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Mother 1 FAQ/Walkthrough

For the Gameboy Advance

Version 1.0 (Created 9/21/2005)
By Devin Morgan

This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1. What's New
2. Introduction
3. Credits
4. Copyright Notice

-= 1. What's New -=

Version 1.0 (9/21/05): The first, complete version of this FAQ for both games
on the cartridge.

-= 2. Introduction -=

Mother 1

After so many years, Nintendo releases the game that started it all (and has yet to reach US shores), as well as its
popular sequel, on a single GBA cartridge. It is pretty much an exact port, except for some cosmetic changes and minor
glitches being fixed. It even features the same characters from its sequel, but with different names. The concept is
generally the same as EarthBound (Mother 2) though: go to 8 places and get the special song from each, then defeat the
evil alien boss. It is also a fresh breath away from the traditional RPG styles of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest which
were also popular in Japan at the time. At any rate, if it's a quirky and interesting role-playing game you want, this may
be worth a shot, especially since it most likely won't ever make it to American shores, sadly.

Mother 2
During the midpoint of the Super Famicom's lifespan, there came a rather unique RPG title, which has become quite the
cult favorite in the present. That game is called Mother 2 (EarthBound in the US). Basically, Mother 2 is an RPG game
at heart, but with many funky twists, not to mention the popular sequel to the Japan-only Mother 1 found on this same
cartridge. The MANY references to life in the 1960s (battle backgrounds, some of the enemies, the way some places
look), as well as the use of many funny sayings, are the highlights of this game, in my opinion. The story is pretty
unique compared to the customary "find crystals, defeat major bad guy, save the princess/world/town" approach. I will
not say more about the game here, other than the fact that if you have yet to play this game, now's your chance!

Mother 1 FAQ/Walkthrough

This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1. Story
2. Controls
3. Overview
4. Walkthrough
5. Enemies
6. Weapons
7. Body Equipment
8. Items
9. PSI Spells
10. Shops
11. Secrets/Tips and Tricks

-= 1. Story -=

In the early 1900's, a dark shadow covered a small country town in rural America. At that time, a young married couple
vanished mysteriously from their home.

The man's name was George. The woman's name was Maria. Two years later, as suddenly as he left, George returned.
He never told anyone where he had been or what he had done. But he began an odd study, all by himself.

As for Maria, his wife... She never returned.

80 years have passed since then.

-= 2. Controls -=

Control Pad: Move your character

Start: Check your map
Select: Open player info window
A: Access menu screen, confirm selection on menus
B: Open player info window, cancel selection on menus
L: Check/talk to whatever is in front of you
R: Run (hold while moving)

-= 3. Overview -=

Status Ailments
There are a whole slew of effects that can adversely affect your party as you progress in the game. Usage of Healing PSI
or certain items can help protect against everything the enemies throw at you. Here is a complete list of the status effects
in this game:

Asthma: The player wheezes during each round of battle, making them totally useless until the battle ends, then the
effect goes away. If you can't wait that long, use Asthma Spray on them in battle.

Cold: The character loses 1 HP every few steps outside of battle; use Mouthwash to cure.

Confused: In battle, you can choose the affected character's action, but they will attack another party member or heal the
enemy instead; use a Noble Seed on the person to get rid of this effect.

Paralyze: Makes a character unable to act in battle for a few rounds; use Healing Beta to clear this.

Poison: The character loses 1 HP every few steps outside of battle; use Healing Alpha or Antidote to cure.

Sleep: The character is asleep, totally unable to act on their own. Use Healing Pi to wake them up.

Stone: The affected player turns to stone and cannot move at all; use Healing Gamma to remove it.

Using the ATM

Right from when you start the game, you will be introduced to your first ATM Card. With this, you can obviously visit
one of the many ATM machines throughout the world and withdraw or deposit some cash. When you win battles, your
Dad deposits money into your account, which you can withdraw as needed. If you want to keep updated with your
balance, use a phone and call Dad; he'll tell you over the phone. So basically, carry your ATM Card with you
EVERYWHERE; you never know when there's something you need some extra cash for further ahead.

Visiting the Hospital

When battles turn ugly, there may be times where you have to pay a visit to the local hospital. If you have an
unconscious ally (their ghost is following you), you have to pay the Nurse to revive them. Be prepared to pay if you use
any of the services in the Hospital. If you want to play smart, just stay alive and use lots of healing items to prevent such
a situation!

-= 4. Walkthrough -=


The game opens with the story being displayed on your screen. Read it then press A when it's over to start the game

Ninten's House

When you start off, you will be in Ninten's room. Nothing will happen yet, but move toward the door and the Lamp will
attack you. Defeat it with a couple simple attacks, then exit the room. You'll see two doors to the north that can be
entered. Go into the east one first and defeat another Lamp. In the west room, check the doll out and it will attack you.
Defeat it and you will reach Level 2 in experience. Check the doll again atop the dresser and you will learn the first of
eight melodies you need to memorize for later in the game.

Anyhow, leave your sister's room and go downstairs. Check the phone and you will talk to Dad (calling Dad from a
telephone from here on out is how you save your game progress). He will mention something that might help you in the
basement, however the Basement Key is lost apparently. After you're done with the phone, go outside. Talk to the dog
and check it (you have to use the menu to check here) to get the Basement Key. Go back inside and select the key from
your inventory to open the basement door.

Head downstairs and you will find 3 presents. Open them to get your Great Grandfather's Diary, a Plastic Bat weapon
which you should equip right away, and some Bread. Also a note about equipping gear, you must select it from your
Goods list and hit Use in order for it to be equipped. Anyway, go back upstairs and exit the house.

North of Podunk

From your house, follow the path south and eastward. Now that you're in an open area, you are prone to random enemy
encounters (you don't see them coming like in Mother 2). The baddies you find here are relatively easy (though Wally
can pack a real punch). So, fight around until you gain another level or so in experience (you should also learn Lifeup
Alpha in this time, too). If you get low on health, you can always run home and talk to Mom; she will cook for you and
let you rest for the night.

When you are ready to progress, head east across a bridge. You'll spot a lady panicking in front of the building. Talk to
her and she will explain that her daughter Pippi is missing, and if you're going to Podunk to tell the Mayor about it.
Continue going southward along the path and you will eventually reach the city of Podunk.


When you enter town, be sure to talk with everyone that's around. You will find out about their problem with the
zombies, and one person even points you towards the Canary Village in the northwest. For now, visit the Department
Store. You will need money in here so visit the ATM (it's the machine in the lobby of the Department Store with "CD"
on it). There is also a pay phone you can use for $1 a pop. Go to the top floor, which is the pet shop, and talk to the man
on the left. He will offer you a canary chick, so tell him yes at first. He will ask for $8 in exchange; tell him no and he
will give it to you for free!

Now, head back north to where you entered Podunk (where the sign was) and head west and north through the woods
until you reach a bridge. Cross it and continue west; you will now be walking along a brick wall. Go north through its
opening to enter the Canary Village.

Canary Village

As you wander this canary-filled village, you will get no response if you talk to any of the birds. In the northwest area of
town there is a man. Talk to him and he will see the canary chick you have; tell him you'll give the baby back to the
singing canary Laura, then he will ask where she went. In the north section of the village you will find a line of statues;
one of them is colored differently. Walk behind that one to find a hidden passage going north. Talk to Laura, the singing
canary back there, and select the Canary Chick from your goods menu. Laura will then sing and you will learn the
second tune!

Now that you have the second tune memorized, head back southward out of the village, and return southeast to Podunk
(along the way you may want to fight so you hit Level 5-6 in experience - the higher the better).


Back in town, stop by the Department Store and withdraw some money from the ATM. Then, go to the Hotel and rest
for $39 (alternatively you can run north to your house and rest for free). Also, if you have $500 saved up by now, go
ahead and buy the Wooden Bat in the Department Store. To the left of the store is city hall (it has a sign out front). Go
inside and talk to the Mayor upstairs; he is the one in blue sitting down. He will ask you to help a child that strayed into
the cemetery. Agree to help find the little girl, then leave the city hall.
Now, head to the southeast area of town. You will find a path leading to the south from there. Also, if you talk to a
couple of the people around you will find they have become zombies and will attack you. They are rather powerful, so
be prepared for a fight! Continue southward to a signpost, then go east across the bridges and then south some more.
When the path splits, keep going to the south. When you spot the brick wall, follow it to the left and walk through the
opening to enter the cemetery itself.


In this maze of tombstones, follow the path through the various sections of the cemetery, fighting all sorts of bats and
zombies along the way. This is also a very good area for leveling up (I hit Level 10 at this point in the game, just to give
you an idea), so you may want to spend some time fighting and using PSI Lifeup Alpha when needed. In the last section
of the cemetery, you will find 3 gold pillars, and a pit in between them. Drop into the pit and you will enter an
underground passage.

