A Short Analysis of Spectrum Auction in India: Prepared By: V.J.Christopher, Sr. Deputy Wireless Adviser, WPC Wing

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A short Analysis of Spectrum

auction in India

Prepared by: V.J.Christopher,

Sr. Deputy Wireless Adviser,
WPC Wing
Executive summary:-

The purpose of this study is to analyse the various spectrum auctions conducted by
Department of Telecommunications during the period from 2010 to 2016 and to do a relative
comparison. On the whole, there were six auctions held during this period. Each of these auctions is
conducted through an online process, called SMRA (Simultaneous Multiple Round Auction). As the
name suggests, the auction for different service areas is conducted simultaneously in continuous
cycles known as clock rounds. The first auction held in 2010 had two distinct sub auctions- one for
3G auction (2100 MHz band) and another for BWA auction (2300 MHz band). The BWA auction
commenced immediately after ending the 3G auction. In the auctions held in subsequent years, the
multiple frequency bands were auctioned simultaneously and for all intents and purposes each
auction is considered a single standalone auction.

Each auction has two stages- clock round stage and frequency identification stage. In the
clock stage, the price is determined for the block size in the particular band in which the bid take
place for each service areas. This is a generic stage in which every slot is auctioned treating them as
equivalents without frequency location information. Bidders will bid for a block (i.e. right to a single
spectrum block not linked to any specific frequency).The Clock Stage will consist of a number of
rounds (the “Clock Rounds”). These rounds will stop once (i) for every service area where spectrum
is being auctioned, the number of Bids at the prices set in the last completed Clock Round is less
than or equal to the number of blocks available; and (ii) there are no opportunities for Bidders to
increase their demand in accordance with the Activity Rules. The Clock Stage will establish a
common Winning Price for all blocks within a service area and who are the Winning Bidders in each
service area.

The Clock Stage will be followed by a Frequency Identification Stage that will identify specific
frequencies for the Winning Bidders. The frequencies identified will be announced simultaneously
with the outcome of the Clock Stage. The Frequency Identification Stage will be a random
identification of frequencies performed automatically by the Electronic Auction System.

The analysis angle:-

In an auction the seller does not know the real value of the spectrum, unless the band has
been auctioned earlier. One way to unlock its value is to put it for auction. A reserve price of
spectrum is always calculated making use of the data available to the seller. This calculation is based
on many factors –previous auctions, prevailing market conditions, cross reference to equivalent
goods (different bands auctioned earlier) or any other economic tools available to the seller. The
reserve price which is a critical element in an auction would be arrived at only by guess based on the
approach used by other countries for the band. In auction, there is an element of uncertainty for
both the buyer and the seller. The buyer may not have the information on the strategy of other
buyers or other information about the buying habits of others taking part in the auction. This
information asymmetry is the part of the mystery factor attributed to the auction. But when a when
the auction is completed the final price of the commodity (spectrum) will be optimum price at which
the particular seller can get it in the prevailing circumstances. Spectrum auction also follows the
same principle, but the optimum price could also be a function of reserve price, eco system of
technology, licensing conditions and/or other constraints apart from demand and competition in the

Each spectrum auction has certain measurable parameters associated with it. The auction
results can be compared on this basis. There are some tangible and intangible outcomes in an
auction. The tangible outcomes are those that are directly derivable from the auction data. The
tangibles that have been compared in this study are the following.

1. Winning Price (WP)

2. The difference between the winning price and reserve price (RP) which can be used to
measure the percentage change of price.
3. Quantity of spectrum sold.
4. The provisional winning bid at the end of each round (‘pwb_end’)
5. The provisionally winning rank at the end of each round (‘pwb_rank_end’)
6. The total rounds of auction.
7. The revenue collected in each auction.
8. The net-worth of the company participating in each auction also could be referred wherever

Rationale: -

The intent is to retrieve the above characteristics from the auction data and to evaluate each
of the auctions on this basis. For example the total rounds of auction are a measure of the bidding
competition in a particular auction. As the number of rounds increases, so is the demand for
spectrum. The activity therefore picks up with each round and finally results in a healthy competition
yielding the best price for that block of spectrum. The two indicators at serial number 4 and 5 above
capture the activity in an auction. Therefore there two indicators are filtered out from the auction
data and plotted for each of the auction. The respective plots give a graphical view of the auction
process. If there is no demand, the auction can fail resulting in unsold inventory. This also can be
observed from the plots chronicling the depth of auction through these indicators. As is stated
earlier, the basic economic theory and auction theory holds good for auction of spectrum.

It is also documented that there are some downside (distortions) associated with auction.
They are collusion, signalling, winners curse, predation, hoarding etc which are capable of
influencing the outcome of the auction. For example, the winning figure of 2100 MHz and 2300 MHz
spectrum price in the auction held in the year 2010 for Mumbai and Delhi service areas are said to
have a trace of ‘winner’s curse’. Example for another anomaly ‘signalling’, the 700 MHz auction in
the year 2016 can be cited. After the notification of auction was issued in 2016, various agencies
come out with opinions stating that the reserve price of 700 MHz is exorbitant. This kind of signalling
may act as disincentive to the true bidder thereby scuttling his plan, say, to set up a pan India
network by making use of the valuable 700 MHz spectrum. However, these flaws are mere
hypothesis which cannot be proved through the available auction data. Therefore such things are
not examined in this study.

It may be mentioned that auction is a complex process held within the rules inbuilt in the
SMRA auction flow diagram, but may not have any provision to explain the distortions or
externalities happening outside the auction. But these externalities might be influencing the final
outcome of the auction (say for example dampening the submission of bids and to reduce the
demand) which may not be perceptible in the auction data generated. The questions that may be
asked, certainly outside the purview of this analysis, is whether the time for auction was conducive

or not, whether or not the reserve price is ideal to attract bidders, whether the minimum/maximum
blocks set by the auctioneer is rational or not, whether the roll out demand from the bidder is
unviable or not et al.

Process: -

The points that are mentioned in the analysing angle in the above paragraph are examined
from the data available for each auction. The data was collected from the auction data generated
and available in DoT website ( http://dot.gov.in/) The corresponding CSV data dumps available in
each auction (except auction 2013) are wrangled, cleaned and analysed to extricate the relevant
information pertaining to each auction. After analysis, the data so arrived at are compared with
reference to the various performance indicators to reach conclusion as in the ensuing para. For most
of the analysis part Python* and its libraries are used.


Since each auction is an independent process, the data is analysed independently for each auction.
The comparisons are later done on the derived facts and figures from data. The merit of each
auction is measured in terms of the spectrum sold, how much of the spectrum has been sold above
reserve price, the revenue collected, the vibrancy of activity in each auction and the ranks traced by
the winning bidders.

The following table give the comparative outcome of the various auctions:-

Auction Total Percentag Percent. Total Revenue Clock No of Remarks

spectru e of spectrum Revenue collection rounds operators
m sold spectrum sold collection per MHz held in who got
(MHz) sold above (Rs (Rs auction spectrum
R.P. crores) crores)
2010- 465 100 100 50968.37 109.61 183 7 Revenue
3G from
2010- 1320 100 100 25695.54 19.47 117 7 BSNL/MTN
BWA L not taken
into a/c
2012 127.5 32.69 10.7 9642.11 75.62 14 5

