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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the letter of your choice that corresponds to the best answer. Write the letter of
your answer on the answer sheet.

1. An inquiry is a method that has the aim of extending knowledge, undertaking doubt, or solving a problem. Which
of the following is a way of inquiring ideas which will help you to develop concepts and focusing technique by
asking questions and knowing the interests of the persons involve in the said issues?
A. Research C. Investigation
B. Immersion D. Brainstorming
2. A common challenge when beginning to write a research paper is determining how to narrow down your topic.
Which of the following refers to the researcher’s abilities, financial capacity, resources in terms of instruments,
facilities, and time frame?
A. Personal resources C. Interest in the subject matter
B. Limitations of the subject D. Richness of available resources or supporting
evidence of appropriateness
3. When formulating an effective research title, which of the following statements must be considered?
A. The title must be in the phrase form.
B. Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the study.
C. Include analysis of, study of, an investigation of and the like.
D. The title must be limited to 10 to 15 substantive words. Conjunctions (and, but, because), prepositions (in, on,
at) and articles (the, a, an) are not counted.
4. Research is an investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of
accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws.
Which of the following is an importance of research?
A. Research helps develop tools for assessing effectiveness of any practice and operation
B. Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further productivity in any field.
C. Research provides a scientific basis for any practice or methodology in any field or discipline.
D. All the above
5. One of the most important considerations for every research is selecting a research topic. A research topic serves as
the basis of each research undertaking. It directs how the research will be carried out. Identify which of the following
must be a criterion in choosing a good research problem.

I. Arose intellectual curiosity III. Be general and not specific

II. Fill in a research gap IV. Be completed beyond the given period of
A. I only C. I, II and III
B. I and II D. I, II, and IV

Linao National High School

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6. Analyze the following statements, which of the following is true about qualitative research?
I. Uses structured research instruments like questionnaires or schedules
II. Usually concerned with generating hypothesis from data rather than testing a hypothesis
III. Used to gain greater understanding of individual differences in terms of feelings, motives, and experiences
IV. Involves processes, feelings, and motives (the why’s and the how’s) and produce in-depth and holistic data
A. I and II C. I, III and IV
B. I and II, III D. II, III, and IV
FOR ITEMS 7 – 12| One of the purposes of research is to address the pressing issues in the society. As a student who
is a keen observer and is aware, construct a research proposal about “Senior High School Students, SARS CoV-2,
Modality of Learning/Instruction” which is a timely concern. Proposed research must be original, concise, clear,
specific, and reflects the topic to be explored.



8. General Statement of the Problem

9. Specific Research Question




13. Related literature can be taken from primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Which of the following is an example
of tertiary source of literature?
A. Indexes C. Review Articles
B. Textbooks D. Academic Research
14. What characteristic of materials to be cited bearing essential information to clarify and deepen the issues and
concepts of the research being conducted, otherwise, the material should not be considered for the review?
A. Recency C. Relevance
B. Objectivity D. Conciseness
15. The making of list of references or bibliography follows specific standards and format. Which of the following is
used in citing with notes and bibliography system?
A. Turabian Style C. American Psychological Association or APA
B. Chicago Manual of Style D. Modern Language Association or MLA Style
16. What citation style uses an author-date system and is widely used in the Social Sciences field such as Anthropology,
Business, Communication, Education, Political Science, and Psychology?
A. Turabian Style C. American Psychological Association or APA
B. Chicago Manual of Style D. Modern Language Association or MLA Style
17. Securing a scholarly reference list or bibliography takes away violations of the ethical standards in is
expected that a complete reference should be present in the list of references or bibliography section of your research
paper. Which of the following pertains to the breach of contract between the authors and the publishers about the
coverage or scope of circulation and distribution of the original work.
A. Plagiarism C. Ethical Standards in Writing
B. Copyright Infringement D. Intellectual Property code of the Philippines
18. Which of the following refers to the integration of different sources coming from different references in order to
make a meaningful whole of ideas in a study?
A. Citation C. Related Studies
B. Synthesis D. Literature Review
19. Literature review is a process of studying what has already been written on a topic. The process involves identifying,
locating, and analyzing documents that contain information related to a researcher’s research topic. Which among
the following statement/s is/are not the purpose/s for which the literature review is done?
A. To integrate and summarize what is known in an area.
B. To show the path of prior research and how a current project is linked to it.
C. To demonstrate a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish credibility.
D. All the above
20. In writing a review of related literature, how is by topic approach in organizing the literature review done?
A. This approach in organizing the review puts emphasis on the timeline of development or the year the materials
were written.
B. This manner of organizing the review highlights the interrelationship of concepts which support the
development of the current study.
C. Presenting different authors even though they have similar ideas and each point of view of every author is
explained and expound to back up the main idea being presented
D. All the above
21. Valuable and pertinent information must be eyed while looking for a literature that can be incorporated for review.
Which of the following question/s must be asked in evaluating the Objectivity of the material to be used?
A. Is the information biased?
B. Is the information error-free?
C. Does it provide basic or in-depth coverage?
D. Is the author affiliated with a reputable university or organization in this subject field?
22. A citation is set of rules on how to cite sources in an academic writing. This give credits to the original author/authors
to avoid plagiarism. Which among the following is not an importance of citation?
A. It served as a legal basis in crafting the results of your study.
B. It ensures the ethical and academic honesty of someone’s work
C. It is helpful for anyone who wants to find out more about your ideas and where they came from.
D. Citing sources strengthens your work by lending outside support to your ideas.

