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Reagent Red Blood Cells: 3% & 5%

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Reagent The ideal
Red Blood In your daily work routine, you rely on the quality
and efficiency of column agglutination technology,

Cells: such as Grifols DG Gel®. However, whether

you operate a small laboratory or a larger fully
automated service, there are times when you will

3% & 5% need to adopt conventional techniques for resolving

any problematic cases that may arise. It is vital for
you to have a wide range of conventional reagents:

the tube technique continues to be the method of
reference for analyzing complex samples, and is
used by all Transfusion Services and the world’s

YOU NEED most important reference laboratories.

to resolve Grifols 3% & 5% Reagent Red Blood Cells

are the ideal companion for your routine
technique, for resolving complex cases.

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Benefit from our Confidence and reliability
You are committed to delivering precise and accurate
experience results to ensure the best health-care possible for
patients. Grifols has a proven track record for producing
Grifols has a vast amount of experience and expert high quality reliable 3% & 5% Reagent Red Blood Cells
knowledge in the field of Transfusion Medicine, and we that you can rely on.
offer a full range of blood typing solutions to meet all You can also choose from a wide range of internal
your different needs. quality controls that best adapt to your quality assurance
In our catalogue of conventional reagents you will find protocols to ensure that you deliver certainty to those
a wide range of 3% & 5% Reagent Red Blood Cells who depend on you.
for reverse grouping, screening and identification of
irregular antibodies, internal quality controls, enhancing Peace of mind
media, auxiliary solutions and instrumentation. The antigen profile provided shows the real results of
By using our high quality panels for conducting typing red blood cell donors. There are no presumptive
conventional techniques you will discover important determinations; therefore you can fully rely on the
indications shown in the table.


We ensure that you have a constant supply of
Reagent Red Blood Cells in perfect conditions for use,
at all times. Our panels are stable for a minimum
of 35 days after delivery to your laboratory when stored
at 2-8 ºC.

Simplicity and convenience

By working with Grifols DG Gel® system and our
conventional reagents, after-sales technical support
can be optimized, so that you fully benefit from all our
areas of expertise. With just one point of contact for
everything you need, your logistics and paperwork will
be simplified and reduced.
In addition, by using Grifols 0.8% and 3% & 5% panels
you will benefit from easier stock and shipment
handling by having a unified delivery schedule.

Reagent Red Blood Cell suspensions

Determination at 5%, from A1 ccddee, A2, B ccddee

and O CcD.Ee donors, used for the

of the reverse group determination of the reverse group in tube,

plate, slide or microplate.


213383 Reverse-Cyte® A1, A 2, B, O 5% 4 x 5 ml (A1, A 2, B, O)

213388 Reverse-Cyte® A1 5% 1 x 5 ml (A1)

213389 Reverse-Cyte® A 2 5% 1 x 5 ml (A 2)

213390 Reverse-Cyte B 5%
1 x 5 ml (B)

213391 Reverse-Cyte® O 5% 1 x 5 ml (O)

Reverse‐Cyte® 5% Specifications

Choose between purchasing the individual • The combination of A1 and A2 provides for an effective
vial or a kit containing all four, depending on your way of detecting irregular anti-A1.
particular needs. • The preservative does not inhibit the activation
of complement; therefore it permits detection of
Reverse‐Cyte® 5% can also be used together hemolysins.
with screening cells (Sero-Cyte® 3% or Screen-
Cyte® 3%) for the detection of cold antibodies.

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Sero-Cyte® and Screen-Cyte® are O
blood group panels of two and three cells,
respectively, at a 3% suspension.

Screening of The antigen configuration of these panels is

specifically selected for screening clinically

irregular antibodies relevant irregular antibodies. They are

intended for use with the tube method.


213384 Sero-Cyte® 3% 2 x 10 ml (I, II)

213385 Screen-Cyte® 3% 3 x 10 ml (I, II, III)

213628 Screen-Cyte® Diª 3% 3 x 10 ml (I, II, III Diª)

213803 Diego(a)-Cyte 3% ®
1 x 10 ml (Diª)

Sero-Cyte® 3% Screen-Cyte® 3%
The perfect option where there are no restrictions to using & Screen-Cyte Dia 3%
two-cell panels and where cost-efficiency is a priority. Screen-Cyte® 3%
Specifications Intended for laboratories that appreciate the additional
information provided by a third donor, such as the
• The Rh phenotype is as follows:
availability of a positive cell for the Lua and the Kpa.
Cell 1 (R1R1w )
Screen-Cyte Dia 3%
Cell 2 ccD.EE (R2R2) For screening populations where the Dia antigen is more
frequent, such as the indigenous peoples of South America
(36%), the Japanese (12%), and the Chinese (12%).
• The Rh phenotype of Screen-Cyte® 3% is as follows:
Cell 1 (R1R1w )
In addition to the Data-Cyte Plus 3% ®

