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A human being is not merely skin and bone.  We know that we

have intelligence and that we are conscious of our own existence
(called consciousness).  We have a field of energy surrounding us that
is generated by the 'machinery' of our functioning body.  This is the

As a child the awareness of our surroundings is limited to family and a few friends. 
The child's world is small, and this is necessary for their protection and for a stable
environment.  Without a positive environment the child grows up damaged.  This
most often happens due to parents who are unkind or not sufficiently protective of
their child.  Think about this for a minute!  Every single thing that is happening--or
has happened--creates an imprint upon the psyche of the individual.  And most of this
begins in childhood.  These imprints stay in the aura until consciously removed by the

All forms of abuse in childhood damage a child so severely that the rest of their life is
a reflection of this, and this is played out on those around them.  A child who has been
physically battered learns to fear and mistrust.  They learn that someone in control is
dangerous.  They lack warmth for they have never known warmth.  They learn
fighting and meanness for that was their world as a child.  They feel deep inner pain
and sadness for that was their early experience.  All memories that we have--good or
bad--leave an impression in our aura, for that is where memories are stored.  

All abuse, traumas, and lack of good parenting make people dysfunctional in some
way.  Unless such a person has deliberately and consciously worked on healing their
past through some form of therapy, they still carry it deep inside--in their aura.  Worse
yet, they inflict it on every person they meet.  They project their own pain by saying
'you are mean to me' or 'you are the reason I feel this way'.  Obviously nobody else is
responsible for our own issues, yet a damaged individual will not see it that way, and
in an attempt to feel better about themselves, they blame others.

* Note:  A child's parents may have 'been responsible' for the condition the person
finds themselves in today.  But as thinking and feeling adults we are each responsible
for how we are now.  We have the ability to change how we are now and how we
relate to others.  The reality of reincarnation must also be taken into consideration:
that 'what goes around comes around'.  There really are no victims.  What has
happened to someone in this lifetime they have done to others--usually that same
person--in a prior life.  This concept engenders true accountability in us, and allows us
to 'own our issues'--and grow from it.

Auras of people who have been damaged tend to have a lot of red, orange, and
black colors.  These are the colors of anger and hostility.  Though the person may be
perfectly lovely on the surface, if they have not healed the past they carry it with them
in their aura.  It sits there quietly until someone says or does something that triggers a
soul memory from the past.  Then for no apparent reason this person may become
angry or violent.  Their aura then begins to vibrate and as it does so it spews its
tightly-held volatile components onto an unsuspecting person.  This process can go on
indefinitely--until the person realizes they are damaged and that they must heal their
past--or live their life damaged.  They may have very little awareness that they still
carry their pain, yet they may wonder why their relationships with others seem fraught
with difficulties.  That is the clue!  When one begins to recognize that their life is not
as wonderful as they would like, that they have many arguments or
misunderstandings, or violent outbursts, they are being presenting with a very strong
message.  Its time to get serious and clean up the past.

Here we have a picture of an above-average

aura.  This person does not have a lot of
unresolved issues.  He is probably fairly content
and confident, judging by the light blue and rose
colors in his aura.  He did not get this way by
accident, though.  Through many lives we have
all sustained abuse, traumas, and severe
ailments--and also inflicted those things upon
others.  Its a humbling thought, and its meant to
be.  Only when we have gained the awareness
that we are far from perfect, and that there is
infinite room for improvement, and that our lives
will be much better for it, only then do we begin
to lose some of our ego and get to work on the
problems at hand.

A person who has done a lot

of work on themselves, i.e. has
recognized their issues and had
therapy to begin the healing
process, or done a lot of
personal soul-searching, or
used techniques like
meditation, Reiki, and Chi
Kung, will have a very
different kind of aura.  As
people release emotional
baggage they make room for a
lot of positive energy, called
prana (or Light, chi, mana,
etc).  Prana is the essence of
creation.  It looks like tiny
particles of light and can even
be seen with the naked eye if
you look closely (against a
clear blue sky works well).  Prana is white or golden-white in color.  Such a person's
aura is much larger than the average person, and it is mostly golden in color.  Note the
size of the aura in this image, compared to the size of the person.  When this person is
amongst others, or even if he/she is only interacting with others via phone, mail,
email, or physical proximity, he will shed great amounts of Light towards them all. 
This person's aura has such a pure and positive energy that its effects go beyond
actual measured miles.  These souls effect people everywhere.  Jesus, Mohammed,
Buddha, Krishna, and others had such an aura.  But there are many on Earth now
whose energy is similar.

The human aura exists as a tangible energy, and can be seen by clairvoyant vision
and with Kirlian photography.  This energy can felt by everyone.  Have you ever
visited someone in their home and felt like you wanted to leave immediately? 
Perhaps that person was depressed, or had just been in an argument, or maybe they
have a severe illness.  On the other hand, sometimes you meet someone and it just
feels wonderful to be around them.  When these positive qualities are present in
someone's aura we sense them easily.  But sometimes the messages get mixed up. 
Jesus, for example, was extremely persecuted by those who saw his great Light as a
threat to their power.  Even His friends could not be counted on.  Being a person with
great positive energy does not guarantee a smooth easy life, for there are many
challenges with others.  Sometimes an individual with a lot of darkness in them will
feel great distress when near, or in correspondence, with one who carries much Light,
for it shines brightly into their own dark corners. 

The aura is a visual reminder of who we are, how evolved we are, our state of
mental, physical, and emotional health, and everything about us.  Most people cannot
see auras because their own aura is still very clouded with their stresses.  But anyone,
anywhere can change that.  With regular daily practices such as mantra meditation or
Reiki anyone can clean away the issues and begin to really 'see'.  Its been said the
average person uses less that 10% of their brain.  Scientists have wondered what the
remaining 90% of the human brain is for.  Perhaps we have a clue here.  When one is
clearer in their energy, one has access to all knowledge and all psychic ability
including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and omniscience.  

There is no limit to human potential.  We have infinite possibilities and numerous

ways to achieve our greatest potential.  It is up to each individual to make a decision
to improve their lot in life.  And it starts today.

The Chakras

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"


The word 'chakra' is a Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel'. They are vortices of
concentrated energy within our subtle body (aura) and they assimilate life force
energy. Each chakra is associated with an organ and endocrine gland and each
resonates at a different frequency which corresponds to the color spectrum. They are
not visible to the human eye, being part of the energy system of the body.
There are hundreds of these energy centers within our aura but there are seven
major chakras.  Each of these relates to one of the seven levels of the aura and has a
different color.  Sometimes chakras can seem to be overactive and too open or
sluggish and too closed.  Ideally they are balanced individually and with one another,
though this is rare due to our stressed lifestyle and level of spiritual development.

The Seven Primary Chakras 

1st The Root Chakra known as the 'muladhara' in Sanskrit is located at the base of
the spine.

2nd The Sacral Chakra or 'svadisthana' is located about 2 inches below the naval.

3rd The Solar Plexus or 'manipura' is located approximately 4 inches below the tip
of the sternum.

4th The Heart Chakra or 'anahata' is found in the center of the chest area near the
physical heart.

5th The Throat Chakra or 'vishuddha' is in the throat hollow over the larynx.

6th The Third Eye or Brow Chakra--'ajna'-- is in the middle of the forehead near
the bridge of the nose

7th The Crown Chakra or 'sahasrara' is located directly at the top of the head .

When we do not feel well it is because something within our aura, and hence our
physical body, is out of balance.  This imbalance will show up in the chakra
functioning.  There are ways in which to balance our chakras, i.e. our mind, body, and
emotions.  Some are listed here, along with a little bit of information on colors and
essential oils associated with each chakra.

The Root/Base Chakra. Located at the coccyx.

It is depicted as a lotus of four petals within which is a square and a downward
pointing triangle.  This chakra is concerned with basic survival, physical needs, the
bones and skeletal structure and the adrenal glands.  Its color is red; element is Earth
energy. If insufficiently open one may feel spaced out and un-grounded.  It is
associated with the sense of smell.  It resonates to the sound of drums.

Gemstones - Ruby, Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Bloodstone, Smokey quartz.

Essential Oils  Clary Sage, Patchouli, Cedarwood.

An un-balanced or blocked chakra: self-centered, bullying, dishonest, hyperactive. 

lack of confidence, low self-esteem, fearful, alienated, homeless.  In balance one feels
balanced, grounded, independent, healthy.

To balance a root chakra you may add the chakra-related ingredients mentioned
above.  Wear something red or burn a red candle.  Wear a garnet or ruby if you have
one. Music of drums and low vibrational sounds has a grounding effect which helps
balance this chakra.  Walk around outdoors, preferably near trees, and barefoot.  The
flower essences that vibrate to the color red - Dr Bach's Flower Remedies - Red
Chestnut, Cherry Plum or Aspen.

The Sacral Chakra.  This is located in the lower abdomen below the navel.

Sanskrit name - Svadhisthana meaning Sweetness.  It is depicted as six orange-red

petals containing a second lotus flower and a crescent moon.  This chakra is
concerned with receptivity, nurturing and the emotions, sexuality, lower back
problems.  Resonates to the color orange and the element of water.  It has to do with
the sense of taste.

Gemstones - Carnelian - This is an orangey-red crystal and is useful to dispel apathy

and passivity. Citrine - A yellow or amber colored quartz that opens one up to deal
with emotional problems. Moonstone - This stone helps the feminine, nurturing side
of one's nature. Good for pregnant or new mothers.

Sound - drums

Essential oil - Bergamot, Orange blossom, Jasmine, Sandalwood.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra : characteristics are excessive behavior, emotionally

unbalanced, manipulative and sexually addictive, too hard on oneself, feelings of
guilt, possibility of frigidity or impotence.  Balanced chakra: trusting, attuned to ones
own feelings, creative.  To bring your sacral chakra into balance burn some essential
oil such as Jasmine, Sandalwood or Rose.  Wear something orange.  Try Dr Bach's
Flower essence Willow or Gorse to bring back your self esteem and belief in yourself.
The Solar Plexus Chakra.  It is located 4" below base of the sternum.

Sanskrit name -'' Manipura'' meaning lustrous gem.  It is depicted as a ten-petalled

lotus within which is a downward-pointing triangle surrounded by 3 T-shaped Hindu
symbols of Fire.  This chakra refers to power, self-esteem, and confidence and
resonates to color yellow. Crystals are Yellow Citrine - good for digestive
difficulties.  Sunstone - This comes in a range of colors as well as yellow and orange.
Very good for releasing tension and stomach ulcers.  It increases the ability to receive
ideas and energy.  Yellow Tiger Eye - Clears negative energy from the solar plexus
and protects against psychic attack.  Good stone for people new to spiritual concepts
for it helps to awaken us gradually.  Yellow Calcite - It is said to intensify the energy
of this chakra and is also good for problems associated with the pancreas, kidneys and

Element- Fire.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: characteristics are anger, being a workaholic,

judgmental, lack of humor, addictive behavior, fearful of being alone, insecure,
needing reassurance, apathy.  Balanced chakra: personal power, uninhibited,
spontaneous, cheerful and self confident.  

To bring your sacral chakra into balance try some of these ideas.  Use essential of
Bergamot, Ylang ylang, Cinnamon.  Wear something yellow, gold jewelry, or yellow
gemstones.  Try one of the Dr Bach flower essences to balance the solar plexus -
Aspen for those unknown fears or Honeysuckle to help you live in the present.

Heart Chakra.  It is located in the center of the chest.

Sanskrit name -'' Anahata'' meaning ''sound made without two things striking'' and is
depicted as twelve petals around a six-pointed star.  This chakra is concerned with
unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness.  Physical dysfunctions are high
blood pressure, heart problems. circulation.  It resonates to the colors green and rose

Associated crystals are Jade -green - to reassure, for mercy and compassion,
Watermelon tourmaline - green and pink -- allows the heart chakra to connect with the
Higher Self. Regulates the hormones.  Aventurine - green - enhances personal
creativity, stress-relieving.  Rose Quartz - pink - to heal emotional wounds, to soothe
Element - Air.  

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: possessiveness, conditional love, selfishness, fearing

rejection, self-pitying, feeling unworthy.  Balanced chakra: compassionate, in touch
with own feelings, empathic, loves unconditionally.

To bring your heart chakra into balance try some of these ideas:  Burn some essential
oil - Geranium, Rose, Bergamot.  Wear a rose quartz on a long cord or chain close to
your heart.  Wear something pink.  Take one of the Dr Bach flower essences Wild
Rose to stop those feelings of resignation or Beech to help see what is good in the

Throat Chakra. It is located at the base of the neck.

Sanskrit name -'' Vishuddha'' meaning ''Purification''.  Depicted as a lotus with sixteen
petals within which is a downward pointing triangle and a circle to represent the full
Moon.  This chakra is concerned with communication, sound and self -expression.  It
resonates to the color blue.  Physical problems: sore throats, problems with thyroid,
hearing difficulties, asthma.

Associated crystals are Sodalite - to help to articulate and show your true self.  Blue
Lace Agate - to combat shyness, offer courage, help to heal laryngitis and sore
throats.  Blue topaz - Helps one to learn of one's true feelings, releases anger. 
Celestite - to assist in clairaudience and dream recall, helps writers in their search for

Element - Ether.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: over-talkative, arrogant, self righteous, unreliable, full

of inconsistencies, always making excuses.  Balanced chakra: good at
communicating, contented, inspired artistically.

To help to bring your throat chakra into balance try some of these ideas:  Use these
essential oils: Chamomile, Lavender, cypress.  Wear a blue stone such as blue lace
agate, turquoise, or lapis lazuli on a choker style necklace .  Wear something blue,
especially close to your throat.  Take one of the Bach flower essences. Heather - for
those over talkative people who fear loneliness.  Vervain - for strain and tension felt
by those over-enthusiastic people who have fixed ideas.  Rock Water for those who
practice too rigid a routine.
Third Eye Chakra.  It is located above and between the eyebrows.

Sanskrit name -'' Ajna'' - meaning 'to know, to perceive''.  This chakra is depicted as a
lotus with 2 large petals on each side of a circle which contains a downward pointing
triangle.  This chakra is concerned with intuition and connection with the higher self. 
It resonates to the color indigo, purple.

Physical problems: headaches, poor vision, ear problems.  

Associated crystals are Amethyst - a stone to meditate with, balances the energies of
the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies.  Azurite - to awaken psychic abilities,
and stimulate the pursuit of the heavenly self.  Fluorite - the stone of discernment
which prepares one's being for healing on the emotional and physical level. Good for
disorders in the bone structure.  Lapis Lazuli - the stone of total awareness. 
Moonstone - The stone for feeling and understanding via intuition, cleansing
negativity from all the chakras.

Element - Light.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra:  authoritarian, arrogant, impatience leading to

headaches and bad dreams, undisciplined, tendency towards schizophrenia, lack of
concentration, setting sights too low.  Balanced chakra: very intuitive, charismatic,

To help to bring your third eye chakra into balance try some of these ideas.  Use Rose
Geranium, Eucalyptus, Violet.  Wear violet colors, and surround yourself with these
colors in your home or place of work.  Wear an amethyst.  Take one of the Bach
flower essences. Beech for intolerance, Aspen for worry, Clematis for day dreamers
and Impatiens for irritability.

Crown Chakra.  It is located at the top/crown of the head.

Sanskrit name -'' Sahasrara'' - meaning 'Thousand fold''.  This chakra is depicted as a
thousand-petaled white lotus.  This chakra is concerned with enlightenment, self-
realization, fulfillment.  It resonates to the colors white, violet and gold.

Physical problems: exhaustion, Alzheimer's and diseases of the nervous system.

Associated crystals Clear quartz - a crystal for meditation, fills the aura and chakras
with light and heals the etheric. Promotes spiritual expansion.  Amethyst -to open and
activate the crown chakra, helps to bring about a sense of spirituality.  Diamond - to
help in stimulating spirituality and far sightedness. Keeps negativity away.

Element - Cosmic energy, or often called the akasha, or ether.  

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: psychotic or manic depressive, frustrated,
undisciplined, tendency towards schizophrenia, lack of concentration, always feeling
tired, unable to make decisions.  Balanced chakra: at peace with oneself, charismatic
personality, spiritual.

