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Smart Valve Positioner

300 Series
Model AVP300/AVP301/AVP302 (Integral Type)
200 Series
Model AVP200/AVP201/AVP202 (Remote Type)

User's Manual

• Make sure that this manual is available to the user.

• Reproduction or transmission of this manual, in whole or in part, is
• The descriptions in this manual are subject to change without notice.
• It is our hope that this manual is complete and accurate, but in the event
that there is content which is incomplete or whose accuracy is in question,
please contact us.
• Please understand that we cannot in some cases accept responsibility for
the results of use of this equipment by the customer.
• HART® is a registered trademark of FieldComm Group.
• DE® and the DE protocol® are registered trademarks of Honeywell
International, Inc. in the United States.

©1998–2019 Azbil Corporation. All Rights Reserved.




Thank you for purchasing an Azbil Corporation Smart Valve Positioner 200/300 Series.
Smart Valve Positioner 200/300 Series (the devices) can be connected to a 4 to 20 mA
signal line. Since all adjustments can be performed electrically using Field Communica-
tion Software(Model CFS100), any desired relationship can be set between the input
signal and the position of the control valve. Split range and other special settings are
also easy to specify. This manual describes the use of the Smart Valve Positioner. Use
this manual to get the most from the features of the device.

Safety precautions

These safety precautions are intended to help you to use the product safely and cor-
rectly, and to prevent injury to yourself or others as well as damage to property. Be sure
to follow all safety precautions.
This manual makes use of a variety of symbols. The symbols and their meanings are as
follows. Gain a good understanding of this information before reading the main text of
this manual.

Cases in which it is conceivable that dangerous situations might arise

in which the user of the product could be seriously or fatally injured
Warning if the product is misused.

Cases in which it is conceivable that a dangerous situation might

arise in which the user of the product could sustain minor injuries, or
Caution physical damage could occur, if the product is misused.

„„Examples of visual indicators

This indicates a warning or caution that the user should be aware of during use.

This indicates a prohibited action.

This indicates an instruction that the user should be sure to carry out.


Cautions to ensure safe operation

Do not perform wiring work, turn on the electricity, etc., when your hands are wet. There is a risk of
electric shock. Perform this work with the power supply turned off, and with dry or gloved hands.
When wiring in a hazardous area, work according to the methods prescribed by the guidelines for the
hazardous area.
For flameproof explosion-proof specifications, do not under any circumstances open the cover during
operation (when powered up).

After installing the device, do not place your body weight on it, use it as a scaffold, etc. There is a risk that
it could fall over.
Do not touch the device unnecessarily while it is in operation. Depending on the environment in which
the device is used, there is a danger that the surface of the device may be very hot or very cold.
When opening the cover of the terminal box, be careful of the edges of the cover, the threads of the
screws on the main unit, etc. There is a possibility of injury.
Use a DC power supply that has overload protection. An overload can cause the emission of smoke and
Bringing tools and the like into contact with the glass portion of the display can cause damage or injury.
Exercise sufficient caution. In addition, be sure to wear safety glasses.

As this product is extremely heavy, watch your footing, and be sure to wear safety shoes.

When the device is in operation, do not touch moving parts such as the feedback lever. Your hand may
become caught, resulting in injury.
Supply power correctly based on the specifications. An incorrect power input can damage the instru-
When working in a high-temperature or low-temperature environment, wear gloves and other protective
Do not bring magnets or magnetic screwdrivers near the device. There is a possibility that the control
valve will move in response.

Basic use

„„Basic model number structure

Model AVP     0   
0: No transmission
1: With travel transmission (4 to 20 mA DC or DE transmission)
2: HART protocol communication

0: Fixed

2: Remote type
3: Integral type

„„Positioner and Actuator Types

 Positioner Type Model AVP300/301/302 Model AVP200/201/202
Actuator Type (Integral Type) (Remote Type)
Single-acting linear diaphragm (Azbil
Corporation actuator model numbers:

(See p. v.) (See p. xiii.)

Double-acting linear cylinder (Azbil
Corporation actuator model numbers:

(See p. vii.) (See p. xvi.)

Single-acting rotary cylinder
(actuator for ball valves and butterfly

(See p. ix.) (See p. xix.)

Double-acting rotary cylinder
(actuator for ball valves and butterfly

(See p. xi.) (See p. xxi.)


Combination of model AVP300/301/302 (integral type) and single-acting linear

diaphragm actuator

1. Attachment of feedback lever If the feedback lever alone cannot cover a full stroke, attach
In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever the extension lever to it.
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack- Attach the feedback lever securely, working from the front of
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the body of the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.
the device when it is packed. As a result, the feedback lever
must be attached to the body of the device prior to installa-
tion of the device.
The length of the feedback lever can if necessary be adjusted
by attaching the extension lever between the feedback lever
and the body of the device. Adjustment of the feedback lever
length is determined based on the form of the actuator.

If the actuator type is specified Attach the extension lever to the

when ordering, and the body of the device, and then attach
extension lever is included: the feedback lever.
Attachment of Feedback Lever
If the actuator type is specified The extension lever is not necessary.
when ordering, and the Attach the feedback lever directly to Attach the extension lever securely, working from the front of
extension lever is not included: the body of the device. the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.
If the actuator type is not The extension lever will be Then, in the same way, attach the feedback lever securely,
specified when ordering: included. Refer to the table below working from the back of the device. (The feedback lever can
to determine, based on the actuator be attached from the front as well.)
with which the device is equipped,
whether or not the extension lever
is necessary.

Manufacturer Extension Lever Actuator Type Code

PSA1, 2, PSK1 YS
No HA2, 3 YT
VA1 to 3 YQ
PSA3, 4 YQ
HA4 YN Attachment of Extension Lever and Feedback Lever
VA4 to 6 YL 2. Attachment and installation
Yes [1] Attachment to the actuator
VR1 YV Attach to the actuator with a mounting plate that is appropri-
VR2, 3 YR ate for the actuator.
[2] Adjustment of attachment positions
GOM83S, 84S, 103S YG
GOM124S YM Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions
No #240, #280, #330 TA, TD
Step Procedure
Motoyama #400, #500S, #500L TB, TE
#650S, #650L TC, TF 1 Set the A/M switch to manual operation.
No #11, #13 MA, MB (See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
Yes #15, #18 MC, MF 2 Supply air, and adjust the actuator air pressure such that the
No #270, #320 TA, TD actuator stem reaches the travel midpoint.
Nihon Koso
Yes #400, #500 TB, TE 3 Adjust the actuator such that the feedback lever reaches a
90° angle to the device's central vertical axis. Depending on
When connecting an actuator other than those in the table, the actuator being used, adjustment may be performed by
connect the device and the actuator, and then switch to moving the device, or it may be performed by moving a pin.
manual mode and move the actuator slowly and ensure that 4 Set the A/M switch to automatic operation.
the feedback lever does not interfere with the full stroke of (See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
the actuator. Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making
the attachment angle 90° ±2°.

Check the span point and perform span adjustment.
(1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad-
justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted
to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed
if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case UP
(clockwise) to cause the valve to move such that the feed-
back lever rises upward, or turn it DOWN (counterclock-
wise) to cause the valve to move such that the feedback
lever drops downward.

5. Operation confirmation
Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span
Adjustment of Attachment Positions

3. Air piping and electric wiring connection

6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished
Connect the air piping and electrical wiring.
[1] If auto-setup does not operate
For details, see 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this document.
• Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ± 1 mA.
4. Auto-setup • Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
(1) Set the input signal to 18 ±1 mA. set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/ this document for information on operating procedures.
span adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90° • Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.
in the UP direction (the DOWN direction for Azbil Cor- Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
poration's VR and RSA actuators for VFR type control
pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
valves), and hold that position for three seconds.
page 3-9 in this document.
Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi-
tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before- • Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
hand. See 4.4.3, “Valve system” installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.
(3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop
in about 3 to 4 minutes. [2] If hunting occurs
(4) When it stops, adjust it to a position that fits the input • Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
signal. (Param) or individually set the valve position control PID.
(5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly. Regarding the configuration method, see 4.4.4, “Control
configuration,” below.
If performing auto-setup
[3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot
be performed
Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
DOWN direction: Note: When closing the
VFR type valve of the single-acting setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is
type device with the lever configured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change the
in the upward direction,
first set it to reverse close. valve action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3,
UP direction: direct type “Valve system,” in this document, configure the valve action
External zero/span adjustment switch

• Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication [4] If linearity characteristic is poor
Software(Model CFS100) as well. • Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example,
getting your hand caught or affecting the process. • Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve, open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
and confirm that the process is safe. mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
document and change this setting to linear.


Combination of model AVP300/301/302 (integral type) and double-acting linear cylinder


1. Attachment of feedback lever Attach the extension lever securely, working from the front of
In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack- Then, in the same way, attach the feedback lever securely,
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the body of working from the back of the device. (The feedback lever can
the device when it is packed. As a result, the feedback lever be attached from the front as well.)
must be attached to the body of the device prior to installa-
tion of the device.
The length of the feedback lever can if necessary be adjusted Main unit

by attaching the extension lever between the feedback lever

and the body of the device. Adjustment of the feedback lever
length is determined based on the form of the actuator.

If the actuator type is speci- Attach the extension lever to the

fied when ordering, and the body of the device, and then attach
extension lever is included: the feedback lever. Bolt with hexagonal hole
Extension lever
If the actuator type is speci- Feedback lever
The extension lever is not neces-
fied when ordering, and the
sary. Attach the feedback lever Attachment of Extension Lever and Feedback Lever
extension lever is not in-
directly to the body of the device.
The extension lever will be in- 2. Attachment and installation
cluded. Refer to the table below to
[1] Attachment to the actuator
If the actuator type is not determine, based on the actuator
specified when ordering: with which the device is equipped, Attach to the actuator with a mounting plate that is appropri-
whether or not the extension lever ate for the actuator.
is necessary.
[2] Adjustment of attachment positions
Manufacturer Extension Lever Actuator Type Code
Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions
VP5, 6, 7 Y1
SLOP560, 1000, 1000X Y2 Step Procedure
Yes SLOP1500, 1500X Y3 1 Using for example the manual handle of the actuator
DAP560, 1000, 1000X Y4 or manual operation via the external pressure regulator
DAP1500, 1500X Y5 with filter, set the position to 50 %. (With a double-acting
actuator, manual operation cannot be performed using the
(SLOP type and DAP type are limited to products with stroke of
A/M switch.)
100 mm or less)
2 Adjust the actuator such that the feedback lever reaches a
When connecting an actuator other than those in the table, 90° angle to the device's central vertical axis. Depending on
connect the device and the actuator, and then, via manual the actuator being used, adjustment may be performed by
operation, move the actuator slowly and ensure that the feed- moving the device, or it may be performed by moving the
back lever does not interfere with a full stroke of the actuator.
If the feedback lever alone cannot cover a full stroke, attach Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making
the extension lever to it. the attachment angle 90° ±2°.
Attach the feedback lever securely, working from the front of
the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.

Attachment of Feedback Lever Adjustment of Attachment Positions

3. Air piping and electric wiring connection Check the span point and perform span adjustment.
• Air piping connection (1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad-
justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted
(1) If control operation of control valve is direct operation
This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed
closing direction as the input signal increases. Connect if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
the reversing relay output OUT1 to the cylinder chamber (2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
that performs output in order to close the valve in re- span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case UP
sponse to increased pressure. (clockwise) to cause the valve to move such that the feed-
Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT2 to the back lever rises upward, or turn it DOWN (counterclock-
cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open wise) to cause the valve to move such that the feedback
the valve in response to increased pressure. lever drops downward.
(2) If control operation of control valve is reverse operation
This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the
opening direction as the input signal increases. Connect 5. Operation confirmation
the reversing relay output OUT2 to the cylinder chamber Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span point.
that performs output in order to close the valve in re-
sponse to increased pressure.
6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished
Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT1 to the
cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open [1] If auto-setup does not operate
the valve in response to increased pressure. • Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ±1 mA.
For details, see air piping connection and electric wiring
connection in 1.3, “Description of Device Structure and
• Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
Functions,” and 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this document. set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
this document for information on operating procedures.

4. Auto-setup • Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.

(1) Set the input signal to 18 ±1 mA. Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/ pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
span adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90° page 3-9 in this document.
in the UP direction (clockwise), and hold that position
for three seconds. • Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.
Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi-
tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before-
[2] If hunting occurs
hand. See 4.4.3, “Valve system”)
(3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop • Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
in about 3 to 4 minutes. (Param) or change the individual PID settings that control
(4) When it stops, move it to a position that fits the input the AVP’s degree of opening. Regarding the configuration
signal. method, see 4.4.4, “Control configuration,” in this document.
(5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly.
[3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot
be performed
Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is
If performing auto-setup Note: When closing the configured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change the
valve of the single-acting
type device with the lever valve action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3,
in the upward direction, “Valve system” in this document, configure the valve action
first set it to reverse close.
Rotate in UP direction correctly.
External zero/span adjustment switch
[4] If linearity characteristic is poor

• Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication • Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
Software(Model CFS100) as well. back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
Warning document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully • Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example, open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
getting your hand caught or affecting the process. mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve,
document and change this setting to linear.
and confirm that the process is safe.


Combination of model AVP300/301/302 (integral type) and single-acting rotary cylinder


1. Attachment of feedback lever

In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack-
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the body of
the device when it is packed. As a result, the feedback lever
must be attached to the body of the device prior to installa-
tion of the device.
Attach the feedback lever securely, working from the front of
the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.
Adjustment of Attachment Positions
Main unit

3. Air piping and electric wiring connection

Connect the air piping and electrical wiring.
Feedback lever For details, see section 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this

Bolt with hexagonal hole 4. Auto-setup

Spring (1) Set the input signal to 18 ± 1 mA.
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/
Attachment of Feedback Lever
span adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90°
in the UP direction (clockwise), and hold that position
2. Attachment and installation for three seconds.
[1] Attachment to the actuator Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi-
tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before-
Attach to the actuator with a mounting plate that is appropri-
hand. See 4.4.4, “Control configuration,” in this document.
ate for the actuator.
(3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop
[2] Adjustment of attachment positions in about 3 to 4 minutes.
Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions (4) When it stops, adjust it to a position that fits the input
Step Procedure (5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly.
1 Set the A/M switch to manual operation.
(See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
2 Supply air, and adjust the actuator air pressure such that the
actuator stem reaches the travel midpoint.
If performing auto-setup Note: When closing the valve
3 Adjust the actuator such that the feedback lever reaches a
of the single-acting type device
90° angle to the device's central vertical axis. Depending with the lever in the upward
on the actuator being used, adjustment may be performed direction, first set it to reverse
by moving the device, or it may be performed by moving close.
the pin.
Rotate in UP direction
4 Set the A/M switch to automatic operation.
(See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
External zero/span adjustment switch
Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making
the attachment angle 90° ± 2°. • Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication
Software(Model CFS100) as well.

When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example,
getting your hand caught or affecting the process.
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve,
and confirm that the process is safe.

Check the span point and perform span adjustment.
(1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad-
justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted
to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed
if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case in
the UP direction (clockwise) to cause the valve to move
such that the feedback lever rises upward, or turn it
DOWN (counterclockwise) to cause the valve to move
such that the feedback lever drops downward.

5. Operation confirmation
Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span

6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished

[1] If auto-setup does not operate
• Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ±1 mA.
• Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
this document for information on operating procedures.
• Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.
Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
page 3-9 in this document.
• Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.

[2] If hunting occurs

Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
(Param) or change the individual PID settings that control
the AVP’s degree of opening. Regarding the configuration
method, see 4.4.4, “Control configuration,” in this document.

[3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot

be performed
Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is
configured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change the
valve action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3,
“Valve system,” in this document, configure the valve action

[4] If linearity characteristic is poor

• Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
• Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
document and change this setting to linear.


Combination of model AVP300/301/302 (integral type) and double-acting rotary cylinder


1. Attachment of feedback lever

In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack-
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the body of
the device when it is packed. As a result, the feedback lever
must be attached to the body of the device prior to installa-
tion of the device.
Attach the feedback lever securely, working from the front of
the device using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.

Adjustment of Attachment Positions

3. Air piping and electric wiring connection

• Air piping connection
(1) If control operation of control valve is direct operation
This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the
closing direction as the input signal increases. Connect
the reversing relay output OUT1 to the cylinder chamber
that performs output in order to close the valve in re-
sponse to increased pressure.
Attachment of Feedback Lever Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT2 to the
cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open
the valve in response to increased pressure.
2. Attachment and installation
(2) If control operation of control valve is reverse operation
[1] Attachment to the actuator
This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the
Attach to the actuator with a mounting plate that is appropri-
opening direction as the input signal increases. Connect
ate for the actuator.
the reversing relay output OUT2 to the cylinder chamber
[2] Adjustment of attachment positions that performs output in order to close the valve in re-
sponse to increased pressure.
Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions
Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT1 to the
Step Procedure cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open
the valve in response to increased pressure.
1 Using for example the manual handle of the actuator
or manual operation via the external pressure regulator For details, see air piping connection and electric wiring
with filter, set the position to 50 %. (With a double-acting connection in 1.3, “Description of Device Structure and
actuator, manual operation cannot be performed using the Functions,” and 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this docu-
A/M switch.) ment.
2 Adjust the actuator such that the feedback lever reaches a
90° angle to the device's central vertical axis. Depending on
the actuator being used, adjustment may be performed by
moving the device, or it may be performed by moving the

Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making

the attachment angle 90° ± 2°.

4. Auto-setup 6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished
(1) Set the input signal to 18 ± 1 mA. [1] If auto-setup does not operate
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/span • Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ± 1 mA.
adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90° in the
UP direction, and hold that position for three seconds. • Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi- set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before- this document for information on operating procedures.
hand. See 4.4.3, “Valve system” • Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.
(3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
in about 3 to 4 minutes. pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
(4) When it stops, adjust it to a position that fits the input page 3-9 in this document.
signal. • Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
(5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly. installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.

[2] If hunting occurs

• Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
(Param) or change the individual PID settings that control
If performing auto-setup Note: When closing the valve the AVP’s degree of opening. Regarding the configuration
of the single-acting type device
with the lever in the upward method, see 4.4.4, “Control configuration,” in this docu-
direction, first set it to reverse ment.
Rotate in UP direction
[3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot
External zero/span adjustment switch be performed
• Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
Software(Model CFS100) as well. setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is con-
figured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change valve
Warning action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3, “Valve
When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully system,” in this document, configure valve action correctly.
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example,
[4] If linearity characteristic is poor
getting your hand caught or affecting the process.
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve, • Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
and confirm that the process is safe. back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
Check the span point and perform span adjustment. document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
(1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad-
• Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted
open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed
mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
document and change this setting to linear.
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case UP
(clockwise) to cause the valve to move such that the feed-
back lever rises upward, or turn it DOWN (counterclock-
wise) to cause the valve to move such that the feedback
lever drops downward.

5. Operation confirmation
Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span


Combination of model AVP200/201/202 (remote type) and single-acting linear diaphragm


1. Attachment of feedback lever When connecting an actuator other than those in the table,
In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever connect the device and the actuator, and then, via manual
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack- operation, move the actuator slowly and ensure that the feed-
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the valve back lever does not interfere with a full stroke of the actuator.
travel detector when it is packed. As a result, the feedback If the feedback lever alone cannot cover a full stroke, attach
lever must be attached to the valve travel detector prior to the extension lever to it.
installation of the device. Attach the feedback lever securely, working from the front of
The length of the feedback lever can if necessary be adjusted the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.
by attaching the extension lever between the feedback lever
and the valve travel detector.
Adjustment of the feedback lever length is determined based
on the form of the actuator.
If the actuator type is specified Attach the extension lever to the
when ordering, and the body of the device, and then attach
extension lever is included: the feedback lever.
If the actuator type is specified The extension lever is not necessary.
when ordering, and the Attach the feedback lever directly to
extension lever is not included: the body of the device.
The extension lever will be
included. Refer to the table below Attachment of Feedback Lever
If the actuator type is not to determine, based on the actuator Attach the extension lever securely, working from the front of
specified when ordering: with which the device is equipped, the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.
whether or not the extension lever
is necessary.
Then, in the same way, attach the feedback lever securely,
working from the back of the device. (The feedback lever can
Manufacturer Extension Lever Actuator Type Code be attached from the front as well.)
PSA1, 2, PSK1 YS
No HA2, 3 YT
VA1 to 3 YQ
PSA3, 4 YQ
VA4 to 6 YL
Yes Attachment of Extension Lever and Feedback Lever
VR2, 3 YR 2. Attachment and installation
VR3H Y6 [1] Attachment to the actuator of the valve travel detec-
GOM83S, 84S, 103S YG tor
GOM124S YM When attaching the valve travel detector to the actuator,
No #240, #280, #330 TA, TD install the cable outlet such that it does not face upward. If it
Motoyama #400, #500S, #500L TB, TE faces upward, change the direction of the feedback lever. For
#650S, #650L TC, TF details, see 2.3, “Remote Type Handling.”
No #11, #13 MA, MB
Masoneilan [2] Positioner body configuration
Yes #15, #18 MC, MF
No #270, #320 TA, TD Install the body of the positioner onto the 2B stanchion.
Nihon Koso
Yes #400, #500 TB, TE

[3] Adjustment of attachment positions 4. Auto-setup
Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions (1) Set the input signal to 18 ±1 mA.
Step Procedure (2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/
span adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90°
1 Set the A/M switch to manual operation.
(See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
in the UP (clockwise) direction (the DOWN direction for
Azbil Corporation's VR and RSA actuators for VFR type
2 Supply air, and adjust the actuator air pressure such that the
control valves), and hold that position for three seconds.
actuator stem reaches the travel midpoint.
Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi-
3 Adjust the actuator such that the feedback lever reaches a
90° angle to the valve travel detector's central vertical axis. tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before-
Depending on the actuator being used, adjustment may be hand. See 4.4.3, “Valve system”
performed by moving the valve travel detector, or it may be (3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop
performed by moving the pin.
in about 3 to 4 minutes.
4 Set the A/M switch to automatic operation.
(4) When it stops, adjust it to a position that fits the input
(See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making
(5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly.
the attachment angle 90° ± 2°.

If performing auto-setup

DOWN direction:
VFR type Note: When closing the
valve of the single-acting
type device with the lever
in the upward direction,
UP direction: first set it to reverse close.
direct type
External zero/span adjustment switch

• Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication

Software(Model CFS100) as well.

Adjustment of Attachment Positions When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example,
3. Air piping and electric wiring connection getting your hand caught or affecting the process.
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve,
[1] Air piping connection
and confirm that the process is safe.
For details, see air piping connection in 2.2, “Installation
Method,” in this document. Check the span point and perform span adjustment.
(1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad-
[2] Electrical wiring connection (cables between valve justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted
travel detector and positioner) to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed
When shipped from the factory, the valve travel detector and if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
the positioner body are normally shipped separated at the (2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
connector unit on the positioner body. span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case in
Referring to 2.3, “Remote Type Handling,” in this document, the UP direction (clockwise) to cause the valve to move
connect the valve travel detector cable to the body of the such that the feedback lever rises upward, or turn it
device using the remote cable. When laying cable, follow ap- DOWN (counterclockwise) to cause the valve to move
propriate electrical work guidelines. such that the feedback lever drops downward.

5. Operation confirmation
Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span


6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished

[1] If auto-setup does not operate
• Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ± 1 mA.
• Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
this document for information on operating procedures.
• Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.
Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
page 3-9 in this document.
• Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.

[2] If hunting occurs

• Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
(Param) or change the individual PID settings that control
the AVP’s degree of opening. Regarding the configuration
method, see 4.4.3, “Valve system,” in this document.

[3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot

be performed
Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is
configured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change the
valve action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3,
“Valve system,” in this document, configure the valve action

[4] If linearity characteristic is poor

• Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
• Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
document and change this setting to linear.
Note: When performing valve maintenance, first detach the
valve travel detector of the remote type from the mounting

Combination of model AVP200/201/202 (remote type) and double-acting linear cylinder

1. Attachment of feedback lever Attach the extension lever securely, working from the front of
In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts.
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack- Then, in the same way, attach the feedback lever securely,
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the valve working from the back of the device. (The feedback lever can
travel detector when it is packed. As a result, the feedback be attached from the front as well.)
lever must be attached to the valve travel detector prior to
installation of the device.
The length of the feedback lever can if necessary be adjusted
by attaching the extension lever between the feedback lever
and the valve travel detector.
Adjustment of the feedback lever length is determined based
on the form of the actuator.
If the actuator type is specified Attach the extension lever to the
when ordering, and the body of the device, and then attach
extension lever is included: the feedback lever.
Attachment of Extension Lever and Feedback Lever
If the actuator type is specified The extension lever is not necessary.
when ordering, and the Attach the feedback lever directly to
extension lever is not included: the body of the device. 2. Attachment and installation
The extension lever will be [1] Attachment to the actuator of the valve travel detec-
included. Refer to the table below
If the actuator type is not to determine, based on the actuator
specified when ordering: with which the device is equipped, When attaching the valve travel detector to the actuator,
whether or not the extension lever install the cable outlet such that it does not face upward. If it
is necessary. faces upward, change the direction of the feedback lever. For
details, see 2.3, “Remote Type Handling.”
Manufacturer Extension Lever Actuator Type Code
VP5, 6, 7 Y1 [2] Positioner body configuration
SLOP560, 1000, 1000X Y2 Install the body of the positioner onto the 2B stanchion.
Yes SLOP1500, 1500X Y3
DAP560, 1000, 1000X Y4 [3] Adjustment of attachment positions
DAP1500, 1500X Y5
Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions
(SLOP type and DAP type are limited to products with stroke of
100 mm or less) Step Procedure

When connecting an actuator other than those in the table, 1 Set the A/M switch to manual operation.
connect the device and the actuator, and then, via manual (See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
operation, move the actuator slowly and ensure that the feed- 2 Supply air, and adjust the actuator air pressure such that the
back lever does not interfere with a full stroke of the actuator. actuator stem reaches the travel midpoint.
If the feedback lever alone cannot cover a full stroke, attach 3 Adjust the actuator such that the feedback lever reaches a
the extension lever to it. 90° angle to the valve travel detector's central vertical axis.
Depending on the actuator being used, adjustment may be
Attach the feedback lever securely, working from the front of performed by moving the valve travel detector, or it may be
the device, using the two included hexagon socket head bolts. performed by moving the pin.
4 Set the A/M switch to automatic operation.
(See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)

Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making

the attachment angle 90° ± 2°.

Attachment of Feedback Lever


4. Auto-setup
(1) Set the input signal to 18 ± 1 mA.
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/
span adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90°
in the UP direction, and hold that position for three sec-
Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi-
tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before-
hand. See 4.4.3, “Valve system.”
(3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop
in about 3 to 4 minutes.
(4) When it stops, move it to a position that fits the input
(5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly.

Adjustment of Attachment Positions

If performing auto-setup

3. Air piping and electric wiring connection

[1] Air piping connection
(1) If control operation of control valve is direct operation Note: When closing the
valve of the single-acting
This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the type device with the lever
closing direction as the input signal increases. Connect in the upward direction,
first set it to reverse close.
the reversing relay output OUT1 to the cylinder chamber Rotate in UP direction
that performs output in order to close the valve in re-
External zero/span adjustment switch
sponse to increased pressure.
Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT2 to the • Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication
cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open Software(Model CFS100) as well.
the valve in response to increased pressure.
(2) If control operation of control valve is reverse operation
When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully
This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example,
opening direction as the input signal increases. Connect
getting your hand caught or affecting the process.
the reversing relay output OUT2 to the cylinder chamber
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve,
that performs output in order to close the valve in re-
and confirm that the process is safe.
sponse to increased pressure.
Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT1 to the Check the span point and perform span adjustment.
cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open (1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad-
the valve in response to increased pressure. justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted
For details, see on air piping connection and electric wir- to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed
ing connection in 1.3, “Description of Device Structure if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
and Functions,” and 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this (2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
document. span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case in
the UP direction (clockwise) to cause the valve to move
[2] Electrical wiring connection (cables between valve
such that the feedback lever rises upward, or turn it
travel detector and positioner)
DOWN (counterclockwise) to cause the valve to move
When shipped from the factory, the valve travel detector and such that the feedback lever drops downward.
the positioner body are normally shipped separated at the
connector unit on the positioner body.
5. Operation confirmation
Referring to 2.3, “Remote Type Handling,” in this document,
Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span
connect the valve travel detector cable to the body of the
device using the remote cable. When laying cable, follow ap-
propriate electrical work guidelines.

6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished
[1] If auto-setup does not operate
• Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ± 1 mA.
• Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
this document for information on operating procedures.
• Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.
Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
page 3-9 in this document.
Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.

[2] If hunting occurs

• Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
(Param) or change the individual PID settings that control
the AVP’s degree of opening. Regarding the configuration
method, see 4.4.4, “Control configuration,” in this docu-

[3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot

be performed
Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is
configured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change the
valve action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3,
“Valve system,” in this document, configure the valve action

[4] If linearity characteristic is poor

• Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
• Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
document and change this setting to linear.
Note: When performing valve maintenance, first detach the
valve travel detector of the remote type from the mounting


Combination of model AVP200/201/202 (remote type) and single-acting rotary cylinder


1. Attachment of feedback lever (pin)

In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack-
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the valve
travel detector when it is packed. As a result, the feedback
lever (pin) must be attached to the valve travel detector prior
to installation of the device.
Using the two accompanying hexagonal nuts, attach the feed-
back lever (pin) firmly to the valve travel detector as shown
in the diagram.

Adjustment of Attachment Positions

3. Air piping and electric wiring connection

[1] Air piping connection
For details, see air piping connection in 2.2, “Installation
Method,” in this document.

[2] Electrical wiring connection (cables between valve

Attachment of feedback lever (pin)
travel detector and positioner)
When shipped from the factory, the valve travel detector and
2. Attachment and installation the positioner body are normally shipped separated at the
[1] Attachment to the actuator of the valve travel detec- connector unit on the positioner body.
tor Referring to 2.3, “Remote Type Handling,” in this document,
When attaching the valve travel detector to the actuator, connect the valve travel detector cable to the body of the
install the cable outlet such that it does not face upward. If it device using the remote cable. When laying cable, follow ap-
faces upward, change the direction of the feedback lever. For propriate electrical work guidelines.
details, see 2.3, “Remote Type Handling.”

[2] Positioner body configuration

Install the body of the positioner onto the 2B stanchion.

[3] Adjustment of attachment positions

Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions

Step Procedure

1 Set the A/M switch to manual operation.

(See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)
2 Supply air, and adjust the actuator air pressure such that the
position reaches the travel midpoint.
3 By adjusting the attachment position of the arm that
holds up the feedback pin, adjust the actuator such that
the feedback lever reaches a 90° angle to the valve travel
detector's central vertical axis.
4 Set the A/M switch to automatic operation.
(See 5.2, “A/M Switch.”)

Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making

the attachment angle 90° ± 2°.

4. Auto-setup 6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished
(1) Set the input signal to 18 ±1 mA. [1] If auto-setup does not operate
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/ • Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ± 1 mA.
span adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90°
in the UP direction (the DOWN direction for Azbil Cor- • Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
poration's VR and RSA actuators for VFR type control set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
valves), and hold that position for three seconds. this document for information on operating procedures.

Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi- • Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.
tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before- Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
hand. See 4.4.3, “Valve system.” pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
(3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop page 3-9 in this document.
in about 3 to 4 minutes. • Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
(4) When it stops, move it to a position that fits the input installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.
[2] If hunting occurs
(5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly.
• Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
If performing auto-setup (Param) or change the individual PID settings that control
the AVP’s degree of opening. Regarding the configuration
method, see 4.4.4, “Control configuration,” in this docu-

[3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot

Note: When closing the
valve of the single-acting be performed
type device with the lever
in the upward direction, Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
first set it to reverse close. setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is con-
Rotate in UP direction figured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change valve
External zero/span adjustment switch action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3, “Valve
system,” in this document, configure valve action correctly.
• Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication
Software(Model CFS100) as well. [4] If linearity characteristic is poor
• Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
Warning back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example, document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
getting your hand caught or affecting the process.
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve, • Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
and confirm that the process is safe. open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
Check the span point and perform span adjustment. document and change this setting to linear.
(1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad- Note: When performing valve maintenance, first detach the
justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted valve travel detector of the remote type from the mounting
to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed plate.
if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case UP
(clockwise) to cause the valve to move such that the feed-
back lever rises upward, or turn it DOWN (counterclock-
wise) to cause the valve to move such that the feedback
lever drops downward.

