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Deck Format Testing #

Scorpion Dishonor Clan Wars Too Slow 2

Crane Rocket Honor Clan Wars OK 6
Lion Speed Deck Clan Wars OK 2
Crane Embassy Dueling Celestial ? 4
Forgotten Temple Wrath Celestial OK 6
Spider Breeder Celestial OK 2
Crane Gozoku Lockdown Dueling Diamond OK 3
Pre Errata Khol Wall Diamond OK 7
PX Suitengu Tengoku Combo Diamond OK 0
Warrens of the One Tribe Diamond OK 0
Crane Oni Summoner Emperor OK
Phoenix Lizard Wizard Emperor OK 32
Kalani Landing $$$ Mantis Emperor ?
Imperial Faceless Honor Emperor OK
Foothold of the Mad Faceless Emperor OK
Paneki's Mask Spider Honor Bomb Emperor OK
Crab Zerkers Pre Duty Ban Emperor OK
Scorpion DVD Dishonor Bomb Samurai OK
Dragon Monk Ring Honor Samurai OK
Phrats Gold Too Slow
Goblin Blitz Gold Too Slow
Phoenix FETA Jade OK
PAGODA Jade OK Temple of the 8 Guardians Dragons
Kaiu Walls Faceless Honor Jade ?
Ninja Abandoning the Fortunes Jade ?
Shokushu no Oni Scorpion Lotus OK
Obsidian Halls of the Lost Control Lotus ?
Shiro Kitsuki Dueling Lotus ?
Lion Ashigaru Breeder Lotus OK
Ratling Breeder Lotus ?
Big Oni Smash Lotus ?
Formats # Clan Abbr
Clan Wars 0 Brotherhood of Shinsei BR
Jade 1 Crab CB
Gold 4 Crane CN
Diamond 2 Dragon DG
Lotus 2 Lion LN
Samurai 2 Mantis MN
Celestial 0 Naga NA
Emperor 2 Nezumi NE
Ivory 1 Ninja NI
20F 5 Phoenix PX
3 Scorpion SC
Total 3 Shadowlands SL
2 Spider SP
1 Spirit SR
3 Unaligned UL
1 Unicorn UN


House of Tao Enlightenment Jade
PX Master of 5 Jade
Province Crushing Ponies Jade
Temple of the 8 Guardians Dragons Lotus
Crane Scouts Ivory
Tibbles Lion Tacticians Gold
Scorpion Corrupt Military Gold
Corrupt Crab Oni Clan Wars
Mantis Money Scouts 20F
Phoenix Honor 20F
Crane Ashigaru Blitz Ivory
Rat enlightenment on invincible legion and shadow path to victory and draw an entire deck in turn 2.
Or obi of silence and endless draw deck and redraw the deck on duele
tire deck in turn 2.
Eternal Halls of the Shiba (Gold)
Akodo Kaneka (Gold)

1 Alliance (Gold) 3 Arrows from the Woods (Gold)

1 Carpenter Wall Falls (AOF) 3 Bane of the Bastard (H&E)
1 Lost Souls (DA) 3 Deadly Ground (Gold)
1 Peasant Revolt (Gold) 3 Overwhelmed (BB)
1 Retirement (Gold) 3 Rallying Cry (Gold)
3 Refugees (Gold)
1 Emperor’s Under-Hand (SW) 3 Sneak Attack (Gold)
1 Gifts and Favors (KYD) 3 Superior Tactics (Gold)
1 Island Sanctuary (KYD) 3 Take the Initiative (Gold)
1 Military Advisor (H&E) 3 Tsuruchi Technique (FOU)
3 Sand Garden (H&E)
1 Shrine to Daikoku (H&E) 3 Ikiryo (Gold)
3 Silver Mine (Gold) 3 Ashigaru Spearmen (Gold)
3 Small Farm (Gold)
3 Flee the Darkness (Gold)
3 Ik’krt (DA)
3 Kan'ok'ticheck (Gold) 1 Ring of the Void (Gold)
3 Nir’um’tuk (Gold)
3 Ratling Conjuror (Gold)
3 T’k (DA)
1 Te’tik’kir Experienced (DA)
3 Yoee’trr (Gold)
1 Zin’tch (Gold)

1 Ruins of Otosan Uchi (KYD)

City of Remembrance or Kyuden Agasha Stronghold: City of Remembrance (RoB)
Wind: Right Hand of the Emperor