Going into the passage, head down the steps and through the doorway. In the second room, you will find 4 caskets
rattling on the floor; check them and you will have to fight some zombies. When you open the final casket, you will find
Pippi, the missing girl! She will be glad you saved her, then she will lead you out of the room. Go back upstairs and up
the ladder to exit.

In case you haven't noticed, Pippi is now a member of your party and will fight with you in battle. She is obviously
weak at Level 1, and unequipped, but Ninten should be strong enough to take on everything on his own for now.
Fight around to gain a few levels for Pippi quickly, then make your way westward to the church building. From there,
go north to exit the graveyard. Then, just backtrack your way to Podunk once more.


Back in town, pay a visit to city hall (it's next to the Department Store, if you forgot). Inside, go upstairs and talk to the
Mayor sitting down. He will give you $100 as a reward for returning Pippi. She will leave your party at this time, too.
The Mayor will ask you to check out what's going on at the zoo, so agree to help and he will mention getting the key
from Abbott, his assistant. Talk to the other person in the room to receive the Zoo Key. Now, leave city hall.

Make your way to the northwest section of Podunk, and follow the north path out of town. Go north and you will reach
Pippi's house, where Pippi and her mother will be standing outside. Talk to Pippi and answer No, then Yes to her
questions. She will give you a Franklin Badge. Continue to your house in the northwest to rest/save, then return to
Podunk. When you reach the sign that says welcome, go west. Follow the path west and north, like you're going to the
Canary Village. This time though, when you reach the village perimeter, go north across another bridge and follow the
path to the city zoo.

When you finally reach the zoo, you will spot a monkey standing in front of the gate. Approach it and the monkey will
steal your Zoo Key! When it runs off, go through the broken gate to enter the zoo.

City Zoo

In the zoo, you will face wild animals as your enemies in battle, of course. They give very good experience at this point
in the game, so spend some time fighting to gain a couple levels. Follow the path all around the zoo until you reach the
Superintendent's Office (the tall building). Go inside there and you will see 2 rooms to the north. Enter them and open
the presents to get an Antidote and a Rope. Go upstairs and check the east room's present to find some Bread. On the
third and final floor, first enter the east room and get the LifeUp Cream from the present box.

Now, go into the west room and you will see a floating capsule. Make sure you're at full health before checking it,
though. When you're ready, check the capsule to engage in battle against Starman Jr. The Starman will hit you hard so
be ready to use Lifeup PSI when necessary to avoid dying. Since you should have the Franklin Badge in your inventory,
it will reflect the PK
Beams sent your way so you don't get hurt. Just attack the monster for a few rounds until you defeat it.
Once the Starman is gone, the capsule will fly away and the noise that was bothering the zoo animals will cease. This
also means you will no longer have random enemy encounters within the zoo. Leave the building and go northwest to
the Singing Monkey's cage (it's the one with a white sign in front of it). Read the sign and the monkey will sing its tune,
which you will memorize.

Now that you have the third tune, it's time to make your way westward out of the zoo. Once you go through the gate,
follow the dirt path all the way east and northward across a bridge. You will eventually come to a bridge that is blocked
by 2 guards. Talk to them and you will find the curfew was lifted, and they will let you pass. Continuing onward, you
will meet some new enemies but they are nothing you can't handle. Follow the passage going east until you reach a
cave, then go inside.


In here, go north to a strange swirl. Use your Telepathy PSI on it, and you will communicate with the stone. Then,
before you know it you are warped into the strange world of Magicant.


In this strange and colorful world, there are a lot of people you can talk to. Spend some time entering all the homes and
talking to everyone you can. In the southwest area there is a person in a house who wants to give you a Big Bag in
exchange for your Cash Card. Trade with them, then talk to the person again to get the bag and your card back. Also, in
the east side of town talk to another person inside their house and they will give you an Ocarina (this item is useless so
it's up to you for keeping it).

You may also want to check out the shops in the north section of town, as well as one of the houses in the northwest
segment where you can rest for free. Make your way north through Magicant to exit the town area. There are a few
different areas you can visit outside the town. In the northwest region is a fountain; use your Telepathy PSI on it and an
old man will appear. You can use him to withdraw some cash. Also, if you just walk up to the fountain you will fully
regain your HP.

If you go north and east of the town, you will come to an area blocked off by 3 guards. Talk to the center one and then
use Telepathy PSI to solve their riddle. When they move, go through the gate and enter the castle. Inside, go left and
enter the second door. In the next room, go into the left room and you will come to an area with 3 doorways to enter.
The first two have regular present boxes for you to open. In the far left room there are 6 chests but you can only open
one of them. Here are what the chests contain to aid you in your picking from left to right: (top row) Boomerang, PSI
Stone, Fight Capsule, (bottom row) Rope, Ruler, Berry Tofu. Your best bet in my opinion would probably be the
Boomerang, since everything else is quite useless.

Anyway, go back into the room with 3 doorways. Exit to the right and you'll be in the room with 2 doorways. This time,
enter the east door to the north and you will be in the throne room. Go all the way left and talk to Queen Mary. She will
ask you to sing the melody comprised of 8 notes. You can't do this yet, so you will be returning later of course. For now,
go back right and make your way out of the castle (just keep going through the far right doors).

Back outside, go down and talk to the guards to make them move again. Head to the southeast across the bridge, and
you'll find a patch of small wells in the ground. Walk over them all until you go down into a cave. Below, you will find
2 more holes in the ground. If you drop into a hole, the room below will be of the same layout. So, drop into the
following holes to reach the end: right, left, left, right.

In the new segment, go south and east to a path split. There is a present with a Magic Herb inside, grab it and continue
southward. Go south and east to another present containing a PSI Stone. Heading north, you will find a sleeping dragon
to the west (we'll worry about that later). For now, go east and you will find a hole. Make sure you have high enough
HP, then check the hole to fight a Fish. Defeat it and you will be able to go downstairs. Open the present there to get the
Onyx Hook. This allows you to return to Magicant anytime.

Go back up the ladder and continue northwest. Check the present you come across to get a Sword (if you don't have
room for it, come back later for it since you won't need it for a while). Continue to the end of the maze and you will see
a "forgotten man" in the doorway. Talk to him 5 times and then he starts asking you questions. Tell him you're not a
forgotten man too, then say yes if he asks about ignoring him. This will make him leave, so go through the doorway and
head out of the cave.

Outside once more, make your way northward since that's the only way you can go. When you reach a path split, go
west and down a ramp, then north into the city of Merrysville.


In this new city, walk around and talk to the people for a bit to find out some information. Apparently there are rocks
blocking the railroad tracks, and a bottle rocket from the Duncan factory can clear them. Also, there are beasts around
that attacked some of the people in town. When you get a chance, take out some money from the ATM and rest at the
Hotel for $65. In the Department Store, you should also buy an Aluminum Bat for Ninten.

When you're done, go south to the large school building at the town entrance. Inside, go upstairs and enter the second to
last room on the right. Inside you will find 2 presents with a Plastic Bat and a Slingshot. Go back downstairs and enter
the rightmost room. Talk to the cranky janitor inside and answer his questions in this order: Yes, Yes, No, Yes. Do this
and he will take you to the roof which is otherwise locked. Up on the roof, check the shaking garbage can and talk to the
person hiding inside. Answer Yes to his questions and then he will come out. He will introduce himself as Lloyd (the
weakling that the other kids made fun of) and will mention bottle rockets from Sweet's Little Factory.

So, head back inside and exit the school entirely. Then, make your way all the way southward to the factory.

Sweet's Little Factory

Here, make your way west until you find a ladder leading upstairs. There are plenty of side rooms on this floor and on
the lower level if you climb down a ladder, but all the items that can be had aren't really important, so don't worry about
it. When you reach the ladder going up, climb it and continue to the right. Go up the next ladder and make your way left
this time. When you reach the garbage can, check it to get a Bottle Rocket (there is an infinite supply, but one will
suffice for now). Take it and head back to Merrysville.


Once you make it back to town, go to the school. Head upstairs to the roof and talk to Lloyd once again. He will see the
Bottle Rocket and then takes you to his lab in the school. After destroying the lab, he will become your permanent
friend! Since Lloyd is only Level 1 though, you will need to catch him up a bit before progressing. Also, now is a good
time to equip him with a weapon (either the Stun Gun or the Boomerang will suffice).

As for leveling Lloyd up a bit, your best bet would be to return to Magicant by using the Onyx Hook (you can also buy
him the Magic Coin and Gold Ring to boost defenses there). When Lloyd is around Level 10, return to Merrysville and
head north this time.

When you reach the railroad tracks, follow them to the northwest. You will soon reach the spot where rocks are blocking
the path. From there, go west to the river and then continue north. As you go up the hill to the upper plateau, you will
pick up a Pass which will allow you access to the factory ahead. So, continue north and east at the end, and defeat the
Stray Dog in the way. Then, enter the factory.