2013 30 15.38 0 4113.65 137.12 3 1

2014 353.2 81.91 53 61162.22 173.17 68 7

2015 418.25 88.85 78.7 113932.2 272.40 115 7

2016 964.8 40.97 21 64809.12 67.17 31 7

From the above table it may be observed that the in 2010 BWA auction all spectrum was
sold above the reserve price but the revenue per MHz gives a figure of 19 Crores. However in the
auction held 2013, the spectrum whatever was sold, it was so at the reserve price. But the revenue
collected per MHz spectrum in 2013 auction is substantially higher among the different auctions. If
the number of clock rounds in an auction is a criterion for competition, 2013 auction can be
considered ended prematurely with no competition at all. Therefore it may be wrong to conclude

the outcome whether success or failure of auction based only on the revenue collected from the
auction. It may be reasonable to look at the figures for 2014 and 2015 auction where a balanced
picture can be seen. In auctions, revenue collection as well as the spectrum sold above reserve price
is giving a healthy figure.
When the different auctions are compared, it would be easy to jump to such conclusion as
based on the quantum of spectrum sold that a particular auction was productive than other auction.
When more and more spectrum is sold at a higher price than set by the auctioneer, then that
auction is generally considered successful. The Government get revenue; the bidder is keen to
deploy the spectrum to introduce the latest technology and thereby attracting more and more
customers. This whole chain ultimately contributes to the economic progress. However, if for some
reasons, the network is not deployed within a certain time frame, then the final outcome may not be
as desired to be. In the short term, it would look glossy, but in the longer term it would be realised
that the bidder might not have utilized the spectrum efficiently. For example various bidders won
spectrum in 2300 MHz in the year 2010 with the objective of improving broad band penetration .In
the short term Government received revenue from the auction. But it was after long gap the
network took shape and the spectrum was efficiently deployed to realise the objectives. Therefore
there is a time period to mature the technology and derive the full benefit to society through the
sale of spectrum.
With reference to the tangible benchmarks mentioned above, each auction can be
compared. A comparison on the basis of these tangibles is tabulated below:
Sl.n Parameters for 2010 -
o judgement 2010 -3G BWA 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1 Winning Price (WP) High price High price Low price price High price High price Low price
percentage of change
2 (%) w.r.t. RP 936 1333 9 0 415 348 64
Percentage of
quantity of spectrum
3 sold. (%) 100 100 32.69 15.38 81.91 88.85 40.97
The provisional
winning bid at the
end of each round
4 movement) Brisk Brisk Slow Slow Moderate Moderate Slow
The provisionally
winning rank at the
end of each round
5 movement) Brisk Brisk Slow Slow Moderate Moderate Slow
The total rounds of
6 auction. 183 117 14 3 68 115 31
800, 700,800,
900, 900, 900,1800,
Bands put up for 800, 1800 1800, 2100,2300,
7 auction 2100 2300 800, 1800 900, 1800 2100 2500
The revenue
8 collected (Rs Crores) 50968.37 25695.54 9642.11 4113.65 61162.22 113932.2 64809.12

From the aforesaid facts and figures, it would be reasonable to conclude that the auction
held in 2010 was the most successful auction followed by 2015 and 2014 auctions in that order.
These three auctions produce healthy figures in all comparison indices and charts. The auction held
in 2016 does not warrant attention as much as these auctions. It will be however remembered for
reaching another milestone in the auction journey in as much as it is for the first time that such
diverse bands and quantity of spectrum (‘Mega auction’) was offered to the eligible bidders. In fact,
the quantum of spectrum sold is equivalent to the spectrum sold in the previous 4 auctions put

What are the intangibles that can be ascribed to the outcome of an auction? The auction can fail if it
does not generate adequate interest and competition. The major factors that could influence are the
availability of an ecosystem in the band considered for auction, technological upgrade path in future
i.e. the availability of spectrum in future, lower reserve price, rationalised spectrum usage charges,
availability of backhaul spectrum etc can influence the outcome of an auction.


It is often mentioned that the average spectrum held per operator in India is much below
the global average of 50 MHz. After the consolidation of industry, the chances are this magic figure
will be achieved by the remaining players. But with the 5G services appearing on the horizon, it may
not be far when the companies may feel the dire need for more spectrum than ever. The
Government therefore should open up more spectrum in tune with the global spread of
technological advancements. The second issue which is often quoted is the high reserve price which
can become an entry barrier for small firms to enter the field. When the participation is limited, then
the chances of an auction becoming successful is remote. The trick is to find the right price at which
the reserve price can be fixed as it can depend on various factors related to the health of industry
apart from the last auction price. When revenue maximisation is given emphasis with higher reserve
price, the competition would come down. In effect the policies from the Government that foster
innovation and competition in the telecom field can also help government earns revenue from
auction which eventually would help towards the welfare of the society.

As far as the type of auction that could be used, the SMRA auction has been successfully
used by FCC, OFCOM and other regulatory authorities across the world. In the technology neutral
world multiple bands have been effectively used for seamless implementation of mobile services.
Technique like bandwidth aggregation has also enhanced the flawless acceptance of different
frequency bands in 4G networks like LTE. Therefore there is a synergy factor existing in such similar
bands for which Combinatorial auction (CCA) is found to be more suitable than SMRA. These days,
CCA or its variations are also being tried successfully in other countries. A hypothetical example can
be cited to demonstrate this synergy. Assume a new company want to set up mobile service pan
India. In the normal SMRA auction, as a new entrant he has to compete with big corporations in all
service areas separately. The existing operators may not require spectrum in all bands. If he is not
successful in getting the spectrum in all service areas, he may not show interest and may withdraw.
Suppose if it is possible that a block from, say, 700 MHz auction, can be sold as a separate single unit
pan India, at a different reserve price, then it may be possible to generate interest and therefore
competition. In such case separate pan India license also required. In another example, suppose 5 G
can be implemented using spectrum aggregation of different bands, then spectrum in different

bands can be bundled together as a single entity (say 20 MHz in 700 MHz, 40 MHz in 3300 MHz, 40
MHz in 3400 MHz band combined) to create the ‘synergy factor’. The CCA auction can help us in
auctioning such combinations as per need. Therefore it is called Combinational auction. This fine
tuning may not be possible in the SMRA. Such variations can be tried to improve the output and
outcome of auction.

A final suggestion is regarding the massive data that are generated through these auctions
which can be harnessed to develop a better strategy and to develop a model for future auctions. The
‘Machine Learning’ techniques can be effectively utilized to come out with an ‘auction model for
India’ while taking note of the telecom growth from the legacy periods to modern wireless world.
Such tweaked model would help in meeting the objective of keeping the dual objective of efficient
allocation of limited spectrum resources and to maximise the revenues.


Reference: - http://dot.gov.in/spectrum

Feedback: - Comments, suggestions and errata may please be mailed at: [email protected]

Disclaimer: - The views expressed are personal and contextual and the same does not necessarily
reflect the views of DoT or WPC Wing.

The analysis of the spectrum auction data for the auctions conducted by Department of
Telecom during the period 2010 to 2016

1. Auction theory:-

There are mainly two popular spectrum auction adopted by different countries.

1. Simultaneous Multiple Round Auction (SMRA)

2. Combinational Clock Auction (CCA).

CCA is used when different band of spectrum is offered as a package. The synergy factor in
the CCA is effectively used so that the winner will take the package rather than winning only
individual item in which case his business can be hindered for not winning its complementary item
to start his business. In India we have used SMRA in all of the auctions held so far. It is not plain
vanilla SMRA, but an extended version of it -SMRA with clock auction. The e-auction indicates that
the auction is held electronically and the word clock refers to the number of clock rounds (timed)
an auction can last as long as the demand is maintained positive.

SMRA will have two stages, one is a generic stage in which every slot is auctioned treating
them as equivalents without frequency location information and the second stage is frequency
identification stage. Multiple rounds of auctions are held and in each round every bidder was
allowed to make only one bid for each item by accepting or rejecting the price determined by the
auction software. In case of a ‘Yes’ response, the bidder was also required to mention the quantity
sought for the item. Since bidders were not quoting any price and were only accepting or rejecting
the price determined by the auction software designed by the ranking rules decide the winner and
the quantity allotted. Ranking rules were prudentially designed to determine allocation when
demand exceeded supply and vice-versa. Conducting multiple rounds gave bidders the option to
switch at any time between any of the offerings if the price became unaffordable. Since the DoT
has been conducting the above auction from 2010 onwards, the auction software has been
optimally tweaked to cater to the demand of the industry. (Source: ‘m-junction’-auctioneer)

Advantages of auction: A carefully designed auction allocates the resources to those who value it
most by extracting information which otherwise is not available. Further, auction can generate
large sum of money that can be utilised for social purposes. Economic theory has shown that
ascending auctions are particularly likely to allocate the prizes to the bidders who value them the
most, as the bidder with higher value can always bid again to top a lower-value bidder that might
have bid higher initially. There are also particularly suited in the case of complementaries between
the auctioned objects. Conducting multiple rounds gave bidders the option to switch at any time
between any of the offerings if the price became unaffordable.