1 A New Wall 3 Suitengu's Surge 1 Gifts and Favors

1 Glory of the Shogun 3 Seal the Way 1 Corrupt Officials (RoB)
1 The First Wedding 3 Walking the Way 1 Temples of Gisei Toshi (DoE)
1 The Last Prophecy 1 Isawa Ariminhime (DoE)
3 Bronze Lantern 1 Shrine to Fukurokujin (H&E)
1 Fields of Pyrrhic Victory 3 Henshin's Amulet 1 Shrine to Daikoku (H&E)
1 Kanashimi Toshi 3 Silver Mine
1 Utaku Meadows 3 Tengoku Acolyte 3 Roadside Shrine (WoL)
1 Shrine to Tsukune (Promo)
3 Roadside Shrine 3 Storm of Isawa 1 Shrine to Bishamon (H&E)
3 Silver Mine 3 Legacy of Dragons 1 Shi-Tien Yen-Wang Temple (W
3 Secluded Waystation 2 Agasha Seruma
1 A Favor Returned 3 Agasha Miyoshi (WoL)
1 Gifts and Favors 3 Kanjiro (WoL)
1 Shrine to Bishamon 1 Asako Bairei (exp.) (WoE)
1 Shrine to Daikoku 1 Isawa Sezaru (WoL)
1 Temples of Gisei Toshi 1 Void Dragon
1 Water Dragon
3 Agasha Miyoshi 1 Fire Dragon
3 Isawa Sachi 3 Isawa Toshiji
3 Kanjiro 3 Shiba Danjuro
1 Isawa Sezaru 3 Musume Mura (WoE)
1 Doji Akiko • Experienced 1 The Death of Ryoshun (DoE)
1 Air Dragon 1 The Price of Power (Promo)
1 Earth Dragon 1 A New Wall (Promo)
1 Fire Dragon
1 P'an Ku
1 Thunder Dragon
1 Void Dragon
1 Water Dragon
1 Shadow Dragon • Experienced

nghold: City of Remembrance (RoB) Stronghold: City of Remembrance (RoB)
: Right Hand of the Emperor
Wind : Right Hand of the Empire
ts and Favors 3 Walking the Way
rrupt Officials (RoB) 2 Eclipse (DoE) Dynasty (40)
mples of Gisei Toshi (DoE)
3 Suitengu’s Surge (WoL)
wa Ariminhime (DoE) 1 Kuro’s Fire 1 A Favor Returned (HC)
rine to Fukurokujin (H&E)2 Tengoku Acolyte (WoL) 3 Barley Farm (RoB)
rine to Daikoku (H&E) 1 The Egg of P’an Ku 2 Crystal Mine (RoB)
1 Isawa House Guard 1 Gifts and Favors
adside Shrine (WoL) 3 Show of Good Faith (FOU) 3 Roadshine Shrine (WoL)
rine to Tsukune (Promo) 3 Tireless Assault (H&E) 1 Shrine to Bishamon (H&E)
rine to Bishamon (H&E) 2 Storm of Isawa (WoL) 1 Shrine to Daikoku (H&E)
-Tien Yen-Wang Temple (W3 Strength of Purity 1 Shrine to Hotei (H&E)
asha Seruma 3 Refugees 3 Silver Mine
asha Miyoshi (WoL) 3 Return for Training 1 Agasha Chieh (exp.) (RoB)
3 Into the Darkness (DoE) 3 Agasha Miyoshi (WoL)
ako Bairei (exp.) (WoE) 3 Fall on Your Knees 1 Isawa Sezaru (WoL)
wa Sezaru (WoL) 2 Feign Death 3 Kanjiro (WoL )
2 The Fortunes Smile (WoL) 3 Ryouko (WoC)
3 Shiba Danjuro
2 Shiba Tsukimi
1 Air Dragon
ba Danjuro 1 Earth Dragon
sume Mura (WoE) 1 Fire Dragon
e Death of Ryoshun (DoE) 1 Void Dragon
e Price of Power (Promo) 1 Water Dragon
New Wall (Promo) 1 Call of Thunder (DoE)
1 Fields of Pyrrhic Victory (WoL)
1 Musume Mura (WoE)
emembrance (RoB)

Fate ( 40)