Duncan Factory

You will notice that this factory is quite sprawling and wide open, which means there are a lot of areas to explore. Feel
free to wander at your own leisure, but to reach where we need to be, take all the ladders going upward. Make your way
to the very top level, then go all the way left into the last room. Here you will find a rocket on its launcher; check it and
the rocket will launch. Your mission in this factory is now done, so head back out and
return to Merrysville.

Once you're back in the vicinity, rest at the Hotel and call Dad to save your game, then go north to the railroad tracks. If
you follow them to the northwest you will find that the rocket cleared the rocks out of the way. Now that you can
progress, go northwest to the train station. Inside, pay for 2 tickets to Reindeer, and you'll be on your way.

When you arrive at the station in Reindeer, talk to the old woman standing around. Tell her you're going to Snowman
and she will give you a Hat that belongs to a girl there. If you need to rest or need extra cash, exit the station and head
south into Reindeer for some R&R. Otherwise, buy 2 more tickets ($40 total) to Snowman. When you arrive, exit the
station and go east
into town.


When you arrive here, there are only two buildings you can enter (the ones with rounded doors). The shop here is rather
useless, so save your money for later. Stay at the Hotel if you need to ($125 a person), too. Talk to the people around
town and they will point you towards a chateau where some girl lives in the east, so head in that direction. Follow the
winding path to the small building at the end, and go inside. Talk to Ana and use the Hat you received earlier, and she
will join your party.

Now that you have a third party member, it may be a good idea to level her up a bit in a safe environment (Magicant).
You can also buy her the Magic Coin and Gold Ring there, so why not? If you go to Magicant, if you go out of the town,
head west through the trees and use PSI Telepathy on the swimming cat to get the Magic Ribbon for Ana. When Ana is
sufficiently leveled (up to at least 10), make your way back to Merrysville and visit the Department Store first. Buy a
Boomerang for $1100 and have Ana equip it (it's much better than the Frying Pan you could've bought back in
Snowman). Now, go north to the station and take the train to Spookane ($25 each, $75 total for now).


When you arrive at the station, exit and you'll have two options: east or west. For now, follow the tracks east then take
the southbound path just before the tunnel. Follow the path all the way south until you go down a hill, then head east
into the town. By talking to the residents, you'll find that the original city was taken over by monsters, so everyone ran
away or moved into this more secluded area. If you go to the eastmost area of this place, you'll find a guy standing in
front of his house, and a woman nearby. Talk to the woman and she will give you a Ghost Key for entering the
Rosemary house.

To get to the Rosemary house, head directly north. You'll come to a hill with a sign next to it stating that it is private
property ahead. Continue onward anyway and make your way north, then northeast to the mansion.

Rosemary Mansion

Inside the mansion, you will find that it is dark and sometimes dangerous in regard to the enemies you'll bump into. Talk
to the mouse in the first room if you want, then enter the top door on the left side. In the next room, which looks the
same as the previous one, enter the top door again. For the last two rooms, enter the bottom doors. At the end, if you
followed this path right, you'll get a message saying "TURN BACK" and you'll come to a room with a piano in the

Open the present in the middle to get LifeUp Cream, then check the piano to get the next melody to memorize. Now that
you're done here, keep going through the right doors to exit this haunted house.

Back outside, head back south to the town area, then make your way to the train station. Before you leave, if you want,
visit the original town to the west. In the Hotel, pay $6 a person to stay the night (you'll all be fully recovered from this)
and fight the Starman in the morning for good experience. When you're ready, go to the station and pay for tickets to
Union (Merrysville station - $25 a person).

As soon as you arrive at the Merrysville station, exit and head east along the tracks. When you reach the broken bridge,
go north (the other way leads to a dead end). Follow the path going north and east through the hills, and you'll
eventually come to the desert region.

Yucca Desert

When you step into the desert, it is just a large mass of nothingness really. Make your way to the east, working towards
the next dot on your map (above the S in Station). You will find a war veteran sitting outside a tent with a plane and a
tank. Talk to him twice and he will offer you a ride in his plane. There are three different flight plans you can take; for
our purposes you only should check the cheapest flight out. Also note if you get 10 ticket stubs, you can ride the tank.

If you take the cheap flight, he will circle a patch of 2 cactus plants, one of which has what appears to be a face. When
the flight ends, head to the northwest and seek out that plant. When you find it, use PSI Telepathy and you will learn the
fifth melody. Now that you have the melody from this region, head back east and south a little to the war guy. Take a
few more plane rides until you have 10 Ticket Stubs total.

Once you have 10 stubs, go to the man and use one of the stubs, and he will allow you access to his tank. Walk onto the
tank and you will take control. You have free reign with this thing, but you cannot leave the desert terrain. Make your
way all the way east with it, and you'll find some ruins. Try and enter them with the tank, and a robot called R7037 will
attack. This is an easy fight since the tank will make quick work of it. After the fight though, the tank will be destroyed,
but you'll have access to the ruins, so go down into the hole ahead.

Monkey Cave

In this sprawling underground maze, you will find a bunch of lying monkeys wandering the halls. Luckily there are no
enemies in here, so you won't have to worry about being attacked. Wander around this first floor until you find a hole
leading downstairs. On the second floor, you will find some presents with PSI Stones inside, which can be quite useful.
After much more wandering, you'll come across the second and final hole leading downstairs. Walk along the short
passage and use the Telepathy PSI on the pink spiral to warp back to Magicant.


Back in Magicant yet again, take this opportunity to rest for free and cure any illness you may have incurred. When
you're ready, go north to exit the town and go east/south to the holes. Drop down the appropriate hole and get through
the maze to exit Magicant. However, when you exit the cave this time, you won't come out by Merrysville, but at an
alternate area.From where you exit, head east to the train tracks, and follow them eastward to the station. Once you
reach the station, head southwest and you'll enter the next town.


In this town, you will notice all the adults are missing, leaving just the kids to hold up the fort. Talking to them, they
speak of this baby that lives in a house to the west. Check out the item shop and (free) lodgings in the east side of town.
Be sure to get the Air Gun for Lloyd, which is the most powerful weapon he can get. When you're ready, go to the west
side of town and enter the house there. Talk to the parents, then use Telepathy on the baby and it will teach you the PSI
Teleport! That way you can warp back to any town you've previously visited, assuming you have enough room for the
running involved.

Now that you've done all you can here, head to the east. You'll come to a signpost and a bridge, with a kid standing next
to it. Cross the bridge and you'll be in the swamp.

Once you're across the bridge, you should make your way north and east over some more bridges. Follow the path as it
heads in that direction before going southward to a house (you'll see the dot on your map). Inside the house you'll find
Pippi, who will heal your party free of charge. In front of the house there is a garbage can that is shaking; check it and
you'll find Lloyd's father. He will just ask if your name is correct; tell him yes and that will be the end of the

If you want, wander around this vicinity building up experience and resting with Pippi when necessary. When you're
ready to continue, go south and west from the house and follow the path southward for a while. You're heading in the
right direction if you start to face tougher enemies, too. Keep following the path as it goes southwest, then finally
eastward and to the north again. Eventually the path will lead you west into the city of Ellay.


In this city, you will find that it is infested with a gang called the B.B. (Bla Bla Gang). You can spot them easily since
they are the blue clothed people wandering around town. If you talk to one, they will engage you in battle; they are
really easy so don't worry too much about it. Plus, you can talk to the same one again and again to keep fighting for
experience. Also if you're bored and happen to have a few Strawberry Tofus on you, go to the Watch Tower in the
northwest and rocket over to an island where you can give the tofu to 3 people to get a couple useless items and some

At any rate, go over to the Department Store and take out about $1000 from the ATM, then go to the top floor and buy
the Ticket for $350. Leave the store and head toward the south side of town, near the Live House building. You'll find
the war veteran from earlier standing outside, and if you talk to him he'll ask for $200 to cover damages to his tank. Pay
him, then go inside and use the Ticket in front of the lady and she will let you into the show (you're lucky that you
bought the ticket in the store, because there is someone outside the club selling it for $1200 instead, what a ripoff).

Inside the Live House, talk to the guy standing near the stage and say yes to singing on stage (there is a lady here who
will offer to buy you a drink - say no or else you'll be taken to jail and have to buy back your weapons from the police).
After the song, the B.B. gang boss will come up and accuse you of beating up his friends. Regardless of what you
answer, he will attack you anyway. It's a one on one fight between Ninten and this guy, but the fight is VERY simple;
just a few hits will end it.

After the fight, the boss will join your party, while replacing Lloyd for a period of time. The new member is named
Teddy, and he is quite powerful, so he will definitely come in handy for the areas ahead. You've done all you can in
Ellay for now, so use the Onyx Hook and warp back to Magicant.


