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Analysis & Action External Users

Sales Agreement Forecast (With Einstein Analytics Plus MFG Cloud (PRM Plus MFG Cloud View)
Supporting Product Capabilities
Negotiate and Manage Sales Agreements
(Sales Agreement = Quote-over-time, a non- Create a unified Account Sales Forecast
binding agreement to deliver these SKUs in including sales plan, new opportunities, Insights on Account Health, Product Visibility to Sales Agreement
these quantities and prices over eg the next 4 actuals/orders and other inputs Performance
Leverage Account Team Insights to inform Chatter collaboration around Sales
Manage Sales Agreement Lifecycle demand Analyze Realized Pricing vs Agreement Agreement
Full Partner Community functionality with
Easily Capture Sales Agreement Metrics Easily adjust forecast calculations Analyze Agreement and Territory Performance MFG specific template
Identify underperforming agreements - behind
Monitor Customer Agreement Consumption Track Account performance against plan delivery or with price deviations
Share Sales Agreements with Channel
Partners Analyze pricing by product category and team

Quickly Identify key accounts and renewals


Sales Rep / Key Account Manager Sales Rep / Key Account Manager Sales Rep / Key Account Manager
Channel Manager Channel Manager Sales Manager
Sales Manager Sales Manager Pricing Deal Desk Channel Manager,  Channel Partner
Pricing Deal Desk Pricing Deal Desk Finance
Demand Planner
Level 1 Discovery (Qual/Fit)
How do you go to market (B2B, B2B2C, Do your sales people forecast at the account Does Sales need to understand account and Are your reps, dealers, distributors usually
Direct/Indirect, etc.)? level? At the contract level? product performance to determine where to dedicated to your brand or to they carry
focus actvity? multiple lines?
Do you have contractual or non-binding Can Sales see contract performance, e.g. What metrics are important when it comes to Do you collaborate with channel partners
agreements for purchasing quantities of Actuals/Orders, when updating their Account performance? Why? or Manufacturers' Reps on
product over time (i.e. sales agreements)? forecasts? agreements/forecasts? How?
How do you track this today?

Do you provide special pricing based on these What information is important when it comes What metrics/analytics are important when it What are the challenges in collaborating
agreements? to forecasting? Orders, revenue, inventory? come to Sales Agreements? Why? with the channel? Would it be beneficial
for channel partners or Manufacturers' reps
to see and provide input on agreements
and forecasts?
Do you collaborate with channel partners or Do you collaborate or share forecasts with What metrics/analytics are important when it
Manufacturer's Reps on other stakeholders? Who? comes to the overall business? Why?
agreements/forecasts? How?

Level 2 Discovery (Process/Pain/Disqualifiers)

Describe your process and systems for putting Describe your process and systems for How do you analyze contract consumption and
a run rate sales agreement in place forecasting today identify issues? Do you need your channel partners and
Manufacturers reps to be able to provide
direct input on agreements or forecasts?

How do you identify contract performance How does forecasting impact How do you avoid over or under production? How do you collaborate / communicate
issues? evaluating/negotiating sales agreements with your channel partners on forecasts
with customers?  today?
What is the quality and accuracy of Sales' What is the quality and accuracy of Sales' How do you identify Accounts at risk of attrition Do you have all the information you need
inputs to S&OP? inputs to S&OP? or under performance? when you renegotiate/renew your sales
agreements?  How easy is it to pull
everything together to have a good
conversation with the customer?
How does Sales determine appropriate Describe your process for altering the logic What important analytics do you NOT have
pricing for Sales Agreements? behind forecasting outputs insight into today?
How do you track actuals/orders today? In Can Sales quickly assess an Account's
Do you use Opportunities in Salesforce today? what systems? How frequently would you contribution to revenue over time? Against
How? want to update this information for Sales? Commitments?

Do you need to include services in your What volume of orders do you have on a
agreements/forecast? monthly basis (order records, not $ or volume
of product)
How many products do you typically have per What are the sources of order data?

How do you measure the success of your What's the business impact of inaccurate or What's the business impact of inaccurate or How much time do you spend working with
agreements? non-visible forecasts? non-visible forecasts? your channel to build plans.

How much effort is it to bring plans, orders

How many agreements do you have in and forecast estimate elements together? What's the business impact of underpricing What percentage of your sales come from
place?  How often do you update? based on assumed volume? the channel? 

How much time is spent creating and How much time is spent manually changing How much time/effort does it take to pull these What percentage of your sales come from
managing agreements? forecasting formulas? important anaytics today? Manufacturers reps?

What's the business impact of underpriced

agreements (revenue leakage)?

What percentage and volume of your

business is run rate?
Objection Handling
When forecasts are inaccurate high, operations builds too much inventory, tying up working
How can Salesforce help with working capital capital.  By providing a better sales forecast, Manufacturing Cloud helps preserve working
preservation? capital.

Sales input into the S&OP process is often weighted at a very low value, as the demand
planners tend not to trust sales forecasts.  But - especially in times of uncertainty, where
How will Salesforce improve S&OP? manufacturers may experience sudden and surprising up and down spikes in demand - the
sales forecast is a critical early warning system.  By providing a better sales forecast,
Manufacturing Cloud helps bring the S into S&OP and improves the process. 

For Mulesoft customers, an out of the box template integrating SAP product, customer, and
What's the technical and business blueprint orders into Manufacturing Cloud is available.  Manufacturing Cloud is built on core Salesforce
for SAP integration? CRM, so there are no managed package complexities.  
Manufacturing Cloud complements, but does not replace, demand planning tools. We are
"We already have a Demand Planning tool" providing a better sales forecast for manufacturers, and help the demand planners by bringing
a better input into the S&OP process.  

Data quality is always an issue. Product, customer and order information need to be synched
MDM: Our data quality isn't mature enough from the ERP to Salesforce to get the most out of Manufacturing Cloud.  However,
to support integration Manufacturing Cloud can be used as a stand alone tool and still deliver value while integrations
are being created.  And consider the value manufacturing cloud brings.  How many software
projects can be funded if your forecast accuracy improves?

What about forecasting for non-standard Manufacturing Cloud does not currently have
the capability to forecast for custom non-
fiscal years (i.e. 4/4/5)?  standard 12 month fiscal periods.

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