3 Into the Darkness (DoE)

3 Outmaneuvered by Force
3 Refugees
3 Retribution
3 Sneak Attack
3 Storm of Isawa (WoL)
3 Strength of Purity
3 Tireless Assault (H&E)
3 Wedge
3 Kuro's Fire
3 Suitengu's Surge (WoL)
3 Walking the Way
3 Tengoku Acolyte (WoL)
1 Celestial Sword of the Phoenix
The Esteemed House of the Crane

Imperial Gift Ancestral Sword of Crane Clan

Emperor's Peace The Imperial Standard
Chrysanthemum Festival
Peasant Revolt His Most Favored
3 Strength of Purity
3 Shinsei Shrine 3 Tell the Tale
3 To Do What We Must
3 Marketplace 3 Block Supply Lines
3 Merchant Caravan 3 Entrapping Terrain
3 Jade Works 3 Superior Tactics
3 Avoid Fate
3 Kakita Shijin 3 Refugees
3 Doji Yosai
3 Daidoji Sembi 3 Foxwife
3 Doji Kuwanan
Pekkle no Oni
The Ruined Fortress of the Scorpion

3 Geisha House 3 Shame

3 Merchant Caravan 3 Breach of Etiquette
3 Corrupt Geisha House 2 Court Jester
3 Small Farm 3 Remorseful Seppuku
3 Marries a Barbarian
3 Yogo Shidachi 3 Test of Honor
3 Yogo Asami (FK) 2 Dark Lord's Favor (TotV)
3 Yogo Oshio 3 Bad Kharma
3 Soshi Bantaro (Shadowlands)
1 Soshi Bantaro • Experienced 3 Secrets on the Wind
1 Bayushi Goshiu (Shadowlands) 3 Force of Will (Shadowlands)
1 Bayushi Goshiu (exp.) (TotV)
1 Ring of the Void
1 As the Shadow Falls 1 Ring of Air
1 Chrysanthemum Festival
1 Emperor's Peace
The Exquisite Palace of the Crane
Akagi Sensei

2x Alliance 3x Ashigaru Spearmen

3x Frontier Farmer
3x Famous Bazaar 3x Merchant Guard
3x Well-Defended Farms 3x Rice Farmer
3x Family Dojo 3x Seasoned Ashigaru
3x Abundant Farmlands
3x Marketplace 3x Storm-Forged Blade
3x Jade Pearl Inn
1x Ring of the Void
3x Armed Rice Farmer 1x Ring of Water
3x Myuken
3x Karyuudo 2x Army Like a Tide
3x Horobei 3x Contentious Terrain
3x Ikoma Shika Creating Order
3x Kakita Ibara 3x Exotic Farmlands
3x Daidoji Tanshi 3x Oath of Fealty
3x Reprisal
A Game of Dice
3x Advanced Warning
Fall Back
Mountain Summit Temple

1 A New Wall 3 The Elements' Path (KD)

1 Wisdom of the Keepers 3 Flash of Steel (KD)
1 Wisdom Gained 3 Outer Walls
3 Gold Mine 3 Refugees
3 Harmonious Temple (KD)3 Block Supply Lines
3 Castle Walls 3 Solving the Riddle (HV)
1 Castle Moat (TTT) 3 Strike the Summit (KD)
2 City Gate (StS) 2 Strike the Center (KD)
3 Famous Bazaar (HV) 2 Strike the Base (KD)
1 Private Trader 1 Strike of the Dragon
1 Temple of the Seekers 2 Three-Stone River
3 Togashi Masujiro 3 Unfortunate Incident
3 Hoshi Noritada (KD) 1 Reinforce the Gates
3 Togashi Miyoko 3 Respected Mentor (StS)
3 Togashi Kanaye (StS) 1 Ring of the Void
3 Kitsuki Bereii (TTT) 1 Ring of Air
2 Togashi Shichi (StS) 1 Ring of Water
1 Togashi Tsuri (exp.) (KD) 1 Ring of Earth
1 K'mee (exp.2) (TTT) 1 Ring of Fire
1 Kitsuki Taiko (exp.) (HV)
Deception’s Veil Dojo