To help to bring your crown chakra into balance try some of these ideas.  Use
Lavender, Frankincense, Clary Sage.  Wear a quartz pendant.  Wear white.  Meditate. 
Do Reiki on yourself or someone else..  Read something spiritual.  Take one of the
Bach flower essences. Cherry Plum for depression or fears of instability. Water Violet
for aloofness and Wild Oat for uncertainty. 

The word 'chakra' is a Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel'. They are vortices of
concentrated energy within our subtle body (aura) and they assimilate life force
energy. Each chakra is associated with an organ and endocrine gland and each
resonates at a different frequency which corresponds to the color spectrum. They are
not visible to the human eye, being part of the energy system of the body.

There are hundreds of these energy centers within our aura but there are seven
major chakras.  Each of these relates to one of the seven levels of the aura and has a
different color.  Sometimes chakras can seem to be overactive and too open or
sluggish and too closed.  Ideally they are balanced individually and with one another,
though this is rare due to our stressed lifestyle and level of spiritual development.

The Seven Primary Chakras 

1st The Root Chakra known as the 'muladhara' in Sanskrit is located at the base of
the spine.

2nd The Sacral Chakra or 'svadisthana' is located about 2 inches below the naval.

3rd The Solar Plexus or 'manipura' is located approximately 4 inches below the tip
of the sternum.

4th The Heart Chakra or 'anahata' is found in the center of the chest area near the
physical heart.

5th The Throat Chakra or 'vishuddha' is in the throat hollow over the larynx.

6th The Third Eye or Brow Chakra--'ajna'-- is in the middle of the forehead near
the bridge of the nose
7th The Crown Chakra or 'sahasrara' is located directly at the top of the head .

When we do not feel well it is because something within our aura, and hence our
physical body, is out of balance.  This imbalance will show up in the chakra
functioning.  There are ways in which to balance our chakras, i.e. our mind, body, and
emotions.  Some are listed here, along with a little bit of information on colors and
essential oils associated with each chakra.

The Root/Base Chakra. Located at the coccyx.

It is depicted as a lotus of four petals within which is a square and a downward

pointing triangle.  This chakra is concerned with basic survival, physical needs, the
bones and skeletal structure and the adrenal glands.  Its color is red; element is Earth
energy. If insufficiently open one may feel spaced out and un-grounded.  It is
associated with the sense of smell.  It resonates to the sound of drums.

Gemstones - Ruby, Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Bloodstone, Smokey quartz.

Essential Oils  Clary Sage, Patchouli, Cedarwood.

An un-balanced or blocked chakra: self-centered, bullying, dishonest, hyperactive. 

lack of confidence, low self-esteem, fearful, alienated, homeless.  In balance one feels
balanced, grounded, independent, healthy.

To balance a root chakra you may add the chakra-related ingredients mentioned
above.  Wear something red or burn a red candle.  Wear a garnet or ruby if you have
one. Music of drums and low vibrational sounds has a grounding effect which helps
balance this chakra.  Walk around outdoors, preferably near trees, and barefoot.  The
flower essences that vibrate to the color red - Dr Bach's Flower Remedies - Red
Chestnut, Cherry Plum or Aspen.

The Sacral Chakra.  This is located in the lower abdomen below the navel.

Sanskrit name - Svadhisthana meaning Sweetness.  It is depicted as six orange-red

petals containing a second lotus flower and a crescent moon.  This chakra is
concerned with receptivity, nurturing and the emotions, sexuality, lower back
problems.  Resonates to the color orange and the element of water.  It has to do with
the sense of taste.
Gemstones - Carnelian - This is an orangey-red crystal and is useful to dispel apathy
and passivity. Citrine - A yellow or amber colored quartz that opens one up to deal
with emotional problems. Moonstone - This stone helps the feminine, nurturing side
of one's nature. Good for pregnant or new mothers.

Sound - drums

Essential oil - Bergamot, Orange blossom, Jasmine, Sandalwood.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra : characteristics are excessive behavior, emotionally

unbalanced, manipulative and sexually addictive, too hard on oneself, feelings of
guilt, possibility of frigidity or impotence.  Balanced chakra: trusting, attuned to ones
own feelings, creative.  To bring your sacral chakra into balance burn some essential
oil such as Jasmine, Sandalwood or Rose.  Wear something orange.  Try Dr Bach's
Flower essence Willow or Gorse to bring back your self esteem and belief in yourself.

The Solar Plexus Chakra.  It is located 4" below base of the sternum.

Sanskrit name -'' Manipura'' meaning lustrous gem.  It is depicted as a ten-petalled

lotus within which is a downward-pointing triangle surrounded by 3 T-shaped Hindu
symbols of Fire.  This chakra refers to power, self-esteem, and confidence and
resonates to color yellow. Crystals are Yellow Citrine - good for digestive
difficulties.  Sunstone - This comes in a range of colors as well as yellow and orange.
Very good for releasing tension and stomach ulcers.  It increases the ability to receive
ideas and energy.  Yellow Tiger Eye - Clears negative energy from the solar plexus
and protects against psychic attack.  Good stone for people new to spiritual concepts
for it helps to awaken us gradually.  Yellow Calcite - It is said to intensify the energy
of this chakra and is also good for problems associated with the pancreas, kidneys and

Element- Fire.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: characteristics are anger, being a workaholic,

judgmental, lack of humor, addictive behavior, fearful of being alone, insecure,
needing reassurance, apathy.  Balanced chakra: personal power, uninhibited,
spontaneous, cheerful and self confident.  

To bring your sacral chakra into balance try some of these ideas.  Use essential of
Bergamot, Ylang ylang, Cinnamon.  Wear something yellow, gold jewelry, or yellow
gemstones.  Try one of the Dr Bach flower essences to balance the solar plexus -
Aspen for those unknown fears or Honeysuckle to help you live in the present.

Heart Chakra.  It is located in the center of the chest.

Sanskrit name -'' Anahata'' meaning ''sound made without two things striking'' and is
depicted as twelve petals around a six-pointed star.  This chakra is concerned with
unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness.  Physical dysfunctions are high
blood pressure, heart problems. circulation.  It resonates to the colors green and rose

Associated crystals are Jade -green - to reassure, for mercy and compassion,
Watermelon tourmaline - green and pink -- allows the heart chakra to connect with the
Higher Self. Regulates the hormones.  Aventurine - green - enhances personal
creativity, stress-relieving.  Rose Quartz - pink - to heal emotional wounds, to soothe

Element - Air.  

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: possessiveness, conditional love, selfishness, fearing

rejection, self-pitying, feeling unworthy.  Balanced chakra: compassionate, in touch
with own feelings, empathic, loves unconditionally.

To bring your heart chakra into balance try some of these ideas:  Burn some essential
oil - Geranium, Rose, Bergamot.  Wear a rose quartz on a long cord or chain close to
your heart.  Wear something pink.  Take one of the Dr Bach flower essences Wild
Rose to stop those feelings of resignation or Beech to help see what is good in the

Throat Chakra. It is located at the base of the neck.

Sanskrit name -'' Vishuddha'' meaning ''Purification''.  Depicted as a lotus with sixteen
petals within which is a downward pointing triangle and a circle to represent the full
Moon.  This chakra is concerned with communication, sound and self -expression.  It
resonates to the color blue.  Physical problems: sore throats, problems with thyroid,
hearing difficulties, asthma.

Associated crystals are Sodalite - to help to articulate and show your true self.  Blue
Lace Agate - to combat shyness, offer courage, help to heal laryngitis and sore
throats.  Blue topaz - Helps one to learn of one's true feelings, releases anger. 
Celestite - to assist in clairaudience and dream recall, helps writers in their search for
Element - Ether.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: over-talkative, arrogant, self righteous, unreliable, full

of inconsistencies, always making excuses.  Balanced chakra: good at
communicating, contented, inspired artistically.

To help to bring your throat chakra into balance try some of these ideas:  Use these
essential oils: Chamomile, Lavender, cypress.  Wear a blue stone such as blue lace
agate, turquoise, or lapis lazuli on a choker style necklace .  Wear something blue,
especially close to your throat.  Take one of the Bach flower essences. Heather - for
those over talkative people who fear loneliness.  Vervain - for strain and tension felt
by those over-enthusiastic people who have fixed ideas.  Rock Water for those who
practice too rigid a routine.

Third Eye Chakra.  It is located above and between the eyebrows.

Sanskrit name -'' Ajna'' - meaning 'to know, to perceive''.  This chakra is depicted as a
lotus with 2 large petals on each side of a circle which contains a downward pointing
triangle.  This chakra is concerned with intuition and connection with the higher self. 
It resonates to the color indigo, purple.

Physical problems: headaches, poor vision, ear problems.  

Associated crystals are Amethyst - a stone to meditate with, balances the energies of
the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies.  Azurite - to awaken psychic abilities,
and stimulate the pursuit of the heavenly self.  Fluorite - the stone of discernment
which prepares one's being for healing on the emotional and physical level. Good for
disorders in the bone structure.  Lapis Lazuli - the stone of total awareness. 
Moonstone - The stone for feeling and understanding via intuition, cleansing
negativity from all the chakras.

Element - Light.

Unbalanced or blocked chakra:  authoritarian, arrogant, impatience leading to

headaches and bad dreams, undisciplined, tendency towards schizophrenia, lack of
concentration, setting sights too low.  Balanced chakra: very intuitive, charismatic,

To help to bring your third eye chakra into balance try some of these ideas.  Use Rose
Geranium, Eucalyptus, Violet.  Wear violet colors, and surround yourself with these
colors in your home or place of work.  Wear an amethyst.  Take one of the Bach
flower essences. Beech for intolerance, Aspen for worry, Clematis for day dreamers
and Impatiens for irritability.

Crown Chakra.  It is located at the top/crown of the head.

Sanskrit name -'' Sahasrara'' - meaning 'Thousand fold''.  This chakra is depicted as a
thousand-petaled white lotus.  This chakra is concerned with enlightenment, self-
realization, fulfillment.  It resonates to the colors white, violet and gold.

Physical problems: exhaustion, Alzheimer's and diseases of the nervous system.

Associated crystals Clear quartz - a crystal for meditation, fills the aura and chakras
with light and heals the etheric. Promotes spiritual expansion.  Amethyst -to open and
activate the crown chakra, helps to bring about a sense of spirituality.  Diamond - to
help in stimulating spirituality and far sightedness. Keeps negativity away.

Element - Cosmic energy, or often called the akasha, or ether.  

Unbalanced or blocked chakra: psychotic or manic depressive, frustrated,

undisciplined, tendency towards schizophrenia, lack of concentration, always feeling
tired, unable to make decisions.  Balanced chakra: at peace with oneself, charismatic
personality, spiritual.

To help to bring your crown chakra into balance try some of these ideas.  Use
Lavender, Frankincense, Clary Sage.  Wear a quartz pendant.  Wear white.  Meditate. 
Do Reiki on yourself or someone else..  Read something spiritual.  Take one of the
Bach flower essences. Cherry Plum for depression or fears of instability. Water Violet
for aloofness and Wild Oat for uncertainty. 

Energy Clearing

"The longest journey of any is the journey inward."

Clearing is a process which removes discordant energies from around one's energy
field, thus enabling the body's spirit to heal itself.  

As we live our life we encounter many difficult situations, some of which can be
exceedingly traumatic.  Oftentimes one feels they have never fully recovered from
such traumas.  In fact, that is exactly the case, for each trauma and stress makes an
imprint upon the psyche and unless we have excellent stress-release techniques, those
traumas remain with us forever.  These 'wounds' reside in the energy field, or
aura, and can be seen and removed by someone trained to do so.  If they are not
cleared out the person is like the 'walking wounded' and will never feel light in
spirit, mind, or body.  When allowed to stay this way, they will develop illness
and serious diseases.

A normal healthy human aura has clear, transparent colors, of a pastel hue.  This
energy field extends 52' in diameter, though the densest part is only about an arm's
length from the body.  There are layers to the aura and each layer corresponds to a
mental, emotional, or higher spiritual level.  The nature of trauma (i.e. mental abuse,
emotional stress, physical injury) will determine the location of it's psychic 'scar' in
the aura.

This is an energy field that is not perfect, but in pretty good shape.  Notice the
relatively light colors, the radiance at the crown chakra (top of head), and the lack of
clingy tar-like substance on the body.  This person has worked on their issues!  They
are likely on a spiritual path and take care of their mental, emotional, and physical
energies through introspection, meditation, natural healing, and a healthy support
system of like-minded individuals.  Less than 1% of the population has an aura of
purity and balance like this one.

Here is an aura that is typical of most.  Note that the

ckakras are out of alignment, colors are darker and muddy,
with emphasis on reds, indicating baser instincts such as lust,
anger, hatred, and jealousy.  The tar-like substance is an
indication of unresolved issues.  There is very little light at
the crown chakra.  This person is 'asleep' in their life and has
little awareness beyond the mundane.  (This is what I usually
see when doing clearings.)

Here we have a more serious situation, where the person

has allowed their thoughts to dwell on lower emotions such as
anger, lust,  and hatred.  The ensuing accumulation of
negative energies coalesces into a 'thought form' which often
takes the shape of an entity.  This entity then 'feeds' upon the
harsh emotions that created it, and sends messages back to the
host-person that it wants more 'anger' or 'jealousy'.  This transferred thought then
registers in the individual as a desire for those negative emotions.  As he/she indulges
in these emotions the entity grows larger.  This creates a vicious cycle that will not
quit unless help is sought.  A person with this kind of imbalance will be ill, either in
mind, emotions, or body.  They carry scars from previous emotional battles, sustained
in childhood or later, and will continue to act out those same harsh messages to
others, for it is what they learned themselves.

* Note:  these images are from the out-of-print book 'Rainbow Bridge' and are
copyrighted by the author.  I will be pleased to credit the author/publisher if they can
be located.

There are a few ways to clear up these problems and imbalances.  The fastest is to
consult a healer who is trained to see the intrusions and to safely remove them.  The
next best is to create an attitude adjustment in oneself and simply refuse to indulge in
negative emotions (and also to forgive your abusers), regardless of provocation.  In
time, entities will dissolve and balance can be regained.  But the process takes a long
time and is not always effective simply because people are creatures of habit and
generally do not care enough to change their bad habits. 

If one has been effective in their use of personal will to subdue their worst instincts,
they may wish to proceed further by stepping onto a spiritual path.  This can be
achieved by practicing daily meditation or learning Reiki or other energy-enhancing
techniques.  If this is made a priority in life one can expect to gradually rise to higher
levels of consciousness, thereby balancing their energy, preventing the formation of
entities and dark energies, and truly making their life fuller and happier.  People such
as this are an inspiration to those who meet them, and their presence sheds Light
wherever they go.  They are teachers and healers and have a desire to help others heal

The 'clearing' work we do can be done in person or at a distance.  It may take

several sessions to achieve a permanently cleared state because one tends to revert to
past habits.  However, for those who are serious and work with me this can be a very
liberating experience, and a step into a new, better life.  

Another aspect of bringing a person back to a normal healthy state is through

balancing the assemblage point.  This is an energy vortex in the aura, about an arm's
length in front and behind the heart chakra.  At birth this point is at the navel but as
we grow it moves up and usually onto the right side of the center of the sternum. 
Ideally it is in the center, but our inherent imbalances and attitudes determine its
resting place.  The following diagram shows the ideal central location, and the nature
of emotional or physical imbalance that is manifested when its off center.  When
centered, the individual is happy, peaceful, and healthy.


By psychically sensing its location, and then moving it to center with powerful
crystal wands, the healer can bring about a profound level of balance in the client. 
But like all things, if the client is unwilling to keep their level of thoughts and
emotions at this higher level, they will eventually fall back to where they were.  All
healing such as this requires a skilled practitioner AND a client who is willing to
work with them to maintain their new, improved level.

As with all forms of healing, there will generally be a stress release of a few days
after this adjustment.  It can take the form of emotional release (tears, anger,
sleeplessness) or physical release (temporary nausea, headache, or fatigue).  The
healing crisis is a good thing and to be strived for because it indicates that the body is
throwing off old memories and traumas.  It may take 3 or 4 adjustments, over a few
months, to keep the new assemblage point stabilized.