5. Operation confirmation
Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span


Combination of model AVP200/201/202 (remote type) and double-acting rotary cylinder


1. Attachment of feedback lever (pin)

In order to minimize the risk of damage to the feedback lever
while it is carried or transported, and to minimize the pack-
aging as well, the feedback lever is detached from the valve
travel detector when it is packed. As a result, the feedback
lever (pin) must be attached to the valve travel detector prior
to installation of the device.
Using the two accompanying hexagonal nuts, attach the feed-
back lever (pin) firmly to the valve travel detector as shown
in the diagram.

Adjustment of Attachment Positions

3. Air piping and electric wiring connection

[1] Air piping connection
(1) If control operation of control valve is direct operation
This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the
closing direction as the input signal increases. Connect
the reversing relay output OUT1 to the cylinder chamber
Attachment of Feedback Lever (Pin) that performs output in order to close the valve in re-
sponse to increased pressure.
2. Attachment and installation Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT2 to the
[1] Attachment to the actuator of the valve travel detec- cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open
tor the valve in response to increased pressure.
When attaching the valve travel detector to the actuator, (2) If control operation of control valve is reverse operation
install the cable outlet such that it does not face upward. If it This refers to the state in which the valve moves in the
faces upward, change the direction of the feedback lever. For opening direction as the input signal increases. Connect
details, see 2.3, “Remote Type Handling.” the reversing relay output OUT2 to the cylinder chamber
that performs output in order to close the valve in re-
[2] Positioner body configuration
sponse to increased pressure.
Install the body of the positioner onto the 2B stanchion.
Next, connect the reversing relay output OUT1 to the
[3] Adjustment of attachment positions cylinder chamber that performs output in order to open
the valve in response to increased pressure.
Procedure for adjustment of attachment positions
For details, see air piping connection and electric wiring
Step Procedure connection in 1.3, “Description of Device Structure and
1 Using for example the manual handle of the actuator or Functions,” and 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this docu-
manual operation via the external pressure regulator with ment.
filter, set the position to 50 %.
(With a double-acting actuator, manual operation cannot be [2] Electrical wiring connection (cables between valve
performed using the A/M switch.) travel detector and positioner)
2 By adjusting the attachment position of the arm that When shipped from the factory, the valve travel detector and
holds up the feedback pin, adjust the actuator such that the positioner body are normally shipped separated at the
the feedback lever reaches a 90° angle to the valve travel connector unit on the positioner body.
detector's central vertical axis.
Referring to 2.3, “Remote Type Handling,” in this document,
Note: The accuracy specifications can be satisfied by making connect the valve travel detector cable to the body of the de-
the attachment angle 90° ±2°. vice using a special-purpose connector. When laying cable,
follow appropriate electrical work guidelines.

4. Auto-setup 6. If suitable adjustment was not accomplished
(1) Set the input signal to 18 ±1 mA. [1] If auto-setup does not operate
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/ • Check whether the input signal is 18 mA ± 1 mA.
span adjustment switch in the upper part of the case 90°
in the UP direction, and hold that position for three sec- • Check whether the A/M switch is set to automatic. If it is
onds. set to manual, switch it to auto. See 5.2, “A/M Switch,” in
this document for information on operating procedures.
Note: For reverse close (when the valve's fully closed posi-
tion is on top), set the valve action to reverse close before- • Check the duty value of the electro-pneumatic module.
hand. See 4.4.3, “Valve system.” Regarding the confirmation method, see “EPM (electro-
(3) The valve will automatically start to move, and will stop pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure” on
in about 3 to 4 minutes. page 3-9 in this document.

(4) When it stops, move it to a position that fits the input • Check whether the electronics module (terminal block) is
signal. installed correctly in the case on the body of the device.
(5) After that, check whether it has been adjusted correctly.
[2] If hunting occurs

If performing auto-setup • Using the setup device, either change the actuator size
(Param) or change the individual PID settings that control
the AVP’s degree of opening. Regarding the configuration
method, see 4.4.4, “Control configuration,” in this docu-
Note: When closing the
valve of the single-acting [3] If the zero point floats or span adjustment cannot
type device with the lever be performed
in the upward direction,
first set it to reverse close. Referring to Table 3-1, “Integral type setting,” in 3.1, “Auto-
Rotate in UP direction setup,” in this document, check whether valve action is
External zero/span adjustment switch configured correctly. If not, it will be necessary to change the
valve action (the direct/reverse setting). Referring to 4.4.3,
• Auto-setup can be performed with Field Communication “Valve system,” in this document, configure the valve action
Software(Model CFS100) as well. correctly.

[4] If linearity characteristic is poor

When auto-setup is performed, the valve moves from fully • Check whether, when the attachment position of the feed-
closed to fully open, so there is a danger of, for example, back lever is the 50 % opening position, it is attached hori-
getting your hand caught or affecting the process. zontally. If not, refer to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this
Before performing auto-setup, move away from the valve, document and correctly attach the feedback lever.
and confirm that the process is safe. • Check the flow rate characteristics data. If equal %, quick
open, or the like has been specified, and these are funda-
Check the span point and perform span adjustment.
mentally unnecessary, refer to 4.4.6, “Flow Type,” in this
(1) Set the input signal to the span point (URV). (Zero ad- document and change this setting to linear.
justment can be performed if the input signal is adjusted
Note: When performing valve maintenance, first detach the
to the zero point, and span adjustment can be performed
valve travel detector of the remote type from the mounting
if the input signal is adjusted to the span point.)
(2) Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero
span adjustment switch on the upper part of the case UP
(clockwise) to cause the valve to move such that the feed-
back lever rises upward, or turn it DOWN (counterclock-
wise) to cause the valve to move such that the feedback
lever drops downward.

5. Operation confirmation
Vary the input signal, and check the zero point and span


Product unpacking, verification, and storage

This device is a precision instrument. Handle it carefully in order to prevent accidents,
injuries, etc.
Upon unpacking the product, verify that the following items are included. (When the
device is shipped individually)

• Main unit
• Feedback lever and hex socket head cap bolts (2)
• Hexagonal bar wrench (1) (for feedback lever)
• Regulator (model KZ03) (optional)
• Mounting bracket (optional)
• Flameproof packing cable gland and flame-proof elbow (explosion-proof option)
• User's Manual (this document) (included when specified during purchase)
• Extension lever and two hex socket head cap bolts (optional)

„„Checking specifications
The specifications are written on the nameplate on the body of this device. Referring to
the Appendix, confirm that these are as designated. In particular, be sure to check the
following points.

• Tag number (TAG NO.)

• Model number (MODEL)
• Production number (PROD)
• Input current range (INPUT) (since the input range can be changed using Field Com-
munication Software(Model CFS100), the inscription on the nameplate is fixed to 4 to
20 mA as per explosion-proofing regulations.

• Supply air pressure (SUPPLY)

• Explosion-proofing test conformity label (if explosion-proofing specification applies)

„„Contact point for inquiries

If anything in the specifications is unclear, please contact the office that appears at the
end of this manual. When making an inquiry, be sure to include the model number
(MODEL) and production number (PROD).

If the device that you have purchased is to be stored, please observe the following pre-

• If storing the device unused

1. Store the device in the packed state in which it was shipped.
2. Store the device indoors in a low-vibration, low-shock area, and maintain
normal indoor temperature and humidity (about 25 °C and 65 %).

• If storing the device after being used

1. Prevent humidity from entering the device by attaching the terminal box
cover firmly and cover the conduit connection port with tape.
2. Prevent humidity and contaminants from entering the device by covering
the two air piping connections (SUP and OUT) and the pilot cover bleed
holes with tape.
3. Return the product to the packed state in which it was shipped.
4. Store the device indoors in a low-vibration, low-shock area, and maintain
normal indoor temperature and humidity (about 25 °C and 65 %).


Chapter 1: Control System Structure..............................................................................1-1

1.1 System Configuration............................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Travel Transmission Output (Models AVP301 and AVP201)..........................................1-3
1.2.1 Structure of system without travel transmission output................................................ 1-3
1.2.2 Structure of system with travel transmission (analog output)...................................... 1-4
1.2.3 Structure of system with travel transmission (digital output)...................................... 1-4
1.3 Description of Device Structure and Functions.................................................................1-5
1.4 Terminal Box..........................................................................................................................1-7

Chapter 2: Installation.......................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Installation Location Selection Criteria..............................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Installation location selection criteria.............................................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 Instrumentation air............................................................................................................. 2-2
2.2 Installation Method...............................................................................................................2-4
2.2.1 Attachment to actuator...................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.2 Air piping connection........................................................................................................ 2-7
2.2.3 Handling of double-acting reversing relay.................................................................... 2-10
2.2.4 Electrical Wiring Connection......................................................................................... 2-12
2.2.5 Power supply for input signal and travel transmission................................................ 2-15
2.2.6 Cables (for input signal or travel transmission)............................................................ 2-16
2.3 Remote Type Handling........................................................................................................2-18
2.3.1 Remote type cable handling............................................................................................ 2-18
2.3.2 Attachment to the actuator of the valve travel detector............................................... 2-20
2.3.3 Positioner body installation............................................................................................. 2-21
2.3.4 Cabling between valve travel detector and positioner body....................................... 2-21
2.4 Flameproof Cable Gland and Explosion-proof Universal Elbow..................................2-22

Chapter 3: Operation.........................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Auto-setup...............................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.1 Overview of auto-setup...................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.2 Auto-setup operation.......................................................................................................... 3-5
3.2 Zero/Span Adjustment..........................................................................................................3-6
3.2.1 Procedure to adjust valve to fully closed position (zero point).................................... 3-7
3.2.2 Procedure to adjust valve to fully open position (span point)...................................... 3-7
3.3 Starting Operation.................................................................................................................3-8
3.3.1 Pre-operation confirmation............................................................................................... 3-8
3.3.2 Starting operation............................................................................................................. 3-10
3.3.3 Stopping operation............................................................................................................ 3-10

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation.............................................................4-1

4.1 Starting Communication......................................................................................................4-2
Wiring method.................................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2 Communication-Based Operation......................................................................................4-3
Menu Tree.......................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.3 Operation Data Confirmation..............................................................................................4-7
4.3.1 Measured value confirmation........................................................................................... 4-7
4.3.2 Adjustment data confirmation.......................................................................................... 4-7

4.4 Device Configuration and Adjustment...............................................................................4-8
4.4.1 Auto-setup............................................................................................................................ 4-8
4.4.2 Zero/span adjustment........................................................................................................ 4-9
4.4.3 Valve system....................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.4.4 Control configuration ..................................................................................................... 4-11
4.4.5 Input range......................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.4.6 Flow Type........................................................................................................................... 4-14
4.4.7 Travel Cutoff...................................................................................................................... 4-15
4.5 Device Information Confirmation and Modification.....................................................4-16
4.5.1 Device information/production number confirmation and modification............... 4-16
4.5.2 Device software revision information confirmation.................................................... 4-17
4.6 Maintenance..........................................................................................................................4-18
4.6.1 Mode................................................................................................................................... 4-18
4.6.2 Input calibration................................................................................................................ 4-18
4.6.3 Dummy input signal......................................................................................................... 4-19
4.6.4 Dummy Drive Signal........................................................................................................ 4-19
4.6.5 Save Current Settings........................................................................................................ 4-20
4.6.6 Load saved settings........................................................................................................... 4-20
4.7 Valve Diagnostic Parameter Configuration......................................................................4-21
4.7.1 Stick-Slip............................................................................................................................ 4-21
4.7.2 Total Stroke........................................................................................................................ 4-22
4.7.3 Cycle Count....................................................................................................................... 4-22
4.7.4 Travel Histogram............................................................................................................... 4-23
4.7.5 0 % Travel Error................................................................................................................ 4-23
4.7.6 Shut-Off Count.................................................................................................................. 4-24
4.7.7 Max Travel Speed.............................................................................................................. 4-24
4.7.8 Deviation Alarm................................................................................................................ 4-25
4.7.9 Temperature Alarm.......................................................................................................... 4-25
4.8 Self-diagnostics.....................................................................................................................4-26
4.8.1 Critical Failure................................................................................................................... 4-26
4.8.2 Device Status...................................................................................................................... 4-26
4.8.3 Valve Diagnostic Status.................................................................................................... 4-27
4.9 Precautions............................................................................................................................4-28

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting...........................................................5-1

5.1 Troubleshooting.....................................................................................................................5-2
Types of problems............................................................................................................................. 5-2
Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................ 5-3
5.2 A/M Switch.............................................................................................................................5-6
5.3 Filter Replacement and Restriction Maintenance.............................................................5-8
Filter replacement and restriction maintenance methods.......................................................... 5-8
5.4 Cleaning the Flapper..............................................................................................................5-9
5.5 Insulation Resistance Test.....................................................................................................5-9
5.6 Adjustment Procedure when using device with Booster Relay.....................................5-10
5.7 List of Default Internal Data Values..................................................................................5-11
5.8 Internal Block Diagram and I/O Flow..............................................................................5-12
5.9 Replacement Parts................................................................................................................5-13

Chapter 6: Cautions Regarding Explosion-proof Models............................................................. 6-1
Cautions regarding explosion-proof models...............................................................................6-2

Appendix A: Specifications..................................................................................................... A-1

Chapter 1: Control System

„„Overview of this chapter

This chapter describes the configuration of the control system used by this device.

• The input/output system structure of the device is described.

• The structure and the names and functions of the various parts of the device are

1.1 System Configuration

This device is a smart valve positioner that can be connected to a 4 to 20 mA signal line
from the output of a controller. Since all adjustments can be performed electrically, any
desired relationship can be set between the input signal and the position of the control
valve. Split range and other special settings are also easy to specify. In addition, by using
a four-line connection, the device can transmit the control valve position to the host
monitoring system as either a 4 to 20 mA analog signal or as a DE digital signal. (Only
models AVP301 and AVP201 have travel transmission.)
An overview of the control valve control system used by this device is shown below.

Actuator air

4-20 mA DC analog signal or DE

digital signal (model AVP301/201)
Host monitoring

Host controller
4-20 mA DC analog signal

Supply air

Air supply
Shutoff Regulator
valve with filter Process fluid
Control valve

Figure 1-1. Control System Overview Diagram

Chapter 1: Control System Structure

1.2 Travel Transmission Output (Models AVP301 and AVP201)

This device (models AVP301 and AVP201) has the ability to transmit the position of
the control valve. The device’s travel transmission system offers two output formats,
depending on the purpose. There is a system that outputs an analog signal and a system
that outputs a digital signal.

„„Analog output
To output the position only to the host monitoring device using a analog values, set up
the analog output system. Normally, the range from the fully closed position to the fully
open position is output as a 4–20 mA range.

„„Digital output
To output the position along with a variety of device settings and self-diagnostic results
to the host monitoring device, set up the digital output system.

„„Output format switching

The output format provided by the device is specified by the user as configuration data
when ordering the device. The device is set at the factory to either analog output specifi-
cations or digital output specifications.
Note, however, that the output format can be switched freely by the user using the Field
Communication Software(Model CFS100) or the HART Communicator.

1.2.1 Structure of system without travel transmission output

This figure shows the system structure of the device when the travel transmission func-
tion is not used.
4–20 mA DC

HART Communicator
Main Unit
(Models AVP302 and AVP202 only)
or Field Communication
Software(Model CFS100)

Field Communication Software(Model CFS100)

Figure 1-2. Structure of System without Output (Model AVP300, AVP302, AVP200, and AVP202)

1.2.2 Structure of system with travel transmission (analog output)

This figure shows an example of the structure of a system in which the position detected
by the device is output as a 4–20 mA DC analog signal.
In this system structure, the analog signal from the device is directly output to the host
monitoring system.
Field communication software(Model CFS100)

250 Ω 24 V DC


Figure 1-3. Structure of System with Analog Output (Models AVP301 and AVP201)

1.2.3 Structure of system with travel transmission (digital output)

This figure shows the structure of a system in which the position detected by the device,
the values of the device settings, and the results of self diagnostics are output in the DE
(Digital Enhancement) protocol for digital signal transmission.
In this system structure, the digital signals in the DE protocol transmitted from the de-
vice are output to a monitoring system that is capable of directly inputting these signals.

Figure 1-4. Structure of System with Digital Output (Models AVP301 and AVP201)

STIM II (Smart Transmitter Interface Module)

• An interface module for digital signals based on the DE protocol.*
PM100 (process controller, R20 or later)
• A process controller on the UCN. Simultaneously performs functions such as
adjustment control, sequencing, calculation, process I/O, etc.

• If the device outputs the travel transmission output signal as a PV using the STIM
II, be sure to set the valve forced fully closed value (SHUT OFF) to −0.2 % or
greater so that the value of the process variable for the position signal STI point will
not be BadPV.

Chapter 1: Control System Structure

1.3 Description of Device Structure and Functions

The structure of the body of the device is shown below.

Reversing relay

Output air connection (OUT1)

Output air Body

pressure gauge
External zero/span adjustment switch

Mounting plate (optional)

Feedback lever

box cover

Figure 1-5-1. Body Structure (Front)

Output air connection (OUT2)

Output air connection

Reversing relay supply air connection

Pilot relay cover

A/M switch

Supply air connection

External ground Supply air pressure gauge


Figure 1-5-2. Body Structure (Rear)

Positioner body
Position detector

Figure 1-5-3. 200 Series

Each component is described in the following table.

Name Description
Main unit (also “Body”) • Houses the electronics module, EPM (electro-pneumatic module), and
VTD (position sensor).
Pilot relay • Amplifies the pneumatic signal from the EPM (electro-pneumatic
module) and converts it to a pneumatic signal for the actuator.
Feedback lever • Receives the motion of the control valve lift and transmits it to the
VTD (position sensor).
A/M switch • Switches the output air control method between the automatic
operation state and the manual operation state. See 5.2 for information
on operating procedures.
External zero/span • Enables the zero and span to be adjusted and auto setup to be
adjustment switch performed with just a flat-blade screwdriver, without using a setup
Supply air pressure gauge • Indicates the pressure of the supplied air.
Output air pressure gauge • Indicates the pressure of the output air.
Supply air connection • The air supply goes to this connection.
• Labeled “SUP.”
Output air connection • The output air is delivered from this connection to the actuator.
• Labeled “OUT.”
Mounting plate (optional) • Used to mount the device on the actuator.
• Its shape differs depending on the specifications (the actuator type).
Reversing relay • Used when a double-acting actuator is used.
The reversing relay is added at the output connection of the device.
The reversing relay provides two outputs: output air pressure
1 (OUT1), which is the device's output air pressure without
modification, and output air pressure 2 (OUT2), which is the output
air pressure resulting when the air pressure supplied to OUT1 is
subtracted from the reversing relay (SUP). Connecting these outputs
to the two cylinder chambers of the double-acting cylinder allows the
cylinder to function as a double-acting actuator.
Output air connection • The output air is delivered from this connection to the actuator.
(OUT1) • “O1” is stamped on the lower section of the reversing relay.
Output air connection • The output air is delivered from this connection to the actuator.
(OUT2) • “O2” is stamped on the lower section of the reversing relay.

Chapter 1: Control System Structure

1.4 Terminal Box

Houses an input signal (controller output) terminal, an output signal (travel transmis-
sion) terminal, and an internal ground terminal.
The structure of the terminal box is shown below.

Figure 1-6. Structure of Terminal Box

Figure 1-7. Terminal Block of Terminal Box

Each component of the terminal box is described in the following table.

Name Description
Terminal box cover • The cover has a pressure-resistant flameproof structure.
Cover locking screw • Be sure to tighten this when an explosion-proof model is used in a
hazardous area.
Input signal terminal • Labeled “I IN.”
• Connect the signal cable from the host controller.
Output signal terminal • Labeled “I OUT.”
• Connect the signal cable for travel transmission.
• This terminal screw is not present in model AVP300/302/200/202
(without travel transmission).
External ground terminal • Ground this pin in accordance with the specifications.
(Figure 1-5-2)
Internal ground terminal • When using the device, use either the internal or external ground
Conduit connection (1) • Port for wiring cables.
• When using an explosion-proof model in a hazardous area, be sure to
use the specified flameproof cable gland (available as an option).
Conduit connection (2) • Port through which wiring cables are pulled.
• When using an explosion-proof model in a hazardous area, be sure to
use the specified flameproof cable gland (available as an option).
• This port is normally sealed with a blind cap.
Check pins for setup • The device can communicate with a setup device if the connection
device hooks of the setup device communication cable are connected to these

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Overview of this chapter

This chapter describes installation of the device and connection of its piping and wiring.
Cautions to ensure safe operation

Do not perform wiring work, turn on the electricity, etc., when your hands are wet.
There is a risk of electric shock. Perform this work with the power supply turned off,
and with dry or gloved hands.
When wiring in a hazardous area, work according to the methods prescribed by the
guidelines for the hazardous area.
For flameproof explosion-proof specifications, do not under any circumstances open the
cover during operation (when powered up).

After installing the device, do not place your body weight on it, use it as a scaffold, etc.
There is a risk that it could fall over.
Do not touch the device unnecessarily while it is in operation. Depending on the envi-
ronment in which the device is used, there is a danger that the surface of the device may
be very hot or very cold.
When opening the cover of the terminal box, be careful of the edges of the cover, the
threads of the screws on the main unit, etc. There is a possibility of injury.
Use a DC power supply that has overload protection. An overload can cause the emis-
sion of smoke and fire.
Bringing tools and the like into contact with the glass portion of the display can cause
damage or injury. Exercise sufficient caution. In addition, be sure to wear safety glasses.

As this product is extremely heavy, watch your footing, and be sure to wear safety shoes.

When the device is in operation, do not touch moving parts such as the feedback lever.
Your hand may become caught, resulting in injury.
Supply power correctly based on the specifications. An incorrect power input can dam-
age the instrument.
When working in a high-temperature or low-temperature environment, wear gloves and
other protective equipment.
Do not bring magnets or magnetic screwdrivers near the device. There is a possibility
that the control valve will move in response.

2.1 Installation Location Selection Criteria

This device has been designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, but for
maximum performance, select an installation location that conforms to the criteria.

2.1.1 Installation location selection criteria

Install this device in a location that satisfies the conditions below.

• Operating temperature range that conforms to the explosion-protection require-
• Relative humidity of 10 to 90 %
• Ambient temperature change rate of not more than ±20 °C/hour.
• Magnetic field induction of not more than 400 A/m (and avoid locations near
large-scale transformers, high-frequency (e.g., microwave) furnaces, etc.)
• Do not use a transceiver near the device.
• Vibration of not more than 20 m/s2 (5 to 400 Hz) (model AVP300/301/302 and
AVP200/201/202 main unit)
• Vibration of not more than 100 m/s2 (5 to 2000 Hz) (model AVP200/201/202 valve
travel detector section)

The vibration conditions for this device are prescribed in terms of the vibration at the

2.1.2 Instrumentation air

Since this device employs a flapper nozzle structure in the electro-pneumatic module,
if the instrumentation air is dirty or contains oil, moisture, or the like, the operation of
the positioner could be impeded, or an unrecoverable failure could be caused. For this
reason, the quality of the instrumentation air to be supplied to the device is defined as
follows (taken from JIS C1805-1 [2001]):
• Solid matter: there must be no particles with a diameter that exceeds 3 μm.
• Oil: there must be less than 1 ppm in terms of mass
• Supply air humidity: dew point temperature must be at least 10 °C lower than tem-
perature of the body of the device
Follow the specifications stated above when selecting a compressor and a main-line type
or end-installation type compressed air cleaner (filtration device).
1) Compressed air cleaner for main lines
The specifications above can be satisfied by selecting a main line filter, micro-alescer,
or other compressed air cleaner for main lines produced by SMC Corporation or CKD
Corporation, which are well-known as manufacturers of compressed air cleaners.

Chapter 2: Installation

2) End-installation type compressed air cleaner

If fundamental measures cannot be taken on main lines due to problems related to,
for example, control valve installation, install an end-installation type compressed air
cleaner (oil mist removal equipment) and supply instrumentation air to the device
through this compressed air cleaner.

[Equipment usage examples]

l Products produced by SMC Corporation
• Mist separator
AM150 and AM250 series
(Filtration rate: 0.3 μm; secondary oil mist concentration: 1.0 mg/m3)

l Products produced by CKD Corporation

• Oil mist filter
M1000 and M3000 series
Mantle S type (filtration rate: 0.3 µm; residual oil: 1.0 mg/m3)

Select compressed air cleaner specifications in accordance with the usage conditions.
Even if the oil mist removal equipment mentioned above is installed, appropriate in-
spections and maintenance of the pneumatic circuit are necessary for stable long-term
operation. Be sure to accompany the installation of oil mist removal equipment with
periodic inspections and maintenance.
Any failures of this device which are caused by unsatisfactory quality of the instrumen-
tation equipment air are not covered by the warranty.

2.2 Installation Method

2.2.1 Attachment to actuator

Smart valve positioners are designed for use in combination with a control valve that
uses a linear or rotary actuator. The main unit weighs about 2.5 kg. It should be attached
in the same manner as a conventional electro-pneumatic positioner.

• During installation, be careful to avoid injury from edges on the main unit and
actuator, sharp edges on the threads of screws, etc. The type of mounting plate and
the mounting method and procedure differ depending of the type of actuator to
which the device is attached. If installation is not performed correctly, it will not be
possible to realize the potential performance of the device, and damage to or failure
of the device may result. Be careful of the following points.
• The mounting plate and accompanying accessories differ depending on the specifi-
cations (actuator type). Be sure to use those that are appropriate for the actuator to
be installed.
• When installing the control valve, leave as much space as possible around it, taking
ease of maintenance (piping, wiring, adjustment, etc.) into consideration.
• To the extent possible, transport the device to the installation location in its pack-
aged state.
• During installation, do not apply excessive force to the feedback lever.
• Do not bend the feedback pin.
• Tighten bolts securely.
• If the model KZ03 pressure regulator with filter is installed with the device, install
with the drain of the KZ03 facing downward. If the KZ03 cannot be attached verti-
cally (with the drain facing downward), remove it from the device.
• In order to avoid the possibility of rainwater entering the pressure gauge, install
the gauge such that it does not face upward or downward. In addition, the pressure
gauge has a rainwater drain on its underside, so install the gauge with this hole fac-
ing downward.

Drain port

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Installation examples
Some typical installation examples are shown in the diagrams below. For actuators not
appearing in the diagrams below, see the installation diagrams included with this device.
[HA1 actuator]

Lock nut
Lock nut
(with toothed washer)
Hexagonal stud
Hexagonal stud (with toothed washer)
Lock nut
Feedback lever
Hexagonal stud (with toothed washer)
Feedback lever
Feedback leverSpring

Hexagonal bolt Mounting AVP
Hexagonal bolt plate AVP
Hexagonal bolt AVP

Spring washer Flat washer

Spring washer Flat washer
Spring washerFigure 2-1-1. Mounting the Device on an HA1 Actuator
Flat washer

[HA2-4, PSA1-4 and 6, and VA1-6 actuators]

Flange bolt with hexagonal hole
Flange bolt with hexagonal hole
Yoke connection
Yoke connection Connector
Flange bolt pin assembly
with hexagonal hole
Connector pin assembly
AVP Pointer
Yoke connection
AVP Connector pin assembly
AVP Pointer

Mounting plate Pin
Mounting plate
Spring washer Spring
Mounting plate
Spring washer Spring
Hexagonal bolt Feedback lever
Hexagonal boltwasher Spring
Feedback lever
Hexagonal bolt Feedback lever
Figure 2-1-2. Mounting on AVP Actuators HA2-4, PSA1-4 and 6, and VA1-6

[Double-acting rotary cylinder actuator]

Spring washer Mounting plate
Spring washer Mounting plate
Spring washer Mounting plate

Spring washer
Hexagonal bolt Spring washer
Hexagonal bolt Hexagonal bolt
Hexagonal boltwasher
Hexagonal bolt
Remote type Hexagonal bolt
position type
position detector Arm
Remote type Armwasher
position detector Pin Spring
Pin Spring
Holder Hexagonal nut
Spring washer
Pin Hexagonal nut
Hexagonal nut

Figure 2-1-3. Mounting on a Remote Type Rotary Cylinder Actuator

„„Installation procedure
The general installation procedure is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Fasten the mounting plate securely to the rear of the positioner using the two hexagonal
bolts (M8×20) and spring washers provided.

2 Fasten the positioner (mounting plate) securely to the actuator's mounting structure using
the bolts and washers provided. During this operation, pass the actuator's feedback pin
through the slot in the positioner's feedback lever.

„„Connection of feedback pin and feedback lever (1)

The following points must be observed when connecting the device’s feedback lever and
the actuator’s feedback pin. Be sure to connect these correctly.
(1) Only a 6 mm diameter pin may be used.
(2) The pin should be clamped.

Figure 2-2. Attachment of Feedback Lever and Feedback Pin

(3) The angle between the feedback lever and pin must be 90° when viewed from

Figure 2-3. Angle between Feedback Lever and Pin

(4) The allowable rotation angle of the feedback lever is ±20° from the horizontal. If
±20° is exceeded, a major failure (VTD FAULT) will be detected by the self-diag-
nostics, and the device will not operate properly. (The minimum rotation angle for
guaranteed accuracy is ±4°.)

Figure 2-4. Feedback Lever Operating Angle

Chapter 2: Installation

(5) If attaching a rotary cylinder, attach it so that the rotary cylinder shaft comes be-
tween the feedback pin and the device.

Figure 2-5. Connection of Remote Type and Rotary Cylinder’s Feedback Pin and Feedback Lever

„„Rear maintenance space

The device has a flapper nozzle mechanism at the rear of the main unit. The device is
designed such that, when cleaning the flapper, the flapper nozzle mechanism can be ac-
cessed by removing the pilot relay cover at the back of the main unit.
Before mounting the positioner on the actuator, consider a design for the mounting
bracket and feedback mechanism that leaves sufficient maintenance space for the pilot
relay cover, which is secured by three screws, to be removed, and for the work described
above to be carried out.

2.2.2 Air piping connection

The method for supplying air to drive the actuator of this device will now be described.

„„Air supply system

In order to ensure safe long-term use of this device, the supply air must be clean and
dry. A typical air supply system is shown in the diagram below.

Figure 2-6. Air Supply System

„„Supply air
• The supply air must be clean, dry air without moisture, oil, contaminants, or for-
eign matter such as dust. In the air supply system, an aftercooler, air drier, filter,
and the like should be installed after the compressor. Exercise caution with regard
to, for example, the supply piping structure.

• Dry air refers to air which, at atmospheric pressure, has a dew point that is at least
10 °C lower than the lowest temperature in the environment in which the device is
actually used. (For example, if the lowest temperature where the device is used is
0 °C, use air with a dew point of −10 °C or less as supply air.)

„„Pressure regulator with filter

• The regulator is used to adjust the supply air pressure to the positioner.
• Install the regulator as close as possible to the body of the positioner.
• The control valve can be operated manually by using this regulator in conjunction
with the A/M switching function. (Not possible when a double-acting actuator is

• Use a filter that is 3 µm or finer.

• Solid particles in the supply air can be removed by this filter.
• If the regulator is not equipped with a filter, insert a separate filter (3 µm or finer)
immediately before the regulator.

„„Shutoff valve
• This valve is used to temporarily shut off the supply of air to the device.
• With this valve, this device or the control valve can be removed for maintenance
without stopping the air supply system as a whole.

• Use pipes with an inside diameter of 6 mm.
• Pipes should be selected to fit the installation environment; for example, in a cor-
rosive environment, use vinyl-covered copper pipes.

• Use joints that fit the pipes being used.

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Connection position
The respective positions of the air supply connection and the output connection are
shown in the diagram below. The dimensions of the screws for the connections can be
selected based on the specifications.

Figure 2-7. Air Piping Connection

When connecting a solenoid valve, air valve, or the like for emergency cutoff, install it
between the air output connection and actuator, and not on the supply air connection
side of the device.

2.2.3 Handling of double-acting reversing relay

A reversing relay is used when a double-acting actuator is used.

„„What is a reversing relay?

The pressure (POUT2) of the reversing relay’s output air (OUT2) is expressed in the fol-
lowing formula.

„„Reversing relay attachment

Detach the dustproof plug on the air piping connection.
Using sealing tape, connect the joint of the reversing relay to the output air port.

Figure 2-8. Reversing Relay Connection

„„Reversing relay air connection

“Air Connection” is stamped on the lower section of the reversing relay.

