parties in
Answer : a EMIs. What the letter ‗E‘ represents in the
1865. Expand NPA
a) Easy b) Letter of Credit
b) Effective c) Cheque Clearing
c) Equated d) General Ledger
d) Essential e) Law of Motion
e) Economical Answer : e
Answer : c
1875. Which of the following is a leading electronic
1870. The Reserve Bank of India imposed fine on payment technology firm ? (The logo of the firm can
which of the following private sector banks for be seen printed on credit cards/ATM centres etc.)
violation of KYC (Know Your Customer) norms in a) Visa
June 2013? b) Max
A. Axis Bank c) BSE
B. HDFC Bank d) Sensex
D. Both 1 and 2 Answer : a
E. All 1, 2 and 3
Answer : e 1876. ‗Global Market‘ means market of
a) USA
1871. Union Budget which is presented every year in b) China
the parliament is also known as c) OPEC members
a) Annual Budget d) European Union Countries
b) Common Budget e) All major countries and their alliances
c) General Budget Answer : e
d) Finance Report of the year
e) Statement of Allocation of funds 1877. What is the full form of ‗CRR‘ as used in
Answer : c banking sector ?
a) Crucial Reserve Rate
1872. Which of the following is not the name of a b) Credit & Reserve Ratio
bank, functioning in India ? c) Compulsory Return Rate
a) Central Bank of India d) Cash Reserve Ratio
b) Aegon Religare e) None of these
c) United Bank of India Answer : d
d) Dena Bank
e) Citi Bank 1878. What is the full form of LAF, the term used in
Answer : b banking world very frequently ?
a) Legal Adjournment Formality
1873. When banks accept a fixed sum of money b) Liquid Advance & Finance
from an individual for a definite term and pay on c) Liquidity Adjustment Facility
maturity with interest, the deposit is known as d) Late Arrival of Finance
a) demand deposit e) Local Advance Finance
b) term deposit
c) bond Answer : b
d) mortgage
e) advance 1879. Where is the headquarter of the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) ?
Answer : b a) Geneva
b) Washington DC
1874. Which of the following terms is NOT used in c) London
Banking/Finance related matters ? d) Manila
a) Discount Rate e) Paris
Answer : b A. Mutual funds
B. Corporate bodies
1880. Whenever somebody needs foreign currency C. Promoters of companies
against Indian Rupee, banks give equivalent amount D. Individuals
of desired currency based on prevalent E. FIIs
a) bank rate Answer : d
b) currency rate
c) policy rate 1886. Which of the following terms is used in the
d) exchange rate field of finance and banking?
e) base rate A. Metabolism
Answer : d B. Genetic process
C. Centrifugal force
1881. Foreign currencies are represented in various D. Debt instrument
abbreviations. What is meant by USD ? E. Experimental error
a) UAE Dinar
b) US Dollar Answer : d
c) Unit of Currency of Denmark
d) Ukrainian Soviet Dollar 1887. The National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
e) None of these helps which of the following groups of society?
Answer : b A. Bank employees
B. Central government employees
1882. Many Regional Rural Banks were given C. Workers in the unorganized sector
licenses to open branches in small cities and towns. D. Workers in the textile industry
These licenses were given by - E. Women employees
a) Indian Banks’ Association Answer : c
c) RBI 1888. Which of the following tools is used by the
d) Cabinet Committee on economic affairs RBI to control credit and monetary situations of the
e) None of these markets?
Answer : b A. RTGS
1883. The USP of a Current account is? C. ECS
A. High minimum balance D. CRR
B. No restrictions on transactions E. Balance of trade
C. No interest payable Answer : d
D. Restricted deposits
E. None of these 1889. Department of Economic Affairs is part of
Answer : b which of the following Ministries?
a) Ministry of Home Affairs
1884. Leads for Home Loans can be obtained from? b) Ministry of Planning
A. Traders c) Ministry of Finance
B. Trusts d) Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
C. Builders e) Ministry of Rural Development
D. Cooperative societies Answer : c
E. None of these
Answer : c 1990. The currency notes of which of the following
denominations are not printed in India ?
