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Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead

15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant


(Development, Administration & REAL TIME Projects Implementation)

Introduction to BIGDATA and HADOOP

• What is Big Data?
• What is Hadoop?
• Relation between Big Data and Hadoop.
• What is the need of going ahead with Hadoop?
• Scenarios to apt Hadoop Technology in REAL TIME Projects
• Challenges with Big Data
 Storage
 Processing
• How Hadoop is addressing Big Data Changes
• Comparison with Other Technologies
 Data Warehouse
 TeraData
• Different Components of Hadoop Echo System
 Storage Components
 Processing Components
• Importance of Hadoop Echo System Components in Real Time Projects
• Other solutions of Big Data
 Introduction to NO SQL
• Type of BigData Projects
 On Premises project
 Cloud Integrated Project
 Differences between On Premises & Cloud Integrated Projects

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)

• What is a Cluster Environment?
• Cluster Vs Hadoop Cluster.
• Significance of HDFS in Hadoop
• Features of HDFS
• Storage aspects of HDFS
 Block – the basic storage unit in hadoop
 How to Configure block size
 Default Vs Configurable Block size
 Why HDFS Block size so large?
 Design Principles of Block Size

Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
• HDFS Architecture - 5 Daemons of Hadoop
• NameNode and its functionality
• DataNode and its functionality
• JobTracker and its functionality
• TaskTrack and its functionality
• Secondary Name Node and its functionality.

• Replication in Hadoop – Fail Over Mechanism

• Data Storage in Data Nodes
• Fail Over Mechanism in Hadoop – Replication
• Replication Configuration
• Custom Replication
• Design Constraints with Replication Factor
• Can we change the replication factor in Hadoop?
• Can we change the block size for a file or directory in Hadoop?

• Accessing HDFS
• CLI (Command Line Interface) and HDFS Commands
• Java Based Approach
• Hadoop Archives
• Configuration files in Hadoop Installation and the Purpose
• How to & Where to Configure Hadoop Daemons in a Hadoop Cluster?
• Difference between Hadoop 1.X.X , Hadoop 2.X.X & 3.X.X version
• Name Node HA (High Availability in Hadoop 2.X.X)
• Importance of NFS in Hadoop-2.X
• Importance of Journal Nodes in Hadoop-2.X


• Why Map Reduce is essential in Hadoop?

• Processing Daemons of Hadoop
 Job Tracker
 Roles Of Job Tracker
 Drawbacks Job Tracker failure in Hadoop Cluster
 How to configure Job Tracker in Hadoop Cluster
 Task Tracker
 Roles of Task Tracker
 Drawbacks Task Tracker Failure in Hadoop Cluster

• Input Split
 InputSplit
 Need Of Input Split in Map Reduce
 InputSplit Size
 InputSplit Size Vs Block Size
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
 InputSplit Vs Mappers

• Map Reduce Life Cycle

 Communication Mechanism of Job Tracker & Task Tracker
 Input Format Class
 Record Reader Class
 Success Case Scenarios
 Failure Case Scenarios
 Retry Mechanism in Map Reduce

• MapReduce Programming Model

• Different phases of Map Reduce Algorithm
• Different Data types in Map Reduce
 Primitive Data types Vs Map Reduce Data types
• How to write a basic Map Reduce Program
• Driver Code
• Mapper Code
• Reducer Code

• Driver Code
 Importance of Driver Code in a Map Reduce program
 How to Identify the Driver Code in Map Reduce program
 Different sections of Driver code

• Mapper Code
 Importance of Mapper Phase in Map Reduce
 How to Write a Mapper Class?
 Methods in Mapper Class

• Reducer Code
 Importance of Reduce phase in Map Reduce
 How to Write Reducer Class?
 Methods in Reducer Class
• Input Format’s in Map Reduce
 TextInputFormat
 KeyValueTextInputFormat
 NLineInputFormat
 DBInputFormat
 SequenceFileInputFormat.
 How to use the specific input format in Map Reduce
 How to write Custom Input Format Class and Custom Record
• Output Format’s in Map Reduce
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
 TextOutputFormat
 KeyValueTextOutputFormat
 NLineOutputFormat
 DBOutputFormat
 SequenceFileOutputFormat.
 How to use the specific Output format in Map Reduce
 How to write Custom Output Format Class and Custom Record

• Map Reduce API(Application Programming Interface)