SMRA: In a simultaneous multiple-round (SMR) auction, all spectrum slots are available for bidding
throughout the entire auction, thus the term "simultaneous." Unlike most auctions in which
bidding is continuous, SMR auctions have discrete, successive rounds, with the length of each
round announced in advance by the auctioneer. After each round closes, round results are
processed and made public. Only then bidders learn about the bids placed by other bidders. This
provides information about the value of the spectrum to all bidders and increases the likelihood
that the spectrum will be assigned to the bidders who value them the most. The period between

auction rounds also allows bidders to adjust their bidding strategies. In an SMR auction, there is no
preset number of rounds and the auction closes with around in which all bidder activity ceases.

2. Objective of study: - The objective of this study is to analyse the spectrum auction conducted by
Department of Telecommunications since the year 2010 onwards. DoT had conducted 6 auctions
till date. The details are as follows:

Sl. Year of Bands auctioned Outcome

no auction
1 2010 2100 MHz and 2300 MHz Both bands were completely
2 2012 1800 MHz and 800 MHz Only 1800 MHz was
3 2013 800 MHz,900 MHz and 1800 MHz Only 800 MHz was
4 2014 900 MHz and 1800 MHz Both bands were
5 2015 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz All bands were (moderately)
and 2100 MHz sold.
6 2016 700 MHz,800 MHz, 900 MHz, All bands, except 700 MHz
1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz, and 900 MHz, were
and 2500 MHz (partially)sold.

Before conducting an auction, there are various stages and processes involved, some of which are
highlighted here.

1. The availability of spectrum has to be ascertained. The band intended for auction has to be
clean spectrum. This means that the block of spectrum among the lot should be wide
enough to support the prevailing technology. If the spectrum is already in use for other
purposes, it has to be re-farmed to vacate the spectrum.
2. Once the spectrum is identified, TRAI would be requested to give recommendations on the
reserve price and other relevant recommendations as appropriate.
3. After the recommendations are received, they are examined by a high level committee (HLC)
to ensure that the auction would be feasible within the set objectives of auction and does
not deviates from the broad policy guidelines of the Department.
4. The report of the committee is further discussed by the Telecom Commission (TC). The TC
may suggest changes if required in which case the differences with TRAI shall be referred
back to the latter for their comments. After the feedback is received from TRAI, the HLC
discuss it again and subsequently place its report again to the TC.
5. After the TC approves the proposal, a comprehensive Cabinet Note is prepared and submits
for its approval.
6. After the Cabinet ratifies the proposal for auction, the required follow-up action will be
taken by the Department to conduct auction through an electronic auction (e-auction). First
the auctioneer with technical competence and experience is selected. The next major step is
the release of the Notice Inviting Applications (NIA). NIA is the document that provides
complete information about the auction including the reserve price of various bands. The

terms and conditions will be binding to all parties and serve as a contract document. The
interested parties have to submit the applications and pay the EMD as appropriate.
7. The auction is concluded as stipulated by the activity rules as defined in the NIA. The
winners are declared after all clock rounds (the timed periods) are completed. The winners
have to make the payment after which the frequency slots (spectrum) won by them will be
assigned. The exclusive right of use of the spectrum will be reserved to all winners for
twenty years (license period).

If we look at the table above, the various auctions have produced mixed results. Each
auction has its primary objective of determining the market price which is generally considered
interplay of demand and supply. However it may not be possible always to find the holy grail of
equilibrium price in an auction thanks to other externalities. There could be external factors outside
the auction enterprise contributing to the skewed outcome of a particular auction. For example two
examples can be cited. In such cases where a licensee is on the verge of expiry, the demand will
shoot up to a desperate level forcing the bidder to buy at a high price than a market determined
value. The second instance is when the reserve price lies outside of certain threshold value the result
will be different from what could be achieved through a market determined process. If the base
price is too low, the bid price may not attain the market price in an auction and if it is too high the
outcome will be no participation. Both outcomes are inefficient and not desirable in an auction, but
they are part of the external factors influencing the outcome of the auction.

If we observe the objectives of the first auction (3G and BWA auction) which are stated below:

 Obtain a market determined price of 3G/ BWA spectrum through a transparent process;

 Ensure efficient use of spectrum and avoid hoarding;

 Stimulate competition in the sector;

 Promote rollout of 3G and Broadband services;

 Maximise revenue proceeds from the Auctions;

 Resolve congestion issues related to second generation (“2G”) mobile services.

From looking at the objectives and the outcome of the auction, it can be stated that the 3G-BWA
auction achieved the objectives. The important thing to note is to ensure efficient use of spectrum
while maximising the revenue proceeds from the auctions. A bidder who pays highest is likely to use
it more efficiently than others who receive it, say, at a lesser market price. The bidder who pays
highest is also more likely to have the wherewithal (meaning having high net-worth) to make the
spectrum use it more optimally by deploying the relevant technology at the earliest. This in turn will
bring economic benefits to the society as a whole and contribute maximum revenue to the
Government. The auction process by design will be transparent as it is conducted through a
transparent electronic process. It is difficult to achieve this dual objective in a non-market based
distribution of spectrum.

The subsequent auctions were different from the first auction held in 2010. Next auction
was held in the year 2012. This was held after the Supreme Court cancelled 122 licenses in the 2G

case in Feb.2012. There was a compulsion on DoT to organise the auction within a limited time
frame. Therefore it is considered as a ‘duress auction’ that might have happened without a well
planned action plan. In this auction both 1800 MHz and 800 MHz spectrum were offered, but only
1800 MHz was sold. It may be understood that this was the first time the 2G spectrum was put on
auction amidst the legacy issues as well as the legal issues prevailing at that time. The low reception
was probably due to the fact that the service providers who were providing service were having
adequate 2G spectrum, but the new players who would like to provide the service was at a
disadvantage vis-a-vis existing operators since the cost of acquiring the spectrum and establishing
infrastructure was very high. There was a muted response overall and 800 MHz spectrum was not
sold at all. In 15 service areas where the 1800 MHz spectrum was sold, it was sold at Reserve price

The unsold spectrum in 800 MHz and 1800 MHz and additional spectrum in 900 MHz was
again put to auction in the year 2013. The response to this auction was also lukewarm. The spectrum
in 800 MHz was partly sold whereas spectrum offered in 900 MHz and 1800 MHz was not sold at all.

In the 2014 auction 900 MHz and 1800 MHz were again put to auction and the outcome was
more positive, with DoT able to auction major chunk of the spectrum. However there was a
downside that in 11 service areas, 1800 MHz was sold at Reserve price out of the 14 service areas
where the spectrum was on sale. Another interesting thing to note is that 900 MHz spectrum
witnessed heavy bidding, in the 4 service areas where the licenses were to be renewed.

In the 2015 auction, the bands 800 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz bands had moderate
bidding and 900 MHz witnessed highest bidding, again due to the expiry of spectrum in some circles.

In 2016auction, response was tepid, as may be seen that 700 MHz and 900 MHz were not
sold at all and in the 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2300 MHz and 2500 MHz only part of the spectrum
offered was sold. It may also be noted that this is the first auction after the spectrum sharing and
trading guidelines were released by the Department. Therefore some urgent need of the service
providers could have met through the sharing/trading route.

3. Analysis part:

The decision to purchase spectrum by an existing operator or new operator is determined by

various factors- technological, regulatory as well as economic factors. It can be influenced by the
prevailing policy conditions, advances in the technology, the conditions associated with auction and
the price of the spectrum. The auction therefore can be graded successful or failure due to many
attributes. When an auction is declared success, it should create awin-win situation for both the
licensor and the licensee. However by only referring to the revenue collected as the yardstick, it may
not be credible to grade an auction as success. The success is only when the spectrum is deployed
and efficiently utilized, which in turn can contribute to the reach of technology to the user level and
thereby achieving economic progress. Therefore this is required to be assessed in a long term
perspective. It may be recalled that the BWA auction in 2010 has contributed to the kitty of the
Government. However the benefits of the spectrum to the society were reaped after the progress of
technology (VoLTE in 2300 MHz) and its deployment few years later only. A good eco system would
get created in the long term and the auction then becomes a benchmark of success in the long term.