Figure 2-9. Reversing Relay Standalone View

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Supply air pressure connection to reversing relay

Connect the pipe for supply air pressure to the reversing relay.

Installing a model KZ03 pressure regulator with filter to the body of the device
The model KZ03 pressure regulator with filter has two output air connections. Connect
one of the output air connections on the model KZ03 to the supply air connection on
the body of the device using the special-purpose metal fittings, and connect the gap be-
tween other output air connection and the supply air connection (SUP) on the reversing
relay using air pipes and joints.

Installing a model KZ03 pressure regulator with filter or other pressure regulator
with filter separate from the body of the device
Using a T-connector or the like, separate the output air pressure of the pressure regula-
tor with filter into two branches. Then, using air pipes and joints, connect one branch to
the air supply connection on the body of the device, and the other branch to the air sup-
ply connection (SUP) on the reversing relay.

Figure 2-10. Air Pipe to Reversing Relay when Model KZ03 Figure 2-11. Air Pipe to Reversing Relay when Pressure
Is Installed Integrally Regulator Is Installed Separately

Be sure to use branches of the output of only one regulator for the supply air to this
device and reversing relay combination, and make the supply air pressure the same to

„„Piping procedure
The procedure for installing the air piping by which the device drives the actuator is
shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Remove the dustproof plug on the air piping connection.

2 Connect the pipe joint to the connection.

• As much as possible use sealing tape rather than solid or liquid sealant.
• Make sure that the sealing tape does not enter the pipes.
• If liquid sealant is used, make sure that it does not drip down into the interior.

3 Connect the supply pipes and output pipes to the respective joints, taking into
consideration the care and handling of the pipes.
• If a reversing relay is used, connection of the actuator to output connection OUT1 or
OUT2 is determined by valve action. Check valve action before connecting the pipes.
• Flush the pipes sufficiently before connecting them, checking for burrs and other
• Make sure that the output air piping is only as long as necessary.

4 When all piping has been completed, confirm that there are no air leaks.

2.2.4 Electrical Wiring Connection

The electrical wiring methods for the signal input from the controller and the output
signal to the receiver will now be described.

• Be sure to perform piping work with the power supply turned off.
• Be sure to follow local electrical work guidelines when performing installation work.
• When using an explosion-proof device in a hazardous area, be sure to install pipes
in accordance with Chapter 6, “Cautions Regarding Explosion-Proof Models.”
• Be sure to attach blind caps to and completely close off conduit connections that are
not being used.

„„Connection position
The terminal block of the terminal box is shown in the diagram below.

Figure 2-12. Terminal Block of Terminal Box

Chapter 2: Installation

„„External ground terminal

To connect to the external ground terminal, put the cable terminal between the flat
Cable terminal Flat washer

Flat washer

Only type 300 flat

washers can be used.

Figure 2-13. Connection to the external ground terminal

„„Types of electrical wiring

There are two types of electrical wiring, differing based on the purpose of the system.

• Systems that do not use a position signal (two-line connection)

• Systems that use a position signal (four-line connection)

„„Systems that do not use a position signal (two-line connection)

• Be sure to use either the internal or external ground terminal, following local elec-
trical work guidelines when installing.

Figure 2-14. Electrical Wiring for Systems Not Using a Position Signal

„„Systems that use a position signal (four-line connection)
Detach the terminal box cover, and wire as shown in the diagram below.

Figure 2-15-1. Wiring for Systems Using a Position Signal Figure 2-15-2. Wiring for Systems Using a Position Signal
(Four-Line Cable) (Two-Line Cable)

• If the receiver is a voltage input (1 to 5 V) device, use the wiring below.

Figure 2-15-3. Wiring if Receiver is Voltage Input Device

• Be sure to use either the internal or external ground terminal, following local elec-
trical work guidelines when performing installation work.

Chapter 2: Installation

2.2.5 Power supply for input signal and travel transmission

„„Input signal
The input signal to the device is 4 to 20 mA. In addition, this input signal is used as the
power supply.

• Do not allow a current of 24 mA DC or higher.
• The device will not operate properly with a current of less than 3.85 mA.
• If the current drops below 3.85 mA, the travel transmission output will go to burn-
out (fail-safe) level (up or down (undefined)).

• When starting from 0 mA, it may take some time until travel changes. After power
is turned on, use a 3.85 mA or greater signal. In this state, response time will not be
slow. On the contrary, when using a 3.85 mA or greater signal, if the flow pressure
fluctuates greatly when the valve is fully closed, overshoot may occur at the first
startup. To suppress overshoot, temporarily lower the input signal to 0 mA.

• Do not apply excessive voltage (for example, connecting a 24 V DC power supply
without resistance) to the input signal terminal. Doing so can cause the electric
board to burn out, and the device to fail.

„„Power supply and load resistance for travel transmission

Make sure that the load resistance of the electric lines connected to the travel transmis-
sion loop, with respect to the power supply voltage used, is within the operable range
shown in the diagram below.

Load resistance (Ω)


Operable range


0 16.5 24 45
Supply voltage (V DC)

Figure 2-16. Supply Voltage and Load Resistance Characteristics

Do not apply a voltage of 45 V or higher.

2.2.6 Cables (for input signal or travel transmission)

„„Cable selection and conditions

The selection of and conditions related to cables for wiring are described below.

• We recommend the use of CVV (JIS C 3401) 600 V control wires with PVC insulation
and a conductor cross-section of 1.25 mm2, or stranded cables with the same or better
performance specifications.

• For locations that are readily affected by electromagnetic noise, use CVVS (JCS 4258)
shielded wires and metal conduits.

• Select a sheath material that can withstand the cable installation environment (e.g.,
ambient temperature, corrosive gases, and corrosive liquids).

• Pull the cable to the terminal box through the conduit connection port (G1/2 internal
thread, 1/2NPT internal thread, or M20×1.5 internal thread).

• Use cable with an outer diameter between 7 and 12 mm. If a flameproof cable gland is
used, be sure to use packing that conforms to the outer diameter of the cable.

• For wire ends, we recommend the use of crimp terminals (for M4 screws) with an
insulating sleeve.

• The maximum cable length is 1500 m.

• Use the appropriate remote cable for the wiring between the main unit and the valve
travel detector of the remote type (model AVP200/201).

When cabling between the device and the controller, be careful of the following items.

• When wiring, avoid sources of electromagnetic noise such as high-capacity trans-

formers, motors, and motive power supplies. Also, do not place cables in the same
tray or duct with power cables.

• For waterproofing and wire damage prevention, we recommend using conduits and
ducts. In addition, be sure to use waterproof adapters at conduit connections.

• In locations that are readily affected by electromagnetic noise, use conduits and ducts.
• If shielded cables are used for wiring, as a rule ground one point on the distributed
control system side.

• The devices are intended for use in industrial locations defined in CE marking di-
rective (EN 61326-1).

• A 3.5 % variation in the opening of the valve may occur around 2–4 MHz of con-
ducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields (EN 61000-4-6).

• Use the provided remote cables as the cables between the main unit and the valve
travel detector of a remote type (Model AVP200/201). Regarding construction and
cabling, see 2.3, “Remote Type Handling.”

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Wiring procedure
The wiring procedure for operating the device is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Loosen the hex socket setscrew (M3) on the terminal box cover using a hexagonal wrench

2 Remove the terminal box cover by turning it counterclockwise.

• When doing this, be careful not to scratch the painted surface with a tool or the like.

3 Remove the dustproof plug on the conduit connection.

4 Insert the cable into the conduit connection.

• When doing this, be careful not to scratch the cable sheath.

5 Referring to Figures 2-13, 2-14-1, and 2-14-2, run the cable to the relevant terminal in the
terminal box.
• Be careful not to make a mistake in polarity.
• Tighten the terminal screws sufficiently. The recommended tightening torque is 1.5

6 Sufficiently waterproof the conduit so that rainwater and the like does not penetrate
• We recommend the use of silicone resin based non-hardening sealant materials.

7 After attaching and sufficiently closing the terminal box cover, fix the cover in place with
the hex socket setscrew.

• Be careful to avoid injuring you fingers on the edges of the cover, the threads of
screws on the main unit, etc.

• When doing this, be careful not to scratch the painted surface with a tool or the like.

Model AVP302/202 has an input resistance equivalent to 400 Ω / 20 mA DC, and the
voltage between the terminals must be at least 8 V.
Model AVP300/301 FM/NEPSI/ATEX/CNS intrinsically safe type is equivalent to 350
Ω, and the voltage must be at least 7 V.
Model AVP300/301/200/201 waterproof, flameproof, EAC intrinsically safe type is
equivalent to 300 Ω, and the voltage must be at least 6 V.
Check the allowable load resistance and output voltage of the controller before use.
In addition, if the allowable load resistance of the controller is less than above,
use an isolator or the like.

2.3 Remote Type Handling

2.3.1 Remote type cable handling

„„Detaching the positioner body and cable

Step Procedure

1 Remove the cover of terminal box on the body of the positioner.

2 Remove the five terminals connected to the remote cable.

3 Remove the watertight gland or flameproof cable gland that is attached to the terminal
box on the body of the positioner.

4 Pull the remote cable out of the terminal box connection. Be careful not to damage the

Figure 2-17. Opened Cover of Terminal Box for remote Cable

„„Attaching the positioner body and cable

Step Procedure

1 Insert the remote cable into the watertight gland or flameproof cable gland.

2 Insert the remote cable into the terminal box connection on the positioner body.

3 Connect the cable and terminal as written on the rear surface of the cover of the terminal
box, avoiding erroneously combining the colors and numbers of the remote cable and the

4 Correctly attach the watertight gland or flameproof cable gland to the terminal box
connection. (If a conduit is to be attached, first remove the watertight gland. However, for
the explosion-proof specification, do not remove the flameproof cable gland, as there is a
G1/2 internal thread in the flameproof cable gland.)

5 Close the cover of the terminal box.(For the explosion-proof specification, also tighten
the lock screw.)

Terminal Cable
Number Color
1 Brack
2 Yellow
3 White
4 Red
6 Blue
Figure 2-18. Wiring Diagram of Terminal Box for remote Cable, and Rear Surface of Cover

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Adjusting length of remote cable

Step Procedure

1 Remove the remote cable from the terminal box, and then cut a remote cable of a suitable

2 Strip off about 6 cm of the sheath from the end of the cable, and strip off about 5 mm of
the insulation of the wire.

3 Insert the drain wire into the heat-shrinkable tubing, and shrink the heat-shrinkable
tubing by applying an appropriate amount of heat to it. (If there is no heat-shrinkable
tubing, take measures so that the drain wire can be insulated from the other wires.)

4 Crimp the wires and the RAV1.25-4 crimp terminals (wire diameter 1.25 mm, M4 round
crimp terminals) with an appropriate crimping tool.

Figure 2-19. Adjusting the Length of the Cable

• When connecting or disconnecting positioner body cables, do not allow contami-
nants, rainwater, and the like to enter the valve travel detector unit or the positioner
• Periodically tighten the watertight gland and flameproof cable gland. Failure to do
so may allow rainwater to enter the equipment, resulting in malfunctions.
• The cable cannot be removed from the valve travel detector unit. However, the wa-
tertight gland can be removed.
• Do not remove the flameproof cable gland on the valve travel detector. Doing so
could cause wires inside the cable to be broken as a result of the rotation of the

2.3.2 Attachment to the actuator of the valve travel detector

„„Changing direction of feedback lever (optional)

Change the orientation of the feedback lever in accordance with the cable wiring orien-
tation, the constraints of the mounting bracket, etc.
(1) Remove the lever (small) fixed to the position sensor shaft by removing the hex-
agonal bolt.
(2) Next, rotate the shaft of the position sensor 180°.
(3) Finally, change the orientation of the lever and screw the hexagonal bolt into the
feedback lever (small) so that the lever is fastened securely in place, with the end of
the hexagonal bolt in contact with the beveled part of the position sensor shaft at a
right angle.

Do not loosen the two bolts hex socket bolt screws that fasten the position sensor to the
valve travel detector case.

Figure 2-20. Valve Travel Detector

„„Attachment of valve travel detector

Attach the valve travel detector to the prescribed locations on the actuator using the
mounting bracket.

Do not allow the cable outlet to face upward.

„„Adjustment of attachment positions

Set the position of the control valve to 50 % by manual operation of, for example, the
positioner or the actuator manual handle. Next, adjust the mounting position of the
feedback pin and that of the valve travel detector such that the central vertical axis of the
valve travel detector reaches a 90° angle to the feedback lever.
Referring to 2.2, “Installation Method,” in this document, make sure that the feedback
pin is properly clamped between the feedback lever and the spring. Finally, fasten the
valve travel detector securely to the mounting bracket using the hexagonal bolts and
washers provided.

Chapter 2: Installation

2.3.3 Positioner body installation

„„Positioner body installation

Using the special-purpose mounting bracket, attach the main unit of the positioner to
the 2B stanchion.

Install the positioner body in a location where it will not be subjected to severe vibra-
tion. Also, for the integral type regulator, install it such that the drain of the regulator is
facing downward.
If it is not possible for the drain to face downward, use the regulator separately.

mounting bracket Stanchion


Figure 2-21. Positioner Body Installation

2.3.4 Cabling between valve travel detector and positioner body

When attaching cabling between the valve travel detector and the positioner body, take
into account the operation of the control valve, the operation of the equipment, the
safety of the workers, etc., and ensure that none of these is affected.

Avoid construction methods and installation methods which place the weight of the
valve travel detector and positioner body directly on the cable.
If, due to the relative mounting positions, this cannot be avoided, consider taking mea-
sures such as securing the cable to a nearby post.
If the cable goes upward, in order to prevent rainwater from entering the cable, first run
it downward and then turn it upward.
Perform cabling in accordance with electrical equipment technical standards.
The cable between the remote type valve travel detector and the body of the device can
be cut to any desired length and then adjusted.
Cable length adjustment must be performed by trained service personnel from Azbil
Corporation, using special-purpose tools. If cable length adjustment is to be performed,
be sure to consult with Azbil Corporation.

2.4 Flameproof Cable Gland and Explosion-proof Universal Elbow

If the TIIS flameproof model has been purchased, it will be delivered with the flame-
proof cable gland included.
The flameproof cable gland is used to seal the end of the cable, ensuring explosion-
proof performance and improving insulation performance and mechanical strength.
When using it, if the orientation of the cable needs to be changed, use the flameproof

„„Structure of flameproof cable gland for use at 300 series

Figure 2-22. Flameproof Cable Gland Full View


Hexa-recess stopper screw


Sealing ring


Cable diameter ≥ 8mm

Hexa-recess stopper screw (Two)
Clamp Union nut
Cable diameter ≤ 8mm
Cross recessed
Clamp head screws
Clamp (Lower)

Hexa-recess stopper screw (Two)

Cross recessed
head screws

Union nut

Figure 2-23. Flameproof Cable Gland Exploded View

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Structure of flameproof cable gland for use at 200 series main


A full view and exploded view of the flameproof cable gland are shown below.

Figure 2-24. Flameproof Cable Gland Full View

Figure 2-25. Flameproof Cable Gland Exploded View

„„Structure of explosion-proof universal elbow
The structure of the explosion-proof universal elbow is shown below.

Figure 2-26. Explosion-proof Elbow Structure

„„Installation examples
The flameproof cable gland and flameproof elbow are mounted on the conduit connec-
tion of the terminal box, as shown in the diagrams below.
[If the flameproof cable gland is used]

[If the explosion-proof universal elbow is also used]

Figure 2-27. Flameproof Cable Gland and Flameproof Universal Elbow Installation Examples

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Flameproof cable gland installation procedure for AVP300

The procedure for mounting the flameproof cable gland is shown below.

Step Procedure

1 Firmly tighten the entry body on the connection port and the universal elbow to hold it
in place.
• Apply adequate waterproofing to these parts. We recommend the use of silicone resin
based non-hardening seal materials.

2 Refer to the illustrations and insert the cable carefully.

• If the diameters of the cable and the packing do not match each other, the propa-
gation of flame cannot be prevented. Refer to the table below and select a packing
adaptor whose internal diameter matches the outer diameter of the cable.

Cable Outer Diameter (mm) Packing Inner Diameter (mm) Notes

7.0 to 8.0 8 Provided
8.0 to 10.0 10 Built in
10.0 to 12.0 12 Provided

• The cable outer diameter is 8mm max., fix the cable gland with the

• Pay attention to the surface of the device. Tools may cause damage the surface.

3 Fit the coupling onto the clamp ring and tighten it down to hold it in place.

• To prevent injuries due to a spark travel, be sure to tighten down the packing ad-

4 Pass the cable through the body and insert it into the terminal box.

5 Screw the cover onto the body and tighten it down securely to hold it in place. Then,
tighten the union nut’s recess screw.

„„Flameproof cable gland installation procedure for use at 200
series main part
The flameproof cable gland installation procedure is shown below.

Step Procedure

1 Securely fasten the body to the terminal box connection or the universal elbow
• Apply adequate waterproofing to these parts. We recommend the use of silicone resin
based non-hardening sealant materials.

2 Refer to the illustrations and insert the cable carefully.

• If the respective diameters of the cable and the packing do not match, it may not
be possible to prevent flames from escaping and causing personal injury. Refer-
ring to the table below, select packing that has an internal diameter that is appro-
priate for the outer diameter of the cable.

Cable Outer Diameter (mm) Packing Inner Diameter (mm) Notes

7.0 to 8.0 8 Provided
8.1 to 9.0 9 Provided
9.1 to 10.0 10 Built in
10.1 to 11.0 11 Provided
11.1 to 12.0 12 Provided

3 Fit the gland onto the guide ring and tighten it to fasten it in place.

• To prevent injuries from escaping flame, be sure to tighten the packing sufficiently.

4 Insert the end of the cable into the terminal box.

5 Screw the cover onto the body and tighten it securely to hold it in place, and then tighten
the hex socket setscrew on the cover.

Chapter 2: Installation

„„Flameproof universal elbow installation procedure

The installation procedure for the flameproof universal elbow is shown below.

Step Procedure

1 Referring to the diagram below, position the lock nut so that its edge is aligned with the
edge of the groove for the O-ring.

Figure 2-28. Alignment of Lock Nut Edge and O-Ring Groove Edge

2 Screw the flameproof universal elbow into the terminal box conduit connection until the
lock nut meets the conduit connection.
• Apply adequate waterproofing to these parts.

3 Turn the flameproof universal elbow in the direction that loosens it until it is in the
desired direction.
• Do not loosen the elbow by more than one turn.

4 Tighten the lock nut using the special-purpose tool.

„„Cable-pulling equipment for non-TIIS explosion-proofing

When using this device after it has received explosion-proofing certification other than
TIIS explosion-proofing, carry out cable-pulling work in accordance with local guide-
lines for electrical wiring work.

Chapter 3: Operation

„„Overview of this chapter

This chapter describes starting and stopping the device, as well as zero/span adjustment.
If you have purchased this device separately, be sure to read Chapter 2, “Installation,”
before reading this chapter.
Cautions to ensure safe operation

Do not perform wiring work, turn on the electricity, etc., when your hands are wet.
There is a risk of electric shock. Perform this work with the power supply turned off,
and with dry or gloved hands.
When wiring in a hazardous area, work according to the methods prescribed by the
guidelines for the hazardous area.
For flameproof explosion-proof specifications, do not under any circumstances open the
cover during operation (when powered up).

After installing the device, do not place your body weight on it, use it as a scaffold, etc.
There is a risk that it could fall over.
Do not touch the device unnecessarily while it is in operation. Depending on the envi-
ronment in which the device is used, there is a danger that the surface of the device may
be very hot or very cold.
When opening the cover of the terminal box, be careful of the edges of the cover, the
threads of the screws on the main unit, etc. There is a possibility of injury.
Use a DC power supply that has overload protection. An overload can cause the emis-
sion of smoke and fire.
Bringing tools and the like into contact with the glass portion of the display can cause
damage or injury. Exercise sufficient caution. In addition, be sure to wear safety glasses.

As this product is extremely heavy, watch your footing, and be sure to wear safety shoes.

When the device is in operation, do not touch moving parts such as the feedback lever.
Your hand may become caught, resulting in injury.
Supply power correctly based on the specifications. An incorrect power input can dam-
age the instrument.
When working in a high-temperature or low-temperature environment, wear gloves and
other protective equipment.
Do not bring magnets or magnetic screwdrivers near the device. There is a possibility
that the control valve will move in response.

3.1 Auto-setup

Before using this device, run auto-setup. After that, if necessary adjust the fully closed
position (zero) and fully open position (span) that delineate valve travel.
The device’s zero/span adjustment function electrically sets the valve closed and open
positions independently, and is thus capable of performing this adjustment without mu-
tual interference.
The auto-setup method that uses an external zero/span adjusting mechanism will now
be described.

After auto-setup is complete, be sure to confirm valve action, including for instance
opening and closing, by varying the input signal.
The device provides the following two operating modes. (This assumes that the software
is version 3.5 or higher; for previous versions, only the fast-response priority mode is

• Stability priority mode: mode that gives priority to stability, with little overshoot.
• Fast-response priority mode: mode that gives priority to fast response; use this
mode with a double-acting actuator.

This setting is switched based on the forced fully closed setting, so be sure to change the
operating mode as necessary.

• Forced fully closed setting ≤ 0.5 % input signal: stability priority mode (default

• Forced fully closed setting > 0.5 % input signal: fast-response priority mode

„„External zero/span adjustment unit structure

The structure of the external zero/span adjustment unit is shown in the figure below.
This method can also be used when the setup device cannot be used (when the terminal
box cannot be opened), such as in cases in which the device is used in a hazardous area.

Figure 3-1. External Zero/Span Adjustment Unit Structure

Chapter 3: Operation

3.1.1 Overview of auto-setup

Use this procedure to automatically set the following items.

(1) Zero/span adjustment
(However, by default the span point is set so that the overstroke becomes 10 %. If
a span adjustment is done after auto-setup, the device changes and saves the over-
stroke setting.)
(2) Configuration of actuator operation
(3) Configuration of the LRV (lower range value, the input signal at 0 %) and URV
(upper range value, the input signal at 100 %) of the input signal
• If actuator operation is reverse operation: LRV = 4 mA, URV = 20 mA
• If actuator operation is direct operation: LRV = 20 mA, URV = 4 mA
(4) Configuration of actuator size (Param)
(5) Configuration of hysteresis difference (Hys)
(Set the gland packing hysteresis difference from among three types: LIGHT, ME-
(6) Travel transmission fail-safe setting

• During auto-setup the valve moves from fully closed to fully open. Take appropriate
measures beforehand to ensure that the movement of the valve will not cause injury
or have an effect on the process.

Table 3-1. Integral type setting

Lever Movement Valve Direction Valve Control Action Actuator Valve
Action Action
Direct (Closed: 20 mA;
Reverse Reverse
Up → Down open: 4 mA)
Up Closed → Open
Reverse (Closed: 4 mA;
Direct Reverse
open: 20 mA)
Direct (Closed: 20 mA;
Direct Direct
open: 4 mA)
Open → Closed
Down Reverse (Closed: 4 mA;
Reverse Direct
open: 20 mA)

If the valve action parameters to which the device is configured using Tables 3-1 and 3-2
are the reverse close (REVERSE) values, see 4.4.3, “Valve system,” in this document, and
set valve action to the reverse close settings.
If the valve action parameters to which the device is configured using Tables 3-1 and
3-2 are the direct close (DIRECT) values, no parameter configuration is required. (The
device is shipped from the factory set to “direct close (DIRECT).”)

Table 3-2. Remote Type settings
Direction Lever Lever Valve
Valve travel Valve Control Action Actuator Valve
position Position Movement direction
Action Action

Reverse Reverse
(Closed: 20 mA; open: 4 mA)
Up → Down Closed → Open
Direct Reverse
(Closed: 4 mA; open: 20 mA)
Front Right
Direct Direct
(Closed: 20 mA; open: 4 mA)
Up → Down Open → Closed
Reverse Direct
(Closed: 4 mA; open: 20 mA)

Reverse Reverse
(Closed: 20 mA; open: 4 mA)
Up → Down Closed → Open
Direct Reverse
(Closed: 4 mA; open: 20 mA)
Rear Left
Direct Direct
(Closed: 20 mA; open:4 mA)
Up → Down Open → Closed
Reverse Direct
(Closed:4 mA; open: 20 mA)

Direct Direct
(Closed: 20 mA; open: 4 mA)
Up → Down Closed → Open
Reverse Direct
(Closed: 4 mA; open: 20 mA)
Front Left
Reverse Reverse
(Closed: 20 mA; open: 4 mA)
Up → Down Open → Closed
Direct Reverse
(Closed: 4 mA; open: 20 mA)

Direct Direct
(Closed: 20 mA; open: 4 mA)
Up → Down Closed → Open
Reverse Direct
(Closed: 4 mA; open: 20 mA)
Rear Right
Reverse Reverse
(Closed: 20 mA; open: 4 mA)
Up → Down Open → Closed
Direct Reverse
(Closed: 4 mA; open: 20 mA)

Chapter 3: Operation

3.1.2 Auto-setup operation

Step Procedure

1 Set the input signal to the device to 18 ±1 mA DC.

2 Using a flat-blade screwdriver, turn the external zero/span adjustment screw in the upper
part of the case 90° clockwise (counter-clockwise for Azbil Corporation’s VR and RSA
actuators for VFR type control valves), and hold that position for three seconds. If the
valve then starts to move in the direction that releases actuator air pressure, the auto-
setup process has begun, so remove the screwdriver.

3 The valve alternates between fully closed and fully open two times. It then moves to the
vicinity of the 50 % open position. This takes approximately 3 to 4 minutes.

4 When the input signal becomes able to control the valve, the auto-setup operation ends.
After the operation ends, hold the input signal at 4 mA or higher for 30 seconds so that
the settings are written to non-volatile memory.

• While auto setup is running, do not set the input signal below 4 mA. (As long as the
signal is in the 4 to 20 mA range, changing it will not cause any problems.)
• Do not use a magnetic screwdriver, as this may prevent the function from operating.
• After the operation has completed, vary the input signal and confirm that the cor-
responding position results. If the span position has shifted, adjust the span. (See 3.2,
“External zero/span adjustment.”)
• In some cases, configuration may not succeed due to the actuator’s diaphragm capac-
ity (if lower than with Azbil Corporation’s HA1 type actuator, which has a diaphragm
capacity of 850 cm3) or operation stroke (if less than 14.3 mm). If this occurs, refer to
4.4.4, “Control parameter configuration,” and manually adjust the dynamic character-
• Even if actuator size or valve size is the same, depending on the combination of de-
vices, the default settings at the time of factory shipment are not always the same.
Check how the device operates after installation and adjust the settings if necessary.
• After executing auto-setup, the forced fully open setting (see 4.4.7, “Forced fully
open/closed setting,”) may be changed. If necessary, reconfigure the forced fully open
• When an Azbil Corporation VFR type control valve is configured by turning the ex-
ternal zero/span adjustment switch in the counter-clockwise (DOWN) direction, the
actuator size is set to PARAM7-9, and the feedback lever is set to 0 % upward travel
and 100 % downward travel.
• If the booster relay is incorporated, there is a possibility of hunting during auto-setup,
so either adjust the booster’s sensitivity or refer to 4.4.4, “Control parameter configu-
ration,” and manually adjust the dynamic characteristics.
• If a speed controller is incorporated, set it to full open and execute auto-setup. Then,
adjust the speed with the speed controller.
• If the device is purchased separately, its initial settings are set to those in the list of de-
fault values in 5.7, “List of Default Internal Data Values.” Because the default actuator
direction is reverse, the device will not work as is if mounted on the direct actuator.
Before operation, be sure to execute auto-setup and be sure that the device is config-
ured appropriately.

3.2 Zero/Span Adjustment

The zero/span adjustment method that uses an external zero/span adjusting mechanism
will now be described.

[Adjustment Method]
The zero/span adjustment screw functions as an on/off switch. When rotated 90° clock-
wise, the UP switch turns on, when rotated 90° counterclockwise, the DOWN switch
turns on, and when returned to the original position, both switches turn off. Adjust the
position by repeatedly turning this switch on and off. The position of the feedback lever
is stored when the switch is turned off. Since zero point and span point adjustments do
not interfere with each other, these can be adjusted independently.
The operation of the external zero/span adjustment unit is shown below.

[Adjustment Direction]
When the adjustment screw is turned in the clockwise direction, the feedback lever
moves in the upward direction.

Figure 3-2-1. Adjusting the Lever in the Upward Direction

When the adjustment screw is turned in the counterclockwise direction, the feedback
lever moves in the downward direction.

Figure 3-2-2. Adjusting the Lever in the Downward Direction

• The external zero/span adjustment mechanism uses a magnet to turn a reed switch
on and off.

• Do not use a magnetic screwdriver, as this may prevent the function from operat-

• The external zero/span adjustment function determines, based on the input signal,
whether a valve fully open position (span) adjustment or a valve fully closed posi-
tion (zero) adjustment is to be performed. If the input signal is not within a range
of ±1 mA of the electric current setting values that correspond to the valve open
and closed positions, this function will not operate.

Chapter 3: Operation

3.2.1 Procedure to adjust valve to fully closed position (zero point)

The procedure to adjust the valve to the fully closed position (zero point) is shown
Step Procedure

1 Input from a controller (constant-current supply) the preset electric current in the
amount that corresponds to the valve being fully closed. (Example: 4 mA)

2 Adjust the fully closed position of the valve by turning the adjustment screw in the
clockwise or counterclockwise direction. See Figure 3-2-1 or Figure 3-2-2 regarding
adjustment direction. (If the forced fully closed function is operating, the valve will not
move. To change the forced fully closed setting, see 4.4.7, “Forced fully open/closed
setting.” The default value is 0.5 %.)

3.2.2 Procedure to adjust valve to fully open position (span point)

The procedure to adjust the valve to the fully open position (span point) is shown
Step Procedure

1 Input from a controller (constant-current supply) the preset electric current in the
amount that corresponds to the valve being fully open. (Example: 20 mA)

2 Adjust the fully open position of the valve by turning the adjustment screw in the
clockwise or counterclockwise direction. See Figure 3-2-1 or Figure 3-2-2 regarding
adjustment direction.

• After valve fully open/closed position (zero/span) adjustment, vary the input signal
and confirm that the corresponding position results.

• After adjustment ends, hold the input signal at 4 mA or higher for 30 seconds so
that the position settings are written to non-volatile memory.

• If a span adjustment is performed after auto-setup has been executed, the forced
fully open value will be automatically set to −1 % of the overstroke. If necessary,
reconfigure the forced fully open value.

3.3 Starting Operation

3.3.1 Pre-operation confirmation

„„Confirmation procedures
The configuration data confirmation procedure is shown below.
Check the following before starting operation.

• The device is installed appropriately, and there is no damage or breakage to the

feedback lever, feedback pin, etc.

• The air supply system has been completed and the appropriate supply air pressure
is being supplied (there are no air leaks).

• The input signal (4 to 20 mA DC) is being applied.

(1) Operation confirmation procedure

The operation confirmation procedure for this device is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Vary the input signal from the controller (constant-current supply) and confirm that the
position of the control valve changes according to the set characteristics. If the system
does not operate correctly, see “Troubleshooting.”

2 After confirming proper operation, restore the electrical wiring to its original state and
tighten the terminal box cover firmly.

Chapter 3: Operation

(2) Data confirmation method when communication with a setup device has been established

„„ EPM (electro-pneumatic module) operation confirmation procedure

The operation confirmation procedure for the EPM is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Set the input signal from the controller (constant-current supply) to a value that results in
an actual opening position of 50 %.

2 Referring to 4.3.1, “Measured value confirmation,” confirm that the drive signal of the
process variables is 50±25 %.

• If the above conditions are not satised, the EPM balance adjustment is o. Conse-
quently, EPM balance adjustment is necessary. If EPM balance adjustment is not
performed appropriately, the valve position may vary suddenly and damage the
EPM, so be sure to have this adjustment carried out by Azbil Corporation service
personnel, or by a representative who has received Azbil Corporation training.

„„Self-diagnostic results confirmation procedure

The procedure for confirming self-diagnostic results is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Set the input signal from the controller (constant-current supply) to a value that results in
an actual opening position of 50 %.

2 Referring to 4.8, “Self-diagnostics,” perform the self-diagnostics and confirm that the
diagnostics pass.
If not, refer Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting,” and take the appropriate measures.

3.3.2 Starting operation

This device and the control valve form a manipulator which is used in process control.
Always take adequate safety precautions when starting to operate the control valve using
this device.