 New API
 Deprecated API

• Combiner in Map Reduce

 Is combiner mandate in Map Reduce
 How to use the combiner class in Map Reduce
 Performance tradeoffs Combiner
 Real Time Use Cases
 Where to Use & Where Not to Use Combiner

• Partitioner in Map Reduce

 Importance of Practitioner class in Map Reduce
 How to use the Partitioner class in Map Reduce
 Different types of Practitioners in Map Reducer
 Importance of hashPartitioner
 How to write a custom Practitioner
 Real Time Use Cases

• Compression Techniques in Map Reduce

 Importance of Compression in Map Reduce
 What is CODEC
 Compression Types
 GzipCodec
 BzipCodec
 LZOCodec
 SnappuCodec
 Configurations Compression Techinques
 How to customize the Compression per one job Vs all the job.

• Map Reduce Job Chaining

 What is Map Reduce Job Chaining?
 Use of MR Chaining in Real Time Hadoop Projects
 Real Time Use case
 Performance trade off’s using MR Chaining
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant

• Joins - in Map Reduce

 Map Side Join
 Reduce Side Join
 Performance Trade Off
 Real Time applicability of Map Side & Reduce Side Joins in Map
 Distributed cache

• How to debug MapReduce Jobs in Local and Pseudo cluster Mode.

• Introduction to MapReduce Streaming
• Data locality in Map Reduce
• Secondary Sorting Using Map Reduce

Apache PIG
• Introduction to Apache Pig
• Map Reduce Vs Apache Pig
• SQL Vs Apache Pig
• Different datat ypes in Pig
• Where to Use Map Reduce and PIG in REAL Time Hadoop Projects
• Modes Of Execution in Pig
 Local Mode
 Map Reduce OR Distributed Mode
• Execution Mechanism
 Grunt Shell
 Script
 Embedded
• Transformations in Pig
• How to write a simple pig script
• Parameter substitution in PIG Scripts
• XML Processing through PIG
• JSON Processing through PIG
• Importance of DEFINE Keyword in PIG
• How to develop the Complex Pig Script
• Bags , Tuples and fields in PIG
• UDFs in Pig
 Need of using UDFs in PIG
 How to use UDFs
 REGISTER Key word in PIG
• Techniques to improve the performance and efficiency of Pig Latin Programs


• Hive Introduction
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
• Need of Apache HIVE in Hadoop
• When to choose MAP REDUCE , PIG & HIVE in REAL Time Project
• Hive Architecture
 Driver
 Compiler
 Executor(Semantic Analyzer)

• Meta Store in Hive

 Importance Of Hive Meta Store
 Embedded Metastore VS External Metastore
 Embedded metastore configuration
 External metastore configuration
 Communication mechanism with Metastore and configuration
 Drawbacks with Internal/Embedded metastore over External

• Hive Integration with Hadoop

• Hive Query Language(Hive QL)
• Configuring Hive with MySQL MetaStore
• SQL VS Hive QL
• Data Slicing Mechanisms
 Partitions In Hive
 Static Partitioning in Hive and its performance trade offs
 Dynamic Partitioning in Hive and its performance trade offs
 Buckets In Hive
 Partitioning with Bucketing usage in Real Time Project Use Cases
 Partitioning Vs Bucketing
 Real Time Use Cases

• Collection Data Types in HIVE

 Array
 Struct
 Map
 Real Time Use Cases
• Conditional Functions in HIVE
 Imporatnce of CASE Statement
 Real Time Use Cases on CASE Statements

• DATE Functions in HIVE
 Imporatnce of Date Functions
 Real Time Use Cases on DATE Functions
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant

• User Defined Functions(UDFs) in HIVE

 UDFs
 Need of UDFs in HIVE
• Hive Serializer/Deserializer - SerDe
• Semi Structured Data Processing Using Hive
• Semi Structured Data Processing through HIVE
 XML Data Processing
 Importance of XML Data Processing through HIVE in Real Time
 JSON (Java Script Object Notation) Data Processing through HIVE
 Importance of JSON Data Processing through HIVE in Real Time

• HIVE – HBASE Integration
 Importance of HIVE – HBASE Integration with respect to Latency
 Real Time Use Cases on Hive – HBase Integration