1 Bayushi Paneki (exp.4) 3 Assigning Blame (TTT)

1 Bayushi Tsimaru (exp.) 3 Unfortunate Incident
1 Bayushi Kaukatsu (exp.2) (KD)3 Share the Blame (TTT)
1 Shosuro Jimen (TTT) 3 Hired Killer
1 Bayushi Hisoka 3 Summoned to Justice (TTT)
1 Shosuro Seibei (UCP) 3 Stay Your Blade
1 Sun Doru (HV) 3 Furious Assault (StS)
3 Bayushi Saya 3 Reinforce the Gates
3 Bayushi Maemi (KD) 3 Outer Walls
3 Shosuro Uyeda 2 Refugees
3 Bayushi Nomen 2 Hunting the Prophet (KD)
3 Bayushi Kurumi 2 Insolence Punished (KD)
1 Seat of Power 2 Unexpected Betrayal (KD)
1 Private Trader 2 Misdirection
1 Shrine to Fukurokujin 1 Onnotangu's Memory (UCP)
1 Shrine of the Sun 1 Mysterious Deaths (StS)
1 Rich Coffers 2 Diplomatic Apprentice
2 Secluded Village 1 Ring of the Void
3 Geisha House
3 Secluded Waystation
2 Family Library
1 District Governor (Promo)
1 A New Wall
1 In Time of War
1 Proposal of Piece
1 Sorrow's Path
The Dark Path of Shadow

Golden Sun Plain 3 Kolat Master

Plains of Otosan Uchi 3 Kolat Assassain
3 Toturi Is Drugged
Abandoning the Fortunes 3 Uncertainty
Doom of the Dark Lord 3 Flooded Pass
Desperate Measures 3 Refugees
Wisdom Gained 3 Ninja Tricks
Peasant Revolt 3 Superior Tactics
3 Breach of Etiquette
3 Ninja Stronghold 3 Ninja Kidnapper
3 Assassins 3 Flattery
itsuki Iyekao
3 Merchant Caravan 3 Bloodstrike
2 Jade Works
3 House of Contracts Night Medallion
Ruby of Iuchiban
3 Bayushi Aramoro
3 Bayushi Areru 1 Ring of the Void
3 Goju Utsuei
3 Ninja Shadow-Walker 1 Kaede Sensei (Starting)
3 Ninja Shapeshifter
Ninja Infiltrator • Experienced
Ninja Mystic • Experienced 2
Ninja Shadow-Walker • Experienced 2
Eternal Halls of the Shiba

1 Master of Five 3 Rise From the Ashes

1 Blessings of Isawa 3 Walking the Way
1 Battle At Isawa Palace 2 Secrets on the Wind
1 Imperial Gift 2 Stifling Wind
1 Inheritance 3 Look into the Void
2 Augury
1 Agasha Tunnels 2 Castle of Water
1 Golden Sun Plain
3 Banish All Shadows
3 Silver Mine 3 The Boundless Depths of Water
3 Jade Works 3 The Wind's Truth
3 Merchant Caravan 3 Grasp the Earth Dragon
1 Charter of the Phoenix Clan
1 Bridged Pass 3 Superior Tactics
1 Unscalable Walls
1 Grove of the Five Masters 3 Minor Shugenja
1 Lessons from Kuro
1 Agasha Gennai Exp
3 Isawa Taeruko 1 Ring of Air (Jade)
3 Isawa Hochiu 1 Ring of Earh (Jade)
1 Isawa Osugi 1 Ring of the Void (Jade)
3 Shiba Ningen
3 Asako Hosigeru 1 Kaede Sensei (Starting)
1 Isawa Uona Exp 2
3 Ratling Conjuror 40

Stronghold: The Khol Wall (WoL) Sean Raycraft
Black Heart of the Empire Winner
Seattle Kotei
1 The Barbarian Wall (WoE) 3 Balance in Nothingness (FOU)
1 The Death of Ryoshun (DoE) 3 Feign Death
1 Commanding Favor (WoC) 3 Outmaneuvered by Force
1 The Shogun's Fealty 3 Concede Defeat
1 Regions of Rokugan 3 Political Outcast (WoL)
1 The Last Prophecy (WoL) 3 Slaughter the Scout
3 Forward Sentries (WoL)
1 Plains of Otosan Uchi 3 Savagery of Moto (WoL)
1 Kaeru Fields (WoL) 3 Into the Darkness (DoE)
1 Fields of Pyrrhic Victory (WoL) 2 A Test of Courage
1 Sorrow's Path 1 The Egg of P'an Ku
1 Kaiu Fortress (DoE) 3 Fall on Your Knees
1 Toturi's Grave (1KYoD) 3 Spearhead
2 Musume Mura (WoE)
2 City of Gold 3 Cavalry Reserves (WoL)
1 Mountains of Exile (DoE)
1 Utaku Meadows 1 Ruby of Iuchiban
1 Kanashimi Toshi (DoE)
1 Hidden City (Promo)