The Assemblage Point 


"The Soul is light, the Mind is light, and the Body is light - light of different grades;  it
is this relation which connects man with the planets and stars."
(Hasrat Inayat Khan)
The assemblage point is an energy focal point directly behind the shoulder blades,
about 12” out from the body—right behind the heart. It is not a part of the chakra
system, but exists within the human aura as a separate, yet extremely important,
energy vortex. It effects the biological electro-magnetic forces in our body, thus
effecting our overall state of mental, emotional, and physical health. When we are in
balance the normal position of the assemblage point in the energy body is at the center
of the chest near the thymus gland. The assemblage point is easily ‘disturbed’ and
will move away from its balanced and centered location during traumas, abuse,
mental or emotional shocks, accidents, stress, depression, and illnesses. The
assemblage point is such a powerful energy vortex that its misalignment will greatly
effect our perception of life and our state of happiness or illness.

Our body is much like a ‘machine’ and is surrounded by an electrical energy field
called the ‘aura’. Science is now able to show us this field through Kirlian
photography, and the field can also be measured through scientific instruments. When
one has sustained any kind of trauma—or even a mild stress—there will be such a
profound internal change that one may be unable to return to one’s former life. All of
this is due to a huge shift in the position of the assemblage point. Our reality and our
health are changed for the worse. But by re-aligning its position, the effects can be
negated and health of mind and body are restored. When correctly positioned in the
center of the chest, a person feels well and able to cope with life. Any deviation from
this central position creates physical or psychological disease.  The image below
shows the perfect, central location of the assemblage point.  When its position is off
center the person will be experiencing one of the conditions shown.  A severely out of
balance AP--at the low critical line--occurs when death is imminent.   

The Carlos Castaneda books of the 1960’s brought us the first reference of the
assemblage point. Castaneda studied with a Mexican shaman named don Juan as he
learned how to shift his ‘ordinary’ state to super-normal consciousness. There were
many tests and exercises but one of the most important was don Juan slapping Carlos
in the middle of his back to properly align the assemblage point. It worked wonders,
and it worked immediately. Of course Castaneda was apprenticing to be a shaman
and some of his experiences were much more profound than simply getting adjusted
into a state of balance. A shaman knows how to use the assemblage point to bring
about very unique states of consciousness, as well as simply ‘balance’. With a
specific adjustment, one can come much closer to states of enlightenment, or increase
their psychic awareness temporarily. With repeated adjustments one is able to
maintain this balanced state on their own and does not need to have outside help.

There are similarities between an assemblage point adjustment and chiropractic

adjustment, for both realign the energy structures surrounding the physical body.
Balance is then restored and vital force energy begins to flow into the body, mind, and
emotions in an orderly fashion. Everyone can benefit from having their assemblage
point adjusted because virtually everyone on the planet has sustained some sort of
stress or trauma in their lifetime. Each of these injuries leaves a scar—whether or not
it is physical, mental, or emotional, the results remain. Most of these scars are unseen
by the physical eye but one lives them out in their daily lives through their attitudes,
fears, issues, depression, addictions, and all forms of behavior that are not based upon

Prana, or chi, is vital force energy and is the essence of all life. This energy is the
building blocks of all of creation. These tiny globules of light can even be seen with
the naked eye. Try looking up at a clear blue sky some day. In a few moments your
eyes will relax and you can see tiny white dots of light moving rapidly everywhere.
This is prana, or chi. And this is our true source of energy, not food or water or
oxygen. Most people have a mind/body build that requires food for fuel. But in an
enlightened state—a state which is possible for every human being—food is not
required. Energy is absorbed directly from the air around! Prana flows through the
body along channels called meridians. In a state of health the prana flows freely,
without obstruction, and the person feels happy and energetic. There are two types of
prana. One is called internal prana and it is that which keeps one alive. External
prana is available to us through the air around us, and we can train ourselves to tap
into that unlimited energy source. Reiki is one such way; mantra meditation, Chi
Kung, and yoga techniques all serve to bring this energy into the human body.
A healer who has been trained in receiving vital force has had his/her energy
channels opened and this allows transmission of vital force to anyone who needs it.
As a healer does more and more healing her energy channels are made wider and she
is able to not only transmit energy, but often develops forms of clairvoyance. This
ability allows her to sense misalignments of the chakras or the assemblage point. It
takes a strong, balanced individual to move a misaligned assemblage point. The
stronger the healer, the better are the results of her work. Nevertheless, even the most
powerful healer in the world cannot impose healing upon an unreceptive individual.
Anyone wishing to be healed of their ailments must be in a receptive mode. A
compatible frequency between the healer and the recipient is necessary for good

When a strongly balanced healer does an assemblage point adjustment there will be
a profound change for the better in the client. Usually the first time one has an
assemblage point adjustment they will feel a sense of pressure or even slight pain
between their shoulder blades. That can last one day or several. The degree of
discomfort is proportional to the need for adjustment. There can also be an emotional
release for a few days afterwards, though people differ in their reaction. It is
suggested that initially one have an adjustment every week or every two weeks for
about 3 or 4 adjustments, until relative balance is achieved. Thereafter, usually one
adjustment every month is sufficient to maintain balance.

The Seven Individual

In-Body Chakras
From the book " New Chakra Healing" by Cyndi Dale
The Revolutionary 32-Center Energy System
When looking at each of our seven in-body chakras, we will consider
certain key indicators about each:

Location- The site of the physical center of each chakra.

Color- The color psychics typically associate with each chakra. The
color indicates the type of frequency or tone affiliated with each
chakra. Each color could be turned into a musical note or a
mathematical frequency. In general, the lower the chakra is located
within the body, the lower its tone or color. The lower the tone, the
stronger the effect that chakra has on our material self (versus
spiritual self).
Descriptors- Symbols which have been linked to the
various chakras. Each charka has a predominate yang or
male theme, which concerns the energy output and its
effect on the world, and a yin or female theme, which
concerns energy input and its effect on our self.

Source of- A list of what comes from each chakra; an

indication of what each charka adds to the system as a

Seat of-The ultimate purpose of each chakra.

Key Word- A word about a particular chakra to help

differentiate it from the others. If you remember any word
about a particular chakra, this would be it.

Energy Type- The type of energy that flows in and out of each

Physical Communication Style- How we express or receive

measurable, tangible data through each chakra. This data is usually
recognized as physical sensations.

Psychic Communication Style- How we express or receive

intangible data, which when processed through a chakra produces a
physical or emotional effect. This data is currently scientifically
immeasurable and not always confirmable by others.

Intuitive Communication Style- How each chakra relays spiritual

information to us or receives information designed to meet our
soul’s needs.

Problems- A partial list of the most typical ailments associated with

each chakra, particularly those illnesses stemming from imbalance
within the chakra itself.

Contains- Suggestions of what information is stored within each

chakra and could be reached by communication with it.

First Chakra (The Root Chakra)

The first charka, the root chakra, is critical to our survival.

“Psychologically speaking, the root chakra is linked to the basic
survival instincts. It is connected with primal feelings…and is the
prime mover behind the so called flight-or-fight response,” says
Gerber in Vibrational Medicine.
Located in the genital area, the first charka receives its basic
programming from our family. Through this programming, we make
decisions regarding out right and will to survive. Out earliest
experiences are also recorded here, resulting in the awareness or
repression of our most primal feelings.
In Wheels of Light, Rosalyn L. Bruyere says, “In the first charka, to
be aware is to be tactile. Nothing happens until it happens in the
first charka; and nothing has happened until we sense it, until we
feel it in a tactile way, until it touches us…Our interaction with our
environment is dependent upon our own body’s ability to
simultaneously record and make us aware of the occurrence of
some event or experience”
As we move through life, this chakra regulates our physical
existence and needs, including issues surrounding sexuality and
passion, and the availability of our most basic needs-money,
housing, food, clothing, and loving relationships. The first charka
also regulates the physical realm in which it dwells, including our
sexual functions.

Location- Lower hips, genital area.

Color- Red.

Descriptors- Images of a serpent, snake, dragon, or “holy fire”,

similar to the flame of the Holy Spirit. The yang aspect of the
charka relates to how we put ourselves out into the world and how
successful we are at surviving. The yin component concerns how
able we are to receive material assistance and keep our “will to
live” alive.

Source of- Passion; raw, primal feelings, including rage, terror,

joy; survival energy; material energy for achieving life purpose;
fundamental programming about what we deserve in and out of life.
Seat of- Existence on the physical plane; the will to live.

Key Word- Awareness.

Energy Type- Fed by fire energy from inside and outside ourselves.
It is the recipient charka for kundalini, the raw, earth energy feedin
our life force and assuring survival.

Physical Communication Style- Communicates physical or

emotional needs through real-life sensory impressions: aches and
pains, physical awareness, touches, smells, vibrations, movements,
feelings. May involve getting sick as a means to becoming
aware of a problem.

Psychic Communication Style- conveys information

regarding our mental needs through physical empathy,
the registration of physical and feeling-based sensations
from sources that are perceived as not there. Can include
feeling physical pains, illnesses, and feelings that belong
to someone else; getting hit with smells, nausea, touches,
vibrations that seem to come from nowhere. I associated
abilities such as psychometry, the act of reading physical
objects, with this charka.

Intuitive Communication Style- Receives or sends physical

sensations that make us look at a soul or spiritual issue or need,
causing us to sometimes experience an imaginary reality, as if we
were really there. While these experiences are woven from psychic
energies, they usually involve a higher learning and call for a
significant change in lifestyle.

Problems- Root area for addictions and compulsions; sexual

dysfunctions (physical, behavioral, or emotional); nervous system
diseases or disorders; urinary tract disorders; rectal problems;
some circulatory, skin, or reproductive issues; headaches. Family
dysfunctions and gender role confusion; any childhood abuse
issues; money, career, and finance issues; questions about housing,
food and basic needs.

Contains-Our roots, including family values, beliefs, and heritage;

original feelings about ourselves, our right to exist, our right to
occupy space, our right to be loved, our right to get our needs met;
programming affecting our basic needs, including the needs for
money, love/being loved, sex, food, air, water, housing; material
energy for achieving life purpose.

Second Chakra

Our second chakra, located in the abdomen, is the center of our

feelings and creativity. Through this chakra, we bgin to understand
our reactions to our inner and outer worlds, and decide how we are
going to express these reactions. Feelings originating here are
generally “softer” than feelings stemming from the first chakra, the
most healthy way to work them out is through creative or emotive
expression. This center is particularly important to women, who, I
believe, store most of their life energy within it. Regarding physical
processes, it is linked to the intestines, abdominal organs, and
female reproductive system.

Location- Abdomen

Colour- Orange

Descriptors- Water elements and water animals, such as fishes

and lizards. Its yang element involves how we express feelings to
others and create within the world; the yin aspect involves
absorbing or interpreting others’ feelings; making self-judgments
about our own feelings and creativity; and being able to take in the
life energy needed to feel and create.

Source Of- Feelings; creative energy; birthing and gestation

activity (for babies, business, ideas, projects-anything); women’s

Seat Of- Feelings and our awareness of them (feelings being the
language of the body); creative abilities; female identity.

Key Words- Feeling, creativity.

Energy Type- Chi energy, which is seen as life energy in the

Chinese system.

Physical Communication Style- Involves feeling and expressing

our feelings through the appropriate physical medium, such as
crying, screaming, laughing.

Psychic Communication Style- Known as feeling empathy, the

ability to experience our own or another person’s feelings for the
purpose of understanding and clearing self-destructive beliefs. This
gift helps us dissect emotions, which are feelings joined with
thoughts (as in, “I am angry, therefore, I am bad”).

Intuitive Communication Style- Uses feeling empathy to learn a

soul lesson or help integrate the soul more fully into the body. It
could involve experiencing the feelings of someone we hurt or
actually experiencing our soul’s feelings as it more fully integrates
into the body.

Problems- “It is” issues, such as diverticulitis and colitis; appendix

disorders; kidney problems (childhood issues), fertility issues,
women’s issues, such as PMS, candida, ovarian disorders, uterine
problems, issues from stored, stuck, or unexpressed
emotions from self or others, co-dependency (literally
taking on or storing another’s feelings), creative blocks.

Contains- feelings of self and others.

Third Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra)

The third chakra is highly complex. Known most commonly as the

“power center,” it functions as the storage house for the judgments,
opinions, and beliefs we have gathered about ourselves and the
world. These judgments, in turn, affect our self-esteem and self-
confidence. Perhaps this is why this center is seen as the source of
cognition, the “knowingness” that tells us how to operate within the
framework of school, society, and the world. In Women’s Psychic
Lives, Diane Stein describes this center as a “psychic energy pump”
for the physical and non-physical bodies. She says. “Emotional and
psychic balance are located at this center and thought-forms are
produced here”.
This center is especially important for men, who, I believe, must
rely on it as their decision-making point instead of the first charka.
This chakra also correlates to our digestive process and interrelates
with the organs located within it.

Location- The solar plexus region

Color- Yellow

Descriptors- Air elements and airborne entities, including birds.

The yang presence involves expression of self in the world; the yin
aspect concerns opinions and judgments about self and other.

Source Of-Personal poser, self and other judgments, intellectual

understanding of physical/worldly existence, men’s power.
Seat Of- Self-esteem, power, directed will, ability to discern, male

Key Words-Power, discrimination

Energy Type- Mental. intellectual

Physical Communication Style- Perceived as ideas,

thoughts, or intellectual understandings that register at
gut-level to help us succeed, interface in the world, deal
with people, and make effective decisions.

Psychic Communication Style- Known as mental

empathy or clairsentience (clear sensing), the means of
knowing or sensing something that while it can be
justified, isn’t rational. This information usually applies to
working through issues of personal power and self or
other judgments.

Intuitive Communication Style- Use of mental

empathy to effectively achieve a position in the world
which will help the soul achieve its purpose. Data received or
generated usually creates situations, opportunities, and events to
benefit the soul and self as a whole.

Problems- Digestive and metabolic disorders, weight issues,

feelings of confusion or craziness, power issues. When linked with
heart, co-dependency and care taking (mixing up love and power
needs). Different issues for different organs-liver problems indicate
anger with men or male self, spleen disorders indicate female anger
and defense issues, or faulty us of female power, stomach problems
indicate swallowing others’ opinions or thoughts, gallbladder
troubles indicate resentments, grief about men, our male self or
achievement in the world, pancreas disorders indicate the ability to
take in or hold the “sweetness” in live or having been smothered,
over-mothered, or under-nurtured. The adrenals and kidneys are
shared with the second charka, and so reflect issues of power and
feelings-the adrenals hold beliefs regarding our creative reactions to
perceived dangers or opportunities, the kidneys hold childhood
perceptions regarding emotional needs.

Contains- Opinions, differentiated beliefs.

Fourth Chakra
Since time began, the heart has been seen as the center of the
human body, the melting pot for the divine energy of the crown and
the life drive of the genital area. In the Cherokee tradition, Dhyani
Ywahoo says, “Much of our transformation process, especially at the
level of emotion, occurs through the lungs and the energy bridge or
doorway behind the heart”. Indeed, most of our decisions would be
prosperous and authentic if they were to be made by the heart, the
center of relationships, love, and compassion. Some would say
human success depends upon evolving our hearts.
The change in the psychic energies of the evolving heart could
indicate this. At birth, the heart is green, indicating an inborn
healing ability and energy. During our productive adulthood years, it
should be seen as pink, the integration of the white (purpose) color
of the crown and the red (passion) color of the first chakra. Finally,
we are to achieve gold, the color of universal love. On a more
mundane level, this chakra affects the physical processes involving
the heart and lungs (circulation and respiratory functions).

Location- Heart

Color- Green, pink, gold

Descriptors- Earth-type elements and mammalian animals. The

yang function pertains to relationships with others and what we are
giving to the world; the yin aspect relates to the relationship with
sefl and what we are willing to receive from the world.

Source of- Healing energy; our innermost desires; our dreams.

Key Words- Love, healing.

Energy Type- Astral (connects to the astral plane and the dream

Physical Communication Style- Communicates about physical

and emotional needs through actual physical sensations, including
heart pains, pangs, and emotional tugs. Source of healing energy
used in hands-on healing, hugging, and physical touch. The heart is
communicating or receiving whenever we are doing what we love to

Psychic Communication Style- receives messages from aspects

of self and guides through dreams, out-of-body experiences (astral
projection), receiving and sending healing energy, guided or
automatic writing, and journaling.