If an explosion-proof device model is used in a hazardous area, pay particular attention
to how well electrical wiring connections (adapters, blind caps, etc.), covers, and the like
are tightened down.
Confirm the following points before starting operation.

„„Confirmation procedures
The confirmation procedure is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Confirm that the device is installed correctly. Confirm that no mechanical interference
results from the movement of the control valve.

2 Confirm that electrical wiring of the device has been performed correctly, and that the air
supply piping of the device has been performed correctly (and that there are no air leaks).

3 Confirm that the valve operates as configured according to the input signal. After the
above items have been completed, operation of the device and control valve can be

3.3.3 Stopping operation

„„Stopping operation
The procedure for stopping operation is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Stop operation of the process. (Move each valve to the air fail position.)

2 If travel transmission output is used, set the host system control mode to manual.

3 Turn off the input signal (power supply) to the device.

4 Turn off the air supply to the device.

If the device is installed in an adverse environment, for example in a corrosive
atmosphere, we recommend not turning off the air supply, in order to prevent corrosive
gases from entering the device.

Chapter 4: Communication-
Based Operation

„„Overview of this chapter

This chapter describes operations that are performed using communication.
Refer to this chapter for information regarding the basics of operations, the relationship
between modes and data settings, data setting and modification, the saving of various
types of data, etc.

4.1 Starting Communication

„„Before starting communication

Confirm the following points before starting communication.
• Electrical wiring of the device is completed (see the “Wiring method” below).
• There is an input signal from the controller (constant-current supply).

If there is no 4 to 20 mA DC signal from the controller, connect a constant-current
supply (3.85 to 21.5 mA DC) to the input signal terminal. When doing so, be sure to re-
move the wires coming from the controller off of the terminals.

Wiring method

The wiring method for communicating with this device will now be described.

• With HART communication

Figure 4-1. Wiring of HART Communication Tool (Model AVP302)

• With SFN communication

Figure 4-2. Wiring with Field Communication Software(Model CFS100) (Model AVP300/302)

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation


Figure 4-3. Using the Travel Transmission Function (Model AVP301/201)

4.2 Communication-Based Operation

Operations such as adjustment and configuration of the device and reading on the de-
vice will now be described with reference to the menus of the Field Communication
Software(Model CFS100) . Regarding operating methods, see the Field Communica-
tion Software(Model CFS100) Smart Positioner Edition Operating Manual (No. CM2-
By communicating with this device, the following can be performed.

• 4.3 Operation Data Confirmation

4.3.1 Measured value confirmation
4.3.2 Adjustment data confirmation
• 4.4 Device Configuration and Adjustment
4.4.1 Auto-setup
4.4.2 Zero/span adjustment
4.4.3 Control valve system configuration
4.4.4 Control parameter configuration
4.4.5 Input signal range configuration
4.4.6 Flow rate characteristics configuration
4.4.7 Forced fully open/closed setting
• 4.5 Device Information Confirmation and Modification
4.5.1 Device information/production number confirmation and modification
4.5.2 Device software revision information confirmation
• 4.6 Maintenance
4.6.1 Mode modification
4.6.2 Input signal calibration
4.6.3 Dummy input signal
4.6.4 Dummy EPM drive signal
4.6.5 Configuration data saving
4.6.6 Saved configuration data retrieval
• 4.7 Valve Diagnostic Parameter Configuration
• 4.8 Self-diagnostics

Menu Tree
1. Process Variables 1. Input (mA)
2. Device 2. Input (%)
3. Diagnostics 3. Travel
4. Drive Signal
5. Temperature

1. Setup 1. Basic Setup 1. Auto Setup

2. Device Information 2. Input Range 2. 0% Travel Angle
3. Maintenance 3. Zero/Span Adjustment 3. 100% Travel Angle
4. Travel Transmission *1 4. Valve System 4. Stroke Time
5. DE Configuration *1 5. Control Configuration 5. Hysteresis Rate
6. Review 6. Flow Type
7. Travel Cutoff
1. LRV (Shut)
2. URV (Open)

1. Angle Adjustment
2. Manual Adjustment

1. Actuator Action
2. Valve Action
3. Positioner Action

1. Act. Size/Gland Packing Type

2. Change Actuator Size
3. Change Gland Packing Type *5

4. PID Parameters 1. P
2. I
1. Flow Type 3. D
2. User-defined Data 4. GE(+/-)
5. GP
6. GI
1. Travel Cutoff High 7. GD
2. Travel Cutoff Low
1. ID 1. Manufacturer 1. User Data IN1
2. Revisions 2. Model ¦
3. Device ID 16. User Data IN16
4. Device Tag 17. User Data OUT1
5. Long Tag *2 ¦
6. PROM No. 32. User Data OUT16
7. Date *2
8. Descriptor *2
9. Message
10. Polling Address *2
11. Final Assembly Number *2
12. Request Preambles Number *2
13. Private Distributor *2

1. HART Version *2
2. Device Revision *2
3. Software Revision *2
4. azbil S/W Version

1. Mode *2 1. Mode *2

2. Input Calibration
3. Simulation 1. Calibrate 4 mA
4. Save/Load 2. Calibrate 20 mA

1. D/A Trim *1 *3 1. Dummy Input Signal

2. Loop test *1 2. Dummy Drive Signal

1. DE FS Mode *1 1. Save current settings

2. DE Format *1 2. Load saved settings
3. DE PV type *1
4. Switch Analog to DE *1 *3
5. Switch DE to Analog *1 *4

1. Manufacturer 33. P 92. 0% Tvl Error - *2

2. Model 34. I 93. 0% Tvl Error Waiting Time *2
3. Device ID *2 35. D 94. 0% Tvl Error Alarm Enabled *2
4. Device Tag 36. GE(+/-) 95. Shut-Off Count *2
5. Long Tag *2 37. GP 96. Shut-Off Count Threshold *2
6. PROM No. 38. GI 97. Shut-Off Count Alarm Enabled *2
7. Date *2 39. GD 98. Max Tvl Speed + *2
8. Descriptor *2 40. Travel Cutoff High 99. Max Tvl Speed - *2
9. Message 41. Travel Cutoff Low 100. Max Tvl Speed Threshold + *2
10. Polling Address *2 42. Flow Type 101. Max Tvl Speed Threshold - *2
11. Final Assembly Number *2 43. User Data IN1 102. Max Tvl Speed Alarm Enabled *2
12. Request Preambles Number *2 ¦ 103. Deviation *2
13. Private Distributor *2 58. User Data IN16 *6
104. Deviation Threshold + *2
14. HART Version *2 59. User Data OUT1 105. Deviation Threshold - *2
15. Device Revision *2 ¦ 106. Deviation Waiting Time *2
16. Software Revision *2 75. User Data OUT16 107. Deviation Alarm Enabled *2
17. azbil S/W Version 76. Stick Slip X *2 108. Temperature *2
18. Input (mA) 77. Stick Slip Y *2 109. Temp Threshold High *2
19. Input (%) 78. Stick Slip Count *2 110. Temp Threshold Low *2
20. Travel 79. Stick Slip XY Threshold *2 111. Temp Waiting Time *2
21. Drive Signal 80. Stick Slip Count Threshold *2 112. Temp Alarm Enabled *2
22. Temperature 81. Stick Slip Alarm Enabled *2 113. Travel Histogram1 *2
23. 0% Travel Angle 82. Total Stroke *2 ¦
24. 100% Travel Angle 83. Dead Band *2 128. Travel Histogram16 *2

25. Stroke Time 84. Total Stroke Threshold *2 129. Travel Segment1 *2
26. Hysteresis Rate 85. Total Stroke Alarm Enabled *2 ¦
27. LRV (Shut) 86. Cycle Count *2 144. Travel Segment16 *2

28. URV (Open) 87. Cycle Count High *2 145. DE FS Mode *1 *4

29. Actuator Action 88. Cycle Count Low *2 146. DE Format *1 *4
30. Valve Action 89. Cycle Count Threshold *2 147. DE PV type *1 *4
31. Positioner Action 90. Cycle Count Alarm Enabled *2
32. Act. Size/Gland Packing Type 91. 0% Tvl Error + *2

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

1. Positioner Diagnostic Status 1. Critical Failure 1. Positioner Status 1 (VTD FAULT)
2. Valve Diagnostic Status *2 2. Device Status 2. Positioner Status 1 (RAM FAULT)
3. Valve Diagnostic Information *2 3. Positioner Status 1 (ROM FAULT) *2

1. Status group 1 (VTD FAULT) *1

2. Status group 1 (LO IIN) *1
3. Status group 1 (NVM FAULT) *1
4. Status group 1 RAM FAULT) *1
5. Status group 1 (ROM FAULT) *1
6. Status group 1 (A/D FAULT) *1
7 Status group 4 (INVALID DATABASE) *1

1. Positioner Status 1 (LOW IIN) *2

2. Positioner Status 3 (EXT ZERO ACTIVE) *2
3. Positioner Status 3 (HI/LO EPM OUT) *2
4. Positioner Status 3 (TRAVEL CUTOFF) *2
5. Positioner Status 2 (OVER TEMP) *2
1. Valve Status 1 (Stick Slip Alarm) *2 6. Positioner Status 2 (MANUAL MODE) *2
2. Valve Status 1 (Total Stroke Alarm) *2 7. Positioner Status 2 (FIXED EPM OUT) *2
3. Valve Status 1 (Cycle Count Alarm) *2 8. Positioner Status 2 ALL SETTING RESET) *2
4. Valve Status 2 (0% Travel Error + Alarm) *2
5. Valve Status 2 (0% Travel Error - Alarm) *2 1. Status group 2 (OVER TEMP) *1
6. Valve Status 1 (Shut-Off Count Alarm) *2 2. Status group 2 (MANUAL MODE) *1
7. Valve Status 1 (Max Tvl Speed + Alarm) *2 3. Status group 2 (FIXED EPM OUT) *1
8. Valve Status 1 (Max Tvl Speed - Alarm) *2 4. Status group 2 (OUTPUT MODE) *1
9. Valve Status 1 (Deviation + Alarm) *2 5. Status group 2 (CORRECT RESET) *1
10. Valve Status 1 (Deviation - Alarm) *2 6. Status group 3 (EXT ZERO ACTIVE) *1
11. Valve Status 2 (Temp High Alarm) *2 7. Status group 3 (HI/LO EPM OUT) *1
12. Valve Status 2 (Temp Low Alarm) *2 8. Status group 3 (SHUT ON) *1

1. Stick Slip *2 1. Stick Slip X *2

2. Total Stroke *2 2. Stick Slip Y *2
3. Cycle Count *2 3. Stick Slip Count *2
4. Travel Histogram *2 4. Update Stick Slip *2
5. 0% Tvl Error *2 5. Clear Stick Slip Count *2
6. Shut-Off Count *2 6. Stick Slip XY Threshold *2
7. Max Tvl Speed *2 7. Stick Slip Count Threshold *2
8. Deviation Alarm *2 8. Stick Slip Alarm Enabled *2
9. Temperature Alarm *2

1. Total Stroke *2
2. Update Total Stroke *2
3. Dead Band *2
4. Total Stroke Threshold *2
5. Total Stroke Alarm Enabled *2

1. Cycle Count *2
2. Update Cycle Count *2
3. Cycle Count Highh *2
4. Cycle Count Low *2
5. Cycle Count Threshold *2
6. Cycle Count Alarm Enabled *2

1. Travel Histogram *2 1. Travel Histogram1 *2

2. Travel Segmentation *2 ¦
16. Travel Histogram16 *2
17. Update Travel Histogram *2
1. 0% Tvl Error + *2
18. Clear Travel Histogram *2
2. 0% Tvl Error - *2
3. 0% Tvl Error Waiting Time *2
4. 0% Tvl Error Alarm Enabled *2 1. Travel Segment 1 *2
16. Travel Segment16 *2
1. Shut-Off Count *2
2. Update Shut-Off Count *2
3. Shut-Off Count Threshold *2
4. Shut-Off Count Alarm Enabled *2

1. Max Tvl Speed + *2

2. Max Tvl Speed - *2
3. Update Max Tvl Speed *2
4. Clear Max Tvl Speed *2
5. Max Tvl Speed Threshold + *2
6. Max Tvl Speed Threshold - *2
7. Max Tvl Speed Alarm Enabled *2

1. Deviation *2
2. Deviation Threshold + *2
3. Deviation Threshold - *2
4. Deviation Waiting Time *2
5. Deviation Alarm Enabled *2

1. Temperature *2
2. Temp Threshold High *2
3. Temp Threshold Low *2
4. Temp Waiting Time *2
5. Temp Alarm Enabled *2

*1. Not displayed on the HART version.  *2. Not displayed on the SFN version.
*3. Not displayed when DE communication selected.  *4. Enabled when DE communication selected (not shown).
*5. Displayed when “Actuator Size” is “Param0.”  *6. Displayed when “Flow Type” is “User-defined.”

This chapter describes the functions of the following versions.

[Model AVP300/301/200/201]
Azbil software version: 3.5 or later

[Model AVP302/202]
HART Version 6
Device revision: 1
Software revision: 1 or later
Azbil software version: 6.1 or later

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.3 Operation Data Confirmation

Allows confirmation of measured values and adjustment data for the operating state of
the device.
The following items can be checked.

4.3.1 Measured value confirmation

Select [Process Variables]. You will be able to check the following items.

(1) Input (mA)

Displays the electric current input value.
(2) Input (%)
Displays the input signal (%).
(3) Travel
Displays the valve position (%).
(4) Drive Signal
Displays the EPM (electro-pneumatic module) drive signal (%).
(5) Temperature
Displays the positioner internal temperature (°C).

4.3.2 Adjustment data confirmation

Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Basic Setup]. You will be able to check the following

(1) 0 % Travel Angle

Displays the angle specified as the valve fully closed point.
(2) 100 % Travel Angle
Displays the angle specified as the valve fully open point.
(3) Stroke Time
Displays the valve full stroke time that was measured when auto-setup was ex-
(4) Hysteresis Rate
Displays the friction level of the gland packing that was measured when auto-setup
was executed.

4.4 Device Configuration and Adjustment

In device configuration and adjustment, the configuration and adjustment that are nec-
essary for this device to operate properly are performed. For the HART version, first set
the mode of the device to “Out of service.”
Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Mode] >> [Mode]. You will be able to change the

For the HART version, when finished performing adjustment and configuration, set the
mode to “In service.”

4.4.1 Auto-setup

Use auto-setup for the following items.

(1) Zero/span adjustment
(2) Actuator action direction configuration
(3) Input signal LRV and URV configuration
(4) Actuator size selection
(5) Hysteresis difference selection
(6) Travel transmission fail safe selection

• During auto-setup, the valve moves from fully open. Take appropriate measures be-
forehand to ensure that the movement of the valve will not cause injury or have an
effect on the process.

Step Procedure

1 Confirm that the input signal is 4 mA or higher.

2 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Basic Setup] >> [Auto Setup] to execute the method.

3 Following the screen display, execute the operation. The control valve will start to move.
This operation takes about two to three minutes.

4 When the operation ends, “Auto Setup is Completed” is displayed on the screen. When
control via the input signal becomes possible, auto-setup ends.

5 Vary the input signal and check the movement to confirm that adjustment is being
performed appropriately.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.4.2 Zero/span adjustment

[Valve fully closed position configuration]

The procedure for setting the valve fully closed position is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Zero/Span Adjustment] >> [Angle Adjustment] >> [Zero].

2 Input the input signal that is to fully close the valve.

3 If the forced fully closed setting (travel cutoff low) is 0 % (default value + 0.5 %) or higher,
the screen for configuring the travel cutoff low will appear. Set it to 0 % or lower.

4 From the [Zero Adjustment] menu, select a combination of the angle size and the
increment or decrement for which to perform the adjustment. To increment by 0.03°,
select [Increment/0.03].

5 Perform zero adjustment by carrying out step 4 above multiple times.

6 When adjustment is complete, select [Exit] on the [Zero Adjustment] menu.

7 The screen for the forced fully closed setting will appear. If you have already modified this
value, return to the original value.

8 Select [Exit] from the [Zero/Span Adjustment] menu.

[Valve fully open position configuration]

The procedure for setting the valve fully closed position is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Zero/Span Adjustment] >> [Angle Adjustment] >> [Span].

2 Input the input signal that is to fully open the valve.

3 From the [Span Adjustment] menu, select a combination of the angle size and the
increment or decrement for which to perform the adjustment. To decrement by 0.03°,
select [Decrement/0.03].

4 Perform span adjustment by carrying out step 3 above multiple times.

5 When adjustment is complete, select [Exit] on the [Span Adjustment] menu.

6 The screen for setting the forced fully open value will appear. Set it if necessary.
(Normally, this will not need to be set.)

7 Select [Exit] from the [Zero/Span Adjustment] menu.

4.4.3 Valve system

Configures the control valve control system.

Actuator action, valve action, and positioner action are set and modified here.

„„Actuator action
Select [Direct] or [Reverse]. If the feedback lever moves downward in response to in-
creasing air pressure to the actuator, set this to [Direct]; if the feedback lever moves up-
ward, set this to [Reverse]. (This will be set automatically if auto-setup is performed.)
The procedure for configuring actuator action is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Valve System] >> [Actuator Action].

2 Specify [Direct] or [Reverse] actuator action.

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

„„Valve action
Select [Direct] or [Reverse]. If the feedback lever moves downward when the control
valve moves in the direction from open to closed, set this to [Direct]; if the feedback
lever moves upward, set this to [Reverse].
The procedure for configuring valve action is shown below.
Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Valve System] >> [Valve Action].

2 Specify [Direct] or [Reverse] valve action.

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

„„Positioner action
Select [Direct] or [Reverse]. To make the device’s output air pressure go to zero when
the power supply is cut off, set this to [Direct]; to make the output air pressure go to the
maximum level, set this to [Reverse].

• Modifying the positioner action requires EPM (electro-pneumatic module) recon-
figuration. Reconfiguration should be performed by an Azbil Corp. service repre-

The procedure for configuring positioner action is shown below.

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Valve System] >> [Positioner Action].

2 Specify [Direct] or [Reverse] positioner action.

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.4.4 Control configuration

For the device’s dynamic characteristics, the PID parameters are selected based on the
combination of actuator size and gland packing type.

„„Actuator size
Select the actuator size from parameters 0 to 9, A, B, and C (Param 0 to 9, A, B, and C).
(This is selected automatically when auto-setup is executed.)
If auto setup cannot be executed or the desired parameter cannot be set by auto setup,
see the table below to select a PARAM that is suitable for the installed actuator.

Table 4-1. Actuator Size Parameter Table 

Actuator Size Actuator Capacity

Operating Speed [s] Typical Actuator Type
(ACTUATOR SIZE) (Typical Value) [cm3]
PARAM C to 0.58 — —
PARAM B to 0.8 — —
PARAM A to 1.02 — —
PARAM 1 to 1.5 PSA1, PSK1   600
PARAM 2 to 3 PSA2, HA2  1,400
PARAM 3 to 6.6 PSA3, HA3  2,700
PARAM 4 to 12 PSA4, HA4  6,600
PARAM 5 to 99 VA5 25,300
PARAM 6 to 20 VA6, PSA6  8,100
PARAM 7 to 1.9 RSA1   760
PARAM 8 to 4.3 RSA2  3,800
PARAM 9 to 99 VR3, VR3H  5,800
PARAM 0 — — Set individually*
 * Consult with Azbil Corporation service personnel.

„„Actuator size configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Control Configuration] >> [Act. Size/Gland Packing
Type], and check the current setting.

2 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Control Configuration] >> [Change Actuator Size], and
select from parameters 0 to 9, A, B, and C. If parameter 0 has been selected, the gap action
type PID parameters can be set individually. (Parameters 7 to 9 are specifically for the
Azbil Corporation VFR control valve RSA/VR actuator.)

„„Gland packing type

For the hysteresis difference due to friction of the control valve gland packing,
select from [Heavy], [Medium] and [Light]. (This is selected automatically when auto-
setup is executed.) Regarding the types of gland packing, see Table 2 below.

Table 2. Gland Packing Type Parameter Table

Hysteresis* (HYSTERESIS) Gland packing material example
Heavy (HEAVY) Graphite packing
Medium (MEDIUM) Yarn packing
Light (LIGHT) V type PTFE packing
* This cannot be decided on the basis of material because it depends on the
frictional force of the gland packing.

„„Gland packing type configuration procedure
Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Control Configuration] >> [Act. Size/Gland Packing
Type], and check the current setting. If the actuator size is 0, A, B, or C, the gland packing
type is not displayed.

2 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Control Configuration] >> [Change Gland Packing Type],
and select [Light], [Medium], or [Heavy].

„„Gap PID parameters

For actuator size, if parameter 0 has been selected, the gap operation type PID param-
eters can be set individually. The gap action PID method is utilized as the dynamic
characteristics algorithm for this device. In the gap action type PID method, deviation
values (the gap) above and below the set-point value are set up, and the PID parameters
are changed depending on whether the process value is inside or outside the gap. The
merits of this method are that it is relatively simple to tune and that it enables both fast
response and stability. The meaning of each parameter is described below.

Table 3. Gap Action Type PID Parameters

Parameter Parameter Meaning Units

P Reciprocal of the in-gap proportional band %−1
I Inside-gap integrated time s
D Inside-gap differentiated time s
GE Gap width %
GP Reciprocal of the out-of-gap proportional band %−1
GI Outside-gap integrated time s
GD Outside-gap differentiated time s

P = 2.000 indicates that 2 %−1 = % = 50 %.
This means using 50 % as the proportional band, as it is commonly called.

• The input setting range for these values is −19999 to +19999.
• The GP, GI, and GD parameters cannot be set when GE is 0.

„„Gap PID parameter configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Control Configuration] >> [Change Actuator Size], and
set the actuator size to the parameter 0. The PID parameters will be displayed.

2 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Control Configuration] >> [PID Parameter]. You will be
able to check or modify seven PID parameters (P, I, D, GE, GP, GI, and GD).

3 Enter values to set the seven respective PIDs. For the SFN version, start the method and
enter the values in order.

4 For the HART version, send the modified setting to the device using the transmission

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.4.5 Input range

This procedure sets the electric current input value when the valve is fully closed (LRV)
and the electric current input value when the valve is fully open (URV). Values can be
entered in the 4 to 20 mA range. A split range can be specified as well.

• Set these values so that the electric current input span (the difference between LRV
and URV) is in the 4 to 16 mA range.

• If the span is 8 mA or less, the accuracy will be 1.5 % of full scale.

„„Input range configuration procedure

The procedure for setting the desired electric current input values is shown below.

„„Configuration procedure for electric current input values (mA) for

valve fully closed
Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Input Range].

2 Select [LRV (Shut)], and enter the electric current input value when the valve is fully

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

„„Configuration procedure for electric current input values (mA) for

valve fully open (100 % position)
Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Input Range].

2 Select [URV (Open)], and enter the electric current input value when the valve is fully
open (when the position is 100 %).

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

4.4.6 Flow Type

„„Flow Type
This function sets, from among four types of flow rate characteristics, the relationship
between the input signal and the position. A sketch of the four characteristics (linear,
equal percent, quick open, and user-defined) is shown below.

Figure 4-4. Flow Characteristics Overview

If this has been set to user-defined, the flow rate characteristics conversion data can
(must) be specified.

„„Flow Type configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Flow Type].

2 Select from [Linear], [Equal Percent], [Quick Open], and [User-defined]. If [User-defined]
has been selected, specify the flow rate characteristics conversion data [User-defined Data].

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

„„User-defined Data
This function sets user-defined flow rate characteristics conversion data. There are 16
data points for input and 16 for output. For each point, specify an input signal (User
Data IN1–16) and an output signal (User Data OUT1–16). The characteristics will be
the result of connecting the 16 points with straight lines.

• Input all 16 points (input signal and position).
• Specify the input values in order from smallest to largest.
• Specify the values such that the characteristics increase monotonically.

„„User-defined data configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 For [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Flow Type], select [User-defined].

2 Select [User-defined], and enter all parameters User Data IN1–16 and User Data OUT1–

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.4.7 Travel Cutoff

„„Travel Cutoff
Sets the input signal values (%) that force the valve fully open and fully closed. The
valve will be fully closed at input values less than the forced fully closed value, and will
be fully open at input values greater than the forced fully open value. The input signal
values (%) for the valve forced fully open and fully closed are set independently. An
overview of the input/output characteristics when forced fully closed/open values have
been set is shown below.

Figure 4-5. Forced Fully Open/Closed Settings

• Set these parameters such that the forced fully open setting (Travel Cutoff High) is
greater than the forced fully closed setting (Travel Cutoff Low).
• If a span adjustment is performed after auto-setup has been executed, the forced
fully open setting will be 1 % less than the overstroke percentage.
• The forced fully open and forced fully closed settings have a hysteresis difference of
0.1 %
• As a result of configuring the forced fully closed setting, the control valve can be-
come fully closed when the input signal drops to the preset value or lower, so set
the output limiter (Lo) on the host to −1 % or higher.

„„Travel Cutoff Low configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Travel Cutoff] >> [Travel Cutoff Low].

2 Specify the input signal value at which to force the valve fully closed.

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

„„Travel Cutoff High configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Setup] >> [Travel Cutoff] >> [Travel Cutoff High].

2 Specify the input signal value at which to force the valve fully open.

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

4.5 Device Information Confirmation and Modification

Allows confirmation and modification of device information.

4.5.1 Device information/production number confirmation and modification

Select [Device] >> [Device Information] >> [ID]. You will be able to check or modify
the following items.
(1) Manufacturer
Displays the manufacturer of the device. “Azbil Corporation” is displayed.
(2) Model
Displays the name and model number of the device. “SVP-V2” is displayed.
(3) Device ID (HART version only)
Displays device-specific information.
(4) Device Tag
Displays and allows modification of the tag number assigned to the device.
(5) Long Tag (HART version only)
Displays and allows modification of the long tag number assigned to the device.
(6) PROM No.
Displays ID information.
(7) Date (HART version only)
Displays and allows modification of specific dates such as the last configuration
date for the device.
(8) Descriptor (HART version only)
Displays and allows modification of information required to manage the device.
(9) Message
Displays and allows modification of messages registered to the device.
(10) Polling Address (HART version only)
Displays and allows modification of the address of the device. When multiple de-
vices are connected to the same loop, indicates device addresses (split range, multi-
drop connection, and the like).
(11) Final Assembly Number (HART version only)
Displays and allows modification of specific management numbers such as the last
configuration date for the device and system.
(12) Request Preambles Number (HART version only)
Displays the number of preambles that the device requests from the host.
(13) Private Distributor (HART version only)
Displays the name of the distributor of the device.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.5.2 Device software revision information confirmation

Select [Device] >> [Device Information] >> [Revisions]. You will be able to check the
following items.
(1) HART Version (HART version only)
Displays the revision number of the HART universal commands supported by
model AVP302/202.
(2) Device Revision (HART version only)
Displays the revision number of the device-specific commands supported by
model AVP302/202.
(3) Software Revision (HART version only)
Displays the revision number of the software in the same device revision.
(4) Azbil Software Version
Displays the software revision number. This is Azbil Corporation’s internal man-
agement number, and has a one-to-one correspondence with the software revision

4.6 Maintenance

4.6.1 Mode

The HART® version has two modes. One is “In service” and the other is “Out of service.”
When performing calibration or adjustment, or when changing settings, the control
valve will move, so first verify that these operations will not result in problems that
could adversely affect plant operation. Then set the mode to “Out of service.”
After completing calibration or adjustment, or after changing settings, set the mode to
“In service.” These operations cannot be performed when the device mode is “In ser-

„„Mode modification procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Mode]

2 Select [Out of Service] or [In Service].

3 Send the modified setting to the device using the transmission button.

4.6.2 Input calibration

Calibrates the difference between the electric current input of 4 mA (or 20 mA) from
the controller and the input signal of 4 mA (or 20 mA) perceived by the device.

„„4 mA electric current input calibration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Input Calibration] >> [Calibrate 4 mA].

2 Set the electric current input (controller output) to 4 mA.

3 The electric current input value perceived by the device will be displayed on the screen.
If that value is satisfactory for performing calibration, click [OK].

4 After a while, calibration will end, and then the input signal value will be displayed.
Check whether it is correctly configured.

„„20 mA electric current input calibration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Input Calibration] >> [Calibrate 20 mA].

2 Set the electric current input (controller output) to 20 mA.

3 The electric current input value perceived by the device will be displayed on the screen.
If that value is satisfactory for performing calibration, click [OK].

4 After a while, calibration will end, and then the input signal value will be displayed.
Check whether it is correctly configured.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.6.3 Dummy input signal

Sets the input signal via communication, regardless of the value of the input signal from
the controller. This function can be effective when, for instance, isolating problems
during troubleshooting. For example, if the control valve does not move in response
to input signals from the controller, but the valve operates correctly in response to the
simulated current input, it follows that the problem is somewhere between the wiring
and the host system.

„„Dummy input signal configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Simulation] >> [Dummy Input Signal].

2 Select a dummy input signal ([0 %], [50 %], [100 %], or [Other]) from the [Dummy Input
Signal] menu.

3 If you selected [Other], enter a value (0 to 100 %).

4 To cancel the dummy input signal, select [Clear] from the [Dummy Input Signal] menu.

5 To exit the [Dummy Input Signal] menu, select [Exit].

4.6.4 Dummy Drive Signal

Cuts off the drive signal from the PID control unit, and applies the dummy drive signal
to the EPM (electro-pneumatic module).

„„Dummy Drive Signal configuration procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Simulation] >> [Dummy Drive Signal].

2 Select a dummy EPM drive signal ([0 %], [50 %], [100 %], or [Other]) from the [Dummy
Drive Signal] menu.

3 If you selected [Other], enter a value (0 to 100 %).

4 To cancel the dummy EPM drive signal, select [Clear] from the [Dummy Drive Signal]

5 To exit the [Dummy Drive Signal] menu, select [Exit].

4.6.5 Save Current Settings

Saves all of the device’s internal data (settings) in place of the factory shipment data
specifications (the data that was set based on the model number).
Use the “Load saved settings” operation to retrieve the saved data.
We recommend saving the configuration data after the device has been installed and all
configuration has been completed.

„„Save current settings procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Save/Load] >> [Save current settings] to execute
the command.

2 When the data is saved, “Save current settings was completed” is displayed.

4.6.6 Load saved settings

Returns all of the device’s internal data settings to the settings at the time of shipping.
This is useful when for instance installing the device on a different control valve.

• If this function is executed, the settings for valve fully open and valve fully closed
(zero/span adjustment) will also be reset to the settings at the time of shipment.
Overwrite these settings again the next time the device is used.

• If “Save Current Settings” in the configuration settings was executed before this
function, the internal data saved at that time will be restored.

„„Load saved settings procedure

Step Procedure

1 Select [Device] >> [Maintenance] >> [Save/Load] >> [Load saved settings] to execute the

2 When the data has been retrieved, “Load saved settings is completed” is displayed.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.7 Valve Diagnostic Parameter Configuration

Performs configuration necessary for valve diagnostics.

4.7.1 Stick-Slip

A stick-slip value quantitatively represents abnormal valve movements caused by adhe-

sion, seizing, and the like. Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >>
[Stick Slip]. You will be able to check or modify the following items. To change a value,
select the item and then change it.

„„Stick-Slip X
Displays the Stick Slip X value.

„„Stick-Slip Y
Displays the Stick Slip Y value.

„„Stick-Slip Count
Displays the Stick Slip Count.

„„Update Stick Slip

Updates the Stick Slip X value, Stick Slip Y value, and Stick Slip Count to the most re-
cent values.
• Select the [Update Stick Slip] menu to execute the update.

„„Clear Stick Slip Count

Resets the count to zero.
• Select the [Clear Stick Slip Count] menu to reset the count.

„„Stick Slip XY Threshold

Displays and allows modification of the XY threshold. This is the value which, when
reached or exceeded by the stick-slip value (Stick Slip Y divided by Stick Slip X), results
in incrementation of the count. (An alarm is not activated merely as a result of this
value being exceeded, but an alarm is activated if the count threshold is exceeded.)

„„Stick Slip Count Threshold

Displays and allows modification of the count threshold value. An alarm occurs if the
number of times the XY threshold is exceeded reaches or exceeds this value.

„„Stick Slip Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.

4.7.2 Total Stroke

This value is the result of totaling the distances (%, mm) that the valve moved.
Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Total Stroke]. You will be
able to check or modify the following items. To change a value, select the item and then
change it.