Here once again, visit the shops to buy Teddy the Magic Coin and Gold Ring to boost his defense. Also, if you picked
up the Sword earlier in the game (in that maze where the sleeping dragon was), equip it to Teddy since it's extremely
powerful. If you want to level him up a couple times, that will be great too. When you're ready, make your way out of
Magicant, then use the Teleport PSI to return to Ellay.


Once you rearrive in Ellay, head to the northeast section of the city. Take the path going east as it becomes a winding
dirt path. Follow it across a bridge, then go all the way south until you reach a forest. At that point, go east over another
bridge. Up ahead you'll find a house; inside is a man who will heal your ailments and let your party rest for free! Rest
here if you need it, especially if you plan on hanging around the vicinity to gain more levels. When you're ready to
continue, go east and north until you reach a cave.
Caves of Mt. Itoi

You have now just entered a maze of caverns leading up to Mt. Itoi. It is very possible to get lost here if you're not
careful, so pay attention to my directions. Also, you can find all 4 character's best weapons within these caves, so I will
lead you to those locations. From where you start, go east and you'll see a path split (you'll be coming back here). For
now, continue east and around the room to a present containing the Katana for Teddy; equip it right away!

Go back to the first path split and head north into the next room. Follow the next path down to an intersection. Take the
southeast path into a room with another present inside. Open it to get a Bomb. Return to the previous room, and go to
the northwest cave. Continue in the next cave by going south and west. When you come to a split, go north to a present
with the Iron Skillet inside for Ana. Go back south and head west into the next room. There, go south and east to yet
another path split. For right now, go east into the following room and open the present inside to obtain Hank's Bat for

Go back a room and take the first path going north when you reach the split. In the new room ahead, simply follow the
path to a present with a PSI Stone inside. Then, just continue onward to exit the cave maze entirely.

Mt. Itoi

Now you will be on the mountain itself, where you'll be facing even tougher enemies along the way up. Head southwest
and climb the rope to reach the higher ledge. Then, go north a bit more and up a second rope to another plateau.
Continue north to an even longer rope to a high ledge, then head east for a while. You will eventually come to a house;
inside is a healer who will take care of your party free of charge. There is also a telephone here in case you wanted to
save your game.

After you save and rest, go over to the west door and Teddy will "make a few calls" while Ninten and Ana go into the
back room. Talk to Ana and answer her questions however you want, then after some dancing Teddy will come back in.
He will mention hearing some loud noises from outside, and you will then be put into battle against a giant robot called
R7038. As you try to fight it, you'll quickly realize this is a lost cause. After the utter defeat, Lloyd will appear in the
tank and save your party.The next scene shows Ninten and Ana in a room. Exit the room and talk to Teddy who is lying
on the bed. He will not go any further with you, so he calls upon Lloyd to rejoin the group for the remainder of the
adventure. Now that Lloyd is back, head out of the healer's house in the middle of seclusion and make your way
east/north through the caves to Mt. Itoi again (consult the previous sections of the walkthrough for directions if you
don't remember the way).

Back on Mt. Otoi, go up the ropes and make your way east toward the healer house where you can rest/save for free.
From that point, go north and you'll come to a lake. Follow the path going northeast around it and you will soon see a
dock with a boat in the water. Upon checking the boat, the motor will appear to be broken but Lloyd will fix it. Aboard
your new boat, head toward the middle of the lake where you'll find a whirlpool. Get yourself sucked into it and you
will end up in a laboratory of sorts below.

Whirlpool Lab

In this underwater lab apparently, go down to an elevator and ride it to a much lower floor. Once you stop, head into the
west room. Continue going west for quite a while, until you reach a ladder. At that point climb up it and check the robot
that's standing there. The robot will introduce itself as EVE, and then the windows will shatter and you'll all wash up on
the shore above.

Mt. Itoi

Outside with EVE following you around, make your way northward. The good thing about EVE is that it is extremely
powerful and will one-hit kill any mob you face, one at a time. Anyway, continue north, going up the hills and ropes you
encounter. When you find the upward path reaches a dead end, head east for a while and then northward along more
hills and ropes. If you're going the right way you'll see a cave and a final rope nearby. Go up the rope and head left to
enter battle against another robot: R7038XX.

Basically for this fight, EVE and the robot will exchange blows. After a few rounds, EVE will explode, destroying itself
and the enemy robot. You do gain experience in this fight so don't despair. Following this mess, check EVE's wreckage
and you'll learn the sixth melody, and receive a Memory Chip. Go back down the rope and enter that cave to find a
present containing the Sea Pendant. It defends against all PSI so equip it to whoever you want (probably Ana because
she is the most valuable member you have).

Now that the path ahead is clear, continue west of EVE's destruction and go up several more ropes to the summit. There,
you will find a tombstone; check it and a crystal will appear and speak to you. It will teach you the seventh melody
which you'll memorize. You will also be fully recovered when the crystal disappears. We are now done here, so use the
Onyx Hook to return to the land of Magicant.


Here again, head north and east of town, and drop down the proper hole to reach the maze. Fall into the right, left, left,
and right holes, then follow the passage around to the sleeping dragon. Now that you've played through the entire game
pretty much, you should be strong enough to take this beast. Use the check option from the menuscreen and the dragon
will engage you in battle. An easy way to end this is to have Ninten use Defense Up Beta on the party, Ana uses Freeze
Pi on the Dragon, then Lloyd attacks once to kill the Dragon (since Freeze Pi will bring the Dragon's HP down to nil).
It's cheap, but it will work, saving you a ton of frustration.

After the dragon fight, talk to it and you will receive the final melody! Use the Onyx Hook to return back to Magicant,
then rest in town and head to the castle to the north. Inside, go into the second door, then the first door in the following
room. You should then be in the throne room, so go left along the red carpet. Talk to Queen Mary and she will have you
sing the entire song like she asked earlier. Upon completing this, she will mention the name Giegue and some dialogue
will take place. After this, Queen Mary will disappear, as will Magicant.

Mt. Itoi

Following the demise of Magicant, you will be back on the mountain summit in front of the tombstone. Check it again
to fully recover if you need to, otherwise go north into the cave.

Final Cave

In here, go north and you'll find another opening and a path going northward some more. In the side room, check the top
container and you'll realize people are being trapped inside. You can't do anything more for now, so exit and continue
along the final path. When you reach the cave at the top, be ready to go since there's no turning back once you go in.
Also, make sure Ninten and Ana each have a PSI Stone or two in their inventory. Once you walk inside, the mother ship
will approach and Giegue will attack.

In dealing with Giegue, have Ninten and Ana use Lifeup Beta/Pi to keep the party alive while the enemy goes through
his dialogue (there are about 8 rounds of this). When the dialogue ends (fall into a long sleep with your friends and the
other ugly Earth People), you'll have a Sing option on your menu. Have Lloyd and possibly Ninten use this every round
while Ana does Lifeup Pi to continue keeping the party alive. Use PSI Stones if needed. After you've done Sing about 10
times, Giegue will be defeated; at this point, congratulations on beating the game!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Strength: 54
-= 5. Enemies -= Force: 36
Bag Lady
Alarm Ghost Found: Merrysville
Found: Rosemary Mansion Experience: 63
Experience: 80 Money: $150
Money: $27 HP: 90
HP: 50 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 12
Offense: 34 Defense: 38
Defense: 64 Fight: 20
Fight: 20 Speed: 40
Speed: 35 Wisdom: 30
Wisdom: 50 Strength: 30
Strength: 60 Force: 10
Force: 30 Item Dropped: Hamburger

Alligator Barbot
Found: City Zoo Found: Sweet's Little Factory, Spookane
Experience: 21 Experience: 32
Money: $18 Money: $45
HP: 30 HP: 60
PP: 0 PP: 40
Offense: 18 Offense: 24
Defense: 22 Defense: 36
Fight: 10 Fight: 30
Speed: 15 Speed: 35
Wisdom: 10 Wisdom: 35
Strength: 15 Strength: 100
Force: 5 Force: 100

Armor Bear
Found: Rosemary Mansion Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 200 Experience: 70
Money: $30 Money: $250
HP: 120 HP: 80
PP: 100 PP: 0
Offense: 68 Offense: 42
Defense: 150 Defense: 64
Fight: 50 Fight: 30
Speed: 60 Speed: 28
Wisdom: 50 Wisdom: 20
Strength: 100 Strength: 40
Force: 100 Force: 10