3 Pillar of Flesh (HC)

2 Stables
2 Roadside Shrine (WoL)
1 Shrine to Daikoku (H&E)
1 Gifts and Favors
1 A Favor Returned (HC)

3 Moto Ogedei (WoL)

3 Shinjo Loruko (WoL)
1 Moto Latomu (exp.) (WoL)
1 Koto
1 The Stone Breaker (Promo)
1 Shinjo Turong (WoL)
Stronghold: Warrens of the One Tribe (EmE) Ray Nerpel
Wind: Black Heart of the Empire Houston Kotei Winner
Sensei: Tomorrow Sensei

3 Treasure Horde 3 Where Gods Have Fallen (DoE)

3 Personal Librarian (WoC) 3 Moment of Brilliance
1 Shrine to Bishamon (H&E) 3 Rend the Soul (H&E)
1 A Favor Returned (HC) 3 Destiny Has No Secrets
1 Gifts and Favors 3 Running Engagement (WoC)
1 New Year's Celebration 3 Clumsy Ambush (EmE)
1 The Last Prophecy (WoL) 3 Outmaneuvered by Tactics
1 The Death of Ryoshun (DoE) 2 Into the Darkness (DoE)
1 Musume Mura (WoE) 2 Steel on Steel (RoB)
2 Ratling Conjuror 3 Spearhead
3 Chi’kel (EmE) 3 Wear Him Down (FOU)
2 Yoee’trr 3 Balance in Nothingness (FOU)
2 Ep’kee 3 Strange Politics (WoC)
2 Mat’chek (WoC) 3 Few Against Many (WoL)
1 Zamalash (EmE) 2 Overconfidence
1 Kr’chan (EmE) 2 The Legions Charge (HC)
3 Tik’Tek (WoL) 2 Sneak Attack
3 Mak’irtch (WoL) 2 The Face of Fear
2 Ratling Raider (HC) 1 The Egg of P’an Ku
1 Ikm’atch-tek (exp.) (WoC) 1 Ring of Water
1 Zin’tch 3 Skeletal Troops
1 O’kichit (EmE) 1 Tattered Ear Watcher
1 S’ktcha (HC)
1 A’tck (DoE)
1 Ik’krt (exp.2) (WoL)
ston Kotei Winner
The Jagged Maw Jon Palmer
Black Heart of the Empire Winner
Sacramento Kotei
1 A New Wall 1 Desperate Wager
1 A Time for Vengeance (Promo)2 Allegiance to the Dark Lord (RotS)
1 The Price of Power (Promo) 2 Rampage (RotS)
1 The Last Prophecy (WoL) 2 Reinforce the Gates
1 Severed from the Emperor 2 In Search of the Future
1 Winter Storm (Promo) 2 Eager to Fight (DoW)
1 Supply Smugglers (DoW) 2 I Know That Trick (PoH)
1 Arms Smugglers (DoW) 2 A Test of Courage
1 Fu Leng’s Tomb (exp.) (EmE) 2 Doomed Intentions (KD)
1 Shrine to Fukurokujin 2 Timely Arrival
2 North Hub Village (RotS) 3 Clumsy Ambush (EmE)
2 Tuftuf Sake House (ToE) 3 Dark Lord's Favor
3 Oni Lair (WoL) 3 Treacherous Sands (RotS)
3 Obsidian Mine 3 Hired Killer
1 Yoritomo Yashinko (DoW) 3 Refugees
1 Tsuruchi Etsui (exp.) (KD) 3 Into the Darkness (DoE)
1 Daigotsu (exp.) 3 Tanuki Spirit (DoW)
1 The Maw
1 P'an Ku (DoW)
1 Oni no Akuma (exp.2) (RotS)
1 Kyoso no Oni (exp.3) (ToE)
1 Moshangoru (exp.) (ToE)
1 Suiteiru no Oni (exp.) (EmE)
3 Chutoburo (KD)
3 Umi-Bozu (KD)
3 Hasaiki no Oni (EmE)
3 Sentei no Oni (EmE)
Stronghold: Obsidian Halls of the Lost
Wind: Black Heart of the Empire