1885) Retail investors means which of the following a) Rs 5
types of stock market investors? b) Rs 10
c) Rs 50
d) Rs 1,000 (a) Airtel Payments Bank
e) Rs 2,500 (b) Sun Pharmaceuticals
Answer : e (c) Reliance Industries
(d) Department of Posts
1891. Which of the following terms is not used in the (e) FINO PayTech
field of Economics? Answer: a
A. Net income
B. Cost of project 1896) ICICI Bank and Axis Bank has sold Rs.1, 800
C. Flow of fund crores of loans to paper maker Ballarpur Industries
D. Balance sheet Ltd to Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company.
E. Cold chain Who is present CEO of Axis Bank?
Answer : e (a) Arundhati Bhattacharya
(b) Chanda Kochhar
1892. The RBI has decided to stop circulation of the (c) Shikha Sharma
coin of which of the following denominations (d) Naina Lal Kidwai
from June 2011 ? (e) Manjula Chellur
a) 50 p. Answer: c (as on 26th May 2017)
b) Rs 1
c) Rs 2 1897) IDBI Bank has reduced interest rates, ranging
d) 25 p. from 50 to 75 basis points, on retail term deposits
e) Rs. 5 (RTD) with effect from April 5, 2017. Where is
Answer : d headquarter of IDBI Bank?
(a) Bengaluru
1893. Insurance companies in India are regulated by (b) Mumbai
a) RBI (c) New Delhi
b) AMFI (d) Chennai
c) SEBI (e) Kolkata
d) IRDA Answer: b
Answer : d 1898) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided
to slash clearance time for NEFT in an attempt to
1894) The Reserve Bank of India has released the enhance the efficiency of the electronic payment
first Bi-monthly monetary policy of the new system and add to customer convenience. What is
financial year (2017-18) on 06th April 2017. The the meaning of "E" in NEFT?
RBI has however hiked its outlook for GDP growth (a) Easily
to in this fiscal from 6.7% last year. (b) Electricals
(a) 7.1 percent (c) Every
(b) 7.2 percent (d) Essential
(c) 7.3 percent (e) Electronic
(d) 7.4 percent Answer: e
(e) 7.5 percent
Answer: d 1899) Ratnakar Bank limited (RBL) Bank has
announced the opening of its Indian Financial
1895) Aditya Birla Idea Payments Bank Ltd has System Code (IFSC) Banking Unit (IBU) at Gujarat
become the seventh entity to receive a final license International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City). Where
from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a is the corporate office of RBL Bank?
payments bank. Which among the following (a) Kolhapur
payment bank is India's first payments bank that (b) Pune
started its initial operation in Rajasthan? (c) Nagpur
(d) Mumbai 1904) Kerala-based NBFC Manappuram Finance
(e) Nasik will launch its own co-branded prepaid card in the
Answer: d tie-up with to promote digital
financial transactions.
1900) HDFC Bank has announced its UPI will also (a) Canara Bank
be available on Chillr, a multi-bank mobile (b) HDFC Bank
payments app. What is the meaning of "I" in UPI? (c) Yes Bank
(a) Instant (d) ICICI Bank
(b) International (e) Bank of Baroda
(c) Initial Answer: c
(d) Interface
(e) None of the above 1905) ESAF Small Finance Bank has launched a
Answer: d social deposit scheme called 'Hrudaya Deposit
scheme‘ recently. Where is headquarter of ESAF
1901) Which among the following public sector Small Finance Bank?
bank has embarked upon an ambitious project of (a) Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
upgrading the bandwidth at all its branches to 2 (b) Udupi, Karnataka
Mbps in partnership with BSNL? (c) Thrissur, Kerala
(a) State Bank of India (d) Kolhapur, Maharashtra
(b) Andhra Bank (e) None of the above
(c) Dena Bank Answer: c
(d) Syndicate Bank
(e) Canara Bank 1906) Who has been appointed as the new MD and
Answer: e CEO of Karnataka Bank Ltd?