B.B. Gang Big Foot

Found: Ellay Found: Snowman
Experience: 72 Experience: 150
Money: $60 Money: $48
HP: 80 HP: 90
PP: 0 PP: 50
Offense: 60 Offense: 50
Defense: 125 Defense: 90
Fight: 40 Fight: 50
Speed: 40 Speed: 38
Wisdom: 20 Wisdom: 30
Strength: 20 Strength: 60
Force: 20 Force: 15
Item Dropped: Flame Thrower
Big Woodoh
B.B.'s Boss Found: Magicant
Found: Ellay Experience: 100
Experience: N/A Money: $140
Money: N/A HP: 70
HP: N/A PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 18
Offense: 57 Defense: 50
Defense: 51 Fight: 20
Fight: 50 Speed: 23
Speed: 81 Wisdom: 60
Wisdom: 18 Strength: 60
Force: 18
Item Dropped: Noble Seed Bomber
Found: Duncan Factory
Bionic Bat Experience: 56
Found: Rosemary Mansion Money: $32
Experience: 40 HP: 60
Money: $34 PP: 0
HP: 50 Offense: 10
PP: 0 Defense: 64
Offense: 34 Fight: 20
Defense: 64 Speed: 35
Fight: 20 Wisdom: 30
Speed: 35 Strength: 100
Wisdom: 50 Force: 100
Strength: 60 Item Dropped: Bomb
Force: 30
Bionic Centipede Found: Swamp, Ellay
Found: City Zoo Experience: 103
Experience: 18 Money: $95
Money: $14 HP: 150
HP: 35 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 68
Offense: 16 Defense: 150
Defense: 32 Fight: 60
Fight: 15 Speed: 43
Speed: 28 Wisdom: 40
Wisdom: 60 Strength: 40
Strength: 30 Force: 20
Force: 30
Bionic Scorpion Found: Podunk
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert Experience: 1
Experience: 61 Money: $1
Money: $56 HP: 12
HP: 100 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 4
Offense: 60 Defense: 12
Defense: 150 Fight: 3
Fight: 40 Speed: 17
Speed: 70 Wisdom: 40
Wisdom: 80 Strength: 20
Strength: 60 Force: 1
Force: 60
Bison Found: Caves of Mt. Itoi, Mt. Itoi
Found: Swamp, Ellay Experience: 89
Experience: 186 Money: $80
Money: $63 HP: 200
HP: 160 PP: 180
PP: 0 Offense: 60
Offense: 70 Defense: 280
Defense: 160 Fight: 120
Fight: 50 Speed: 120
Speed: 50 Wisdom: 80
Wisdom: 80 Strength: 100
Strength: 80 Force: 100
Force: 80
Blue Starman Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Found: Caves of Mt. Itoi Experience: 32
Experience: 150 Money: $25
Money: $91 HP: 42
HP: 100 PP: 0
PP: 80 Offense: 28
Offense: 74 Defense: 40
Defense: 120 Fight: 35
Fight: 40 Speed: 78
Speed: 42 Wisdom: 30
Wisdom: 60 Strength: 20
Strength: 50 Force: 20
Force: 45
Crocodile Experience: 500
Found: Swamp Money: $1200
Experience: 172 HP: 650
Money: $88 PP: 200
HP: 120 Offense: 180
PP: 0 Defense: 200
Offense: 80 Fight: 60
Defense: 150 Speed: 60
Fight: 40 Wisdom: 20
Speed: 30 Strength: 100
Wisdom: 40 Force: 60
Strength: 80
Force: 20 Dust Ball
Found: Rosemary Mansion
Crow Experience: 80
Found: Podunk Money: $100
Experience: 3 HP: 78
Money: $4 PP: 0
HP: 22 Offense: 40
PP: 0 Defense: 120
Offense: 8 Fight: 30
Defense: 12 Speed: 50
Fight: 8 Wisdom: 50
Speed: 12 Strength: 60
Wisdom: 1 Force: 20
Strength: 5
Force: 10 Eagle
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Dadseyes Experience: 36
Found: Magicant Money: $30
Experience: 35 HP: 45
Money: $53 PP: 0
HP: 40 Offense: 32
PP: 0 Defense: 44
Offense: 20 Fight: 20
Defense: 32 Speed: 60
Fight: 20 Wisdom: 30
Speed: 20 Strength: 20
Wisdom: 20 Force: 40
Strength: 20
Force: 20 Elephant
Found: City Zoo
Doll Experience: 60
Found: Ninten's House Money: $99
Experience: 10 HP: 70
Money: $50 PP: 0
HP: 12 Offense: 20
PP: 0 Defense: 34
Offense: 4 Fight: 30
Defense: 5 Speed: 10
Fight: 3 Wisdom: 5
Speed: 5 Strength: 30
Wisdom: 1 Force: 8
Strength: 1
Force: 1 Energy Robot
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Youngtown, Yucca Desert,
Dr. Distorto Swamp, Ellay
Found: Duncan Factory Experience: 202
Experience: 45 Money: $70
Money: $40 HP: 80
HP: 60 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 60
Offense: 38 Defense: 90
Defense: 48 Fight: 20
Fight: 25 Speed: 20
Speed: 45 Wisdom: 40
Wisdom: 30 Strength: 100
Strength: 30 Force: 100
Force: 30
Fire Ball
Dragon Found: Duncan Factory
Found: Magicant Experience: 61
Money: $35 PP: 0
HP: 58 Offense: 62
PP: 50 Defense: 100
Offense: 34 Fight: 50
Defense: 58 Speed: 68
Fight: 35 Wisdom: 70
Speed: 40 Strength: 15
Wisdom: 30 Force: 15
Strength: 50
Force: 30 Gang Zombie
Found: Cemetery
Fish Experience: 12
Found: Magicant Money: $32
Experience: 140 HP: 34
Money: $180 PP: 0
HP: 65 Offense: 18
PP: 0 Defense: 20
Offense: 38 Fight: 8
Defense: 60 Speed: 8
Fight: 45 Wisdom: 5
Speed: 30 Strength: 40
Wisdom: 20 Force: 5
Strength: 40
Force: 40 Gargoyle
Found: Mt. Itoi
Fly Experience: 110
Found: City Zoo Money: $86
Experience: 1 HP: 180
Money: $1 PP: 60
HP: 10 Offense: 90
PP: 0 Defense: 160
Offense: 1 Fight: 80
Defense: 40 Speed: 70
Fight: 32 Wisdom: 70
Speed: 40 Strength: 100
Wisdom: 10 Force: 100
Strength: 1
Force: 40 Ghost
Found: Cemetery, Rosemary Mansion
Foureyes Experience: 5
Found: Magicant Money: $10
Experience: 32 HP: 20
Money: $26 PP: 0
HP: 40 Offense: 12
PP: 0 Defense: 24
Offense: 22 Fight: 6
Defense: 32 Speed: 22
Fight: 20 Wisdom: 5
Speed: 40 Strength: 40
Wisdom: 20 Force: 15
Strength: 20
Force: 20 Giegue
Found: Final Cave
Fugitive Experience: N/A
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane Money: N/A
Experience: 60 HP: N/A
Money: $350 PP: 0
HP: 60 Offense: 15
PP: 0 Defense: 20
Offense: 32 Fight: 20
Defense: 45 Speed: 69
Fight: 20 Wisdom: 14
Speed: 22 Strength: 10
Wisdom: 6 Force: 23
Strength: 18
Force: 8 Giga Borg
Found: Mt. Itoi
Gabilan Experience: 98
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert Money: $143
Experience: 72 HP: 180
Money: $43 PP: 80
HP: 100 Offense: 100
Defense: 180 Fight: 10
Fight: 80 Speed: 22
Speed: 60 Wisdom: 18
Wisdom: 80 Strength: 10
Strength: 100 Force: 5
Force: 100
Item Dropped: Laser Beam Juana
Found: Mt. Itoi
Gorilla Experience: 270
Found: City Zoo Money: $362
Experience: 23 HP: 300
Money: $52 PP: 200
HP: 40 Offense: 200
PP: 0 Defense: 250
Offense: 20 Fight: 200
Defense: 26 Speed: 120
Fight: 35 Wisdom: 100
Speed: 15 Strength: 100
Wisdom: 5 Force: 100
Strength: 10 Item Dropped: PSI Stone
Force: 20
Grizzly Bear Found: Swamp
Found: Mt. Itoi Experience: 102
Experience: 250 Money: $88
Money: $65 HP: 120
HP: 340 PP: 80
PP: 0 Offense: 80
Offense: 160 Defense: 150
Defense: 340 Fight: 50
Fight: 100 Speed: 70
Speed: 100 Wisdom: 60
Wisdom: 60 Strength: 100
Strength: 100 Force: 100
Force: 25
Groucho Found: Ninten's House
Found: Magicant Experience: 1
Experience: 3 Money: N/A
Money: $12 HP: 6
HP: 35 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 3
Offense: 12 Defense: 5
Defense: 40 Fight: 1
Fight: 20 Speed: 5
Speed: 20 Wisdom: 3
Wisdom: 20 Strength: 3
Strength: 20 Force: 3
Force: 20
Last Starman
Hippie Found: Mt. Itoi
Found: Podunk Experience: 330
Experience: 6 Money: $389
Money: $35 HP: 120
HP: 25 PP: 100
PP: 0 Offense: 90
Offense: 8 Defense: 140
Defense: 14 Fight: 70
Fight: 3 Speed: 60
Speed: 6 Wisdom: 60
Wisdom: 1 Strength: 80
Strength: 1 Force: 50
Force: 3 Item Dropped: PSI Stone

