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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department
University of Cebu – Main
Cebu City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Grade 11 Senior High School Students
of Second Semester S.Y. 2019 – 2020
in Practical Research 1



March 2020



OF HUMSS MAJOR prepared and submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the Grade 11 senior high school students of second semester of
school year 2019 – 2020 has been examined and recommended for acceptance
and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.

SHS Research Teacher
University of Cebu - Main



SHS Research Teacher
University of Cebu - Main


SHS Research Teacher SHS Research Teacher
University of Cebu – Main University of Cebu - Main
Member Member


SHS Research Teacher
University of Cebu - Main

Accepted and Approved for Oral Examination.


Senior High School Principal


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of PASSED.



SHS Research Teacher
University of Cebu - Main


SHS Research Teacher SHS Research Teacher
University of Cebu – Main University of Cebu - Main
Member Member


SHS Research Teacher
University of Cebu - Main

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Grade

11 Senior High School Students for the subject, Practical Research 1.

Date of Oral Examination: March 02, 2020


Senior High School Principal


The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to all the

people who supported the success of this thesis.

To our beloved parents, who whole-heartedly provided us with full

encouragement and financial support.

To our research teacher Ms. Phoebe T. Anga, our panelists, Mary Joy C.

Hernando, Josephine C. Quibido and Florephine Mae J. Decina, for the pieces of

advice that we will be useful to face our future research endeavors.

To the authors of the online academic journals, where their articles were

used as references which helped us vary all the findings of the various fields of

study that were aligned to the thesis output.

To the informants, who sincerely answered all the queries and explained

them to the extent of giving us substantial experiences that helped us obtain the

objectives of our research.

Finally, to God Almighty, for the never-ending guidance and enlightenment

in order to pursue whatever obstacles we have faced along the way.



The researchers would like to dedicate this thesis output to the people who

are very special to our lives and served as an inspiration to bear all the hardships

that we faced until the completion of this paper.

The researchers would like to dedicate this paper to our Almighty God who

never failed in giving us the strength, courage and the knowledge that helped us

finish this paper.

This is all for our parents and guardians who provided us all the support

we need and inspirational thoughts that helped us push beyond our limits and


To the SHS faculty, this is a great opportunity to showcase our potential as

neophyte researchers of the current generation.

The researchers would like to end this dedication among ourselves because

without our commitment and sincere perseverance to come up with successful

outcomes. It will be very impossible to accomplish this research output.


Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgment iv
Dedication v
Table of Contents vi
Abstract viii


Rationale 1
Theoretical Background 4
Theoretical Framework 5
Statement of the Problem 5
Significance of the Study 6
Scope and Delimitation 6
Definition of Terms 7


Related Literature 8
Related Studies 12


Research Design 15
Research Environment 15
Research Informants 15
Research Instruments 16
Data Gathering Procedure 16
Data Analysis Procedure 17


Presentation of Themes 19


Summary of Findings 31
Conclusion 31
Recommendations 32


Appendix A: Transmittal Letter 40
Appendix B: Informed Consent 41
Appendix C: Interview Guide 43

Appendix D: Transcription and 44

Coding Table



The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine the perception of the

Humanities and Social Sciences major in pursuing an education course. This study
was conducted to know the reasons of the students as to why they want to pursue
an education course and to know what preparations they made to determine if they
are prepared enough to enter the field of education and if they reach the various
learning needs of students. The informants of the study included 9 HUMSS
students in the University of Cebu- Main Campus, Senior High School Department.
The informants were administered using an interview guide that consists of two
open-ended questions. The questions were related to the study, which are the
reasons and preparations of the students. Findings revealed that there are various
reasons why students want to pursue an education course; and it is not simple for
them to make such a decision as it has plenty of factors that can affect their
determination. Taking up an education degree is not that easy as it acquires
massive preparations. Students encountered a lot of challenges and adjustments
while preparing for their future careers. Despite this, the students were able to cope
with the challenges and face it with confidence. Generally, deciding on what
college course is difficult and may encounter challenges that can greatly affect the
decision. It takes courage to pursue a course and requires massive preparations
to be ready upon entering that field.

Keywords: perception; education course; Humanities and Social Sciences major


Chapter 1

Education courses are for individuals who desire to become a part of the

teaching profession. As preparation for this course, Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) strand provide numerous subjects that are aligned from

literature, politics, and language. Students who want to pursue an education

course in tertiary education are suggested to take the HUMSS strand under the

Academic track. The HUMSS strand will cover relevant topics that may be further

discussed in their college education lectures. The Commission on Higher

Education (CHED) suggests that the incoming Senior High School students align

their track of the college course they want to pursue, as this will provide a preview

of the course and hone their skills and abilities for their future subjects, giving the

students more practices and knowledge, thus, making them productive and

competitive internationally.

The University of Cebu – Main Campus, Senior High School Department

offers different academic strands; one of these is HUMSS. Students who will

pursue an education course commonly take the strand HUMSS. Upon undergoing

tertiary education, HUMSS students are developed gradually by experienced

teachers. They do plenty of activities that can help them boost their social

confidence such as reporting, oral recitations, public speaking, and other

developmental and interactive activities. In becoming future educators, their


obligation is to pass down their knowledge and wisdom to the next generation they

will be teaching.

In the Philippines, many areas are still in need of teachers; hence education

courses are in demand nowadays. The DepEd stated that there was an average

of one teacher in every 29 elementary students, one teacher for every 25 junior

high school students, and one teacher for every 29 senior high school students for

the school year 2018 to 2019. The DepEd was targeting 10,000 new teacher items:

2,797 for kindergarten/elementary; 2,443 for junior high school; and 4,770 for

senior high (Manalastas, 2019).

The result of the chosen academic track among senior high school students

shows that HUMSS obtained the highest frequency of 95 or 42.2%, followed by

ABM (62 or 7.6%), STEM (37 or 16.4%) and GAS (31 or 13.8%). This result implied

that senior high school students preferred courses in education, criminology, and

social sciences. Teaching and law enforcement are one of the in-demand and high

paying jobs in the country (Vallejo, 2019).

Based on the statistical basis stated above, the shortage of teachers

resulted in the demand for the job. The students preferred education courses

choose the HUMSS strand. They perceived that teaching is one of the in-demand

and high paying jobs in the country.

The strand HUMSS is designed to effectively prepare students who seek to

pursue a college course on liberal education, the strand will be about a variety of

subjects, looking at the world and its people from various points of view. Plamo

(2017) researched about the preparations of the students who want to pursue their

desired career or course in the future. The students are being prepared in their

pre-college level which is the Senior High School, this program plays a significant

role and function upon preparing the students for college, that are the assessments

that shape their skills and talents, training that prepares them for international

workplace and programs that can equip them with the standard quality of

education. Ocampo (2019) also researched the preparedness of the students who

want to pursue an education course to be prepared are in the right strand or what

they want to pursue is in-line with the strand they have chosen. It helps strengthen

their logical reasoning, strategies and critical thinking, which are needed skills

once you are directed towards the development of skills needed for college. The

two studies above are focusing on the preparations of a student who wants to

pursue an education course. However, it did not mention the reasons why a

student wants to pursue an education course and the challenges that the students

encountered in their preparations.

The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine the perception of the

HUMSS major students in pursuing an education course at the University of Cebu

– Main Campus, Senior High School Department. It mainly focuses on the

preparations and reasons for HUMSS Majors in pursuing an education course that

can give a wider insight and become a guide before entering college. The overall

purpose of this research study is to know how the perception of the HUMSS major

students, specifically the reasons and preparations, greatly affect their decisions

upon entering the education course. This study could also give knowledge and

strategies on how the respondents are able to handle the difficulties and balance

the tasks in the midst of the preparations.

Theoretical Background

The researchers reviewed some existing theories which can support this

study. The Extrinsic Motivation theory proposed by Deci and Ryan (1985) and Self-

efficacy Theory proposed by Bandura (1977). These theories talk about how

students choose their courses in a way that they can benefit from.

Extrinsic Motivation Theory. Extrinsic Motivation theory was proposed by

Deci and Ryan (1985). It is a drive to behave in certain ways based on external

sources and it results in external rewards (Deci & Ryan, 1985). This theory

motivates a person to do things for tangible rewards rather than for the fun of it.

In this theory, students choose their courses because they can benefit a lot.

These include the job payments, rewards, and achievements that they can get

from it. These external factors drive them to work hard.

Self–efficacy theory. Self-efficacy theory was proposed by Bandura

(1977). This theory is defined as the belief that people have the ability to take

necessary action to achieve a certain task (Bandura, 1977). Self-efficacy is one of

the key motivating factors. Studies show that highly efficient students choose to

work more difficult, work harder, stay longer in difficulty and perform better as

compared to low-efficiency learners.


In this theory, students prepare in believing oneself to perform his or her

capacity in executing behaviors necessary to attain specific performance like

speaking in front of the public.

Theoretical Framework

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to explore the perceptions of HUMSS students who will

pursue an education course at the University of Cebu – Main Campus, Senior High

School Department during the 2nd semester of the school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reasons why the informants perceived to pursue an education


2. What are the perceived preparations made by the informants?

Significance of the Study

This study will greatly benefit the HUMSS students, who aspire to be

educators as this will provide knowledge about the preparations for choosing this

course. Besides, the results of this study will let them know other undiscovered

strategies for them to be guided in pursuing an education course.

Teachers would be more aware of their impact on the perceptions of their

students in pursuing the teaching profession considering that they are the role

models for these students. They can also help these students by giving some tips

on how to pursue an education course and cope with the challenges in their

preparation that they may encounter in the future.

The findings of this study will also help the parents to understand the

desired course of their children. For this, they will effectively guide them to the path

they are choosing. They will also know how their guidance could affect their

children’s perceptions as well.

Lastly, future researchers will also benefit from this study as the gathered

information serves as their guide in making their future study.

