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People are a company’s most important asset. They can make and break the fortunes of a business. In
today’s highly competitive business environment placing the right position is very critical for the success
of any organization .

The recruitment and selection decision is of prime importance as it is the vehicle for obtaining the best
possible person-to-job fit that will, contribute significantly towards the company’s effectiveness. It is
also becoming increasingly important, as the company evolves and changes, that new recruits show a
willingness to learn, ada ptability and ability to work as part of a team. The recruitment & selection
procedure ensures that these criteria are addressed.

In this project I have studied Recruitment & Selection process at BSNL limited and attempted to provide
some ways to make recruitment more effective and to reduce the cost of hiring the employees.

I am privileged to be one of the students who got opportunity to do my training with BSNL limited . My
involvement in my project has been very challenging and has provided me a platform to leverage my
potential in the most constructive way.

BSNL limited is one of India’s leading Telecom company offering complete Telecommunication solutions
that encompass every sphere of life. In a short span of time, BSNL has set an example by having a steady
and confident journey to growth and success.

During the study period I learn deeply the procedure of hiring in BSNL limited and did a SWOT analysis of
BSNL limited to find out the existing shortcoming and potential threats and thereby recommended


At first I would like to thank to my internship guide Prof A Seshachalam , Assistant professor,
Department of PG commerce, IFIM College , Bangalore for his valuable guidance and timely advice. He
inspired me greatly to work in this internship report. His willingness to motivate me contributed
tremendously to my internship work. I would like to thank for sparing his valuable time in guiding me
through this internship report. He lifted me up when I was not sure that I could ever get to the finish
line. I wish to place my sincere thanks for supporting and guiding me. Honestly I could not have done it
without his help.

India is growing one of the economics and growing at average growth rate about 8-8.5% different
sectors of the economy have been a lot in this growth, particular service sectors and manufacturing
sectors the growth rate registered service sectors between 2007-2009 was about 35-45%.

BSNL establish in the year 2000 BSNL is world’s 7 th largest telecommunication communication company.
Comprehensive range of telecomm service in India. This project attempt to understand the Recruitment
& Selection process/procedure/practices of BSNL organizational efficiency depends upon the kind of
people working for the organization recruitment means , according to FLIPPO, ”Recruitment is the
process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs
in an organization”.

Selection means it is the process of choosing the most suitable person out of all the applicants in this
process, relevant information about applicants is collected through a series of steps so as to evaluate
their suitability for the job to be filled.

In short be can say that right people at right place at right time for right work is required.

This project is an attempt to understand recruitment and selection process of BSNL for the purpose of
data collection; organizational, manual records were used.


Company and provides all types of telecom services namely telephone services on wireline, wireless
local loop (WLL) and mobile, broadband, internet, leased circuits and long-distance telecom service. The
company has been in the forefront of technology with 100% digital technology switching network.
BSNL’s nation-wide telecommunications network covers all district headquarters, sub-divisional
headquarters, Tehsil headquarters and almost all the block headquarters.

As of April 2019, it had about 29.63-million-line basic telephone capacity, 1.39 million WLL capacity,
114.62 million GSM capacity, 31,611 fixed exchanges, 1,46,172 GSM BTSs, 95 Satellite Stations, 8,49,990
route kilometre (RKm) of OFC, 2,548 RKm of microwave network.

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (BSNL) was incorporated on 15 th September 2000 . It took over the
business of providing of telecom services and network management from the erstwhile Central
Government Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Telecom Operations (DTO), with effect from 1 st
October’ 2000 on going concern basis. The company provides telecom services throughout the country
excluding Delhi & Mumbai. BSNL is a 100% Govt. Of India owned Public Sector Undertaking with an
authorized share capital of Rs.17,500 crores and paid up capital of Rs.12,500 crores comprising of
Rs.5,000 crores of Equity and Rs.7,500 crores of Preference shares capital. Its total income during FY
2019-20 was Rs.18,907crores.

BSNL provides complete bouquet of telecom services that includes:

Land line services

Mobile Services including 2G, 3G & 4G (in limited areas) services

Internet ,Broadband , Fibre to the Home (FTTH) services

Wi-Fi services

Data Centre services

Enterprise Data services such as Leased circuits, MPLS VPN et

conational and International Long Distance services

BSNL is one of major service provider in its license area. The company offers wide ranging & most
transparent tariff schemes designed to suit every customer. BSNL telecom network is part of modern
global network, providing access to countries around the world for transporting information in the form
of voice, data and video. The company has vast experience in planning, installation, network integration
& maintenance of switches & transmission networks & also has a world class ISO 9001 certified Telecom
Training Institute.

