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Lesson Plan in Grade 1 and 2

Prepared by: Mylene Ruffa Doneza BEED 3B

Submitted to: Catherine Dela Torre

Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

For Multi-grade Class in English Grade I and II

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
a. Recognize letter Bb from Pp and vice versa
b. Participate in the given activities
c. Listen carefully to the sounds of each letter


Topic: Reading; Letter Pp and Bb, p.120
Reference: Beginning Writing and Reading
Materials: Pictures, Videos, Children’s Poems, Work sheets

Grade 1 Grade 1
Teachers’ Activity Students Activity Teachers’ Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary A. Preliminary
Activities Activities

1. Prayer - In the name of the Father 1. Prayer - In the name of the Father
- Children, let us all stand and the Son and the Holy - Children, let us all stand and the Son and the Holy
and pray. Spirit… Amen and pray. Spirit… Amen
2. Greetings 2. Greetings
- Good morning teacher - Good morning teacher
- Good morning, children. and good morning - Good morning, children.
and good morning
classmates. classmates.
3. Checking of attendance 3. Checking of attendance
- Is everybody present - Yes, teacher. - Is everybody present
today? today? - Yes, teacher.

4. Review 4. Review

- Children, can you - Children, can you - Yes, we learn about

- Yes, we learn about
remember what is our letters Bb and Vv. remember what is our letters Bb and Vv.
lesson yesterday? lesson yesterday?
- Very good!!! - Very good!!!
- What is the sound of - What is the sound of
letter Bb …and what is the letter Bb …and what is the
sound of letter Vv. sound of letter Vv.

( Teacher will show a ( Teacher will show a

pictures with letter Vv and pictures with letter Vv and
Bb and let the students Bb and let the students
identify the letters and identify the letters and
give words that starts with give words that starts with
letters Vv and Bb.) letters Vv and Bb.)
Grade 1 Grade 1
Teachers’ Activity Students Activity Teachers’ Activity Students Activity

5. Motivation 5. Motivation

Now, children we are - Me, teacher. Now, children we are - Me, teacher.
going to sing a song going to sing a song
together, who knows the together, who knows the
- Me, teacher.
song Baa Baa Black sheep? song Baa Baa Black sheep? - Me, teacher.
Wow, how about Polly Put Wow, how about Polly Put
the Kettle on? the Kettle on?

Very good, so now we are Very good, so now we are

going to sing these songs. going to sing these songs.

(Polly Put the Kettle On) (Polly Put the Kettle On)
(Baa Baa Black Sheep) (Baa Baa Black Sheep)

(Teacher will play the (Teacher will play the - children will listen
- children are listening
music and the children will music and the children will carefully and will sing the
carefully and will sing the
listen carefully. After listen carefully. After song with the teacher.
song with the teacher.
listening to the music, listening to the music,
teacher will sing the song teacher will sing the song
with the students.) with the students.)

- Good job, class!!! - Good job, class!!!

B. Presentation 6. Presentation
- Children, you may now - Children, you may now
settle down. Eyes on settle down. Eyes on
teacher, zip your mouth teacher, zip your mouth
and hands on your lap in, and hands on your lap in,
1..2..3 . Very good. 1..2..3 . Very good.
Today we are going to Today we are going to
study how to recognize study how to recognize
letter Bb from letter Pp. letter Bb from letter Pp.
- We are going to play, - We are going to play,
who wants to play? who wants to play?
- We want to play, - We want to play,
- Listen to teacher - Listen to teacher
teacher!!! teacher!!!
carefully, okay? carefully, okay?
- OKAY!!! - OKAY!!!
- Activity 1 - Activity 1
(Play the video on how to (Play the video on how to
recognize letter Pp and Pp recognize letter Pp and Pp
and the teacher will flash and the teacher will flash
the strips/cards to show - students will attentively
the strips/cards to show - students will attentively
the words mention in the watch and listen to the
the words mention in the watch and listen to the
audio.) video.
audio.) video.