Scope and Delimitation


This study focused on determining the perception of HUMSS students in

pursuing an education course at the University of Cebu – Main Campus, Senior

High School Department. The senior high school serves as the preparatory level

for students before stepping into this college course. Specifically, HUMSS strand

is inclined in courses related to education. This aimed to distinguish their insights

and understand why they plan to pursue an education course. Also, it examined

the concept of the preparations upon entering the field of education. There were

at least nine HUMSS students who participated in this research. In order to select

the informants, the researchers approached HUMSS students who are planning to

pursue an education course and had given enough time to be interviewed

individually. The findings were done by integrating qualitative methods of data

collection and analysis.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined basis of the study’s usage:

Education course is a course in college wherein the students are taught

and trained to be a future teacher.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) is an academic strand that

focuses on interacting with other people.

Perception is an insight of a person.

Pursuing is a goal to be accomplished.


Chapter 2

This chapter shows the related literature and studies about HUMSS majors

in pursuing an education course that plays a significant role as a source of

information during the conduct of the study.

Related Literature

The literature to be reviewed is essential in developing this study and widen

the understanding of the concepts related to the researchers’ study. Thus, the

themes of the research will be discussed according to its literature.

Reasons on Pursuing Education Course. The students’ perceptions and

attitudes to the teaching profession explored the reasons why students want to

pursue an education course. Some students simply followed in the steps of a

parent because they felt comfortable or had no choice (Tillman, 2015). Students

are greatly affected by their parents’ influence on career decision making and

accept it as they value their parent’s choice. In this case, these students may not

show the same passion for teaching children as others who pursued their passions

for teaching by personal choice (Chope, 2002). Some students want to pursue an

education course because it is their own choice and has recognized certain factors

in themselves that a teacher possesses (Andrea, 2008). The perception of the

students was also changed by the influence of others. Social influence is one of

the factors that affect the decision of an individual (Rosenqvist, 2018). Future

educators want to help children and adolescents learn, to influence the next

generation, to raise the ambitions of youth, to make a worthwhile social


contribution, interest, and passion for teaching (Rosyid, 2016). Student’s traits and

personal experiences also have a huge effect on their career decision making (Lim,

2010). Students are driven to pursue an education course because of some

personal job benefits. Job schedule is one of the benefits of being a teacher

because there are better working hours and weekends. The teaching profession

has fewer working hours than other occupations. It provides the teachers enough

time to spend with family, relax, and pursue other interests. Teachers mostly enjoy

a lot of vacations and with steady pay as well (Startz, 2019). Lastly, students also

take into account the external factors that affect the decision of the students in

pursuing an education course. The factors are the working conditions, salaries,

status in the community and employment opportunities. These benefits drive the

students to pursue an education course (Yilmaz, Rezan, & Gunes, 2017). Many

people desire to adopt the career that could provide them sound foundation for

better standard of living (Cavus, Geri, & Turgunbayeva, 2015).

The related articles above talks about the reasons as to why students are

eager to pursue an education course. These articles support in understanding the

motivation of the students in becoming future educators. The strong point of the

related literature given is that the motivations for the students are thoroughly

discussed with regards to taking an education course. These studies made

significant differences from each other but had given a general idea, which

provides some reasons for pursuing an education course. It involves external

factors that the students can get personal benefits and the other involves the

student’s contribution to the society that other people can greatly benefit from.

Preparations in becoming future educators. Every student has their own

preparation in taking the next step in achieving their goals. As for future teachers,

they trained themselves to develop their capabilities. The well-being of future

educators plays a vital role in their preparation. Establishing open relationships

with family and friends can help to have a higher sense of well-being. Compared

to those who have not received any support and advice from their peers and family

members, they are not fully prepared in the overall aspect of themselves.

Preparing with a sense of well-being will have a positive outcome in becoming a

future educator (Sobotka, 2017). Developing self-esteem has a positive outcome

of becoming an educator as well, it increases the desire of the student to learn and

perform well in school (Aryana, 2010). Aside from that, studying hard is one of the

fundamental preparations, not just for future teachers but for every student. By

studying hard, future teachers can be knowledgeable and help to develop their

skills. Willingly taking the challenges in school and committed to studying is a step

of becoming a teacher (Reyes, 2017). Also, having a field of experience through

exposure to actual classroom experience helps and provides them opportunities

to develop and deliver effective teaching skills and learn the essential elements of

a successful teaching career (Gilbreath, 2017). Being exposed to actual classroom

experiences to provide themselves with critical pedagogical skills also serves as

one of the student's preparations in pursuing education course because having a

better understanding of the teaching aspect let them envision how they fit

successfully to the profession (Mangope, Mongwaketse, Dinama, and Kuyini,

2018). Community engagement also serves as a preparation and core element of


teacher education. Future teachers should prepare themselves by engaging with

communities to determine if they reach the various learning needs of students

(Howard, et al., 2003). Ciarocco (2017) also stated that getting acquainted with the

teaching profession refers to becoming familiar with the said profession. It was

emphasized that there are several factors for a student to prepare for their college

course. They need to be aware specifically, on the objectives, outcomes, and goals

for their course. Furthermore, they need to know the benefits they can attain for

their future career. O'Leary (2013) stated that classroom observation explores the

pivotal role of lesson observation in the training, assessment, and development of

new and experienced teachers. It is also an essential introduction to how it can be

best used to improve teaching and learning. In addition, developing a sense of

efficacy, flexibility and spontaneity in the students’ performances and interactions

serve as their preparation to become a teacher since these are being tested to

become a great teacher they yearn for (Caires, Almeida, & Viera, 2012).

The related articles above involve the preparations made by the students to

ensure the process of becoming future educators. A strong concept has been

given providing physical and emotional preparations of the informants that are

explained accordingly. However, most of the preparations stated are within

personal development, they did not mention any involvement of teaching skills and

possible difficulties that their informants may encounter in the process of attaining

their goals, but it could be a help to the researchers.

Related Studies

There are different studies developed in the quest to investigate perceptions

of students in pursuing an education course. Moreover, the researchers gathered

various reliable sources that may support the analysis and interpretation of the


Saks, Soosar, and Ilves (2016) conducted a study to determine the

perceptions and attitudes of students to the teaching profession. Results lead to

the recognition that the attitude of teachers when working with students affects the

decision of a student in choosing a career. Salaries are also one of the factors that

influence the students whether or not to take an education course. They

understand that the requirements set to teachers and the wages paid to them are

not balanced. Another reason that discourages the students from choosing a

teaching career is that it has a lot of work, especially when dealing with students'

behaviors. In addition, many young people are uneducated for some reason

caused by poverty. Students that are least likely to succeed in school come

disproportionately from low socio-economic status; helping those students who

struggled the most in school will help them in achieving their desired goals

(Johannessen, 2004)

A study explored the female student teacher’s motive to become a teacher.

Demographic profiles and semi-structured interviews used to collect data from 21

female student teachers. The results of the study showed that a combination of

altruistic motives, intrinsic motives, and extrinsic motives influenced their desire to

become a teacher. Their altruistic motives were social missions such as helping

poor and remote areas, influencing a future educated generation, and enjoying

working with the young children. Their intrinsic motives were the intellectual

mission, continuity of role models, and personal fulfillment. And, their extrinsic

motives were compatible with work schedules and a noble status at school and in

society (Mukminin, Kamil, Muazza, & Haryanto, 2017).

Moreover, Jacob, Dochy, and Struyven (2013) studied the reasons why

different student groups consider teacher training. Results show that students

primarily undertake teacher training for intrinsic and altruistic reasons, such as

learning skills and knowledge, attending interesting courses, gaining an

understanding of the subject, helping children and making a difference in the world,

which will be useful in their future teaching career. Besides, students also take into

consideration external factors, such as great working conditions, long holidays,

and the ability to balance work and family responsibilities.

On the other hand, according to Opazo, Aramburuzabala, and Ramirez

(2018), service-learning has positive effects on the professional and personal

development of future teachers. From the statistical analysis of Madrileño, student-

teachers’ responses to online questionnaires indicate that service-learning

requires positive emotions such as interest, enthusiasm, inspiration, and

determination. The majority of the candidates revealed positive changes in all

dimensions of life purpose, with some also reflecting strengthened relationships

between 10 pairs of dimensions, such as between stronger encouragement to help

others and a clearer knowledge of who would benefit. This research supports

teaching as a vocation and how service-learning can heighten that vocation. A

study also stated that the personal development of a student is one of the major

preparations done in pursuing an education course. Specifically, developing self-

efficacy shows more persistence, spend more time learning and have higher

educational attainment. Student’s positive self-efficacy beliefs spend freedom and

options for the future, thereby increasing the likelihood of reaching what they

yearned for (Rymer, 2017).

The related studies and literature stated above provide the researchers with

factual support that is essential to the conducted research. These are strong points

about the reasons for and preparation for pursuing an education course. The

researchers can use and develop these results after having a critical analysis of

the findings so that they can be applied to their study and come to a much better


Chapter 3

This chapter presents the research procedure used by the researchers in

the process of gathering the data relevant to the research study.

Research Design

The extensive totality of the research would employ a phenomenological

approach as it manifests an abstract idea. Phenomenology is the approach to

qualitative research that focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within

a particular group. The fundamental goal is to arrive at a description of the nature

of the particular phenomenon (Creswell, 2013). The focus of this study is the

perception of HUMSS majors pursuing an education course with the following

themes: The reasons for the informants and the preparations made by the


Research Environment

The study was conducted at the University of Cebu – Main Campus, Senior

High School Department located along J. Alcantara St., Urgello, Cebu City. It was

founded by Atty. Agustin Go way back 2016. The Senior High School Department

offers different strands specifically STEM, HUMSS, GAS, TVL, ABM, Arts and

Design, and Cookery. Approximately, there are 6,000 students enrolled in different

strands, both in the morning and afternoon shifts for the school year 2019-2020.

Research Informants

The informants were selected from students of the HUMSS strand, which

is in line with the education course. The selected students were those who wanted

to take up an education course in the future. The researchers asked the HUMSS

students if they had any known classmates who would like to pursue an education

course. Nine informants participated in this study.