Intuitive Communication Style- Occurs when working with

higher frequencies and energies through the heart, such as
channeling guides, rays, principles, out-of-body chakric energy, and
when fully mature, Divine Source or Christ, as individualized to out
uniqueness. Soul issues, such as giving and receiving or living our
heart’s desires, are input, guided, and healed through this

Problems- Heart or circulatory diseases or disorders;

blood pressure problems; lung-related problems, including
asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and pneumonia; relationship
problems; sleep disorders. With the third charka, co-
dependancy and caretaking issues.

Contains- The ability to relate.

Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is very useful for manifesting and for self-
protection. Through it, we express what we think, feel, see, desire,
and detest. He front of this chakra is often known as the “seat of
responsibility,” for through it we say “yes” or “no” to life’s options.
Also linked with the soul, this chakra is seen as a vehicle for the
soul’s expression of its desires. Of great psychic importance, this
chakra allows us to share the information we are receiving from the
invisible self. Its physical presence involves the throat and auditory

Location- Throat

Color- Blue

Descriptors- Figures relating to the etheric element or humanity.

The yang function relates to expressing and voicing truths; the yin
aspect is attuned to receiving guidance.

Source of- Truth

Seat of- Wisdom; responsibility.

Key Word- Expression

Energy Type- Etheric, an emotional energy that has been charged

with spiritual awareness.

Physical Communication Style- Uses language, sounding,

singing, toning, or any other verbal means of communication to
express the experiences, needs, or emotional states of our physical
awareness. Gathers information regarding these matters by hearing
or reading.

Psychic Communication Style- Center of clairaudience

(clear hearing), the ability to hear or speak psychically to
ourselves, spirit guides, or other people. Abilities such as
guided writing, channeling, trans-mediumship, and
telepathy are linked with this charka. It ideally uses these
abilities to clarify and clear debilitating mental belief
patterns, and eliminate cords that feed it “old tapes.”

Intuitive Communication Style- Often seen as the

“seat of the soul,” the entry point for a non-integrated
soul on a daily basis. The soul speaks verbally or
psychically through thischarka to help us create the
circumstances necessary to achieve purpose. The soul will
also send or receive guidance from higher beings through
psychic channels available to this charka.

Problems- Any disorder affecting the throat area,

including the jaw or mouth, thyroid, larynx, tonsils, and
thymus; in ability to say “no” or “yes”; victimization from
non-assertion; issues of under- or over-responsibility.

Contains- The ability to define ourselves in the world.

Sixth Chakra (The Third Eye)

Revered since ancient times, this chakra, also called the “third eye,”
is out inner and outer visual center. Through it, we obtain, record,
and send pictures, symbols, colors, and images that represent
reality. Linked to the pituitary gland, this center regulates many of
our hormonal and endocrine functions, basing its physical health on
our self-image and goals. As Gerber says, “The endocrine glands
are part of a powerful master control system that affects…the body
from the level of cellular gene activation on up to the function of the
central nervous system. The chakras are thus able to affect our
moods and behavior through hormonal influences on brain activity”
(Gerber, 370).

Location- Forehead

Color- Purple

Descriptors- Figures pertaining to the spiritualized human, such as

saints, spirits, and gurus. The yang aspect pertains to the ability to
see and reach the future, and perform strategic planning measures;
the yin function relates to self-image and self-perception
Source of- Insight

Seat of- Visions and visioning

Key Word- Vision

Energy Type- Cerebral; the front of the third eye draws energy
from the brain and the seventh charka
Physical Communication Style- Uses ability to see, draw, or
otherwise project images to communicate or determine physical or
emotional needs or desires.

Psychic Communication Style- Called clairvoyance (clear seeing),

this charka can help us internally visualize images, including colors,
symbols, forms, metaphors and literal or figurative pictures of
beings, events, or ideas from the past, present, or future. This
ability also pertains to being able to send this type of visual data.
Some people are able to perform clairvoyant functions with their
physical eyes. Work done with this ability usually applies to clearly
seeing and working with the imagination.

Intuitive Communication Style- The means employed by the

soul to communicate desires for the future, and to present views
that need to be changed to reach it. Advanced intuits can actually
create their projections with the use of imagination or “i-magic-
ation.” Insight, inspiration, and other visually based abilities are
based here.

Problems- Glandular or endocrine issues (this charka is linked to

the pituitary gland); hormonal imbalances; growth or development
issues; difficulty in planning for the future; eyesight issues;
headaches in the brow indicate a problem with the third
eye, either from over-use or under-use; adolescent

Contains- Self-image and the means of

correcting/shaping one’s view of self and the world.

Seventh Chakra (The Crown Chakra)

Connected to the pineal gland, cerebral cortex, and our higher

chakras, this chakra regulates many in- and out-of-body functions.
Gerber says, “Currents of energy are taken into the body through a
stream entering the crown chakra” (Gerber, 371).
The “psychic center” for higher knowing, it receives the spiritual
energies and guidance necessary to activate our purpose. Because
it is connected to higher planes, the seventh chakra is seen as the
center of our divinity, the place through which we know our unity
with the Divine Source and all other spiritual beings.

Location- The crown (the baby’s soft spot)

Color- White or clear

Descriptors- Spiritual entities and essences, such as spirit or god

forms, angels, or powers. Contains the yang ability to live our divine
identity by expressing purpose, and the yin ability to take in
energies essential to feeding our spiritual nature.

Source of- Divine Awareness

Seat of- Our oneness of all

Key Word- Divinity

Energy Type- Ketheric, a materialized form of spiritual energy
originating beyond the earth’s space/time continuum.

Physical Communication Style- Describes our physical needs and

emotional desires through out thoughts and any actions that feed
our purpose.

Psychic Communication Style- A higher level of kinesthetic

awareness felt as divine inspiration, metatonic or peak experiences,
spiritual awakenings and the like.

Problems- Immune system disorders; cancers; bone disorders;

nervous system disorders. All problems relating to the pineal gland,
which operates as the psychic attunement and purpose center, and
as an immune system regulator. Learning disorders or difficulties;
schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, neurosis or psychosis;
major depression. Headaches; dizziness or light-headedness.
Dissociation or being ungrounded; imbalance of any type; lack of
self-understanding; lack of direction.

Contains- the receptive means for understanding path and


The Five Out-of-Body Chakras

In order to fully understand the human, physically based energy
system, we must learn about the top five human chakras. These
five chakras connect to the physical body, but are not located or
based within it. Rather, they serve as intermediaries between the
higher, invisible chakras and the in-body chakras. Their presence
firmly validates C.W. Leadbeater’s belief that “chakras naturally
divide into three groups…respectively the physiological, the
personal, and the spiritual” (Leadbeater,9).
Basically, the lower seven chakras meld out physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual energies with the glue of the physical.
Changes made within these seven chakras tend to produce
substantial, tangible results. We get a gob, get sick, get well, gain
or lose a relationship. However, as Gerber observed, the chakras
provide a regulatory function for our bodies; there are other bodies
or energies affecting us. He says, “Changes in the physical body are
merely the observable end result of physiological events occurring
simultaneously on a variety of energy levels” (Gerber, 371). One
such level involves the top five chakras, which link the material with
the spiritual energy centers. They combine the visible and invisible,
working most frequently with elemental and celestial energies.
Elemental energies pertain to the type of quanta crating
the earth plane: fine, water, air, and earth. Celestial
energies run on a faster, higher frequency, probably
through tachyons- particles which move faster than the
speed of light. These are the energies relating to
concepts, ideas, principles, values, spirituality. I believe
that the top five chakras work an alchemy of their own.
They are the chakras through which magic is wrought,
imagination becomes real humanity receives salvation.
They are the chakras which exchange elemental and
celestial energies. Let’s examine each of these chakras in

Eight Chakra

The eight chakra is increadibly interesting. I find this chakra from

the bottom-up; it is located aobut an inch and a half abov ethe
head. Stein says, "Feel it by holding your left palm high above your
crown center and notice the energy" (Stein, 36). I perceive it as
flat, so it is hard to find from the top-down.
Working with this chakra, I have come to believe that it is our portal
into and out of this time/space continuum. Inside it, my clients and
students report experiencing the sense of being in space, and they
often visualize different stellar or planetary images. The winds,
circles, lines, and paths to our own and others' pasts, presents, and
futures can be found here. Here one also finds the Akashic records,
the “books” upon which is recorded all we have ever seen, done or
said, in this life or any other. Cherokee teacher Ywahoo calls these
records “The Temple of Understanding” which contains”…all the
programs of our expression in this life and the other lives that are
co-existing” (into their eighth chakra.
Ywahoo,106). Because of this, we can gain access to anything about
our past through the eight chakra. If appropriate, we can read the
pasts of others. We can journey to any place that exists in the
present or in other dimensions, and probe into potential or destined
futures. It is also possible to read alternative pasts, presents, and
futures here. When working with clients who have a difficult time
separating their issues from those of others, I often guide them into
their eighth chakra.
For instance, a CEO spent two sessions trying to determine the
cause of his fear of flying, an obvious hazard in his position. I had
him feel his eighth chakra, picture his Book of Self (Akashic
records), then look up images describing the origin of his fear. He
recalled times in his early childhood when his father read aloud
newspaper stories concerning airplane crashes. Regaining this
information helped my client re-think the decision that planes were
This chakra is rich in information about our karma, the slate of
issues we have come to work out and learnings we seek to acquire.
Because we record in this chakra information about others and their
roles in our lives, it is here that we can find many of the cords
which currently affect us. We can also trace our patterns (the
habitual processes in which we get stuck) through the eighth
chakra, making it a valuable access point for healing chronic
physical or emotional problems, and difficult relationships. Because
it relates to time, many of our time issues can be resolved through
this chakra.

Location- About one and one-half inches above the head

Color- Silver or ultraviolet

Descriptors- A feminine-based chakra with a male core, most

often associated with visual images such as the moon, stars,
universal night, planets, other dimensions, and time itself. Its yang
elements relate to ways we are living our karma; its yin aspects are
its ability to hold memory and serve as our personal scribe.

Source of- All past knowledge; karmic memory; access to other

dimensions and times

Seat of- Time and timelessness; karma; soul relationships; portals

in and through this time/space continuum

Key Word- Time

Energy Type- Spatial

Physical Communication Style- Affects our sense of balance,

time, and planning. Keys into the emotions and physical
experiences that have occurred in the past.

Psychic Communication Style- Access points for past-life

information, present-life data, alternate-reality portals, other
dimensions and levels, selected and possible futures.
Intuitive Communication Style- Place that regulates our destiny
points, the decision our soul made before we were born regarding
life events. Also the place in which we can change these decisions.

Problems- Time issues (being too late, too early); metabolism;

difficult relationships; chronic problems, diseases. Any problem
that has been carried over from a previous life, whether physical,
emotional, mental, physical, relational, or career-related.

Contains- The Akashic Records, the book that records all we have
ever done, been, thoughts, or said in any incarnation.

Ninth Chakra (The Soul Chakra)

Our ninth chakra is the least understood, yet I sometimes believe it

is one of our most important chakras. I believe Jungian counselors
unknowingly, yet frequently work at this level, for the ninth chakra,
functioning as the “seat of our soul,” communicates through
images, archetypes, patterns, numbers, and other symbols.
Basically, this chakra works just like one of our physical cells. It
contains our soul genes, the programs underlying the choices we
hve made regarding our physical body, emotional states, and
mental beliefs. In Vibrational Medicine, Gerber refers to these genes
as a template, saying, “The etheric body is the energy growth
template for the physical. Energetic changes occur at the etheric
level before becoming manifest as physical cellular events” (Gerber,
371). Within this chakra lay the fundamental seeds of our soul
purpose and information regarding our life purpose and life tasks.
All healing must be locked into the ninth chakra to be completely
integrated. Only by healing the soul body, which carries all data
from one incarnation to another, can we be assured that we are not
just going to repeat our lessons over and over.

Location- Approximately one arm’s length above the head

Color- Gold or infrared

Descriptors- Mushroom-shaped; masculine in
appearance with a feminine overlay. (Its appearance, of
course, depends on the nature of the represented soul.) It
contains all symbols, patterns, and archetypes pertinent
to a particular person; each symbol functions like a
chromosome. Contains the yang ability to imprint and
design the physical body and to mold a life for meeting
the soul’s end, and the yin ability to channel energy from
the Divine Source to create and change the soul itself.

Source of- Creation and change energy; master plans;

life seed.

Seat of- Soul genes and templates; personal archetypes

and symbols
Key Word- Soul

Energy Type- RadioactivePhysical Communication

Style- Helps select the appropriate sperm and egg for this
incarnation and oversees the physical and emotional
programming functions.

Psychic Communication Style- Speaks to us and external forces

through symbols, archetypes, designs, universal and individualized
feelings and realities. All symbols refer to our basic beliefs about
self.Intuitive Communication Style- Here, we can tap into
representations of the self and soul for healing, insight, and
knowledge. From this chakra, we can gain knowledge of soul, life
purposes and life tasks, destiny points, significant relationships, and
power symbols. It also helps us uncover soul damage for the
purpose of healing it.

Contains- Programming of the soul and self.

Tenth Chakra (The Grounding Chakra

I believe that one of the biggest crimes in the metaphysical
movement is the lack of or incomplete teachings about the tenth
chakra. We simply cannot be effective in daily life, perform psychic
functions, or attempt to fulfill life purpose if we are not grounded.
To be grounded means that we are fully attached to the earth; we
are “in” our bodies. Grounded people can draw on their full
faculties, abilities, and experiences, and thus, are able to handle
any situation. In this way, they are comparable to the Shambhallic
warrior, the spiritual warrior who lives fully fearless and ready for
Ungrounded people are quite easy to spot. They tend to be
unfocused, spacey, or out of touch with their own needs and
feelings. When I am ungrounded, I usually feel like I am out of my
body. This is typically a fear reaction. Many of us dissociate both
from an experience and from our self to cope with problems.
In my work, I have found that the tenth chakra works like an earth
lung, breathing in elements needed by the physical and emotional
body, as well as the chakric and auric systems. It also releases all
wastes from these systems into the ground for transformation.
When we or others are not grounded, we are probably dissociating
from a perceived trauma. When we are not grounded in out tenth
chakra, we may experience a light to severe inability to deal with
stress or the inability to cope with everyday realities, maintain
boundaries, and think with a clear head. We may experience
difficulty separating our feelings or reality from those of others.
Disconnection from our tenth chakra makes us vulnerable to
physical or psychic attacks of any nature. It is also impossible to
fulfill our life mission without full assistance from this chakra,
because creation requires the full blend of spiritual and material
energy; it is through this chakra that we breathe in material energy.

Almost every time I think about this chakra, I remember one of the
first times I witnessed its power first-hand. A few years ago, a man
came to me asking for help in finding his spaceship. For years, he
had been unable to hold down a job or a relationship because of this
quest. I psychically saw that his soul was only in his body from the
torso up. He had no self in the lower extremities and even
complained of frequent leg and foot numbness. Rather than address
his request, I asked him if he would be willing to have me help him
ground. He agreed. Through breathing and visualization, I had him
find and look in his tenth chakra.
His entire demeanor changed. His eyes became focused. He stopped
jittering. He began to talk about how painful his life had been, both
growing up and into his twenties. After awhile, he admitted that by
searching for a spaceship, he didn’t have to deal with this pain. We
spent a few sessions helping him face the issues and learn how to
be grounded. He then consented to long-term therapy with a
mental health professional.
This story leads to another interesting function of the tenth chakra.
I believe this chakra holds many of our family-of-origin heritage and
past-life issues. In fact, I see it as playing a very important role in
these matters.
Before and during conception, the tenth chakra, along with the
ninth chakra, selects the physical chromosomes regulating our
genetic make-up. While the ninth bases these decisions on soul
requirements, the tenth substantiates its claims based on our
ancestral background, choosing genes from our gene pool that will
enable us to meet the physical and psychological
challenges we will face.

