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Acoustic Transmission Loss through

Periodic Elastic Structures

DB# 1974
Background and Motivation

 In this model, two fluid domains are separated by a solid elastic structure. An acoustic
pressure wave impacts the structure resulting in a reflected wave and a wave transmitted
with a loss through the structure. This model investigates the transmission loss through the
structure. The effects of incident angle, frequency, and damping are studied.
 Important features used: Acoustic-structure multiphysics interaction with arbitrary incident
angle, scattered field formulation, the perfectly matched layer (PML), and periodic
Floquet/Bloch boundary conditions.

Reference: S. Dey and J. J. Sirron, Proceedings of IMECE 2006, ASME 2006

Internal Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Chicago, USA
Geometry and Operating Conditions

 Incident plane wave at angle , with wave

vector k. water
 Infinite periodic structure 
 Infinite water domain

dL k solid


Modeled infinite periodic domain

Floquet periodic condition Lx

Model Setup

 The model equations are solved using the Acoustic-Solid Interaction, Frequency Domain
multiphysics interface of the Acoustics Module.
 The interface provides pre-defined multiphysics couplings between solids and acoustic
domain as well as periodic Floquet conditions.
 Add two integration operators to determine the average pressure at the top and bottom side
of the solid. At the top both the incident (background) acpr.p_b and the reflected (scattered)
acpr.p_s pressures are defined (because of the addition of the background pressure field
option). On the bottom only the transmitted total field exists as acpr.p_b = 0.
 Define variables for the reflection coefficient R and the transmission coefficient T. As well as
the transmission loss TL = -20log10(|T|) and the absorption coefficient a = 1-|R|2.
Reflection and Transmission Coefficients
The curves match the theoretical
curves in the reference: S. Dey
and J. J. Sirron, Proceedings of
IMECE 2006, ASME 2006 Internal
Mechanical Engineering Congress
& Exposition, Chicago, USA
TL and Absoprtion Coefficent

 Incident (background) pressure for an

angle of incidence of 11 deg.

 Scattered (above) and transmitted (below)

pressure for an angle of incidence of 11

 Total pressure field for an angle of

incidence of 11 deg.

 Total pressure and deformation amplitude

for an angle of incidence of 40 deg.

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