In this study, the snowball sampling technique was adopted, which is a non-

probability sampling, also known as chain-referral sampling. This technique

depends on recommendations from a desirable informant chosen for the study and

each informant is asked to give referrals for other possible informants. The

rationale for selecting this approach was that the researchers were deriving

information about the HUMSS students' perception of pursuing an education

degree, which the informants would provide by their knowledge.

Research Instrument

The researchers developed an interview guide that consists of two open-

ended questions. The questions were related to the study, which are the reasons

and preparations of the students. The semi-structured interview was utilized in

gathering data. According to Cohen & Crabtree (2006), a semi-structured interview

provides a list of open-ended questions for interviewers to achieve reliable and

comparable data. A recorder application in the phone was also needed to record

the answer of the informants and provide clear transcribed data used in data


Data Gathering Procedure


The researchers submitted a transmittal letter to request the principal's

permission to allow the researchers to interview the selected informants. When the

transmittal letter was already signed, the researchers informed the informants.

With the signed informed consent from the informants and their permission, the

researchers conducted the interview.

The data gatherers concluded that nine willing HUMSS students who will

pursue an educational degree were asked permission for an interview. The

appropriate manner was observed during the interview session. The phone was

the device used in gathering the recordings from the interview that was useful in

analyzing and interpreting data. The interview lasted approximately ten minutes.

Data Analysis Procedure

Thematic analysis was utilized in analyzing the data. According to Scharp

(2019), thematic analysis is a method of analyzing qualitative and usually applied

to a set of texts, such as interview transcripts. This method allows the researchers

to understand and analyze the data.



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered from the

informants at the University of Cebu – Main Campus, Senior High School


Reasons on Pursuing an Education Course

I. Social Influence

A. Influenced by Teachers

B. Motivated by the Less Fortunate

II. Family Influence

A. Influenced by Family

B. Parent’s Choice

III. Personal Factor

A. Assumed Comfortable Benefits

B. Aspiration

C. Assumed Field of Specialization

IV. Socio-economic Influence

A. Compensation Package

Preparations in Pursuing Education Course

V. Personal Preparations

A. Development of Self-esteem

B. Study Hard

C. Public Communication Development

VI. Pre-teaching Exposures

A. Getting Acquainted with the Teaching Profession

B. Observing Teaching Skills

The researchers were able to extract six themes from the data gathered.

The themes are (1) Social Influence (2) Family Influence (3) Personal Factors (4)

Socio-economic Influence (5) Personal Preparations (6) Pre-teaching Exposure.

Each theme is supported by 1-2 statements and is evident in the nine informants

of the study.

Presentation of Themes

I. Social Influence

Social influence is a result of interacting with an individual or a group in

which a persons' health-related behavior changes. A person can change the

perception or pursue what is taught by others. The influence of socializing can

cultivate inspiration by complying with their peers’ aspiring choices or motivated by

their completion (Rosenqvist, 2018).

A.Inspired by the Teachers


Inspiration is a state of encouragement that urges a person to take further

steps in life. Inspired by the teachers implies that individuals alter their decisions

by the performance of teachers, which affects their judgment that somehow serves

as their determination to become a future educator (Sjaastad, 2011). As one of the

informants said:

"Kay tungod sad ato sa kuan na inspire ko sa usa sako

teacher sauna nga nice kaayo motudlo." (Informant 1, Line
One of the informants' reasons for pursuing an education course is the

inspiration they can get from the teachers. The teacher's performance in the

classroom often made the students inspired to be educators as well. The

characteristics of a teacher affect the student's growth in class and serve as their

role model.

B. Motivated by the Less Fortunate

Many young people are uneducated for some reason caused by poverty.

The students that are least likely to succeed in school come disproportionately

from low socio-economic status; helping those students who struggled the most in

school will help them in achieving their desired goals (Johannessen, 2004). As one

of the informants said:

“Ahm I think I want to pursue Education because ahm,

seeing our society. I want to help as well and ahm, because
having a course, an Education Degree, just don't want to
teach but also an advocate to help people and the street
children as well. Kaybaw baya ta nga kulang sila sa kwarta
para mongari then why not? If you have the chance to help
them in educating then you go” (Informant 2, Line 5)

As the informants have observed in the present situation of the community, it

influences their decision to pursue an education course. The uneducated children

or the less fortunate ones made the informants' desire to educate them.

II. Family Influence

Family influence is the involvement of parents in their children, which provides an

impact on their behavior and choices in life. Parents would have some point of

influence over a child’s career choices. If children or students are treated as if their

opinions matter, they are more open to their parent’s thoughts and possibly take

the same professions as their parents (Tillman, 2015).

A. Inspired by Family

Inspired by family implies that the decision of an individual is affected by the

perception of their family. Through this, a child follows the path of their family. This

idealism serves as their motivation to pursue a goal. The encouragement of

parents or relatives may serve as their model; they help the students to distinguish

themselves from what choices they will make (Sjaastad, 2011). As one of the

informants said:

"Nya kanang na inspire pud ko sa akong mga tita kay

teacher pud sila." (Informant 4, Line 12)

The family's career affects the informants' choice of profession because of

the inspiration they can acquire by observing their relatives do their job. Thus, they

want to continue and follow the family's career, which is teaching.

B. Parent’s Choice

Selecting a course is a tough decision; the choice must be chosen by the

student correctly to correlate your strength. Parents have a significant impact on

their child's decision making. Students are greatly affected by the influence of their

parents because of the uncertain decision about their career. The insights of

parents are more powerful than the perception of children themselves (Chope,

2006). As one of the informants said:

“So, feel nako mao nalang na akong kwaon ang-ang kay

mao may giingon sakong parents.” (Informant 3, Line 21)

The statement above implies that the parent's involvement in the informants'

decision making can influence their choice of career. It made an impact on the

decision of the informant and became one of the reasons why the informant plans

to pursue an education course

III. Personal Factors

Personal factors imply one's own thinking which greatly affects their

decisions in life. This factor is a result of one's characteristics and previous

experiences that has a great impact on their career decision making (Lim, 2010).

A. Assumed Comfortable Benefits

The students want to pursue education because of some benefits that they

might gain. There are beneficial reasons as to why students want to pursue

education. Job schedule is one of the benefits of being a teacher because there

are better working hours and weekends. The teaching profession has fewer

working hours than other occupations. It provides the teachers enough time to

spend with family, relax, and pursue other interests. Teachers mostly enjoy a lot

of vacations and with steady pay as well (Startz, 2019). As one of the informants


"Ganahan sad ko sa part nga ahm, tawag anang mag chill-

chill lang sa classroom." (Informant 9, Line 17)

The informants desire to pursue an education course because of the

underlying benefits it may give, particularly the comfortable benefits. The working

schedule of a teacher makes the informant want to become a teacher. The

informant assumed that because of the job schedule a teacher has, there are

moments that they can relax. In line with the Extrinsic Motivation Theory (1985)

which states that a person is driven to do such work because of the underlying

external or psychological rewards they may receive.

B. Aspiration

Aspiration is a feeling of a strong desire to achieve something. This serves

as one's motivation to achieve their desired goal, which is to become a teacher. In

this case, the students considered their own choices and recognized certain

factors in themselves that a teacher possesses (Andrea, 2008). As one of the

informants said:

"So, kanang since childhood nako dream ni siya nako nga

ganahan ko mag maestra, mutudlo ug mga estudyante."
(Informant 3, Line 9)
Having a teaching profession as an aspiration proves that it is the

informants' passion considering they still want to pursue the Education course

despite many realizations and changes occurring in the informants' environment


as they grow up. As the informants stated, they desire to teach as this was their

dream ever since they were still a child.

C. Assumed Field of Specialization

Field of Specialization is a students’ choice of field because they believe

that they specialized in a particular skill. The students desired to become a teacher

because they consider their strengths to belong to this kind of field. This will guide

the person in choosing a career (Andrea, 2008). As one of the informants said:

"Murag feel ra nako ba nga ganahan kay ko mag teach sa

mga students or sa mga bata. Unya ganahan kay ko kanang
taga- magreport, ganahan ko mag explain. Kanang murag
tungod ana kanang nakafeel ko nga kanang education nga
field kay mas maayo ko dira kaysa sa uban nga field. Mas
mo fit ko ana" (Informant 6, Line 15)

One of the factors that affect the student's decision to pursue an educational

course is their aspiration of becoming a teacher. The informants want to pursue an

education course because they assume that their capabilities and personalities will

fit into this course. In line with the Self-efficacy Theory (1998), the informants were

able to visualize that the abilities and skills they have are definitely fitted with the

profession and thus, they believe that they could achieve this specific goal because

they have attained those mentioned skills.

IV. Socio-economic Influence

Socioeconomic influence indicates people's behavior when it comes to

income or finances. Many people desire to adopt a career that could provide them

a sound foundation for a better standard of living. The students considered some

external factors which affect their decision in pursuing an education course. These

factors include working conditions, salaries, and employment opportunities

(Yilmaz, Rezan, & Gunes, 2017).

A. Compensation Package

Compensation package is the total payment and benefits that an employee

receives for doing their job. It is one of the basic reasons for employees to seek

employment. Students take into account the external factors that can motivate

them to do their work. These factors are the working conditions, long summer

vacations, salaries, status in the community and employment opportunities

(Yilmaz, Rezan, & Gunes, 2017). As two of the Informants said:

“Nya kay na maka pwede kuno ko maka apply sa gawas

sad ana” (Informant no. 1, Line 13)
“First of all, ang first nakong reason ana kay like sa income
sad bitaw, dako og hatag na sweldo” (Informant no. 7, Line

As mentioned above, teachers are one of the professions that are highly in

demand and the idea of earning a high salary affects the students' perception of

pursuing an education course. Also, the informants foresee that becoming a

teacher will give them the privilege to work abroad, that they can easily apply for a

job, and they are well-paid within this profession. With regards to the Extrinsic

Motivation Theory (1985) which stated that a person is driven or motivated to do a

specific task because of the given external or psychological rewards or benefits it

may offer.

V. Personal Preparation

Personal Preparation is a proceeding consideration as a mode of preparing

oneself for the future. Students who want to pursue their desired course are

required or in need to prepare, train their skills to its utmost and as well as having

a field of experience. Having exposure through actual classroom experience helps

and provides them opportunities to develop and deliver effective teaching skills

and learn the essential elements of a successful teaching career (Gilbreath, 2017).