Eleventh Chakra

“Other less talked about chakras are those in the palms of the
hands and…the soles of the feet,” says Stein (Stein,36). Knowing
about the eleventh chakra can be very beneficial energetically. Seen
as a pink film around the hands and feet, this chakra can transmute
charged external physical or emotional energy into the raw energy
our body needs to think, react, and respond. For instance, when
tired, we can drink in elemental energy through our feet, soak in
the power from a thunderstorm through our hands, or absorb an
angry person’s negative energy and convert it into strength for our
own response. We can also release our own energies through this
chakra in order to let go of blocks, resistance, pains, and issues no
longer assisting personal growth, or in order to direct psychic or
physical energy to affect change.
I have heard many students and clients report success in using this
chakra at work. One woman was constantly denigrated by her boss.
She stated to visualize the energy he sent her as black in color.
When he directed this blackness at her, she began to deliberately
allow it to enter the pink chakra around her hands. She would then
leave the blackness outside of her system, absorb the energy, and
reflect his energy back to him as a pink light. She would do this
without saying a word. She reported, “It was like the cat would get
his tongue! Almost every time I do this, he turns red, swallows his
words, shakes his head as if his thoughts were lost, and just plain
walks away!”
Healers of any sort, including hands-on professionals, nurses,
doctors, or counselors, would do well to learn how to use both the
feet and hand outlets of this chakra. They are very useful for
converting negative or diseased energies and perceptions, and
reflecting them back in a positive way.

Location-Around the hands and feet

Color- Pink

Descriptors- Any image related to giving and receiving, such as an

open or shut hand. Its yang function relates to energy put out into
the world, opportunities grasped or turned away; its yin function
pertains to assistance taken in or help received.

Source of- Energy transference; entry point for receiving or

sending energy designed to meet our needs or deal with situations.

Seat of- Transmutation for physical energy

Key Word- Transmutation

Energy Type- Etheric

Physical Communication Style- Takes in elemental or emotional

energy available in the outside world and converts it into energy
needed by the physical or emotional body to respond to any given
situation. For instance, we can soak in energy from a rainstorm or
an angry person, and use it to react appropriately to the climactic
emergency or dangerous person.

Psychic Communication Style- Reads the energetic properties of

outside forces, takes in the actual energy behind the situation, and
provides raw energy for psychically responding. This chakra can
also send energy out through the hands and feet to deal with this

Intuitive Communication Style- Gives the soul the hands and

feet it needs to reach for its desires, protect itself, convert physical
energy to spiritualized energy, and receive assistance or data.

Problems- Problems with hands or feet. Problems in reaching for

what we want; problems in accepting or receiving help, resources,
input; difficulty dealing with difficult or dangerous situations;
inability to deal effectively when in fear. Loss of energy when doing
psychic work.
Contains- The ability to transmute physical energy into psychic or
spiritual energy and vice versa.

Twelfth Chakra (The Secondary Chakra

The twelfth chakra is actually a collection of thirty-two points on the
body and in the aura. I see these in-body points as the Secondary
Chakra System. While most of these secondary chakras are located
within our physical body, some of these reach beyond the physical
body. The thirty-second secondary chakra, for instance, is in the
center of the earth, because our physical survival is contingent on
our ability to tap into certain earth elements.

The secondary, in-body points are:

1. Legs
2. Buttocks
3. Coccyx
4. Sacral vertebrae
5. Lumbar vertebrae
6. Thoracic (dorsal) vertebrae
7. Cervical vertebrae
8. Cranium
9. Silver cord to the soul
10. Bubbling springs in the feet
11. Ankles
12. Knees
13. Thighs
14. Hip bones
15. Navel and sexual organs
16. Appendix
17. Kidneys and adrenals
18. Large and small intestines
19. Pancreas
20. Liver
21. Gall bladder
22. Spleen
23. Stomach
24. Diaphragm and lungs
25. Arms
26. Bubbling springs in palms
27. Wrists
28. Elbows
29. Clavicle
30. Throat (including larynx, thyroid, and tongue)
31. Upper brain (spiritually oriented functions involving
cerebrum,pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus, and thalamus glands)
32. Center of the earth

Each of these secondary chakras relates to the primary chakra

numerically connected to it as well as a particular vertebra on the
spinal column. Each secondary chakra is also connected to a specific
human archetype.
In general, our twelfth chakra ensures the connection between
natural forces and our own body. It determines us as human,
because its boundaries are the human visible and invisible energy
body. “Man is a soul and owns a body-several bodies in fact; for
besides the visible vehicle by means of which he transacts his
business with his lower world, he has others which are not visible to
ordinary sight,” says Leadbeater (Leadbeater,2).
Linking in with our aura, this chakra effectively encapsulates us
while it opens us to non-apparent energies. In this way, it appears
similar to the egg-shaped body perceived by anthropologist Carlos
Castenada during his training with don Juan, a Yaqui Indian
sorcerer. The difference between Castenada’s portrait and mine is
that I see lines connecting this outer shell to our internal self, thus
allowing us to operate as both a closed and open system.
Gaining Access to Our Human Chakras
Ways of experiencing the human chakras are multi-fold. Many of us
rely onour intuition to find these centers. We might be able to
psychically se, hear, or feel (hands-on or through the “knowing
sense”) these energy centers. A few people can actually se the
chakras with their physical eyes. Studies at UCLA have produced
audio taped sounds of these energy centers.
When working with students, I have them find the chakras using
pendulums, devices made of stones or rings hung on thread or
chain. The tester hangs the pendulum over one of the subject’s
chakras. The subject, willing his or her chakra to open, is usually as
surprised as the tester to find the pendulum acquires a life of its
own, moving with the frequency and directional flow of the chakra.
Another way to pinpoint these chakras is through a reductionistic or
process-of-elimination approach. For example, if you have cirrhosis
of the liver, you can deduce you have issues in your third chakra.
Knowing that the solar plexus contains the liver, you can examine
the functions of the third chakra and begin to reason the non-
apparent issues behind your physical disease. The third chakra is
the seat of self-esteem and personal power; perhaps you are angry
with men for being judged as a child and need to examine your self-
esteem in regard to these judgements.

Chakra Combinations

Some chakras pari-up with other chakras to create strong

relationships between the two. It is easy to remember these
correlations because the chakric colors are complementary on a
color chart. For example, there is a complementary tie between the
following chakras:
· First and fourth (red and green)
· Second and fifth (orange and blue)
· Third and sixth (yellow and purple)
· Seventh and first through the heart (white and red, resulting in

Their functional relationship is logical as well. For instance, the first

chakra is our seat of passion. As our life enrgy vibrates up the
spine, it passes through our feeling and thought processes. These
perspectives alter our immediate life and dearth reactions to given
situations, and culminate in a heart-fell response, that of com-
passion (or being “with passion”), rather than just passion.
Looking at the second and fifth chakras, we could examine the
following scenario. Let’s say we feel sad because someone insulted
us. That sadness originates in the second chakra. Our fifth chakra is
the one available for expression of this sadness. We can say, “Don’t
say that to me,” or decide to just swallow our response. Likewise,
our third and sixth chakra interrelate. We may store a judgment
such as “I am ugly” in our mental chakra, the third. This affects our
perception of self, a concept regulated by our sixth chakra. How we
see ourselves will have a direct impact what we think we deserve or
don’t deserve in our future. Hence, our strategic planning skills
(third-eye abilities) are determined by our third chakric programs.
There is another pattern we find in chakric interrelationships.
Sometimes the chakra holding the block affects the chakras above
and below it so much that these chakras, rather than the
problematic chakra, are considered to be the chief troublemakers.
For example, I worked with a man who was having a difficult time
deciding between job options. He admitted that when he was young
he was taught that it was bad to make the wrong decision. My
sense was that, because job issues, decision-making, and self-
esteem fixate in the third chakra, he was experiencing a third
chakra block or issue. However, he also reported frequent bouts of
abdominal pain and gas and a constricted feeling in his heart, which
would worsen when he discussed his career.
I believed that to protect his third chakra, his second and fourth
chakras had become blocked, creating his physical discomfort.
Rather than address these secondary issues, I took a chance and
had him experience the feelings, beliefs, and pictures associated
with his third chakra. After three sessions, during which he let
himself remember childhood experiences which could be affecting
his current attitudes, his second and fourth chakra problems
disappeared. He also said he could now feel his stomach and
breathe for the “first time, ever!”
Obviously, the interplay between our chakras can be as complicated
or as simple as we make it. The most reliable method for working
with it is and will continue to be listening to out intuition, that deep,
quiet voice within us that knows, sees , and is all.

Easy New Way to See Auras

by Robert Bruce

(C) Copyright 7-April-1994 all rights reserved.

All colours have a uniquely coloured aura of their own that are of a completely
different colour. These auras, given off by colours, are denser and far easier to see
than any other aura. Using this as a basis, I have designed a simple, graduated training
method that has most people seeing an aura the first time they try it.
The auric colours you will see building up from coloured objects are similar in
appearance to the after images generated by staring at a brightly coloured shape and
then quickly looking at a neutral coloured wall. The similarity in the colours, rather
than contradicting the validity of the auric colours of colour, confirms them. Why
would they be any different?

You can, in the early stages of learning to see auras, cause an after image that is still
seen when you look away. This is caused by staring too hard, and for too long,
resulting in colour depletion of the rods and cones in the eyes. With practise, much
less effort is needed and no after images are seen, only the aura.

The way the aura builds up is totally unlike the way an after image appears. If, while
an aura is building up, you shift focus slightly, or blink, it disappears instantly. An
after image does not.

I have been able to see the human aura for many years. I was not born with this ability
but taught myself. It took me several years! I know the problems inherent in learning
this and the new training method is designed to overcome them.

What is an Aura?
The human aura is an energy field that reflects the subtle life energies within the
body. These energies make us what we are and in turn are affected by our
surroundings and life style. The aura reflects our health, mental activity and emotional
state. It also shows disease - often long before the onset of symptoms.

Close to the skin is the etheric aura. It is seen as a pale, narrow band that outlines the
body, usually no more than half an inch wide. It looks like pale smoke clinging to the
body. This is the visible part of the etheric body in it's contracted state. During sleep
the etheric body expands greatly and opens to absorb and store cosmic energy. The
etheric is better named the vitality sheath or energy body. After sleep it contracts,
forming a dense sheath around the body close to the skin.

The main aura is banded around the body - strata like. Imagine a person with thick,
coloured hoops of light dropped over them and you get the idea. These colours
emanate from the chakras. Basic energy is drawn up from the planet through the feet
and fed into the chakras, much like a plant does with water. Each chakra is a
transformer that generates energy of a different type and colour. The strength of each
chakra depends on the person's nature and life style. Together these chakras generate
the dominant hue of the aura.

The main aura is photo-sensitive, it reacts and expands in light. The aura's chakra
system can be likened to a tree. Energy/nutrient is drawn up through the feet/roots and
fed through the body/trunk to the chakras/leaves.

Many experts suggest people can be classed by the basic hue, or the dominant colour,
of their aura. For example, Blue means a highly spiritual person, trustworthy, honest.
Orange means an emotional type of person etc... I have found this to be misleading.
The aura is a complex and changeable engine and cannot be judged so simply.
The aura is sensitive to colour. It reacts to the colours of clothing and to that of its
surroundings. This accounts for our natural likes and dislikes when it comes to
choosing the colours that surround us.

The effect of colour on the emotions is well known and are they widely used in
hospitals and institutions to calm agitated people and put them at ease. Pink is the
most frequently used colour for this. It is the emotional colour of love and happiness.
Watch a mother's aura when she first looks into the eyes of her new baby, and falls
head over heels in love. At that special, happy moment, you will see this most lovely
of auras in all its glory.

There is a whole science devoted to the use of colours. This is called Colour Healing
or Colour Therapy.

It is impossible to get a clear view of the aura through clothing. The auric colours of
the clothes react with the person's aura, causing interference that blocks and changes
it. For example: A Blue shirt will flood the natural aura with Yellow. Even neutral
coloured clothing will block and dim the aura making it difficult to see.

Disease: This shows up in the aura in many different ways, sometimes weeks before
any physical symptoms. An ear infection, for example, will show up as a shadow over
the side of the head before any symptoms appear. This shadow will gradually change
into a murky, khaki Green. As the infection takes hold, it will become shot through
with Red and Orange flecks. Khaki and murky Green with Red and Orange flecks, is
commonly seen with any infection.

Death: When a person is dying the aura changes dramatically. I have observed the
auras of people with terminal cancer in the weeks prior to death. First the aura fades
and weakens, and then, a week or so before death it expands, changing into a beautiful
pale Blue shot through with Silver sparks.

Why most people fail to see the Aura

The most common reason people fail to see the aura when they first try is simply the
way they go about it. The human aura is not a good training ground for beginners.

This is what usually happens: Your volunteer sits and waits, for a long time, while
you strain for a glimpse of their aura. You are trying to relax and concentrate and
master a tricky visual technique, all at the same time. You subconsciously worry
about what they are thinking of you. Are they getting bored or impatient? Do they
think you foolish, a failure, or both? This kind of pressure causes tension that
effectively negates the relaxed state needed to see the aura. Trying to get results under
this kind of pressure, as a beginner, is next to impossible.

Email letters from a young man. It shows a common problem encountered when
trying to see the aura:

>>David:> "I was sitting in Economics class when I started to see a faint white glow
(not really though, I can't really describe it), it was surrounding the sides of his head.
And I could also see a similar one coming from one of the students sitting in front of
him, except the student's had a sort of bluish tinge to it. Then I started to see the same
thing coming from some of the computer monitors that sit on the desk. At first, I was
hoping that I could see auras but then when I saw it on the monitors, I had my

MY ANSWER:>> Every living, and non living thing has an aura, including monitors.
The reason you saw them when you did is {let me guess} You were very relaxed,
maybe day dreaming a little. Your eyes were tired, relaxed, and these are the
PERFECT conditions for seeing the aura.

>>DAVID:> "That's exactly how I was. The discussion sort of went off topic and
wasn't all that interesting to me."

>>DAVID:> "Anyway, I was wondering if you can tell me if I actually did see their
aura. I tried staring at myself in the mirror to see my aura but it didn't work and I
haven't been able to see their auras since that day a week or two ago. As for some of
my questions. I was wondering what colours non-living objects give off (is it white?),
how come it was brighter on their heads?"

MY ANSWER:>> You did see the aura! The colours given off by non-living objects
vary with the colour of the object. The human aura is brighter around the head area
for two reasons: 1. Clothing blocks the aura. 2. The head area is usually bare and is
where the YELLOW of intellect is most active. This yellow varies in intensity
according to the degree of mental activity. Maybe the student you observed was really
on the ball that day.

How to see the Aura

To see the aura you have to be able to relax and concentrate, at the same time, and
there is a trick to focusing the eyes in a special way.

1. You need soft light to train in, not dim, but good soft light. No harsh light shining
or reflecting in your eyes! Get a book and cover it in Blue or Red paper. Stand it
upright on a table several feet from you. Experiment with the distance until you find
what is best for you. Make sure you have a plain neutral background. If the wall
colour is wrong, hang a sheet of neutral coloured paper or cloth as a backdrop.

Note: The auras of the colours Blue and Red are the brightest and easiest to see. Blue
has a Yellow aura and Red has a Green aura. The brightness and tone of the aura
varies with the shade and tone of the colour used, so use bright primary colours.

2. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. When you are calm, look at the
book. Focus your eyes on nothing, a little to the side and past it. Gently hold and get
used to that focus but don't strain your eyes or tense your eyes or forehead.
Concentrate! you need a gentle, steady un-focus, similar to day-dreaming.

Note: When you need to blink, do so, or it will cause your eyes to tense and water.
Blink normally and quickly without changing focus, and do not become preoccupied
with it. It may cause the aura to disappear for a second, but it will reappear quickly if
you stay relaxed and hold your focus.
After a while you will see a pale narrow aura coming from the book. Hold the focus,
don't look AT it, soon a bright Yellow or Green aura will start building up from the
object. Don't change focus or look directly at it or the aura will disappear.

There is a reason for this strange un-focus. Your outer field of vision is many times
more sensitive than the focused area is. Have you ever seen a movement, out of the
corner of your eye, only to turn and see nothing there? What you may have seen is an
aura building up from something and your outer field of vision has detected it.

3. Once you have completed the first step, gather several books and cover them, each
with a different coloured paper. Study these one at a time and write down the auric
colour for it. Next try using two at a time, and watch how the auric colours affect each

4. Get a pot plant or some flowers and study it. The aura you will see emanates from
the living plant and also from the colours of the petals. The Orange hue comes from
the green of the stems and leaves. You will also see a more distinct etheric and a
shimmering optical effect around them. This shimmering is the energy field or living
aura of the plant.