(a) Mahabaleshwara Mavinakudige Subrahmanya
1902) The Reserve Bank of India has allowed banks (b) Polali Jayarama Bhat
to invest in REITs and InvITs, a move that will help (c) Dr. Mukulita Vijayawargiya
revive the cash-starved infrastructure sector. REITs (d) Mukta Dutta Tomar
stand for- (e) None of the above
(a) Real Estate Investment Treaty Answer: a (as on 26th May 2017)
(b) Real Estate Investment Trust
(c) Real Estate Investment Transfer 1907) As part of FATCA compliance, the Central
(d) Real Estate Interface Trust Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has asked the
(e) Real Electrical Investment Trust banks/financial institutions to link their accounts
Answer: b with Aadhar number and self-certification from
customers by April 30th, 2017 to avoid closure of
1903) which just received the accounts. FATCA stands for-
Reserve Bank of India's license to launch a (a) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
payments bank has inked a deal with ICICI group (b) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Assistant
companies to distribute insurance products and tied (c) Foreign Account Tenure Compliance Act
up with Exide Life insurance to sell products via its (d) Foreign Account Tax Companies Assembly
distribution channel. (e) Financial Account Taxable Compliance Act
(a) Au Financiers (India) Ltd. Answer: a
(b) Fino Paytech
(c) Capital Local Area Bank Ltd. 1908) Department of Posts has joined hands with
(d) Equitas Holdings P Limited State Bank of India to promote 'SBI buddy e-wallet'
(e) None of the above and POS machines for cashless transactions at post
Answer: b office counters while booking speed post and
registered post items. What is the meaning of "S" in e) Australia
POS? Answer: e
(a) Securities
(b) Setting 1914) Which of the following leaders maintained
(c) System their accounts in PNB:
(d) Service a) Mahatma Gandhi
(e) Sale b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Answer: e c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
d) Indira Gandhi
1909) The Central Office of the Reserve Bank was e) All of The Above
initially established in : Answer: e
a) Indore
b) Delhi 1915) A service charge on your bank statement will
c) Calcutta result in:
d) None of These a) Interest Deduction from your account
e) Mumbai b) A Lower Balance
Answer: c c) Fixed Charges incurred
d) None of These
1910) Which among the following is correct about Answer: b
The Central Office of RBI:
a) Where Governor Sits 1916) Obtaining cash from an ATM is similar to:
b) Where only Policies are formulated a) Writing a Cheque
c) Both of Above b) Open any Account
d) None of this c) Any banking transaction
Answer: c d) None of These
Answer: a
1911) Which bank opened a Lockless branch at
Maharashtra to respecting the local customs: 1917) As we know RBI was comes into existence in 1
a) State Bank of India April, 1935 but became the central banking
b) UCO Bank authority in:
c) Bank of Maharashtra a) 1965
d) None of These b) 1966
Answer: b c) 1961
d) None of These
1912) Name the 5 cities where RBI issued plastic Answer: a
notes ?
a) Kochi,Patna,Delhi,Ahmadabad and Chennai 1918) The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006
b) Jaipur,Shimla,Delhi,Patna and Mimbai enables resolution of :
c) Mumbai,Shimla,Jaipur,Patna and Chennai a) Complaints of bank customers relating to certain
d) Jaipur,Shimla,Kochi,Mysore and Mumbai services rendered by banks.
e) Kochi,Mysore,Jaipur,Bhubhaneswar and Shimla b) Complaints of bank branches relating to certain
Answer: e services rendered to customers
c) Complaints of NRI only
1913) Which country issued first purely plastic note d) None of These
? Answer: a
a) New Zealand.
b) Mexico, 1919) The Banking Ombudsman is person
c) Singapore, appointed by the to redress customer
d) Fiji and Canada
complaints against certain deficiency in banking order to overcome tight money position between
services: payment and receipt of the client:
a) Indian Banking Personnel Selection a) 'credit and means'
b) Reserve Bank of India b) 'ways and means'
c) Securities and Exchange Board of India c) 'ease and means'
d) None of These d) None of These
Answer: b Answer: b

1920) Which of the following is wrong about term 1924) is basically associated with change
cheque: of ownership in foreign domestic financial assets
a) A cheque must be signed by the person (Drawer) and liabilities at market determined rate of
issuing the cheque. exchange:
b) A cheque must have the name of the recipient a) Capital Account Convertibility
(Payee) of the cheque. b) Fuller Capital Account Convertibility
c) A cheque must mention the amount of money in c) Both of Above
words and figures. d) None of These
d) A cheque must be dated. Answer: a
e) A cheque must be drawn upon a specified bank
(Drawee). 1925) A loan to pay for home, business or other real
f) None of These estate over a period of time is:
Answer: f a) Mortgage
b) Interest
1921) Which of the following is correct about the c) Loan
crossed cheque: d) None of These
a) Crossed cheque cannot en-cash at the counter of the Answer: a
bank by holder.