A. Development of Self-esteem

Self-esteem refers to a person's overall sense of self-worth or personal

value. It helps in succeeding at school or work because you believe yourself to be

capable of success. There is a positive relationship between having self-esteem

and academic achievement. Developing self-esteem can increase the student’s

capability in learning and perform well in school. Having low self-esteem can

decrease a student's desire to learn and does affect the performance of the

students in school. Thus, students with high self-esteem generally achieved a

higher score (Aryana, 2010). As one of the informants said:

"Dapat mo atubang jud ko ug mga tao unya kanang

confidence ba bahala singhutanon ko ug dapat proud sad
ko sa akong self kay ingon ana man daw ang usa ka
teacher. " (Informant no. 6, Line 50)

Building self-esteem plays a vital role in the preparation of the informants

to continue reaching what they aimed. Having high self-esteem is one of the skills

that a teacher holds. Being confident and proud in front of many people will help

them prepare themselves for acquiring the teaching profession. In relation to the

Self-efficacy Theory (1998), having the belief of being capable of doing or carrying

out a specific task is important as it gives the persistence to continue reaching an

explicit goal.

B. Study Hard

Studying is vital in preparation for the future. Studying hard refers to a student

that pays a lot of effort in studying at school. Efficient studying is one of the needed

requirements to pursue an education degree. Studying hard at school will acquire

the skills one may need. School provides knowledge. If one will study hard,

choosing career fields will be easy. In pursuing a career, one must work for it; and

that is to study harder (Reyes, 2017). As one of the informants said:

"Kuan magtuon lang gyud ko ug maayo" (Informant 4, Line


Studying hard in pursuing a specific course is a must. As stated above, one

of the preparations performed by the informant is studying hard, giving enough

attention to the school works. It means giving efforts and being focused on

studying is one step to pursue an education course.

C. Public Communication Development

Communication skills involve listening and speaking, as well as reading and

writing. For effective teaching, a teacher needs to be highly skilled in all these

areas to teach by the ability and capability of the students. Teachers need to adopt

such skills of communication in order to motivate the students towards their

learning process (Howard, et al., 2003). As one of the informants said:

"Dapat moparticipate kung maayo sa kanang mga kuan

mga oral recitation or kanang mga speak magmag storya
storya sa atubangan para ma build sad akong confidence."
(Informant no.1, Line 49)

The informants prepare themselves in school by participating in oral

recitations. As the informants stated, practicing public communication helps them

improve and enhance their verbal speaking for them to become a better future

educator. In connection with the Self-efficacy Theory (1998) which makes a

student more willing to choose tasks where they already feel confident of

succeeding, in this aspect, the informants have the will and attempted to try

developing their public communication skills.

VI. Pre-teaching Exposure

Pre-teaching involves the skills of teaching. Students who want to take an

education course exposed to actual classroom experiences with a view of

equipping themselves with essential pedagogical skills. It is an idea to give a

preview or background of the teaching profession, which enables their knowledge

to be put in action and increase the engagement of the student towards the chosen

career. Having a better understanding of the teaching aspect, students can easily

envision how they fit successfully into that profession. The students will be able to

set realistic goals for themselves and pursue them knowing the preparation they

will need for a specific career (Mangope, Mongwaketse, Dinama, and Kuyini,


A. Getting Acquainted with the Teaching Profession

Getting acquainted with the teaching profession refers to becoming familiar

with the said profession. There are several factors for a student to prepare for their

college course. They need to be aware specifically, on the objectives, outcomes,


and goals for their course. Additionally, they need to know the benefits they can

attain for their future career (Ciarocco, 2017). As one of the informants said:

"Unya nagkuan nasad kog mga schools, nagsearch nasad

kos google unsa ang mga makuha, unsa akong mga
benefits ana, unsa akong makuha if sa public magtudlo or
sa private ko magtudlo." (Informant 3, Line 31)

One of the preparations stated is examining the education course.

Gathering information about the course will give knowledge and awareness to the

informants as to what kind of profession they will be entering. The informants'

exploration of the course will give them a broader view of the said profession.

B. Observing Teaching Skills

Observing teaching skills refers to student’s observations on what way their

professors teach them. Classroom Observation explores the pivotal role of lesson

observation in the training, assessment, and development of new and experienced

teachers (O'Leary, 2013).

As one of the informants said:

"Diri sa HUMSS ila I build imong confidence nya more on

linguistics kay in ana nga makasulti ka ay ma kastorya kag
tarong sa atubangan then more on presentations."
(Informant 1, Line 38)
The informants stated that upon entering the HUMSS strand, their

confidence and skills are acknowledged. The teaching skills of the informants are

being practiced by making several presentations in class. Indeed, engrossing

oneself to be skillful in teaching through constant practice helps the students in


their teaching strategy, which increases one's prospect to become a future


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.

Summary of Findings

Based on the presented and gathered data, the researchers found out the

reasons why students want to pursue an education course and their preparation.

The reason why students want to pursue an education course is that they

are inspired by the people around them, influencing them to take such courses.

Students find the course beneficial in various aspects such that, this course offers

high demands for employment.

The preparations that the students made beforehand are developing

themselves through engaging in activities that can enhance their self-esteem as

well as their public communication skills. Students also obtain effective teaching

strategies by gathering informative information over any particular matter and

through constant practice.


Based on the findings, the study revealed that there are various reasons

why students want to pursue an education course; and it is not simple for them to

make such a decision as it has plenty of factors that can affect their determination.

Taking up an education degree is not that easy as it acquires massive

preparations. Students encountered a lot of challenges and adjustments

while preparing for their future careers. It takes courage to pursue a course and

requires massive preparations to be ready upon entering that field.



Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers


• HUMSS students may continue seeking more strategies that might be

useful for their future career, which is to become a teacher

• Parents may provide support to their children by listening to their concerns

and understanding the challenges they have encountered in the midst of

their preparation in pursuing an education course.

• Teachers may help the students in developing their skills and teach them

some strategies to cope up with their difficulties.

• Future researchers may have an idea to start their future studies that relate

to the HUMSS students. They may use this study as a guide or basis for

future research and may enhance this study.

• Teacher-training institutions may consider improving teacher-training

programs for the welfare of aspiring educators.



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Senior High School
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

August 16, 2019

Dr. Abelardo T. Tejo Jr.
Senior High School Principal
University of Cebu- Pri
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Dear Sir:

Good day!
We the Grade 11- 1A Providence senior high school student from Accounting Business
Management (ABM) who is acting as the group representative and is currently working on
their research entitled “Perception on Pursuing Education Degree of HUMMS Major”. This
study when finished will serve as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Practical
Research 2.

In line with this, we humbly ask your permission to administer the survey of the study for
this qualitative study. The participants will be the Grade 12 HUMMS students of University
of Cebu Private. The result would substantially suffice and help us understand the
relationship between the two non-experimental variables. Furthermore, any information
obtained from the participants are treated with high confidentiality and only used for
research-related purposes.

We are looking forward to your favorable response with regard to this matter. Thank you
for your support.

Sincerely yours,


Research Group Representative



Research Adviser

Approved by:


SHS Principal, UC - Main


Title of the Study: Perception on Pursuing Education Degree of HUMSS Majors

Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine the perception of HUMSS

Majors in pursuing Education Degree. This aims to know how the perception of a
HUMSS major student influences the aspect of learning and teaching at the same

Risks and Discomforts

There are no foreseen risks and discomforts with regards to this study.

Benefits of the Research and Benefits to You

You could benefit in the study in a way that it serves as a motivation and your
preparation matter as you gradually reach the degree. As for our part, we'll be able
to collect data from reliable sources, such as you, and we will be guaranteed in a
way that we are not making everything up.

Voluntary Participation

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may choose to stop
participating at any time. The researchers will respect your decision and will not
ask further questions.

Withdrawal from the Study

You can stop participating in the study at any time, for any reason, if you so decide.
Your decision to stop participating will not affect your relationship with the
researcher, University of Cebu, or other groups associated with this project. In the
event that you withdraw from the study, all associated data collected will be
immediately destroyed whenever possible.

Permission to Record Interview


As neophyte researchers, it will be best if we could get all the responses in

verbatim for thorough analysis and interpretation of the qualitative data. Thus, it
will also make a smooth flow of the interview and have lesser interruptions while
the interview is ongoing.


Audio recorder will be used to ensure accuracy and fidelity of the responses given.
Any information obtained from you will remain highly confidential and will be used
for researcher purposes only.

Contact Information

Contact Number:


By signing below, you are granting your voluntary assent to participate in the
above- described research study.

Please be aware that by signing this assent form is not sufficient to participate in
this research study. You must ALSO have a parent/guardian sign the parental
consent form and return to the researcher.

Full Name: ____________________________

Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____________________________


Interview Guide

Title of the study: Perception on Pursuing Education Degree of HUMSS Major

Name of Participant: _________________ Gender: _______ Contact


A. Why do you want to pursue education degree?
(Nganong ganahan ka mukuha ug kurso nga education?)
B. What are the factors that affect your decisions?
(Unsay mga butang nga nakaapekto sa imong desisyon?)
C. What are your motivations?
(Unsay mga butang nga nakahatag nimug motivations?)

A. What preparations did you make?
(Unsa nga pagpangandam imu gibuhat?)
B. What challenges did you encounter in your preparation?
(Unsay mga kalisod nga imu naagian sa imong preparasyon?)
C. What are your coping strategies?
(Giunsa nmu paglutas sa problema?)