5. For the next step use an animal, dog or cat etc, if you have one. Try and observe
them when they are resting.

6. Observe your own aura. This can be done both inside and outside in the sun. Hold
your arm out and study it against the sky or clouds. Alternatively, lie down and look
at your legs. Make sure the skin is bare when you do this, and remember, grass will
give off an Orange hue.

7. When you feel proficient enough, try it with a human subject. Just remember not to
try too hard. Do it exactly the same as in the original exercise with the book. Get your
volunteer to remove some of their clothing and study the bare skin area against a
neutral background.

On a human subject, again, the first thing you will see is the etheric aura, like pale
smoke clinging to the skin. Next you will see the shimmering optical effect in the air
extending from several inches to a couple of feet deep, depending on the strength of
their aura. Keep trying and the aura's colour will build up, and out from, the etheric. It
will first appear as a narrow band of colour next to the etheric. This will expand
slowly, if you hold your focus, until it is several inches or more thick.

8. The brightness of a person's aura has a lot to do with how they feel. If they feel
happy and full of life their aura is stronger, larger and brighter. Try playing their
favourite music, this will help to energize their aura and make it easier to see.

9. Try it on your volunteer outside. Make sure the sun is behind you and use clouds as
a backdrop.

Note: The basic auras of colours are as follows: Blue = Yellow aura, Red = Green
aura, Green = Orange aura, Yellow = Pale Blue aura, Orange = Pale Green aura,
Violet = Pale Gold aura, Indigo = Gold aura, Pink = Iridescent Green. These colours
will vary slightly according to the shade and tone of the colours you use.

It takes practise to see the human aura, so don't be disappointed if you fail, or see very
little, the first few times you try. If you managed to see the auric colours of the books,
you CAN learn to see the human aura. Using this training method stimulates the
forehead chakra, which is responsible for this ability. With use, it will grow in
strength, and become progressively easier to do.

I have taught many people to see the aura using this method. The fast results build
confidence and keep interest high. This ensures enough work and effort is put in to get
the desired results... seeing the human aura.

Aura Colors
Blue Calm, relaxed, reserved, balanced, spiritual
Bright Blue Receiving/transmitting energy or in telepathic communication
Gray/Black Shielding, protective, low energy, depression, illness
Green Healthy, balanced, calming, sensual, natural healer
Orange Friendly, open, inspiring, approachable
Pink Perfect balance between spiritual awareness & physical existence
Purple Intuitive
Red Energetic, materialistic person usually, passionate
Turquoise Capable of projection, influential person, well-organized
Yellow Intellectual, joyous, content, generous, independent

Examples of Auren
(Seen of guru Ananda)

© copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000

In the aura of a feeling-poor intellectual one a gräuliche color, which the dull
gypsum corresponds, showed up as if dominant. The gräuliche color was
interpreted as all too-large Intellektualisierung without emotions.
(seen of Ananda)
The aura of humans, who follow only to the sense joys and material business. It
shows a color like red dull loam, which spreads outgoing from the Muladhara
over the whole body.
(seen of Ananda)
Aura of an alcoholic. In the drunk condition the aura exhibited holes
(seen of Ananda)
The aura of a very much developed clergyman (Prior A. Schmidt) exhibited
before all the color blue and pink one in the intensity brightly to means. From
the fingertips 5 to 6 cm long Lohen in oranger color radiated.
(seen of Ananda)

Examples of Auren
(Seen of guru Ananda)

© copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000

In the aura of a feeling-poor intellectual one a gräuliche color, which the dull
gypsum corresponds, showed up as if dominant. The gräuliche color was
interpreted as all too-large Intellektualisierung without emotions.
(seen of Ananda)
The aura of humans, who follow only to the sense joys and material business. It
shows a color like red dull loam, which spreads outgoing from the Muladhara
over the whole body.
(seen of Ananda)
Aura of an alcoholic. In the drunk condition the aura exhibited holes
(seen of Ananda)
The aura of a very much developed clergyman (Prior A. Schmidt) exhibited
before all the color blue and pink one in the intensity brightly to means. From
the fingertips 5 to 6 cm long Lohen in oranger color radiated.
(seen of Ananda)

The description of the aura colors


© copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000

Fundamental over the aura colors

It is extremely with difficulty, nearly impossible to represent or

describe the aura colors graphically. The reason lies in the fact that the
aura colors consist of färbigem light (all colors of the representations
are matte) that the colors in the aura usually constantly move and

During more exact view one that there is a basic colour of the aura,
recognizes which in for instance the charakterlichen condition of
humans corresponds. Whereupon the colors of the momentary
tendency or Emotionalität are supported. Latter colors are in
continuous motion - Stömungen, turbulences, increase and acceptance
of the intensity, waves, vibrations.

Each color has its developed (bright) and its undeveloped (darkly,
matt) hue. Clear, strong, lightful tones in the aura indicate positive
qualities, like eagerness, Kraft and Willensstärke. Matte one, dark and
dull/musty tones show lack at Kraft and Stabilität. 

With lightseeing humans the allocation of the aura colors to the

dominating emotional and charakterlichen forces is facilitated by the
ability of the Empathie (projecting). The ability of the Empathie is
present nearly always gleichzeitg during the Aurasichtigkeit.

The more light strength humans by mirror-image-ritual Lebensführung

and devotion to high ideals developed, the more beautifully the colors
of its aura will be. Highly developed humans will exhibit primarily
beautiful, bright colors. These equilibrated colors arouse the
impression from harmony and beauty. Highly developed humans are
surrounded by a Strahlenkranz from light.  With very primitive humans
the aura colors are not structured and outlined in their dynamics, i.e.,
them are cloudy, blunt less and have clear demarcations outward (no
“aurisches egg”). 

Humans, who have the gift of the Heilens, deliver in far larger measure
of radiation, than it other humans do consciously. The aura of the
Heilers becomes somewhat fainter during the treatment, although it
possesses control of its power supply. The genuine mirror-image-ritual
sound ones the universal energy takes up consciously, by flooding its
aura with wonderful colors. 

By projecting on colors by Meditationen on colored light and the

conception of this to be through-flooded the aura can be lightened
temporarily and be fulfilled by evenly these colors. Applies merksatz
for the “conception also here becomes the reality”. Likewise color
intensities welfare-bringing can be dispatched by imagination other

Naturenesses of higher levels light up in the most marvelous

Farbtönungen; they have the possibility powerful färbige light-currents
to form and to humans align, in order to help them kind of such or heal
them. These natures strengthen humans by multicolor flames and light

The Chakras brings constantly bright energies with developed humans

into the aura.  They whirl multicolor light into the aura, which vortex
forms there (see aura of the love and that one the Religiosität). The
Kundalinikraft expresses itself also insoferne Lichtpünktchen (energy
ball), countless as it into the aura, brings in and the aura thereby to
appear very beautiful leaves. 

Each Chakra possesses a color, which it if it becomes the dominating

Chakra strongly and dominating into the aura brings.  Which colors are
to be assigned to the respective Chakra, can be reread in the description
of the Chakras (see Chakras).

The meaning of the colors in the aura

Each basic colour possesses innumerable gradations in hue, brightness,

shades and finest nuances, depending on in which measure other colors
is added. Naturally for this the vocabulary of the colors is not
sufficient. An attempt of the description is to be undertaken in the
following here and I believes nevertheless that this can obtain also an
approximate feeling for the allocations. 

Another difficulty the description of the colors results from the

inaccuracy of the names for characteristics and emotions. We think
being understood thereby to the word love and like much by it can. 

            Red-sounded colors:

Red stands in connection with sense experience, body referringness

(materialism) and elementary Vitalität. The positive aspects are life
energy and Vitalität. The negative aspects are body arrest and
    Dark red: hot temper, tyranny, hate, fast acting out of emotional

    Dirty-red:  Longings, Sinnlichkeit

    Darkfire-red:  Anger, hate, Rachsucht, jealousy, ill will 

    Orange: Vitalität, energizing for blood cycles; if inertia

eliminates, energizes the bodily functions 

    Clear light red: Material liberality, material ambition, Kraft,


    Fiery-red: Attraction barness, emotional love, passionate love 

    Red lightnings in black-sounded aura: Rage, hate, ill will 

    Scarlet: Selbstgefälligkeit, defiance, overemphasis of the Ego,

temper outbreaks, Sinnlichkeit, sharp tongue 

    Clear rose-pink: higher forms of the human love, selbstlose


    Clear rose-pink with lila sparks: devoted affection, all love 

    Purely pink ones: mütterliche love, sympathy, sinnliche


            Orange-sounded colors: 

Orange the physical-vital energy unites with mental activity and is

compensatory for bodies and spirit.  If the colours gold, orange and
apricot colouring show like that are this a sign for a mirror-image-ritual
connection and influencing higher levels. 
Positive aspects of orange are eight-SAMness and consideration. The
negative aspects inertia and suppression. 

    Yellow orange: Active intellect, props after achievement and

perfection, mastering by the will 

    Dark orange: Lack of self-check to be able to be gone to


    Gold orange: Self-check, developed reason 

    Orange with much red: Inclination to the rule 


            Yellow Farbtönungen: 

Yellow stands for the intellectual side of the human life, - reason,
analytic spirit, logic and judgement. 
The positive aspects of yellow mean mental watchfulness and
intellectual Kraft, the negative fearfulness and will weakness. 

    Pure yellow: durchgeistigter intellect, vergeistigte, creative

reason, wisdom, intuition, will, logical ability.

    Light yellow: idealistic and deep thinking 

    Very bright yellow: mirror-image-ritually high-standing, depth of


    Mustard-yellow: Cunning, low Schläue 

    Dark dirty-yellow: low addicted thoughts, jealousy, distrust 

    Gold-yellow: Health, well-being, good adaptability, positive

mentality, merrily, friendly, helpfully, 

    Gold clay/tone with a blue hue at the edges: vergeistigte


            Green hue: 

The color of the balance and reconciliation is green; it stands for

harmony and individual growth. Therein higher and low developments
of the Ichbezogenheit and Ichfindung are. It has strong welfare strength
and stands likewise in relationship with material well-being. It is this
the color of low or “objective” thinking. 

    Bright clear green: Adaptability 

    Jade green: diplomatic spirit, lay wisdom, fine feeling, sincerity 

    Cloudy darkgreen: Envy, jealousy 

    Dull/musty brown-green: Having craze 

    Dirty-green: Jealousy in a suppressed, reserved form 

    Olive-green: Betrayal 

    Tender green: Friedliebigkeit, harmony, love for the home 

    Light, clear green: Sympathy, next love, mercy 

    Bright, bright cyan: Deep sympathy of a highly developed soul 


            Blue Farbtönungen: 

The color of the higher mental ranges, the subjective spirit is blue.
Inspiring in its effect it is religiously, lindernd, refreshing,
harmonizing. The positive aspects are mirror-image-ritual qualities,
artistic gift, Selbstlosigkeit and high ethics, the negative tones indicate
melancholy and existence emergency. The particularly beautiful darker
blue tones possess more Kraft and show that humans found his
selbstlos collective task, into which it comes up, completely the service

    Dark king-blue: Faithful one, confidence 

    Bright darkblue: strong religious feelings, wisdom, holy


    Blunt blue: low religious feelings 

    Blunt one grey-blue: But faith 

    Bright blue with Blasslila: high idealism 

    Clear light-blue: protects mirror-image-ritual development (often

with bright sparks) 

            Nuancierungen from the two colors red and


Violet indicates a raised Spiritualität and large mirror-image-ritual

forces. The aura of a large master, it is said, is violet, changing into
Blasslila and white. It is the color of the inaugurating and Adepten,
characteristics for all-comprehensive love, wisdom and true size. The
positive aspects indicate devotion and admiration. For those however,
which feel this color with a negative attitude, it can be depressing, with
an almost deadly effect; 
    Violet: stimulates the intuitive spirit, cleans, gives liberty

    Magenta: Unit of body and spirit, high ideals, ceremony, serious


Brown has strongly absorbing influence on the aurischen vibrations. It

points to characteristics such as materialism, ground-basedness in
many kinds of play, self craze, love of gain, greed for material success
and accumulation of material values. 

    Matte cloudy-brown: Geiz 

    Gold-brown tones: Organizational ability, capable management,


            Grey, Gipsig: 

It has just as always a negative influence. It shows that conventionally,

formally and limits for thinking and feeling on, lack at imaginative
power, narrowmindedness, negative thinking, depression and lack at

    Dark-grey: Fear, Egozentrismus 

    Greenish-grey: Depression, jealousy 



The absence of each color is as it were a denial of the life. It excludes

the light of the life. It distinguishes negative emotions of any kind,
dark acts, bad and bad thoughts, Lasterhaftigkeit, hate, disfavor, ill
will, Rachsucht, ground-basedness, ignorance, lockingness, sense of
cloudy, pessimism. 

Color chart of the aura

© copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000
Examples of aurische radiant
emittances at hands
(Seen of guru Ananda)

© copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000

The hand of Hanussen
(seen of Ananda)
The hand of a heart asthmatic
(seen of Ananda)
The hand of an Opium addicted one
(seen of Ananda)

Examples of aurische radiant

emittances at hands
(Seen of guru Ananda)

© copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000

The hand of Hanussen
(seen of Ananda)
The hand of a heart asthmatic
(seen of Ananda)
The hand of an Opium addicted one
(seen of Ananda)

Tentakel as a sign of fine-material

(Pictures drawn of Candrapada - I thank her for the projecting seeds and great

© copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000

Tentakel as a sign of greed and possession props

Occasionally the aura figurations shows similarly from Tentakeln.

Often these carry Widerhaken as salient characteristic at their ends.
Leadbeater described this feature in detail and incorporated it under
Psychogonen. Since these forming out result from shape-giving Kraft
von Gedanken, it is to be quite called justified the Tentakel

Possession greed
Intellectual adjustment
The “thirst” of a drunkard
Selfaddicted longing
Observation at a cheat
C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, “thought forms”, Hermann farmer., Freiburg ith
Board 28, text page 59

Drunkenness craze
An drunkenness-addicted in the instant, when it entered a tavern.
C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, “thought forms”, Hermann farmer., Freiburg ith
Board 29, text page 60

What is the aura?

Firstly, its something that I and other psychics see. You may also
see it or sense it. You may see a light around a person's head or
you may sense somebody's mood. One could think of it as an
atmosphere around the human body- just as the planet earth has
an atmosphere.

In short, the aura is an energy field- it's our life force. It takes two forms - the
cosmic vibratory energy that is omnipresent in the universe, structuring and
sustaining all things and the specific aura that sustains each human body.
You will learn how to draw upon both of these incredible sources of energy.

Recognition of the fact that humans are surrounded by an aura dates back
millennia- Christian saints are of course traditionally shown with a halo around
the head, the ancient Egyptians did the same for their gods or important
human beings as did the Hindus, Buddhists, Greeks and Romans. And these
beliefs continue right up to the present day. The aura is generally recognised
as having seven layers. Most psychics only see the first
three- those closest to the physical body. The outer auric
layers are concerned with the soul and spirit whereas the
inner auric layers relate to mind, emotions and health.

The aura is shaped like an egg made of fibrous light

surrounding the whole of the body. To some, it is like a
heat haze radiating all around the person shimmering with
light and energy. It has every colour imaginable including
those that are beyond the visible spectrum. Or in the
words of Sir Winston Churchill "I expect orange and
vermilion will be the darkest and dullest colours and
beyond them will be a whole range of wonderful new
colours which will delight the celestial eye."