„„Total Stroke
Displays and allows modification of the total stroke value.

„„Update Total Stroke

Updates the total stroke distance to the latest value.
• Select the [Update Total Stroke] menu to execute the update.

„„Dead Band
Displays and allows modification of the dead band. The dead band is the minimum po-
sition width [± %FS] for calculating the total stroke distance.

„„Total Stroke Threshold

Displays and allows modification of the threshold. An alarm occurs if the stroke dis-
tance reaches or exceeds this value.

„„Total Stroke Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.

4.7.3 Cycle Count

Counts the total number of times that the valve position reverses after at least the speci-
fied amount of valve travel.
Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Cycle Count]. You will be
able to check or modify the following items. To change a value, select the item and then
change it.

„„Cycle Count
Displays and allows modification of the motion reversal count.

„„Update Cycle Count

Updates the reversal count to the latest value.
• Select the [Update Cycle Count] menu to execute the update.

„„Cycle Count High, Cycle Count Low

Displays and allows modification of the upper and lower threshold values for position

„„Cycle Count Threshold

Displays and allows modification of the threshold. An alarm occurs if the reversal count
reaches or exceeds this value.

„„Cycle Count Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.
Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.7.4 Travel Histogram

Indicates how frequently the valve travels in the specified position ranges, as a propor-
tion of the total travel time.

[Travel Histogram]
Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Travel Histogram] >>
[Travel Histogram]. You will be able to check the following items.

„„Travel Histogram 1 to Travel Histogram 16

Displays the frequency of the specified position region as a percentage.

„„Update Travel Histogram

Updates per-position frequency distribution values 1 to 16 to the latest values.
• Select the [Update Travel Histogram] menu to execute the update.

„„Clear Travel Histogram

Deletes the per-position frequency distribution values.
• Select the [Clear Travel Histogram] menu to delete the values.

[Travel Segmentation]
Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Travel Histogram] >>
[Travel Segmentation]. You will be able to check or modify the following item.

„„Travel Segmentation 1 to Travel Segmentation 16

Displays and allows modification of the 15 position regions for the 16 positions.

4.7.5 0 % Travel Error

When the valve is fully closed, the zero point from when zero adjustment was per-
formed is compared to the current zero point, and an alarm occurs if the discrepancy
between them is greater than or equal to a specified deviation and if this discrepancy
persists for longer than the specified time.
Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [0 % Travel Error]. You will
be able to check or modify the following items. To change a value, select the item and
then change it.

„„0 % Tvl Error +, 0 % Tvl Error −

Displays and allows modification of the deviation on the “+” side and “−” side.

„„0 % Tvl Error Waiting Time

Displays and allows modification of the waiting time. An alarm occurs if the deviation
continues for longer than this waiting time.

„„0 % Tvl Error Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.

4.7.6 Shut-Off Count

Counts the total number of times that the valve is fully closed.
Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Shut-Off Count]. You will
be able to check or modify the following items. To change a value, select the item and
then change it.

„„Shut-Off Count
Displays and allows modification of the total fully closed count.

„„Update Shut-Off Count

Updates the fully closed count to the latest value.
• Select the [Update Shut-Off Count] menu to execute the update.

„„Shut-Off Count Threshold

Displays and allows modification of the threshold. An alarm occurs if the fully closed
count reaches or exceeds this value.

„„Shut-Off Count Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.

4.7.7 Max Travel Speed

The maximum operating speed per unit time of the valve.

Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Max Travel Speed]. You will
be able to check or modify the following items. To change a value, select the item and
then change it.

„„Max Tvl Speed +, Max Tvl Speed −

Displays and allows modification of the maximum operating speed on the “+” side and
“−” side.

„„Update Max Tvl Speed

Updates the maximum operating speed to the latest value.
• Select the [Update Max Tvl Speed] menu to execute the update.

„„Clear Max Tvl Speed

Deletes the maximum operating speed.
• Select the [Clear Max Tvl Speed] menu to clear the count.

„„Max Tvl Speed Threshold +, Max Tvl Speed Threshold −

Displays and allows modification of the thresholds on the “+” side and “−” side. An
alarm occurs if the maximum operating speed is outside the range specified by the

„„Max Tvl Speed Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.7.8 Deviation Alarm

Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Deviation Alarm]. You will
be able to check or modify the following items.

Displays the position deviation value.

„„Deviation Threshold +, Deviation Threshold −

Displays and allows modification of the thresholds on the “+” side and “−” side. An
alarm occurs if the position deviation exceeds this value.

„„Deviation Waiting Time

Displays and allows modification of the waiting time. An alarm occurs if the position
deviation exceeds the threshold and this amount of time has elapsed.

„„Deviation Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.

4.7.9 Temperature Alarm

Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Information] >> [Temperature Alarm]. You
will be able to check or modify the following items.

Displays the temperature

„„Temp Threshold High, Temp Threshold Low

Displays and allows modification of the upper and lower thresholds. An alarm occurs if
the temperature goes beyond one of these values and the waiting time has elapsed.

„„Temp Waiting Time

Displays and allows modification of the waiting time. An alarm occurs if the tempera-
ture goes beyond a threshold and this amount of time has elapsed.

„„Temp Alarm Enabled

Displays and allows modification of the alarm enabled/disabled status. If the status is
Enabled, alarms will occur, and if the status is Disabled, alarms will not occur.

4.8 Self-diagnostics

This device provides a self-diagnostics function. This is useful for troubleshooting. For
information regarding measures to take in response to each message, see Chapter 5,

4.8.1 Critical Failure

Select [Diagnostics] >> [Positioner Diagnostic Status]. You will be able to check the sta-
tus conditions shown below. If the value of this item is ON, a failure was observed.
Explanation of self-diagnostics messages (major failures)

Message Description / Cause

VTD FAULT VTD (angle sensor) error.
The feedback lever has become detached.
The feedback lever has exceeded the allowable angular range.
The VTD connector has become detached. (For the remote type, the cable is
RAM FAULT RAM electrical part failure
ROM FAULT ROM electrical part failure

4.8.2 Device Status

Select [Diagnostics] >> [Positioner Diagnostic Status] >> [Device Status]. You will be
able to check the status conditions shown below. If the value of this item is ON, a failure
was observed.
Explanation of self-diagnostics messages (minor failures)

Message Description / Cause

LOW IIN The input signal (current) is too low (3.80 mA or less)
EXT ZERO ACTIVE External zero/span adjustment switch is being used.
HI/LO EPM OUT The EPM drive signal exceeds the normal operating range.
EXT ZERO ACTIVE External zero/span adjustment switch is being used.
TRAVEL CUTOFF The valve is in the forced fully open/closed state.
OVER TEMP The perceived internal temperature of the device is lower than
−45 °C or higher than +85 °C.
MANUAL MODE A dummy input signal has been set.
FIXED EPM OUT A dummy EPM drive signal has been set.
ALL SETTINGS The adjustment data and setting data has been initialized.

Chapter 4: Communication-Based Operation

4.8.3 Valve Diagnostic Status

Select [Diagnostics] >> [Valve Diagnostic Status]. You will be able to check the status
conditions shown below. If the value of an item is ON, an alarm was triggered.

Status Details

Stick Slip Alarm The Stick Slip Alarm occurs when the valve exhibits stick and slip

Total Stroke Alarm The Total Stroke Alarm occurs when the total distance of the valve
plug/stem stroke movement exceeds the threshold.

Cycle Count Alarm The Cycle Count Alarm occurs when the number of control valve
reverse operation cycles exceeds the threshold

0 % Tvl Error + Alarm The 0 % Tvl Error + Alarm occurs when there is upward deviation
between current 0 % travel angle and initial 0 % travel angle.

0 % Tvl Error − Alarm The 0 % Tvl Error − Alarm occurs when there is downward deviation
between current 0 % travel angle and initial 0 % travel angle.

Shut-Off Count Alarm The Shut-Off Count Alarm occurs when the total number of valve
closures exceeds the threshold.

Max Tvl Speed + Alarm The Max Tvl Speed + Alarm occurs when the maximum stem
movement speed in the upward direction in a day exceeds the

Max Tvl Speed − Alarm The Max Tvl Speed − Alarm occurs when the maximum stem
movement speed in the downward direction in a day exceeds the

Deviation + Alarm The Deviation + Alarm occurs when there is a positive deviation
between current travel (%) and input signal (%).

Deviation − Alarm The Deviation − Alarm occurs when there is a negative deviation
between current travel (%) and input signal (%).

Temp High Alarm The Temp High Alarm occurs when the measured temperature
exceeds the upper threshold.

Temp Low Alarm The Temp Low Alarm occurs when the measured temperature falls
below the lower threshold.

4.9 Precautions

A message like the one below may be displayed on a host device. If so, take the indicated
countermeasure to address the problem.

[475 Communicator]
• If Actuator Size is set to “Param0” and GE (+/−) in “PID Parameters” is set to any
value other than “0.0,” then even if GE (+/−) is changed to “0.0” and GP, GI, and
GD are also changed, and these settings are then transmitted, the background color
of the changed items will remain yellow.

→ Return to the level above this and display “PID Parameters” again.

Chapter 5: Maintenance and
„„Overview of this chapter
This chapter describes the maintenance of this device and countermeasures to take
when problems occur.
Cautions to ensure safe operation

Do not perform wiring work, turn on the electricity, etc., when your hands are wet.
There is a risk of electric shock. Perform this work with the power supply turned off,
and with dry or gloved hands.
When wiring in a hazardous area, work according to the methods prescribed by the
guidelines for the hazardous area.
For flameproof explosion-proof specifications, do not under any circumstances open the
cover during operation (when powered up).

After installing the device, do not place your body weight on it, use it as a scaffold, etc.
There is a risk that it could fall over.
Do not touch the device unnecessarily while it is in operation. Depending on the envi-
ronment in which the device is used, there is a danger that the surface of the device may
be very hot or very cold.
When opening the cover of the terminal box, be careful of the edges of the cover, the
threads of the screws on the main unit, etc. There is a possibility of injury.
Use a DC power supply that has overload protection. An overload can cause the emis-
sion of smoke and fire.
Bringing tools and the like into contact with the glass portion of the display can cause
damage or injury. Exercise sufficient caution. In addition, be sure to wear safety glasses.

As this product is extremely heavy, watch your footing, and be sure to wear safety shoes.

When the device is in operation, do not touch moving parts such as the feedback lever.
Your hand may become caught, resulting in injury.
Supply power correctly based on the specifications. An incorrect power input can dam-
age the instrument.
When working in a high-temperature or low-temperature environment, wear gloves and
other protective equipment.
Do not bring magnets or magnetic screwdrivers near the device. There is a possibility
that the control valve will move in response.

5.1 Troubleshooting

Types of problems

The following three types of problems can conceivably occur when starting up and be-
ginning to operate the device.
• Problems due to a mismatch between device specifications and actual usage
• Problems due to erroneous configuration or operation
• Problems due to device failure
Using the self-diagnostics function, problems with the device are recognized, divided
into “major” and “minor,” and either displayed or addressed. When a problem occurs,
refer to the troubleshooting guide presented here and take appropriate action.

„„Major failure
“Major failure” refers to a state in which a serious problem has arisen in the operation
of the device and, if no action is taken, damage to the device itself may result. Should a
serious problem occur during operation of the device, the output air pressure (position)
and travel transmission output will continue to output the value which has been set for
the error processing (fail-safe) direction.

VTD FAULT #  This is the message when the position sensor (VTD) fails.

„„Minor failure
In a “minor failure” state, there is no serious problem for the operation of the device. If
a problem has occurred during operation of the device, and the self-diagnostics deter-
mine that the device has experienced a minor failure, the travel transmission output will
continue to operate normally without changing to the fail-safe output.
MANUAL MODE #  This is the message when the device is in the “dummy current” input

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting


Follow the procedures below to address any problems that occur during start-up or
during operation. If these troubleshooting procedures do not fix the problem, there is a
chance that the device is broken. Please use the contact information that appears on the
back cover of this manual.

„„The device does not operate (no output air pressure)

1. Check whether configuration was carried out correctly. (For example, check the
feedback lever allowable rotation angle.)
2. Check whether the appropriate supply air pressure is being supplied. (For example,
check whether there are any air leaks.)
3. Check whether the appropriate input signal (power supply) is being input. (For ex-
ample, check whether the electrical wiring is correct.)
4. If communication with the actuator is possible, try the positioner's self-diagnostics
(section 4.8), and take measures based on the resulting messages.
5. Check whether there are any errors in the device's internal data settings.

„„Abnormal behavior of control valve (control valve not operating

properly despite output air being supplied)
1. Change the A/M switch to the manual operating state, and then vary the regulator
valve and check whether the valve stem moves smoothly. (Check whether there is
galling or hardening of the valve packing.)
2. Check whether there are any errors in the device's internal data settings. (In particu-
lar, check actuator size, hysteresis, etc.)
3. If any of the symptoms in the following table appear, take the indicated measures.
Problem Checkpoints and Measures
• Check whether the allowable rotation angle of the feedback lever is
being exceeded.

Hunting occurs. • Change the hysteresis setting from light to medium to heavy. If the
problem persists, leave the hysteresis setting at heavy and change the
Overshoot occurs.
actuator size setting to progressively smaller PRAM numbers.
(For information regarding the procedure, see “Adjustment
procedure when hunting occurs” below.)
Full stroke does not • Check whether the valve fully closed position and fully open position
occur. (zero/span) adjustment is correct.
Response speed is too • Check whether the EPM drive signals are within the 50 ±25 % range
slow. (See 4.3.1, “Measured value confirmation.”)
• When using a 3.85 mA min. signal, if the flow pressure fluctuates
Overshoot occurs at greatly when the valve is fully closed, overshoot may occur at the
startup first startup. To suppress overshoot, temporarily lower the input
signal to 0 mA.
• When starting from 0 mA, it may take some time until the travel
Slow response at
changes. After power is turned on, use a 3.85 mA or greater signal.
With this signal, response time will be normal.

„„Unable to communicate with the communicator
1. Is the electrical wiring correct?
2. Is the connection between the communicator and the main unit correct?
3. Is power being supplied to both the input and output sides?
4. Does the relationship between the power supply voltage and the external load satisfy
the specifications?
5. Has wiring been carried out correctly for the respective models for which the travel
transmission function is not included (models AVP300/302 and AVP200/202)
and for which the travel transmission function is included (models AVP301 and
6. If the travel transmission function is included, is power being supplied to the travel
transmission loop correctly, and has resistance in the loop been set up correctly?

„„Adjustment procedure when hunting occurs

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

„„Explanation of self-diagnostics messages (major failure)

Message Description/Cause Measures
• VTD (angle sensor) error. Check whether the feedback lever has
• The feedback lever has become become detached or has exceeded the
allowable angular range, whether the VTD
connector has become detached, and
• The feedback lever has exceeded whether a cable on a remote type is cut.
the allowable angular range.
• The VTD connector has become
detached. (For the remote type,
the cable is cut.)
RAM electrical part failure There is a problem with the electrical
RAM FAULT components. Contact the nearest Azbil
Corporation branch office or sales office.
ROM electrical part failure There is a problem with the electrical
ROM FAULT components. Contact the nearest Azbil
Corporation branch office or sales office.

„„Explanation of self-diagnostics messages (minor failure)

Message Description/Cause Measures
The input signal (current) is Provide an input current of at least
too low (3.80 mA or less) 3.85 mA.
To end adjustment, return the external
EXT ZERO ACTIVE External zero/span adjust-
zero/span adjustment screw to the
EXT SWITCH ACTIVE ment switch is being used.
center position.
• Check whether forced fully open/
closed feature is working.
• Check supply air pressure.
• Check whether the A/M switch is set
to automatic.
The EPM drive signal exceeds
the normal operating range. • If the output air pressure (POUT1) is
close to the supply pressure, clean
the nozzle.
• If the output air pressure (POUT1) is
close to zero, clean the fixed aper-
Check the forced fully open/closed
settings, and provide input signal val-
The valve is in the forced ues that are within the setting range.
fully open/closed state.
If the settings are correct, there is no
Ensure that the ambient temperature
is in the usage conditions range of −40
The perceived internal tem- to +80 °C. If this message is displayed
perature of the device is lower even when the usage conditions are
than −45 °C or higher than satisfied, there may be a problem with
+85 °C. the temperature sensor. Contact the
nearest Azbil Corporation branch of-
fice or sales office.
MANUAL MODE A dummy input signal has
Turn off the dummy input signal.
FIXED EPM OUT A dummy EPM drive signal
Turn off the dummy EPM drive signal.
SIMULATION MODE has been set.
ALL SETTINGS The adjustment data and set- Redo the adjustment and configura-
RESET ting data has been initialized tion work.

5.2 A/M Switch

The A/M switch changes the control method for the output air from the positioner be-
tween automatic operation and manual operation.

„„Automatic operation
The output air pressure corresponding to the input signal is output from the device.

„„Manual operation
• The supply air pressure is output directly from the positioner.
• Manual operation can be performed using the pressure regulator. (Not available
when a double-acting actuator is used.)

• When the A/M switch is operated, the valve moves, which can be dangerous. Take
appropriate measures beforehand to ensure that the movement of the valve will not
cause injury or have an effect on the process.

„„A/M switch structure

The structure of the A/M switch is shown in the figure below.

Figure 5-5. A/M Switch Structure

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

„„Procedure for switching from automatic to manual operation

The procedure for switching from automatic operation to manual operation is shown
Step Procedure

1 Open the A/M switch cover plate by manually rotating it clockwise 180°. (The cover plate
can be made to rotate easily by pressing on the upper left of the cover plate at the same

2 Rotate the A/M switch one turn in the counterclockwise direction (the MAN direction)
using a flat-blade screwdriver. (Confirm the change using an output air pressure gauge.)

„„Procedure for switching from manual to automatic operation

The procedure for switching from manual operation to automatic operation is shown
Step Procedure

1 Rotate the A/M switch one turn in the clockwise direction (the AUTO direction) using a
flat-blade screwdriver. (Confirm the change using an output air pressure gauge.)

2 Manually rotate the A/M switch cover plate counterclockwise 180° until it stops with a
clicking sound.

• Do not loosen the A/M switch cover plate screw.
• Do not rotate the A/M switch too far in the counterclockwise direction, as doing so
will cause the O-ring to detach, resulting in air leakage.

5.3 Filter Replacement and Restriction Maintenance

Filter replacement and restriction maintenance methods

Contamination from the instrumentation air that collect in the restriction unit of the
device can be removed during maintenance. For the instrumentation air, use dry air
which has been cleared of solid particles up to 3 µm in size (or less). Be sure to use a
Phillips head screwdriver for the procedure below.

„„Replacement and maintenance procedure

Step Procedure

1 Cut off the air supply to the device.

2 Remove the setscrews from the changes of the A/M switch unit.
When removing the screws, be careful not to drop the washers, corrugated washers, etc.,
from the A/M switch cover plate.

3 Rotate the A/M switch in the MAN direction.

4 Use nippers or the like to cut the holder and remove the old filter.
Dispose of the old holder and filter appropriately.

5 Use wire (diameter 0.3 mm) or the like to remove contaminants from the throttle.
When removing the contaminants, be careful not to damage the restriction. Do not use an
air gun. Also, make sure that there is no oil on the restriction.

6 Wrap the new filter around the A/M switch, and press it into place with the holder.

7 Screw down the A/M switch until it stops, and insert the O-ring into the groove.

8 Assemble the product nameplate of the A/M switch unit with the A/M switch cover plate
using the setscrews.

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

5.4 Cleaning the Flapper

If contaminants from the instrumentation air have accumulated on the flapper, clean
the flapper as described below.

Step Procedure

1 Remove the three pilot cover screws.

2 Have scraps of paper 0.2 mm thick ready. Common business cards would be suitable.

3 Use the scraps of paper to clean the contaminants that have accumulated in the gap
between the EPM nozzle and the flapper.

4 After cleaning the gap, attach the pilot cover to the main unit.

• If air pressure is being supplied to the device then, when the flapper is cleaned, the
nozzle back pressure will change, causing the valve position to change suddenly.
Clean the flapper only under conditions that that will neither cause personal injury
nor affect plant operation even if the valve should move suddenly.

5.5 Insulation Resistance Test

• As a rule, do not perform the insulation resistance test. Performing this test may
damage the built-in lightning arrester for surge voltage absorption. If these tests ab-
solutely must be carried out, follow the specified procedure closely.

„„Test procedure
• Detach the device's external wiring
• Connect the + and - input signal terminals, and the + and - output signal termi-

• Perform the test in between these shorted terminals and the ground terminals.
• Applied voltage and decision criteria are as follows. In order to prevent damage to
the meter, do not apply voltages higher than the values shown below.

„„Test criteria
The test criteria are as follows.

Test Criteria

Insulation resistance test 2×107 Ω or higher at test voltage 25 V DC (25 °C, 60 %RH or lower)

5.6 Adjustment Procedure when using device with Booster Relay

When using the device with a booster relay, perform adjustment as follows.

Start adjustment

Mounting of device and Connect the air piping between the device and the booster relay correctly.
booster relay on control valve

Adjust sensitivity by manipulating the sensitivity adjustment throttle of

Booster relay sensitivity the booster relay.
Note: In the case of the ordinary IL100 type, starting from the highest
sensitivity state (the state in which the sensitivity adjustment
throttle is fully closed), turn the sensitivity adjustment throttle
counterclockwise 1.5 turns and use the device with the booster
sensitivity reduced. When using other booster relays as well, first
reduce the sensitivity.

Auto-setup execution
Temporarily turn off the input signal and
then reduce the sensitivity further by rotating
the booster sensitivity adjustment throttle by
between a quarter turn and a half turn.

State at time of hysteresis Hunting

Booster relay sensitivity readjustment

Dynamic characteristics data for reference if

Normal settings information is available

Manual configuration of
dynamic characteristics
Temporarily turn off the input signal and
Dynamic then interrupt the auto setup program. Then
characteristics test apply the input signal again and perform:
• actuator size modification*1
Check the dynamic
• hysteresis modification*2
characteristics by executing
the check at five points. • dynamic characteristic data modification*3
Re-modification of
dynamic characteristics

• actuator size modification*1

• hysteresis modification*2
• dynamic characteristic data
modification*3 etc.

Dynamic characteristics
• Overshoot (or undershoot) • Perpetual hunting
occurs often
• Takes a long time to stabilize Satisfactory

End Adjustment ends.

*1. Change the actuator size parameter such that it becomes progressively smaller: 6 to 5, 5 to 4, ...
*2. In order from light to medium to heavy
*3. Reduce P and GP, reduce I and GI, increase D and GD, etc.

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

5.7 List of Default Internal Data Values

Item Contents
Tag number XXXXXXXX
Output format ANALOG XMTR
Burnout (fail-safe) indication DOWN SCALE
Actuator operation REVERSE
Positioner action DIRECT
Valve action DIRECT
Actuator size PARAM 1
Hysteresis HEAVY
P 1.200
I 4.000
D 0.5000
PID parameter (parameter 0) GE +/−0.000 %
GP 0.7000
GI 4.000
GD 0.5000
Flow characteristics LINEAR
User-defined flow characteristics data (Pressure balance type adjustment valve (ADVB/
ADVM) linear characteristics data)
Valve fully closed input (LRV) 4.000 mA
Valve fully open input (URV) 20.00 mA
Forced fully closed input 0.5000 % IIN
Forced fully open input 109.00 % IIN
Digital Output signal mode Single Range
output signal Information volume mode DE-4 Byte
Failsafe mode F/S= B/O Hi

5.8 Internal Block Diagram and I/O Flow

„„Internal Block Diagram

Figure 5-6. Internal Block Diagram

„„I/O Flow

Figure 5-7. I/O Flow

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

5.9 Replacement Parts

No. Name Part Number Quantity Replacement
Cycle*1 (Years)
1 Cover assembly (with locking screw and O-ring) 80377007-001 (standard finish) 1 5
80377007-002 (corrosion-resistant finish)
80377007-003 (silver finish)
2 O-ring (cover) 80020935-845 1 5
3 Phillips head screw with spring washer (terminal screw) set 80277581-001 5 —
4 Blind cap Explosion-proof cap (G1/2) 80377115-001 1 —
5 Cap (NPT1/2) 80277971-001 1 —
37 Cap (CM20) 80377205-001 1 —
6 Flameproof cable For model AVP30_ input signal or travel 80343903-003 1 (2)*2 —
gland transmission signal (Products shipped before July 2003)
For model AVP20_ input signal or travel 80377547-003 1 (2)*2 —
transmission signal (Products shipped before July 2003)
For model AVP30_/20_ input signal or 80377921-003 1 (2)*2 —
travel transmission signal (Products shipped starting August 2003)
For model AVP20_ remote cable (positioner
main unit side of terminal box connection)
For model AVP30_ input signal or travel 80388728-002 1 —
transmission (Products shipped after April 2016)
For model AVP20_ remote cable (positioner 80377547-002 2 —
main unit side and valve travel detector side (Products shipped before July 2003)
of connector connection) 80377921-002 2 —
(Products shipped starting August 2003)
7 Flameproof universal For model AVP30_ 80357206-108 1 —
elbow (G1/2) For model AVP20_ 80357206-109 1 —
8 Lever 80377148-001 1 —
9 Arm spring 80377149-001 1 —
10 Hex socket head cap bolt with spring washer (M5) 80377127-001 2 (4)*3 —
11 Pilot relay assembly 80377050-001 1 5
12 Packing (pilot relay) 80377072-001 1 5
13 Phillips head screw with spring washer 398-204-300 3 —
14 Pilot cover 80377064-001 (standard finish) 1 —
80377064-002 (corrosion-resistant finish)
80377064-003 (silver finish)
15 Phillips head screw with spring washer (pilot cover) 398-204-250 3 —
16 Seal washer 80357789-001 3 —
17 Screw retainer ring 80235519-010 3 —
18 Cap 80377066-001 (standard finish) 1 —
80377066-002 (corrosion-resistant finish)
80377066-003 (silver finish)
19 Phillips head screw with spring washer (cap) 398-203-080 2 —
20 Pilot base assembly 80377069-001 1 —
21 Packing (pilot base) 80377068-001 1 5
22 Phillips head screw with spring washer (pilot base) 398-204-200 4 —
23 A/M screw assembly (with filter, holder, and O-rings (3)) 80377074-001 1 4
24 Phillips head screw with spring washer and flat washer 80277581-002 1 —
25 Phillips head screw with spring washer 398-204-080 1 —
26 Plate 80377089-001 1 —
27 Filter 80377077-001 1 4
28 Holder 80377078-001 1 —
29 Collar (A/M screw) 80377088-001 1 —
30 Wave washer (A/M screw) 80377073-001 1 —
31 O-ring (A/M screw) 80020935-216 1 5
32 O-ring (A/M screw) 80020935-313 2 5

No. Name Part Number Quantity Replacement
Cycle*1 (Years)
33 Product nameplate 80377079-001 1 —
34 Extension lever 80377142-001 1 —
35 Magnet unit assembly (EPM) 80377010-001 (direct) 1 —
80377010-002 (reverse)
36 Hex socket head cap bolt with spring washer (for EPM) 80377046-001 2 —
38 Reversing relay main unit (standard finish, air supply connection 80377323-001 1 5
39 Reversing relay main unit (corrosion-resistant finish, air supply 80377323-011 1 5
connection RC1/4)
40 Reversing relay main unit (corrosion-resistant finish, air supply 80377323-021 1 5
connection RC1/4)
41 Reversing relay main unit (standard finish, air supply connection 80377323-002 1 5
42 Reversing relay main unit (corrosion-resistant finish, air supply 80377323-012 1 5
connection 1/4NPT)
43 Reversing relay main unit (corrosion-resistant finish, air supply 80377323-022 1 5
connection RC1/4)
44 Magnetic switch for external zero/span adjustment 80377080-001 1 —
45 Insect-proofing wire mesh for reversing relay 80377143-001 2 —
46 VTD assembly (angle sensor)*4 80388590-001 1 —
47 O-ring (under terminal block)*4 80020935-845 1 5
48 Sensor assembly Waterproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-01100 1 —
(Double bearing Cable length 3 m
position detector of TIIS Flameproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-02100 1 —
AVP200/201/202) Cable length 3 m
with M4 round
crimp terminals Waterproof (Mounting screw 1/4-20UNC) 80388709-03100 1 —
Cable length 3 m
Waterproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-01200 1 —
Cable length 5 m
TIIS Flameproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-02200 1 —
Cable length 5 m
Waterproof (Mounting screw 1/4-20UNC) 80388709-03200 1 —
Cable length 5 m
Waterproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-01300 1 —
Cable length 10 m
TIIS Flameproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-02300 1 —
Cable length 10 m
Waterproof (Mounting screw 1/4-20UNC) 80388709-03300 1 —
Cable length 10 m
Waterproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-01400 1 —
Cable length 20 m
TIIS Flameproof (Mounting screw M6) 80388709-02400 1 —
Cable length 20 m
Waterproof (Mounting screw 1/4-20UNC) 80388709-03400 1 —
Cable length 20 m
*1. The recommended replacement cycle assumes standard conditions (JIS C 1804 and C 1805). A shorter cycle may be necessary depending on
environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, vibration, air quality, etc.) and operation profile (frequency of operation, ON/OFF opera-
tion, etc.).
*2. If travel transmission available
*3. If extension lever required
*4. Have an Azbil Corp. service representative perform replacement of the VTD assembly or O-ring (under the terminal block).

Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Reversing relay
9. Arm spring 1. Cover assembly
10. Hex socket head cap bolt with spring washer (M5) (with locking screw and O-ring)
2. O-ring (cover)
3. Phillips head screw with spring
washer (terminal screw) set

34. Extension lever

47. O-ring
(under terminal block)

35. Magnet unit

assembly (EPM)
8. Lever
36. Hex socket head
21. Packing (pilot base) cap bolt with spring
washer (for EPM)
22. Phillips head screw with spring washer (pilot base)

12. Packing (pilot relay) 4. Blind cap/explosion-

proof plug (G1/2)
13. Hex socket head cap bolt 46. VTD assembly 5. Blind cap (NPT 1/2)
Phillips head screw
37. Blind cap (CM20)
33. Product nameplate
19. Phillips head screw with
spring washer (cap) 23. A/M screw assembly (with filter, holder,
and O-rings (3))
20. Pilot base assembly 24. Phillips head screw with spring washer
and flat washer
25. Phillips head screw with spring washer
11. Pilot relay assembly 26. Plate
27. Filter
28. Holder
15. Phillips head screw with spring washer (pilot cover)
29. Collar (A/M screw)
16. Seal washer
14. Pilot cover 30. Wave washer (A/M screw)
17. Screw retainer ring
18. Cap 31. O-ring (A/M screw)
32. O-ring (A/M screw)

48. Sensor assembly 6. Pressure-resistant packing cable gland 7. Flameproof elbow assembly (G1/2)

Figure 5-8. Replacement Parts

Chapter 6: Cautions Regarding
Explosion-proof Models

Cautions to ensure safe operation

Do not perform wiring work, turn on the electricity, etc., when your hands are wet.
There is a risk of electric shock. Perform this work with the power supply turned
off, and with dry or gloved hands.
When wiring in a hazardous area, work according to the methods prescribed by the
guidelines for the hazardous area.
For flameproof explosion-proof specifications, do not under any circumstances
open the cover during operation (when powered up).

After installing the device, do not place your body weight on it, use it as a scaffold,
etc. There is a risk that it could fall over.
Do not touch the device unnecessarily while it is in operation. Depending on the
environment in which the device is used, there is a danger that the surface of the
device may be very hot or very cold.
When opening the cover of the terminal box, be careful of the edges of the cover,
the threads of the screws on the main unit, etc. There is a possibility of injury.
Use a DC power supply that has overload protection. An overload can cause the
emission of smoke and fire.
Bringing tools and the like into contact with the glass portion of the display can
cause damage or injury. Exercise sufficient caution. In addition, be sure to wear
safety glasses.
As this product is extremely heavy, watch your footing, and be sure to wear safety
When the device is in operation, do not touch moving parts such as the feedback
lever. Your hand may become caught, resulting in injury.
Supply power correctly based on the specifications. An incorrect power input can
damage the instrument.
When working in a high-temperature or low-temperature environment, wear gloves
and other protective equipment.
Do not bring magnets or magnetic screwdrivers near the device. There is a possibil-
ity that the control valve will move in response.

When using an explosion-proof model, be sure to use the product correctly, paying suffi-
cient attention to the cautions in this chapter.

