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Mark: / 40 marks

Vocabulary and Use your English

Choose the correct answers.
1 You must fill in this before you can take part 11 Adam works in a restaurant to earn money to pay
in the performing arts camp. the for his computer studies course.
a certificate a qualifications
b timetable b fees
c application c grant
2 Lucy hasn’t finished her chemistry yet, so she’ll 12 If she doesn’t stop getting into trouble, the
ask her teacher for an extra day. school will her.
a project a behave
b stapler b pass
c studies c expel
3 No schools were offering Japanese courses in the 13 Our teacher wanted to check our work so
area, so she hired a to teach her at home. he collected all our .
a grant a backpacks
b tutor b folders
c lecturer c schedules
4 You’re stressed about the speaking exam? Relax! 14 My brother has applied a job as a
The are really friendly and it’ll be over music teacher.
before you know it. a to
a candidates b for
b examiners c about
c graduates 15 We live opposite a school, so there are groups
5 My parents never seem to be satisfied my of teenagers walking past our home every morning.
progress. a graduate
a for b primary
b with c secondary
c of 16 Don’t worry your assignment. You can hand it in
6 Michele was raised in Chicago and, as you can next week.
hear, she still has a strong American . a about
a accent b for
b education c in
c pronunciation 17 At the end of his four-year course, Terry
7 Olga went to London to study and became a graduated from university with a in Chemistry.
successful musician. a knowledge
a performing arts b studies
b courses c degree
c sciences 18 I think school uniforms are a good idea because it
8 You really ought to an effort if you want to pass means we don’t have to spend lots of money
the exam. clothes every year.
a get a to
b make b in
c do c on
9 The history gave a fascinating talk on education 19 I’ve broken my leg, so I’ll have to my PE
in ancient times. lessons for a month.
a examiner a miss
b lecturer b pass
c candidate c lose
10 There has been an increase the number of 20 Biology is my favourite and I usually get
applications for summer courses. high marks for it.
a to a lesson
b on b course
c in
Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1 Second Edition
Permission granted to photocopy for classroom Quiz 11
c subject ( / 20 marks)

Choose the correct answers.
1 Will she by a professional? 11 What have you decided about?
a have edited her script a writing
b have to edit her script b to write
c have her script edited c write
2 The school the new computers installed yet. 12 The art students their sculptures exhibited in
a hasn’t had the gallery last month.
b doesn’t have a are having
c won’t have b will have
3 If you want to learn a language quickly, it’s worth a c had
summer course abroad. 13 I would rather to the library this afternoon.
a to attend a to not go
b to have attended b not go
c attending c not going
4 You should spend more time at the weekend. 14 They said they from outside the school
a to study the week before.
b to studying a have had their bikes stolen
c studying b had had their bikes stolen
5 My grandfather has by a well-known artist. c have their bikes stolen
a had his portrait painted 15 Have you remembered your application form
b painted his portrait for the course?
c been painting his portrait a to send
6 The children are too young this choir. b sending
a joining d to sending
b join 16 You should your tutor to help you if you have
c to join any queries.
7 Art students by the college. a to ask
a will not have their fees paid b have asked
b will not have paid their fees c ask
c will not be paid their fees 17 books is Helen’s favourite pastime.
8 Participants at the seminar are interested in all a To read
about music and drama. b Reading
a learning c Having read
b having learnt 18 I’m going to the museum the exhibition.
c to learn a seeing
9 The university is going to next year. b see
a building a new lab c to see
b to have built a new lab 19 Would you enjoy an arts and crafts course at
c have a new lab built summer camp?
10 Tom stopped the piano when he went to college. a to be doing
a playing b to have done
b play c doing
c to play 20 Have you started the topic your teacher
gave you?
a to researching
b to research
c research
( / 20 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1 Second Edition

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom Quiz 11

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