• Introduction to Sqoop.
• MySQL client and Server Installation
• How to connect to Relational Database using Sqoop
• Performance Implications in SQOOP Import and how to improve the
• Performance Implications in SQOOP Export and how to improve the
• Different Sqoop Commands
• Different flavors of Imports
• Export
• Hive-Imports

• SQOOP Incremental Load VS History Load & Limitations in Incremental Load


• Different BigData Solutions - Hadoop Comparision with Not Only SQL(NO

• Hbase introduction

Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
• HDFS Vs HBase
• HBase Vs RDBMS
• HBase Vs Cassandra VS Mongo DB & Real Time Use Cases on applicabiltiy
• Hbase usecases
• Hbase Data modeling Elements
• Column families
• Column Qualifier Name
• Row Key
• HBase Architecture
• Bulk Loading Operation with HBASE
• Importance of ImportTsv Utility in HBase
• Real Time case study on the usage of ImportTSV Utility of HBase
• Clients
• Thrift
• Java Based
• Avro

• Map Reduce Integration

• Map Reduce over HBase
• HBase Admin
• Schema Definition
• Basic CRUD Operations
• Client Side Buffering in HBase

• Flume Introduction
• Flume Architecture
• Flume Master , Flume Collector and Flume Agent
• Flume Configurations
• Real Time Use Case using Apache Flume
• Sentimental Data Analytics with respect to Social Media Data with Flume &
• Oozie Introduction
• Oozie Architectrure
• Oozie Configuration Files
• Oozie Job Submission
 Workflow.xml
 Coordinator.xml
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
 Transit parameters in workflow.xml

YARN (Yet another Resource Negotiator) – Next Gen. Map Reduce

• What is YARN?
• Difference between Map Reduce & YARN
• YARN Architecture
 Resource Manager
 Application Master
 Node Manager
• When should we go ahead with YARN
• YARN Process flow
• Different Configuration Files for YARN
• How to access Map Reduce Job History Server and Importance of
• Examples on YARN
Cloudera Impala
• What is Impala?
• How can we use Impala for Query Processing?
• When should we go ahead with Impala
• Data Analytics with respect to Hive Batch Processing VS Impala Real Time
• REAL TIME Use Cases with Impala

MongoDB ( As part of NoSQL Databases )

• Need of NoSQL Databases
• Relational VS Non-Relational Databases
• Introduction to MongoDB
• Features of MongoDB
• Installation of MongoDB
• Mongo DB Basic operations
• REAL Time Use Cases on Hadoop Data Processing & MongoDB Storage

Apache Cassandra
• Introduction to Cassandra
• Mongo DB Vs Cassandra
• Basic Operation using Cassandra
• Comparison among HBase , Mongo DB and Cassandra NO SQL DBs

Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant

Apache Kafka (A Distributed Message Queuing System)

• Introduction to Kafka
• Installation of Kafka
• Difference between MQ Vs Kafka
• Basic Operation using Kafka and real time case study on Kafka usage

Mahout (As a part of BIGDATA ANALYTICS)

• Introduction to Machine Learning (ML) Languages
• Types of Machine Learning
• Introduction to Apache MAHOUT
• Categories of Mahout Algorithms
• Real Time Use case using Classifier Algorithm of Mahout – Naives Bayes

Apache Spark – with Scala Content

[As part of Hadoop Course]

Introduction to SCALA
• Why Scala
• Scala Vs Java
• Why Scala is a Hybrid Language
• Pre-Requisits for Scala Installation
SCALA Basics
• Scala Data types
• Scala Packages
• Runtime environment of Scala & Java
• Different IDE Support for Scala
• Control Structures
Interactive SCALA – SCALA Shell
• Scala REPL [ Real Evaluate Print Loop ]
• Writing Scala Scripts
• Compiling the Scala Programs
• Different IDEs for Scala
SCALA Type Less, Do More
• Var[variable] VS val[Value]
• Type Inference
• DataTyes in SCALA
• Type Casting in Scala
Conditional Statements in SCALA
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
• If expression
• If-else expression
• While Loop and Do…While Loop & difference between the two
• For loop , different forms of for loop in SCALA
• Pattern matching in SCALA & use of case and match keywords in SCALA

Functional Programing in SCALA

• What is Functional Programming

• Difference between Object Oriented and Functional Programing Paradigm
• Closures in Scala
• Currying Functions in Scala
• Higher Ordered Functions in Scala