- Activity 2 - Activity 2
(From the song “Baa Baa (From the song “Baa Baa
Black Sheep” and “Polly Black Sheep” and “Polly
Put the Kettle On” the Put the Kettle On” the
teacher will show the lyrics teacher will show the lyrics
of the song) of the song)
Grade 1 Grade 1
Teachers’ Activity Students Activity Teachers’ Activity Students Activity

“Baa Baa Black Sheep” “Baa Baa Black Sheep”

Baa, baa, black sheep, - students will observe the Baa, baa, black sheep, - students will observe the
Have you any wool? lyrics of the song that is Have you any wool? lyrics of the song that is
Yes sir, yes sir, posted on the board. Yes sir, yes sir, posted on the board.
Three bags full.
Baa, baa, black sheep, Three bags full.
One for the master, Have you any wool? One for the master,
One for the dame, Yes sir, yes sir, One for the dame,
And one for the little boy Three bags full. And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
One for the master, Who lives down the lane.
Baa, baa, black sheep, One for the dame, Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool? And one for the little boy Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, Who lives down the lane. Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
Baa, baa, black sheep, Three bags full.
- Baa baa
“Polly Put the Kettle On” Have you any wool? “Polly Put the Kettle On” - black
Yes sir, yes sir, - bags
Polly Put the Kettle on Three bags full. Polly Put the Kettle on -boy
poem poem
Polly put the kettle on, Polly Put the Kettle on - Polly
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on, poem Polly put the kettle on, - put
Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, -poem
Polly put the kettle on,
We'll all have tea. Polly put the kettle on, We'll all have tea.
Sukey take it off again, Polly put the kettle on, Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off We'll all have tea. Sukey take it off
again,Sukey take it off Sukey take it off again, again,Sukey take it off
again, Sukey take it off again,
They've all gone away. again,Sukey take it off They've all gone away.
- Grade 2 students, please They've all gone away. - Grade1 students, please
settle down. I will give settle down. I will give
activity to Grade 1 activity to Grade 2
students. students
(The pupils will identify
letter Bb by putting a circle (The pupils will read the
and putting a box to letter word which has letter Bb
Pp) or letter Pp)

- Very good, children!!!

Let’s give three claps to
everyone . 1..2..3

C. Activity
C. Activity
“Bring Me” Race (By pair)
“Bring Me” Race (By pair)
· The teacher will post on
· The teacher will post on
the board in Two rows the - Students will look for
the board in Two rows the - Students will look for
letter Bb in Green colored their assigned partners for
letter Bb in Green colored their assigned partners for
paper and letter Pp in red the activity.
paper and letter Pp in red the activity.
colored paper
colored paper
· The teacher will ask the
pupils to look for their · The teacher will ask the
pupils to look for their
partners or assign partners
for the activity partners or assign partners
for the activity
Grade 1 Grade 1
Teachers’ Activity Students Activity Teachers’ Activity Students Activity

· The teacher will put all · The teacher will put all
the strips in the pocket the strips in the pocket
chart. chart

For the Grade 1: For the Grade 2 - The grade 2 pair of pupils
- students will fall in line by will then check if the strip
· When the teacher will say - Grade 2 students, you is properly posted in its
“bring me” the pair should pair. will now check the words corresponding letter now.
pick a strip from the on the pocket chart if they
pocket chart are correct. - students will then read
the words.
- When I say Bring me, you - Okay, now each pair will
have to pick up the strip - students has a colored read the words on the
on your pocket. And if I strip with words written on pocket chart.
will say Pink those with it in their pocket and will
pink strip will put the pink wait for their teacher to
strip on the pink pocket say a color (green/pink).
chart, same with green
strip, you will put the it on
the green pocket chart,



D. Abstraction D. Abstraction

Big letter B has two

Big letter B has two mountains/curves along
mountains/curves along the right side of the line
the right side of the line
· Small letter B has it
· Small letter B has it mountain/curve below its
mountain/curve below its - Students will observe the
line along the right side.
line along the right side. - Students will observe the teacher on how to write
teacher on how to write the letter on the board or
the letter on the board or show a flash card with
show a flash card with letters Bb and Pp on it.
letters Bb and Pp on it.