23. In citing reference, how is the Modern Language Association being used?
A. This style involves putting relevant source information in parentheses after the quote or paraphrase.
B. The author’s surname and year of publication in the citation with a complete detail in the bibliography of the
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

24. Synthesizing an RRL must demonstrate a critical analysis of the papers or sources that the researcher collected,
A. Synthesis determines the question, “Which sources overlap or share the same opinion/findings?”
B. A synthesis answers the question, “Have the researcher found any common traits or themes in the research
C. Synthesizing the collection of sources gathered in the research paper is only partially essential in conducting
D. Synthesis and analysis usually go together when you are synthesizing your Review of Related Literature.

25. What style of citation was used on this given example below?

In his influential 2003 study, Jenkins described…

A. Turabian Style C. American Psychological Association or APA

B. Chicago Manual of Style D. Modern Language Association or MLA Style
FOR ITEMS 25 – 31| Given the criteria in evaluating literature employed in the following statements, analyze the
following and choose you answers from the box below.


26. “This paper went through a peer evaluation. This must be a thorough research.”
27. “Upon reading the title, I thought it is relevant to my study, but as I read on, it is not.”
28. “I wonder why the conclusion of this research was not congruent to his results. I will discard this.”
29. “The results of this research were also proven in the previous research I read. I will include this.”
30. “This study was conducted in the late 1990. This does no longer apply in today’s world. I will look for another.”
31. “Oh, this education-related research was conducted by a professor emeritus from Harvard University. This shall go
on my list.”
32. Research design is the process of structuring techniques and strategies that help researchers solve their problems or
answer their questions. Which of the following research design is widely used by social scientists since it aims to
examine contemporary situations that are happening in real life?
A. Causal Design C. Descriptive Design
B. Case Study Design D. Cross-sectional Design
33. Which of the following research design mainly involves data from secondary sources and primary documents and
artifacts, such as but not limited to records, materials, archives and visual artifacts like maps, images, and footages
or recordings?
A. Historical Design C. Exploratory Design
B. Case Study Design D. Cross Sectional Design
34. Which of the following pertains to the specific manner or ways of selecting the sample?
A. Data Collection C. Analysis Procedure
B. Research Design D. Sampling Technique
35. Sampling is a statistical procedure that is concerned with the selection of certain individual observation from the
target population. Which sampling methods is based on chance events (random numbers, flipping a coin)?
A. Cluster Sampling C. Probability Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling D. Non-probability Sampling
36. Primary data collection refers to data that is collected from research participants directly by the investigators of a
study and the data is used for that study. Which of the following is/are sources of primary data?
A. Interviews C. Questionnaires
B. Experiments D. All the above
37. Which of the following data collection method is done through process of asking questions to key informants or
respondents about the topics of the research. can be done through face-to-face, over the telephone or computer
A. Interview C. Questionnaire – Checklist
B. Documentary Review D. Focus Group Discussion
38. Which of the following data collection strategy makes use of books, journals, magazine, art works, songs,
pictures, and others to obtain common themes or construct for analysis?
A. Interview C. Observation
B. Survey D. Documentary Analysis
39. Which among the following contrasts population from sample?
A. Population is a complete group. Sample is a subset or a non-representative part of a larger population.
B. Population is a part of the sample to be studied. Sample is the total representative of the population’s
C. Population includes all people or item with one characteristic to understand and draw inferences about them.
Sample is used to determine truth about the population.
D. Both A and C
40. Which among the following can be distinguished as factors in determining sample size?
A. Homogeneity of the population. C. Both A and B
B. Degree of precision desired by the researcher. D. Neither A nor B
41. There are several types of non-probability samples that researchers use and one of which is Snowball Sampling.
Which of the following explains how snowball sampling is conducted?
A. a researcher identifies categories that are important to the study and for which there is likely to have variation.
B. a researcher simply collects data from those people or other relevant elements to which he or she has most
convenient access.
C. One research participant refers another, and that person refers another, and that person refers another—thus a
chain of potential participants is identified.
D. a researcher must begin with specific perspectives in mind that he or she wishes to examine and then seeks out
research participants who will cover the full range of perspectives.
42. Tracking physical, behavioral, and other aspects from the target sample over a period is the major concern of the
researcher in the observation data collection method. Which of the following characterizes participative observation
as one of the data gathering instrument?
A. This interview requires the researcher to be involved in the activities of the subjects.
B. The subjects are taken away from their usual situation and will experience the ideal conditions set by the
C. The researcher observes the subjects in their actual setting or natural environment without the intrusion or
involvement of the researcher.
D. The researcher holds only an outline of topics. The questions will be spontaneously asked to form a conversation
with the interviewee.
43. Regardless of the field of study or preference for defining data (quantitative, qualitative), accurate data collection is
essential to maintaining the integrity of research. What is/are the consequence/s of improperly collected data?
A. Inability to repeat and validate the study
B. Distorted findings resulting in wasted resources
C. Misleading other researchers to pursue fruitless avenues of investigation
D. All the above
44. Poorly written manuals increase the risk of failing to identify problems and errors early in the research endeavor.
This failure is not detailed through which of the following demonstration/s?
A. Partial listing of items to be collected
B. Apparent instructions for using, adjusting, and calibrating data collection equipment
C. Uncertainty about the timing, methods, and identify of person(s) responsible for reviewing data
D. Failure to identify specific content and strategies for training or retraining staff members responsible for data

FOR ITEMS 45 – 50| Analyze the given research question in every item. Identify what data collection instrument/s
(Interviews, Surveys and Questionnaire, Observation, Document Review) can be used based on the different research
situations below and state your reason.

45-46. How did the school program prepare the students for what they will do after they graduated from high school?

47-48. What are the prepared programs of the school for their students after they graduated from high school?

49-50. How does restricting the use of mobile phones in school affect the student’s social interaction?

– end –

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