A number of auctions have been conducted in the last 7 years and the Government could become a
lot wiser.

For the short term evaluation of the spectrum auction the following input inter-alia could be
considered vital:

1. The selling price and reserve price of the spectrum and the percentage change in the price.
2. The circles where the RP and SP are the same. That is the percentage change is zero.
3. The number of rounds depends on the competition and in turn on demand of the spectrum.
4. The change in the provisional ranking of the bidder in each round.
5. The total quantity of spectrum sold.
6. Is it contiguous spectrum.
7. The total bid amount received in each auction.

4. Methodology:
In order to bring some objectivity in the analysis, the following key indicators are
captured from the auction data for analysing with regard to the input mentioned above.
I. Winning Price (WP)
II. The difference between the winning price and RP to show the percentage change of price.
III. Quantity of spectrum sold for the percentage sold.
IV. The provisional winning bid at the end of each round (‘pwb_end’)
V. The provisionally winning rank at the end of each round (‘pwb_rank_end’)
VI. The total rounds of auction.

I. Calculation of maximum and minimum percentage change in an auction in any service area. The
percent change is tabulated in the following table, followed by graphical plot.

Auction Band Kind of change Percentage Service area where the change
is observed.
2010 -3G 2100 MHz Minimum change 1% J&K
Maximum change 936% Delhi
Average change 270% -
2010-BW 2300 MHz Minimum change 18% WB
Maximum change 1333% Mumbai
Average change 42.3% -
2012 1800 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 17 Service Areas
Maximum change 9% Bihar
Average change 0.5% -
2013 800 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in all 8 Service Areas
Maximum change 0% -
Average change 0% -
2014 1800 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 11 Service Areas
Maximum change 415% Assam

Average change 40% -
900 MHz Minimum change 55% Kolkata
Maximum change 105% Delhi
Average change 77% -
2015 800 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 4 Service Areas
Maximum change 348% MP
Average change 28% -
900 MHz Minimum change 47% Maharashtra
Maximum change 334% UP (W)
Average change 130% -
1800 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 5 service areas
Maximum change 104% Kolkata
Average change 28% -
2100 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 4 Service Areas
Maximum change 334% Rajasthan
Average change 12% -
2016 800 MHz Minimum change 0.02% UP (E)
Maximum change 17% Gujarat
Average change 11% -
1800 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 12 service areas
Maximum change 64% Mumbai
Average change 5% -
2100 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in all 12 service
Maximum change 0% -
Average change 0% -
2300 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 10 Service Areas
Maximum change 56% Gujarat
Average change 5% -
2500 MHz Minimum change 0% Sold at RP in 20 Service Areas
Maximum change 0.5% Kerala
Average change 0.025% -

The following facts are obvious from the above:
1. The highest margin above the reserve price is in the price obtained in BWA auction held in
2010 for Mumbai circle (1333% gain). The 2010 auction overall yielded better return among
all the auctions.
2. In 2013, the spectrum whatever was sold was only at reserve price. No increase in any circle
price wherever there was activity.
3. The ‘average percentage change’ for the auctions of year 2014 and 2015 gives a healthy
figure across the various bands whereas the same in the year yields poor value across all the
4. In 2016 auction, the spectrum wherever was sold, it was sold more or less at the reserve
price in most of the bands. This point to the fact that auctions held in 2014 and 2015 were
better compared to the 2016 auction in terms of the spectrum sold above the reserve price.
5. In the various auctions, the spectrum was sold at RP in many service areas as shown below:
Year Band No of service No of service No of service Percentage of
area in which area in which areas in which service areas in
spectrum was Spectrum was spectrum was which spectrum
offered. sold. sold at Reserve was sold at
A Price. Reserve Price.
B C C/B*100
2012 1800 MHz 22 18 17 94.44
2013 800 MHz 21 8 8 100
2014 1800 MHz 22 22 11 50
900 MHz 3 3 0 0
2015 800 MHz 20 18 4 22.22
900 MHz 17 17 0 0
1800 MHz 15 12 5 41.67
2100 MHz 17 14 4 28.57
2016 800 MHz 19 4 1 25
900 MHz 3 0 0 No spectrum sold
1800 MHz 21 18 11 61.11
2100 MHz 22 12 12 100
2300 MHz 16 16 10 62.5
2500 MHz 22 20 19 94.44

6. The spectrum in 2014 and 2015 were sold at a higher price (w.r.t. RP) compared to spectrum
sold in years 2012, 2013 and 2016.

The correlation of the spectrum offered and spectrum sold is also tabulated in the following

Correlation between
Auction year Band RP, WP
2010 3G 0.825852172

2010 BWA 0.849754456

2012 1800 0.99995948

2013 800 1
2014 1800 0.949073259
2014 900 0.980270134
2015 1800 0.948592026
2015 900 0.788449473

2015 800 0.905211439

2015 2100 0.993295157

2016 800 0.97601431

2016 1800 0.952973926

2016 2100 0.99999
2016 2300 0.994457884

2016 2500 0.99999

It may be seen from the above graph that the reserve price and winning price are positively
correlated through the various auctions and across bands. The only exception that can be observed
is the 900 MHz auction in the year 2015. The reserve price and winning price of 900 MHz in the year
2015 show that there is no linear relationship between the winning price and the reserve price. The
competitions in the bidding in the circles were so high that the demand did not reflect the reserve
price truly.

II). Quantity of spectrum sold in each auction: - The quantity of spectrum put to auction and the
spectrum sold in each auction is highlighted in the table below. The percentage of the same is shown
in the next table below it. If the quantum of spectrum sold is the criteria, then auctions held in 2010,
2014 and 2015 can be considered comparatively better than other auctions. The throughput in 2016
auction is also higher than the quantum offered in the previous auctions altogether from year 2012
onwards. But the outcome in terms of percentage of spectrum sold, the 2016 auction does not fare
well though slightly better than 2012 and 2013 auction.

700 MHz 800 MHz 900 MHz 1800 MHz 2100 MHz 2300 MHz 2500 MHz
Aucti Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum spectrum spectrum spectrum
on Put for Sold Put for Sold Put for Sold Put for Sold Put for Sold Put for Sold Put for Sold
auctio auctio auctio auctio auctio auctio auctio
n n n n n n n
2010 - - - - - - - - 465.00 465.00 1320.0 1320.0 - -

2012 - - 95.00 0.00 - - 295.00 127.50 - - - - - -

2013 - - 95.00 30.00 42.50 0.00 57.50 0.00 - - - - - -

2014 - - - - 46.00 46.00 385.20 307.20 - - - - - -

- - - - - -
2015 108.75 86.25 177.80 168.20 99.20 93.80 85.00 70.00

2016 770.00 0.00 73.75 15.00 9.40 0.00 221.60 174.80 360.00 85.00 320.00 320.00 600.00 370.00

Auction Total spectrum put Total Spectrum Percentage of

period to auction Sold spectrum sold.
May-10 1785 1785 100
Nov-12 390 127.5 32.69
Mar-13 195 30 15.38
Feb-14 431.2 353.2 81.91
Mar-15 470.75 418.25 88.85
Oct-16 2354.75 964.8 40.97

III. No of rounds in the auction:-

No of clock rounds in an auction is another indicator for the activity in an auction. The
number of rounds is shown in the following table.

2010(3G) : 183 rounds

2010(BWA) : 117 rounds
2012 : 14 rounds
2013 : 3 rounds
2014 : 68 rounds
2015 : 115rounds
2016 : 31 rounds

As is expected the number of rounds in the 2013 auction is lowest which confirms the lowest
activity in that auction. The clock rounds in auction 2010, 2014 and 2015 are moderately high
indicating the healthy auction. The activity in terms of number of clock rounds the auction in 2012
and 2016 also fare poor.

