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During a catastrophe or disaster, one’s survival depends upon the number of skills.

survival skills can serve as lifesaving hacks. In such critical emergency situations, appropriate
medical knowledge and insight can comes to one's rescue. All the medical supplies and first aid
kits are useless if one don’t know how to use it. Hence, these skills are of crucial importance
during emergency situations. Learning these basic survival skills can help in saving the friends
and family during emergency situations. Keeping in view the disasters, learning such First aid
skills is a top priority because it is one of the preemptive measures. Although the list goes on but
there are some major skills that one should learn. These lifesaving skills are as follows:

1. Learning CPR to avoid cardiac failure

The basic life surviving skill that one can learn is cardio pulmonary resuscitation. It refers to
combination of chest compressions with ventilation. The artificial ventilation is a drastic attempt
to keep intact the functions of brain during emergency situation. It can give temporary relief
before taking any other medical aid. This can help in reinstating and restoring the circulation of
blood in a person with cardiac arrest. CPR is one of the most important and useful first aid skills.
The hands only CPR can be a spontaneous and immediate source of relief for persons with
cardiac arrest before proceeding towards necessary medical treatment.
2 how to treat a Wound
In everyday life, one comes across wounds such as minor cuts, snake bites and abrasions. If
somebody gets hurt with a wound then the foremost priority is to provide the immediate relief.
The basic medical aid can help in speeding up the recovery process. It also minimizes the risk of
infection. The first step in this regard is to control the bleeding by applying pressure upon the
area. Afterwards, clean the wounded area properly to stop the spread of infection. Before
cleaning or dressing the wound, one should ensure to clean the hands to prevent contamination
and infection of the wound. The rinsing of wound with clean and lukewarm water will reduce the
risk of infection. Thus, appropriate medical aid can prevent from further injury. The general
information about how to clean and wrap the wound can be of immense help in emergency

4. The Heimlich maneuver

Another lifesaving trick that one can undertake during choking is Heimlich maneuver. In
everyday life situations, most of the time we encounter kids choked by some toy or food. It
usually happens when the food or some toy has blocked the throat. In such situations, lack of
oxygen can cause brain damage in 4 to 6 minutes. Thus, Rapid first aid can serve as a lifesaving
hack. If one finds someone in a similar situation then the response should be quick. Sometimes
Patting don’t help rather the best measure is to apply this maneuver. During such critical
situations, the immediate skill is to undertake abdominal thrusts. One should Wrap or position
behind the person and make upward and inward thrusts with the help of fist. It can help in
dislodging the blocked things or particles that has blocked-the airways

6. Stop the Bleeding

The medical lifesaving skills are essential in providing an immediate response. One such medical
critical situation is with regard to excessive bleeding. It is crucial to stop the bleeding because
Arterial bleeds can be fatal. A patient can die within minutes if bleeding don’t stop. In any
situation when an injured person is bleeding from a main artery or vein, the immediate medical
aid can be stopping the bleeding. If it don’t happen then it can be a matter of life and death for a
bleeding person. In this regard, the first step is to apply direct pressure and pack the wound.
Afterwards, one can make a tourniquet. This can be effective in stopping the bleeding.

5. Treat a Burn

Another common survival skill can be how to treat the burn. It is a tissue damage that happens
due to contact with flames or electricity. The first step is to determine the degree of burn. The
burn injuries ranges from minor to major degree. All the degrees of burn injuries need immediate
medical treatment. The basic remedy is to apply any topical ointment in case of first degree. The
major burn injuries are usually accompanied by whitening of the skin, blistering, and numbness.
These burns need immediate treatment from doctor.


Urban, Alan. "9 Most Important First Aid Skills To Learn | Urban Survival Site". Urban
Survival Site,

 MacWelch, Tim. "10 Essential First-Aid Skills That Every Outdoorsperson Should
Master". Outdoor Life, 2019,

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