Hyena Lil Saucer

Found: City Zoo Found: City Zoo, Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 12 Experience: 20
Money: $20 Money: $22
HP: 30 HP: 32
PP: 0 PP: 20
Offense: 10 Offense: 20
Defense: 16 Defense: 30
Fight: 15 Wisdom: 35
Speed: 20 Strength: 100
Wisdom: 18 Force: 100
Strength: 100
Force: 100 Megaborg
Found: Mt. Itoi
Lone Wolf Experience: 197
Found: Snowman Money: $109
Experience: 100 HP: 160
Money: $41 PP: 60
HP: 80 Offense: 80
PP: 0 Defense: 170
Offense: 60 Fight: 60
Defense: 150 Speed: 50
Fight: 50 Wisdom: 60
Speed: 60 Strength: 100
Wisdom: 30 Force: 100
Strength: 30
Force: 60 Momseyes
Found: Magicant
Mad Car Experience: 35
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane Money: $34
Experience: 55 HP: 40
Money: $32 PP: 0
HP: 40 Offense: 24
PP: 0 Defense: 20
Offense: 20 Fight: 50
Defense: 38 Speed: 50
Fight: 45 Wisdom: 20
Speed: 40 Strength: 20
Wisdom: 35 Force: 20
Strength: 100
Force: 100 Mook
Found: Swamp, Ellay
Mad Truck Experience: 166
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane Money: $42
Experience: 57 HP: 85
Money: $30 PP: 80
HP: 60 Offense: 50
PP: 0 Defense: 110
Offense: 22 Fight: 50
Defense: 40 Speed: 40
Fight: 38 Wisdom: 100
Speed: 35 Strength: 30
Wisdom: 35 Force: 30
Strength: 100
Force: 100 Mr. Bat
Found: Cemetery
Magic Snail Experience: 4
Found: Magicant Money: $7
Experience: 42 HP: 20
Money: $28 PP: 0
HP: 50 Offense: 8
PP: 0 Defense: 10
Offense: 20 Fight: 8
Defense: 90 Speed: 5
Fight: 20 Wisdom: 5
Speed: 18 Strength: 4
Wisdom: 18 Force: 8
Strength: 40
Force: 18 Nancy
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert, Swamp
Maniac Truck Experience: 68
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane Money: $50
Experience: 75 HP: 120
Money: $58 PP: 60
HP: 80 Offense: 62
PP: 0 Defense: 170
Offense: 34 Fight: 50
Defense: 48 Speed: 72
Fight: 45 Wisdom: 60
Speed: 35 Strength: 100
Force: 100
Polar Bear
Nasty Zombie Found: Snowman
Found: Rosemary Mansion Experience: 160
Experience: 54 Money: $50
Money: $58 HP: 100
HP: 90 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 52
Offense: 62 Defense: 180
Defense: 90 Fight: 30
Fight: 30 Speed: 40
Speed: 30 Wisdom: 30
Wisdom: 50 Strength: 40
Strength: 60 Force: 30
Force: 20
Pseudo Zombie
Oh-Mook Found: Podunk, Cemetery
Found: Mt. Itoi Experience: 8
Experience: 175 Money: $12
Money: $110 HP: 30
HP: 160 PP: 0
PP: 250 Offense: 16
Offense: 60 Defense: 16
Defense: 140 Fight: 10
Fight: 100 Speed: 12
Speed: 65 Wisdom: 5
Wisdom: 250 Strength: 40
Strength: 100 Force: 7
Force: 100
Psycho Car
Old Robot Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Found: Duncan Factory Experience: 61
Experience: 54 Money: $45
Money: $38 HP: 40
HP: 60 PP: 0
PP: 30 Offense: 18
Offense: 48 Defense: 40
Defense: 72 Fight: 45
Fight: 25 Speed: 40
Speed: 20 Wisdom: 35
Wisdom: 20 Strength: 100
Strength: 100 Force: 100
Force: 100
Psycho Truck
Omega Borg Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Found: Mt. Itoi Experience: 34
Experience: 180 Money: $27
Money: $205 HP: 58
HP: 230 PP: 0
PP: 150 Offense: 20
Offense: 150 Defense: 40
Defense: 200 Fight: 30
Fight: 200 Speed: 32
Speed: 100 Wisdom: 35
Wisdom: 90 Strength: 100
Strength: 100 Force: 100
Force: 100
Omega Saucer Found: Yucca Desert
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert, Youngtown, Experience: 205
Swamp Money: $71
Experience: 82 HP: 1000
Money: $57 PP: 0
HP: 65 Offense: 300
PP: 50 Defense: 600
Offense: 42 Fight: 100
Defense: 50 Speed: 100
Fight: 20 Wisdom: 40
Speed: 60 Strength: 100
Wisdom: 40 Force: 100
Strength: 100
Force: 100 R7038
Found: Mt. Itoi Money: $330
Experience: N/A HP: 150
Money: $101 PP: 0
HP: 1000 Offense: 50
PP: 0 Defense: 160
Offense: 600 Fight: 90
Defense: 1000 Speed: 100
Fight: 40 Wisdom: 60
Speed: 50 Strength: 60
Wisdom: 60 Force: 40
Strength: 100 Item Dropped: Magic Coin
Force: 100
R7038XX Found: Mt. Itoi
Found: Mt. Itoi Experience: 162
Experience: 550 Money: $93
Money: $180 HP: 120
HP: 1000 PP: 60
PP: 0 Offense: 70
Offense: 900 Defense: 150
Defense: 1000 Fight: 60
Fight: 60 Speed: 65
Speed: 60 Wisdom: 120
Wisdom: 60 Strength: 30
Strength: 100 Force: 100
Force: 100
Raeb Yddet Found: Merrysville
Found: Magicant Experience: 48
Experience: 25 Money: $80
Money: $27 HP: 80
HP: 40 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 35
Offense: 22 Defense: 50
Defense: 38 Fight: 50
Fight: 25 Speed: 30
Speed: 25 Wisdom: 5
Wisdom: 18 Strength: 80
Strength: 25 Force: 80
Force: 18 Item Dropped: Rope

Rat Scorpion
Found: Ninten's House, City Zoo, Sweet's Little Factory Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert
Experience: 3 Experience: 50
Money: $2 Money: $36
HP: 10 HP: 75
PP: 0 PP: 0
Offense: 4 Offense: 60
Defense: 8 Defense: 80
Fight: 6 Fight: 40
Speed: 5 Speed: 60
Wisdom: 1 Wisdom: 80
Strength: 3 Strength: 60
Force: 7 Force: 15

Rattlesnake Scrapper
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert Found: Duncan Factory
Experience: 57 Experience: 65
Money: $54 Money: $38
HP: 100 HP: 70
PP: 0 PP: 30
Offense: 65 Offense: 26
Defense: 128 Defense: 76
Fight: 60 Fight: 25
Speed: 80 Speed: 20
Wisdom: 80 Wisdom: 20
Strength: 60 Strength: 100
Force: 20 Force: 100
Item Dropped: Laser Beam
Red Snake
Found: Spookane, Youngtown, Swamp Seagull
Experience: 500 Found: Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 100 Money: $8
Money: $44 HP: 18
HP: 90 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 6
Offense: 68 Defense: 8
Defense: 90 Fight: 5
Fight: 50 Speed: 10
Speed: 70 Wisdom: 1
Wisdom: 40 Strength: 10
Strength: 20 Force: 1
Force: 20 Item Dropped: Magic Herb

Shroudley Spider
Found: Rosemary Mansion Found: Youngtown, Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 58 Experience: 48
Money: $34 Money: $40
HP: 90 HP: 80
PP: 0 PP: 0
Offense: 42 Offense: 45
Defense: 128 Defense: 95
Fight: 25 Fight: 60
Speed: 35 Speed: 80
Wisdom: 55 Wisdom: 80
Strength: 70 Strength: 60
Force: 10 Force: 15