Informant no. 1

Line Statement Subtheme

1 R: So, Hi! Ako diay si James Montes taga 11 ABM-
1A nya naa mi diri mag interview
2 nimo nya pwede ka mo request ug lain lugar or okay
naba nimo karon diri.
3 KI: Okay raman.
4 R: So, karon kay among topic kay about gani sa
perception sa HUMSS nga mo pursue ug education,
5 kung unsa ilang perspective gani ug ilang
preparations, mga reasons.
6 So, karon naa mi i ask some questions nga para ma
successful amo study sad.
7 R: Why do you want to pursue an education course?
8 KI: Kuan ah, at first di jud ko ganahan mag edu- ay
mag teacher pa, so, originally, ako gusto kay civil

engineer pero na, wa man ko nasud sa STEM, so

mao to na sud kos HUMSS then nasud sa ako utok
nga mag education
9 kay tungod sad ato sa kuan na inspire ko sa usa Inspired by the
sako teacher sauna nga nice kaayo motudlo. teachers
10 R: So, what are the factors that affect your
11 Unsa nga mga butang nga murag nakaapekto gani
nimo nga mao imo pilion?
12 KI: Ah kuan, first kay katong akong parents sad ana Inspired by
sad sila nga nice daw kuno kung mag teacher ko Family

13 nya kay na maka pwede kuno ko maka apply sa Compensation

gawas sad ana Package
14 nya then ang last sad kay kato akong teacher nga Inspired by the
kuan na nindot kay motudlo nga idol kay nako. teachers
15 R: So, giunsa nimo pag, aw unsa imong panglantaw
sa education course?
16 Unsay imong mga kanang views about that kanang
kind of course?

17 KI: Ah, para nako, nindot kaayo ang kuan ang

education kay
18 di lang sya makatabang sad sa mga students na Personal
makat on, makat on sad ko as a teacher or as a Factors
kuan, professor, kay makat on sad ko kung unsaon
pagtudlo nila ug sakto nya the more ko motudlo nila,
the more sad ko makakuan, murag give and take.

19 R: So, what are your motivations for taking

education degree?
20 KI: Kuan, my parents nya sunod kay kato teacher ay
kato teacher nako in the past
21 and kanang maybe kuan kanang, ah sa ang Assumed Field
pagkagusto na nako nga motudlo. of
22 R: So, so, what preparations did you make as a
23 KI: Ah, first of all, wala pakaykoy preparations but
kung hantod karon nga gahunahuna najud
24 ko kay basin man sad nga kuan mo shift nakog kuan
STEM igka ay mo reshift kog STEM
25 or akong i pursue akong education path, mas dako
pajud ang kuan ang akong pagka gusto sa

education karon.
26 So, karon magtarong nakog skwela Study Hard
27 R2: So, as of now diba HUMSS man ka?
28 So sure jud ko nga nanay mga unsa na factors nga
maka help nimo ig ka future
29 like unsa may imong mga preparations nga nahimo
nimo sa inyong classroom,
30 for example like makahelp nimo in the future?
31 KI: Ah preparations, so kuan kanang mapadevelop Development of
nako sakong mga sakong confidence diri sa Self-esteem
32 kay more on speaking ing ana, so tungod ana Public
murag mas na develop nako akong confidence or Communication
akong public speaking kay dapat mag atubang sad Development
kog mga students in the future,
33 nya tungod sa HUMSS murag maka prepare ko
para sa akong future puhon.
34 R: Nya unsa say, diba daghan man strands noh?
35 Unsay naa sa HUMSS nga murag maong tool siya
nga mahimo kang teacher,

36 unsay mga kuan niya ba, aspects nganong kana

imong gipili na strand?
37 KI: Kung ABM focus cya sa business, sa STEM
focus cya sa math,
38 diri sa HUMSS ila I build imong confidence nya Observing
more on linguistics kay in ana nga makasulti ka ay Teaching Skills
ma kastorya kag tarong sa atubangan then more on
39 R: Did you encounter some challenges as, in
40 KI: Oh naa sad, naay times nga lisod kaayo mga
41 nay times nga usahay di jud motabang ang mga
tablemates or mga groupmates.
42 R: So giunsa nimo pag handle ang in ana nga

43 KI: kanang murag more on akong storyaan akong
mga ka groupmates na dapat molihok sad sila
44 so kung di sad gyud sila molihok kay ako nalay ma
45 R: So, with regards sa kanang pag pursue nimog
education, unsa pay lain nimong problema
46 nga murag imong makit an puhon or karon nga
imong masugatan as a teacher? Or sa mga mo
pursue ug teacher?
47 KI: Kuan kanang maybe murag kuan ra ang akong
pagka mauwawon ra.
48 R: So, unsaon man nimo pag cope sa kana nga
49 KI: Ah, kuan, more on dapat moparticipate kung Public
maayo sa kanang mga kuan mga oral recitation or Communication
kanang mga speak, mag storya storya sa Development
atubangan para ma build sad akong confidence.
50 R: Nya effective raman kaha na nga as a tool nga
imong gigamit? Ni improve naba or unsa?
51 KI: Oh effective raman kay sauna nga murag
mauwaw jud ko
52 nga maputol putol jud ako storya, karon kay di na
kaayo kay naanad naman.
53 R: So, unsa kanang, nakay lain message sa mga
HUMSS students na ganahan sad mo

54 pursue ug education or sa mga grade 11 nga

ganahan mo pursue ug education?
55 KI: Kuan kanang kung gusto mo mo pursue ug
education, try jud kay lingaw.
56 R: So, wala nakay lain ika add sa among, wala
nakay ganahan isulti or message?
57 KI: Oh
60 R: Salamat sa imong pag cooperate ha kanang
makatabang jud kas among research. Thank you!

Informant no. 2

Line Statement Subtheme

1 R: Hi! I am James Montes from Gr.11 ABM 1A. Naa
mi karon aron mag interview
2 sa perception of HUMSS majors in pursuing
education course
3 So okay ra nimo unsa nga language, Bisaya?
4 So ngano ganahan ka mo kuha og course nga
5 KI: Ahm I think I want to pursue Education because Motivated by
ahm, seeing our society I want to help as well and the less
ahm, because having a course, degree on fortunate
Education. just don't want to teach but to also an
advocate to help people and the street children as
well. Kaybaw baya ta nga kulang sila sa kwarta para
mongari then why not? If you have the chance to
help them in educating then you go

6 R: How do you see Education Course? Unsa imong

mga panlantaw sa Education?
7 Unsa imong mga impresssion ana nga kurso?
8 KI: Ang akong very first impression kay lisdan jud ko
kay specially sauna I am not really into verbal
speaking, I am more on handwritten.
9 R: Unsang mga factors nga naka affect nimo nga
mo pursue jud kag Education?
10 KI: Ako kay ang unang factor nga naka affect nako
kay specially sa akong gender.
11 Specially kay gay ko like we are not deserving to be
here to teach and kanang it is not just our gender
but also the society has labeled as.

12 Lisod sya sudlon kay labaw na ang ilang pagtanaw

nila namo nga in-ana mi.
13 Like naa man gani uban nga makaingon sila nga
"Gays are just useless in the society".
14 R: Aside from your gender, what other factors that
affects your decision?
15 KI: Also, my family, they don't want me to pursue Aspiration
Education but since then it is my desire then I will go
for it.
16 R: What are your motivations?
17 KI: Motivations? As well is my family again because
I do this for them.
18 I cannot achieve how far I am today as a Senior High
School student without their help.
19 R: What preparations did you make nga maka
pursue jud kag Education? Unsay mga preparation
nga gipang andam nimo?
20 KI: Akong preparations jud kay akong self Development of
pinakauna. How I carry myself in front of people. Self-esteem
21 Kumbaga kung teacher man gud ka more on
speaking and communicating.
22 Mao na siya amg gi prepare nako sa akong
23 R2: So sa classroom, sa class, unsa man imong
mga techniques or kanang ganing qualities na gain
para mahimong useful in the future?

24 Unsa imong nabuhat nga makatabang ni sya?

25 KI: Feel nako usa sa nakatabang nako kay kanang
taking HUMSS kay always be confident in front of
many people.
26 Mao na ang pinakauna nga para nako nga gisanay
ba. Kay mauwawon man jud ko before ba,
27 panagsa rakay ko makipagsalamuha like okay ra
nga ako ra isa. Mao jud na ang usa nakong na gain
diri nga sure ko magamit nako in the future.
28 KI: Usa sa akong na tanaw kay as a teacher dapat
sad ka maminaw sa mga estudyante ba
29 kay not always a teacher ikaw moy sakto,
sometimes naa say mga estudyante nga gusto
makapaabot og message nimo ba nga pwede sad
nimo magamit.

30 R: What challenges do you encounter sa imong

31 KI: Maybe akua financial. Mao jud na ang number
one problem kay kuan baya we were a victim of
Yolanda pa sauna ta,
32 that's the reason why we move here. Wala jud bisag
pilang dala nga kwarta.
33 Mao to, I started to be a working student para maka
supply sa akong needs sa skwelahan
34 and I think ano sad nang pinakakinahanglan ba kay
specially in the future, gasto na.
35 R: Do you see some difficulties in taking Education
36 KI: I think wala kay it is my desire baya. Whatever it
is then I'll go for it!

37 R: Do you see some possible challenges that you

will be encountering in the future?
38 KI: Feel nako kuan. Acceptance jud, acceptance sa
39 R: What are your coping strategies?
40 R2: Sa imong mga challenges.
41 KI: I deal with it nga nag working student ko para ma
supply nako akong mga provision sa school.
42 R: Do you have a message to other HUMSS
students nga wants to pursue Education Degree in
the future?
43 KI: Just be their self, taking HUMSS, I know it's hard,
it is more on public speaking but I believe that you
can. Just push for the future.
44 R: Do you have any comments or suggestions for
our research?
45 KI: Successful lang kay pareho baya ta
nagresearch. Amoa sad kay perceptions then mao
ra to. Successful nga tarong.
46 R: Thank you sa pag cooperate diay.
47 KI: Thank you.
48 R2: Goodluck!

