Spelling Bee Round Self Working Card Magic Series # 1 Effect # 1

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This is a three-phase routine where the spectator reads the mind of the magician.
For those that don’t know the principle (which describes 99-plus percent of the
magicians and 100 percent of the rest of the world) this has the potential of
knocking the wind out of them.
Give it a try on someone who has fairly good eye-hand coordination.
Round 1. “Would you like to be the star of a world-class mind reading act?”
Openly remove all the clubs from the deck and table the deck face up.
Openly arrange the clubs numerically in a face up packet with the 2 at the face
and the ace at the rear as you say, “4 world-class mind reader like yourself will of
course have the luxury of an experienced assistant in each of your performances.
As you know, the assistant to a mind reader is often the key behind many
routines, for he or she may secretly pass information to the” mind reader” Table
the packet face up in front of the spectator. “Okay, I'm thinking of one of the
cards in your packet. Read my mind - or at least act as if’ you're reading my mind.
Have you got it? Great!
When I turn my back, you'll silently spell out the name of that card while quietly
transferring one card for each letter from the top to the bottom of your face up
packet. For example, if you think my card is the 10 of clubs, you'll go...” Pick up
the face up deck and whisper, “T-E-N-O-F-C-L-U-B-S” as you transfer one card for
each letter. Table the deck face down near you.
“Okay? Please pick up your packet. Tell me when you're done.” Tum your back.
When notified, say, “Good. Now, the card staring at you is your assistant. [don't
know if it’s a he, a she, or an it ... but I'll use feminine pronouns. She is instructing
you to silently spell out her name, while you again transfer one card for each
letter from the top to the bottom of your packet. Start this process beginning with
her. Tell . me when you’re done”. When notified, say, “Tilt your packet towards
yourself, so when I turn around in a moment, I won't see the card which is staring
directly at you.”
Face the spectator. “If you and your assistant have done a good job, then the card
staring at you is the one I'm thinking of. I'm thinking of the... jack of clubs.” It will
always be the jack of clubs.
Round 2. “Congratulations! You're truly a mind reader! Or you simply may have
chosen the right assistant to help you. But you might have had beginners luck, so
we'll continue where we left off. I'm thinking of another of the cards.
Read my mind — or at least act as if you're reading my mind. Have you got it?
Great! When I turn my back, spell out its name as you transfer one card for each
letter from the top to the bottom of your packet.
Tell me when you're done.”
Turn around. When notified, say, “Good. Now, the card you're staring at is your
assistant for this round. She is instructing you to silently spell out her name, while
you again transfer cards from the top to the bottom of your packet.
Start this process beginning on her. Tell me when you're done.”
When notified, say, “Good.
Now tilt your packet towards yourself, so when I turn around,
I won't see the card which is staring directly at you.”
Face the spectator. “If you and your assistant have done a good job, then the card
staring at you is the one I'm thinking of. I'm thinking of the... 7 of clubs.”
It will always be the seven of clubs.
Round 3. “Congratulations! You're truly a mind reader! Or you may have chosen
the right assistant again to help you. We'll ry once more but this time we'll make
it look more difficult.
We'll make it look as if you're doing this blindfolded.”
Take the packet from the spectator and hold it face up.
“So Jar, you've always been transferring face up cards from the top to the bottom
of your packet.”
While saying this, transfer the 7then the 8 to the bottom as an indicatory gesture.
“Both times you saw the final card staring at you before I announced it. This time,
you won't see the final card before I announce it, because your packet will be face
down - as if you're blindfolded.”
Turn the packet face down.
“This time you'll always be transferring face down cards from the top to the
bottom of your packet.” While saying this, point to the top of the packet and then
the face of the packet as an indicatory gesture.
“I'm thinking of another of the cards.
Read my mind— or at least act as if you’ re reading my mind. Have you got it?
Great! When I turn my back, spell out its name as you transfer one card for each
letter from the top to the bottom of your packet.
Tell me when you're done.”
Hand the packet to the spectator. Turn your back.
When notified, say, “Good. Now as any world-class mind reader knows, peeking
under the blindfold is an often-used technique.
So, please tilt up your packet to take a peek at the bottom card.
That's who your assistant is for this round.
Now tilt the packet back down.
Please spell your assistants name as you transfer cards from the top to the
bottom of the packet.
When you're done, place your packet on the table without looking at the bottom
Face the spectator when notified. “If you're truly a mind reader, then you've been
thinking of the card which I've been thinking... thinking ... think... king!”
On your last word, turn the packet face up to reveal the king.
Background. This effect is a simplification of Marty’s Excelling in Spelling
Foretelling from Onyx 8 (1999). That effect was an extension of the principle used
in his Spelling Foretelling from issue #66 of The Trapdoor (1997).
All were inspired by the interactive ‘Clock Effect’ from The Magic of David
XVI (1995).
The segment eventually saw print as Jim Steinmeyer’s One O ‘clock Mystery in his
Impuzzibilities (2002). Steinmeyer’s effect has one phase. and you're done.”

eEnjoy !
From The Magic Man SELF

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