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Mandatory Vaccination Policy for All eTA Employees

Full Vaccination Required by November 1,2021

The COVID-19 virus presents a threat to the health and safety of CTA employees. The
available vaccines have proven to be safe and effective. It is everyone's shared
responsibility to help end the COVID-19 pandemic and protect the health of our co-
workers and our families by taking the effective step of getting vaccinated. Unvaccinated
people account for 99% of hospitalizations and deaths now occurring from COVID-19.
Currently, COVID-19 is the third leading cause of death in the United States.

For the health, safety and well-being of our employees and their families, no later than
Monday, November 1, 2021, all CTA employees are required to submit proof
that they are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. In addition, as the CDC updates its
guidance to include booster shots, employees will be required to provide proof they
received the recommended boosters. CTA employees who are already fully vaccinated
should upload that information immediately in the Employee Self-Service Portal
as described in the Directions below.

The COVID-19 vaccine is free and widely available to CTA employees at pharmacies, such
as Walgreens and CVS, and health care providers.

Details on where to get vaccinated can be found at covidvax, or by

contacting the city's COVID-19 vaccine hotline at 312-746-4835 or talking with your
primary care provider.

eTA hourly employees who obtain their vaccine doses during non-working time will
receive additional compensation of four (4) hours per dose at their regular rate of pay
upon showing proof they received a vaccine dose. With advance notice to and approval by
their manager, employees may obtain their vaccines during their regular work schedule
without loss of pay for the actual time it took them to receive a vaccine dose, not to exceed
four (4) hours away from work, again upon showing proof they received a vaccine dose.


Individuals are considered fully vaccinated two (2) weeks after receiving the final vaccine
(second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine/only one shot of Johnson & Johnson
vaccine). Employees must be fully vaccinated and have submitted their proof of full
vaccination no later than Monday, November 1, 2021. Therefore, employees who ar.e not
fully vaccinated should schedule their first vaccination shot at least six (6) weeks pnor to
Monday, November 1 (which is Monday, September 20). This time table allowS

Employees who fail to comply with thi Mandator a in tion

2021, may be subject to discipline up to and including di char .


Government and public health guidance and restrictions r garding OVI -1 and
COVID-19 vaccines are changing as new information and research b om availabl . TA
reserves the right to modify this policy at any time in its sole discI' tion to dapt
changing guidances and business needs, consistent with its commitment to maintaining
a safe and healthy workplace for all its employees. Emplo ees will be gi en noti and an
opportunity to comply with changes to this policy.



The FAQs below are intended to respond to general questions you may ha~~
about eTA's new COVID-19 vaccination requirements. These responses ~
be updated as needed and shared with employees. If you have a s!JecI C
questIon that is not addressed here, peaseI emal·1 your questIon to
[email protected].

Does the policy apply to me?

eTA's mandatory vaccination policy applies to all employees who ~ork f?r the eTA,
including part-time, full-time, and temporary employees and interns, Incl~dIng whether
or not the employee is teleworking. CTA is also developing a separate polIcy for agency
contractors that work directly with CTA employees in our facilities.

'What does "fully vaccinated" mean?

An individual is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the final vaccine
(second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine/only one shot of Johnson & Johnson
vaccine). This definition is subject to change as booster doses are authorized and made
available. We will follow health agencies' guidance and directives.

I am already fully vaccinated. When should I submit proofofmy vaccination?

'What is the process to submit my proof of vaccination?

You should upload proof of your vaccination as soon as you can. You can do so by using
the Employee Self-Service Portal in Oracle.

You can find the step-by-step instructions on ELink.

In order to comply with the new Policy, the last date to upload your proof of vaccination
is M?nday, November 1, .2021 but again, you should not wait. Once you are fully
vaccInated, upload your mformation.

What is eTA doing to make sure my proof of vaccination or my vaccination

status is kept confidential?

All ~ocu~entation related to an emplo ee's COVID-19 vaccinations will be maintained

confIdentlally and held separate1y from yan employee ,s person neI file .