Silver Wolf Star Miner

Found: Snowman Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 66 Experience: 209
Money: $43 Money: $138
HP: 80 HP: 200
PP: 0 PP: 0
Offense: 44 Offense: 140
Defense: 76 Defense: 200
Fight: 40 Fight: 100
Speed: 42 Speed: 100
Wisdom: 30 Wisdom: 60
Strength: 30 Strength: 100
Force: 25 Force: 100
Item Dropped: Super Bomb
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane Starman
Experience: 32 Found: Spookane, Yucca Desert, Swamp, Ellay
Money: $32 Experience: 165
HP: 40 Money: $68
PP: 0 HP: 80
Offense: 26 PP: 50
Defense: 48 Offense: 45
Fight: 52 Defense: 80
Speed: 30 Fight: 30
Wisdom: 30 Speed: 40
Strength: 20 Wisdom: 60
Force: 20 Strength: 40
Force: 35
Sky Yddet Item Dropped: PSI Stone
Found: Magicant
Experience: 40 Starman Jr.
Money: $23 Found: City Zoo
HP: 74 Experience: 30
PP: 0 Money: $5
Offense: 24 HP: 52
Defense: 50 PP: 16
Fight: 20 Offense: 32
Speed: 30 Defense: 52
Wisdom: 20 Fight: 35
Strength: 50 Speed: 20
Force: 20 Wisdom: 18
Item Dropped: PSI Stone Strength: 30
Force: 30
Found: Podunk Stray Dog
Experience: 2 Found: Podunk
Experience: 4 Money: $130
Money: $10 HP: 320
HP: 16 PP: 0
PP: 0 Offense: 100
Offense: 8 Defense: 420
Defense: 10 Fight: 60
Fight: 8 Speed: 70
Speed: 12 Wisdom: 200
Wisdom: 2 Strength: 80
Strength: 5 Force: 25
Force: 8
Item Dropped: Flea Bag Ullrich
Found: Magicant
Super Energy Experience: 65
Found: Mt. Itoi Money: $65
Experience: 230 HP: 40
Money: $260 PP: 60
HP: 120 Offense: 18
PP: 0 Defense: 40
Offense: 50 Fight: 40
Defense: 120 Speed: 30
Fight: 30 Wisdom: 30
Speed: 35 Strength: 10
Wisdom: 60 Force: 20
Strength: 100
Force: 100 Ultra Barbot
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert, Youngtown,
Tarantula Swamp, Ellay
Found: Merrysville, Yucca Desert Experience: 220
Experience: 205 Money: $87
Money: $85 HP: 80
HP: 120 PP: 50
PP: 0 Offense: 54
Offense: 84 Defense: 80
Defense: 160 Fight: 30
Fight: 70 Speed: 50
Speed: 80 Wisdom: 40
Wisdom: 80 Strength: 100
Strength: 60 Force: 100
Force: 15 Item Dropped: Plasma Beam

Tiger Wally
Found: City Zoo Found: Podunk
Experience: 24 Experience: 5
Money: $47 Money: $20
HP: 35 HP: 20
PP: 0 PP: 0
Offense: 26 Offense: 8
Defense: 24 Defense: 12
Fight: 40 Fight: 6
Speed: 20 Speed: 4
Wisdom: 5 Wisdom: 1
Strength: 10 Strength: 1
Force: 20 Force: 2

Titanees Watcher
Found: Youngtown, Swamp Found: Magicant
Experience: 78 Experience: 30
Money: $50 Money: $20
HP: 130 HP: 30
PP: 40 PP: 0
Offense: 54 Offense: 16
Defense: 200 Defense: 24
Fight: 30 Fight: 25
Speed: 58 Speed: 30
Wisdom: 80 Wisdom: 20
Strength: 60 Strength: 20
Force: 10 Force: 20

Titanian Wolf
Found: Mt. Itoi Found: Merrysville
Experience: 180 Experience: 34
Money: $31 Ninten
HP: 50 ======
PP: 0
Offense: 30 Aluminum Bat
Defense: 46 Attack: 30
Fight: 25
Speed: 30 Hank's Bat
Wisdom: 30 Attack: 48
Strength: 30
Force: 30 Plastic Bat
Attack: 3
Found: Magicant Wooden Bat
Experience: 40 Attack: 12
Money: $38
HP: 40
PP: 0 =====
Offense: 20 Teddy
Defense: 38 =====
Fight: 25
Speed: 25 Butter Knife
Wisdom: 30 Attack: 15
Strength: 40
Force: 20 Katana
Attack: 58
Found: Rosemary Mansion Survival Knife
Experience: 48 Attack: 38
Money: $43
HP: 70 Sword
PP: 50 Attack: 46
Offense: 50
Defense: 80
Fight: 45 =====================
Speed: 48 Weapons All Can Equip
Wisdom: 80 =====================
Strength: 60
Force: 15 Boomerang
Attack: 32
*********************** Slingshot
Attack: 7
-= 6. Weapons -= ******************************************************
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ***********************

=== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ana -= 7. Body Equipment -=
=== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Frying Pan =====

Attack: 8 Coins
Iron Skillet
Attack: 36 Peace Coin
Defense: 5
Nonstick Pan
Attack: 16 Protect Coin
Defense: 11

===== Magic Coin

Lloyd Defense: 20

Air Gun ========

Attack: 42 Pendants
Stun Gun
Attack: 15 Earth Pendant
Use: Protects wearer against PK Thunder.

====== Fire Pendant

Use: Protects wearer against PK Freeze. used the bread initially.

H2O Pendant Dentures

Use: Protects wearer against PK Fire. Use: Give them to the man in the house north of Reindeer for
some $10
Sea Pendant mouthwash.
Use: Protects wearer against all PSI spells.
Fight Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the fight stat by 5 of whoever uses it.
Rings Flame Thrower
===== Use: Use in battle to cause lots of damage (only Lloyd can use;
can be
Brass Ring used multiple times).
Defense: 8
Flash Dark
Gold Ring Use: When used in battle, it blinds the enemy.
Defense: 28
Flea Bag
Silver Ring Use: When used in battle, it lowers the enemy's offense and
Defense: 14 defense.

****************************************************** Force Capsule

*********************** Use: Permanently raises the force stat by 5 of whoever uses it.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Franklin Badge

-= 8. Items -= Use: When you carry it in your Goods, it will reflect PK Beam
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= attacks.

Antidote French Fries

Use: Cures poison status. Use: Eat to recover a small amount of HP.

Asthma Spray Ghost Key

Use: Cures the asthma effect in battle. Use: Get it from a lady in east Spookane; used to enter Rosemary
Basement Key
Use: Opens the door to the basement in Ninten's House. Great Grandfather's Diary
Use: A book you find which is full of mystery, and aids you in
Berry Tofu entering
Use: Eat and it restores 10 HP. Magicant.

Big Bag Hamburger

Use: Holds 30 Magic Herbs inside. Use: Eat to recover 50 HP.

Bomb Hat
Use: Use it in battle to cause explosive damage in battle (only Use: Get it from a lady at Snowman station; use it when you meet
Lloyd can Ana and
use). she will join your party.

Bottle Rocket Insecticide

Use: Shoot off in battle to cause damage (only Lloyd can use). Use: Helps to stun bug enemies in battle.