Cell 2 ccD.EE (R2R2)

identification panel, Screen-Cyte® 3% cells can
help in the differentiation of multiple antibodies. Cell 3 ccddee (rr)

Rhesus MNS P1 Lewis Lutheran Kell Duffy Kidd Diego
PRODUCT D C E c e Cw M N S s P1 Lea Leb Lua Lub K k Kpa Kpb Fya Fyb Jka Jkb Dia
Sero-Cyte® 3% • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Screen-Cyte® 3% • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Screen-Cyte® Diª 3% • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Diego(a)-Cyte® 3% •

• Guaranteed antigens • Guaranteed homozygous expression

Data-Cyte® Plus are O blood group eleven-cell
and twelve-cell panels at a 3% suspension.
The antigen configuration is specifically
selected for the individual identification of

Identification of clinically relevant irregular antibodies, as well

as for the large majority of the most frequent

irregular antibodies antibody combinations. They are intended for

use with the tube method.

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213392 Data-Cyte® Plus 3% 11 x 4 ml (1 to 11)

213626 Data-Cyte® Plus Diª 3% 12 x 4 ml (1 to 12 Dia)

Data-Cyte Plus 3% Specifications

These stable panels have a proven track record in the • Panel with 6 D positive cells and 5 D negative cells.
market for high quality. They have an excellent donor • When anti-D is present, it allows for the identification
combination and are extensively characterized. of a second antibody for Kidd, Duffy, MNS or K.
Data-Cyte Plus Dia 3% • There are 4 possible complementary combinations of
For identification in populations where the Dia antigen is Duffy and Kidd.
more frequent, such as the indigenous peoples of South
• At least one cell negative for D, C, E, c, e, M, N, S, P1,
America (36%), the Japanese (12%), and the Chinese.
Lea, Leb, K, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb and Xga.
• At least one cell positive for Lua, Kpa, V, Ysa, Cw and f.
The Data-Cyte® Plus 3% panel is uniquely


designed so that it may be used either • On occasions, the panel may include one of the
independently or in conjunction with reagent Red following features: k negative cell and Wra positive cell
Blood Cells for antibody screening (Sero-Cyte® (frequently appearing), Cob positive cell, Lub negative
3% or Screen-Cyte® 3%). cell and Vel negative cell.

Rhesus MNS P1 Lewis Lutheran
PRODUCT D C E c e f Cw V M N S s Mg Vw U P1 Lea Leb Lua Lub
Data-Cyte Plus 3% • • • • • • • • • • • • X X • • • • • •
Data-Cyte Plus Dia 3% • • • • • • • • • • • • X X • • • • • •

Kell Duffy Kidd Sex Diego I Vel Ge Yt
Fy a
Xga Dia
I Vel Ge Yta
Data-Cyte Plus 3% • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Data-Cyte Plus Dia 3% • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Guaranteed antigens • Guaranteed homozygous expression • Antigens guaranteed for all donors X Antigens not present in any donor

Quality controls

Essential II Control Quality management is necessary to ensure that


This quality control is for use with ABO/Rh(D) laboratory performance is reliable and accurate on a daily
grouping, determination of the Rh phenotype and basis. To assure transfusion safety, internal controls must
K antigen and screening of irregular antibodies. be conducted at regular intervals in accordance with local
It can be used in conjunction with conventional
and national guidelines. By using the internal controls you
techniques, the DG Gel® System (manual or
automated) and the MDmulticard® System (ref. can detect irregularities and malfunctions caused by the
210503 & 210505). reagent, the instrument, the method used, or even due to
• It consists of a double set of two simulated whole the environment.
blood tubes (Hct 15% ±2%).
Grifols provides all the essential controls for routine pre-
• The tubes configuration is as follows:
transfusion testing in the immunohematology laboratory
Tube 1 A rr (ccddee), Kpos, with anti-B when working with Reagent Red Blood Cells 3&5%.
and anti-D (approx. 0.05 IU/ml)
Tube 2 B R1R2 (CcD.Ee) K neg., Fya neg. with
anti-A and anti-Fya 213287 Essential II Control 2 x 2 x 6 ml