Informant no. 3

Line Statement Subtheme

1 R: Good morning, I’m Clarissa Gulbin from ABM 11-
1A and we conduct a study about
2 the Perception of HUMSS Major in Pursuing
Education course,
3 so ang purpose sa among research..kanang
qualitative research ni siya para ma determine and
4 to know how the perception of a HUMSS student
influences the aspect of
5 learning and teaching at the same time so that’s
it..pwede nako musugod ug pangutana nimo?
6 KI: Yes.
7 R: So, first mangutana ko sa reasons. why do you
want to pursue an education course?
8 Pwede ra sya bisaya miss. Nganong ganahan ka
mukuha ug kurso nga education?
9 KI: So, kanang since childhood nako dream ni siya Aspiration
nako nga ganahan ko magmaestra, mutudlo ug mga
10 Until pag-abot nako sa senior high niingon ko
sakong parents nga ganahan ko mag customs,
change of mind,
11 Then pagkahuman di man sila musugot so murag

nakuan nasad ko
12 kay lagi akong mga tita puros mga teacher, akong Inspired by
mga tito mga teacher ug mga principal so murag Family
ganahan sad sila nga ma same field ko ato nila.
13 R:So nganong na change imong decision?
14 KI: Na change siya ang-ang kay kapoy kaayo
magmaestra gali as akong nakita especially
15 sa public kay mga maestra kanang sig storya every
16 nya nay mga estudyante nga dili kaayo maminaw
17 nya gamay ra kay ang sweldo nga makuha gali,
18 so which is mura kog na-unfairan kay grabe kaayo
ang effort but less ang salary nga akong makuha
19 so mao to gusto ko magcustoms kay chill siya nya
ganahan ko.
20 R: sure najud ka magmaestra ka bisag gipugos
raka? Para nimo mao najud ang imong kwaon?

21 KI: So feel nako mao nalang na akong kwaon ang- Parent’s

ang kay mao may giingon sakong parents. Choice
22 Motivation nako ang first kay ang students, ganahan
ko ang mga students makalearn ug values ug
kanang different learning strategies gikan nako
23 kay kasagaran mga maestra nga akong nakita,
akong naobserbaran
24 kay murag kasagaran nila kay wala ra kaayo.
25 dili tanan pero kasagaran nila kay dili kaayo more sa
learning strategies nya sige rag yawyaw,
26 wala siya naka affect sakong personal life, murag
wala siya nakita
27 so ganahan ko mu-touch akong panan-aw, ang
akong pagtudlo sa akong mga estudyante.
28 R: So next is preparations, so what preparations did
you make?
29 Unsa ang mga preparations imong nahimo?
30 KI: So, kay dili naman ni bag o nako nga panan aw
ang-ang kay
31 akong mga tito ug mga tita lagi naa sa kani nga field Getting
nangayo ko nilag mga advices about sa mga board Acquainted
exams nya nagkuan nasad kog mga schools, with the
nagsearch nasad kos google unsa ang mga Teaching
makuha, unsa akong mga benefits ana, unsa akong Profession
makuha if sa public magtudlo or sa private ko
32 R: How ‘bout sa pagtudlo nimo sa imong mga future

students? Unsa imong preparations para ana?

33 KI: So ang akong preparations ani is.. preparation
nako sa akong mga students sa pagtudlo kanang
feel nako mag strinikta guro ko
34 So, since diri kay HUMSS man akong major murag Public
nakakuan ko nga more on public speaking diba Communication
35 so murag gianad na nako akong self nga magstorya Development of
sa mga taw ug unsa akong maobserve nila so mao Self-esteem
to siya.
36 R: So, miss ang HUMSS nga strand kay gamit para
sa education degree inig ka graduate nimo?
37 KI: Yes, gamit kaayo siya kay kanang more on public

38 nya nag-deal sad siya sa mga interactions between

sa mga taw.
39 R: So karon miss mangutana lang ko, what are the
challenges did you encountered in your
40 KI: Ang pagduha-duha sa akong kurso nga kwaon,
41 ikaduha mahadlok ko, wala koy salig sakong
kaugalingon if makasud ba ko ana nga field,
42 if ma take ba jud nako ang field or masud ba ko sa
43 R: So next is, what are your coping strategies?
Giunsa nimo paglutas ang problema?
44 KI: Kuan nangayo kog advices sa akong mga tito ug
45 nag search kog mga motivational nga kanang
kanang motivational nga videos about sa education
46 nga somehow makakita kog better gali nga positive
47 R: So that’s it..Thank you so much for cooperating,
miss. Thank you kaayo.

Informant no. 4

Line Statement Subtheme

1 R: So good morning
2 KI: Good morning
3 R: I am James Montes from ABM grade 11 1A
4 So among topic karon kay about ay among title sa
among study karon kay Perception of HUMSS
major in pursuing education course.
5 Among purpose sa study kay para ma determine
namo unsa juy perception sa HUMSS in pursuing
education course
6 nya amo sad aim na mahibaw an namo unsay

perception sa HUMSS ug mga influences in the

aspect of learning and teaching at the same time.
7 Naa mi some questions nga i ask para ma
successful among study so first question namo
8 Why do you want to pursue an education course?
9 KI: pwede raman mag bisaya diba?
10 R: ahh yes okay ra.

11 KI: kuan kanang, since bata pa ko kay ganahan Assumed Field

na jud kog tudlo-tudlo ug mga bata of
12 nya kanang na inspire pud ko sa akong mga tita Inspired by
kay teacher pud sila. Family
13 R: So, what are other factors that affect your
14 KI: Kuan kanang, niingon akong mama nga since Parent’s
ganahan kog kanang mahimong teacher ingon Choice
siya na mao ra gyud na nga kurso na dapat
nakong kwaon kay kanang kuan man siya, dili kay
siya bug-at sa bulsa inig abot sa college.
15 R: So, what are your motivations?
16 KI: Kuan ang akong tita pirme siya moingon nako Inspired by
nga dapat mag teacher ka ha? dapat imo sundon Family
kung unsa ang naa nako karon nya akong Tito
17 R: So ahm.. your prepara-- ah what preparations
did you make?
18 KI: Kuan dapat mag anad-anad ko'g kanang Development of
socialize sa mga tao nya dapat mag anad-anad Self-esteem

ko'g tabi sa atubangan nga dili mauwaw.

19 R: nya, so what challenges did you encounter in
your preparations?
20 KI: dili gyud malikayan no? pero naa gyuy times
nga kanang mauwaw ko motabi sa atubangan
21 nya kanang murag dili ko ganahan makig mingle
sa mga tao
22 pero kahibaw ko nga ako ng dapat buhaton
23 kay teacher baya so kailangan mo socialize ka.
24 R: So what are your coping strategies sad?
25 KI: kuan, magtuon lang gyud ko ug maayo Study Hard
26 nya kanang dili mo give up.
27 R: So thank you sa paghatag sa imong time miss.
Thank you.

Informant no.5

Line Statement Subtheme


1 R: Good morning! I’m Clarissa Gulbin from ABM

11-1A and we
2 conduct a study about the Perception of Pursuing
Education Course of HUMSS Major,
3 so mangutana ko what grade are you?
4 KI: I’m from 11 HUMSS 3P-Brilliance
5 R: So mangutana lang ko nimo, unsa imong
plano nga course nga kwaon ig college nimo?
6 KI: So I am planning to take up education.
7 R: So why do you want to pursue an education
8 KI: So basically, I want to pursue education Motivated by
career because I want to help children especially the less
to those who are not educated well so I want to fortunate

have a vocation also to help them throughout their

process of adulting
9 R: So asa ka nakakuha ug inspiration para
mutake ana nga course?
10 KI: So nakakuha ko ani nga inspiration sa mga Inspired by the
teachers ra sad because I was so inspired to them teachers
because of their dedication and their learnings
that they shared to us.
11 R: Next question, what are the factors that affect
your decision?
12 KI: So ang nakaapekto sad ani sakong desisyon
kay ang mga.. like
13 Di sad raba sa tanan kaya nga kanang naa baya
juy uban nga
14 Mudiscriminate jud nimo kanang about sa imong
gender nga
15 dika deserve ana kay muteach kag ingon ana,
mao na ang mga factors nga maka-affect sad sa
akong self.
16 R: So next, what are your motivations?
17 KI: So akong motivation is akong family because
they are the one
18 Who supported me throughout this year, sila ang
naa sakong kilid
19 kanang mupadayon sakong pagskwela ug mu
pursue sad sakong gusto nga career in the future.
20 R: So what preparations did you make?

21 KI: Hmm, kanang kuan ga enhance like unsaon Personal

nako pag career sakong kaugalingon Preparation
22 nga kung mutudlo nako, ako nang gipractice
23 Kung unsaon nako pagtudlo sa mga taw.
24 R: So what are your practices?
25 KI: Ang practices kay ang speaking skills like how Public
to communicate kanang mga verbal verbal like Communication
English major. Development
26 R: So next kay what challenges did you
27 KI: Ang mga challenges nga akong na encounter
through my preparations
28 kay daghan kaayo like I am not really good in
29 Like mauwawon sad ko, diri rako ni boost sakong Development of
confidence nga ga HUMSS ko kay murag na Self-esteem
enhance akong confidence.

30 R: So nakatabang jud ang HUMSS nga strand?

31 KI: For me it is a big help because in my strand it
is advocating
32 about our skills and our performance and our
communicating through verbal.
33 R: So our last question kay what are your coping
34 KI: Akong coping strategies ani kay like kanang
ako ra buhaton
35 tanan mga butang nga wala pa nako nabuhat
36 like kanang mag kanang mga pamaagi nga wala
nako maagian
37 sauna nga matarong na nako ug ma cope up na
38 So I coped up with that by being just myself,
39 akong ipakita nila nga mas better pa ko ana nga
butang sa akong mga naagian sauna like akong
gibuhat what’s best for me.
40 R: Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Informant no. 6

Line Statement Subtheme

1 R: Good Afternoon, Miss! I’m from Grade 11 ABM

2 We are here to interview about the perception of

HUMSS major in pursuing an education course.
3 As we agree na nakasign naka sa among informed
consent nga ang
4 purpose sa among research kay naay aim niya
nga mahibaw-an namo kung unsay perception jud
sa HUMSS major
5 ug naka influence niya sa aspect of learning and
teaching at the same time.
6 Dayon ang imong pag participate namo kay
voluntary sad noh
7 Then kuan sad confidential sad ang imong
ipangsulti namo which is amo irespect.
8 Kung ganahan ka na istop namo nagather namo
nga data, okay ra sad.
9 Karon kay nakaagree man ka namo so mo ask mi

some questions nga makahelp

10 sa among studies nga makabenefit ra sad ka,
makabenefit sad mi nimo.
11 Why do you want to pursue an education course?
12 KI: Kanang, pwede bisaya?
13 R: Ok ra.
14 KI: Ganahan ko mo pursue sa education nga
course kay kanang
15 murag feel ra nako ba nga ganahan kay ko mag Assumed Field
teach sa mga students or sa mga bata. Unya of
ganahan kay ko kanang taga- magreport, Specialization
ganahan ko mag explain. Kanang murag tungod
ana kanang nakafeel ko nga kanang education
nga field kay mas maayo ko dira kaysa sa uban
nga field. Mas mo fit ko ana
16 What are the factors that affect your decisions?
17 So ang factor nga naka affect sa akong desisyon
18 ngano mag academic degree ko kay (ah)
education degree ko kay
19 kanang amoang family gud kay kuan sila napuno Inspired by
ug teachers ba so murag ganahan nalang sad ko Family
nga mo continue sa ilang legacy kay halos akong
mga uncle ug akong mga auntie ug akong mama
kay teacher man
20 so murag nakakita nako kung unsaon na siya.

