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Illness caused
by Bacteria
Let me present it to you!
What is Foodborne Illness?
Foodborne illness is caused by consuming
contaminated foods or beverages. Many
different disease-causing microbes or
pathogens can contaminate foods, so there
are many different types of foodborne
Most foodborne diseases are infections
caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and
parasites. Other diseases are poisonings
caused by harmful toxins or chemicals that
have contaminated food.
Campylobacteriosis is an infection caused
by bacteria you can get from contaminated
food and water. It causes diarrhea.
Campylobacter can enter your body
through contaminated water,
unpasteurized milk or cheese, and raw or
undercooked poultry (and sometimes
other kinds of meats and seafood).
Wash your hands before cooking
SYMPTOMS and after$50
touching raw
gift certificate
poultry or

Keep uncooked meat and poultry

Diarrhea, sometimes
$50 gift certificate away from other foods, such as
bloody vegetables, by using separate
Nausea cutting boards, utensils, and
Vomiting cooking surfaces.
Wash your hands after touching a
Belly cramps pet or pet poop.
Bloating Make sure your child or anyone
Fever with diarrhea washes their hands
Escherichia coli is a major
bacteria species and can live in
human intestines. Some E. coli
species do not cause disease.
But, there are other types of E.
coli that can cause severe
illness. E. coli can enter your
body through contaminated
food or water, and is often
involved in major foodborne
outbreaks around the world.
Before you prepare food
SYMPTOMS Before preparing bottles or food
$50 gift certificate
for infants or toddlers
Before touching anything, such as
Abdominal cramps
$50 gift certificate a pacifier, that goes into a small
Diarrhea, which may be child’s mouth.
bloody After you’ve used the bathroom or
Nausea changed a diaper
Constant fatigue After you’ve had contact with
animals, even your own pets
After handling raw meat
A staph infection is caused by a
Staphylococcus (or "staph") bacteria.
These staph infections range from a
simple boil to antibiotic-resistant
infections to flesh-eating infections.
Staph infections are caused by
staphylococcus bacteria, types of germs
commonly found on the skin or in the
nose of even healthy individuals. But
staph infections can turn deadly if the
bacteria invade deeper into your body,
entering your bloodstream, joints,
bones, lungs or heart.
Before you prepare food
SYMPTOMS Always wash
$50 giftyour hands before
cooking or eating food.
Make sure that your food is
Nausea and
$50 gift vomiting
certificate properly sealed and stored.
Diarrhea Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.
Dehydration Anything that comes in contact
Low blood pressure with raw products should be
sanitized before using it to
prepare other foods.
Make sure to always wash fruits
and vegetables before serving.
Thank you
for listening!
Presented by: Lanz Kenneth O. Gutierrez

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