IV.The provisional winning bid and provisionally winning rank in each clock round:-
The two indicators namely, ‘‘pwb_end’’ and ‘‘pwb_rank_end’’, are the provisionally winning bid
and provisional rank in each clock round of the auction respectively. The tracing of these

parameters give an idea of the progress of an auction. If the movements are vibrant, it shows the
competition in the respective service area. If they remain flat, the response would be lukewarm.
The movement of these indicators can be seen from the respective plots.
In order to plot the index ‘pwb_end’, the x-axis shows the number of clock rounds and the y-
axis value is the bidding price in Crores. In the case of plotting of the other index ‘pwb_rank_end’,
the x-axis is again showing the number of clock-rounds and the y-axis is the rank position in each
round for the relevant service area. The plots of the various auctions for selected instances
(generally maximum activity service area and least activity area are selected) may be seen in the
pages below. The complete plots for different service areas for each auction arearchived in the

(i) 2010 3G auction:-

The data for the Delhi service area is plotted below. There are three blocks of spectrum and
three winners in the bidding. The movement of the two parameters for the three winners may be
seen from the plot below. The ‘pwb_end’ indicator is linearly increasing proportional to the
progressive bidding among the various bidders. The ranking indicator ’pwb_end_rank’ accordingly
is shared among the users. The ranks keep on changing from 1 to 3 among the operators as the
rounds progress. At the end of the clock rounds, the winning price of Rs.3316 crores is reached and
as per the bidding the ranking is shared among the three major operators M/s Bharti, M/s Reliance
and M/s Vodafone. Another example from 3G auction is that of West Bengal where the winning
price is only slightly increased from the reserve price.

In the second example it can be seen from the plot that the activity is muted as is reflected
in the final price which has only changed 3 % from the reserve price. The four blocks of 3G spectrum
available in West Bengal service area is won by the four operators namely M/s Aircel, M/s Bharti,
M/s Reliance and M/s Vodafone.

The difference in activity between Delhi and West Bengal can be clearly gauged from the
map in which in the first case, the plot is more bubbly whereas in the latter case it is muted, which
are in agreement with the price escalation.

(ii) 2010 BWA auction: -

In order to appreciate the contrast more vividly, two examples from the BWA instance is
plotted here in the following pages, that of Mumbai and HP. In the former case, the graph is livelier
whereas in the second case it is low key. These outcomes are in the expected line with reference to
the dispersion of winning price from the reserve price. In both service areas, there are two blocks of
BWA spectrum. The first block is won by M/s Infotel in both service areas whereas the second is won
by M/s Qualcomm in Mumbai and M/s Tikona in HP. In Mumbai, the first rank is always retained by
M/s Infotel as can be seen from the parameter ‘‘pwb_rank_end’’ which is a straight line in the graph.
In the second rank holders, M/s Qualcomm has to face competing bidding from other operators as is
visible from the trail of ‘‘pwb_rank_end’’ which fluctuate between rank 0 (no rank) and rank 2 and
finally settling down with rank 2. In the case of HP service area, M/s Tikona was able to seize the
rank no 2 at the end of the clock rounds.

Service Area Winner-1 Winner-2 Winning Price
Andhra Pradesh Infotel Aircel 160 1059.12
Assam Infotel Aircel 15 33.02
Bihar Infotel Aircel 15 99.28
Delhi Infotel Qualcomm 160 2241.02
Gujarat Infotel Tikona 160 613.85
Haryana Infotel Qualcomm 60 119.9
Himachal Pradesh Infotel Tikona 15 20.66
Jammu and Kashmir Infotel Aircel 15 21.27
Karnataka Infotel Bharti 160 1543.25
Kerala Infotel Qualcomm 60 258.67
Kolkata Infotel Bharti 60 523.2
Madhya Pradesh Infotel Augere 60 124.66
Maharashtra Infotel Bharti 160 915.64
Mumbai Infotel Qualcomm 160 2292.95
North East Infotel Aircel 15 21.27
Orissa Infotel Aircel 15 63.63
Punjab Infotel Bharti 60 332.27
Rajasthan Infotel Tikona 60 97.32
Tamil Nadu Infotel Aircel 160 2069.45
Uttar Pradesh (E) Infotel Tikona 60 142.5
Uttar Pradesh (W) Infotel Tikona 60 183.87
West Bengal Infotel Aircel 60 70.97

It may be observed from the table above that the bidder M/s Infotel was able to win the first
block of the two slots in each of the service areas. The movement of the rank index 1 is therefore
stagnant throughout the clock rounds in all service areas. The bidding activity is more pronounced in
the case of number 2 ranks in all circles where the competition for the second block is higher
compared to the first block. This is the situation in all the service areas for the BWA auction. The
only peculiar thing to notice in this BWA auction is the shallow net-worth of the company M/s
Infotel which has aggressively bid in all circles and won the first block unchallenged. The net-worth
of the company is paltry sum of Rs.30 Crores. This is in contrast with the total value of the spectrum
won at a cost of Rs. 12847.77crores.The worth of the company is a miniscule of the total value of the
spectrum won by the company. The auction theory suggests that the winning company should have
the wherewithal to deploy the spectrum it won in the auction. After winning such a huge spectrum,
the necessary infrastructure has to be developed by the company in order to make use of the
spectrum. But the net worth of the company shown is not adequate enough to ensure the efficient
utilization of the spectrum.

(iii) 2012 Auction: -

In this auction, 1800 MHz and 800 MHz spectrum were auctioned simultaneously. This was
the first time that two different bands were auctioned at the same time. Both the 1800 MHz and
800MHz were of 1.25MHz block size. This was also the spectrum auction done under the court
directions after the administrative licenses were cancelled by the court. Therefore there was a
compulsion to complete the task within a limited time frame which might influence the outcome.

The data shows that the spectrum was sold at the reserve price in 17 service areas and at a
slightly higher rate in Bihar and none in the remaining 4 service areas, namely Mumbai, Delhi,
Karnataka and Rajasthan. In Bihar there is marginal increase (9%) in the final price above the reserve
price. It may also be noted that Bihar is the only service area where four operators participated. Each
block of spectrum was of 1.25 MHz slot in the 1800 MHz band. In Bihar total 11 blocks were bought
by the operators. In 20 service areas 11 blocks of 1.25 MHz spectrum and in two service areas
(Mumbai and Delhi) 8 blocks of 1.25 MHz were offered making it a total of 295 MHz . The rules of
bidding were different for existing TSP and new TSP in each service areas. The new operator should
bid for 4 blocks minimum and 5 blocks maximum whereas existing operators were allowed to bid for
1 and 2 blocks respectively in each service areas. Out of the total 295 MHz spectrum offered for
sale, only 127.5 MHz spectrum was only sold in the 1800 MHz band. The auction was completed in
14 clock rounds which gives an idea of the low activity in the auction. From the auction aggregated
data it can be seen that the excess demand remained negative throughout the auction. This
accelerated the activity rate from 80% to 100 % within a few clock rounds. The activity in Bihar also
can be seen from the plot that it is lacklustre. The 4 operators maintained the same ranking
throughout this 14 clock rounds except in case of Videocon and Vodafone where the ranks 2 and 3
switched few times between them. Apart from this, no clues can be seen from the auction history
data. The net result of 1800 MHz spectrum auction is:

- In 17 service areas, the spectrum was won at the reserve price.

- In one service area, there was slight change of 9% rise in the price.
- In 4 service areas, no bid was received.
- Out of the 295 MHz spectrum offered, only 127.5 MHz (43%) was sold.

In the 800 MHz band no bid was received for the total 90 MHz spectrum offered for sale in various

There are many reasons attributed to the low response to the auction held in 2012:

1. This auction held within 2 years after the 2010 auction, in which service providers have
heavily invested in purchasing the spectrum. They were therefore deprived of the financial
2. The technology upgrade path for investing in the 1800 MHz and 800 MHz were not available
at that time nor there was any option was available to the TSP to trade the spectrum.
3. 1.25 MHz spectrum slots were inconvenient from a technological point for the 2G purpose.
4. The impact of 2G case verdict was still lingering on.
5. Number of operators providing 2G service were far too many and the feasibility of breaking
even was remote.
6. The reserve price fixed might have been another barrier.