b) The payment of cross cheque is only credited to the 1926) SEBI conducts and action in
bank account of the payee. its executive function and it passes ruling and orders
c) Crossed cheque is done by drawing two parallel lines in its judicial capacity:
across top left corner of the cheque. a) Efficient and Effective
d) With or without writing 'Account Payee' in the space b) Investigation and Enforcement
between the lines c) Regulation and Leadership
e) All of the Above d) None of These
Answer: e Answer: b)

1922) Reserve Bank of India under (RBI Act) 1927) The reserves which can act as liquidity buffer
is solely responsible for the issuance of for commercial banks during
currency notes excluding rupee one note which crisis times are:
issued by Finance Secretary of the Government of a) CRR and SLR
India: b) Only CRR
a) Section 22 c) Only SLR
b) Section 24 d) None of these
c) Section 26 Answer: a)
d) None of These
Answer: a 1928) Public Sector Banks are:
a) More people visit these banks
1923) RBI provides credit facility to the b) RBI or Government of India or Both have at least
Government of India and State Government in 51% shares in the bank
c) Banks run by government having directors elected by c) European Union
public d) None of These
d) None of The Above Answer: c
Answer: b
1934) Name of the bank which first time introduce
1929) If you buy a financial instrument in one the merchant banking in India is:
market in order to sell the same instrument in a) Imperial Bank of India
another market at higher price, it will be called as: b) Grindlays Bank
a) Brokerage c) United Bank
b) Arbitrage d) London Bank
c) Forfeiture of Instrument e) None of These
d) None of The Above Answer: b
Answer: b
1935) Public Sector Banks Includes:
1930) Which among the following is correct: a) 20 Nationalized Banks + 5 SBI Associates + IDBI
a) Syndicate Bank - Your Faithful and Friendly b) 20 Nationalized Banks + SBI + 7 Private Banks
Financial Partner c) 19 Nationalized Banks + SBI + Private Sector Banks
b) UCO Bank - Honors Your Trust +IDBI
c) United Bank of India - The Bank that begins with U d) 19 Nationalized Banks + SBI + 5 SBI Associates +
d) All of The Above IDBI
e) None of The Above e) None of These
Answer: d Answer: d

1931) Which among the following is correct about 1936) Reserve Bank of India was set up on the
slogans of different banks: recommendations of which of the following
a) State Bank of Travancore - A Long Tradition of commission/committee:
Trust a) D R Mehta Commission
b) Syndicate Bank - Your Faithful and Friendly b) Basel Committee
Financial Partner c) Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance
c) UCO Bank - Honours Your Trust d) None of These
d) All of The Above Answer: c
e) None of The Above
Answer: d 1937) Which of the following is correct:
a) Bank don't manufacture products or extract natural
1932) Which among the following is richest country resources from earth
in the world: b) A bank is a business
a) United State of America c) Bank sell financial services such as loans, home
b) Japan mortgage Loans, business loans, checking
c) Germany accounts, credit card services, certificates of deposit
d) South Korea and individual retirement accounts.
e) Qatar d) All of Above
Answer: e e) None of These
Answer: d
1933) In the summit of which of the following
organizations/group of nations it was decided that 1938) The 'Food For Work' program was renamed
all as:
members should enforce budget discipline: a) MNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
a) OPEC Employment Guarantee Association)
b) G - 8 b) National Rural Employment Program
c) Rural Development Program 1944) Which among the following is known as pre
d) None of These paid negotiable instrument?
Answer: b (a) Cheque
(b) Promissory note
1939) Those amounts due to vendors or suppliers (c) Bankers cheque/ Pay order
that must be paid within one year is known as: (d) Fixed deposit
a) Loan Advances (e) None of these
b) Accounts Payable Answer: c
c) Creditors
d) Debtors 1945) National Payments Corporation of India
e) None of These (NPCI) is being used by banks for .
Answer: b) (a) Remittance
(b) Clearing and settlement
1940) Identify the Basel III norms from following (c) Payments and settlements
that, recently RBI has extended the timeline for (d) Advisory service
implementation for banks in India . (e) None of these
(a) Minimum regulatory capital requirement Answer: b
(b) Market discipline
(c) Holding the minimum capital to risk weighted assets 1946) NOSTRO account means .
ratio to 10.25% (a) An account opened by foreign citizens other than
(d) Leverage ratio to 3% NRIs in India with Indian banks in INR for their
(e) All the above expenses in India.
Answer: e (b) An account opened by foreign citizens other than
NRIs in India with foreign banks in foreign currency to
1941) Identify the odd one out from the following convert Indian rupee to that currency and remit back to
benefits of RTGS. their own country.