Cautions regarding explosion-proof models

When using an explosion-proof model, be sure to use the product correctly, paying suf-
ficient attention to the cautions in this chapter.

„„Flameproof structure
“Flameproof structure” refers to a structure in which, if an explosion of the explosive
gas occurs inside the enclosure in the fully closed state, the enclosure will withstand the
resulting pressure, and in addition, there will be no danger of igniting external explosive

„„Installation location selection criteria

[1. TIIS flameproof]
Select an installation location for a TIIS flameproof model in accordance with the fol-
lowing criteria.

• Hazardous areas in which this device can be installed are defined as follows.
Ambient atmosphere with gas ignition point of 85 °C or higher
Ambient atmosphere of explosive gas classified as IIC

Specifically, the hazardous areas in which the device can be installed are Type 1 areas
and Type 2 areas. The device cannot be installed in Type 0 areas.
Ambient temperature range: −20 to +55 °C

• Do not loosen the fastening screws of the cover and angle sensor while the device is
turned on and for one minute after it is turned off. Doing so can cause an explosion
to occur.

• Be sure to install the specified (the provided) flameproof cable gland on the signal
wiring port of the device. Also, if the orientation of the wiring needs to be changed,
use the provided flameproof elbow. In terms of flameproof configuration, in order
to guarantee flameproof specifications, only specified flameproof cable glands and
flameproof elbows may be used.

• When using the device, give sufficient consideration to preventing corrosion, defor-
mation, damage, etc. with respect to the products case, cover, and the like. In addi-
tion, fasten the cover sufficiently tightly with the locking screw, and do not under
any circumstances open the cover while the device is in use.

• When performing wiring in an environment that conforms to low pressure wiring

work in a Type 1 hazardous area, perform the work in accordance with the “New
Plant Electrical Equipment Explosion-Proofing Guide (Gas Explosion-Proofing,
1985),” published by the Technology Institution of Industrial Safety.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

[2. FM Explosion-proof]
Select an installation location for an FM explosion-proof model AVP in accordance
with the following criteria.

• Hazardous areas in which this device can be installed are defined as follows.
Class I,  Division 1,  Group A, B, C, and D

For gas Ambient atmosphere of acetylene, ethylene, propane, etc.

Division 1 or 2 hazardous area according to NEC, article 500*

Class I,  Zone 1,  AEx d IIC  T6
For gas Ambient atmosphere with gas ignition point of
85 °C or higher
Explosive gas classified in IIC
Zone 1 or 2 hazardous area according to NEC, article 505*. Zone 0 is not possible.

Class II and III,  Division 1,  Group E, F, and G
Flammable dust
For flammable fibers
Ambient atmosphere of metal dust, coal or carbon
black dust, or grain dust

Division 1 or 2 hazardous area according to NEC, article 500*

*NEC: NFPA70 - National Electric Code. For details, see the text of the NEC.
Dustproof and waterproof performance specifications: TYPE 4X, IP66
Ambient temperature range: −40 to +80 °C (T6 < 80 °C)

• Fasten the cover sufficiently tightly, and do not under any circumstances remove
it with the power on if there is an explosive atmosphere surrounding the device.
Doing so can cause an explosion to occur.

• In accordance with NEC provisions, at the device’s signal line exit ports be sure to
perform electrical conduit piping work using FM-certified sealing fittings. When
doing this work, make sure that the distance from the conduit entrance to the sur-
face of the sealing compound is at most 457 mm (18 inches).

• When using the device, give sufficient consideration to preventing corrosion, defor-
mation, damage, etc. with respect to the products case, cover, and the like.

• For details regarding piping work, see NEC articles 501, 502, and 503.

Installation of an Explosion-proof or Dust-ignition-proof Apparatus
(reproduced from the NEC)

• Install the apparatus only in hazardous (classified) locations for which the apparatus has been approved.
• The sealing must be a maximum distance of 18 in. (457 mm) from the enclosure.
• Do not open the apparatus enclosure when an explosive atmosphere is present.

1. Class I, Division 1 locations

1.1 Wiring methods
• Threaded rigid metal conduit, threaded steel intermediate metal conduit, or Type MI cable with termina-
tion fittings approved for the location, can be employed
• Threaded joints must be made up of at least five threads fully engaged.

1.2 Sealing
• The sealing must be a maximum distance of 18 in. (457 mm) from the enclosure.
• The sealing of each conduit can be provided with a sealing fitting approved for Class I locations.
• The sealing compound must be approved and must not have a melting point of less than 93 °C (200 °F).
• The minimum thickness of the sealing compound must not be less than the trade size of the conduit, and
must not under any circumstances be less than 5/8 in. (16 mm).
• Splices and taps must not be made in the fittings.

2. Class I, Division 2 locations

2.1 Wiring methods
• Threaded rigid metal conduit; threaded steel intermediate metal conduit; enclosed gasketed busways; Type
PLTC cable in accordance with the provisions for remote-control, signaling, and power-limited circuits
(see NEC, Article 725); Type ITC cable in cable trays, in raceways, supported by messenger wire, or directly
buried where the cable is listed for this use; or Type MI, MC, MV, or TC cable with approved termination
fittings can be employed.

2.2 Sealing
• Each conduit entering the apparatus enclosure is must be sealed as shown in 1.2.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

3. Class II, Division 1 locations

3.1 Wiring methods
• Threaded rigid metal conduit, threaded steel intermediate metal conduit, or Type MI cable with termina-
tion fittings approved for the location, can be employed.

3.2 Sealing
• Where a raceway provides communication between the apparatus enclosure and an enclosure that is not
required to be dust-ignition-proof, a sealing method must be provided to prevent the entrance of dust into
the dust-ignition-proof enclosure through the raceway. One of the following methods can be used: (1) a
permanent and effective seal; (2) a horizontal raceway not less than 10 ft (3.05 m) long; or (3) a vertical
raceway not less than 5 ft (1.52 m) long and extending downward from the dust-ignition-proof enclosure.
• Seals are not required to be explosion-proof.

4. Class II, Division 2 locations

4.1 Wiring methods
• Rigid metal conduit; intermediate metal conduit; electrical metallic tubing; dust-tight wireways; Type MC
or MI cable with approved termination fittings; Type PLTC in cable trays; Type ITC in cable trays; or Type
MC or TC cable installed in ladder, ventilated trough, or ventilated channel cable trays in a single layer,
with a space not less than the larger cable diameter between the two adjacent cables, can be employed.

4.2 Sealing
A sealing method must be provided as shown in 3.2.

5. Class III, Division 1 locations

5.1 Wiring methods
• Rigid metal conduit, rigid non-metallic conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing,
dust-tight wireways, or Type MC or MI cable with approved termination fittings, can be employed.

5.2 Sealing
A sealing method is not required.

6. Class III, Division 2 locations

6.1 Wiring methods
Wiring methods must comply with 5.1.

6.2 Sealing
A sealing method is not required.

[3. FM intrinsically safe]
Select an installation location for an FM intrinsically safe model in accordance with the
following criteria.

• Hazardous areas in which this device can be installed are defined as follows.
[Intrinsically safe]
Class I, II, III,  Division 1,  Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G,  T4
 Gases with an ignition point of 135 °C or higher
Gas and flammable dust
Ambient atmosphere of acetylene, ethylene, propane, etc.; ambient
For flammable fibers
atmosphere of metal dust, coal or carbon black dust, grain dust
Division 1 or 2 hazardous area according to NEC, article 500*

[Intrinsically safe]
Class I,  Zone 0, AEx ia IIC  T4, Ta = 80 °C
Gases with an ignition point of 135 °C or higher
For gas
Class IIC explosive gases
Zone 0, 1 or 2 hazardous area according to NEC, article 505*

Class I,  Division 2,  Group A, B, C, D, and T5, Ta = 80 °C
 Gases with an ignition point of 100 °C or higher
For gas
Ambient atmosphere of acetylene, hydrogen, ethylene, propane, etc.
Division 2 hazardous area according to NEC, article 500*

Class II, III,  Division 2,  Groups F,G,  T4, Ta = 80 °C
 Gases with an ignition point of 135 °C or higher
Flammable dust
For flammable fibers Ambient atmosphere of carbon black dust or grain dust
Division 2 hazardous area according to NEC, article 500*

*NEC: NFPA70 - National Electric Code. For details, see the text of the NEC.
Dustproof and waterproof performance specifications: TYPE 4X, IP66
Ambient temperature range: −40 to +80 °C
Perform electrical wiring work in accordance with NEC.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

• Use the FM intrinsic safety explosion-proof model device with a barrier that satis-
fies the specifications below.
Input signal circuit:
Model AVP300/301 12.02 ≤ Vmax ≤ 30 V, Imax = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 18.26 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Model AVP302 12.02 ≤ Vmax ≤ 30 V, Imax = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 41 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Travel transmission circuit:
Model AVP301 Vmax ≤ 30 V, Imax = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 22 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
• Perform electrical wiring in accordance with the NEC.

Isum La (mH) Vsum Ca (uF)
(mA) A/B C D (V) A/B C D
20 90.00 330.00 700.00 5 91.97 275.91 735.77
30 40.00 150.00 312.40 10 3.21 9.64 25.69
40 23.00 87.00 176.30 15 0.78 2.35 6.26
50 15.00 56.00 113.10 20 0.34 1.01 2.70
60 10.00 40.00 78.70 22 0.26 0.78 2.09
70 7.50 28.00 57.90 24 0.21 0.63 1.67

80 6.00 22.00 44.40 26 0.17 0.51 1.37
90 5.00 18.00 35.10 28 0.14 0.43 1.14
100 4.00 15.00 28.50 30 0.12 0.36 0.97
110 3.00 12.00 23.60 32 0.11 0.32 0.84
120 2.50 10.00 19.80 34 0.09 0.28 0.73
130 2.00 9.00 16.90 36 0.08 0.24 0.65
140 1.60 8.00 14.60 38 0.08 0.22 0.58
150 1.30 7.00 12.70 40 0.06 0.19 0.52
160 1.00 6.20 11.20 42 0.06 0.18 0.47
170 0.80 5.50 9.90
180 0.60 5.00 8.80
200 0.50 4.00 7.20
220 0.40 3.20 5.90
Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models
Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

Isum La (mH) Vsum Ca (uF)
(mA) A/B C D (V) A/B C D
20 90.00 330.00 700.00 5 91.97 275.91 735.77
30 40.00 150.00 312.40 10 3.21 9.64 25.69
40 23.00 87.00 176.30 15 0.78 2.35 6.26
50 15.00 56.00 113.10 20 0.34 1.01 2.70
60 10.00 40.00 78.70 22 0.26 0.78 2.09
70 7.50 28.00 57.90 24 0.21 0.63 1.67

80 6.00 22.00 44.40 26 0.17 0.51 1.37
90 5.00 18.00 35.10 28 0.14 0.43 1.14
100 4.00 15.00 28.50 30 0.12 0.36 0.97
110 3.00 12.00 23.60 32 0.11 0.32 0.84
120 2.50 10.00 19.80 34 0.09 0.28 0.73
130 2.00 9.00 16.90 36 0.08 0.24 0.65
140 1.60 8.00 14.60 38 0.08 0.22 0.58
150 1.30 7.00 12.70 40 0.06 0.19 0.52
160 1.00 6.20 11.20 42 0.06 0.18 0.47
170 0.80 5.50 9.90
180 0.60 5.00 8.80
200 0.50 4.00 7.20
220 0.40 3.20 5.90
Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

[4. ATEX flameproof]

ATEX Flameproof Certifications (English)

1. Marking information

0344 DEKRA 14ATEX0120 X

II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb -40°C ” Tamb ” +75°C IP66

2. Applicable standards
- EN 60079-0: 2012 +A11 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - Part 0: General
- EN 60079-1: 2014 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres – Part1:
Flameproof enclosure “d”

3. Special conditions for safe use

- The gap between the rotary shaft and bearing is 0.055mm max. and the width is 14.1mm min.
- The gap between the enclosure and the sensor housing is 0.113mm max. and the width is
19.9mm min..
-The terminal cover has at least 7.5 engaged threads.
-The screw used to assemble the flange to the Ex d housing shall be of class A2-50.

4. Instruction for safe use

4.1 Do not open when an explosive atmosphere is present.
4.2 Use supply wires and cable glands suitable for 5°C above surrounding ambient
4.3 Cables glands or conduit sealing devices used must be certified for the
explosion protection mentioned above in item 1 and suitable for the application temperature.
4.4 Blanking element devices used must be certified for the ATEX explosion protection
mentioned above in item1 and suitable for the application temperature.
While this product is shipped with the ATEX certified blanking element only to avoid ingress
of solid foreign objects and water during transportation, the certification of this product does
not include the banking element.
4.5 If thread adapters are used there must be certified for ATEX application mentioned above in
item1 and suitable for the application temperature.
4.6 External grounding connection facility:
-The cable lug should be used so that the conductor with a cross-sectional area of
at least 4mm2 is secured against loosing and twisting and that the contact pressure
is permanently secured.
-The cable lug should be between the flat washers.

Certifications antidéflagrantes ATEX (français)

1. Informations de marquage

0344 DEKRA 14ATEX0120 X

II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb -40 °C ” Tamb ” +75 °C IP66

2. Normes applicables
- EN 60079-0: 2012 +A11 Atmosphères explosives — Partie 0 : Matériel — Exigences
- EN 60079-1: 2014 Atmosphères explosives — Partie 1 : Protection du matériel par
enveloppes antidéflagrantes «d»

3. Conditions spéciales pour une utilisation en sécurité

- L'intervalle entre l'axe de rotation et le palier est au maximum de 0,055 mm et sa largeur est
d'au minimum 14,1 mm.
- L'intervalle entre l'enveloppe et le boîtier du capteur est au maximum de 0,113 mm et sa
largeur est d'au minimum 19,9 mm.
- Le couvercle de la borne possède au minimum 7,5 fils engagés.
- La vis qui est utilisée pour fixer la bride au boîtier Ex d doit être de la classe A2-50.

4. Instructions pour une utilisation en sécurité

4.1 Ne pas ouvrir en cas de présence d'une atmosphère explosive.
4.2 Utiliser des câbles d'alimentation et des presse-étoupes adaptés pour une température
supérieure de 5 °C à la température ambiante de l'environnement.
4.3 Les presse-étoupes ou les dispositifs d'étanchéité des conduits qui sont utilisés doivent
être certifiés pour la protection contre les explosions comme décrit précédemment au
paragraphe 1 et ils doivent être adaptés à la température d'utilisation.
4.4 Les éléments du dispositif de protection qui sont utilisés doivent être certifiés pour la
protection contre les explosions ATEX comme décrit précédemment au paragraphe 1 et ils
doivent être adaptés à la température d'utilisation.
Bien que cet article soit expédié avec des éléments de protection certifiés ATEX
uniquement dans le but d'éviter la pénétration d'objets solides étrangers et d'eau pendant
le transport, la certification de cet article n'inclut pas l'élément de protection.
4.5 Si des adaptateurs de filetage sont utilisés, ils doivent être certifiés pour l'utilisation ATEX
comme décrit précédemment au paragraphe 1 et ils doivent être adaptés à la température
4.6 Équipements de raccord à une prise de terre externe :
- La cosse du câble doit être utilisée afin que le câble conducteur d'une surface de coupe
transversale d'au minimum 4 mm2 soit fixé de manière à empêcher tout desserrage ou
torsion et que la pression de contact soit fixée de manière permanente.
- La cosse du câble doit être située entre les rondelles.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

ATEX Flammsicherheitsbescheinigung (Deutsch)

1. Kennzeichnungsinformationen

0344 DEKRA 14ATEX0120 X

II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb -40 °C ” Tamb ” +75 °C IP66

2. Gültige Normen
- EN 60079-0: 2012 +A11 Explosionsgefährdete Bereiche — Teil 0: Betriebsmittel —
Allgemeine Anforderungen
- EN 60079-1: 2014 Explosionsfähige Atmosphäre — Teil 1: Geräteschutz durch
druckfeste Kapselung „d“

3. Besondere Bedingungen für einen sicheren Gebrauch

- Der Zwischenraum zwischen der Drehachse und dem Kugellager ist maximal 0,055 mm und
die Breite ist minimal 14,1 mm.
- Der Zwischenraum zwischen dem Gehäuse und dem Sensorgehäuse ist maximal 0,113 mm
und die Breite ist minimal 19,9 mm.
- Mindestens 7,5 Gewindegänge der Anschlussabdeckung sind eingeschraubt.
- Zur Befestigung des Flansches am Ex d Gehäuse soll eine Klasse A2-50 Schraube
verwendet werden.

4. Anleitungen zum sicheren Gebrauch

4.1 Nicht in Gegenwart einer explosiven Atmosphäre öffnen.
4.2 Die mitgelieferten, für eine Umgebungstemperatur von 5 °C und darüber geeigneten Kabel
und Kabelverschraubungen verwenden.
4.3 Kabelverschraubungen oder Kabelrohrdichtungen müssen entsprechend dem oben unter
Posten 1 genannten Explosionsschutz zertifiziert und für die Einsatztemperatur geeignet
4.4 Verschlusselementgeräte müssen entsprechend dem oben unter Posten 1 genannten
ATEX Explosionsschutz zertifiziert und für die Einsatztemperatur geeignet sein.
Dieses Produkt wird nur mit einem zertifizierten ATEX Verschlusselement versandt, um
beim Transport das Eindringen von Fremdkörpern oder Wasser zu vermeiden, aber die
Zertifizierung des Produktes schließt dieses Verschlusselement nicht ein.
4.5 Bei Verwendung von Gewindeadaptern müssen diese für die oben unter Posten 1
genannten ATEX Anwendungen zertifiziert und für die Einsatztemperatur geeignet sein.
4.6 Externe Erdungseinrichtung:
- Der Kabelschuh sollte so eingesetzt werden, dass damit ein gegenüber Kontaktverlust
und Verdrehung geschützter Leiter mit einer Querschnittfläche von mindestens 4 mm2
gewährleistet und der Kontaktdruck permanent aufrechterhalten wird.
- Der Kabelschuh sollte zwischen zwei flachen Unterlegscheiben liegen.

Certificazione antideflagrante ATEX (Italiano)

1. Informazioni marcatura

0344 DEKRA 14ATEX0120 X

II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb -40°C ” Tamb ” +75°C IP66

2. Standard applicabili
- EN 60079-0: 2012 +A11 Apparecchiature elettriche per atmosfere esplosive - Parte 0:
Requisiti generali
- EN 60079-1: 2014 Apparecchiature elettriche per atmosfere esplosive – Parte 1:
Involucro antideflagrante “d”

3. Condizioni speciali per un utilizzo sicuro

- La distanza tra l’albero rotativo e il cuscinetto è di 0,055mm max. e la larghezza è di 14,1mm
- La distanza tra l’involucro e l’alloggiamento del sensore è di 0,113mm max. e la larghezza è
di 19,9mm min.
- Il coperchio terminale ha almeno 7,5 filetti in presa.
- La vite utilizzata per assemblare la flangia all’alloggiamento Ex d deve essere di classe A2-

4. Istruzioni per un utilizzo sicuro

4.1 Non aprire in presenza di un’atmosfera esplosiva.
4.2 Utilizzare i cavi e i passacavi in dotazione idonei per temperatura ambiente al di sopra di
4.3 I passacavi e i dispositivi di sigillatura dei condotti utilizzati devono essere certificati per la
protezione contro le esplosioni citata alla voce 1 e adatti per la temperatura di
4.4 I dispositivi di elemento di chiusura utilizzati devono essere certificati ATEX per la
protezione contro le esplosioni citata alla voce 1 e adatti per la temperatura di
Questo prodotto viene spedito con l’elemento di chiusura certificato ATEX esclusivamente
per evitare l’ingresso di corpi estranei solidi e di acqua durante il trasporto, la certificazione
di questo prodotto non comprende l’elemento di chiusura.
4.5 Se si utilizzano adattatori filettati questi devono essere certificati per l’applicazione ATEX
citata alla voce 1 e adatti per la temperatura di applicazione.
4.6 Impianto di collegamento a terra esterno:
- Il capocorda deve essere utilizzato in modo che il conduttore con una sezione di almeno
4mm2 non possa allentarsi né torcersi e che la pressione di contatto sia sempre
- Il capocorda deve essere fra le rondelle piane.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

ATEX-certificering voor explosieveiligheid (Nederlands)

1. Informatie over markeringen

0344 DEKRA 14ATEX0120 X

II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb -40°C ” Tomg ” +75°C IP66

2. Geldende normen
- EN 60079-0: 2012 +A11 Explosieve atmosferen — Deel 0: Elektrisch materieel —
Algemene eisen
- EN 60079-1: 2014 Explosieve atmosferen — Deel 1: Bescherming van materieel door
drukvast omhulsel „d”

3. Bijzondere voorwaarden voor een veilig gebruik

- De afstand tussen de roterende as en het lager is max. 0,055 mm en de breedte is min.
14,1 mm.
- De afstand tussen het omhulsel en de sensorbehuizing is max. 0,113 mm en de breedte is
min. 19,9 mm.
- De afdekplaat is voorzien van minstens 7,5 ingrijpende schroefdraden.
- De schroef die dient om de flens aan de Ex-d-behuizing te bevestigen moet klasse A2-50 zijn.

4. Instructies voor een veilig gebruik

4.1 Niet openen in aanwezigheid van een explosieve atmosfeer.
4.2 Gebruik voedingskabels en kabelwartels die geschikt zijn voor een temperatuur die 5°C
hoger is dan de omgevingstemperatuur.
4.3 Kabelwartels of doorvoerdichtingssystemen moeten gecertificeerd zijn voor de
explosiebeveiliging vermeld onder punt 1 hierboven en geschikt voor de
4.4 Afsluitdoppen moeten gecertificeerd zijn voor de ATEX-explosiebeveiliging vermeld onder
punt 1 hierboven en geschikt voor de toepassingstemperatuur.
Dit product wordt geleverd met een ATEX-gecertificeerde afsluitdop, maar deze dient
alleen om het binnendringen van vaste vreemde voorwerpen en water tijdens het transport
te voorkomen. De certificering van dit product is exclusief de afsluitdop.
4.5 Bij gebruik van schroefdraad adapter moeten deze gecertificeerd zijn voor ATEX-
toepassingen zoals vermeld onder punt 1 hierboven en geschikt voor de
4.6 Externe aardingsinrichting:
- Maak gebruik van een kabelschoen zodat de geleider met een dwarsdoorsnede van
minstens 4 mm2 beveiligd is tegen verlies en verdraaiing, en de contactdruk permanent
gewaarborgd is.
- De kabelschoen dient zich tussen de platte ringen in te bevinden.

ATEX Certificações de Antideflagrante (Português)

1. Informações de marcação

0344 DEKRA 14ATEX0120 X

II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb -40°C ” Tamb ” +75°C IP66

2. Normas aplicáveis
- EN 60079-0: 2012 +A11 Atmosferas explosivas — Parte 0: Requisitos gerais
- EN 60079-1: 2014 Atmosferas explosivas — Parte 1: Proteção do equipamento por
invólucros antideflagrantes «d»

3. Condições especiais para utilização segura

- A distância entre o eixo rotatório e a chumaceira é no máximo 0,055 mm e a largura no
mínimo 14,1 mm.
- A distância entre o invólucro e o cárter do sensor é no máximo 0,113 mm e a largura no
mínimo 19,9 mm.
- O capô do terminal tem pelo menos 7,5 fios engatados.
- O parafuso utilizado para montar o rebordo no cárter Ex d tem de ser da classe A2-50.

4. Instrução para utilização segura

4.1 Não abrir na presença de uma atmosfera explosiva.
4.2 Utilizar fios de alimentação e empanques de cabo convenientes para um ambiente com
temperatura superior a 5°C.
4.3 Os empaques de cabos ou dispositivos de vedação de conduto utilizados precisam ser
certificados para proteção contra explosão mencionada acima no item 1 e ser
convenientes para a temperatura de aplicação.
4.4 Os dispositivos do elemento de obturação utilizados precisam ser certificados para
proteção contra explosão ATEX mencionada acima no item 1 e ser convenientes para a
temperatura de aplicação.
Ainda que o presente produto seja fornecido com elemento de obturação ATEX certificado
somente para evitar a entrada de corpos estranhos sólidos e de água durante o
transporte, a certificação deste produto não inclui a do elemento de obturação.
4.5 Se forem utilizados adaptadores de fios, estes precisam ser certificados para a aplicação
ATEX mencionada acima no item 1 e ser convenientes para a temperatura de aplicação.
4.6 Instalação de conexão de cabo de ligação à terra externa:
- O terminal de cabo deve ser utilizado de modo que o condutor, com uma área de
secção transversal de no mínimo 4 mm2, tenha segurança garantida contra
afrouxamento e torção e que a pressão de contacto seja garantida de modo
- O terminal de cabo deve estar situado entre as arruelas chatas.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

Certificaciones ATEX a prueba de explosiones (español)

1. Información de marcado

0344 DEKRA 14ATEX0120 X

II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb -40 °C ” Tamb ” +75 °C IP66

2. Normas aplicables
- EN 60079-0: 2012 +A11 Atmósferas explosivas. Parte 0: Equipo. Requisitos generales.
- EN 60079-1: 2014 Atmósferas explosivas. Parte 1: Protección del equipo por
envolventes antideflagrantes «d».

3. Condiciones especiales para uso seguro

- La abertura entre el eje rotatorio y el cojinete es de un máximo de 0,055 mm y la anchura es
de un mínimo de 14,1 mm.
- La abertura entre el cierre y la caja del sensor es de un máximo de 0,113 mm y la anchura
es de un mínimo de 19,9 mm.
- La cubierta del terminal tiene al menos 7,5 roscas acopladas.
- El tornillo usado para ensamblar la brida a la caja Ex d debe ser de la clase A2-50.

4. Instrucciones para uso seguro

4.1 No lo abra cuando haya una atmósfera explosiva.
4.2 Use collarines de hilos y cables de alimentación adecuados para una temperatura
ambiente circundante superior a 5 °C.
4.3 Los collarines de cables y los dispositivos de cierre de los conductos usados deben tener
la certificación de protección antideflagrante mencionada en el punto 1 y ser adecuados
para la temperatura de aplicación.
4.4 Los dispositivos de los elementos de aislamiento deben tener la certificación ATEX de
protección antideflagrante mencionada en el punto 1 y ser adecuados para la temperatura
de aplicación.
Este producto se envía con el elemento de aislamiento con la certificación ATEX
únicamente para evitar la entrada de objetos sólidos extraños o agua durante el
transporte, pero la certificación de este producto no incluye el elemento de aislamiento.
4.5 Si se usan adaptadores de rosca, deben tener la certificación ATEX de la aplicación
mencionada en el punto 1 y ser adecuados para la temperatura de aplicación.
4.6 Unidad de conexión de tierra externa:
- La lengüeta de conexión del cable debe usarse de modo que el conductor con un área
transversal de al menos 4 mm2 quede asegurado para evitar conexiones sueltas y
torsiones y de forma que la presión de contacto esté garantizada permanentemente.
- La lengüeta del cable debe estar entre las arandelas planas.

[5. ATEX intrinsically safe and dust-ignition protection]
Marking information

II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
II 1 D Ex ia lllC T135°C Da
-40 °C ≤ Tamb ≤ +60 °C
Certificate No.: KEMA 00ATEX1111 X

Electrical Parameter
Model AVP300
Supply/input:Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 5 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Monitoring/output:Ui = 10 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 1 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Model AVP301
Supply/input:Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 5 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Monitoring/output:Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 22 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Model AVP302
Supply/input :Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 41 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Monitoring/output:Ui = 7.8 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 0.78W, Ci = 1 nF, Li = 0 mH

Applicable standards
European Standards:
EN 60079-0:2012+A11
EN 60079-11:2012

Special conditions for safe use

1. For application in explosive atmospheres caused by air/dust mixtures
(1) the surface temperature is determined for a dust layer with a thickness of 5 mm
(2) conduit or cable glands must be selected and used in such a way that a degree
of protection of IP6x is guaranteed.
2. When the enclosure of the Smart Valve Positioner is made of aluminium, if it is
mounted in an area where the use of category 1 G apparatus is required, it must be
installed such, that, even in the event of rare incidents, ignition sources due to im-
pact and friction sparks are excluded.
3. For the use in the area where category 1 D apparatus is required, electrostatics dis-
charge shall be avoided.

• Use the ATEX intrinsic safety explosion-proof model device with a barrier that satisfies the
specifications below.
Input signal circuit: Model AVP300/301 Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 5 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Model AVP302 Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 41 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Travel transmission circuit:
Model AVP301 Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 22 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
• Make sure that dust exceeding 5 mm does not accumulate on the surface of the enclosure.
• Use a metallic conduit or cable gland that satisfies IP66.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

[6. NEPSI flameproof]

Select an installation location for an NEPSI flameproof model in accordance with the
following criteria.

• Hazardous areas in which this device can be installed are defined as follows.
[Zone 1 or 2 hazardous area]
Ex d  IIC  T6 Gb; Ex tD A20 IP66 T85 °C

Protection levels, classified based on the possibility that the device could be
an ignition source

Gases with an ignition point of 85 °C or higher

Class IIC explosive gases

Flameproof structure

Ambient temperature range: −40 to +60 °C

• Fasten the cover sufficiently tightly, and do not under any circumstances remove
it with the power on if there is an explosive atmosphere surrounding the device.
Doing so can cause an explosion to occur.

• For the cable-pulling equipment to be used at the device’s signal line exit ports, use
NEPSI-certified products (1/2 NPT or M20×1.5 screws) that conform to Ex d IIC.

• Be sure to ground the device using the ground terminal on its exterior.
• When using the device, give sufficient consideration to preventing corrosion, de-
formation, damage, etc., with respect to the products case, cover, and the like.

• When installing, operating, and maintaining the product, be sure to read this man-
ual. In addition, observe the requirements in the following standards.
GB50257-2014 Code for construction and acceptance of electric equipment on
fire and explosion hazard electric equipment installation engineering
GB3836.13-2013 Explosive atmospheres - Part 13:Equipment repair,overhaul
and reclamation
GB3836.15-2000 Electrical equipment for explosive gas environments - Part
15: Electrical system installation in hazardous areas (other than mines)
GB3836.16-2006 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 16:
Inspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)
GB12476.2-2010 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible
dust - Part 2: Selection and installation
GB15577-2007 Safety regulations for dust explosion prevention and protection

• Wiring work should strictly follow “People’s Republic of China Electrical Safety
Code for Areas with Danger of Explosion (Provisional).”

[7. NEPSI intrinsically safe]
Select an installation location for a NEPSI intrinsically safe model in accordance with the
following criteria.
• Hazardous areas in which this device can be installed are defined as follows.
[Zone 0, 1, or 2 hazardous area]
Ex  ia  IIC  T4   Ga
Protection levels, classified based on the possibility that the device could
be an ignition source
Gases with an ignition point of 135 °C or higher
Class IIC explosive gases
Intrinsically safe explosion-proof structure

Dustproof and waterproof performance specifications: IP66

Ambient temperature range: −40 to +60 °C

• The “X” after the explosion-proof certification number indicates that there are special
safety-related usage conditions. If the positioner is used with equipment protection
level (EPL) “Ga,” take necessary measures to protect the case from any friction or
shocks that could cause ignition.
• Use the NEPSI intrinsic safety model device with a barrier that satisfies the specifica-
tions below.
Input signal circuit:
Model AVP300/301 Ui = 30V, Ii = 100mA, Pi = 1W, Ci = 5nF, Li = 0.22mH
Model AVP302 Ui = 30V, Ii = 100mA, Pi = 1W, Ci = 41nF, Li = 0.22mH
Travel transmission circuit:
Model AVP301 Ui = 30V, Ii = 100mA, Pi = 1W, Ci = 22nF, Li = 0.22mH
• Make sure that the specifications of related equipment that is connected to this prod-
uct follow the conditions below.
Uo_Ui, Io_Ii, Po_Pi, Co_Cc+Ci, Lo_Lc+Li
Uo, Io, and Po: maximum voltage, current, and power of related equipment
Co and Lo: maximum capacitance and impedance allowed in related equipment
Cc and Lc: impedance and inductance of cables
• During installation, use pulling equipment that satisfies the IP20 (GB4208) specifications.
• For the cables to be connected to this product and safety-related apparatus, use
shielded cables covered with an insulating sheath, and ground the shielding.
• Users are not permitted to change any components inside.
• When using the device, give sufficient consideration to preventing corrosion, defor-
mation, damage, etc. with respect to the products case, cover, and the like.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

• When installing, operating, and maintaining the product, be sure to read this manual.
In addition, observe the requirements in the following standards.
GB50257-2014 “Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmo-
spheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering”
GB3836.13-2013 “Explosive atmospheres - Part 13:Equipment repair,overhaul and reclama-
GB3836.15-2000 “Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 15: Electrical in-
stallations in hazardous area (other than mines)”
GB3836.16-2006 “Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 16: Inspection
and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)”
GB3836.18-2010 “Explosive atmospheres - Part 18:Intrinsically safe system”
• Wiring work should strictly follow “People’s Republic of China Electrical Safety Code
for Areas with Danger of Explosion (Provisional).”