The colours of the Aura

Your intuition knows what colours your aura is lacking at any given time. Now
look at the colours below and ask your unconscious mind which colour you
NEED at the moment. Which colour do you feel most drawn to at this
time? Look at the colours below and decide which one you feel you
most NEED right now.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Now find out what your given colour says about your present state of


If this was the colour you chose then you're probably at a low ebb at the moment
and you need to raise your energy levels. Athletes often have red auras as it's the
colour of physical fitness. So if you feel a lack of this colour, then a little exercise
may be just the energiser you need. Alternatively, if you feel this colour expresses how you
are feeling now, then perhaps you need to calm down a little- we've all heard of "seeing red"
when angry. In this instance, one could change the vibration by visualising the opposite colour
green, which is calming

EXERCISE: If the colour you were given at the beginning of this tape was red, then this is the
centre that you need to draw universal power The red base centre shines with a brilliant red
light infusing the whole body with strength and stamina. In particular those of you who enjoy
sporting activities or about to expend a lot of physical or sexual energy may draw upon the
red light of this spiritual centre and your performance may be enhanced. Once you've felt the
benefit allow the centre to quieten down and close.


Orange controls the area of the aura around the spleen which psychics consider to be the
cleansing and distributor centre. A lack of orange in the aura means that you may
need a good emotional tonic. You need stimulation, perhaps go out and enjoy
yourself socially and feel your vitality return

EXERCISE: If your given colour was orange then this is the centre that you may need to work
with today. Imagine that the world is awash with light and now draw this energy into your
sacral centre. The centre illuminates with a bright orange light and then fills the whole body
with purity and calm. Its healing energy will restore your poise and re-establish your sense of
balance and harmony.


Associated with the area around the solar plexus, yellow auric light controls the digestive
processes of the body and the intellectual faculties of the logical mind. You may have been
working too hard at work or concentrating too hard on a decision. Yellow is also an optimistic
colour, like golden sunshine, stop worrying and think positive - everything will be all right.

EXERCISE: If yellow was your given colour imagine now that yellow light is being drawn into
your body though this centre. Follow the process for opening the centre and draw yellow light
through your solar plexus. By doing this you will transmute your negative feelings and
become more peaceful within. Also, this centre is the source of the creative energies. Artists,
inventors and inspired people in general would benefit by doing this technique prior to starting
a creative or new project.


A need for nature's colour means that you are seeking peace and harmony. Green is
associated with the area around the heart and a need for this colour indicates that you would
benefit from relating to your innermost feelings. Express yourself and seek the restorative
power of Nature..

EXERCISE: If green was your given colour today then you need to work with the heart
chakra. Pull energy in the form of light into this centre. Feel it come alive with bright, vibrant
green light infusing your body with healing energy. Notice how soothing this
colour is. It makes you feel at harmony with yourself. The heart centre is the seat
of compassion and unconditional love. Feel the warm embrace of the love that is
inherent in all things. Love is the breath of life. Give yourself the green light to feel
good about yourself.


Healers often have a blue colour in their aura. A lack of this colour means that you need to
slow things down a little- concentrate on letting your body and mind find their natural
harmony. If you've been overexcited lately, try relaxing with some music or just putting your
feet up. Blue is the ideal colour to work with if you need to give or receive healing energy.

EXERCISE: By drawing brilliant light energy into this centre it will improve your
communication and auditory skills. It might be beneficial to work with this centre when doing
any activities involving sound such as talking, or listening to music. On a subtle level working
with this centre increases your mediumistic powers and in particular clairaudience- the ability
to hear spirit communication. The Tibetans lamas worked with this centre to trigger out of
body travel during the dream state. If you imagine a blue light at the throat centre which floods
the back of the brain as you are about to fall asleep it may help you to experience lucid


Indigo auric light is connected with psychic abilities. You may enjoy taking an interest in the
paranormal or Extra Sensory Perception. Your attention wants to turn inwards. Perhaps you
could understand yourself better if you wrote down your dreams and interpreted what they are
trying to tell you. This is a time of contemplation and renewed self-awareness. A
time to listen and receive guidance from the inner self.

EXERCISE: If this was the colour you were given you may want to draw light into the centre
of the forehead. By imagining a brilliant indigo light in the centre of your forehead, you will
trigger your intuitive powers. Ideas may come to you, and simple solutions to problems could
become apparent when you draw upon this energy. This is the centre to work with when
imaginative skills are needed.


This is the spiritual colour. If you feel that this colour is the colour your aura needs, then now
may be the time to start a spiritual discipline. So forget your material worries for a while and
focus on the higher things in life and find a deepening of your inner stability and harmony. I
have noticed that the aura of vegetarians often has a violet hue. Dietary consideration may
therefore be of importance.



It's usually the brighter hues that are seen by psychics in the aura. You are probably drawn to
brown for psychological reasons. Brown is a strong colour- the colour of the Earth. You would
benefit most by concentrating on practical solutions to life's problems. You may need
grounding or centring.


Black is the absence of light. It can act as a protective shield around the aura if you're feeling
over sensitive. It will seal you from negative vibrations. On the other hand, you also may feel
that your aura is lacking in colour. You don't need more black, you need brightening up a bit.
Imagine that you radiate a rainbow of lights all around your body and you'll soon feel your
spirits rise. Colour can help lift depression.


Purity is implied by white. It is the colour of spiritual energy. If this is the colour you feel your
aura needs, then you may be seeking divine inspiration. Re-establish your contact with your
core beliefs. "Know thyself" as the saying goes. Have you been taking life a bit too seriously
perhaps? Humour and laughter are God's best medicine. How about a funny video or book to
cheer you up? Link-up with the free and innocent part of yourself.

The Chakras and the Aura

Surrounding all living things is an energy field that psychics call
the Aura. It is a blaze of many colours which can be seen with
clairvoyant vision. Connecting the aura to the human body are
seven vital centres called chakras which serve different spiritual
functions. Each is designated a colour of the rainbow as
illustrated in the picture above.

In my audio Cassette 'Positive Energy' I show you how to draw energy into
your chakras to stimulate your vitality, improve health and trigger
psychological and spiritual powers.

Chakras literally translates from Sanskrit as 'wheel' although most people

prefer to envision them like lotus flowers of light. The seven major chakras or
energy centres correspond to the endocrine glands of the body and run
upward along the spinal chord. They are the link between our physical and
auric bodies.


The first of the seven major centres is located at the coccyx at the base of the
spine and it is usually called the root or base centre.. Its associated element is
earth and it corresponds to the sense of smell, physical energy and vitality.
Here also, say the yogis, sleeps the magic serpent known as the kundalini. It
lies coiled at the base of the spine and symbolises the basic evolutionary life
force. Once awakened it will rise through the spine to the crown of the head
and may trigger enlightenment in the practitioner of these methods.

For our purposes, imagine the root centre as your grounding or primary
energy source. This is the centre we can turn to if we need physical strength.
The colour for this centre is red.


The second centre is found just below the navel and is called the Sacral
Centre. It is linked with the adrenals and the release of adrenaline into the
body. Its element is water and if this centre is out of balance your 'flight or
flight' response may be over active. This centre also has a cleansing function
by filtering out negative influences. It's colour is orange


The next centre is found just below the breastbone and is called the Solar
Plexus centre. It is linked to the digestive system, the pancreas liver and
stomach. Its associated element is fire. This centre is our psychic battery and
the storehouse of our positive energy. Also it is the link between the mind and
the emotions and the area we process negative feelings. An imbalance here
can lead to 'butterflies' and digestive disorders. The colour of the Solar Plexus
Centre is yellow.


In the centre of the chest is the heart centre. This is linked to the thymus and
controls the immune system. It is the seat of the 'higher or deeper' emotions
such as love, tenderness, compassion and honesty. The energies from this
centre affect the heart, lungs, upper chest, back and bronchial tubes. Its
element is air and its designated colour is green.


The next centre is found at the top of the throat and its designated colour is
blue. If blue is your given colour then you need to draw light into this centre.
Its element is Ether and its traditional correspondence is with self-expression
through thoughts, writing and speech. It is linked to the thyroid gland which
controls metabolic rate. It also influences the throat, ears, nose, mouth and


The spiritual journey of the inner light now brings us to the sixth centre which
lies in the centre of the forehead. This is often given the nickname of 'the third
eye',. It is found above and between the eyebrows and is linked to the pituitary
and pineal glands. This is the seat of higher consciousness and spiritual
powers. Telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition are generated by this
centre and it also controls the body's eyes, nerves, head and brain. The
associated colour is a deep indigo.


The goal of the light's journey from the base of the spine upward is to the top
of the head. Normally known as the crown centre this is the seat of the soul.
As with the third eye centre this centre also is linked to the pituitary and pineal
glands. It is associated with the perfection of mind, body and spirit. Its
designated colour is violet but in reality this centre is a mass of shimmering
lights and colours from the whole visual spectrum and beyond. We can trigger
this centre by filling it with pure light and like a fountain its light cascades
through your body uniting you with your core spiritual values.

How to See the Aura

This extract is taken from the Psychic Workbook by Craig Hamilton

Soft or low light is the best condition in which to first see

the aura. It also helps to be relaxed, so bed is the best
place to try this next experiment.

1. Turn off the lights. You don't want to work in pitch-

black conditions and in most cases the street lights
filtering through the curtains will provide enough light. If
not, leave the landing light on and close the bedroom
door. The small amount of light seeping underneath the
door frame should be enough to work with.

2. As you lie in bed, hold your hands straight out in front of you. Look gently at
them, don't stare hard- you need to gaze rather than look. The aura rarely
appears as a bright light, it is more like a gentle heat haze.

3. Try fixing your attention on your hands while focusing your eyes on the
bedroom wall. The hands will appear out of focus but this will help you get the
knack of the way to look.

4. Now very slowly bring the fingertips of each hand towards each other until
they are very close but not touching. The aura will appear as fine lines of blue
and red light between the finger tips. You can try the same again just using
the index fingers of both hands.

5. As you draw the hands apart you will see the streams of energy connecting
each finger. Imagine the energy increasing and you will see the light glow
brightly. Bringing the fingers tantalisingly close together in this way seems to
increase the auric flow. It's just like when you bring two opposite poles of
magnets together: you feel the attraction suddenly increase as the fields unite.

Psychic Self-defence
This extract is taken from my book the Psychic Workbook
Psychic people and people with a budding or latent
psychic gift are usually sensitive individuals. You may
feel the atmosphere of place or pick up vibrations from
people's auras. For example, have you ever sensed that
a person is disturbed, depressed or angry without them
giving any physical clues. You may be sensing their
psychic vibrations and responding to them on an
unconscious level. Soon you will be feeling just like
them- depressed, worried, angry and so on. It is
important for psychic people to protect themselves from
these harmful vibrations. The technique that follows will
help you do this and furthermore protect you from other harmful influences
that you may feel are bothering you. Now here's the commercial plug- and you
can buy my specially designed cassette to talk you through the various
techniques for attuning the aura and, most importantly, closing the aura.


"Learning to close down after doing your psychic work is even

more important than opening up in the first place. When I'm not
working psychically I keep my centres firmly shut. If I tuned in to
every vibration that came my way I'd soon be a gibbering wreck.
Psychics that push their clairvoyance on you at every opportunity
are normally not much good; they waste their energy. Close your
aura after working and the power recharges ready for the next time you want
to work.

As you become more proficient at opening, however, you will find that it is
possible to open the chakras very quickly. Nevertheless, for the best results it
is best to systematically go through the techniques I've outlined.

So, you've done your psychic work and now we're going to turn off the energy.
Sir comfortably and quieten the breath. Closing the chakras is done in the
opposite way to opening but we leave the crown centre to last of all.


1. First focus your attention on the brow centre. See the light get dimmer and
darker. Imagine the flowers of the lotus closing and an iron door shutting over
the centre. Light can get neither in nor out. All is quiet.

2. Feel the light drop downwards through the throat centre. The light fades,
the petals close and the door shuts. Now drop the light through the heart
centre. The light fades, the petals close and the door shuts. Drop the light
down through the solar plexus. The light fades, the petals close, the door
shuts. Drop the light down through the spleen centre. The light fades, the
petals close, the door shuts.
3. Finally, the base centre does not close completely. See the light here fade
until it is just a small red light- like a chink of light through a partly opened

4. Now focus your attention on the crown centre that is still open. As before,
let the golden light stream through the top of your head and out of your
fingertips and toes. Give yourself a psychic shower. Wash away the problems
and impressions that you've picked up from your sitter. They're not your
worries. Wash them away.

5. Now fill the inside of your body with liquid golden light that pours in from the
crown centre. Fill yourself up with golden light energy from the toes to the top
of the head. Now close the crown centre. The light fades and the colours
darken. I visualise two great iron hanger-doors closing over my head.

6. Quickly run through the centres again, making sure that all is quiet. Now, as
a final safeguard, visualise wrapping a dark hooded cloak all over your body.
Light can neither get in or out. All that shines from your aura is that small
chink of light from the base chakra. Your aura is closed. You are back to

This is a simplified version of the technique that is given in detail in my

meditation tape Opening to Auric Light. It is set to the beautiful music of
Steinar Lund.

Psychic Self-defence
This extract is taken from my book the Psychic Workbook

Psychic people and people with a budding or latent

psychic gift are usually sensitive individuals. You may
feel the atmosphere of place or pick up vibrations from
people's auras. For example, have you ever sensed that
a person is disturbed, depressed or angry without them
giving any physical clues. You may be sensing their
psychic vibrations and responding to them on an
unconscious level. Soon you will be feeling just like
them- depressed, worried, angry and so on. It is
important for psychic people to protect themselves from
these harmful vibrations. The technique that follows will
help you do this and furthermore protect you from other harmful influences
that you may feel are bothering you. Now here's the commercial plug- and you
can buy my specially designed cassette to talk you through the various
techniques for attuning the aura and, most importantly, closing the aura.

"Learning to close down after doing your psychic work is even

more important than opening up in the first place. When I'm not
working psychically I keep my centres firmly shut. If I tuned in to
every vibration that came my way I'd soon be a gibbering wreck.
Psychics that push their clairvoyance on you at every opportunity
are normally not much good; they waste their energy. Close your
aura after working and the power recharges ready for the next time you want
to work.

As you become more proficient at opening, however, you will find that it is
possible to open the chakras very quickly. Nevertheless, for the best results it
is best to systematically go through the techniques I've outlined.

So, you've done your psychic work and now we're going to turn off the energy.
Sir comfortably and quieten the breath. Closing the chakras is done in the
opposite way to opening but we leave the crown centre to last of all.


1. First focus your attention on the brow centre. See the light get dimmer and
darker. Imagine the flowers of the lotus closing and an iron door shutting over
the centre. Light can get neither in nor out. All is quiet.

2. Feel the light drop downwards through the throat centre. The light fades,
the petals close and the door shuts. Now drop the light through the heart
centre. The light fades, the petals close and the door shuts. Drop the light
down through the solar plexus. The light fades, the petals close, the door
shuts. Drop the light down through the spleen centre. The light fades, the
petals close, the door shuts.

3. Finally, the base centre does not close completely. See the light here fade
until it is just a small red light- like a chink of light through a partly opened

4. Now focus your attention on the crown centre that is still open. As before,
let the golden light stream through the top of your head and out of your
fingertips and toes. Give yourself a psychic shower. Wash away the problems
and impressions that you've picked up from your sitter. They're not your
worries. Wash them away.

5. Now fill the inside of your body with liquid golden light that pours in from the
crown centre. Fill yourself up with golden light energy from the toes to the top
of the head. Now close the crown centre. The light fades and the colours
darken. I visualise two great iron hanger-doors closing over my head.

6. Quickly run through the centres again, making sure that all is quiet. Now, as
a final safeguard, visualise wrapping a dark hooded cloak all over your body.
Light can neither get in or out. All that shines from your aura is that small
chink of light from the base chakra. Your aura is closed. You are back to

This is a simplified version of the technique that is given in detail in my

meditation tape Opening to Auric Light. It is set to the beautiful music of
Steinar Lund.

The Development of Subtle Sensing

Learning how to work as a good flower essence therapist requires a deep
appreciation for states of consciousness and energetic patterns that are
not directly perceptible in the physical realm. Yet how do we acquire such
skills? Are these abilities an innate spiritual gift, or the result of "psychic"
channeling? Do they require a particular belief system or religious point of

In this article, I would like to offer my own gradual path of development

toward subtle body sensing. The experience that I would like to emphasize
is based on the phenomena itself. It involves the capacity to perceive, and
then to test and evaluate what we perceive. I believe that such a process
gradually develops a new organ of perception for subtle body sensing.
This kind of "clear-seeing" (clairvoyance) is not a distinct and separate
realm, but rather a gradual refinement of the physical senses themselves.
As we apply finer levels of understanding to our perceptions, such abilities
become more reliable and more distinct in our consciousness.