(a) Settlement is immediate (c) An account opened by an Indian bank in the foreign
(b) Suited for only lower value transactions countries in their banks and in that country currency for
(c) Lowers the settlement risk settlement in that country's currency.
(d) Avoids credit risk while settlement (d) An account opened by a foreign bank in India with
(e) Settled at real time their corresponding banks in INR for settlements in
Answer: b INR.
(e) None of these
1942) Who all can hire a locker in a bank? Answer: c
(a) Individuals
(b) Limited companies and societies 1947) What kind of Treasury Bills (T-Bills) is/ are
(c) Specified associations issued by State Government?
(d) Two persons jointly (a) No Treasury Bills issued by State Government
(e) All the above (b) 182 - days
Answer: e (c) 91 - days
(d) 364 - days
1943) Expand IFSC . (e) None of these
(a) Indian Financial System Code Answer: a
(b) Indian Financial Services Code
(c) International Financial Service Code 1948) Pick the odd one out from the following about
(d) Interbank Fund Service Code Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS).
(e) Indian Financial Security Code (a) BBPS is a unified bill payment system across the
Answer: a country.
(b) It will be setting up the standards in operations 1953) What does RBI do if a Re.1 note is issued by
related to payments, clearance, and settlements. Government of India?
(c) G. Padmanabhan committee had provided a report (a) RBI object the issuance
on feasibility of Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS). (b) RBI put into circulation
(d) Payment gateways, service providers, banks, and (c) RBI converts Re.1 in to higher denomination of
agents will be participants in this system. Rs.10 and more.
(e) None of these (d) RBI asks banks to not to support for circulation
Answer: e (e) None of these
Answer: b
1949) Electronic fund transfers like RTGS and
NEFT are operated and maintained by 1954) RBI issue currency rupee notes on bases of
. .
(a) National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) (a) By holding minimum value of gold coins and
(b) Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) bullion
(c) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (b) By holding minimum foreign securities as a part of
(d) Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) the total approved assets
(e) None of these (c) By holding minimum amount of commodities which
Answer: c are trading in commodity exchanges
(d) Only a and b
1950) If a bank needs to attract Provident Fund (e) All the above
Deposits, what are the criteria that banks must Answer: d
(a) Profitability in preceding 3 years 1955) Which of the following entities are applicable
(b) Minimum of Rs.200 crores as net worth for the new listing obligations and disclosure
(c) Capital adequacy of 9% requirements of SEBI regulations, 2014?
(d) All the above (a) Listing of debentures
(e) None of these (b) Listing of bonds
Answer: d (c) All listed companies
(d) All the above
1951) If the stock markets are declining then it is (e) None of these
called as . Answer: d
(a) Bull run
(b) Down run 1956) Which of the following is one of the main
(c) Bear run functions of the Reserve Bank of India?
(d) Stage a) Regulation of the Stock Markets
(e) None of these b) Regulation of Life Insurance
Answer: c c) Regulation of General Insurance
d) Regulation of Mutual Funds in India
1952) A promissory note that is not secured by any e) Banker's Bank
collateral or not secured by a mortgage or lien Answer: e
marked on any property is instrument.
(a) Debenture 1957) Which of the following authorities is
(b) Bill of exchange responsible for maintaining accounts, deposits and
(c) Commercial bill cash management of the Government through issue
(d) Currency bill Bonds and Treasury Bills?
(e) None of these a) SEBI
Answer: a b) IBA
d) SBI
e) RBI d) Technology Knowledge Import
Answer: e e) None of these
Answer: c
1958) A Credit Guarantee Trust Fund has been set
up for guaranteeing Collateral Free Facilities by 1963) from the following in which bank no person
lending institutions to Small Scale Industries. This can open his account?
fund is being managed by which of the following a) Cooperative Bw1ank
institutions? b) Rural Bank
a) IDBI c) RBI
b) NABARD d) Commercial Bank
c) SBI e) None of these
d) SIDBI Answer: c
e) RBI
Answer: d 1964) Reserve Bank of India is?
a) Commercial bank
1959) A bond issued at a price less than its face b) Central bank
value and payable on its due date at its face value c) Cooperative bank
bearing no ROI (Rate of Interest) is d) Rural bank
called . e) None of these
a) Preference Bond Answer: b
b) Zero Coupon Bond
c) Convertible Bond 1965) Reserve Bank of India does not perform the
d) Perpetual Bond role of?
e) Sovereign Bond a) Issue of Currency
Answer: b b) Bank of Bank
c) Bank of Government
1960) National Institute of Bank Management is the d) to accept money from public
institute meant for . e) none of these
a) Providing Management personnel to the Banks Answer: d
b) Training of bank employees in Banking
c) Providing consultancy on best practices in Bank 1966) In India, currency notes are issued by?