Where do I need to go to get the vaccine? Will it be offered on eTA property

. I f so, W here do I go?
or do I have to go somewhere else to get It?

There are no current plans to re-offer the COVID-19 vaccines on CTA property. However
yaccines are free and widely available at pharmacies, such as Walgreens and CVS, and
health care providers.

Details on where to get vaccinated can be found at covidvax, contacting the
City's COVID-19 vaccine hotline at 3 12-746-4835 or talking with your primary care

How much does the vaccine cost?

COVID-19 vaccines are available for free for all people living in the United States.

I'm already fully vaccinated but will be due for my booster vaccine soon. Am
I required to get my booster vaccine under this policy?

As the CDC updates its guidance to include booster vaccines, employees will be required
to provide proof they received the recommended boosters. CTA will update its policy at
that time and will provide ample notice on process for certifying booster vaccine status.

If I think I may qualify for an accommodation for medical, disability or a

sincerely held religious belief, who do I contact?

There are limited exceptions to the requirement that you be fully vaccinated.
• In order to assert a medical basis, you will need a doctor's certification that
medically you are prevented from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. You need to
complete the Request for Medical and/or Disability Accommodation
Form (702.05) [ . 0 5.pdfj and return it
and all supporting documentation before or no later than October 1, 2021.

• If you are seeking an exemption based on a sincerely held religious belief or

observance which prevents you from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, you must
complete the COVID-19 Religious Accommodation Form (715.15)
[] and provide any supporting
documentation also before but no later than October 1, 2021.
I would like to get vaccinated on my off time from CTA. If I do, will I be
compensated for that time?
Yes, if you are an hourly employee, you will receive four (4) hours.of pay at your regular
rate for each vaccine dose. Simply complete the COVID~19 Vaccme Payroll Forr:z and
return to your manager or supervisor along with. shOWIng proof that you receIved a
vaccination dose on the date for which you are seekmg to be compensated.
Once you are fully v~cci~ated (two-weeks a er your final vaccine dose), you must then
certify vour vaCCInatIOn status via the Employee Self-Service Portal
ftransitchicago.coml employeesLlto fully comply with the policy.

I am un~ble to get t~e vaccine in my off time from eTA. Will I be permitted to
get vaccInated durIng my regular work hours? And if so, will I get paid for
that time?

As stated above, if you are an hourly employee and receive your vaccination doses during
your off time, you will receive four (4) hours of pay at your regular rate of pay for each

But, if you are unable to get your vaccine during your off time, you can get vaccinated
during a work shift. Hourly employees will be compensated for their actual time spent
away from work to receive the vaccine dose at your regular pay, up to a maximum of four
(4) hours.
• You must notify your manager at least 48 hours in advance of your
appointment via the COVID-19 Vaccine Paid Time OffRequest Form.
a Due to staffing constraints, your manager may work with you to identify a
new date and time for your vaccination.
• Upon completion of each vaccine dose, you must submit a COVID-19 Vaccine
Payroll Form to your manager or supervisor during your next shift in order to
receive compensation for your actual time spent away from work. Along with the
completed form, you must provide your approved COVID-19 Vaccine Paid Time
OffRequest Form and show your manager or supervisor proof that you received a
vaccination dose on the date for which you are seeking to be compensated.
• Once fully vaccinated (two-weeks after your final vaccine dose), you must then
certify your vaccination status via the Employee Self-Service Portal.

I received the eOVID-19 vaccine prior to eTA implementing the Employee

Vaccine mandate policy. Will I receive compensation for prior vaccination

The City of Chicago Ordinance only requires compensation for each vaccine dose that
occurs after an employer mandates vaccination.

Once I am fully vaccinated and have uploaded my vaccine information into

Oracle, do I have to keep wearing a mask when I come to work?

Yes. A mask is currently mandated by the T~A on public .transpor.tation.and ~y' t~e State
of Illinois in all indoor spaces and CTA contmues to reqUIre masking at Its facIlItles.

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