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Shout-out to our beloved Mayor! As a student leader of Cagayan National

High School, I have observed fires and floods, to name a couple of threats.
Each one should not be taken for granted, as they multiply massive
devastation. Flash Floods pose a concern to residents of the city, particularly
those near the Cagayan River, as they may have an impact on their life or,
worse, result in death. Many fires had passed, but there had been few
casualties, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared for the next one.

May I respectfully suggest that we should really plant trees to ensure the
safety of our local environment, and that we should bear in mind how we
should learn proper waste management practices in order to have a green
and sustainable neighborhood.

In fire disasters, citywide drills should be held to educate people what to do in

the event of a fire. Educating people on what to do in the event of a fire, such
as establishing an evacuation map or plan, would drastically minimize the
danger of injuries.
I know this sounds surprising coming from a student, but as a member of the
youth, the future's only hope, I am willing to go to such lengths in order to
ensure a safe future not only for myself, but also for everyone else. Mayor,
let's get ready and make it happen.

We may still be young but we don’t want to die young.


Discussion of Possible Outcomes:

1. What do you think are the keys to the accomplishment of your

The key to achieving your goals is to be devoted to what you're doing

until you achieve them, and to not be discouraged by what you see
around you. Second, you must be inspired every day so that it is not
difficult for you to perform the things that will assist you in achieving
your goal and to encourage yourself to do your best every day.

2. What do you think are the factors that may hinder your Mayor to
accept your suggestions?

To begin with, the mayor may be a hindrance because I am a youth

who is truly silent when it comes to such matters, but I am confident
that when we youth advocate for the voiceless, the mayor will not be a
hindrance. Knowing that I am a student, he may hinde, but I am
hopeful that the school's staff will be able to provide me with the
assistance I require for this project to succeed.

3. Do you think your suggestions will be accepted by the people in your

locality? Why?

Yes. Surely, the people in my neighborhood will accept such

suggestions or plans because they provide not only a secure future for
me, but also a secure and clean future for the people in my community,
because I do not want future generations to live in a community
plagued by drought and in pain as a result of these hazardous disasters.

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