SCALA Environment Set Up

• Scala set up on Linux

• Java Set Up
• Scala Set Up

SCALA Collections
• List
• Set
• Map
SCALA Object Oriented Programming Introducton

• Introduction to Spark

• Motivation for Spark

• Spark Vs Map Reduce Processing
• Architecture Of Spark
• Spark Shell Introduction
• Creating Spark Context
• File Operations in Spark Shell
• Caching in Spark
• Real time Examples of Spark
• Introduction to Spark Components
 Spark Core
 Spark SQL
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
 Spark Streaming
 Spark MLLib
 Spark Streaming
• Spark Core

Resilient Distributed Dataset [ RDD]

• What is RDD and why it is important in Spark

• Core Features of RDD
1. Lazily Evaluated
2. Immutable
3. Partitioned
• Different Operation on RDDs
1. Transformations
2. Actions
• Transformation in RDD
• Different Examples on Transformations
• Actions in RDD
• Different examples on Actions
• Loading Data through RDD
• Saving Data
• Key-Value pair RDD
• Pair RDD operations
• Running Spark in a Clustered Mode
• Deploying Application with spark-submit
• Cluster Management

Spark SQL
• Introduction to Spark SQL
• The SQL Context
• Hive Vs Spark SQL
• Introduction to Data Frames [ DFs ]
• Examples on Spark SQL
Different File Formats Processing through Spark SQL
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
Spark SQL Integrations
• Spark – Hive Integration and Real Time use cases on the same
• Spark – RDBMS Integration and Real Time use cases on the same
• Spark – NO SQL Integration Introduction and Importance

Introduction to Big Data Project Integration with AWS Cloud


• Hadoop Single Node Cluster Set Up (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
 Operating System Installation
 JDK Installation
 SSH Configuration.
 Dedicated Group & User Creation
 Hadoop Installation
 Different Configuration Files Setting
 Name node format
 Starting the Hadoop Daemons
• Multi Node Hadoop Cluster Set Up (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
 Network related settings
 Hosts Configuration
 Password less SSH Communication
 Hadoop Installation
 Configuration Files Setting
 Name Node Format
 Starting the Hadoop Daemons
• PIG Installation (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
 Local Mode
 Clustered Mode
 Bashrc file configuration
• SQOOP Installation (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
 Sqoop installation with MySQL Client
• HIVE Installation(Hands on Installation on Laptops)
 Local Mode
 Clustered Mode
• HBase Installation (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
• Local Mode
• Clustered Mode

• OOZIE Installation (Hands on Installation on Laptops)

• Mongo DB Installation (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
• SPARK Installation (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
• SCALA Installation (Hands on Installation on Laptops)
Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.
Mr. GOPAL KRISHNA, Sr. Hadoop Technical Architect, BIGDATA Practice – CoE Lead
15+ Years Of Real Time IT Exp, 9+ Years On BIGDATA Projects Exp
CLOUDERA CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certified Consultant
• Commissioning Of Nodes In Hadoop Cluster
• Decommissioning Of Nodes from Hadoop Cluster


 SQL Commands Basic Knowledge [ FREE SQL Classes will be provided as
part of the course itself]
 Linux Basic Commands [ FREE Classes provided as part of course ]
 Java Basics - OOPs Concepts only [ FREE Java OOPs Concept Classes will
provided as part of course ]

What we are offering as part of the Course?

• 3 REAL TIME Hadoop Projects End-to-End Explanation with architecture.
• End to End Hadoop Real Time Project derivation workshop.
• FREE Online Mock Test based on CCA 175 exam.
• Mock Interviews will be conducted on a one-to-one basis after the course
• Hand Written Hard Copy & Soft Copy Materials for all the Components.
• Detailed Assistance in RESUME Preparation on a one-to-one basis with Real
Time Projects based on your technical back ground.
• All the Real time interview questions and answers will be provided.
• 15 classes for Core Java, Linux and SQL concepts will be covered as part of the
• Discussing the new happenings in Hadoop
• FREE BIGDATA workshops
• Discussing the Interview Questions on a daily basis
• Discussing Certification (CCA 175 – Spark and Hadoop Certification) Related
topics on a daily basis.
• 2 Written Exams will be conducted during the course with Real Time
Which will help a lot where you stand with market standands?
• Academic Projects will be provided for pursuing students.

Flat No: 212, 2nd Floor, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd
[email protected] Ph: 998 570 6789. Online: 001 973 780 6789.

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