The details of Services provided by BSNL as on 31.08.2020 as under:-

BSNL has been in the forefront of technology with 100% digital new technology switching network. BSNL
has a customer base of 1267.21 Lakh subscribers.

Wire-line Services: The vast switching network for landlines comprises of 31,898 exchanges having a
capacity of 254.04 Lakh lines serving 79.23 lakh customers.
GSM Mobile Services: BSNL has covered almost all the cities, and substantial length of National
Highways, Rail Routes and State Highways. The Cellular services of BSNL are also providing incidental
coverage to the rural areas falling en-route to National and important State Highways. GSM connections
are working 1187.98 Lakh against equipped capacity 1165.14 lakhs .BSNL has 86,524 (2G BTSs), No. Of
Node-B (3G) 61,979 and No. Of e- Node-B (4G) 8,271. The 3G facility has been rolled out in 6,254

Broadband Services: BSNL had launched its Broadband services in January 2005 using ADSL2+
technology and had provided 70.70 lakh connections with the installed capacity of 100.18 lakhs
broadband ports, BSNL have been covered with broadband services (665 DHQ out of 676), (6157 BHQ
out of 6,494), (4,524 Cities out of 4,609) and (1,71,476 Villages out of 6,04,363).

BSNL is providing Wi-Fi broadband connections as on 31.08.2020, BSNL has 6.06 lakh Wi-Fi unique

In addition, BSNL is providing a host of Value Added Services (VAS) to its landline and mobile
customers. VAS is normally a third party item and is provided on franchise model on revenue share
basis. BSNL has modernized its network by incorporating state of the art technology and adopting
customer friendly approach


Be the leading telecom service provider in India with global presence.

Create a customer focused organization with excellence in customer care, sales and marketing.

Leverage technology to provide affordable and innovative telecom. Services/products across customer

Be the leading telecom service provider in India with global presence.

Becoming the most trusted, preferred and admired telecom brand.

Providing reliable telecom services that are value for money.

Generating value for all stakeholders – employees, shareholders, vendors & business associates.

Excellence in customer service -friendly, reliable, time bound, convenient and courteous service.

Offering differentiated products/services tailored to different service segments.

Developing a marketing and sales culture that is responsive to customer needs.

Maximizing return on existing assets with sustained focus on profitability.


Increasing sales revenue with focus on subscriber retention & acquisition by way of strengthening sales
& marketing, quality of service and customer delivery.

Accelerate the pace of expansion of mobile & data services with up-gradation of technology.

Adopt policies and processes to enable transparent , quick and efficient decision making.

Developing marketing team with attitude towards customer care.

Increasing BSNL visibility in urban, sub-urban and rural areas.

Improve customer care by reducing fault rate, upgrading Customer service Centres (CSCs) and
introducing convergent billing.

Providing a conducive work environment with strong focus on performance to enhance customer
delight towards BSNL services.

Leverage data services to increase BSNL’s customer’s base & revenues by providing higher bandwidths
capabilities for wire line and wireless broadband customers.

Strengthen company’s finances by gainful utilization of its assets through sharing / monetization of
existing infrastructure like land, building and sharing of passive infrastructure like towers etc.

Creating Wi-Fi Hot Spots and replacing Legacy wire line exchanges by Next Generation Network.

Expanding the reach of fibber network near to the customer premises particularly in apartment
complexes through FTTH in order to meet the ever increasing bandwidth requirement for both data &
video applications.
Leverage the existing infrastructure of BSNL thereby contributing towards nation building by facilitating
the execution of government programmes and initiatives viz. National Optical Fibber Network (NOFN),
Network for Spectrum (NFS), and dwelling on Smart City concept.

Improve productivity by training and skill development and redeployment of legacy manpower.

Developing knowledge pool exposed to latest technological advancements.

To explore opportunities in international telecom in developing markets.

To become preferred service provider to the Government for reliable and secure service Network and
to serve National security interests.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited d/b/a BSNL is a government owned telecommunications service provider
headquartered in New Delhi, India. It is under the ownership of Department of Telecommunications,
Ministry of Communications, Government of India. It was incorporated on 15 September 2000 by the
Government of India. Its top official is designated as Chairman and Managing Director who is a central
government civil servant of the Indian Communication Finance Service cadre or a central government
engineer of the Indian Telecommunications Service cadre. It provides mobile voice and internet services
through its nationwide telecommunications network across India. It is the largest government owned
wireline telecommunications network service provider and fourth largest government owned wireless
telecommunications service provider with more than 50% market share in India.