1 The Price of Power (Promo) 3 Kokujin's Temptation (PoH)

1 The First Wedding (DoE) 3 Dark Lord's Favor
1 A New Wall 3 Lessons of Pain (WoL)
1 Regions of Rokugan 3 Hired Killer
1 Tsuno Swamps (Promo) 3 Heavily Engaged
1 Kanashimi Toshi (DoE) 3 Fields of Foolish Pride (PoH)
3 Obsidian Mine 3 Outer Walls
3 Secluded Village 2 Scroll Cache
3 Oni Lair (WoL) 2 Search For Advantage
2 Shrine to Fukurokujin 3 Banish All Shadows
1 Fu Leng's Tomb (exp.) (EmE) 1 The Future is Unwritten
1 Rich Coffers 3 Sapphire Strike (WoL)
1 Gifts and Favors 3 Seal the Way (CoB)
1 A Favor Returned 2 Bloodsmith
3 Goblin Wizard 1 Ring of the Void
3 Chuda Ruri (CoB) 1 Ring of Air
3 Ogre Mage (WoL) 1 Obi of Silence
3 Sentei no Oni (EmE)
3 Chitik (PoH)
1 Seppun Toshiaki (EmE)
1 Shahai (exp.) (WoL)
1 Isawa Sezaru (WoL)
1 Daigotsu (exp.)
1 Daigotsu Yajinden (CoB)
Depths of the Shinomen
Tomorrow Sensei
Right Hand of the Emperor

1 A Favor Returned 1 Ring of Earth

1 Regions of Rokugan 1 Ring of Air
1 Gifts and Favors 3 Crippled Bone Runner
1 Toturi's Grave 3 Ratling Archers
1 Plains of Otosan Uchi 1 Asate
1 I Am Ready (WoL) 3 Guerrilla Tactics
3 Ratling Conjuror 2 Face of Ninube
4 Ep’kee 3 A Test of Courage
4 Chi’kel (EmE) 2 Peasant Vengeance
4 Nem’tek (CoB) 3 Frenzy
4 Chikka-tek (CoB) 2 Sneak Attack
4 Mak’irtch (WoL) 3 Few Against Many (WoL)
4 Ik’krt 3 Motivation
1 Ik’krt (exp.) 3 Hida’s Avalanche
1 Ik’krt (exp.2) (WoL) 2 Wedge
1 Ikm’atch-tek (exp.) (EmE) 3 From Every Side
1 A’tck (DoE) 2 Into the Darkness (DoE)
1 Kan’ok’ticheck (exp.2)
1 The Death of Ryoshun (DoE)
1 Kanashimi Toshi (DoE)
Shiro Kitsuki
Right Hand of the Emperor
2nd Place - Feeding Hills Mass - Sean James

1 A New Wall 3 Victory or Death (WoL)

1 Test of the Kami (DoE) 3 First and Final Strike
1 Honor and Glory 2 Brutal Confrontation
1 Yobanjin Alliance (EmE) 2 No Victory
1 The First Wedding (DoE) 3 Weigh the Cost
1 Second Doom of the Crab (PoH) 3 The Fortunes Smile (WoL)
3 Legendary Confrontation (WoL)
1 Tsuno Swamps (Promo) 2 Mysteries of Kawaru (Promo)
1 Fields of Pyrrhic Victory (WoL) 2 Sneak Attack
3 Into the Darkness (DoE)
1 Crystal Mine 2 Allegiance to the Emperor (PoH)
1 Castle Towers (PoH) 2 Treachery and Deceit
2 Swordmaster Dojo (WoL)
1 Living Dlade Dojo (WoL) 2 Ancient Sword
1 Tsuma Dojo 1 Obi of Silence
3 Secluded Waystation 1 Golden Obi of the Sun Goddess Exp
3 Gold Mine 1 Sword of the Righteous Emperor
1 A Favor Returned 1 Ryokan's Sword
1 Gifts and Favors 1 Yogen

1 Mirumoto Hojatsu 1 Ring of Air

1 Mirumoto 1 Ring of the Void
1 Togashi Satsu Exp 2 1 Ring of Water
1 Mirumoto Kenzo Exp
1 Hitomi Kobai Exp 40
1 Tamori Shiki Exp
3 Hoshi Masote
3 Mirumoto Chojiro
2 Mirumoto Takige