- While big and small

letter Pp has only one - While big and small
mountain/curve along the letter Pp has only one
top right side of its line. mountain/curve along the
top right side of its line.
Grade 1 Grade 1
Teachers’ Activity Students Activity Teachers’ Activity Students Activity

E. Application E. Application

For Grade 1: For Grade 2:

- Okay, children. We will - Okay, children. We will

have a short activity. I will have a short activity. I will
give you this work sheet, give you this work sheet.
so you can practice on how All you have to do is to
to write letters Bb and Pp. circle the words that starts
(Teacher will give the with letter Bb.
worksheet to each

- For the second work

sheet, you have to circle
the words that
corresponds the picture,

IV. Assessment/ Books are what I like the

Books are what I like the IV. Assessment/ best
best Evaluation: They’re not just like all the
Poem Reading “Books” They’re not just like all the rest
rest Poem Reading “Books”
That breaks, or get cold, or
· The teacher will read the That breaks, or get cold, or
· The teacher will read the don’t want to play
poem “Books” don’t want to play
poem “Books” A book gets better
A book gets better everyday
· The teacher will give
everyday · The teacher will give Sit down and open it, soon
answer sheets to the
Sit down and open it, soon answer sheets to the you’ll find
you’ll find students A whole new world jumps
· The students will answer A whole new world jumps up in your mind
the activity up in your mind · The students will answer
People and places and all
People and places and all the activity
sorts of things
Instruction: Underline the sorts of things
Instruction: Underline the Dragons and Princesses,
words that has letter Bb Dragons and Princesses,
words that has letter Bb goblins and kings
and draw a circle to the goblins and kings
and draw a circle to the Dinosaurs walking the
word that has letter Pp Dinosaurs walking the
word that has letter Pp Earth like thunder
Earth like thunder Ancient Egyptians who
Ancient Egyptians who make you wonder
make you wonder Books about planets and
Books about planets and space exploration
space exploration
Grade 1 Grade 1
Teachers’ Activity Students Activity Teachers’ Activity Students Activity


Books are what I like the The truth about rocks, and Books are what I like the The truth about rocks, and
best the birth of our nation best the birth of our nation
They’re not just like all the And perhaps the most They’re not just like all the And perhaps the most
rest interesting story of all rest interesting story of all
That breaks, or get cold, or That tell of the Prince who That breaks, or get cold, or That tell of the Prince who
don’t want to play is going to call don’t want to play is going to call
A book gets better And even a picture show A book gets better And even a picture show
everyday how he looks everyday how he looks
Sit down and open it, soon Now these are the things Sit down and open it, soon Now these are the things
you’ll find that I like about books. you’ll find that I like about books.
A whole new world jumps A whole new world jumps
up in your mind up in your mind
People and places and all People and places and all
sorts of things sorts of things
Dragons and Princesses, Dragons and Princesses,
goblins and kings goblins and kings
Dinosaurs walking the Dinosaurs walking the
Earth like thunder Earth like thunder
Ancient Egyptians who Ancient Egyptians who
make you wonder make you wonder
Books about planets and Books about planets and
space exploration space exploration
The truth about rocks, and The truth about rocks, and
the birth of our nation the birth of our nation
And perhaps the most And perhaps the most
interesting story of all interesting story of all
That tell of the Prince who That tell of the Prince who
is going to call is going to call
And even a picture show And even a picture show
how he looks how he looks
Now these are the things Now these are the things
that I like about books. that I like about books.

V. Assignment: V. Assignment:
- Students will submit the - Students will submit the
On a short bond paper, On a short bond paper, assignment the next day.
assignment the next day.
draw a thing that starts draw a thing that starts
with Letter Pp and Letter with Letter Pp and Letter
Bb. Make it colorful. Bb. Make it colorful.

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