Recruitment :

According to Hippo-

“It is process of searching for prospective employees &stimulating & encouraging them to apply for job
in an organization.”

It is the activity which links the employer and job seekers. According to Yoder-Recruitment is the process
to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ
effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate

Number to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.”

It is often termed positive in that it stimulates people to apply for jobs to increase hiring ratio i.e. the
no. Of applications for a job. The process of generating a pool of qualified candidates for a particular job
is the first step in the hiring process. The aim of recruitment is to attract qualified job candidates; the
word qualified is stressed because attracting applicants who are unqualified for the job is a costly waste
of time. Unqualified applicants need to be processed and perhaps tested or interviewed before it can be
determined that they are not qualified, to avoid these costs the recruiting efforts should be targeted
solely applicants who have the basic qualification for the job. Recruitment forms the first stage in the
process which continues with selection & ceases with placement of the candidates. Recruitment
&selection are critical elements of effective humanmanagements.With the human resource
management paradigm they are not simply mechanism for filling vacancies. Recruitment & Selection is a
function of major importance to the success of anenterprise.Placing the individual by:
1.Merit basis.

2.Considering the persons interest, backgrounds & physical capacities.

3.Examining the job available.

4.Matching the available job recruitments with individual capacities.

“The art of choosing men is not nearly as difficult as the art of enabling those one has chosen to Attain
their full worth”.

Recruitment is the process by which organizations locate and attract individuals to fill job vacancies.
Most organizations have a continuing need to recruit new employees to replace those who leave or are
promoted in order to acquire new skills and promote organizational growth.

Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with selection process by which organizations
evaluate the suitability of candidates. With successful recruiting to create a sizeable pool of candidates,
even the most accurate selection system is of little use.

Recruiting begins when a vacancy occurs and the recruiter receives authorization to fill it. The next step
is careful examination of the job and enumeration of skills, abilities and experience needed to perform
the job successfully. Other steps follow:

1.Creating an applicant pool using internal or external methods

2.Evaluate candidates via selection

3.Convince the candidate

4.And finally make an offer

Thus, we can say that:

*.Recruitment is the activity that links employer and job seekers.

*.It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. It begins when their
applications are submitted. The result is the pool of application from which new employees are selected.

*.It is the process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of staffing schedule.

*. Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps to create a pool of
prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right candidate for
the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to explain the selection

Activity follow:

The organisation philosophy should be kept in the mind while formulating the Recruitment process.

The HR department would set the recruitment norms for the organisation. However, the onus of
effective implementation and compliance with the process rests with the heads of the respective
functions and departments who are involved in the selection and recruitment process.
Recruitment and selection is conducted by:

1.HR and branch manager

2.Functional head

Factors affecting recruitment process

All organizations whether large or small, does engage in recruitment activity this depends upon:

1.Size of the organisation.

2.The employment condition in the organisation, the efforts of the past recruitment efforts which show
the organisations ability to locate good performing people.

3. Working conditions and salary benefit packages offered by the organisation Which may influence and
necessitate future

a. Recruiting

b. The rate of growth of organisations

c. The level of seasonal operations and future expansion and production programs

d. Cultural, legal and economic factors.

E- recruitment:

Managers now use emails & the web to bypass campus career centre’s an email, news letters to the
student to get them interested in the firm the manager can take the complete responsibility for all the
recruiting. Doing their own recruiting also put them in better touch with market and their needs.

Sources of recruitment:

There are a great number of recruitment sources available the most Prominent of these Source are:

1. Current Employees : many companies have a policy of informing current Employees about job
openings before trying to recruit them from other sources, internal job postings gives current
Employees the opportunity to move into the forms more desirable jobs however; an internal
promotion automatically creates another job opening that has to b filled.
2. Referrals from current Employees: studies have shown that the employees were hiring through
referrals from the current Employees trend to stay with the organisation longer & display
greater loyalty & job satisfaction than employees to refer people who are demographically
similar to themselves which can create equal employment opportunity problems.
3. Print Advertisements: advertisement can be used both for local recruitment Efforts ( newspaper)
& for targeted regional, national or international searches for instance; clinical psychologist
often find jobs through listing in American psychological association’s monthly news paper.

4.Internet Advertising: Employers are increasingly turning to the web as recruitment to because on
line ads are relatively cheap, are more Employment.

Many organizations use external contractors to recruit & screen applicants for position. Typically, the
employment agencies are paid free based on the salary offered to the new employees. Agencies can be
particularly effective when the firm is looking for an employee with a specialized skill. Another
advantage of employment agencies is that they often seek out candidates who are presently employed
& not looking for a new job, which indicates that their current employer is satisfied with their

Recruitment in India

Recruitment in India is made through different channels. Recruitment procedure is quite systematic &
not wholly scientific.