[8. IECEx flameproof]

IECEx Flameproof Certifications

1. Marking information
IECEx KEM 06.0015X
Ex db IIC T6 Gb  −40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ +75°C IP66

2. Applicable standards
- IEC 60079-0: 2011 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - Part 0:
General requirements
- IEC 60079-1: 2014 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - Part1:
Flameproof enclosure “d”

3. Special conditions for safe use

--The gap between the rotary shaft and bearing is 0.055 mm max. and the width is 14.1 mm min..
--The gap between the enclosure and the sensor housing is 0.113 mm max. and the width is 19.9 mm
--The terminal cover has at least 7.5 engaged threads.
--The screw used to assemble the flange to the Ex d housing shall be of class A2-50.

4. Instruction for safe use

4.1 Do not open when an explosive atmosphere is present.
4.2 Use supply wires and cable glands suitable for 5°C above surrounding ambient temperature.
4.3 Cables glands or conduit sealing devices used must be certified for the IECEx.
4.4 Explosion protection mentioned above in item 1 and suitable for the application temperature.
4.5 Blanking element devices used must be certified for the IECEx explosion protection mentioned
above in item1 and suitable for the application temperature.
4.6 While this product is shipped with the IECEx certified blanking element only to avoid ingress of
solid foreign objects and water during transportation, the certification of this product does not
include the banking element.
4.7 If thread adapters are used these must be certified for IECEx protection mentioned above in item 1
and suitable for the application temperature.
4.8 External grounding connection facility:
--The cable lug should be used so that the conductor with a cross-sectional area of at least 4mm2 is
secured against loosing and twisting and that the contact pressure is permanently secured.
--The cable lug should be between the flat washers.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

[9. IECEx intrinsically safe and dust-ignition protection]

Marking information
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
Ex ia IIIC T135°C Da
-40 °C ≤ Tamb ≤ +60 °C
Certificate No.: IECEx DEK15.0057X

Electrical Parameter
Model AVP300
Supply/input :Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 5 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Monitoring/output:Ui = 10 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 1 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Model AVP301
Supply/input :Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 5 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Monitoring/output:Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 22 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Model AVP302
Supply/input :Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 41 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Monitoring/output:Ui = 7.8 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 0.78 W, Ci = 1 nF, Li = 0 mH

Applicable standards
IEC Standards:
IEC 60079-0:2011
IEC 60079-11:2011

Special conditions for safe use

1. For application in explosive atmospheres caused by air/dust mixtures
(1) the surface temperature is determined for a dust layer with a thickness of 5 mm
(2) conduit or cable glands must be selected and used in such a way that a degree of
protection of IP6x is guaranteed.
2. When the enclosure of the Smart Valve Positioner is made of aluminium, if it is
mounted in an area where the use of EPL Ga apparatus is required, it must be installed
such, that, even in the event of rare incidents, ignition sources due to impact and fric-
tion sparks are excluded.
3. For the use in the area where EPL Da apparatus is required, electrostatics discharge
shall be avoided.

• Use the IECEx intrinsic safety explosion-proof model device with a barrier that satis-
fies the specifications below.
Input signal circuit: Model AVP300/301
Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 5 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Model AVP302
Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 41 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
Travel transmission circuit:
Model AVP301
Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1 W, Ci = 22 nF, Li = 0.22 mH
• Make sure that dust exceeding 5 mm does not accumulate on the surface of the enclo-
• Use a metallic conduit or cable gland that satisfies IP66.

[10. INMETRO flameproof]

Equipamento à prova de explosão do INMETRO


Sobre este manual

Este manual contém informações e advertências que devem ser observadas para
manter posicionador de válvula smart o SVP3000 (SVP) que opera seguramente.
Instalação correta, operação correta e manutenção regular são essenciais para
assegurar segurança enquanto usando este dispositivo.
Para o uso correto e seguro deste dispositivo é essencial que ambos que operam e
pessoal de serviço segue procedimentos de segurança geralmente aceitos além das
precauções de segurança especificadas neste manual.
Os símbolos seguintes são usados neste manual para alertar a possíveis perigos:

Denota um potencialmente situação perigosa que, se não evitou, poderia resultar
em morte ou dano sério.

Denota uma situação potencialmente situação perigosa que, se não evitar, poderá
resultar em um dano secundário ao operador ou poderá danificar o dispositivo.

~ Informação de nota que pode ser útil ao usuário.

Precauções de segurança
- PERIGO DE CHOQUE ELÉTRICO! Desligue antes de executar qualquer
instalação elétrica.
- NUNCA abra a tampa do invólucro do terminal enquanto o SVP está energizado
em um ambiente de atmosfera explosiva.
- Não toque o SVP desnecessariamente enquanto estiver em operação.A superfície
pode estar muito quente ou muito fria, enquanto dependendo do ambiente

Não pisar, apoiar-se ou subir no SVP3000 . Você pode danificar o aparelho.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

1. Marcação conforme a Portaria 179 do INMETRO:

Azbil Corporation
Tipo:AVP 300, 301, 302, 303, 304 e 331
Ex db IIC T6 Gb
−40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +75 °C
Número de série: ...
NCC 14.2783X

2. Normas conforme a Portaria 179 do INMETRO:

ABNT NBR IEC 60079–0: 2013
ABNT NBR IEC 60079–1: 2016

3. Condições especiais para uso seguro:

• Conexão de instalação para aterramento externo:
- O borne do cabo deve ser usado de tal forma que o condutor, com seção
transversal de no mínimo 4 mm 2 , esteja assegurado contra afrouxamento e
torção e que a pressão de contato seja permanentemente garantida;
- O terminal do cabo deve ser fixado entre arruelas lisas.
• Deve ser assegurado que os condutores de alimentação sejam adequados para uma
temperatura de 5 °C acima da temperatura ambiente.
• O interstício entre o eixo rotativo e o mancal deve ser no máximo de 0,055 mm.
• O interstício entre o invólucro do posicionador de válvula e o invólucro do sensor
deve ser no máximo de 0,113 mm.

4. Instruções para o uso seguro

Este produto é expedido com o elemento de vedação certificado por IECEx apenas
para evitar a entrada de objetos estranhos sólidos e água durante o transporte.
A certificação deste produto não inclui o elemento de vedação.
Ao instalar, verifique a conformidade do elemento de vedação com os padrões

[11. EAC flameproof]
Select an installation location for an EAC flameproof model in accordance with the follow-
ing criteria.
• Hazardous areas in which this device can be installed are defined as follows.
[Zone 1 or 2 hazardous area]
1 Ex  d  IIC  T6

Gases with an ignition point of 85 °C or higher

Class IIC explosive gases
Flameproof structure

Ambient temperature range: −40 to +75 °C

• Fasten the cover sufficiently tightly, and do not under any circumstances remove it
with the power on if there is an explosive atmosphere surrounding the device.
Doing so can cause an explosion to occur.

• For the cable-pulling equipment to be used at the device’s signal line exit ports,
use Ex d IIC-certified products. IP66 waterproof and dust-proof performance can be
assured by installing an appropriate cable gland.
• When using the device, give sufficient consideration to preventing corrosion, defor-
mation, damage, etc., with respect to the products case, cover, and the like.
• Wiring work should strictly follow the domestic rules of each country.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

Сертификация на соответствие техническому регламенту ТР ТС 012/2011

О безопасности оборудования для работы во взрывоопасных средах

1. Маркировка взрывозащищенных интеллектуальных

электропневматических позиционеров клапанов SVP моделей AVP300,
AVP301, AVP302.

2. Соответствуют:
ГОСТ 30852.0-2002 (МЭК 60079-0:1998)
ГОСТ 30852.1-2002 (МЭК 60079-1:1998)


Знак Х, стоящий после маркировки взрывозащиты, означает, что при эксплуатации
необходимо соблюдать следующие специальные условия:
- при монтаже необходимо контролировать параметры взрывозащищенных
соединений, указанных в документации производителя.

4. Инструкция по безопасному использованию

Данное изделие поставляется с сертифицированной МЭКЕх заглушкой только во
избежание попадания твердых посторонних предметов и воды во время перевозки;
сертификат данного изделия не включает заглушку.
После установки убедитесь в том, что заглушка соответствует установленным

[12. EAC intrinsically safe]
Select an installation location for an EAC intrinsically safe model in accordance with the
following criteria.
• Hazardous areas in which this device can be installed are defined as follows.
[Zone 0, 1, or 2 hazardous area]
0 Ex  ia  IIC  T4

Gases with an ignition point of 135 °C or higher

Class IIC explosive gases
Intrinsically safe explosion-proof structure

Ambient temperature range: −40 to +60 °C

• Use the EAC intrinsic safety explosion-proof model device with a barrier that satisfies
the specifications below.
Input signal circuit:
Model AVP300/301 Ui = 30V, Ii = 100mA, Pi = 1W, Ci = 1nF, Li = 0.2mH
Model AVP302 Ui = 30V, Ii = 100mA, Pi = 1W, Ci = 26nF, Li = 0.2mH
Travel transmission circuit:
Model AVP301 Ui = 30V, Ii = 100mA, Pi = 1W, Ci = 3nF, Li = 0.2mH
• Use metallic conduit or cable gland that satisfies IP66.

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

Сертификация на соответствие техническому регламенту ТР ТС 012/2011

О безопасности оборудования для работы во взрывоопасных средах

1. Маркировка искробезопасных интеллектуальных

электропневматических позиционеров клапанов SVP моделей AVP300,
AVP301, AVP302

2. Соответствуют:
ГОСТ 30852.0-2002 (МЭК 60079-0: 1998)
ГОСТ 30852.10-2002 (МЭК 60079-11: 1999)


Знак Х, стоящий после маркировки взрывозащиты, означает, что при эксплуатации
необходимо соблюдать следующие специальные условия:
- соединение позиционеров с аппаратурой, расположенной вне взрывоопасной
зоны, должно осуществляется через барьеры искрозащиты, сертифицированные в
установленном порядке для подключения устройств, находящихся во
взрывоопасных зонах помещений и наружных установок, где возможно
образование взрывоопасной газовой смеси категории IIС;
- запрещается эксплуатация позиционеров с механическими повреждениями;
- входные и выходные искробезопасные параметры с учетом параметров
соединительного кабеля не должны превышать электрические параметры,
указанные на барьере безопасности.
При эксплуатации позиционера в зоне 0, место установки и способ монтажа
устройства должны исключать возможность механического воздействия на корпус
позиционера для обеспечения фрикционной искробезопасности.

[13. CNS flameproof]

CNS 防爆設備(耐壓)

Ex db IIC T6 Gb X
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 : 防爆認證
2 : 隔爆
3 : 爆炸性氣體環境歸類為 IIC
4 : 著火點為 85 ℃或其以上的氣體環境
5 : 設備防護等級
6 : 特殊條件
X :檢定範圍未包含電纜入口保護裝置,應正確使用合格電纜接頭或盲塞以維
警告 :當爆炸性環境存在時,請勿開啟。

環境溫度 :-40 ℃ 至 +75 ℃

防塵防水性能 :IP66
本機可設置的危險場所 :Zone 1 或 2 的危險場所

當 SVP 正在運作時,請不要打開端子蓋。請不要打開端子蓋或鬆開將角度
傳送器固定在 SVP 上的螺絲,否則可能會點燃爆炸性氣體。

・・必須使用經過,符合 Ex db IIC 的電纜和 1/2NPT 或 M20x1.5 的螺絲。

Chapter 6: Cautions regarding Explosion-Proof Models

[14. CNS intrinsically safe]

CNS 防爆設備(本安)

Ex ia IIC T4 Ga X
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 : 防爆認證
2 : 隔爆
3 : 爆炸性氣體環境歸類為 IIC
4 : 著火點為 135 ℃或其以上的氣體環境
5 : 設備防護等級
6 : 特殊條件
X: 檢定範圍未包含電纜入口保護裝置,應正確使用合格電纜接頭或盲塞以維持
本設備鋁製外殼安裝於需 EPL Ga 區域使用時,應避免外殼碰撞或摩擦。

環境溫度 :-40 ℃ 至 +60 ℃

防塵防水性能 :IP66
本機可設置的危險場所 :Zone 0, 1 或 2 的危險場所

AVP300 型
僅用於連接本質安全認證的電路 ; 數值如下
最大值 : 電源 / 輸入電路 : Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=5 nF, Li=0.22 mH
監控 / 輸出電路 : Ui=10 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=1 nF, Li=0.22 mH
AVP301 型
僅用於連接到認證的本質安全認證的電路 ; 數值如下
最大值 : 電源 / 輸入電路 : Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=5 nF, Li=0.22 mH
監控 / 輸出電路 : Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=22 nF, Li=0.22 mH
AVP302 型
僅用於連接到認證的本質安全認證的電路 ; 數值如下
最大值 : 電源 / 輸入電路 : Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=41 nF, Li=0.22 mH
監控 / 輸出電路 : Ui=7.8 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=0.78 W, Ci=1 nF, Li=0

・・必要在防水防塵環境 IP66 的情況,管道或電纜接頭的使用必須選擇 IP6X 之保護認證,
其他情況或是使用在室外時,管道或電纜接頭的使用請選擇 IP20 以上之保護認證。
・・當智慧型閥門定位器的外殼由鋁製成,如果它被安裝在裝置要求 1G 的區域,它必須符合

[15. KOSHA flameproof (Main unit model number “H”)]

KOSHA Flameproof

Marking information
Ex d IIC T6  −40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ +75°C

Instruction for safe use

• It should be ensured that the supply wires are suitable for 5°C above surrounding atmospheres.
• External grounding connection facility:
--The cable lug should be used so that the conductor with a cross-sectional area of at least 4mm2
is secured against loosing and twisting and that the contact pressure is permanently secured.
--The cable lug should be between the flat washers.
• The gap between the rotary shaft and bearing is max. 0.055 mm.
• The gap between the enclosure and the sensor housing is max. 0.113 mm.

Appendix A: Specifications

Appendix A: Specifications
Item Function
Desired input signal range Any split-range value can be specified.
Forced fully open/closed The control valve can be fully closed or opened securely when the desired percentage of input signal
is reached.
Desired flow characteristics The relationship between input signal and valve travel that is appropriate for the process can be
defined by using a 16-point line graph.
Travel transmission (option) Valve motion can be reliably monitored by transmitting the valve travel.
Item Specification
Applicable actuator Pneumatic single and double acting, linear and rotary motion actuator
Input signal 4–20 mA DC (Configurable to any required range for split range.)
Minimum driving current: 3.85mA *1
Output signal 4–20 mA DC (Travel transmission) *2
Input resistance 300 Ω typically / 20 mA DC (Model AVP300/AVP301 Waterproof,Flameproof, EAC Intrinsically safe)
350 Ω typically / 20 mA DC (Model AVP300/AVP301 FM/NEPSI/ATEX/CNS Intrinsically safe)
400 Ω typically / 20 mA DC (Model AVP302)
Lightning protection Peak value of voltage surge: 12 kV
Peak value of current surge: 1000 A
Flow characteristics Linear, Equal percentage, Quick opening
Custom user characteristics (16 points)
Manual operation Auto/Manual external switch (Not available for double acting actuator)
Supply air pressure 140 to 700 kPa
Air For single acting 4 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 140 kPa {1.4 kgf/cm2} and output of 50 %
consumption actuator 5 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 280 kPa {2.8 kgf/cm2} and output of 50 %
6 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 500 kPa {5.0 kgf/cm2} and output of 50 %
For double acting 10 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 400 kPa {4.0 kgf/cm2}
Output balanced pressure 55±5 % for double acting actuator only (without a load, and when output air pressure is balanced)
Maximum air For single acting 110 L/min (N) maximum at 140 kPa {1.4 kgf/cm2}
deliver flowrate actuator
For double acting 250 L/min (N) maximum at 400 kPa {4.0 kgf/cm2}
Air connections Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT internal thread
Electrical connections G1/2, 1/2NPT or M20×1.5 internal thread
Ambient temperature limits General, FM Explosionproof, FM Intrinsically safe models : -40 to +80°C
TIIS / KOSHA (main unit model number “S”) Flameproof models : -20 to +55°C
ATEX / KOSHA (main unit model number “H”) / IECEx / INMETRO / EAC / CNS Flameproof
models : -40 to +75°C
NEPSI Flameproof, ATEX / NEPSI / EAC / CNS Intrinsically safe models : -40 to +60°C
Ambient humidity limits 10 to 90 %RH
Vibration characteristics 20 m/s2, 5 to 400 Hz (with standard mounting kit on Azbil Corporation’s HA actuator)
Finish Baked acrylic
Color Dark blue
Material Cast aluminum
Weight 2.5 kg (3.2 kg with a pressure regulator with filter model KZ03).
(If combined with a reversing relay for a double-acting actuator, add 0.3 kg to the weight.)
Performance Accuracy ±1.0% F.S.(±2.5 % with user-defined flow characteristics)
±3.0 % FS if the feedback lever angle is outside the ±4° to ±20° range (refer to Table 1 of 2nd page)
There is an additional 0.5 % FS (input error) if 4 mA ≤ input signal span < 8 mA
Travel transmission ±1 %F.S. (±2.5 % with user-defined flow characteristics)
Stroke coverage 14.3 to 100 mm Stroke (Feedback Lever Angle ±4° to ±20°)
Enclosure classification JIS C0920 watertight, NEMA type 4X, IP66

Item Specification
Structure TIIS Flameproof Ex d IIC T6 X
KOSHA Flameproof Ex d IIC T6
Flameproof cable gland must be Ex d IIC approved.
FM Explosionproof Explosionproof: Class I, Division 1, Group A, B, C, D
Dust-ignition: Class II, Division 1, Group E, F, G
Suitable: Class III, Division 1
Flameproof: Class I, Zone 1, AEx d IIC T6 at Tamb<80°C
NEMA Type 4X
Installation should comply with NEC.
FM Intrinsically safe Intrinsically safe: Class I, II, III, Division 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, T4
Intrinsically safe: Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4
Nonincendive: Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D, T5
Suitable: Class II, III, Division 2, Groups F, G, T4
NEMA Type 4X, IP66
The barriers should be FM recognized types and comply with the following
conditions as follows:
Input circuit(terminals ±IIN)
Model AVP300/AVP301: 12.02≤Vmax≤30 V, Imax=100mA, Pi=1 W,
Ci=18.26 nF, Li=0.22 mH
Model AVP302: 12.02≤Vmax≤30 V, Imax=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=41 nF,
Li=0.22 mH
Output circuit(terminals ±OUT)
Model AVP301: Vmax=30 V, Imax=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=22 nF,
Li=0.22 mH
Installation should comply with NEC.
ATEX Flameproof II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb −40 °C≤Tamb≤+75 °C
Flameproof cable gland must be Ex db IIC approved.
Note: IP66 waterproof and dust-proof performance can be assured by installing
an appropriate cable gland.
ATEX Intrinsically II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
safe II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T135°C Da
The barriers should be ATEX certified types and comply with the following
condition as follows:
Input circuit (terminals ±IIN)
Model AVP300/AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA(resistively limited), Pi=1 W,
Ci=5 nF, Li=0.22 mH
Model AVP302: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA(resistively limited), Pi=1 W, Ci=41 nF,
Li=0.22 mH
Output circuit (terminals ±IOUT)
Model AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA(resistively limited), Pi=1 W, Ci=22
nF, Li=0.22 mH
NEPSI Flameproof Ex d IIC T6 Gb, Ex tD A20 IP66 T85 °C
Flameproof cable gland must be NEPSI Ex d IIC approved.
NEPSI Intrinsically Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
safe The barriers should be NEPSI certified types and comply with the following
condition as follows:
Input circuit (terminals ±IIN)
Model AVP300/AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=5 nF, Li=0.22 mH
Model AVP302: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=41 nF, Li=0.22 mH
Output circuit (terminals ±IOUT)
Model AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=22 nF, Li=0.22 mH
Combination of When used as NEPSI Flameproof, it complies NEPSI Flameproof approval
NEPSI Flameproof as above.
and Intrinsically safe When used as NEPSI Intrinsically safe, it complies NEPSI Intrinsically safe
approval as above.
IECEx Flameproof Ex db IIC T6 Gb
Flameproof cable gland must be Ex db IIC approved.
Note: IP66 waterproof and dust-proof performance can be assured by installing
an appropriate cable gland.

Appendix A: Specifications

Item Specification
Structure INMETRO Ex db IIC T6 Gb
Flameproof Flameproof cable gland must be Ex db IIC approved.
Note: IP66 waterproof and dust-proof performance can be assured by installing
an appropriate cable gland.
EAC Flameproof 1 Ex d IIC T6 X
Flameproof cable gland must be Ex d IIC approved.
Note: IP66 waterproof and dust-proof performance can be assured by installing
an appropriate cable gland.
EAC Intrinsically safe 0 Ex ia IIC T4 X
Input circuit (terminals ±IIN)
Model AVP300/AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=1 nF, Li=0.2 mH
Model AVP302: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=26 nF, Li=0.2 mH
Output circuit (terminals ±IOUT)
Model AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=3 nF, Li=0.2 mH
Note: IP66 waterproof and dust-proof performance can be assured by installing
an appropriate cable gland.
CNS Flameproof Ex db IIC T6 Gb X
Flameproof cable gland must be Ex d IIC approved.
Note: IP66 waterproof and dust-proof performance can be assured by installing
an appropriate cable gland.
CNS Intrinsically safe Ex ia llC T4 Ga X
The barriers should be CNS certified types and comply with the following
condition as follows:
Input circuit (terminals ±IIN)
Model AVP300/AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=5 nF, Li=0.22 mH
Model AVP302: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=41 nF, Li=0.22 mH
Output circuit (terminals ±IOUT)
Model AVP301: Ui=30 V, Ii=100 mA, Pi=1 W, Ci=22 nF, Li=0.22 mH
CE Marking EN61326-1:2013 (EMC), EN50581:2012 (RoHS)
Configuration tools Field Communication Software(Model CFS100)
*1 In case of model AVP301 when signal input is less than 3.85 mA, output current will be burnout(up or down (indefinite)).
*2 This applies only to positioners with travel transmission (model AVP301). In this case, a power supply circuit for travel transmission is
Note: Depending on the inner diameter and length of the air pipe, automatic setup might not be sufficient to realize the optimum operation. In
such a case, please specify the relevant parameters.

Conditions of supply air (JIS C1805-1 (2001))

Item Specification
Particles Maximum diameter 3 μmm
Oil mist Less than 1 ppm at mass
Humidity of the air supply The dew point should be at least 10°C lower than the temperature of this device.
To meet the above specifications for instrument air, install the air purification devices listed below properly in the specified installation location.

Examples of air purification devices

Installation Air purification device SMC corporation CKD corporation
Compressor outlet or main line Line filter AFF series AF series
Mist separator AM series
Terminal device Mist separator AM150 or AM250 series M3000S type

Model AVP200/201/202
List of Features
Item Function
Desired input signal range Any split-range value can be specified.
Forced fully open/closed The control valve can be fully closed or opened securely when the desired percentage of input signal is reached.
Desired flow characteristics The relationship between input signal and valve travel that is appropriate for the process can be defined by using
a 15-point broken line.
Travel transmission (option) Valve motion can be reliably monitored by transmitting the valve travel.

Standard Specifications
Item Specification
Applicable actuator Pneumatic single and double acting, linear and rotary motion actuator
Input signal 4-20 mA DC (Configurable to any required range for split range minimum span 4 mA DC.)
Minimum driving current: 3.85 mA
In case of model AVP201 when signal input is less than 3.85 mA, output current will be burnout.
Output signal 4-20 mA DC (Travel transmission)
Input resistance 300 Ω typically / 20 mA DC (Model AVP200/AVP201)
400 Ω typically / 20 mA DC (Model AVP202)
Lightning protection Peak value of voltage surge: 12 kV
Peak value of current surge: 1000 A
Flow characteristics Linear, Equal percentage, Quick opening
Custom user characteristics (15 segments)
Manual operation Auto/Manual external switch (For single acting actuator only)
Supply air pressure 140 to 700 kPa
Air consumption for single acting actuator
4 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 140 kPa {1.4 kgf/cm2} and output of 50 %
5 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 280 kPa {2.8 kgf/cm2} and output of 50 %
6 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 500 kPa {5.0 kgf/cm2} and output of 50 %

for double acting actuator

10 L/min (N) or less: with steady supply air pressure of 400 kPa {4.0 kgf/cm2}
Output balanced pressure 55±5% for double acting actuator only
Maximum air deliver flowrate for single acting actuator
110 L/min (N) maximum at 140 kPa {1.4 kgf/cm2}
for double acting actuator
250 L/min (N) maximum at 400 kPa {4.0 kgf/cm2}
Air connections Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT internal thread
Electrical connections G1/2, 1/2NPT or M20 × 1.5 internal thread
Ambient temperature limits -40 to +80°C for general model
TIIS Flameproof: -20 to +55°C
Ambient humidity limits 10 to 90 %RH
Vibration characteristics Body: 20 m/s2, 5 to 400 Hz
Valve travel detector: 100 m/s2, 5 to 2000 Hz
(with standard mounting kit on Azbil Corporation’s HA actuator)
Finish Baked acrylic
Color Dark blue
Material Body case: Cast aluminum
Case of valve travel detector: Stainless steel
Cable: Polyvinyl chloride for ambient temperature up to 80°C
Weight Body
For single acting actuator
Without Pressure regulator with filter: 3.3 kg
With Pressure regulator with filter: 4.0 kg
For double acting actuator
Without Pressure regulator with filter: 3.6 kg
With Pressure regulator with filter: 4.3 kg

Valve travel detector: 1.0 kg

Cable: 0.2 kg/m
Outer diameter: 9.8 mm
Sheath material: PDC (PVC)

Appendix A: Specifications

Item Specification
Performance Accuracy ±1% F.S. (±2.5% with custom output characteristics)
Depending on cable length, the accuracy varies as follows:
Cable length Accuracy
5m ±1.2% F.S.
10 m ±1.7% F.S.
20 m ±2.7% F.S.
For 4 mA ≤ input signal span < 8 mA, ±1.5% F.S.
Note) Depend on the air pipe diameter, or pipe length, the auto setup program will not properly operate.
Travel transmission ±1 % F.S. (±2.5% with output characteristics modification)
accuracy Only for travel transmission type (model AVP201)
Stroke coverage 14.3 to 100 mm Stroke (Feedback Lever Angle ±4° to ±20°)
Enclosure classification JIS C0920 watertight
Configuration tools Field Communication Software CommStaff Model CFS100
Approvals TIIS Flameproof Body: Ex d IIC T6 Approval No.TC17094
Valve travel detector: Ex d IIC T6 Approval No.TC20454

Conditions of supply air (JIS C1805-1 (2001))

Item Specification
Particles Maximum diameter 3 μmm
Oil mist Less than 1 ppm at mass
Humidity of the air supply The dew point should be at least 10°C lower than the temperature of this device.
To meet the above specifications for instrument air, install the air purification devices listed below properly in the specified installation location.

Examples of air purification devices

Installation Air purification device SMC corporation CKD corporation
Compressor outlet or Line filter AFF series AF series
main line Mist separator AM series
Terminal device Mist separator AM150 or AM250 series M3000S type

Model Number Configuration

Basic model number
AVP300 Analog signal (4 to 20 mA DC) without position transmission - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
AVP301 Analog signal (4 to 20 mA DC) with position transmission
AVP302 Analog signal (4 to 20 mA DC) HART protocol

(Air pipes, conduit connections)

Water-proof (Rc 1/4, G1/2) X

Water-proof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) P
Water-proof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) Q
TIIS Flameproof with cable gland *1 (Rc 1/4, G1/2) E
KOSHA Flameproof (Rc 1/4, G1/2) S
KOSHA Flameproof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) H
FM Explosionproof and Flameproof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) F
FM Intrinsically safe (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) M
FM Intrinsically safe (1/4 NPT,G1/2) 6
ATEX Flameproof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) C
ATEX Flameproof (1/4 NPT,1/2NPT) Y
ATEX Intrinsically safe (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) L
ATEX Intrinsically safe (1/4 NPT,1/2 NPT) U
(1) Main unit model ATEX Intrinsically safe (Rc 1/4,G1/2) V
number NEPSI Flameproof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) B
NEPSI Flameproof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) N
NEPSI Intrinsically safe and Flameproof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) R
NEPSI Intrinsically safe and Flameproof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) W
IECEx Flameproof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) J
IECEx Flameproof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) G
INMETRO Flameproof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) 3
INMETRO Flameproof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) 2
EAC Flameproof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) 7
EAC Intrinsically safe (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) 8
CNS Flameproof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) D
CNS Flameproof (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) 1
CNS Intrinsically safe (1/4 NPT, M20×1.5) Z
CNS Intrinsically safe (1/4NPT, 1/2 NPT) 0
Standard (Baked Acylic) S
(2) Finish Corrosion proof (Baked polyurethane) B
Silver finish (Baked Acrylic) D
Direct Action (standard) - Air pressure increases with Control signal increase D
(3) Positioner action * 2
Reverse Action (reverse positioning) Airpressure decreases with Control signal increase R
(Pressure gauge scale, Max regulator setting)

140 ≤ Ps ≤ 150 kPa (200 kPa, 400 kPa) 1

150 < Ps ≤ 300 kPa (400 kPa, 400 kPa) 2
(4) Supply air pressure
300 < Ps ≤ 400 kPa (600 kPa, 400 kPa) 3
400 < Ps ≤ 450 kPa (600 kPa, 700 kPa) 4
450 < Ps ≤ 700 kPa (1000 kPa, 700 kPa) 5
kPa A
(kgf/cm2) * 3 (B)
(5) Pressure units MPa C
bar D
(psi) *3 (E)
*1. Model AVP300/AVP302 includes one flameproof cable gland, and model AVP301 includes two.
*2. When the input signal (power) is shut off, select direct action to make the output air pressure of this device zero, and reverse action to make
the output at the maximum air pressure (supply air pressure). Positioner action differs from actuator and control valve action, so be careful
in selecting the positioner’s action.
If double acting actuator are using, not available code “R”.
*3. Items in parentheses are for overseas use. As such, they cannot be used in Japan.

Appendix A: Specifications

Individual specifications
Following shows default and optional settings of each configurable parameter of AVP.
Unless otherwise specified, the Smart Valve Positioner will be shipped in the following configuration.

Input control signal 4 to 20 mA The minimal span for custom range = 4 mA

Output characteristic *1 Liner EQ or QO can be ordered or set by user.
Valve action *2 Direct (Push down to close) Reverse (Push down to open) can be ordered or set by use
Output signal for position transmission 4 to 20 mA DE also selectable
*1. Refer to the following when selecting the input/output characteristics.
*2. Positioner action differs from actuator and control valve action, so be careful in selecting the positioner’s action.

Selection of input characterization

The flow characteristic of a control valve is set by selecting the valve plug characteristic, and the input-
Quick Opening
output characteristics of the positioner must be specified as linear. However, if the valve plug flow
characteristic, which depends on the control valve’s shape and structure, does not meet requirements,
Linear you can correct the overall flow characteristic of the control valve by specifying “equal percentage” or
Travel (%)

“quick opening” for the input-output characteristics of the positioner, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Control valve flow characteristics correction by the positioner

Equal Percentage Characteristic of valve plug Input-output characterization Overall flow characteristic of
of positioner control valve
0 100 Linear Quick opening Quick opening
Input Signal (%)
Linear EQ% EQ%
Figure 4. Input-output
EQ% Quick opening Linear
Note: If the valve plug characteristic is “quick opening,” the overall flow characteristic of the control
valve cannot be linear even if “equal percentage” is set for the positioner’s input-output char-
acteristics. (This is because when the valve plug characteristic is “quick opening,” the control
valve works as an ON/OFF valve and it is difficult to correct its characteristics by changing
the setting of the positioner.)