Management a) Finance Ministry
d) Recruitment of Bank Employees at all levels b) Financial Secretary
e) All those given as options c) State Bank of India
Answer: e d) Reserve Bank of India
e) None of these
1961) Where is RBI head office located? Answer: d
a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai 1967) In India, the bank which issued central
c) Kolkata currency is?
d) Chennai a) Central Bank of India
e) None of these b) State Bank of India
Answer: b c) Reserve Bank of India
d) Bank of India
1962) Maximum Part of India Foreign Currency is e) None of these
utilized for . Answer: c
a) Food Item Import
b) Iron-Steel Import 1968) Who is the first women Deputy Governor of
c) Petroleum Import Reserve Bank of India?
a) Ranging Kumar d) Drawer and payee are the same but the drawee is
b) K.J. Udeshi different
c) Kanchan Choudhary Bhattacharya e) none of the above
d) Pratibha Advani Answer: c
e) None of these
Answer: b 1974) Demand draft is a
a) not negotiable instrument
1969)Which is the financial year of Reserve Bank of b) not transferable instrument
India? c) negotiable instrument
a) April-March d) Quasi-negotiable instrument
b) July-June e) none of the above
c) October-September Answer: c
d) January-December
e) None of these 1975) The Kisan Credit Card Scheme is being
Answer: a implemented by all
a) Public Sector Commercial Banks
1970)I.B.A. Means . b) Regional Rural Banks
a) International Banking Association c) State Cooperative Banks/DCCBs/PACS nad
b) International Banking Agency Scheduled Primary Cooperative Banks
c) Indian Bureaucrats Association d) All of the above
d) Indian Bank Association e) None of the above
e) None of these Answer: d
Answer: d
1976) By crossing we mean :-
1971) Crossing denotes a) two horizontal lines on a cheque
a) that the cheque will not be paid across the counter b) one straight line across the cheque
but will be credited to the account of the holder c) two lines across the cheque making ‘X’
b) that the cheque cannot be transferred by the payee d) two transverse parallel lines on a cheque
named therein e) none of the above .
c) that the cheque will be paid through clearing only Answer: d
d) a direction to the paying bank to make payment of
the cheque through a bank 1977) The following are main objectives of the SEBI
e) none of the above :-
Answer: d a) to protect interest of investors
b) to promote the development of security market
1972) Who is primarily liable on a cheque? c) to regulate the security market
a) Drawee banker d) all of the above
b) Drawer e) none of the above .
c) Payee Answer: d
d) Collecting banker
e) none of the above 1978) Capital market can be divided into:-
Answer: b a) industrial securities market
b) gilt edged market
1973) In the case of a demand draft c) personal securities market
a) Drawer, drawee and payee are the same d) both 1 and 2
b) Drawer, drawee and payee are different e) none of the above .
c) Drawer and drawee are the same but he payee is Answer: d
1979) Which of the following is correct statement in b) Crop Insurance
respect of debit cards :- c) Marine Insurance
a) Debit card facility is provided to those having d) Fire Insurance
savings bank account/current account accounts of e) Medical Insurance
individuals, firms and cooperates Answer: e
b) This facility is not extended to cash credit/loan
account holders 1984) Liability- side of the balance-sheet comprises:
c) debit card is issued to all the persons who visit the a) Capital and reserve
branch b) Long-term liabilities
d) 1 and 2 c) Current liabilities
e) all of the above . d) All of the above
Answer: d e) None of the above
Answer: d
1980) What are the facilities available to the
customers through ATM :- 1985) Minimum cash reserves fixed by law
a) Cash withdrawal subject to a predetermined limit per constitute
day a) A percentage of aggregate deposits of the bank
b) Cash deposit b) A percentage of aggregate loans and advances of the
c) Balance enquiry bank
d) details of certain number of transactions c) A percentage of capital & reserves of the bank
e) all of the above. d) All of the above
Answer: e e) None of these
Answer: a
1981) Section 9 of the Banking Regulation Act
prohibits the banking Companies from holding any 1986) Which of the following organizations/ agencies
immovable property except for its own use for a has sought an emergency fund of Rs.1000 crore
period of not more property. The RBI may extend from banks to tackle acute liquidity crisis, which is
this period for a further period of : coming in the way to give loans to micro borrowers?