Channels of Recruitment:

a) through intermediaries

b) Recruitment through contractors

c)Direct Recruitment

d)Recruitment through employment exchange

e)Other Methods

f)Through Trade Union

g)Through Labour Office

h)Through referee

I) through the web

This kind of recruitment is called e-recruitment; the company sends the newsletter to the candidates,
regular job updates to target the right candidate. The company selects the candidate from the data base
available this helps the company to directly Contact the candidate. Once a Firm has prepared a job
description & person specification. It will be time to advertise the vacancy. They can do this internally or

Internal Recruitment:

Internal recruitment involves findings someone already employed by the Organization to fill the

Advantages of Internal Recruitment:

1.Applicants will already know the company & its methods of working & are therefore likely to settle
into the job a great deal easier than external candidates.

2.The cost of recruitment is reduced, there will be no need for external Advertisements & all
administrative cost & time involved in dealing with applications.
3.Internal Recruitment & promotions will increase motivation of work force.

External Recruitment:
External Recruitment means looking outside the company for candidates for vacancy.
Advantages of External Recruitment:
1)Introduces new people with new ideas, can allow leaps forward in thinking and helps avoid
getting stuck.
2)Wider range of candidates giving more choice.
3)Takes advantage of training provided by other companies, reduces costs & increase skills.
There are a wide variety of methods firm can use to find suitable candidates the actual
method or methods used will depend upon the type of vacancy & number of vacancies
available. For skilled & professional workers it may be appropriate to use to find suitable
candidates. The actual method or methods used will depend upon the type of vacancy & the
number of vacancies. Head-hunters can be used when senior management positions become
vacant. Head-hunters will use their knowledge of employment market to find suitable
For semi skilled workers advertisements in local & nation newspaperman are appropriate.
The job centre can be used for clerical administrative& unskilled workers.



When there is any vacancy in any department or is going to arise the concerned department
informs the HR Department. If an internal transfer or selection can be done then the
applications asked from employees who are interested in career shifts can be selected to the
vacant place. The vacancies are internally advertised on the notice board

Internal Sources:
Internal sources consist of employee referrals which enable quick availability of CVs to the HR
Department earning better posts through referrals benefits the employees & getting quickly
eligible candidates & high moral of the employees benefit the company. But these internal
references are limited to filling up vacancies at the lower level.
The following guidelines are issued to streamline the internal recruitment procedure.

1. employee must have at least worked for 5 years in the position where he is working to
become eligible for internal Recruitment.

2.Employees in the contractual obligation should also be permitted to apply against internal
advertisement but it depends on his qualification & efficiency work.
External Sources:
External Recruitment is conducted when there is no internal force to fill up the vacancy & the
company is looking out for new candidates. The external sources are used for recruiting
permanent employees or who are higher up impositions.
External Sources Used are:

*. Placement Agencies or consultants

The vacancy is communicated to the placement agency along with the job description & other
specification. The CVs are sent in to the company where the HR Manager & the concerned
department head specify according to their recruitment.

*.Advertising: -
Advertisements are given by- newspaper likes The Times of India, Indian Express etc. about the
vacancy along with minimum qualification requirement. Advertisement is used when qualified
or experienced personnel are not available from other sources.

*.Central Employment Exchange

The HR Manager contacts the employment exchanges& gets the suitable candidate for the
required job


The various steps in the selection of the desirable person in the employment procedure starts
only after the applications from the prospective employees are receive by the concern .These
applications are scrutinized considering the standard set out by the organization,. The
application are screened out at each step and those who are found borne job are selected
The following are the necessary steps generally involved in the selection process;-