Accessory Selection - (6) (7) (8) (9) - (10)

Without regulator X
(6) Regulator with filter With model KZ03 regulator (attached to main unit) *1 1
With model KZ03 regulator (with mounting plate for separate installation) 2
(7) Mounting bracket mate- No mounting plate X
rial (mounting plate/bolts) SUS304 / SUS304 D
No mounting plate XX
New model PSA3, 4 (produced after 2000), VA1 to 3 (produced after May. ‘83) YQ
PSA3, PSA4 for existing valves produced on/before 1999 YY
PSA6, VA4 to 6 (produced after May. ‘83) YL
HA2, HA3, HL2, HL3 YT
Single-acting actuators

HK1, VM1 *2 YK
VM12 for model VSP *3 YB
GOM 83S, GOM 84S, GOM 103S YG
(8)(9) Mounting
VA1 to 3 (produced before Apr. ‘83, former model Motion Connector), 800-1, 2, 3 *4 YW
bracket for attachment
to actuator (VA4,5(produced before Apr. ‘83, former model Motion Connector), 800-4, 5) *4 YJ
Actuators of other manufacturers Table 3
VP5, 6 *5 Y1
VP7 *5 Y7
SLOP560, 1000, 1000X *5 (stroke:100mm max) Y2
SLOP1500, 1500X *5 (stroke:100mm max) Y3
DAP560, 1000, 1000X *5 (stroke:100mm max) Y4
Double-acting actuators

DAP1500, 1500X *5 (stroke:100mm max) Y5

DAP560 (VFR : 8 to 12B) LA
DAP560 (VFR : 14B, 16B) LB
DAP560 (VDC, VDN, VST : 16B) LC
DAP1000,1000X (VDC, VDN, VST : 16B) LD
DAP1500,1500X (VDC, VDN, VST : 16B) LE
GOM64LM,84LM (springless, vertical, double acting) *6 GA
GOM64LM,84LM (springless, vertical, double acting) *7 GB
GOM124LM (springless, vertical, double acting)*6 GC
GOM124LM (springless, vertical, double acting)*7 GD
Actuators of other manufacturers Table 4
None X
Explosion-proof universal elbow (SUS304 G1/2) (1) A
(10) Option Explosion-proof universal elbow (SUS304 G1/2) (2) C
Mounting screw Unify (5/16-18UNC) (Electrical conduit connection only supports 1/2NPT) T
Double-acting reversing relay W
*1. Select the code “1” only when the direction of drain of the pressure regulator with filter on the control valve is downward(ground).
*2. In case “VM” type actuator is required following conditions, 1. select model “VCT” for the body, 2. the existing positioner should be HEP or
VPE, 3. yoke should be model HK. If another spec. is required, contact your sales representative.
*3. Additional support bracket is required.
*4. Consult with sales representative in case of no mounting hole on the side of valve yoke.
*5. In case of double acting actuator, a reversing relay unit required.
*6 In case of valve body is not butterfly valve of Azbil Corporation
*7 In case of valve body is butterfly valve of Azbil Corporation A-8
Appendix A: Specifications

Table 3. Mounting bracket for single acting actuator

(8)(9) Mounting bracket for pneumatic actuator Code (8)(9) Mounting bracket for pneumatic actuator Code
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 240, 280, 330, Nihon Koso A100 series Masoneilan 82,83 Series #18 * MM
270, 320 * Fisher 657, 667 series size 40 FB
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 400, 500S, 500L,Nihon Koso A100 series Fisher 657, 667 series size 45, 50 FC
400, 500 * Fisher 657, 667 series size 60 FD
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 650S, 650L* TC Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve)
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 240, 280, 330 (with side manual handle) TD AK09S,12S,15S
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 400, 500S, 500L (with side manual handle) TE Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve) AG06 KG
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 650S, 650L (with side manual handle) TF Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve) AG09S KH
Motoyama Mfg. 3800 series (multi-spring type) N24, N28, N33S TJ Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve) AG13S KJ
Motoyama Mfg. 2922 series (Gyrol-I) G.R.I 280H, 330H, 400HS, Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve) AW13S KV
400H, 500H Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve) AW17S KW
Motoyama Mfg. 3993 series (Gyrol-II) 2911-1M series 280, 330, 400 TG Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve) AW20S KT
Nihon Koso 5100L series 240, 280 * TP Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kitamura Valve) AW28S KD
Nihon KOSO 5100L Series 330,400,5200LA Series 400 * TQ KITZ B Series BS-2,BSW-2 B2
Nihon Koso 5200L series 218, 270, 350 * TR KITZ B Series BS-3,BSW-3 B3
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #9, #11 * MA KITZ B Series BS-5,BSW-5 B5
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #13 * MB KITZ B Series BS-6,BSW-6 B6
Masoneilan 37, 38 Series #13 (w/Side handle) ME Emerson(EL-O-MATIC) E25,40,65,100,200,350 RA
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #15, #18 * MC Emerson(EL-O-MATIC) E600,950,1600,P2500,P4000 RB
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #15, #18 (with side manual handle) MF Hisaka Mfg. TS-1 H1
Masoneilan type 35002 series Camflex II #41/2, #6, (Valve size 1 Hisaka Mfg. TS-2 H2
inch - 4 inches) Hisaka Mfg. TS-3 H3
Masoneilan type 35002 Camflex II #7 (Valve size 6 inches - 12 inches) MH Hisaka Mfg. TS-4,Old type TS-5(Mounting screw M8) H4
Masoneilan 37,38 Series #11 * MJ Hisaka Mfg. New TS-5(Mounting screw M10),TS-6 H6
Masoneilan 82,83 Series #13 (w/Side handle w/o Side handle) MK TOMOE Valve Z Series Z-06S,08S,11S,13S EA
Masoneilan 82,83 Series #15 * ML TOMOE Valve T-matic 3Q-1,2,3,4 E3
* Select in the case of without manual handle or with manual handle mounted on top of the actuators.
Table 4. Mounting bracket for double acting actuator
(8)(9) Mounting bracket for pneumatic actuator Code (8)(9) Mounting bracket for pneumatic actuator Code
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita- Emerson(EL-O-MATIC) E600,950,1600,P2500,P4000 * RB
* KA
mura Valve) AK09,AK12,AK15 TOMOE Valve Z Series Z-06,08,11,13 * EA
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita- TOMOE Valve T-matic 3I-1,2,3,4 * E3
* KG
mura Valve) AG06 T.V. Valve AT4-80 * V1
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita- T.V. Valve AT4-100 * V2
* KH
mura Valve) AG09 T.V. Valve AT4-120 * V3
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita- T.V. Valve AT4-150 * V4
* KJ
mura Valve) AG13 T.V. Valve AT4-180 * V5
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita- Nihon KOSO AT550,AT600,AT650,AT700 * TW
* KV
mura Valve) AW13
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita- * In case of double acting actuator, a reversing relay unit required.
* KW
mura Valve) AW17
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita-
* KB
mura Valve) AW17-HG (w/manual gear handle)
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita-
* KT
mura Valve) AW20
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita-
* KC
mura Valve) AW20-HG (w/manual gear handle)
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita-
* KD
mura Valve) AW28
Emerson Valves & Controls Japan (Formerly Kita-
* KE
mura Valve) AW28-HG (w/manual gear handle)
KITZ B series B-2 * B2
KITZ B series B-3 * B3
KITZ B series B-4 * B4
KITZ B series B-5 * B5
KITZ B series B-6 * B6
Emerson (EL-O-MATIC) E25, 40, 65, 100, 200, 350 * RA

Model Number Configuration

Basic model number

AVP200 Analog signal (4-20 mA DC) without travel transmission (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
AVP201 Analog signal (4-20 mA DC) with travel transmission
AVP202 Analog signal (4-20 mA DC) HART communication protocol

(Air pipes, conduit connections)

Water-proof (Rc1/4, G1/2) X

(1) Structure Water-proof (1/4 NPT, 1/2 NPT) P
TIIS Flameproof with cable gland *1 (Rc1/4, G1/2) E
Standard (Baked acrylic) *2 S
(2) Finish Corrosion proof (Baked epoxy) *2 B
Silver finish (Baked acrylic) D
Direct action - Air pressure increases with control signal increase D
(3) Positioner action *4
Reverse action - Air pressure decreases with control signal increase R
(pressure gauge range, max. voltage setting of regulator)

130 ≤ Ps ≤ 150 kPa (200 kPa, 400 kPa) 1

150 < Ps ≤ 300 kPa (400 kPa, 400 kPa) 2
(4) Supply air pressure
300 < Ps ≤ 400 kPa (600 kPa, 400 kPa) 3
400 < Ps ≤ 450 kPa (600 kPa, 700 kPa) 4
450 < Ps ≤ 700 kPa (1000 kPa, 700 kPa) 5
kPa A
(kgf/cm2) *3 (B)
(5) Scale unit
(Pressure gauge)
bar D
(psi) *3 (E)
*1. One set of TIIS Flameproof cable gland shall be attached for model AVP200. Two sets are for model AVP201.
*2. Standard finish is equal to previous Y138A. Corrosion proof is equal to previous Y138B.
*3. No domestic sales in Japan due to Non-SI unit.
*4. When the input signal (power) is shut off, select direct action to make the output air pressure of this device zero, and reverse action to make
the output at the maximum air pressure (supply air pressure).
Positioner action differs from actuator and control valve action, so be careful in selecting the positioner’s action.

Appendix A: Specifications

Accessory Selection - (6) (7) (8) (9) - (10)

Without regulator X
(6) Pressure regulator with filter
Model KZ03 pressure regulator with filter (Mounted on positioner) *1 1
3m 3
5m 5
(7) Cable length
10 m T
20 m W
No mounting plate XX
New model of PSA3, PSA4 / VA1 to VA3 produced after 2000 *2 YQ
Previous model of PSA3, PSA4 for existing valves produced on/before 1999 YY
PSA6 / VA4 to VA6 produced after Apr.’83 *2 YL
HA2, HA3, HL2, HL3 YT
Single-acting actuators

HK1, VM1 *10 (material SS400 zinc plated) YK
VA1 - VA3 (for old-model motion connectors) produced on/before Apr.‘83 800-1, 800-3 *3 YW
VA4, VA5 (for old-model motion connectors) produced on/before Apr.‘83 800-4, 800-5 *3 YJ
Actuators of other manufacturers See Table 2
VP5, 6 *11 Y1
SLOP560, 1000, 1000X *11 *12 Y2
SLOP1500, 1500X *11 *12 Y3
DAP560, 1000, 1000X *11 *12 Y4
(8)(9) Actuators
DAP1500, 1500X *11 *12 Y5
(for bracket)
GOM44L, 44LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G1
GOM410L, 410LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G2
GOM64L, 64LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G3
GOM66L, 66LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G4
GOM610L, 610LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G5
GOM84L, 84LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G6
Double-acting actuators

GOM86L, 86LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G7

GOM810L, 810LM (Springless horizontal) *11 G8
GOM1210L, 1210LM (Springless horizontal) *11 GT
GOM1510L, 1510LM (Springless horizontal) *11 GU
GOM44L, 44LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GE
GOM410L, 410LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GF
GOM64L, 64LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GG
GOM66L, 66LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GH
GOM610L, 610LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GJ
GOM84L, GOM84LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GK
GOM86L, GOM86LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GL
GOM810L, GOM810LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GM
GOM1210L, GOM1210LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GN
GOM1510L, GOM1510LM (Springless horizontal) with restoration feedback lever *11 *13 GP
GOM84LM (Springless vertical) *11 GB
GOM124LM (Springless vertical) *11 GC
Actuators of other manufacturers See Table 3

With terminal box for remote cable assembly (standard) M

Double bearing valve travel detector (This code must be selected) L
Stainless mounting bracket to 2-inch stanchion *This code must be selected. U
Universal elbow explosion-proof (SUS304 G1/2) 1 pc. For model AVP200 *4 A
Universal elbow explosion-proof (SUS304 G1/2) 2 pcs. For model AVP201 *4 C
(10) Option
Stainless filter for KZ03 (Pressure regulator with filter) K
Filter (Screen for air-exhaust port) H
Seal tape prohibited J
Mounting bracket for accessories on GOM actuator (in case of replacing GOP) *13 8
Reversing relay for double acting actuator W
*1. Select model AVP200/AVP201 only when the direction of drain of the pressure regulator with filter on the control valve is downward (ground).
*2. Select “YW” or “YJ” for old-type motion connectors. (Produced on/before Apr.’83)
*3. Consult a sales representative in case of no mounting hole on the side of valve yoke.
*4. For TIIS Flameproof model, these elbows should be put on the supplied cable gland. Code “A” and “C” can not be selected simultaneously.
*5. Select “YW” or “YJ” for old-type motion connectors.
*6. Code“W”of option (10) must be selected.
*10. In case “VM” type actuator is required following conditions,
1. select model “VCT” for the body,
2. the existing positioner should be HEP or VPE,
3. yoke should be model HK. If another specification is required, contact your sales representative.
*11. For the double acting actuator, a reversing relay unit required.
*12. If the valve body is for VFR (FloWing) or a butterfly valve, for the mounting bracket requirement consult to our sales.
*13. Select the option with the restoration feedback lever, if GOM manufactured before April, 1988.
Select the option ‘8’ (Accessory bracket for GOM actuator - Use the case of existing GOP) if the existing control valve assembled with GOP and the acces-
sories such as the Lock-up valves and solenoid valves.

Table 2. Mounting bracket for single acting actuator
(8)(9) Mounting bracket for pneumatic actuator Code (8)(9) Mounting bracket for pneumatic actuator Code
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 240, 280, 330, NIHON KOSO A100 NIHON KOSO TC-500 series TC520S *3 TP
series 270, 320 *2 NIHON KOSO TC-700 series TC-713S *3 TS
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 400, 500S, 500L, NIHON KOSO A100 NIHON KOSO TC-700 series TC-722SS *3 TT
series 400, 500 *2 Pentair Valve and Control Japan AK05, AK09S, AK12S, AK15S *3 KA
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 650S, 650L TC Pentair Valve and Control Japan AG06S, AGN06S *3 KG
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 240, 280, 330 (with side manual) TD Pentair Valve and Control Japan AG09S, AGN09S *3 KH
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 400, 500S, 500L (with side manual) TE Pentair Valve and Control Japan AG13S, AGN13S *3 KJ
Motoyama Mfg. 2800 series 650S, 650L (with side manual) TF Pentair Valve and Control Japan AW13S *3 KV
Motoyama Mfg. 3800 series (multi-spring type) N24, N28, N33S *2 TJ Pentair Valve and Control Japan AW17S *3 KW
Motoyama Mfg. 2922 series (Gyrol-I) G.R.I 280H, 330H, 400HS, Tomoe Valve Z series Z-06S, 08S, 11S, 13S *3 EA
400H, 500H *3 Tomoe Valve T-matic 3Q-1, 2, 3, 4 *3 E3
Motoyama Mfg. 3993 series (Gyrol-II) 2911-1M series 280, 330, Fisher 657, 667 series size 45, 50 FC
400 *3 Fisher 657, 667 series size 60 FD
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #9, #11 *2 MA
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #13 *2 MB
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #15, #18 *2 MC
Masoneilan 37, 38 series #15, #18 (with side manual) MF
Masoneilan type 35002 series Camflex II #4-1/2, #6, #7 *3 MG

*1 If no suitable mounting bracket can be found, contact a sales representative.

*2 Select in the case of without manual handle or with manual handle mounted on top of the actuators.
*3 Anti-abrasion feedback structure.

Table 3. Mounting bracket for double acting actuator Table 4. Standard travel range and accuracy
(8)(9) Mounting bracket for pneumatic actuator Code accuracy
Actuator Travel (mm)
NIHON KOSO 6300 series 63A2, AT series AT20 *1*3 T2 [% F.S.]
NIHON KOSO 6300 series 63A3, B2, BA, B3, BB, B5, *1*3 PSA1, 2 14.3, 20, 25 1
AT series AT-30, 200, 250, 300, 350, 500 PSA3, 4 20, 38 1
NIHON KOSO 6300 series 63A4, A5, A6, AT series *1*3
6, 8, 10 3
T4 HA1
AT40, AT50, AT60
14.3, 25 1
NIHON KOSO 6300 series AT series AT25 *1*3 T5
10 3
NIHON KOSO TC-500 series TC-520W *1 *2*3 TP HA2
14.3, 25, 38 1
NIHON KOSO TC-700 series TC-713W *1*3 TS
14.3 3
EMERSON Valve and Control Japan AK09, AK12, AK15 *1*3 KA HA3
25, 38, 50 1
EMERSON Valve and Control Japan AG06, AGN06 *1*3 KG
EMERSON Valve and Control Japan AG09, AGN09 *1*3 KH 14.3 3
EMERSON Valve and Control Japan AG13, AGN13 *1*3 KJ 25, 38, 50, 75 1
EMERSON Valve and Control Japan AW13 *1*3 KV VA5 25, 37.5, 50, 75, 100 1
EMERSON Valve and Control Japan AW17 *1*3 KW VA6 14.3 3
EMERSON Valve and Control Japan AW20 *1 KT PSA6, 7 25, 37.5, 50, 75, 100 1
KITZ B series B-2*3 *1*3 B2 HK1 10 3
KITZ B series B-3*3 *1*3 B3 PSK1 19 1
KITZ B series B-4*3 *1*3 B4
KITZ B series B-5*3 *1*3 B5
KITZ B series B-6*3 *1*3 B6
EMERSON (EL-O-MATIC) E25, 40, 65, 100, 200, 350 *1 RA
EMERSON (EL-O-MATIC) E600, 950, 1600, P2500,
*1 RB
Tomoe Valve Z series Z-06, 08, 11, 13*3 *1*3 EA
Tomoe Valve T-matic 3I-1, 2, 3, 4*3 *1*3 E3
T. V. VALVE AT4-80 *1 V1
T. V. VALVE AT4-100 *1 V2
T. V. VALVE AT4-120 *1 V3
T. V. VALVE AT4-150 *1 V4
T. V. VALVE AT4-180 *1 V5

*1 For the double acting actuator, a reversing relay unit required.

*2 Confirm that boss’s pitch of the actuator side is 69 mm, if it is
required to assemble the mounting bracket to the actuator.
*3 Anti-abrasion feedback structure.

Appendix A: Specifications

Dimensions (Model AVP300/301/302)

For single acting actuator without pressure regulator with filter [Unit: mm]

Mounting plate reference dimension Terminal connections

Terminal screw size M4

Electrical connection*1 Air piping connection*2 Extension lever Actuator model Code
PSA1, 2, PSK1 YS
G1/2 Rc1/4
1/2NPT 1/4NPT No
HA2, 3 YT
M20×1.5 1/4NPT HK1 YK
PSA3, 4
VA1 to 3
VA4 to 6 YL
VR2, 3 YR
GOM83S, 84S, 103S YG

For single acting actuator with pressure regulator with filter [Unit: mm]

Electrical connection*1 Air piping connection*2 Extension lever Actuator model Code
G1/2 Rc1/4 PSA1, 2, PSK1 YS
1/2NPT 1/4NPT HA1 YA
M20×1.5 1/4NPT HA2, 3 YT
PSA3, 4
VA1 to 3
VA4 to 6 YL
VR2, 3 YR
GOM83S, 84S, 103S YG

Appendix A: Specifications

For double acting actuator with reversing-relay [Unit: mm]

Without pressure regulator with filter


With pressure regulator with filter


Dimensions (Model AVP200/201/202)
For single acting actuator without pressure regulator with filter [Unit: mm]

187 (2) 80
Output air connection

Conduit entry


(2) 21
Air supply
connection (2)
Auto/Manual switch Air supply connection
2-inch pipe
Conduit entry

Mounting bracket

For rotary valve

U-bolts and nuts 137 92 ~122

±4° ~ ±20°




Explosion proof type


210 Cable
Follow the electrical device
Terminal connections
technical standard and fix it. Terminal screw size: M4

Model AVP200/AVP202 Model AVP201




I IN -

Terminal connections for remote cable

Terminal screw size: M4

Note 1: Rotary angle should never exceed ±30°.

Electrical Air piping Mounting thread
connection connection AVP body Valve travel detector
Water-proof / TIIS Flameproof G1/2 Rc1/4 M8 M6
Water-proof 1/2NPT 1/4NPT 5/16-18UNC 1/4-20UNC
Parts on drawings (1) (2) (3) (4)

Appendix A: Specifications

For single acting actuator with pressure regulator with filter

[Unit: mm]

Output air connection (2)

187 Pressure regulator 175 161
with filter

Conduit entry (1)

21 70

Air supply (1)

(2) connection Auto/Manual switch
Conduit entry
2-inch pipe

Mounting bracket
For rotary valve

U-bolts and nuts 137 92 ~122

±4° ~ ±20°


(3) 41
Explosion proof type

Terminal connections
Terminal screw size: M4
Follow the electrical device
technical standard and fix it. Model AVP200/202 Model AVP201



- -

Terminal connections for remote cable

Terminal screw size: M4

Note 1: Rotary angle should never exceed ±30°.

Electrical Air piping Mounting thread
connection connection AVP body Valve travel detector
Water-proof / TIIS Flameproof G1/2 Rc1/4 M8 M6
Water-proof 1/2NPT 1/4NPT 5/16-18UNC 1/4-20UNC
Parts on drawings (1) (2) (3) (4)

For double acting actuator with pressure regulator with filter
[Unit: mm]

(270) Pressure regulator Output air connection (OUT1)

150 with filter
179 161 (2)

Auto/Manual switch



Air supply
connection (2) (1)
Conduit entry (1) Conduit entry
2-inch pipe
For rotary valve
Output air connection (OUT2) 137 92 ~122
Mounting bracket
±4° ~ ±20°


U-bolts and nuts

41 41

Explosion proof type



298 Terminal connections

Cable Terminal screw size: M4
Follow the electrical device
technical standard and fix it.
Model AVP200/AVP202 Model AVP201



I IN -

Terminal connections for remote cable

Terminal screw size: M4

Note 1: Rotary angle should never exceed ±30°.

Electrical Air piping Mounting thread
connection connection AVP body Valve travel detector
Water-proof / TIIS Flameproof G1/2 Rc1/4 M8 M6
Water-proof 1/2NPT 1/4NPT 5/16-18UNC 1/4-20UNC
Parts on drawings (1) (2) (3) (4)

Appendix A: Specifications

For double acting actuator without pressure regulator with filter

[Unit: mm]

Output air connection (OUT1)
150 Conduit entry (1)
145 161 (2)

Auto/Manual switch



Air supply
connection (2) (1)
Conduit entry
Mounting bracket
2-inch pipe Output air connection (OUT2)
For rotary valve
137 92 ~122

U-bolts and nuts ±4° ~ ±20°



41 41

(3) Explosion proof type


Terminal connections
Terminal screw size: M4
Follow the electrical device
technical standard and fix it. Model AVP200/AVP202 Model AVP201



I IN -

Terminal connections for remote cable

Terminal screw size: M4

Note 1: Rotary angle should never exceed ±30°.

Electrical Air piping Mounting thread
connection connection AVP body Valve travel detector
Water-proof / TIIS Flameproof G1/2 Rc1/4 M8 M6
Water-proof 1/2NPT 1/4NPT 5/16-18UNC 1/4-20UNC
Parts on drawings (1) (2) (3) (4)

For rotary valve actuator [Unit: mm]

ø 30
Waterproof type
Angle of

the feedback lever (Note 1)

+4° to ±20°

Note 1. Rotary angle should never exceed ±30°.




13 Explosionproof type
13 46 13

4-M6 or 1/4-20UNC,

depth 10

(Opposite side: 2pcs.)


Stem clamp
Waterproof type
(M6 or 1/4-20UNC)

Explosionproof type

Terms and Conditions
We would like to express our appreciation for your purchase and use of Azbil Corporation’s products.
You are required to acknowledge and agree upon the following terms and conditions for your purchase of Azbil Corporation’s products (system
products, field instruments, control valves, and control products), unless otherwise stated in any separate document, including, without limitation,
estimation sheets, written agreements, catalogs, specifications and instruction manuals.
1. Warranty period and warranty scope
1.1 Warranty period
Azbil Corporation’s products shall be warranted for one (1) year from the date of your purchase of the said products or the delivery of the
said products to a place designated by you.
1.2 Warranty scope
In the event that Azbil Corporation’s product has any failure attributable to azbil during the aforementioned warranty period, Azbil
Corporation shall, without charge, deliver a replacement for the said product to the place where you purchased, or repair the said
product and deliver it to the aforementioned place. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any failure falling under one of the following shall
not be covered under this warranty:
(1) Failure caused by your improper use of azbil product (noncompliance with conditions, environment of use, precautions, etc. set
forth in catalogs, specifications, instruction manuals, etc.);
(2) Failure caused for other reasons than Azbil Corporation’s product;
(3) Failure caused by any modification or repair made by any person other than Azbil Corporation or Azbil Corporation’s
(4) Failure caused by your use of Azbil Corporation’s product in a manner not conforming to the intended usage of that product;
(5) Failure that the state-of-the-art at the time of Azbil Corporation’s shipment did not allow Azbil Corporation to predict; or
(6) Failure that arose from any reason not attributable to Azbil Corporation, including, without limitation, acts of God, disasters, and
actions taken by a third party.
Please note that the term “warranty” as used herein refers to equipment-only-warranty, and Azbil Corporation shall not be liable for any
damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of Azbil Corporation’s
2. Ascertainment of suitability
You are required to ascertain the suitability of Azbil Corporation’s product in case of your use of the same with your machinery,
equipment, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Equipment”) on your own responsibility, taking the following matters into consideration:
(1) Regulations and standards or laws that your Equipment is to comply with.
(2) Examples of application described in any documents provided by Azbil Corporation are for your reference purpose only, and
you are required to check the functions and safety of your Equipment prior to your use.
(3) Measures to be taken to secure the required level of the reliability and safety of your Equipment in your use
Although azbil is constantly making efforts to improve the quality and reliability of Azbil Corporation’s products, there exists
a possibility that parts and machinery may break down. You are required to provide your Equipment with safety design such
as fool-proof design,*1 and fail-safe design*2 (anti-flame propagation design, etc.), whereby preventing any occurrence of
physical injuries, fires, significant damage, and so forth. Furthermore, fault avoidance,*3 fault tolerance,*4 or the like should be
incorporated so that the said Equipment can satisfy the level of reliability and safety required for your use.
*1. A design that is safe even if the user makes an error.
*2. A design that is safe even if the device fails.
*3. Avoidance of device failure by using highly reliable components, etc.
*4. The use of redundancy.
3. Precautions and restrictions on application
3.1 Restrictions on application
Please follow the table below for use in nuclear power or radiation-related equipment.

Nuclear power quality*5 required Nuclear power quality*5 not required

Within a radiation Cannot be used (except for limit switches for Cannot be used (except for limit switches for
controlled area*6 nuclear power*7) nuclear power*7)
Outside a radiation Cannot be used (except for limit switches for Can be used
controlled area*6 nuclear power*7)

*5. Nuclear power quality: compliance with JEAG 4121 required

*6. R adiation controlled area: an area governed by the requirements of article 3 of “Rules on the Prevention of Harm from
Ionizing Radiation,” article 2 2 4 of “Regulations on Installation and Operation of Nuclear Reactors for Practical Power
Generation,” article 4 of “Determining the Quantity, etc., of Radiation-Emitting Isotopes,”etc.
*7. L imit switch for nuclear power: a limit switch designed, manufactured and sold according to IEEE 382 and JEAG 4121.
Any Azbil Corporation’s products shall not be used for/with medical equipment.
The products are for industrial use. Do not allow general consumers to install or use any Azbil Corporation’s product. However, azbil
products can be incorporated into products used by general consumers. If you intend to use a product for that purpose, please contact
one of our sales representatives.
3.2 Precautions on application
you are required to conduct a consultation with our sales representative and understand detail specifications, cautions for operation,
and so forth by reference to catalogs, specifications, instruction manual, etc. in case that you intend to use azbil product for any purposes
specified in (1) through (6) below. Moreover, you are required to provide your Equipment with fool-proof design, fail-safe design, anti-
flame propagation design, fault avoidance, fault tolerance, and other kinds of protection/safety circuit design on your own responsibility
to ensure reliability and safety, whereby preventing problems caused by failure or nonconformity.
(1) For use under such conditions or in such environments as not stated in technical documents, including catalogs, specification,
and instruction manuals
(2) For use of specific purposes, such as:
* Nuclear energy/radiation related facilities
[When used outside a radiation controlled area and where nuclear power quality is not required]
[When the limit switch for nuclear power is used]
* Machinery or equipment for space/sea bottom
* Transportation equipment
[Railway, aircraft, vessels, vehicle equipment, etc.]
* Antidisaster/crime-prevention equipment
* Burning appliances
* Electrothermal equipment
* Amusement facilities
* Facilities/applications associated directly with billing
(3) Supply systems such as electricity/gas/water supply systems, large-scale communication systems, and traffic/air traffic control
systems requiring high reliability
(4) Facilities that are to comply with regulations of governmental/public agencies or specific industries
(5) Machinery or equipment that may affect human lives, human bodies or properties
(6) Other machinery or equipment equivalent to those set forth in items (1) to (5) above which require high reliability and safety
4. Precautions against long-term use
Use of Azbil Corporation’s products, including switches, which contain electronic components, over a prolonged period may degrade
insulation or increase contact-resistance and may result in heat generation or any other similar problem causing such product or switch
to develop safety hazards such as smoking, ignition, and electrification. Although acceleration of the above situation varies depending
on the conditions or environment of use of the products, you are required not to use any Azbil Corporation’s products for a period
exceeding ten (10) years unless otherwise stated in specifications or instruction manuals.
5. Recommendation for renewal
Mechanical components, such as relays and switches, used for Azbil Corporation’s products will reach the end of their life due to wear by
repetitious open/close operations.
In addition, electronic components such as electrolytic capacitors will reach the end of their life due to aged deterioration based on
the conditions or environment in which such electronic components are used. Although acceleration of the above situation varies
depending on the conditions or environment of use, the number of open/close operations of relays, etc. as prescribed in specifications
or instruction manuals, or depending on the design margin of your machine or equipment, you are required to renew any Azbil
Corporation’s products every 5 to 10 years unless otherwise specified in specifications or instruction manuals. System products, field
instruments (sensors such as pressure/flow/level sensors, regulating valves, etc.) will reach the end of their life due to aged deterioration
of parts. For those parts that will reach the end of their life due to aged deterioration, recommended replacement cycles are prescribed.
You are required to replace parts based on such recommended replacement cycles.
6. Other precautions
Prior to your use of Azbil Corporation’s products, you are required to understand and comply with specifications (e.g., conditions and
environment of use), precautions, warnings/cautions/notices as set forth in the technical documents prepared for individual Azbil
Corporation’s products, such as catalogs, specifications, and instruction manuals to ensure the quality, reliability, and safety of those
7. Changes to specifications
Please note that the descriptions contained in any documents provided by azbil are subject to change without notice for improvement
or for any other reason. For inquires or information on specifications as you may need to check, please contact our branch offices or
sales offices, or your local sales agents.
8. Discontinuance of the supply of products/parts
Please note that the production of any Azbil Corporation’s product may be discontinued without notice. After manufacturing is
discontinued, we may not be able to provide replacement products even within the warranty period.
For repairable products, we will, in principle, undertake repairs for five (5) years after the discontinuance of those products. In
some cases, however, we cannot undertake such repairs for reasons, such as the absence of repair parts. For system products, field
instruments, we may not be able to undertake parts replacement for similar reasons.
9. Scope of services
Prices of Azbil Corporation’s products do not include any charges for services such as engineer dispatch service. Accordingly, a separate
fee will be charged in any of the following cases:
(1) Installation, adjustment, guidance, and attendance at a test run
(2) Maintenance, inspection, adjustment, and repair
(3) Technical guidance and technical education
(4) Special test or special inspection of a product under the conditions specified by you
Please note that we cannot provide any services as set forth above in a nuclear energy controlled area (radiation controlled area) or at a
place where the level of exposure to radiation is equivalent to that in a nuclear energy controlled area.

Document Number: CM2-AVP300-2001
Document Name: Smart Valve Positioner
300 Series Model AVP300/AVP301/AVP302 (Integral Type)
200 Series Model AVP200/AVP201/AVP202 (Remote Type)
User's Manual
Date: 1st edition: Oct. 1998
30th edition: Mar. 2019
Issued/Edited by: Azbil Corporation

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