Bread Laser
Use: Eat it to recover 20 HP, or use it to make crumbs and mark Use: Causes damage to the enemy in battle (only Lloyd can use;
your can be
trail (use the Crumbs to return to the spot where you broke the used multiple times).
Last Weapon
Bullhorn Use: There appears to be no use for it, almost like it's a joke item.
Use: Can lower enemy's fight stat in battle, or increases your
offense. LifeUp Cream
Use: Use it to fully recover your HP.
Canary Chick
Use: This is the baby chick you must return to the Canary Magic Candy
Village. Use: Permanently raises Lloyd's fight stat by 5 (only Lloyd can
Cash Card
Use: Use at ATM machines to withdraw/deposit cash. Magic Herb
Use: Use it to recover 30 HP and cure some status ailments.
Use: After you use Bread, select these to return to the spot where Magic Ribbon
you Use: Permanently raises Ana's force stat by 5 (only Ana can use).
Super Spray
Mouthwash Use: It's a stronger version of the Insecticide item.
Use: Cures the cold status effect.
Swear Words
Noble Seed Use: Another item(?) of no use whatsoever.
Use: Stops a party member from being confused in battle.
Ocarina Use: Buy in Ellay to enter the Live House.
Use: Get it in Magicant from one of the people; it is useless.
Ticket Stub
Onyx Hook Use: Get from riding the plane in Yucca Desert; if you get 10, use
Use: Used to return to Magicant from anywhere at anytime. one in
front of the war veteran and you can ride the tank!
Orange Juice
Use: Drink it to recover 10 HP. Wisdom Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the wisdom stat by 5 of whoever uses it.
Use: Allows you to enter the Duncan Factory. Words o' Love
Use: Another item(?) of no use whatsoever.
Phone Card
Use: When you're at a pay phone and you use this, you'll never Zoo Key
have to Use: Its purpose is to open the gate to the City Zoo.
pay for a call; get it by doing a guy's survey outside the
Merrysville Department store). ******************************************************
Physical Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the strength stat by 5 of whoever uses it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-= 9. PSI Spells -=
Plasma Beam -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Use: Causes a higher amount of damage to an enemy in battle
(only Lloyd NOTE: You learn spells totally at random in this game. Since there
can use; can be used multiple times). is no set
level or time for Ninten or Ana to learn a given spell, it can
PSI Stone happen
Use: When used, it recovers 20 PP (can be used multiple times). at any time after any battle. It just comes down to luck; if you
Quick Capsule yet to learn a spell you want, just keep fighting until you get it.
Use: Permanently raises the speed stat by 5 of whoever uses it.
4-D Slip
Real Rocket Can Learn: Ninten
Use: You never get to use it, since it's "accidentally" launched PP: 16
into Description: Allows your party to escape from battle with a high
orbit when you buy it. success
Red Weed
Use: When you use this at the Magicant fountain, it will turn into Darkness
a Can Learn: Ana
Magic Herb (you can pick an infinite amount of these in PP: 10
central Description: Blinds a single enemy.
Magicant, too).
Defense Down Alpha
Repel Ring Can Learn: Ninten
Use: When used, it will keep enemies from attacking you for a PP: 3
short Description: Lowers the defense power of one enemy.
period of time.
Defense Down Beta
Rope Can Learn: Ninten
Use: When used in battle, it will stop an enemy from moving. PP: 9
Description: Lowers the defense power of all enemies.
Use: It's a useless measuring tool. Defense Up Alpha
Can Learn: Ninten
Sticky Machine PP: 3
Use: When used in battle, it will stop an enemy from moving Description: Raises the defense power of one party member.
(only Lloyd
can use; can be used multiple times). Defense Up Beta
Can Learn: Ninten
Super Bomb PP: 8
Use: When used in battle, it can cause lots of damage to kill all Description: Raises the defense power of all party members.
enemies (only Lloyd can use). Healing Alpha
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 3 PP: 24
Description: Cures the poison status ailment from a party Description: Attack all enemies with about 100 HP of damage.
PK Fire Alpha
Healing Beta Can Learn: Ana
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana PP: 8
PP: 5 Description: Attack all enemies with about 20 HP of fire damage.
Description: Cures the paralysis status ailment from a party
member. PK Fire Beta
Can Learn: Ana
Healing Gamma PP: 12
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana Description: Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of fire damage.
PP: 6
Description: Cures the stone status ailment from a party member. PK Fire Gamma
Can Learn: Ana
Healing Pi PP: 14
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana Description: Attack all enemies with about 100 HP of fire
PP: 6 damage.
Description: Cures the sleep status ailment from a party member.
PK Fire Omega
Hypnosis Can Learn: Ana
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana PP: 30
PP: 5 Description: Kill all enemies with a powerful fire attack.
Description: Puts a single enemy to sleep.
PK Freeze Alpha
LifeUp Alpha Can Learn: Ana
Can Learn: Ninten PP: 3
PP: 3 Description: Attack a single enemy with about 10 HP of ice
Description: Recovers about 30 HP to one party member. damage.

LifeUp Beta PK Freeze Beta

Can Learn: Ninten, Ana Can Learn: Ana
PP: 5 PP: 5
Description: Recovers about 70 HP to one party member. Description: Attack a single enemy with about 50 HP of ice
LifeUp Gamma
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana PK Freeze Gamma
PP: 9 Can Learn: Ana
Description: Recovers all HP to one party member. PP: 8
Description: Critically injures a single enemy in battle, leaving
LifeUp Pi them
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana with very few HP.
PP: 17
Description: Recovers about 70 HP to all party members. PK Freeze Omega
Can Learn: Ana
Offense Up PP: 13
Can Learn: Ninten Description: Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of ice damage.
PP: 6
Description: Raises the offense power of one party member. PK Thunder Alpha
Can Learn: Ana
Paralysis PP: 3
Can Learn: Ana Description: Attack a single enemy with about 10 HP of thunder
PP: 8 damage.
Description: Paralyzes a single enemy.
PK Thunder Beta
PK Beam Alpha Can Learn: Ana
Can Learn: Ana PP: 6
PP: 4 Description: Attack a single enemy with about 50 HP of thunder
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 30 HP of damage. damage.

PK Beam Beta PK Thunder Gamma

Can Learn: Ana Can Learn: Ana
PP: 7 PP: 12
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 80 HP of damage. Description: Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of thunder
PK Beam Gamma
Can Learn: Ana Power Shield
PP: 12 Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
Description: Kills a single enemy with a powerful attack. PP: 9
Description: Bounces an enemy's physical attack back at them.
PK Beam Omega
Can Learn: Ana PSI Shield Alpha
Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 4
Description: Raises defense so you only take 50% damage from Drug Store
PSI attacks. ----------

PSI Shield Beta Name Price

Can Learn: Ninten ---- -----
PP: 9 Antidote $20
Description: Raises all party member's defense so you only take Asthma Spray $148
50% Life Up Cream $194
damage from PSI attacks. Insecticide $300

Can Learn: Ana Sports Shop
PP: 5 -----------
Description: Stops a single enemy from using PSI.
Name Price
PSI-Magnet ---- -----
Can Learn: Ana Plastic Bat $80
PP: 0 Slingshot $120
Description: Drains some PP from an enemy if they have PP to Wooden Bat $500
begin with.

Quick Up Food Store

Can Learn: Ninten ----------
PP: 3
Description: Raises the speed of one party member. Name Price
---- -----
Shield-Off Orange Juice $5
Can Learn: Ana Bread $30
PP: 8 Sports Drink $75
Description: Nullifies a single enemy's shield.

Super Healing ========

Can Learn: Ninten, Ana Magicant
PP: 36 ========
Description: Can bring back a dead party member with full HP.
Item Shop 1
Telepathy -----------
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 1 Name Price
Description: Allows you to see into the minds of certain people ---- -----
and Magic Herb $30
trigger some events. Peace Coin $260
Protect Coin $648
Teleport Magic Coin $1200
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 3
Description: Lets you warp back to any previously visited town Item Shop 2
(you will -----------
need a good amount of room to run in a straight line, so
crowded/cramped areas are not good for this). Name Price
---- -----
****************************************************** Magic Herb $30
*********************** Brass Ring $460
Silver Ring $825
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold Ring $1510
-= 10. Shops -=
Item Shop 3
====== -----------
====== Name Price
---- -----
Burger Shop Repel Ring $160
----------- H2O Pendant $700
Fire Pendant $700
Name Price Earth Pendant $700
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
French Fries $15 ===========
Hamburger $25 Merrysville
=========== Name Price
---- -----
Burger Shop Orange Juice $5
----------- French Fries $15
Hamburger $25
Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5 Drug Store
French Fries $15 ----------
Hamburger $25
Name Price
---- -----
Drug Store Antidote $20
---------- Asthma Spray $148
LifeUp Cream $194
Name Price Insecticide $300
---- -----
Antidote $20
Asthma Spray $148 Sports Shop
LifeUp Cream $194 -----------
Insecticide $300
Name Price
---- -----
Sports Shop Aluminum Bat $1000
----------- Boomerang $1100

Name Price
---- ----- Food Store
Wooden Bat $500 ----------
Aluminum Bat $1000
Boomerang $1100 Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
Food Store Bread $30
---------- Sports Drink $75
Berry Tofu $975
Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5 Weapons Shop
Bread $30 ------------
Sports Drink $75
Name Price
---- -----
Variety Store Bomb $280
------------- Laser Beam $760
Plasma Beam $1300
Name Price
---- -----
Ruler $22 =======
Stun Gun $300 Snowman
Rope $600 =======
Repel Ring $160
Item Shop
Mysterious Teacher (School)
--------------------------- Name Price
---- -----
Name Price Bread $30
---- ----- Mouthwash $175
Last Weapon $1048 LifeUp Cream $194
Super Bomb $1800 Frying Pan $300
Sticky Machine $3200
Real Rocket $3485
======== =========
======== Item Shop
Burger Shop
----------- Name Price
---- -----
Bread $30 it to find Dentures. Return to the old man and he will give you a
LifeUp Cream $194 free
Nonstick Pan $700 Mouthwash. If you talk to the boy anytime after this he will sell you
Air Gun $1400 more of
the Mouthwash for $10 each!

Ellay ================
===== Free Magic Herbs
Burger Shop
----------- In Magicant, if you go north of the town area you will find red
Name Price growing at random. Check one and you will get a Red Weed (they
---- ----- are infinite,
Orange Juice $5 take as many as you want). If you go to the fountain in the
French Fries $15 northwest corner
Hamburger $25 and use a Red Weed there, it will turn into a Magic Herb. This trick
can save
you lots of money in the long run, as well as giving you an infinite
Drug Store supply
---------- of healing items.

Name Price ******************

---- -----
Antidote $20 End Mother 1 FAQ.
Asthma Spray $148
LifeUp Cream $194
Insecticide $300

Food Store

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
Bread $30
Sports Drink $75
Berry Tofu $975

Variety Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Ticket $350
Butter Knife $580
Rope $600
Surv. Knife $1200


-= 11. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -=

Cheaper Mouthwash

If you go far to the north and west of Reindeer you will come to a
house in the middle of nowhere. Inside is a boy and an old man.
Talking to
the man, you won't understand anything he says. Leave the house
and take the
southeast ramp, then follow the path counter-clockwise to a
signpost. Check

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