1)Preliminary interview
2)Application blank
3)Employment Test
4)Employment interview
5)Reference check
7)Final selection
1.Preliminary interview:
It is the first step after receipt& scrutiny of the applications forms in the Selection process. The
purpose of this type of interview is to eliminate the unqualified or unsuitable candidates .It
should be quite brief just have to idea of general education, experience, training, appurtenance,
personality etc. of the candidate & to obtain his salary requirements.
2.Application Blank:
A blank application or application blank is the next important weeding out device in the
selection procedure. The successful candidates in preliminary interview supplied with the
application blank to get a written record of the following information. Identify information such
as family background date & place of birth, age, sex, height, citizenship, marital status etc.
Information recording education: It include information about his academic career ,subject
taken at various levels ,school certificate & degree level, grade, division or place awarded in
school & college, technical qualification etc. Expected salary, allowance & other fringe benefits.
3.Employment test:
Psychological& other test are becoming increasingly popular even in India as a part of the
selection process. However their utility is controversial .The personnel department can guide &
help in the selection of type of tests appropriate for a particular position.
4.Employment Interview:
Perhaps this is the most complex & difficult part of the selection process. The purpose of
interview is to determine the suitability of the applicant for the applicant for the job & job for
the applicant. Interview must be conducted in a friendly atmosphere & the candidate must be
asked the Basis of job specification. Unwanted questions should be avoided
5.Reference Check:
Employers generally provide a column in the application blank for Reference. If the applicant
crosses all the above hurdles an investigation May be made on the reference supplied by the
applicants regarding his Past employment, education, character, personal reputation etc.
Reference maybe called upon on telephones or may be contracted through mail or personal
visit. Additional information can also be recorded by asking the questions from references.

6.Medical Examination:
In almost all the companies even in India medical examination is a part of the selection process
for all suitable applicants. It is conducted of the final decision has been made to select the
candidate. This is very important because a person of poor health may generally be absent from
work & the training given to him may go waste. A person suffering from any disease nay spread
it amongst others & all this effects the working of the concern.
7.Final Selection:
If a candidate successfully overcomes all the obstacles or tests given above he would be
declared selected. An appointment letter will be given to him mentioning the terms of
appointment, pay scales, and post on which Selected, when he joins the organization etc. It is
the primary duty of the HR manager to introduce him to the company & his job.
IN the selection of the candidate whatever may be the procedure the personnel department
plays an important role. It should be kept in the mind that the decision to recruit the personnel
is not taken by the personnel Department. It however assists the top executives in selecting the
candidate by devising the application from preparing the job description & setting the job


Bharat sanchar nigam ltd. Formed in October ,2000, is numerous Uno operator of India in all
services in its license area. The company offers vide ranging & most transparent tariff schemes
designed to suite every customer.BSNL cellular service, Cell One, has more than 52.09 million
cellular customers, garnering 16.96 percent of all mobile users in its area of operation as its
subscribers. In basic services, BSNL ismiles ahead of its rivals, with 35.1 million Basic Phone
subscribers i.e. 85 per cent share of the subscriber base and 92 percent share in revenue
terms.BSNL has more than 2.5 million WLL subscribers and 2.5 million Internet Customers who
access Internet through various modes viz. Dial-up, Leased Line, DIAS, Account Less
Internet(CLI). BSNL has been adjudged as the NUMBER ONE ISP in the country.BSNL has set up a
world class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent Infrastructure that provides convergent
services like voice, data and video through the same Backbone and Broadband Access Network.
At present there are 0.6 million Data One broadband customers. The company has vast
experience in Planning, Installation, network integration and maintenance of Switching &
Transmission Networks and also has a world class ISO 9000certified Telecom Training Institute.
Scaling new heights of success, the present turnover of BSNL is more than Rs.351,820 million
(US $ 8 billion) with net profit to the tune of Rs.99,390million (US $ 2.26 billion) for last financial
year. The infrastructure asset on telephone alone is worth about Rs.630,000 million (US $ 14.37
billion).Nature of the business carried:BSNL is basically a telecom(land line) service provider. But
now a days apart from these services, the operations of the company has been diversified into
several arenas such as3G,customer care, call centres, mobile services, etc. Interesting Facts:
There are 2 million BSNL mobile connections in rural India(a record, no other connection is as
famous as blain rural areas) .BSNL supplies phone lines to all other network such
asAirtel,Vodafone etc.BSNL is the only network which offers broadband connections .More than
50% of the international calls coming to India, use Reliance network. Largest pan India coverage-
over 11000 towns & 3 lakh villages. India’s No. 1 wireless service provider with more than 50
million customers. An incredible speed of 2mbps is only offered by BSNL.The only Mobile service
available through out the country including Jammu and Kashmir and North Eastern states like
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram etc.AspirationBe the leading Telecom Service Provider in
India with global presence. Create a customer focused organisation with excellence in sales,
marketing and customer care. Leverage technology to provide affordable and innovative
products/services across customer segments Provide a conducive work environment with strong
focus on performance Establish efficient business processes enabled by IT Vision of BSNL:To
become the largest telecom Service Provider in Asia. Mission of BSNL:To provide world class
State-of-art technology telecom services to its customer son demand at competitive prices. To
Provide world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to contribute to the
growth of the country's economy. Quality Policy:BSNL Telecom Factory Mumbai is committed to
continually improve through excellence and customer satisfaction with employee’s

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