21 R: As in mao najud na imong ganahan? Like wala

na kay lain nga kurso na ganahan?
22 KI: Naa pud isa.
23 R: Unsa man?
24 KI: Ganahan ko mag abogado ambot lang ngano
feeler! (laughs)
25 R: So related ra siya sa education?
26 KI: Oo
27 R: Pero ang nilabaw jud nimo kay education?

28 KI: Oo education
29 R: What are your other inspirations in pursuing an
education course?
30 KI: Akong inspiration kay kanang akong mama kay Inspired by
basta makakita ko bisan gikapoy na siya maghimo family
ug lesson plan kay murag kanang taga-uli niya
kay malipay siya mo storya nako na kanang
nakapasar iyang mga estudyante sa test
31 nga mo ana siya nga iyang estudyante
32 pagsauna kay karon graduate na sa UP murag
makaingon ka ba nga Wow!
33 Nindot man diay na magteacher kay makainspire
ka kanang lain bata labi na kung tarong sad ka nga
34 R: What preparations did you make?
35 KI: Ang preparations nga gi make nako kay
36 karon (laugh) nag skwela ko. karon sa HUMSS
nga strand.
37 R: Sa inyong classroom, unsa man imohang like
murag maingon nimo ba na ma use nimo sa
38 KI: Kuan ang kanang ma use nako sa future kay

kanang layo siya sa academic

39 kanang lahi siya academic nga.. unsaon mani pag
40 Kanang dili siya ingon nga academic content pero
41 kanang about gali sa mga gitudlo sa among mga Getting
teachers nga kanang mga styles nila, kanang mga Acquainted
strategies nila, kanang ways sa ilang pagtudlo ba with the
nga feel nako na magamit sad nako in the near Teaching
future. Profession

42 R: In regards with your strand, how did it help you

to become a teacher?
43 What some aspects did your strand help you?
44 KI: Aspects? Kanang kuan, diba among strand…
45 R: Some things
46 KI: Ang things? Kanang, training gani sa among
strand kay among strand kay
47 sige gani ug pareport kanang sige siya’g kanang Public
moatubang gani sa mga tao bisan mauwaw ka Communication
48 pareha nako singhutanon man ko nga pagkatao
labi na if moatubang ko ug mga tao
49 unya mura gali usahay kay makatabang ra pud na
nako na itrain akong self nga
50 dapat mo atubang jud ko ug mga tao unya kanang Development of
confidence ba bahala singhutanon ko ug dapat Self-esteem
proud sad ko sa akong self kay ingon ana man

daw ang usa ka teacher.

51 R: What challenges did you encounter in your
52 KI: Kanang kuan(pause) kanang challenges kay
kanang pressure.
53 Kanang nag expect na sad akong family ba nga
ah sige kanang teacher
54 kana ganing murag ga expect na sila ug taas na
kanang na matagaan nako sila
55 ug nindot nga grades, kanang murag dapat maayo
ko ana nga butang.
56 Dapat maayo ko makigstorya sa mga tao bisan
mauwawon jud ko ba
57 bisan usahay mauwaw jud ko makigstorya mao ng
pressure jud ang makadown nako.
58 R: What are your coping strategies?
59 KI: Kanang ako irelax akong self then kanang
huna-hunaon nako nga mada ra ni nako
60 kanang dili sad nako I down ako self sa pressure.
61 R: Unsa imo ikasulti sa uban nga ganahan mo
pursue sad ug education?
62 KI: Kuan, kami ganahan man mi pursue ug
education sa kanang ako ra ikasulti kay may unta
na mada ra ni namo.
63 R: Thank you so much for cooperating.

Informant no. 7
Line Statement Subtheme
1 R: Good morning! I’m from Grade 11 ABM 1A and
we conduct a study about the
2 perception of HUMSS major in pursuing education
3 so pwede nako magstart ug question nimo?
4 KI: Yes
5 R: First, mangutana ko unsa imo strand?
7 R: Grade?
8 KI: Grade 11
9 R: Grade 11, so unsay ganahan nimo kuhaon na
course inig college nimo?
10 KI: Teacher
11 R: First of all, mangutana lang ko kung unsay
imohang reason nganong ganahan ka mo pursue
og education?

12 KI: first of all, ang first nakong reason ana kay like Compensation
sa income sad bitaw, dako og hatag na sweldo Package
13 tas akong nga relatives like teachers sad sila, like Inspired by
sila say ni motivate nako nga mag teacher Family
14 R: Then asa man ka makakita nila? Like sila imong
15 KI: like sa kanang balay or moadto ko sa ilaha like
mag tan-aw ko nila
16 nga mag himo og visual baron paras ilang klase
like ana like maka motivate sa akoa ba
17 R: ahh okay, next mangutana ko balik what are
your motivations?
18 KI: mao to sila, sila ang nag motivate nako ug
kanang syempre like
19 kanang naay mga teachers karon like sikat na Inspired by the
kaayo, labaw nanang mga teachers which is teachers
doctor na karon ug principal like makakita jud ka
nila as motivation sa imong pagtudlo nga ganahan
kay ka ma maestro
20 R: so mao nana imong motivation, sila, next
mangutana ko sa imong mga preparations,
21 so what preparations did you make?

22 KI: sa unsa man?

23 R: Diba naa kay plano nga mo take og course na
education so like unsa imong preparations karon?
24 KI: siguro like ang pag socialize nako sa mga tao Public
sa mga classmates nako kay as teacher raba diba Communicatio
kailangan mas maayo ka motabi bitaw para mo n Development
kuan sa mga students nimo ing ana siya
25 R: wala nay lain?

26 KI: wala na
27 R: Okay next kay what challenges did you
encounter from your preparations?
28 KI: siguro like kay first, shy jud ko ba like dili kay
ko hilig mag socialize sa mga classmates na
29 like naa rakoy alone sa akoa ba like dili kay ko
maka encounter nila in ana
30 pero karon like naay motivation kay tungod ingon
ana ana naka socialize nako nila
31 R: lastly kay what are your coping strategies?
Unsa man imong mga strategies na gi buhat para
sa challenges nimo?
32 KI: siguro kuan lang jud i motivate nimo imong self
nga kaya ni nimo.. Laban ra in ana.
33 R: okay so other than that naa kay ganahan i share
sa amoang kung unsa pa imong perception
34 as a HUMSS major nga mo plano og take up og
35 KI: Umm..siguro para nako kay kanang like dili
nimo bastabastahon ang degree nga teacher
36 kay kuan man gud maski teacher lang na dili na
sayonsayon kay lisod pud baya ang course.
37 R: Okay sige, thank you so much.

Informant no. 8

Line Statement Subtheme

1 R: Okay so first, grade?
2 KI: 11
3 R: Strand?
5 R: Unsa imong reason why do you want to pursue
an Education course?

6 KI: Uhm first of all, hilig kog mga bata then I like to Assumed Field
teach pud kay sa amoa katong bata pako, akoy of
magtudlo sa akong mga manghud kung unsa Specialization
akong natun-an sa school nako.
7 R: Ah so ate diay ka miss. So uhm aside from that
miss unsa pa man ang imong reason
8 ngano makaingon jud ka nga mao na ang imong

kuhaon nga course inig college nimo?

9 KI: Uhm since bata pako mao naman jud akong Inspired by
hilig kay ang family gani namo kay ang Family
background jud ba kay nana jud sa teaching.
10 R: What are the factors that affect your decision?
11 KI: Mauwawon man gud ko then uhm kanang naa
pa sad koy problems sa pag explain ba
12 kay dili pa kaayo ko ka explain og maayo.
13 R: Uhm so what are your inspirations?
14 KI: Akong inspiration kay akong mother og akong Inspired by
auntie nga teachers ron. family
15 R: Ahh so murag imo gi sunod ilang path?
16 KI: (nodded)
17 R: Wala nakay lain motivations? Aspirations?
18 KI: Ah naa pud, gusto sad ko mo teach sa mga Motivated by
bata nga walay kakayahan nga mo school ba. the less
19 R: Karon mangutana lang ko miss, what
preparations did you make?
20 KI: Uhm slowly, ako nang gi sanay akong Development of
kaugalingon ba nga mas ma confident pajud og Self-esteem

maayo sa atubangan og
21 kanang masako pajud gi Public



studyhan og maayo kung Communication

unsaon pag explain og Development
kanang anything about interpersonal
communication gani.
22 R: Ah so your focusing more on building your
23 What challenges did you encounter in your
24 KI: Mao lage ni kanang bisag naa koy
preparations di jud mawagtang nga mo babag
25 ang akong pagkamauwawon gyud ba dayon dali
rako ma nervous.