a) 2 years a) Regional Rural & Cooperative Banks
b) 4 years b) RBI
c) 5 years c) Micro Finance Institutions
d) 6 years d) NABARD
e) None of the above e) None of the above
Answer: c Answer: d

1982) Which of the following stock exchange is 1987) Which of the following types of accounts are
derecognized by SEBI on 19.11.2014 on the known as "Demat Accounts"?
allegations of serious irregularities in its a) Zero Balance Accounts
functioning? b) Accounts which are opened to facilitate repayment
a) Bombay Stock Exchange of a loan taken from the bank. No
b) Delhi Stock Exchange other business can be conducted from there
c) Calcutta Stock Exchange c) Accounts in which shares of various companies are
d) Bangalore Stock Exchange traded in electronic form
e) None of the above d) Accounts which are operated through internet
Answer: b banking facility
e) None of the above
1983) Which of the following is not a function of Answer: c
General Insurance?
a) Cattle Insurance 1988) Mortgage is a:
a) Security on movable property for a loan d) Parliament
b) Security on immovable property for a loan e) a and b both the above
c) Concession on immovable property Answer: a
d) Facility on immovable property
e) Security on loan sanctioned against fixed deposits 1994) The main business of banks is to accept
Answer: b deposits from the public. However, a bank can
refuse to permit opening an account on behalf of
1989) assumed charge as the Minister of State :
for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) a) Undesirable persons
on 11th November 2014. b) Artificial persons
a) Gopal Singh c) Arrested persons
b) Veerabhadra Singh d) Convicted persons
c) Manoj Tiwari e) All of the above
d) Giriraj Singh Answer: a
e) Raju Bhai Gandhi
Answer: d 1995) Banks are required to monitor transactions of
suspicious nature for reporting to the authorities
1990) Identify the well known person related to under anti- money laundering measures. The
Banking field in India from the following? purpose of reporting is:
a) Mrs. Meira Kumar a) Combating finance of terrorism
b) Mrs. Kiran Shaw b) To check hawala transactions
c) Mr. Arun Jaitley c) To check the inflow of crime money
d) Dr. D subbarao d) To check inflow of the money earned out of sale of
e) All of the above narcotics
Answer: d e) All the above
Answer: e
1991) Currency notes deposited in the currency
chest are the property of ? 1996) Acceptance of deposits by non - banking
a) Respective bank financial companies is regulated by RBI under:
b) RBI a) Non - banking financial companies acceptance of
c) SBI public deposits (Revenue Bank) directions 1998
d) Government of India b) Non - banking financial companies acceptance of
e) Respective state Government government deposits (Revenue Bank) directions, 1998
Answer: b c) Non - banking financial companies acceptance of
public deposits (Revenue Bank) directions, 1998
1992) A fixed deposit receipt is kept with the bank d) Non- banking financial companies acceptance of
for its safety, is known as ? deposits money lenders (Revenue
a) Safe custody Bank) directions, 1998
b) Safe deposit e) None of the above
c) Locker Answer: a
d) Valid safe deposit
e) None of the above 1997) If a company, which is not a non - banking
Answer: a financial company wants to collect public deposits, it
is governed by Act:
1993) Who among the following is the primary a) RBI Act 1934
regulator of Banking business? b) Banking companies Act
a) Reserve Bank of India c) Companies Act 1956
b) Central Government d) Central Government
c) State Government e) None of the above
Answer: c a) Section 7 of Banking Regulation Act
b) Section 7 of RBI Act
1998) Companies whose main business is not c) Section 7 of SEBI Act
financing or lending are permitted to accept d) Section 7 of Nationalization Act
deposits under section 45(s) of RBI Act only from: e) None of the above
a) Public Answer: a
b) Relatives in the from of loans
c) Friends 2000) In India, it is necessary to have license from
d) All of the above the RBI for opening a new branch. This is a
e) None requirement under _ Act
Answer: b a) Section 22 of banking Regulation Act
b) Section 22 of RBI Act
1999) Every Banking company is required to use the c) Section 22 of NABARD
word Bank in its name and no company other than d) KYC Guidelines by RBI
a Banking company can use the words Bank, e) a and b above
Banker or Banking as a part of its name as per: Answer: a

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