This article is not intended as a final "conclusion" about subtle body

sensing, nor is it associated with any particular school or teacher. Rather
it is a statement about my own discoveries, and an invitation to other
practitioners to develop and share results of their subtle sensing research,
based upon actual phenomena and cases. As my article will demonstrate,
the capacity to perceive energetic states in the human aura strengthens
the ability to select and to confirm the validity of flower essences.

Learning to Observe
Subtle Patterns in the Human Body
I am a former dancer and a long standing teacher of exercise and dance
to senior citizens at a small community college. These professional roles
have enabled me to develop a finely tuned eye for seeing where correct
movement originates in the body. After many years teaching the senior
population, I was gradually able to identify shifts in subtle energy patterns
that were a precursor or indicator of health or emotional issues. When I
alerted my client to these changes, he or she would often recognize an
emerging physical condition or other health situation that had not yet
been brought to full consciousness.
During my years of serving the elderly population, I have developed a
small repertory of “signatures” for typical problems. For instance, I was
able to reliably predict when a client was developing cardiovascular
disease before it was medically diagnosed. I never thought of this as a
special skill, I merely assumed such knowledge was possible because I
had worked with the seniors for so long.

The Role of Meditation

and Observation in Subtle Sensing
During this time, I happened to listen to a radio show involving an interview with an
author who had written a book about subtle sensing. The author was very enthusiastic
and felt that everyone had the capacity to develop clairvoyance, clairaudience or
clairsentience through a method of gradually refining sensory perception and inner
imaging. This author’s knowledge was very accessible, so I decided to explore these
skills and purchased the book. Although I followed some of the beginner’s exercises,
my approach was honed through my own methods of observation and meditation.

Lotus—for enhancing spiritual awareness; deepening meditative experience

I always begin my work with the client by bringing my own activity to a

place of stillness. I sit in a comfortable position and take several minutes
to become centered and quiet. Then I direct my attention to the client
needing healing. At some point I receive an energetic image of the person
and I then inwardly ask for relevant information about the client.

When I first began this type of work, my powers of focus and

concentration were not advanced, so I learned to work in progressive
layers. I continue to work in this way by asking simple questions like,
“May I see color?” or “May I see the edge of the aura?” I also take note if
my attention is drawn to a specific area of the body or if I see unusual
manifestations of auric energy or related physical imbalances. For
example, I might perceive an energy pattern zigzagging from an ankle
across to a knee, over to a hip and then pouring out the shoulder. I might
then discover that one of these places was where an injury originated,
resulting in chronic pain.
Testing My Research
and Developing a Baseline for Perception
Over a period of about three years, I shared my developing skill with
trusted friends, inviting them to let me investigate their auric condition, or
that of their children. In the beginning, I did not interpret, I just reported
the qualities and colors I saw in the aura, in association with the physical
body. One of these friends had an acquaintance who was very
experienced in subtle seeing. This person was consulted for an
interpretation or confirmation of what I was seeing. The connection was
very helpful, giving me more confidence and helping me to build a
‘dictionary’ or repertory for my inner sensing investigations.

I also read other research about the aura and the chakras at this point. All
the while, I was engaged in receiving regular bodywork, which I believe
facilitated this skill. Through my own experience of bodywork, I could
develop an extensive vocabulary to describe how various experiences felt
in the body and how the space around me changed in quality. I also
enlarged my terminology for sensing and describing emotional states
associated with bodily consciousness.

Early on in this practice, I “looked” at people, with their permission, from a distance.
The next phase of development was to examine a variety of people as they sat in front
of me. Again, I solicited trusted friends, and I did no major interpretations. Over the
course of time, my perceptions began to repeat themselves in different people. For
example, I could discern the crown chakra, and note that it was a relatively
predictable size and shape for most people. Also, certain phenomena would repeat
themselves in a generalized group. For instance, young children under seven years of
age usually wear lighter, more ethereal colors, and typically have a larger space in the
upper area of their aura when compared to adults. By these methods of investigation, I
was able to develop baselines for comparison and continue to build my own

Star Tulip—for inner knowing from one's own meditative attunement

I think it is important to comment here that reading books which give

glossaries for interpreting the aura can be helpful to get started, but
eventually it is necessary to build a reliable internal dictionary. This is
achieved by cultivating an inner sense for whether one's “radar” for
filtering incoming information is “clean.” For example: I see the etheric
body as magenta, although a well-known, highly skilled seer sees it as
blue. It is likely that she perceives subtle bodies in a further form or
different configuration. I am quite sure I see out to the astral field, so my
method for seeing the etheric body could contain layers of other color
which result in magenta, or I may be perceiving the etheric body in its
more direct manifestation. As with any other process of perception, it is
necessary to develop a baseline and a context for what one is observing.

Most important is my sense for the quality of the etheric body I am

perceiving. I want to know whether it is a clear, vibrant color, of good
size, and fully intact, with movement that is dynamic rather than sluggish.
I would add here, that if it the etheric body is gray, or brown, then color
becomes more important, and usually indicates a serious disturbance in
vitality and over-all health.

Incorporating Flower Essences in Auric Healing

As I developed my subtle sensing abilities, I became acquainted with
flower essence therapy. Because flower essences have their main impact
on the subtle bodies, I sought to ‘test’ essences while doing auric reading.
Upon completing the FES Practitioner Training Course, I have incorporated
aura/energy reading as an important component of my work.

After reviewing the client’s information and before I see a client, I first consider many
appropriate essences. During my first appointment, I do an aura reading to get a
baseline for comparison. I usually start by looking for the “edge” of the auric field. I
check its size, shape, whether it has a torn or evenly shaped edge, whether it is on the
ground, and whether it is open or closed on the top. I then look inside the aura and
take note of color, movement and energy patterns. I look at the client’s physical body
and inspect all the major energy centers such as the chakras, and all the primary joints
as well as the hands and feet. I observe the client and simply note if my attention is
drawn to any one area of the physical body or the aura. If this is the case, I ask for
information about what I am perceiving. I always finish by ‘listening’ for a core
feeling. By doing this, I may receive information about a predominant emotional state
in addition to the image I have perceived. For example, I may sense the client’s
identity as a child at a pivotal moment in the life biography.

Yellow Star Tulip—for insight through social interaction with others, listening skills
Keeping in mind the information I have gathered from this baseline
reading and my own inner sense of the situation, I then place stock
bottles of flower essences into the client’s hand. I re-check the aura to see
if the flower has a noticeable effect, or if the client’s emotional current has
changed. After choosing what appear to be a number of resonant flowers,
I build a combination of essences in the client’s hand, again inspecting
each addition. This can be invaluable for the sensitive client who may not
be able to handle emotional stimuli too rapidly. I gradually construct the
flower combination by placing each bottle in the client’s hand, noticing
tension levels rising or falling, or the aura shifting or changing size. The
relief can be quite palpable when the proper supportive or soothing flower
essences have registered in the client’s aura. On the other hand, sudden
and unexpected emotion can color the room. I always solicit the client’s
input during this investigative process, encouraging them to tell me
anything, even if it appears as insignificant as itching in the palm of the
hand. By having the client follow the session actively with me, I am also
educating the client’s ability to become more conscious of changes in the
auric field.

Examples of
Flower Essence Signatures in the Aura
I have found the following flowers have relatively consistent signatures. These
flowers may be a good place to start for practitioners who want to use subtle seeing as
part of their flower essence therapy.

Yarrow Golden Yarrow Pink Yarrow

Yarrow – This is an excellent remedy for many emotionally or psychically

absorbent clients. I always check the edge of the aura when testing
Yarrow. This flower essence repairs breaks in the aura, closes the top of
an open aura, and brings the aura down to the ground. These changes
may not happen immediately but one can begin to discern movements of
auric energy in the direction of closure and consolidation. Some clients
carry large energy fields because of regular spiritual practices, while
others have an energy field that is widened unconsciously. These latter
individuals have not learned to provide proper boundaries for their aura
and the Yarrow flower essence provides ideal containment. The quality of
auric color can also be checked when testing Yarrow. Is the aura
brighter, clearer, more intense, softer, and so forth? Golden
Yarrow will tend to radiate more in the solar plexus while the
Pink Yarrow usually stimulates the heart center.

Outer edge without Yarrow Outer edge with Yarrow

Walnut – I always check the eye area when testing Walnut. If Walnut is
the appropriate energetic remedy, it will appear as though the
client is wearing binoculars. The area of focus and clarity will be
invigorated in such clients. I will also check the edge of the aura
with Walnut. I have noted that clients who need containment
flowers are typically either Yarrow or Walnut types.

Walnut: look for “energetic binnoculars”

Star of Bethlehem – This is a flower essence that soothes deep-seated

emotional pain and trauma and restores a connection with the core
spiritual identity. I often see Star of Bethlehem ignite the space behind
the client with light. I almost always notice an air change with
Star of Bethlehem. In general, I usually associate a cool air change as a
good sign and this can happen with any flower.

Using Star of Bethlehem: the back space lights up; air clean and cool

Arnica – This is another flower essence that heals past trauma by

creating greater vibrancy and solar radiance. One can observe that
Arnica "melts" obstructions in the body-mind complex. Look for
movement in any area that appears to have an energy blockage. Since
Arnica can heal past trauma, pay attention to emotional tones changing
when you test this flower. Does the tone in the room become heavy or
dense? Do you or your client feel uncomfortable or fidget? These can be
signs that Arnica may be addressing past trauma that may be difficult for the
client. Of course, stirring past trauma can happen with any flower. It would be at this
point that you would use your discernment as a practitioner to judge whether or not
this amount of healing aggravation is appropriate, whether a softening flower should
be added, or whether it is wise to go more slowly still.

Iris Larch

Iris and Larch – In addition to Arnica, these are also excellent flowers for
releasing energy blockages, especially in the shoulder girdle. This area of the body is
around the 5th, or the throat chakra where creative expression is most active.
Lavender Angelica

Lavender and Angelica – These two remedies work in the higher

chakras providing support for the spiritual circuitry in the nervous system.
It is important to routinely check the upper energy centers and the aura
from the shoulders up. Lavender is beneficial for closing an aura that is
overly expanded on top. Check for delightful air change with Angelica.
Angelica can create a wonderful sparkling in the aura and can also help
straighten out a crooked crown chakra.

Heart Centered Flowers:

Holly, Bleeding Heart, Yerba Santa, Nicotiana, Pink
Yarrow, Pink Monkeyflower, Centaury, California Wild
Rose, Borage
For all the flowers that work in the heart center I always check the chest area and
often see the inner space immediately burst open. It appears that the first movement
from these flowers is to create more spaciousness and receptivity for change within
the heart center. It is important to investigate feeling tones when testing heart centered
flowers. I always gaze at my client’s face to see if a new expression emerges. It is not
as if their outer physical expression actually changes, it is an ‘under the surface’
expression. Pink is the most common color restored to the heart. While some chakra
systems portray the heart center as green, the heart forces in the astral layer of the
aura actually tend to be pink when they are healthy and vibrant.
Before a heart centered flower After a heart centered flower

When the right heart flowers are used, the emotional space softens and a
palpable sense of relief can often be felt in the room. Centaury has a
good ability to soften and encase the heart, helping to bring alignment
with the solar plexus. Self-Heal flower essence stimulates the chest area also,
and appears to ‘brace’ the heart center by providing more etheric support and


Archetypal Flowers for the Client

Any flower can test as a major type remedy for the client, or one that will
be pivotal to the healing journey. With these flowers, there is not usually
a specific change in the aura, or in the emotional tone. Rather, there is an
emerging vibrational field that seems to fill the entire room. It can be a
good exercise to begin paying attention to fundamental flower essences
like Mariposa Lily, California Wild Rose, Wild Oat, and Holly in order to
recognize their unique signatures with each client.

Mariposa Lily California Wild Rose

Wild Oat Holly

The Impact of Medications in the Aura

I have observed that standard pharmaceutical medications can mask the
emotional current, making clear perception more problematic. This effect
varies from individual to individual. It doesn’t necessarily block the client’s
ability to have feelings, although sometimes I discern more activity in the
mental field which does not circulate downward. In other words, a
pharmaceutical medication may be keeping the client “in their head”
about core feelings. My clients have also taught me that medications can
sometimes narrow the range of emotions; the emotional vocabulary or the
ability of the client to articulate feeling is much more limited.

This part of my inner dictionary is only beginning to develop. I have started to
recognize some kinds of depression (usually episodic and not medicated). I usually
see them only as far out as the emotional layer of the aura. The next major layer,
which is the astral body, appears to be missing or collapsed inward – perhaps this is
an energetic picture of the term, “depression” – the soul’s inner experience of being
“deep-pressed.” Also, the emotional body lacks its own formation and is not elliptical,
rather it is more closely drawn into and follows the shape of the physical body.

St. John's Wort

Furthermore, the emotional body has a swimming, undulating movement

and appears thick and heavy in quality. Of course, many different flowers
can address depression and each choice would depend upon the client. I
select a variety of flowers that seem appropriate and test them on the
client while checking for changes in the energy field. A small change can
be very significant in cases of depression, because it could be that you will
be working to change a long standing pattern. In a case where the
depression registers in the aura this way, you may want to look at
combining a flower for depression with a containment flower like Yarrow
or Walnut to help reestablish the energy field. Another good
consideration is St. John’s Wort which speaks so beautifully to both
depression and circulation of inner light.

Concluding Remarks: A Gradual Path of Development

Subtle sensing of the human energy field is not the “special gift” that most
of us have been told or taught that it is. It is more an underdeveloped
aspect of our physical sensory system which we can choose to engage and
develop, with practice, over time. With this refined use of one’s eyes,
one’s ears, one’s heart, and one’s mind, we often discover that these
“special gifts” were there all along, and perhaps we just weren’t paying a
certain kind of attention. For those who have developed these skills, many
will tell you that engaging this process is relatively easy. The more
challenging aspect of this work is the deep inner trust of one’s knowing.
This is where time can be helpful. Gradual development will lead to
reliable understanding.
There are different dimensions of energy. They are contained within each
other. As a healer, one focuses with intention on a dimension as it is called
for during the healing.

Core Star
This is the energy that one comes in to life with, and leaves
with.  It is the Essence of who you are. It is the deepest
dimension of energy at this time. It can be clouded over with
energy of distress, so one does not feel whole.

The Hara is the energy that runs through the center of the
body from top to bottom.  It has four parts:

1. The grounding cord runs down to the crystal iron core of

the earth.

2. The tan tien is located in the center of the body about one
and half inches below the belly button. Its shape and size is
about the size of a walnut.

3. The soul seat is located over the thymus gland at the top
of the sternum or breast plate. Energetically it is like a
multiple-rayed star that is aqua in color.

4. The godhead or perhaps the halo, which connects us to

all other energies. We also call the Hara energy ‘the line of
intention’. So when it is time for a transition one may yearn
for a healing at this dimension.

Human Energy Field

This is the Aura or Auric Field. It is the energy that surrounds
us. It extends approximately out to the ends of our fingertips,
cocooning us in vibrational frequencies. It has seven levels
that are different textures. Each level has a specific mental,
physical, emotional, and spiritual aspect. One accesses the
seven levels through the seven chakras.

Chakra means a wheel of light; a vortex of energy, shaped
like a funnel with the tip connected to a line of energy. The
seven major charkas are located along the center of the
body from the tailbone to the crown of the head.

I like to talk about them in this way:  Most people know about
acupuncture and how the points that are used run along
invisible energetic lines. Those points are vortexes of
energy. They are small charkas. And in the center of the
body the lines intersect forming larger centers of energy.
These centers are the main chakras. 

The first chakra is at the bottom of the spinal cord. The

second chakra is at the hips. The third chakra is at the solar
plexus or diaphragm. The fourth chakra is at the heart. The
fifth chakra is at the neck. The sixth chakra is at the third eye
or middle of the forehead. The seventh chakra is at the
crown of the head. 

Each chakra has a different vibration. They vibrate in the

same orderly pattern as a rainbow. Starting with red at the
bottom or first chakra, the colors are red, orange, yellow,
green, light blue, indigo (dark blue/purple), and white as long
as you are looking at the energy field on the second level.
There are variations of these colors on the other levels.  

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