1 Mirumoto Hirohisa (EmE)

1 Mirumoto Bokkai (CoB)
1 Kitsuki Nakigen (CoB)
1 Mirumoto Hakahime

The Hall of Ancestors
Rosoku Sensei
Right Hand of the Emperor

1 Akodo Mirotai 3 Reinforcements Arrive

3 Broad Front
1 Kanashimi Toshi 3 Meeting the Keepers
1 Toturi's Grave 3 Perfection (RotS)
3 Insight (RotS)
1 A New Wall (Lotus) 3 Superior Strategist (Lotus)
1 Festival of Inari 3 Inspiring Leadership
1 Oath to the Empire 3 Allegiance to the Shogun
1 Regions of Rokugan 3 Few Against Many
1 The Last Prophecy 3 Heart of Rokugan
1 Wanderers Revealed 3 Inspired Strategy (RotS)
1 Wisdom Gained (Lotus) 2 A Test of Courage
1 Shourido 1 Clumsy Ambush
1 Endless Horde
1 Arms Smugglers
3 Barley Farm (Lotus) 1 Toturi's Battle Standard • Experienced
1 Gifts and Favors
1 Ring of Air (Lotus)
3 Akifumi 1 Ring of the Void (Lotus)
1 Ikoma Yasuko Exp
3 Matsu Yokuya
3 Iwase
3 Nagisa
6 Sachika
3 Tawagoto
1 Tawagoto - exp
1 Ujina Kadano

40 40
The Hidden Catacombs of the Scorpion
Voice of the Emperor

1 A New Wall 3 Face of Ninube

1 Oath to the Empire 3 Conserve Your Strength
1 The Last Prophecy 3 Depths of Jigoku
1 Wisdom Gained 3 Scroll Cache
1 Allegiance to the Shogun
1 Refuge of the Three Sisters
1 Darkwater Bay 3 Shokushu no Oni
3 Ratling Trackers
3 Shosuro Dazai 3 Bloodsmith
3 Yogo Soto
3 Chuda Ruri 3 Mark of Oblivion
3 Goblin Wizard
1 Seppun Toshiaki 2 Scribing the Tao
3 Chitik 3 Fist of Osano-Wo
3 Yogo Rieko 3 Walking the Way
3 Seal the Way
1 A Favor Returned 3 Summon Undead Champion
1 Arms Smugglers
3 Geisha House 1 Ring of the Void
3 Personal Librarian
3 Rich Coffers
3 Secluded Waystation Shokushu no Oni in concert with Hidden Catacombs of the Scorpion wa
1 Temples of Gisei Toshi The combo involved playing a myriad of spells and card draw effects to
Once you had drawn your entire fate deck you would first destroy all you
Paul Ashman
den Catacombs of the Scorpion was the engine of the deck.
of spells and card draw effects to draw your entire fate deck on your 2nd turn (turn 1 was purchase a shugenja).
deck you would first destroy all your opponent's holdings (generally he had 3, though maybe he had 1 or 2) with Fist of Osano-
e a shugenja).
d 1 or 2) with Fist of Osano-Wo. Second, you would bow any personalities your opponent had with Seal the Way. Then you wou
Seal the Way. Then you would attack with province crushing force and use your Ratling Trackers to reattach you destroyed spe
reattach you destroyed spells (Fist mostly) to keep the game locked as you took all your opponent's provinces.
s provinces.
The Shadow's Lair
Border Keep Exp
Bamboo Harvesters Exp

1 Imperial Gift 1 Paneki's Mask

1 Wisdom Gained
1 Ring of the Void
1 The Second City
1 A Game of Dice
1 The Moon's Imperative 3 Face of Ninube
1 Jurojin's Blessing
3 Theological Indecision
3 Red Crane Dojo 3 Frozen in Place
3 Shinomen Marsh 3 Suck the Marrow
1 Traveling Peddler 3 Caught Unawares
3 Merchant Outpost 3 Heavily Engaged
1 Temples of Gisei Toshi 3 Hidden Defenses
1 Purveyor of Questionable Goods 3 Overpower
3 Temple of Hotei 3 Flooded Pass
1 The Seekers' Temple 2 Seeking the Question

3 Chuda Seki 3 Walking the Way

3 M'rika 3 Consecration
3 Goju Oyoto 2 Contemplate the Void
3 Ninube Onchi
3 Ninube Shiho 40
3 Chuda Kaito
1 Daigotsu Oki


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