26 R: So, what are your coping strategies? Gi unsa

man nimo pag kuan miss?
27 KI: Akong gi huna-huna sa akong mama kung
giunsa niya paghimo as a teacher karon.
28 Kay siya manggiuwawon sad siya pero iyang
nawagtang iyang pagkamauwawon.
29 R: Ah nawagtang iyang pagkamauwawon through

30 KI: Yes, through teaching.

31 KI: Akong mama akong gi himong inspiration.
32 R: Uhm mao na to sya miss, unsa jud ang
imohang perception sa HUMSS nga strand
33 nga imong gi take karon para sa imohang future
course nga kuhaon which is Education?
34 KI: Kay ang HUMSS man gud nga strand kay
tabangan jud ka
35 nga ma build-up imong confidence sa imong
36 Ang HUMSS pud kay mao man jud ni sya ang
para jud sa Education.
37 R: Okay sige. Thank you miss
38 KI: Yes.
39 R: Thank you for cooperating.

Informant no. 9

Line Statement Subtheme

1 R: I am Clarissa Gulbin 11 ABM 1A. Uhm
HUMSS ka miss?
3 R: Grade?
4 KI: 11
5 R: Are you planning to take up an Education
course when you go to college?
6 KI: Hmm... Naay plans
7 R: Mangutana lang ko miss ha, why do you want
to pursue an Education course?
8 KI: Kay akong tita man kay teacher nya na inspire ko Inspired by
niya nya given sad nga Family

9 ganahan ko mutudlo og Science, which is favorite Assumed Field

subject nako, sa laing bata para ma inspire sad sila of
nako. Specialization
10 R: Ahhh okay so ang imoha kay na inspired ka sa
imohang tita. Since when?
11 KI: Since elementary mga grade 4.
12 R: Asa diay ka makakita niya miss?
13 KI: Every summer rami magkita kay naa man sya sa
14 R: Asa man ka kita niya magtudlo miss?
15 KI: Wala ko ka kita niya magtudlo, iyang stories ra
ako madunggan.
16 R: Ahm so aside from that naa pakay laing reasons?

17 KI: Ganahan sad ko sa part nga ahm, tawag anang Assumed

mag chill-chill lang ka sa classroom then imo ra comfortable
masugosugo imo students hahahah. Mao sad na. benefits
18 R: Hahahahah. Okay so next, what are the factors
that affects your decision?
19 R: Next miss kay what are your motivations?
20 KI: What are, pwede who are?
21 R: Yes miss, pwede kaayo.
22 KI: Ang akong motivation kay ang among gr. 10 nga
teacher, Science teacher.
23 Para nako cool kay sya nga teacher so mao sad ang
reason nganong ganahan ko mo pursue og
24 R: Ahm unsay nakit-an nimo miss nga makaingon
kag cool siya nga mura kag ma inspired nga
maganahan ka nga mutudlo?
25 KI: Ang iyang way sa pag teach kay murag dili sya
pinugos like
26 natural lang siya to the point nga dali ra nako ma
absorb iyang gipang tudlo.
27 R: So, what preparations did you make?
28 KI: Karon akong strand kay HUMSS, nya diba ang
specialized man ani niya kay Education
29 and more into speaking so mao ni akong
30 R: What else man miss nga you think makatabang
nimo in the near future when you teach na or nag
study naka og Education?

31 KI: Uhm kanang gi build-up nako akong confidence. Development

of Self-esteem
32 R: So mauwawon ka miss hahahah
33 KI: Oo mauwawon hahaha
34 R: Karon what challenges do you encounter in
dealing with your preparations?

35 KI: Stage fright given nga mauwawon ko so every

time mag reporting in class kay ma mind block ko.
36 R: Ahh ma mind block.
37 KI: Oo, to the point nga mag kurog-kurog ako kamot
nya wala maguba na nako tanang kuan
38 R: So karon mangutana na ko, what are your coping
39 KI: Ni try nako nga magpabaga og nawng like out of Development
nowhere mo kalit lang kog sayaw so mura lang nako of Self-esteem
sya nakog training para mo taas akong confidence
and yeah if given the chance nga mo storya ko, mo
storya jud ko basig hinay pa akong tingog.
40 R: Ahh okay so mo try najud ka, mo give najud ka og
41 So mao nato sya miss. Thanks for your cooperation.
Ahm do you have any suggestions or comments?
42 KI: Wala hahaha. Thank you

Sub Themes Major Themes

Inspired by the teachers Social Influence
Motivated by the less fortunate
Inspired by Family Family Influence
Parent’s Choice
Assumed comfortable benefits
Assumed Field of Specialization
Compensation Package Socio-economic Influence

Sub Themes Major Themes

Development of Self-Esteem
Study Hard Personal Preparation
Public Communication Development
Getting Acquainted with the Teaching
Profession Pre-teaching Exposure
Observing Teaching Skills


James P. Montes

861-E, M.J. Cuenco Avenue, Cebu City

[email protected]
Mobile 09095839250

Personal Background
Date of Birth: March 21, 2003
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Mario O. Montes
Occupation: n/a
Mother’s Name: Annabel P. Montes
Occupation: Business Owner vk]8

●Communication skill
●Leadership skills
●IT skills

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

Tudela National High School
Santander, Tudela, Cebu
Graduated 2019
With High Honors

Elementary school
Tudela Central School Address school: General, Tudela, Cebu
Graduated 2015
1st Honor

Heart Emmanuel R. Villacencio

Basak San Nicolas Cabreros St. 32B Cebu City 600
[email protected]
Mobile 09183614886

Personal Background
Date of Birth: October 10, 2002
Place of Birth:Cebu City
Religion: Born Again Christian
Father’s Name: Heracleo S. Villacencio
Occupation: King’s Quality Products Delivery
Mother’s Name: Emelyn R. Villacencio
Occupation: OFW

●Logical Skills
●Interpersonal Skills
●Management Skills

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa St., Basak San Nicolas Cebu City
Graduated 2019
With Honors

Elementary School
Basak Community School
Cabreros St. Basak San Nicolas
Graduated 2015

Kristina G. Baynosa
Brgy. Basak San Nicolas, Janssen Site, Cebu City
[email protected]
Mobile : 09661663556

Personal Background
Date of Birth: November 18, 2002
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Jesus Baynosa
Occupation: Taxi Driver
Mother’s Name: Alejandra Baynosa
Occupation: Housewife

•Excellent communication
•Active listener
•Thinks critically

Senior High School

University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private Road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
Macopa St., Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City
Graduated 2019
With Honors

Elementary school
Basak Community School
Cabreros St., Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City
Graduated 2015

Leslie Ann V. Canales

31-A Sepulvida St. Brgy. Zapatera Cebu City
[email protected]
Mobile 09458568111

Personal Background
Date of Birth: November,12, 2002
Place of Birth:Cebu City
Religion: Catholic
Father’s Nam: Roger Canales
Occupation: Sales Agent
Mother’s Name: Leololyn Canales
Occupation: House Wife

●Playing musical Instruments

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private Road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

University of Cebu - Main Campus
Sanciangko St., Cebu City
Graduated 2019
With Honors and NC2 Holder in FOS

Elementary School
University of Cebu - Main Campus
Sanciangko St., Cebu City
Graduated 2015

Clarissa Joyce C. Gulbin

Lawaan II, Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines 6000
[email protected]
Mobile 09231511282

Personal Background
Date of Birth: October 8, 2002
Place of Birth:Cebu City
Religion:Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Consorcio Gulbin Jr.
Occupation: Safety Supervisor
Mother’s Name: Jocelyn Gulbin
Occupation: Clerk

●Communication skills
●Active listening skills
●Management skills

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

Cebu Cherish School Inc.
Waling-Waling St., Cebu City
Graduated 2019
With Honors

Elementary School
Cebu Cherish School Inc.
Waling-Waling St., Cebu City
Graduated 2015
With Honors

Rhea C. Iran
Victor Village, Tres de Abril St., Brgy. Labangon, Cebu City
[email protected]
Mobile 09499876396

Personal Background
Date of Birth: April 3, 2003
Place of Birth: Maternity House, Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Randy S. Iran
Occupation: Technician
Mother’s Name:Teresa C. Iran
Occupation: Store owner

●Customer service skills
●Listening skills
●Good computer skills

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

University of Cebu - Main Campus
Sanciangko St., Cebu City
Graduated 2019
With Honors

Elementary School
Tipolo Elementary School
Brgy. Tipolo, Mandaue City
Graduated 2015

Arieen Belle Y. Lerio

Blk 3, Lot 26, St. Jhudiel South Homes, City of Naga, Cebu
[email protected]
Mobile number 09353434055

Personal Background
Date of Birth: November 16, 2002
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Ariel S. Lerio
Occupation: Employee
Mother’s Name: Roleen Y. Lerio
Occupation: n/a

●Playing Flute
●Cooking Skills

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

Naga National High School
West Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu
Graduated 2019
With Honors

Elementary school
University of the Visayas- Minglanilla Campus
Tiber, Minglanilla, Cebu
Graduated: 2015

Riza Mae R. Ramos

Sabang, Sibonga, Cebu
[email protected]
Mobile 09677209291

Personal Background
Date of Birth: May 19, 2003
Place of Birth: Poblacion, Sibonga, Cebu
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Renante Ramos
Occupation: Carpenter
Mother’s Name: Susana Ramos

Occupation: HouseWife

●Problem Solving
● Skills relating to Basic Math l
● Problem solving skill

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

Ocaña National Highschool
Ocaña, Carcar City, Cebu
Graduated 2019
With High Honors

Elementary School
Sabang Elementary School
Sabang, Sibonga, Cebu
Graduated 2015
1st honorable mention (3rd)

Jhesam Marie Sison

Oprra Unit V, Kalunasan City, Cebu, Philippines 600
[email protected]
Mobile 09297866082

Personal Background
Date of Birth: December 3, 2002
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Jason J. Camacho
Occupation: Hairdresser
Mother’s Name: Maria Fe S. Camacho
Occupation: Housewife

●Playing musical Instruments
●Numerical Skills

Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior High School Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City Private road
Accountancy and Business Management

Junior High School

University of Cebu - Main Campus
Sanciangko St., Cebu City
Graduated 2019
With Honors

Elementary School
University of Cebu - Main Campus
Sanciangko St., Cebu City
Graduated 2015

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