1800 MHz- 800 MHz-
Reserve Reserve
Price per Price per 800
Block per Block per MHz-
Sl. Service Area 1800 MHz- Percentage Service Area Winning
No. Service Area (Rs. Crore) Winning Price change (Rs. Crore) Price
1 West Bengal 25.84 25.84 0 33.59 No bid
2 Andhra Pradesh 286.91 286.91 0 372.99 No bid
3 Assam 8.67 8.67 0 11.27 No bid
4 Bihar 42.51 46.43 9.22 55.26 No bid
5 Gujarat 224.84 224.84 0 292.29 No bid
6 Haryana 46.52 46.52 0 60.47 No bid
7 Himachal Pradesh 7.78 7.78 0 10.11 No bid
8 Jammu & Kashmir 6.33 6.33 0 8.23 No bid
9 Karnataka 330.12 No bid Not sold 429.16 No bid
10 Kerala 65.3 65.3 0 84.89 No bid
11 Madhya Pradesh 53.99 53.99 0 70.18 No bid
12 Maharashtra 262.81 262.81 0 341.66 No bid
13 North East 8.84 8.84 0 11.49 No bid
14 Orissa 20.27 20.27 0 26.35 No bid
15 Punjab 67.28 67.28 0 87.47 No bid
16 Rajasthan 67.08 No bid - 87.2 No bid
17 Tamil Nadu 306.09 306.09 0 397.92 No bid
18 Uttar Pradesh(W) 107.41 107.41 0 139.63 No bid
19 Uttar Pradesh(E) 76.17 76.17 0 99.02 No bid
20 Delhi 693.06 No bid Not sold 900.98 No bid
21 Kolkata 113.72 113.72 0 147.84 No bid
22 Mumbai 678.45 No bid Not sold 881.99 No bid

The plots for Bihar service area may be seen below.

(iv) 2013 auction:

This was supposed to be another multiband auction which offered 1800MHz, 900 MHz and
800 MHz together. The 1800 MHz and 900 MHz were considered as a single auction and the 800
MHz auction as a separate auction. The 1800 MHz spectrum was to be auctioned in Mumbai, Delhi,
Karnataka and Rajasthan and 900 MHz in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. 800 MHz were to be auctioned
in 21 service areas. The result shows that only 800 MHz spectrum was sold whereas for 900 MHz and
800 MHz bands there was no demand. The 800 MHz was sold in 8 service areas, that too to a single
bidder M/s SSTL. The winning price in all these service areas also capped at the reserve price. That
meant the bidding activity was also nil. The overall statistics can be seen in the following table.

Number of Reserve
Spectrum Blocks Price per
put to (1.25MHz Block (In Rs Winning Percentage
Service Area Band auction paired) in Crores) price change
Delhi 1800 15MHz 12 485.15 No bid Not sold
Mumbai 1800 15MHz 12 474.92 No bid Not sold
Karnataka 1800 10MHz 8 231.08 No bid Not sold
Rajasthan 1800 10MHz 8 46.96 No bid Not sold
Delhi 900 15MHz 12 970.3 No bid Not sold
Mumbai 900 15MHz 12 949.84 No bid Not sold
Kolkata 900 12.5 MHz 10 227.44 No bid Not sold
Andhra Pradesh 800 2.50MHz 2 186.5 No bid Not sold
Assam 800 3.75MHz 3 5.64 No bid Not sold
Bihar 800 3.75MHz 3 27.63 No bid Not sold
Delhi 800 3.75MHz 3 450.49 450.49 0
Gujarat 800 3.75MHz 3 146.15 146.15 0
Haryana 800 3.75MHz 3 30.24 No bid Not sold
HP 800 3.75MHz 3 5.06 No bid Not sold
J &Kashmir 800 3.75MHz 3 4.11 No bid Not sold
Karnataka 800 3.75MHz 3 214.58 214.58 0
Kerala 800 3.75MHz 3 42.45 42.45 0
Kolkata 800 3.75MHz 3 73.92 73.92 0
Madhya Pradesh 800 3.75MHz 3 35.09 No bid Not sold
Maharashtra 800 3.75MHz 3 170.83 No bid Not sold
Mumbai 800 3.75MHz 3 441 No bid Not sold
North East 800 3.75MHz 3 5.75 No bid Not sold
Orissa 800 3.75MHz 3 13.18 No bid Not sold
Punjab 800 2.50MHz 2 43.74 No bid Not sold
Tamil Nadu 800 3.75MHz 3 198.96 198.96 0
Uttar Pradesh 800 3.75MHz 3 49.51 No bid Not sold
Uttar Pradesh (W) 800 3.75MHz 3 69.82 69.82 0
West Bengal 800 3.75MHz 3 16.79 16.79 0
Since the auction ended in 3 rounds, there is no data to plot. Therefore the key indicators are not

(v) 2014 auction:-

In this action, spectrum was offered in 1800 MHz and 900 MHz. The auction of 1800 MHz
and 900 MHz was conducted as a single auction, as both bands are considered complementary
spectrum. Block size was kept 200 KHz (Paired) in 1800 MHz Band and 1 MHz (Paired) in 900 MHz
Band. Minimum number of blocks to be bid was 25 in 1800 MHZ band for new entrant while
‘existing’ licensee have to bid for minimum of 3 blocks in 1800 MHz band. Each Bidder is required to
bid for a minimum of 5 Blocks in 900 MHz Band. The result of the auction can be seen from the
following table.

1800 MHz
Spectrum Winning
Name of put Reserve Price Price (In
Service to Auction Number of per Block INR in Percent
Sl. No. Area (In MHz) Blocks (In INR in Cr.) Cr.) change
1 Andhra Pradesh 22.6 113 32.6 32.6 0
2 Assam 11.4 57 1.4 7.22 415.71
3 Bihar 4.2 21 7.4 8.62 16.49
4 Delhi 22.8 114 43.8 72.8 66.21
5 Gujarat 12 60 28.6 47.56 66.29
6 Haryana 16.4 82 5.4 5.4 0
7 HP 20.4 102 1.2 1.2 0
8 Jammu &Kashmir 6.2 31 1 1.22 22
9 Karnataka 24.6 123 31 31 0
10 Kerala 28 140 10.4 10.4 0
11 Kolkata 26.8 134 14.6 14.6 0
12 Madhya Pradesh 19.2 96 8.6 10.08 17.21
13 Maharashtra 14 70 34.6 58.07 67.83
14 Mumbai 25.2 126 41.4 54.4 31.4
15 North East 26.8 134 1.4 1.4 0
16 Orissa 28 140 3.2 3.2 0
17 Punjab 18.4 92 10.8 10.8 0
18 Rajasthan 20.8 104 5.2 5.2 0
19 Tamil Nadu 30.2 151 41.6 41.6 0
20 Uttar Pradesh(East) 9.8 49 12.2 12.8 4.92
21 Uttar Pradesh(West) 2.4 12 12.4 18.99 53.15
22 West Bengal 13 65 4.2 4.92 17.14
900 MHz
1 Delhi 16 16 360 740.96 105.82
2 Kolkata 14 14 125 194.63 55.7
3 Mumbai 16 16 328 563.09 71.67

In 1800 MHz band, spectrum was offered in all 22 service areas totalling 385.20 MHz out of
which 307.20 were won by the operators. In 11 service areas spectrum was sold only at the reserve

price. In other 11 service areas, moderate activity is witnessed. In 900 MHz, 46 MHz spectrum in
three service areas was offered and the entire spectrum was taken by the operators.

In 1800 MHz auction maximum activity is seen in Assam service areas. The plot is here .The plot of
Mumbai where both 1800 MHz and 900 MHz were sold is also produced here:

There are two operators in Assam who won the spectrum M/s Reliance Jio and M/s Telewings. Both
are slowly and steadily reaching the target without resistance may be seen from the parameter
‘‘pwb_end’’. The rank parameter ‘pwb_end’_rank also shows the 1 and 2 ranks shared by these two

operators. Some activity can be witnessed upto round 56 (due to a third operator in the bidding)
after which it become stagnant.

In Mumbai service area, in the 900 MHz band M/s Bharti and M/s Vodafone persistently bid
and won whereas M/s Reliance Jio and M/s Idea withdrawn after few initial rounds into the bidding.
In the 1800 MHz band, there are 5 winners of the 16 MHz spectrum- M/s Bharti, M/s Vodafone, M/s
Jio, M/s RCL and M/s Idea.

(vi) 2015 Auction: -

In this auction there were 4 bands offered-800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz.
The bidding conditions of these bands were as follows.

