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62 MAX

1. WRITING 10 p

not forget to include vocabulary we studied in unit 8.

Young People Today Don’t Know how to Spend Their Money Properly
1 Will and Bill are neighbours. Rewrite the sentences for Will using have/get something done. 6p

1Bill cuts his grass twice a week.

Will _____ twice a week.

2After the storm last week Bill repaired his roof.

After the storm last week Will ____.

3Bill is going to change his locks because of burglaries in the area.

Will ____ because of burglaries in the area.

4At 10 a.m. Bill was painting his garden wall.

At 10 a.m. Will _________.

5Bill has just planted some apple trees.

Will ________.

6Bill is building a tree house for his children.

Will _______ for his children.

Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences from active to passive forms. Use by where appropriate. 8p

1Somebody has stolen my bicycle.

2Somebody will clean the office later.
. ……...
3The police are using a new computer system to investigate crimes.
. ……...
4People destroyed twenty books at the city library last month.
. ……...
5Journalists were asking a lot of questions.
. ……...
6We have sold ten silver rings today.
. ……...
7Somebody found a wallet full of money yesterday.
. ……...
8Students at our school will remember Miss Jenkins, the head teacher.
. ……...
Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or the
passive forms. 6p

a We didn't know anything about the results of the new project because we ……

(not inform) about it.

b Our boss didn't know anything about the results of the new project because we …..

(not inform) him.

a I …(follow) him. I'm right behind him.

b I….. (follow). They're right behind me.

a I regularly … (donate) money to this charity.

b How much money …(donate) to this charity every year?

4. Read the text and choose the correct answers. 6

1The writer 4The Knightsbridge apartment

a) is perfectly happy with his home. a) isn't too expensive.

b) would like to move to a bigger place. b) is on the second floor.
c) lives alone. c) is well protected against criminals.
d) sells houses for a living. d) costs more than Scotland.

2He decided not to buy the French palace because 5Mukesh Ambani

a) Kirsty didn't want to move abroad. a) lives on the twenty-seventh floor.

b) it was too far from Paris. b) owns several helicopters and 160 cars.
c) it was too small. c) gives work to many people.
d) it was too expensive. d) needs a big home because he has a large
3The property in Scotland
6The writer
a) is in the country.
b) has ten identical houses. a) only looks at properties he can't afford.
c) is fifteen kilometres from the sea. b) decides to buy a small house in the
d) belongs to a famous musician. country.
c) decides to buy a home in Scotland.
d) suggests using their savings on something
other than a house.

5.Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i
gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów. 12p

1I ……. (nie wydaję ostrożnie pieniędzy) and I always spend more than I should.
2Turn left and ……….. (kieruj się w stronę) the blue tower.
3I'd like to …………. (złożyć skargę).
4I am going to ….. (zbadać swój wzrok) this Monday.
5Vending machines ….. (nie powinny być instalowane) at schools.
6A new soft drink …. (jest teraz reklamowany) in social media.
7………. (Karty zbliżeniowe stają się) more and more popular.
8If you ….. (chcesz wypłacić gotówkę), you will have to pay a fee.
9If you learned that the hotel has no air conditioning … (czy odwołałbyś swoją rezerwację)?
10I couldn't pay for the jeans because I …. (zostawiłem portfel) at home.
11It .. (było zdzierstwo). I won't shop there any more.
12I can't lend you any money, I don't have …. (żadnej gotówki przy sobie).

6. Uzupełnij luki (1–4), przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstał spójny i
logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki. 4p

Fair Trade

Everyone likes bargains but we rarely wonder how it is possible for a quality T-shirt to cost only five
dollars. It all begins with the farmer who grows cotton and harvests it. A local manufacturer uses the
cotton to make the T-shirt. Then a retailer labels and packs it. 1…, the T-shirt is sold in a chain store. The
farmer and the manufacturer usually earn less than a dollar from this transaction. In reality, lots of
clothes 2… by exploiting people who work long hours for low pay, often in terrible conditions.
Fortunately, many people 3… to realise how unfair such practices are and they are demanding a better
deal for everyone involved. The term Fair Trade refers to the process of buying and selling goods where
all the people who make the product are paid a fair price for their efforts. Therefore, by buying fair
trade products we support people in 4… countries who are struggling to improve their lives.

7 Complete the money phrases with the missing words. 4p

1 You can't have both a new smartphone and a laptop – I'm not …… money!

2 They …. money water. They really should try to save some.

3 Unless you've got money ….., you should really get a less expensive car.

4 We didn't need a new dishwasher. It was a total … money. The old one is still working.

8. Complete the text with the correct prepositions. 6p

My parents say I'm not careful 1.. money. The fact is, I rarely have money 2…. me, but that's because I
usually pay 3… a bank card, not 4… cash. I love shopping and I often buy things which are 5… special
offer. As a result, I'm often short 6… money or even broke. I promised my parents to change. I'll start
next month, when the sales are over.

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