213286 Extended IV Control 4 x 6 ml

Extended IV Control 213394 Coombs Control 1 x 10 ml
This comprehensive quality control is for use with ABO/ 213393 4 x 10 ml
Rh(D) grouping, determination of the Rh phenotype 213398 Sero-Control 1 x 5 ml
and K antigen and screening of irregular antibodies.
This control is useful with conventional techniques, 213399 Seroweak-Control 1 x 5 ml

the DG Gel® System (manual or automated) and the

MDmulticard® System.
• It consists of a single set of four simulated whole
blood tubes (Hct 15% ±2%).
• The tubes configuration is as follows:
Tube 1 A2B R1R2 (CcD.Ee), Kpos
Tube 2 A R1wR1 (, Fy(a-b+),
with anti-B and anti-Fya
Tube 3 B R2R2 (ccD.EE), with anti-A
Tube 4 O rr (ccddee), kk, with anti-A,
anti-B and anti-D (approx. 0.05 IU/ml)
Extended IV Control Essential II Control

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Coombs Control Seroweak-Control

A positive control for polyspecific or monospecific A weak positive control sera for an effective control of
antiglobulin tests. It provides a sure way to rule out the the test system and reagents in the indirect antiglobulin
possibility of false negative results, occasionally caused tests. It should be run in parallel with each series of
by insufficient cells washing, neutralization of the compatibility tests and antibody screening tests.
Coombs medium, inadequate washing of the tubes, non
• Each vial of Seroweak-Control contains approximately
functional or undispensed reagents. It is essential when
10 ng/ml (0.05 IU/ml) of pooled human anti-D
doing AHG tests in conventional methods.
antibodies with preservatives. It gives a positive
• Each vial of Coombs Control contains human red
reaction in the IAT tests with all erythrocytes
blood cells of O group and Rh (D) positive, sensitized
presenting normal structures of the D antigen.
with human IgG anti-D, in a 5 % suspension.
• Agglutination indicates a proper functioning
• Positive agglutination of the control cells indicates that
of the test system.
the antiglobulin serum was active and, therefore, the
original test is valid.



A positive control sera for an effective control of the test

system and reagents in the antiglobulin and enzymatic
tests. It should be run in parallel with each series of
compatibility tests and antibody screening tests.
• Each vial of Sero-Control contains a blend of human IgG
Rhesus antibodies (not anti-D) with preservatives; it gives a
positive reaction with erythrocytes of all Rhesus types. These Red Blood Cell and serum-based controls
are available for conventional techniques.
• Agglutination indicates a proper functioning of the
test system.

• A variety of enhancing media suitable
for potentiating the reaction of the most
Enhancing media clinically relevant antibodies.

and auxiliary solutions • Enhancing solutions in different formats

that adapt to your different requirements.


213577 Enlisst®-II 6x10 ml

213576 A low-ionic-strength solution (LISS) that 1x50 ml
is suitable for pre-transfusion tests in
conventional techniques.

213578 Bromelase® 30 1x10 ml

A liquid bromelin solution for performing
enzyme assays using conventional
techniques and DG Gel® cards.

213580 Immusol Compact 1x500 ml

A 1:20 concentrated phosphate-buffered
isotonic saline solution (PBS) to be used
prepare red blood cell suspensions and as
a washing solution in immunohematology
conventional techniques.

213422 Specific Albumin 22% 1x10 ml

213571 Polymer 6x10 ml
213572 A bovine serum albumin 22% (polymer) 100x10ml
solution used to potentiate
antigen-antibody reactions in
conventional techniques.

213573 Specific Albumin 30% 6x10 ml

213574 Monomer 1x50 ml
213575 A bovine serum albumin 30% (monomer) 100x10 ml
solution used to potentiate antigen-
antibody reactions in conventional


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Immufuge IV

An easy to use compact centrifuge that holds twelve

tubes (12 x 75 mm), and is ideal for use in the blood
bank and laboratory. The time, speed and deceleration
can be adjusted accordingly. There is a digital LCD
control panel and the spin speed can be controlled in
rpm or in RCF.

The centrifuge operates in silence (< 60 dB) and no

maintenance is required. The housing is made from
stainless steel and is resistant to corrosion; it can also
be used with fixed-angle rotors. An automatic sensor
detects any imbalance during centrifuging.

Technical specifications
Measurements (cm): 28 x 37 x 26
Weight: 10.7 Kg


Power supply: 230V, 50 Hz

Product reference: 213664

Do you need to explore even further?

Genotyping has been demonstrated to be a highly effective tool that

complements serology in extremely challenging cases.
Send us your complex samples, and we will use the latest blood group
genotyping technologies to resolve any doubts.
For conclusive results, ask your sales representative about
Grifols BLOODchip Service .

@ I.H. Laboratory
RESULt advanced

reference laboratOrY

Grifols International, S. A.
Av. de la Generalitat, 152
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès - ESPAÑA
Tel. +34 935 710 500
Fax. +34 935 710 267

These reagents and equipment comply with the Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament

and of the Council on in vitro diagnostic medical devices. CE Mark Certification.

Medion Grifols Diagnostics AG

Bonnstrasse 9 CH-3186 Duedingen - SWITZERLAND Tel. +41(26)4928511

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