- 1800 MHz: Block size of 200 kHz in 1800 MHz Band. The existing licensees would be
required to bid for a minimum of 0.6 MHz spectrum. New entrants and expiring licensees
have to bid for a minimum of 5 MHz.
- 900 MHz: Block size of 200 kHz in 900 MHz Band. New entrant / licensees whose licenses
are expiring in 2015-16/ Existing licensees whose licenses are not expiring in 2015-16 &
holding spectrum only in 1800 MHz band would bid for a minimum of 5 MHz of spectrum in
the 900 MHz band

- 800 MHz: - Block size of 1.25 MHz in 800 MHz Band. II. A new entrant is required to bid for
a minimum of 4 blocks/3 Blocks/2 Blocks subject to availability. Existing licensees holding
spectrum in 800 MHz band may bid for a minimum of 1 block.

- 2100 MHz: Block size of 5 MHz in 2100 MHz band.

At the time of auction spectrum was available in 15 service areas in 1800 MHz, 17 service
areas in 900 MHz, 20 service areas in 800 MHz and 17 service areas in 2100 MHz bands. There was
sufficient spectrum available in all the four bands. The quantum of spectrum sold band-wise is
indicated in the table below:

Quantum Quantum
Band offered sold Percentage
800 MHz 108.75 86.25 79.31
900 MHz 177.80 168.20 94.6
1800 MHz 99.20 93.80 94.56
2100 MHz 85.00 70.00 82.35
Total 470.75 418.25 88.85

The outcome with respect to the quantum of spectrum sold can be considered very positive as 89%
of spectrum was sold. But from the point of revenue, it is a successful auction considering the
spectrum sold above the reserve price, especially in the 900 MHz band.

1800 MHz band

Spectrum Reserve
put to Price per
Name of Service Auction (In Number of Block (In Winning Percentage
Area MHz) Blocks INR inCr.) price Change
1 Andhra Pradesh 3.8 19 33.8 48.56 43.67
2 Bihar 2 10 12.4 No bid Not sold
3 Gujarat 3.4 17 47.6 47.6 0
4 Haryana 8 40 6.4 9.32 45.63

5 HP 10.2 51 1.8 3.18 76.67
6 Karnataka 1.8 9 37 37 0
7 Kerala 1 5 15 No bid Not sold
8 Kolkata 7 35 14.6 29.82 104.25
9 North East 8.4 42 2.2 2.2 0
10 Odisha 16.2 81 4.6 6.62 43.91
11 Punjab 1.6 8 14.2 14.2 0
12 Rajasthan 10.4 52 12 14.55 21.25
13 Tamil Nadu 19 95 45 45 0
14 UP(E) 4.2 21 19.4 No bid Not sold
15 UP(W) 2.2 11 19 19.19 1
900 MHz band

1 Andhra Pradesh 14 70 91.8 136.15 48.31

2 Assam 6.2 31 14.8 36.99 149.93
3 Bihar 6.2 31 29.6 88.86 200.2
4 Gujarat 14 70 84.8 134.6 58.73
5 Haryana 12.4 62 15.2 30.24 98.95
6 12.4 62 5.4 11.49 112.78
7 Karnataka 14 70 74 111.5 50.68
8 Kerala 12.4 62 33.6 73.88 119.88
9 MP 12.4 62 35 61.9 76.86
10 Maharashtra 14 70 105 154.6 47.24
11 North East 8.8 44 5.8 10.38 78.97
12 Odisha 6.2 31 13.4 27.8 107.46
13 Punjab 15.6 78 30.2 72.15 138.91
14 Rajasthan 12.4 62 39.4 141.73 259.72
15 UP(E) 6.2 31 45.6 155.12 240.18
16 UP(W) 6.2 31 34 147.71 334.44
17 West Bengal 4.4 22 22.2 41.5 86.94
800 MHz band

1 Andhra Pradesh 6.25 5 292.5 757.48 158.97

2 Assam 11.25 9 35 102.77 193.63
3 Bihar 5 4 106.25 107.31 1
4 Delhi 3.75 3 771.25 1059.62 37.39
5 Gujarat 2.5 2 343.75 347.18 1
6 Haryana 7.5 6 47.5 70.71 48.86
7 HP 8.75 7 23.75 24.46 2.99
8 J&K 8.75 7 35 35.35 1
9 Karnataka 1.25 1 378.75 No bid Not sold
10 Kolkata 1.25 1 183.75 183.75 0
11 MP 6.25 5 113.75 510.49 348.78
12 Maharashtra 3.75 3 423.75 999.27 135.82
13 Mumbai 7.5 6 548.75 909.37 65.72
14 North East 11.25 9 13.75 31.72 130.69
15 Odisha 7.5 6 47.5 51.3 8

16 Punjab 3.75 3 106.25 107.31 1
17 Tamil Nadu 1.25 1 450 No bid Not sold
18 UP(E) 3.75 3 167.5 167.5 0
19 UP(W) 1.25 1 118.75 118.75 0
20 West Bengal 1.25 1 71.25 71.25 0
2100 MHz band

1 5 1 1375 No bid Not sold
2 5 1 145 193.18 33.23
3 5 1 3315 No bid Not sold
4 5 1 1290 1290 0
5 5 1 230 230 0
6 5 1 1610 1642.36 2.01
7 5 1 555 588.57 6.05
8 5 1 545 577.97 6.05
9 5 1 435 456.75 5
10 5 1 1505 1505 0
11 Mumbai 5 1 3245 No bid Not sold
12 North East 5 1 40 55.35 38.38
13 5 1 165 180.26 9.25
14 5 1 435 699.12 60.72
Tamil Nadu
15 5 1 1720 1720 0
16 UP(E) 5 1 430 451.5 5

17 UP(W) 5 1 515 525.35 2.01

The activity is moderately strong across the bands and across the different service areas.
Two examples are plotted below to indicate the movement of the key indicators, ‘‘pwb_end’’ and

From the plot of UP (E) it can be seen the activity in 800 MHz and 1800 MHz is low key
whereas the activity in 900 MHz and 2100 MHz bands are comparatively better in the UP (E) service
area. This confirms with the outcome of these bands from the table above.

In Gujarat service area, the activity is minimum to moderate across all the bands. The
activity however stops midway after 60 rounds of bidding.

(vii) 2016:-
A single auction process was carried out for assigning Spectrum blocks in various bands
viz. 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz & 2500 MHz Bands. The
bidding conditions were as follows.

(a) 1800 MHz: Block size of 200 kHz in 1800 MHz Band. The existing licensees would be
required to bid a minimum of 0.6 MHz spectrum. New entrants and expiring licensees have
to bid for a minimum of 5 MHz.

(b) 900 MHz: Block size of 200 kHz in 900 MHz Band. New entrant would bid for a minimum
of 5 MHz of spectrum in the 900 MHz band and existing licensees would bid for a minimum
of 0.6 MHz

(c) 800 MHz: - Block size of 1.25 MHz in 800 MHz Band. A new entrant is required to bidfor a
minimum of 4 blocks/3 Blocks/2 Blocks subject to availability. Existing licensees holding
spectrum in 800 MHz band may bid for a minimum of 1 block.

(d) 2100 MHz: Block size of 5 MHz in 2100 MHz band.

(e) 2300 MHz: Block size of 10 MHz (TDD) in 2300 MHz band.

(f) 2500 MHz: Block size of 10 MHz (TDD) in 2500 MHz band.

The outcome of the auction with respect to quantum of spectrum sold is given below, band-wise:

Quantum Quantum
Band offered sold Percentage
700 MHz 770.00 0.00 0
800 MHz 73.75 15.00 20.34
900 MHz 9.40 0.00 0
1800 MHz 221.60 174.80 78.88
2100 MHz 360.00 85.00 23.61
2300 MHz 320.00 320.00 100
2500 MHz 600.00 370.00 61.67
Total 2354.75 964.80 40.97

It may be seen from the above table that 700 MHz and 900 MHz were ignored by the
bidders. The overall response is also mediocre across all bands except 1800 MHz band. The 800 MHz
and 2100 MHz fared poorly in the auction because of low demand. The 1800 MHz band was
reasonably sold. Incorporating the 7 different bands into a single auction was a challenging task
since the software became extremely complex with a number of in built entry restrictions. The price
at which the spectrum was sold with reference to the reserve price and the percentage change in
price can be seen in the following table. The spectrum wherever was sold was mostly at the reserve

price. In few service areas, there was a marginal increase in the price with respect to the reserve

The reserve price and winning price of spectrum in the various bands:-

Service area RP_700 RP_800 WP_800 %change RP_900 WP_900 RP_1800 WP_1800 %change
AP 4855 757.5 No bid Not sold N/A - 48.6 48.6 0
Assam 790 N/A - - N/A - 8 8 0
Bihar 1240 170 No bid Not sold 88.8 - 12.4 12.4 0
Delhi 7975 1060 No bid Not sold N/A - 79.8 79.8 0
Gujarat 4760 356.25 419.3 17.7 134.6 No bid 47.6 47.6 0
Haryana 930 71.25 No bid Not sold N/A - 9.4 9.86 4.89
HP 320 30 No bid Not sold N/A - 3.2 3.2 0
J&K 260 N/A - - N/A - 2.6 2.6 0
Karnataka 3700 378.75 0 Not sold N/A - 37 No bid Not sold
Kerala 1670 303.75 0 Not sold N/A - 16.6 16.6 0
Kolkata 2980 200 0 Not sold N/A - 29.8 30.23 1.44
MP 1655 510 0 Not sold N/A - 16.6 16.6 0
Maharashtra 6360 998.75 0 Not sold N/A - 63.6 63.6 0
Mumbai 5960 908.75 0 Not sold N/A - 59.6 97.84 64.16
NE 220 N/A - - N/A - 2.2 2.2 0
Odisha 760 71.25 No bid Not sold N/A - 7.6 No bid Not sold
Punjab 1540 148.75 170.9 14.89 N/A - 15.4 15.4 Not sold
Rajasthan 1820 255 290 13.73 N/A - 18.2 18.38 0.99
TN 4500 450 No bid Not sold N/A - N/A 0 -
UP (E) 2295 273.75 273.8 0.02 155.2 No bid 23 26.63 15.78
UP (W) 1920 227.5 No bid Not sold 147.8 No bid 19.2 20.06 4.48
WB 915 102.5 No bid Not sold N/A - 9.2 No bid Not sold

Service area RP_2100 WP_2100 %change RP_2300 WP_2300 %change RP_2500 WP_2500 %change
AP 1360 No bid Not sold 680 683.4 0.5 680 680 0
Assam 230 No bid Not sold 20 20 0 20 20 0
Bihar 430 430 0 60 61.5 2.5 60 60 0
Delhi 2770 2770 0 1430 1430 0 1430 1430 0
Gujarat 1290 No bid Not sold 390 611.88 56.89 390 390 0
Haryana 275 275 0 N/A - - 80 80 0
HP 100 No bid Not sold 10 10 0 10 10 0
J&K 55 55 0 N/A - - 10 10 0
Karnataka 1640 No bid Not sold 980 980 0 980 No bid Not sold
Kerala 885 885 0 160 175.67 9.79 160 160.8 0.5
Kolkata 580 No bid Not sold 330 330 0 330 330 0
MP 615 No bid Not sold 80 82 2.5 80 80 0
Maharashtra 1705 1705 0 580 630.61 8.73 580 580 0
Mumbai 2305 2305 0 1460 1460 0 1460 1460 0
NE 60 No bid Not sold 10 10 0 10 10 0
Odisha 190 190 0 40 40 0 40 40 0
Punjab 455 455 0 N/A - - 210 210 0
Rajasthan 700 700 0 N/A - - 60 60 0
Tamil Nadu 1720 1720 0 1320 1320 0 1320 No bid Not sold
UP (E) 550 550 0 N/A - - 90 90 0
UP (W) 555 No bid Not sold N/A - - 120 120 0
WB 260 No bid Not sold 50 50 0 50 50 0

The activity plot of three service areas-Mumbai, Delhi and Gujarat- are selected and plotted
here. In Mumbai, activity in the three bands, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2300 MHz are stronger
compared to other bands. In Delhi, moderate activity can be noticed in the 2300 MHz band only. In
rest of the bands, there is not much competition in Delhi service area. In Gujarat service area,
activity is reasonably good across all bands that were sold. The trail of two indicators ‘‘pwb_end’’
and ‘‘pwb_rank_end’’would give the details of the progress of the activity in various clock rounds.

(viii) Net worth of the participants and the auction outcome:-

A carefully designed auction allocates the resources to those who value it most by
extracting information which otherwise is not available. Further, auction can generate large sum of
money that can be utilised for social purposes. Economic theory has shown that ascending auctions
are particularly likely to allocate the prizes to the bidders who value them the most, as the bidder
with higher value can always bid again to top a lower-value bidder that might have bid higher
initially. There are also particularly suited in the case of complementaries between the auctioned
objects. Conducting multiple rounds gave bidders the option to switch at any time between any of
the offerings if the price became unaffordable.

The net-worth of a company is an important parameter that reflects the capacity of a

company to take part in the auction. If a company has sound financial fundamentals that guarantee
the spectrum procured by the bidder is most likely to put to efficient use. A big net worth company
is likely to buy more spectrum and more likely to use it effectively than a small company with less
resources. The net-worth is therefore considered as an eligibly criteria. The bidders are generally
screened with regard to their net worth to determine the eligibility to participate in the auction. The
net worth of a company is an indicator to determine the potential of the company to bid in the
auction. Therefore there is a strong relation between the net worth and the total revenue collected
in a particular auction. The correlation between revenue and net worth is examined in the following

Correlation between revenue and networth

2012 -0.682602
2014 0.488511
2015 0.5062
2016 0.664834

* No comparison possible as only one bidder in year 2013

*Net worth data unavailable in year 2010.

The correlation between the revenue earned by the Government and the net worth of the
company as given in the documents is indicated above. There is positive correlation between them
in years 2014, 2015 and 2016. The negative correlation in the year 2012 is due to the asymmetry
between the spectrum bought by M/s Bharti in year 2012 action and the net worth as recorded in
the year 2012 for the same company. Further there was a shortfall in the spectrum purchased with
reference to the spectrum offered for auction (Only 40% of the 1800 MHz spectrum was sold).
These factors might be causing a negative correlation. The positive correlation between the net
worth and the payment in other cases shows that the spectrum was won by the companies who are
more likely utilize it optimally.
5. The total revenue collected in various auctions:
The total revenue earned from the various auction has been compiled here. There are two
methods of payment –upfront payment and deferred payment. In 2010 auction only upfront
payment provision was only available. In the subsequent auctions, a provision was made for

payment in 10 equal instalments in 10 years after a moratorium of 2 years. The table shown below
consider the revenue as collected in one instance for simplicity of calculation. The highest revenue
was earned in the 2015 auction followed by 2010 and 2016
In Rs.Crores
Bidder 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
(3G+BWA) revenue
Vodafone 11617.86 1127.94 0 19644.72 26673.55 20279.3 79343.369
Bharti 15609.82 8.67 0 18529.64 29129.09 14243.58 77520.796
Idea 5768.59 4062.62 0 10715.63 30252.88 12797.98 63597.698
R-Jio 0 0 0 11054.41 11650.14 12692.46 35397.013
Tata 5864.29 0 0 0 7851.33 4619.2 18334.82
Reliance 8585.04 0 0 163.2 6125.241 65 14938.48
Infotel 12847.77 0 0 0 0 0 12847.77
Aircel 9937.47 0 0 209.9 2250 111.6 12508.97
SSTL 0 0 4113.65 0 0 0 4113.65
Qualcomm 4912.54 0 0 0 0 0 4912.54
Telewings 0 2221.44 0 844.72 0 0 3066.16
Videocon 0 2221.44 0 0 0 0 2221.44
Tikona 1058.2 0 0 0 0 0 1058.2
S-Tel 337.67 0 0 0 0 0 337.67
Augere 124.66 0 0 0 0 0 124.66

From the table and graph, it may be seen that in auction the top four companies- namely M/s
Vodafone, M/s Bharti, M/s Idea and M/s Jio- together has contributed for more than 75% of the
total revenue received from auction.

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche


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